Issue 5th August 2015
Issue 5th August 2015
Affordable Quality * SECURITY DOORS * * INSECT SCREENS SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone/Fax (09)432 0209. email Mobile 027432 0070 Postal address - RD 2, Waipu 0582 PH: 438 9452 34 Albert St Whangarei Div. Shadelite Industry 6 August 2015 Is there support in Warming up for the Ruakaka Primary Waipu for a multi fun run purpose recreational park ? Is there support in Waipu for a multi purpose recreation park with petanque court, skate bowl, half netball court, village green, a BMX and mobility scooter track, parking space and a barbeque area? The Waipu Lions are holding $16,000, which was raised for this project over 10 years ago. Some of the money came from local children (now young adults) who ran a disco and made $2000 for the park. The Whangarei District Council also has funds, budgeted in its Long Term Plan but Peter Blanch and Malcolm Norton, who have put many years into trying to get this facility built for Waipu’s young people, say that they need to know there is public support for the scheme if they are to keep going. They have drawn up a petition which they have distributed around the Waipu shops and will use this to gauge public opinion. The petition is at the Waipu Post Shop, the Waipu Pharmacy and the GAS petrol station. It has also gone out with the Bream Bay College newsletter. If there is not much interest they intend to donate the $16,000 to the Ruakaka Skatepark project. Plans for a skate park in Waipu go back to the 1980s when Waihoihoi park took shape. The bowl in the middle was intended for a skate bowl. However residents living nearby objected. In 2004 the case went to the Environment Court, which came down with a ruling that the skate park proponents had not given adequate 5HEHNDK:LOPHU3URYDQWDNLQJ5XDNDND3ULPDU\¿YHDQGVL[\HDUROGFKLOGUHQWKURXJKVRPH ZDUPXSH[HUFLVHVEHIRUHWKH\WRRNSDUWLQDIXQUXQWZLFHDURXQGWKHVFKRRO¿HOGVDQGRYHU VRPHKD\EDLOMXPSVRQ)ULGD\PRUQLQJ-XO\ Fun run in progress on page 13. Continued on page 5. QUIETLY LOCATED, SMALL BEACH VIEW, WARM HOUSE - GREAT COMBO ! Langs Beach 9 Margaret Way With a small view of the beach and a big view of the bush clad hills this house will surprise 1 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 2 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 those who bother to find it. Designed for easy living, the large open plan living area opens to 2 decks. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and large double garage downstairs. CCC March 2006. Fenced plus some mature fruit trees. A delightful offering Owner moving close to family. For Sale $ 765,000 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW EDITORIAL This Issue THE BREAM BAY NEWS is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. Address : RD 2, Waipu Phone :(09) 432 0209 Mobile : 027 432 0070 Editor: Marilyn Cox Accounts: Susan McRae Production: Geoff Spencer Advertising design Megan Lea One answer to Auckland’s transport and housing woes - move north Thinking concrete but don't know where to start? Think Atlas Concrete We quarry the aggregate We manufacture the concrete We site visit to advise the best options We give you the choice of mix and colours We give a choice of local placers for you to choose We manufacture concrete to your requirements We stand by our product, you stand on it Sonshine Print - Waipu 2010 3DJH/HWWHUV 3DJH9HKLFOHVHL]HGLQHDUO\PRQULQJUDLG RQ5XDNDNDDGGUHVV 3DJH$QLJKWRXWZLWKWKH%UHDP%D\ Community Patrol 3DJH5HFRJQLVLQJD5XUDO'HOLYHU\KHUR 3DJH5HPHPEHULQJ&KXQXN%DLU 3DJH7XVVRFNJUDVVEORFNLQJYLVLELOLW\DW 273URXQGDERXW 3DJH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHSDJH 3DJHV5HHFH&ROHPDNLQJKLVQDPHDVD KXUGOHVMRFNH\ 3DJH3ROLFH5HSRUW 3DJH:KDW¶V2QLQ:DLSX 3DJH6SRUWVUHVXOWV 3DJHV7UDGHVDQG6HUYLFHV 3DJHV&ODVVL¿HGDGYHUWLVLQJ $WODV&RQFUHWH Atlas Concrete <RXU)LUVW&DOOIRU&RQFUHWH Your First Call for Concrete 3K%U\QGHUZ\Q Ph: 0800 888303 - Brynderwyn RU5XDNDND or 432 5030 - Ruakaka OPEN: Mon & Tues 8am - 3pm Wed - Sun 8am until late 8 Rauiri Drive, Marsden Cove Marina Ph. 09 432 7097 THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE Your local tyre shop Quality tyres at the best price New tyres priced from only $85 RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\$XJXVW 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ :HGQHVGD\$XJXVW Tyres, wheels & your battery needs SH1 next to G.A.S. Phone 432 7421 INSIDE/OUTSIDE storage at 50 Cove Rd., Waipu Free phone. 0800 432 135 TRUCKING Call 021 070 8211 or 09 437 2559 Owner / Operator Duncan Mackay If you post a letter in Waipu to someone in Ruakaka, it will be sent down to the Auckland mail sorting centre in east Tamaki, get sorted into a pile for Ruakaka and come back up north again. Stu Kane, the Rural Delivery manager of NZ Post who was in Waipu last week to present a National Hero medal to Waipu’s RD contractor Steve Jones, tells PH WKLV LV HIÀFLHQF\ ² ´7KH WUXFN LV JRLQJ GRZQ WR Auckland anyway.” Auckland, we all know, is a mess. The poor people ZKROLYHDQGZRUNWKHUHVSHQGKDOIWKHLUOLYHVLQWUDIÀF They can’t afford to buy houses and many can’t afford to rent them either, unless they live two hours up the southern motorway where there is no public transport option and fuel alone costs them hundreds of dollars each week. 2QH RI WKH DQVZHUV WR$XFNODQG WUDIÀF DQG KRXVLQJ problems must surely be not having everything based in Auckland. A few years ago the Whangarei mail-sorting centre got shut down, with the loss of a number of jobs. I can remember when it happened because the NZ Post OHDÁHWGHOLYHU\VHUYLFHFKDQJHGDQGWKHORYHO\KHOSIXO woman who ran that service was made redundant. What came along in its place was a nightmare. A whole consignment of over 5500 copies of the Bream Bay News got lost for three or four days somewhere at that QHZ´HIÀFLHQW´VRUWLQJFHQWUH1RRQHDWWKHQHZQRZ part Australian owned distribution company, seemed to know or care where they were. From that point I took over the organization of the paper’s delivery myself and NZ Post lost a customer. The Bream Bay News delivery is now handled locally. If someone phones or emails to say they haven’t received their copy I can usually sort out the problem. 7KLVIHHOVOLNHHIÀFLHQF\WRPH,WVFHUWDLQO\PXFKPRUH HIÀFLHQWWKDQVSHQGLQJGD\VRQWKHSKRQHWU\LQJWRJHW KROGRIWKHPDQDJHURIWKHOHDÁHWGHOLYHU\VHUYLFHDWWKH Tamaki mail sorting centre, where everyone seemed to be perpetually out to lunch. I suggest NZ Post build a new mail sorting centre in Ruakaka, perhaps on some of that industrial land along One Tree Point Rd., which is now going cheap. The centre could service the whole of Northland as well as Auckland’s North Shore. Mail trucks carrying Northland mail won’t have to negotiate the Harbour Bridge and the southern motorway. The people who work there will have better lives than they would if they lived in Auckland, with a better chance of buying a home and more time to spend there with their families. n rily Ma GENERAL CARTAGE SERVICE Metal / Topsoil / Sand / Manure / Hay / Silage SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. Freephone 0508 273262 (BREAMB) Electrified security fence & large variety of unit sizes ............................................................................ WATER Prompt Delivery And Reliable Service. Healthboard Approved Drinking Water Carrier. Sunday 9 August $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Mid-winter swimmers at Waipu Cove Home made Soup, Hot Toasties and Melts available in our Service Deli. Ruakaka Supervalue Marsden Point Rd., Ruakaka Phone 432 7400 7KLUW\¿YHVZLPPHUVEUDYHGWKHZLQGUDLQZLOGVXUIDQGWKHFKDOOHQJHRI¿QGLQJVRPHWKLQJWDUWDQWRZHDUIRUD PLGZLQWHUGLSDW:DLSX&RYHRQ6XQGD\-XO\7KHDQQXDOHYHQWRUJDQLVHGE\WKH:DLSX&RYH6XUI/LIHVDYLQJ&OXEZDVSDUWRI:DLSX¶VPRQWKORQJWDUWDQFHOHEUDWLRQV. Fifty lot “lifestyle village” in Ferry Rd. Waipu ´1R LWV QRW D FDVLQR RU D EURWKHOµ JRRG*URXQG UHDO estate agent Shane Samtani told the members of the Waipu Residents and Ratepayers Association and their AGM held on Wednesday 29 July in St Peters Anglican Church. He was responding to speculation about a development in Ferry Rd. which people are conjecturing is to be yet another retirement village. 0U 6DPWDQL VDLG WKH GHYHORSPHQW ZRXOG EH ´D OLIHstyle village”. Approximately 50 house sites would be developed there on sections of approximately 500 square metres. ´,W ZLOO EH D YLOODJH W\SH RI HQYLURQPHQW ZLWK DQ HVplanade, boat ramp and jetty down by the river. There might possibly be a small community centre.” The old villa on the site would be refurbished for possible use as a manager’s quarters. The manager would look after the body corporate aspects of the development. All the lots would be free hold and the houses would range from 100 to 150 square metres in size. BREAM BAY PANORAMA - SOLD BY MELVA 0U6DPWDQLVDLG´7KLVLVSULPDULO\DLPHGDWUHWLUHHV people who want to down-size on what they have got.” He did not give the name of the developer but said he was an Auckland based Chinese man who had a number of other developments already underway in New Zealand. He said the developer was a long term New Zealand resident and was planning to use local tradesmen to develop the site and build houses. A search with Land Information New Zealand reveals that the company involved is a New Zealand registered company: DEYI Investment Ltd. Its sole director is Xiang Ming Huo of Milford. At the residents and ratepayers meeting Elaine Goldthorpe asked if the developer had thought of building a bridge across from Ferry Rd. to Waipu town centre. Otherwise she said people would take a roundabout route into Waipu. Steve Goldthorpe commented they would be driving into Waipu to pick up a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk and adding to the parking congestion already in the town. Ruakaka SO LD Lot 29 Heatherlea Drive Congratulations to the new owner of this fabulous 4ha block, I look forward to watching the build. ongratulations also to my overseas vendors, they can now move on to other