St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School


St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
Web site: • •
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time / B
October 28, 2012
All Saints Day
Thursday, Nov. 1st
Mass Schedule
6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM English
7:00 PM English
8:15 PM Spanish
ch Fiftieth A
St. L
On this Holyday of Obligation, we ­celebrate not only
­famous saints, but also the entire company of holy ones who
have lived the faith on earth and who now live in heaven in the
presence of the Lord.
12 th
r o u gh N
Fiftieth Anniversary Year
Opening Mass
7:30 PM, November 2, 2012
Join us as we remember the ancestors in our parish family,
who served the Church on earth and have gone ahead of us into the
Lord’s Kingdom. We will celebrate all the people in our parish’s fifty
years who prepared the way for us and have left this world to be with
God. Use the special All Souls Day Remembrance envelopes to
write the names of loved ones you wish to remember at Mass and
we will place them on the altar. You can find these ­envelopes
in the ­package of your parish ­envelopes you ­received by mail.
Refreshments will follow in the Family Center.
Living Stewardship – Sharing God’s Gifts
Don’t orget!
Daylight Savings Time
ends at 2 AM, next Sunday,
Nov. 4th. Don’t forget to
turn your clocks back 1
hour before you go to bed
Saturday night, Nov. 3rd.
That way you will be on
time for Mass on Sunday.
Music Director
Mr. Juan Salazar
Book and Gift Center
305-238-7562 x7029
Pray for the Sick
Monty Abraham
Pablo Arevalo
Isabel Avila
Alejandro Baldelomar
Verónica Bermudez
Jeannette Bernard
Daisy Bernardo
Rosa Maria Bestard
Gudrun Brandl
Jerry Byrne
Joanne Calfo
Fr. Pedro Cartaya,SJ
Angelita Castillo
Ruby Chen
Dolly Chirino
James Clark
Rosemary Clark
Dominick Columbro
Michael Connor
Aramis Cruz
Cici Culverhouse
Olga Del Valle
Luis DeVarona
Alba Díaz
Danilo Dominguez
Vincent Evans
Felipe Fernández
Mary Alice Fleming
Mary Glynn
Richard Goethel
Doris Green
Daisy Guerrero
Dorothy Haiduven
Alyse Hernandez
Salvador Hernandez
Andrés Hidalgo
James Houck
Kate Y. Houghton
Carole Howard
Gabriela Imbimbo
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
Every Sunday (English). Please call the
Office TWO months in advance.
Irene Johnson
Gerry Knowlan
Helen Labime
Josh Lane
Esperanza Lara
Genaro Llave
Evelyn López
Lázaro López
Manolito López
Tom Lopez
John Mangialetto
Jane McKeon
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Melendez
Angela Mitchell
Michael Mulsford
Rafael Negron
Vicki Owoc
Greg Page
Michael Pavloff
Jim Petee
Koamy Perez
Peter Pick
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Betty Quinn
Nydia Ramírez
Shawn Rice
Rolando Rodriguez
Clara Romero
Nicholas Roxby
Josephine Sánchez
Ida Sansone
Al Schwitalla
Reggie Sermersheim
Stephanie Shaw
John Shubeck
Berny Soto
Jeffrey Thompson
Isah Marie Tomas
Aurora Van de Waters
Rainer Zinn
We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish.
Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name
sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.
To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at 305- 251-7335 or main office at 305-238-7562.
Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.
Ministry to
the Sick
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 AM.
f St.Loui
s, K
ly o
Youth Minister
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
of F
Religious Education
Mrs. María Teresa López
Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM
Wednesdays only 7:00 PM
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los Miercoles - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español 1er y 3er
sábado de mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
School Principal
Mrs. Christine Mathisen
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Seminary Intern
The Pa
Rev. Paul Vuturo
Rev. Armando Tolosa
Rev. Biju Vells
Rev. Michael Kish (vicar emeritus)
Deacon Vincent McInerney
Deacon John Peremenis
Deacon John Green
Deacon Thomas Hanlon
Deacon Alex Lam
Deacon Bob Yglesias
Deacon Jeff Reyes
Deacon George Labelle
Deacon José Villena
rest, Flori
son of Roland & Arlen West
son of Robert & Gladys Click
Remember the Departed
Catherine Johnson
for Our Fiftieth Anniversay Family Album
We hope to get pictures of everyone in our parish family
in our parish anniversary album. Photographers will take
the pictures in Hospitality Rooms A and B in November.
You can make your own appointment for a photo shoot by
going on-line to this link:
Blood Drive
Sunday, October 28th
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
in the Family Center
Contact Ana Lopera
All donors will receive a
t-shirt, a mini-physical
and a thank you pack!!!
Please bring your I.D.
card with you.
Attention Widow and Widowers!
Have you recently lost a spouse? Are you struggling with the
loss? Have you been widowed for some time and sense the
need for something to help you over the hump because you
feel stuck in your grief?
Then “Joyful Again” may be what you need. Joyful Again
is a (2) day retreat program for men and women of all ages
who have been widowed and are seeking to renew hope and
joy in their lives.
The Retreat is Nov. 3rd & 4th at St. John Neumann
Catholic Church. You can get more information and register
online at or call Jacqui
Biscoito 305-596-9508 or Chip Dicomo, 954-417-5569.
Spirituality and
Formation Workshops
In the Chapel
November 10th from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10 de Noviembre a las 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
November 10th from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10 de Noviembre a las 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Music Ministry
November 17th from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Ministerio Música
17 de Noviembre a las 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
December 1st from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Ministros de la Eucharistia
20 de Octubre a las 11:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Festival for the Poor
March 15th-17th
St. Patrick’s Day Weekend
T he Po
It is time to start all the planning needed to make this
event a success. Join us for an organizational meeting for
the Festival on Friday, October 26th at 7:30 PM in the
Family Center. Please come and share your ideas, gifts
and talents with us as we strive to make the 2013 Festival
the Best Ever!!! For information please contact Betty or
Ken Quinn at 305-281-3014.
Year of Faith
2012 - 2013
Join us as we respond to our Holy Father’s invitation to deepen our
knowledge of the faith by studying and reflecting on the documents of
Vatican II and the Catechism.
WHO? Any Catholic would benefit from this adult faith formation event, whether you are a catechist or not.
