Submitted By: Hiring Solutions LLC Todd Surline President WS 4C


Submitted By: Hiring Solutions LLC Todd Surline President WS 4C
August 14, 2015
Submitted By:
Hiring Solutions LLC
Todd Surline
The information contained herein is both privileged and confidential.
2104 Jolly Road, Suite 200  Okemos, MI 48864  Phone: 517.347.0590  Fax: 517.347.1243
Email: - WEB SITE:
2104 Jolly Road, Suite 200  Okemos, Michigan 48864  517-347-0590  FAX: 517-347-1243
Email: - WEB SITE:
August 14, 2015
376 East Apple Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442
Chief Executive Officer Search Proposal
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide executive search services. This
assistance is in connection with recruitment, selection, assessment and hiring of a Chief Executive
Officer for your organization. We believe that HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC is exceptionally well qualified to
help you achieve success in completing this important search.
There are aspects of our proposal that we wish to highlight:
We are experienced in conducting high level searches for numerous organizations
and have a 28 year history of success with over 200 clients. We employ a high
quality process and consistently complete our work in a timely and efficient manner
which respects the time commitment of your decision makers.
The members of our consulting team have extensive experience in executive search
and the recruitment and hiring process. We have managed and participated in the
recruitment and placement of key executives in both large and small organizations.
Over the past year we have completed 50+ searches with the majority of these
projects at the executive or management level.
Our firm specializes in candidate assessment, which is vital to selecting top talent.
Please consider that most firms do not offer this service, which increases the
confidence in the final hiring decision and improves assimilation into the
Outlined in the following pages is a work plan based upon the information you have provided to
our firm. This work plan will be discussed, revised and modified according to your requirements.
Thank you again, it is our pleasure to present this information.
Todd Surline
Todd Surline
Consulting Approach
Chief Executive Officer
Data Gathering
Networking Campaign
Our first step in the search process would be to
review your current organizational priorities and
any strategic issues facing LAKESHORE REGIONAL
PARTNERS. During this discussion we will gather
information to adequately prepare us for recruiting
activities to attract top talent. We will develop
future performance expectations if they exist and
discuss any strategic initiatives already in place. We
will also assist you in reviewing, modifying, or
creating an accurate and up to date positon
description. Since we have not previously recruited
for LAKESHORE REGIONAL PARTNERS we would expect to
gather this information in our first Search
Committee meeting.
The key component to achieving an effective
networking campaign is the number and quality of
contacts made in the community. We have a strong
network of candidates within the State of Michigan
and beyond. As the ways in which potential
applicants identify career opportunities has
changed, so have our recruitment techniques and
strategies. We employ a number of different
outreach tactics including Social Media Networking,
traditional advertising, County, State, and University
sponsored job boards, multiple applicant databases
and the leveraging of our own network of
candidates. For this position, we would execute a
strong local, statewide, and national advertising
campaign to attract a strong and diverse candidate
pool. The remainder of our efforts will be dedicated
to speaking with our contacts, posting the position
on our website, discretely identifying and
contacting individuals who are uniquely qualified
for this position, and following up on leads from the
Search Committee.
Other Background Information
In order to adequately recruit for the Chief
Executive Officer, we will gather relevant
information including your current benefit plan
details, special compensation, if given, to the
incumbent, and any Search Committee leads or
candidates that may be a good fit for LAKESHORE
REGIONAL PARTNERS. It is critical that all candidates go
through the same screening process.
Position Profile and Announcement
We will work with your Search Committee to create
an executive position profile for distribution to both
prospective candidates and candidate referral
sources. It is important that this communication
piece outlines the qualifications desired and the full
scope of the position. This piece should make a
positive first impression on prospective candidates
in addition to conveying key information. It is
important to remember that this position may
attract out of area prospects that may be unfamiliar
with the Muskegon area. Therefore, the position
profile should tell more than a job description. It
should help sell candidates on the area and the high
quality of life that it offers. Once completed, this
position profile can be used by the Search
recruitment tool. We have included a Position
Profile we recently used for a previous search.
We will also network with diverse candidates and
minority organizations for possible leads. In the
past, we have successfully located top candidates
not actively seeking employment.
Our philosophy in recruiting is to cast a wide net to
ensure a diverse pool of candidates. Our experience
has proven qualified candidates can be located in a
variety of venues, both traditional and
untraditional. The consultant’s role is to screen
these candidates based on their background,
experience, skill set, and cultural fit with the
Consulting Approach
Screening Candidate List
It typically takes 30-45 days to cultivate and develop
a strong pool of candidates. Although candidates
will still apply outside of this timeframe, we will
generally have a good idea of the candidate pool at
this time. The candidate screening occurs after
candidate paper credentials have been received.
The next step is to conduct telephone-screening
interviews and confirm basic aspects of each
candidate’s interest in the position, background and
qualifications, and salary requirements. We also will
explore essential issues such as willingness and
ability to relocate. Candidates who are selected for
further consideration will be asked to complete our
copyrighted “Background and Employment History
Form.” This details the applicant’s dates of
employment, what they liked most and least about
supervisory experience, salary history, current and
former supervisors, reasons for leaving, strengths
and weaknesses, reference information, and
identifies if there are any background issues
present. Should we find that certain candidates
deviate from their presentation in resumes or cover
letters, we will screen them out.
