Issue 26th March 2009
Issue 26th March 2009
Affordable Quality * SECURITY DOORS * INSECT SCREENS * SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone / Fax (09) 432 0209. email - Mobile 027 432 0070 Postal Address - RD 2, Waipu 0582. Mohawks for a Mate Multi coloured Mohawks will be the fashion in Waipu next week. Members of the Waipu Fire Brigade are planning to shave their heads leaving strips down the middle – Mohawk fashion to raise funds for the trust set up for Pauline Scotland, the widow of their comrade Andrew Scotland, killed in a hang glider accident on 10 March, while on holiday in 4XHHQVWRZQKDYLQJMXVWFRPSHWHGDWDQDWLRQDOÀUH ÀJKWHU·VFRPSHWLWLRQ 7KH:DLSX%ULJDGH·VRQO\IHPDOHÀUHÀJKWHU)LRQD Campbell has also vowed to adopt the style on FRQGLWLRQ WKDW KHU PDOH FROOHDJXHV ÀUVW UDLVH RYHU 2,000 for the cause. Waipu Fire Chief Trevor Vaile said the brigade needed something to lift its spirits after the loss of Andrew. Trevor said he would be amongst those adopting the colourful hairstyle. 7KH0RKDZNZHDULQJÀUHPHQDQGÀUHZRPDQZLOOEH carrying sponsorship forms and anyone wishing to support the Mohawks for a Mate fund raising effort should ask for one of these. Donations can also be made to The Pauline Scotland Trust Fund at any branch of the National Bank. PH: 438 9452 34 Albert St Whangarei Div. Shadelite Industry 26 March 2009 “We love you Scotty. We will do our best to look after Pauline and the kids. Rest in peace” Waipu Fire Chief Trevor Vaile at the funeral of Andrew Scotland killed in a hang gliding accident near Queenstown on Tuesday March 10. THE BREAM BAY NEWS IS NOW AVAILABLE ON LINE. Current and back issues of the Bream Bay News are posted on our website address. Tell your friends who have moved away or are planning to move into this area The website address is: The guard of honour as the Waipu Fire Truck carrying Andrew’s casket made its way along Nova Scotia Drive to the Waipu Cemetery. The funeral, held at the Waipu Fire Station on Monday 16 March was the biggest seen in Waipu in recent years. A report from the funeral service is on page 6. TREAT YOURSELF - YOU DESERVE IT Langs Beach 11 Margaret Way Be first to live in this new house. Large open plan living, Entertainers kitchen, 3 1 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 2 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 bedrooms, 2 living areas, 3 bathrooms, double garage, extra parking area - what more could you want? Well this house has amazing views - along the beach and out over Bream Bay. Even the landscaping completed. Plus walkway to beach. Make the most of this special offering . For Sale $895,000 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD MREINZ Bream Bay News Page 2 This Issue: 26 March 2009 EDITORIAL Page 4 ............Letters . Page 6.............A report from the funeral of Andrew Scotland A pity mills and houses aren’t like lego bricks been ongoing. At 2am the sound of the new boiler skateboard ramp could be built for the local kids to disturbs his sleep. practise. 7KHUHLVQRGRXEWLQJWKHPLOORZQHUV·VLQFHULW\LQWKHLU new plant I think Harlin Faoagali and his skateboarding friends ongoing efforts to solve these problems. Everyone are to be congratulated for their initiative in raising this acknowledges the mill provides a number of jobs for Page 9.............Soccer tournaments to put Ruakaka on the issue again and in trying to get something organised. local people and is a generous supporter of both the map I hope a few adults get in behind them and help them Waipu Rugby Club and the local primary schools. Pages 10 .......Bream Bay College page WR DFKLHYH WKHLU JRDO ,W·V GLIÀFXOW , NQRZ WR ÀQG But I do sympathise with these householders. I think Page 11 ..... . Rubbish put out too early causing problems in somewhere suitable. It has to be a place not too out of it is unfair to put these people in a position where they the way so there is enough adult surveillance for the kids feel if they complain they are undermining the mills Ruakaka to be safe and, at the same time, somewhere residents operation and the jobs it provides. are not going to be unduly disturbed. The kids are open It is a town - planning problem really. Someone sometime Page 12 & 13 ....An interview with Jules Flight, former to suggestions. overlooked the basic town - planning premise: heavy principal of Bream Bay College honoured ,KDGQ·WUHDOLVHGKRZXSVHWWKHSHRSOHZKROLYHDURXQG LQGXVWU\DQGUHVLGHQWLDOKRXVLQJGRQ·WPL[ for his work on the Northtec C ouncil. WKH:DLSXWLPEHUPLOOVWLOODUHE\WKHPLOO·VRSHUDWLRQ ,W LV D SLW\ WLPEHU PLOOV DQG KRXVHV DUHQ·W OLNH OHJR I had thought the controversy had died away and apart bricks, which you can just pick up and move around to Page 14 ....... Club reports from the odd incident as the new sawdust and shaving- a more suitable location. Page 14 .........Sport burning boiler is being commissioned, the mill and its I am sure it would be easier for the mill owners to be Page 15...........The team at Radio Waves, the Waipu Radio neighbours were coexisting pretty successfully. RXWLQDÀHOGPLOHVIURPDQ\KRXVHVZKHUHWKH\GRQ·W Apparently this is not the case. Invited to a tour of the have to spend all this money on noise abatement and Station. new plant by the mill owners, the neighbours, mostly constantly worry if the boiler stack is smoking and Page 16 & 17 .....Trades & Services retired people, told how the noise from the mill has likely to blacken the washing hanging on nearby 3DJH&ODVVLÀHGDGYHUWLVLQJ been ongoing for years and had severely impacted on clotheslines. But the mill and its neighbours are stuck their peaceful enjoyment of their homes. with one another. The best everyone can hope for is “I have complained two or three times but I could have some effective mitigation. This needs goodwill and cocomplained 300 times. I have better ways to spend my RSHUDWLRQIURPERWKVLGHVRIWKHIHQFH7KHPLOORZQHUV· retirement years than in complaining all the time”, Jim invitation to the neighbours to tour the plant perhaps Houlbrooke told Northpine Directors Keith Reay and engendered some of this. Bruce Lawson. He said he had built his house while *22 UNITS IN A RANGE OF SIZES *CLEAN, DRY, SAFE rilyn the mill was operating part - time under its previous Ph ( 09 ) 432 1047 Ma *SECURITY FENCED & CODED ENTRY GATE owners. For the past three or more years the noise has *COMPETITIVE RATES * OPEN 7AM - 7PM DAILY *CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN WAIPU BUSINESS AREA Page 7............A tour of the Ruakaka solvent recycling plant Page 8............Neighbours invited to inspect Northpine's Secure, dry storage 24hr monitored security 2**2 modern units 6m x 3m, 3m x 3m, 2m x 3m options Short or long term rental Security fence and gate Household, holiday, y commercial 7 Day Access ( 7am – 7pm ) 50 COVE RD. WAIPU PH/FAX: 09 432 1047 MBL: 021 432 135 WEB: Email: ROLY BROWN CONTRACTING Dynamic Accounting Ltd THE BREAM BAY NEWS is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. • Address :RD 2, Waipu • Ph (09) 432 0209 • Fax: 432 0209 • Mbl: 027 432 0070 • email: Editor: Marilyn Cox Accounts: Tuella Eves Production: Geoff Spencer Advertising design: Karen Gordon Printer : Printcorp . Calling Tradesman and small business owners. Do you need your GST and End of Year accounts done? Then call me Chantelle Murray Phone: 432 1323 Mbl. 027 504 1505 Email: ³KEY TO HOPE SUICIDE PREVENTION OPENING DOORS TO RECOVERY Agricultural Residential Security Retaining Walls Pole Driving Sub Division Cattle Yards Rotary Slashing Phone : ROLY 4320109 or 0274 984385 MARK 025 984386 0508 435 728 CRISIS HELPLINE & RESPONSE TEAM IT’S OK TO ASK FOR HELP If in need call this number or take this notice to a Counsellor, Doctor or Clergyman and Ask for HELP The next publication date of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 9 April Deadline for all copy is Wednesday 1 April at 4pm. 4576132 )'('*# &0)& ),+'$#'!+,(-*/'$ ,#('%+,)#.#'$ '$#'!,(#'/)& (*+&/+*-# #%#,/-#%% (*+" ),+ PH. 432 1130 Grant McLean Stock Agent for Bream Bay All aspects of stock sales including: • dairy beef • bobby calves • store cattle • live export heifers • sheep • pigs • supplying stock for slaughter Also caters for small block holders. Ph 021 7758 48 mbl. 432 8373 Hm. 432 0454 Fax Email: 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 3 Can we please have a skate board park? :HGRQ·WPLQGLILWLVLQ5XDNDNDRULQ:DLSXEXWZH would like a skateboard park to practise on”, said 13 - year - old Harlin Faoagali spokesman for a group of local young skate board enthusiasts. “We keep getting growled out for skateboarding on the footpaths even though we are careful around people,” said Harlin. The boys said they would be happy to share a skateboard park with scooter and BMX riders. ´:HGRQ·WZDQWDQ\WKLQJWRRFRPSOLFDWHGPDLQO\MXVW some ramps,” said Harlin. Erica Poa, whose son Wade is a keen skateboarder, said the boys are constantly being growled at and chased off the footpaths and now tend to gather and skate around the Waipu monuments. She is worried that they will do some damage to these but says there is really nowhere else for them to go. +DUOLQ·VPRWKHU9LRODLVEDFNLQJWKHNLGVDVPXFKDV she can. “Not all kids are into team sports,” she says. Harlin is always asking her to take him up to the Riverside Park in Whangarei to practise on ramps up there. Skate boarders from left: Michael McRae, Hamish Lucas, Ryan Richards, Joshua Gray, Harlin Faoagali, ´%XW,FDQ·WGRWKDWHYHU\GD\µVKHVDLG The group has been talking to Andreas Thirling of the Colin Bonifce, Brook Draper, Wade Faoagali and Ethan Hollis Ruakaka Residents and Ratepayers Association. board park in Waihoihoi Park, Waipu. Reverend Peter The skateboard park was opposed by a resident who Andreas said he thinks it would be great to have Dunn said when the park was originally landscaped a lives on the opposite side of The Braigh and by the skateboard ramps in both Waipu and Ruakaka. bowl was created behind the Opportunity Shop with Waipu Garden Club, which at that time looked after “Then we can organise competitions between the two this in mind. the park. They took their concerns to the Environment towns.” “The intention was to have a concreted area which Court where the judge ruled against the skateboard He asks anyone with ideas about how these could be could be used for a number of activities including park on the grounds of the noise, lighting and visual achieved to contact him via the Ruakaka Ratepayers skateboarding. There would have been a netball hoop effects it would have. new website Viola is and space for skateboarders and BMX riders. “It would have cost us $50,000 to appeal that decision”, also happy to receive calls on the subject. Her number Peter Blanche, who was one of the people behind said Peter Dunn. is: 021 1779 673. this attempt, said what happened “was disgusting The Waipu Lions Club still holds $12,000 raised for Ten years ago an attempt was made to build a skate - actually”. this project. Strong support for Ruakaka Cemetery “I don’t want to be buried at the Waipu Cemetery. They keep playing the bagpipes down