HOW? We will listen to thought-provoking audio conferences given by some of the nation’s expert Catholic
WHEN? Every Thursday morning from 10:00 AM - Noon beginning October 25th CCD conference room.
Catholicism Study Program: Journey Deep into the Faith
Adult Studies
Join us for this 12-week, groundbreaking program of what Catholics believe and why. It
is designed to help all adults come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith. This
is not a video lecture, Church history or scripture study, but an engaging and interesting
formational program that uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures
of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church.
The CATHOLICISM Study Program presents fullness of the Catholic Faith – God’s
revelation through Jesus Christ and His Church.
The program starts Saturday morning, November 10th from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
in the Assembly Hall with Deacon George Labelle.
Sunday Monthly Gatherings at MorningStar: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
5:30 PM
7:00 AM
8:15 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
5:30 PM
7:15 PM
J.U.G.S. is an opportunity for us girls to relax, laugh, and enjoy fellowship
as Emmaus Sisters. A lot of fun surprises coming your way! Looking so
forward to seeing you at MorningStar once a month! Guaranteed to keep
you coming back for more!!!
For more information contact: Denise Torricella or Mary Chavez at
NO FEE... we just need you!
Next Week’s Schedule
Martinez E./Jarro
Pattinson/ Gonzalez
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
The Nursery
is OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:30 and 11:00
AM Masses.
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Music Ministry News
The announcements come from the Florida Conference of
Catholic Bishops, of which the Archdiocese in a member,
regarding proposed amendments to the Florida constitution
that citizen will vote on in the November elections.
Children’s Choir
Ages 7-12 years old
We are so excited to announce that we are
launching a new children’s choir!!! Under the
direction of Juan and Cecelia, we will be singing
every Sunday at the 9:30 AM Mass.
Call Cecelia at 305-519-2040, or
Juan 305-496-6840,
Adult Choir
every Sunday
Say Yes on Amendment 6 to Bring Back Parental Consent
Legislation. Parents have the responsibility and right to be involved
in important decisions affecting their minor child. In Florida,
underage females have the right to obtain an abortion without
a parent’s consent, a right struck down by the Florida Supreme
Court in 1989. On November 6, vote YES on Amendment 6 to the
Florida Constitution to allow future legislation to restore parental
Digan SI a la Enmienda 6 para Reintegrar la Legislación del
Consentimiento de los Padres
Los padres tienen la responsabilidad de y el derecho a envolverse
en decisiones importantes que afecten a sus hijas menores. En la
Florida, mujeres menores de edad tienen el derecho de obtener
un aborto sin el consentimiento de sus padres, un derecho que
fue suprimido por la Corte Suprema de la Florida en 1989. Voten
SI con respecto a la Enmienda 6 para permitir que una legislación
futura restaure el consentimiento de los padres. www.SayYesOn6.
Our choir director is seeking new members for
our adult choir 18 & up. All voice types wanted
with no audition!
Rehearsal every Thursday 7:30 PM - 9 PM.
Call Juan 305-496-6840, or
Cecelia at 305-519-2040,
Bell Choir
Do you love music?
Do you read music?
Do you play an instrument?
Do you wish you could join the
Bell Choir?
See bottom of next page for more
The Purpose of Amendment 8 on November’s Ballot
Amendment 8 to Florida’s Constitution provides that no individual
or entity may be denied, on the basis of religious identity or belief,
governmental benefits, funding or other support, except as
required by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Amendment 8 deletes a discriminatory provision that jeopardizes
participation by religious entities in state programs that serve the
needy. To protect these programs, vote YES on Amendment 8.
To learn more, see
El Propósito de la Enmienda 8 en la Papeleta de Noviembre
La Enmienda 8 a la Constitución de la Florida proveé que ningun
individuo o entidad sea rechazado, en base a su identidad religiosa
o creencia, beneficios gubernamentales, fondos o cualquier otro
apoyo, con la excepción como requiere la Primera Enmienda a
la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. La Enmienda 8 suprime
la provisión discriminatoria que pone en peligro la participación
de entidades religiosas en programas del estado para servir a los
más necesitados. Para proteger estos programas, vote SI a la
Enmienda 8. Para más información, vea
Thanksgiving Celebration
A Special Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
10 AM Thanksgiving Day
Reception in the courtyard after Mass
Thanksgiving Dinner
The parish would like to sponsor a Thanksgiving Dinner for you if you are a single person,
single parent with children, divorced, widowed, a couple or a small family without relatives
to celebrate the holiday.
We need someone TO CHAIR THIS EVENT in order to make it happen.
Please contact Iris Ortiz at 305-752-3886 or e-mail
Humanities Thanksgiving Project
Our Humanities Ministry will begin the Thanksgiving Collection after every Mass at the Rotunda on Oct.
27-28 and Nov. 3-4.
The packing and delivery will take effect on Nov. 17th from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM in Hospitality C.
Please give us a helping hand.
Recipe for Bell Ringers
2 or more octaves English handbells.
8 (at least) or more able bodies, men, women and children (10 year or older), preferable each
containing a couple of hands, ears and eyes
with which to “Ring the Bells.”
1 Conductor (without whom no reorganizable
bell music is possible).
1 night a week (or morning, or afternoon) set
aside for 11/2 hour for rehearsals - compulsory
Directions for ringing:
Watch the director, mix all the ingredients together;
sprinkles all generously with patience, faith, prayer and love. Serve lovingly to all who listen.
PS: We are looking for a DIRECTOR - know anyone?
Any questions? Please call Betty Blank, 305-667-3452.
Columbiette Auxiliary #14730
Our Baby Shower for Respect Life was a
GREAT success! Proceeds of the event
were $1315 as well as 300+ baby gifts that
was presented to the Sunset Respect Life
Columbiettes are a unified body of Catholic women who work
side-by-side with the Knights of Columbus. We do service
projects in the community as well as our parish. We promote
Catholic values while having fun, making friends and serving
the handicapped, less fortunate, the sick, the elderly and the
young. You will enjoy the challenges and satisfaction of making
a difference while also having fun social activities!
