THIS MONTH: 4 June—Lake Hefner Spring Cleanup 6 June


THIS MONTH: 4 June—Lake Hefner Spring Cleanup 6 June
Volume 48, Issue 6, A Unit of the United States Power Squadrons ® June 2016
National - District 21 - OKC -
2016 Bridge
Cdr Steve Bryant, JN
Executive Officer
Lt/C Ron Huff, P
Administrative Officer
P/C Dave McGhee, SN
Educational Officer
P/C Bob Hlubin, JN
Lt/C Marilyn Goss, P
4 June—Lake Hefner Spring Cleanup
Had a great time. See report following Meeting Minutes.
6 June—Members Business Meeting
Our monthly meeting was held on Monday, 6 June 2016 at 7:00 PM at Crown Heights
Christian Church at 4020 N Western.
25 June—Thunderbird Picnic and Boat Ride
The Have Yacht Will Travel (HYWT) boat club will host the OKCPS Squadron for an informal
evening at Lake Thunderbird Saturday, 25 June 2016 beginning at 6:00 PM. See details on
Page 3. Please RSVP ASAP so we will have adequate provisions, and a way to let you know
if this event is postponed due to weather.
P/C Danny Goss, JN
Marilyn Goss, P
Public Relations
Lt Mike Ellis, AP
P/C Pete Zurhorst, AP
No Business Meeting or Dinghy Painter in July
28 July—Members Birthday Dinner
We will meet to celebrate members’ summer birthdays on Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 6:00 PM at
Cattlemen’s Steakhouse at 1309 S Agnew. RSVP to Marilyn by 25 July so we’ll know you’re
coming, 376-0678.
Vessel Safety Ck Officer
P/C Laurie Hestand, P
Social Chair
Lt Mary Wilkerson, S
Newsletter Editor
Lt Peggy Anglin, P
8 August—Members Business Meeting
Our monthly meeting will be held on Monday, 8 August 2016 at 7:00 PM at Crown Heights
Christian Church at 4020 N Western.
21 August—Ice Cream Social
On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 5:00 PM we will meet at Lt Peggy Anglin’s home for ice cream,
fixin’s and fun. Bring your favorite ice cream, homemade or not, or anything you think we’d
enjoy having with it. The club will provide water, soda and tea. If the temperature cooperates
we might even have a bocce ball tournament. We’ll be at 2700 NW 56th Street; directions will
be provided in the August Dinghy Painter.
28 August—OETA Festival, Lunch and
(September) Members Business Meeting
Mark your calendar. Details will be provided in the August Dinghy Painter.
Page 1
JUNE 2016
Several were missed at Lake Texoma this past weekend . . . not to worry though, we will gather
again! And you will be ones to help make it even better. The Squadron is doing well as we begin
the process of nestling into our new District home. More on that later.
The politics which support any successful corporation can be a threat to most people. It can
be enormously discouraging, painful and even a thankless endeavor that can crush the spirit of a
lesser man. So, it is to Mike Ellis that I say: “Onward Through the Fog; Keep on Keeping on and
thank you for your continued vigil and persistent pursuit for the opportunity promote the
Oklahoma City Sail and Power Squadron through The Oklahoman!”
Mike has made several new contacts at The Oklahoman. He has gained their confidence and is working with them in the
writing articles and the gathering of stories and photos worthy of print. We hope that the publicity afforded through the
newspaper will increase our membership.
Mike garnered great publicity for our Open House at the Crown Heights Christian Church on Thursday, 2 June. There
was a very nice announcement on the front page of one of the Sections of the Daily Oklahoman on Sunday, 29 May, as
well as some radio and tv mention. We are very grateful for his networking skills.
Camaraderie and Competency through shared Experiences and Education
Cdr Steve E. Bryant, JN
Legislation Report
HB 1714, BUI with penalties impacting driver’s license. There was action this year; this "Died In Conference."
HB 1144, Consolidated boat, motor, trailer registration. Did not pass.
