never stop... - School District of Amery
never stop... - School District of Amery
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF AMERY AMERY WWW.AMERYSD.K12.WI.US COMMUNITY EDUCATION SPRING 2016 • 715-268-9771 EXT. 220 • VOLUME 31 NUMBER 2 THE BOOK OF MORMON AT THE ORPHEUM THE LION KING AT THE ORPHEUM ‘FLOWER POWER’ PAINTING CHAINSAW SAFETY COURSE SNOWSHOE LACING WILD MUSHROOMS PIE PERFECTION ESSENTIAL OILS never stop... trying, learning, growing WINDOWS 10 FLY FISHING Community Education Office Amery High School 555 Minneapolis Ave Amery, WI 54001 Director: Tracy Hendrickson Phone: 715.268.9771 ext. 220 never stop... trying, learning, growing Registration is Easy! Sign up early to ensure your spot Online Mail Phone In Person with VISA or Mastercard Fill out and mail form on page 23 715-268-9771 ext. 220 with VISA or Mastercard Community Ed office is in the High School Amery School Campus Map Intermediate School 3..................................................Trips 4 ............................ Chainsaw Safety ........................ & Snowshoe Lacing 5...........Mushrooming & Gardening 7................................Enriched Living 8................................... Art & Knitting 9........ Twig Furniture & Photography 10.................................Computer Use 11.............................. Estate Planning 12..................................Piano Lessons 13-14........ For Youth, Children & Families 14...................................... Pet Training 15 ............ Adult Fitness & Recreation 16-17............................Health & Wellness 18..............Gymnastics & Martial Arts 19 ........................... Youth Recreation 20-21............... Outdoor Ed, DNR Classes 22...................WITC Registration Form 23..........Comm. Ed Registration Form 24................................. Special Events Download the entire Amery Community Education brochure and keep up on new classes and events at:, click on “Community Education” Find us on Facebook Bus Garage Cty F/Broadway Middle School table of contents Elementary School High School Minneapolis Avenue Find us online From Amery to Broadway! Hailed by The New York Times as ³WKHEHVWPXVLFDORI WKLVFHQWXU\´ and the winner of nine Tony Awards®, 7KH %RRNRI0RUPRQ is the blockbuster Broadway smash from South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and the Oscar®-winning composer of Disney’s Frozen and Avenue Q, Bobby Lopez. This outrageous musical comedy follows the misadventures of a mismatched pair of missionaries, sent halfway across the world to spread the Good Word. Now with standing room only productions in London, on Broadway, and across North America, The Book of Mormon has truly become an international sensation. Contains explicit language and mature humor - not appropriate for young theatre-goers. '$7(6XQGD\0D\IRUDSPPDWLQHH Motorcoach departs from Soo Line Park in downtown Amery at 11 am Approximate return to Amery at 5 pm Feel free to bring a bag lunch/snack for the bus ride )((SHUWLFNHWLQFOXGHVDOOIHHVPDLQÀRRUVHDWLQJDQGPRWRUFRDFKWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ Drop-off and pick-up at the front doors to the theatre!! No need to search for and pay for parking. Register early THE LION KING at the Orpheum in Minneapolis More than 70 million people around the world have experienced the phenomenon of Disney’s The Lion King, and now you can, too, when Minneapolis’ best-loved musical returns to the Orpheum Theatre. Winner of six Tony Awards®, including Best Musical, this landmark musical event brings together one of the most imaginative creative teams on Broadway. Tony Award®-winning director Julie Taymor EULQJVWROLIHDVWRU\¿OOHGZLWKKRSHDQGDGYHQWXUHVHWDJDLQVWDQ amazing backdrop of stunning visuals. The Lion King also features some of Broadway’s most recognizable music, crafted by Tony Award®-winning artists Elton John and Tim Rice. There is simply nothing else like The Lion King. '$7(:HGQHVGD\-XO\DVXPPHUKROLGD\DGYHQWXUH 7,0(SPVKRZ Motorcoach Departure from Soo Line Park in downtown Amery at 5:30 pm Approximate return to Amery at 11:45 pm Feel free to bring a bag lunch/snack for the bus ride )((SHUWLFNHWLQFOXGHVDOOIHHVPDLQÀRRUVHDWLQJURZVDQGPRWRUFRDFKWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ Drop-off and pick-up at the front doors to the theatre!! No need to search for and pay for parking. Register early Outdoors for All! &KDLQVDZ6DIHW\7UDLQLQJ/HYHO2QH*2/ Back by popular demand.HQ/DOOHPRQWIURP 7LPEHU5HVRXUFHV As a SAWW instructor, Ken Lallemont provides innovative and up-to-date training for maximum production and Chainsaw Safety. Lallemont Timber Resources adapts the training program to meet the VSHFL¿FQHHGVRIWKHLQGLYLGXDORUJURXSDQGUHODWHV the training to their current level of knowledge or expertise. Lallemont’s unique training programs HPSKDVL]HHI¿FLHQF\DQGWHFKQLTXHWKDWZLOOPDUNHGO\ improve productivity, help to reduce chainsaw-related accidents, and increase overall safety awareness to many groups including urban foresters, tree service workers, land-owners, utility companies, loggers, federal, and state agencies. Currently, 5 levels of Chainsaw Safety training are available. Level 1 provides a focus on open face felling, including pre-planning the fell, bore cutting, chainsaw reactive forces, as well as an understanding of hinge strength. 7KHFRXUVHZLOOFRYHU Personal Protective Equipment; Chainsaw Safety Features; Reactive Forces and the Bore Cut; The Face Notch & The Hinge; The Cutter Tooth; Intro to Carburetor Adjusting; Information Before Felling Begins %ULQJWRFODVV hard hat, eye protection (safety glasses or face shield), hearing protection (plugs or muffs), leg protection (chaps or pants), and chainsaw if possible. A few extra hard hats will be available if needed. Dress for the balance of the day outdoors rain, snow or shine. This class is partially sponsored by the Friends of the Stower Seven Lakes State Trail DATE: Saturday, April 2 TIME: 8 am - 4 pm LOCATION: Amery High School (park BEHIND the High School between the brown shed and large shop doors) FEE: $94 - Pre-register by March 23 As a native of Northern Wisconsin, Ken has always enjoyed the forest and its diversity. $VDFHUWL¿HG6DIHW\7UDLQHU.HQKDVEHHQWUDLQLQJJURXSVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVVLQFH $ORQJWKHZD\KHZDVSULYLOHJHGWRZRUNZLWKDQGUHFHLYHWUDLQLQJIURP6RUHQ(ULNVVRQ RI6ZHGHQZKRHVWDEOLVKHGDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\NQRZQVDIHW\WUDLQLQJSURJUDPZKLFKKDV OHYHOVRIWUDLQLQJDYDLODEOH&XUUHQWO\.HQZRUNVZLWKORJJHUVODQGRZQHUVDUERULVWV college students, city groups, emergency medical technicians and power companies. He adjusts each program as needed to meet the needs and experience levels of individuals DQGFRPSDQLHV7KURXJKWKH\HDUV.HQKDVUHFHLYHGQXPHURXVUHFRJQLWLRQVDQGDZDUGV LQFOXGLQJ.HQ6D\V³,Q,ZDVJLYHQWKHKRQRURIIHOOLQJWKH&KULVWPDVWUHHIRUWKH :KLWH+RXVHODZQWRZHOFRPHLQWKHQHZFHQWXU\7KLVWUHHWRXUHG:LVFRQVLQDQGRWKHU VWDWHVRQLWVZD\WRWKH:KLWH+RXVH,WZDVWKHWDOOHVW&KULVWPDVWUHHFXWIRUWKH:KLWH House to date.” 6QRZVKRH/DFLQJ:RUNVKRS You can make them, you can use them, you can hang them on the wall, or you can give them as a gift! Snowshoes are challenging, yet fun to make. Snowshoes are beautiful, yet useful. Snowshoes are relatively inexpensive, yet they can last a lifetime. Learn the art of snowshoe lacing with Natural Resource Educator Julie Fox from Wisconsin Interstate Park. Join Julie on a Saturday and Tuesday evening for a historical look at snowshoeing and handson instruction to lace your own pair of snowshoes from a kit. The Ojibwa-style snowshoe kit includes unvarnished wood frames, nylon lacing, and H-style bindings. The workshop is for adults and teens and limited to 12 participants. Pre-registration is required and payment is non-refundable unless the class is cancelled. 3UHUHJLVWHUE\)ULGD\)HEUXDU\. DATES & TIMES: Saturday, February 27 from 9 am - 3pm, AND if needed, Tuesday, March 1 after 4 pm. LOCATION: Amery High School INSTRUCTOR: Julie Fox FEE: $150 for kit and instruction paid in advance to Community Education. For more information, call Julie Fox at 715-483-3747 or email 7KLVFODVVLVVSRQVRUHGE\WKH)ULHQGVRI WKH6WRZHU6HYHQ/DNHV6WDWH7UDLO For more information go to Candlelight Ski The Friends of the Stower Seven Lakes Trail invite you JANUARY 30 6:00 PM Meet at the trailhead near the Soo Line Park Pavilion in downtown Amery Hot chocolate and cider provided School Forest The public is welcome to explore the school forest trails snowshoe, ski or on foot. Trail head and parking are located between the Middle and Intermediate Schools. Map available on the Amery School website on the ‘Community’ page Snowshoeing Course Amery School Forest Easy and fun for the whole family! Saturdays, Feb 20 and March 12 10-11 am Use school snowshoes or bring your own Details on page 15 :LOG0XVKURRPV Join us for this great opportunity to learn from a 30-year veteran of wild mushroom foraging! This is a classroom session covering the 'three rules + one' and the 'safe six': morels, shaggy manes, hen of the woods, chicken mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and puffballs. Topics include WUHHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQHWKLFVVDIHW\VWRUDJH and preparation. Poisonous mushrooms will also be discussed. Your instructor is a FHUWL¿HGH[SHUWE\WKH Minnesota Department of Agriculture and owns Tavis's Mushrooms. DATES: March 29 & 31 TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Tavis W Lynch WITC FEE: $23.76 or