ventures. Listed and under offer on the same day! For results like this please give me a call for a confidential chat - appraisals are free. Integrity, experience and a committment to achieve success for all. Local Bream Bay Agent Extensive Local Knowledge Melva Hartnell M 0274 998 463 B 0800 80 20 40 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LIMITED, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW LETTERS Something worth commemorating 7KH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJH VKLHOG IHDWXULQJ +06 (QGHDYRXU In the staff-room at lunch the other day, we were discussing the our Bream Bay College shield. I have been doing some research into the symbolism. The ship is of course, James Cook’s HMS Endeavour. It seems that he anchored here (and named the place) on 25 November, 1769. [Reference: http:// ] Doing some maths, that means that 2019 will mark the 250th anniversary of this event. Given your connections with the local community, I was wondering if you know whether anyone is aware of the anniversary? I know it’s four-and-a-bit years DZD\EXW,WKLQNLW·VVRPHWKLQJGHÀQLWHO\ZRUWKFRPmemorating Peter Sim 7HDFKHULQ&KDUJHRI'LJLWDO7HFKQRORJLHV %UHDP%D\&ROOHJH els whe n o e s e e Ch Bringing 45 high quality award winning Cow/Sheep/Goat cheeses At Wholesale prices WAIPU G.A.S STATION 2nd Thursday every Month 10.30 –12.30 pm STARTING FROM 13TH AUGUST 2015 Peter & Thea 09-431-6654 or 027-6882000 THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\$XJXVW 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ :HGQHVGD\$XJXVW Dub Dub Would Like To Thank The Local Businesses Looking After Her And Helping Support Waipu, Ruakaka and One Tree Point Primary Schools Disgusted and amazed at standard of road works I would like to express my disgust and amazement at the state of the road works that were completed (?) at the intersection of Port Marsden Highway and McCathie Road. I ‘ve seen some terrible road works in the past but, if WKLVURDGZRUNLVWKHÀQLVKHGLWHPWKHQLWZRXOGKDYH to be the worst I have witnessed! Not only does the work look bad but it is also dangerous, especially with the large trucks hammering along at 90k0h, sending PHWDOFKLSVÁ\LQJHYHU\ZKHUH ,ÀUPO\EHOLHYHWKDWVRPHLQYHVWLJDWLRQVKRXOGEHLQstigated immediately. Tony Lawson One Tree Point Reply in defence of Waipu Cove annual site holders night. You also mentioned the costs of $4,400 per year, for the maximum 75 nights would equal $58.67 per night. This is a guaranteed income for Waipu Camp Ground. I suggest that there wouldn’t be many annual site holders who can stay that many nights, unless they are retired. Given the average person gets only four weeks holiday a year, the pricing would change for different site holders depending on their circumstances. For example, the minimum of 30 nights would equal $146 per night. It all depends on how you look at things. For site holders who decide to go overseas for a holiday instead or work on Saturdays, it would be very hard to make up their 30 days so they don’t lose their site. The annual site holders who have left the campground are not being replaced. Then there are the powered tent sites over Christmas - $46 a night for a couple and children over 16-years -old pay an extra $10 night each. If you have three children it becomes $76 night. Is that fair for a family who can hardly afford camping on a powered tent site? /RRNDWDOOWKHEHQHÀWVWKDWFDPSHUVDQGDQQXDOVLWH holders are providing for local business in the area. Don’t destroy the mouth that feeds local business. Yes the Camp Ground is exclusive because the board keeps increasing the fees on all sites. When is it going to see sense? If the camp ground is making money with all the upgrades going on why not make it fair on all people concerned. I will let the public decide in their own mind what is fair. I must also mention the good work management and their team are doing with all the ongoing improvements around the campground. If you read my letter, I have only used the term annual VLWHKROGHUV,DPQRW´FRQIXVHGµ,KDYHEHHQUHQHZLQJ the annual contract for 18 years. I don’t go around and suggest fees for other camp grounds (as Mark Aslin suggested it should be $6000). You mentioned concern being expressed about building consent. As far as I can remember you had to draw plans for caravan/ hard awning/deck to be approved by the board before you can stay on site. The board (which you have been on for a number of years) has approved all existing sites. We understand that a large amount of money was spent on an environmental impact report for the north $ODQ6LPSVRQ ablution block, then the plans were signed off by the +RZLFN ERDUG 6RPH \HDUV ODWHU WKH EXLOGLQJ DQG ÁRRU OHYHOV KDGWREHPRGLÀHGGXHWRDPDMRUÁDZLQWKHGHVLJQDQG build. Who’s fault is that ? There are also a lot of maintenance costs for caravans DQGPRUHVRZLWKFRPSXOVRU\VRIWURRÀQJRQDQQH[HV that no one sees, I am on my 2nd canvas and vinyl roof for my awning, which it cost approximately $3000. The Email them to:, board has obviously now seen the sense of approving KDUGURRIV7KLVZLOOEHDJUHDWEHQHÀWWRWKHFDPSHUV Post them to: The Bream Bay News, being able to have lower maintenance costs with hard RD 2, Waipu 0582 roofs. This will also reduce the caretakers having to 2UOHDYHWKHPDW7KH%UHDP%D\2I¿FH keep an eye out for storm damage to soft roofs. There Services shop in the Ruakaka Town Centre or at The Waipu Post and Lotto Shop. are also hidden petrol costs to drive to the campground depending on where you live. It is not just $58.67 a . Letters to the Editor are very welcome Food 45 Deli Café Waipu Pharmacy Pizza Barn Waipu Butcher Caledonian Dairy Waipu Lotto Hammer Hardware Waipu 4 Square Wild Thyme Waipu Gas Station Waipu Vet Club Waipu Bakery Eco Pure Hair Waipu The Big Tomato Ruakaka Lotto Shop Orrs Pharmacy, Ruakaka 2 Birds Café Ruakaka 4 Square Country Bake Ruakaka /LIHȇVEHWWHUȐ :KHQ\RXVXSSRUWWKH &RPPXQLW\ 09 432 1077 Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Is there support in Waipu for a multi purpose recreational park? Continued from page 1. consideration to the noise that the park would generate. The group, which called itself the Youth Zone, has investigated several other possible locations and a concept plan for a multi purpose recreational park has been drawn up by Adam Wellford of Maxar Architecture. However the group now feels it needs community endorsement to take this any further. Malcolm sees a recreational park becoming a gathering place for young families with park benches for parents and grandparents to sit and drink coffee. He said at present many Waipu parents regularly drive their children to the skate park at Mangawhai. ´0DQJDZKDLKDVLWV$FWLYLW\=RQHDQG5XDNDNDLVIXQGUDLVLQJWREXLOGDVNDWHSDUN It’s time Waipu did something for its young people.” Vehicle seized in early morning Police Raid on Ruakaka address At 6am on Tuesday 28 July Northland police assisted detectives from the Police Organised Financial Crime Unit to carry out a search warrant at an address in Ruakaka. A 2013 Mitsubishi Triton was seized at this property. No arrests were made. Early morning raids were also carried out on 30 properties in Auckland as well as addresses in Huntly and Tauranga. All the properties are believed to have connections to the Head Hunter gang. Nine men and one woman were arrested and face charges, including the manufacture DQGVXSSO\RIPHWKDPSKHWDPLQHSRVVHVVLRQRIÀUHDUPVDQGPRQH\ODXQGHULQJ In total 16 cars, including a 1958 Ford Fairlane and a 1964 Ford Thunderbird, were seized under the 3URFHHGVRI&ULPH$FW Police said they were also planning to seize bank accounts and property with an estimated value of $4 million. The raids were part of 2SHUDWLRQ6\OYHVWHU, an investigation into the alleged largescale production and supply of methamphetamine. Well done!! 7ULQLW\&DUUROO +RO\UR\G :DLSX6FKRRO :PUNSL(_SL;YHPSLY2P[ EliE ng FR oup k [µ -RFNH\:KHHO [µ /HYHU&RXSOLQJ [0*1=²NJ +XE6WXE.LW)RUG*DOY [.%/²NJ 6SULQJ.LW/RZ&DPEHU&: 8%ROWNLW [1=²; 3O\7\UHV*DOY:KHHOV [²ҋҋ =LQWHF*XDUGV C Loc Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd. Ph: 09 433 0077 Fax: 09 433 0069 Email: 465-90!(474:(;!(45665 WEED CONTROL CROP GUN / GORSE PASTURE SPRAYING BEN M 021 762 727 P 09 438 3904 LAWN WEED CONTROL Well done!! /DXUD0F&XOORXJK 5XDNDND6FKRRO Well done!! .RUWH]+LWD'XYDO 2QH7UHH3RLQW6FKRRO You Found Me Hiding In The Café 45 in Waipu You Found Me Hiding In Bream Bay Takeaways in Ruakaka. You Found Me Hiding In Bream Bay Takeaways in Ruakaka. Be sure to keep an eye out kids, I’m somewhere else in the Waipu shops now! Be sure to keep an eye out kids, I’m somewhere else in the Ruakaka shops now! Be sure to keep an eye out kids, I’m somewhere else in the Ruakaka shops now! 0RQWKO\GUDZSUL]HDQGGRQDWHGWR HDFK6FKRRO(QWHUDW\RXUVFKRRORUWKH JRRG*URXQG2ɝFH ZZZJRRGJURXQGFRP Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW A night out with the Bream Bay Community Patrol %\0DULO\Q&R[ Its 8.15pm on a Friday night. I should be at home watching Coro with a glass of wine but here I am RXWVLGHWKH:DLSX3ROLFH6WDWLRQSXOOLQJDÁXURMDFNHW over my head so I can join the Bream Bay Community Patrol for a night’s work. Eric Hansen and David McKenzie are the two patrollers on duty this evening. Eric is the driver and David the observer. David phones in to a Police communications centre to let them know the patrol is in action. Before going home for the night he will phone in again to sign out. They tell me a few rules of patrolling: $Q\WKLQJWKDWFRPHVRYHUWKH3ROLFHUDGLRFDQQRWEH discussed elsewhere. ,IQHZVFRPHVRYHUWKHUDGLRRIVRPHWKLQJKDSSHQLQJ conversation stops and we listen. ,WLVQRWWKHSDWUROOHUV·MREWRFRQIURQWRIIHQGHUVEXW just to observe, make notes and pass information over to the Police. Constable Martin Geddes was to meet us at the station with some information about streets, which might need an extra bit of surveillance but he has been waylaid in 5XDNDNDZLWKDÁDWW\UHRQKLVSDWUROFDUVRZHZLOO meet him later on down by Waihoihoi Park. We start with a quick circuit around Waipu. We drive