Mercy opens doors to new addition
Mercy opens doors to new addition
Lifeline A Mercy Hospital Publication - Spring 2015 Mercy opens doors to new addition Mercy began caring for patients in its new, state-of-the-art addition in January. Technologically advanced while creating a healing environment, the new addition enhances patient care, privacy and safety. Top: Mercy’s Emergency/Main entrance is now located on County Road 61. Middle: Barb Arnold, Receptionist, greets patients and visitors. Bottom: Waiting Room on second floor is designed with family comfort in mind. More photos on page 2 Patients are already feeling the difference. “We’ve already received comments from people who’ve been patients here before about how much more restful our new facility is,” said Mike Delfs, Mercy CEO. “That healing atmosphere is part of the patient-centered focus that has driven this entire building and renovation project.” The new addition features 25 private patient rooms, including new Birthing Center suites, all located on the second floor, away from public traffic. The new emergency department also features private treatment rooms and two trauma suites, a vast improvement over the old facility. The new radiology department and lab are now conveniently located near the Emergency Department. Comfortable waiting areas are designed with families in mind. With the completion of the new addition, the second phase of the project is now underway. Renovation of the existing hospital space, including remodeled spaces for rehab, chemo, sleep studies and cafeteria, will be completed late this summer. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held when the entire project is completed. new addition from page 1 Left: Spacious new lab features a dedicated waiting area and new blood draw rooms. Right: Porter James MacDonald, the first baby born in Mercy’s new Birthing Center, is pictured with his parents, Sarah and Darren MacDonald, and attending physician Dr. Chris Thiessen, Gateway Family Health Clinic. Far right: Bryan Hunter, CRNA, leads community members in a tour of Mercy’s new pre-op surgical area during the Open House held in December. Far right, below: Whitney Price, Radiologic Technologist, is pictured in the new CT room in Diagnostic Imaging Department. We’ve Moved Our Entrance! Our new addition is now open and so is our new location for our main entrance. Access Mercy’s new Emergency/Main Entrance from County Road 61. (Follow EMERGENCY signs.) Access Mercy’s Outpatient Entrance from Kenwood Avenue. Please call us at 218.485.4481 if you have any questions about which entrance to use. 2 Mercy is ‘stroke ready’ hospital The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has designated Mercy Hospital as an Acute Stroke Ready Hospital for a three-year period. The stroke-ready designation means that Mercy is equipped to evaluate, stabilize and provide emergency care to patients with acute stroke symptoms. For example, a stroke-ready hospital always has a stroke team available, has a CT scanner onsite and can administer life-saving medications. The stroke hospital designation process is the principal component of the Minnesota Stroke System. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in Minnesota, accounting for about 2,000 deaths annually according to the MDH. Minnesota hospitals treat more that 11,000 strokes each year. Nearly one in three Minnesota stroke victims first receive care at a small, rural hospital, highlighting the importance of smaller hospitals becoming designated stroke-ready. “A stroke is a brain emergency,” said Donita Korpela, RN, Mercy Director of Patient Services. “Time is crucial in stroke care and that’s why it is so important that Mercy is ready to deliver high-quality stroke care close to home.” It is also critical for community members to know how to spot a stroke fast and call 9-1-1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke by remembering F.A.S.T. Stroke is an Emergency Act FAST & CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY Face Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? Arms Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Speech Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is speech slurred/strange? Time If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately. Mercy to offer Child Passenger Safety Technician course A Child Passenger Safety (CPS) course leading to certification as a CPS technician will