The Tower, 15(3) - ScholarWorks@Arcadia
The Tower, 15(3) - ScholarWorks@Arcadia
Student March Voume XV Nurrbr 1999 WJthtj And Were Beaveown Farce Why the the to Jami Rodriguez Meg Whitman Co-Editor-in-Chief Staff Writer do the Cookie President Monster and Iandman mon time The was to Dining Hall sell to up American Beaver students he organized to and create up and Open needed and decided forces two groups It was decid ed that the show would be held since this dents and or slump Show was Cohan Helene ed to As word shows Professor Mr of truth advertising in Cohan The faculty joined MASH 250 This Farce Cohan for of ship Adam DeBaecke for Co-Editor-in-Chief may once ship only Tower included article an printed of be week The general figures look okay hut where our is and exactly Rccntly ic ic olk Beavr all er ship urtuclp the class school top as Be \i 1w Srh tu 1warded chosen Participating top student in by the high high att 11 hi3h oh Ic selected to 5101 receive nd ill Be 38 bier nay ver Of pr prum students excellence the Scholarship is schools hoping will th ses based choose to anothet participate ye for qi ality replaced who tube AAA are As with AAA has muse continued by travelers English the from Credit are pre guides cards remem Education for trip yor Ic \t us mor in ltd in instead here pru5rarn scholarship on page Money go no to to exchange lou ne ngl It is 5et travelers English currency before uch ucrucan sh helore in the wer ne ci nglau utmayte rrxa lies ill eric urrrrey ii nts as eric ii WuIl lb ave to another ivell as pu 10 Beaver stu must remember ot pro in money that also taken will Other good to alarm be used likely re one also possible for cheques here departing in for the Preview more be spent things remember continued in the that the small clock as England that are camera handling is dci Is as well to Remember Beaver of passp also can couple much stu can more money are the for of cheques currency and so the Center Office conver currency and tip-packs travelers they should College AAA money They eign be can local good England Although or members cheques at acquired sion rates the students Abr ad Office 001 overseas any ber be students members are parents trip at pass there go to to are one dinner fees er studi LA detail illege larshi Study ineent round one night hotel the cheques For those travelers breakfasts entrance at way safer is if Preview accommodations of things mey in turtior fees the budget wards expir um This money vide pare has an aver top all page stolen or lost they can travel No College 19 Next on for $245 Beaver For As offered budget ii that us different entirely boar 01 further in which pud it ti the year Beaver 40 high udy in this un cadcrnr LA icr st of lot received Cotillion continued Beaver Colleges London theatre explained Scholarship the the to 8ui lly ucup ftc year female Study Ii they ii pe wHrriv Study u_ havL not ti ii liii will rId cah ldrship male and id urn 10X iolarship Sch students it ph cho ofkied Sc the he words other In enroll which in college grarns 1998 of dci itu to dir ii tt the to of Enrollment Director Scholarship regard Stiteler Center He Kuch to SPI3 that whose through Lapreziosa Management students the Scholarship have pi iW tt luat iis new of decide has Ii 13cr less purpose qucstl sor receive going what for sor riser money The graduation Beaver Contest from Auditorium that to Mr moved The forth Mark school schol of amount $80000 the London to going continental money awarded from for Education with can weeks of hundred students students receive years $38000 this any decision this one which carry couple three program the College that arship by Beaver years of high in five at study and must be used Abroad that money gocs tuition Center College breakdown general where our The issue of last to administered program The Scholar use the Coia the Programmer Activities England Staff Writer page Report increase the The term three-year students the to Barlow Jesse on airfare so meeting the Chris the included continued an Investigative Scholar RHC In year by festivities the were plenty of tick Some memorable Where Our Moneys Going the the for line and only will receive In year in all compared of limit This were was not necessary there Campus bet 12 hours 45 minutes clubs advisor said about will in its ensure to ticket that for is students to up time more than for ets Hall available tickets In schools was wait to sale few people since Board Executive moving individual the night together ter prior to have for the is it had even by this but says the Residence Council as students actuality have only Hall Dining outraged Cotillion smaller into plan moments and participant of the The scenes scenes the the past there theme and on off to show Neighborhood active an decided came Hillstreet Street Roger staff of lot simply Many members broke to In the past themselves the from the year all explained fun groups themes such cover Blues Sesame for and the sake would Later General HospiLal as want talent Show this Many was not and rehearsed then Rocky classic Horror Picture renamed We it put the drop cult first farce of the did Faculty later Show the Faculty experi students the The very Show Faculty spoof show the that whatever right known been director the been farce faculty frequent create to among time the at infamous The ence Talent would that was popular when stu alike faculty show March early time was past tie the Cotillion inspects between relations February in Jonston decision formal otherwise has one easy was RHC but to deci Cotillion the standing firm behind The spring era an Castle Dr interest peak these in late AH say Landman President to of moved at show type of and was decided It College some way as