through the back of the Gas station and up around St Mary’s Rd. Those who attended the recent Waipu Celtic Barn opening or the Art ‘n Tartan shows might be interested to know that while they were inside enjoying themselves patrollers kept a watch over their vehicles in the car park in case of opportunist thieves. We head down to Waipu Cove where we visit Waipu’s rural delivery contractors Lyn and Steve Jones. They KDYH D ÁDVKLQJ OLJKW RQ WKH URRI RI WKHLU 5' YHKLFOH and David and Eric want to check it out. They have decided they need one for the patrol car. (ULF H[SODLQV WKDW WKH\ VRPHWLPHV ÀQG EURNHQ GRZQ vehicles on the highway or the roadside and they need WR ZDUQ RQFRPLQJ WUDIÀF WR VORZ GRZQ ZKLOH WKH\ wait for help to arrive. They have also come across tired and bewildered WUDYHOOHUV D )UHQFK FRXSOH MXVW RII D ÁLJKW LQWR Auckland international airport with a map looking for 6DQG\ %D\ D ZRPDQ IURP$XFNODQG ZLWK D ÁDW W\UH and no spare. They help them secure their vehicles and ÀQGDFFRPPRGDWLRQIRUWKHQLJKW We do a quick drive out to Langs before heading back into Waipu to liaise with Constable Geddes. He is VWRSSLQJ WUDIÀF KHDGLQJ RXW RI WKH WRZQ FRQGXFWLQJ breath alcohol tests. Eric and David provide back up and help to stop the passing cars waving red wand torches. ,W FDQ EH GDQJHURXV ZRUN IRU D SROLFH RIÀFHU RQ KLV (or her) own. But tonight the Maungaturoto policeman, Constable Trevor Millard is here to help out. He pulls a vehicle over with a just-expired WOF but lets the young driver off with a warning ticket. He has 14 days WRVRUWWKHSUREOHPRUZLOOIDFHDÀQH:KHQD8WHGRHV %UHDP%D\&RPPXQLW\3DWUROPHPEHUV(ULF+DQVHQOHIWDQG'DYLG0F.HQ]LHDERXWWRKHDGRIIIRUDQLJKW¶V SDWURO a U-turn further up the road he goes after it. It turns out the driver hadn’t been drinking but just changed his mind about where he was going. There is a strange plastic burning smell in the air. Constable Geddes says it reminds him of what a house ÀUHVPHOOVOLNHVRWKHSDWUROGULYHVXS6W0DU\·V5GDQG around the Saorsa Village on the look-out for smoke. 7KHVPHOOKDVIDGHGDQGWKHUHLVQRHYLGHQFHRIDÀUH Perhaps someone threw something they shouldn’t have into the log burner. $VERWKRQGXW\SROLFHRIÀFHUVDUHLQ:DLSXWKHSDWURO is directed up to Ruakaka. Constable Geddes asks that it take a look along Tamure Place where there have been reports of some unruly driving. Also he wants them to have a drive down Princes Rd. where there has EHHQDVSDWHRIVXVSLFLRXVÀUHV:HGULYHGRZQWKHVH roads slowly with the windows open. Sometimes you can hear things before you see them. This particular evening the streets were deserted, apart from a few cats out on the prowl. The patrollers have had some successes, most notably the night they came across the perpetrators of a spate of letterbox vandalism in the southern Waipu area. 2Q DQRWKHU RFFDVLRQ WKH\ ZHUH WKH ÀUVW RQ WKH VFHQH when a young man streaked down a road in Ruakaka village after accosting a woman. The patrollers were able to direct the Police to where the young man had gone. One stormy night last summer when the road over the Brynderwyns was blocked due to slips, Police had received a report that Cove Rd was under water DQGWUDIÀFIURP6WDWH+LJKZD\ZDVEHLQJGLYHUWHG around the treacherously winding Waipu Gorge Rd. The patrollers drove down Cove Rd. to take a look for WKHPVHOYHVDQGIRXQGWKDWWKHUHZDVQRÁRRGLQJDQG the road could be driven over safely. Sometimes the patrol’s effectiveness is harder to measure. Eric says the presence of the patrol car can act as a deterrent. Also it is a reassurance for people who might live alone and feel frightened by crime in their neighbourhood. The patrol heads out to the Kepa Rd industrial area and checks on the business premises there. All looks to be in order. )XUWKHU GRZQ 0DUVGHQ 3RLQW 5G WKH\ ÀQG D GRRU swinging open at a business premises. They secure the door and make a note to contact the business owner in the morning. Before heading back along the highway to Waipu the patrol does a tour of the Ruakaka beach area. It’s around 10pm by now. It’s a cold night and no one is stirring apart from a few rabbits at the entrance to the Ruakaka campground. The white mist has gathered in the low-lying paddocks along the side of the highway as we head back to Waipu. The cars, which earlier were lined up outside the Pizza Barn, have mostly gone. There is a group of young people talking on the Pizza Barn steps, for them the pull of good company stronger then the desire for a warm bed. Its time for me to sign off and drive home, I need my beauty sleep. Eric and David will stay on for a couple more hours. The following Wednesday I meet up with them both again at the Waipu Residents and Ratepayers Annual General Meeting. They give a talk about the work they do and put out a call out for more volunteers. Patrollers need to undergo a Police check and are given training, LQFOXGLQJÀUVWDLGWUDLQLQJ3DWUROVDUHRQO\XQGHUWDNHQ when there are two people available for the night. Eric told the meeting that the hardest part of the job is trying to raise funds. At present most of their sponsorship comes from local businesses but they will need a replacement patrol car before too much longer, which will take a major fund raising effort. David said that because they work under the supervision of the Police, most charitable funding organisations take the view that this is where the money needed for the community patrol’s operational costs should come from. However, the Police don’t have the means to provide for this. Anyone who would like to help the Bream Bay Community Patrol, either as a patroller or with fundraising, please leave your contact details with Constable Martin Geddes at the Waipu Police Station 432 4030. $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Recognising a Rural Delivery hero e r y T & s a G UH1RZ2SHQ 1HZ6WR ka a k a u R , Rd ) 40 KeBpreaam Bay Merchants (Opp. WWW.GASAND WWW.GASANDTYRE TYRE.CO.NZ WWW.GASANDTYRE. .CO.NZ GREAT PRICES ON ALL TYRES Check out these common sizes… &DUO3HUHLUDDQG6WHYH-RQHVZLWKWKHKHDGRI1=3RVWUXUDOGHOLYHULHV6WX.DQH. Waipu Rural Delivery contractors Steve and Lyn Jones weren’t quite sure why two representatives of NZ Post along with Waipu Fire Chief Trevor Vaile and Waipu Postie Kay Dixon had gathered at the Waipu Fire Station last Thursday but things go a bit clearer when Carl Pereira and his wife Sarah turned up as well. The gathering was arranged by NZ Post to recognize how Steve, while out on his mail run on May 3 last year, had helped to save Carl’s life . Carl runs an engineering workshop in Rosythe Rd., Waipu and had become pinned under a 3 tonne harvester head when a strop holding it in place broke and it fell from its trailer. Carl’s son Max heard the crash and came running to see what had happened. Max turned off the nine-inch grinder Carl still held in his hand and jacked the weight from Carl’s back. Meanwhile Sergio a Chilean rugby player staying in Waipu who Carl had offered work toarrived on the scene. He revived Carl XVLQJ&35VKRXWLQJDOOWKHZKLOH´<RXDUH not going to die.” When he saw Steve’s Rural Delivery van approaching Sergio ran out to the road to ÁDJLWGRZQ Max phoned the ambulance and Sergio and 163 Port Marsden Highway Ruakaka, Whangarei Mob. 021 522 526 Steve followed the instructions of the ambulance paramedics. Steve said the main thing was to keep Carl from slipping into unconsciousness. They kept talking WRKLPDQGVKDNLQJKLPDQGWHOOLQJKLP´:H want you around for a few more years yet.” 7UHYRU VDLG ZKHQ WKH ÀUH EULJDGH DUULYHG WKHUH was very little to do as Steve had taken charge of the situation. Luckily an ambulance happened to be at the bottom of the Brynderwyns and although to Steve, it seemed like an age, it arrived fairly quickly. 2QHRIWKHPRVWGLIÀFXOWWKLQJVZDVJHWWLQJWKH ambulance control room to understand the road name. ´, UHPHPEHU O\LQJ WKHUH WKLQNLQJ ZH QHHG WR change that bloody name”, said Carl. Another strange piece of luck was that for some reason there was good cell phone coverage at the workshop that day. Usually you can’t get a signal there. :KHQ WKH\ VDZ WKH VWDWH &DUO ZDV LQ ² KLV head had swollen to the size of a football, the paramedics warned that he might not make it to hospital alive. Steve’s wife Lyn remembers how shaken he was by the incident and how they had cancelled a planned trip north to visit a little granddaughter 205/65R15 175/70R13 185R14 195/60R15 205/55R16 $79.00 $59.00 $85.00 $69.00 $85.00 235/45R17 215/60R16 215/45R17 185/65R14 31/10.50R15 $98.00 $98.00 $89.00 $69.00 $167.00 FREE in-house food! You can help yourself to a range of pies, sausage rolls, tea & coffee while you wait TOTALLY FREE! 40 Kepa Rd, Ruakaka 09 432 8189 (opposite Bream Bay Merchants) Continued on page 12. Big Tomat Fruit & Veg Hangi orders for every Tuesday and Friday (09-4327303). Free home delivery on Tuesday and Friday within 20 km (minimum order is $35) Specials Tomatoes $6.49 /kg Watercress $4 a bag Normal opening hours 8am - 6pm seven days. Pears $1.99/ kg Onions & potatoes $9.99 a bag Telegraph Cucumber $1.99 each Specials available from Friday 7 August to Friday to 21 August CO %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW Remembering Chunuk Bair The photo above, supplied by the Waipu Museum, is of Waipu men who were members of New Zealand”s WW1 First and Second Expeditionery Forces. Of those pictured A.D. Mckay, A.P. McKay, Don Durham and John Grey McKenzie were killed at Chunuk Bair. Two other Waipu men Axie McLeod and John Sutherland-Paton also died in this battle. School uniform proposal for OTP Primary The One Tree Point school board of trustees is conducting a survey of parents and caregivers to see how much support there is for the adoption of a school uniform. The uniform suggestion came from some of the parent members of the school’s Parent Teacher Association. Parents and caregivers have until Friday 7 August to respond. The board requires that at least 80% of parents return the survey form before it will consider the result. Of Bream Bay’s three primary schools