there and I wouldn’t get any peace”, Ben Wortelboer, chief campaigner for a cemetery in Ruakaka told the March meeting of the Ruakaka Residents and Ratepayers Association. When asked about this statement by the Bream Bay News, he was quick to say he GRHVQ·WUHDOO\KDYHDQ\WKLQJDJDLQVWEDJSLSHV %HQVDLGKHÀUVWKHDUGWKHEDJSLSHVZKHQKHZDV\HDUVROGDQGOLYLQJLQDWRZQ called Apeldoorn in the Netherlands. “At the end of the war, the liberation army came to that town and there must have been about 50 pipers all dressed up with kilts and these huge big hats and they played in the town square. It was absolutely beautiful. They were so colourful after the war years. It brought tears to my eyes. I have never forgotten it.” But seventy - seven year old Ben has lived in Ruakaka for 41 years and says he would like to be buried there. He collected 180 submissions to the Ruakaka Structure Plan review asking for the cemetery and has handed these over to the Whangarei District Council with a covering letter which stated: “We feel that the cemetery should go back on the plan and be opened for use as soon as possible, ready for myself and others in due course. I dare say there will be a place for a crematorium as well.” Meanwhile Bruce Cann, on whose land the Ruakaka cemetery was earmarked in the original draft of the Ruakaka Structure Plan 2008, has told the Whangarei District Council his family will donate the land if the council meets certain conditions. %UXFHZRQ·WVD\ZKDWWKHVHFRQGLWLRQVDUHDVKHVD\VWKH\DUHQRWVRPHWKLQJWKDW would affect the public. Asked if they had something to do with the proposed Marsden Point railway line, Bruce replied if the railway went ahead it would make the cemetery land (which WKHUDLOURXWHUXQVDORQJVLGHGLIÀFXOWWRIDUPDQGWKHUDLOURXWHZDVDFRQVLGHUDWLRQ ´EXW HYHQ LI WKH UDLOZD\ OLQH GRHVQ·W JR DKHDG DQG WKH RWKHU FRQGLWLRQV ZH DUH asking for are in place, we would consider parting with that land.” He said council staff and councillors know what these conditions are. Unit 5 Marsden Cove Marina, Rauiri Drive, One Tree Point. Ph 459 1231 Bream Bay News Page 4 The grass is always greener Dicalcic fertilisers + Lime a proven mix For all your pasture and agricultural needs Healthy soils, healthy returns LIME • LIMEROCK DICALCIC FERTILISER Gibbons Road, Kaiwaka Ph: 09 431 2407 Mob: 021 453 252 • Email: P 09 4389529 F 09 4304282 E Industrial Parks – Ruakaka – Civil Design & Project Management House Design & Construction Drawings - Tutukaka We provide the following services: Ø Land development Ø Project Management Ø Roading Ø Infrastructure design Ø Building & House Alterations Ø Stability assessment Ø Foundation design Ø Storm water modelling Ø Hydraulic Design Ø Sheds & Farm Development works Please contact us with any enquiries CIVIL STRUCTURAL GEOTECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL 26 March 2009 LETTERS Congratulations to the Waipu Cove Reserve Board for the new toilet block Glenis Rickey Ruakaka Who is telling the truth? The Bream Bay News issue of 12 February published a letter from Councillor deeming in which she wrote: “To date council has prioritised funding for other projects in the Ruakaka area.” ,VRXJKWFRQÀUPDWLRQRIWKHDFFXUDF\RIWKLVVWDWHPHQW The acting Council Secretary of the Whangarei District Council Mr. Adcock replied as follows: ´&RXQFLO GRHV QRW VSHFLÀFDOO\ UDQN DOO SURMHFWV LQ D VSHFLÀF DUHD VR D UHVROXWLRQ RI WKH QDWXUH \RX have requested does not exist. Project priorities and timing are determined within functional areas (e.g: Parks, Wastewater etc.) in relation to the needs of the district as a whole, available funding and input from the community via LTCCP an Annual Plan processes. These schedules are then adjusted within any given period based on additional factors, such as weather events, deterioration in asset performance and change in demand. This process results in a schedule of activity, rather than a formal ‘prioritisation” of projects within a given area.” Who is telling the truth? Councillor Deeming replies Against the Grain, Mangawhai Phone 09 431 4370 Numerous accidents and deaths on Waipu SH1 intersections A copy of a letter sent to the Northern ReJLRQDO 2I¿FH RI WKH 1HZ =HDODQG 7UDQVport Agency. It is with great interest to see that N.Z. Transport Agency is reviewing the speed limit on the Northern side of the Brynderwyns following the death of two Swedish tourists. Our sympathy to the families. A further concern is: the three intersections Turn2IIV·LQWR:DLSXWRZQVKLS :LWKLQWKHÀYH\HDUVZHKDYHOLYHGKHUHSHUPDQHQWO\ there have been numerous accidents and deaths on these intersections. Surely the N.Z. Transport Agency is aware of these incidents. Please avail yourselves of these statistics from the local Fire Brigade, Salvage Company, and St. Johns Ambulance. May I be so bold to suggest that huge green signs are placed as in Dome Valley? 1.Accident Prone Area. 2.Double Yellow Lines. 3.Speed Limit Of 80kph right through and past the Uretiti Beach camp. Surely it is apparent to the employees concerned with road safety that a few simple procedures such as the above may prevent a few more deaths. I am a very concerned resident of Waipu as I travel these intersections frequently and have witnessed so many near misses that it is frightening. Please give this your urgent attention. I apologise to Mr Lewis for my apparently confusing word choice. Taken in full context, my statement conveyed that immediate capital expenditure requirements such as secure water supply and waste water disposal capacity were considered to have greater immediate call SULRULW\RQWKHUDWHSD\HU·VGROODU The many capital projects underway in Bream Bay have Thank you, all been passed by resolution of council at some point Wendy Boyd. but not in a prioritised list. Waipu 0U$GFRFN·VH[SODQDWLRQLVHQWLUHO\DFFXUDWH I would have been happy to discuss this issue personally and as always am available on 09 432 3779 or 027 275 7330. Shelley Deeming Whangarei District Councilor (Bream Bay Ward) Open Wed - Sun 9.30am - 4.30pm The organizers, the Presbyterian Church, deserve a huge ¶WKDQN\RX·IRUSXWWLQJRQWKHUHFHQW0XVLFIHVWSLFQLF in the Waihoihoi park for the community and with no charge. They obviously put a lot of time and effort into ensuring this went off with any hitches – at least none obvious to us locals. Well done! My family attended this event, along with many other locals, and had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. My boys had a fabulous time, one was quoted as saying “This is the best day of his life so far”, they joined in with all that was going. We look forward to attending QH[W\HDU·VHYHQW Through the Bream Bay News letters column I would like to congratulate the Waipu Cove Reserve Board for its building and upkeep of the public changing rooms, toilets and shower block at Waipu Cove. I took part in several sports events based at Waipu Cove this summer and these facilities are always clean and fresh and pleasant to use. In my opinion they are Susan McRae kept in a better condition than the public toilets at the Waipu Whangarei town basin. The murals painted on the outside are bright and colourful. Kawakawa has its Hunderwaser toilets and I think Waipu could make a feature of these toilets. Owen Lewis One Tree Point SOLID WOODEN FURNITURE & GIFTWARE Thanks for the Musicfest THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday, 9 April The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 1 April . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE VERY WELCOME Send them to the Bream Bay News at: 0RXQWÀHOG5G5':DLSX email them to:, fax them to: 432 0209 RU\RXFDQOHDYHWKHPDW%UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHV in the Ruakaka Shopping Centre or at The Thistle in Waipu. Bream Bay News Page 5 26 March 2009 Happy 100th birthday for D¿HVW\OLWWOHODG\ STOCK TAKE CLEARANCE PLYWOOD Buy a RHP5140 Waterblaster And Receive a Ryobi 14.4Volt 2 Speed Impact Drill HARDWOOD $809 9MM 1200 X 2400 (CHI1442K) $39.50 (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Worth $240.00 9MM 1200 X 2400 PINE DD TANALISED $51.70 12MM 1200 X 2400 PINE DD TANALISED RHP5140 $58.00 • 2030psi High Pressure Water Cleaner 17MM 1200 X 2400 PALLET PLY UNTREATED $49.30 • 2300 Watt Induction Motor • High/Low Pressure Lance Stop System TRIBOARD•• Total Variable Pump Pressure 15MM 2733 X $498 340 $8.00 Save $100 REINFORCING MESH RHP4130 665 STD PER SHEET • 1885psi High Pressure Water Cleaner 4.650 X 1.990 X 5.3MM • 2300 Watt Induction Motor $72.60 • High/Low Pressure Lance RM84XP • Total Stop System ECONO MESH D84 PER SHEET PRICES INCLUDE GST ONLY WHILE STOCK LASTS Mary surrounded by some of her many descendents, reading her message from the Queen. On her right is daughter - Ann Howard and on her left another daughter - Mavis Gray, who came from Australia for the occasion Mary Moncrieff thoroughly enjoyed her 100th birthday party held in the lounge at the Ranburn hospital and rest home on the afternoon of Wednesday 18 March. She dressed up a a queen, sang songs, swinging her arms to their rhythms, she opened presents, read birthday cards and greeted members of her family, some of whom had come from Australia to be with her on this occasion. When shown a card sent by Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth 11 she was enraptured. “Is it really?” she asked. Then the whole family went across to the Pizza Barn and she drank a glass of her favourite tipple - brandy and ginger – and ate a slice of a second birthday cake. Mary was born in Portsmouth, England. She left school at the age of 14 and worked LQDODXQGU\ZKHUHVKHPHWKHUÀUVWKXVEDQGZKRPVKHPDUULHGZKHQVKHZDVMXVW 17 and he, 18. “It was a big mistake to marry that young,” she often tells the Ranburn nursing staff. “Our father was in the navy and he drank a lot. He gave her a hard time ”, said daughter Ann Howard. “They divorced and he died at the age of just 52.” “Fiesty is a good word to describe our mother. When we were children we had to tow the line or watch out. Our father was never there for us, so she brought the six RIXVXSRQKHURZQDQGVKHKDGWREHOLNHWKDW(YHQQRZLIVRPHWKLQJLVQ·WTXLWH right she soon lets you know about it. I think sometimes she gives the nursing staff a hard time.” When all her children had grown and left home, Mary took on a job as a laundress for a shipping line. She sailed to America and around the Mediterranean. On one trip she met Gracie Fields and once she met and chatted to the Queen Mother. ,Q0DU\PDUULHG-RKQ0RQFULHIID&KLHI3HWW\2IÀFHULQWKH$XVWUDOLDQ1DY\ She had met him when he was posted in England and they corresponded for several years prior to their decision to marry. ´7KH\ PRYHG WR$XVWUDOLD EXW 0XP FRXOGQ·W VHWWOH WKHUH VR WKH\ FDPH WR 1HZ =HDODQG:KHQVKHZDV\HDU·VROGWKH\PRYHGEDFNWR$XVWUDOLD7KH\WKRXJKW WKHFOLPDWHWKHUHPLJKWEHEHWWHUIRU-RKQ·VKHDOWK+HGLHGMXVWWKUHH\HDUVDJR They were very happy together.” Mary had been living in a rest home in Australia but asked Ann, who lives in Mangawhai, to bring her back to New Zealand. At her party she spoke of how well cared for she is at Ranburn. She still walks unaided and likes to take a