here end move to The tickets shirt marks night 450 was able not an to Thats Hall Dining Show students foreign were going Tomorrow one at 1980 in originated because of the part that up RHC fanciest dont forget your and com in Talent Faculty integrate that all Show Talent button dress Horror have all were They Faculty Bette Rocky the Show Picture on your Put Hall Dining sion What Has Been Cotillion Moved Where Going on page The Tower ditoria1 I1J1TINOW therefore immature Ann Zanoni Cathryn what decrease Staff Writer Respect Aretha by sung defined not is worthy of high regard Webster Collegiate Edition Respect should taut characteristic However need for they own shock each It be dents of Beaver College certain amount in their each to being However it from is But should not rudeness in for fact be of clarified all all have to people forms of respect are be and foremost should respect yourself respect themselves in shows will Second and included the ers to There This is is Once not enough you have be This is are people Right we and image and repu duction of that hut thats most there for WBVR an is to incredi Channel the let know what Channel have great be can this ignorant the now Beaver community its how understand just ble opportunity strides they is pro- Beaver Communications the and should they rep- do so go and guests your they should and regulations anywhere and realize will with same say should respect as you they will being the However by the few given concept learn with hopefully at that 1620 the valuable lesson of their one is every legit part told that The real prob the that they are think of this discussed is This and technically experiment would It and direction be step think its at and most TVs around not receive This all the well stand But rather this because in have tened to Ive met no more than show with who on Beaver have WBVR yet audience an tee us- actually WBVR Featuring current on-air have if Dis radio the known sta that leans toward well but would of this is Lets What harm yet guaran likely least at friends works it of be as style packthe about and were not professionals tions ten people the best of and these are student produc college been should amateurish the not provide with 2s programming Channel at it easier receive can concern is capa Why programming think tion reputa am dumfounded the three years there quality of WBVR unflattering If room hail one convenient in all one well much they signal community worlds age not Somehow itself both the quality of question on campus tion under- does programming you can radio the College you cant hear because clearer WBVRs you cant get the if you cant get the signal just and problem presents than this in the are campus Channel ble of receiving if clearly signal signal mean that claim often legitimately far to with Every residence they can with possible time to proceed its been have Beaver has access equipment right not broad- Channel through has been issue DJs for why is question they musical basically asking WBVR cast part now and anyones play jazz classical and oldies to My is musical worth taking DJs not included rest offering selections radio tuner ends you but my clock 1600 Others who can turn their dials currently associated understand one day the faces popular the of announce- weeks included flip- added has about here respect Beaver College at This Beaver some twofold on have for here through rotation its Past music this problem their to stylings are on the very weak frequency dont know on theAM dial programming oth to return in get respect of the students are WBVR that the stations treat- any other one gives respect greatly lacking is College about is problem know effort lack of Very is be so day of TV on walking just ment screens pro- a.m and as imate the other foolish at respectful Beaver College as long has acquired concept the included that cam- around be hopefully that the semester on campus are escorted guests too and must be signed-in When they go even by students every between noon to scheduled broadcast well as has had for 1cm make also as escorting guests pus week due soundtrack cam- noticed lobby Channel Hall Taylor organiza Beaver College the semester not up This or advisor the the channels on campus is Communications also is As you may have ping through struggle its product its Video his Deshpande WB\R media station grams hosted the dont you when you go some place all radio but because WBVR is students Professor Shekhar primarily and Deshpande similar battle reputation or tangible Department as visible campus fighting WBVR of respect their guests rules visible pus long person its Yet campus making another is improve not our off is compounded was little others goes is tion who We together accompanied ers petty things that not here live they should When mature everyone to to toilet comment each as easy ones about things In writing of home of respect but of fact told just have to write petty to that ed organization for- To those form of your home and someone or you have entered students fellow oth belongings years you should college goes treat or written not simply maturity just the idea of saying no need defaced sure that in the have my organization Their on campus with treated be to that they are yours belongings thus peoples saying making on and miss and floor characteristics everywhere others others or misusing damaging elses other is that met has not true mouth bad people see what bothers me not reading semester the improving improvements clumps grow up and clean just Campus for respect way you want whether they and respect the timeless Simply add on not for therefore Respecting with along is in belongings less here dignity your are activi represent used