Global Kidnap Report – April 2016


Global Kidnap Report – April 2016
Global Kidnap Report – April 2016
Australian aid worker
kidnapped in Jalalabad,
US national Kevin Patrick
Dawes released after three
years in captivity in Syria
Confirming the release of Dawes, the US State
Department also referred to other US nationals being
held in Syria, notably the journalist Austin Tice…
Eight crewmembers kidnapped
in two separate hijackings off
Nigeria in one day in April
April witnessed a significant increase in piracy incidents
in the Gulf of Guinea, with more kidnapped in 2016 to
date than in 2015 as a whole off Nigeria…
Singer Lupillo Rivera the victim
of an attempted kidnapping in
Celebrities in Venezuela were also targeted by
kidnappers during the reporting period, with one victim
severely beaten until a ransom was paid…
15 mine clearing workers
employed by the HALO Trust
kidnapped in Afghanistan
The Afghan Taliban announced its spring offensive
during the reporting period, with an anticipated upsurge
in militant activity and infighting between insurgents…
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Kidnap for Ransom Overview
At least 170 cement workers kidnapped by Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria
A member of the Qatari royal family and a Pakistani national released in Iraq
India confirms a Catholic priest kidnapped in Yemen was not executed and is alive
Finance manager of Afriqiyah Airways kidnapped in Tripoli in Libya
Three mining company employees abducted in Kogi State, Nigeria
Former governor of Chocó released after nearly three years in captivity in Colombia
Two Bangladeshi nationals released after 18 days in captivity in Afghanistan
Kidnap victim in Pakistan identifies four Karachi police officers as the perpetrators
The son of an industrialist kidnapped in India for a ransom of USD45,000
Canadian national kidnapped in September 2015 executed in the Philippines
This report is based on open source information and aims to highlight current news, trends and analysis of
kidnap for ransom incidents globally over the reporting period.
Note: The information contained in this report is based on open source material, including news articles and
should be regarded as offering a snapshot of global kidnap incidents. Given the selectivity and incomplete or
inaccurate nature of some news articles, the information contained in this report is not exhaustive or 100%
accurate. As such any conclusions made from this report should take these limitations into account.
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Middle East & North Africa
There continues to be a high kidnap threat in Libya
amidst widespread political instability and security
concerns. On 23 April a Serbian engineer, Miroslav
Tomic, was kidnapped in a remote area in eastern Libya
close to the Egyptian border. Tomic, a maintenance
engineer employed by a German company, was
reportedly inspecting an oil field 1,200km from the
capital Tripoli.
On 16 April the finance manager of Afriqiyah Airways
was kidnapped in Tripoli. Siraj Fetouri was seized after
arriving on a flight from Benghazi. The incident occurred
days after the body of another kidnap victim was
discovered in Tripoli on 14 April. Doctor Samir Shadi AlWarshafani was murdered despite his family reportedly
paying a USD73,387 ransom for his release.
In line with previous trends politicians have also been
targeted. During April it was reported that an unknown
group attempted to kidnap former prime minister and
current Presidential Council Member Ahmed Maiteeq in
Tripoli. The attack killed at least one guard at Maiteeq’s
residence. The UN-backed Government of National
Accord responded after the failed attempt by increasing
its military presence in the city.
Syria / Lebanon
In early April the Syrian government released US
national Kevin Patrick Dawes. Dawes, a 33-year-old
freelance photographer, was listed as a missing person
by the FBI following his disappearance in September
2012 after crossing into Syria from neighbouring Turkey.
According to US officials the Czech government, which
represents US interests in the country in the absence of
any diplomatic mission, played a key role in securing Mr
Dawes’s freedom. Russian officials were also involved
in negotiations, and took direct custody of Mr Dawes
following his release.
US State Department spokesman John Kirby said the
administration is also working to secure the release of
Austin Tice and other missing or detained US nationals
in Syria, indicating the administration is aware of other
US nationals but only Tice is currently being named
publicly. Mr Tice, also a journalist, was reported as
missing in August 2012. Tice subsequently appeared
blindfolded in a video posted online a month after his
abduction, but with no further communication since.