SB 241, Optional kayaks and canoe registration. Did not pass.
SB 1043 and SB 878, Regional water planning. Did not pass.
SB 1219, Water planning, focused aquifers. Passed and signed by the Governor.
SB 255, SB 354, and SB 760, Water Planning. Did not pass.
Note that HB3208, which was introduced on 11 May 2016 and was passed and sent to the Governor on 25 May 2016,
will make it a little more expensive to get to the lake. This bill mandates redesign and re-issuance of motor vehicle
license tags, including fees for re-registration, license plate re-issuance, and retention of current license plate number.
P/C Dave McGhee, SN
Page 2
My View From the Boat Ramp
The boat ramp is the beginning and the end of an adventure, whether it be fishing, wakeboarding, tubing, or just a
pleasant cruise. Most times it is a pleasant adventure, sometimes not. To me it is more than this. It is a source of
Why is it that people at Walmart walk away from their car and then decide to lock it by blowing their horn just as I walk
by their car? And then hit the button three more times to be sure it’s locked. Then they come back out and have to hit
the panic button to find it. It is very difficult to find your car now that we don’t have those long wire antennas to hang a
little smiley face ball on.
As you know I am very observant of my surroundings and I am always eager to share those observations with you.
Recently I have noticed quite a few of those little two-seater sports cars running around town with their top down. A
sure sign of spring? I also notice that most of them are driven by bald men with no hair. Did they lose their hair
because of the wind force generated by the turbulent air, or maybe did the sun burn it off?
Can you imagine a 45-year-old adult man taking an eight-year-old granddaughter for a ride on his personal watercraft
without either of them wearing a floatation device? It happened Memorial Day weekend at Lake Eufaula. The
watercraft overturned (surprise), the child was rescued, the adult (?) drowned. I wonder why they call them life jackets.
This fellow I know took his boat out again. This time he was very careful to check all his gear before going out. Three
fishing poles, checked! Drinks, snacks, sun tan lotion, checked! Crank bait, live bait, cut bait, and stink bait, checked!
No need to check the location of the one-wheeled trailer dolly. Got to the lake, undid the tie downs. Put the……Forgot
the life jackets. Got back in the truck and drove to Academy Sports to buy a life jacket. Good luck, Academy had life
jackets on sale for Mother’s Day for $9.95. Throwable life preservers were about three times that. Got back to the lake,
backed the trailer into the water. Forgot to loosen the winch strap. Pulled back out and relaunched. By this time the
wind had picked up and created large waves. Too rough for a small boat. He decided to quit. Trying to secure to a
floating dock with large waves is no fun. Every time the dock was approached, a large wave would either push the boat
toward it or lift the dock too high and the boat had to be slammed into reverse to avoid a collision. It wasn’t realized until
later that each time the boat was backed off into reverse it took on a lot of water. This made the
boat rather difficult to winch onto the trailer and when the plug was pulled the water drained for
what seemed like a long time.
Hey! I finished the course and got my JN. That ought to be good for something.
A good leader knows to, praise in public, criticize in private.
----Vince Lombardi
P/C Bob Hlubin, AP
25 June—Thunderbird Picnic and Boat Ride
The Have Yacht Will Travel (HYWT) boat club invites the OKCPS Squadron to attend an impromptu evening at Lake
Thunderbird on Saturday, 25 June 2016 beginning at 6:00 PM. HYWT will provide a dinner of pulled pork sandwiches,
and soft drinks including tea will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share.
The Little River Marina will be the center of land-based activities. We will have several power boats and the “The
Compass Rose” under sail for evening cruises. Feel free to bring your own boat if you like.
To get there, follow Alameda Drive east from Norman until you reach the lake. Look for HYWT signs that will direct you
(left) to a hilltop pavilion where we will have dinner. The boats will be tied up at the marina at ready for intrepid seamen
(seapersons?) to board. Should weather interfere with these plans, HYWT will advise those who RSVP that the event
has been postponed.