We will be having an informational meeting and would love to
have you join us. The organization is open to all Catholic women
over 18. For more information or to join in the Informational
Meeting please contact any of the following:
Betty Quinn: 305-281-3014
Issie Buzzella: 305-495-0495
Cindy Brown: 786-586-1419
St. Louis Book & Gift Store NEWS
We have new movies available:
• For Greatest Glory
• The Way of St. James
• St. Philip Nery
• Hostia
• The Catholicism Series
We have the Magnificat “Year of
Faith” Com­panion available now.
Book and Gift Center
Tienda de Libros
y Regalos
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday 5:00 - 8:00 PM
after 5:30 PM Mass
10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Come and browse. Hugs are FREE!
We are still in need of volunteers to help out for an hour after the Sunday Masses.
Contact Carol 305-238-7562 Ext. 7029
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct. 28th
Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5: 1-6; Mk 19: 4+-52
7:00 AM
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavment Ministry
8:15 AM
+ Pedro & Juliana Vergaray/Loving Daughter
9:30 AM
Joseph Family/Phelan Family
+ Colleen Floyd/Sue & Michael DeFerrari
11:00 AM
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Luis Ceballos/Jose Ceballos
12:30 PM
+ Tibaldeo Sappa Family/Mima Tibaldeo
+ Mariam Hortensia Dueña/Enrique Garciga
5:30 PM
+ América Lopez/Loving Family
7:15 PM
+ Souls in Purgatory
Oct. 29th
Eph 4: 32 5:8; Lk 13: 10-17
6:30 AM
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 AM
+ Sanford Cockrell/Icaza Family
+ Raie Spektor/Icaza Family
Oct. 30th
Eph 5: 21-33; Lk 13: 18-21
6:30 AM
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 AM
Charmaine Hosang - In Thanksgiving
+ Antonia Ledesma/Jorge Aguilera & Family
Oct. 31st
Eph 6: 1-9; Lk 13: 22-30
6:30 AM
+ Doris Gibson/Julie Kauffman
8:30 AM
Special Intention
7:00 AM
+ Amalia Silva/Eric Brenner
+ Sabina Campos/Rebeca Collada
All Saints Day
Nov. 1st
Rv 7: 2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3: 1-3; Mt 5:1-12
6:30 AM
+ Silvia Forte/Ron Gangemi
8:30 AM
Guyamier-Lehmann Family/Guyamier Family
+ Rita Dubouchet/Elena Gutierrez
10:00 AM
St. Louis Covenant School Families
7:00 PM
St. Louis Parish Families
8:15 PM
St. Louis Parish Families
All Souls Day
Nov. 2nd
Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5: 5-11; Jn 6: 37-40
6:30 AM
+ All Souls Novena
8:30 AM
+ All Souls Novena
St. Martin de Porres, religious
Nov. 3rd
Phil 1: 18-26; Lk 14: 7-11
8:30 AM
+ All Souls Novena
5:30 PM
+ All Souls Novena
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nov. 4th
Dt 6: 2-6; Heb 7: 23-28; Mk 12: 28-34
7:00 AM
+ All Souls Novena
8:15 AM
+ All Souls Novena
9:30 AM
+ All Souls Novena
11:00 AM
+ All Souls Novena
12:30 PM + All Souls Novena
5:30 PM
+ All Souls Novena
7:15 PM
+ All Souls Novena
+ Sandrita Campos/Loving Parents
+ Carlota Gutierrez/Isabel Baca
Thanks for your Pledges
I want to thank all the wonderful individuals and families who returned a Stewardship of Treasure Pledge
Card during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. Many thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families
who have been offering their financial sacrifices to God for so many years. God Bless you all, for all you
do for the Lord and the Parish family of St. Louis. With great Love and affection. Father Paul
Abalo, Ada
Abaunza, Leonidas & Gladys
Abood, Donna
Abreu, Sergio & Maricarmen
Abreu, Armando & Lourdes
Accurso, Joseph & Catherine
Ackie, Aden & Natasha
Agraz, Jorge & Mercedes
Agostini, Matthew & Mildred
Ahern, Frances Loyola
Aime, Nicole
Alba, Enrique & Josefina
Albert, Robert & Donna
Alberto, Juan & Josefa
Alberto, Jorge & Gemma
Albis, Samuel & Alessandra
Alexander, Audrey
Alfonso, Gustavo & Lourdes
Alicea, Ida
Almanza, Orlando & Clara
Altare, Carlos & Elizabeth
Alvarez, Gerardo & Ivette
Alvarez, Jorge & Aleida
Alvarez, Alejandro & Elizabeth
Alvarez, Isidro & Silvia
Alvizuri, Carolina
Anglin, Andrea
Antonelli, Mark & Debbie
Anzola, Oscar & Olga
Apaza, Lucia
Arango, Roberto & Gladys
Arango, Mario & Deborah
Arbesu, Aida
Arbesu, Nury
Arguello, Lillian
Arias, Ramon & Aleida
Ariza, Edgardo & Olga
Armstrong, Erick & Heidi
Armstrong, Craig & Karla
Arrom, Marjorie
Arteaga, Alexa
Astudillo, Alex & Belen
Astudillo, Alex & Beatriz
Avila, Karen
Azari, Carolina
Baca, Olivia
Baca, Julio & Isabel
Badillo, Dennis & Josephine
Bahamondes, Marta
Baldelomar, Alejandro & Matilde
Balepogi, Fabian & Lourdes
Baltodano, Marcio & Gioconda
Baltodano, Martin & Vivien
Baquero, Fabio & Anacarla
Barandiaran, Eduardo & Marilyn
Barket, Jason & Carla
Barnes, Jeff & Marie
Barranco, Orlando & Trinidad
Barreras, Zoraida
Barroso, Fernando & Nurya
Barton, James & Norma
Basso, Peter & Carmen
Bauta, Juan & Natalie
Baxter, Paula
Bechtinger, Cecilia
Beckler, Judith
Befeler, George & Monique
Bell, Mary Patricia
Bendixen,Michael & Maria
Benitez, Ivonne
Berenguer, Juan
Berumen, Ruben & Eileen
Biddulph, Terrence
Bier, Joseph & Vivian
Black, Claire
Blanck, Cynthia
Blanco, Jose & Mary
Blanco, Robert & Maria
Blank, Ira & Dorothy
