the michigan review - University of Michigan
the michigan review - University of Michigan
THE MICHIGAN REVIEW T HE J OURNAL Inside Opinion M Is President Coleman Fit for Duty? Editorials, P. 4 Adam Paul and Amanda Nichols on the Election Columns, P. 5 Race, Litigation, and Sports Staff Opinion, P. 9 Features Post-Election Analysis P. 3, 6-7 The Big Controversy Over Changes to the Big House P. 12 R Arts & Culture The Review has Added You as Our Girlfriend on Facebook 6HH3WR&RQÀUP Detroit Native Jeffrey Eugenides, author of Middlesex and The Virgin Suicides, Visits Campus P. 11 MR OF C AMPUS A FFAIRS 10.14.06 AT THE U NIVERSITY OF M ICHIGAN VOLUME XXV, ISSUE 5 Proposition 2 Passes; Racial and Gender Preferences End Coleman Addresses U-M Students; Vows to Fight on for Diversity, Then Uses Word “Diversity” About 20 More Times University President promises fight in courts challenging the legality of the MCRI during Diag address BY ADAM PASCARELLA, ‘10 D ESPITE THE EFFORTS OF virtually the entire city of Ann Arbor to defeat Proposal 2, voters ultimately decided that race and gender will have QR LQÁXHQFH LQ FROOHJH DGPLVVLRQV DQG public service hiring. While a clear majority supporting the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative sent a strong message denouncLQJ DIÀUPDWLYH DFWLRQ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0LFKLJDQZLOOQRWDEGLFDWHWKHLUÀJKWWR DFKLHYH GLYHUVLW\ 80 3UHVLGHQW 0DU\ Sue Coleman recently decided to take the As President Coleman addressed students on the Diag, the crowd swelled from about 500 to nearly 2,000. pletely committed to building diversity at Following Coleman’s speech, demMichigan, and I will do whatever it takes,” onstrators from pro and anti-MCRI orshe commented. While she claimed she ganizations passionately expressed their will conform to state laws concerning opinions about Proposal 2 to anyone who this issue, she stated, “I will guarantee my ZRXOGOLVWHQ8QOLNHWKHDFULPRQ\LQLWLDWHG complete and unyielding commitment to by the radical group By Any Means Necincreasing diversity essary (BAMN) on in this institution.” Pro-MCRI demonstrators the Diag in other In regard to cases, most of the were overjoyed but how the MCRI reaction after the PLJKW DIIHFW 80 FRQYLQFHGWKDWWKHLU¿JKW speech was conin the immediate However, for equality will not end in structive. future, Coleman as pro-MCRI stuthe immediate future SOHGJHGWRKDYH8 dents made their M use only one set presence known of admissions standards for the class of by holding up signs stating “Yes on 2,” 2011. A judicial stay requesting the use of certain individuals hurled obscenities at UDFHDQGJHQGHUSUHIHUHQFHVLQ80DG- this these demonstrators, adding to the President Coleman gets diverse missions this cycle is likely. She pledged very tense atmosphere. after her remarks WR ´VHHN FRQÀUPDWLRQ IURP WKH FRXUWV While most of the pro-MCRI demopportunity to galvanize support in the to complete this year’s admissions cycle onstrators were overjoyed by the passage ÀJKWWRQXOOLI\WKHUHFHQW0&5,HOHFWLRQ under our current guidelines.” Coleman of the Proposal 2, they were convinced results. IXUWKHUVWDWHGWKDW80ZLOOFDUHIXOO\DQD- WKDW WKHLU ÀJKW IRU HTXDOLW\ ZLOO QRW HQG During her speech the morning af- lyze the MCRI and see if it is actually law- in the immediate future. Junior Clark ter Election Day to pro- and anti-MCRI ful. “I have asked our attorneys for their 5XSHU WKH FRFKDLU RI WKH 80 <RXQJ forces, Ann Arbor residents, and curious full and undivided support in defending Americans for Freedom, said that “the students walking through the Diag, Cole- GLYHUVLW\ DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0LFKLJDQ 8QLYHUVLW\LVGHVSHUDWHDQGWKH\DUHJRLQJ man repeatedly emphasized that diversity I will immediately begin exploring legal to try to get around the law for years.” He KDVDOZD\VGHÀQHG80DQGZLOOQHYHUEH action concerning the initiative,” she deSee “Prop 2,” Page 3 absent from campus. “I am fully and com- clared to the enthusiastic crowd. W W W. M I C H I G A N R E V I E W. C O M First two copies free, additional copies $3 each. Stealing is illegal and a sin. (Exodus 20:15) P. 2 11.14.06 Page Two The Michigan Review Election Night Diary We all expected the Republican beatdown. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun. If Bill Simmons can chronicle the ALCS, then we’re going to cover Election Night. The action begins at 10:17pm. 10:17pm – My roommate, a Chris Carney '3$ VWDIIHU WKLV VXPPHU JHWV D SKRQH call announcing Carney’s victory, rendering him giddy and leading him to announce to every member of the household “Chris Carney. US Congressman. Great AmeriFDQµ 7KLV LV ZKDW VWXGHQW JRYHUQPHQW cronies do in their spare time. 10:20pm – My dove hunting plans are GDVKHGDV3URSJRHVGRZQLQIHDWKHUV 10:23pm ² /RRNV OLNH -RKQ 'LQJHOO KDV ZRQWKDWWRXJKEDWWOHRYHUQRERG\*RRG thing he had all those death squads running around campus today. 10:37pm – CNN PROJECTS PROP 2 WILL PASS 10:38pm – I try to call my black and female IULHQGVWRGLVFXVVWKHQHZVEXWWKH\·UHDOO JRQHQRZ 10:44pm ² -RKQ .HUU\ UHDSSHDUV WR FHOHEUDWHWKHUHHOHFWLRQRI 7HG.HQQHG\,Q DUHODWHGVWRU\WKH'HPVDUHÀQDOO\OHWWLQJ -RKQ.HUU\WDONDJDLQ 10:56pm²%RE6FKRFNPDQLVGRZQLQWKH SROOV,·PFUXVKHG:KDWDUHZHJRLQJWR GR ZLWKRXW %RE 6FKRFNPDQ FRPPHUFLDOV running every 5 minutes? 11:26pm ² :ROI %OLW]HU KDV 'LFN $UPH\ RQ ZKR MXVW ORRNV WHUULEOH $UPH\ WDONV like he’s giving a eulogy before being cut RII E\:ROI ZLWK´PRUHEDGQHZVµ 11:32pm – After somebody reminds Wolf WKDW KH KDV 'LFN $UPH\ RQ KROG &11 WKHIUHHZRUOGSRWHQWLDOO\UHVWVRQ<HOORZFXWVEDFNWR$UPH\ZKRORRNVOLNHKH·VMXVW stone County in Montana. “They don’t like book learning much over there,” remarks WDNHQWZRNLFNVWRWKHJURLQ my roommate. I love democracy. 11:40pm²&11UHSRUWVWKDW6RXWK'DNRWD·VDERUWLRQEDQKDVIDLOHG6RXWK'DNRWD 2:10am ² 0DWWKHZV DQG 2OEHUPDQQ LQWHUYLHZ &ODLUH 0F&DVNLOO ZKR JLYHV VXUspring break plans are still on! SULVLQJO\ VXFFLQFW DQG PRGHUDWH DQVZHUV 12:00am²DVZHUROOLQWR:HGQHVGD\P\ Unfortunately, the guy behind her in the URRPPDWHKDVDQQRXQFHGKHZLOOQRZUHIHU &DUGLQDOV KDW ORRNV OLNH D FURVV EHWZHHQ to “Missouri” as “Missoura” because the $GROSK+LWOHUDQG-RKQ0DUN.DUU politicians do it. 2:15am – My roommate asks if McCaskill 1:07am²,UHWXUQIURPDKRPHZRUNEUHDN LVWKHZRPDQWKDWZDVLQYROYHGZLWK´WKH WR VHH %RE &RUNHU GHFODUH YLFWRU\ RYHU Rush Limbaugh guy.” +DUROG )RUG -U LQ D YLFWRU\ WKDW FDQ EH completely attributed to his hot daughters. 2:30am – Looks like it’s about done for *HRUJH $OOHQ :RQGHU KRZ KH GLG ZLWK 7KDW·VWKH5HSXEOLFDQZD\ the Indian vote? 1:13am ² +LODU\ &OLQWRQ JLYHV KHU DFFHSWDQFH VSHHFK ZLWK D FDUGERDUG FXWRXW RI 2:40am ² .HLWK 2OEHUPDQQ DQG &KULV 0DWWKHZV DUH RIÀFLDOO\ RQ PXUGHU ZDWFK %LOOLQWKHEDFNJURXQG The stdudio just isn’t large enough to hold 1:14am – “Cardboard cutout” has been ERWK RI WKHLU HJRV 0DWWKHZV EULQJV XS XSJUDGHG WR ´IRUPHU 3UHVLGHQWµ DV %LOO +DUROG )RUG·V ORVV DQG 2OEHUPDQQ ORRNV OLNHKH·VVWXFNLQDSKRQHERRWKZLWK*LOblinks. bert Gottfried. 1:34am ² 5HYLHZ ([HFXWLYH (GLWRU 0LNH 2·%ULHQ LQIRUPV PH WKDW ´D OLEHUWDU- 2:45am²0DWWKHZVDQG2OEHUPDQQFXWWR ian in Missouri might be responsible for 1RUDK 2·'RQQHOO DV LI VKH·V DW VRPH XQWKH 'HPRFUDWLF WDNHRYHU RI WKH 6HQDWHµ disclosed location. Turns out she’s in the Good point. I mean, if the Republicans VDPHVWXGLRIHHWDZD\ KDGSUREOHPVZLWKVD\,UDT0DFDFDVFDQdals, overspending, and touching little boys, 2:48am ² 2·'RQQHOO DQG %RE 6FKUXP WKHQ,·GEODPHWKHP%XWVLQFHWKH\GRQ·W begin a shouting match. Pat Robertson is FDXJKWLQWKHPLGGOHZLWKD´,ZDQW1RUDK ,ZKROHKHDUWHGO\EODPHWKH/LEHUWDULDQV to take her top off ” look on his face. 1:43am ² $ UDFLDO ÁDPHZDU HUXSWV LQ P\ OLYLQJURRPDVVHYHUDOFROOHJH'HPVLQYDGH 2:57am²,·PRQWKHÁRRUODXJKLQJDV2ODQGZDQWWRNQRZLI ,DKDWHEODFNSHRSOH bermann brings out a donut and gives it to DQG E GRQ·W WKLQN ZH KDYH HQRXJK ZKLWH 0DWWKHZV7KHQWKH\H[FKDQJHJRRGE\HV SHRSOH RQ FDPSXV <HW ZKHQ , VXJJHVW that approach “kicking the freshman girl UHSODFLQJ WKH -HZV RQ FDPSXV ZLWK EODFN out of your bed on Sunday morning” level SHRSOHWKH-HZVLQWKHURRPJHWDOOXSVHW RQWKHDZNZDUGVFDOH , JLYH XS 7KLV LV ZK\ , QHYHU EHFDPH D 3:06am ² , WKRXJKW 061%&·V FRYHUDJH liberal. ZDVRYHUVR,WXUQHGWR)DPLO\*X\7XUQV 2:02am²:HQRZÀQGRXWWKDWWKHIDWHRI RXW 0DWWKHZV KDV NLOOHG 2OEHUPDQQ DQG FRQWLQXHGWKHVKRZRQKLVRZQ 3:14am²,W·VRIÀFLDOWKHZKHHOVKDYHFRPH RII WKH&KULV0DWWKHZVWUDLQ7KLVLVZRUVH WKDQ 'DQ 5DWKHU GHFRPSRVLQJ OLYH RQDLU LQWKHHOHFWLRQRU/RX+ROW]KDYLQJ on-air strokes every Saturday. 3:30am²&11DQG)R[1HZVKDYHSXWLQ WKHLUVHFRQGVWULQJVZKLFKLVDVPDUWPRYH JLYHQ WKH 0DWWKHZV ÀDVFR RQ 061%& 1RWVXFKDJRRGLGHDIRU/OR\G&DUU%DFN WR061%&WRZDWFKWKHPHOHHFRQWLQXH 3:39am ² 3DW %XFKDQDQ WULHV WR UHDVRQ ZLWK &KULV 0DWWKHZV OLNH D JX\ WU\LQJ WR coax his drunk buddy into giving him his car keys. While I’m typing this, Chris MatWKHZVDVNV´GLG+HDWK6FKXOHUWKURZRUGLG KHUXVKµZKLOHVFULEEOLQJLQFRKHUHQWO\RQD WHOHSURPSWHUFLUFOLQJWKHZURQJVWDWHVDQG ZULWLQJVRPHWKLQJLOOHJLEOH 4:09am ² , ZDQWHG WR JR WR VOHHS KRXUV DJREXW,FDQ·WVWRSZDWFKLQJWKLV&KULV 0DWWKHZVWHOOV+LODU\5RVHQWR´ZULWHWKH SDUDJUDSKµH[SODLQLQJZK\WKH5HSXEOLFDQV ORVWDQGWKHQFXWVKHURII DIWHUVL[ZRUGV 7KLVH[SODLQVZK\2OEHUPDQQ%XFKDQQDQ %RE6FKUXPDQG2·'RQQHOOKDYHOHIWWKH set already. 4:19am²7KH\·UHUHSOD\LQJWKH.DWKHULQH +DUULVFRQFHVVLRQVSHHFK.DWKHULQH+DUULVORRNVOLNHVKHZDVEUHGIURPWKHVDPH test tube as Nancy Pelosi. My roommate’s comment after the speech: “Was that a sentence?” 4:49am ² 6RPHERG\ JRW &KULV 0DWWKHZV VRPHVDOWLQHFUDFNHUVDQGZDWHUDQGWKH\·UH just keeping him on the air until he’s sober enough to drive home. This is out of FRQWURO%XWNXGRVWR&KULVIRURXWODVWLQJ PH,·PRII WREHGQRZZDLWLQJIRUWRPRUURZ ZKHQ 0DU\ 6XH &ROHPDQ DQQRXQFHV VKHZLOOEHJLQV\VWHPDWLFDOO\VKRRWLQJZKLWH SHRSOHRQWKH'LDJMR THE MICHIGAN REVIEW THE JOURNAL OF CAMPUS AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NICK CHEOLAS Editor-in-Chief STAFF: ASSISTANT EDITORS: BRIAN BIGLIN, KAREN BOORE $QGUHZ%DULQRY6WHYHQ%HQJDO 0DULD%ORRG'DYLG%UDLW (ULQ%XFKNR.HOO\&DYDQDXJK Jenni Chelenyak, Rebecca Christy, Tom Church, Jane Coaston, 0DULH&RXU/LQGVH\'RGJH %ODNH(PHUVRQ'DQQ\+DUULV ,DQ.D\(XQ/HH$QQD0DOHFNH %ULDQ0F1DOO\0LTXHOOH0LODYHF $GDP0RUDWK1DWDOLH1HZWRQ -RKQ2·%ULHQ(GGLH3HUU\'DQLHOOH Putnam, Shanda Shooter, Jonny Slemrod, Evan Wladis, Mary Wilcop, Christina Zajicek, Zack Zucker WEBMASTER: SHAWN OLENDER -DPHV'DYLG'LFNVRQ MICHAEL O’BRIEN Executive Editor ADAM PAUL Managing Editor AMANDA NICHOLS Content Editor EDITOR EMERITUS The Michigan Review is the independent, student-run journal of conservative and libertarian opinion at the University of Michigan. We neither solicit nor accept monetary donations from the University. Contributions to The Michigan Review are tax-deductible under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The Michigan Review LV QRW DIÀOLDWHG ZLWK DQ\ political party or any university political group. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the editorial board. Ergo, they are unequivocally correct and just. Signed articles, letters, and cartoons represent the opinions of the author, and not necessarily those of The Review. The Serpent’s Tooth shall represent the opinion of individual, anonymous contributors to The Review, and should not necessarily be taken as representative of The Review’s editorial stance. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily those of the advertisers, or of the University RI 0LFKLJDQ:HZHOFRPHOHWWHUVDUWLFOHVDQGFRPments about the journal. Please address all advertising, subscription inquiries, and donations to “Publisher,” c/o The Michigan Review: 7KH0LFKLJDQ5HYLHZ 911 N. University Avenue, Suite One Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1265 Copyright © 2006, The Michigan Review, Inc. All rights reserved. The Michigan Review is a member of the &ROOHJLDWH1HWZRUN P. 3 President Coleman Blows Opportunity to Show A True Commitment to Real Diversity BY NICK CHEOLAS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF T 11.14.06 Aftermath of Prop 2 8(6'$< 1,*+7 5(6725(' 620( 2) MY faith in humanity. :HGQHVGD\DIWHUQRRQGLVVROYHGZKDWZDVOHIWRI P\ faith in the University of Michigan. On Tuesday night, Michigan voters put an end to VWDWHVDQFWLRQHGGLVFULPLQDWLRQDQGSDYHGWKHZD\IRU 0LFKLJDQGHUVWRIRFXVRQWUXHLQHTXDOLW\ZLWKRXWHUHFWing senseless racial barriers. 7KHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQKDGNQRZQWKLVGD\ZDVDSRVVLELOLW\IRUWZR\HDUV7KH\KDGH[DPSOHVWRIROORZLQ Texas, California, and Washington. They had ample WLPHWRSUHSDUHDQHZDGPLVVLRQVSROLF\QHZLQLWLDWLYHV WRVWUHQJWKHQ.HGXFDWLRQRUSURJUDPVWRKHOSLQcrease the number of academically competitive minority students. So as President Coleman took to the podium last Wednesday, she had a golden opportunity to prove that KHUQRWLRQRI GLYHUVLW\ZDVDERXWPRUHWKDQVNLQFRORU DQGWKHÀJKWIRUGLYHUVLW\ZDVDERXWPRUHWKDQDQHDV\ ZD\WRDWWDLQPRUDOOHJLWLPDF\$V3UHVLGHQWRI WKLV8QLversity, she had a chance to extinguish the smoldering UDFLDOWHQVLRQWKDWWRRRIWHQÁDUHVRQWKLVFDPSXV ,QVWHDGVKHSRXUHGJDVROLQHRQWKHÀUH Caught like a deer in headlights, all Coleman could GRZDVUHSHDWWKHZRUG´GLYHUVLW\µOLNHDEURNHQUHFRUG 21 times in an 18 minute speech. In rather militaristic fashion, and under the guise of “diversity,” Coleman defended a policy that seeks only a meager, arbitrary amount of skin tone variation. 7KLVZDVKHUDWWHPSWDWXQLW\7DNHDORRNDURXQG FDPSXV+RZ·VWKDWUDFLDOXQLW\ZRUNLQJRXWIRUXV" I’ve learned not to expect too much from the adminLVWUDWLRQDWWKLV8QLYHUVLW\%XWRQ:HGQHVGD\3UHVLGHQW Coleman essentially told Michigan voters (her employHUVWRJRVFUHZWKHPVHOYHVWKDWWKH\KDGQREXVLQHVVHV TXHVWLRQLQJKHUUDFLDOHQOLJKWHQPHQWDQGWKDWVKHZRXOG H[SORUHHYHU\SRVVLEOHDYHQXHWRFLUFXPYHQWWKHODZ Of course, the diversity cult cheered. And perhaps, that’s all they need. Members of the FXOWQHHGDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQEHFDXVHLWPDNHVWKHPUHsponsible for change. When a black student achieves on KLVRZQQRERG\JHWVDQ\PRUDOLW\SRLQWVDQGWKHUHDUH QRFKHHULQJFURZGV%XWWKHUHZHUHSOHQW\RI FKHHUVDQG PRUDOLW\SRLQWVDZDUGHGRQWKH'LDJODVW:HGQHVGD\ 3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQQHHGVDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQ7RWKH PRUDOO\ULJKWHRXVVROGLHUVLQWKHGLYHUVLW\FXOWVKHZLOO EHWKHPRUDOO\ULJKWHRXVOHDGHU+HUVSHHFKZDVGRWWHG ZLWKVHQWHQFHVWKDWSODFHWKHIRFXVVROHO\RQKHUVHOI´, SOHGJHµ´,ZLOOQRWVWDQGE\µ´,DPIXOO\FRPPLWWHGµ So our righteous leader defends a policy that gives SHRSOHZKDWWKH\ZDQW6KHJHWVKHUOHJDF\WKHUHDUHD IHZPRUHEODFNVRQFDPSXVDQGDOOWKHZKLWHVJHWWRIHHO good about them being there. ,GRQ·WGRXEWWKDWWKHPRWLYHVRI WKRVHZKRKLGH EHKLQGWKLVIDOVHQRWLRQRI GLYHUVLW\DUHVLQFHUH%XWDV 76(OLRWRQFHZURWH´+DOI RI WKHKDUPWKDWLVGRQH LQWKLVZRUOGLVGXHWRSHRSOHZKRZDQWWRIHHOLPSRUtant. They don’t mean to do harm – but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify LW%HFDXVHWKH\DUHDEVRUEHGLQWKHHQGOHVVVWUXJJOHWR WKLQNZHOORI WKHPVHOYHVµ %XW ORRN DURXQG WKLV FDPSXV 'R \RX VHH UDFLDO KDUPRQ\"/RRNDURXQG'HWURLW'R\RXVHHNLGVJUDGuating high school in droves? Look around this state. 'R\RXVHHRXUHFRQRP\" We haven’t solved a damn thing. Make no mistake: true cultural, intellectual, and asSLUDWLRQDOGLYHUVLW\LVGHVLUDEOHDQGEHQHÀFLDO0DU\6XH Coleman had a golden opportunity to display her commitment to this true diversity. As passionate supporters RI WUXO\GLYHUVHYLHZSRLQWVGRWWHGWKH'LDJVKHKDGDQ opportunity to unite this campus like never before, and PRYH XV IRUZDUG LQWR DQ HUD ZKHUH ZH DFKLHYH DFWXDO diversity, and not by discrimination. ,QVWHDGLQPLQXWHV&ROHPDQWKUHZJDVROLQHRQ a smoldering pile of ashes, told reporters she had no FRPPHQWKXJJHGVRPHEODFNSHRSOHDQGKXUULHGDZD\ OHDYLQJDULOHGXSFURZGLQKHUZDNH6WXGHQWVVREEHG LQWKHDUPVRI SURIHVVRUVDQGDGPLQLVWUDWRUV)LHUFHGHEDWHVHUXSWHGEHWZHHQ´<HVRQµDQG´1RRQµVXSporters, and cameras rolled and beamed these pictures DFURVVDVWDWHZLWKDGHHSO\GLYLGHGSDVW 6RRQWKHVWXGHQWVOHIW7KHPLQRULW\VWXGHQWVZHQW back to their University-sponsored minority lounges, EODFNIUDWHUQLWLHVPLQRULW\KRXVHVRUWRPHHWZLWKWKHLU PLQRULW\SHHUDGYLVRUVLQWKHPXOWLFXOWXUDORIÀFH7KH ZKLWH VWXGHQWV ZHQW EDFN WR WKHLU KRPHV DSDUWPHQWV *UHHNKRXVHVEDUVDQGPHWZLWKWKHLU´QRQPLQRULW\µ peer advisors. $OOWKHZKLOH0DU\6XH&ROHPDQVDWFRQÀGHQWWKDW she had saved “diversity.” ,I WKHDGPLQLVWUDWRUVRI WKLV8QLYHUVLW\ZDQWWRSOD\ racial games and engage in social engineering to achieve WKHÁDZHGQRWLRQRI GLYHUVLW\LQWKHLUPLQGVÀQH%XW they needn’t use 60,000 members of the campus community as their guinea pigs. ,I 3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQZDQWVXVWREX\WKLVSHUYHUVH “commitment to diversity,” then she should resign as President, and an African-American should be named as KHUUHSODFHPHQW,I VKHLVZLOOLQJWRHQIRUFHDSROLF\RI discrimination in order to achieve her perverted concept of “diversity,” then she should hold herself to the same standards. /DVW6DWXUGD\QLJKW,ZHQWWRWKH%URZQ-XJZLWK some friends. I didn’t see an African-American in the entire place. :KHQ,OHIW,ZDONHGGRZQ6RXWK8SDVWWKHOLQH RXWWKHGRRUDW&KDUOH\·V,GLGQ·WVHHDZKLWHSHUVRQLQ the entire line. I couldn’t help but think that inside these establishPHQWVZHUHVRPHRI WKHVDPHLQGLYLGXDOVZKRKDGFDPpaigned so diligently in the name of “diversity” just days earlier. 7KHQ , FRQWLQXHG GRZQ 6RXWK 8 SDVW WKH 3UHVLGHQW·VPDQVLRQ,ZRQGHUHGLI 3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQVDZ WKH VDPH FDPSXV WKDW , VDZ DQG LI VKH WUXO\ EHOLHYHG ZKDWVKHVD\VDERXWGLYHUVLW\ +HUZRUGVLQQRZD\UHÁHFWUHDOLW\$QGWKH\QHYHU ZLOO VR ORQJ DV ZH DELGH E\ WKH FUHHG RI WKH GLYHUVLW\ cult. MR “Prop 2,” From Page 1 further commented, “No human being should be given preferential treatment by the color of their skin.” 1RW DOO VWXGHQWV VKDUH 5XSHU·V RSLQLRQ KRZHYHU $SSODXVHIRU&ROHPDQ·VSODQWRNHHS80GLYHUVHZDV SUHYDOHQWWKURXJKRXWWKH'LDJ6HQLRU-XVWLQ$QGHUVRQ supported Coleman’s plan, but had concerns about the LPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI KHUVWUDWHJ\´,OLNHGZKDWVKHVDLG but let’s see if she can back it up,” said Anderson. When TXHVWLRQHGZKDWKHWKRXJKWDERXW0&5,VXSSRUWHUVKH VWDWHG ´(YHU\RQH KDV D ULJKW WR WKHLU RZQ EHOLHIV EXW ZK\GRWKH\KDYHWRKROGXSVLJQVVD\LQJ¶<HVRQ·DIWHU WKH\ZRQWKHHOHFWLRQ",JXHVVWKH\DUHDOLWWOHUDFLVWµ At least in the short term, the battle over the MCRI ZLOOFRQWLQXHLQWKHOHJDOV\VWHPDQGLI DQ\FRXUWVGR DFWXDOO\KHDUFKDOOHQJHVWRWKHDFWXDOODZWKHQLWFRXOG become a very long process. Just because the MCRI has EHHQDGGHGWRWKHVWDWHFRQVWLWXWLRQWKHDUJXPHQWVZLOO QRWFHDVH7KHVWDWHRI 0LFKLJDQLVLQIRUDORQJÀJKW to obtain a community of fairness and diversity for all FLWL]HQVMR Diversity Tracker President Coleman’s Diag address featured the word “diversity” 21 times in an 18-minute speech. For those of you who were absent, here’s how it sounded: ´'LYHUVLW\PDWWHUVDW0LFKLJDQµ ´'LYHUVLW\PDWWHUVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI 0LFKLJDQµ ´:HSOHGJHWRUHPDLQXQLÀHGLQRXUÀJKWIRUGLYHUsity” ´'LYHUVLW\PDNHVXVVWURQJµ 5. “[Proposition 209 in California] has been a horribly IDLOHGH[SHULPHQWWKDWKDVGUDPDWLFDOO\ZHDNHQHGWKH diversity of the state’s most selective universities” ´:HDUH0LFKLJDQDQGZHDUHGLYHUVLW\µ 7. “I have asked our attorneys for their full and undivided support in defending diversity” ´:HZLOOQRWOLPLWRXUGULYHIRUGLYHUVLW\WRWKH courts” ´:HZLOOÀQGZD\VWRRYHUFRPHWKHKDQGFXIIVWKDW Proposal 2 attempts to place on our reach for greater diversity.” 10. “The University of Michigan embraces diversity.” ´:HZLOOFRQWLQXHWRUHYLHZDOORI RXUSURJUDPV dedicated to minority affairs and campus diversity to HQVXUHWKDWWKH\FRPSO\ZLWKWKHODZµ 12. “The University of Michigan promotes diversity” ´7KH8QLYHUVLW\RI 0LFKLJDQZDQWVGLYHUVLW\µ 14. “The University of Michigan believes in diversity” 15. “The University of Michigan is diversity” ´:HNQRZWKDWGLYHUVLW\PDNHVXVDEHWWHUXQLYHUsity” 17. “I guarantee my complete and unyielding commitment to increasing diversity at our institution” 18. “I am fully and completely committed to building GLYHUVLW\DW0LFKLJDQDQG,ZLOOGRZKDWHYHULWWDNHVµ 19. “We absolutely must continue to think creatively DERXWKRZWRHOHYDWH0LFKLJDQ·VUROHDVDQDWLRQDO model for diversity in higher education” 20. “The University of Michigan embraces … proPRWHV«ZDQWV«DQGEHOLHYHVLQGLYHUVLW\µ 21. “Let’s stand together to say: We are Michigan and ZHDUHGLYHUVLW\µ P. 4 T Editorials THE MICHIGAN REVIEW 11.14.06 The MCRI Has Passed; It’s Time to Move Forward KH0LFKLJDQ5HYLHZLVWKHLQGHSHQGHQWVWXGHQWUXQMRXUQDORI FRQVHUYDWLYHDQG libertarian opinion at the University of Michigan. Unsigned editorials represent WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH (GLWRULDO %RDUG (UJR WKH\ DUH XQHTXLYRFDOO\ FRUUHFW DQG MXVW Signed articles, letters, and cartoons represent the opinions of the author, and not QHFHVVDULO\WKRVHRI WKH5HYLHZ 1129(0%(57+0LFKLJDQYRWHUVSXWDQHQGWROHJDOL]HGGLVFULPLQDWLRQ <RXFDQFRQWDFWWKH(GLWRULDO%RDUGDW in the State of Michigan. Whether to ensure some arbitrary “critical mass” of UDFLDOGLYHUVLW\RUWRUHGUHVVPLGGOHFODVVVXEXUEDQEODFNVDQGZRPHQIRUKLVWRULFDO discrimination, racial and gender preferences have been a cancer in this state for far too long. &RQWUDU\WRSRSXODUEHOLHIVDPRQJWKHDQWL0&5,FURZGWKRVHZKRVXSSRUWHG WKHLQLWLDWLYHZHUHQRWRQDFUXVDGHWRWUDQVIRUP0LFKLJDQLQWRDQDOOZKLWH8QLYHUVLW\ 7KH\ZHUHQRWRXWWRSUHVHUYH´ZKLWHPDOHSULYLOHJHµDVPDQ\JXLOWODGHQZKLWHPDOHV VXJJHVWHG,URQLFDOO\LWVHHPVWREHWKDWRQO\WKHULFKZKLWHPDOHVXSSRUWHUVRI WKH AST YEAR, UNIVERSITY of Michigan President Mary Sue &ROHPDQZDVEH- 0&5,EHOLHYHWKDWPLQRULWLHVDQGZRPHQFDQFRPSHWHLQVRFLHW\ZLWKRXWUDFLDODQG LQJFRQVLGHUHGIRUWKH3UHVLGHQF\RI +DUYDUG%DVHGRQ3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQ·VUH- gender preferences. cent actions in strong opposition to Proposal 2, university communities may be better 7KRVHZKRRSSRVHDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQZRXOGEHQDwYHWREHOLHYHKRZHYHUWKDWGLVVHUYHGLI &ROHPDQDYRLGHGWKHSUHVLGHQWSRVLWLRQDOWRJHWKHU+HURSSRVLWLRQWR3UR- FULPLQDWLRQDQGLQHTXDOLW\GRQRWH[LVW%XWDVWKHYRWHUVRI 0LFKLJDQKDYHH[SUHVVO\ SRVDOKDVHOHYDWHGKHUWRLGROVWDWXVDPRQJWKRVHZKRVXEVFULEHWRWKHUHOLJLRQRI rejected a discriminatory policy that has succeeded in little more than erecting interGLYHUVLW\RXWVLGHRI WKLVIROORZLQJKRZHYHULWLVDSSDUHQWWRPRVWWKDW&ROHPDQKDV racial barriers, the time could not be better for the state to move beyond its scarred proven herself unable to lead and unite the University during this time of transition. racial history. &ROHPDQ·VUHPDUNVRQWKH'LDJODVW:HGQHVGD\ZHUHLOORJLFDODWEHVWLQFRPSUHUnfortunately, many students and administrators at the University have left no KHQVLEOHDWZRUVW)RUH[DPSOHVKHDQQRXQFHGWKDW0LFKLJDQYRWHUVKDGUHMHFWHGWKH doubt that they have little interest in actually confronting educational inequalities in means to achieve a “fair and equal” community. The tools to build such fairness and 0LFKLJDQ7KH2UZHOOLDQOLNHVXSSRUWIRU3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQ·VUDPEOLQJLQFRKHUHQW HTXDOLW\KRZHYHULQFOXGHGRXWULJKWGLVFULPLQDWLRQ ´GLYHUVLW\DWKRQµRQWKH'LDJODVW:HGQHVGD\LVLQGLFDWLYHRI WKLVIDFW6WXGHQWVDQG 6KHDVVXUHG0LFKLJDQHGXFDWRUVWKDW´RXWUHDFKHIIRUWVµZRXOGFRQWLQXH²WKHVDPH administrators seem perfectly content to spend even more time and resources de´RXWUHDFKHIIRUWVµWKDWZHUHVXSSRVHGO\DERXWWRHOLPLQDWHGE\3URSRVDO+DUGO\RQH fending a policy that gives predominately middle-class, suburban minority students WREHIRUZDUGORRNLQJ&ROHPDQGLGQRWPHQWLRQWKHIDFWWKDWWKHXQLYHUVLW\RXJKWWR SUHIHUHQFHRYHUPLGGOHFODVVVXEXUEDQZKLWHVDQGWKHQFODLPLQJWKDWWKHSROLF\KHOSV “diversity” or remedies educational disadvantages. actually add outreach programs as a mean of achieving diversity. 