Discovery Guide - The Evening Leader
Discovery Guide - The Evening Leader
AUGLAIZE AND MERCER COUNTY'S 2015-2016 DISCOVERY GUIDE Discover all the fun and festivities of the Grand Lake area HARNESS RACING TRUCK VS TRUCK-PULL Sunday, August 2nd at 6:00 pm August 4th & 5th 6:30pm The Earthquakers Nashville Crush Thursday, August 6th 8pm Sunday, August 2nd 6-9pm GOSPEL TENT - Various Shows Daily Legacy Five CHEERLEADING COMPETITION Monday, August 3rd 7:00 pm Woody’s Barn Yard Races Come One, Come All... COME TO THE FAIR Get Active at the Fair throughout the week Tuesday, August 4th - Noon FREESTYLE MOTORCYLCES Sunday, August 2nd 2pm NAKED KARATE GIRLS Friday, August 7th 8pm 163rd Auglaize COUNTY FAIR Wapakoneta, Ohio WAR Wrestling Saturday, August 8th 2:00-4:00 pm Bearadise Ranch through out the week August 2nd - August 8th DEMO DERBY Thursday, August 6th 7:00 pm STEVEN PUPPETS Various Shows Rumplestiltskin and Beauty & the Beast NTPA / TRACTOR PULL Saturday, August 8th 6:00 pm For more information call 419-738-2515 or check us out on the web at Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 W 2 Come explore our hidden treasures elcome to Auglaize and Mercer Counties where there’s so much to Discover! Take some time to explore all that we have to offer and we think you’ll agree that we are home to a wonderful recreation destination. Grand Lake St. Marys is just one of the many attractions in our two-county area. The lake itself features swimming, fishing, boating, sailing and water skiing and is home to Grand Lake St. Marys State Park, a premier campground. Grand Lake St. Marys is also home to the Governor’s Cup Regatta and to countless fishing tournaments all season long. The Armstrong Air and Space Museum is the Ohio Historical Society’s most popular attraction and highlights Wapakoneta native Neil Armstrong’s achievements along with a history of the NASA program. The Bicycle Museum of America, found in New Bremen, features bicycles of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Fort Recovery’s recreated fort showcases the time when this part of Ohio was settled. You can also travel the land of the Cross Tipped Churches, or wander the path along the Miami Erie Canal as it meanders through our part of the state. There are festivals galore to explore — almost every weekend during the summer months. We have restaurants waiting to host you, small art galleries waiting to “wow” you, eclectic retail stores waiting to showcase their unique items and many residents waiting to welcome you. LAKE CAMPUS Start your next great journey At the Lake Campus, you can: • Pursuenewdegree options,like4-year degreesinbusiness, education,foodscience andmechanical engineering,plusother associate,bachelor’sand master’sdegrees! • Liveandlearnbythe Lakeinournewstudent housing! • Beapartofservice learning,fieldexperiences, internships,co-ops, studentorganizations andmore! LakeCampus @LakeCampus 2 3 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 3 Table of Contents Discover our hidden treasures 2 Visitor Information 4 Tourism paces Grand Lake St. Marys region 5 Hotels/Motels 6 Lighthouses beckon lake visitors 8 Explore the land of cross tipped churches 8-9 Area happenings 9 Summer festivals _________________________________________ 10-13 Area Marinas and Camping 14-15 Map of Grand Lake St. Marys State Park 17-18 Area Museums and Attractions 16-21 Grand Lake St. Marys State Park 22-23 Country Attractions 24-25 History of the Area 26 Restaurant Guide 27-33 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 4 4 Visitor Information Hospitals Newspapers Joint Township District Memorial Hospital 200 St. Clair St. St. Marys, OH 45885 419-394-3335 The Evening Leader 102 E. Spring St. St. Marys, OH 45885 419-394-7414 419-394-7202 (fax) Mercer County Community Hospital 800 W. Main St. Coldwater, OH 45828 419-678-2341 Wapakoneta Daily News 520 Industrial Dr. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-738-2128 Urgent Care Radio Stations: Grand Lake Health Urgent Care (located at Joint Township District Memorial Hospital) 419-394-3335 Hours: 5 p.m. to midnight Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Doctor’s Urgent Care (located in the Community Medical Center, operated by Mercer Health) 950 S. Main St. Celina, OH 45822 419-586-1611 Hours: 6 p.m. to midnight Monday-Friday and 3:30 p.m. to midnight on weekends and holidays. TEAM EQUIPMENT & UNIFORMS TEAM && UNIFORMS TEAM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT UNIFORMS Baseball, Softball, Track, Baseball, Softball, Track, Baseball, Softball, Track, Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball Soccer, Swimming, VolleyballVolleyball, Soccer, Swimming, Football, Football,Basketball, Basketball,Tennis Tennis Football, Basketball, Tennis CUSTOM --EMBROIDERY CUSTOMSCREENPRINTING SCREENPRINTING EMBROIDERY CUSTOM SCREENPRINTING - EMBROIDERY Downtown St. DowntownDowntown St.Marys MarysSt. Marys 121 W. Spring St. 121W. W.Spring SpringSt., St. St. Marys, Ohio 45885 121 St. 45885 St.Marys, Marys,Ohio Ohio 45885 419-394-4012 419-394-4012 419-394-4012 UNDER UNDERARMOUR ARMOUR OPEN OPENEVENINGS EVENINGS&&SATURDAYS SATURDAYS OPEN EVENINGS & SATURDAYS WCSM Radio 96.7 FM 1350 AM P.O. Box 492 Celina, OH 45822 419-586-5133 419-586-3814 (fax) WKKI Radio 94.3 FM 126 W. Fayette St. Celina, OH 45822 419-586-7715 Summer Hours: June-August Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat: 10am-2pm Winter Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm 5 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 5 Tourism strong for Grand Lake St. Marys region A.WINTZE G. R ST. MARYS — After four years of increased revenues, one local tourism officials says she is optimistic the trend will continue in 2015. “Last year was a good year,” Auglaize/Mercer Counties Convention and Visitors Bureau Director Donna Grube said. “Our lodging tax was up, which means more folks are staying in our hotels.” In 2008, tourism brought in $51.7 million into the region. The following year, that figure dropped to $43.2 million and dropped further to $40.3 million in 2010. During those two years, the region was hit hard by an outbreak of toxic algae on Grand Lake St. Marys that effectively closed the lake. Since then, tourism has rebounded from $41.1 million in 2011 to $50.8 million in 2014. With the addition of several new events in recent years, Grube said she is confident revenue in 2015 could surpass the total in 2008. “I’m optimistic that it is going to get better,” Grube said. “There were a lot of positive things that happened last year that helped tourism.” A project at the Armstrong Air and Space Museum to add a picnic pavilion should boost attendance, Grube said. The inaugural Grand Lake Marathon brought thousands of visitors to Auglaize and Mercer counties and pumped an estimated $1 million into the local economy. That event is set to return again in September. “We also have work on the West Bank walkway — that project should be completed soon,” Grube said. “There are just so many good things going on that if the weather cooperates and the lake does well, we should have another positive year.” Public perception of Grand Lake St. Marys also is changing. Grube said she recently traveled to a show in Cincinnati and visitors frequently commented on how they heard about the projects taking shape around the lake to improve the water quality. “I think with more good things that are gong on, it is helping to change it,” Grube said. While the lake is the major attraction of the region, Grube said tourism officials also target heritage travelers. Those travelers, Grube said, often target museums and historical sites in the region. “Those are the folks who are looking to learn about and visit museums and historic sites,” Grube said. “We have recreational travelers, too, and those are the folks who like to hike, fish, boat and enjoy the water.” Since 1848 AND SON CO. T h e O r i g i n a l R e c y cl e rs “Original Recyclers” Since 1848 “Fueling your vehicle from used cooking oil” The most common raw material for biodiesel are virgin soybean oil, animal fats and recycled vegetable oil. “The Secret to our Success” The Sustainable Solution for Used Cooking Oil. Breakfast HS-Internet/ Cable X X X America’s Best Value Inn Celina 1421 State Route 703 East Celina, OH 45822 419-586-4656 42/6 America’s Best Value Inn St. Marys 1321 Celina Rd. St. Marys, Oh 45885 419-394-2341 60/16 O 54/2 I X (on site) X x x X X X x Best Western Wapakoneta Inn 1008 Lunar Dr. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-738-2050 X Celina Motel 225 S. Main St. Celina, OH 45822 419-586-2343 31 X x Holiday Inn Express 2020 Holiday Dr. Celina, OH 45822 52/2 I X X X x X X x X X X Knights Inn 1659 Wapak-Fisher Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 38/2 Quality Inn - St. Marys 1410 Commerce Drive St. Marys, OH 45885 419-394-2710 oh590 60/6 I 30 O X Romer’s Westlake Hotel Villas 1100 S. Main St. Celina, OH 45822 419-584-1444 X x Super 8 Motel 1011 Lunar Dr. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 38 X X x 14 X X x West Bank Inn 1055 W. Bank Rd. Celina, OH 45822 419-584-3625 6 Restaurant Adjacent 6 Exercise Room Whirlpool Pool (I/O) Hotel/Motel Rooms/ Suites Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 7 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 7 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 8 8 Lighthouses greet lake visitors It is extremely unusual for an inland lake to have a lighthouse. Amazingly, Grand Lake St. Marys has three. The largest and oldest of the lake’s lighthouses was built in 1923 and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. It is located in a private residential area on the north shore of the lake, about midway across the lake. Because it is on private property, it can only be seen up close by the public from out on the water itself. The lighthouse is an architectural copy of the famous Eddystone Lighthouse that is located on the English Channel just off the coast of Cornwall, England. It has a guardrail surrounding a circular base of 10foot high stone. Sitting on top of this base is a 40-foot high concrete shaft, topped by a glass and bronze dome that houses the light beacon. Today, the lighthouse is primarily ornamental. The second of the lake’s lighthouses is located on the lake at the south end of Main Street in Celina. It was built by the Celina Rotary Club in 1986. This lighthouse structure is stucco over brick. The beacon top is copper over yellow pine. The beacon light comes on each evening to beckon those on the lake who are headed to Celina. The final lake lighthouse was built on private property on the south side of the lake at Behm’s Landing. Be sure to check out all three special inland lighthouses on your next trip to Grand Lake St. Marys. Explore the land of Cross-Tipped Churches While visiting Auglaize and Mercer Counties, take a drive through the area to see the beautiful, historic churches. The region is known as “Land of the CrossTipped Churches,” and is home to many of these beautiful buildings. Between 1869 and 1915 a large number of churches, rectories, convents and schools were built throughout the countryside of west central Ohio. The churches were distinctive in that they were all identified by towering spires topped by crosses. COUPON 10% OFF* Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Take-Out Available Full Bar Available (Monday thru Saturday; Beer only Sundays) 111 E. Bank Rd. • St. Marys OH • 419-394-9884 *Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must present coupon Cannot be applied towards alcohol. Expires 8/31/15 In 1979, over 64 buildings representing this period of history were placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Over the years, a few of these have disappeared. Today, many of these communities are seeking to preserve the remaining structures and the heritage and family values they represent. While touring come see: • The important cultural and social landscape of the region and the sites that they were placed on the National Register of Historic Places. y l d n e i r F Markets of Celina 725 W. Logan Street Celina, Ohio 419.586.5777 Daily Lunch Specials! SERVED DAILY! HOURS: Monday-Saturday 9AM - 7PM Sunday 10AM-5PM 9 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 9 • The original Mother Church of the region. • Remnants of the Miami-Erie Canal that brought the settlers to America’s First Frontier. • The second largest collection of Holy Relics in North America. • The Maria Stein Heritage Museum - the only museum dedicated to interpreting the history of this rich area. For tour information and a complete list of historic churches in the Grand Lake region visit the CrossTipped Churches tour online at lctc. Area events and happenings May 22-24 Buckeye Farm Antiques — Auglaize County Fairground June 6 4th annual Donut Dash — Grand Lake St. Marys June 12-14 Burketsville Community Picnic June 18-21 Fort Recovery Jubilee June 28 35th annual Prehistoric Artifacts Exhibit — Mercer County Historical Museum lawn from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. June 28 to July 2 5th annual Maria Stein Shrine Art Show and Sale — 2291 St. Johns Road July 10 Taste of Celina Block Party and Car Show August 1-2 New Idea Farm Equipment and Antique Tractor Exhibit will be held at the Coldwater Community Park September 13 Children’s Treasure Hunt September 19 3rd Kreuzweg Bicycle Pilgrimage of the Land of the Cross Tipped Churches — Maria Stein. T his group ride of between 20 to 30 miles begins and ends at the Relic Shrine and features visits and tours of historic churches with an added stop at the Bicycle Museum of America in New Bremen. The route primarily traces country roads with flat terrain and rest stops at churches are between 3 and 10 miles apart. Marked roads, T-shirts and pilgrim shells available for purchase. Free Registration online at: or contact Auglaize and Mercer County Convention and Visitors Bureau; 900 Edgewater Drive: St. Marys, OH 45885. 419394-1294 September 27, October 11, 18 Grand Lake Crappie Series October 26 The 15th Annual Military & Antique Gun Exhibit & Vietnam War Weapons Exhibit will be held at the Mercer Co. Historical Society from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 10 10 Region filled with Summer Festivals From late spring until fall Auglaize and Mercer counties are home to a wide variety of festivals and events nearly every weekend. There are games, rides, 5K races, live entertainment and plenty of food for the entire family to enjoy. June 19-21 Rockford Community Days Join the Shanes Crossing Historical Society and the Rockford Community for community garage sales, entertainment, food stands, a parade and much more. June 26-28 Maria Stein Country Fest Totally free entertainment beginning with the featured performance with the Big Air Insanity Freestyle Mototcross show and the nationally known Country Fest Tractor Square Dancers. Additional features include Garden, Antique and Stock tractor pulls, Cruise-In Car Show, Chainsaw wood carving, Go Kart Races . Competitions in Mini-Indy car, Diaper Derby, Punt-Pass-Kick, Quarterback Challenge and a 5K Run/Walk. Tournaments include Volleyball, Dodgeball, Corn Hole and 3 on 3 Basketball. The festival plays music for all ages throughout the weekend, and has plenty of food to satisfy everyone’s palate, plus a petting zoo, games, rides, and fun for all. July 3-4 Independence Day Celebration, New Knoxville, Ohio Food and beer tents open at 4 p.m. Friday. There will be a book sale, cash and prize raff le, dunk-tank, inf latable rides for the kids, softball tournament, American Legion live duck races and live music. On Saturday there will be a 5K walk and run, a one mile fun run, cornhole tournament, BBQ chicken dinners and a fireworks display Saturday night. Fun for the whole family both days. July 3-5 Freedom Days, Celina, Ohio Great music, kids games, food and activities for the whole family including live music each night. July 15-19 Summer Moon Festival, Wapakoneta, Ohio The festivities kick off with the Miss Summer Moon Festival Scholarship Pageant on Wednesday. The rest of the week and weekend includes rides, food, bed races, free entertainment, a car show, baggo/corn hole tournament, YMCA Bike Ride, Run to the Moon, a Farmer’s Market, Poker Run Fishing Derby and much more. Events at the museum will include an appearance by a NASA astronaut, astronaut trivia and space inf latables. July 24-26 Lake Festival, Celina, Ohio The Celina Lake