Blas, Zulma
Block, Wayne & Annemarie
Blumenthal, Judy
Boet, Franklin & Consuelo
Bott, Paul & Helen
Boudet, Irma
Boyle, Mark & Mary
Bravo, Leonard & Maria
Bravo, Nery & Gloria
Brendecke, Ted & Esperanza
Brenner, Eric & Ilse
Brodsky, Elizabeth Renee
Brookes, Yvonne
Brown, Robert & Cynthia
Brown, Melisa
Bryan, Robert & Jean
Buckhalt, Russell & Esperanza
Bueres, Teodoro & Frances
Buhler, Michel & Sheila
Buitrago, Efrain & Monica
Burt, John
Buzzella, James & Isabel
Byington, Jamie
Byrne, Dr. Gerald & Maxine
Caceda, Maria
Cadet, Jules & Rachelle
Callaghan, David & Yolanda
Camelo, Juan & Aida
Canaveral, Mercedes
Cannata, Thomas & Elizabeth
Caraccia, Nora
Caram, Lazara
Cardenal, Julio & Sandra
Cardenas, Olinto & Anabelky
Carrasquillo, Olveen & Judy
Carrillo, Jose & Ana
Carson, Pilar
Caruso, Mark & Deborah
Casanova, Jose & Dulce
Casanova, Marcos & Yolma
Casas, Ricardo & Myriam
Castan, Rodney & Daria
Castellvi, Jose & Deborah
Castellvi, Jose & Silvia
Cavada, Antonio & Margarita
Cawley, Andrew & Dora
Cervantes, Paulina
Cesarano, Dorothy
Cesarano, Teresa
Cetta, Karl & Susana
Chacha, Victoria
Chacon, Maria Elena
Chamberlain, David & Elaine
Chang, Gladstone & Millionita
Charles, Claudine
Charur, Carlos & Maria
Chavez, Amneris
Chavez, Mary
Chen, Kay
Chin, Winston & Jacqueline
Chin Blahnik, Steve & Kim
Christian, Robert & Kimberly
Christianson, Erik & Ileana
Christopherson, David & Wendy
Chrycy, Kathryn
Chue-Sang, Lauren
Chuy, Felipe & Martha
Clark, Jose & Patricia
Clark, Jose & Sandra
Clark, Curtis & Lourdes
Closius, Lillian
Coello, Emma
Collada, Manuel & Rebeca
Columbro, Miriam
Condon, Rosalyn
Consuegra, Roger & Marbel
Conte, Joseph & Maria
Corradini, Leo & Carol
Cortez, Sergio & Veronica
Crane, Elizabeth
Crawford, Henriette
Crepy D’Orleans, Ed & Clotilde
Crippa, Luciano & Raquel
Crocquet, Marc & Kathryn
Cruz, Rosa
Cruz, Marcella
Cuervo, Jorge & Alejandra
Cunningham, James & Adriana
Curtis, Timothy & Martha
Dagani, Rizcion
Dalrymple, Linda
Davidson, Tom & Laura
Davila, Miguel & Lourdes
Davis, Luisa
De Abreu, Juan C.
De Abreu, Juan & Carmen
De Buchet, Tanguy & Beatrice
De Hombre, Luisa
De la Fe, Sergio & Lissette
De La Lastra, Juan & Christine
De Leon, Nat & Eileen
Dejanovic, Marko & Lorena
Del Valle, Javier & Ivonne
Del Valle, Pedro & Virginia
Delgado, Miriam
Deluca, James & Deborah
DeRosimo, John & Lisa
Di Fede, Salvatore
Diaz, Adrian & Kelly
Diaz, Rosaura
Diaz, Arturo & Iris
Diaz, Adelaida
Diaz, Jesus & Enna
Diaz, Jorge & Ana
Diaz, Orlando & Jennifer
Dick, Philip
Dixon, Edna
Do Nascimento, Amauri & Anna
Dohmen, David & Lisa
Doll, Steve & Mary
Dominguez, Manuel
Donelli, Andrew & Arleen
Donna, Elio & Marta
Dorado, Luis & Ivania
Dorsy, James & Samantha
Driggs, Raul & Rosa
Dubois, Jean-Paul & Gabriela
Dugard, James & Alma
Dunn, Raymond & Eugenie
Dunn, Terrance & Kimberly
Dunning, Susan
Gracias por sus ofertas de donación
Quiero agradecer a todos los individuos y familias que respondieron con su Tarjeta de Oferta de Donación durante
la Renovación Anual de Stewardship. Muchos de ustedes se me acercaron para depositar su tarjeta de Oferta de
Donación en la Canasta de Stewardship y me dijeron que era muy bonito y emotivo. Por supuesto, mil gracias a
todos los que siempre nos han apoyado a través de los años con mucho sacrificio. Que Dios les bendiga siempre por
todo lo que hacen por el Señor y por la Familia Parroquia de St. Louis. Con gran amor y afecto. Padre Paul
Dyches, James & Anita
Ehler, Kim
Elder, George & Ana
England, Peter & June
Ennis, Daniel & Janice
Espinosa, Jorge & Corey Ann
Espinoza, Soledad
Esquen, Alberto & Elsa
Estevanez, Maria Luisa
Estrada, Carlos & Veronica
Eusebe, Marie
Evans, Alexander & Sylvia
Fedele, Peter & Claire
Feito-Feria, Jose & Nury
Fenaughty, Mark & Astrid
Fernandez, Julio & Miriam
Ferreiro, Yeney
Ferrer, Wifredo & Adabel
Ferreyra, Raul & Clara
Figarola, Maria
Figueroa, Pedro & Jeanny
Fischer, Suzanne
Fleming, Eugene & Mary Alice
Flor, Aurelio & Maria
Flores, Alejandrina
Florez, Luis & Haydee
Flynn, William & Dorothy
Fogel, Joel & Terry
Fonseca, Frank & Tiffany
Font, Javier & Michelle
Font, Ena
Foos, Robert & Caitlin
Fortunato, Mayda
Fourquet, Jose & Karen
Franceschi, Dido & Maria
Frawley, John & Joan
Frazier, Rosell & Angelina
Freile, Adela
French, Norman & Marie
Friedlander, Tracy
Friedlander, Robert & Anita
Fuentes, Julio & Cristina
Fullana, Francisco & Maria
Galvin, Daniel
Gamache, John
Gamez, Maria
Gangemi, Ronald & Genevieve
Garcia, Daniel & Rosana
Garcia, Jose & Digna
Garcia, Frank & Mina
Garcia, Carlos & Sandra
Garcia, Raul
Garcia, Alexander & Helen
Garcia-Pages, Francis
Garcia-Pages, Sergio & Lucille
Garnica, Tomas
Gavila, Susan
Gay, Leslie & Martha
Gedeon, Jean-Robert & Magdalie
George, Raji & Myrna
Geronimo, Ralph & Lorraine
Gerundo, Richard & Serina
Gibson, Robert & Kelly
Giroux, Valerie
Giroux, Theresa
Girten, James & Esther
Giuliani, John
Glasgow, Barbara
Godoy, Daniel & Ofelia
Godoy, Roberto & Leticia
Godoy, Susan
Gomez, Jose & Maria Aracely
Gomez, Ralph & Cynthia
Gomez, Daniel & Jessica
Gonzales, Fernando & Cecilia
Gonzales, Eduardo & Rosa
Gonzalez, Sandino & Gilly
Gonzalez, Estrella R.