for resent these you do not the best friends but While get respect that are treated you with treat lowering to of we both tation yourself after to any respect others to how you care order in Not having return yourself need People to on the live to be to So as all consideration way First We of include behavior have we as Some tissue been has it once said Different for toilet exhibit such you out there deadline think to towards living disrespectful very trash throwing when of the point to can like students leaving shower the in depositing up any respect you want giving when pissing respect for people losing be taken ing hair that or decrease Rudeness that is these are disrespectful ties est amount this second as but these sharing on the hall those to human being increase an of respect the feel are you staff some to media campus our have battle uphill Provided on March this an successful organiiation places they please As others they become forget respect to as are they with areas the resi to due individual of simply respect better that forget real Thus place clarified do they can and students Many lost bath- The Tower at quite fighting become rooms here ten to fail that them one day when someone to have be to going is them it feel the resident of these all We been over the station Well thats exam- not only WELL heard Adam DeBaecke Co-Editor-in-Chief things For but also hallways is though share to share to Within respect no is have rooms world and everything the needs is impor very for V/B \Vith you for important Beaver College at together person puts there students some people there These people respect to given 10th to them around of is has Wot-1G VRT common is the respect is everyone pie here something any It This Merrian Dictionary not is overlook one the by that consider to had two these of respect there respect is Respect consideration as song just Franklin Whats they lose or respect they After forms Opinion of group it try can it and the see do The Tower Staff will respect Co-Editors-in-Chief Adam DeBaecke Jami Rodriguez Assistants-to-the-Editors Joel Meg Robarge Business Latasha What do you think of the new location Managers Goodman Lataha Whitman Kristen Copy Editors Goodman Cathryn Serina Zanoni of the Cotillion Layout/Graphics Ed King sophomore think it should the Castle but they be moved it Its in why not going same without the been have understand the stairs senior Being to Having takes senior have it in it would in the and out sit up and built all Dining Hall it now loses C4MPUS its its have Hall formality REPS SIGN Barlow fodd get tickets. as If junior long as could you want pictures intheCasdewalkupandtakeem Andrew Wieciorkowski Johnson Stan Krcutzer Zanoni Cathryn Advisor Watkins 1-800-234-7007 Brian wwwendlOSSSUmmelOUrSCOm LISTEN dont care Hacker UP ONLINE and significance Tricia Kershner Writers Staff Jesse it the Castle the Dining away some of the elegance like particularly go Lauren Woehr freshman It was do not can my pajamas Ton in liked in to there Eric Foley Irvin Junior Well now watch Goodman Heather Shannon TO WBVR 1620 AM The Tower The would opinions like and do not necessarily Any suggestions to thank comments campus Office of the those of attitudes reflect the to ollegc articles in can The Thwer Relations The Tower The Tower or submissions mail of or be its staff sent via inter- The Tower this these money is dents The $1000 from CEA their explained winners to given take the the opportunity sent ing its freshmen Break Spring London Preview Starting this and half of from cost the CEAs investment ment least Cc to Preview counselors selected wilbe a.nn airfare programming pai..d fOr mnccd This in at the counselors staff to Preview scheduled expenses to i.nciuding EXTRA NC sidO of fruit bear are FOR 99 Blvd spent on the World feel to mean that the ing We talk out am really are number Beavers with trip thcrs tccl Orrie feel ollcg thcsc th students moic rising that mas it Bc to to in students to although intcntions programs arc arc which is he it in physical an.d/or abuse ong .this over arid create be Iluie .. of despai.r and and Fhc good lions may he Beaver .. column Dear .Lane in following helpful to cto the ... oiiege email Dear like this mail Center via inter-campu.s or phys aquestion .Neubaur .Lr i. write p.iea5 of harm exists you would addrecs to your relation- threat Ifyou have or concern emotionally reia.tions the you be about in emotional .. can relationship staying which in getting escalate that yourself for and ical exposure heipl.essness the with per- to will of important very ship of threat seiLestrem fe.eiings is reasons emotional term Such destroy Still and often the course honest of tenSiOn tvie physica.liy Or the committed very not is future the Unless relationship help violence this reiation.ship is violence for prognosis is rela good is you or because alone being for Physical of the rela in this it than better is hut about stressful there harmfu.i. costs rvcr blam son marriage worried It ciumtiffoid It relationship cries the on because tionship It tt 11 about with within Are you really apologized even honest anxious tionship Dear Apprehensive and of if it often Apprehensive not others and always have scary stude.nts fear me as be to do you hold back for will set him off Are you good money used will says rela Tim or for his frustrations and sometimes Study he you able After are counselors should he hit me to things me wards he Program school BHaiHr 00 Dept just who know and London stuffing FIVE Most times he year Some about really example like just two programs feelings For scary to Lapreziosa Scholarship trips tours GROUP or next raged high not mad gets has threatened designed time over these mixed