Festival includes fun on Grand Site of 2 Major Indian Battles! Museum exhibits include: ➥ Large collection of prehistoric Indian artifacts ➥ Numerous artifacts from the 2 battles ➥ Anthony Wayne’s army ➥ 1790 Native Americans ➥ Treaty of Greenville MUSEUM HOURS: June, July, August - Daily 12-5pm May & Sept. - Weekends 12-5pm ADMISSION: Adults $5 Children (Ages 6-12) $2 Children Under 6 Free 1 Fort Site Street/St. Rt. 49 & 119 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846 419-375-4649 Tours by Appointment 419-375-4384 11 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Lake St. Marys for the whole family. There is a Miss Lake Festival Scholarship Pageant, a pancake breakfast, craft show and parade to enjoy as well as entertainment, food stands, activities for the kids and much more. August 2-8 Auglaize County Fair, Wapakoneta, Ohio From free entertainment for kids and adults to rides and food stands. From junior fair exhibits to a cheerleader competition the Auglaize County Fair has something for everyone to enjoy. August 6-9 World’s Longest Yard Sale Find great deals and steals during the world’s longest garage sale right along US 127. August 13-16 SummerFest, St. Marys, Ohio The annual SummerFest in 2014 has a 5K run, Celina Governors Cup Regatta August 22 & & 26, 23,2012 2015 August 25 Along Lakeshore Drive Celina, Ohio co-ed volleyball tournament, car show, corn hole tournament, softball games and a parade as well food stands, rides and entertainment for the whole family. August 14-20 Mercer County Banner Fair, Celina, Ohio The fair will also offer free entertainment, food stands, junior fair exhibits, the crowning of Junior Fair King and Queen, rides for the kids and much more. August 14-16 Bremenfest, New Bremen, Ohio The 2015 Bremenfest celebration will involve musical performances, Little Miss and Queen Pageants, cheer competition, fun run, bike tour, car show and chili cook-off. Mud volleyball, dodgeball and a parade as well as rides and food will keep the whole family entertained all weekend long. August 22-23 Governor’s Cup Regatta, Celina, Ohio Boat racing returns to Grand Lake St. Marys with opening ceremonies Saturday at noon. The trophy presentation will be held 30 minutes after the last heat on Sunday. Pancake breakfasts each morning and food concession stands along Lake Shore Drive will be available. Armstrong Air & Space Museum Hours: FREE ADMISSION RACING BOTH DAYS FREE ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY NIGHT Phillip Fox Band & Another Round MoBlues & Country Mile Please visit our web site- 11 Mon-Sat 9:30-5 Sun 12-5 500 Apollo Dr. Wapakoneta 419.738.8811 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 12 12 ! R a E t V e O n C o S I ak p a W D Shopping and Dining Museum • Water Park JUST A SHORT DRIVE FROM GRAND LAKE! Create your own get away! Wapak’s Most Unique Shop 109 W. Auglaize St. Wapakoneta Open Everyday - 419-738-2298 Close to Armstrong Air & Space Museum. 1008 Lunar Drive, Wapakoneta 419-738-2050 Home & Garden, Wrought Iron, Wicker & Hand-painted Furniture, Purses, Jewelry, Fiestaware & MORE! D OY SHO T S ’ D A P ...we’re a Toy Shop and more 123 W. Auglaize St Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895 Phone 419-738-2007 Fax 419-739-4702 E-mail Radio Controlled Cars - Boats - Planes - Parts & Accesories - Trains - Plastic Models - Slot Car Sets Model Rockets - Laser Engraved - Plaques - Trophies - Glass - Gift Items - Photo Puzzles & Caps - and More We Are a Value - Added Lionel Dealer and Service Station O Y T S H OP S ’ D A D 419-738-2911 Auglaize Antique Mall 116 W. Auglaize Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895 419-738-8004 Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-6 The Area’s Largest Antique Mall, with over 200 Booths and Showcases! 13 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 13 September 6 125th Annual Fryburg Homecoming September 25-26 Pumpkinfest New Bremen, Ohio September 26 Second-Ever Grand Lake Marathon St. Marys and Celina, Ohio Come cheer on the more than one thousand runners who are expected to take part in this event. The half marathon ends in downtown St. Marys while the marathon ends in Celina. October 2-4 Oktoberfest, Minster, Ohio Free entertainment from rock music to traditional German Polka, food stands and beer stands all weekend long. Traditional German fare and Beer Tray Relay bring people from all over. There will be the annual Little Miss and Miss Oktoberfest competitions, the annual 10K race and craft show and much more available all weekend long. October 18 Miami Erie Canal Walk with Nature & Fall Festival The walk starts in St. Marys Memorial Park at noon. A Craft show and non profit booths will be set up as well. Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 14 14 Marinas and Camping Bayview Sun & Snow Marina 5350 Bayview Road Celina, Ohio 45822 419-268-2726 Service: Gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, seasonal dock rentals, boat sales Rental Equipment: Pedal boats The Boathouse at Grand Lake 1112 S. Main St. Celina, Ohio 45822 419-586-6657 Services: Emergency/repair, gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, new and used boat sales, seasonal boat dock rentals. Rental Equipment: Pedal Boats D&W Marina 7001 Cottonwood Dr. Celina, Ohio 45822 419-268-2280 Services: Gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, seasonal dock rentals, boat sales Kozy Marina 8500 St. Rt. 703 East Celina, Ohio 45822 419-394-8797 Services: Emergency/repair, gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, day use docks, seasonal dock rentals, boat sales Ohio Marine, Inc. 205 Harbor Point Dr. Celina, Ohio 45822 419-586-3185 Services: Emergency/repair, gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, seasonal dock rentals, boat sales Freedom Outdoors 215 Gordon Park Dr. St. Marys, Ohio 45885 866-574-5600 Services: Emergency/repair, gasoline, vending machines, boat storage, day use docks, seasonal dock rentals, bait and tackle and boat sales. Rental Equipment: Jet skis, pontoons, pedal boats, fishing boats, runabouts Easy Campground 14338 Townline-Kossuth Rd. St. Marys, Ohio 45885 419-394-3836 51 Electric Sites, Pets Permitted, Showers, Flush Toilets, Dump Station, Horseshoes, Volleyball, Restaurant, Snack Bar, Vending, Camp Store, Storage, Firewood, Bottle Gas, Playground, Picnic Tables, Recreation Hall, Dancing. Tents, Campers, Truck Campers and Motor Homes welcome. Glacier Hill Lakes 11675 Wapak-Freyburg Rd. Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895 419-738-3005 419-738-9392 (fax) Campground, RV Grand Lake St. Marys State Park 834 Edgewater Dr. St. Marys, Ohio 45885 419-394-2774 135 Electric Sites, 82 Non-Electric Sites, Beach, Boat Docks, Pets Permitted, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Flush Toilets, Dump Station, Boat Rental, Bike Rental, Tennis Court, Volleyball Court, Horse Shoes, Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 15 15 Marinas and Camping Miniature Golf, Vending, CAmp Store, Firewood, Basketball Court, Playground, Picnic Tables, Naturalist Programs, Movies, Boat Tie-ups, Launch Ramps, Group Camp, Boot Camp, Two Rent-a-Camps and one TeePee, two Cedar Cabins. Tents, Campers, Truck Campers and Motor Homes welcome. 419-394-8089 200 Electric Sites, Beach, Boat Docks, Pets Permitted, Showers, Flush Toilets, Dump Station, Restaurant Snack Bar, Vending, Storage, Picnic Tables, Many Lots Leased Annually. Tents, Campers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes. Kozy Kampground Wapakoneta KOA 5134 It’s It Road Celina, Ohio 45822 419-268-2275 585 Electric & Water Sites, 15 Non-Electric, 500 with Electric, Water and Sewer, Boat Docks, Boat Ramps, Pets Permitted, Showers, Flush Toilets, Dump Station, Miniature Golf, Restaurant, Vending, Camp Store, Storage, Firewood, Swimming Pool, Playground, Picnic Tables, Recreation Hall. Tents, Campers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes and Mobile Homes welcome. River Trail Campground 7712 Deep Cut Rd. Mendon, Ohio 45862 419-795-1400 172 Electric Sites, 20 primitive sites, Pond, Swimming Beach, Pets Permitted on Leash, City Water, Camp Store, Playground, Horseshoes, Basketball, Volleyball, Picnic Tables and Fire Rings. Remote Wooded Area. Activities every weekend and a band on holidays. Rustic Haven Campgrounds 284 Koehn Rd. St. Marys, Ohio 45885 "Area's Largest Selection of Ready-made Frames" “We Frame To Please” Mercer County Fairgrounds 1001 W. Market ST. Celina, Ohio 45822 419-586-3239 500 Electric Sites, Pets Permitted, Dump Station, Horseshoes, Picnic Tables, Campers, Truck Campers, Motor Homes by reservation only. Everything in Automotive Parts & Equipment We Do It All: • Mat Cutting • Axalta Coating Systems • Glass Cutting • • Mounting • • Backing • • Stretching • Wapakoneta (419) 738-8134 315 E. Auglaize St. St. Marys (419) 394-2345 415 S. Wayne St. Frames and Such 93 E. 4th St. Minster, OH 419-628-3614 14719 Cemetery Rd. Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895 1-800-KOA-9872 419-738-6016 Free “Wi-Fi Service,” 65-80 ft. pull-through sites, big rigs welcome. Convenience store with souvenirs, grocery items, RV supplies, 50, 20, 20 amp service, propane sales/exchange tanks and on board, heated swimming pool May-September. Movies and bingo in our enclosed pavilion. Groups welcome-pavilion seats up to 80, activities throughout the year, basketball, volleyball, horseshoe pits, shuffleboard and mini golf, game room and playground. ADA Family Bathroom/ Shower. Hours: M-W-F 9:30-5:30; T 12:00-8:00; Sat 9:30-12:30 Closed Thurs-Sun Quality Parts & Service for over 50 Years Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 18 16 Museums and Attractions The Armstrong Air and Space Museum Named in honor of astronaut Neil Armstrong, a Wapakoneta native, the museum chronicles Ohioans’ contributions to the history of f light. Exhibits include the Gemini VIII spacecraft, the airplane Neil Armstrong f lew as a student, spacesuits, and a moon rock. The massive dome houses the Astro Theater, which features regular half-hour films. Visitors will also have the opportunity to test themselves on three space simulators. Auglaize County Historical Society The Daniel Mooney Museum Built in 1876 as the home of Major Charles Hipp, a former Civil War officer, this newly remodeled historical museum once belonged to Daniel Mooney, a former ambassador to Paraguay. Early Auglaize history is represented here with many artifacts and photos. Wapakoneta Museum The Wapakoneta Local History Museum is housed in the original First Presbyterian Church built in 1861-1862, the oldest Protestant church in Auglaize County. The structure is architecturally as well as historically significant, and is today home to many historical items collected from Wapakoneta and Auglaize County. Bicycle Museum of America The Bicycle Museum of America has been in New Bremen, Ohio since 1997. The museum displays over 300 bicycles, the core of which were the Schwinn family collection formerly displayed at the Navy Pier in Chicago. With its total collection numbering over 600 bicycles, the Bicycle Museum of America is the largest private collection in the world open to the public. Have your picture taken atop a big wheel bicycle, a fun stop for young and old alike. Buckland Historical Museum The museum is located within the Buckland Community Center at 306 N. Main St. Call 419-657-6569 for tour information. Cridersville Historical Museum The 1890 church depicts the history of the town and the surrounding area. The log home was built in 1836 by Daniel Bousher, one of the earliest pioneer families in the Cridersville area. It is furnished to represent the pioneer lifestyle of the 1830s and 1840s. Fort Recovery State Museum Fort Recovery is the site of two of the most dramatic Indian battles in American history. Museum features Wayne soldiers, a lifelike warrior, battle descriptions and one of the largest Indian artifact collections on display in Ohio. On the grounds are two reconstructed blockhouses, a connecting stockade and the Greenville Treaty Line marker. A 103 foot monument stands to remember the 900-plus soldiers who died here and an oak tree to remember the Native Americans. Other attractions are a log home, blacksmith shop, historical walkway, local walk-by museum and a state park. The Langsdon Gem & Mineral Collection Rock hounds take note of this fabulous gem and mineral collection on display to the public. The Mercer County District Library in Celina exhibits the collection consisting of 661 samples from all over the world. The specimens are housed in 12 custom built cabinets located in the center of the library. The collection was donated to the library by Ron and Ruth Langsdon on the basis that it be continually displayed to the public. Each sample is labeled with the mineral type and place of origin. Examples of minerals displayed are: apophyllite, stibnite, pyrite, galena, and purple amethyst. Displayed in brightly lit cases, the minerals sparkle and gleam with a life of their own. The library offers classes and group tours by prior arrangement with Professor Ken Strickland who is the curator of the collection. The library is open six days a week with a variation in hours from summer to winter. Call ahead for library hours of service or to Discovery Guide 2015-2016 17 Grand Lake St. Marys State Park 834 Edgewater Drive St. Marys, OH 45885 (419) 394-3611 - Main Office (419) 394-2774 - Camp Store (419) 394-2692 - FAX 1/2 Scale 1 Staeger Rd. 2 Harbor Pt. Dr. CITY OF CELINA Hotwater Hole lway k ee Cr r av e Be Wrigh Laker C 3 SR 70 Highland Park Boat Swim Area Spil 30 Harbor Point Area Monroe Rd. 300' No Wake West Bank Rd Safety Island LEGEND SR 127 Park Office Camp Store Picnic Area Fishing Pier Windy Point Boat/Swim Shelterhouse Latrine Wheelchair Accessible Waterfowl - No Hunting Zone . t Rd Its I Cre ek y C SR 127 To Ft. Recovery Waterfowl Mgmt. Area Mo nroe Swimming Area VILLAGE OF MONTEZUMA e re k S Harrison Rd. Restaurant with docks Mercer Co. Game Refuge Headquarters Windy Point Rd. Playground ek Kittle Rd. Lighthouse re Fishing Pier Karafit Rd. Fishing Dock Launch Ramp Cottonwood Rd Montezuma Bay Prairie C Boat Swim Area Gr ass 0 C Discovery Guide 2015-2016 18 CELINA SR 66 US 127 ST. MARYS SR 29 SR 703 SR Koeing Rd. Park Entrance SR 703 Anderson Rd. SR 219 SR 66 SR 364 29 Harris Rd. Riley Rd. ht State Campus To I-75 US 33 WAPAKONETA Grand Lake St. Marys State Park SR 29 I-7 5 LOCATION MAP Auglaize/Mercer C.V.B. To St. Ma ry's Campground Marina Northmor Golf Course Rock Pile Oil Well Site No Wake after Dusk Boat Swim Area Fish Hatchery Feede r Rd. Bulkhe ad Greenv ille Rd. Rustic Haven t k es Cree Ba rn icka Ch le Cre ek Li t SR 219 To US 66 & Lake Loramie State Park SR 364 sa w Koehn Rd. Schroeder Rd. Moorman Rd. Chicka ek Wilker Rd. Behm Rd. saw Cre 300' No Wake Club Island Rd. CR 291A 64 Harmon's Landing m Area SR 219 Auglaize County Mercer County OPEN ZONE Boat Swim Area SR 3 00' No Wake Rev. 5/11 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 19 19 Area Museums and attractions request a program or tour. Lockkeeper’s House Visitors Center Stop by the Lockkeepers House Visitors Center to learn about the history of this waterway. Built as a replica of the Lockkeepers House that stood on the site for nearly 100 years, the Visitors Center is a great place to begin your visit to the canal. The visitors center features displays, photos and other information about the canal, its construction and the impact it had on the development of western Ohio. It is located adjacent to Lock One Park in downtown New Bremen. It is handicap accessible with public restrooms and is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Traversing 249 miles from Cincinnati to Toledo, Irish and German immigrants labored from 1825 to 1845 to complete the canal, which improved transportation and commerce for the western portion of the state. Much of the canal in this area is intact with many historic structures, bridges and aqueducts 2 Willipie St. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-739-2200 155 E. High St. St. Marys, OH 45885 419-300-2300 along the way. The towpath along Ohio 66 from Minster to Lock 14 north of St. Marys is a great place to walk and enjoy nature’s beauty. Designated a state Scenic Byway. Maria Stein Heritage Museum This museum, housed in a convent building of the early 1900s, holds treasures from the area’s past, as well as of convent life. Featuring information and artifacts on the settlement of the area as well as the religious orders who served the early settlers, the museum is located in the upper f loor of the National Marion Shrine of the Holy Relics. Mercer County Historical Museum This museum chronicles the past 200 years of Mercer County area life. Also known as the Riley House, the museum contains genealogical materials and many books of local history. Open Houses with Special Exhibits are held throughout the year, e.g. Prehistoric Artifacts; Antique Guns; Post Cards; Sports Hall of Fame, etc. Over two dozen Western Ohio and Mercer County Local History Books have been printed by the Historical Society. A weekly newspaper column is written by Joyce Alig, President, who has the best Archival Collection of Mercer County History in existence. Minster Historical Museum The Minster Historical Society maintains a museum of local artifacts and the members are active in promoting and preserving Minster’s heritage. Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 20 20 Area museums and attractions New Bremen Historical Museum In the early days of the Miami and Erie Canal in New Bremen, what was later referred to as the “Thompson House” was the lockkeeper’s house and New Bremen’s major overnight lodging establishment. It was the job of the lockkeeper to keep canal boat traffic moving through the lock. The original lockkeeper’s house stood on the west bank of lock one until April 1968 when it was destroyed in a practice session for the New Bremen and other area Fire Departments. The foundation of the house was uncovered during the renovation of Lock One in 2006. The Village of New General Merchandise & Grocery 419-586-3777 Open 24 Hours Optical Center - 419-584-0615 Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm, Sat. 8am-8pm, Sun. 12pm - 5pm Pharmacy - 419-586-6177 Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm One Hour Photo Lab - 419-584-0672 Mon.-Sat. 9am-9pm, Sun. 10am - 8pm WAL-MART® Super Center 1950 Haveman Rd., Celina, OH 45822 Bremen, MECCA, Chamber of Commerce and the New Bremen Historic Association combined efforts to reconstruct a Lockkeeper’s House on the same site as the old one. New Knoxville Historical Museum A lovely 19th century home is the site of the New Knoxville Historical Society’s extensive collection of artifacts and photographs. This museum maintains and displays items of historic information and interest pertaining to the lives and accomplishments of the German ancestry of New Knoxville and surrounding rural area. We Refill & Exchange Propane Tanks 1677 Celina Road St. Marys, OH (419) 394-7851 HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00am - 8pm Sat 8am - 8pm, Sun 9am - 5pm 21 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 21 This is a “museum in the making.” It will soon Shanes Crossing house the growing collection of the society preservHistorical Museum The Shanes Crossing Historical Society was ing the history of the area. formed in 1995 to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the town of Shanesville. Anthony Shane plotted the town on part of his Land Grant, on the north side of the St. Marys River. The town was later called Shanes Crossing and in 1890 the Post Office changed the name to Rockford. In the fall of 2005, the society was able to obtain the former Rockford Lumber Company store and have remodeled it. The town has moved their offices into part of it. The main showroom is now the SCHS museum and over the past few months, the members have collected and placed town historical items on display. Uniopolis Historical Museum The museum, constructed in 1875 as a United Brethren Church, had been the Town Hall since 1900. The Uniopolis Historical Society is the most recently organized in the county. Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 22 22 Grand Lake St. Marys State Park Originally constructed as a feeder reservoir for the Miami-Erie Canal, Grand Lake St. Marys was for many years recognized as the largest man-made reservoir in the world. The 13,500-acre lake is the gateway to swimming, boating, camping and fishing in one of Ohio’s oldest state parks. There are nearly 52 miles of shoreline which today offer a variety of recreational activities for the entire family. Grand Lake St. Marys provides numerous opportunities for picnicking, fishing, boating and camping. Boating of private launch ramps, which are located at the many marinas around the lake. Boats and personal water crafts can also be rented at many of the marinas. Grand Lake St. Marys has also been heralded by many as a sailing paradise. Boat dock rentals are available through the Grand Lake St. Marys State Park office. Call 419-3943611 for more information. Fishing • Year-round fishing offers crappie, bass, bluegill, walleye and yellow perch • Valid Ohio fishing license is required Fishing is a year-round affair on Grand Lake St. Marys. The lake’s waters, which warm quickly in the spring, activate a healthy large-mouth bass population and create large catches of crappie and blue gill. The lake is considered to be one of the finest “pan-fishing” lakes in the state and is also home to a good population of yellow perch and catfish. Since 1999, walleye fry and fingerlings have been stocked in Grand Lake St. Marys. Anglers can call the Auglaize and Mercer Counties Convention and Visitors Bureau at 800-860-4726 for a fishing report. • Boats of unlimited horsepower are permitted on the 13,500-acre lake • 8 state-operated launch ramps provide access to the lake • Several private launch ramps also exist along the shallow shoreline • Seasonal dock rentals are available, call the park office for information • 300 foot no-wake zone has been established and is enforced around the lake’s 52 miles of shoreline • The state wildlife refuge, located on the southwest corner, is off limits to boats at all times Camping The lake is open-zoned for skiing and there are no • 176 electric sites, including some full hook-up sites limits on horsepower for power boating. There are • 28 non-electric sites eight state-operated launch ramps as well as a number • Facilities include flush toilets, laundry, showers and a 23 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 23 Grand Lake St. Marys State Park • 4 picnic shelters can be reserved online or by calling 866-644-6727 Although hard to imagine, at one time the Grand Lake St. Marys region was part of a vast forest wilderness that stretched from the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania to the prairies of Illinois. Today, in place of this forest are fields of corn, soybeans and wheat In addition to forests, pre-settlement Ohio contained large prairies and wetlands. The land which now lies beneath St. Marys reservoir was once a vast wet prairie. Today, the park contains varying habitats including woodlands, wetlands, and prairies in addition to the surrounding croplands Swimming Grand Lake St. Marys lies along one of the country’s • 4 public swimming beaches as well as other swimming major migration routes. Water birds using the lake as areas provided for boaters a resting stop include Canada geese, ducks, grebes, • Swimming is permitted during daylight hours only • Swim at your own risk & be sure to keep an eye on the swans, egrets, loons, herons, cormorants and ospreys. Many ducks, geese and heron also nest here. Bald eagles, kids magnificent birds long absent from the area, have again • Pets are NOT permitted on swimming beaches nested on the southwest corner of the lake at the wildlife Picnicking refuge. Other animals of the park include fox squirrel, • 9 Picnic areas with tables and grills are located in scenic mink, raccoon, beaver, coyote, white-tailed deer and areas around the lake many others dump station. • Pets are permitted except for the area in and around the Getaway Rentals • Free WiFi access is available at the camp store to registered campers • Separate swimming beach, boat launch and boat docks/tie-ups are available to registered campers • Seasonal naturalist programs are offered on weekends Memorial Day through Labor Day • Full-service camp store loans games, fishing and sporting equipment to registered campers • Bike rentals and miniature golf course Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 24 24 Country Attractions Barry Farm 20086 Mudsock Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-228-4640 Open all year: Daily 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. or by appointment. Pickles, relish, salsas, dried foods; farm and cannery tours by appointment. Apples, black raspberries, blackberries, Jams and Jellies, pears. Green Thumb Farm Market 5254 Younger Rd. Celina, OH 45822 419-678-8621 Stop by to see these peaceful, beautiful animals. Check out the Coldwater Creek Alpaca Store for items made from their soft f leece. Call for an appointment. 