On 04 April at least 170 workers were abducted by IS
militants following an attack on a cement factory in
Syria. The victims were taken from their residence of
the Al-Badia Cement Company on the outskirts of
Dumeir, 40km east of Damascus. The area east of the
capital has witnessed intense fighting between IS
militants and government forces in recent weeks, with
reports indicating IS suffered significant losses.
According to a statement released by IS, some of the
victims were executed following their abduction for
being non-Muslims and regime sympathisers. The
majority of the remaining hostages were released on 08
April following mediation from local officials, according
to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Local media reports suggest incidents of kidnapping
and extortion targeting truck drivers in the vicinity of the
Parviz – Khan border crossing between Iran and Iraq’s
Kurdistan Region are on the rise. On 25 April Rudaw
news agency reported militias from the Shia-dominated
Popular Mobilisation Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) are
responsible for a spate of recent kidnappings in the
area. According to one account, a family paid a
USD7,800 ransom for two truck drivers allegedly
abducted by a Hashd al-Shaabi militia and held in
captivity for 40 days.
On 06 April the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs
confirmed a member of the royal family and a Pakistani
national had been released in Iraq. The pair were
kidnapped with 24 other members of a Qatari hunting
party in a desert area of the southern Muthanna
province in December 2015. It remains unknown
whether a ransom was paid for the hostages’ release.
On 04 April the Indian Minister of External Affairs
Sushma Swaraj confirmed Father Tom Uzhunnalil –
kidnapped in March by suspected militants allied to IS in
Aden – is alive. Speaking to representatives from the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, Minister Swaraj
discounted recent reports suggesting the kidnappers
had executed the priest on 25 March.
Pope Francis appealed for the release of Uzhunnalil on
10 April, further indicating the victim remains alive.
According to the Indian TV channel IBN-CNN, the
kidnappers had sent a video to Indian officials
demanding a significant ransom for the priest’s release.
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On 16 April four employees of the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were kidnapped in
Kidal, in northeast Mali. While one of the victims was
released on 17 April, the three other humanitarian
workers remain missing. The ICRC team were returning
from a mission based in Abeibara when they were
The Islamist group Ansar Dine claimed responsibility for
the abductions and demanded the release of a
suspected militant detained by French forces. The
militant in question, Miyatene Ag Mayaris, was the
former guide of the abductees. Mayaris was
accompanying the humanitarian workers along with his
apprentice when they were stopped near Abeibara
village by French troops deployed as part of the Op
BARKHANE force on 13 April.
On 22 April the three victims were released reportedly
without condition, though it remains uncertain whether
the militant was freed in exchange for the hostages.
The abductions occurred as Op BERKHANE has
reportedly stepped-up operations, particularly in the
Kidal region where the abductions took place. The
recent spate of arrests of individuals suspected of
having links with Islamist militants has in part alienated
the local population, prompting protests against the
foreign intervention in Kidal which have turned violent
and led to several deaths. The above incident is likely
directly linked to the general deterioration in relations
between foreign forces and the local populace.
On 22 April the permanent secretary of the Osun State
Ministry of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning
was kidnapped along with a ministry director and her
driver in Kogi state as they were driving from a briefing
meeting on the World Bank and EU reforms programme
in Abuja. They were reportedly released though the
conditions were not disclosed.
Employees of extracting companies also figure as
targets of kidnappings. On 18 April three employees of
the National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) were
abducted in Kogi state. The company’s chief executive
officer received a NGN30 million (USD150,716) ransom
demand for their release. On 16 April a Nigerian
National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) employee was
kidnapped from his residence in Kaduna state.
Fulani herdsmen are suspected of perpetrating several
kidnappings in April. On 21 April four armed men of
Fulani extraction kidnapped a non-academic staff
member of Delta State University and requested a
NGN5 million (USD25,119) ransom for his release. On
20 April Fulani herdsmen reportedly kidnapped a police
officer in Benue state following violent clashes with the
Nigerian Army and police in Agatu local government
area. On 16 April the Enugu state auditor was
kidnapped by Fulani herdsmen. He was released four
days later after a NGN700,000 (USD3,516) ransom was
delivered in person.