given they is their just he throw things or punch or kick the wall times he couple Beaver program others many about normal $1 is will of to Students II Academy this explained program RUSH there when that feel in this yourself Are you often anxious tionship Are within the relationship for held him about of Do you relationship good love two years lot The problem is health the evaluating your with name real something he gets their that they dozens next semester similar the true that Tim with exposure more of and brightest There $1000 weekly detaIls best so at stay those follow Preview the for are week is send to however students the that to itinerary London of rest the orientation resembling London It meet the London receive their in been involved have counselors to to no guarantee The next the counselors and the they Dear Lane the Beaver will for are they may programs more inclined to recom students leave these If mend Beaver House On Thoresby For and 6547 Hall Knight Preview counselors positively these become starts August and spending Orientation scheduled The envelopes For withSASE to this at ______________________ Earh $500 react program arriving to at tentative London programs program counselors Tuesday program officially for packets lodging and 8th with the the program CUF and Beaver to promote Preview and the CEA London to London where an send the actual intended to August day to experience the Luncheon the selected to plans 1999 August pro on Sunday night to will liege aware its counselors continue to plans for Colleges enroll three counselors London was the The England is to the following the Both begin Lapreziosa designed strengthen col CEA This program believes in itinerary to coming is budget they return Beaver College annually This with program joint London The counselors things the positive Beaver and first is and community lege guidance is dur that The College the program year Beaver school high has the through feels raises about send similar opportunity offering ness grams London to Luncheon the Beaver 1994 Since of better and meals among other until Sunday CEA of health financial shows by The counselors Management more advantage 135 attended Office of Enrollment bill The December past about deducted is Lapreziosa that stu tuition Luncheon Colleges Counselor from page Money Lanr at you not .Piu ewfroftrPage of lots fslm an umbrella drugs ..preseription and motion headache journal medicine sickness There London make so he plans ahead London there there are Hyde Park is Gardens such Theatre explore can prices and Westminster he those as in by history and explored architecture lovers as believers Dont forget well few name to and so do lovers or take stores can book numerous the Globe the to trip Theatre or Stratford-Upon- Avon Oxford University the changing of the sights Food can the connoisseurs lovers many of food English local many of the of drink For life j5 time abroad the students thirst ences for are variet will tiny in do Preview taste the return educational abroad to not is London students studying there uch so and see and one sveek gives at the music There enough see to enjoy clubs with local type.s and pu.hs nigh.t and are guard two other fabulous teal can variety of inter for Literature explore for mar street museums variety of found ests abound varieties all as the Dover and too Warwick just kets be Preview tick purchase such shoppers London as and Kensington to Stores of years lover Canterbury Leeds last for something reasonable castles from see to In Cathedrals can scenes in to of time many parks connoisseurs Various do good For the nature everyone at the like free-time during sights ets and alotto is may it any flecessary of hope that with experi The Tower Fare fr when 80s page rim to id tOri iii iii Ii pro pirttirn ts weri adjut lie liii UI psi many and lessors bet oil if ci ii these thi md idea 90s hi Alti ovei itim ciii ty into contents the vlnt ti ii them wght rnl CAMPUS EVENTh HOTLINE OWINU no If Miii it Be of th final stu Ienh show is run know thai 87 in it nothing h1d Fhe ated among the faculty ccii cv it show as the camaraderie deterio that explained ft laded the faculty very close until acul Ii that ason the Show iwever iuwn illock tumors had thought late Alcohol ollege of ii ur being the was needed thc heard Show what exactly Pollo Sh It that II pas is th DIAL sc on March Friday Auditorium and Admission the excuse to ome Oil took is lice miss itO in 730 at Dr andman nil Sc mt as part oi this for ftIsO teler St there no in the 1982 lacultv ccm 13 Sho treat special good is 4475 THEN it ht dueator Beaver Faculty LCVy iii Fran Drug for en ol Fai and ounselor Cohan is il Iii SLIt mi in the reeled Beas Fl Ii ii laugh CASNO NIGHT rd WI Dnnq Hall id Upper 1999 Lower Levels 3%roi Millol dirt Jlnctr V1k at iii iiii If IP/L1 You Think You Cant Get up to No 110 Card Think Agaiit within No Security Parent Signer Credit No Credit $10000 Job No Income Guaranteed WANT VISA 1111 days Deposit Cluaranteed 1OOOO Approval In Credit MASTERCARD CREDIT CARDS Mail this order form today Ui GACPO want Credit Cards immediately Box Z2O74QHoIlywood FL33022 Name ri Address Master Card1M State City Zip GUARANTEED APPROVAL Signature ________________________ San Sn The Tower Fare fr rn 8s when page ilni id 1L tth ni many and h_ssors ha parttirn ts adjui li wrr pw these bet tli ial iii idea 90s tnd hi them wght UI Alit over tl in ty into contents the vint ul CAMPUS EVEN1 HOTLINE owINc ii MEt that ason BL of shtw tII irnal run know Ienh stu 87 in Ih ated among the faculty ecn it show as the camaraderie dcterio that explained cv nothing h1d thai laded the faculty very close until anl Ii the Show WiVLT rectd Bea llock and Alcohol rumors had