Sr (62+) FEE $4.50 3UHUHJLVWHUIRUWKLVFODVVWKURXJK:,7& ZZZZLWFHGXH[W CLASS # 25567 CATALOG #42-806-410 :LOG0XVKURRPV *HQXV5XVVXOD The genus Russula includes some very beautiful and interesting species of forest mushrooms, and many are very hard to distinguish. Because russulas are typically fairly large, and because they are often brightly colored, amateur mushroomers are frequently interested in identifying them. We will learn about the edible and toxic species and also look at closely related and similar-looking mushrooms. Relationships with trees and other plants and fungi will also be discussed. As a follow-up to the 101 or 201 classes, we can VWDUWQDUURZLQJRXULGHQWL¿FDWLRQVHDUFKHV down as we become familiar with this common group of mushrooms. <RXULQVWUXFWRULVDFHUWL¿HGH[SHUWE\ the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and owns Tavis's Mushrooms. DATE: Monday, April 11 TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Tavis W Lynch WITC FEE: $17.34 or Sr (62+) FEE $4.50 3UHUHJLVWHUIRUWKLVFODVVWKURXJK:,7& ZZZZLWFHGXH[W CLASS #26113 CATALOG #42-806-410 6KLLWDNH0XVKURRPV±*URZ <RXU2ZQ Enriched Living Shiitake mushrooms gathered off logs have been the most popular mushroom in Asia for centuries. Techniques have been developed to cultivate them intentionally. Demand for this distinctive, nutritious and sturdy mushroom is steadily rising as it LVD¿QHDQGÀDYRUIXODGGLWLRQWRWRGD\ V healthy cuisine. Join us to learn the old, traditional method of inoculating a prepared, natural log. This is a hands-on class where you will make and take home an inoculated real log, and if all goes well, in one year you will be able to harvest your own shiitake mushrooms. Dress to get dirty. DATE: Saturday, April 2 TIME: 9 am – 12 pm LOCATION: High School Wood Shop INSTRUCTORS: Rick & Colleen Tolliver REGISTRATION FEE: $14, pre-register with Community Ed before March 24 MATERIALS FEE: $15 to pay instructors at class, includes a prepared log, spawn, wax, and catalog for reference :LOG0XVKURRPV6SULQJ(GLEOHV Learn to identify, harvest and prepare wild morel mushrooms. Identify all forms of true and false morels as well as how to prepare them for the table. We will also discuss Oyster mushrooms and Pheasant's Back mushrooms along with several edible spring plants. Emphasis will be put on safety and ethical harvest. Tavis Lynch is a 30 year veteran of harvesting wild mushrooms and is DFHUWL¿HGH[SHUWE\WKH0LQQHVRWD Department of Agriculture. He also owns Tavis's Mushrooms, an exotic mushroom farm near Cumberland, Wisconsin. 3UHUHJLVWHUWKURXJK:,7&FDOO [RUJRRQOLQHZZZZLWFHGX DATE: April 26 & 28 TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Tavis Lynch WITC FEE: $23.76 or Sr FEE (62+) $4.50 CLASS #25674 CATALOG #42-806-410 5 &RPPXQLW\*DUGHQV%R[ 3ORWV Have you always wanted to start a garden? The community of Amery is building a community garden, and all are welcome. This information session is meant to serve as an introduction to the garden and its components. Master Gardener Fritz Coulter will lead the group as we discuss purchasing seeds, planting a box plot garden, and joining the community garden! DATE: Thursday, February 11 TIME: 6 pm LOCATION: Amery Hospital and Clinic, Conference Room ABC INSTRUCTOR: Fritz Coulter No Fee and no pre-registration necessary. Just show up. More Information: call 715-268-7486 *DUGHQLQJIRU%XWWHUÀLHV +XPPLQJELUGVDQG%HHV /HDUQZKDWSODQWVDQGÀRZHUVDWWUDFW both the larval stage and adult stage RIFRPPRQORFDOEXWWHUÀLHVDQG GLVFRYHUWKHW\SHVRIÀRZHUVWKDWDUH most attractive to hummingbirds. Class will discuss Mason Bees and why you want to attract them to your garden and how to make your own Mason Bee house. A free packet of seeds guaranteed WRDWWUDFW0RQDUFKEXWWHUÀLHVZLOO be provided for each participant. Information will also be provided on the Monarch Watch program and how you can become involved. DATE: Thursday, March 31 TIME: 6:30-8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Fritz Coulter FEE: $9, pre-register with Community Ed Please Pre-Register for all classes Register through Amery Community Education unless class description indicates otherwise Registration information on pages 22-23 3LH3HUIHFWLRQ Make delicious pies that amaze friends and family. Learn to make a perfect pie crust that doesn't disintegrate before you get it into the pan! We will make two pies that you will take home with you after class. Class is for adults, high school youth and parent/child teams. Parent/child teams register as one - one registration fee/one supply fee. Bring two pie pans and a container to carry home two pies. DATE: Monday, February 15 TIME: 7-9 pm LOCATION: Amery Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Laura Sjogren FEE: $24 per person or team. Pre-register with Community Ed SUPPLY FEE: $10 per person or team &ROG3URFHVV6RDS$GYDQFHG 7HFKQLTXHV Join us for an overview of the cold process soap making basics and safety and then we will take an advanced look at different techniques of soaping, layers, swirls, tiger stripes, and more! Everyone will go home with soap to cure and use later. Participants should bring an old towel and a $7 supply fee to pay in class. DATE: Thursday, March 10 TIME: 6-8:30 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Terri Olson-Owner/ Operator of Crescent Moon Candles & Bath, Chandler since 1997, Soap maker since 2008 CLASS FEE: $20, pre-register with Community Ed SUPPLY FEE: $7 pay to instructor at class Please Pre-Register for all classes Register through Amery Community Education unless class description indicates otherwise Registration information on pages 22-23 Enriched Living 6RUW6WRUH0RUH Too much stuff and not enough space? Learn practical tips - including the Magic Question - that can clear the clutter in every room of your house. Discover products and V\VWHPVWKDWFDQKHOS\RXWRRUJDQL]H\RXUNLWFKHQFORVHWVODXQGU\URRPRI¿FHDQG more. Organizing supplies will be available for purchase at class if you are interested. DATE: Tuesday, April 5 TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm LOCATION: High School INSTRUCTOR: Susi McCune, SOS for Mess Distress FEE: $24, pre-register with Community Ed (VVHQWLDO2LOV*HWWLQJ6WDUWHG &OHDQLQJ&DELQHW0DNHRYHU Looking for an affordable introduction to essential oils? Michelle will quickly review what essential oils are, how to choose a quality oil, how to use them safely, and how to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine. Class will focus on the uses of three of the most popular essential oils: lavender, lemon, and peppermint. Participants will leave with an introductory kit (supply fee) and a variety of ways to use their oils. Michelle Yeske is a teacher, mother, and natural alternative seeker. She enjoys using essential oils to promote family wellness. DATE: Tuesday, February 9 TIME: 6-7 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Michelle Yeske FEE: $4 to Community Ed, preregister. KIT FEE: $25 to pay instructor at class Join us for this fun workshop to make your own multi-purpose household cleaner. We will also discuss ways to makeover your cleaning cabinet with natural products and essential oils. You will feel good knowing you are not using toxic chemicals in your home and will be leading your family to better health. DATE: Thursday, March 10 TIME: 7-9 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Pam Hartmann CLASS FEE: $9 to Community Ed - preregister SUPPLY FEE: $5 to instructor, pay at class AMERY AREA COMMUNITY/SENIOR CENTER Join us at the Center of Activity for programs, classes and events for adults ages 21 and older *Circuit Breaker Exercise *Card Games *Intergeneration Programs *Gentle Aerobics *Wii Games *Pool Tournaments *Stamping & Scrapping *Daily Coffee Club *Volunteer Opportunities *Full Fitness Center *Parties *Social Activities *Yoga *German Club *Bingo *Bridge *Quilting And so much more! Check out our website to see all the things we offer. We are continually adding new programs and activities. Stop by and see us today. You will be pleasantly surprised. 608 Harriman Avenue S. email: 715-268-6605 website: Call us for your rental needs! Creative Arts &RORUZRUN )/2:(532:(5&RORUDQG 'HVLJQZLWK$FU\OLF,QN Create fun and colorful semi-abstract ÀRZHUSDLQWLQJVZLWKDFU\OLFLQNVDQG collage. For the beginner or experienced painter. Most supplies are provided. DATES & TIMES: Friday, March 18 from 6-8 pm & Saturday, March 19 from 10 am - 4 pm LOCATION: ArtZ Gallery, 208 Keller Ave INSTRUCTOR: Julie Adams CLASS FEE: $65 to Community Ed, preregister SUPPLY FEE: $10, pay instructor at class 208 Keller Ave Open Monday-Saturday 10 am -6pm Knitting Classes Learn to incorporate multiple colors into your knitting in a few different ways. We'll start out by adding color using duplicate stitch, then move on to intarsia and stranded knitting. This class will focus on learning the techniques and how to read a chart so you can add color to your own projects. Prior knowledge of knitting-inthe-round is helpful. Bring to class: Yarn needle; size 4 straight knitting needles; set of size 4 doublepointed needles; 3-5 colors worsted weight \DUQVPDOODPRXQWVDUH¿QH DATES: Tues & Thurs, February 2-18 TIME: 6 - 8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Ashley Lee CLASS FEE: $34 to Community Ed, preregister 6SHHG6WL[$IJKDQ Complete a lap-sized afghan in just a few hours using huge knitting needles known as "speed stix." Participants will learn how to make bobbles and practice reading patterns. Knowledge of basic knitting and