During the reporting period three hijackings occurred off
Nigeria, resulting in the abduction of 10 crewmembers –
two of which occurred on 11 April. The first targeted the
MT PULI, resulting in the abduction of the captain, the
chief officer, the chief engineer and three other
crewmembers. All six crewmembers were reportedly
released on 25 April. The second incident targeted the
CMA CGM TURQUOISE, with two crewmembers
kidnapped. The third hijacking was reported on 19 April
targeting the ARMADA TUAH 101, resulting in both the
captain and chief engineer being abducted.
Kenya / Somalia
In April it was reported that there were still 46 foreign
nationals being held in Somalia by piracy groups. 26 are
from the crew of the Taiwanese trawler FV NAHAM 3
hijacked on 26 March 2012, while 15 others were
captured aboard the FV SIRAJ on 26 March 2015. The
remaining five hostages consist of Kenyan soldiers and
citizens seized on land by pirate groups. Their
continued detention highlights the ability of groups to
hold foreign nationals for extended durations.
The low number of recent recorded kidnappings in
Somalia may be attributed to the limited number of
foreign nationals present in the country and a lack of
media coverage due to the dangerous reporting
environment. Militia groups and al-Shabaab in particular
have the capability to operate unrestricted throughout
Somalia, consequently the kidnapping threat remains
On 03 April Michel Rizk, a Lebanese-Belgian
businessman kidnapped in Angola five days earlier,
was released. The kidnappers had demanded a ransom
of USD500,000 to secure the victim’s release.
Lebanese officials confirmed Rizk’s release but did not
disclose whether the ransom was paid.
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Several incidents over the reporting period highlight the
high kidnap threat faced by domestic nationals, foreign
nationals and migrants in Mexico. On 22 April federal
authorities and marines rescued 49 undocumented
Central American migrants held captive in Reynosa,
Tamaulipas. The migrants, comprised of 26 Salvadoran,
17 Guatemalan and six Honduran nationals (including
three minors) were discovered 8km from the McAllenHidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge linking Mexico
with the US. Tens of thousands of Central American
migrants enter the country illegally every year hoping to
eventually make it to the US, and are often targeted in
kidnappings and extortions by organised criminal gangs.
Two days earlier on 20 April, authorities in the
southeastern state of Chiapas continued searches for
six Colombian tourists reported missing and possibly
kidnapped during an outing to the Chichonal volcano.
The group reportedly disappeared on 15 April.
On 09 April Mexican singer Lupillo Rivera became the
latest celebrity to suffer an attempted kidnapping in
Mexico. The singer was ambushed and abducted by
armed men after his concert in Puebla, but was later
rescued as security officials blocked their escape route
from the venue. Prior to the attack the singer had been
active with his entourage on social media, possibly
indicating his locations and schedule which could have
been used to target him.
On 01 April a former governor of Chocó, Patrocinio
Sanchez, was released by kidnappers in the rural area
of Chocó department following almost three years in
captivity. According to El Pais, Sanchez was kidnapped
by the National Liberation Army (ELN) on 25 August
2013 in the village of Samurindò. While initial reports
indicated a ransom was paid for Patrocinio’s release, it
was subsequently revealed the ELN traded the former
governor for his brother.
On 19 April security forces acting under the auspices of
Op Sword of Honour released two young women
kidnapped in the Manrique neighbourhood of Medellín.
The individual responsible, Andres Felipe Valencia, was
a member of the criminal gang San Pablo and
demanded a ransom of USD57,000 for their release.
According to an army statement, Felipe was arrested in
the victim’s family home during the arranged ransom
payment following collaboration with the families.
On 01 April security forces rescued 33 citizens from
Pueblo Loco Caucasia municipality in Antioquia
following their abduction by the self-defence group
Gaitanistas of Colombia. During the operation two
guerrillas were detained alongside a cache of weapons
and ammunition.
