Sew New! - Quilters by the Sea
Sew New! - Quilters by the Sea
Page 1 Quilters by the Sea s quilter a e S e h By T April 2006 Volume XIV, Issue 7 Sew New! . THE BEST LITTLE QUILT SHOW IN TOWN This is the title of Lyn Mann's, our guest speaker, lecture on April 13, 2006. Her career began in the early 1980's when Lyn took dozens of quilting classes. After she had mastered a variety of techniques she began experimenting with her own designs and then the local quilt shops began asking her to teach. She discovered she really enjoyed the one-on-one teaching approach and over the years has taught thousands of quilt students. In 1998, Lyn was the featured artist for the Christmas exhibit at the LA Corner Quilt Museum in LA Corner Washington. Over the years her quilts have been featured in numerous books and magazines. Quilter's Newsletter has featured her "Slick Trick" article twice a year and they say it is one of their most popular features. A Simply Quilts film crew visited Lyn's house and filmed a class on "No Such Thing As An Ugly Fabric" and it aired on January 2002 #743. The response to his one program was overwhelming. Besides teaching throughout the western U.S., Lyn has taught at "Road To California", "Quilt Utah", "Tahoe Paradise", "Camp Watch-A-Patcher and "Quilting In The Pines" quilt conferences. Lyn has also taught on a quilting cruise from the Canary Island to Barbados and will be teaching on a cruise to Ensenada sponsored by Leah's Fabric Gallery. Marilyn Pond Inside this Issue Advertising Fees 8 Board of Directors 2 Calendar 11 Community relations 9 Intraguild 5 Library 5 Membership 10 Newsletterr 8 Opportunity Quilt ’06 7 Opportunity Quilt ’07 9 Places to Go 8 President’s Corner 3 Programs 7 Show & Tell 6 Special events Sunshine & Shadows Website! 11 7 10 Volume XIV, Issue 7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITIONS - ELECTED President Robin Gallagher VP. Programs Marilyn Pond V.P. Workshops Susan Contreras Treasurer Pat Barton Secretary Pam Osorio Auditor Kay Zellmer Membership Paula Dudek Joanie Wolf Special Events Terry Ayala Darlene Fong Quilt Show (2007) Kasey Egelus The Sewing & Vacuum Ctr. Sales Service Classes Accessories Authorized Dealer for JANOME Sewing, Embroidery & Quilting machines Free Instructions with purchase 5528 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood CA 90713 562-425-2004 Bare Foot Quilters Long Arm Machine Quilting 562/355-0529 Proprietor: Rebecca Knight Offering professional machine quilting in variety of thread colors. Batting available by the yard. Basting available for hand quilters Remember, it is not a quilt until it’s quilted! POSITIONS - APPOINTED Intraguild Connie Higgins Community Relations Randy Miller Parliamentarian Sonia Das Lee Waranius Librarian Caroline Finley Newsletter Sheryl Stahl Evelyn Matzat SCCQG Reps. Sonia Das Margo Taub STANDING COMMITTIES Bee Keeper Betsy Morgon Equipment Sue Salinger Guild Basket Open Hospitality Susan MacVicar Pat Adair Greeters Ray Vargas Stephanie Romesburg Historian Tricia Savage Publicity Cyndi Beaver Show & Tell Jana Rogers Opportunity Quilt ‘06 YoYo Sisterh’d Friendship grp Opportunity Quilt ‘07 Robin Gallagher, Marilyn Pond, Cathe Hagerman-Beizer President's Gift Kasey Egelus GENERAL MEETINGS are held the 2nd THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Doors open at 6:15 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm First Baptist Church of Lakewood; 5336 E. Arbor Road Long Beach, CA BOARD MEETINGS are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm, at the same location, unless otherwise stated in the newsletter. Direct correspondence to: QBS PO Box 7613 Long Beach CA 90807-0613 This guild is organized for educational and charitable purposes. Its objective is to further quilting excellence through education and travel, and to promote quilting in a philanthropic manner. This corporation does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to members thereof and is organized for nonprofit purposes. Annual dues are $25.00 and shall be payable at or before the January general meeting. Membership shall be prorated if paid at or after the July general meeting and shall be half the full annual dues. Visitors may attend any meeting by paying $3.00 per meeting. Page 3 Quilters by the Sea President’s Corner—Robin Gallagher “Making a Difference through