purling is required. Bring to class: 6 skeins bulky or super bulky yarn; size 35 or 50 knitting needles (plastic needles recommended); yarn needle or crochet hook to weave in ends. DATES: Tuesdays, April 5-26 TIME: 6 - 8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Ashley Lee CLASS FEE: $24 to Community Ed, preregister 715-268-8600 Visit the website for monthly featured artists and classes Follow Amery Community Education on Facebook and receive updates on new classes, events, trips, and more! )HOWHG%DJV In this class, learn to change the look and feel of your knitting with a little hot water. We will knit a wool bag in-the-round and then learn to felt it in a washing machine. This class is great for knitters who only know the basics and experienced knitters alike. Bring to class: Bulky 100% wool yarn (NOT superwash) 450 yards; large circular needle between size 11 & 15 with a 16"24" cable length; double-pointed needles in same size as circular; yarn needle. DATES: March 3, 10, 17, 31 (skip Mar 24) TIME: 6 - 8 pm LOCATION: High School INSTRUCTOR: Ashley Lee CLASS FEE: $24 to Community Ed, preregister 6RFNV Knit socks from the top down on either double-pointed needles or on one long circular using the "Magic Loop" method. You will have the option to knit a variety of sizes, including Christmas stocking-sized, as the method is the same. Knowledge of knit and purl stitches required; class will cover increases, decreases, and how to close the toe. Bring to class: 1-2 skeins sock yarn (or bulkier for a Christmas stocking); a set of double-pointed needles in the size recommended on ball band, or a circular QHHGOHZLWKDORQJÀH[LEOHFDEOHDWOHDVW 32") for the magic loop method; stitch holder (optional); yarn needle for weaving in ends. DATES: Tues & Thurs, May 10-26 TIME: 6 - 8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Ashley Lee CLASS FEE $34 to Community Ed, preregister 8 5XVWLF7ZLJ)XUQLWXUH%XLOG 3KRWRJUDSK\%HJLQQHUDQG <RXU2ZQ:KLPVLFDO7ZLJ&KDLU ,QWHUPHGLDWH Photography Join us for this hands-on 7DEOHRU6ODE*DUGHQ%HQFK Build a family heirloom no experience necessary! Add a new feature to your home or landscape with a piece of rustic twig furniture: a whimsical twig chair, a table (max 3 feet long with reclaimed wood top) or a slab garden bench. All materials, drill bits and fastening hardware are provided. Bring a marker, tape measure, utility knife and power drill (some drills available in class). Do you have a spouse, friend, older child or grandchild who would like to be your building partner? Bring him or her along for $15. The instructor is very experienced, so you don’t have to be – all abilities welcome! Bob McNeely has been building and selling twig furniture since 1995 and teaches techniques that will allow you to build more furniture and garden structures in the future. When you register, please specify if you want to build a twig chair, table or garden bench. Bring a lunch DATE: Saturday, April 16 TIME: 9 am - 4 pm LOCATION: High School INSTRUCTOR: Bob McNeely FEE: $125 and includes all materials, drill bits and fastening hardware. Please specify if you want to build a twig chair, table or garden bench. FEE for optional building partner: $15 Please pre-register early! Please Pre-Register for all classes Register through Amery Community Education unless class description indicates otherwise Registration information on pages 22-23 photography class designed to teach what you need to know to bring you to the next level. Learn basic manual settings on your DSLR camera. Learn basic photo editing techniques with any editing program you may use and how to upload your photos to Facebook. Understand backing up, organizing, shutter speeds, white balance, IRFXVSRLQWVH[WHUQDOÀDVKIRUPDWWLQJ\RXU memory card, when to shoot and when not to shoot, and much more. Bring your own camera. Bring your own laptop, if you wish. Whether you shoot with a DSLR or your phone, this class will help you improve. DATES: 3 Mondays - February 8, 15 & 22 TIME: 6-9 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Bob Johnson FEE: $39, pre-register with Community Ed Creative Arts 3KRWRERRNV8VLQJ6KXWWHUÀ\ Here is a great chance to be creative as you learn how to make a professionally bound electronic photo book using 6KXWWHUÀ\DSULYDF\FRQWUROOHGZHEVLWH Create an account and learn how to upload your digital images. The fun begins as you choose page layouts before adding your own pictures, text, and stickers/ embellishments to design a fabulous photo album. There is no charge to create a 6KXWWHUÀ\DFFRXQWVWRUHSKRWRVRUFUHDWH an album, but there is a charge to print an album. Bring an email address and 10-20 favorite SKRWRVLQ-3(*IRUPDWVDYHGRQDÀDVK drive DATES: April 19 & 21 TIME: 6-9 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Averbeck WITC FEE: $30 or SR FEE (62+) $17.25 3UHUHJLVWHUIRUWKLVFODVVWKURXJK:,7& ZZZZLWFHGXRUH[W CLASS# 26088 CATALOG #60-107-607 Announcing THREE NEW INNOVATIVE OPPORTUNITIES for the 2016-2017 school year AIM is a Project Based Learning School for grades 3-5. Students will become engaged, responsible learners in this collaborative, multiage learning community incorporating 1-1 technology, 21st century skills, and Habits of Mind. Lien Elementary 4K and K Montessori School will provide an innovative education built on the Montessori philosophy that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills. A grade 1-2 Multiage Project Based classroom will utilize best practices in education to develop 21st century learners through rigorous academic course work, inquiry experiences, character development, and leadership opportunities. For more information call Mrs Meyer, Lien Elementary Principal or Ms Schock, Intermediate Principal - 715.268.9771 Computer Use &RPSXWHU3&0DLQWHQDQFHDQG 6DIHW\ ([FHO%DVLF,QWURGXFWLRQ WITC ID # 26122 CATALOG # 60-107-602 WITC ID # 25618 CATALOG # 60-103-601 It's time to clean up and take better care of your computer! This one-night course will help you keep your PC/laptop running strong for years to come. Learn some basic skills and techniques to extend the life of your computer as well as basic information for keeping yourself safe online. You are encouraged to bring your own laptop or you can use the computers available in class. 3UHUHJLVWHUWKURXJK:,7& [RUZZZZLWFHGX DATE: Tuesday, February 2 TIME: 5-8 pm INSTRUCTOR: Adam Nelson LOCATION: Intermediate School CLASS FEE: $21.50 or SR FEE (62+) $13 0LFURVRIW:RUG %HJLQQHU Join us for a one-night basic introduction to Excel for those who have never created a spreadsheet. Class will be using Microsoft 2I¿FH,WLVWKHSHUIHFW introduction to prepare for the Beginning Excel class that will be April 5-14. Basic Terminology and data entry will be covered in a relaxed setting among other beginners. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills. 3UHUHJLVWHUWKURXJK:,7& [RUZZZZLWFHGX DATE: Thursday, March 31 TIME: 6-9 pm INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Averbeck LOCATION: Intermediate School CLASS FEE: $21.50 or SR. FEE (62+) $13 ([FHOIRU%HJLQQHUV You will be amazed at what Excel can do for you! Learn to create worksheets for work and personal use. We will cover the basics of navigating through the cells, formatting and setting up a spreadsheet IRUPD[LPXPHI¿FLHQF\XVLQJ0LFURVRIW 2I¿FH<RXZLOOVHHKRZHDV\LWLVWR have your numbers calculated for you in just seconds and how to sort through long ponderous lists with absolute ease. Prerequisites: Basic computer skills and some Excel knowledge. If you are a new Excel user, it would be best to take the introduction class on March 31 and follow it up with this class. 3UHUHJLVWHUWKURXJK:,7& [RUZZZZLWFHGX DATE: Tues & Thurs; April 5, 7, 12 & 14 TIME: 6-8:30 pm INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Averbeck LOCATION: Intermediate School CLASS FEE: $47 or SR FEE (62+) $25.75 WITC ID # 25617 CATALOG # 60-103-601 Learn the basics of using Microsoft Word including page setup, changing fonts and paragraph settings, adding and editing photos, creating lists, typing outlines, reviewing and editing text, and adding headers and footers. Learn tips and tricks WRIXOO\XWLOL]HDQGEHPRUHHI¿FLHQWZKHQ creating documents in MS Word. 3UHUHJLVWHUWKURXJK:,7& [RUZZZZLWFHGX DATES: February 16, 18 & 23 TIME: 5-7 pm INSTRUCTOR: Adam Nelson LOCATION: Intermediate School WITC FEE: $30 or SR FEE (62+) $17.25 WITC ID # 26120 CATALOG # 60-103-601 :LQGRZV%HJLQQHU This three-night course will introduce you to Windows 10 and dive into some of the unique features it has to offer. Learn to navigate, explore interesting tips and discover special features. This course is designed for beginner level experience with both Windows 10 and computers in general. Feel free to bring your own laptop or tablet or you can use the computers available in class. 