Chief Executive Officer
second tier and share the list of applicants who
have completed the application process. We will
review this material in detail and based on input
from the Search Committee, move forward with
recommended candidates. Candidates who are
selected for further consideration will be invited to
an in person or Skype (depending on location)
interview with us at our offices to go over their
background and the position in more detail.
Candidates who appear to be a strong match for the
position will complete our pre-employment
assessments. Out of the group that is selected to
interview with us onsite, we generally recommend
~3 to be interviewed by the client.
We will also provide the Search Committee with a
set of structured questions that can be used to
guide on-site candidate interviews. Naturally, you
will be able to add to or modify this set of questions
as you find appropriate. We will coordinate and be
present at all interviews conducted by the Search
Committee and guide the process through the
conclusion and selection of the final candidate. We
will provide written weekly summaries of our
progress and notify the Search Committee of any
significant problems or concerns that arise.
Assessment Administration
We will then rank the candidates based on your
input and judgment into three categories: Top Tier,
Second Tier and Rejected. We will review the
credentials of these candidates with the Search
Committee to discuss your impressions and clarify
questions you may have. At this meeting we will
provide members of the Search Committee the
resume, cover letter and the completed Background
and Employment History form of the candidates we
have identified as Top Tier. We will also include the
resume and cover letters of candidates identified as
Pre-employment testing is the cornerstone to
effective candidate screening and to the final hiring
decision. This step of the process is distinct in that it
is employed only with final candidates. For this
position we would administer a personality and
cognitive ability assessment along with a leadership
assessment. These assessments will provide insight
on the candidates’ personality and mental acuity
traits and their behavioral leadership style. All of
our assessments are in compliance with the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and
other State and Federal regulations and should not
be used as the sole determinant in the hiring
HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC is recognized as a premiere
firm in offering modern, effective and legally
defensible tools to public and private sector
organizations. We have used these tools with
hundreds of organizations. We propose to assess all
final candidates to ascertain mental acuity,
personality traits and behavioral tendencies.
Professional Fees, Guarantee & Insurance Coverage
Professional Fees & Expenses
Professional fees are offered on a retained and
fixed cost basis of 18% of the midpoint of the salary
range. We estimate a search of this nature will take
upwards of 100 hours of staff and consulting time.
Candidate assessment and individual background
investigations are in addition to professional fees.
We charge $250 per candidate for each Personality
Assessment and $100 for each Leadership
Assessment. Background checks are $125 per
candidate, including credit, criminal conviction,
motor vehicle, education verification, and social
security number validation, which will be conducted
only on the selected candidate. Candidate
assessment costs will not exceed 5 candidates
without prior approval in order to control your final
costs. This search includes advertising on our
website and placement on suggested websites. We
will invoice for actual cost of these advertisements.
If the specifications of the position change,
additional fees will apply.
The fee is payable as follows: (1) 50% upon approval
to proceed; and (2) 50% upon completion of the
search and acceptance of LAKESHORE REGIONAL
PARTNERS’ employment offer by the successful
candidate. We will invoice for both installments.
Expenses and costs associated with assessment of
candidates and background investigations are
itemized and billed with the second installment.
Since we are a local firm, we do not invoice for
travel related expenses.
Chief Executive Officer
Liability and Other Insurance Coverage
Coverage for Professional Liability is written with
RATHBUN INSURANCE AGENCY with a limit of $1 Million
per claim.
Coverage for Commercial Liability Policy is written
through ACUITY with a limit of $1 Million per claim.
We carry Worker's Compensation and Employer's
Liability Insurance.
We carry Automobile Public Liability on an
"occurrence" basis.
Executive Search Results Summary
Below is a chart showing one of our key
performance indicators – time to fill relative to
similar Executive level searches completed in the
past three years. Best practices suggest a search of
this level is completed within ~120 days. On
average, we fill Executive openings in approximately
75 days. We take pride in working expediently and
diligently with our clients to fill their openings.
Based on the position requirements and anticipated
involvement of the Search Committee, we expect to
complete the Chief Executive Officer search within
90 days.
We guarantee placement of a qualified candidate
for a period of 90 days effective on the starting date
of the employee. If an employee is discharged or
leaves of his or her own volition during this time,
upon written request, within thirty days after the
date of termination, HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC will
reopen the search and replace the individual on an
expense only basis, and without additional
professional fees.
0 - 45 Days
45 - 60 Days
60 - 90 Days
90 + Days
Chief Executive Officer
HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC is committed to meeting the timeframe dictated by LAKESHORE REGIONAL PARTNERS. Customarily, a
search of this nature can be successfully completed within ninety days of commencement of the search agreement.
On or before:
The following occurs:
Week 1
This is the official kick-off of the search process. Meet with
Search Committee members to discuss the duties,
responsibilities, and qualifications for the Chief Executive Officer
along with parameters for salary. Prepare position profile and
update the position description if required. Identify advertising
Week 2
Launch networking and advertising campaign with a “must apply
by” date of 5 weeks.
Week 2 – Week 7
Receive credentials, conduct sourcing activities and continue
screening of candidate credentials.