For more info, please contact Lt/C Mike Ellis, AP (799-7004), P/C Doug Tharnish AP (324-0999) or Troy Ogden S
(324-6833). Please RSVP ASAP so we will have adequate provisions, and a way to let you know if this event is
postponed due to weather.
Page 3
Lake Texoma
Or the misadventures of Som-Itch
This weekend was a glorious, fun-filled adventure. There was the meeting that started the social events at the lake,
followed by food and friendship. The next day were more social events with boat rides and seeing the beautiful lake.
The water was 70 degrees, a bit unclear from the recent rains and the water level was just a fraction above normal. I
believe that anyone that went out for the weekend had a great time. One important thing was that we all arrived
safely both at the lake and back to our homes.
I want to thank the team of Laurie and Dana for there successful rescue of Som-Itch. Now to begin this story I must
first say that my boat was running at its best the day before, making good speed and holding its own. The crew was
also impressed with the agility and response of the vessel.
The day of the sight-seeing adventure followed by a cool dip in the water by some individuals started out with a slight
hitch when Pocket Rocket was having trouble coming up to power. It was towed to shore where a quick study of the
problem found a remedy and power was restored, so off to the races it was to Pelicans Landing at Cedar Mills where
we gathered just outside the “No Wake” zone for Saturdays frolics. We waited for boats to gather so we could all
travel safely to Buncombe Creek. I was running on empty from my primary tank but had plenty of fuel in the
secondary tank and did not think a thing about it. As we all know, that is when things go awry.
We traveled to Buncombe Creek and went up into the creek quite a way to tie up or take a short swim. I think Chris
was first into the water followed by myself and then a teasing got Marilyn to join us, followed by Troy.
This was when I found myself in trouble, not from the water or the swim but from switching over to the reserve tank.
The fuel line had collapsed inside stopping the flow of fuel to the engine. It took some time to come up with the
diagnosis. There were offers of aid but I worked on the situation and thought I had it fixed. Restarted the engine only
to get it to run for a very short way. The afternoon sun was hot, and It’s Hers offered support by giving a tow all the
way to Sheppard Annex. The hour-plus tow came with multiple complications but we all endured the sun and slow
going that came along with a quality tow. We arrived at Sheppard, the tiny dock was reached expertly and we were
able to trailer the Som-Itch to the safety of home port.
Many thanks for the professional support of the squadron and the captains of It's Hers, for without them coming home
might have been a different story.
Things we did wrong
Failure to identify an old fuel line that seemed to be in fine repair from the outside but was coming apart on the
inside. Fuel line was EPA Compliant Aethpline890 USCG Type B1-15 SAE J1527 89-06 lot#070810Z Canada.
Not raising the top to provide shade for all aboard.
Lack of sufficient drinking water aboard.
People standing while under way with a tow.
Boats coming too close to the tow, both power and sail.
Not expecting to be on the water as long as we were.
Things we did right:
The actions to assess and provide a remedy for the situation.
Cooperative efforts of the Captains.
Speed of tow.
Professional actions between boats and crew.
Safety of all who were involved.
Even after the slow going in the heat, captains maintained control and precision so that the landing of Som-Itch
was performed without incident.
Everybody took an active part in being safe while under tow.
And once again many thanks for all those involved for helping to make this a time to remember.
Lt. J Michael Ellis AP
Page 4
Lake Hefner Cleanup Report
How great it was to see our members show up for this community event. Many thanks to Lt/C Peggy Anglin P,
Cdr Steve Bryant JN, Glenda Sims, P/C Doug Tharnish AP, Lt/C Lt/C Ron Huff, William Vaughan, Troy Odgen, and
P/C Bob Hlubin. We covered our assigned area from the other side of the breakwater up to our volunteer sign posted at
the furthest corner of the marina along the golf course road. Then we visited in the shade of the trees at Cosa Point
while Ron cooked the wieners and bratts. Great job Ron! It was also good to see Bill Vaughan again. Thanks to
everyone for their time and efforts. A special thanks to Ron for cooking, transporting garbage, and watching out for our
I posted photos on Facebook, so check those out. One photo was of Ron. It shows the latitude and longitude on it as
well as the date and time. The application used to take this photo will be used in capturing the location of geodetic
survey markers. USPS has a Coop Charting program that has its members locating these brass discs throughout the
country. Instead of doing a Fall cleanup, we decided to do a coop charting event to look for survey markers around
Yukon. Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks again to the crew!