On 25 April security forces arrested two men, allegedly
members of the self-styled ‘Usuga Clan’ criminal gang in
La Esperanza, North of Santander department. The
gang is reportedly responsible for numerous kidnapping
and extortion incidents in the area. According to an army
statement, Op BRAYAN also recovered weapons and
On 20 April 25-year-old attorney Melisa Trillos was
abducted by unidentified gunmen from a petrol station in
the city of Ocaña in North of Santander department.
National security forces pursued the kidnappers, finding
their vehicles crashed and left by the roadside in a
remote area. North of Santander Government Secretary
Yebrail Haddad announced a reward of COP100 million
(USD34,500) was being offered for information leading
to the victim’s safe return.
Artists and local celebrities are increasingly targeted by
kidnap gangs in Venezuela. On 13 April the musician
Gustavo Molero was kidnapped when leaving his house
in Maracaibo. Molero later confirmed he paid a ransom
to secure his release and claimed he was severely
beaten during captivity.
In a similar development, on 15 April hip-hop artist
Lennin Pérez was abducted in the car park of a
commercial centre in Las Mercedes, Caracas. Although
investigations are still ongoing, local media reports
indicate members of the Criminal Investigation Police
(CIP) could be involved in the kidnapping of Pérez.
On 12 April a CIP operation resulted in the death of
Juan Pablo Pacheco, the leader of a kidnapping gang
known as “La Banda del Portu”, reportedly responsible
for dozens of abductions and murders in Caracas,
including the kidnapping of former Mexican ambassador
Carlos Pujalte in January 2012.
On 23 April Neomar Avilla, the leader of a kidnapping
gang operating in the wealthiest neighbourhood of
Caracas, was killed during a police operation in the east
side of the city.
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On 28 April Katherine Jane Wilson, a 60-year-old aid
worker, was kidnapped in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
Wilson was working with the Afghan women’s charity
Zardozi when she was abducted from the NGO’s office
at gunpoint. According to Zardozi’s chairman, Wilson
was abducted by up to four men at 0400 LT claiming to
be from the National Directorate of Security.
On 04 April two kidnapped Bangladeshi nationals
employed by the development organisation BRAC were
released after 18 days in captivity. The victims were
kidnapped in Kunduz city with two Afghan nationals
freed on the day of the abduction. The perpetrators were
not identified and it is uncertain if a ransom was paid.
On 01 April gunmen kidnapped 15 anti-land mine
workers of the HALO Trust organisation in Kohsan,
Herat province. The victims were Afghan nationals and a
security operation rescued the hostages a day later. No
group has claimed responsibility, however the Afghan
Taliban is speculated to be behind the kidnapping. While
Herat has been relatively peaceful, the kidnapping
preceded the Taliban’s formal announcement of its
spring offensive on 12 April. The anticipated upsurge in
militant activity, coupled with infighting between
insurgents loyal to leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor and
dissident leader Mullah Mohammad Rasool in Herat that
recently left over 200 militants killed, suggests
kidnappings and attacks are likely to increase.
Police involvement in kidnap incidents continues to be
reported in Pakistan. In early April four police officials
from Paredi in Karachi were arrested after a kidnap
victim identified them as the perpetrators. Additionally,
on 15 April the Express Tribune reported a dozen
officers were connected with kidnappings in 2015, with
10 officers arrested for involvement so far this year.
Chotu Gang known to have kidnapped 24 people
including police officials. The combined police and
armed forces’ operation lasted over 20 days, with Chotu
Gang leader Ghulam Rasool being captured.
On 04 April the use of social media aided the kidnapping
of a youth in Bihar state. Kidnappers posing as a girl on
Facebook honey-trapped a young male into meeting in
Begusarai district, and kidnapped him before
demanding a USD15,000 ransom from his parents.
Local police began a search which prompted the
perpetrators to release the victim. Authorities also noted
the incident is possibly the first time perpetrators utilised
social media to scheme kidnappings.
On 11 April the 14-year-old son of an industrialist was
kidnapped in Kapurthala for a ransom of USD45,000
from his parents. An employee at the metal factory
owned by the victim’s father is suspected of involvement
in the abduction, police were immediately informed.