Quilting” Can you feel it? Spring is in the air. I’m sure I’m not the only one happy to see winter leave and spring arrive. The spring colors are so inspiring as I start selecting fabrics for new projects (as if I don’t have enough UFO’s). Speaking of spring, it is that time of year for each of us to look around our sewing area for items that can be donated to Special Events and the upcoming auction at the May guild birthday party. We all have so much fun bidding against each other. Look for more information available elsewhere in the newsletter and at the next general meeting. The by-laws committee met and worked on updating our by-laws. It was a lot of detail work but we we’re rewarded by some home cooked Indian food, thanks to Sonia Das. The recommendations will be presented to the QBS Board and then to the general membership. After a review, the membership will be asked to vote on the changes. This should happen within the next few months. Thank you to everyone that participated. Once again we had a wonderful workshop. Lyn Brown is always so much fun. I had a great time building my beach condo and will hopefully finish it enough to bring for Show and Tell. Speaking of Show and Tell, a special thank you goes out to Jana Rodgers for taking on this responsibility. I just received an email today commenting on how enjoyable and inspiring it is to get to see what everyone is working on. So please, remember to bring your projects so the rest of us can share in your accomplishments. Quilty hugs to you all! See you April 13th. Robin President’s Mission Statement To encourage a friendly, relaxed atmosphere that promotes member participation in meetings, workshops and philanthropic activities which result in “Making a Difference through Quilting”. Volume XIV, Issue 7 Page 5 Quilters by the Sea Intraguild—Connie Higgins Sew-So-Late (Saturdays, 5:00 pm-???) These are Saturday evenings at which we gather for uninterrupted sewing, fun, fellowship and to glean technical advice, if needed, from other quilters. The evenings begin at 5:00 pm and go until…. We also bring a dish to share - potluck style. When you are there, be sure to express your thanks to the stores for allowing us to use their facilities. !st Saturday at SVC, The Sewing and Vacuum Center, 5528 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood, CA (562) 425-2004 (SE corner of Del Amo and Bellflower) 3rd Saturday at Bunney Hutch Quilt ’N Sew 4478 Cerritos Ave Los Alamitos, CA (714) 226-9647 4th Saturday at Sew Vac Ltd 1762 Clark Ave. Long Beach, CA (562) 498-6684 Raffles We will be raffling the Jim Shore SPRING ANGEL at the April Meeting. This is a beautiful piece and as many of you know at quilt shops and shows she sell for $35-50. Tickets for the Spring Angel will be 2 for $1.00. THANK YOU to our many benefactors for their generous donations, making it possible to have our monthly raffle with minimal expense. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets and helped in the support of our guild. All funds from the raffles go into the general fund. Cherry Challenge - Due next month at our Birthday party. Fat Quarters are still available for the Cherry CHALLENGE! At retreat, everyone received a fat quarter of “Life’s Just a Bowl of Cherries” fabric with instructions for a challenge to be due in May. At our birthday party, all attending will vote on their favorite entry and prizes will be awarded. We have opened this CHALLENGE to all guild members. Fat Quarters and instructions will be available for a nominal fee of 50¢ at the Intraguild table. Secret Pals - Pam Cannell, Coordinator Don’t forget your Secret Pal gifts. If you have forgotten your gift, please see Pam Cannell and she will be able to provide you with a note card to leave in it’s place. Guild Basket - Pat Loya This is the place to get your QBS logo items. Come by and check out what we have. We still have luggage carts available for $15. These are industrial carts/hand trucks with 6” rubber tires, maneuvers up and down curbs and stairs easily, has larger platform, folds to a compact size for storage and comes complete with securing cord. Great for transporting your sewing machine. Would retail for $40-$50 ---- now $15.00. Volume XIV, Issue 7 Show & Tell (a.k.a. Shown&Told) Thanks again to everyone who participated in Show and Tell. We just love to see your projects. Your