3UHUHJLVWHUZLWK:,7&H[WRUZZZZLWFHGX DATES: March 29, 31 & April 5 TIME: 5-7 pm LOCATION: Amery Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Adam Nelson WITC FEE: $30 or SR FEE (62+): $17.25 WITC ID #26121 CATALOG #60-103-601 Please Pre-Register for all classes on THIS PAGE through WITC (1-800-243-9482 x4221) or online or by mail using form provided on page 22 “Tech Help” at the Library Need help with computers, tablets or other mobile devices? +DYLQJWURXEOHZLWK0LFURVRIW2I¿FHRUVRFLDOPHGLD" Come see our own resident tech guru. Drop in for help on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 4-7 pm, and we’ll see what we can do to help you Amery Area Public Library 715-268-9340 225 Scholl Court Amery, WI 54001 Library Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-7 Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-2 Ten public access computers and wireless access Estate Planning Workshop Adult Education Have you done proper estate planning? There are new laws that make planning now more important than ever. To get started, join us for this basic, but very informational workshop. You will learn how to protect loved ones' inheritance, minimize estate taxes, keep your plan up to date, maintain control in the family, leave your heirs what you want, when you want, and the way you want, and much more. DATE: Monday, March 21 TIME: 6 pm LOCATION: MiddleSchool PRESENTER: Joseph Earley, Estate Planning Attorney FEE: $9 to Amery Community Ed, pre-register )LQDQFLDO$LG1LJKWIRU3DUHQWVDQG6WXGHQWV 7KLVDQQXDOZRUNVKRSZLOOFRYHUYDULRXV¿QDQFLDODLGWRSLFVLQFRXGLQJWKH)$)6$)UHH $SSOLFDWLRQIRU)HGHUDO6WXGHQW$LGJUDQWVDQGORDQVZRUNVWXG\WD[EHQH¿WVHWF There will also be a brief question and answer period for parents and students. Parents of all high school students are invited to attend. DATE: January 25 TIME: 6:30 pm LOCATION: High School Auditorium LEADER: David Langham, College Access Advisor FEE: none 2QRRQ2QH)LQDQFLDO$LG+HOSIRU$PHU\+63DUHQWV6WXGHQWV 1RWVXUHZKHUHWRVWDUWZLWK¿QDQFLDODLGRUGR\RXQHHGWRWDONWRD¿QDQFLDODLG counselor in a private setting? A college access advisor will be available to meet with you DQG\RXUFKLOGWRSURYLGHDGLWLRQDODVVLVWDQFHRQ¿OOLQJRXWWKH)$)6$RUWRDQVZHUDQ\ TXHVWLRQVFRQFHUQV\RXPD\KDYHUHJDUGLQJ¿QDQFLDODLG7KHVHVHVVLRQVZLOOEHKHOGLQD SULYDWHURRPZKHUH\RXFDQGLVFXVV\RXUTXHVWLRQVFRQFHUQVLQDFRQ¿GHQWLDOPDQQHU Schedule an appointment by calling 715-268-9771 x253 DATES: Feb 25 and May 17 TIME: 1-6 pm LOCATION: High School Free Adult Basic Education Classes available through WITC at the four main campuses and several outreach sites Classes help adults prepare for the GED/HSED exams, meet college entrance requirements, receive course and program support, maintain employment, enter WKHZRUNIRUFHZLWKFRQ¿GHQFHDQGDFKLHYHSHUVRQDOJRDOV &ODVVHVDUHÀH[LEOHDQGIUHHDQGDYDLODEOHWRWKRVH\HDUVRIDJHRUROGHU Brush up on basic skills such as reading, English, grammar, science, social studies and math as well as computer basics, study skills, and test-taking strategies. Our staff will work with you in an open-lab or structured class setting. Enroll any time during the semester. 1-800-243-9482 extension (#4257) or visit our website at . 7DNHWKH1(:$$536PDUW 'ULYHU&RXUVHDQG\RXFDQVDYH PRQH\RQ\RXUFDULQVXUDQFH 'ULYHVPDUW6DYHVPDUW Designed to sharpen driving skills, prevent accidents, and keep older drivers on the road safely. Helps drivers compensate for normal agerelated physical changes. It is strictly a classroom session - no actual driving. Some insurance companies give a discount for completing this class. The fee includes a handbook. Coffee and cookies provided, and you may bring a sandwich, if you desire. Please bring your AARP membership card for class discount. 3D\IHHDW¿UVWFODVVEXWSOHDVH pre-register with Kari at Centennial Hall, 715.268.6605 DATE: April 19 TIME: 12:15 - 4:30 pm LOCATION: Amery Centennial Hall/ Senior Center INSTRUCTOR: Mary Nelson A ARP Member Fee: $15, pay at class Non-Member Fee: $20, pay at class Polk County Job Center/ Workforce Resource Where People and Jobs Connect! Employment & Training Phone: 715-485-3115 Open M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. **GED/HSED prep through WITC **Job Club – Access work ads and great resources to fast forward your job search. **Various Workshops offered. Call or stop to get more information. The monthly Job Center calendar is distributed to most libraries in Polk County. **Like us on Facebook – Polk County Workforce Resource 11 $PHU\$UHD3XEOLF/LEUDU\ (PDLOOLEUDU\#DPHU\OLEUDU\RUJ :HEVLWHZZZDPHU\OLEUDU\RUJ µOLNH¶XVRQIDFHERRNDPHU\OLEUDU\ 6FKROO&RXUW$PHU\:, +RXUV0RQGD\7KXUVGD\ )ULGD\6DWXUGD\ Ten public access computers and wireless access 3UHVFKRRO6WRU\WLPH10:30 Wednesdays Join Ms Tricia for 30 minutes of interactive stories, songs & crafts )LUVW([SHULHQFHV for ages walking to 2 years. Mondays in January @ 9:30 am. This hands-on class introduces parents and children to new experiences, such as color mixing, sensory play, and problem solving! 3LQW6L]HG6FLHQFH for ages 2-5. Tuesday in February @ 10:30 am. This hands-on class gives your pint-sized scientist the change to create & explore. /LWHUDF\/LWWOHV for ages 2-5. First four Tuesdays in March @ 10:30 am. Practice the six skills of early literacy with this interactive program series. $IWHU6FKRRO&OXE for school-age children Thursdays from 3:30-5 pm Ride bus #11 to the library 7HHQ7XHVGD\V Just for teens on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 3:30 pm Feb 9: Arm knitting March 8: Tabletop game day (DUO\5HOHDVH3URJUDPV When school is out, we’ve always got something going on! Registration required. January 22 @ 1:30 Snake Discovery February 25 @10:30 am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Party March 24 @ 1 pm Minecraft in Real Life! No computer play at this party )ULHQGVRIWKH/LEUDU\%RRN*URXS meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 1:30 pm %RRN6DOH is the 1st Saturday of the month from 9 am - 2 pm and the preceeding Thursday from 4-7 pm $GXOW&RPSXWHU7(&++HOS Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 4-7 pm 0RQGD\)ULGD\FORVHG 7XHVGD\7KXUVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 6DWXUGD\ :L)LDQG3XEOLF&RPSXWHUV µ/LNH¶XVRQ)DFHERRN GHHUSDUNSXEOLFOLEUDU\ZL Spring semester begins in January. Ages 5 and up, all levels. Tuition is $65 per month for 5 months, Jan-May and includes private lessons, group lessons and a recital. Lessons are held at the instructor’s home in Amery on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. $GXOWV7LPHVDQGIHHVDUHÀH[LEOH Learning a musical instrument can be social, creative, inspiring, spiritual and is good for the brain! Sharon LaCour has 30 years’ experience of positive and creative teaching. She is an instructor at Breck School and MacPhail Center in Minneapolis and has a Master's degree in piano. LaCour is a member of the Wisconsin and Minnesota Music Teachers' Associations. )RUFRPSOHWHGHWDLOVDQGWRVLJQXS SOHDVHFRQWDFW6KDURQ/D&RXU RUHPDLO VKDURQDQQODFRXU#JPDLOFRP Common Chord Piano Studio Openings All Levels & Ages 'HHU3DUN 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ HPDLOOLEUDU\#GHHUSDUNSORUJ :HEVLWHZZZGHHUSDUNSORUJ Private Piano Lessons for Youth and Adults FREE tutoring for adults and children in the Amery area by trained volunteer tutors and hosted by the Amery Woman’s Club Beth Ray, Instructor 35 years experience Masters in Piano Performance Reading • Writing • Math • GED English as a Second Language (ESL) 205 Amundson St N Amery • 715-268-7880 Potential learners and volunteers please call the Amery Library 715.268.9340 For Youth, Children & Families 5XPEOH-XPEOH2SHQ*\P Are your little ones full of wiggles? Do you need a place for your toddlers and preschoolers to run, burn energy, and have fun? Bring them to Rumble Jumble Open Gym in the Intermediate School on Tuesday mornings for a full hour of "tire-them-out" fun! Balls, scooters, mats, and other fun gym equipment will be available for play. Parents/Guardians are expected to stay in the gym with the children and are encouraged to play as well. Child care providers welcome. No fee and no need to pre-register - join us any time WHO: Parent/Guardian and children through age 5 DATES: Tuesdays through March when school is in session TIME: 10:45 -11:45 am LOCATION: Intermediate School Gym 2SHQ*\PIRU)DPLOLHV VSRQVRUHGE\3RZHU8S Looking for an indoor space to run, jump and play with your whole family? Join us for a fun and free way to PowerUp regardless of the weather. Open gyms are a chance for kids and families to bounce a ball, shoot some hoops, play catch or just run around and be active together. We will have different activities and equipment available, but you can bring your own active games too (no toys with wheels please!). WHO: Families with children of all ages. Parents/Guardians must stay in the gym with the children. DATES: 5 cold and blustery Sundays - Jan 17, 31, Feb 14, 28 & March 13 TIME: 1:30-3:30 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School Gym – enter through the doors facing the NORTH parking lot. FEE: None – just show up! Sewing with Destiny BABY & ME A weekly play and discussion hour for parents and their infants from birth to 12 months. Wednesdays 10:30 am to 11:30 am Amery Hospital & Clinic OB Birth Day Suites Join any time. No charge. &RVSRQVRUHGE\WKH$PHULFDQ5HG &URVV6W&URL[9DOOH\&KDSWHU The purpose of this course is to provide youth, ages 10-15 who are planning to babysit, with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. The course covers 6 primary areas: · You’re the Boss: A Guide to Leadership · The Business of Babysitting · Safe and Sound on the Job · Understanding Children from 0-10 · From Feeding to Bedtime: Caring for Children · It’s an Emergency . . . Now What? Students should bring a life-sized baby doll to class and pack a lunch. WHO: Ages 10-15 DATE: Saturday, March 19 TIME: 9 am - 3:30 pm INSTRUCTOR: Wendy Carlson LOCATION: Amery High School FEE: $44 Pre-register through Amery Community Ed Gotta Dance!! For ages 10-18 Create your own French seam pillowcase Thursday, March 24 (Early Release Day at Amery Schools) 12:45-3:15 pm Amery Area Community Center Instructor: Destiny Gross Fee: $25 includes kit Space is limited