be offered at Mercy Hospital in May. The course is open to anyone interested in becoming technically competent to participate in or conduct child safety seat clinics. The Technician Course will be held May 6, 7 & 8. Technicians are eligible to perform Senior Checker duties at inspection events once certain requirements are met. For course fee information and/or to register online, go to http://cert. Mercy to offer free Child Passenger Safety Clinic on May 8 Come to Mercy Hospital’s free Child Passenger Safety Clinic to find out how to properly secure your children in the correct safety restraint. The free safety clinic will be offered: • Friday, May 8, 3 to 5 p.m., Moose Lake Firehall. • Call 218.485.5605 for appointment time. Staff specially trained and certified in Child Passenger Safety (CPS) will conduct the free Safety Clinic, making sure that the proper car seat or booster is being used based on the age, height and weight of the child and that the seat or booster is properly installed. In addition, there will be prize drawings, tours of an ambulance and fire truck, and refreshments. Everyone is welcome. For more information about Mercy’s Child Passenger Safety Clinic, please call 218-485-5605. 3 THE MERCY FOUNDATION M DONOR SPOTLIGHT Marie Danelski: The Habit of Giving arie Danelski made her first gift to The Mercy Foundation along with her two sisters in 2007, when they made a $1,500 gift in memory of their mother. In the years since, Marie has kept track of The Foundation’s other projects, contributing when the project inspired her and her finances allowed. You could say she sort of got into the habit. Last December, Marie found she was able to make a generous gift to The Mercy Foundation. She sent a check for $1,000 to be used for The Foundation’s commitment to buy new patient lift equipment. “When I saw they were raising money for new lifts, I wanted to help. They should have had those things a hundred years ago!” laughed the energetic retired nurse. Marie speaks from experience—her long nursing career started at Mercy in 1968 and continued until 1973 when she moved to a new position. Foundation Executive Director Cindy Carlson called Marie and asked if she’d consider allocating her gift for the Well Within Reach building fund instead. “Our Autumn gala was a huge success,” explained Carlson. “We covered our $16,000 commitment for that project through our event. What we really need the help with was—and is--our building fund campaign.” Marie was open to the switch. “I told Cindy to use the money where it’s needed most,” Marie said. “Once I knew those lifts were paid for, I was glad to know the money would be used for another true need. We’re lucky to have this new facility right here.” EAT, PLAY, RUN Watch for these spring Mercy Foundation Events! APRIL: EAT The Mercy Foundation will again host a Kettle River Pizza sale beginning April 6. Visit www.mercymooselake. org for details! Proceeds allocated to The Well Within Reach building fund. MAY: RUN The Mercy Foundation Moose Run is slated for Saturday, May 2. The Mercy Foundation is the major sponsor of this family-friendly event. Visit www. Marie received further information from The Mercy Foundation about its on-going Well Within Reach building fund campaign to raise $1-$1.5 million for Mercy’s new hospital wing and major renovation of its existing facility. Nearly $800,000 has been raised since the campaign kicked off in January 2013, but gifts have slowed in recent months. Marie learned that her year-end gift could be considered the initial gift of a five-year, $5,000 pledge to the building fund. In early March, she decided the arrangement will work well for her while providing The Mercy Foundation with crucial support for the building fund. “Our family history is all wrapped up in Mercy’s” Marie explained. “I worked there as a nurse for years, all four of our children were born there, my husband and I received care there, all four of our parents did, too. My son, Donn and two of my daughtersin-law have worked there. And this is just our immediate family!” Marie’s gift will be acknowledged with the naming of one of Mercy’s new Pre/Post Surgical rooms in the new wing. “My husband and I worked hard and saved our whole lives. It’s nice, now, to know that I can take care of my needs and still share some of that right here where I live, so that it helps our family, friends and neighbors.” If you’d like to get into the habit