Vol 45 No 10 2012 - The Valley and East Coast Voice
Vol 45 No 10 2012 - The Valley and East Coast Voice
The Valley & East Coast Voice Volume 45 No. 10, Thursday September 6, 2012. Est. 1968 50 cents Memorable Historic event at Mathinna On a recent sunny but very windy Sunday, the Mathinna Landcare Group were presented with a 25 pound field gun. The 26th August 2012 will go down in Mathinna history, as Norman Andrews, OAM Secretary-Public Officer of RAA Assoc of Tasmania proudly handed over this piece of Australian history. Little is know about the weapon except that it was recovered from a blackberry patch and was still in full operational condition. The gun was restored to its original condition and rendered safe. It is thought to have been used to celebrate the Queen's Birthday with a blank fired to announce this occasion. Norman Andrews handed this important relic to Red Parsons and it is on display at the Mathinna cenotaph. After the official ceremony we all adjourned for a hot cuppa and nibbles. Congratulations to the town of Mathinna. In attendance, representing the Break O’Day Council were Mayor Schmerl and Councillor Reon Johns. (Photos: Cllr Reon Johns.) Please note: Deadline for articles in the next Valley Voice is 5pm Tuesday September 18, 2012 EMAIL ADDRESS: judith.spilsbury@telair.com.au Community news St Marys Hospital Auxiliary meets the fir st Monday of every month at 2pm at the St Marys Community Health Centre. Tasmania The Break O’Day Woodcraft Guild Inc. meets for meetings the last Saturday of the month at 2pm at the goods shed behind the St Marys Railway Station. The Tasmanian Lymphoedema Centre Inc., holds meetings every 3rd Monday of the month at 10 am at the St Marys Community Health Centre, Day Care room. St Marys Ladies Midweek Tennis 9.30am each wed. Need new players - of any standardbeginners welcome-childminding included - lovely safe place to bring toddlers while you play. Ph: Karon 63722382/Dana 63722033 Playgroup at Falmouth Community Centre. Fr idays 10.30 12.30. $2 per family. Please bring a piece of fruit for sharing and your child’s own drink bottle & sun protection. Bikes and helmets welcome. Details contact Michelle: 6372 2835 / 0418 271 315. Are you doing/interested in Homeschooling? Keen for a local network? Contact Michelle: 6372 2835 / 0418 271 315. St Patricks Head & Esk Valley Historical Society Inc meets every second month on the third Wednesday at 3pm at various venues throughout the valley. For details please contact: Barry (6372 5752) (email: aulich@bigpond,com) or J im Haas (6372 2127) (email: jimhaas@bigpond.com) Alternately you can check out our website :www.fingalvalleyhistory.com The Scamander and Beaumaris Community Development Association meets at 7 pm at the Scamander Sports Complex every third Wednesday of the month. New members are most welcome. The Falmouth Community centr e would like to advise members and the community that the new contact for bookings of club facilities is Rachel Woods. Rachel can be contacted on: 03 6372 5118. Suncoast Singers meet ever y Fr iday at 10am in the Catholic Hall - Cecilia Street St Helens. New singers always welcome… If you can yawn - you can sing. Phone Mary-Anne Wadsworth 6376 2969. Break O'Day Regional Arts - General meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month at 4.p.m. at the e.ScApe Cafe. All welcome. Inquiries to Rod 6372 2444. GET TOURISM ... meets the second Monday of each month unless otherwise notified. WHERE: Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House TIME: 7PM All WELCOME. Enquiries to the president on 63722783. Bicheno Indoor Market When: Where: every 3rd Sunday of the month Bicheno War Memorial Hall 9am – 1pm Hot Foods – come and enjoy breakfast, morning tea or lunch. Variety of Stalls More stall space available: Contact David Logie: ph. 6375 1129. Only 1 market left for this year! 16th September. Stallholders Market Inc. Is a non profit organisation holding markets every Saturday from 8am in St