7KLVLVDFRPSOHWHDQGXWWHUIDUFH%HIRUHWKH0&5,SDVVHGNLGVLQWUXO\GLVDGYDQ&ROHPDQWKHQDVNHGIRUWKHVXSSRUWRI DOXPQLZLWKDSSDUHQWO\QRFRQFHSWLRQRI WKHWKRXVDQGVRI 80JUDGXDWHVZKRVKDUHIHHOLQJVRI RXWULJKWGLVJXVWDWRXUDGPLV- WDJHGFRPPXQLWLHVZHUHUHFHLYLQJDVXEVWDQGDUGHGXFDWLRQ$IWHUWKH0&5,SDVVHG WKLVLVVWLOOWKHFDVH%XWQRORQJHUFDQSROLWLFLDQVDGPLQLVWUDWRUVDQGHGXFDWRUVFLWH sions policies. &RQVSLFXRXVO\ DEVHQW IURP KHU UHPDUNV ZDV DQ\ LQGLFDWLRQ RI WKH SDWK 80 their support of a meaningless, ineffective, policy as evidence of their “commitment ZRXOGWDNHZLWKRXWUDFLDOSUHIHUHQFHV'RHV&ROHPDQUHDOO\EHOLHYHWKDWKHUIXWLOHOHJDO to minorities.” A failure to educate minority students is not the result of racism. This DFWLRQVZLOORYHUWXUQWKHHOHFWRUDWH"$FFRUGLQJWRWKHZLOORI &ROHPDQWKHIXWXUHRI failure is the result of calculated educational policy decisions, such as those that target 80ZLOOEHVSHQWUHVLVWLQJLQHYLWDEOHFKDQJHUDWKHUWKDQGUDIWLQJDOWHUQDWLYHSROLFLHV only the symptoms of the problem, and do so in discriminatory fashion. ZKLFKZRXOGÀQGQHZZD\VRI DWWDLQLQJGLYHUVLW\ )RU\HDUVWKLV8QLYHUVLW\KDVPDGHLWFOHDUWKDWWKHLUYLHZRI ´GLYHUVLW\µFRQVLVWV 'HVSLWHWKHHOLWLVWKROLHUWKDQWKRXWRQHWKLV8QLYHUVLW\KDVRIWHQWDNHQRQLVVXHV of importing just enough black students to campus to demonstrate this commitment. RI GLYHUVLW\ &ROHPDQ·V FRPSOHWH GLVUHJDUG IRU WKH ZLOO RI WKH HOHFWRUDWH ZDV UDWKHU 1RZ ZLWKRXW DIÀUPDWLYH DFWLRQ WKLV 8QLYHUVLW\ FDQ VWLOO WU\ WR DFKLHYH WKLV QDUURZ VXUSULVLQJ7KH8QLYHUVLW\·VODZVXLWVZLOOHIIHFWLYHO\WHOOWKHSHRSOHRI 0LFKLJDQWKDW8 form of diversity, but must focus on raising minority students above the bar of acaM does not trust them to govern themselves, instead believing itself immune in some GHPLFH[FHOOHQFH7KLVLVDIDUPRUHGLIÀFXOWDQGFRPSOH[WDVNEXWDIDUEHWWHUUHPHG\ ZD\RUDERYHWKHODZVRI WKHVWDWH6RPHVWXGHQWVIHDUHGWKDWWKHSDVVDJHRI 3URSRVDO for a complex problem. ZRXOG´VLOHQFHµJURXSVRI VWXGHQWV,WLVLURQLFWKHQWKDW&ROHPDQFKRRVHVWRLJQRUH 6DGO\WKH8QLYHUVLW\KDVVHHPLQJO\GHFLGHGWKDWLWLVWRRGLIÀFXOWWRDGGUHVVWKHVH WKHYRLFHRI WKHYRWHUVPDQ\RI ZKRPDUHVWXGHQWV SUREOHPV RU SHUKDSV WKDW DGGUHVVLQJ WKH XQGHUO\LQJ FDXVHV RI LQHTXDOLW\ ZLOO QRW ,I &ROHPDQLVGHDI WRWKHYRWHUVWRZKRPLVVKHOLVWHQLQJ":KDWVKRXOGPDNH VDWLVI\WKRVHZKRQHHGWRHDVHWKHFUXVKLQJSDLQRI ZKLWHJXLOW VWXGHQWVEHOLHYHVKHFDUHVDERXWZKDWWKH\KDYHWRVD\"&ROHPDQPD\EHDIULHQGWR %XW0LFKLJDQZRXOGEHZLVHWRWDNHDKLQWIURP&DOLIRUQLDZKHUHLQWKHZDNHRI ´GLYHUVLW\µ SURSRQHQWV QRZ EXW LQ WLPH VKH PD\ ZRUN DJDLQVW WKHLU JRDOV ZLWK KHU 3URSRVLWLRQWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI &DOLIRUQLDKDVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLURZQDVVHVVPHQW VWXEERUQQHVV+HUUHVLVWDQFHWRFKDQJHSDLQWVKHUDVD´VWD\WKHFRXUVHµOHDGHUUDWKHU ´WDNHQDFWLRQWRVWUHQJWKHQ.HGXFDWLRQHQKDQFHVWXGHQWSUHSDUDWLRQIRUKLJKHU than a progressive visionary. education, and implement race-neutral alternatives designed to strengthen is ability to 2YHUWKH\HDUVQDWLRQDOPHGLDVFUXWLQ\DURXQG80·VDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQSROLF\KDV DWWUDFWDGPLWDQGHQUROODQXQGHUJUDGXDWHERG\WKDWLVERWKDFDGHPLFDOO\ZHOOSUHLQFUHDVHGLWVVLJQLÀFDQFHRQFDPSXV&ROHPDQKDVVHL]HGWKLVDWWHQWLRQWRKHUSHUVRQDO SDUHGDQGUHÁHFWLYHRI WKHEURDGGLYHUVLW\RI &DOLIRUQLDµ DGYDQWDJHHPSKDVL]LQJWKH´0LFKLJDQ'LIIHUHQFHµRI GLYHUVLW\ $ORQJZLWKH[SDQGLQJRXWUHDFKSURJUDPV8&VFKRROVLGHQWLÀHGDQGHQUROOHGWRS Unfortunately, Coleman is intent on preserving this very label of diversity based SHUFHQWDJHRI VWXGHQWVLQVWDWHKLJKVFKRROVLPSOHPHQWHGD´FRPSUHKHQVLYHUHYLHZ RQDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQ:LWKWKHYRWHUV·SDVVDJHRI 3URSRVLWLRQKHUJRDOV³LI WKH\ SROLF\µLQDGPLVVLRQVZKLFKEURDGHQHGWKHFRQFHSWRI PHULWDQGH[SDQGHGSURJUDPV DUHSUHGLFDWHGVROHO\RQDFKLHYLQJGLYHUVLW\ZLWKSUHIHUHQFHV³DVDSROLWLFLDQDQGDV to facilitate community college transfer students. the president of the state’s preeminent university are at an impasse. Instead, the administration of this University seemed utterly blindsided by the 7KH VLPLODULWLHV EHWZHHQ D SROLWLFLDQ DQG D 8QLYHUVLW\ SUHVLGHQW DUH QXPHURXV passage of the MCRI, and has chosen to expend its money and resources on defend%RWKPHGLDWHEHWZHHQTXDUUHOOLQJIDFWLRQVDUHWKHVSRNHVSHUVRQIRUWKHLUUHVSHFWLYH LQJDSROLF\WKDWZDVVRXQGO\UHMHFWHGE\WKRVHZKRSURYLGHWKH8QLYHUVLW\·VPRQH\ SDUW\RUXQLYHUVLW\DQGIXQGUDLVHIXQGUDLVHIXQGUDLVH+RZHYHUWKHUHLVRQHHVVHQWLDO and resources. GLIIHUHQFH3ROLWLFLDQVVHHNWRHVWDEOLVKFHUWDLQSROLWLFDOSULQFLSOHVZLWKLQWKHLUJRYHUQ:HZRXOGQHYHUEHVRQDLYHDVWRH[SHFWWKDWWKLVVKLIWLQSROLF\ZLOOHOLPLQDWHHGXmental jurisdiction. Presidents of Universities serve to preserve the sound education FDWLRQDO GLVSDULWLHV $ FRPSUHKHQVLYH RYHUKDXO RI WKH HGXFDWLRQDO V\VWHP KRZHYHU RI WKHLUVWXGHQWV&ROHPDQ·VLQDELOLW\WRGLIIHUHQWLDWHEHWZHHQWKHWZRSRVLWLRQVKDV ZRXOGFRPHIDUFORVHUWRWKLVJRDO become glaringly obvious. %XWVRORQJDVWKHGLVSDULWLHVWKDWFDXVHRXU´FULVLVRI GLYHUVLW\µDUHWKHUHVXOWRI )HZLQWHOOHFWXDOVRQWKLVFDPSXVZRXOGGHQ\WKDWWUXHGLYHUVLW\LVGHVLUDEOHDQG ineffective educational policy decisions, it makes no sense to discriminate against stuEHQHÀFLDO%XW3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQKDVPDGHLWFOHDUWKDWZHZLOOKDYHKHUYHUVLRQRI GHQWVZKRVLPSO\VHHNDFROOHJHHGXFDWLRQDWDSDUWLFXODU8QLYHUVLW\ GLYHUVLW\DFKLHYHGE\KHUPHDQV6KHLVQRWLQWHUHVWHGLQDQ\GLDORJXHRUHYHQWKHZLOO .QRFNRII WKHPLOLWDQWGHÀDQFHLQWKHQDPHRI VNLQGHHSGLYHUVLW\6WRSZLWKWKH of the voters. ¶ZKLWHPDOHVJHWMREVRQWKHJROIFRXUVH·ZKLQLQJDQGWKHIRXU\HDUJXLOWWULSWKDWLV %XWWKHUHKDVEHHQDGHEDWHDQGWKHYRWHUVKDYHVSRNHQ,I 3UHVLGHQW&ROHPDQLV a U of M education. The leaders of this University have an unprecedented opportuXQDEOHWRDFKLHYHGLYHUVLW\ZLWKRXWGLVFULPLQDWLRQWKHQSHUKDSVWKLV8QLYHUVLW\VKRXOG QLW\WRPRYHWKLVVWDWHIRUZDUGDQGLI WKH\IDLOLQWKDWWDVNZHZRQ·WEHWKHRQHVZKR ÀQGVRPHERG\ZKRFDQMR should feel guilty. MR O ʄ)URP6XLWH2QH MR President Coleman: Move on, or Move Out L P. 5 11.14.06 Columns ʄThe Feminine Mystique I This Column is Not About the MCRI AM NOT JRLQJ WR ZULWH DERXW WKH Michigan Civil 5LJKWV,QLWLDWLYH,DPQRWJRLQJWRZULWHDERXWWKH 0LFKLJDQ&LYLO5LJKWV,QLWLDWLYH,DPQRWJRLQJWRZULWH about the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative. Why, you may ask? Well, ÀUVW RI DOO WKDW LV DOO WKDW ZH here at the Review have focused on for almost a year. Gearing up for this election, ZHNQHZWKDWLI ZHGLGQ·WSURvide an alternative voice on FDPSXV³WKDW LV DQ DOWHUQDtive to such convincing cries RI´-LP&URZKHOOQRµIURP WKH PRXWKV RI EDEHV³WKHQ QR RQH ZRXOG :HOO ZH GLG 'LGDQ\RQHOLVWHQ"6XUH%XW AMANDA WKRVHZKRGLGKDGDOUHDG\PDGH NICHOLS up their minds for “fairness and HTXDOLW\µDQ\ZD\,WLVQRWH[DFWO\ OLNH %$01 KDQGHG RXW copies on the school buses and asked their “members” WRPDNHXSWKHLUPLQGVHLWKHUZD\ So I am not going to talk about the MCRI, because LI ,GLGLWLVQRWDVWKRXJKDQ\RQHZRXOGOLVWHQ0DU\ 6XHLVWRREXV\UDOO\LQJWKHWURRSVRQWKH'LDJWRDOORZ any other voices and opinions to be heard. No one is going to listen to Ward Connerly, the African American ZKRZDVRIWHQFDOOHGDQ´RUHRµDQGZKRKHOSHGERWK California’s Prop. 209 and Michigan’s Proposal 2 pass. 1R RQH LV JRLQJ WR FDUH WKDW D PLQRULW\ DQG D ZRPDQ spearheaded this legislation. No, instead our esteemed President stands on the VWHSVRI WKH+DWFKHU*UDGXDWH/LEUDU\DQGSOHGJHVWR ÀJKW WKLV FRQVWLWXWLRQDO DPHQGPHQW³VRPHWKLQJ VKH WKLQNVLVQRWHYHQOHJDO³ZLWKDVPXFKOHJDOIRUFHDVWKLV 8QLYHUVLW\FDQPXVWHU2KLVWKLVZKHUHWKH´0LFKLJDQ 'LIIHUHQFHµPRQH\LVJRLQJ"2UDUH\RXMXVWJRLQJWR raise our tuition again? ,I ,ZHUHWRZULWHDERXWDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQ,ZRXOG PRVW VXUHO\ ZULWH DERXW WKLV³KRZ WKH EUDYDGR RI DQ ,RZD ELRORJLVW ZLOO OHDG WR D PDVVLYH DQG FRVWO\ OHJDO ÀJKW+RZWKLVÀJKWZLOOVRWD[WKH8QLYHUVLW\DQGVR distract the University from its primary goal: education. +RZWKLVSUHVLGHQWEHOLHYHVWKDWVKHLVDERYHWKHZLOORI WKHSHRSOHRI WKLVVWDWH³VKHFDQGHFLGHZKDWLVDQGLV QRWODZIXO6RPH³PD\EHHYHQ80·VSUHVLGHQW³PD\ say that the President of our nation has acted in such a ZD\,QHLWKHUFDVHLWLVXQDFFHSWDEOHEHKDYLRU %XWOLNH,VDLG,DPQRWJRLQJWRZULWHDERXWWKH MCRI. ,I ,ZHUHWKRXJK,ZRXOGSUREDEO\UDQWDERXWKRZ EDVWDUGL]HGWKHODQJXDJHRI WKLVFRQVWLWXWLRQDODPHQGPHQWKDVEHFRPH7ZRHYHQLQJVDIWHUWKHGD\WKDWHQGed all diversity at Michigan, one of my roommates said VKHYRWHGDJDLQVWLWEHFDXVHLWZDVJRLQJWRNHHSZRPHQ from getting mammograms. Who, I asked, is against PDPPRJUDPV" , DVNHG KHU WR WHOO PH WKHQ ZKR ZDV WU\LQJWRNHHSZRPHQIURPJHWWLQJDWHVWWKDWFRXOGVDYH WKHLUOLYHV:HOOVKHWROGPHQRRQH³EXWVWLOO%XWVWLOO ZKDW" %XWVWLOO³QRWKLQJ /DVWWLPH, FKHFNHGPDPmograms aren’t involved in “public education, public HPSOR\PHQWDQGSXEOLFFRQWUDFWLQJµ1RZVKHPD\EH an engineer, but I thought that engineers could at least read. Apparently, though, our esteemed University PresiGHQWFDQQRWHLWKHU6KHVHHPVWRLJQRUHWKDWZLWKWKH SDVVDJHRI 3URSRVDODIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQZLOOVXUYLYHLQ a different form, focused more on the true factors that FDXVHDQGVLJQLI\LQHTXDOLW\,WZLOOQRWHQGHQWLUHO\ ,QVWHDGRI XQLODWHUDOO\DZDUGLQJDGPLVVLRQJRLQJWR PLGGOHRUXSSHUFODVVPLQRULWLHVZKRVHHGXFDWLRQDORSSRUWXQLWLHVRXWZHLJKSRRUZKLWHVEHFDXVHRI WKHLUSHUceived “disadvantages” based on skin color or ethnicity, FROOHJHVPXVWUHHYDOXDWHZKRUHDOO\QHHGVDERRVW %XW,·PQRWJRLQJWRZULWHDERXWWKH0&5,,MXVW can’t. :K\"%HFDXVHLWGLVJXVWVPHKRZWKHVXSSRVHGO\ ´OLEHUDOµ SURSRQHQWV RI 80·V FXUUHQW DIÀUPDWLYH DFWLRQKDYHWRNHQL]HGPLQRULWLHV$VDXQLYHUVLW\0LFKLJDQPXVWOHWLQDVPDQ\PLQRULWLHVDQGZRPHQDVSRVVLEOHEHFDXVHLI WKH\GRQ·WJRKHUHWKH\ZRQ·WVXFFHHG DQ\ZKHUHHOVH7KDWLVMXVWHOLWLVWDQGZURQJ(YHU\RQH DW0LFKLJDQLVTXDOLÀHG%XWQRWHYHU\RQHZKRLVTXDOLÀHGLVDW0LFKLJDQDQGLWLVVLPSO\ZURQJWRHOHYDWHRQH individual over another solely because of skin color or gender. %\LPSO\LQJWKDWLI WKH8QLYHUVLW\FDQQRWKHOSWKHVH GLVDGYDQWDJHGSHRSOHWKHQQRRQHZLOO&ROHPDQLVKHUVHOI VKRZLQJ KRZ UDFLVW DQG VH[LVW VKH LV $QG WKRVH ZKR SUDLVHG KHU UDOO\ RQ :HGQHVGD\ DUH DOVR VKRZLQJ their true, elitist colors. $QG WKDW LV ZK\ ,·P QRW JRLQJ WR ZULWH DERXW WKH MCRI. MR ʄ6WULFW6FUXWLQ\ I Election Failure and Moral Victory )<28:$17to forecast the outcome of a ballot proposal election in Michigan, don’t use Ann Arbor DV\RXUVDPSOHXQOHVV\RXZDQWWRNQRZZKDWRXWFRPHV to not expect. Ann Arbor and the University of MichiJDQVXIIHUHOHFWLRQP\RSLD,QWKHFLW\ZDVVKRFNHG ZKHQWKHVWDWHSDVVHGDEDOORWSURSRVDOWKDWHIIHFWLYHO\ banned gay marriage in the state of Michigan. This year students and community members again managed to VLGH ZLWK WKH ORVHUV UHJDUGLQJ ballot initiatives. Students and community members feared the passage RI 3URSRVDO DQG ZKLOH WKH 0LFKLJDQ'DLO\H[SOLFLWO\VXJgested that students vote no on Proposal 4 and yes on Proposal 5, the voters rejected this advice. In the case of ProSRVDO ZKLFK SURKLELWV WKH state from taking property for ADAM private development, passage PAUL RFFXUUHGZLWKDVWDJJHULQJVXFcess of 80% of voters in favor. 