Week 7 – Week 8
HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC telephone screens candidates, and acquires
Background and Employment History information from qualified
Week 8
This is the second meeting with the Search Committee. Review
candidate credentials to identify the candidate pool for further
Week 9 – Week 10
Hiring Solutions LLC onsite interviews selected candidates and
administers assessments. Candidate portfolios are prepared
outlining finalists’ background and experience for review by the
Search Committee. We will also prepare a set of recommended
interview questions to be used at the final selection meeting.
Week 10
This is the final meeting with the Search Committee to interview
the final group of candidates. An offer is extended to strongest
candidate and background checks are completed.
Week 13
Projected start date of the new Chief Executive Officer.
References and Deliverables
You are encouraged to contact any of the following client executives to verify our commitment to excellent
client service in our search work. The references outlined below served as the chair of the Search
Committee for an executive level search that we have completed in the past six months. These searches
are all similar in scope, size, and complexity to the Chief Executive Officer search.
Reference Contact Information:
Ms. Jennifer Palmbos
Director of Human Resources / Labor Relations
1425 West Grand River Avenue
Howell, MI 48843
Phone: 517-540-8790
Mr. Jim Tyler
Board Chair
332 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 231-722-3557
Mr. Greg Nicholas
Board Member
3737 Coolidge Road, Suite 2
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: 517-896-1100
Deliverables as a Result of our Professional Assistance
Source a pool of strong, diverse, qualified candidates.
Screen candidate credentials for cultural fit and position competencies.
Administer personality, cognitive ability and leadership assessments.
Recommend ~2 – 4 finalists to be interviewed for selection.
Completion of reference checks and a credit, criminal, motor vehicle and education
The successful selection and start of a Chief Executive Officer.
Search Team Description
Search Team Members
The success of this project will be directly related to
the experience and qualifications of the consultants
who execute the work plan. As noted in the cover
letter, all work will be directed by Mr. Todd Surline,
President and Mr. Alex Gardner, Senior Human
Resources Consultant will assist in the project on an
as needed basis. Ms. Kelly Lysaght will assist and
facilitate the process as necessary. Todd Surline and
Alex Gardner have solid experience in executive
search and have managed and participated in all
areas of the employment function. In addition, all
consultants earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
in Human Resources from MICHIGAN STATE
The biographical sketches of Mr. Todd C. Surline,
Mr. Alex C. Gardner, and Ms. Kelly A. Lysaght are
presented along with this proposal.
Non-Discrimination Policy
HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC complies with the Fair Labor
Practices Act and all Federal, State, and local laws
and legislation and does not discriminate based on
race, color, religion, national origin, creed, ancestry,
age, sex, height, weight, marital status, sexual
orientation, veterans status, or a handicap that is
unrelated to the candidate's ability to perform the
duties of a particular job or position.
Our offices, located at 2104 Jolly Road, Okemos, MI
48864, are conducive to interviewing high level
candidates and are often used by Board and Search
Committees to conduct final interviews. Our offices
are open for business from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,
five days a week and off hours as required by our
clients. For further information regarding Hiring
Solutions LLC, we encourage a visit to our website
Firm Description
HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC is a privately held firm,
authorized to do business in the state of Michigan,
specializing in executive search, human capital
consulting, and assessment and development.
Founded in 1988 by Sandy Rich, HIRING SOLUTIONS
LLC provides professional services to over 200
clients in both the private and public sectors. Mr.
Todd Surline, President of HIRING SOLUTIONS LLC,
leads and directs the Human Resources Consulting
practice and has over 25 years of experience in
executive Search Human Resources.
Consultant Biographical Sketch
Todd C. Surline
Mr. Todd Surline is President of Hiring Solutions LLC. His previous role was as Vice President of
Capitol National Bank where he was responsible for the development, implementation and
administration of various areas of the bank including business development, operations, client
relations, credit administration, special projects and human resources.
Mr. Surline served as Capitol Bancorp Ltd. Chief Administrative Officer where he was responsible for
leading the Human Resources, Staff Development, Marketing, Communications, Bank Accounting
and Risk Management divisions of the bank holding company.
Mr. Surline has also been Vice President - Human Resources for MSU Federal Credit Union where he
contributed to making MSUFCU an “employer of choice.” He developed and administered a variety
of programs to recruit, retain, reward, motivate, train, and develop outstanding staff members. In
the years since, MSU FCU has grown from $150 million to over $1.3 billion in assets and from 160 to
325 staff members.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
B.S., Social Science/Pre-Law; Economics, Psychology, and Political Science
Community Involvement
Mr. Surline served as an Executive Committee Member of the Credit Union National Association
HR/Training and Development Council from 1996 – 2004 after serving in other leadership roles. He
has also served as Treasurer and Director for the East Lansing Rotary Club. He currently serves on
the Management Advisory Board for the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University
and is a board member with the Mid-Michigan chapter of the American Red Cross. Mr. Surline was
named the Human Resources Professional of the Year by the Human Resources Management
Association of Mid-Michigan, an affiliate of the national organization, the Society for Human
Resource Management. He received the Rotary Distinguished Service Award for his involvement and
contributions in the community.