work inspires us all. We are experimenting with adding pictures to the newsletter and hope you will bear with our early efforts. (Unfortunately some of the pictures taken this time did not come out.) Please sign in on the clipboard which is located near the check-in table before and after the meeting....or at the side table during Show and Tell. Your written comments help us keep everything straight. On future forms, we will leave more room so you can tell us more!! Sally McKibben calls her unique wall hanging "Faces of Courage." This interesting, difficult piece was made for a competition and features thread embroidery. Karen Binkley showed a beautiful cardinal and gold Christmas Tree Skirt that she made in USC colors for her son. Sheryl Stahl calls her quilt "Crystal roses" and told us she thought this gorgeous, king size quilt would "never end." It was quilted by Dean Lund and she got her inspiration from a wall hanging in Quilters Newsletter Magazine. Robin Gallagher showed a lovely quilt in purple batiks which she calls "East meets West." Dean Lund showed a very moving memory quilt. It was made from the t-shirts of a young tennis player who was killed on his 21st birthday. Linda Fowler displayed a beautiful floral Community Relations quilt and reported she had learned to make the block from the QBS workshop last month. William Johnson showed a spiral pieced Christmas tree skirt which he has titled "My First Quilt." He reported that he made this difficult looking creation after only 6 weeks of beginning lessons at Bears Quilt Shop! His teacher is Vivs. Martha Diaz displayed a quilt she made for her grandson entitled "College Life". He is a Jr at UC Santa Cruz. She used "pieces of everything he likes" in this creative piece. Patty Winters showed a cute "Scotty Quilt" which she made for Community Relations. Vivs Laliberte displayed the smallest, most intricate block imaginable. It is a Dear Jane Block and is 4 1/2 inches square. It it contains 42 pieces which he sewed together with 1/8" seams. Sandy Vasquez showed her beautiful, heavy flannel quilt made from a book called "Strips and Strings." The blocks were made from tubes and the quilt shows lots of back art. Jana Rogers displayed "Fiesta" which she started in a QBS workshop by Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli. The pinatas were made by using the tri-recs tool. Jana learned that when piecing a strip to be cut with a template, it is wise to cut the outermost pieces extra wide. Katherine Gaines showed her gorgeous quilt called "Hot Cha Cha." She purchased the vibrant fabric from a Guatemalan quilter named Priscilla Bianchi. Pat Blank displayed an adorable wall hanging called "Flowers for my Door." She got the inspiration from a piece in the Fons and Porter magazine. Lori Schock calls her uplifting quilt "Soaring." The block is attic windows and was inspired by a strip of hot air balloon fabric which was given to her. Lynne Miller, Jeri Wilson, Renata Wilson and Jana Rogers showed quilts they made for the Linus Project at the February meeting. The fabric and rail fence pattern were provided by Bunney Hutch. This item was inadvertently omitted from the March Newsletter. [editors’ note: We’re still working out the technical details of adding pictures—we hope to have more and better pictures next month!] Page 7 Quilters by the Sea Sunshine & Shadows Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rita whose husband died suddenly this past month. Congratulations to Stephanie Romesburg who is a new Grandma this month! Our best thoughts for a speedy recovery go out to Jan’s husband who is having surgery. April Birthdays April 7 - Daniel Johnson, Linda Jones April 11 - Ruth Cox, Wendy Dillon, Robin Gallagher April 14 - Kay Zellmer April 18 - Terry Gutierrez April 23 - Lerae Lane April 26 - Ricky Bragg April 27 - Patty Winters April 28 - Carol Davis UpcomingPrograms May 11, 2006 Quilters by the Sea Celebrates its Birthday June 2006 Nancy Ota "Trunk Show" 2006 Opportunity Quilt Thanks to those of you who stopped by to pick up your ticket packets. I still have a lot of packets left, so please, stop by and get your packet. I apologize for the snafu over the pictures. They will be at the April meeting so be sure to stop by and get your copy. Also, there will be a sign-up sheet for those that would like to take the quilt to