thought of ii ur belflg the was Sl iii tI that pas ducator Beaver heard on March Friday Auditorium show and Admission what the excuse exactly Polio is DEAL th took to ome on is lice miss ut in 730 at Dr pm flieR this for teler St special good is 4475 THEN it hL Fran Faculty llege needed en ol Drug for ounselor Cohan late FdLL iuwfl iI cew Iii ft rm thi in IS SL in no andrnan the 1982 id as Faculty atno cm Se Ut Shov treat latigh CASNO NIGHT rd WI Dnnq Hall 1999 Lower Levels Upper %rui ry MIioairt Jntr ri iii iiii Vlk You Think You Cant Get Guaranteed Credit up to No 110 within No Secuilty Job No Income down Card Think Agaiit atds with Parent Signer Credit No Credit $10000 Guaranteed WANT VISA ri IPILI Tired of being turned If fl Credit UmitS days Deposit Quaranteed Approval 1OOOO In Credit MASTERCARD CREDIT CARDS vI Ui Mail this order form today want Credit Cards immediately GACP.O Box Z2O74QHoIlywood FL33022 Name ri Address Master Card1 City Signature State Zip GUARANTEED APPROVAL The Tower GOOD Travel .DoouJeei WEEKLY L.nxwnr Lone.iy INCOME mail procesing national company for .ofyo.use/ Overwhelmed .Jrritabe an/used Sad O. Free suppiies postage No seA log Bonuses Start imme diately Genuine opportu- BkVER can nity fkfl%R COUNSEIING hdp y.oi Please rush Long BollAddressed Stamped Enve reduce CMCO lopeto RO SfreSS build self ext Box 22-0740 and anxiety em take control of your lii Hollywood Florida 33022 Have an EquØstrhu Team We Sarah Dance then GaTher i3.ever The College Team E.questria.n .E1.T twelve Currently there members but the team d.rawing even allowed go team horses of start means many The 1w en..t as member of team .Horse Intercollegiate IHSA .A.ssociation In isa cold coti BCET The vrtiy i.s 1S99 such by show Comrnu.nity km rCc aL1t Kritztovn rca 2e.w .l MM of not have his iLmm rn part shows team coach 04k i/h the or class from page from of our all about complaints Cotillion but the venue truth who wants one have the Beaver is should not nice says will ever mean as the years and the than does as Kuch to better doing any do so to ample space provided event attend to opportunity Mr Moving that is it in is alL the Dining it has it title or in Hall fail show those ond zones at has continued grow to The issue of number of Cotillion on the been now tions table There event wish been Hall to off-campus effort attend in like it Shows the the increased would So heres to traditions have cre was origi be to and the serv only help through viable pay SGO for Since for fees option was upper all this this stu dance was not RHCs budget from the Student Government in turn Organization receives At IHSA to new is do not have horses thec ridden problem involv be the dance classmen which enjoyable horse truth ing the promises the Another option comes to night alcohol making dents The to ARAniark greatly but there also of catering the Not only ing transportation ice few finishing touches with money IS ll team.s in they to Class are is ju.dging not taken unless by the it just as likely who had earn in mount is rider deals with Despite the benefit irom riders walk 2b Walk .A.dvanced Class -Novice Class Novice based into Flat over course of fences at at Interm.ediate Class Intermediate being Open Flat Class Open Fences horse class as more cooperative Flat Fences to Class rider fencesleast height Class height win Trot anter The horses The Trot Canter riding clearly Trot Walk eginner height 3-33 Class9 Class Alumni Flat -Alumni Fences 29 toY qualified second placing go horse or first sec the National to Horse shows their their has Riders hoie where most own most college shows show from different own horse riders horses the school host to provide the must compete ihout heni helure on having Iurse ace -\cc .st choose ii chal difficult to way agaira this the do have Beginner .Ii Class 2a put out behaviors is to i..ust form caused compete more effort one the would need cost flowers fresh larger in the into first be who all than nally anticipated would backdrops go along be to larger teams which This team the team can rider earn Divisions arm very is able are can small costs e.quai on the riders who five the zone to are very regular The draped and are and Intercollegiate that an Moving more trouble it moving all Cotillion off-campus ate time sugges accommodate to to some from moving ranging the Dining has tickets for have Dining limited the Hall there on setu.p Lw only Horse Show riders it as to for the who is rider divi would riders--they horse the account shows one place go on third Elegant promises look be to previous Simply RHC not even will who Riders the of change their fees activities because Just That division one each for team.. show Horse Show the Regional for Cotillion and to There riders move they can for on to the starts The with number of points next division Th good open to week Fall Once Spring certain terms that of having allowing n.ot their team the transport Riders afford to everyone quickly required ten in the year five 00 By .asses ci Jones about e.ither assess nee.d trot are Dee usually are af0 walk lesson per one able fron.i Class have Riders jumping and this ost not afford team designates points own sad held are shows to not be up name to embers from beginner take .horses them riding experience The horse n- enough of sc.hools larger Team CcIrflC the n.ot Riders because part could nci University the in sh..ows schools Valley College The the also is Before each sion riders their u.s.c with Rutgers Dela.ware University LoIn as 1.HSA includes which reg.ior SChOGiS also cannot dles the across peting The c.ountry past riders The show the the up before in the competing Shows association schools in the the There competition warm up on to ft as not