ramble to the Waipu shops and back. 0DU\KDVÀYHVXUYLYLQJFKLOGUHQJUDQGFKLOGUHQJUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQDQG great- great - grandchildren, with three more expected this year. Her descendants live in New Zealand, Australia and England. “This little lady, just 4 ft 8 inches tall has certainly made her mark in the world ”, said Ranburn occupational therapist Dorothy Thompson. Phone the Bream Bay News 432 0209 or email: if you know about something interesting happening in Bream Bay $52.90 Corner Sime Rd. & Kepa Rd. Farm and Business Accounts Income Tax, GST, PAYE, FBT, Budgets, Cashflow Forecasts Company Formations Dealer MYOB Accounting Software For a professional and confidential service and a free initial consultation. Call your local Mangawhai Accountant Echo Valley Road, RD2 Kaiwaka Ph & Fax (09) 431 4881 A/h (09) 431 4940 Mobile (027) 611 0616 Email Everyday First Aid Course If someone you know had an accident at home, in the garden RQWKHVSRUWVÀHOGRULQ\RXUFRPPXQLW\²FRXOG\RXKHOS"? Everyday First Aid is a 4-hour course designed for anyone wanting to learn basic First Aid skills and CPR. The next Everyday First Aid Course is scheduled at: St John Bream Bay Ambulance Station 4 Tamingi Street, Ruakaka Saturday 25th April 8:30am – 12:30pm A course fee of $40.00 is payable on course day. To register or for more information Ph: 432 7311 Bream Bay News Page 6 26 March 2009 #" WEED CONTROL An awesome send off for Scotty The funeral of Andrew Michael Scotland, held at the VWDWLRQRIÀFHUEXWLWZDVKLVFKRLFHWRVWD\DWWKHVKDUS Waipu Fire Station on Monday 16 March was the end.” biggest seen in Waipu in recent years. “Everyone enjoyed working alongside Scotty. He was People of all ages crowded the courtyard to hear the DOZD\V LQYROYHG LQ RUJDQLVLQJ WKLQJV OLNH WKH NLGV· HXORJLHVVSRNHQE\$QGUHZ·VIULHQGVIDPLO\PHPEHUV Christmas parties. He would go down the water slide and workmates and the broad shoulders of more than with the kids.” RQHRIKLVÀUHEULJDGHFRPUDGHVZHUHVKDNLQJDV)LUH Trevor said the station had a ‘stuff up award’ and Scotty Chief Trevor Vaile told how Scotty, as he was known was always trying to pin this on him. at the brigade, was a dedicated family man, the best ´+HZDVDOZD\VDSUDQNVWHU2QFHRQDÀUHEULJDGHWULS PDWH DQG FRQÀGDQW RI DOO RI WKHP DQG DQ LQFRUULJLEOH Edith (The Reverend Edith McCarthy) happened to be prankster. RQWKHVDPHÁLJKW6KHZDVLQDZKHHOFKDLUDQG6FRWW\ Andrew, a member of the Waipu Fire Brigade for ZDV WKH ÀUVW WR MXPS XS DQG RIIHU WR SXVK KHU XS WKH 10 years, a builder in the partnership Malone and ramp to the boarding lounge. He was giving her all sorts Scotland and a married man with three children (with of cheek, something about who was in control. Edith All Inquiries Welcome a fourth child due this year) was killed along with an was giving it to him back and Scotty turned around and instructor, 27 year old Gerardo Bean of Argentina, in let the chair roll back down the ramp. He ran down and a hang glider accident at the foot of the Remarkables caught it at the other end, of course.” 30+ 27 Years Experience near Queenstown on Tuesday March 10. He had been Trevor told the crowd that a trust fund had been set up All types of Agricultural Spraying Undertaken in Queenstown competing in a Fire Brigade waterways and donations could be made at the National Bank to competition. the Pauline Scotland Trust Fund. ! The Reverend Edith McCarthy told how Andrew had Trevor concluded, “Scotty we love you. We will look been born in Whangarei on 29 May 1974 and moved after Pauline and the children as best we can. Rest in to Waipu with his parents Gwyneth and Dick and his peace.” three elder siblings: Alison, Ian and Dave when he was Steve Malone said 11 years ago he had gone into a a pre schooler. 50/50 building partnership with Andrew. He attended Waipu Playcentre, Waipu Primary and “He was a garrulous, brash smarty pants and over the Bream Bay College for two years and then went on to \HDUV KH HYROYHG DV D EXWWHUÁ\ IURP D FRFRRQ LQWR D )'('*# &0)& St. Pauls Collegiate in Hamilton. He married Pauline in JDUUXORXV EUDVK VPDUW\ SDQWV <RX FRXOGQ·W FKDQJH ),+'$#'!+,(-*/'$ 2005. Pauline and Andrew had one child – three year old him.” ,#('%+,)#.#'$ Aydan (with a second expected) and Andrew had two '$#'!,(#'/)& (*+&/+*-# children Olivia and Blake from an earlier relationship. 6WHYHUHFDOOHGKRZRQWKHÀUVWGD\RIWKHLUSDUWQHUVKLS he had agreed to pick Andrew up at 7.30am sharp. #%#,/-#%% (*+" He had represented Northland in a national hockey “I sat outside pushing the horn and eventually he came competition and in later years had taken up playing golf running out rubbing his eyes and jumped into the truck. ),+ DQGDOVRHQMR\HGVXUÀQJÀVKLQJDQGGLYLQJ We were just leaving when he shouted ‘whoa whoa PH. 432 1130 “He knew how to live,” said Edith ZKRD·/LWWOH%ODNH$QGUHZ·VROGHVWVRQZDVRQWKH She told how Andrew liked helping people, “particularly steps and he jumped out and gave him a kiss good bye. old ladies” and her voice faltered as she remembered That was Scotty.” how Andrew had often helped her. Steve said he and Scotty had operated a swear tin. Trevor Andrews, the New Zealand Fire Service Regional ´, GRQ·W VZHDU PXFK , MXVW VD\ WKLQJV OLNH Golly Commander, read a letter of condolence from Dame and Blimmen. Scotty said that Golly was a racially Margaret Bazley, Chairwoman of the New Zealand Fire insensitive remark and thatt Blimmen was a Sudanese Service Commission. word for the groin area.” +HVDLG$QGUHZKDGEHHQD´ÀQHÀUHPDQ:HFDQOLWWOH “We would turn up to jobs and people would think we afford to lose such a person.” were father and son. I would say, “If he was my son I (OUR\7KRPVRQDIULHQGIURP$QGUHZ·VVFKRROGD\VLQ would have put poison on his weetbix and Scotty would Hamilton, recalled how Andrew was “crazy about kids. say, “If he was my father I would have eaten those He would be the one out there playing with the kids. poisoned weetbix and asked for more.” +HZRXOGEHWKHLQVWLJDWRURIDOOWKHZDWHUÀJKWVDQGKH “He was so proud of his own father and his own family. would end up the one who was the wettest.” His brother Dave was the best dairy farmer in the South ´+HZDVHYHU\RQH·VEHVWPDWH+HKDGPHPRU\LVVXH Island, his sister Alison was the best dairy farmer in when it came to exam time but he could remember the the North Island and Ian was the best cabinetmaker in important things in your life and would ask you about Northland. them.” “Thank you Gwyneth and Dick for bringing him up and “He loved to have a good time. During our school days IRUQRWSRLVRQLQJKLVZHHWEL[+HZDVDÀQHJX\DQG 9.30 - 11.30AM he was a keen surfer and was a legend diver. He could Pauline, you were the light of his life.” Every Tuesday DOZD\VEHUHOLHGRQIRUDIHHGRIFUD\ÀVKµ Firemen and women and emergency service workers during the school term Waipu Fire Chief Trevor Vaile thanked everyone for formed two long lines on both sides of Nova Scotia At the Bream Bay Community Trust coming. GULYHLQDJXDUGRIKRQRXUDVWKHFDVNHWZLWK6FRWW\·V Takutai Place, Ruakaka “This is an awesome send of for Scotty.” \HOORZ ÀUHPDQ·V KHOPHW RQ WRS PDGH LWV ZD\ RQ WKH He said Scotty was a very competent driver and GHFNRIWKH:DLSX)LUH%ULJDGHÀUHWUXFNWRWKH:DLSX Contacts: Helen - 433 0145 ´HYHU\RQHZDVFRQÀGHQWDERXWULGLQJRQWKHÀUHWUXFN cemetery. or Sue at the Community Support Trust - 432 7197 with him. “I tried to convince him to rise up the ranks to be a 4576132 BREAM BAY MUSIC AND PLAY 7>«ÕÊ /ià /i``ÞÊ i>Àà °Ê°Ê°Ê>`ÊÕV ÕV ÊÊÀi The Centre Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm / iÊ iÌÀi "«i\ÊÀÊ Sat: 9am - 1pm >x«Ê ->ÌÊ>£« /-/ " 7*1 * iÉ>Ý äÊ{ÎÓÊääÇÈ iÜÊ<i>>`Ê*ÃÌÊ iÌÀi WAIPU OPPORTUNITY SHOP Clothing - Books - Household Goods Hours: 10am to 4pm Mon-Fri Old House, Waipu, Next to the Monuments 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 7 A tour around the new Ruakaka solvent recycling plant 09 433 0081 or 027 433 0083 The team at the new Ruakaka solvent recycling plant: from left: Eddie Henderson, over from America to oversee the installation and commissioning of the new still, Brook Smith ( Brian’s son, trainee operator and delivery truck driver), Plant Manager Peter McCartain, Brian Smith, the plant owner and Ismail Lamin, who Brian has employed as a consultant to train him and his staff in the operation of the new plant. Ismail works for a company called Medichem Waste. Behind them is the Roto Max 90, the new $750,000 solvent recovery still. 7KHÀUVWWUXFNORDGRIGUXPVRIUHF\FOHGSURGXFWOHIWWKHQHZ5XDNDNDVROYHQW cleaning plant on Thursday 12 March. Brian Smith, who already runs a composting operation on the site located behind the truck fuel and weigh station on Marsden Point Rd., has invested $750,000 in a big shinny computer controlled solvent cleaning still. ´,W·VD5RWR0D[µLQIRUPVWKHSRQ\WDLOHG(GGLH+HQGHUVRQZKRLVKHUHIURP Charlotte in North Carolina on behalf of a company called Daetwyler to install and commission the machine. Eddie says this is one of only two machines of its size in the world. He invites me to climb up the ladder to inspect the ink – a black mass at the bottom of the still. This has been extracted from the solvent which is now contained in drums loaded on a truck in readiness to return to where it came from – the Huhtamaki package making printing press in New Lynn. ´,W·VFKHDSHUIRUWKHPWRJHWPHWRFOHDQWKHXVHGVROYHQWWKHQLWLVWREX\QHZVWXII and then have to pay to dispose of the old,” said Brian. Solvent is used to wash down the metal plates used in the printing process. Brian said he had secured a number of contracts before he made the investment. “This machine was made in Germany where they over engineer everything. Yes 0D·DPLWLVDQH[WUHPHO\VDIHPDFKLQHµVD\V(GGLH +HH[SODLQVWKDWDOWKRXJKWKHLQÁDPPDEOHVROYHQWLVKHDWHGWRDKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHLQ the distilling process, this is done in a vacuum with all the oxygen taken out. He says the machine has automatic cut off mechanisms if anything goes awry. Brian said the new plant will employ four people.” He had already ordered the new plant prior to the economic recession taking its grip. He feels he has a bargain as he purchased the plant when the New Zealand was dollar worth 86cents (as against the American and dollar) now it is worth just 50 cents. Brian with the touch screen control panel for the plant. Section Maintenance Lawn-Mowing Hedge Trimming CUT THIS ADD OUT Weed-eating Section Clearing AND RECEIVE Spraying YOUR 1ST LAWN Landscaping CUT AT ONLY $20 !!! Great Rates Up to 800m2 section Bream Bay News Page 8 26 March 2009 Neighbours invited to inspect Northpine’s new plant Northpine director Keith Reay (left) explains the new boiler’s operation to some of the mill’s neighbours. The directors of the Waipu timber mill Northpine invited WKHLUQHLJKERXUVLQIRUDWRXURIWKHPLOO·VQHZERLOHU and kiln drying plant last Wednesday and heard about how the noise and smoke from the plant was affecting the lives of those people living nearby. Ron Moon, a resident of South Rd. asked “Is the black smoke ever going to stop?” He said the commissioning period for the new boiler had gone on for three months now and he wondered