of giving, please call Cindy Timmons Carlson at the Foundation office on 218.485.5586 or for a printable registration form. Event proceeds are distributed to local non-profits by the Moose Run Committee. JUNE: PLAY The Mercy Foundation’s annual Golf Tournament is set for Friday, June 26. The 18-hole scramble style golf tournament sells out early. Registration begins mid-May. Proceeds allocated to The Well Within Reach building fund. Call 218.485.5586 or e-mail at ccarlson@ with questions or to volunteer. Memorials & Tributes The Mercy Foundation receives gifts from those who wish to honor the memory of their friends and family as well as those who wish to pay tribute to others or to celebrate happy occasions, great or small. Following is a list of tributes and memorials received by The Mercy Foundation between December 1, 2014, and February 28, 2015. TRIBUTES In honor of Jennifer Schatz, RN Extraordinaire Mr. Mel Nefstead MEMORIALS In memory of Cindy Agurkis Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin In memory of Dale Gregory Anderson Mr. Carl Anderson In memory of Marlen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin Mrs. Ann Rice Mr. & Mrs. Gary Skelton In memory of Phebe Benson Ms. Carol Agurkis In memory of Frenchie Carlson Mr. & Mrs. William Ackerson Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Carlson Mr. Mike Delfs Ms. Terri Vos Ellison Ms. Angela R. Gran Mr. & Mrs. Lance Korpela Ms. Trina J. Lower Ms. Vickey Langhorst-Milczark Ms. Judith Molis Ms. Nancy C. Oquist In memory of Betty Charboneau Ms. Carol Agurkis Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin Mrs. Susan Karkela In memory of Julie Evenson Mr. & Mrs. Doug Skelton In memory of Marion Folsted Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin In memory of Shirley Peterson Mrs. Phyllis M. Tan In memory of Art Forse Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Jamros Mr. & Mrs. Gary Skelton In memory of Grace Schjeldahl Mrs. Susan Karkela Ms. Ida Mohn The Northern Pine Riders Snowmobile Club In memory of Curt Frohrip Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Jamros Mr. & Mrs. Gary Peterson In memory of Brianne Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coughlin In memory of Lee Hattenberger Mr. Darrell Ruhland In memory of Grace & Ralph Schjeldahl Mr. & Mrs. Terry Peterson For the Well Within Reach Building Fund In memory of Susan M. Arnold Ms. Shelly Arnold In memory of Peter Jusczak Education Minnesota-Moose Lake Mrs. Nancy Forse Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jusczak In memory of Betty Charboneau Mr. Darrell Ruhland In memory of Kathi Criley Kathi, Donald & Marilyn Criley In memory of Dianne Keller Mr. & Mrs. Doug Skelton In memory of Ken Rice Mrs. Ann Rice In memory of Helen Kirch Mr. & Mrs. Denny Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Keith Carlson Mr. & Mrs. James Lehet Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Muller In memory of Rolph Lattu Mrs. Joyce Lattu In memory of Emma Silampa Mr. Richard Silampa NAME______________________________________________ PHONE __________________ DELIVERY ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________ I WISH TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING: n GIFT n PLEDGE n I’D LIKE TO DISCUSS PAYMENT OPTIONS, please call me. I’D LIKE MY GIFT TO BE LISTED AS n ANNUAL CAMPAIGN___________________ n WELL WITHIN REACH BUILDING FUND ______________________________________ n MEMORIAL ___________________________ n TRIBUTE______________________________ THE MERCY FOUNDATION 710 South Kenwood Avenue • Moose Lake, MN 55767 • 218.485.5586 • FAX 218.485.5855 Mercy Health Care Center Oakview joins Augustana Care Oakview Assisted Living and Memory Care in Moose Lake is now part of the Augustana Care family. Oakview was founded ten years ago by local physicians Dan and Sue Benzie. Since then it has grown to include three homes caring for up to 34 elders who need supportive living services. Oakview offers a range of services provided in three separate homes located together in one neighborhood. Each home offers ten private or semi private rooms surrounded by a central living and dining room. Services at Oakview include health and personal care ranging from basic supportive services to complex medical care. Memory care is another special Pictured left to right: Oakview Assisted Living founders Drs. Dan and Sue Benzie hand the keys to Steve Mork and Jay Pizinger