7KHUH DUH WZR PDMRU SUREOHPV ZLWK $QQ $UERU·V IDLOXUHWRSUHGLFWSURSRVDOUHVXOWV)LUVWLVWKDW$QQ$UERULWHVGRQRWGRDOOWKDWEDGZKHQLWFRPHVWRLQGLFDWLQJ ZKLFK SROLWLFLDQV ZLOO VXFFHHG 'HPRFUDWV UHWDLQHG the governorship and a contentious US Senate seat. It is SRVVLEOHWKDWSDUWRI WKH'HPRFUDWLFVXFFHVVPD\KDYH come from their incumbency and the poor performance of Republican candidates. Yet if Michiganders are re- WXUQLQJ'HPRFUDWVOLNH*RYHUQRU*UDQKROPWRRIÀFH ZK\ DUH WKH\ QRW YRWLQJ WKH DGYLFH RI SROLWLFLDQV" )RU instance Granholm advocated strongly against Proposal DQG\HWZKHQJLYHQRSSRUWXQLW\WRH[FLVHWKHPLGGOHZRPDQDQGH[SUHVVDFOHDURSLQLRQRQWKHLVVXHYRWHUV rejected her stance. ,WVHHPVWKDWWKHYLHZVH[SRVHGE\'HPRFUDWLFSROLticians, and parroted here in Ann Arbor, prevail by deIDXOW7KHIHDURI ´ZDVWHGµYRWHVOHDGVWRDOHVVHURI WZR HYLOVDSSURDFKLQYRWLQJ7KXVDVVKRZQE\WKHGLVSDULW\ EHWZHHQ WKH YLHZVRI HOHFWHGRIÀFLDOVDQG WKH SROLFLHV YRWHUVFKRRVHWKRVHZKRJHWHOHFWHGVWLOOKDYHKXJHJDSV LQFRQFHUQZLWKWKHHOHFWRUDWH7KLVKDVEHHQH[SUHVVHG LQWKHUHFHQWWUHQGWR´YRWHDJDLQVWµDFDQGLGDWHZKHUH turnout is rallied not in support of a candidate but through fear mongering against another. One of my faYRULWHH[DPSOHVFRPHVIURPWKHHOHFWLRQZKHQWKH 'HPRFUDWVVXJJHVWHGWKDWPHPEHUVKROG´%XVKVFDUHV PHµWKHPHG+DOORZHHQSDUWLHV This sad dialectic approach gives fuel to Ann ArERULWHV· PRUDO RXWUDJH ZKHQ EDOORW SURSRVDOV VZLQJ against the advice of established political leaders. Students use disliked voting results to claim that secret bigotries that only surface from the anonymity of the voting booth still exist. What they ignore is that their favored leaders are not the bastions of public approval WKH\EHOLHYHWKHPWREHUDWKHUWKH\ZHUHMXVWOHVVEDG than the next-best thing. Students and the local commuQLW\QHYHUH[DPLQHDGHIHDWLQWHUPVRI WKHLURZQLQDELOLW\WRFRQYLQFHYRWHUV,QVWHDGWKH\YDORUL]HWKHLURZQ ¶HQOLJKWHQHG·UHDVRQLQJDQGDVVHUWE\ÀDWWKDWELJRWU\RU LUUDWLRQDOLW\RYHUVKDGRZHGWKHLUDWWHPSWVDW´SURJUHVVµ In the case of the gay marriage ban, opponents are SDUWO\FRUUHFWDODUJHSRUWLRQRI WKH´QRµYRWHPD\KDYH come from value-sets that simply dislike homosexuality. The real lesson from the passage of the gay marriage ban is not the discrimination creates an unscalable boundary to logic, but that the rhetoric and approaches XVHG LQ 0LFKLJDQ GLG QRW ZRUN ,QVWHDG RI IHHOLQJ GHfeated, a loss provides an opportunity to reexamine and UHZRUNWKHDUJXPHQWVDJURXSVKRXOGSUHVHQWLQVXSSRUW of itself. ,GHHSO\DSSUHFLDWHWKHZRUNRI WKRVHZKRSXWIRUWK EDOORWSURSRVDOV$VORQJDVWKHWZRSDUW\GLDOHFWLFFRQtinues to pervade the mainstream politics, referenda provide one of the only changes for the electorate to curb WKHH[FHVVRI RYHUFRQÀGHQWSROLWLFRV The side-effect of proposals is that the losers, especially in the safety and relative political homogeneity of $QQ$UERUPDQDJHWRWZLVWIDLOXUHLQWRPRUDOVXSHULRULW\7KHVHVDPHDFWLYLVWVZKRWRXW´SURJUHVVLYHµSRSXOLVWSROLF\FULQJHZKHQWKHYRWHUVGDUHWRRSSRVHWKHLU NQRZOHGJH<HWZKHQLWFRPHVWRHOHFWLRQVMXVWKROGLQJ WKHQREOHRUHYHQOHJDOO\MXVWLÀHGSRVLWLRQLVQRWHQRXJK WRZLQRQHKDVWRFRQYLQFHYRWHUVWRVKDUHWKHDERYHEHliefs. Wrapping themselves in moral outrage and claiming moral victory against actual defeat does not get the MREGRQHDQGZLOOIXUWKHUDOLHQDWHWKHPIURPWDNLQJSDUW in the political process post-election. MR P. 6 11.14.06 Election Follow-Up Michiganders Speak Convincingly on Five Ballot Measures PHQWVZLOOFUHDWHVSHFLÀFDFFRXQWVWRHQ- VXFK WKH JRYHUQPHQW ZLOO EH UHVWULFWHG sure that the money collected from Mich- from taking private property in order to LJDQFLWL]HQVLVVSHQWLQLWVLQWHQGHGZD\ give it to other private entities in the pur)RU H[DPSOH PRQH\ IURP VQRZPRELOH suit of “economic development.” UHJLVWUDWLRQVZLOOEHSODFHGLQ WKHVQRZIt is important to note the strong BY JENNI CHELENYAK, ‘10 mobile account, and thus used for things voter turnout in this year’s election. +( '(%$7( ,6 over, the results VXFK DV PDLQWDLQLQJ WUDLOV DQG VQRZPR- Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land announced a turnout of nearly 3.8 million are in. The outcome of Michigan’s bile safety courses. According to the Detroit Free Press, YRWHUVDQHZUHFRUGIRUDQRQSUHVLGHQHOHFWLRQRQ1RYHPEHUZDVPHWZLWKD mixture of surprise and relief. Surprise the victory of Proposal 1 may be attrib- tial election. The heavy campaigning for because of the results, and relief because OLEHUDOV ZRXOG QR ORQJHU EH DFFRVWLQJ VWXGHQWV LQ WKH 'LDJ³ZHOO DW OHDVW QRW about the Michigan Civil Rights InitiaWLYH7KDWÀHU\FRQWURYHUV\KDVFRPHWR DQHQGZLWKUDFHDQGJHQGHUSUHIHUHQFHV EHLQJEDQQHGZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRI SHUcent of voters. 6LPLODUO\ WZR RWKHU SURSRVDOV ZHUH SDVVHGE\HYHQZLGHUPDUJLQV)XQGVIRU FRQVHUYDWLRQ ZLOO QR ORQJHU EH XVHG IRU funding schools or any other purposes, Randy Johnson violently protests the failure of Prop 3 thanks to the support of 81 percent of YRWHUV DQG WKH JRYHUQPHQW ZLOO EH UH- uted to previous attempts of government the ballot proposals and especially ProVWULFWHG LQ LWV HPLQHQW GRPDLQ SRZHUV WRWDNHPRQH\DZD\IURPVXFKFDXVHV,Q posal 2 probably played a role in the high after 80 percent approved Proposal 4. the past, former Governor John Engler turnout. Although the passage of the other 0HDQZKLOHGRYHKXQWLQJZLOOQRWEHOH- DWWHPSWHGWRWDNHPLOOLRQDZD\IURP JDOL]HG LQ 0LFKLJDQ DIWHU WKH IDLOXUH RI outdoors funds to “balance the state bud- SURSRVDOV ZDV VLJQLÀFDQW PRVW YRWHUV 3URSRVDODQG3URSRVDOZLWKLWVDUP\ get.” The legislature has also tried to use ZHUH IRFXVHG RQ WKH RXWFRPH RI WKH of opponents against compulsory public money allocated for outdoor funds for 0&5, &DPSDLJQLQJ ZDV VWURQJHVW IRU school funding increases, also failed to RWKHU FDXVHV DV ZHOO HVSHFLDOO\ VFKRRO WKLV SURSRVDO ZKLOH LW VHHPV WKDW YRWHUV funding. ZHUH DOORZHG WR H[SORUH RWKHU LVVXHV RQ pass. 7KH SDVVDJH RI 3URSRVDO UHÁHFWV WKHLURZQ0RVWLPSRUWDQWO\SURSRQHQWV 0DQ\ZRQGHUZKDWZLOOFKDQJHQRZ that the proposals have been implement- a similar attempt of voters to limit the of Proposal 2 expressed their displeaed. With the success of Proposal 1, sec- SRZHU RI WKH JRYHUQPHQW 3URSRVDO VXUH ZLWK WKH LVVXH E\ IRFXVLQJ RQ ´WKH WLRQV ZLOO EH DGGHG WR $UWLFOH ,; ZLOOLPSOHPHQWWKHGHFLVLRQRI County of actual effects of the proposal rather than in the State Constitution. These amend- Wayne v. HathcockZKLFKUHTXLUHVDWKUHH on scoring rhetorical points,” as Profespart test to permit eminent domain. As VRU +RZDUG 6FKZDUW] 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH Propositions 1, 2, and 4 pass, while 3 and 5 were rejected by Michigan voters. T Michigan Association of Scholars, suggested. With the passage of Proposal 2, race and gender preferences should ostensiEO\FRPHWRDQHQG$IÀUPDWLYH$FWLRQ ZLWKUHVSHFWWRUDFHJHQGHURUHWKQLFLW\ is no longer legal in public contracting, HGXFDWLRQ RU HPSOR\PHQW +RZHYHU ZKDWGRHVWKLVPHDQDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI 0LFKLJDQ³DSODFHZKHUHLWRIWHQVHHPV WKDWZKHQLWFRPHVWRSUHIHUHQFHV´QRµ LVVLPSO\QRWDQDQVZHU" University of Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman addressed the campus about the MCRI in an emotional address RQ WKH 'LDJ WKH PRUQLQJ DIWHU WKH HOHFtion. Coleman claimed that the University ´ZLOOQRWEHGHWHUUHGLQWKHDOOLPSRUWDQW ZRUN RI FUHDWLQJ D GLYHUVH ZHOFRPLQJ campus.” Coleman also stated that the UniverVLW\ZRXOGWDNHOHJDODFWLRQWRHQVXUHWKDW this year’s admissions are completed “under our current guidelines,” and she said that “there are serious questions as to ZKHWKHU WKLV LQLWLDWLYH LV ODZIXO SDUWLFXlarly as it pertains to higher education.” It seems that the University is already ORRNLQJ IRU ZD\V WR GHIHDW WKH UHFHQWO\ SDVVHGLQLWLDWLYH³EXWFDQWKHSUHIHUHQFes of the University overcome the preferences of the entire state of Michigan? With the end of campaigning for the 0&5,DIURQWLHUKDVEHHQUHDFKHG³DQG RQO\WLPHZLOOWHOOZKDWWKHHIIHFWVRI YDULRXVOHJDODFWLRQZLOOEHMR What Would Jesus Do About Prop 2? tion,” it reads. .DWKHULQH0LOOHUYLFHFKDLUH[WHUQDORI WKH0LFKLJDQ &ROOHJH 5HSXEOLFDQV GLVDJUHHV ZLWK WKH &DWKROLF BY ANNA MALECKE, ‘10 Church’s choice to become involved in the heated Proposal 2 political debate. “I do not believe it’s appropriate 7 :$6 35(6,'(17 7KRPDV -HIIHUVRQ ZKR ÀUVW for the Catholic Church to take a stance on a political FRLQHG WKH SKUDVH D ´ZDOO RI VHSDUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ issue,” she said. FKXUFK DQG VWDWHµ 7KH H[DFW GLPHQVLRQV RI WKLV ZDOO )U7KRPDV0F&ODLQ6-3DVWRURI 6W0DU\·V6WXKDYHEHHQGHEDWHGDQGGLVFXVVHGIURPDOOSHUVSHFWLYHV GHQW3DULVKDJUHHGZLWKWKH0&&·VFRQFOXVLRQ KRZHYHUKLVWRULFDOO\LWLVWKHVWDWHZKRPRVWRIWHQGDUHV against Proposal 2 but disliked their reasoning. to breach this barrier. Concerning the recently passed ,QKLVSRLQWRI YLHZWKH0&&HVVD\IRFXVHGRQ Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or Proposal 2, the op- the historical and societal background of civil posite occurred. rights instead of presenting an argument based In September, the Michigan Catholic Conference RQ &DWKROLF VRFLDO MXVWLFH WHDFKLQJV )U 0F(MCC) published an essay entitled “Proposal 2: Unjust Clain authored an article for the church bulletin WKHZHHNEHIRUHHOHFfor Michigan.” The reasons behind the Catholic bishops’ “As Christ made special efforts tions urging parishioRSSRVLWLRQ ZHUH FRQFHUQV for the neglected, it behooves ners to vote against about “detrimental effects it us as a society to ensure that the Proposal 2. “Saying no to this proposal continues ZLOO KDYH XSRQ SURJUDPV DQG same happens to this day.” to leave in place the ability in policies in our state.” our State of Michigan to be Citing historical practices proactive on behalf of those RI DIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQWKHHVVD\ -Father Thomas McClain, focuses on the repercussions Pastor, St. Mary’s Student Parish LQ QHHG RI DIÀUPDWLYH DFWLRQ WR OHYHO WKH SOD\LQJ ÀHOG IRU of Proposal 2 for the state, WKHPµKHZURWH rather than the church. “Proposal 2 represents an ominous policy shift for Michigan The pastor structured his remarks around tradiZKLOHFRPSURPLVLQJWKHLQWHJULW\RI WKHVWDWHFRQVWLWX- tional Catholic values and teachings, using the actions of The Catholic Church came out in opposition to Proposition 2, but did parishioners listen? I Jesus as an example for society. “As Christ made special efforts for the neglected, it behooves us as a society to HQVXUHWKDWWKHVDPHKDSSHQVWRWKLVGD\µKHZURWH 'HVSLWHWKHHIIRUWVRI WKH&KXUFKWKHPDMRULW\RI &DWKROLFVLQ0LFKLJDQYRWHGIRUEDQQLQJDIÀUPDWLYHDFtion. According to exit polls, 64% of Catholics supported the proposal as compared to 58% of the general SRSXODWLRQ ZKR YRWHG WR SDVV LW ´&OHDUO\ ,·P GLVDSSRLQWHGµVDLG)U0F&ODLQ ´EHFDXVH,WRRND stance on it myself.” The Pastor fears for the future of the state. “I am concerned that any HIIRUWWREHSURDFWLYHZLOOEHVXEMHFWWROLWLJDtion,” he said. Miller believes Michigan Catholics, like KHUUHDOL]HGWKHFKXUFK·VVWDQFHZDVQRWRQHRI UHOLJLRXVGRJPD´$IÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQLVQRWRQH of the infallible beliefs of the church. It just happens to be a current politic stance that the church took,” she said. “People looked inside WKHPVHOYHVWRÀQGZKDWÀWVZLWKWKHLUSHUVRQDOPRUDOVµ Catholics’ decision to refuse the guidance of the clergy could simply be motivated from their inability to VHHDFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQD\HDUROGSROLWLFDOFRQÁLFW DQGWKHLURZQIDLWKYDOXHV$V0LOOHUH[SODLQHG´$IÀUmative action does not fall into the realm of religious principles.” MR A look at Jennifer Granholm and what her economic policies hold for the state of Michigan BY JONNY SLEMROD, ‘10 ' ,&.'