Lt Karen Roeseler, SN
Well, what can I say…we advertised HAPPY TIMES and that is exactly what we had! The weather was perfect, not too hot,
not too cold, lots of good company and a whole lot of laughter.
Friday night we had some great hot dogs at Dana’s and Laurie’s house and enjoyed a really nice and refreshing rum drink.
After dinner, Steve Schmidt, SN, of the Austin Sail and Power Squadron presented a short seminar on Geodetic
Cooperative Charting. Everyone attending said it was a terrific presentation and that he really knew his stuff. The OKC
Squadron sends out a big THANKS to Steve and hopes he can join us again sometime. Those of us that didn’t attend the
seminar spent the evening be HAPPY on that big porch with a pretty moon and lots of stars in the sky. You know, it just
doesn’t get any better than that!
After a nice breakfast at Pelicans on Saturday morning, most of us went for boat rides provided by Dana and Laurie, Mike
and Roberta, Troy and Marilyn, and Chris and Linda Rooney, boating friends from Texoma. We decided to ride over by the
Willis Bridge and Buncombe Creek, and like all good boats do on occasions, Mike’s decided to turn ornery. After working on
it for a while Mike decided now was the time and place for the Chill Swim Challenge. So Mike, Troy, Chris and I jumped in
for a short swim and, surprisingly enough, the water wasn’t that cold at all. After a while, Mike decided to get a tow back to
the slip and work on the boat at home.
Saturday night everyone met at Ron’s and Mary’s and Danny’s and my campsite for chips and dips with a fruit Sangria, a
taco bar followed with cake and ice cream. A big thank you to Linda Rooney for some very good homemade vanilla and
fresh peach ice cream to go with the cake. I don’t know how, but we managed to do a lot more talking and laughing before
the night ended. Once again we got what we advertised….HAPPY TIMES.
Sunday morning we once again met at the campsite for a wonderful breakfast served up by none other than Ron and Mary.
We had lots of bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and we can’t forget the wonderful and refreshing Mimosas. And we did it
again! We managed to talk and laugh again before everyone had to pack up and head home.
I can say without a doubt it was a HAPPY TIMES WEEKEND and can’t wait for our next venture. Be sure to read your
monthly Dinghy Painter every month so you won’t miss out on any happy times.
Page 5
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron
2700 NW 56th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Members Birthday Dinner at Cattlemen’s
Members Business Meeting
Ice Cream Social
OETA Festival followed by Lunch and
Members (September) Business Meeting
USPS Governing Board Mtg, Pittsburgh, PA
Members Business Meeting
Members Business Meeting
Members Business Meeting
28 Jul 16
7 Aug 16
21 Aug 16
28 Aug 16
8-11 Sep 16
3 Oct 16
7 Nov 16
5/ Dec 16
The DINGHY PAINTER is the official monthly publication of the
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron. The deadline for materials
submitted for publication is the night of the Members Business Meeting.
Materials submitted for publication will not be returned unless prior
arrangements have been made. Items may be sent to the Editor at:
2700 NW 56th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73112.
- Henri Poincare
“It is the harmony of the diverse parts, their symmetry, their
happy balance; In a word it is all that introduces order, all that
gives unity, that permits us to see clearly and to comprehend at
once both the ensemble and the details.”