of Augustana Care. service provided at Oakview. One of the three homes is dedicated to caring for those with memory loss conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. All staff in this special home have had training to help them better understand and care for those with memory loss. Drs. Dan and Sue Benzie stated that they feel a transition to Augustana is a good fit for the community, “Augustana is committed to quality About Augustana Care Augustana Care fosters fullness of life for older generations and others in need, while helping those we serve to live the life that most inspires them. The principles that guide our work include the following: to value older generations’ talents and experience; to provide the care residents need, when and where they need it; connect residents to the people and things that mean the most to them; and to support residents and families with spiritual care that speaks to who they are. Learn more about Augustana Care at www. In January of 2015, Augustana Mercy Health Care Center in Moose Lake received the highest possible overall rating of five stars from the Center for Medicare Services. The rating was awarded because the health care center’s National Nursing Home Composite Quality Measure is in the top 10 percent of the state. An overall five-star rating for each care community is based on star 6 care, good employee relations and will continue the service and mission of Oakview into the future.” Steve Mork, Administrator in Moose Lake for Augustana Care says that “Oakview has a quality reputation for assisted living services, compassionate caring staff and being an excellent community partner which are all consistent with our own operating values and philosophy.” Founded more than a century ago, the non-profit Augustana Care fosters fullness of life for older adults by providing housing, health care and community-based services—and helps people live the lives that most inspire them. Augustana Care also operates the Augustana Mercy Rehab and Care Center as well as Kenwood Assisted Living in Moose Lake. To schedule a visit or learn more about Oakview, please call Brenda Danielson at 218-485-8779. ratings for three separate categories, with one being the lowest and five being the highest: Health inspections—covering food preparation safety, infection control, medication management, residents’ rights and quality of life and more Nurse staffing—covering the amount of time residents receive from nursing staff daily, the average number of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and certified nurse aides and assistants and hours worked Quality measures—including issues related to pain and mobility, showing how well rehabilitation and skilled nursing providers care for residents’ physical and clinical needs More detailed information about the CMS rating system can be found at Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and Certification/ CertificationandComplianc/FSQRS.html. Lights of Love The Mercy Hospital & Augustana Mercy Auxiliary thanks everyone who contributed to Lights of Love. In Honor: Karl Schatz, Colleen Schatz DeAnn Schatz, Nathan & Alissa Leier Caroline Schatz Moises Langhorst, Matthew Milczark, Anthony McElveen Judy Langhorst William Bottila, Helen Bottila Kathy Nelson Great Grandma Shirley Tschida Adam, Julie, Rayna & Riata Klejeski Gurt Fredrickson Katherine Fredrickson Dear Tegland, Rita Tegland Steve & Diane Olson Bernard Katchmark, Tim Katchmark, Alan Dobosenski Jeanette Katcmark Oakley Johnson Mary Nelson Nancy Hanson, Shirley Peterson, David Olson Maryls Scmidt Grace Schjeldahl Terry & Dianne Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Gurka Mr. & Mrs. G. Turner Mr. & Mrs. S. Burress Donald Petersen Maxine Kiminski Mary Allen Ron & Patsy Parachar Sydney Timonen, Noah Timonen, Colton Timonen Sari Anderson Jill Shorosh, Julie Mahn, John Mahn Jane Morgan Sigfred Dahlberg, Grete Dahlberg Ray & Donna Arnold Harvey Olson, Thelma Olson Steve & Diane Olson Tauman & Leta Tegland Joseph & Barbara Shock Dean & Rita Tegland Victor Nelson Mary Nelson The Earl Johnson Family The Joe Kiminski Family Ray & Naomi Kiminski Runo Larson, Julia Larson Arnold & Loretta Larson Yvonne Young Kim Vestal G. Drewett Ross, Ella Ross Jim & Sharon Bocklund Donald Maltby Helen Maltby Florian Gresczyk, Tony & Lillian Cegla, Martha Cegla Arlene Gresczyk Earl Jernigan Marian Jernigan John Young, Sr., Harold Utech Helen Utech Shanon Young Mr. & Mrs. Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Stoj, Jack Turner Mary Stoj Tom Peterson, Alan Peterson Charles Denger Grayce Peterson Robert Adamczak, Rose & Chas Adamczak, Joseph & Kathryn Kosloski, Steve & Jill Adamczak Albena Adamczak Milton Kiminski, Leanord Katchmark, Bill Vinje Maxine Kiminski Kaleb Anderson Guy & LeeAnn Anderson Lillie Laine, Ferfie Landhorst Hunter Langhorst, Mary Bothwell Jennifer Schatz Henry Flasch, Elizabeth Drang, Flasch Family, Smith Family Bertha & Gerald Smith Dennis Genereau, Sr. Annabelle Genereau Michael Stone, Aaron Skafte Barb Stone Dorothy L. Kalm, Walter A. Kalm Karen & Ed Johnson, Kurt & Amy Kalm Shirley Tschida Renee Tschida John Karkela, Jenna Karkela, Holly Karkela, LouAnn Christensen, Mary Jo Fenstad Sue Karkela Donald Piette, Joseph Vincent Mary Piette Tracey Bordine, Doug Skelton Ron Peterson Chuck Chase Eleanor Chase Marian Jernigan Ardella Pingeon Gil & Candy Gamst Eino Lundin, Elna Lundin Dee & Greg Koivisto Darrell & Marcia Maltby Joy & Brian Fragodt Helen Maltby Jack & Charlie Davies Jimmie Dale Hopkins Harold & Marcia Bergstedt Joseph Kepler, Jr., Inga Kepler Beatrice Oachs, Thorul Oachs Johnny Zinter Bonnie Kepler Keith A. Carlson Andi Carlson Pat Schug Rita Menke Marion Folsted Kathryn Heavirland Ralph Schjeldahl, Jennie Michalson, Albert Anderson, Julia Anderson Grace Schjeldahl LeAnn & Jesse Fredrick & Family Shirley Thieling Val Hattenberger Cindy & Bob Filipiak Peter, Billie Jo, Emma, Ben & Joseph Steen Eleanor Steen In Memory: Reis Families, Schatz Families Lil Evensen Karl & Caroline Schatz Nancy Wyzgoski Trish Rodysill Bernice Gresczyk, Walter Drang Rosemaire Roszak Adrienne Prisk Mary Bush Joe Wojtysiak, Frances Erickson, Joe Wojtysiak, Jr., Bob Wojtysiak, Barb Misiewicz, Pat Chmielewski, Linda Olson, Bernice Gresczyk, Bette Drang, Helmi Maki Mary Sturgeleski Helen Simpson, Lowell & Connie Carlson, Harry Solheim Roger & Joan Thompson Edward Olsen Margarette Olsen Helen Olsen Murray Joan Olsen Riffle Florien Mikrot, Tony Mikrot Ray Mikrot Pat Mikrot Richard Tschida, Alfred Sullivan, Merlyn & Silas Severcid, Ella & Robert Miller, Michael & Mary Tschida, Olivia & Stanly Lainewski, Enard & Maynie Paulson, Ralph & Goldie Hammitt, Helen Sanda Shirley Tschida Danny Radzak Joy & Paul Radzak Harry & Eva Eckman, Clayton & Helen Harvey, Gary Mapes, Ethel Henderson Jim & Donna Eckman Lyle Koecher Evy Staberg Ray Jacobson, Ann Jacobson, Roy Carlson, Alvena Carlson, Robert Jacobson, Ramona O’Connell Shirley & Gordy Jacobson Tena Allison,Bob Allison, Lillian Helfman, Edward Helfman, Beulal Endress, Patricia Helfman, Beverly Loveless, Vincene Gardner, Any Taipale, Sheila Ward, Robert Pecina Tom & Mary Helfman Ed & Ellen Takkunen, Virgil Kuhlman, Gertie Maniak, Marie Milczark Bob & Linda Kuhlman Catherine Leach, George Leach, Eleanor Nagorski, Frank Nagorski George & Doris Leach Clarence Anderson, Wink Anderson Shari Anderson Bill Wesley Mary Wesley Donald Gates, Mike Francisco Paula Francisco Terry & Laurie Francisco Bob Postal, Mike Zipoy, Dorothy Rosemore, Emil Zipoy, Eileen Zipoy Kathy Postal Jeff Prachar, Hank & Lil Prachar, Tony & Anna Ketchmark, Rich Allen, Mary Lou Ketchmark, Gordie & Fran Abrahamson Ron & Patsy Prachar Walfred Gerda Forse, Wally Olson, Vernon Olson, Kenneth Olson Dawn & Ken Schatz Robert Storck, Albert Dietz, Vera Dietz, Joseph Mazzoni Bill & Romayne Storck Don Gamst Gil & Candy Gamst Warner W. Wagner Mary Wagner Susan Thompson Dean & Peggy Rosera Faye Nowak, John Nowak, Ruth Nowak Robert A. Nowak Sr. Dakota Thompson Roxanne Thompson Larry Thompson, Linda Wright LaVonne Thompson Steven Ronning, Jennifer Blezen, Mary & Roy Timonen, Rachal & Henry Gish, Ellen & Jolly Leppioja, Billy Thompson Ruth & Tracy Sylvester Harold B. Utech, Helen P. Utech, John M. Young, Sr. Robert & Linda Utech Gene Pince, Gregory Pince, Florence & William Mecl, Helen & Art Pince Doris Pince Clayton Hartman, Florine Hartman Kim Hartman Colleen Ruhland, Sue Arnold, Curt Frohrip Dianne Mandernach Leonard Schmidt Maryls Schmidt Vern Coil, Terry Coil, Tom Coil, Cecelia Keyport Cecelia Coil Enard Paulson, Margie Paulson, Louis Thieling Renee Tschida Mavis Juntunen, Ailie Sunnarborg Danae Lambert John DeRungs, Jerry DeRungs Margle Quick Jean DeRungs Louis Dahlmeier, David Waechter, Melissa Roeser Annette Dahlmeier Archie Eskuri, Ester Hovi Berg Eleanor Eskuri Harry Maniak, Gertie Maniak Dale & Cathy Herzog Francis & Alice