(926:$6right about one thing in his unsuccessful campaign for governor: Michigan has some seriRXV HFRQRPLF ZRHV ,WV SHUFHQW XQemployment rate and tens of thousands of “lost” jobs has made Michigan the ´ODPHGXFNµVWDWHZKHQLWFRPHVWRWKH economy. While one cannot hold a politician such as governor solely responsible for the failing state of an economy, it is important to examine the policies that Governor Jennifer Granholm endorses, DQG GHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHU RU QRW WKH\ DUH GHVLJQHGWRPD[LPL]HJURZWKRUDUHVLPSO\YRWHJHWWLQJSOR\VZKLFKRQO\VRXQG good. Granholm’s media-savvy, populist rhetoric about the failing state of our HFRQRP\LVGHÀQHGE\KHUSODFLQJEODPH on other blame on the economic effects RI %XVKHUDOHJLVODWLRQ1$)7$DQGWKH RXWVRXUFLQJ RI WKRVH ¶JUHHG\· FRUSRUDWLRQV 3ROLWLFDQV OLNH WR GR WZR WKLQJV brag about past accomplishments, and EUDJ DERXW ZKDW WKHLU FXUUHQW LQLWLDWLYHV are accomplishing. Granholm is no excepWLRQ %XW WKH WUXWK DERXW KHU UHFRUG RQ the economy is nothing groundbreaking, 11.14.06 Election Follow-Up P. 7 Four More Years nor does it require a degree in economics. While Granholm has taken a multitude of positive steps, she has also instituted TXLWHDIHZLOORJLFDOLQLWLDWLYHVZKLFKGLVFRXUDJHEXVLQHVVJURZWKDQG0LFKLJDQ·V economic climate in general. Granholm’s “21st Century Jobs Plan” consists mainly of diverting private sector jobs to the public sector. AcFRUGLQJWRKHUZHEVLWHWKH-REV3ODQDOlots over $1.1 billion to road and bridge FRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNPDMRUUHQRYDWLRQDQG construction projects at state universities, DQGVHZHUUHSDLUSURMHFWV 7KLV VRXQGV HHULO\ VLPLODU WR )'5·V 1HZ'HDOZKLFKKHOSHGWRSURYLGHUHOLHI IRUWKHSHUFHQWZZZEOVJRYXQHPployment rate at the time by establishing a multitude of government agencies in WKHSXEOLFZRUNVVHFWRU %XW WKH TXHVWLRQ UHPDLQV ZKHWKHU Michigan’s economy can afford to transfer this valuable labor from the competitive private market to the often mismanDJHGSXEOLFVHFWRUDQGZKHWKHURUQRW WKHSURSRVHGZRUNZRXOGLQIDFWEHWDNHQ care of by the private sector at all. Perhaps the most chilling area of Granholm’s plan for the future is the VW&HQWXU\-REV)XQGZKLFKVHWVDVLGH enormous amount of money and tax EUHDNV WR FRUSRUDWLRQV ZKLFK WKH VWDWH GHWHUPLQHV ZLOO KHOS SXVK 0LFKLJDQ·V HFRQRP\´IRUZDUGµ7KLVSODQZLOOLQYHVW WKHWD[GROODUVRI 0LFKLJDQFLWL]HQVLQUH- search and venture capital, and “ensure that small businesses have greater access WRFDSLWDOµ7KLVFRUSRUDWHZHOIDUHLQLWLDtive has garnered opposition from several RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 0DFNLQDF Center for Public Policy, a MichiganEDVHGWKLQNWDQNZKLFKVSHFLDOL]HVLQÀVcal policy. As Gary R. Wolfram remarked “One PLJKW DVN ZK\ JLYLQJ ELOOLRQV RI GROODUV LQ FLWL]HQV· WD[HV WR D JRYHUQPHQW EXreaucracy to disburse to the politically FRQQHFWHGZLOOWXUQRXWEHWWHUWKDQZKDW FLWL]HQV· ZRXOG KDYH DFFRPSOLVKHG ULVNLQJWKHLURZQPRQH\"µ If the Granholm plan is going to invest massive amounts of money into venture capital, it should be immediately reconsidered and revised. Venture capitalism is by and large one of the most SURÀWDEOH VHFWRUV LQ WKH PDUNHW DQG PRVW SURÀWDEOH DUHDV DUH JXDUDQWHHG WR EHGLVFRYHUHGZLWKRXWJRYHUQPHQWKHOS ,W LV VLPSO\ D ZDVWH RI WD[ GROODUV DQG FRUSRUDWHZHOIDUHDOVRNQRZVDVZHDOWKIDUH FUHDWHV WKH SRVVLELOLW\ IRU ZDVWHIXO JRYHUQPHQW VSHQGLQJ ZKLFK ZRXOG EH an unnecessary burden on the already ZRXQGHGHFRQRP\ Instead of thrusting government LQWRWKHSUDFWLFHRI VXEVLGL]LQJEXVLQHVVes, Granholm should encourage a buildXS RI RXU LQIUDVWUXFWXUH ZKLFK KHOSV WR ERRVW WKH IUHHPDUNHW V\VWHP %HFDXVH RI ORZ ZDJHV RYHUVHDV ODERU LV D PDMRU obstacle to Michigan’s efforts to create jobs. What can our governor do to help 0LFKLJDQ ZRUNHUV VHHP PRUH DWWUDFWLYH to prospective employers? )RURQHWKLQJ*UDQKROPPXVWFRQtinue to encourage the build-up of our LQIUDVWUXFWXUH ZKLFK LQ WKH ORQJ WHUP ZLOO PDNH 0LFKLJDQ ODERU PRUH SURGXFtive per dollar. Workers need to appear PRUH DWWUDFWLYH DQG HIÀFLHQW WR HPSOR\ers by developing abilities not strictly FRQÀQHGWRWKHDXWRLQGXVWU\*UDQKROP can help usher in this economic diversity E\VHFXULQJIXQGLQJIRUHGXFDWLRQZKLOH PDLQWDLQLQJ HGXFDWLRQDO ÀVFDO UHVSRQVLbility to alleviate the burden to Michigan’s taxpayers. Jennifer Granholm, fresh off her guEHUQDWRULDO YLFWRU\ DJDLQVW 'LFN 'H9RV has secured herself four more years in /DQVLQJ %XW VKH KDV VHYHUDO LPSRUWDQW decisions to make. Will she continue GRZQ KHU SDWK RI TXHVWLRQDEOH JRYHUQPHQW´SODQVµZKLFKJLYHDZD\FRUSRUDWH ZHOIDUHWRVWDWHFKRVHQEXVLQHVVHVZKLFK GLVFRXUDJHJURZWKRUZLOOVKHIRFXVKHU attention on promoting Michigan’s infrastructure in order to raise the value of our labor? One thing is clear after her lacklusWHUÀUVWIRXU\HDUVLQRIÀFH0LFKLJDQGHUV ZDQWDFKDQJH2QO\WLPHZLOOWHOOLI VKH LVXSWRWKHWDVNRI OHDGLQJXVGRZQWKDW path. MR Dems Roll to Election Night Victories Nationwide Republicans get throttled in midterm elections, losing congressional seats and governorships BY ZACK ZUCKER, ‘10 ' (02&5$76 :(5( &(/(%5$7,1* all over WKHQDWLRQRQ7XHVGD\QLJKWDVWKHSDUW\RI +RZDUG'HDQHDVLO\FDSWXUHGWKH+RXVHRI 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURPWKH5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\:HGQHVGD\PRUQLQJLWZDV time to celebrate again as it became apparent that the 'HPVZRXOGFDSWXUHWKH6HQDWHDVZHOO ,Q WKH +RXVH WKH 'HPV FDSWXUHG VHDWV IURP WKH5HSXEOLFDQV7KHSURMHFWHGÀQDOUHVXOWLVDWR WDOO\LQIDYRURI WKH'HPRFUDWVZLWKVHDWVVWLOOWR UHWXUQ UHVXOWV 7KLV PHDQV WKDW 1DQF\ 3HORVL '&$ WKHFXUUHQW+RXVH0LQRULW\/HDGHUZLOOPRVWOLNHO\WDNH WKH JDYHO DV WKH QH[W 6SHDNHU RI WKH +RXVH 7KHUH LV H[SHFWHG WR EH D KHDWHG UDFH IRU WKH QHZ SRVLWLRQ RI PDMRULW\OHDGHUEHWZHHQDQWLZDUDGYRFDWH-RKQ0XUWKD '3$ DQG 3HORVL·V FXUUHQW ULJKW RU PRUH DSSURSULDWHO\OHIWKDQGPDQ6WHQ\+R\HU'0'WKHFXUUHQW 0LQRULW\:KLS,PSRUWDQWFRPPLWWHHFKDLUVZLOODOOJR WR'HPRFUDWVDQGWKHFKDLUVZLOOSUREDEO\JRWRPDQ\ RI WKHOHDGHUVRI WKHH[WUHPHOHIW&KDUOLH5DQJHO' 1<LVH[SHFWHGWRWDNHFRQWURORI WKHSRZHUIXO:D\V DQG 0HDQV &RPPLWWHH %DUQH\ )UDQN '0$ FRXOG WDNH FRQWURO RI WKH )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV FRPPLWWHH DQG +HQU\:D[PDQ'&$FRXOGEHKDQGHGWKHUHLJQVRI the Government Reform committee. On a local level, 'HWURLWDUHD'HPRFUDWV-RKQ'LQJHOODQG-RKQ&RQ\HUV ZLOOOLNHO\UXQWKH(QHUJ\DQG&RPPHUFHFRPPLWWHHDQG Judiciary Committee, respectively. ,Q WKH 6HQDWH WKH 'HPRFUDWV RIÀFLDOO\ WRRN seats, including six formerly held by the Republicans, to WLH WKH *23 7KH UHPDLQLQJ WZR LQGHSHQGHQWV ZKR ZLOOFDXFXVZLWKWKH'HPRFUDWVDUHOHIWLVW%HUQLH6DQGers of Vermont and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, the ODWWHURI ZKLFKZRQUHHOHFWLRQDVDQ,QGHSHQGHQWRQO\ after losing the democratic primary to Ned Lamont. 7KHUHIRUH LQ UHDOLW\ WKH GHPRFUDWV QRZ KROG D advantage. (DUO\ RQ 7XHVGD\ QLJKW KRZHYHU LW DSSHDUHG WKDW WKH5HSXEOLFDQVZRXOGKROGRQWRWKH6HQDWH7KHGHPocrats needed to grab six seats to take control because DWLHZRXOGJRWRWKH5HSXEOLFDQVGXHWRWKH&RQVWLWXtional provision that the Vice-President can cast a tieEUHDNLQJYRWH(DUO\LQGLFDWRUVZHUHWKDWWKHNH\VWDWHV RI 9LUJLQLDDQG0LVVRXULZRXOGKROGUHG%\WKHHQGRI WKHQLJKWKRZHYHU'HPRFUDW&ODLUH0F&DVNLOOKDGWDNHQWKH´VKRZPHµVWDWHWRDGGWRWKH'HPRFUDWLFJDLQV RI 6KHOGRQ:KLWHKRXVHLQ5KRGH,VODQG%RE&DVH\-U LQ3HQQV\OYDQLD6KHUURG%URZQLQ2KLRDQG-RQ7HVWHULQ0RQWDQDLQDGGLWLRQWRKROGLQJ0DU\ODQGZKHUH African American candidate Michael Steele had hoped to pull a Republican coup in the historically democratic leaning state. Republicans barely held in heated contests LQ7HQQHVVHHDQG$UL]RQD That left Virginia as the deciding state. In a race that eerily paralleled the 2000 Presidential election, incumbent Republican George Allen, considered a Presidential candidate in 2008, appeared to pull ahead of his FKDOOHQJHU 'HPRFUDW -DPHV :HEE $FFRUGLQJ WR )R[ 1HZV$OOHQOHGE\YRWHVZLWKRI SUHFLQFWV UHSRUWLQJ7KRVHUHPDLQLQJSUHFLQFWVKRZHYHUWXUQHG out to support Webb by a substantial majority to give KLPWKHYLFWRU\%\HDUO\:HGQHVGD\PRUQLQJWKHQHZV PHGLDZHUHUHDG\WRFDOOWKHUDFHIRU:HEEDQGWKHUHIRUH JLYH WKH 6HQDWH WR WKH 'HPRFUDWV +RZHYHU DFFRUGLQJWR9LUJLQLDODZEHFDXVHWKHYLFWRU\PDUJLQZDV under 1%, Allen had the right to demand a recount after WKHUHVXOWVKDGEHHQFHUWLÀHGZKLFKZRXOGKDYHGHOD\HG WKHÀQDOUHVXOWE\DWOHDVWDPRQWK2Q7KXUVGD\KRZHYHU$OOHQFRQFHGHGDQGWKH6HQDWHZDVÀUPO\LQWKH 'HPRFUDWV·KDQGV $WWKHVWDWHOHYHOWKH'HPRFUDWVSLFNHGXSVL[5Hpublican governorships and held on to 14 others. They QRZFRQWUROVWDWHH[HFXWLYHRIÀFHVWRWKH5HSXEOLcans 22. Republicans did not pick up a single seat held by a 'HPRFUDWLQDQ\&RQJUHVVLRQDORU*RYHUQRUUDFHMR News P. 8 11.14.06 Head West, (Unemployed) Young Man! Wyoming officials recruit Michigan blue-collar workers to move west for a job BY DANNY HARRIS, ‘10 I 1 7+( &855(17 employment market, it seems that getting out of 0LFKLJDQDWDOOFRVWLVZRUWKLWIRUPDQ\ $WOHDVWWKDWLVKRZ)OLQWDUHDUHVLGHQWVIHOWZKHQWKH\WXUQHGRXWIRURQH of many job fairs early in October, a truly XQLTXH FDVH ZKHUH UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP the state of Wyoming attended in order WROXUH0LFKLJDQZRUNHUVRXWZHVW $OWKRXJKIHZRI 0LFKLJDQ·VFLWL]HQV JUHZXSZDQWLQJWREHFRDOPLQHUVLWZDV a tempting offer: $28 an hour plus beneÀWVZLWKXSWRSRVLWLRQVWRÀOO7ZR KXQGUHG 0LFKLJDQ ZRUNHUV KDYH DOUHDG\ made the move, even though most conIHVV WR EHLQJ OHVV WKDQ WKULOOHG ZLWK WKH ORFDWLRQ´$OO,NQRZDERXW:\RPLQJLV WKDWLWLVFROGDQGJUD\%XWLW·VJRWMREVµ commented Scott Parkinson, one of the job seekers at the fair, to the Detroit Free small population of Wyoming cannot Press 7KH VWDWH·V HFRQRPLF JURZWK DQG ÀOORQLWVRZQ$OOWUXPSHWHGXQGHUWKH ORZ XQHPSOR\PHQW DUH XOWLPDWHO\ D VHOO- VWDWH·V QHZ PRWWR WR SRWHQWLDO ZRUNHUV ing point. Unemployment in Wyoming ´)UHVKVWDUW)UHVK$LUµ LVSHUFHQWFRPSDUHGZLWKSHUFHQW 7KHQXPEHUVQRZDUHUHODWLYHO\VPDOO in Michigan, and 8.3 percent in the highly EXWWKHFRQFHSWLVDZDNHXSFDOO7KHODFN GHSUHVVHG)OLQWDUHD RI MREV LQ WKH DUHD KDV ÀQDOO\ EHJXQ WR Representatives from the state of alienate the unemployed. With little positive outWyoming claim they Stories like this are inevitable as look, they are easily target Michithe state retools its work force V Z D \ H G JDQ ZRUNby other ers because to be geared more towards a they are one oppormodern economy. of the largtunities. est pools of What is EOXHFROODU ZRUNHUV LQ D UHJLRQ ZLWK D VXUSULVLQJLVWKDWRXWRI DVDPSOHRI WZR similar climate. What they fail to mention GR]HQ SHRSOH DW WKH MRE IDLU LQ )OLQW DOO LV WKH GHPDQG FUHDWHG E\ WKH GZLQGOLQJ but three already have jobs here. Yet the 0LFKLJDQHFRQRP\7KLVLVQRWWKHLUÀUVW economic forecast is so gloomy that even time recruiting here, nor their last. An- the currently employed feel it is necessary other job fair took place in Grand Rap- to seek out other opportunities. Thus, the LGV ZLWK VLPLODU UHVXOWV %RWK ZHUH SDUW HIIHFWRI ORVLQJMREVLQWKHHFRQRP\ZLOO of the state’s third trip to Michigan in have the effect of the economy losing its DWWHPSWVWRÀOOLQGXVWULDOMREVZKLFKWKH ZRUNHUVDVZHOO On the other hand, observers of the Michigan’s economy should have seen this coming. It is only logical that the driving motivation of Michiganders is their ability to provide for their families. Stories like this are inevitable as the VWDWHUHWRROVLWVZRUNIRUFHWREHJHDUHG PRUHWRZDUGVDPRGHUQHFRQRP\EDVLF HFRQRPLFVZRXOGDOVRVWDWHWKDWLWLVEHVW IRU ZRUNHUV ZKR GR QRW KDYH SRVLWLRQV in one economy to move to an economy ZKHUHWKH\FDQEHHIÀFLHQWO\XWLOL]HG $V0LFKLJDQRIÀFLDOVWU\WRSURPRWH EXVLQHVV LQYHVWPHQW ZLWKLQ WKH VWDWH VR that college graduates do not have to OHDYHWKHVWDWHWKLVFDQHYHQWXDOO\ORZHU XQHPSOR\PHQW +RZHYHU LW GRHV QRWKLQJ IRU WKRVH ZRUNHUV LQ WKH DXWR IDFWRULHVZKRORVWWKHLUMREVDQGQRZGRQRW have the human capital to get rehired. As terrible as it sounds, Michigan residents are going to hear many more stories like WKLV UHJDUGOHVV RI ZKHWKHU WKH HFRQRP\ in Michigan turns around or not. MR Detroit Public Schools Furthers Corruption Opponents of the MCRI pointed to educational inequality in urban areas as a reason to support affirmative action. But to what extent are these inequalities the result of poor policy decisions? BY EDDIE PERRY, ‘09 I 1)250$7,21 62/87,216 *5283 sub-conWUDFWLQJXQGHU*9&1HWZRUNV//&ZDVRQHRI companies that bid on an information technology manDJHPHQWFRQWUDFWIRUWKH'HWURLW3XEOLF6FKRRO'LVWULFW '36 $V LW KDV WXUQHG RXW *9& ZDV WKH FRPSDQ\ chosen from the heap to complete the contract over the PRUHTXDOLÀHGDQGPRUHOR\DO&RPSXZDUH:K\DOORI the