However, while the family prepared to pay the ransom
the victim was found killed on 13 April.
Philippines / Malaysia
The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) released three new
videos featuring the Samal Island hostages kidnapped
on 21 September 2015. A new ransom deadline of 25
April was set after the previous deadline of 08 April
passed without payment. The militants lowered the
ransom demand from USD21 million per person to 6.51
million, but threatened to execute at least one of the
victims on 25 April at 1500LT if the ransom was not paid.
On 25 April the severed head of 68-year-old Canadian
hostage John Ridsdel was found in Patikul town.
Confirming the death, Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau described it as ‘an act of cold-blooded murder’.
On 19 April Newsweek Pakistan reported the army had
secured an area in North Waziristan where kidnap
victims were commonly held. The 86-square-mile area
was known to be a stronghold for terrorist groups; the
successful police operation has led some news reports
to claim an end to the ‘ransom market’ in the area.
In addition to land-based and cross-border kidnappings,
ASG continued to demonstrate its maritime capability by
abducting four Malaysian and four Indonesian
crewmembers from two tugboats on 01 April and 15
April in the border waters of the Philippines and
Malaysia. In response, Malaysia’s Chief Minister closed
the eastern international boundaries to cross-border
trade with the Philippines to prevent more kidnappings.
In south Punjab on 14 April, a police raid targeting
criminals involved in hundreds of kidnap for ransom,
murder and robbery cases resulted in the death of six
police officers. The criminals were part of the notorious
On 21 April the US State Department issued a travel
warning for its citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to
the Sulu Archipelago, and through the southern Sulu
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Incident Management Training Workshops
Incident Management Training Workshops
NYA’s one-day incident management workshops provide intensive training on pre-incident planning and
response. Run by our specialist response consultants, the workshops train individuals with responsibility for their
organisation’s crisis response in how to effectively deal with an incident.
In 2016 NYA will be running workshops on:
•  Kidnap for Ransom & Extortion
•  Crisis Management & Communications
•  Piracy & Kidnap
Agendas vary, but generally include:
An overview of the global risk
An interactive simulated incident exercise
Incident management plan development advice
Specialist legal advice from partner-level contributors
Incident prevention and preparedness guidelines
Testimony from a former kidnap victim
Events are being held in global locations throughout the year:
25 May:
06 September:
Date TBC:
Date TBC:
Paris, France
London, UK
Oslo, Norway
Kidnap for Ransom & Extortion
Crisis Management & Communications
Piracy & Kidnap
Piracy & Kidnap
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Company Information
Information Centre and the Kidnap and Piracy Map
NYA International produces a range of monthly, quarterly and incident-specific situation reports covering both
land-based and maritime security events. These are available via our online Information Centre. You can also
request access to a live, online version of our Kidnap and Piracy Map – an interactive analysis tool containing
open source information on global kidnap and piracy incidents. All are free of charge to approved business
subscribers. Visit:
Bespoke reports
NYA International can produce a range of detailed and bespoke reports according to specific requirements.
These harness NYA’s extensive regional consultant network to provide a timely and accurate assessment of the
security risks affecting people and business operations. To commission a report or discuss your requirements
contact NYA:
Our opinion and advice is given on the basis of the information given to us in our instructions and the
surrounding circumstances known to us to exist at the time when those instructions are given. We do not accept
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information or to the surrounding circumstances may affect the reliability of our opinion and advice but we do
not accept responsibility for that effect. We do not accept responsibility for the outcome of action taken or not
taken as a result of our opinion and advice unless the possibility of that action being taken or not taken is set
out in specific terms in our instructions.
About NYA
NYA International is a leading global risk and crisis management consultancy. Since 1990 we have helped
organisations to maximise opportunities and operate successfully in complex environments around the world.
We help our clients to understand the threats and vulnerabilities to their people, assets and international
operations, improve their resilience and effectively mitigate and manage a wide range of security-related
problems and crises. NYA has one of the largest specialist response teams in the industry and experience of
advising on around 80-100 crisis incidents each year.
Contact us
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Cover image Jalalabad by Schuyler Erle, shared on Flickr:
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