Gonzalez, Tomie
Gonzalez, Rosa
Gonzalez, Diana
Gonzalez, William & Lory
Gonzalez, Pedro & Jennifer
Gonzalez, Richard & Maria
Gordon, Mary Ann
Grammes, Wayne & Linda
Green, Rev. Mr. John & Doris
Green, Patricia
Green, Christopher & Elizabeth
Grossman, David & Karen
Gualtieri, Danilo & Maria
Guarino, Gianpaolo & Barbara
Guerra, Misael & Barbara
Guerrero, Luis & Mercedes
Gunter, Greg & Annette
Gutierrez, Juan & Beatriz
Gutierrez, Jaime & Maria
Gutierrez, Gustavo & Wendeline
Gutierrez, Mercedes
Guyamier, Raymond & Lucette
Hacker, William & Alice
Hagley, Rosalind
Hamel, David & Mary
Hamilton, Judith Anne
Hammonds, Alice Jean
Hand, James & Jean
Hanlon, Rev. Mr. Tom & Judith
Hanly, Andrew
Hardy, Jack & Teresa
Harlow, Craig & Raquel
Hart, Michael & Helen
Hayden, Bruce & Mary
Hearne, William & Margaret
Hechavarria, Terese
Heffernan, Gerald & Rosalie
Herdocia, Francisco & Maria
Herman, Allan
Hermijo, Aurea
Hernandez, Sonnie
Hernandez, Antonio & Maria
Hernandez, Rafael & Ileana
Hernandez, Jose & Sandra
Hernandez, Carlos & Patricia
Hernandez, Nereyda
Hernandez, Andrew & Angela
Hernando, Jorge & Ann Marie
Hew, Richard & Erika
Heyward, Jeanne
Hinton, Norman & Carmen
Ho Sang, Wayne & Zona
Ho Tai, Florine
Hodder, Roger & Janet
Hrtica, Viola
Huete, Alfredo & Thelma
Hutchinson, Stephen & Patricia
Icaza, Alejo & Charmaine
Idarraga, Alonso & Luz
Inga, Lucila
Jackson, Ahmed & Veronica
Jarro, Carlos & Carolyn
Jasinski, Michael & Winsome
Jesurun, Ivar & Deborah
Jesurun, Ivar & Mary
Jimenez, Andres & Zilkia
Johnson, Irene
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Ghislaine
Johnstone, Robert & Joanne
Joya-Lobaton, Oriele
Jubis, Oscar & Magda
Jurado, Yvette
Kaldahl, Scott & Carolyn
Karpf, Gelie
Kauffman, Julie
Keen, Joel & Delia
Kelleher, Kevin & Dolores
Kennedy, Thomas & Cindy
Kern, James & Patricia
Kerr, Oliver & Mary Ann
Keys, James
Khalil, Samir & Wafa
King, James & Mary
Kish, Rev. Michael
Klinck-Shearman, William & Amalia
Knapp, Jean Sara
Knott, Roderick & Myriam
Kopp, Ingeborg
Krogh, Bernard & Maria
Krumpos, James & Kristin
La Neve, Gene & Nathalie
Labelle, Rev. Mr. George & Laurie
Lam, Rev. Mr. Alex & Colleen
Lamadriz, Cristina
Lamarre, Marie
Lamb, James & Anabelle
Laskey, Mary
Lau, Miguel & Rosa
Le Blanc, Danielle
Lee Shengtin, Marina
Leite, Raphael & Erica
Leiva, Franciso & Judith
Lenger, William & Carolyn
Leon, Luis & Marie
Leong, Danny & Judy
Leschhorn, Carmen
Leveque, Sabrina
Liau Kang, Juan
Liau-Kang, Rodolfo & Ana
Lichtenstein, Enrique & Ana
Lichtenstein, Guy & Angela
Liddell, Scott & Leonila
Little, Lourdes
Liwanag, Lillian
Llanes, Adolfo & Carmen
Llanes, Armando & Maria
Llorente, Valentin & Elizabeth
Loffredo, Anthony & Anny
Longueira, Joseph & Elaine
Lopes, George & Theresa
Lopez, Hector & Martha
Lopez, Calixto & Katushka
Lopez, Cynthia
Lopez, Juan & Allison
Lopez, Carlos & Maria-Teresa
Lopez, Thomas & Kiki
Lopez, Porfirio & Ruth
Lothian, William & Katherine
Loys, Raul & Liane
Lucas, Helen
Thanks for your Pledges
I want to thank all the wonderful individuals and families who returned a Stewardship of Treasure Pledge
Card during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. Many thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families
who have been offering their financial sacrifices to God for so many years. God Bless you all, for all you
do for the Lord and the Parish family of St. Louis. With great Love and affection. Father Paul
Ludovici, Philip & Barbara
Lyden, Jeanne
Lyden, Edward & Caridad
Lynch, Winnifred
Lyngved, Viggo & Maritza
Lyons, Nancy
MacDonald, Stuart & Martha
Maghak, Fady & Maria
Maghak, Clement & Najla
Magrath, Kathleen
Magtira, Marjorie
Maguina, Francisco
Malave, Domingo & Lorena
Maldonado, Xavier & Christina
Maloney, Lisa
Mamert, Jean & Maria
Mangialetto, John & Carol
Mangiaracina, Chris & Lourdes
Manning, Christopher & Lourdes
Manning, Ronald & Mercy
Manning, Barbara
Maronto, John & Rosemarie
Marrero, Alex & Flora
Marrou, Gerard
Marrou, Jaime & Milagros
Martinez, Homero & Isabel
Martinez, Rodrigo
Martinez, Ariel & Carmen
Martinez, Arturo & Olga
Martinez-Varela, Carlos & Mabel
Mastrapa, Robert & Cecilia
Mastrapa, Yvonne
Matos, Irma
Matos, Ivon
Matos, Ramon & Stella
Matsumoto, Ted & Sylvia
Mattox, George & Teresa
Mattox, Joselyn
Mayol, Hernan & Maria
Mayorga, Reynaldo & Juana
Mayorga, Alex
Mayorga, Alex & Rubia
McCarthy, James & Sandra
McClelland, Richard & Liesel
McDermott, Michael & Nitza
McHugh, Barrie & Pamela
McInerney, Rev. Mr. Vince & Eve
McKee, Nancy
McKeever, Michael & Iris
McNamara, Russell & Margrith
Mederos, Enrique & Mabel
Medina, Roberto & Suzana
Medrano, Duilio & Sonia
Melendez, Reinaldo & Marcia
Mello, Dennis & Diane
Mena, Amanda
Mena, Guido & Annette
Menendez, Juan & Deborah