04247 Southland Rd. New Bremen, OH 45869 419-753-2456 Open May: Daily 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. June 1 -Sept. 15: Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sept. 16 - Oct. 28: Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. - Dark, Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Annuals, apples, asparagus, beans, bedding plants, beets, black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, cherries, cider, cucumbers, Eggs, grapes, greens, herbs, honey, Jams and Jellies, lettuce, melons, onions, peaches, pears, peas, peppers, perennials, plums, potatoes, pumpkins, red raspberries, rhubarb, squash, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, trees, turnips, watermelon, zucchini. Covered Bridge Farmers Market Jutte’s Fruit Farm & Landscaping Coldwater Creek Alpacas South Street St. Marys, OH 45885 419-300-4611 Every Saturday beginning the Saturday after Memorial Day and ending in late September from 8 a.m. - Noon at Memorial Park in St. Marys. Offerings vary, annuals, fruits, vegetables, meats, spices and baked goods. Ever Green Tree Farm 15273 Lambert Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 419-394-8202 Open Nov. - Dec., Monday-Friday 1 p.m. - 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Blue Spruce, cut-your-own, Scotch Pine, shaking, tree baling. Quality, Value & Service Locally Owned & Operated Store Hours: OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK 7AM TIL 10 PM 1550 Celina Road • St. Marys 419-394-4015 • Like Us On Facebook 3460 St. Rt. 49 Fort Recovery, OH 45846 419-375-2304 Open June - July: Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. - Noon August - October: Daily 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Bedding plants, cantaloupe, melons, peaches, pumpkins, shrubs, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, trees, watermelon Kaufman’s Backyard Gardens 307 N. Westminster St. Waynesfield, OH 45896 419-568-9461 Open April - December: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday Noon - 5 p.m. Annuals, apples, baked goods, balled & burlap, beans, bedding plants, beets, black raspberries, “Overlooking the Lake” Tracey Borns Manager Toll Free: 866-359-8624 West Bank Inn 1055 West Bank Road, Celina, OH 45822 419-584-DOCK (3625) fx: 419-584-0104 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 25 25 Country Attractions Open mid-September to early November. Call for days and hours. They do accommodate groups and also persons with disabilities. They offer a wonderful corn maze each year, hayrides, farm animals and fire rings for wiener/marshmallow roasts. Niekamp Farm & Flea Market 6133 Olding Rd. St. Henry, OH 45822 419-925-5208 Open all year: Daily 6 a.m.-10 p.m. Holiday open house in late November. Harvest Days in October. Annuals, apples, baked goods, beans, Blue Spruce, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, cider, cucumbers, Douglas Fir, eggs, Fraser Fir, grapes, honey, Jams and Jellies, lettuce, maple syrup, melons, onions, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, Scotch Pine, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, watermelon, zucchini. Settlage Century Farm 12218 St. Rt. 29 St. Marys, OH 45885 419-753-2709 Eggs, Egg Products, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Meat Packing Plants, Sausages and Meat Products. Open June - October: Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Special activities are planned throughout the season, call for details. Annuals, apples, baked goods, beans, beets, black raspberries, blackberries, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cider, cucumbers, Eggs, herbs, honey, Jams and Jellies, lettuce, maple syrup, melons, onions, peaches, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, red raspberries, rhubarb, squash, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, turnips, watermelon, zucchini Whitney Educational Farm 19631 St. Marys River Rd. St. Marys 45885 419-394-2000 The Whitney family has farmed the area for over 100 years and has put together a wonderful educational experience for children (and adults). Learn about farm animals and crops to understand where our food, fuel and many household items originate. Also on site, a museum packed with equipment and items used in farms of yesteryear. By appointment only. Windy Meadow Farm Smallwood Tree Farm 9660 County Rd. 66A New Bremen, OH 45869 419-394-3880 Featuring Suri Alpacas, Angora Goats and Grate Pyrenees Dogs. Call ahead to make sure someone is available to show you around their lovely operation. Enjoyable for kids of all ages. No admission charge! Wapakoneta Farmers Market 6572 St. Rt. 47 Versailles, OH 45380 937-526-3232 Open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., closed 15984 Hengstler Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-738-7455 Hot cocoa in the barn near the tree cutting area (served by Mrs. Claus) hay ride on a wagon with tractor to tree cutting area. Downtown at Heritage Park 419-738-5725 WOW! FOWLER’S TV Rent to Own 1/2 the Cost of Others St. Marys VOTED BEST PLACE TO BUY ELECTRONICS 12 YEARS IN A ROW by Readers of The Evening Leader and the Wapakoneta Daily News in 58 Yearesss in s Bu WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! Becky Fowler 1 Block N. of Hospital,1301 E. Spring St. • 419-394-5316 Hours: M & F 9:30-8; T, W, TH 9:30-5:30, Sat. 9:30-3 Mark Fowler The Winery at Versailles Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 History of the area The area in and around Grand lake St. Marys State Park played an important part in the development of the Northwest territory. The St. Marys River served as a vital link between the Great Lakes and the Ohio River Because of this heavy water traffic, the renegades Simon and James Girty established a trading post, which eventually evolved into the town of St. Marys. General “Mad” Anthony Wayne passed through the area in 1794 during this march to drive out the Shawnee, which culminated in the Battle of Fallen Timbers Some of Wayne’s men returned here to make their homes In 1837, work commenced on a reservoir for the Miami-Erie canal to maintain the canal’s five-foot water depth. Workers using hand tools were paid 35 cents a day and a jigger of whiskey to keep malaria away. At its completion in 1845, 13,500-acre Grand Lake was the largest man-made lake in the world. The lake was connected to the canal by a three-mile feeder The canal prospered until the coming of the railroads in the 1870s. The area experienced another boom in the late 1890s when oil was discovered. For a time the lake was dotted with oil derricks. Today a pile of rocks near the center of the lake marks the spot of the last producing well. A monument will soon be built marking the well. Grand Lake St. Marys and other canal feeder lakes in the state were the first areas to be dedicated as Ohio state parks in 1949. 