only Waipu has a school uniform. The Waipu Primary board adopted LWVWXUTXRLVHPRQRJUDPHGSRORVKLUWQDY\SRORÁHHFH and black shorts and trousers uniform in 2005. There was a two-year phase in period and by the start of 2007 every child was required to be wearing the uniform. Deputy principal Glenice Andrews says, on the whole. VKH SUHIHUV KDYLQJ D VFKRRO XQLIRUP DV LW LV ´D JUHDW equalizer and in the long run it is probably a cheaper option for parents. ´2Q VFKRRO WULSV :DLSX 3ULPDU\ FKLOGUHQ DUH HDVLO\ LGHQWLÀHGDQGDUHHDV\WRLGHQWLI\RXWLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ ´:HRIWHQJHWFRPPHQWVDERXWKRZQLFHWKHFKLOGUHQ look in their uniforms.” Glenice said at Waipu school there is always a supply of good quality second hand uniforms available with a former parent volunteering her time to run this service. The only problem arises with unnamed items, which FDQPDNHLWGLIÀFXOWWRVRUWRXWWKHORVWSURSHUW\ER[ The Waipu RSA will hold a short remembrance ceremony at the Waipu War Memorial to recognise those who participated in the ANZAC Landings and the Battle of Chanuk Bair. The ceremony will commence at 11 AM on the 7 August. All are invited to attend and remember those who took part in the events of 100 years ago. Chunuk Bair was the site of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force’s most VLJQLÀFDQWDFWLRQGXULQJWKH*DOOLSROLFDPSDLJQ Hundreds of New Zealand soldiers fought and died in an ultimately futile bid for control of this strategic vantage point. Six Waipu men were killed in this battle. One of them Alexander D McKay kept a dairy. The last entry on August 6 reads ´*RWRUGHUVZHDUHWRFKDUJHWUHQFKHVrd and 11th leading, the Waikato in support. Gunboat shells trenches for 20 minutes at 8.30pm and at 9pm, we rush them.” A detailed personal account of this battle is given by Ken Stevens in his book Maungatapere, which includes a chapter of his World War 1 experiences. He wrote,” I joined the army to see the world and gave little thought to deadly ÀJKWLQJZKLFKZDVQRZDVDGIDFWIXOORIDQ[LHW\GDQJHUPLVHU\DQGGHDWKµ He was wounded in a trench on Chanuk Bair and he describes the chaos and carnage that occurred there. ´7KHUHZDVDOZD\VDQXQFDQQ\OXOOEHIRUHWKH7XUNVFKDUJHGDQGZHFRXOG KHDURXUZRXQGHGFDOOLQJIRUZDWHUDQGWKHHQHP\RIÀFHUVVKRXWLQJRUGHUV to their men. Ammunition was running short and we had to search the equipment of the killed and wounded. A bullet broke my bayonet off, but as WKHUHZHUHSOHQW\RI7XUNLVKULÁHVDQGDPPXQLWLRQ,XVHGRQHRIWKHLUVDQG I was a blessing as it did not kick like ours and my shoulder was very sore. Later in the afternoon the attaches eased off and they were only throwing an odd bomb. The last bomb I handled landed in the trench on my left amongst some web equipment. I grabbed I, but unfortunately I also got hold of a piece of equipment, which pulled the bomb out of my hand when I tried to throw it. I got hold of it again but I went off just as I threw it and the explosion cut my hand badly and paralysed my arm.” Waipu men known to have died at the battle of Chanuk Bair are: A.D. McKay, A.P. McKay, George Grey McKenzie, Don Durham, Axie McLeod and John Sutherland-Paton. Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS - 432 0209 or if you know of something interesting going on in Bream Bay. Rowsells TYRES Ph 433 0313 Stockists of Maxxis Tyres Call Bert for your Tyre deals New & Secondhand tyres available HF201 & HF805 brand of tyres in most sizes All prices include gst On Call 24 hrs 094330313 or Bert on 021983724 Car puncture repairs for pensioners - $5 470 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Courtesy car available by arrangement $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Tussock grass blocking visibility on One Tree Point roundabout 25!+!+!,)15/2#%.42% #ORNER-ARSDEN0OINT2DAND3IME2D /PENDAYS0HONE STEINLAGER 24 bottles $39.99 The tussock grass at this roundabout at the intersection of One Tree Point Rd., Plover St. and Shearwater St. could be in for a trim after this photograph supplied by some One Tree Point residents to the Bream Bay News was forwarded to the Whangarei District Council’s Roading Manager Jeff Devine. In reply Mr. Devine said, ´7KHUH DUH D VHW RI VWDQGDUG guidelines that Council uses to ensure adequate visibility at roundabouts and, in fact, all intersections. ´:HZLOOFKHFNWKLVSDUWLFXODU intersection and trim or replace the vegetation as necessary to meet the required guidelines.” LION ICE 15 pack bottles $ 21.00 HEINEKEN 12 bottles $24.99 SOMERSBY CIDER 10 pack cans $21.99 CORUBA AND CORUBA GOLD 1ltr $39.99 JIM BEAM 1750ml $62.99 MUIRHEAD WHISKEY 1ltr $36.99 GORDONS GIN 1ltr $35.99 JIM BEAM AND COLA 5% 10 pack cans $21.00 CANADIAN CLUB and dry 5% 10 pack cans $21.00 MARTINEAU BRANDY 1ltr $38.99 PENFOLD CLUB PORT 750ml $21.99 Bream Bay Club’s van donated to Alzheimers Centre The Bream Bay Club has donated its van to the Forget Me Not adult day centre in Tikipunga, which is operated by the Northland Disabled Charitable Trust and provides day care for people with memory loss. The van will be used to pick up and drop off people who attend the centre. The Bream Bay Club committee decided to close down the club’s operations when the lease ran out on its Princes Rd., Ruakaka premises earlier this year. The club sold the building last year to cover its debts. Garry Smith, the Bream Bay Club’s current president said, as the club was not doing very well, a decision was made not to renew the lease and to distribute the club’s assets to charitable organisations. At present the Bream Bay Club retains its liquor licence and the bar is being run by Gerry Pole who is leasing the building and operating under the club’s liquor licence. Mr. Pole has applied for his own licence and will run a public house in the old Bream Bay Club premises once this is granted. Mr. Smith said when Mr. Pole takes over the club will wind up and will decide on which charitable organisations it will make grants to with its remaining funds. He said several applications for these funds have already been made. KAMALA RED WINE merlot -cab/shiraz $9.99 bottle SALT ICE AND PARTY ICE SOLD HERE OPEN 7 DAYS Only while stocks last. Aaron Toddun & Associates Ltd C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N TA N T S &!! & #&& &&! &%" &$ & ! " For a professional and confidential service and a free initial consultation call your local Mangawhai Accountant or drop in at our new office,1 Awatea Street Mangawhai Heads. Aaron Toddun B/Com Dip/ComLaw 1 Awatea Street, Mangawhai Heads, 0505 Phone/Fax : (09) 431 4881 Mobile: 027 611 0616 Email: to know! We’llWe’ll havehave whatwhat you you needneed to know Quality family Home Specialists Cruise 237sqm +L,¶P:D\QH3LFNHULOO 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRUDQG3URMHFW Manager for your new Fowler +RPH(QMR\TXDOLW\DQGDOOWKH EHQH¿WVRIGHDOLQJZLWKDQ HI¿FLHQWORZRYHUKHDG QDWLRQZLGHFRPSDQ\ZKHUH ,ZLOOWDNHDSHUVRQDOLQWHUHVWDQG be involved through to completion. $365,845 incl gst Includes: plans, building consent, electrical $14,000, tinted double glazing, 300L hwc, kitchen $15,000, 6PHJDSSOLDQFHVFDUSHWWLOHVFXUWDLQVDQGEOLQGV&RQWDFWXVIRUIXOOFRPSUHKHQVLYHVSHFLÀFDWLRQ .0RUHGHVLJQVDWZZZIRZOHUKRPHVFRQ]RUYLVLWRXURI¿FHDW:DOWRQ6W:KDQJDUHL3KRQH:D\QH3LFNHULOO TM %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW BREAM BAY COLLEGE Peter Snell Road, P.O. Box 111, Ruakaka,NZ Phone: 09) 432 8226, Fax: 09) 432 8228 Principal: Wayne Buckland Board Chairperson: Peter van Cingel EDUCATING PEOPLE TO SUCCEED - WHAKAAKO NGA TANGATA KIA TUTUKI TIKA Congratulations to Jemma Ferris for the Top Female Model Award modelling the winning creation “2015 Supreme Award “S’IOCH”ANA The Scottish Hill Throw”. From the Acting Principal - A Dalgliesh Term three has certainly started with a busy schedule for us all, we are right into the academic, reporting and coaching part of our term. This for parents and caregivers means the following; Reports - Reports will be issued on Monday the 3rd of August. This leads us into PST Day this Thursday. PST Day - Parent Student Teacher interviews are this Thursday the 6th August from 10:00am until 6:30pm. Please ensure that you have your appointment made with either your child’s Whanau teacher or Dean. These interviews are vital for all year levels, but more especially for years 10-13 to enable them to be guided in their subject choices for 2016, and for parents to be aware of the academic support that they will require for the up- coming practice and external examinations that are not all that far away. If for any reason you re unable to make a booking to see your child’s teacher please call the of¿ce and they will do this for you. Digital Horizons Day (Staff professional development) Thank you to all our parents and care givers for your indulgence in keeping our students home for this day, it was a very valuable day for our staff that were able to meet others, share, and acquire new skills in the digital technology ¿eld. Carl Pereira winner of the Arcs & Sparks Award for “The Tin Thistle”outstanding fabrication and Sculptural skill to join together materials that are not fabric, cloth or textiles in the “Engine Room” Category. Art N’ Tartan - Congratulations go out to all the students from Bream Bay College who entered the Waipu Art N’Tartan spectacular this year. A special mention goes to Anna Worthington, Michael Pereira, and Jemma Ferris for their amazing creations and awards. SADD - Congratulations go to Jayden Rudolph who has been selected as one of 37 students from across New Zealand, to represent their community and region in the SADD National Leadership Programme for 2015. Year 11 Art student Brenna Forsythe explores our theme of “Animal Mania and the Beast Within” with this effective self portrait. Get to Go Challenge Congratulations to Anna Wo r t h i n g t o n for receiving the Young Artist Award for the Outstanding College Entry “All Aboard for On Tuesday 27th July Bream Bay College had 16 students Aotearoa” in the take part in the Get To Go Challenge which