Register and pay by March 10 Call the Amery Area Community Center 715.268.6605 (do not register for this class through Community Ed) %DE\VLWWHU7UDLQLQJ 6SRQVRUHGE\WKH$+6'DQFH7HDP 3OD\DQG/HDUQ &RVSRQVRUHGE\WKH)DPLO\ 5HVRXUFH&HQWHU6W&URL[9DOOH\ Play and Learn provides an opportunity for children to interact with their parents and other children their age. Parents can also discuss parenting strategies, dilemmas, and everyday happenings with a Parent Educator and other parents going through similar situations. Mondays at the Amery Library SPRING SESSION: March 21 - May 23 TIME: 10-11:30 am LOCATION: Amery Area Public Library, 225 Scholl Ct. No Fee, donations appreciated REGISTRATION -- Pre-registration is required by calling 715-684-4440 beginning Monday, March 14. Do Not register through Community Ed. 13 ‘Gotta Dance’ will allow children in grades K-5 the opportunity to experience the fun and rewards of dancing and then performing for family and friends at halftime of a Boys’ Varsity Basketball game vs New Richmond. Students will spend two hours after school with members of the Amery High School Dance Team. They will learn a fun, high-energy routine. WHO: Girls and Boys in grades K-5 DATE: Monday, February 22 PRACTICE: 3:30 – 5:30 pm in the Amery High School Auditorium (students can ride their transfer bus to the high school and will be greeted at the front door by members of the dance team) PERFORMANCE: Return to the High School at 7:30 pm to perform at halftime FEE: $20 – includes dance instruction, a T-shirt and an after-school snack DANCE Like a Warrior! MENTORING YOUTH SINCE 1980 Real People. Impacting our community one friendship at a time 3RWHQWLDOPHQWRUVDQG\RXWKSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH.LQVKLSRIÀFH 715-405-3900 email - website - Real Lives. Real Change. 2SHQ*\PIRU)DPLOLHV VSRQVRUHGE\3RZHU8S BODY TONING Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 - 6:15 AM BOOT CAMP WORKOUT Monday, Wednesday & Friday 5:30 - 6:15 AM SILVERSNEAKERS® CLASSIC Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30-11:30 AM TABATA Thursday 5:15-6 PM TRAINING GROUP Monday - Friday 9:30 - 10:15 AM YO LA TEES Monday & Friday 4:45 - 5:30 PM WATER AEROBICS - LOW IMPACT Monday & Wednesday 9 - 10 AM Tuesday & Thursday 8 - 9 AM BEGINNERS YOGA Tuesday 5:15-6 pm Friday 8:30-9:15 am WATER AEROBICS - HIGH IMPACT Monday & Wednesday 8 - 9 AM Tuesday & Thursday 7 - 8 AM YOGA Wednesday 6:15-7 p MASSAGE available by appointment PERSONAL & GROUP TRAINING SERVICES available For more information and registration, call 715-268-1008 or 1001 Pet Training 7KH*RRGSXSS\6RFLDO&OXE For puppies 8-16 weeks. Learn to teach your pup the basics: house training, sitting, staying down, not jumping or pulling or biting, and accepting human leadership. Four 1-hour classes including puppy playtime. Families welcome. For more information and registration, call Claire, 715-554-1490. Do Not register through Community Ed. DATE: Thursdays - ongoing class schedule TIME: 6 -7 pm LOCATION: Arnell Humane Society INSTRUCTOR: Claire Scriba FEE: $35 - register by calling 715-5541490 'RJ7UDLQLQJ%DVLF2EHGLHQFH For dogs 6 months old and up. Learn how positive training methods can change your dog into a motivated partner in your life. Skills include: sit, down, walk on leash, heel, stay, come, watch, leave it, sit politely to meet people, and go to your mat. More infomation and pre-register by calling 715-554-1490. Do not register through Community Ed or Arnell. DATES: Thursdays, ongoing schedule. TIME: 7:15-8:15 pm LOCATION: Arnell Humane Society INSTRUCTOR: Claire Scriba FEE: $70 for 7 classes. Pre-register by calling 715-554-1490 Looking for an indoor space to run, jump and play with your whole family? Join us for a fun and free way to PowerUp regardless of the weather. Open gyms are a chance for kids and families to bounce a ball, shoot some hoops, play catch or just run around and be active together. We will have different activities and equipment available, but you can bring your own active games too (no toys with wheels please!). WHO: Families with children of all ages. Parents/Guardians must stay in the gym with the children. DATES: 5 cold and blustery Sundays - Jan 17, 31, Feb 14, 28 & March 13 TIME: 1:30-3:30 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School Gym – enter through the doors facing the NORTH parking lot. FEE: None – just show up! +RPHZDUG%RXQG$FDGHP\ Learn dog training and help shelter dogs ¿QGQHZKRPHVVWXGHQWVSHUFODVV For persons 12 and older. Classes are ongoing on Thursdays and Saturdays during business hours - join any time. Pre-register by calling 715-554-1490. Do Not register through Community Ed. INSTRUCTOR: Claire Scriba LOCATION: Arnell Humane Society FEE: $10 per person per hour (scholarships available) 14 3LFNOHEDOO2SHQ*\P Come to the high school gym on Wednesday nights to play the fastest growing recreational sport in the nation. This mini-tennis game is a combination of ping-pong, tennis, racquetball and badminton played with wood, composite and graphite paddles and unique plastic balls. It is easy to learn, provides plenty of exercise, and is played on a court much smaller than a tennis court. Participants don't have to be strong, don't have to be quick, and don't have to be athletic or good at other sports. Pickleball is not about power, but instead it is about shot placement and accuracy. Call Bob W 715-268-7789 for more information DATES: Wednesdays, November through March TIME: 5:45-8 pm LOCATION: Amery High School gym FEE: $0 - just show up Adult Fitness & Recreation 6QRZVKRHLQJLQWKH6FKRRO)RUHVW Snowshoeing has become one of the fastest-growing winter sports in America. Step into a pair of snowshoes for a workout that is just as much fun as it is ¿WQHVV/HDUQKRZWRVQRZVKRHZKLOH exploring the beautiful trails through the school forest. If you already know how to snowshoe, sign up anyway and join us for a tour of the trails. Easy and fun for the whole family! Reserve your snowshoes early by calling 715-268-9771 x220 or feel free to bring your own pair. TWO classes offered - Feb 20 and March 12 - sign up for one or both TIME: 10-11 am LOCATION: Intermediate School north parking lot and entrance to the school forest trails INSTRUCTOR: Oralee Schock FEE: $9 per person per class to Community Ed. Pre-register. School Forest The public is welcome to explore the school forest trails snowshoe, ski or on foot. Trail head and parking are located between the Middle and Intermediate Schools. Map available on the Amery School website on the ‘Community’ page Candlelight Ski The Friends of the Stower Seven Lakes Trail invite you JANUARY 30 6:00 PM Meet at the trailhead near the Soo Line Park Pavilion in downtown Amery Hot chocolate and cider provided $GXOW5HF%DVNHWEDOOIRU0HQ DQG:RPHQ Amery Middle School gym Wednesday evenings 6-9:30 pm through March Come with your team early in the season to get on the schedule or come to join a team. There is a team fee For more information call Steve 715.268.8229 ,QGRRU:DONLQJ Walkers are welcome in the Elementary, Intermediate and Middle School hallways ZKHQVFKRROLVLQVHVVLRQ. Walk in the morning from 7-7:45 am and/ or in the afternoon from 3:30-5 pm Please Pre-Register for all classes Register through Amery Community Education unless class description indicates otherwise Registration info on pages 22-23 61$3),71(66LQ$PHU\ LV\RXUFOXEZLWKDFFHVV QDWLRQZLGHWRRYHUFOXEV ³2QFH\RXMRLQRQH6QDS)LWQHVVFOXE\RXFDQXVHDQ\ of them in the country” %ULQJWKLVDGDQGUHFHLYHD)5((NH\ZLWKD QHZPHPEHUVKLSH[SLUHV$XJXVW )RULQIRUPDWLRQFDOORUWH[W'RQQHOOD ZZZ6QDS¿WQHVVFRPDPHU\ 15 Health & Wellness )RRG)ULHQGRU)RH" -XPS6WDUW<RXU0HWDEROLVP Is it harder for you to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight than it once was? Have you tried several diets, but had trouble keeping the weight off? Do cravings sabotage your good intentions? We have a healthier, saner approach for lifelong weight control. Learn how eating real foods can help with weight loss, eliminating cravings and increasing energy. Discover how food choices, blood sugar levels and essential fatty acids affect energy and ability to lose or maintain weight. Understand the importance of animal protein and healthy fats for weight loss. Come away with easy meal and snack ideas. RN’s are able to earn 2.4 CEUs by taking this class. DATE: Tuesday, February 9 TIME: 6-8 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Nutrition Educator from Nutritional Weight & Wellness (www. FEE: $24, pre-register with Community Education %DODQFHG)RRGVIRU%DODQFHG 0RRGV You can reduce negative moods, increase your energy, enhance positive thoughts, improve your memory, and manage stress by eating real foods in balance. Understand the food-mood connection and feel empowered to make permanent lifestyle changes. Learn to choose foods that optimize production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Discover the biochemical connection to cravings and how poor intestinal health creates low moods. RN’s are able to earn 2.4 CEUs by taking this class DATE: Tuesday, April 5 TIME: 6-8 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Nutrition Educator from Nutritional Weight & Wellness (www. FEE: $24, pre-register with Community Education We are simply two moms on a mission to provide healthier options and choices for our families! Through Meredith’s journey for a healthier and happier lifestyle, she has spent countless hours of research working on understanding how what she eats affects the