26 26 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 27 Weekend Entertainment • Full Service Bar Great Beer & Wine Selection VOTED BEST AREA DINING EXPERIENCE Discovery Guide 2015-2016 28 419-300-1060 202 W. South Street - St. Marys, OH Delivery Thursday - Sunday starting at 4:30 p.m. Lunch Delivery Monday - Friday from 11 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. We DO NOT accept checks Prices Subject to Change. Touchdown Specials Roughrider Pizza - Ranch dressing, bacon, turkey, onion and mushroom 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $5.00 $8.75 $12.50 $14.20 $19.20 Taco Pizza - Salsa, taco meat, mozzarella, provolone & cheddar cheeses, onions & bl. olives 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $5.25 $9.25 $12.50 $14.20 $19.20 BBQ Pizza - Grilled chicken, BBQ sauce and cheese 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $5.00 $8.75 $12.50 $14.20 $19.20 Buffalo Chicken - Chicken marinated in hot sauce, cheese and ranch 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $5.00 $8.75 $12.50 $14.20 $19.20 Meatball Pizza - Meatballs, cheese and choice of BBQ sauce or pizza sauce 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $5.00 $8.75 $12.50 $14.20 $19.20 Deluxe Pizza - Everything (All toppings) *Jalapeno optional 6” 9” 12” 15” 18” $6.00 $10.00 $14.00 $17.20 $20.20 Starting Line Up Pizza 6” 9” 12” Cheese $2.99 $6.00 $7.99 $10.99 $12.99 1 Topping $3.29 $6.60 $8.99 $12.19 $14.49 2 Toppings $3.59 $7.20 $9.99 $13.39 $15.99 3 Toppings $3.89 $7.80 $10.99 $14.59 $17.49 4 Toppings $4.19 $8.40 $11.99 $15.79 $18.99 Extra Topping $.40 $.80 $1.00 15” $1.20 18” $1.50 TOPPINGS: Hamburger, Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Sausage, Onions, Banana Peppers, Olives (Black & Green), Green Peppers, Bacon, Ham, Cheese, Sauerkraut 703 E.Extra Market St. Celina, OhioJalepenos, 45822 Join us for Breakfast Served Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 10:30 am (Check inside store for complete menu) 6'-3 " ow We N .. Carry. 3'-0 " o t h o ies m S 3'-5 " 3'-0 " viewable area 703 E. Market St., Celina • 419-586-16686'-5 " Mon.-Fri. 9-9; Sat. 10-9; Sun. 12-9 STOP IN TO SEE OUR WIDE VARIETY OF NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Organic Plant Protein Raw Fit (High Protein Weight Loss) • Chocolate • Coffee • Vanilla • Unflavored Grain Free — Gluten Free 6'-0 " viewable area Option D New double-sided internally illuminatedwith aluminum sign cabinet with White Try a delicious & healthy plastic frozen treat mixed flavor. faces decorated with translucent vinyl graphics. New double-sided 19mm full-color- LED displaya withdaily 3ft. x 6ft. viewable area. add • Natural Fruit Smoothies Existing Steel structure to be used. dose of vitamins Oracal 8800-337 Cardinal Red Oracal 8500-052 Azure Blue Oracal 951-070 Black Oracal 8800-060 Dark Green Oracal 8800-021 Yellow Digital print • Frozen Yogurt - including no sugar added, Final Drawing Client Celina’s Best Yogurt Location Celina, Ohio Client Approval Saved as “Celina’s Best Yogurt _Pole Sign rev 12-4-12” Total Area 40.1 s.f. Circuits NA Voltage Design No. 3 Date 12/4/12 Drawn by NA BKF Scale Salesman 3/4”=1’ Ed All Concepts, Designs and Plans represented by this document are the property of the KESSLER DESIGN GROUP and are for use on the project specified in this document. Copyright 2012 by KESSLER DESIGN GROUP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE KESSLER DESIGN GROUP 5804 Poe Avenue DAYTON, OHIO 45414 937-898-0633 non-fat yogurt - only 8 cal. per oz. • Southern Snow - flavored shaved ice Specialty Sundaes Oreo Brownie • Peanut Butter • Fudge Brownie •Chocolate Chip Cookie Celina’s Best Yogurt & Health Foods 701 E. Market St, Celina • 419.586.1668 Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm — In Summer - Open until 10pm Discovery Guide 2015-2016 29 117 S. Main, St. Marys Mike & Tammy Cool, Owners 419-394-0130 Lunch Box Special $6.00 Size 9” 12” SPECIALTY PIZZA Size 9" 12" 14” 16” WINGS 10 piece 20 piece Plain, BBQ, Sweet Texas BBQ, Hot and Buffalo Boneless: 10 piece 20 piece 14" 16" SALADS Taco, Meat Lovers, Cajun Chicken, Rough Rider, BBQ Chicken, Chicken Ranch, Garden, Veggie, Double Cheeseburger, NEW New! Buffalo Chicken Pizza CALZONES Calzone $6.25 Filled with (3) cheeses and any (3) toppings of your choice. It is buttered and sprinkled with a Parmesan/Romano cheese spice blend. Choose any (2) dipping sauces of your choice. Small or Large All salads with crackers, croutons and dressing. Garden Chef Italian Chicken Cajun Taco Chicken Everyday Specials: * HOME-RUN SPECIAL 16" (5) item pizza, breadsticks and $ 2 ltr. pop 20.00 PICK-UP SPECIAL 16” (1) item pizza $ 11.00 Limit (3) meats and extra meats will be additional Add up to (2) toppings @ $2.00 per topping FAMILY FEAST MONDAY & TUESDAY PICKUP ONLY Buy (2)-16” regular $3.00 OFF all 12” and price pizzas and 14” pizzas with receive (1)-12” 1 item 3 or more toppings pizza (Specialty Pizzas also included) FREE All Star Subs 8” or 12” 8” or 12” Pizza Sub Veggie Sub Mushroom Steak Sub Steak Sub Italian Sausage Sub Chicken Sub Ham & Cheese Sub Turkey Sub Pepperoni Sub Meatball Sub Any Sub, 1/4lb Cheeseburger, Hamburger, Fish or Fried Bologna Lays Chips, Cookie, & Can of Pop REGULAR PIZZA Hours: Mon - Tue 10am-8pm Wed - Thur 10am-9pm Fri - Sat 10am-10:30 pm Sun 4pm-9pm *Closed 1:30-4 Mon-Sat SPECIALTY SUBS BBQ Rib Sub Buffalo Chicken Sub Ham Dandy Sub Chicken Bacon Ranch Sub Rough Rider Sub Cajun Chicken Sub Taco Sub Turkey Club Sub B.B.Q. Chicken Sub BLT Sub Wing T Sub Combo Sub 14338 Towline-Kossuth Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 419-394-3836 • 419-953-5836 DINER NOW OPEN...Thursday-Sunday 4pm-9pm New Menu: Pizzas & Subs, plus other daily features! ~ Delivery Available ~ Other Great Services Offered: • Carry-Out, Alcohol and Ice • All About Thyme Meals-To-Go Catering Services • Event and Meeting Space • Outside Party Space • Campgrounds - RV and Tent Lots • NEW! Camper/RV Parts & Supplies • New! Propane Refill Station Discovery Guide 2015-2016 30 C-Town Wings Open until midnight Friday & Saturday! 2/$20 DEALS-SUNDAY-THURSDAY NIGHTS 419-942-WING Ask about our BANQUET HALL and CATERING for your special occasion 10 WINGS & DOMESTIC PITCHER $10 ALL DAY EVERYDAY! WEEKDAY LUNCH SPECIALS $5.99 FREE BIRTHDAY MEAL - ADULTS ONLY WITH ID $10 VALUE FOOD ONLY (DINE-IN ONLY) WOOD FIRE GRILL SPECIALS! STEAK, SEAFOOD, BURGERS! TO GO! ALL MENU ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR CARRYOUT. WE ALSO CATER EVENTS...ASK FOR PRICING AND DETAILS 31 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 “AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD" 308 E. Market St., Celina, OH 45822 419-586-4500 Sun-Thurs 11am-9:30pm Fri & Sat 11am-10:30pm Happy Hour 2-5 - Carryouts Available - Monday - Thursday Outdoor Patio Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Appetizers - Quesadillas - Fajitas - Burritos - Enchiladas Chimichangas- Tacos- Fish Tacos - Taquitos - Chalupas Taco Salad - Nachos - Vegetarian Meals - Combination Platters Children's Menu - Desserts - Full Bar - Specialty Margaritas AND MORE! OPEN May thru September! Lots of Locally Grown Produce • Peaches • Plums • Cherries • Nectarines • Local Honey • Home Grown Tomatoes Fresh Picked Daily! NED’S HOME-GROWN SWEET CORN! Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Monday & Tuesday 8:30am-2:00pm Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-2:00pm & 4pm-8pm Friday & Saturday 8:30am-2pm & 4pm-9pm Fresh Fruit Smoothies Frappes & High End Coffees $2.00 Domestic Beer Every Thursday! New Menu Items and Extensive Wine List! AT THE CORNER OF ST. RT. 66 AND SOUTHLAND RD. BETWEEN NEW BREMEN & ST. MARYS • 419-753-2143 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 Experience high-end dining with a family-centric atmosphere at 17 West, an American bistro located in historic downtown New Bremen. 17 West Monroe New Bremen, Ohio 419-629-3800 32 Discovery Guide 2015-2016 33 DINE IN or CARRY OUT VARSITY LANES 419-394-2915 • STARTERS APPETIZERS SPECIALTY PIZZA (12” SIZE ONLY) SANDWICHES Seasoned Cheesy Potatoes .......................................................... $5.50 Pretzel Sticks ....................................................................................$4.25 (Potato Wedges, Cheese Sauce, Grilled Onions, Bacon, Sour Cream or Ranch Dressing) Clubhouse Basket (Mozzarella sticks, Cheddar & Hot Pepper Cheese Balls, ...........$8.00 Bosco Sticks (3 Cheese filled Breadsticks).............................$4.00 Breaded Mushroom .......................................................................... $3.75 Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Chicken Wings, Chicken Strips, Onion Rings and choice of 2 dips) Varsity Bowl (Breaded Cauliflower, Cheddar & Hot Pepper Cheese Balls,, ...................$6.75 Breaded Cauliflower..........................................................................$3.00 Mozzarella Sticks with choice of 1 dip) Cheddar Cheese Balls ......................................................................