another guild meeting and sell tickets, or take the quilt to a quilt show. We only ask you to help out selling tickets for an hour or two. Remember, for every twenty tickets you sell, you get a ticket with your name on it put in. You also get a ticket for the drawing of the workers incentive quilt. Any questions, stop by the back table and ask me, or give me a call at (d) 323-586-6464 or (e) 562404-3976 Volume XIV, Issue 7 Places to Go Newsletter DEADLINE IS THE MONDAY AFTER THE GENERAL MEETING. CLASSIFIED ADS (space permitting) Member classified ad Non-member classified add N/C $2.00 ADVERTISING FEES If you would like to run an ad for your quilt/sewing related business, prices are as follows: Annual Rate 3 Month Rate $40.00—Business-Card Size $80.00—Quarter Page $12.00—Business-Card Size $22.00—Quarter Page Please support the advertisers in the QBS newsletter and when you visit them please mention where you saw their ad. April 15 SCCQG Meeting, hosted Cottonpatch Quilt Guild in Bakersfield. Topic: TBD April 22-23 African American Quilters of Los Angeles, 20th Anniversary Quilt Show, “The Look and Feel of Tradition – from Raw Cotton to Quilts”. Featuring a display of award winning quilts by children. Carson Community Center, 3 Civic Plaza Drive, Carson, Ca . Saturday 10 – 4, Sunday 10:30 to 4:30. For more info call (310) 538-4229. April 29-30 Camarillo Quilters Association is having their Quilt Show . Check for more details. Most entries are taken from the SCCQG website. Address changes. Please give all email or snail mail address changes to the membership chairs. Library News Caroline Finley Please check your shelves to see if there are some visiting library books. Remember they are not friends of the gnome. The books need to come home to the library shelf. Thank you Page 9 Quilters by the Sea Opportunity Quilt 2007 Many thanks again to all those members who have turned in their blocks so far! If you haven't seen what we're doing or picked out a block to make and contribute, it's not too late! Please stop by our table (next to the check-in and membership table) and browse through the patterns we have left. There are still many applique patterns to choose from, and a few pieced designs. Block kits are free and contain instructions and the background fabric (Kona Black). We also have some color swatches of batiks and other brights that you are welcome to choose from and use, or you can work with something from your stash. Please do not sign your block(s) anywhere on the front or back. When your block is completed, (6 ½ inches square with ¼ inch seam allowances included) please bring it to the next meeting. We have a display board for the them and our deadline for completion of all the blocks is the June 8th Guild meeting. Your block could be here! Community Relations Thank you everyone who donated quilts, and to those who came to our workshop at the Bunney Hutch. We received seven quilts in March. Also, thank you for participating in our fabric sale. We raised a total of $223.00, which was given to the guild treasurer for the general fund. We will not be having a Community Relations meeting in April because of Easter. In May our meeting will be at the Bunney Hutch on May 14. We will be making Winning Hand quilts from the Quilt in a Day book. We have a large box of pre-cut fabric and also fabric for the quilt backs. So keep the day in mind and bring your book if you have one. We will be sewing and making kits. There will be kits at the Community Relations table in April. Don’t forget to get your “blocks” and sign them for our quilt! Volume XIV, Issue 7 Electronic News! Announcing QBS’s own Group Email Account We are happy to announce that a group email account as been established for Quilters by the Sea. This email group is restricted to QBS member only and can be used to communicate with other QBS members. Messages should be related to topics of general interest to QBS members and should be guild or quilt related. This will be a great place to share ideas, photos or to ask questions. Our guild is very fortunate to have quilters of all levels of expertise. Don’t be shy, sign up, and introduce yourself to the list. This is a great way for us all to get to know each other better. To join, simply send a message to or go to and search on Quilters by the Sea. Once your message has been received, one