if the operators were ever going to get it working properly. Northpine director Bruce Larson said the tuning of the boiler was taking longer than he had expected, however, an engineer who had helped with its installation had said it could take up to six months to get a boiler operating properly. Steve Goldpine, who represents the Waipu Residents and Ratepayers on the Northpine Community Liaison Committee, said if people saw smoke coming out of the boiler chimney they should ring up and report the incident noting the time it occurred. This could then be compared with readings taken from instruments on the boiler stack, which would help to work out what the problem was. Northpine director Keith Reay said it was sometimes hard to distinguish smoke from steam. “ I was driving up the other day and thought the stack was smoking but when I got here I saw it was steam.” Nathan Jacoby, the kiln manager, assured the residents that the mill directors were doing everything they could to get the boiler burning cleanly. He said, “Bruce (Larsen) is telling me all the time, we have to get this working properly.” Nathan said he was ZHOODZDUHWKDWWKHIXWXUHRIKLVDQGDOOKLVPDWHV·ZKR work at the mill jobs depended on the boiler running cleanly. Jim Houlbrooke (a resident of South Rd.) said the mill RZQHUVVKRXOGQ·WWDNHWRRPXFKQRWLFHRIWKHQXPEHU of complaints they received. “I have rung up two or three times but I could have rung up 300 times. I have better things to do than complaining all the time. I have been given assurances things are going to get better but this has been going on for two or three years, not just since the new plant started up. “There is not just one noise that is a problem. There are IRXURUÀYHGLIIHUHQWQRLVHVDQGZKDWXSVHWVRQHSHUVRQ might not affect another as badly. Hear that noise in the ERLOHUURRPDWWKHPRPHQW:KHQLW·VFRPLQJWKURXJK \RXU SLOORZ DW DP LQ WKH PRUQLQJ WKDW·V QRW QLFH , GRQ·W VHH ZK\ ZH VKRXOG KDYH WR VXIIHU DOO WKLV :H were here before the mill. $OORXUYLVLWRUVDVN¶:KDW·VWKDWQRLVH"·,IZHZDQWHG WR VHOO RXU KRXVH WRGD\ ZH ZRXOGQ·W EH DEOH WR$Q\ prospective buyer would get back in his car and drive away as soon as he heard the noise.” Bruce Hayes who has lived in South Rd. for the past six years with his wife Doreen said, “We came up here from Auckland to get away from the QRLVH,WZDVDOOULJKWIRUWKHÀUVWFRXSOHRI\HDUV:H like to sit out on our deck for our lunch and afternoon WHDEXWQRZZHFDQ·WGRWKLV,WLVMXVWWRRQRLV\µ Mr. Reay said it was hard for the mill operators to know what noises were annoying people. He offered to visit UHVLGHQWV·KRPHVWRWU\WRZRUNRXWZKDWWKHVHDUH 5RVHPDU\ 1HDYH FKDLUZRPDQ RI 1RUWKSLQH·V Community Liaison Committee, said she was concerned WRVHHWKDWWKHUHVLGHQWV·FRQFHUQVDUHEHLQJIROORZHGXS and that everything possible was being done to mitigate the problems. She said she believes that “things will get better.” 0U5HD\VKRZHGWKHPLOO·VYLVLWRUVDWKLFNGRRUZLWK a double metal layer incorporated into concrete, which will be installed at the western side of the boiler room this week in an attempt to deaden the noise coming from the boiler. 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 9 Soccer tournaments - a way to put Ruakaka on the map Phone/Fax (09) 433 0400 Cnr. of Simes & Marsden Point Roads, Ruakaka CHECK OUT OUR GREAT SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR IMPORTANT JOBS Concrete saws • Generator s Compressor s • Mower s • Roller s • Digger s Water Blaster s • Trailer s: We’ve got it all ! HOURS: 7.30am - 5.30pm Mon to Fri. 8am till noon Sat. Plans for a deck and terrace seating at the Ruakaka Recreation Centre This Saturday, 28 March, Bream Bay United soccer club will be hosting The inaugural Kiwi Sheds Bream Bay Cup with under 12 year old teams from Kerikeri, Marist, Dargaville and ROSA (Rodney and surrounding areas) invited to take part. Michele Ahern, whose husband Andrew is English “and mad about soccer”, sees soccer tournaments as a way of “putting Bream Bay on the map.” “Last winter half the junior soccer games and tournaments in Whangarei were called off because of the state of the grounds after heavy rain. Our grounds are on sand and stay in relatively good condition through the winter”, she said. Michele, a former conference organiser, last week was busy arranging catering, a sausage sizzle, a coffee van etc. to be at the grounds. She was anxious to put on a good welcome so the visiting teams will be keen to come back. She said if soccer tournaments at Ruakaka become a regular occurrence then there will be a big spin off for local businesses. Meanwhile the club has had plans drawn up for a deck and terrace seats to be added WRWKHHDVWHUQVLGHRIWKH5XDNDND5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWUHDORQJVLGHWKHVRFFHUÀHOGV 0LNH6ZRUGVWKHFOXE·V3UHVLGHQW6HFUHWDU\VDLG´:HEHOLHYHWKDWLWZLOOWUDQVIRUP the Recreation Centre into a really good venue. We think that we are ideally located to host tournaments with teams coming upfrom Auckland and down from the north. It will also make the place a possible venue for weddings”. 7KLV 6DWXUGD\·V JDPHV EHJLQ DW DP DQG DUH H[SHFWHG WR ÀQLVK HDUO\ LQ WKH afternoon. Phone the Bream Bay News 432 0209 or email: if you know about something interesting happening in Bream Bay SPECIALS & PRIZES Ivanov Vodka 1 Litre - $28.99 Vodka Fuse 12 bottles - $19.99. Go into draw to win XBox 360 Diesel, Bourbon & Cola 8%. 6 pack cans - $9.99 Tui 15 bottles - $19.99 Win cash in some packs. !" # $! 18 Latest gaming machines We sell ice 6US`^OPSLZ[VJRZSHZ[ Phone 432 7874 % & ($' !$ 18 latest gaming with Jackpots! Live Band machines See sport & with racingjackpots on the big 2 metre (from 14 Auckland) See Super on the big 2 metre screen Friday 3 cold April Come and enjoy a drink in our garden screen bar. Come enjoy a cool drink in 18 latestand gaming machines with jackpots our garden bar DNA See Super 14 on the big 2 metre screen.COACH FREE COURTESY $#$% THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS FREE COURTESY COACH AND SATURDAYS THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS #"!$% !% " !# Bream Bay News Page 10 26 March 2009 BREAM BAY COLLEGE available for Peter Snell Road, P.O Box 111, Ruakaka NZ Phone 09 432 8226, Fax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SCULPTURES FROM THE LOCAL LANDSCAPE F' ',2 -! +! 9 ,'"(++- ,-.'-, ! (0' -( H.$$ ,-.+2 -( ., -!"+ %(% %',) , "',)"+-"('(+-!"+,,,,&'-, !"+ )+(#-, /+" +(& -"&8, ,.%)-.+, -( " "-% )!(-( +)!2-(%',)+0"' %-!(. !-!0-!+0, "-7$%-!,-.'-,&-!&(,-(-!2)+(."' Rose Taylor at the water’s edge studiously threading her artwork together while Maihi gets in touch with nature collecting reeds for his sculpture. 26 March 2009 Waipu Primary holds a St. Patrick’s disco Bream Bay News Page 11 Discovering the hidden treasures of Northland This month we feature our tours to the Poor Knights Islands and Opera in the Garden. “But,” I hear you exclaim, “how can such well-known events be hidden treasures?” Let us explain startLQJÀUVWRIDOOZLWKWKH3RRU.QLJKWV None of our party of ten had been to the Poor Knights Islands before. The ,VODQGV· UXJJHG EHDXW\ DQG KLWKHUWR hidden delights were something we will always remember. Never before in New Zealand have we seen water so dark blue-purple as it was on that day. 7KH VQRUNHOLQJ ZDV WUXO\ PDJQLÀFHQW UHYHDOLQJ FRORXUIXO ÀVK DQG SODQW OLIH through crystal-clear waters. We are sure that with diving equipment there Wendy and Graham Hawkes who operate Skylark Tours from One Tree Point. This regular feature will highlight some of the joys and sometimes hidden treasures of Northland, discovered on recent tours. would be many more secrets to be revealed. The Poor Knights also boast the largest sea cave in the world, the Rikoriko cave and a hole in the rock (pictured below) which rivals its more famous counterpart in the Bay of Islands – and this right on our back doorstep. The trip from Tutukaka wharf, although rocky due to the swell on the day, was well worth the fast 40-minute trip to ensure that we had plenty of time to see the sights out at the islands. There was lots of green hair. green T shirts and dresses, some green beards and even DSDLURIJUHHQIHHWDW:DLSX3ULPDU\·V6W3DWULFN·VGLVFRKHOGLQWKH&RURQDWLRQ+DOO on Friday 20 March. Pictured from left: Emma Wickham (10 years), Gemma Lucas (9), Grace McLean - 10, Ashney Were - 10, Courtney Were - 8, Fynn Alan Cook 2SHUDLQWKH*DUGHQZDVDQRWKHUÀUVWIRUDOO Coming up we have a Wine, Chocolate and Ka-10 disguised as a leprechaun and Bryden Were - 6. Fynn won prize for the best RI RXU SDVVHQJHUV 7KLV \HDU·V IHDWXUH DUWLVW leidoscopes tour to Kerikeri on 25 March, a swim was Hayden Tee, a world-renowned musical with dolphins at Paihia on 1 April and a real highcostume. Rubbish left out on Sunday strewn around the streets before collection day theatre and cabaret artist from Maungaturoto. light, Dame Malvina Major’s concert at Forum Supported by the Opera North chorus who North on 15 April. We also feature in April a Glass DGHTXDWHO\HQWHUWDLQHGXVLQWKHÀUVWKDOIWKLV crafts tour which includes glass-blowing, glass show is now on our annual tour itinerary. It bead making, glass fusion and jewellery handis held in the grounds of Rick and Joan Ken- FUDIWHGIURPWKHÀQHVW0XUDQRJODVVIURP9HQLFH QDZD\·V DYRFDGR RUFKDUG ZKLFK LQ LWVHOI LV Please note that our priority access to Dame a hidden treasure of Northland. An estimated Malvina’s concert has now lapsed and acceptance 1,000 people enjoyed a great afternoon in the for this tour will be subject to ticket availability. sun with wine, music and food. Things get a bit messy on Monday mornings in the residential streets alongside Skylark Tours operate a travel club which provides members with Ruakaka Beach. Many beachside property owners live at Ruakaka during the weekends returning to updates of forthcoming tours plus a monthly members’ draw for jobs in Auckland during the week. Others rent their beach houses out for weekend a $25 tour voucher. Membership is free. Ph.432 8065 holidays. When these weekenders head home on Sunday evening,some leave bags of rubbish on the kerbside. The Ruakaka domestic rubbish collection used to be done on Mondays but for the past few years has been carried out on Tuesday, giving the black - backed gulls and FUNERAL DIRECTORS other scavengers plenty of time to rip open the rubbish bags to get at any food scraps SERVING NORTHLAND SINCE 1944 inside. This is a problem common in many seaside communities. The Thames Coromandel District Council has recently passed a by - law prohibiting rubbish being put out prior to the day it is collected. Offenders will be issued with infringement notices and, in the worst cases, will be charged with illegal dumping. 