overall person she is striving to be. When Stephani learned that her family was getting sick from gluten and lactose, she needed to make changes in their diet. Through research and lots of discussion and conversation, this daunting task became the pinnacle to her family’s healthier lifestyle. Please join us as we demonstrate just how easy and fun working with “real” food can be! You will get copies of some of our favorite recipes, lists of suggested professional books, websites and blogs, and you will get to sample a few of our creations! We plan to have interactive discussion throughout the demonstration, as we want to learn from you too! It is our goal to inspire or re-ignite your passion for a healthier you! DATE: Thursday, March 10 TIME: 6-7:30 pm LOCATION: Food Hub at the Hungry Turtle Kitchens, 110 Keller Ave N, Amery INSTRUCTORS: Meredith Oman & Stephani Schmidt CLASS FEE: $12, pre-register with Amery Community Education SUPPLY FEE: $5 to pay instructors at class %DODQFH<RXU+RUPRQHV 1DWXUDOO\ Hormone imbalance is an epidemic - for both men and women. Women H[SHULHQFHZHLJKWJDLQ306KRWÀDVKHV sleeplessness, migraines, miscarriages, heavy/painful periods, endometriosis and more. And . . . what you may not know about the 'pill' IS hurting you! Men experience weight gain, prostate problems such as enlargement and even prostate cancer, infertility, anxiety, acne and more. Learn to balance your hormones through nutrition, environment and exercise. DATE: Monday, March 21 from 6-7 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Jill Tiffany, CN, CPT, Nutritionist & Trainer ( FEE: $19 *HW)LW)DVW)LW$QG6DYH7LPH Are you spending time working out but not getting the results you want? In less than 20 minutes per day: burn up to 9x more fat, increase your heart strength and lung capacity, improve cholesterol and hormone levels, improve your blood pressure. Whether in a gym, outdoors, or in the privacy of your own home, you can adapt the FAST workout to any space . . . and you don't even need EQUIPMENT. DATE: Monday, April 4 from 6-7 pm LOCATION: Intermediate School INSTRUCTOR: Jill Tiffany, CN, CPT Nutritionist/Personal Trainer FEE: $19, pre-register with Community Ed Better Self Wellness &HQWHU6W:$PHU\:, Come Join Us +DYH6RPH)81 Where Friends of Good Nutrition Meet Weight Loss Challenge Free Wellness Evaluations Personal Wellness Coaches Helpful Tips & Good Nutrition Info FIND US ON FACEBOOK 16 Fast Food for Smart People • Nutrition for a Better Life +\SQRVLV IRU:HLJKW/RVVDQGRU7REDFFR8VH Dr. Mary Fischer has used hypnosis to achieve and maintain a 60-pound ZHLJKWORVV. How will you look and feel if you don't stop your obsession with food today? Hypnosis can help you control your eating habits and help you stop the constant thinking about food, overeating, and snacking. Don’t let WREDFFR control your life. If you’re ready to quit smoking or chewing tobacco, hypnosis can help you stop immediately, without withdrawal, cravings or gaining weight. Bring a pillow or blanket for extra comfort. DATE: Monday, May 9 TIME: 6:15-6:30 pm-Check in for all 6:30-7:30-Introduction for all 7:30-8:15-Weight Loss 8:15-9:00-Tobacco Use )HHLQFOXGHVWKLVVHVVLRQDUHLQIRUFHPHQW&'DQGD PHPEHUVKLSFDUGWRDWWHQGIXWXUHVHPLQDUVLIUHLQIRUFHPHQWLV GHVLUHG,I\RXKDYHSUHYLRXVO\WDNHQDFODVVIURP'U)LVFKHU DQG\RXKDYHDFDUG\RXFDQDWWHQGIRUIUHHEXW\RX0867 35(5(*,67(5DQGKDYH\RXUFDUGDQG,'ZLWK\RXDWWKHFODVV Learn more about Dr. Fischer at Health & Wellness 3RZHUIXO7RROVIRU&DUHJLYHUV Caring for someone with a chronic illness such as dementia, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's disease or stroke can be SK\VLFDOO\HPRWLRQDOO\DQG¿QDQFLDOO\H[KDXVWLQJ3RZHUIXO Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for a family PHPEHURUIULHQG<RXZLOOEHQH¿WIURPWKLVZKHWKHU\RXDUHD caregiver in the home or a long distance caregiver. 3DUWLFLSDQWVZLOOOHDUQWR5HGXFHVWUHVV,PSURYHVHOIFRQ¿GHQFH Better communicate feelings Increase ability to make tough decisions Locate helpful local resources. DATES: Wednesdays, May 4 - June 8 TIME: 10 am - 12 pm LOCATION: St Joseph's Catholic Church, Amery, WI INSTRUCTORS: Gail Peavey (UW Extension Family Living Agent for Polk County) & Sue Pleskac (trained Powerful Tools for Caregivers leader) FEE: $10 to help cover the cost of the book, Caregiver Helpbook, that each participant receives to supplement the class. At the end of the workshop, participants can keep the book or return it and receive their $10 back. REGISTRATION: Call Carrie Myers at the ADRC of NW Wisconsin 877-485-2372. DO NOT register for this workshop through Community Ed. &ODVVHV6XSSRUW*URXSV (;3(&7$173$5(17 Prepares expectant parents for danger signs, labor and delivery, interventions, and operative birth. Relaxation, breathing techniques, infant care, and post-partum care are also included. Training led by a registered nurse. Saturday %5($67)((',1* class or a 5-week class. 2016 Training led by a registered Saturdays: Jan 16 & July 16 from nurse or professional with 8 am - 4 pm. 2016 Tuesdays: current OB experience. In April 5 to May 3 and Oct 4 2016: Jan 26, May 10, July 26 & to Nov 1 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Nov 7 from 6:30-8:30 pm. No Registration is required. Please charge. Pre-register at 715-268call 715-268-0600. 0600. 1875,7,21&2816(/,1* &$1&(535(9(17,21 Individual nutrition counseling 6(/)&$5( sessions are available with a Discussion on cancer prevention Registered Dietitian to address and self-care. Get to know what your personal nutritional needs services are available in our (weight loss, pre-diabetes, heart community. March 29 from health, celiac disease, etc.). A 5:30-6:30 pm. Free. Pre-register Provider’s order is required to at or initiate consults. Please call 715call 715-268-0290. 268-8000. %$%<0( Weekly play and discussion hour for parents and their infants (birth – 1 year). Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Birth Day Suites waiting room. Join any time. No charge. '(0(17,$/($51 72&211(&7:,7+$ 326,7,9($3352$&+72 &$5( Better recognize and understand behavior changes in aging. Develop better observational skills to help recognize and intervente when changes occur. Identify unmet needs and how to meeet those needs. April 21 from 6-7 pm. Free. Pre-register at or call 715-268-0290. ',$%(7(6('8&$7,21 Diabetes Educators are available to assist newly diagnosed individuals or previously diagnosed individuals with their diabetes management. A Provider’s order is needed prior to scheduling your group or individual session. For more information, contact Jessica Bursik, RN at 715-268-0556 or Jill Norstrem, RD CDE at 715268-0590. ',$%(7(66833257 *5283 This free support group meets from 1-2 p.m. the 3rd Tuesday of each month. For more information, contact Jessica Bursik, RN at 715-2680556 or Jill Norstrem, RD CDE at 715-268-0590. 0(17$/+($/7+ 0$1$*(<285022' <285$1;,(7<<285 /,)( This is an outpatient therapy group focusing on mood and anxiety management for adults 18 and older. If you or someone you know struggles with depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, or other emotional challenges, please call 715-2680600. Participants must be a current patient of the Behavioral Health Center or referred by a physician/provider. The group meets every Wednesday from 3-4:30 p.m. Youth Recreation GYMNASTICS Classes are directed and coached by staff from Premier Complex Gymnastics LQ&OHDU/DNH<RXFDQÀQGLQIRUPDWLRQ on the coaching staff and other gymnastics opportunities at Tumble Tot Tuesdays For boys and girls ages 3-5 on Tuesday evenings from 4:30-5 pm A fun introduction to recreational gymnastics for the little ones. The gymnasts will exercise while OHDUQLQJEDVLFPRWRUVNLOOVRQWKHWXPEOLQJÁRRUORZEDODQFHEHDPVLQJOHEDUDQGVSULQJERDUG The class will also encourage listening skills, following directions, and working well with others. Gymnasts should wear comfortable clothing: leotards recommended, but not required. Gymnasts will be barefoot. LOCATION: Elementary School Gym FEE: $20 per session WINTER SESSION: 4 Tuesdays, February 16 - March 8 SPRING SESSION: 4 Tuesdays, April 12 - May 10 (skip April 26) Hot Tot Thursdays For boys and girls ages 3-5 on Thursday evenings from 4:30-5 pm A fun introduction to recreational gymnastics for little ones! The gymnasts will exercise while OHDUQLQJEDVLFPRWRUVNLOOVRQWKHWXPEOLQJÁRRUORZEDODQFHEHDPVLQJOHEDUDQGVSULQJERDUG The class will also encourage listening skills, following directions, and working well with other children. Gymnasts should wear comfortable clothing: leotards recommended, but not required. Gymnasts will be barefoot. LOCATION: Elementary School Gym FEE: $20 per session WINTER SESSION: 4 Thursdays, February 11 - March 10 (skip Feb 25) SPRING SESSION: 4 Thursdays, April 14 - May 12 (skip April 28) Twisters For boys and girls ages 5 and up on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5-6 pm A fun recreational class designed to cover the basic skills on the balance beam, single bar, WXPEOLQJÁRRUDQGVSULQJERDUG*\PQDVWVZLOODOVRIRFXVRQEHJLQQLQJVWUHQJWKDQGÁH[LELOLW\IRU future skill development. LOCATION: Elementary School Gym FEE: $40 per session WINTER SESSION: 8 Tuesdays & Thursdays, February 11 - March 10 (skip Feb 25) SPRING SESSION: 8 Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 12 - May 12 (skip April 26 & 28) Flyers For boys and girls on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6-7 pm )RUWKRVHER\VDQGJLUOVZKRZRXOGOLNHWRFRQWLQXHIXQZRUNRQEDVLFVWUHQJWKÁH[LELOLW\DQGVNLOO EXLOGLQJRQWKHWXPEOLQJÁRRUEDODQFHEHDPVSULQJERDUGDQGVLQJOHEDU7KLVFODVVLVEHVWIRU children who can do a pullover on the bar, handstand, and a strong cartwheel. The gymnasts will be learning the skills leading up to competitive gymnastics. LOCATION: Elementary School Gym FEE: $40 per session WINTER SESSION: 8 Tuesdays & Thursdays, February 11 - March 10 (skip Feb 25) SPRING SESSION: 8 Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 12 - May 12 (skip April 26 & 28) • • • All gymnastics classes are held in the Lien Elementary School Gym Wear comfortable clothing - leotards are recommended, but not required. Gymnasts will be barefoot. The Clubhouse is available for after-school care, for school-age children, before and after gymnastics classes. Check the school website for details: Kyuki-Do Martial Arts of Amery 1(:3UH.