Menendez, Marlene
Menzies, Greg & Ana
Merino, Natalia
Merlos, Guadalupe
Micali, John & Laura
Mielke, Nancy
Miller, James & Holly
Millet, Roxana
Millien, Bossuet & Claire
Millott, Daniel & Judith
Mion, Alejandro & Esthermarie
Mion, Enrique
Mion, Hugo & Adriana
Mion, Rafael
Mirabal, Anthony & Lina
Mitchell, Alfredo & Beatriz
Modrono, Manuel & Jeannie
Monge, Marlene Rosalva
Monteagudo, Luis
Montiel, Daniel & Maria
Montilla, Fernando
Monzayet, Elias & Marisol
Moody, Andrea
Morales, Esperanza
Morales, Mauricio & Cristina
Moravec, Andrew & Sandra
Moreyra, Raul & Alicia
Morillas, Julio & Ayleen
Mouttet, Paul & Margaret
Muni, Karen
Nguyen, Binh
Nicoletti, Oscar & Maria
Noguera, Amalia
Nonez, Jacques & Michele
Norena, Oscar & Martha
Noto, Thomas & Dorotea
Novo, Oscar & Marie
Nunez, Rolando & Monica
Nunez, Andres & Ruth
Obermeier, Linda
Obermeier, Ferdinand & Gudrun
Obioha, Christopher & Emilian
Ochoa, Rosario
Olivera, Nora
Olloqui, Juan & Gloria
Oramas, Carlos & Graysy
Ore, Corina
Ortega, Jose & Ana
Ortiz, Ramiro & Alicia
Ortiz, Irvin & Elisa
Ortiz, Iris
Osorio, Marco & Denise
Osterberger, David & Mary
Otruba, Richard & Jacqueline
Pachikara, Abraham & Asha
Padron, Silvia
Paez, Rafael & Gemma
Page, Larry & Jean
Page, Raymond & Dolmari
Pagliery, Jose & Katty
Palacio, Ed & Susan
Palaszewski, Daniel & Mary
Parada, Victor & Andrea
Parlapiano, Dominick & Mayra
Stewardship Pledges
Munilla, Juan & Laura
Munoz, Alejandro & Adriana
Murillo, Carmen
Murphy, Michael & Jennifer
Murray, Richard & Maureen
Myers, Eric & Maria
Namoff, Anthony & Karen
Navarro, Maximo & Ana
Negron, Edgardo & Isabel
Neira-Caballero, Diosmin & Milca
Nguyen, Thang & Gina
Parsons, Van & Charlene
Pasciak, John
Pastor, Carlos & Michelle
Pateras, Byron & Diana
Patino, Gladys
Paul-Noel, Rosa
Pauly, Christopher & Samira
Paz, Guillermo & Carmen
Pazos, Mary Jean
Pelleya, Rene & Betty
Peloquin, Andre
Pena, Bienvenido & Elssy
Perdomo, Luis & Julie
Pereda, Alex & Susie
Peremenis, Rev. Mr. John & Valerie
Perez, Benigno
Perez, Jose & Alejandra
Perez, Lazaro
Perez, Bert & Olga
Perez, Enrique & Michelle
Perez, Gonzalo & Celia
Perez, Rodolfo & Vivian
Perez, Ricardo & Maria
Perez, Benigno
Perez-Abreu, Roberto & Jennifer
Perkins, Melody
Pernia, David & Violeta
Perruc, John & Olimpia
Petersen, Earle & Yvonne
Peterson, Kendall & Arlene
Phelan, Lawrence & Ann Marie
Phelan, Christopher & Michelle
Pherson, James & Mary
Phillips, Bohn & Jennifer
Pichardo, Gabriel & Maria
Pierce, Jay & Ana
Pigna, Rodrigo & Staci
Pilona, Ingrid
Pilona, Leonor Jeannette
Pineda, Cristina
Pino, Gilda
Pita, Julio & Patricia
Plasencia, Dora
Plata, Horacio
Plescow, David & Maria
Porras, David & Maribel
Porro, Juan & Maria
Porro, Francisco & Karen
Porry, Gerard
Portal, Alexia
Powell, Thomas & Mary Jane
Prada, Isabel
Prada, David & Elizabeth
Prado, Mario
Prahl, William & Cecilia
Prindle, Allan & Mary
Proulx, Margaret
Puente, Norma
Puyada, Robert & Maria
Quinn, Kenneth & Elizabeth
Quintero, Rafael & Judith
Ramirez, Suria
Randon, Gustavo & Veronica
Rangel, Emilio & Dinorah
Rapalje, Peter & Tanya
Gracias por sus ofertas de donación
Quiero agradecer a todos los individuos y familias que respondieron con su Tarjeta de Oferta de Donación durante
la Renovación Anual de Stewardship. Muchos de ustedes se me acercaron para depositar su tarjeta de Oferta de
Donación en la Canasta de Stewardship y me dijeron que era muy bonito y emotivo. Por supuesto, mil gracias a
todos los que siempre nos han apoyado a través de los años con mucho sacrificio. Que Dios les bendiga siempre por
todo lo que hacen por el Señor y por la Familia Parroquia de St. Louis. Con gran amor y afecto. Padre Paul
Stephen, Joseph & Mala
Suarez, Pablo & Annette
Subil, Emilio & Ida
Suris, Jose & Hilda
Tabak, Jeremy & Marjorie
Tabe, Jose & Denise
Taquechel, Pablo & Elizabeth
Taupier, Susana
Tegtmeyer, Egon & Elsie
Tenn, Roy & Carol
Teriele, Thomas & Blanca
Thompson, Mary Jane
Tijerino, Toribio & Lucrecia
Tinoc, Carlos & Marlin
Tirado, Felix & Mildred
Tolentino, Alfonso & Alicia
Tomonto, Charles & Elsa
Tomonto, Irene
Tomonto, Robert & Anne
Torbiak, Marie
Torres, Zoraida
Torres, Juan & Constanace
Torricella, Roberto & Denise
Trespalacios, Fernando & Bertha
Trimboli, William & Helen
Trueba, William & Gisela
Tschirhart, Brian & Kathryn
Tuckwell, Shaun & Erin
Turner, Corinne
Turner, Grace
Vadia, Maria
Valdes, Rafael & Michelle
Valdes, Estrella
Valdes, Olga
Valdes-Recio, Fernando & Nerina
Valentin, Pedro
Vamos, David & Patrice
Van De Water, Tom & Jeanette
Vasquez, Betty
Vega, Ivan & Adriana
Velasco, Francisco & Maria
Vells, George & Mary
Venezuela, Efrain & Iris
Verdeja, Octavio & Susana
Salvade, Fernando & Maria
Sanchez, Cesar
Sanchez, Felicitas
Sanchez, Rafael & Nancy
Sanchez, Maria G.