are They warmed rnare ram through the rings into sport has had .. riders dom horses which is club .mailhutcompetitive are to assigned quetrian learn member tc ides cc low fence The Tower 10 You Powell Jesse 9.HA Andys Home Video Juvenile My Aint It Silkk Love This Shocker the new Faith Evans lauryn Houston Kelly Make Ups Man DAngelo Price Evans Faith th will Pro hi 10 at nd nMa aain Stit in ii ror Fear keeps grasping for Busia Rhymes Oldie of eerie hack seat will think Janet March twice in The Glamorous Life Cool stated NOne ssas the the at the Evc.n of On I2 1/ II II lVeapon in the is you having best the fel parts when beginning came .Lege.nd to who guess the bit as it its worth time.s at matter n.o say might was it hell Di thai better lot Jo house though at seeig Aii a..nyone ream Iei/i was throughout farfetche.d Ii Naked Gun will car and was hard It killer film tory of sei.y Urban first true You ahout the 11 ircuit San Bennardo low student Jackson reality of your Short hor of the audience reality 4St fear of paranoia wonder what two phones Be Gonna It web by using Roots Whats of JeiiaI 10 to who watch onslaught in Best Sequels was meant is List the couldnt killer movie an always iu at the them traps playin Mar the out everyone es and Student Board hrall freak girl Me You Got Moldy mm to Method The The DAngelo Hotel Whitney Break Ups over The ludang me on and seat who figure out oupl in It kept my of edge leased stars Freddy Kruger guy and Noxema Matters Hill Heartbreak the Rhymes Busta Even Nothing gend It known fac of well It was thriller ag Urban Marsicano Halloween pa Mystikal Like This You Feel Redman If Top Ten Fault Doohttie BrOadway Bruce Kuhfl irhes piayed rOb las Now him see Oi1ig Best story Picture Elizabeth of pohhcs -Lije betrayai is Beautiful -SAViNG andhOie PR VA1E RYAN Love in -Shakespeare Aonemart Red Line -The Thin Best Iirector pedormance crutcscaiied -Roberto rvetIng Benigni Madden -John is Life in STEVEN SPIELBERG striking -JAMES COBURN AFFLICTION Love SAVING PRIVATE Robert RYAN delightfuh -Pdter -Terrence Ed The Truman Weir Show The Thin Malick Supporting Actor Best Beautiful Shakespeare Best Norton .Amerkan .TOM -Nick Beaver Coflege March 10-11 1999 HANKS Nolte -Edward Stiteer Audiltorium SAVING Gods McKellen -lan and $3 students at Love in Shakespeare Thornton Supporting -Brenda RYAN PRIVATE Blethyn Dench -Judi Monsters -Rachel Affliction Norton American Plan Simple Actress COLORS Voices Little Redgrave Love in Shakespeare and Jackie Griffiths Hilary -Lynn History pm Tickets $7 Rush -KATIIY BATES PRIMARY Beautiful is Life Show Bob Best Benigni Action Truman history Actor -Roberto Civil Thr -Geoffrey Red Line Billy -Edward Duvall Flarris Gods and Monsters Hard work by door Tackle NissOn SÆrith really will just isnt cutting it with your problems big smile and everything out turn better than you thought by Beaver Christian Fellowship .. ian pride The Tower Write in who gift certificate dompleted to Contest Hollywood Video The Tower through ballots to The will person win Return your campus mail 1Best Best 1R AGA .N Feb 19 Jan 21 ..Aquarius failed You .m.ay sync this movi.e or Pisces Actor Actress Actor_________________________________ 1Best Actress All es entries couk.i It situ you out of sonne onth If Ness this Years resolution .h as aim Director Supporting take out of little seem month Go and see buy some new for yourself under $50 18est Supporting It yff work Rejuvenate IBest Picture IBest Jan 20 and start ati.ons Phone Number 1Name you must be clouds stood by March Aries 12 1999 Your head its Mar 20 20 to your Compared month you seem but just remember great oak was once that returned Feb friends little that this small every seed little ground Mar may Apr 20 21 be up in the hut For once and .Y to try to tr earth Virgo Aug Sept 23 You know the rule you are failing dive dignitg follow 21 you grou.ndeci stay down he to practical Apr Taurus heIp Oscars categories your votes fo the following selects the most actual Oscar winners .$25 Dec Capricorn what Finish n.u ill rt .ta to .. Sponsored 22 about oun.iy oniy get it let go down M.ay think voui out of Gemini .Iont 21 niore sari .M .ay 22 hat you June pint 21 your physical he.alth the drain as you are so your vitamins and mental to your July heart as 23 where the weekend trip to visit family and friends They miss is you July 24 Aug 23 hcn major just ma Punctuality not be of one this .month your strong poir.ts hut try to meet your deadiine.s It some of your may relieve up tensions Scorpio Oct 24 Nov 22 built comes be surprised if your hack to haunt you your of those buried forever chance to past solve any mysteries Sagittarius Dont come Leo end cant be solved Oct 23 .Lihra Sept 24 Nows June 22 the problem Dont Take eat vegetables Home Make .I.f uture life busily your health here at Beaver Cancer 24 Nov 23 Dec 22 let your relationships under work Exams and go butfriends are get The Tower EveTfl4t Pictures Painting Joto Renderi ug the Be the at no Real aIIcr illeci l$ 4arch throLiCh Fri a1 It Iii flu Sti \lnn.l Suii .-- Beavertown p.m pm tU inger \1.inI Sat v1areh LII1 TVliIh Farce 730 March Fri I1 \l.i P1- .in.- iin .