0DUN(EUH\WKLVFRXQFLO·VFRPPXQLFDWLRQVPDQDJHUVDLG´:HKDGDELWRIVWLFN from a business which looks after beachside properties for absent owners. However we have suggested that this group provide some kind of rubbish disposal service for Chapel and Reception facilities • LWVFOLHQWV:HWU\WRÀQGVROXWLRQVDQGQRWWREHWRRSXQLWLYHµ Off street parking • Pre-arrangement and pre-payment options available • The Kaipara District Council provides communities throughout its district with Caring, experienced and qualified staff • kitset rubbish cages for householders to put their rubbish bags out in. However, Covering all areas north of Auckland • this is creating a new problem in holiday areas, as people are dumping all kinds of rubbish in those cages. -RKQ/DQJVIRUGWKH:KDQJDUHL'LVWULFW&RXQFLO·VVROLGZDVWHHQJLQHHUVDLG´7KH 199 Kamo Road, Whangarei. freephone: 0800 667747 SUREOHPUHDOO\QHHGVVRPHFRPPXQLW\LQJHQXLW\WRÀQGDVROXWLRQWKDWÀWVµ +HVDLGµ,FDQRQO\RIIHUDFRXSOHRIVXJJHVWLRQV7KHÀUVWLVWRSXWUXEELVKEDJV out inside some type of bin to keep birds and dogs away (the problem here is bin retrieval). Another method commonly used in some rural areas (other than Whangarei Sunday Services to date) is to hang the rubbish bags in some way. Its not pretty, but it is effective and better than strewn rubbish. Some use posts with hooks for the bags, or platforms, or Ruakaka*HTLSSPH(]LHT XVHZKDW·VDOUHDG\DYDLODEOHORFDOO\WUHHVDQGSRZHUSROHV,GRQ·WWKLQNWKHUHLVD Waipu;OL*LU[YL>HPW\HT single simple solution.” PrayersWT Morris & Morris Ltd 09 437 5799 Waipu Presbyterian Parish Playcentre garage sale postphoned The Waipu Playcentre has put off its garage sale until the spring. The playcentre was planning a garage sale and 50th birthday celebration for Saturday 4 April but has decided to put this off until 26 September. Playcentre parent Angela Stolwerk said that Scotty (Andrew Scotland) and his wife Pauline were very involved parents at playcentre and the group was still reeling from the shock of his accidental death. “Also, as we discovered this was our 50th anniversary we decided to do something a bit bigger and if we leave it until September we will have more time to get organised,” Angela said. Mainly Music - Sharon Smith - 432 1050 Toy Library - Julie Malone - 432 0388 Contacts Church Hall Hireage - Honor McAulay - 432 0322 9L]7L[LY+\UU Counselling - Anglican Care Trust - 437 6397 432 0534 Family Welfare & Foodbank: *O\YJO6MÄ JL Co-ordinator - Helen Matheson - 432 0239 Cally James - 432 1536 Budgeting Advice - Bruce Matheson - 432 0239 The Crossroads TrustÄUHUJPHSZ\WWVY[(UU,]HUZ or email Working within your Community - for your Community ^^^^HPW\WYLZI`[LYPHUJO\YJOVYNUa Bream Bay News Page 12 26 March 2009 Former Bream Bay College principal and One Tree Point resident Jules Flight is honoured for his work on the council of Northtec While a number of Bream Bay residents received rationalize.” JUDGXDWLRQFHUWLÀFDWHVDWDFHUHPRQ\DW1RUWKWHF²WKH Some staff were made redundant. Northland Polytechnic last month, one One Tree Point ´$W ÀUVW LW ORRNHG OLNH DURXQG VWDII man received a special honour for the 12 years he put in would lose there jobs but in the end it was as a member of the Northtec Council, which included 6 just 20. Some people saw the writing on years from 2000 - 2006 at its helm as chairman. the wall and took redundancy.” Jules Flight, a former principal of Bream Bay College Jules and his council then got down to (from 1989 -1996), received the inaugural “Institutional work making the case for a $7 million Medal” from the polytech. government loan to then Minister of “This award is a symbol of our appreciation for the Finance Michael Cullen. This has now VROLG IRXQGDWLRQ WKDW WKLV \HDU·V UHFLSLHQW ODLG IRU largely been capitalised and last year NorthTec to allow us to grow, and move on from what Northtec gained a $3.5 million government many will know, were some very tough times back in grant for a new trades training centre. µ VDLG 1RUWKWHF·V &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 7HUU\ %DUQHWW Is it important that Northland have its as he announced the award. own tertiary institution? The council chair position is a ministerial appointment ´<RXFDQ·WH[SHFWHYHU\ERG\WRWUDYHORU and Jules was appointed for three consecutive two - year live in the city or to do it by correspondence WHUPVÀUVWE\1DWLRQDO3DUW\0LQLVWHU/RFNZRRG6PLWK and its always better if its your own thing and then by Labour Party Ministers of Education Trevor rather that an institution from outside Mallard and Steve Mahary. In fact he is the only person coming in to do it for you. in New Zealand to have spent three terms as chairman ´ 3HRSOH FDQ·W DQG GRQ·W ZDQW WR OHDYH of a polytechnic council. A rule that councillors only home in their 30s and 40s. If you believe serve two terms was bought in shortly after his third learning is a lifetime thing, then it is appointment. . important to offer opportunities for this So what happened back in 2002 and how did Northtec locally climb out of this hole? He remembers a nursing course the -XOHVZLWKWKHPHGDODQGFHUWL¿FDWHKHZDVSUHVHQWHGZLWKLQUHF“It was to do with the way the polytechnics were being polytechnic ran in Kaitaia with Maori ognition of his 12 years work on the Northtec Council funded. Other regional polytechnics in Wairarapa, women all over 30. Wanganui and Taranaki went under at this time”, said “Every one of them passed. It was hugely successful.” College, a job he held for seven years. The Tomorrows Jules Jules said he gained a lot of satisfaction seeing Bream Schools programme had just been introduced which “Also we were trying to do too many things for too Bay people he knew, “and not just young people” at gave schools more autonomy and with this more many people. We had to cut out a lot of courses. There Northtec graduation ceremonies. administrative responsibilities. was quite a lot of duplication. One area would be doing Jules and Judy his wife moved to Ruakaka 20 years ´:HZHUHJLYHQDORWPRUHPRQH\EXWZHGLGQ·WUHDOLVHDW something that other areas were also doing. We had to ago when he was appointed Principal of Bream Bay ÀUVWWKDWZHQHHGHGWRHPSOR\VXSSRUWVWDIIµKHsaid. 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 13 Jules remembers he and then Bream Bay College Board of Trustee Chairman, Craig Brown would be down at the school three or four nights a week for months on end working on charters and policy documents which the Ministry of Education required schools to put in place. He said a challenging aspect of Bream Bay College is that it serves a very diverse community. Waipu has a very strong distinct culture and there is still a residue of resentment in Waipu about the Waipu area school closing down and its successor Bream Bay College being located in Ruakaka. “When all the planned development (around One Tree Point and Ruakaka) gets built then perhaps Bream Bay College will be in the right place.” Takahiwai also has its own identity, history and culture. The Ruakaka Village is a predominantly Maori culture but not the same as Takahiwai, Ruakaka Beach is different again and then the farming community from around the Mata area is another distinct community. ,QWKRVHGD\VQRWPDQ\RIWKHVFKRRO·VVWXGHQWVFDPHIURP2QH7UHH3RLQW The rivalry with Otamatea College existed back then with a busload of students travelling from Bream Bay to Maungaturoto, but a ferry would bring students across from North Head. ´:HVWDUWHGWKDWXS7KHVFKRROVVHUYLQJWKDWDUHDZHUH:KDQJDUHL*LUO·VDQG%R\·V High Schools and some parents wanted the option of sending their children to a coed school.” 7KLVVHUYLFHFHDVHGDURXQGÀYH\HDUVDJRIRUDYDULHW\RIUHDVRQVLQFOXGLQJDUHTXHVW by the Whangarei District Council that the ferry operator apply for a permit to use the McLeods Bay jetty. Jules has a keen interest in sport, particularly rugby and cricket, and has chaired the Whangarei Northland Secondary Schools Rugby Union and the Whangarei Referees Association. He managed both the Northland Secondary Schools rugby WHDPDQGWKH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHÀUVW:LWK0DUWLQ$OEUHFWRI:DLSXKHIRXQGHG On the Ball Productions, which produced the comic strip Jeff the Reff which gave instructions on rugby rules. “It was very successful. It appeared in a number of national publications. Sky TV wanted to animate it and at that point it became too much and we gave it away.” He took the Bream Bay College First 15 on a tour of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore for a seven-aside tournament. A highlight was when Bream Bay College won the Murray Jones Shield contested by Mahurangi, Rodney and Otamatea secondary schools. He worries about the direction in which secondary schools are moving. “When I was a student there were some teachers who could really enthral you and EXLOGXSDQHQWKXVLDVPIRUOHDUQLQJDQGIRUÀQGLQJRXWDERXWWKLQJV7KHUHDUHVWLOO teachers like that but there are so many other things they are expected to do these GD\V6FKRROVDUHH[SHFWHGWRWU\WRVROYHDOOVRFLHW\·VSUREOHPV:HXVHGWRVD\¶\RX FDQVSHQGRI\RXUWLPHRQRIWKHVWXGHQWV·7KLVLVDOOVRGHVWUXFWLYHDQG GUDLQLQJRQHQHUJ\2IWHQWHDFKHUVGRQ·WJHWDURXQGWRJLYLQJUHDOO\JRRGHGXFDWLRQ to the students who deserve it.” Jules is pleased with his medal. He points out what a lovely piece of jewellery it is with paua inlaid on silver in the design of the Northtec logo. 7KHMRERQWKH1RUWKWHFFRXQFLOZDVQ·WDOZD\VHDV\$SDUWIURPWKRVHWRXJKWLPHV back in 2002, when he and Judy moved to Auckland to work and live during the week, he had to drive back mid - week to attend meetings. ´<RXGRQ·WGRLWIRUWKLVNLQGRIUHFRJQLWLRQ%XWLWLVQLFHZKHQ\RXJHWLWµ AUCTION KING SIZE BARGAIN Beach Section backing onto reserve in Paradise Shores. Just a short stroll to the Ruakaka Surf Beach with no steps or hills to climb. Huge growth area. MAKE AN OFFER Auction on site Sat 18th April unless sold prior. Contact Brent: 0212722739 Or Mike: 0212421628 RENTAL PROPERTIES WANTED NOW!!! WE have quality homes available to rent from 1 bedroom to 4 and from $180.00-$390.00 per week” BUT!!! We NEED more. Earn good $$$$$$ Suitable tenants waiting. ALL PROPERTIES ON LINE: Ray White Ruakaka &DVH\5HDOW\/WG05(,1= PH: 09 432 7025 Fax: 09 432 7095 Residential Sales Rentals - Holiday Accommodation Marsden Cove 13 Finch Street Needs Must - It’s Gotta Go!! • Over committed vendor - be in to win!! • 616m² slightly elevated flat section in quiet cul-de-sac, substantial fence in place. • Build for views over the waterways to the Marina. • Boat ramp a few metres away - launch your boat then park at home. • Easy stroll to white sandy beach and harbour. Auction 12.30pm Friday 24 April 2009 (unless sold prior) Web Search L26398 Melva Hartnell a/h 09 433 0331 mob 0274 998 463 Open Sunday 12.30-1.00pm Section One Tree Point 389 Takahiwai Rd Takahiwai One Tree Point • Villa lovers must see • Extensive harbour views • North east facing • Handy to beaches • Grazing for the horse or house cow • Opportunity to make your mark • Some tlc would enhance this great home Web Search L26234 1 4 Allan O’Shannessey a/h 433 0391 mob 0274 843 223 1 Waipu 50 Ryan Road We Need A Sale Now!! • Not far off SH 1 at the foot of the Brynderyns. • 4.25 hectares easy contour. Well fenced • Currently running miniature ponies • Good grazing • A property worth visiting • All offers will be considered • Near new house. Large section with room for your landscaping ideas.. Web Search L26291 Open Sunday 11.00-11.30pm 1 4 2 2 Allan O’Shannessey a/h 433 0391 mob 0274 843 223 Carolyn Hawke a/h 0800 429532 mob 021 429 531 BREAM BAY AREA Resident Sales