Sanchez, Pablo & Rita
Sancho, Frank & Maria
Santa Maria, Rene & Alicia
Santella, Joseph & Margaret
Schaefer, Faith
Schand, Marian
Schneider, David & Janet
Schoen, Ann
Schue, Eric & Robin
Schwarte, Gisa
Schweitzer, Gregory & Kimberly
Schwinghammer, Greg & Norma
Schwitalla, Alphonse & Mary Lou
Scott, Joseph & Clare
Scott, Joseph & Annabelle
Seibers, Virgil & Elena
Sendler, Geraldine
Sepulveda, Jose & Diana
Sharp, Richard & Cris
Sihuay, Saul & Maria
Sikah, Marie
Silberberg, Noel & Sandra
Silva, Eduardo & Leticia
Silva, Anthony & Milagros
Silva, Claudio & Tatiana
Silva, Fernando
Siman, Humberto & Zeenat
Siman, Adela
Simons, Robbin
Simpson, Debra
Sitko, Susan
Sitko, Ann
Skidmore, Ellen
Skinner, Ron & Brenda
Smith, Martha
Smith, Glen & Eloica
Smith, Carlos & Maria
Smith, James & Maria
Smutny, Stephen & Judith
Solorzano, William & Cristina
Sondon, Raul & Lauren
Sotham, Carolyn
Soto, Uriel & Karla
Spring, Michael & Maria
Springer, Carole
Stanham, John & Ana
Stanham, Peter & Marisol
Stanziola, Felix & Patricia
Steiner, Matthias & Maria
Vernon, Robert & Lelis
Vescovacci, Milton & Beatriz
Vescovi, Thomas & Helen
Vidal, Ernesto & Marta
Viera, Gustavo & Daivisi
Vilchez, Angela
Villaronga, Enrique & Rosamaria
Villena, Jorge & Luz
Vilomar, Gustavo & Annette
Volpatti, Ernesto & Claudia
Volpe, Giorgio
Vuturo, Rev. Paul
Wadsworth, Maria
Waldo, John
Walker, Gary & Mayela
Watson, Mary Lucille
Weidler, Erika
Welch, Gregory & Jacqueline
Weltmann, Monica
Wenkoff, Carman & Elaine
Werner, Howard & Joanne
Westman, Mark & Ileana
Whelpley, David & Vickie
White, Peter
Wilburn, Edward & Mary
Williams, Leticia
Williams, Richard & Kathryn
Wilson, Agnes
Wingate, Fred & Julie
Winters, Richard & Rosemary
Witkowski, Michael & Carol
Witkowski, Mark & Cecelia
Woodburn, Troy & Anique
Wright, Carole
Wright, William & Mercedes
Yap, Andrew & Diahann
Yglesias, Rev. Mr. Bob & Barbara
Zabala Davalos, Max & Ana
Zaldivar, Victoria
Zaldivar, Carlos & Maryann
Zelenak, Thomas & Maria
Ziemba Reilly, Lois
Zinn, Reinaldo & Nora
Healing Blessings
Rave, Jorge
Ravelo, Gustavo & Amanda
Ready, Sheila
Reeves, George & Rosa
Rego, Ricardo & Patricia
Reich, Robert & Liza
Rembisz, Ronald
Rey, Victor & Sonia
Reyes, Javier & Georgina
Reyneri, Nelson & Josefina
Ricciulli, Arnaldo & Marie
Riera, Javier & Ramona
Rivas, Nelly
Rivera, Magda
Robson, Kevin
Rodriguez, Bonnie
Rodriguez, Gonzalo & Maria
Rodriguez, Felipe & Ana
Rodriguez, Uven & Gloria
Rodriguez, Manuel & Suzanne
Rodriguez, Luis & Irmina
Rodriguez, Remberto & Shirley
Rodriguez, Christina
Rodriguez, Alexander & Jennifer
Rodriguez, Yhosvany & Bertha
Rodriguez, Santos & Amparito
Rojas, Yefmy
Roldan, Gustavo & Isabel
Romaris Alcazar, Alain & Maria
Romero, Jose & Julia
Romero, Rafael & Cristina
Romero, Julie R.