“We ensure our clients select
top talent that meets their
hiring needs.”
Biographical Sketch
Alexander C. Gardner, MHRLR
Senior Human Resources Consultant
Mr. Gardner is a Senior Human Resources Consultant with Hiring Solutions LLC and received his
Masters in Human Resources and Labor Relations from Michigan State University. Mr. Gardner has
spent time in China (Beijing, Nanjing, and Shanghai) where he studied Human Resources and Labor
Relations. He also authored “Goal Setting and Gainsharing: Evidence on Effectiveness” has been
published in Compensation and Benefits Review. He provides assistance in the areas of talent
acquisition, pre-employment assessments, labor market studies, and human capital consulting.
Prior to working at Hiring Solutions LLC, Mr. Gardner worked as a Human Resource Business Partner
at Ford Motor Company where he was responsible for co-championing a global skill-based pay
system, developing a recruiting strategy, creating a position ranking template for succession
planning, and conducting a needs assessment examining employee engagement, leadership
effectiveness, candidness, and satisfaction with rewards and recognition. Mr. Gardner also worked
as a Human Resources Consultant at Borgess Medical Center where he was responsible for creating
and administering training to nurses, implementing new processes and procedures to ensure
compliance, and developing a performance management tool to improve patient care and quality.
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
B.A., Psychology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
M.A., Human Resources and Labor Relations
Community Involvement
Mr. Gardner is past Vice-President of the HRLR Graduate Student Association and also served as the
chair for the HRLR Recruiting Committee. He is also a member of the Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM) and was awarded the Michael Moore Endowment which is the highest HRLR
academic award given at the Graduate level. At Kalamazoo College, Mr. Gardner graduated Summa
Cum Laude in Psychology and received the Marshall Hallock Brenner Prize
for excellence in the field of I/O Psychology.
“We use the most advanced
search methods and internet
tools to identify top talent.”
Biographical Sketch
Kelly A. Lysaght
Client Relationship Specialist
Ms. Lysaght is a Client Relationship Specialist with Hiring Solutions LLC. She possesses a Bachelor’s
Degree in Interpersonal Communications from Michigan State University and graduated with honors.
Kelly also was on the Dean’s list for the duration of her attendance at Michigan State University.
During her time at Michigan State University, Kelly was a member of the Community Service
Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. She volunteered for various local and national charities such as the
American Red Cross and the MSU Food bank. Kelly was also a member of the Undergraduate
Communication Association and acted as an undergraduate research assistant for an experimental
study within the Communications department.
Prior to working at Hiring Solutions LLC, Ms. Lysaght worked as a Client Service Advocate at Jackson
National Life Insurance Company. Her responsibilities included working with clients to assist with
variable annuity questions. Kelly also handled inquiries regarding claims and website assistance.
During her time at Jackson, she passed the Investment Company/Variable Contracts Products Limited
Representative Exam and attained her Series 6 license.
Kelly’s responsibilities at Hiring Solutions LLC will include client support for consulting projects,
executive search, and assessment products. She will also act as Hiring Solutions LLC’s social media,
marketing, and communications specialist
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
B.A., Communications
“Establishing and maintaining an
open line of communication with
our clients is critical to the
success of our projects.”
2104 Jolly Road, Suite 200  Okemos, Michigan 48864  517-347-0590  FAX: 517-347-1243
Email: - WEB SITE:
Mr. Todd Surline
 20+ years of Human Resources experience
 BS, Michigan State University
Mr. Alex Gardner
Senior Human Resources Consultant
 4 years of Human Resources consulting
 BA, Kalamazoo College
 MHRLR, Michigan State University
Ms. Kelly Lysaght
Client Relationship Specialist
 2+ years of Human Resources /
Business experience
 BA, Michigan State University
Position Announcement &
Application Procedure
LIVINGSTON COUNTY is located in south
central Michigan and offers its
residents convenient access to the
major metropolitan centers of
Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, and
Flint. Livingston County has the
lowest tax rate and highest median
income of all Michigan counties. The
county is home to 184,443 residents
dispersed in a 585 square mile
radius. Although composed of largely
bedroom communities, the County
has experienced and maintained
significant growth in both the service
and industrial economic sectors.
Major employers include Pepsico,
Citizens Insurance and Ogihara
The County Administrator reports to
the Board of Commissioners and is
Responsibilities include the following:
 Directs the current 2015-2020
Strategic Plan and promotes the
interests, goals, purposes and
policies of the County.
 Plans, organizes, and directs
County operations and assures
implementation of policies for
operating departments.
 Assesses operations, staffing
levels, facilities, and equipment.
Analyzes budgetary and resource
needs, undertakes improvements,
Monitors operational costs and
takes actions for increasing
efficiency. Maintains current AAA
Bond Rating.
 Oversees the preparation of and
presents the annual budget
administration of the budget and
the achievement of desired
financial outcomes.
 Works
professional consultants, citizens,
contractors and departments to
examine the needs of the County,
the development of programs and
services, and the evaluation of
County operations.
 Serves as the spokesperson for the
County, including utilizing various
media sources, such as radio, print
and social media.