commotion? GVC, of the 17 other companies vying for the IT FRQWUDFW UDQNHG ORZHVW LQ WKH HYDOXDWLRQ SURFHVV $Vsessment criteria integrated general VWDIÀQJ SODQV SDVW performance and history, cost, expertise, and employment of minoriWLHV DQG ZRPHQ On the other side, &RPSXZDUH KDG the highest score DQG ZDV WKH PRVW dexterous candidate for the job. Prior to 2000, '36 WHFKQRORJLFDO RSHUDWLRQVZHUHLQVKDPEOHV,WVFHQWUDOGDWDFHQWHUZDV NQHHKLJK LQ ZLUHV GHULVRU\ SXUFKDVLQJ FRQWUROV SDLG YHQGRUVLQFRUUHFWDPRXQWVIUXLWOHVVWHFKQRORJ\LQYHVWPHQWVUHVXOWHGLQQXPHURXVSD\UROOGLIÀFXOWLHVQHWZRUN The city of Detroit is no stranger to waste and fraud (see Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s red Lincoln Navigator and the Detroit Zoo dilemma). This is just another case in a long list of corruption. DFFHVV ZDV D UDULW\ KHOS VXSSRUW ZDV QRZKHUH WR EH IRXQGDQGDVWRXQGLQJO\YHU\IHZWHDFKHUVKDGHPDLO DFFHVVLELOLW\,Q$XJXVWRI &RPSXZDUH&RUSRUDtion came to the rescue and formed one of the most SURGXFWLYH ,7 DOOLDQFHV QDWLRQZLGH &RPSXZDUH LPPHGLDWHO\XSSHGKXPDQUHVRXUFHVÀQDQFHDQGEXGJHW SODQQLQJDQGQHWZRUNLQIUDVWUXFWXUHLQRUGHUWRLQFUHDVH the computing ability of students, teachers, and adminLVWUDWRUV1RWWRPHQWLRQWKDW&RPSXZDUHSUHVHUYHG SHUFHQWRI WKHSUHYLRXV'36VWDII LQWKHSURFHVV &RPSXZDUH·VDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVDUHQRWRQO\UHFRJQL]HGE\WKHLUFRPSDUDWLYHVXFFHVVWKH(YHUHVW*URXS DQG2XWVRXUFLQJ&HQWHUKRQRUHGWKH&RPSXZDUH'36 DIÀOLDWLRQ ZLWK LWV ´ (GLWRU·V &KRLFH $ZDUGµ DQG LQ6HSWHPEHURI 3HRSOH6RIWVHOHFWHGWKH'HWURLW 3XEOLF 6FKRRO 6\VWHP DV WKH ZLQQHU IRU LWV ´/HDGHU LQ 6XSSO\ 0DQDJHPHQW $ZDUGµ FLWLQJ WKH 'LVWULFW·V IHDWV in reformation and advancements in ordering processes, ZKLFK FRQVLGHUDEO\ GURYH GRZQ WKH SULFH RI VXSSOLHV :KLOH&RPSXZDUH·VGHGLFDWLRQWRWKHFLW\RI 'HWURLWZDV FOHDU&RPSXZDUHVKRWGRZQWKHODVWRI DQ\QD\VD\HUV E\ UHORFDWLQJ KHDGTXDUWHUV IURP VXEXUEDQ )DUPLQJWRQ +LOOVWR'HWURLW·V&HQWUDO%XVLQHVV'LVWULFWDPLOlion project). $FFRUGLQJWRWKH'LUHFWRURI &RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG ,QYHVWRU5HODWLRQVIRU&RPSXZDUH'RXJ.XLSHU´:H ZHUHWUHPHQGRXVO\VXFFHVVIXOLQEHLQJSDUWQHUHG>ZLWK '36@,QWKHSUHYLRXVÀYH\HDUVQRWRQO\KDYHZHJUHDWO\ LPSURYHG WKH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH EXW ZH KDYH SHUVRQDOO\ reached out to parents, students, and administrators. We EHOLHYHWKDWZHKDYHPRUHWKDQSURYHQRXUVHOYHV&RPSXZDUHVKRXOGQ·WEHRZHGDQ\WKLQJ:HEHOLHYHWKDWLI ZH·UHDEOHWRFRPSHWHLQDQRSHQIDLUSURFHVVZHZLOO be successful.” On the other side of the fence, examine the victoULRXVSDUWQHUHG*9&1HWZRUNV//&,QIRUPDWLRQ6Rlutions Group. As mentioned earlier, their evaluation UHFHLYHGWKHORZHVWFRPSRVLWHVFRUHRI FRPSHWLWRUV ,W LV HVWLPDWHG WKDW *9&·V SURSRVDOV ZLOO FRVW DW OHDVW PLOOLRQPRUHWKDQ&RPSXZDUH·V$GGLWLRQDOO\*9& FRPSDQ\IRXQGHU.LUNODQG'XGOH\KDVEHHQVXHGIRU not paying tens of thousands of dollars in company bills. 6RKRZGLG*9&ZLQWKHLUVHJPHQWRI WKHFRQWUDFWZLWK WKHYDVWGLVSURSRUWLRQEHWZHHQWKHPDQG&RPSXZDUH" Easily. 6XSHULQWHQGHQW RI 'HWURLW 3XEOLF 6FKRROV :LOOLDP Coleman III referred a friend to one of the companies. &ROHPDQ UHFRPPHQGHG 5XEHQ %RKXFKRW DQ DFTXDLQWDQFHKHPHWZKLOHLQ'DOODVWR,QIRUPDWLRQ6ROXWLRQV Group. As superintendent, Coleman has a great deal of OHYHUDJH RYHU ERDUG PHPEHUV DQG XWLOL]HG WKLV DGYDQWDJHWRVHFXUHKLVROGIULHQGDSDUWRI WKH'LVWULFW·V,7 contract. Coleman is believed to have recommended %RKXFKRW GHVSLWH %RKXFKRW EHLQJ XQGHU LQYHVWLJDWLRQ E\ WKH )%, IRU DFFHSWLQJ SHUNV DV D VFKRRO RIÀFLDO LQ 'DOODV 7KHFLW\RI 'HWURLWLVQRVWUDQJHUWRZDVWHDQGIUDXG VHH 0D\RU .ZDPH .LOSDWULFN·V UHG /LQFROQ 1DYLJDWRU DQGWKH'HWURLW=RRGLOHPPDDQGWKLVLVMXVWDQRWKHU case in a long list of corruption. Surprisingly, race does QRW HYHQ SOD\ D IDFWRU KHUH &RPSXZDUH &RUSRUDWLRQ SULGHV LWVHOI RQ RIIHULQJ LQWHUQVKLSV WR TXDOLÀHG &DVV Tech graduates and had a 37 percent subcontractor parWLFLSDWLRQIURPPLQRULW\DQGZRPHQRZQHGEXVLQHVVHV ,QVXPPDU\ZKLOH&RPSXZDUHZDVXQLI\LQJDQGPRYLQJ WKH 'LVWULFW LQ WKH ULJKW GLUHFWLRQ WKH PDMRULW\ RI WKDWSURJUHVVZDVKDOWHGE\DVHOÀVKVXSHULQWHQGHQW With approximately 135,000 students, 231 schools, roughly 19,000 administrators, a $1.5 billion annual budget, and a district of 133 square miles, it is irrational, FRXQWHUSURGXFWLYHDQGGRZQULJKWUHSXOVLYHIRU6XSHUintendent William Coleman III to gamble the already VXVFHSWLEOHIXWXUHRI WKH'HWURLW3XEOLF6FKRRO6\VWHP E\ OHQGLQJ D FRUUXSWHG KDQG WR DQ ROG 'DOODV IULHQG MR P. 9 11.14.06 6WDII2SLQLRQ Prop 2: Part 2 The Legal and Political Ramifications of Challenging Prop 2 BY MICHAEL O’BRIEN, ‘08 T +( 81,9(56,7< /267 LWV ÀJKW DJDLQVWWKH0&5,SROLWLFL]HG¶GLYHUsity’ should be over. %XWQRZ³DVLI LWLVDQ\VKRFN³WKH University is planning a legal challenge to WKH QHZ VWDWH FRQVWLWXWLRQDO DPHQGPHQW banning racial preferences and other afÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQSURJUDPVLQFROOHJHDGmissions and state hiring and contracting. Mary Sue Coleman, in her speech on November 8, proclaimed, “I believe there DUH VHULRXV TXHVWLRQV DV WR ZKHWKHU WKLV LQLWLDWLYH LV ODZIXO SDUWLFXODUO\ DV LW SHUtains to higher education.” And so Prop 2: Part 2 begins. The University of Michigan, of course, is a public educational institution, affording it status as a federally registered F QRQSURÀW /LNH DOO RWKHU QRQSURÀWVWKH8QLYHUVLW\LVIRUELGGHQIURP RIÀFLDOO\ HQGRUVLQJ SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV RU EDOORW PHDVXUHV³VXFK DV IRU LQVWDQFH the MCRI. ,QWKHSDVWWKH8QLYHUVLW\ZDVFRPSHOOHGWRGHIHQGLWVSRVLWLRQRQDIÀUPDtive action. As a defendant in the Grutter and Gratz cases, it had to respond in court and articulate a legal position in favor of racial preferences. In the past year, President Coleman Michigan is not content to simply KDGWKHRSWLRQDVDSROLF\PDNLQJRIÀFLDO SROLWLFL]H GLYHUVLW\ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ LV EHXQGHUFDPSDLJQODZVWRYRLFHKHURSSRsition to the MCRI rather publicly. This FRPLQJDSROLWLFDOPDFKLQH+RZLVWKLVLQ might not have been the most appropri- FRQFHUWZLWKWKHÀQDQFHODZVJRYHUQLQJ our school? Well, that remains unclear. DWHRSWLRQEXWLWZDVKHUSUHURJDWLYH 1RZWKH8QLYHUVLW\ZLOOEHGHYRWLQJ What does remain virtually certain is that taxpayer dollars to defeat a measure that our money (remember, some of us actually voted yes) ostensibly repZLOOEHXVHGWR UHVHQWVWKHZLOO of the taxpayIn the past year, President Coleman ÀQDQFH ZKDW ers. Michigan had the option, as a policy making is essentially a political camis taking up a RI¿FLDOXQGHUFDPSDLJQODZVWR campaign of its paign. voice her opposition to the MCRI FKRRVLQJ WKH This is not even to University has rather publicly. mention that no mandate in Now, the University will be the legal chalthis instance, devoting taxpayer dollars to defeat lenges are and its standing is no great- a measure that ostensibly represents likely to be futile. When the er than Wayne the will of the taxpayers. Review asked State UniverUniversity sity, Michigan 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ RU WKH 0LFKLJDQ 'H- *HQHUDO &RXQVHO 0DUYLQ .ULVORY ZKDW partment of Labor. This legal challenge the nature of the legal challenges might ZRXOG UHSUHVHQW VRPHWKLQJ PXFK PRUH be, he refused to elaborate, saying only, VLJQLÀFDQWWKDQWKH8QLYHUVLW\·VSDVWOHJDO “We’re considering lots of options.” 2QHFKDOOHQJHPLJKWDUJXHWKDWDIÀUquibbles and defense of racial and genGHUSUHIHUHQFHV%\ÀOLQJOHJDOFKDOOHQJHV PDWLYH DFWLRQ LV FRPSHOOHG E\ WKH )RXUDJDLQVWWKH0&5,³DQRSWLRQRI FKRLFH teenth Amendment in order to effect DQGQRWUHTXLUHGDWDOO³WKH8QLYHUVLW\DV ´HTXDO SURWHFWLRQµ %XW VXFK D FODLP LV DQLQVWLWXWLRQZRXOGEHDGRSWLQJDSROLWL- OHJDOO\VKDN\WKHGrutter decision permitWHGDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQEXWGLGQRWJRVR cal position. far as to compel its use. Also, given the current makeup of the Court, and the traditional reluctance of the high court to force a state to adopt a given policy, WKLV FKDOOHQJH ZRXOG EH DOPRVW FHUWDLQO\ doomed to failure. 7KH RWKHU FKDOOHQJH ZRXOG P\RSLFDOO\ IRFXV RQ WKH FKDOOHQJHV WR KRZ WKH 0&5, ZDV SXW RQ WKH EDOORW³WKDW is, the claims of fraud in canvassing for SHWLWLRQVLJQHUV %XW WKHVH FODLPV ZHUH almost summarily rejected before the election, and they are unlikely to succeed DIWHUZDUGV %XWWKH8QLYHUVLW\LVVXUHWRÀJKWRQ %HFDXVH DV &ROHPDQ VDLG WKUHH WLPHV ´:HDUH0LFKLJDQDQGZHDUHGLYHUVLW\µ President Coleman is content to poOLWLFL]H RXU H[SHULHQFH DV VWXGHQWV 1RW WKDW WKLV LV DQ\ VKRFN WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ LV about to engage in high stakes lobbying to engage in embryonic stem cell research. %XW WKH QHZ PDQWUD RI 0LFKLJDQ LV WHOOLQJ 7KH 8QLYHUVLW\ E\ LWV RZQ DFNQRZOHGJHPHQW FDUULHV WKH EDQQHU IRU WKH SROLWLFL]HG QRWLRQ RI GLYHUVLW\ WKDW has poisoned higher education for deFDGHVQRZ If you thought school here had UHDFKHG D IHYHU SLWFK DOUHDG\«ZHOO LQ ÀYH\HDUV\RX·UHJRQQD·EHEORZQDZD\ MR Race, Political Correctness, and the Sporting Life to the stands next time and [mess] somebody up…It’s WKHVODYHRZQHUZRXOGEUHHGKLVELJEODFNZLWKKLVELJ sad that this is still going on in America.” Attempting ZRPDQ VR WKDW KH ZRXOG KDYH D ELJ EODFN NLG³WKDW·V WRPDNHXSIRUKLVJDIIH+DP]HKORXLZURWH0XWRPER ZKHUH LW DOO VWDUWHGµ 7KLV LV DQ REYLRXV DQG HJUHJLRXV BY JANE COASTON, ‘09 DOHWWHUH[SODLQLQJWKDWKHGLGQ·WNQRZ´XVLQJWKHZRUG HUURU RQ 6Q\GHU·V SDUW %XW ZKDW ZRXOG KDYH RFFXUUHG ¶PRQNH\· ZDV EDGµ +H RIIHUHG WR JLYH ÀYH WKRXVDQG had this incident happened in 2006? A riot? Sports is no longer just a form of entertainment, it ,.(0%( 08720%2 &(17(5 for the GROODUVWR0XWRPER·VIDYRULWHFKDULW\0XWRPERLVZHOO is a microcosm of American life. It is representative of NQRZQIRUKLVSKLODQWKURSLFHIIRUWV0XWRPERDFFHSW+RXVWRQ 5RFNHWV ZDV SOD\LQJ LQ DQ H[KLELWLRQ values and beliefs. And race is a part of American JDPHDJDLQVWWKH2UODQGR0DJLFZKHQ+RRPDQ OLIHWKDWYHU\IHZSHRSOHDUHZLOOLQJWRIDFH7KH +DP]HKORXLDQ2UODQGRVHDVRQWLFNHWKROGHURI Iranian descent, began screaming at Mutombo The role of race in sports brings up too many role of race in sports brings up too many quesWLRQV WKDW PHGLD DQG VSRUWV RUJDQL]DWLRQV ZRXOG GXULQJWKHWKLUGTXDUWHU7KLVLVQRWXQXVXDOIDQV have been insulting the opposing team’s players questions that media and sports organizations SUHIHUQRWWRDQVZHU:K\LVEDVNHWEDOOD´EODFNµ VSRUWDQGKRFNH\D´ZKLWHµVSRUW":K\GRHVDGVLQFHWKHGDZQRI VSRUW)URPLQVXOWLQJWKHSOD\vertising used during college football games have er’s intelligence (i.e. Penn State quarterback Anwould prefer not to answer an entirely different demographic than during thony Morelli) to physical appearance or sexual 0DUFK0DGQHVV":KDWLV´UDFLVWµDQGZKDWLVSXWSURZHVV RU ODFN WKHUHRI DOPRVW QRWKLQJ LV RII ting one’s foot in one’s mouth? HGWKHDSRORJ\7KH1%$GLGQRW+RRPDQ+DP]HKORXL limits. Almost. ,QDQDJHLQZKLFKYLGHRVDQGDXGLRRI UDFLDOFRPKDVEHHQEDQQHGIURPDOO1%$DUHQDVIRUWKHUHPDLQGHU +DP]HKORXL·VWDXQWLQJUHVXOWHGLQ0XWRPERVWRUPPHQWVÀQGWKHLUZD\WRFRXQWOHVVEORJVDQG <RX7XEH of the year. LQJ LQWR WKH VWDQGV DQG FDXVHG +DP]HKORXL·V UHPRYDO com, there is very little room for mistakes. Is there also :LWKLQWKHQDWLRQDOPHGLDWKH1%$·VGHFLVLRQKDV IURPWKHJDPH+RRPDQZDVUHSRUWHGO\\HOOLQJ´PRQQR URRP IRU GLVFXVVLRQ" 'R WKH VWULQJHQW VWDQGDUGV been praised as justice for a racist act. On his blog for NH\µ DW 0XWRPER DQ $IULFDQ SOD\HU IURP WKH 'HPRWKHPHGLDDQGVSRUWVRUJDQL]DWLRQVDSSO\WRUDFLDOFRP(631FRP0DUF6WHLQFDOOHGLW´VZLIWGHFLVLYHMXVWLFHµ cratic Republic of Congo. 