Agenda, Council, September 2015
Agenda, Council, September 2015
Measham Parish Council Dawn Roach (Clerk) Measham Leisure Centre Off High Street Measham Derbyshire DE12 7HR Phone: 01530 589583 Twitter: MeashamPC 04/09/2015 I hereby give notice that a meeting of Measham Parish Council will be held at The Boardroom, Bosworth Road, Road on Thursday 10th September 2015 at 7.00pm in the evening. All members of the Council are hereb herebyy summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. Agenda 1. Public Question and Answer Session (15 minutes maximum). 2. Apologies Members are reminded that apologies and reason for absence for this meeting must be given to the Clerk at the earliest convenience. 3. Police Matters To consider any matters that may be raised by the Police and members and to update on previous issues raised and crim crimes reported by the Parish Council. 4. Declarations of Interests To receive any disclosable pecuniary an and d non pecuniary interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If an interest becomes apparent to a member during the course of a meeting that has not been disclosed under this item, the member must immediately disclose it. Members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is pecuniary. pecuniary 5. Confirm Minutes To approve and adopt the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 13th August 2015. 6. Parish Clerk Report (for for information only only). 7. Ward Members Report (for information only). 8. Report from Groups and Working Parties To receive updates from groups and working parties (for information only) including: 9. 10. (a) Dog Fouling and Dog Watch (b) Community Speed Watch Financial Matters (a) Invoices To authorise the invoices for the previous month. (b) Financial summary – for info. (c) Bank reconciliation – for info. (d) Severn Trent Direct Debit - agreement to set up (e) Skate Park Insurance - To consider options for possible damage to the facility Planning Matters Decisions Made by NWLDC New residential development comprising five no 3 bedroom, five person dwellings and demolition of existing building. 7 High St, Measham. Outline Planning Permission Applications for Discussion (A) Demolition of existing security cabin and erection of new security cabin, vehicle preparations building, two vehicle inspection canopies and associated infrastructure. British Car Auctions, Tamworth Road, Measham. Please note that applications can be viewed online at or in the Parish Office. 11. 2 Correspondence 1. Watchword – Issue 30 2. Watchword – Issue 31 3. Watchword – Issue 32 4. RCC Bulletin – August 10th 5. RCC Bulletin – August 24th 6. Clerks & Councils Direct – September Issue 7. Watchword - Issue 33 8. Came & Co - Council Matters 9. Letter of thanks for donation from Little Fishes Parents & Baby Group 12. Speed Sign Location To receive statistics from recent site and decide next location for the sign. 13. Bus Service To Tamworth (MW) 14. Website Upgrade Options To consider website options from 2016 onwards. 15. Chapel Street Corner Parking To update on continuing issues. 16. Land at Sandhills and Abney Corner To update on the land adoption process. 17. Measham Skate Park To discuss the official opening 26th September. 18. Mary's Corner Noticeboard To complete the LCC licence to site the new board. 19. Current Consultations - Please read prior to meeting. Joint Charter between NWLDC and the Town and Parish Councils, closes 2nd October. 20. Councillor Co-option To consider co-option applications. 21. Pot Kiln To update on Pot Kiln lease. 22. New Street Land Encroachment To update on the issue. 23. Date of Next Meeting Thursday 8th October 2015. Dawn Roach Parish Clerk 3