This position manages a diverse staff
of fifteen. The position is responsible
for meeting the goals and objectives
with a $75 million budget. This
position has a salary range of
$112,000 - $145,000 with a full and
comprehensive benefit plan.
Candidates interested in this position
must have a Bachelor’s Degree in
Administration, Business
Administration, Finance, or a related
managerial/leadership experience. A
Master’s Degree in these fields is
preferred. Thorough knowledge of
budgeting, personnel administration
and resource management and the
ability to identify and implement
best practices is required.
Organized in 1836, LIVINGSTON
COUNTY’S seat is located in its most
populous city – the city of Howell. It
has the honor of being one of
honoring members of President
Andrew Jackson’s Cabinet and
named after the former U.S.
Secretary of State, Mr. Edward
COMMISSIONERS consists of nine
members elected every two years.
For further information consult the
County’s website @
for more information.
Must apply by March 1, 2015.
Credentials accepted until
position is filled.
Successful candidates must have high
integrity, be technologically and
politically savvy, and passionate
about the goals and strategic
initiatives of the County.
To receive full consideration,
qualified candidates must submit a
letter of interest including salary
requirements and an up-to-date
resume by March 1, 2015. Strong
candidates will be contacted for
additional information and a possible
on-site interview. Final candidates
will interview with the Search Team
on March 26, 2015. We expect this
position to be filled by May 1, 2015.
LIVINGSTON COUNTY has retained a
search consultant and all credentials
must be submitted to:
Mr. Todd Surline
Apply online at:
Please note paper credentials are
not accepted.
Requesting Agency
Solicitation Type
Date of Issuance
Due Date
Date of Award
Lakeshore Regional Partners (LRP)
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Executive Recruiting Firm for Recruiting the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
July 28, 2015
August 14, 2015 - 3:00 p.m. EST
August 21, 2015
Proposal of Capabilities
Prepared by: TEKsystems
625 Kenmoor Ave, NE, Suite 100
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Tel#: 616.974.1923
Fax#: 616.974.1920
Prepared By: Dominic Zanoni
DATE: August 14, 2015
Summary and Financial Data Sheet
Official name of the business entity: TEKsystems, Inc.
Taxpayer ID Number (TIN): 52-2010575
DUNS Number: 96-5762909
Ticker symbol if publicly traded: N/A
Stock Exchange: N/A
$2.6 billion
$2.9 billion
$3.1 billion
$3.3 billion
$3.6 billion
Primary Staffing Contact:
Dominic Zanoni
Account Manager – Direct Placement Services
Type of Coverage
Amount of Coverage
General Liability*
Commercial General Liability
Medical Exp (any one person)
General Aggregate
$ 1,000,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 2,000,000.00
Automobile Liability**
$ 1,000,000.00
Excess / Umbrella Liability
$ 5,000,000.00
Workers Compensation and Employers Liability
$ 1,000,000.00
* Limit of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and a limit of $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. TEKsystems has a
$1,000,000.00 self-insured retention for each general liability loss.
** Combined single limit per occurrence: $1,000,000
Vision and Strategy
TEKsystems IT Direct Placement Services:
 Nearly 3,000 Direct Placements Per Year
 Industry Recognized – Received Inavero’s 2015 Best of Staffing Client Diamond Award
 Reliable – Successfully Placing Consultants for over 30 years
TEKsystems growth strategy focuses on several key areas:
Providing superior applications, infrastructure, end-user support, and
telecommunications staffing services, while continuing to develop value-added IT
services within these spaces.
Growing our share within our existing accounts by delivering higher quality talent and
offering a tailored range of services.
Expanding our presence in the large/enterprise customer market segment.
Retaining our population of quality consultants via redeployments while growing our
talent base through referrals and networking.
We believe our strategy of building a high-performance team, and developing intimacy with our
customers and our technical professionals, are the keystones to our continued growth and
success in these areas.
Put simply, TEKsystems is able to grow because we deliver results and build trust among the
Customer and technical professional markets we serve.
Our ability to do so stems from superior execution of our two-pronged strategy.
Build a High-Performance Team. We focus a great amount of attention on personally
and professionally building a high-performance team. We define high-performance not
only by numbers, but also by the values and passion that drive our people to succeed.
 Develop Customer and Consultant Intimacy. We are steadfast in our dedication to
developing intimacy with our customers and technical professionals. By “intimacy” we
specifically mean deep relationships and understanding of our customers business
needs; providing superior service; and delivering solutions through our diverse product
and service offerings.
All of our investments and improvement initiatives are aimed at living out our commitment to
these two fundamental goals.
TEKsystems specializes in the following service offerings:
IT staffing services – Complement and enhance Oracle’s in-house skills and capabilities.
IT services – Achieve Oracle’s business outcomes through a managed, project-based, or
outsourced model.
TEKsystems service models are highly customizable to fit Oracle’s needs. We can provide varying
levels of support, from staff augmentation all the way through a completely outsourced solution.
The following sections offer a more robust description of our services.
IT Staffing Services
The contract labor positions TEKsystems IT Staffing Services fills span the full spectrum of IT
 Applications. Our applications consultants support all stages of the applications lifecycle,
including analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Skill
sets include business analysis, business intelligence, customer relationship management,
data warehousing, and enterprise resource planning. Each year we place over 28,000
applications consultants.