Consultant PETER OLDHAM WAIPU LIFESTYLE PROPERTY New to the market 4.874ha of quality land. Sea views, native bush, pasture. Excellent house site with power adjacent. Approximately 10 minutes from Waipu Township. A superb block in an outstanding location. For Sale: $225,000 406628 View: By appointment WAIPU 4.95ha.quality farmlet near to beach Large 4 bedroom home. 2 lounges, ensuite, int. access double garage plus large barn. Nicely landscaped grounds. Excellent pasture, presently running cattle but suitable for many different ventures. Substantial price reduction. Reaslistic offers will be considered For Sale: $740,000 Negotiable 340293 View: By appointment RUAKAKA Brand new home 0RVWDWWUDFWLYHEHGURRPSOXVRI¿FHIDPily home. superb location down a quiet culde-sac with outlook and adjoining farmland. Handy to shopping centre with surf beach just down the road. Ideal family lifestyle situation or retirement. For Sale: $415,000 406619 View: By appointment. Peter Oldham Mobile: 021 670 517 After hours: 432 0517 Whangarei: 438 3079 Bream Bay News Page 14 26 March 2009 SPORT Bream Bay College Cricket By Dean Cillingham Team Captain Bream Bay Hockey Club Results As at 22 March Club competition commenced this week for the Senior grades. As of Sunday, only Twenty20 Tournament 2nd and 3rd March 2009 RQHJDPHKDVEHHQSOD\HGWKHRWKHUÀUVWURXQGJDPHVDUHRQ7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\ :HGLGQ·WJHWRIIWRDJUHDWVWDUWLQWKHFRPSHWLWLRQZKHQZHZHUHWROGWRERZOE\ – the results will be in the result update available for the next edition of the Bream %R\V+LJKLQRXUÀUVWJDPH:HGURSSHGDFDWFKHDUO\RQDQGWKHQWKHVDPHEDWVPHQ Bay News. Div 2 Women vs Maungaturoto won 1-0. made 58 not out at the end of their overs, making 158 - Nick Stobart getting 3 wick- %UHDP%D\+RFNH\&OXEKDVVWDUWHGDWZLOLJKWKRFNH\FRPSHWLWLRQ7KHÀUVWVHVVLRQ ets. We then came out inexperienced at this form of the game and got 58 all out with last week proved to be very successful with over 50 players participating. Twilight Dean Gillingham scoring highest with 20. In our next game we played Kerikeri, who hockey will continue until Easter, after which all grades will be involved in their ERZOHGÀUVWDQGZHJRWDGHFHQWVFRUHRIRIIRYHUV1LFN6WREDUWEDWWOHGOLNH an experienced pro getting 48 not out, Kurtley Watson 24 and Chris Smith 27. BBC bowled superbly, bowling them out for 28, Dean and Kurtley both getting 3 wickets, and Gilly Costello took 3 amazing catches - one with the right hand, one with the 17 March Opening Night Invitation Tournament. Winners 1st: C McKegg, V left and the last with both! On the second day, we played Otamatea, and they bat- McKegg, G. Holland, M. Holland. 2nd: A. McLachlan, R Stewart, R Ivory. 3rd: K. ted and got 76 with a good opening partnership. After that we knocked over the rest Stephenson, J. Barnes, R. Bicknell. Cons: P. Ivory, R. Roberts, A. Judd. of their batsmen - Kurtley and Dean Sharing 5 Wickets. In the batting Kurtley top The Ruakaka Indoor Bowling Club meets in the Ruakaka Hall, SH1 on Tuesdays. scored with 41 not out. We reached the target at about the 15th over. In our last game Names need to be in the draw by 7.15pm. Play commences at 7.30pm. Subscriptions ZHZHUHSOD\LQJIRUUGSODFHZLWK%%&EDWWLQJÀUVW:HPDGHDIWHURYHUV $15, Mat fee $1 per night. New members most welcome. Enquiries Ph. Pamela 432 'DUJDYLOOHWKHQJRWWKHUHTXLUHGVFRUHEXWRQO\QDUURZO\DV%%&·VJDPHLPSURYHG 8587 or Marilyn 432 8372. Ruakaka Indoor Bowling Club and we needed only 2 wickets for a win. Overall these two days of Twenty 20 cricket was a great experience for the team and was really enjoyed by all. As the captain I was very proud and pleased to have been a part of this Bream Bay side. Thanks to all 10.03.09 Good Putting results proves the greens were good. Mary Barrot putting Lynne Causer 27, Frances Waru 29, Audrey Cawsey 30, Margaret Pennington 31, who helped out and made it possible. /\QGD/HZLQ·V*DH%DEH5RE\Q3ULFHKROHUV1HWW6KRQD1DWKDQ6LP)OR Halse 36, Darien Angelo 36 17.03.09 Nancy MacCormick Foursomes Leonie Jarvis & Jill Northcott nett 68.5, Carole Calvert & Lynne Causer 70.5, Jeanette Kerr & Christine Raines 71. With anRWKHUURXQGWRFRPHZLOOEHLQWHUHVWLQJWRVHHWKHÀQDOUHVXOWV·V/HRQLH-DUYLV-LOO Northcott 9 Holers Putting Rae Finlayson 14, Joyce Roberts 17 Drawn by lot Waipu Ladies Golf SECURITY SPECIALISTS SPECIALISTS SECURITY 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN BREAM BAY FOR ALL ASPECTS OF DOMESTIC SECURITY Including: alarm response, community and private functions, patrols. gate duties, fire watch duties. Ph: 021 889 074 Email: Affiliated to NZ Chartered Clubs (Inc) Are you interested in becoming a member member? ish Waipu Women’s Bowling Club Results Domestic Tournament 25 February. 1st Bronwyn Reed and Quita Holyoak - 4W, 29E, 68 Pts.2nd: Sheila Hodgson and Joan McGregor -. 3W, 21E, 49Pts. Open Pairs 11 March. 1st: Joan Erceg and Dot Hasslem - 4 W, 32E, 68Pts. 2nd Phyliss Hayward & Wilma McKenzie - 4W, 27E, 53 Pts. 3rd Peg Wardell & Pat Reader 3.5W, 25E, 41Pts. Cons Val Christie & Carol Todd. Many thanks to our patronesses: Marie McMillan and Sheila Hodgson for their generous sponsorship. 18 March President’s Trophy. Sponsored by the Waipu Butcher. 1st: Anne Sarjeant, Cynthia Voss & Dawn Owens. 2nd Ivy Urlich, Truus Cox & Mary Farrell. Cons: Heather Vaile, Nancy Hamilton & Barbara Elmes. As this is our last open torunament for the season we wish to thank all those who supported us and wish you all good bowling for the reamainder of the season. CLUB REPORTS Marsden Bay Garden Club By Barbara Turner Our March monthly meeting and AGM was held on Thursday 19th March and 47 members and visitors attended. Committee members came dressed in costumes from RWKHUFRXQWULHV2YHUDOODQGXQDQLPRXVZLQQHUZDV(ODLQH0LWFKHOOZKRZDV$XVWUDOLD·V ´-ROO\6ZDJPDQµ:HDOVRKDGD)UHQFKÁRZHUVHOOHUD5RPDQ\*\SV\D7XUNLVK peasant girl and many more.Then followed another of our gorgeous afternoon teas, also provided by committee. Monthly competition results:Small Bloom - Barbara Reynolds, Large Bloom - Ann Challenger, Stem - Jeanette Carter, Cluster - Judy Fraser, Rose - Jean Dyer, Mini Rose *OHQQ+RDUH)ORZHURIWKH0RQWK-HDQHWWH&DUWHU6KUXE-HDQHWWH&DUWHU&UXFLÀ[ Orchid - Beryl McWilliams, Fruit - Judy Fraser, Vegetable - Nell Sainsbury, Decorative - Alice Judd. 5DIÁHV1HWWD0RUJDQ3K\O%DUU\%HU\O0F:LOOLDPV%DUEDUD5H\QROGV-HDQ0RFNHWW $WWKH$*0WKHIROORZLQJRIÀFHUVZHUHHOHFWHG3UHVLGHQW0DXUHHQ'RQDOGVRQ9LFH President - Lynn Smith, Treasurer - Lorraine Sumich (this position was vacated by Ann Challenger, a member and committee member of long standing, and treasurer for the past 8 years), Secretary - Barbara Turner, Floral Stewards - Glenn Hoare and Alice Judd. The rest of the committee comprises - Ann Challenger, June Stewart, Jean AchesonJoyce Sawford, Diana Morgan, Noeline Willis and Nell Sainsbury. The Annual Points prizes were awarded with Alice Judd the overall winner of the Ivan and Valerie Preston Trophy with 540 points, 2nd was Valerie Preston with 500 points and 3rd was Glenn Hoare with 419 points. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 16th April at 1 pm at the Ruakaka Memorial Hall, Cnr SH1 & Sandford Rd, Ruakaka. Our Guest speaker will be John Stowers from Civil Defence. The Flower of the month is Hibiscus and the decorative theme is “Easter Bonnet” New members and visitors are always welcome but regrettably meetings are not suitable for children. For more information please contact Maureen Donaldson 09 432 0586 or Barbara Turner 09 433 0389 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 15 Party atmosphere at Waipu Radio Station Winter@Waipu GH¿QLWHO\RQDJDLQ :LQWHU#:DLSXLVGHÀQLWHO\RQDJDLQ “Wash your mouth out”, was the reply chief organiser Rosemary Neave got from one keen Winter@Waipu participant when she called a public meeting and asked the question: “Do people want this to continue.” 5RVHPDU\VDLGSODQVDUHQRZXQGHUZD\IRUWKHÀIWK annual Winter@Waipu festival which will be held over the months June, July and August. As well as regular events such as Bogwood Productions One Act Plays, Winter Race Days at Ruakaka, National Poetry Day, Matariki celebrations and International Tartan Day, there are several new initiatives in the planning stage. One of these is a new Waipu Family growers style market which may grow into weekly markets in the summer. “There is room for more activities, and we are keen to expand the festival to other parts of Bream Bay, so if you have an event you would like to include or to organise as part of Winter@Waipu, contact me”, said Rosemary” 5RVHPDU\·V FRQWDFW GHWDLOV DUH or The Radio Waves team There was a party going on around the little green caravan up the long driveway just before the bridge as you head into Waipu along the Braigh. I was following the instructions given to me by Steve King, otherwise known as Sheik Yerbouti of the Friday night Magic Caravan Show on the Waipu Radio station Radio Waves 99.1FM. The whole radio waves team were getting together for a BBQ and this was a chance to get a pic of them all for the Bream Bay News. It was not, as it turned out, an opportunity to blow the cover of the Radio Waves persona Joe King – who remained heavily in disguise throughout. Radio Waves licence is held by Ash Worthy who completed a diploma at the New Zealand Radio Training School in Auckland last year. “We are all sounding a lot more professional, now”, said Radio Dave who runs a show called Corona 4000 each Wednesday evening from 4pm – 6pm. Ash comes on sometimes as his “special guest.” A new edition to the programme is a show called The Shed Shack Sheilas. Fleur, Fiona, Kath, Kay, and Shirley (no surnames in use here) sit around the microphones and chat about: fashion, gardening, music, health etc. each Tuesday evening from 6pm to 7ish. ´,W·VDOODELWWRQJXHLQFKHHNµVD\V.DWK They pick a theme each week. Last week it was St 3DWULFN·V'D\ Then there is Steve the Coffee Man – his show is called Soul Expresso – and features new music which Steve spends most of the proceeds of his coffee van business buying. His show is on Monday evening from 4 – 6pm. Randy Man runs what he calls a Testosterone Show from 7 – 9pm on Saturday nights. 6WHYH WKH 6KHLNK·V )ULGD\ QLJKW VKRZ LV IURP SP – 9pm. “I have a huge collection of music and this is a way of sharing it with people,” says Steve. Professor Worzel alias comes down from his remote hut up in the Brynderwyns to run The Sunday Session 4pm – 6pm. He plays music and conducts interviews. “Anyone I can drag in”, he says. He drags me in. “How long have you been Editor of the Bream Bay News?” Back in the interviewer role I ask Ash,” How far does the Waipu 99.1FM signal extend?” Ash – “It depends a bit on how good your radio is. Some people can get it in Ruakaka but generally it goes from the weighbridge (at Uretiti) to the top of the Brynderwyns.” Is there space for people who want to run a radio show to come and have a go? $GDP6WHYH·V\HDUROGVRQDQG6WHYHXVHGWRUXQ a kids show with stories and music but on top of the Friday night show and all the other activities Adam is involved in, this became a bit too much so there is an opening here for someone. $VK²´,W·VRSHQWRDQ\RQHZLWKLQUHDVRQµ “As long as you are not offending anyone” than you are welcome to a turn on the microphone. 