$3.50 Potato Skins (Bacon, Cheese, Choice of Sour Cream or Ranch) ............................ $4.50 Hot Pepper Cheese Balls .................................................................$3.50 No Substitutions – NO Half Orders Please Chicken Strips (4) ............................................................................$4.00 PIZZA Mozzarella Sticks (5) ..................................................................... $4.75 CHEESE EACH ITEM DELUXE PRICE (5 ITEMS) Nachos w/Cheese Dip ......................................................................$2.50 6” $3.OO $0.35 $4.75 Nachos w/Meat & Cheese Dip .......................................................$3.25 12” $8.00 $1.20 $14.00 Mac & Cheese Bites (10)................................................................ $3.75 15” $11.25 $1.55 $19.00 Corn Dog Nuggets (10) ................................................................... $3.75 18” $14.50 $1.90 $24.00 Onion Rings .........................................................................................$3.00 PIZZA TOPPINGS Shrimp Poppers .................................................................................$5.00 Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Green Olives, Black Olives, Green Peppers, Zesty Deep Fried Pickles (6) .........................................................$4.00 Banana Peppers, Jalepeno Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms Cream Cheese Jalapeno Poppers (6) ..........................................$4.00 DELUXE PIZZA’S include your choice of any five items. All Sandwiches Served with Potato, Chips & Pickle Spear (Dine in Only) Taco-Cheeseburger-Chicken Bacon Ranch...............................$14.00 Garlic Cheese ................................................................................. $8.00 BLT.........................................................................................................$3.50 Hand Breaded Tenderloin ...............................................................$5.50 WINGS 5 10 20 Cod Fish Fillet ....................................................................................$4.25 Wing Dings (Breaded Wings) $4.00 $6.50 $13.00 Fried Bologna (1/4 cut)......................................................................$2.50 Buffalo Wings (Spicy Breaded Wings) $4.00 $6.50 $13.00 Grilled Cheese ....................................................................................$2.50 Mild or Hot Wings (Breaded sauce dipped) $4.25 $7.00 $14.00 Grilled Ham & Cheese ...................................................................... $3.75 Boneless Wing Dings (1/2 pound) ....................................................$5.50 Hot Ham ..............................................................................................$3.25 Boneless Wing Zings (1/2 pound).....................................................$5.50 Pizza Steak (2 Patties w/Mozzarella Cheese in middle) ...................$3.00 Sauces: Ranch, Honey Mustard, Cajun, Golden Hot BBQ, Garlic Butter, Turkey Club (Turkey, Bacon, Swiss, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mayo on Toasted bun) ..... $5.00 Buffalo, Asian Sweet Chili BBQ Ham Club (Ham, Bacon, Lettuce, Mayo on Toast).............................$5.50 SOUPS AND SALADS Salad Dressings: Italian, Ranch, French, Blue Cheese, 1000 Island, Poppy Seed, Fat Free French, Fat Free Ranch Chef Salad (Ham, Egg, Cheese, Tomato, Cucumber) ..............$4.95 Small Chef Salad .............................................................................$3.50 Chicken Breast (Chicken Breast, Egg, Tomato) ......................$5.95 Nacho Salad (Meat, Lettuce, Black Olives, Banana Peppers, Onions ..... $5.75 CHICKEN Breaded Chicken Breast ................................................................. $4.00 Spicy Breaded Chicken Breast ..................................................... $4.00 Grilled Chicken Breast .................................................................... $3.75 Shredded Chicken ..............................................................................$2.75 BURGERS Freshly Ground Chuck patties 1/3 lb. Hamburger ..............................................................................$3.25 Tossed Salad......................................................................................$2.50 Soup (Homemade Soup of the Day) .....................................................$2.75 1/3 lb. Cheeseburger..........................................................................$3.75 Double Cheeseburger ....................................................................... $6.00 SIDES Double Bacon Cheeseburger ......................................................... $6.50 Applesauce.....................................................$1.50 1/3 lb. Mushroom Burger ................................................................ $3.50 Cole Slaw ........................................................$1.50 1/2 lb. Chopped Sirloin Burger ....................................................... $5.00 Cottage Cheese ............................................$1.50 Baked Potato................................................ $2.25 SPECIALTY SANDWICHES Criss Cross Fries.........................................$2.50 1/2 lb. Mushroom Steak ................................................................. $6.50 French Fries ..................................................$2.50 (Chopped Sirloin w/Grilled Onion, Mushrooms & Swiss Cheese on a Toasted Bun) DINNERS Philly Steak ........................................................................................ $5.00 Shredded Cheese, Tomatoes, Cheese Sauce) Sour Cream & Salsa Optional All Dinners include a choice of 2 sides and dinner roll (Thinly Sliced Ribeye Steak, Mozzarella, Grilled Onions, Green Peppers on Toasted Bun) Alaska Walleye (Seasoned & Deep Fried or Broiled). .....................2 pc $7.50 ...................................................................................................................3 pc $8.50 House Special ................................................................................... $5.00 Fried Chicken (Seasoned & Deep Fried Golden Brown) .................2 pc $7.50 (Breaded Chicken Breast, Bacon, Swiss Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo on toasted bun) ...................................................................................................................3 pc $8.50 BIG JAY-BOB 1/2 lb. Prime Rib Burger ........................................$7.50 Mushrooms, Jalapenos, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Mayo, Swiss & All White Meat ADD $1.00 Boneless Chicken Breast (Two 4 oz. Skinless Breasts) .......................$8.75 American Cheese (BBQ Sauce optional) Chopped Sirloin Garnished w/Onion Rings ............................................. $7.25 EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK Kids or SENIOR MEALS CHILDREN 10 & UNDER *Meals come with French Fries or Applesauce and Kids Drink Chicken Strips (2) ........................................................................... $3.50 Corn Dog Nuggets (6) .................................................................... $3.50 Grilled Cheese ................................................................................... $3.50 Nachos w/Cheese ............................................................................. $3.50 Mac & Cheese Bites (6) ................................................................ $3.50 Make it a Platter with French Fries and Cole Slaw $3.25 EXTRA ITEMS Bacon $1.00 Tomato $0.25 Cheese $2.50 Lettuce $0.25 August 13th—16th Memorial Park Downtown St. Marys Join Us In Entertainment Tent Saluting Area Fri—Sat 9PM—1AM Veterans Sunday 6PM—10PM Sunday, August 16th Gazebo Fri-Sat 6pm– 9pm Entertainment Tent Haywired—Friday Kids games! Fantazia Circus Rides! Free Shows Daily! 1988—Saturday Another Round— Sunday Gazebo Antique Tractor Show Agent 99—Friday Sunday Aftermath—Saturday Family Fun! 5K Run/Walk! Craft Show! Car Show! Corn Hole! Grand Lake Area’s Best Pizza For Over 50 Years Celina Wine Store DRIVE THRU 586-6416 394-5555 CELINA ST. MARYS Delivery Available Now Serving Breakfast (Villa Nova location only)
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