Network Services. Our network services consultants specialize in network design,
implementation and operations, data center and security operations, and IT and project
management. Skill sets include cloud computing, data center optimization and
virtualization, and network and security monitoring. Each year we place over 23,000
network services consultants.
IT Support. Our IT support consultants offer superior skills in help desk operations,
desktop support, technology deployments, installations, and moves, adds, and changes.
Skill sets include desktop support, help desk and service desk support, and IT training
and certification. Each year we place over 29,000 IT support consultants.
IT Services
As our relationship evolves, MIHIN can rely on TEKsystems for services that build upon our
staffing strengths and extend our value to help you achieve business targets. We have leveraged
our unique perspective within our clients’ organizations and our massive consultant network to
design IT services that work where it matters most—in practice.
Applications Services
To remain competitive, you not only need to plan, build, and run your IT applications projects
successfully, you also need to optimize application performance and harness your systems for
critical business intelligence. From data services and cleansing, to custom software
development, applications management, QA and testing, and applications development—we
help MIHIN realize ROI, while minimizing risk.
Network Infrastructure Services
Data volumes continue to swell as businesses demand more speed and agility to fuel decision
making. Solid strategies for storage, unified communications, virtualization, and security—as
well as the workforce required to lead and execute goals—are keys to long-term success. Our
managed services and experienced consultants can help MIHIN navigate unfamiliar territories
and maximize performance.
IT Support Services
End-user issues must be quickly addressed, resolved, and captured to enhance business
productivity. Our custom IT support and deployment solutions provide the technical expertise
and management oversight required for service continuity.
Education Services
IT is constantly evolving. To keep pace and maximize return on your IT investments, MIHIN must
equip your employees with the needed skills. Through our suite of IT and business training
courses, custom-developed solutions, and managed training services, we help you drive skill
development and enterprise-wide adoption of new technologies and business processes.
General Information:
To be considered, complete submissions must be received by the Lakeshore Regional Partners, 376 E. Apple
Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442 no later than the due date and time specified. Submissions may be submitted
electronically to [TEKsystems will respond electronically] The Respondent must
include their complete proposal as an attachment. [Please see attachment]
If the submission is delivered by an express mail carrier, electronic submission when applicable, or by any
other means, it is solely the Respondent's responsibility to ensure delivery to the LRP. LRP is not responsible
for deliveries made to any place other than the designated address or for any failure associated with any
mode of delivery selected by the Respondent.
LRP is not responsible for delays caused by any occurrence. Under no circumstances shall submissions
delivered after the time specified be considered. The decision to refuse or consider a submission that was
received beyond the date/time established shall not be the basis for a protest.
Late or faxed responses will NOT be considered. To be considered timely, a complete response must be
submitted before the stated due date and time.
The Respondent certifies that the response submitted has not been made or prepared in collusion with any
other Respondent and the prices, terms or conditions thereof have not been communicated by or on behalf of
the Respondent to any other Respondent prior to the official opening of this request. This certification may be
treated for all purposes as if it were a sworn statement made under oath, subject to the penalties for perjury.
Moreover, it is made subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, relating to the making of false
Submissions may be withdrawn upon written request of the Respondent.
Submissions not meeting these criterion may be deemed non-responsive.
The LRP is not liable for any costs incurred by any prospective Respondent prior to the awarding of a
contract, including any costs incurred in addressing this solicitation. [TEKsystems is engaging Lakeshore
Regional Partners through a Direct Placement Staffing Agreement. As outlined in the attached agreement, no
costs will be incurred until after a candidate is selected, completes any additional Human Resource
compliance requested and processed by Lakeshore Regional Partners (eg. Background Check and Drug
Screen), and signs an offer letter.]
Submissions must be signed by the Respondent and/or the person authorized to sign contracts on the behalf
of the Respondent. The name of the person signing must be followed by title. Lakeshore Regional Partners
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Submission Format: (Submissions must include the information outlined below)
The Respondent must submit 5 copies of the quotation.
Emphasis on clarity and detail of the proposal is an important consideration in evaluation of the responses.
While cost is a consideration, it will not be the sole determining factor in awarding this contract.
Business Organization - One (1) page maximum
1. State the full name and address of the Respondent and if any, the branch office, consultants, or other
subcontractors that will provide or assist in providing the service. Include phone number(s), email address(s)
and, if applicable, Respondent's website address. [See title Page]
2. Indicate whether Respondent operates as an individual, partnership, limited liability company (LLC) or
corporation; if as an LLC or corporation, include the state in which Respondent is incorporated and if the LLC
or corporation is authorized to do business in the State of Michigan. [See title page and following page.