0XWRPERZDVLQFHQVHGDQGULJKWO\VR$IWHUWKH ,WDOVRVHHPVDQDGHTXDWHUHVROXWLRQWKDWZLOOSUHYHQW PHQWVSUHYHQWUHDOGLVFXVVLRQRI UDFLDOLVVXHVZK\$Igame he said, “If they didn’t kick him out of this arena, WKH1%$IURPIDFLQJDQ\DOOHJDWLRQVRI EHLQJVRIWRQ rican-Americans are pushed into sports as a means of KHZRXOGKDYHVHHQPHRII WKHFRXUW,ZLOOQRWDFFHSW UDFLVP,W·VQRWWKHÀUVWWLPHDVSRUWVRUJDQL]DWLRQKDV REWDLQLQJÀQDQFLDOVHFXULW\ZK\UDFLDODQGJHQHWLFGLIIHUWKDW:HDUHQRWLQWKH¶V3HRSOHKDYHSDLGWKHSULFH WDNHQDFWLRQUHJDUGLQJDUDFLDOLQFLGHQW&%6ÀUHG-LPP\ ences and their relationship to athletic ability is a forbidIRUXVWREHZKHUHZHDUHWRGD\)RUKLPWRFDOODEODFN ”The Greek” Snyder in 1988 after he said that “if they den topic of conversation? If sport is a metaphor for PDQDPRQNH\LQWKHPLGGOHRI WKHJDPHKHZDVLQWKH [African Americans] take over coaching like everybody OLIHZK\FDQ·WZHKDYHKRQHVWGLVFXVVLRQVDERXWUDFHLQ VHFRQGURZIRUKLPWRVWDQGXSDQGFDOO¶0XWRPERWKH ZDQWV¶HPWRWKHUH·VQRWJRQQDEHDQ\WKLQJOHIWIRUWKH either? MR monkey’ is an insult. It insulted my integrity, my body, ZKLWHSHRSOHµ6\QGHUDOVRKHOGWKDW$IULFDQ$PHULFDQV P\IDPLO\P\UDFH,I WKH\ÀQHPH,ZLOOJRVWUDLJKW ZHUH EHWWHU DWKOHWHV EHFDXVH ´'XULQJ WKH VODYH SHULRG How far is too far when it comes to race and sports in society? ' Arts and Culture P. 10 11.14.06 It’s Complicated With...The Facebook EVENTS CALENDAR 5(48,5(0(176)25$-867$1' /$67,1* 3($&( )25 3$/(67,1,$16$1' ISRAELIS LECTURE, AFIF SAFIEH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 4:00PM MLB AUDITORIUM 3 $ÀI 6DÀHK KDV EHHQ DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO GLSORPDW IRU WKH SDVW \HDUV 6DÀHK IRUPHUO\ ZRUNHG IRU <DVVHU $UDIDW·V %HLUXWRIÀFHDQGVHUYHGDVD3/2UHSUHVHQWDWLYH+HLVFXUUHQWO\WKH3DOHVWLQian Ambassador to the United States, though U.S. authorities do not regard him as having diplomatic status. 686,(%5$1'7 “WATERTOWERS, ERRATICS, AND STUMP RUGS” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 5:00PM MICHIGAN THEATER $UWLVWV6XVLH%UDQGWGLVFXVVHVKHUZRUN ZKLFK LQFRUSRUDWHV WH[WLOHV FORWK DQG landscape pieces. The artist, featured in numerous national and international H[KLELWLRQVVSHDNVDERXWKHUZRUNDQG material for the Penny Stamps Lecture series. SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN NOVEMBER 17,18, 8:00PM, & 19, 2:00PM POWER CENTER TICKETS AT MUTO 7KHDWHUJURXS086.(7DQG8$&SUHVHQWWZRHYHQLQJDQGD6XQGD\DIWHUQRRQ performance of the iconic stage musical Singin’ in the Rain. BY LINDSEY DODGE, ‘10 ' 2&7256 3(5)250,1* surJHU\ LQ WKH (5 ODZ\HUV SUHSDULQJ DGHIHQVHFDVHLQDPXUGHUWULDO³QHLWKHU FDQFRPSDUHZLWKWKHVKHHUDQ[LHW\DQG potential ruin posed by a change in “relaWLRQVKLSVWDWXVµRQ)DFHERRN (YHU\RQH DJUHHV WKDW )DFHERRN LV in general, not conducive to a healthy academic or social life at the University RI 0LFKLJDQ +RXUV DUH VSHQW ZLWK RQH hand supporting your head, the other hand aimlessly clicking through hundreds RI \RXUIULHQGV·SLFWXUHVQRWHVDQGZDOO postings. Often these are not even your friends, but simply people remotely connected to you through a potentially enorPRXVVRFLDOQHWZRUN7KHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI )DFHERRNLQRXUOLYHVLVLOOXVWUDWHGE\WKH KDOIMRNHWKDWQRUHODWLRQVKLSLV´RIÀFLDOµ XQWLOLWLVRIÀFLDORQ)DFHERRN That said, this presents an enormous amount of undue stress on those couples ZKRDUHEHJLQQLQJDQDFWXDOUHODWLRQVKLS The possibilities for angst are endless. Will he respect me enough in the morning to mark us as “dating?” If both of us are actively dating other people, then are ZH´LQDQRSHQUHODWLRQVKLSµZKLFKEDVLcally brands the girl a hussy on indecent proportions for the next four years? What KDSSHQVLI WKHRWKHUSDUWQHULVXQDZDUH that you are dating other people, and FURVVLQJ WKDW HPRWLRQDO PLQHÀHOG ULJKW QRZLVXQQHFHVVDU\":DLWDPLQXWH³GR ,HYHQNQRZWKLVSHUVRQ" 7KHUHXVHGWRRQO\EHWKHDZNZDUG PRPHQWZKHQ\RXDQG\RXUFRPSDQLRQ ZHUH IRUFHG WR LQWURGXFH HDFK RWKHU DW SDUWLHVDQGWKHUHODWLRQVKLSZDVVWLOODOLWWOHXQFOHDUIRUSHUIHFWZRUGFKRLFH1RZ WKHYDVWVRFLDOQHWZRUNWKDWLV)DFHERRN ZKHUHKXQGUHGVRI SHRSOHQRZKDYHWKLV tentative information available to them, FRPSRXQGV WKLV PLQXWH PRUWLÀFDWLRQ Even as you insecurely change your relationship status, the development is being SRVWHGRQGR]HQVQHZVIHHGV$WWLPHVLW VHHPVWKHPRVWHIÀFLHQWFRXUVHRI DFWLRQ ZRXOGEHWRSRVWDQHZVEXOOHWLQ´([WUD ([WUD5HDGDOODERXWLW,W·VNLQGRI ZHLUG ULJKWQRZ)XUWKHUEXOOHWLQVDVQHZVZDUrants!” ,Q WKLV FUD]\ PDG ZRUOG ZH OLYH LQ ZKR LV WR GHÀQH WKH HWLTXHWWH IRU UHODWLRQVKLSV"+RZHYHU)DFHERRNLOOXVWUDWHV VRPH RI WKH PRUH EL]DUUH WUHVSDVVHV 7KHUHDUHIHZWKLQJVPRUHWHUULI\LQJWKDQ SUHSDULQJIRU\RXUÀUVWGDWHZLWKVRPHone, and noticing the little red heart in WKH QHZV IHHG DOHUW \RX WR WKH IDFW WKDW ´>LQVHUWGDWH·VQDPHKHUH@LVQRZLQDUHlationship.” There is also the development of the “fake relationship.” The temptation of OLVWLQJ \RXU UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK VRPHRQH as “engaged” or “married” proves too great for college students, for according WR)DFHERRNWKHQXPEHURI PDWULPRQLHV among those aged 18 to 21 is unusually high. Marriages to best friends, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, are common. Engagements being broken off at a moments notice occur frequently. The WURXEOHOLHVLQLGHQWLI\LQJZKLFKUHODWLRQVKLSVDFWXDOO\H[LVWDQGZKLFKDUHIULYRlous amusements (not to demean anyRQH·VUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKWKHLUEHVWIULHQG 7KHUHLVDOZD\VJRLQJWREHVRPHKHVLWDWLRQLQDVNLQJDJLUORXWZKHQVKHLVOLVWHG as married to another guy. )XUWKHUPRUH IULHQGV RIWHQ GR QRW NQRZ ZKHQ WKHLU RZQ IULHQGV DUH EHLQJ IDFHWLRXV )UXVWUDWLRQ LV JUHDW ZKHQ DIWHUSRVWLQJSURXGO\\RXUQHZO\´GDWLQJµ status, one of your friends posts on your ZDOO´+DKDKDIXQQ\EUROLVWHQ,JRWWKH JLUO·VQXPEHU6KHVDLGFDOOKHUDQ\WLPHµ 1RZQRWRQO\GR\RXKDYHWRH[SODLQWR \RXU´EURµWKDW\RXZHUHQRWNLGGLQJEXW \RXDOVRKDYHWRFRQYLQFH\RXUQHZORYH interest that she is the “girl” your friend VRFUDVVO\DQGSXEOLFO\ZURWHDERXW 1R PDWWHU ZKDW HQYLURQPHQW UHlationships today tend to be nasty, brutish, and short, much like the lives of the $QFLHQW*UHHNV+RZHYHUZLWKWKHLQFOXVLRQRI )DFHERRNLQWRWKHHTXDWLRQLWLV entirely possible that real relationships ZLOOFHDVHWRH[LVWDOWRJHWKHUMR The Theology of Kurt Cobain Professor from the University of Rochester examines the music of Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain and its Christian implications BY CHRISTINA ZAJICEK, ‘10 G 5(*25,$1&+$176$1'angry screams inWHUPLQJOHG ZLWK KDUG URFN RSHQHG 'HQQLV 2·%ULHQ·VIRUD\LQWRKRZWKHVRQJVRI 1LUYDQDUHÁHFWHG&KULVWLDQYDOXHV3RVVHVVLQJDJRRGKHDUWHG nature, and poking fun at his age on more than one RFFDVLRQ³´7KH ODVW SRS PXVLF , OLVWHQHG WR ZDV %LQJ &URVE\ DIWHU DOOµ KH VDLG³2·%ULHQ RSHQHG WKH OHFWXUH LQ 6W 0DU\·V 'RQQHOO\ +DOO ZLWK D sample of a Gregorian chant and half of Smells /LNH7HHQ6SLULWZKLFKKHSURPLVHGKHZRXOGODWHU make parallels to. The volume of the monastic chant builds upon LWVHOI ZLWKHDFKDQGJUDGXDOO\FUHVFHQGRVXQWLOWKH URRPÀOOVZLWKSRZHUIXOUHVRQDQW´$OOHOXLDVµDQG then after each “Alleluia,” the volume diminishes XQWLOWKHZRUGVGLVDSSHDULQWRWKHDLU2·%ULDQDUgues that the purpose of their style is to move the PRQNVDQGWKHLUDXGLHQFHLQWRDVSLULWXDOZRUOGRI VRUWV DGLPHQVLRQWKDWFDQRQO\EHWKRXJKWRI DVDZRUOGEH\RQGZRUGV+RZGRHV1LUYDQDÀWLQWKHQDPLGVWWKH “Alleluia’s?” “It’s a deliberate inversion of monastic chant. The VW\OHLQZKLFKWKH\VLQJPRYHVXVLQWRWKHVSLULWXDOZRUOG except they use incoherent rhetoric and loud guitars to XOWLPDWHO\ PDNH WKH ZRUGV FROODSVH LQWR WKHPVHOYHV OHDGLQJXVWRDKLJKHUVSLULWXDOSODFHµ2·%ULHQFODLPV Nirvana, one of the most popular grunge rock JURXSVRI WKHHDUO\QLQHWLHVDVZHOODVRQHRI WKHPRVW LQÁXHQWLDOPXVLFDOJURXSVRI RXUJHQHUDWLRQZDVDZD\ IRU.XUW&REDLQWKHLUOHDGVLQJHUWRH[SUHVVKLVVXIIHUing and the suffering of others through the only chan- The similarities are endless... nel he could: music. The pain and suffering Cobain took XSRQKLPVHOI ZDVQRWIRUJRWWHQE\2·%ULDQ ´>&REDLQ@ DVVLJQHG KLPVHOI D WDVN ZLWK HTXDO SURSRUWLRQVWRWKDWZKLFK*RGWDNHV&KULVWLDQLW\OLNH&REDLQSLFNVXSDOOWKHVDGQHVVLQWKHZRUOGDQGWUDQVFHQGV LWµ,WLVKHUHWKDW2·%ULHQOLNHQVWKHKHURLQDGGLFWHGOHDG VLQJHUWR-HVXV&KULVW%RWKOLYHGWKUHH\HDUVLQWKHSXEOLFH\HDQGZKHQWKHSXEOLFZDQWHGWRFURZQERWKNLQJ -HVXV NLQJ RI 1D]DUHWK LQ FRQWUDVW WR .XUW &REDLQ NLQJRI URFNPXVLFWKH\ERWKÁHGDQGXOWLPDWHO\JDYH up their lives. The speaker continues on to read graphic excerpts IURP WKH MRXUQDOV RI .XUW &REDLQ :KHQ &Rbain asserts himself to be a “Pisces Jesus-Man”, 2·%ULDQHQWKXVLDVWLFDOO\QRGVKLVKHDGDQGFODLPV .XUW´JRWLWULJKWµ Suddenly a familiar guitar intro is heard. ´+HUHZHDUHQRZ(QWHUWDLQXVµ2·%ULDQUHSHDWV once the song has completed. These are the infaPRXV ZRUGV WR WKH WHHQDJH DQWKHP 6PHOOV /LNH 7HHQ6SLULW´+HUHZHDUHQRZµ2·%ULDQVD\VLVD VWDWHPHQWWR*RGDFNQRZOHGJLQJRXURZQPRUWDO SUHVHQFHLQWKLVZRUOG´(QWHUWDLQXVµLVWKHPHVVDJHZHZLVKWRUHFHLYHIURP*RGPHDQLQJWKDW ZHZDQWWRHOLFLWVRPHIRUPRI DUHVSRQVHIURP +LPIRU+LPWRDFNQRZOHGJHWKDWZHGRLQIDFW exist. :KHQ DVNHG ZKDW KH WKRXJKW &REDLQ·V UHOLJLRXVYLHZVZHUH2·%ULDQUHVSRQGHG´,WKLQNKHZDV DYHU\UHOLJLRXVPDQ+HZDVYHU\PXFKLQÁXHQFHGE\ Christianity, and if you listen closely enough to Nirvana, \RX·OO ÀQG DOO NLQGV RI UHOLJLRXV WKHPDWLFV <RX·OO ÀQG that’s true in a lot of rock music.” MR P. 11 11.14.06 Arts & Culture Pulitzer Prize Winner Comes Home For Residency Native of metro Detroit, Jeffrey Eugenides spends a week at the University discussing writing, research, and even bodily functions BY AMANDA NICHOLS, ‘07 S 8,&,'( +(50$3+52',7(6 DQG ERZHO PRYHPHQWV JUHDW WRSLFV IRU D OHFWXUH RU VLPSO\ WKH ZRUNLQJV RI a great mind? On October 31, an audiHQFHDW5DFNKDP$XGLWRULXPZDVWUHDWHG WR DOO WKHVH WKLQJV DV 3XOLW]HU 3UL]HZLQQLQJ ZULWHU DQG 0LFKLJDQ QDWLYH -HIIUH\ Eugenides read from both his acclaimed DQG\HWXQSXEOLVKHGÀFWLRQ The image of the author on the dust jackets of his books proved quite accurate: he is every bit the stereotypical Greek (or LQ(XJHQLGHV·FDVHKDOI*UHHNZLWKROLYH VNLQDQGGDUNFRDUVHKDLUWKDWJURZVRQO\ DERXW KDOIZD\ XS KLV KHDG +H LV D ELW taller than expected, certainly taller than the image of his grandfather, George Eugenides, published over ten years ago in the New YorkerPD\EHLW·VWKDWRWKHUKDOI of him, the Anglo-Irish lineage from his PRWKHU·VVLGH$WKLV+DOORZHHQOHFWXUH (XJHQLGHV·DXGLHQFHZDVTXLHWEXWUHDG\ WR DFFODLP KLP ZLWK ODXJKWHU DW DQ\ RSportunity, and he did not disappoint. Introducing himself as a member of DIDPLO\ZKRERDVWVDOLQHRI 8QLYHUVLW\ of Michigan dropouts (Eugenides himVHOI JUDGXDWHG IURP %URZQ DQG 6WDQ- IRUGDQGWHOOVDUROOLFNLQJVWRU\RI KRZ the close-knit Grosse Pointe, MI commuKLV ROGHU EURWKHU URGH XS DQG GRZQ RQ QLW\GHDOVZLWKWKHVHLQH[SOLFDEOHGHDWKV Middlesex, Eugenides’ sophomore efWKH WRS RI DQ HOHYDWRU ZKLOH RQ 3H\RWH buttons. Eager undergrads looking for IRUWWKDWWRRNWHQ\HDUVWRZULWHJDUQHUHG WKH VHFUHW WR ZULWLQJ PLGGOHDJHG SUR- KLPWKH3XOLW]HU3UL]HIRUÀFWLRQLQ IHVVRUV ZKR DGPLUH KLV LQVLJKW DQG WKH Introducing the audience to Cal, Middlesex’s narrator, EuAARP constituency genides commentWKDWNQRZVWKHZRUOG ed that, because RI 'HSUHVVLRQHUD of a genetic mix'HWURLW DERXW ZKLFK up, Cal can never (XJHQLGHV ZULWHV LQ EDOG +HUH WKH Middlesex, all laughed charismatic and raucously in admiraself-deprecating tion of such an esEugenides pauses, WHHPHGOLWHUDU\ÀJXUH and gestures to his In his reading, RZQKHDG Eugenides shared “What an selections from his imagination I novels, The Virgin have,” he said to an Suicides and Middlesex, auditorium full of and then indulged the DXGLHQFHZLWKDVHOHFlaughs. Middlesex, tion called “Special Jeffrey Eugenides, Detroit native D VZHHSLQJ HSLF 'D\Vµ IURP KLV QHZ- and author of award-winning novels VWRU\ WKDW IROORZV est novel. Written in Middlesex and The Virgin Suicides the Stephanides family from Asia 1993, he commented that The Virgin SuicidesZDVFDOOHGKLVEHVW 0LQRUDQGWKH7XUNLVK*UHHN&RQÁLFWWR 3URKLELWLRQHUD'HWURLWDQGÀQDOO\WRWKH book by Germany’s SternPDJD]LQH ´,RQO\KDYHWZRERRNVµKHUHPLQG- suburban perfection of Grosse Pointe, ed the audience. “I haven’t earned that ZKLOH LWV