Romo-Fragoso, Salva & Hilda
Ronan, Michael & Patricia
Ronconi, Anthony & Christine
Rosa, Wilfredo & Maria
Rosso, Jorge
Rotolante, Denis & Debra
Rottler, Donald & Ada
Rotulo, Ruben & Nancy
Rueda, Hernando & Amanda
Ruiz, Roberto & Ana
Ruiz, Jimmy & Lyzette
Russo, Angelo & Maria
Rutherford, Mary
Saavedra, Guillermo & Vanessa
Sabbag, Anthony & Michelle
Sabbag, Theresa
Safinski, Robert & Lenore
Salamo, Nicolas & Maria
Salazar, Jose
Sales, Tamara
Salgado, Yolanda
Salvade, Hector & Maria
Midnight Musings
Pensamientos de Media Noche
A Pilgrimage to Where?
What do pilgrims do differently from ordinary
tourists? Pilgrims connect the sacred places they visit with
the stories of their lives.
The pilgrims from St. Louis, the parish, saw
centuries old traces of St. Louis, the king and crusader.
On Friday, October 19, we visited Caesarea, important in
the New Testament scriptures as the place where St. Peter
baptized the Gentile Roman Centurion Cornelius and his
household– a demonstration that Christianity would include
not just Jews but also non-Jews. After seeing the ruins of
the first century city that Peter would have known, we saw
the fortifications built by our patron St. Louis as he was
trying to secure Caesarea as a stronghold for the Christian
crusader soldiers in the thirteenth century AD.
Maggie Godoy and Pedro Pollan traveled with us
on the pilgrimage together with family and friends. We
celebrated their marriage at Cana on Sunday, October 20
(How’s that for a destination wedding!) We were a kind of a
self contained traveling wedding possibility; we had a bride
and groom, wedding party, priest, readers, photographers,
singers, and congregation. We only needed a place,
graciously provided by the parish at Cana.
The first part of our pilgrimage moved around
Galilee. You get a sense of the real time salvation history,
as you travel on the Sea of Galilee and look at the same
hills and mountains that Jesus saw, or as you visit the river
where John baptized him or the mount where he preached
the sermon in Matthew 5-7. We know the phrase from
John’s gospel “the Word was made flesh”; at Nazareth, the
place of the Annunciation, you can read the phrase “Here
the Word was made flesh.” Frequently we celebrated Mass
at these different places to let the risen Christ reveal himself
not just as a character in the past, but as the ever-present
risen Lord who continues to transform our lives.
Different people connected differently. Pat Green
felt the presence of the Lord at Mount Tabor, the place of
the Transfiguration; like the original apostles there, she
did not want to leave there. Terri Giroux and Nancy McKee
felt that they almost saw the campfire at the Sea of Galilee
where the risen Jesus fixed the fish for his disciples and told
Peter to “feed his lambs.” All the pilgrims had a sense of
Moses’ heart as he looked from Mt. Nebo to the Promised
Land that he would not enter.
Our physical pilgrimage starts in Miami and ends
in Miami. But hopefully the pilgrimage moves us spiritually
closer to the Lord and to the ultimate Promised Land of
heaven. The trip provides an occasion to come closer to
the Lord, but no guarantee. Whether your are in Jerusalem
or Miami, the Lord calls us to himself. The response of
faith and love, not the place, Israel or Florida, makes all the
Yours in Christ,
¿Una Peregrinación a Dónde?
¿Qué hacen los peregrinos diferente del
turista regular? Los peregrinos conectan con
los lugares santos que visitan con sus historias
Los peregrinos de St. Louis, la parroquia,
vieron los pasos centenarios de St. Louis, el rey
y su cruzada. El pasado viernes 19 de octubre, visitamos Cesarea,
ciudad importante en el Nuevo Testamento donde San Pedro
bautizó al Centurion Romano, Cornelio y todos los habitantes de
su casa - una demostración de que el Cristianismo incluía no sólo
a los Judíos sino también a los no-Judíos. Después de ver las
ruinas de la ciudad del primer siglo que conoció Pedro, vimos las
fortificaciones construidas por nuestro patrón St. Louis cuando
él trataba de asegurar Cesarea como baluarte para los soldados
Cristianos en las cruzadas del siglo trece AD.
Maggie Godoy y Pedro Pollan viajan con nosotros, junto
a sus familiares y amigos. Celebramos su matrimonio en Caná
el domingo 20 de octubre (¡Que les parece como destino de
matrimonios!) Eramos un grupo de viajeros independientes con
posibilidad de boda, teníamos los novios, la comitiva nupcial, el
sacerdote, los lectores, fotógrafos, cantantes y congregación.
Necesitabamos un lugar, que graciosamente lo proveyó una
parroquia de Caná.
La primera parte de nuestra peregrinación fue alrededor
de Galilea. Uno tiene la sensación de remontarse al tiempo de
la historia de la salvación, al tiempo que nos movemos hacia el
Mar de Galilea y vemos los mismos montes y montañas que vio
Jesús, o cuando se visita el rio donde Juan le bautizó o el monte
donde El predicó su sermón en Mateo 5-7. Conocemos la frase
del evangelio de Juan, “La Palabra se hizo carne”; en Nazaret, el
lugar de la Anunciación, podemos leer la frase, “Aquí la Palabra se
hizo carne.” Frecuentemente celebramos Misa en estos lugares
para permitir que el Cristo resucitado se revele a nosotros no sólo
como un personaje del pasado sino como el siempre presente
Señor resucitado que continua transformando nuestras vidas.
Diferentes personas conectan de diferente manera. Pat
Green percibió la presencia del Señor en el Monte Tabor, el lugar
de la Transfiguración; y como sintieron los originales apóstoles,
ella tan poco queria abondonar el lugar. Terri Giroux y Nancy
McKee percibieron haber visto la hoguera en el Mar de Galilea
donde Jesús resucitado preparó el pescado para sus discípulos
y le dijo a Pedro “alimenta mis ovejas.” Todos los peregrinos
percibieron el corazón de Moises cuando miraba desde lo alto del
Monte Nebo hacia la Tierra Prometida que él no entraría.
Nuestro peregrinaje físico comenzó en Miami y terminará
en Miami. Pero esperamos que éste peregrinaje nos mueva
espiritualmente más cerca del Señor y finalmente a la Tierra
Prometida del cielo. El viaje poveé la ocasión de estar más cerca
del Señor, pero sin garantías. Esté usted en Jerusalén o en Miami,
el Señor nos llama a él. La respuesta de fe y amor, no el lugar,
Israel o Florida, es la gran diferencia.
Suyos en Cristo,