TEKsystems is based out of Maryland and is authorized to do business in the State of Michigan]
Executive Summary - One (1) page maximum
1. Summarize the Respondent's strong points and how experience, particularly with similar projects, will
benefit the stakeholders. [TEKsystems is the leading IT Staffing company in the United States. Our West
Michigan office partners with the State of Michigan, Kalamazoo Community Mental Health, Community
Mental Health CEI, the Michigan Public Health Institute, and various integrators at the State of Michigan. We
support these clients placing IT Professionals through Direct Placements, contracts, and contract to hire
Project Staffing
1. Please provide a resume of the Project Manager and each of the other key team members’ qualifications,
licenses, and experience as it will be used to carry out the work performed on this project. [This is a direct
placement opportunity for a CEO. Providing a resume of a project manager doesn’t make sense]
2. Provide an organization chart that shows the staff and subconsultants to be assigned to this project. [As this
is a direct placement, providing an organizational chart that show the staffing and sub consultants is not
Experience & Qualifications - Five (5) pages maximum
1. Provide a detailed but concise description of the proposed team experience with at least three projects that
have been completed in the past five years that are similar in scope, size, and complexity to this project.
[TEKsystems is not a CEO placement firm. Our West Michigan office has successfully placed over 30 IT
Professionals YTD and the company as a whole places nearly 3000 IT professionals a year.]
2. For each project described, provide the name, telephone number, and email address of a reference that can
attest to the quality and effectiveness of the Project Manager and key team members’ work. [This is a PM
position, not sure what is required here]
Lakeshore Regional Partners Page 7 of 8
Timeline & Project Deliverables - Two (2) pages maximum
Describe the methodology and recruitment work plan the firm will use to complete the work. Include critical
elements and special methodologies that will be employed to ensure a high quality work project, efforts to
solicit minority participation in the execution of the search, and strategies of recruitment of diverse
candidates. [TEKsystems has a proprietary applicant tracking system with over 3 million resumes. All of our
recruiters have access to LinkedIn Recruiter professional. We check 2 references within the past 3 years; these
have to be managers or supervisors. Before submitting any candidates, we meet everyone to insure they are a
good cultural fit. Our Account Managers are required to write up a fully qualified job description. This Job
Description must of a clear business challenge, business impact, 3 top skills, Employee Value Proposition,
Salary, Interview Process, Start Date, and compliance process.]
Develop a timeline and list of deliverables that will be provided in the performance of this contract, including
the firm’s placement guarantee. [Please see direct placement service agreement attached]
Pricing Methodology (fee structure, including all fees and reimbursable expenses)
Provide an estimate of the number of hours that will be devoted to this project for all tasks outlined in the
RPQ, including staff time, by task, individual billing rate, and total costs per task and for the total project,
including all direct and indirect costs and markups. [please see attached direct placement service agreement]
Direct Placement Agreement
This Direct Placement Agreement (“Agreement”) is
made this 14th day of August,
2015, by and
between TEKsystems, Inc., a Maryland Corporation
and Lakeshore Regional Partners, its parents,
subsidiaries and affiliated entities (“Client”).
WHEREAS, Client desires to engage TEKsystems to
provide recruiting services for the direct placement
and hiring by Client of Candidates submitted by
TEKsystems to Client (the “Service”), and
TEKsystems desires to be engaged by Client in such
capacity, all on the terms and conditions set forth in
this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, As used herein, the term “Candidate”
means any person recruited by TEKsystems and
presented to Client for employment with Client
pursuant to this Agreement;
THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and
mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as
Fees paid by Client to TEKsystems are contingent
upon Client hiring Candidate(s) referred by
TEKsystems. All direct placement fees will be
deemed earned and the contingency complied with
upon the commencement of the Candidate’s
employment with Client. The applicable direct
placement fee is 25% of the Candidate’s annualized
first year salary with Client, including guaranteed
Payment in full for direct placement fees are due
within 15 days from invoice date, at TEKsystems,
P.O. Box 198568, Atlanta, Georgia 30384-8568.
Invoices that are more than seven (7) days past due
are subject to a late charge of one percent (1%) per
month on the amount of the past due balance. Late
charges shall be calculated using the U.S. Method,
therefore interest will not be compounded on the past
due balance.
If Candidate’s employment with Client terminates for
any reason other than Client’s reorganization,
elimination of position, takeover, or material change
in job responsibility within the applicable periods
stated below, TEKsystems shall refund the
TEKsystems Direct Placement Agreement (Rev. 3/02)
appropriate portion of the fee paid, consistent with
this paragraph, or issue a credit for such amount in
the event TEKsystems provides a replacement
Candidate. If the Candidate’s employment with
Client is terminated within thirty (30) calendar days
of Candidate’s first day of employment with Client,
TEKsystems will provide a 100% refund of the fee
amount. If Candidate’s employment with Client is
terminated after thirty (30) calendar days of
Candidate’s first day of employment with Client,
Client shall not be entitled to any other refund.
If Client’s account, after default, is referred to an
attorney or collection agency for collection, Client
shall pay all of TEKsystems’ expenses incurred in
such collection efforts including, but not limited to,
court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
At all times, Candidate shall be deemed an employee
of Client and at no time shall Candidate be deemed an
Employee of TEKsystems. Client acknowledges and
agrees to pay for payment of any and all employment
related taxes and any other costs, expenses and risks
normally associated with that of an employer.
TEKsystems shall not be liable for any claims, costs,
expenses, damages, obligations or losses arising from
or in connection with the acts or omission of any
Employee. Client shall indemnify TEKsystems and
hold it harmless against and from any such claims
made or brought.