was held at “To Our Roots” various venues around Whangarei and was organized by the Category. Hillary Outdoors Centre. The students were in teams of 8 and participated in Kayaking, orienteering, problem solving and mountain biking. There were 16 secondary schools teams involved in the day. Thanks to Paul McCully who C o n g r a t u l a - helped out with driving for the day. The students had a fantions to Zac & tastic day. School Visits - It has been a pleasure to visit our contributing primary schools over the last week and to meet all the wonderful students, staff and parents. I would like to thank you all for making us feel so welcome. Art Work of the Week On Tuesday 23rd June Bream Bay College entered a team in the South Zone 10 aside tournament. This was held at the Old Boys Rugby Club in Whangarei and was run by Northland Rugby. It was a great day with the team playing outstanding rugby. Results were: Game 1 BBC vs Pompallier 62-0 win to BBC, Game 2 BBC vs Whangarei Int School White 34-12 win to WIS, Game 3 play off for 3rd and 4th BBC vs Whangarei Int Blue 19-12 win to BBC. Bream Bay College came 3rd overall for the tournament. Thanks to Hayley Graham for helping with transport. Congratulations to Abbie Palmer Abbie ¿nished 18th in the Individual World Squash Championship, being held in the Netherlands. There were 126 in the championship draw. Abbie was runner up in the Special Plate just missing out in a close 5 set battle with Malaysia’s top player. Year 7-8 Rugby Rugby League Reps Congratulations to Nokisi Kaiarake and Terry Jack Smart both of whom made the Northern Swords Rugby League Rep team for the 2015 season. 6XU¿QJ Congratulations to Matt Jensen who is the Under 18 Northland Sur¿ng Champion and Tom Norton who is now the Under 16 Northland Boys Sur¿ng Champion. Both Matt and Tom have made the Northland Team that will be competing at the Nationals in October. 2014 Up & Coming Events: Term 3: 20/07/15 – 25/09/15, Term 4: 12/10/15 – 10/12/15 Term 3: Week 3 3 August 5 August 5 August Week 4 Te Tuinga Music Night Nau Mai Haere Mai everyone. You are all welcome to our Te Tuinga Music Night being held on Thursday 13th August in the school auditorium at 7pm. Entry is a gold coin donation. 10 August 12 August 12 August 13 August 3 August – 7 August Reports issued Clay Target – Dargaville PTA Meeting @ 7pm 10 August 14 August RESPECT WEEK Sec Schools Equestrian Cup - Woodhill BOT Meeting @ 7pm Yr 7&8 Tauraroa Sports Exch @ BBC Te Tuinga Music Night - Gold Coin Donation 2nd Hand Uniform WANTED $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Reece Cole - Making his name as a hurdles jockey Remember Reece Cole. He used to feature in Bream Bay College newsletters, a small, blond boy with a determined set to his jaw who excelled at rugby, soccer, swimming and cricket. Reece is now 22-years-old and is making a name for KLPVHOILQ\HWDQRWKHUVSRUWLQJÀHOG/DVWPRQWKKHKDG KLVÀUVWWZRZLQVDVDKXUGOHVMRFNH\ Number one win was in a maiden hurdles race at Hastings on Saturday 4 July on a big brown horse named Boy trained by Toby Autridge of Matamata, One race earlier Reece had ridden Boy’s stable mate, Le Bon Fin to second place. The following week at Te Rapa he had another win, this time on Le Bon Fin. He had to forego a ride on Boy as the horse had gone up a class and the weight he was allocated to carry had gone down to 63 kilos a weight, a bit hard for the 6 foot tall Reece to achieve. Reece said when he was younger he was always quite small and he thought he had a future as a jockey. ´,KDGSUHWW\ELJIHHWDQGSHRSOHWROGPHWKLVZDVDVLJQ I would grow tall. They turned out to be right.” Is he the tallest jockey in New Zealand. Reece isn’t sure but thinks he must be up there. He thinks he has a IHZPRUH\HDUVEHIRUHKHÀOOVRXWZKHQKHFDQNHHSLV to keep riding in hurdles races. He eats a lot of chicken salads and says the diet can sometimes get a bit hard ´HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ SHRSOH DURXQG \RX DUH HDWLQJ KDPburgers.” %XWKHORYHVWKHVSRUWDQGVD\V´7KHUHLVQRWKLQJHOVH like the adrenaline buzz you get in a big race.” His grandfather, the late Bill Burke, had been a jockey and then a racehorse trainer. As soon as he could walk Reece had accompanied his grandfather to the racetrack. His uncle Kim Burke was a very successful jumps jockey. After the Hastings meet, trainer Toby Autridge (himself an ex jockey) was lavish in his praise of the young apprentice and was quoted in the Matamata racing chronLFOHDVVD\LQJ´5HHFHGLGDVXSHUMRERQERWKRIWKRVH horses and for a kid who is just starting out I think he has a big future in front of him.” After each race the trainer goes over the ride with him. Reece is grateful for the help. ´6RPHRQHOLNHKLPZKRKDVEHHQWKHUHGRQHWKDW7KDW means heaps.” While still at college Reece began working as a track rider for Ruakaka based trainers. To keep his mother Jo Cole happy, he completed a sports science degree at Auckland University of Technology continuing all the z Environmental Enclosure z Sandpit Toys while, to do track work for south Auckland based trainer Shaun Clotworthy. Towards the end of 2013 Reece took a job back in Ruakaka in the Logan racing stables. ´7KH\ZHUHSUHWW\JRRG to me, I got to travel to Australia with Rising Romance. He was strapper and track rider ZLWKWKHVWDUÀOO\ZKHQ she won the Australian Oaks at Randwick in April 2014. Donna Logan said ReHFH LV ´D YHU\ KDUG working young man and richly deserves the success he is having.” She said because of his 5LGLQJ%R\WRYLFWRU\DW+DVWLQJV height it takes some strong self control to keep his weight down. ´,DPWKULOOHGWRELWVIRUKLP,WVKRZVWKDW5Xakaka can produce them.” Reece left Ruakaka for Matamata last year with the intention of becoming a hurdles jockey. Jumps jockeys can carry a bit more weight WKHQWKRVHZKRULGHWKHÁDWUDFHV+LVXQFOH.LP ZDUQHG WKDW WKLV ZDV D GLIÀFXOW FDUHHU WKDW KH would have his falls and would have to take the good with the bad. The week prior to his successes at Hastings, he was thrown twice at a Te Aroha meet. Nursing his pride and a few bruises he had carried on working all week determined to prove he was up to riding. Last weekend Reece was back in Ruakaka at the races working part with the trainer Wayne Hillis ²DQRWKHUH[MXPSVMRFNH\ This weekend coming Reece is due to ride again at Te Aroha and he has his sights set on riding Le Bon Fin in The Great Northern Hurdles at Ellerslie in September. One Tree Point School Wish List Just Some of the things we are helping one of our primary schools achieve in 2015. If you would like to help us, help the local schools give us a call. When we list and sell your property we will donate $500 back to the school of your choice. z Annual Events z PTA Sponsorship )RUUHVXOWVWKDWPRYH\RX« %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW Police Report Marsden Point High Tides AM PM Thu 6 Aug ~ ~ 12.06 2.6 Fri 7 Aug 12.31 2.7 1.02 2.6 Sat 8 Aug 1.22 2.6 2.01 2.5 Sun 9 Aug 2.24 2.5 3.05 2.5 Mon 10 Aug 3.24 2.5 4.05 2.5 Tue 11 Aug 4.25 2.4 5.04 2.5 Wed 12 Aug 5.24 2.4 5.59 2.5 Thu 13 Aug 6.19 2.4 6.49 2.6 Fri 14 Aug 7.09 2.5 7.35 2.6 Sat 15 Aug 7.54 2.5 8.16 2.6 Sun 16 Aug 8.36 2.5 8.56 2.6 Mon 17 Aug 9.16 2.5 9.33 2.6 Tue 18 Aug 9.54 2.5 10.09 2.6 Wed 19 Aug 10.31 2.5 10.46 2.5 Thu 20 Aug 11.10 2.4 11.24 2.5 Fri 21 Aug 11.50 2.4 ~ ~ Two caught driving while over the breath alcohol limit 2Q-XO\D\HDUROG5XDNDNDPDQZDVVWRSSHGGULYLQJRQ0DUVGHQ3RLQW5GZLWKDEUHDWKDOcohol level of 695. He is due in court in August. 2Q-XO\DWSPD\HDUROG5XDNDNDPDQZDVFDXJKWGULYLQJZLWKDEUHDWKDOFRKROOHYHORI 512 at a checkpoint outside the Ruakaka Police station. Jewellery and electrical equipment taken in OTP burglary Between 9 and 11am on Friday 17 July a home in Barbados Way, One Tree Point was burgled. Electrical equipment and a large amount of sentimental jewellery was stolen. If you have any information that may help to recover this jewellery please call crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or Mark Stuart on 432 7719. All LQIRUPDWLRQZLOOEHNHSWFRQÀGHQWLDO Quick thinking locals prevent further damage to Uranga Reserve by vandals On the 15 July, quick thinking locals called police after three men were causing damage to Uranga Reserve. 7KH PHQ KDG D PRGLÀHG FDU DQG ZHUH GRLQJ EXUQRXWV RQ WKH UHVHUYH 3ROLFH FKDUJHG RQH RI WKH PHQ D 23-year-old with causing sustained loss of traction. He is due in court this month. WAIPU LOTT0 & POST Continued from page 7. that afternoon. Carl spent six days in intensive care and underwent an operation on his back where two vertebrae were fractured. He suffered seven broken ribs and a fractured sturnam. He has pins and rods Carl discharged himself from hospital days after his operation. ´,WKRXJK,PLJKWDVZHOOEHO\LQJDURXQGDWKRPHZKLOH,ZDVWDNLQJDOOWKRVHSLOOV Four months later was back at work. He followed the advice of his physiotherapist doing all the prescribed exercises to heal the muscles in his back and now moves freely. ´,MXVWIHHODELWRIWLQJOLQJQRZDQGWKHQWKDW·VDOOµVDLG&DUO ´+HKDVPDGHDSUHWW\PDUYHORXVUHFRYHU\µVDLG6WHYH Stu Kane, head of rural deliveries for NZ Post, said the medal Steve was presented with is not handed out lightly. ´:HXVXDOO\JLYHRXWOHVVWKDQÀYHRUVL[HDFK\HDUµ Emailing Newsagents All stationery needs Lotto Postshop Photocopying The Centre, Waipu Phone 432 0900 Recognising a Rural Delivery hero Open Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 8.30am - 5pm Wed: 8.