ELJFLW\ QHLJKERU LV URFNHG E\ VXSHUODWLYHµ+RZHYHUVLQFHWKLVZDVKLV racial tensions in the 1960s. +RZHYHUWKLVLVQ·WWKHVWRU\LQVWHDG “best book,” and one he hadn’t read from in quite some time, Eugenides decided to Eugenides crafts a coming-of-age tale VKDUHDVHOHFWLRQZLWKWKHDXGLHQFH$OVR RI &DOOLRSH6WHSKDQLGHVZKRDVSXEHUW\ a major motion picture, The Virgin Suicides progresses, discovers she’s not exactly LVDWDOHRI WKHVXLFLGHVRI WKHÀYH/LVERQ the girl her parents have raised her to be. VLVWHUVLQWKHFRXUVHRI RQH\HDUDQGKRZ Eugenides said the title stemmed from the obvious middle ground of hermaphrodism, but it is also the Grosse Pointe VWUHHWZKHUHKHKLPVHOI JUHZXS When asked about the autobiographical nature of Middlesex, Eugenides told the audience that, contrary to some popular ideas, he is not a hermaphrodite. +RZHYHU PXFK RI WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKH 6WHSKDQLGHV IDPLO\ IROORZV (XJHQLGHV· RZQIDPLO\KLVWRU\DQGOLNH&DODQGWKH nameless group of narrators in The Virgin Suicides WKH 3XOLW]HU 3UL]HZLQLQJ DXWKRU JUHZXSLQ*URVVH3RLQWH )LQDOO\ (XJHQLGHV UHDG ´6SHFLDO 'D\Vµ IURP KLV QHZHVW QRYHO PXFK WR WKH GHOLJKW RI WKH DXGLHQFH $ ZRUN about college-aged adults, Eugenides deftly shared a boyfriend’s observation of KLVJLUOIULHQG·VODFNRI ERZHOPRYHPHQWV and, after much serious subject matter, earned even more laughs. When pressed IRU WKH WLWOH RI WKH IRUWKFRPLQJ ZRUN though, he dodged the question, saying LW ZDV PRQXPHQWDO WKDW KH VKDUHG VXFK XQÀQLVKHGZRUNDWDOO In Ann Arbor from October 30-NoYHPEHUDVDZULWHULQUHVLGHQFHWKURXJK the University’s Zell Visiting Writers Series, Eugenides also visited English classes and gave a lecture entitled, “On Obstacles and Omens” about the chalOHQJHVRI ZULWLQJMiddlesex)ROORZLQJWKH UHDGLQJ(XJHQLGHVVLJQHGERWKQHZDQG tattered copies of his novels, quipping at RQHSRLQWWKDW´,XVHGWRZULWHERRNV³ QRZ,MXVWVLJQWKHPµMR U-M Fosters Great Relationship with Britain’s RSC BY MARY WILCOP, ‘08 T +(52<$/Shakespeare Company Residency came to a close this Sunday, ending its 5-year, 3-resiGHQF\ FRQWUDFW ZLWK WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ :KLOH RYHU attendees this year’s performances and events became IDPLOLDUZLWKWKH56&LWVHHPVOLWWOHLVNQRZQDERXWKRZ LWVXQLTXHSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKWKH8QLYHUVLW\0XVLFDO6RFLety began. While UMS has sponsored music and dance for \HDUVLWKDGOLWWOHH[SHULHQFHZLWKWKHDWHUXQWLOWKH PLGV1RUKDGWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQEHIRUHVSRQVRUHG DQDUWLVWUHVLGHQF\7KLVFKDQJHGLQZKHQWKHUHQRZQHG 0DUWKD *UDKDP 'DQFH &RPSDQ\ 0*'& ZKLFK KDV SHUIRUPHG SHULRGLFDOO\ LQ 0LFKLJDQ VLQFH SDUWQHUHG ZLWK 806 IRU D ZHHN UHVLGHQF\ WR honor its late founder, Martha Graham. The success of this initial residency proved UMS capable of pulling off additional groundbreaking projects. )RXU\HDUVDIWHUWKLQJVFDPHWRJHWKHUZKHQDIHZ DUWVPLQGHG 8QLYHUVLW\ OHDGHUV PHW ZLWK D ELW RI IDWH ,Q IRUPHU 8QLYHUVLW\ 5HJHQW DQG 3RZHU &HQWHU FRIRXQGHU3KLOOLS3RZHUDWWHQGHGD:DVKLQJWRQ'& OXQFKHRQ ZKHUH KH PHW &KULVWRSKHU 0H\HU %ULWDLQ·V 86 $PEDVVDGRU DQG D IHOORZ DUWV HQWKXVLDVW 0H\HU WROG 3RZHU WKDW WKH 56& KDG UHFHQWO\ HQFRXQWHUHG D VQDIX7KHFRPSDQ\ZDVDWWHPSWLQJWRSURGXFHDOOHLJKW RI 6KDNHVSHDUH·VKLVWRU\SOD\VEXW%ULWLVKWKHDWHUVZHUH UHOXFWDQW XQZLOOLQJ WR VWUD\ IURP 6KDNHVSHDUH·V PRUH SRSXODUFRPHGLHVDQGGUDPDV3RZHUKRZHYHUVDZWKH project as a great opportunity for Michigan. Explains )LVFKHU´7KHKLVWRU\SOD\VRSHQWKHGRRUIRUGLVFXVVLQJ religion, gender, history, drama […] all the themes one FRXOGÀQGLQDSOD\µ$SHUIHFWÀWIRUDXQLYHUVLW\ 7KHQ8QLYHUVLW\ 3UHVLGHQW /HH %ROOLQJHU DJUHHG %ROOLQJHUZRXOGSURYLGHÀQDQFLDOEDFNLQJWREHJLQWKH project, as long as education and community engagement UHPDLQHGWRSSULRULW\7KH56&ZDVLWVHOI KDYLQJDQH[WHQVLYH HGXFDWLRQ SURJUDP SURYLGLQJ ZRUNVKRSVDQG outreach projects to communities throughout England. Another important aspect of the UM-RSC relationship has been the close professional friendship that GHYHORSHGEHWZHHQ3URIHVVRU5DOSK:LOOLDPVDQGWKHQ $VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRURI WKH56&0LFKDHO%R\G7KHWZR Shakespeare devotees found mutual respect for each RWKHU·VZRUNDQGFDUHHUV2I %R\G:LOOLDPVVD\V´+H·V VRPHZKHUHEHWZHHQDJHQLXVDQGJRGRI >WKH@WKHDWHUµ 7KH UHODWLRQVKLS KDV SURYHG PXWXDOO\ EHQHÀFLDO ZLWK :LOOLDPVQRZÁ\LQJRYHUWR(QJODQGWRJLYHOHFWXUHVWR WKH56&FDVWDQGFUHZ´+HUHLVDSURIHVVRURI (QJOLVK EHFRPLQJ D FORVH FROOHDJXH WR 0LFKDHO %R\Gµ )LVFKHU says, “I think that has really been part of the glue.” While WKH\HDUFRQWUDFWKDVHQGHGERWK)LVFKHUDQG:LOOLDPV are anticipate the future of the residency and UMS’s reODWLRQVKLSZLWKFRPSDQ\7KH56&LVRSWLPLVWLFDVZHOO 7KHFRPSDQ\·VDFWRUVKDYHJURZQIRQGRI $QQ$UERU² SDUWLFXODUO\LWVDFFHVVLEOHVPDOOWRZQDWPRVSKHUHZKLFK is comparable to their base in Stratford. The residency KDVDOORZHGWKHRGGPHPEHUVDFKDQFHWRJHWIDPLOLDU ZLWKWKHWRZQDQGLWVDFDGHPLFFRPPXQLW\PXFKPRUH VR WKDQ D WZRQLJKW VWD\ LQ 1<& 0RUHRYHU WKH 56& has found in the University an enthusiastic partner open WRLQQRYDWLYHLGHDVDQGSURMHFWV´2YHUDOOµVD\V)LVFKHU ´ZHGRWKHSOD\VWKH\ZDQWWRGRµ 7KHÀUVWUHVLGHQF\LQZDVDQHQRUPRXVVXFFHVVGUDZLQJRYHUDWWHQGHHVIURPVWDWHVDQG ÀYH FRXQWULHV $GGLQJ WR WKLV ZDV %R\G·V UHFHSWLRQ RI WKH2OLYLHU$ZDUGIRU%HVW'LUHFWRUDWKHDWHUFHUHPRQ\ FRPSDUDEOHWRWKH$FDGHP\$ZDUGVRQO\DGGLQJWRWKH UHDVRQVIRUKLVDSSRLQWPHQWDV56&$UWLVWLF'LUHFtor. Though the totals have not yet been added, over WLFNHWV ZHUH VROG WR DXGLHQFHV IURP DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\0XVHV:LOOLDPV´1RZ\RXKDYHWKHNew York Times FRPLQJWR0LFKLJDQIRUWKHDWHUUHYLHZVµMR Feature P. 12 11.14.06 The Invisible Hand of Enclosed Seating Group opposes U-M Athletic Department’s plans for stadium renovation, but questions are raised about future economic impacts BY EVAN WLADIS, ‘10 B $1621/8;85<Restrictions on SURÀW. Equality in name only. Sounds more like a communist state than Michigan Stadium, doesn’t it? Yet with debate raging over how best to repay the debt accrued by a massive renovation of the nation’s largest collegiate stadium, these are the effects that one group, Save the Big House, seemingly endorses. :KLOHDOPRVWHYHU\RQHDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\ of Michigan agrees that its iconic stadium is badly in need of an overhaul (which would include a new press box, upgraded player facilities, and wider seats and aisles, among othHU DPHQLWLHV WKH 8QLYHUVLW\·V SODQ WR UHSD\ FRQVWUXFWLRQ FRVWVKDV EHHQ PHW ZLWK ÀHUFH resistance. Their plan, which proposes creating new streams of revenue by installing club seats and luxury boxes, or “enclosed seating,” DVWKH¶8·HXSKHPLVWLFDOO\FDOOVLWLVVWURQJO\ RSSRVHG E\ VRPH RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\·V PRUH “traditional” alumni. The most vocal and active of these forces is Save the Big House, a coalition of Wolverines expressing concern that enclosed seating will cripple the stadium’s ability to expand in the future. In addition, they believe that luxury boxes disrespect the “egalitarian LGHDOVWRZKLFK80LVGHGLFDWHGµ Their proposal, the Big House Renovation Plan, calls for the addition of 10,000 more bleacher seats around the outer rim of the stadium, scrapping any plans for luxury boxes, which members claim “divide Michigan fans by income, undermining the unity and ca- If the stadium was truly “dedicated WRHJDOLWDULDQLGHDOV´DQGWKHGHVHJUHJDWLRQRISHRSOHIURPGLIIHUHQWWD[ brackets, why not just sell every ticket DWWKHVDPHSULFHDQGODEHOLWXQDVVLJQHGVHDWLQJ" fessor at the Ross School of Business, notes that, if the Athletic Department’s plan is implemented, the Big House’s standing as the largest collegiate stadium in the country will not be in jeopardy. “The architect has said that the proposed renovation will easily support up to 7,500 more seats in each end zone. And if, in 10 or \HDUV80ZDQWHGWRJRHYHQODUJHUWKH\FRXOGDGG OX[XU\ ER[HV WR WXUQ D SURÀW ZKHUHDV WKH %LJ +RXVH Plan would need only 3 years to get out of the red. Looking at all the available numbers, it appears he is correct. In the 22 years between these estimates, the 10,000 new bleacher seats would generate an income of about $65.34 million ($2.97 million per year). Not bad, especially when you consider that after 25 years, enclosed seating will not have earned a single dime. The 35-year-mark, however, tells a different story; ten years after reaching the black, luxury boxes will have generated a whopping $140.1 million dollars: outpacing the proposed bleacher seats by nearly $45 million. Income from luxury boxes grows almost exponentially in the years that follow as well; ÀIW\ \HDUV DIWHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ WKH GLIIHUHQFH LQSURÀWLVDQDVWRXQGLQJPLOOLRQ Still, Professor Kennedy claims that even these comparisons are conservative. “It’s almost guaranteed that private donations to the athletic department will go up [because of enclosed seating],” he says. “Access to the best boxes and club seats near the 50-yard line will depend on cumulative giving. Ford, GM, and Comerica, in order to secure access to the ‘good’ locations, [will] have to up their donations. This Damn those capitalist pigs and their brick architecture! is probably worth another $5 to $15 million SHU \HDU DOO RI ZKLFK LV SXUH SURÀW IRU WKH additional concourses in the end zones [to get up to] athletic department and can be used to fund all the ath140,000 or 150,000 seats,” Kennedy says. letic teams.” Even doubts surrounding the new stadium’s attractiveness, 2IWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUUHFUXLWLQJ.HQQHG\VD\V³7KH thought to be compromised by proQHZVWDGLXPZLOOPHDQWKDWWKHDWKOHWLFGHSDUWPHQW posed brick concourses several stoKDVPRUHUHVRXUFHV>WRSXWWRZDUGV@WUDLQLQJIDFLOLries high on the east and west sides RI WKH ÀHOG DUH D PDWWHU RI SHUWLHVORFNHUURRPVDQGVFKRODUVKLSV,GRQ¶WWKLQN sonal taste. John Pollack, a former WKDWUHFUXLWVZLOOVD\µZRZSUHPLXPVHDWLQJ¶EXW speechwriter for the Clinton administration and current spokesperson WKH\ZLOOEHDWWUDFWHGWRWKHWKLQJVWKDWWKHQHZUHYfor Save the Big House, compares HQXHVWUHDPVZLOOIXQG´ the new stadium’s exterior to “a collision between the Roman Coliseum and the parking structure on Fourth and Washington.” Perhaps most importantly, the new structures will However, Save the Big House maintains that their better capture noise generated by Michigan fans, and SODQ LV ERWK PRUH YLVXDOO\ DSSHDOLQJ DQG PRUH ÀVFDOO\ GLUHFW LW WRZDUG WKH ÀHOG 7KH UHVXOW LV DQ LQFUHDVH LQ VRXQG3ROODFNLQVLVWVWKDWWKHÀQDQFLDOÀJXUHVVXSSRUW- KRPH ÀHOG DGYDQWDJH DV DUFKLWHFWXUDO LQHIÀFLHQFLHV LQ ing enclosed seating “don’t add up.” Luxury boxes, in WKHFXUUHQWVWDGLXPDOORZFURZGQRLVHWRHVFDSHWKHÀHOG his opinion, are merely an effort by the university to EHIRUHHYHUUHDFKLQJWKHÀHOG “keep up with the Joneses,” in this case, Ohio State and As the Michigan crowd has been characterized, perMichigan State. Pollack says it will take 25 years for the haps wrongfully, as one of the quietest in the nation, the structural changes meant to challenge that reputation may be a major selling point among students and players. It all adds up to the largest and loudest home crowd in college football. MR maraderie that fans of all ages and backgrounds share as they experience the game together.” These grand notions of equality, however, are perhaps a bit overdone. Most students sit in the cheap seats behind the end zone while wealthy patrons who can afford the steep costs of premium tickets get the seats 20 rows up on the 50yard-line. Robert Kennedy, a The blueprints look promising corporate strategy pro- to some, but are a strike in the heart to others. Only time will tell if they will pass.