Client understands and acknowledges that the
Services provided to Client by TEKsystems are done
so at great expense to TEKsystems. In consideration
thereof, Client agrees that all Candidates, resumes
and other information relating to Candidates
submitted to Client by TEKsystems are confidential
and for Client’s use only. Client further agrees that
TEKsystems is the exclusive representative of all
Candidates for whom resumes are submitted to Client
by TEKsystems, and Client agrees not to hire any
such Candidate, directly or indirectly, for a period of
one year after the receipt of such resume from
TEKsystems, except in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement. If any Candidate submitted to Client
by TEKsystems is hired, either directly or indirectly,
by Client within one year after receipt of Candidate’s
resume, Client agrees to pay to TEKsystems the
Client Initials_______
direct placement fee that would otherwise be payable
pursuant to this Agreement.
7.1 Governing Law: The laws of the State of
Maryland shall govern the validity and construction of
this Agreement and any dispute arising out of or
relating to this Agreement, without regard to the
principles of conflict of laws.
7.2 Severability: A ruling by any court that one or
more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect shall
not affect any other provision of this Agreement so
long as the economic or legal substance of the
transactions contemplated hereby is not affected in any
manner materially adverse to any party. Thereafter,
this Agreement shall be construed as if the invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable provision had been amended
so as to make this Agreement valid and enforceable as
originally contemplated by this Agreement to the
greatest extent possible.
7.3 Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed
simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original. In that event, in
providing this Agreement it shall not be necessary to
produce or account for the counterpart signed by the
party against whom the proof is being presented.
7.4 Headings: The section and subsection headings
have been included for convenience only, are not part
of this Agreement and shall not be taken as an
interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.
7.5 Binding Effect: This Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and
representatives and other legal representatives,
successors and permitted assigns. TEKsystems and
Client specifically acknowledge and agree that this
Agreement governs and applies to the relationship
between TEKsystems and the Client with respect to
the direct placement of Employees, and not to any
other relationship between the Client and any other
division, company, business unit, subsidiary or
affiliate of TEKsystems. This Agreement does not
supercede or otherwise affect any other Services
Agreements entered into by TEKsystems and Client.
Except as otherwise specifically provided, this
Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed
to confer upon or to give any person, other than the
parties hereto, any rights or remedies.
TEKsystems Direct Placement Agreement (Rev. 3/02)
7.6 Amendments And Modifications: This
Agreement, including Exhibit A hereto, may be
amended, waived, changed, modified or discharged
only by an agreement in writing signed on behalf of
all of the parties by the authorized representatives
executing this Agreement.
7.7 Entire Agreement: This Agreement and Exhibit
A hereto constitutes the entire agreement between the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and
there are no representations, warranties, covenants or
obligations except as set forth in this Agreement. This
Agreement supersedes all prior and contemporaneous
agreements, understandings, negotiations and
discussions, written or oral, of the parties, relating to
any transaction contemplated by this Agreement.
7.8 Waiver: Failure to insist upon strict compliance
with any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this
Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of that term,
covenant or condition or of any other term, covenant
or condition of this Agreement. Any waiver or
relinquishment of any right or power hereunder at any
one or more times shall not be deemed a waiver or
relinquishment of that right or power at any other
7.9 Remedies Cumulative: The remedies set forth in
this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to
any other remedies allowed at law or in equity. Resort
to one form of remedy shall not constitute a waiver of
alternate remedies.
7.10 Arbitration: All disputes, controversies or
differences arising in connection with the validity,
execution, performance, breach, non-renewal or
termination of this Agreement shall be finally settled
in an arbitration proceeding under the Rules of the
American Arbitration Association by three arbitrators
in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules
then in effect of the American Arbitration Association.
Selection of the arbitrators shall be as follows: each
party shall appoint one arbitrator within twenty (20)
days after the parties have agreed to go to arbitration,
and those two arbitrators shall appoint a third
arbitrator who shall act as chairman, within a twenty
(20) day period thereafter. If the parties fail to appoint
the chairman within said period, the parties will apply
to the American Arbitration Association for
appointment of the third arbitrator. The parties agree
to be bound by the findings of the arbitration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the courts shall have
jurisdiction over injunctive or provisional relief
pending arbitration. The arbitrators shall not be
empowered to award punitive damages to any party.
Client Initials_______
The non-prevailing party to the arbitration shall pay
all the prevailing party’s expenses of the arbitration,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs
and expenses incurred in connection with the
prosecution or defense of such arbitration.
7.11 Assignment: No party shall transfer or assign
any or all of its rights or interests under this
Agreement or delegate any of its obligations without
the prior written consent of the other party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, under seal, the day and year first above
TEKsystems, Inc.
TEKsystems Direct Placement Agreement (Rev. 3/02)
Client Initials_______
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Direct Placement Agreement (“Agreement”) dated August 14, 2015 by
and between TEKsystems, Inc. (“TEKsystems”) and Lakeshore Regional Partners (“Client”), Client agrees to
reimburse TEKsystems in full at the following approved rates:
Candidate’s Name
Annual Salary
Direct Placement
Scheduled Start
TEKsystems, Inc.
TEKsystems Direct Placement Agreement – Exhibit A (Rev. 3/02)