20 Kepa Rd, Ruakaka Open: 10.30 - 3pm : Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 9 April The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 1 April MAUNGATUROTO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hours: Mon - Thurs 10.30am - 12.00 midday Fri 10.30am - 4.00 pm Sat 10am - 1pm Hurndal St., Maungaturoto Ph. 09 4318811 WAIPU COMMUNITY LIBRARY HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am to 1pm. Tuesday: 10am to 4pm. Contacts: Joan Marker - 432 0614 or Marj Corner - 432 0639 Ruakaka Community Library y OPEN 10AM -2PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY The recycling shop which gives its profits to the community Ph. 433 0252 Please phone if you are bringing in more than a boxload. After Hours: Ph. Head Scavenger YVONNE JUDGE 432 7051 Recreation Centre, Ruakaka New books arriving monthly Large print section Children’s library Extensive fiction and non fiction sections Reference collection 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page16 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY • • • • • • Mobile Service 547 Mountfield Rd, Waipu. Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 Fuel Injection Motorcycles Alternators / Starters Wiring Agricultural Machinery Commercial Over 38 years experience Mob: 0274 942 635 Ph: (09) 432 0373 KITSETS VALUED V - TRANSPORTABLES KITSETS IN NZ AK90 3 BEDROOM KITSET $52,405 AK101 4 BEDROOM KITSET $56,255 Plans from 60sqm to 255sqm single and 2 storey Please contact us for FULL CONTRACT and TRANSPORTABLE info SHOWHOME Cnr Sandford Rd. & SH1 Ruakaka Ph 433 0200 McLeod ELECTRICAL 132 Mountfield Rd, Waipu Phone 09 432 0406 Mobile 0275 875 024 Email Marsden Plumbing Co. Ltd. Quality work guaranteed TODD MCDONALD - Registered Craftsman Plumber I.Q.P. • New Housing • Maintenance • Pumps • Fireplaces • Fusion Welding • Backflow Prevention Testing Phone me for a free quote PH/FAX 433 0350 Mbl. 027 280 3313 abode PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • Painting/Decorating • Waterblasting • Lawns & Gardens • House Cleaning Free, No Obligation Quotes - ONE CALL CAN DO IT ALL Phone or Text Richard on (09) 432 7828 or 027 304 5549 Qualified Experienced Tradesman Deliver & Erect 'State of the Art' Scaffolding Ensuring you job is erected quickly and safely *** CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE *** A/H 0274 726772 PH 432 7643 Yard: Kepa Rd Industrial Estate, Ruakaka ALJAY CONCRETE Experienced Tradesman *Commercial Floors *Cowsheds *Driveways *Implement Sheds *Garages *House Floors *Exposed Aggregate Phone Lyn Wright PARADISE QUARRY STONEMASONS Specialists in stunning stone for landscape Suppliers & installers of northland’s own schist for all your stonemasonry & landscaping Requirements 021 627 409 or 432 7031a/h (09) 432 2722 or GEOFF (021) 972 139 BLINDS Wanting Top Quality Blinds … at Factory Direct Prices??? Due to popular demand - Ven-Lu-Ree Blind Services products are now available through Gary Young at Mangawhai Upholstery & Blinds. Gary will be offering a free measure and quote on all the popular blinds you know and trust…. FOR ALL YOUR EARTHWORKS & CARTAGE NEEDS Venetian Blinds • Vertical Drapes • Sunscreen blinds Wooden and Woodlook Blinds • Roller Blinds Ph/Fax 09 432 8418 or 021 768 940 Ph him now to make a no obilgation appointment : (09) 431 4739 or Mob: 0274 855738 Email: Cullen & Associates Limited T/A Subdivision Developments - Earthworks - Cartage Phone 09 431 5125 Office - Fax09 431 4125 Mobile 027 495 6939 - Email FREE QUOTES Free2view • ONE, TV2, TV 3, C4,Maori TV, Te Reo, TVNZ 6,TVNZ 7, CUE TVNZ Sport Extra, Stratos, Parliament, Chinese TV8, TvCentral • Radio NZ - National, Radio NZ - Concert, George FM, Base FM. More special interest channels available Satellite Reception specialists. Dishes, FTA Decoders, Multi Room. Fulco VanDenBergen Mob: 027 471 8426 or Ph: 432 8084 to consult on requiremens and best fit. Registered Technician, Accredited Installerr. C A RTA G E 6 Kepa Rd. PO Box 142, Ruakaka 0151 email: Lawn Mowing & Property Maintenance Free Quotes • Hedges/Tree Trimming • Weed Spraying • Gutter Cleaning • Gardening • Rubbish Removal • WINZ Quotes 4381208 027 2366992 INTERIOR STOPA All aspects of interior plastering & Cove to a paint finish. No charge for travel. For a FREE quote Ph: Glen on Mob: 021 223 2003 A/H: 435 3511 Local people read The Bream Bay News It is an effective place to advertise. JUST STOP ‘N COVE Deadline for next issue Wednesday 1 April 2009 Bream Bay News Page 17 26 March 2009 Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY ""#! " HD HANSEN '.$(0-* ,'%+. /%+1 DRAINAGE LTD Karl Hansen Registered Drainlayer Ph. 09 432 7877 Fax 09 432 7876 Mob 027 432 7877 "-%(-)(& Email Domestic • Commercial • Rural • Septic Systems • Water Mains • Digger & Truck Hire MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS LIGHT ENGINEERING REPAIRS & SERVICING TO ALL MAKES & TYPES QUADS & 2 WHEELERS RIDE ON MOWERS, PICKUP & DELIVERY DESMO ENGINEERING PHONE/FAX (O9) 432 0977 MOBILE 025 276 3501 Bream Bay Concrete Ltd. Free Quotes • Reliable Service • Quality workmanship • Concrete pads • Shed floors • Pathways • Home floors • Driveways • Concrete cutting • Excavation works • Retaining walls • Paling fences • Profiles for homes & sheds • Subfloors & boxing Denis & Kerstin Crum PO Box 139, Ruakaka Ph./Fax: 433 0322 Mark Royals Ph: 432 0107 Mob: 0274 433 130 Balustrades Boutique Butchery Your Local Balustrade Specialist Jason Hammond Regal Plus Joinery Ltd. Ph. 027 275 1281 or A/H 433 0422 Tiling Certified Experienced Waterproofer Indoor/Outdoor areas Domestic & Commerical All porcelain. marble, granite, glass, sandstone & ceramic tiles Resurfacing of soft/damaged concrete surfaces Come in and check out the great choice of cuts Kelvin & Karen Platt 1916 State Highway 1, PO Box 12, Kaiwaka Ph: 09 431 2123, 027 687 8526 • Email: BREAM BAY BUTCHERY DAMIAN RABONE, trading as Woodzz Kitchens Ltd. Quality Kitchens Melteca • Formica • Stainless Steel • Granite Tops • Vanities Shop Fittings • Paint Finishes Highest quality craftmanship 30+ years experience Brian Cowley Waipu Tiling Ph. 432 1721 021 261 6906 Factory ph - 432 8666. Fax - 432 8661 After hrs - 432 1408. Mbl - 021 721 535 Sandford Rd. - PO Box 71, Ruakaka This Space now available! $25.00 plus GST or for regular advertisers (6 or more insertions) $22.22 Plus GST DEADLINE We do Homekills HIGH TIDES Marsden Point Sponsored by Bream Bay Butchery AM Thu 26 Mar Fri 27 Mar Sat 28 Mar Sun 29 Mar Mon 30 Mar Tue 31 Mar Wed 1 April Thu 2 April Fri 3 Apr Sat 4 Apr Sun 5 April Mon 6 April Tue 7 April Wed 8 April Thu 9 April Fri 10 April Wednesday 1 April 2009 W Wednesday 10 August 2005 BREAM BAY NEWS PH/FAX 09 432 0209 8.11 8.52 9.35 10.18 11.03 11.53 12.20 1.13 2.11 3.12 3.17 4.19 5.18 6.12 7.02 7.49 PM 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 8.34 9.17 10.01 10.45 11.32 ~ 12.41 1.35 2.33 3.37 3.44 4.49 5.49 6.44 7.34 8.21 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 be left at:RD 2, Waipu PostCopy copy to:can Bream Bay News, Bream Bay takeaway & Video Hire, Email: Ruakaka,Oakleigh Service Station, RUOHDYHLWDW7KH7KLVWOHRI:DLSX%UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHV The Thistle of Waipu or Scotty’s qTowncentre , Mangawhai g Oakleigh Service Station. Four Square, in the Ruakaka or The D Bream Bay News Page18 FOR SALE FOR SALE BATTERY TIRED. Geoff Spencer Auto Electrical. Bosch battery Agent. Free test, best prices, can deliver. Ph. 432 0373 or Mob. 0274 942 635. FENCE POSTS H4 75 x 100 x 2.4 $10.00 incl H4 100 x 100 x 2.4 $13.30 incl H4 100 X 100 X 3M $16.60 incl Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd PLANTS. huge range of Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 native plants at Alter-Na- TIGER WORMS tives Wholesale Nursery. For worm farms, 571 Ormiston Road (near composting toilets etc. the caves) Ph. 432 0373 evenings Mon – Fri 9am -4pm, Sat 9am – 2pm MACROCARPA & REDWOOD ph 4321 333 Sleepers & posts Slab & dimentional timber TRIBOARD SHEETS Long Lengths available 15mm x 2733 x 340 $8.00 Can Deliver incl. Bream Bay Merchants Firewood - Mac gum & Ltd Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ti tree Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 Ph Russell 432-0344 COMPOST Good quality compost, small & large volumes. MPL Landscape Supplies Mangawhai Heads Rd Ph 09 431 5445 DIESEL OIL 20 Litre from $147.70 incl Hydraulic 46 x 20L from $123.00 incl. Bream Bay Merchants Ltd Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 GIB BOARD, Gib Compounds etc. Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 PIPE STORMWATER, 90mm $49 incl, 100mm $65.30 incl. Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077. Contemporary Balustrades Ltd. Aluminium and glass balustrades, gates & pool fencing. Peter Connolly Ph: 09 437 5705 Mob: 021 740 177 MARLEY SPOUTING & PIPING. Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 GIRL GUIDE BISCUITS Phone Aileen 432 7088 26 March 2009 CLASSIFIED SERVICES OFFERED NORTHERN CLEANING HOUSE CLEANING. Ex& VALET Regular, spring perienced cleaner. Phone VEHICLES FOR SALE SAAB 92. Low ks. Needs minor work $1200 ono. Ph. 432 8494. TRACTOR FERGI 24, Suitable boat tractor or life style block. $900. Ph. 09 433 0027. Phone Mark Draper 09 432 0655 or 0274 707 607 Wa i p u Boarding Cattery Excellent care and accommodation Ph Sue 432 0394 WINDOW CLEANING Domestic and commercial. Prompt reliable service. Phone Dave 433 0035, or Mobile 027 276 6420 WORKING FROM HOME I do small business books, any typing, work on Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher and Quick Books. Please contact: 021 152 8730 EFFLUENT FIELD PLANTING. We can mulch, supply plants and plant them. Alter-Natives Wholesale Nursery 571 Ormiston Road (near the caves) Mon – Fri 9am -4pm, Sat 9am – 2pm ph 4321 333 ACCOMMODATION OFFERED HORSE COVER AND gear repairs and industrial sewing requirments; canvas, leather, pvc, straps, GOOD 2 BEDROOM ac- small tarps, tents and zips commodation in workshop etc. Ph 432 0732 in Waipu. Ph 432 1047 or NANNY AVAILABLE for 021 432 135. O.T.P; LA POINTE ES- part-time & casual work. TATE: Lovely Luxury Kind, gentle & experienced 3 Bed home to Rent at with excellent references. $480pw neg or 2 rooms Currently studying nursing @ $150 per room, shar- part-time. Ph: 432 1044. ing with one other. Ph: 0275262800 PETS HEALTH & FITNESS Aromatherapy Massage: or rental cleaning.Ruakaka Wendy 432 7208 area. Phone Lorraine on 0275 /$:16 81.(037" 770 226 or 09 432 7782. Ginny Hall - Cowley BROKEN MOWER? FED Dip. Class. Aroma. , Adv. Thrpt Massage UP? Call the Professional Ph 432 1721 %UXFH·V /DZQPRZLQJ Service Specialist in big ger sections from $60 fortRelaxing and Therapeutic Sessions WATER TANK CLEANING Gift Vouchers, Essential Oils + Blends nightly Free quotes Bruce Stockist of - Living Nature, Weleda and Absolute Essential No need to empty 021 032 6769 evgs 09 431 your tank Products. 