\fl in Stiteler pin pii iI\ aic htk in vas Whkh Writer Staff ethnicities all with filled tions the for not only event from people to thank ehoiee the worlds find you tir clean youd we breathe wa like them to keep all environmental groups are wurkirg ogether look frr us at www.earthshareorg lcadirg how Out Mybe clear isnt The can heLp SPB like The and sang This joyous attracted College group Nw on campus Beaver Gospel Choir and not groups the Maybe was it by one of the smallest 20th danced choirs praises which Gospelrama was held on February Several and loca cultures that wha1e Tli The cle1iint phenomenal considering sponsored 150 people drawing from over was It event The Chat one would you chooser communities Geodman Latasha would Choir One One envirop7rnm like simple /r so czrc way it Coia Campus Chris Activities Programmer ARAmark Public Earth Share and Safety C1ft.iied Christian but backgrounds also united other many the it campus PERSONALS and Adam Jake the parking suck picked love You the only run over back it know one your weave ever the you roomhave ever to new TV in their and past present CRAM IT of future -from To love suites Kel snob are met ever Love the biggest Gary We for Jill see you but hope love you soon and you semi The together we night was wonderful you p.s love Im pregnant Beaver eighties Dam get Homer Win plug cut at We all you something spam sandwich and will you have hope derful time Much word Tasha There tickets Cheap Steve looking for men 2nd Heinz bring good Life your to KHP to and snap get ZAC necks you have less than West two for Thanks great RA Leigh want your tenderizer have secret -Snowflake most of Love Jen seniors--those sessions late are night bang- love my poopy be say- and girl of but friends unlike great what Desirea Hows Bob and sweet funny all my mentor Jamie OK Hows Bob Nicole Who for think made friend and in inspiration dont me most but my your How feel that brightens To Jay you -Raoul are you You today Hope you better Jill GROW UP are write this love ya sun nice real Dear life threats look are Sascha my being sis good importantly poopy-head Sunshine way room on peoples nerves Maturity much To Won Smile Sunshine may be the has loudmouth lots laugh Hi hunny-bunny You around is gets Hello Steve-O head but youre from Dr shout Paper other people MM considered uncouth heres floating Tasha Zoc p.s Your for You fellow class Lourys she has good Thanks Dear 207B ing but to RA your admirer Sean speaking use mentor my big You Eric Pete Terry Mentee could 2nd for my she bye-bye you of ladies Love minutes free Janets Heinz skeleton the best love and Puf Hutch thanks -- down with Congrats get of marry you to is Tasha Continue are wig BONEYARD are cheap are James Huf all Knight Pete Sweet ing quite You people want Too To Carlos when you with here 407 at Kelly two types of leather To Nicole Ray wise there great dinners the of all Julie com guys are the best Brian Phil you Meg and bestest Beaver cafe seals We If you like cupcakes muffins marshmallows call or twinkies If of Billy Joel to Buddy and expensive semester -Leigh Hornyak blonde things the be wait- will Jen muter gang Im tired Dear Wynona love To the lovely scandalous The date please Stan What fat you Omar To the someone roommate the Cotillion at to are many or Quint won- Love Friday is Sandy give for up room 142 to Gazebo the in 100 Dave Jay me Would my on be The Squasher Meet bag of Skittles off starting on the prowl and the RD Please love attack to doing to RA secret red panther Kate Beaver ladies all Adam We ing Julie-Kay Date with come D/T when you hair of Hi Foley 142 Get help soon duty Your The Hallmate are you Sorry you have to act Secret wealth that Dee their up needs lUstIer so To hard stuff and love What do you Hoover Please cross Flanders Mo Kool the sake birthday selling What do you A-bomb cross an be will females spent Mr 2nd West clean Whats sharing rocks know You Pickle dreads From the To Dear Jay with special on the Beaver belated Residence right FM1 South Your Secret few good Do you remember the freshman year Oh thats good Tasha an whatz say The cave Christine The do you get when you cross an ice cream trough and Choir Gospel who you are no one knows to peoples Contest To my meth miss the Nicole dork is look all Ty Happy You to you wanted my all me give Kid with College the you for dont think just Dilworth first door Heinz forgotten 2nd in Kistler wrong unknown Karate series residents all called forgot OK Package tell listening Herman play to Cotillion the To the guys To Ive think Will Munsters you dramatic -Veta enima The You Hope Nice up MJ Lindsay want just Tha Snappa To Phil the you get you Dog coming is -The Old 3rd East Dilworth 69 Dont the best Stay overly did way To Mad mate anyone could too for know what yet on your head Youre To ask way you are By go girl They get glasses tomorrow him about Jessica love Rodney Jamie could Youre and put to Todd You The best roommate Raccoon can Brooke time fine peith your tolerating inconveniences Congratulations Stan sincerely for campus Moe-creature Sam youre my master that entire The my everyday love Steve wants you to say to secret good RA day didnt know what Valencia to Your have you So hello SaschÆ The Tower Kobt This in my is B.randy .foeh .itKA .ræy ... Chaz Clean 99- and stop guys were great an idea lot through was it have should it thought only Hall Kistler it has in it How really step you take move you make every breath you take Five was up here Once umn fan readers mail but col where p.s To my it being the could ever to day To Michelle Thanks and the use of great semester love computer your for you guys len have Please done for everything me for love you sweetie Who asks Confucius does Picasso your make-up Beaver should more sportsmanship and touch out his reach To Lindsay Jess Thanks couldnt best of friends made with it the jump- the semester through to love is pants down sup- to ice swab Ill when love my are on cam- Christine ly trips you gonna package Just you but on man before have want or you the write Inc Park Central AZ visit salaries 207-2620 1850 Phoenix outfit of areas 85077-0924 website their at Hello dont need man time good make you smile with girl no self would it if search college Sascha Technologies 2000 collaborated software