\XNL'R3URJUDP $*(6WR Great activity to keep your little one’s mind DQGERG\¿W+DYHIXQZKLOHGHYHORSLQJ 6HOI&RQWURO5HVSHFWDQG&RQ¿GHQFH Children will learn the beginning martial arts moves, while improving their balance, strength, listening, and self-protection skills. :H:HOFRPHWKRVHZLWK6SHFLDO1HHGV 7,0( Tuesdays 5-5:30 pm or Thursdays 4-4:30 pm '$7(62QJRLQJ FEE: $55 Month includes FREE Uniform Family discounts available /2&$7,21 Kyuki-Do Academy of Amery 308 N. Keller Ave Also offering Memberships for Children, Adults, and Families in our %DVLF /HDGHUVKLS3URJUDPV 1(:&XUULFXOXPDQG3ULFLQJ Please Call to schedule your FREE lesson $IWHU6FKRRO0DUWLDO$UWV&OXE now a 10-week class $*(6.WKURXJK*UDGH A great opportunity to introduce children to Kyuki-Do where they will have fun challenging themselves while also learning about Courtesy, Humility, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit. Elementary students will meet the instructor in the cafeteria after school and she will take them as a group to change and then to the gym. Intermediate students ride bus #22 to the Elementary and meet the class. DATES: Tuesdays, February 2 - April 5 TIME: After school until 4:10 pm LOCATION: Lien Elementary Gym FEE: $100 for a 10-week session includes workout uniform! Pre-register with Amery Community Ed Optional Belt Fee: $20 The Clubhouse is available for care after martial arts until 6 pm - fee for care 18 Youth Recreation %RRVWHU9ROOH\EDOO Girls in grades 4-8 Season: March - May Registration: February Contact: Lisa Markee 715-268-2959 Email: $SSOH5LYHU6RFFHU&OXE $<625HJLRQ Ages 4-18 Season: April - June Registration: December/January Go to Email: or or call 715-268-6892 )DVW3LWFK6RIWEDOO Girls in grades 2-8 Season: May-July Registration: March Contact: Troy Elmer 715-268-4860 Email: or %DVHEDOO Season: May-July /LWWOH/HDJXHER\VJLUOV grades K-6 0LGGOH6FKRROboys grades 7-8 $PHULFDQ/HJLRQboys grades 9-12 Registration: March Contact: Jeremiah Fisk 715-268-9771 x364 (PDLO¿VNM#DPHU\VGNZLXV <RXWK+RFNH\$VVRFLDWLRQ Grades PreK– 12 Season: October - March Equipment available for rent for new members! Registration: September Contact: Mariann Sobczak 715-557-1878 Email: :UHVWOLQJ&OXE Grades PreK—12 Registration: October Contact: Scott Marko 715-268-5813 Email: %RZOLQJ/HDJXH Grades 4-12 Season: October - January Saturdays 4 pm Registration: August/September Contact: Club 53 Lanes Chris & Cheryl Sobottka 715-268-8921 Email: *LUOV%RRVWHU%DVNHWEDOO Grades 3-8 Season: varies with grade level Registration: September Contact: Dale Johnson 715-554-3233 email: Open Ice Skating Fridays 7:30-9:30 pm $5 per skater All ages welcome! Family Open Skate Sundays 4-6 pm $5 per family Some skates available for rent - $3 limited sizes, many smaller sizes. Donations of skates welcome Go to for full arena schedule %R\V%RRVWHU%DVNHWEDOO Grades 3-8 Season: varies with grade level Registration: Mid-October Contacts: Mark Luehman email: <RXWK7DFNOH)RRWEDOO Open to kids in the Amery area (Amery, Clayton, Clear Lake, Turtle Lake, etc.) Grades 3-6 Season: August - October Registration: May Email: %R\6FRXWV Grades 6-12 Round-Up in September Contact: Dave Heiss 715-338-9359 Email: &XE6FRXWV Grades 1-5 Contact: Wendy Wade 715-7680041 *LUO6FRXWV Contact: Erin Hosking 715-5544797 Email: %DVNHWEDOO :LQWHU 5HFUHDWLRQIRU <RXWKDQG )DPLOLHV Supervised free-play basketball open gym for youth and families on Sundays in the Amery Middle School gym Open to boys and girls grades 4-12 Families are encouraged to participate together. Younger children are welcome when accompanied by parents. Church groups welcome. Bring your own basketball Enter through the North doors No fee 6XQGD\VSP XQWLO0DUFK Amery Futsal )RUER\VDQGJLUOVLQJUDGHV)XWVDOLVSOD\HGEHWZHHQWZRWHDPVRI¿YHSOD\HUV each, one of whom is the goalkeeper. The game is played on a hard court surface. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular soccer ball due to the surface of the pitch. Unlimited substitutions, surface, ball and unique rules create an exciting game of improvisation, focusing on ball control and close team passing. Bring shin guards, dry indoor non-marking sole shoes & water bottle SESSION II: Sundays, Feb 7 - March 20 TIME: 3:45-6 PM LOCATION: Amery Middle School gym (enter through the NORTH doors) FEE: $10 for the session Register through Community Ed & pay online, by mail, or at gym Outdoor Education $'15&XVWRPHU,'LVUHTXLUHGIRUDOOSDUWLFLSDQWVRI'15FODVVHV,I\RXGRQRW\HWKDYHDQ,'SOHDVHFDOO EHIRUHWKH¿UVWFODVV3OHDVHEULQJWKH,'WRWKH¿UVWFODVVZLWK\RX +XQWHU(GXFDWLRQ'15 Anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1973, must have completed a hunter education course DQGVKRZWKHFHUWL¿FDWHWRSXUFKDVHDQ\ hunting license in Wisconsin. The class materials are at a 6th grade comprehension level. Youth ages 10-11 do not need to complete this course to take part in the Mentored Hunting program. The hunter education course instills in students the knowledge and skills to be a responsible and safe hunters. Participants learn how hunting accidents are caused and how they can be prevented. Hunter responsibility and safety are stressed throughout the classes, which consist of lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, practical exercises, and individual study and activity assignments. Parents and adults, as well as youth, are encouraged to enroll and participate. Course consists of required classroom KRXUVDQGDQRSWLRQDO¿HOGGD\DWWKHJXQ range. Pre-registration is required BEFORE the pre-class meeting - class size is limited. DNR Customer ID # is required. Please call 1-888-936-7463 if you have not yet obtained an ID #. PRE-CLASS MEETING - 6 pm on Tuesday, March 22 for students and parents. Bring DNR ID #, pick up materials, ask questions, sign DNR paperwork. CLASSROOM DATES: 5 mandatory classes - March 29, 31, April 4, 5 & 7 TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm GUN RANGE: Saturday, April 2 INSTRUCTOR: Darrel Rothe LOCATION: Amery Middle School FEE: $10, pre-register with Community Education Please Pre-Register for all classes and events. Register through Amery Community Education unless class description indicates otherwise. Registration information on pages 22-23 715-268-9771 x220 $796DIHW\'15 The purpose is to promote responsible, safe and ethical ATV use. By participating in the course, students will obtain a better understanding of their obligations to the resources, the landowner, other ATV users and to themselves. All ATVers who ride on public riding areas (trails, frozen waters, routes, permitted county and/or forest lands, etc.) who are at least age 12 and who were born on or after January 1, 1988 must have FRPSOHWHGDVDIHW\FHUWL¿FDWLRQFRXUVH These ATV operators must carry their VDIHW\FHUWL¿FDWLRQFDUGDQGWKH\PXVW GLVSOD\LWWRODZHQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FHUVZKHQ requested. Anyone 11 years of age or older is eligible to take the classes and receive a safety HGXFDWLRQFRPSOHWLRQFHUWL¿FDWH7KH FHUWL¿FDWHGRHVQRWEHFRPHYDOLGXQWLOWKH child reaches 12 years of age. Parent or legal guardian required to sign '15UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPWKH¿UVWQLJKWRI class. WHO: Age 11—adult DATES: APRIL 18, 20 & 21 - all 3 class nights are mandatory TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm INSTRUCTOR: Darrel Rothe LOCATION: Middle School FEE: $10 - pre-register and pay in advance to Community Ed. %RDWLQJ6DIHW\'15 The purpose of the course is to reduce the potential for boat accidents, injuries, fatalities; to reduce the potential for FRQÀLFWEHWZHHQGLIIHUHQWW\SHVRIERDWLQJ activities and other resource users; and to promote safe, responsible, and ethical use of the environment and our resources. WI law requires persons born SINCE January 1st, 1989 to pass Boater's Safety if they operate a boat or personal watercraft. 7KHVDIHW\FHUWL¿FDWHHDUQHGLQFODVVGRHV not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Parent or legal guardian required to sign '15UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPWKH¿UVWQLJKWRI class. A DNR customer ID# is required for all participants. If you do not yet have an ID#, SOHDVHFDOOEHIRUHWKH¿UVW class. Bring this # to class with you. Please preregister and pay in advance to Community Education WHO: Age 11—adult CLASSROOM DATES: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: May 9, 10 & 12 TIME: 5:30-8:30 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: Jeffrey Hahn, Polk County Sheriff's Department FEE: $10, pre-register with Amery Community Ed For more DNR class listings and information visit http:/ %DVLF)LUHDUPVIRU:RPHQ $UHJXQVVRPHZKDWRIDP\VWHU\WR\RX",V\RXUNQRZOHGJHRI¿UHDUPV PRVWO\VHFRQGKDQGDWEHVW"$UH\RXDIUDLGRI¿UHDUPVHYHQWKRXJK\RX have no practical knowledge of them? Do you feel 'out of the loop' when WKHPHQLQ\RXUOLIHWDONDERXWJXQV"$UH\RXFRQVLGHULQJD¿UHDUPIRU self defense? 