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 8.30am - 7pm Waipu Presbyterian Parish Sunday Services Ruakaka - Camellia Ave - 8.45am Waipu - The Centre, Waipu - 10.15am Prayers - 7pm Mainly Music - Sharon Smith - 432 1050 Toy Library - Julie Malone - 432 0388 Contacts Church Hall Hireage - Honor McAulay - 432 0322 Rev Tom Waight Counselling - Anglican Care Trust - 437 6397 09 09 432 4230534 7360 Family Welfare & Foodbank: Church OfÄce Co-ordinator - Helen Matheson - 432 0239 Cally James - 432 1536 Budgeting Advice - Bruce Matheson - 432 0239 The Crossroads Trust (Änancial support) Ann Evans - 432 - Peter Couper 4321141 0524 or email Working within your Community - for your Community NEW TYRES * 14” 13” from from $85 Tickets now on sale for Princess Ball Lifepoint Church in One Tree Point has announced the date for its eleventh Princess Ball, which will be held on Friday 4 September, at Lifepoint, 300 One Tree Point Road. 2UJDQLVHU6DQGUD&XUULHVDLG´7KHEDOOLVDIXQQLJKWRXWIRUZRPHQDQGJLUOVRI all ages, with food, dancing, giveaways, and a great chance to make memories with friends and familiy.” Tickets cost $5, if purchased before 1 September, or $10 after this date and can be purchased from Sandra Currie on 021 023 974 31, or at Lifepoint Mainly Music on Wednesday mornings from 10am. Fitted, balanced and inclu. GST 15” * 16” & 17” $89 from $110 from $99 * * * While stocks last Large selection of quality used tyres M A G I C T Y R E S & M A G S 4 Reyburn St. 438 3534 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW Having fun on the fun run Morris & Morris Ltd. Funeral Directors Serving Northland since 1944 ! ! ! ! ! 09 437 5799 199 Kamo Road, Whangarei. freephone 0800 667747 Bream Bay Office Services When Quality Counts 6HYHQDQGHLJKW\HDUROGJLUOVDW5XDNDND3ULPDU\WDNLQJSDUWLQWKHVFKRRO¶VIXQUXQKHOGODVW)ULGD\$XJXVW. Quiz night for Ruakaka Dog Rescue Ruakaka Dog Rescue is holding a fundraising quiz night at the RAZZA Waipu on the 19 August. 7KHHYHQWVWDUWVDWSPDQGWKHWKHPHLV´DQ\WKLQJWRGRZLWKGRJVµ Tickets can be purchased by phone (09) 432 0028 after 4pm or email 5XDNDND'RJ5HVFXHKHOSVWRÀQGKRPHVIRUXQZDQWHGSXSSLHVDQG dogs and to de-sex dogs whose owners can’t afford to have this done. 5LJKW$SXSS\XSIRUDGRSWLRQZLWK5XDNDND'RJ5HVFXH PTyping PFaxing PPhotocopying PLaminating PBusiness Cards PXmas Cards PCalendars PT Shirt Transfers PFridge Magnets PDesktop publishing PCertificates PAccounts Service PPamphlets PPhotos repaired PPhotos copied PBinding Shop 3, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Phone 432 8730, Fax: 432 8732 E.Mail RUAKAKA TAVERN OPENING HOURS Monday 2pm | Tuesday 1pm Wednesday & Sunday 12pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11am WHAT’S ON IN BREAM BAY . CHUNUK BAIR REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY Friday 7 August at 11am at the Waipu War Memorial RUAKAKA RACES Saturday Wednesday 12 August and Saturday 29 August. WAIPU SUNDAY MARKET Next on Sunday 9 August. 9am -1pm in the Waipu Coronation Hall TE TUINGA MUSIC NIGHT AT BREAM BAY COLLEGE Thursday 13 August at 7pm in the school auditorium. Entry by gold coin donation. MARSDEN COVE MARKET @ The Marina. Next on Sunday 16 August. 9am - 1pm QUIZ NIGHT Ruakaka Dog Rescue is holding a fundraising quiz night at the RAZZA Waipu on the $XJXVW6WDUWVDWSPDQGWKHWKHPHLV´DQ\WKLQJ to do with dogs.” Tickets can be purchased by phone (09) 432 0028 after 4pm or email TRIVIA NIGHT To raise funds for Pulse Dance Australia Trip. In the Waipu Caledonian Hall on Saturday 29 August at 7.30pm. Tickets cost $30 per person. Come dressed in your favourite dance genre: hip hop, ballet, ball room, cheerleading, HC Hammer etc. PRINCESS BALL Friday 4 September at Lifepoing Church 300 One Tree Point Rd. Tickets $5 if purchased by 1 September ($10 after that date). Available from Sandra Currie 021 023 97 431 or at Lifepoint Mainly Music on Wednesday mornings from 10am. NOW AVAILABLE IN BAR A ugust S pecial 300gm Scotch Fillet Lamb shanks - $16 Fries & Salad ENTERTAINMENT FRESH F RE SH FRESH MEAT $2-00 M EATRAFFLES MEAT TICKET RACE DAY Saturday 11th 25 JulyJuly RAFFLES R AFFLES ES S Ticket $2.00 from 5.30pm Every Wednesday, Every Wednesday, Thursday LEGACY LIVE & Friday Friday From Thursday& 5pm. From 5pm NO COVERCHARGE COMPLIMENTARY NIBBLES EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON COURTESY VAN WILL BE RUNNING ON THURSDAYS AS &2857(6<9$15811,1*217+856'$<6 OF THE 9TH )5,'$<66$785'$<6 JULY AND EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 Tailwaggers Small Dog Grooming Service t'VMMHSPPNJNHTFSWJDF t.JOJHSPPN t1JDLVQBOEESPQPòTFSWJDF R UA K A K A t"MPZBMUZDBSEFWFSZTJYUIHSPPNGSFF tEJTDPVOUGPSTVQFSHPMEDBSEIPMEFST S T U D I O - H O L I D AY H O M E S - B & B BOOK ONLINE OR PHONE t8FFLFOEWJTJUPSTXJUIUIFJSEPHTXFMDPNF %JBOOF"SUIVS1I.PCJMF &NBJMBSUIVSE!JIVHDPO[ COVE Plumbing & Gas Certifying Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers. ABSOLUTE CONCRETE One off product to your specification Crane truck delivery ELECTRICAL 132 Mountfield Rd, Waipu Phone 09 432 0406 Mobile 0275 875 024 Email Ph. 021 7758 48 mbl Hm. 432 1602 Yard: Kepa Rd Industrial Estate, Ruakaka Painting Interior Exterior New Old Ph: Peter 027 898 1519 FF SPENCE EO t4DBOT"#4"JSCBHT t"MUFSOBUPST4UBSUFST t$PNNFSDJBM t5SBDUPST t.PUPSDZDMFT t8JSJOH U TO C t.PCJMF4FSWJDF E L E C T RI 1I Over 40 Years Experience 547 Mountfield Rd,Waipu .PC A All aspects of stock sales including: dairy beef, bobby calves, store cattle, live export heifers, sheep, pigs, supplying stock for slaughter Also caters for small block holders Qualified Experienced Tradesman Deliver & Erect 'State of the Art' Scaffolding Ensuring you job is erected quickly and safely *** CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE *** A/H 0274 726772 PH 432 7643 R Grant McLean Stock agent for Bream Bay Email: Phone (09) 431 2211 KAIWAKA AL McLeod Drainage Merchant - Hardware Store G New Houses, alterations and maintenance. Phone 09 432 0155 or 021 479 244 Ph: 09 432 7025 Mob: 021 2722 739 website for online bookings: WINDSCREEN REPAIR OR REPLACE GLAZING SERVICES .*33034t41-"4)#"$,4t4)08&34 0800 70 40 10 LQIR#QRUWKJODVVFRQ]ZZZQRUWKJODVVFRQ] Ruakaka Motors Mechanical and Auto Electrical Repairs and Servicing We have specialised equipment for tackling sloped sections & lawns, including overgrown areas and scrub cutting, as well as maintaining your lifestyle property anywhere in Bream Bay and beyond. Look for us in the Bream Bay directory & on Facebook Ph 027 922 0572 ah 432 1670 Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5pm Open Saturday morning 8am - 1pm. Tyres and Batteries Warrant of Fitness testing Phone 432 7233 PARADISE QUARRY STONEMASONS Specialists in stunning stone for landscape Suppliers & installers of northland’s own schist for all your stonemasonryBeginners & landscaping PIANO LESSONS orRequirements advance students. ([SHULHQFHGTXDOLÀHGWHDFKHU0DUJR)LQOD\VRQ%$ (09)Teaching). 432 2722 or (021) 972 139 LTCL,Dip Ph.GEOFF 432 7919. Marsden Plumbing Co. Ltd. Quality work guaranteed Todd McDonald Registered Craftsman Plumber r 0ew *ousing r /aintenanEe r PumRs r (ire PlaEes r (usion 9elding Phone for a free quote 021 135 6471 or 432 8242 Ross Attwood Plans Ltd Ross Attwood LBP Design 2 Residential, Commercial & Contract draughting 1 Waimanu Place, Riverglade, Ruakaka 0116 Phone: 09 432 8115 Mobile: 021 361 894 Email: Deadline for next issue - Wednesday 12 August %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 Brian the Painter Decorator, Restorer, Handyman Property Maintenance No job too small, No travelling time charges Free advice ! ($(( )( ( !((( $$ Mob 0274954548 LOW COST DRIVEWAYS & SURFACING NEEDS ! Concrete or asphalt beyond your budget … We have the next best solution for a fraction of the price. Call for a quote, you’ll be pleased you did! Paradise Quarry Contractors ( !( (& ) %%( ( (!"$ ("(( "&,)('#*+**"&'*#)('#*+** "$"" Phone 0274 882371 0r 09 431 4882 Email: Geoff (021) 972 139 or (09) 432 2722 For contractors who ʻthinkʼ … WRIGHT DESIGN M.V.B. Electrical Ltd. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER 5HSDLUV,QVWDOODWLRQV$GYLFH BRIAN M WRIGHT N.Z.C.A.D. L.B.P.117345 Mike van Blommestein 360 Oneriri Rd. Kaiwaka RD2 Kaiwaka, North Auckland 09 431 2544 Mob. 021 276 7389 Contact / Heath P / 027 306 9119 E / 09 432-1599 or 027-292-2833 - CANOPIES Call for an obligation free design,and quote THE OUTSIDER Aluminium Awning System 4 The Braigh, Waipu Contact us: Angus 027 244 6100 Walter 021 519 605 Phone 0800 SHADES, 0800 742 337 Rodger 021 274 2337 or visit Waipu Wrought Iron Crushed Aggregates Available ex Quarry Email: mikevĂŶďΛdžƚ - SAILS SHADES DIRECT - AWNINGS Trees Trimmed / Removed Stump Grinding Hedges Trimmed Light Landscaping Fences Decks Carrs Quarry One Tree Point Road Ruakaka WŚŽŶĞ͗ϬϵϰϯϮϭϬϭϱͻDŽďŝůĞ͗ϬϮϳϰϳϴϯϳϰϵ Phone 09 4320 212 or 027 267 9157 Obelisks - Garden Arches Growing Frames - Gates Fencing - Furniture C A RTA G E FOR ALL YOUR EARTHWORKS & CARTAGE NEEDS Suppliers of: topsoil, compost, woodchip, bark, sand, pebble, rocks and firewood. Ph/Fax 09 432 8418 or 021 768 940 458 Marsden Point Rd. PO Box 142, Ruakaka 0151 email: Bream Bay Concrete Ltd. ""! $ $& $ !# $& $ !# $ $" ! $! $ $ % $&" ! Electrical Contracting & Repairs Electrical Inspector, Caravan EWOF, Coolrooms, Air con. , Heat pumps. Phone: 432 7968 Mbl: 0274 780014 BREAM BAY NEWS PH/FAX 09 432 0209 (PDLOEUHDPED\QHZV#[WUDFRQ] Post copy to : Bream Bay News, RD 2, Waipu Email: or leave it at: The Waipu, Post Shop or Bream Bay Office Services in the RuakakaTowncentre $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH FOR SALE GARDEN SUPERMARKET SHELVING 200 metres of steel shelving, selling in minimum lengths of 3.8 metres for $200 each. 3.8m long x 1.9m high x .5m deep. 5 shelves per length. Viewable at the supermarket and available from 24/08/15 Contact Grant on 027 426 9094 CARPET & VINYL. Huge selection of carpets & vinyl at competitive prices. Cpt short ends from $89+ GST per LM, Vinyl 2 mtr wide from $39 per LM. Mobile service, free measure& quote. Ph Christine (09) 946 9886 or 021 515 415. BATTERY TIRED? Geoff Spencer Auto Electrical. Century battery Agent. Free test, best prices, can deliver. Ph. 432 0373 or Mob. 0274 942 635. Ruakaka (A Brief History) AQUA WATER TANKS Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr. Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 HURRICANE FARM GATE 3.66M $132.48 LIGHT BARRED GFLB366I Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 TIMBER RAILS 150 x 40 x 4.8 H3.2 $2.45 Meter Incl (Packs of 98 lenghts) Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 CHECK OUT OUR SPECIALS Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 ROUND POSTS 1.8M NO1 @ $13.36, NO2 @ $9.94 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr. Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 PLUMBING SUPPLIESBream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr. Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 FENCE PALINGS 150 X 19MM 1.2M $1.89, 1.5M $2.37,1.8M $2.84 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 TUI ORGANIC COMPOST 40L $8.35 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr. Sime & Kepa Rd Ru- RACHEL THE GARDENER All aspects of garden maintenance From formal gardens to foodscapes Phone 432 1035 or 021 288 8811 ALTER-NATIVES Copies $20 Available from Bruce Cann Ph. 432 7399 Also available from Take Note Stationery and Lotto Shop FOUND GREEN CHILD’S BIKE in Waipu. To be picked up at Waipu Police Station 1XUVHU\/DQGVFDSLQJ QRZDW.LRUHURD 5GEHKLQG-RKQ'HHUH WUDFWRUVHQWUDQFHE\ WKHGRJSRXQG ZZZDOWHUQDWLYHVFRQ] WORMS FOR SALE For worm farms Phone 432 0209 Or a/h 432 0373 ACCOMMODATION OFFERED WAIPU TWO BDRM COTTAGE, private, handy VHWWLQJ ÀUH IRU WKH ZLQWHU PRQWKV ZN ZNV bond. Ref. required Available 28/7 Ph. 021 113 9011 BREAM BAY ACCOMMODATION, Ruakaka. We offer a wide range of accommodation both long and short term from 1 bedroom studio to six bedroom homes. Book online: www.breambayaccommodation. com or phone 432 7025 or 021 2722 739. RUAKAKA 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with great QHLJKERXUV3ROLVKHGZRRGÁRRUVDQGWLG\FRQGLWLRQ Close to Ruakaka shopping centre, beach and bus stop. Suitable for 3 adults or a small family. Available 15th March. $260 /wk rent. 1 weeks rent + bond of 4 weeks rent required to move in. Ph. 021 931 334 WANTED TO RENT ROOM WANTED. Waipu. Medium term. Where I can be left alone. Dog OK. 38-year-old. Sensible, independent, male Kiwi. Phone Bow 022 355 2205. WANTED TO RENT 3-4 bedroom house with 1-2 paddocks. Near Whangarei. Bream Bay - Hikurangi OK. Please phone John 021 052 0328 or 09 27 80 544. Local people read the BREAM BAY NEWS It is an effective place to advertise SERVICES OFFERED CARPET LAYING, Restretching and Repairs, 20 yrs exp, reliable service. PH Dean Ireson 436 2633 or 027 667 0183. HORSE COVER AND gear repairs and industrial sewing requirments; canvas, leather, pvc, straps, small tarps, tents and zips etc. Ph 432 0732 Wa i p u Boarding Cattery Excellent care and accommodation Ph Sue 432 0394 PAINTER/WALLPAPER specialist, 35 years exp, work guaranteed, imm. start, Phone Paul, Marsden Cove Painters (027) 246 0260 CARPET OVERLOCKING At Lifestyle Laundromat Corner of Commerce St. and Okara Drive Phone 436 1250 0223 139 300 KOOL 4 KATZ Boarding Cattery O. T. P . Rd Ph 4330122 or 021 1803713 GLENMOHR water care BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS BODYVIVE CLASSES Ruakaka Recreation Centre 3 workouts in 1 Phone Vicki 027 414 0970 /,1.,1*+$1'6 RAWLEIGH’S PROD+HDOWK6KXWWOH UCTS Phone Independent dealer, phone Susan McRae 4321029. WATER TANK CLEANING No need to empty your tank • Vacuum or full scrub Phone Mark Draper 09 432 0655 or 0274 707 607 SITUATIONS VACANT Invitation to Excellence.. If you have ever thought about a career selling fine properties we have opportunities available at Premium Northland based at Waipu Cove. We are proud of our accomplishments as a small boutique agency, allied to the successful Premium Real Estate group. Imagine the possibilities for your success in an organisation that has the ideal combination of market knowledge and a strong dominant brand. The rewards for those who succeed in this market are significant. CALL NOW FOR A CONFIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT SALES MANAGER SANDY MCKENZIE 021 431 541 DAVID BELL AREINZ 027 490 4481 COAST & COUNTRY SALE LTD LICENSED REAA 2008 PR E MI U M. C O. N Z | FIN E P ROP ER T IES | NORTHLAND 09 432 0200 $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES The Waipu Lions Club The Waipu Lions Club will be producing anonther Community Telephone Book to be available in December 2015. Existing advertisers will be contacted over the QH[WIHZZHHNVWRFRQÀUPWKHLUOLVWLQJ New businesses wishing to advertise, please contact Dick Scotland 432 0122 or Peter Blanch 432 1055. Cost will be the same as last directory: $220 for standard ad and $400 for colour. No deposit is required and accounts will be due in December 2015. Each directory lasts two years. In this production we intend to have both inside covers as colour ads. If you wish to change to colour please call the above numbers. WAIPU COMMUNITY TOY LIBRARY New to the area! Join us and make new friends. We are located beside Eco Pure hairdressers. 7HUPÀQLVKHV6HSWHPEHU:HZLOOFORVHIRUWKH school holidays then begin again in Term 2 on 16 October. New times for 2015 Fridays 9am to 11am Saturdays 8am to 10am Helpers We are looking for helpers. Would you be able to commit to 2 or 3 times a term for a two hour block either on a Friday or a Saturday? If you enjoy working with Mums, Dads and children your help would be much appreciated. Thank you. Contacts Lynnette 432 0441 or 021 022 388 83 Julie 432 0388 or 021 072 6710 LIBRARY HOURS TURN YOUR UNWANTED TREES INTO FIREWOOD AND/OR WOODCHIP. Phone Heath 027 306 9119 WAIPU COMMUNITY LIBRARY HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am - 1pm. Tuesday 10am - 4pm. The Waipu Coronation Hall and Library Phone 432 0372 &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Costs $5 for up to 20 words and 20c for each additional word. Boxed, approx 4cm adverts cost $10 plus GST Phone or fax your advert through to 432 - 0209 email to: Post to: Bream Bay News, RD 2 Waipu 0582 or leave it with payment at 7KH7KLVWOH in Waipu or at %UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHVin the Ruakaka Town Centre. WAIPU PUBLIC CORONATION HALL Books and goods required for BricaBrac shop Open Mon - Sat Mornings from 10.30am Bream Bay Medical Centre Ltd New Patients Welcome! Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturdays: 9am - 12pm 3OHDVHDGYLVHDWWLPHRIERRNLQJLI\RXUHTXLUHDQH[WHQGHGFRQVXOWDWLRQ Dr John Chapman, Dr Sue Hancock, Dr Karin Hiemstra, Dr Saj Din 0DUVGHQ3RLQW5RDG5XDNDND7RZQ&HQWUH5XDNDND 3K)D[ shop Waipu 9ROXQWHHUVQHHGHG0RQGD\V)ULGD\V +RXUV0RQGD\WR)ULGD\DPSP 6DWXUGD\DPSP 'RQDWHGJRRGVZHOFRPH 3KRQHIRUSLFNXSV. SALE! SALE! SALE! Waipu Anglican Opportunity shop “WINTER SALE” All winter stock reduced to $1.00 Unless marked BE QUICK!. Bream Bay Community Support Trust )UHHPHGLFDOFOLQLFHDFK:HGQHVGD\ 9.30 am - 1pm. )UHHEXGJHWLQJVHUYLFHE\DSSRLQWPHQW - 432 7197 63&$)UHHFOLQLFQH[WRQ0RQGD\-XO\ 9am - 12noon. 0HQWDO+HDOWKDQG$GGLFWLRQV Wednesday 10-1pm for assessments The Bream Bay Community Trust also offers: $)DPLO\&HQWUHGVXSSRUWWHDP )DPLO\YLROHQFH,QWHUYHQWLRQDGYRFDF\ $GYLFHDQGUHIHUUDOVWRRWKHUDJHQFLHV and relevant support services. 7DNXWDL3ODFH5XDNDND3KRQH Phone 432 7197 MARSDEN BAY GARDEN CLUB BREAM BAY SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20th of August at 1 pm in the Ruakaka hall, Cnr. Sanford Rd and SH1 Ruakaka. Flower of the month -Daisy. 'HFRUDWLYHFODVV'ULIWZRRG²WKUHHÁRZHUV All entries in by 12.30 pm Floral Demonstration. 1RYLFHFODVV²&RXQWU\.LWFKHQ Int./Senior class - Simply white, Foliage allowed. - Pretty Pink Pickings. - Land and Sea. 3OHDVHEULQJÁRZHUVFRQWDLQHUVRDVLVHWF and have a go. 7UDGLQJWDEOHFRPSHWLWLRQVDQGUDIÁHV Gold coin donations for the Cancer Society.MemEHUVSOHDVHEULQJDVPDOOSODWHRIÀQJHUIRRG Enquiries: Noeline 4328303 or Alex 4328068 Visitors and new members welcome. Presbyterian Waipu &DPHOOLD$YH5XDNDNDDP 7KH&HQWUH:DLSXDP 3UD\HU6HUYLFHSP Assembly of God0DUVGHQ3W5G 5XDNDNDDP AnglicanVWDQGUG6XQGD\V6W3DXO¶V 5XDNDNDQGDQGWK6XQGD\V6W3HWHU¶V :DLSXWK6XQGD\6W1LFKRODV0LVVLRQ WR6HDIDUHUV¶0DUVGHQ3RLQW$OOVHUYLFHV VWDUWDWDP Catholic+RO\)DPLO\&KXUFK5XDNDNDDP0DVV Lifepoint2QH7UHH3RLQW5G DP Waipu RSA The following programme is promulgated for Chanuk Bair Remembrance 7th August 2015 1100 Ceremony commences at War Memorial Waipu Opening Address - Waipu RSA President Reading names of those at Chanuk Bair /D\LQJRI:UHDWKV²3LSHUSOD\V/DPHQW Prayer /DVW3RVW²7UXPSHWHU Ode Reveille MARSDEN COVE MARKET 1RUWKODQGVÀQHVWDUWVFUDIWVORFDOO\JURZQ fruit and vegetables entertainment for the children preserves jams pickles oils coffee and food. AT THE MARINA 3rd Sunday of each month 9am to 1pm A fun family day Contact Don 09 4314118 New stallholders welcome Free stalls for community groups Supporting Your Community. NEXT MARKET SUNDAY 16 AUGUST THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\$XJXVW 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ :HGQHVGD\$XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW 3KRWRE\&KULVWLQH%LUVs Planting trees at Uretiti 7KRPDV-DFREVRQKHDGVWKHEDOODZD\IURPWKH.DPRRSSRVLWLRQIRUKLV%UHDP%D\ 8QLWHG'LYWHDP Bream Bay College Environmental Studies student Tegan Brown plants native trees at the Uretiti Living Legends project. Four students planted 350 trees in a morning’s work. Later that week members of the Bream Bay Coastal Care Trust spread mulch around them to help their survival through the predicted dry spring weather. A total of 500 trees have been planted at the SURMHFWWKLVZLQWHUÀOOLQJLQVSDFHVZHUHHDUOLHUSODQWLQJVKDYHGLHGLQGU\ weather or been eaten by rabbits. 7KUHH\HDUROG3RSS\%DWHVWULHVRXWWKH5XDNDND5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWUHIRRWEDOOFKDOOHQJHDWWKHIXQGUDLVLQJFDUERRWVDOHIRUWKH5XDNDND6NDWH3DUNKHOGDWWKHFHQWUH RQ6DWXUGD\$XJXVW Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS - 432 0209 or if you know of something interesting going on in Bream Bay. SPORTS RESULTS Ruakaka Indoor Bowling Club Waipu Golf Club 23.06.15 1st P. Ivory 2nd R. Carey 3rd G. Puckett 4th R. Roberts 30.06.15 1st R. Carey R. Ivory 2nd R. Roberts G. Babe 3rd M. Bennett F. Burke Cons P. Ivory A. Finlayson 07.07.15 1st R. Carey A. McLachlan G. Babe 2nd M. Bennett, Hugh, A. Finlayson D. Puckett 3rd G. Puckett P. Finlayson R. Roberts 4th T. Heath F. Burke R. Finlayson M. Philip Womens Tuesday Golf One Tree Point Bowling Club 17 July A/C Triples sponsored by The Team at Ray White Real Estate Bream Bay 1st B Ashworth S Henderson G Sandilands Maungatapere 3 wins 21 ends 54 points. 