Zweber, George & Florence Peterson, Llyod Watschke, Ralph Schjedahl Terry & Dianne Peterson Mary Troskey Willow River Community Club Milly Peterson, Kim Peterson, Gene Peterson Ron Peterson John Young, Sr. Mavis Heyn Phillip Dahlmeier, Curtis Dahlmeier Karen Dahlmeier, Lauri Dahlmeier Sam Regan, Roy & Alvena Ed & Sue Berdice, Carl & Eiffel Ohlin Nancy Forse Kermir & Irene Carlson, Cari Taipace, Diane Gilbey, Taylor Carlson Colleen Fetters Carlson, Eleanor & Alfred Herzog Pat & Leon Herzog Bill Jungers, Ellen Jungers, Art & Ada Johnson Joanne Jungers Rose Hermanson, Gene Hermanson Cindy & Bob Filipiak Linda Wright Tammie Carlson Ronald Mohelski, Leonard Mohelski Delores Mohelski Warren Steen Eleanor Steen Dorothy Thieling, Fred Thieling, Verna Thieling, Robin Langhorst Shirley Thieling Grace Kenyon Willow River Commerical Club Fredrick Lewis, George Pingeon Ardella Pingeon Joe Michalski, Martin Michalski Beverly Michalski Norma Kirk, Bud Kirk, Irene Nyrud, Bernice Ehmke, Lyle Ehmke, Norene Wasenius Rebecca & Byron Kuster Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nash, Robyn Spiess Kathryn Heavirland Mike Halberg, Curt Kari, Dick Olson, Bob Kroska Pat Halberg Alvin Horton, Roberta Horton LeeRay & Renee Horton Barbara Jurek Misiewicz, Lillian Ament Josephine & Henry Jurek Ralph Ohlgren, Jeanette Heesch Paul & Marlene Heesch William Bottila, Helen Bottila Ken Bottila Roy H. Carlson Andi Carlson Lee & Dorothy Anderson, Ed & Mae Bergstedt, Barb Villera Harold & Marcia Bergstedt Harvey Hennen, Vernal and Barb Peterson, William and Abby Hennen, Verna Watson, Dorothy Hilly Janice Hennen Winnie Poole Judy Blomquist Christine Nelson The Nelson Family 7 4572 County Road 61 Moose Lake, MN 55767 Caring for Our Communities, One Person at a time Urgent Care Monday-Friday: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Birthing Classes w April 14; 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. w July 18; 9 a.m. to 12 noon w October 13; 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Call 218.485.5572 to register Caring for Your Newborn w April 21; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. w July 21; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. w October 20; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call 218.485.5572 to register Breastfeeding Education Class w June 17; 6:30 to 8 p.m. w September 16; 6:30 to 8 p.m. Call 218.485.5572 to register Diabetes Education Program Moose Lake (Mercy): w April 7 & 21; July 7; October 13 w May 5 & 19; July 7; October 13 w June 2 & 16; September 15; December 8 Call 218.485.5836 to enroll. Hinckley (Gateway Clinic): Call 218.485.5836 to set up individualized sessions. Diabetes Wellness Group Meets the second Monday of every month; 2:30 p.m.; Conference Room, Mercy Wellness Center. w April 13 - Heart Health w May 11 - Healthy Teeth w June 8 - Driving Safely with Diabetes Grief Support Pre-registration is required: Call 218.485.5508. w Grief Support Group: Meets the fourth Thursday of every month; 10-11:30 a.m. or 7-8:30 p.m. w Child Loss Grief Support Group: Meets the first Thursday of each month; 7-8:30 p.m. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Community First Aid/CPR w May 21; 6 to 10 p.m. w September 17; 6 to 10 p.m. Call 218.485.5572 to register. Cost: $50. CPR for Health Care Providers w March 19; 6 to 10 p.m. Call 218.485.5572 to register. Cost: $60. Cancer Support Group For those with any type of cancer and their caregivers; meets the second Tuesday of every month; 6:30 p.m.; Community Room 1. Call 218.485.5599. Cardiac Rehabilitation - Phase II This monitored outpatient program for heart patients is offered on a continuous basis. Call 218.485.5696. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program An eight-week program of exercise, education, breathing retraining and nutritional counseling. Call 218.485.5677. LUNGS R US - A Better Breathers Club Meets third Wednesday of month; 2 p.m. Call 218.485.5677. Exercise Classes at the Mercy Wellness Center Check our website for class descriptions and schedules. To register for an exercise class, call 218.485.5557. Evening Digital Mammography Screenings Call 218.485.5578 to schedule an appointment. Alzheimer’s Group for Family Caregivers Meets third Thursday of month; 10 a.m.; Hope Lutheran Church. Sponsored by Carlton County Public Health. Call 218.485.4481 for more information
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