of the moderators will approve your subscription and you’ll be all set. We hope to get as many participants as possible to use this great tool and resource. Your moderators: Cat Harris, Darlene Fong, Robin Gallagher QBS website: If you haven’t had a chance to visit our website yet, you’re really missing something. The website is set up to provide members as well as others with up-to-date information about our guild. Membership There were 109 people at the March meeting: 99 members, 7 new members & 3 guests. Welcome to our new members: Alexandra Baldwin, Valarie Boyer, Leslie Kern, Lorrie Lou LeCou, Rosalie Lucey, Carollynn Machado, Diane Maxwell Birthday listings are in the Sunshine and Shadows section Reminder: If it’s your Birthday Month, we ask that you bring a snack to share at the Guild Meeting. If we missed your birthday, please notify the Membership chair people and accept our apologies. Page 11 Quilters by the Sea 2007 Quilt Show Special Programs Kasey Egelus Our quilt show in 2007 will be held on April 28th and 29th in the Nordic Center on the Long Beach Community College campus. We need a name/theme for our show, so between now and the April meeting think of a name. If you can't get to the meeting, give the name to a friend to bring, or give me a call. We will hold our first quilt show meeting on the first Thursday in May at the Bunney Hutch between 6pm and 8 pm. If you are interested at all in helping with the show, please come to this meeting. We need people to volunteer for publicity, vendors, set-up, take-down, boutique, quilt auction, treasurer, cataloging quilts, picture taking, decorating, tombstones, and much, much more. It really is fun putting on a quilt show. It's a great way to meet and become friends with other members. It's a fun learning experience. It's a way for us to toot our own horn and say, “Look at QBS and all the wonderful and creative quilts that our members have made!” It's a great way for all of us to share what we have a love and passion for with the community. Any questions at all, see me at the guild meeting or give me a call at (wk) 323-586-6464 or (hm) 562-404-3976 Regrettably we were not able to have our bus trip to the Glendale Quilt show, but those who did make it on their own enjoyed themselves with the 50+ vendors and 200+ quilts displayed. Our next event is our famous Red Hen Auction & Sale which will be held at our May 11th Anniversary meeting. If you were there last year, you know how fun it was and what a good way to pick-up projects & craft items at a good price. We are asking our members to go through your closets & drawers for items such as UFOs, quilts and anything else that is quilt-related that you no longer have a need for. Just think of all the "SPACE" that you can make for those NEW projects. We will be accepting donations at our April QBS meeting, as well as signing up volunteers to help us organize the items before the May meeting. This is a BIG fundraiser for us and we need everyone's help to make it fun & successful like last year. We are still looking into possibility of the Long Beach Theatre Fundraiser in September. Information on this project will be provided after our Red Hen Auction & Sale. Happy Easter!.which came first - the rabbit or the RED HEN AUCTION? April 2006 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Sew-So-late 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 General meeting 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Board meeting 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Workshp Sew-So-late Sew-So-late Quilters By The Volume XIV, IssueSea 7 PO Box 7613 Long Beach, CA 90807-0613 in g rin on b : der ucti n i A m e n e R dH s! e m R it e Did you Remember to. . . 1) Come early—visit 2) Sign-in 3) Wear your name badge 4) Bring a friend 5) Bring change for the raffle 6) Bring your project from previous workshops 7) Bring goodies if it is your birthday month 8) Pack your Show and Tell items 9) Wrap your Secret Pal gifts 10) Make a new friend. Introduce yourself to one of our many new members and guests 11) Use your own coffee cup HAVE FUN!! General Guild Meeting Thurs. April 13, 2006 First Baptist Church of Lakewood Doors open 6:15 pm Guild workshop Sat. April 15, 2006 First Baptist Church of Lakewood 9:00 am—4:00 pm Board Meeting Thurs. April 20, 2006 First Baptist Church of Lakewood