2nd L Mutch S Mc Adam M Taylor Maungatapere 3wins 20 ends 40 points 3rd E Sherriff J Mauhey H Smeath Kamo 3 wins 18 ends 34 points 24 July A/C Triples Sponsored by A1 Homes 1st M Dalbeth J Taylor B Clarkson Maungatapere 3 wins 20 ends 50 points. 2nd P Strong P Nicholson C Neeley Kamo 3 wins 18 ends 33 ponts. 3rd D McLean T Sloane S Bhakta 3 wins 17 ends 39 points Waipu Indoor Bowling Club Handicap Pairs, July 8. Winner: George Mutch, Rose Rowe, Runner -Up: Des Hales and Betty Jeanes. Championship Triples: July 21. George Mutch, Alan Rowe and Tom Daybell. Runner -up Barrie Worrell, Dorothy Whyte, Betty Jeanes. 21 July 9 Hole - Stableford RD 6 1st: Jan Pivac 20, 2nd: Val Duff 18, 3rd: Darien Angelo 17, 4th: Gae Babe 17, 5th: Gabrielle Carppe 17 18 Hole - Putting 1. C Jenkins 30, 2. J Kerr 30, 3. W. Legarth 34 28 July 9 Hole Stableford 1st. Jan Bell 19, 2nd. Juanita McGoldrick 18, 3rd: Beryl Willcox 17, 4th: Jan Pivac 16, 5th: Debbie Somner 16, 6th: Darien Angelo 14 on C/B from Sue Marsh. 18 Holes: Best Stableford Wendy Legarth 36, Betty Johns 35. Team trophy waipu average 29, Pines average 26.72 Waipu retained the trophy. Men’s Wednesday Golf 24 June. 26 played the monthly par and putts. Braden Keown, Roger Ogle, Napo +HQDUH-DFN&DPSEHOO$QGUHZ0RIÀWW%DUU\5HLG0D[&XOOHQ Twos: Simon Yates. Putts Braden Keown, Pat Hall -28. 1 July 28 played stableford. Max Cullen, Napo Henare - 41. Jack Campbell, Des Decon - 40, Terry Bayley, Mike Haddleton, Paul Gordon, Greig Tilly. Twos Napo Henare, Paul Gordon. 8 July 22 played stableford/ Max Cullen 40, Simon Yates 38, Terry Bayley, Napo Henare 37. Twos: Bob Muir, Greig Tilly. 15 July 16 played stableford. Barry Reid 45, Russel Foster 40, Gary Meyer 37, Grant Weston 36, Des Deacon, Mark Draper, Bob Muir 35, Twos: Gary Meyer, Greig Tilly. 22 JulySOD\HGSDU*UDKDP%\OHV$QGUHZ0RIÀW%RE0XLU0D[&XOOHQ +1, Napo Henare, Dave Rickey, Terry Bayley, Pat Hall, Barry Reid 0. Twos: AnGUHZ0RIÀW; %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH $XJXVW ͵Ͳͺǡ Ȉ ǡǡǡ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉǡ Ȉ Ȉ ǡ ǡ ȈͻͲ ǡ͵Ͳ ̈́͵ͲǡͲͲͲǤǤ ǤȀͷͶͲͺͶ 2SHQ+RPH6XQGD\SP Ǧ ͲʹͳͲͶͳͳʹͻͲͻͶ͵ʹͺͳͳ ͳǡǯ ǡ ǡ ǡǡǡ ǡǡƬǦ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥϐ ȀȀ ǡ Ǣ ϐ ϐ ǤȋȌƬ ϐ ȋͶȀ ȀȌʹ ϐϐ Ƭ Ǥ ǡ ϐƬǨ Ǥ Ǩ ǣ̈́ͺͻǡͲͲͲǤǤ ǤȀͷͶͺ͵Ͳ͵ ͵ͳͳǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǣ̈́ʹ͵ͲǡͲͲͲǤǤ ǤȀͷ͵ͳͲ͵ͷ ǡ ǤǤ ϐ ǤͲͲ ǡ Ǥ ǤǤ ̈́ͳͺͻǡͲͲͲǤǤ ǤȀͷͶͺͺ͵ Ǧ Ǧ Ͳʹ͵ͺʹʹͻͲͻͶ͵͵ͲͲͲ ͲʹͳͷͶͳͷͶ͵ͲͻͻͶͷͶʹͲͶ tŚĂŶŐĂƌĞŝϬϵϰϯϴϯϬϳϵ&Ϭϵϰϯϴϴϯϳϵ͕ϲϲĂŵĞƌŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕tŚĂŶŐĂƌĞŝ Ships expected at Marsden Point 3KRWRE\3HWHU*UDQW ' #"%!,% ##"#% # ("'%& "' $#$ ''4 ) "# %#% ) "( %)%&" ")67#(%&'$%*1$%'( % ,' "'&3;$!4;! "''"#%'"' ,'%""&"')"" % '#&&&'(&')"'&"#(%% "''##!$%'#)%"'+'"'!# !( "#%& '#)&#("& ,#(. ",#(2 !#%"#%!'#". $ &#"''/4 %!,' #"!( "&''#" 9!"' 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Departing for Tauranga. &KHQDQ ETA Sun 9 August ETD Wed 12 August at 8pm. Loading LVL. Departing for Auckland. 7RUHD(7$6XQ$XJXVW(7'0RQ$XJDWDP/RDGLQJUHÀQHGRLOSURGXFWVIRU:HOOLQJWRQ Stena Sunrise ETA Sun 9 August at 10am. ETD Tues 11 August at 10am. Delivering crude oil to WKH0DUVGHQ3RLQWUHÀQHU\ 6RXWKHUQ7UDGHU ETA Mon10 August at 12 noon. ETD Mon 10 August at 11pm. Loading cement at Portland for Auckland. .RUDNLDQG%DUJH ETA Mon 10 Aug at 10pm. ETD Tue 11 August at 2pm. Loading cement for Auckland. New Fantasy ETA Tue 11 August at 1pm. ETD Sun 16 August at 5am. Loading logs. *ROGHQ%D\ ETA Tue 11 August at 7pm. ETD Thu 14 Aug at 1am Loading cement for Auckland. *ROGHQ%D\ ETA Sat 15 Aug at 2pm. ETD Sun 16 Aug at 9pm. Loading cement for Auckland. 2FHDQ3HJDVXV ETA Sun 16 August. ETD Mon 17 Aug. Loading woodchip for Japan. .RUDNLDQG%DUJH ETA Sun 16 Aug ETD Sun 16 Aug. Loading cement at Portland for Auckland. Laguna ETA Sun 16 Aug at 12 noon. ETD Wed 19 August at 12 noon. Loading logs. Torea (7$0RQ$XJDWDP(7'7XH$XJDWSP/RDGLQJUHÀQHGRLOSURGXFWVDWWKH UHÀQHU\IRU/\WWOHWRQ /XFN\/LIH ETA Wed 19 Aug. ETD Thu 20 Aug. Loading logs for China. $XJXVW %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Lynda’s phone is buzzing with buyers wanting to purchase in beautiful Bream Bay - especially existing homes/baches. Call me now if you are wanting to sell. * ,1 67 , / (: 1 021 432 714 or 09 432 7153 Set Date of Sale +,''(1*(0,1:$,38 7KLVSURSHUW\LVVRKDQG\WRWKHVKRSV SDUNVFDIp¶VUHVWDXUDQWVDQGVFKRRO6HW RQPWKHUHDUHEHGURRPVRSHQ SODQOLYLQJZLWKDFRQVHUYDWRU\DQGD JDUDJHZLWKLQWHUQDODFFHVVDOORQDOHYHO VHFWLRQ*UHDWIRUUHWLUHPHQWLQYHVWPHQW RU¿UVWKRPHEX\HUV,WLVUDUHWR¿QGD SURSHUW\LQ:DLSXIRUWKLVSULFH -XG\*X\RU DK:38 $&5(23325781,7< 6KHOWHUHGDQGQRUWKIDFLQJDFUH OLIHVW\OHSURSHUW\ 0RVWO\SDVWXUHVRPHSLQHV %RQXVLVEHGURRPNDXULEXQJDORZ RQEORFNV21/< )LQLVKWKLVSURMHFWDQGUHDSWKHUHZDUGV &9 0$.($12))(5 5RJHU.LQJ RUDK :38 Private Pony Paradise Maungaturoto 239 State Highway 12 Set Date of Sale Closes 4pm, 19th August (unless sold prior) View by Appointment Lynda Peni 021 432 714 ah 09 432 1753 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson REAA 2008 0(',7(55$1($10$*,& 4.15 Ha of lovely North Facing rolling pasture located 2km off SH1 on SH12 and 4.5km to local amenities including shops, primary and secondary schooling, a historic pub and cafes. Enjoy living in a secluded and spacious 4brm family home plus sleep out. A Rural/ equestrian living lifestyle awaits you here with 65 x45 m2 sand and rubber horse arena, stables, tack room, concrete tie up/wash down space, plus undercover drying area, - it’s a horse lovers dream. There is also a large round barn with lean to/hay store, cattle yards, loading race and sheep pens, 9 fully fenced paddocks with water and all in good pasture. +LJKTXDOLW\PSODVWHURYHUEULFN KRPHZLWKFDYLW\ EHGURRPVSOXVVWXG\EDWKURRP 6WXQQLQJFRDVWDOSDQRUDPDLQFOXGLQJ LVODQGVDQGQDWLYHEXVK 6HSDUDWHPEDUQZRUNVKRS PODQGVFDSHGVKHOWHUHGVLWH 2QO\PLQVIURP9LOODJHDQG&RYH 0LNH)HUULV RUDK:38 Licensed REAA 2008. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. Asset Realty Limited MREINZ 09 438 1332 /,&(1&('5($/(67$7(&203$1<5($$ dŽǁŶĞŶƚƌĞ͕ZƵĂŬĂŬĂ WŚ͗ϬϵϰϯϯϬϯϬϬ ŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj ǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj 3URXG6SRQVRUVRI E d/E' t>/^ ,Ez>Kd/KEͶt><dK, EdZ>>Kd/KE dŚƌĞĞĚŽƵďůĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞŽŶĂŐĞŶƚůĞ ƐůŽƉĞĐŽŵƉƌŝƐŝŶŐŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶůŝǀŝŶŐ͕ ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ƚŽŝůĞƚĂŶĚďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͘ WŽƐŝƟŽŶĞĚŽŶĂϮϬϬϮŵϮƐĞĐƟŽŶ͕ƚŚĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ƉůĞŶƚLJŽĨƐƉĂĐĞƚŽƉŝƚĐŚĂƚĞŶƚ͕ƉĂƌŬĂ ĐĂŵƉĞƌĂŶĚĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶĨĂŵŝůLJĂŶĚĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ŽǀĞƌƚŚĞŚŽůŝĚĂLJƐ͘ ůŽƐĞƚŽƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐĐĞŶƚƌĞĂŶĚĂůůĂŵĞŶŝƟĞƐ͘ ŽŵĨŽƌƚĂďůĞĞŶŽƵŐŚĂƐŝƚŝƐ͕ƚŚŝƐƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŚĂƐƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůĨŽƌŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ͘ϭϬϬϬŵϮ ƐĞĐƟŽŶǁŝƚŚĞůĞǀĂƚĞĚŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶƚŚƌĞĞ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵĨĂŵŝůLJŚŽŵĞ͘KƚŚĞƌĂĚĚŝƟŽŶƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĂůŽŐĮƌĞ͕ĂŶŽĸĐĞ͕ƵŶĚĞƌŚŽƵƐĞ ůĂƵŶĚƌLJĂŶĚĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͘ĞŶƚƌĂůůLJůŽĐĂƚĞĚ͕ ĐůŽƐĞƚŽĂůůĂŵĞŶŝƟĞƐ͘'ƌĞĂƚĮƌƐƚĨĂŵŝůLJ ŚŽŵĞŽŶƚŚĞƐĐŚŽŽůďƵƐƌŽƵƚĞĂŶĚĂĨĞǁ Ŭ͛ƐƚŽƚŚĞƐƵƌĨďĞĂĐŚ͘ Ψϯϯϱ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϱϳϰ :ĂŶŝŶĞ'ŽůĚƐŵŝƚŚϵϰϱϰϮϬϱͬϬϮϭϰϯϮϳϵϯ Ψϯϴϱ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘ŶnjϯϲϯϬ ĞƌĞŬdƵƟůůƉŚϵϰϱϰϮϬϭϮͬϬϮϭϯϴϴϳϳϵ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ DKE^dZKh^s/t^ E d/E t>/^ ' dŚŝƐϮ͘ϳϮŚĂďůŽĐŬŚĂƐĂƉĞƌĨĞĐƚůĂƌŐĞ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐƐŝƚĞĂŶĚŝƐĂƵŶŝƋƵĞĂŶĚƌĞƐƞƵů ƉůĂĐĞƚŽůŝǀĞ͕ŽǀĞƌůŽŽŬŝŶŐƚŚĞǁŝĚĞƌƌĞĂŵ ĂLJ͕ƚŚĞtŚĂŶŐĂƌĞŝ,ĞĂĚƐΘƚŚĞ,ĞŶΘ ŚŝĐŬƐ͘ƐǁĞůůĂƐŐƌĞĂƚǀŝĞǁƐ͕ĂŶĚƐŝƚƵĂƚĞĚ ŝŶĂĨĂďƵůŽƵƐůŽĐĂƟŽŶ͕ŽŶƚŚĞƚĂƌƐĞĂůĂŶĚ ƐŚĞůƚĞƌĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞǁĞƐƚĞƌůŝĞƐ͘ǀĞƌLJƐŚŽƌƚ ĚƌŝǀĞƚŽZƵĂŬĂŬĂ͛ƐĨĂďƵůŽƵƐƐƵƌĨďĞĂĐŚ͘ ΨϯϯϬ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘ŶnjϯϲϯϮ &ŝŽŶĂ^ŽƵƚŚŽƌŶƉŚϬϮϭϯϭϳϳϳϱ E d/E t>/^ ' >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ y^,Kt,KD dŚŝƐƚŚƌĞĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞŚĂƐŝŶƐƚĂŶƚĞLJĞ ĂƉƉĞĂůĂŶĚŝƐƐŝƚƵĂƚĞĚŝŶĂƐƵďĚŝǀŝƐŝŽŶŽĨ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJŚŽŵĞƐĐůŽƐĞƚŽĂůůĂŵĞŶŝƟĞƐ͘ ĞŝŶŐĂŶĞdžƐŚŽǁŚŽŵĞ͕ŝƚŚĂƐŵĂŶLJ ƵƉŐƌĂĚĞƐ͘dŚĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐĂƌĞĂůůůĂƌŐĞ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞ͛ƐĂŶŽĸĐĞ͕ĂŶĚƐƵŶŶLJŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶ ůŝǀŝŶŐůĞĂĚŝŶŐƚŽƉƌŝǀĂƚĞƉĂƟŽ͘dŚĞŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ ŝƐĂŵĂnjŝŶŐĂŶĚŚĂƐĂďƵƚůĞƌ͛ƐƉĂŶƚƌLJ͘ Ψϰϲϱ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘ŶnjϯϲϮϲ ůĂŶ^ŚĞĚĚĂŶϵϰϱϰϮϬϭͶϬϮϭϴϭϬϯϭϵ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ >/s/E'd,ZD/Et/Wh E ^ŝdžZĞĚ,ŽƚĂƌŐĂŝŶƐ,ĞƌĞ͊ ĞǀĞůŽƉĞƌƐĂLJƐ͞YƵŝƚdŚĞƐĞ^ĞĐƟŽŶƐ͟ KŶůLJϲůĞŌͶƉƵƚLJŽƵƌŵĂƌŬŽŶŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞŵďĞĨŽƌĞŝƚ͛ƐƚŽŽůĂƚĞ͊ ůůϲΛΨϭϮϱ͕ϬϬϬĞĂĐŚͲǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϱϵϳ :ŽĂŶŶĞĞǁƐŽŶƉŚϬϮϭϳϴϬϲϮϮ ;>ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴͿ d/E' t>/^ WƌŝǀĂƚĞĨĂŵŝůLJůŝǀŝŶŐŽŶŚĂůĨĂŶĂĐƌĞŽĨ ŇĂƚĨĞƌƟůĞůĂŶĚ͘&ŽƵƌďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ŵĂŝŶ ǁŝƚŚĞŶƐƵŝƚĞĂŶĚǁĂůŬŝŶǁĂƌĚƌŽďĞ͕ ƚǁŽůŽƵŶŐĞƐƚŚĂƚůĞĂĚŽƵƚƐŝĚĞƚŽůŽǀĞůLJ ƐŚĞůƚĞƌĞĚƐƵŶŶLJĚĞĐŬƐ͘>ŽƚƐŽĨƐƚŽƌĂŐĞĂŶĚ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂůƐƉĞĂŬĞƌƐ͕ ƐĞŶƐŽƌůŝŐŚƟŶŐΘĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚŚƵď͊ KŶůLJĂƐŚŽƌƚǁĂůŬƚŽtĂŝƉƵƚŽǁŶƐŚŝƉ͘ Ψϱϵϵ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϲϯϭ WŚůĂŶϬϮϭϴϭϬϯϭϵͬ&ŝŽŶĂϬϮϭϯϭϳϳϳϱ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ
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