Lake Hefner Cleanup
Members Business Meeting
Have Yacht Will Travel, Picnic/Cruise
4 Jun 16
6 Jun 16
25 Jun 16
Members Business Meeting Minutes
6 June 2016
Commander Steve Bryant JN, called the meeting to order at 1900 at Crown Heights Christian Church. The following
members and guests were in attendance: R/C Bruce Albertson SN-ACN, Lt Peggy Anglin P, Cdr Steve Bryant JN,
P/C Mike Ellis AP, P/D/C Danny Goss JN, Lt/C Marilyn Goss P, P/C Bob Hlubin AP, Lt/C Ron Huff P, P/C Dave
McGhee SN, Lt Karen Roeseler SN, and P/C Pete Zurhorst AP.
The Invocation was given by Cdr Steve Bryant SN. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by P/C Dave McGhee SN.
Secretary - Lt/C Goss P, moved to approve the minutes from the prior meeting as printed in Dinghy Painter,
seconded by P/C Ellis AP. Motion carried.
Dinghy Painter - Lt Anglin P, stated all is well.
Treasurer - P/D/C Goss JN, reported 31 May 16 balances: Checking account - $8,742.20; CD - $2,160.98; Total
Funds - $10,903.18.
Executive Officer - Lt/C Huff P, asked for the following reports:
Web Site - P/D/C Zurhorst AP, stated all is well.
Public Relations - P/C Mike Ellis AP, stated the Open House was a success. P/D/C Goss JN commended
P/C Ellis AP on a fine job getting newspaper articles and radio/tv announcements out regarding the Open
House. It looks like we may get at least three new members, maybe more. Great Job Mike!!!
Legislation - P/C McGhee SN, discussed legislative updates. See article in the Dinghy Painter for details.
Safety Officer - P/C Mike Ellis, AP, provided the article on page 4 of the Dinghy Painter.
Education Officer - P/C Hlubin was proud to announce that he had completed the course and earned a JN rank.
Congratulations P/C Bob Hlubin JN!
Administrative Officer - P/C Dave McGhee SN, asked for the following reports:
Membership - Membership at this time is 48 and we hope to gain about five members in the coming month.
Environmental Committee - Lt Karen Roeseler SN, gave a quick review of the Lake Hefner Cleanup. See
report on Page 5 of the Dinghy Painter.
Social Activities - Lt/C Huff P, discussed upcoming events and asked P/C Ellis AP to detail the upcoming Lake
Thunderbird outing hosted by the Have Yacht Will Travel group. See the Dinghy Painter for details on all events.
Commander's Report - See the Commander’s Log in this issue of the Dinghy Painter.
New Business - Cdr Bryant JN, discussed the possibility of OKC hosting the D21 Fall Conference in 2018. Motion
to do so carried with three abstaining.
OKLAHOMA CITY SAIL and POWER SQUADRON Meeting minutes—continued
6 June 2016
Cdr Bryant JN, stated that Terry Williams, District AO would like to visit with us. Our monthly meeting dates through
the end of the year will be provided to him so he can make his travel plans.
Cdr Bryant JN, discussed the Star Program. There will be more to follow on this at a later date.
Motion to adjourn was made by Lt Anglin P, and seconded by Lt/C Huff P, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by
Lt /C Marilyn Goss, P
Attention all members: If you would prefer to receive the Dinghy Painter in electronic format (pdf file), please email your
editor at, and subsequent issues will be sent to your email address.
Oklahoma City Sail and Power Squadron Name Tags:
Redesigned nametags which incorporate the United States Power Squadron logo are now available.
1” tags are $8.00 with a safety pin or ribbon bar; magnetic tags are $10.00.
1 1/4” tags are $8.50 with safety pin or ribbon bar; magnetic tags are $10.50
Orders may be submitted through Karen Roeseler SN, or ordered online at Their web site is
Email addresses: or Other styles available.
Send printed name and check made out to OCSPS to P/D/Lt Karen Roeseler, SN at 3504 Marston Circle, OKC, OK 73120
or email
Please include a daytime phone number or e-mail with your order in case she has