7KLVLVD ZRPHQRQO\ FODVVDQGZLOOFRYHUWKHKLVWRU\RI¿UHDUPVDQG ¿UHDUPVVDIHW\UHJDUGLQJULÀHVVKRWJXQVDQGKDQGJXQV7KLVLVQRWD VHOIGHIHQVHZLWK¿UHDUPVFODVVKRZHYHUWKHWRSLFZLOOEHGLVFXVVHGLQ JHQHUDOWHUPV2SSRUWXQLWLHVIRUOLYH¿UHDWDORFDOJXQUDQJHZLOOEHDYDLODEOH$Q\RQH ZLWKDFULPLQDOFRQYLFWLRQRURWKHUOHJDOSURKLELWLRQWREHLQSRVVHVVLRQRID¿UHDUPLVQRW DOORZHGWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKLVFODVV7KHLQVWUXFWRULVDOLIHORQJKXQWHU¿UHDUPVHQWKXVLDVW SROLFHRI¿FHUDQG:,'HSWRI-XVWLFHFHUWL¿HGKDQGJXQDQGULÀHLQVWUXFWRU+HLVDOVRDQ instructor for the Amery Police Department. WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays: March 1, 3, 8, 10 & 15 TIME: 6-8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTOR: John Carlson FEE: $19 to Amery Community Ed, pre-register 20 )O\7\LQJ /HDUQWRWLH\RXURZQÀLHVDQGHQMR\WKH VDWLVIDFWLRQRIFDWFKLQJ¿VKRQÀLHV\RX created! Class will include selection and understanding of materials, use of tying tools and techniques for successfully PDNLQJDTXDOLW\À\:HZLOOFRYHUEDVLF kinds of patterns to include nymph, wet, GU\VWUHDPHUDQGVSHFLDOW\ÀLHVIRUEDVV and pike. All necessary tools and materials ZLOOEHSURYLGHG6WDUWFDWFKLQJ¿VKRQ ÀLHV\RXWLHG Sponsored by the Kiap-TU-Wish chapter of Trout Unlimited. DATES: February 11, 16, 18 & 23 TIME: 6-8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTORS: John Carlson and Perry Anderson CLASS FEE: $14, pre-register with Community Ed ucation )O\&DVWLQJ Outdoor Education /HDUQEDVLFÀ\FDVWLQJWKURXJKWKH-RDQ Wulff method. Joan Wulff was a National Casting Champion and has operated the Wulff School of Fly Fishing since 1979 in the Catskill Mountains of New York on the Beaverkill River. Your instructor successfully completed the Fly Casting Instructors course taught by Joan Wulff. The Friday evening class will be in the classroom learning the hands-on basics of grip and casting motion. Saturday will be outside and on the water. All equipment will be provided. Joan Wulff's widely acclaimed "New Fly Casting Techniques" book and "Dynamics of Fly Casting" DVD will be available. &ODVVLVOLPLWHGWR¿YHSDUWLFLSDQWVWR ensure personal instruction. DATES: Friday, May 13 from 6-8 pm & Saturday, May 14 from 9 am - 3 pm LOCATION: Amery Middle School & a local body of water INSTRUCTOR: John Carlson, member of the Kiap-TU-Wish chapter of Trout Unlimited FEE: $14, pre-register with Community Ed )O\)LVKLQJ In this class you will learn equipment VHOHFWLRQDQGULJJLQJÀ\VHOHFWLRQ ¿VKLQJVWUDWHJLHVIRUDYDULHW\RIVSHFLHV LQFOXGLQJSDQ¿VKEDVVSLNHDQGWURXW You will also learn knot tying and basic À\FDVWLQJWKURXJKKDQGVRQSUDFWLFHZLWK all equipment provided. Examples of HTXLSPHQWDQGÀLHVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDV ZHOODVDGLVFRXQWFRXSRQIRUDQDUHDÀ\ ¿VKLQJVKLS )O\¿VKLQJLVDPHWKRGKXQGUHGVRI\HDUV old that combines natural presentations of food forage imitations with the pleasure of an enjoyable casting experience. This class is sponsored by the Kiap-TUWish chapter of Trout Unlimited. DATES: April 12, 14, 19 & 21 TIME: 6 - 8 pm LOCATION: Middle School INSTRUCTORS: John Carlson & Perry Anderson FEE: $14, pre-register with Community Education Youth Rec Fair - Open House at the Amery High School - REGISTRATION & INFORMATION for youth as young as age 4 Potential Participants Football • Soccer • Martial Arts • Baseball • Softball Bowling • Volleyball • Basketball • Hockey Girl & Boy Scouts • Gymnastics • Horseback Riding Track & Field Club • Wrestling . . . and more MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Varsity Boys Basketball Game 7:30 pm ‘Gotta Dance’ performing at halftime - see pg 13 6:30-7:30 pm AHS Pep Band performing before the BB game WITC Class Registration +2:'2,5(*,67(5)25$ :,7&&/$66" • • • Mail: Complete the WITC form to the right and mail with payment to WITC Student Services, 1019 Knowles Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017 Phone:1-800-243-9482 ext. 4221 Online: - Click RQµ&ODVV¿QGHU¶WKHQµ6HDUFKDQG Register for Continuing Education Classes’ 5()81'6$1' &$1&(//$7,216 • • • • • There are no refunds given for trips or performances unless the event is cancelled. If you enroll for a WITC class and it is cancelled, you will be fully refunded. If you enroll for a WITC class and cancel your registration, you must request your refund directly from WITC. Full refunds for Amery Community Education classes will only be given if requested 7 calendar days prior to the start of class or if the class is cancelled. Please pre-register for all classes and events. :,17(5:($7+(5 If Amery Schools are closed or cancelled during the day, all evening activities are cancelled as well, even if the weather has begun to clear by the time your class is to start. If school is in session, but the weather looks questionable, you may call 715-268-9771 ext 220. If classes are cancelled, we will make every attempt to contact you via automated phone & email message. If classes have to be rescheduled, we will do so according to the instructor’s convenience. 22 Community Ed. Class Registration +2:'2,5(*,67(5)25$1$0(5<&20081,7<('&/$662575,3" 2QOLQHZLWK9,6$RU0DVWHU&DUGJRWR and click on Community Education 0DLO5HJLVWUDWLRQIRUPEHORZZLWKSD\PHQW 3KRQHZLWK9,6$RU0DVWHU&DUG [ ,Q3HUVRQ7KH&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FHLVLQWKH +LJK6FKRRO²VWRSLQ $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQa5HJLVWUDWLRQ)RUP 'RQRWXVHWKLVIRUPIRU:,7&FODVVHVDVHSDUDWHIRUPLVDYDLODEOHRQSDJH 22 2QOLQH3KRQH9,6$DQG0DVWHU&DUGUHJLVWUDWLRQDYDLODEOHQRWUDQVDFWLRQIHH 9LVLWZZZDPHU\VGNZLXVRUFDOO[ Participant Name _________________________________________ Grade in School for children _________________ Date of Birth for minors ___/___/___ Parent/Guardian Name for minors ____________________________________ $GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&LW\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6WDWHBBBBBB=LSBBBBBBBBBBB +RPH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBB'D\0RELOH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB(0DLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB *HQGHU: male___ female___ $JH&KLOGBBB<RXWKBBB$GXOWBBB6HQLRUDQGXSBBBB Class/Trip/Event #1____________________________________________ Date__________________Fee___________ Class/Trip/Event #2_____________________________________________ Date_________________Fee___________ Class/Trip/Event #3____________________________________________ Date__________________Fee___________ Total Class/Event Fee _____________ Make checks payable to $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQ Mail completed form and correct payment to: $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(G0LQQHDSROLV$YHQXH$PHU\:, $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQa5HJLVWUDWLRQ)RUP 'RQRWXVHWKLVIRUPIRU:,7&FODVVHVDVHSDUDWHIRUPLVDYDLODEOHRQSDJH 22 2QOLQH3KRQH9,6$DQG0DVWHU&DUGUHJLVWUDWLRQDYDLODEOHQRWUDQVDFWLRQIHH 9LVLWZZZDPHU\VGNZLXVRUFDOO[ Participant Name _________________________________________ Grade in School for children _________________ Date of Birth for minors ___/___/___ Parent/Guardian Name for minors ____________________________________ $GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&LW\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6WDWHBBBBBB=LSBBBBBBBBBBB +RPH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBB'D\0RELOH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB(0DLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB *HQGHU: male___ female___ $JH&KLOGBBB<RXWKBBB$GXOWBBB6HQLRUDQGXSBBBB Class/Trip/Event #1____________________________________________ Date__________________Fee___________ Class/Trip/Event #2_____________________________________________ Date_________________Fee___________ Class/Trip/Event #3____________________________________________ Date__________________Fee___________ Total Class/Event Fee _____________ Make checks payable to $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQ Mail completed form and correct payment to: $PHU\&RPPXQLW\(G0LQQHDSROLV$YHQXH$PHU\:, Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Amery, WI 54001 Permit #20 Amery Community Education 555 Minneapolis Ave Amery, WI 54001 715-268-9771 ext. 220 POSTAL PATRON Spelmanslag co-sponsored by 'För Alltid Svensk' the Amery Area Swedish Club Sunday, April 24 Amery High School Auditorium 2:00 pm • Tickets: $10 Tickets will be available from Chet Johnson Drug, Bremer Bank and the Community Ed office in the High School The ASI Spelmanslag is the fiddling group of the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They play the traditional folk music of Sweden, primarily from the region of Dalarna and includes traditional dance tunes such as waltzes, schottisches, and polskas. The music they play represents a living tradition that started hundreds of years ago in Sweden. The melodies were made by women as they sang to their cattle in the summer pastures; by miners and loggers as they marched to and from their work; and by countless common people who enjoyed singing and dancing with family and friends. The music and rhythms lifted their spirits as they experienced joys and sorrows together. Sweden's tradition of fiddle music goes back hundreds of years as well. Swedes say they have a tune for every occasion from weddings, baptisms, and funerals to dances, feasts, and holidays. For more information about the group, visit
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