agent students and download happy when so in for Nephirtini that alumni free can at .com www.collegecentral confi Inc Network have Corporation you got message be Wanted and on will Central College Jessica graduate To that 900 segments on jobs and 602 at laughed saw thought late- -201 never all for looking hospitality Glacier kid- Mailwoman you You WAWA are love you and details call Im sorry Pip to For night in jobs hotel is more than fill to love Dave that din sweetie the in Brian poopy-head When deliver You summer saw you one Saturday you are 219-7000 Inc Park students bra that 212 call Glacier drunk love Brian PS-Wear online tickets since you saw you Call me youre Book or day trip one-way worldwide destinations cheap you smithfield first or dressing back your deck and Other Keep round $169 Europe cream the coolest is big pants shirts your pus Lindsay the Carribean the Central America Ive loved that eat Cs Mexico went out of style love Tryxi are cash earn Reps Call Inter-Campus trips GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE Dave over hotels Browse 800-327-6013 Sucks Jersey To the guy with that Best ROCKS coats Hawaiian Padre City parties $199 sharp Maisha Bobby you support what year you immatu of your Jami Where it and etc prices not on and 297-0309 Panama Bahamas your and Kathy Mailman Any len bathroom youll get phlegmmy Gary pie The Tower you to Gospel all love Angie Trench is no fee choir New something come to for you The Tower on is SPRINGBREAK BEACHES free Cathy deadline Miami Cancun Jamaica time the to boy show Dont times without you RA Beaver College police concern 215 Rocks letter- PA Township There Daytona the of Creamery application Call Tasha knees let To gave the pondering the crotch Sean you guys love wanted the tough the have that writing your been posed penguin Dear Boubsi Woubsi for being me Kathy One day Kelly jen the in Just have know how much you mean me couldnt have made public Casey and Maureen long you go only it we cant If like just lit- the 30 noon to Center 2877 Solebury Instructor you Rock your a.m Visitor Hollow in on held for waiting the To whomever at you show Why may it and about Chris through bar HelloAdam stop smiling dont wear Youre Jennie tie the Concerned Hallmate greatest Mr Joe still love into Kistler box in you are Honey Dilworth Staff D/T rity you look suit Thanks the at West 1st Shana husband Kobe whom ideas for dropping you its no point Tommy you have anyone Lindsay damn body every My To 2nd West Who Mr To much so Lisa Zyhkeya for Audubon the at Phil excit this 23 March from April who adults he to stu older train March Tuesdays regison-site dig or teach assist March HI Lisa for You guard on you baby will program ing Boy Road Im Kelly to Pete mailed are looking stupid Jami and Tiffany stick and you very much thank Jackie Desk Castle Drew cheated We want and love dedication -To ya you has 5th graders and for me to yourself Choir Thank for ask until Center archaeological dents you says Whoever Carrie friends bestest Security see thee for Buddy you guys lay Joanna Hey tered Leigh me on each to Katie walks horse at your the world have Special Sandy Thanks forward and mean Winona Trey To Jay The Tower reveal Education on what you cant wait like Youre Christy Jen love lady look to Keely and Andy Johnson send me face Your Secret Maureen my HUH say Thanks love Jen Bartender Thank my thank Ill again what can girls coming are read Hollow Environmental Honey you how The Wind-Breaker for Us hall great time Casey Tom him Remember me eye tell fascinated finally the greatest you do to the Cotillion Jessica earlier look -Nicki Alissa Copacabanarainhowphonehoy Geoff RT UNITIES The Tower in message Me From you were Maisha that into pie Fan Club To Jen didnt know Anonymous for- Dehi was when excited clo.nt nd Ri-Ri cant awake great friend guys on one love Zoc fort together you Damn get Admirer Have watching far Youre you it Dear Watchful the gone love to Fifi every be 11 to cutie The Jamaicans Jay Izar 9th Anniversary oxy you from like And CJ cool ivery You all Id and Maisha Sascha are or love down Well Secret best because is the Tasha They ya are know you you but love togo To Lindsay you love dence get DOG BIG on campus everyone watch mean be cos and Im while conven your -Happy ya Maisha may not Kevin Holly thats at HDD Hold moron and light am Really crank to Laurie That red blinking was annoying To team YoV longer Luv start From VER RA at ience BEA Whosever he .Cathryn The world does Conference You to always friend To the Leader SAA Out will To the baseball room dammit ya shout is 13e.eriy YOU Carter Shows ii fl ifl Public Art in Philadelphia from Penn .Pc.nny Erecutive .Bach Baiki.n Director Fairmoun.t is Main Line 610 .Art Din ncr c.a.ii Center 525-0272 Trust ask lOb. its $25 .S Quince City St hiladeiphia Res ervations InfO .2f5 88-679i St .Fea CI ..t Jennifer $1 $5 For From Here to Maturity most Thursdays Fridays Saturdays ..t Fithre MFA April and ge.n eraI .. Friday March Tickets $13 50 seniors information 204-1122 call at p.m Keswick by purchased presents calling Keswicks 24-Hr 215 Theater the Idren 12 and may he Charge The concert $17.5 are ch for under University 2324 1999 730 Lorin Lyle a.dmission stude.nts Acrobats Peking Constantikes tire es internationally acclaimed work.s by 215 Temple Theater M.ontgom.eiy ticket Annual Production showing Ave and Wig presents Illith Company 801 Lancaster .. 199 30p.m The Bryn Mawr Center The shcws can Iance eli Broad and Wig C.Iuhhouse 310 ark Art March ii 1hcater Mask .Wfl March 20 1.99 through free inform.ation ni.ore of the Association Thursday Mawr PA Admission Ior peaker .Bryn to Pinto Concerts or at the the Phone number 572-765 Keswick box office