4037 Evening and Weekend Appts also Available or 027-4755555 PLYWOOD, H3 Treated DD. 2400x1200x12mm $50.00 incl. Pallet Ply 17mm Untrea. ed $49.30 incl. Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 FENCE RAILS H3.2 75 X 50 X 4.8 $10.40 incl 100 x 50 x 4.8 $12.60 incl Bream Bay Merchants Ltd. Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka. PH: 09 433 0077 SERVICES OFFERED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE KITTENS. Male chinchila FOUR WEANER X $35. Ph. 432 8494. CALVES 4/Sale: HerTOP SOIL Waipu based. $25 eford X. Were selling @ a metre plus delivery.Ph.432 $375ea, make an offer 0577 or 027 2100 464. on the four! Vaccinated, FIREWOOD. Macro and drenched and very quiet. gum. Ph. 432 1721. Ph: 0275262800 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Typing, Presentations and Reports require skills of an experienced secretary. I can provide professional assistance to help your business succeed. Contact Tracy 027 576 8461 Or email: HOUSE SITTER AVAILABLE Housesitter available. Non smoker, mature, experienced. Short term OK. Phone 431 5662. FOR HIRE DAVNIC HIRE House excavations, driveways, section clearing, truck hire, D20 bulldozer hire. Ph: 432 7667 Mbl 021 437 501 CARAVANS Huge range Big shower models from $110pw Ph. 09 431 5543 or 025 27 33370 RECYCLING CAGES & Skip Bins for Hire. 3m3, 5m3, 6m3. MPL Recycling. Mangawhai Heads Rd. Ph 431 5445. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAWLEIGH’S PRODHERBALIFE UCTS Independent deal- Independent Distributor er, phone Susan McRae Jeanne Muir.Products for 4321029. Sports Energy, Weightloss DOES YOUR 5-11 YEAR & other Health problems OLD WANT TO LEARN & Nourifusion Skin Care ph 4328902 or .$5$7(" Then bring 0800 147739 or go to him/her along to the nation Hall in Waipu on Wednesdays at 4pm for half an hour.. Great discipline, great fun. $3. 432 0760. 30 PEOPLE to lose up to 8kg in 30 days. Samples with trial pack ZZZVOLPDQGÀWQ]FRP SITUATIONS VACANT FARM MANAGER REQUIRED Part time position (+/- 25 hours per week) looking after small Oneriri Peninsula dry-stock farm. Person must be very experienced in: livestock handling; tractor work; general farm maintenance, and have *URZ6DIH$SSURYHG+DQGOHU&HUWLÀFDWH Start mid-May. For more details please contact Andrew on 021 425592. SITUATIONS VACANT Part Time Bookkeeper WAIPU Approx. 10 hours per week winter and approx 20 hours per week summer. Must be well skilled in MYOB and Payroll software. Email interest and experience to WAIPU PRIMARY HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Supervisor and 2 assistants are required for this programme that will operate for one week per holiday break in April, July and October and 2 weeks in January 2010. The supervisor will need to have good managerial skills and be responsible for the total programme. This may suit someone with a teaching background. Hours of work will be 7.30am to 5.30pm. Assistants (2) will be expected to support the supervisor and this job could well suit energetic College students. Hours of work will be either 7.30am to 12.30pm or 12.30pm to 5.30pm. For further details of these positions and application forms please contact either Trudy or Paul on 4320135. Applications close on March 31 at 2pm EARN $500-$1500 a month part time around your current schedule visit www.wellnessworldbiz. com/promo MOTHERS & OTHERS Earn $200-$500 xtra p/wk. P/time from home. Full training. INTERNET users work from home, 10-15hrs per week, $200-$500 per week, AVON Sales Representatives Required: Work your own hours, Training provided, Join Free Now! Phone Tracey 4362055 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page19 PUBLIC NOTICES RUAKAKA HAGGLERS WELCOME UNDER $300 000 Great home and garage for holidays or permanent. BIG SECTION Open Home 1-2pm sat-sun 121 Marsden Point Rd DEMANDS INSPECTION Paul Major 021 749 234 Coastal Land Sales MREINZ MARSDEN BADMINTON We are starting up again on Wednesday 18th March at 930am to 12pm in St Pauls Anglican Church, Cnr. Tamingi and Karawai Sts, Ruakaka Village. . Cost is $2.00 and you get a cuppa and a bite to eat. Any new players welcome. &RPHDQGKDYHIXQDQGNHHSÀW Any queries ring Noot on 432 7035 or moblie: 021 038 2927 KAIWAKA FITNESS CENTRE AGM. Wednesday 1 April 7pm At gym, All Welcome. Contact Julie 094321755 Waipu Market Next on Saturday 4 3 Jan. April Coronation Hall From 9am - 1pm A bargain for everyone: Fruit and vegies, pet supplies. Cakes and lots of goodies. STALLS AVAILABLE Ph. Rosemary 09 431 8043 or txt 021 130 2763 SENIOR CITIZENS SOCIAL CLUB AGM Tuesday 31 March at 1pm in the Saorsa Village Hall This club dates back to 1973 and meets each Tuesday afternoon to play 500, KROGDPHDWUDIÁHDQGVKDUHDIWHUQRRQWHD (QWU\LVZKLFKDOVREX\V\RXDUDIÁHWLFNHW Newcomers very welcome Phone Mary Corker 432 1187 For more infomation PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Market held first Saturday of every month Saturday Morning Medical Clinics 9.00am - 12.00 midday Saturday Morning Clinics to 21 March Date Medical Centre Ph. Number Sat 28 March Bream Bay Medical Centre ( Ruakaka Town Centre) 432 8060 Sat 4 April Ruakaka Medical Centre (Ruakaka Town Centre) 432 7211 Sat 11 April Waipu Medical Centre (Waipu Town Centre) 432 1190 Sat 18 April Bream Bay Medical Centre (Ruakaka Town Centre) 432 8060 Bream Bay ASSEMBLY OF GOD 223 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Finding’s greatest discovery We are a parent/whanau co-operative E.C.E organisation, all are welcome! Where: McEwen Rd next to Takahiwai R.F.C Open: Mondays 9.30 - 12pm Thursdays 9.30 - 12pm Contact: Tauser 432 8611 / 021 02436879 Encounter GOD in worship and experience His Healing Presence. SUNDAY SERVICE 10am & KIDZ CHURCH POWER HOUSE FRIDAY NITE @ 7PM MEN ABLAZE - Men’s Group • Ladies OVERCOMERS group IGNITE YOUTH. YOU ARE WELCOME! Pastors: Ken & Christine Hubbard Tel: 432 7855 BREAM BAY SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES BREAM BAY GYMSPORTS A.G.M. 7pm, Tuesday 31 March 2009. At 56 McCathie Rd, Ruakaka. All welcome. Enquiries phone Erin Kilmore 432 7939 or 021 171452 WAIPU STREET MARKET EASTER WEEKEND Saturday 11th April 9am -1pm Lots of new stalls, The Waipu Pipe Band. Contact Ronnie for sites 09 4320046 Presbyterian Waipu Camellia Ave, Ruakaka: 8.45am The Centre, Waipu: 10am Prayer Service: 7pm Assembly of God 223 Marsden Pt. Rd, Ruakaka, 10am. Anglican St Paul’s, Ruakaka 9am. On 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. St Peter’s ,Waipu, on 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. St Nicholas Seafarers’ Mission, 5th Sunday of the month. Please note, all services now start at 9.30am. Catholic Holy Family Church, Ruakaka,10.30am. Mass Lifepoint. 300 One Tree Point Rd, 10.30am. Bream Bay CRF. Ruakaka Memorial Hall, Sandford Rd. 10am. Equip Church. Family service with chidren’s programme. One Tree Point Primary School at 10am. Restoring Families Get Resources Here THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE Working with the Community to grow Stronger If you have concerns regarding air discharge from the Northpine kiln and boiler at Cove Rd Waipu, &RQWDFWWKH1RUWKSLQHRIÀFH The NORTHPINE COMMUNITY LIAISON COMMITTEE Meets monthly Chairperson: Rosemary Neave 09 432 1234 SUPPORT BREAM BAY NEWS ADVERTISERS THEY KEEP YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ALIVE “HOT TIPS FOR PARENTS” SEMINAR , Thursday 7th May in the Waipu Coronation Hall 7.00 - 10.00pm. Tickets available from Waipu Primary School. Ticket prices, early bird price $6 if purchase before 9 April i.e the start of the school holidays or $8 if purchased. after. These ticket prices have been subsidised by the WPS PTA and the Waipu Presbytarian Church so that as many people can attend as possible. of the Bream Bay News will be Thursday 9 April The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday 1 April &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Costs $2.20 for up to 15 words and 20c for each additional word. Boxed, approx 2cm adverts cost $10. Phone or fax your advert through on 432-0209 email to: Post to: Bream Bay News, RD 2 Waipu or leave it with payment at The Thistle in Waipu or at %UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHVLQ the Ruakaka Town Centre 26 March 2009 Bream Bay News Page 20 A1 Coastal Realty Ltd MREINZ 261 One Tree Point Road, Ruakaka Ph (09) 432 7091 • Fax (09) 432-7129 Email: ONE TREE POINT WATERFRONT BLISS * ! (!" !( !($ & % "$% &&!&$&!$&@$%&&($'& & @&% ?& &! !!& * ( = &% /-$!%%"!'%( =$%%&!$? ! &'$&$% %)" =) %:(/0%# %&! % %'-( !$% " "$(* $=& ! &)&$$! & *&!!&$"3%!($*!'$ !) "$%$%7!$&!' ;1 ) $% &!% ) &!$%9;) =* ""! & & )))!%&! + Contact Lynda & Bob Peni (09) 432 7091 A/H (09) 432 7153 Mob: 0212803719 Lynda and 021432715 Bob FISHERMANS TREAT – URGENT SALE :% $ ! "'% %. ' & % ($* !% &! !& $" &$C% "% ! $!! !$ !&% & &% &!*% 5'%& %!$& ) &! &% % ?&* & ! " &! >!* ( = 8'& =!'$!!)&'!'%()%!'&&! ?'%( 6 ! & %'(%! %" = ; 0 !$, )))!%&! + DESIGNED FOR SEA, SUN AND FUN! $&&'$*%= &!?+=$&%&*!' )&( =$!!%/$!!% &$!!% )& '!'% '& '$ &'$ &$!'=!'& <! $' $!'$()%$!($*$!!6$="$(&*$ !%% "$& !$ & $ !$ !$ & * &! " !'& !($ %'$ 5'%& $!' & !$ $ $! $% !( & % &! !$ ! % !$ *!'$% 0 )))!%&! + MARSDEN COVE SECTION %# %&! )& "!%% %()% $& !$ $ %& )& %% "!%%&% ) $% $ &! ! %$ $%! !$% !'$ &! ' *!'$$!&'&'$% !($!$ #'%& )))!%&! + Contact Jan Anderson 021 380 032 A/H(09) 432 7454 Contact Lynda & Bob Peni (09) 432 7091 A/H (09) 432 7153 Mob: 0212803719 Lynda and 021432715 Bob Contact Lynda & Bob Peni (09) 432 7091 A/H (09) 432 7153 Mob: 0212803719 Lynda and 021432715 Bob LIVE YOUR DREAM 6'% $! = =$ % )& %& & % ()% >'%& '&%$!<"':%!%) &!"!%"'% !$$ : !""!$&' &% $ $ %% - !) !' *!' '&+&%'!'%"! 2 -/ $!! ! )& $= !$& = )%=$&"&!%& >!*&() :$ $ &)! $= ! $ ) %% ! / *! * !' ( & ! % !$ *!'$%;$* $%&( !$) &%//1 )))!%&! + Contact Jan Anderson 021 380 032 A/H (09) 432 7454 MARSDEN COVE MAJESTY 4 &%(&"!%&! *!'=& !%&$%*() ! :$ ! &% &%& &&$&! B & $% !( $ 9)" =()%!& )@*!')& ) 6$= %"!'% ! )& $!!% "% ! %&!$=%" = $!'%%' *( =$&%% !" &)&&&%%%&%& !!$-!'&!!$ A!)&$''&*! >'=!$*!'$%!%&! %!!%% @% =%"!&%/ )))!%&! + Open Home Sunday 1pm, 57 One Tree Point Rd, One Tree Point. Contact Lynda & Bob Peni (09) 432 7091 A/H (09) 432 7153 Mob: 0212803719 Lynda and 021432715 Bob ENCHANTING VILLA -$*,#)%'+-#)'#&*!!)-)( *)*!+!!($'-$*()!"$#() ")*')'()($"($%#%!# ##!+#(%$*( )#'"( ()*--(#',$' ($%$# " ,,,'!)-$#. *-*- LOOKING FOR A RENTAL INVESTMENT IN WAIPU? >! )$)$,#'$")(+'-)- '$$"$",)'$$"- )#$# !'(*##-"()$#%!#)-$ ()$'$'))$-(>$#('1 Was $296,000 now $289,000 neg. 9665:;>2<54 =,$#,,,'!)-$#. 6$#;$*)$'# BEACH – BOAT – BBQ :)'$'$!--)(<* ,-' #)!$",)'$$")$ "$+?#(#$*)>)'( '$$"(#$#('+)$'-$*!#A) -$*(-$*'(!!+#'12( # ,,,'!)-$#. $!(")0$' THE CLANSMAN MOTEL WAIPU @3 % '(:()*'#) @8+#$""$)$#$#$#))! @;)*$*#)($#'"*#)($#$#))! @8*#'- @3*-$)$'#($!(%')!-6$'*')')!($#))*- *-*- WE ARE NOT IN RECESSION 14 SALES LAST MONTH !! Ph 433 0300 anytime SEEING IS BELIEVING 4'"7$"$'7$"()-(11$*! '$$"()'$$"(0''# #$$'(%'$$"#"#-"#-$)' ))'*)( "$%'+))'$%! %'(;#(!+#/ 8()) $!>$$(0 $'
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