Helens, at the Library car park. There is a variety of stalls and the fees charged to stall holders is donated to various charities. For stall booking and other inquiries, please phone Cheryl on 6372 2194. Leave message. St Marys Market Rain hail or shine the markets will be held on the 1st Saturday every month in the community hall. 9am start. New stall holders welcome. Phone Robina 03 6372 2022 or Sue 03 6372 2512 The Cornwall Community Development Group Inc welcome all interested persons to their meetings in the Cornwall Hall on the first Tuesday of each month at 6.30 p.m. Wendy Dawson Public Officer - Ph. 0403430452 St Helens Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Wednesday 8pm Weekly. St Pauls Anglican Church Hall, St Helens. Murdoch 6376 3335. St Helens Al-Anon Family Group (Al Anon) To help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of the living with the problem drinking of someone close. Sunday 2pm weekly. St Pauls Anglican Church Hall St Helens Anne or John 6376 4270 or Rose 6376 3335. St Marys Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Friday 8pm Weekly. Holy Trinity. Mick & Shirl: 6372 2909. The Break O' Day Stitchers meets each Fr iday in the Bungalow at Neighbourhood House in St Helens from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and participants are welcome to stay for as long or short a time as they may choose. The choice of projects to work on is also optional - either to bring your own work or join in and assist on a group project. Scamander Garden Club meets at Scamander Spor ts Complex at 1.30pm on the third Monday of each month. Enjoy sharing garden activities. Contact Val: 6372 2762. www.fingalvalleyhistory.com Gipps Creek Field Day Walk & history talk by local residents Brad & Mary Knowles Sunday 16th September 2012 Meeting at Purple Possum in St Marys at 9:45 am, or Gipps Greek turn-off on the Rossarden Road at 10:30 am All Welcome come along and learn the history of one of Tasmanian's oldest tin mining towns As well, enjoy good company and a BYO lunch For sale Classifieds Mitsubishi Magna S/W 90. Power steer ing, auto, 240,000kms, runs well, reg till Dec”12. $500. ono. Ph: 0427 603 488. Barina XC hatch 2005, auto, r eg. 04-13, silver/lilac, only 50,000kms. Full service record. Immac.cond. AC & CD player. $10,500.ono. PH: 6372 5667. 1994 Honda XR 100. good condition. Mechanically A1. $1400. ono. Contact Karen Polden Ph: 6372 2438 or Mob: 0439 333 398. Set of 4 timber swivel bar stools, leather seat and back. Good con. $400—the lot. Wardrobe & dressing table. $40 for both. Ph: 6372 2357. Budgies for sale. $10 each. Ph: 63751949. 17" flat screen colour TV. HD set top box (never used) DVD player. Swivel wall mount (never used) $150 the lot. Ph: K Floyed 6372 2176. Steam Mop Bissell. Ver y good condition. Paid $169. Sell $30. Ph: 0408 519 373 or 6372 5486. For sale BARGAIN OF THE YEAR – a 2 storey kit home (lock-up only) for only $33,000.00! Three bedrooms, open plan living area, laundry, bathroom, separate wc downstairs, bathroom and wc upstairs, deck opening out from upstairs bedroom over porch at ground level. Total floor area (both levels) of 168 sq. m. Purchaser will need to organise own pickup. Call Rita on 03 6372 2724 or drop in to Gone Rustic, 37 Main Street, St Marys (Tues-Sat, 11-3) WANTED TO BUY CHEAP CARAVAN. PH: 0429 301 140. Wanted to buy Exercise bike in good condition. Ph: 0437 227 123 GIVE AWAY - PIGS Sigma sedan, automatic, r eg until Nov. Power steer ing, air conditioning. A gift at $600. Ph: 6377 1114. 10 SOWS, 2 YEARS OLD - 6 BOARS 2006 Subaru Forester, 84,000kms 5 speed manual, r ego 12th month 2012. Good tyres. In good condition. $17,500 neg. Ph: 0499 742 178. Frozen blueberries - $11 kilo Phone 6372 2341. Frozen raspberries for sale 10 dollar s /kg . Ideal for jams, cakes and puddings. Raspberry canes with good r oots $1 each. Ph: Jack 6372 2034. Ph: 6372 2271. Orders taken for Sheep Poo - for the Scouts. $5 a bag. 0412 803 027. “Moo-Poo”. Finely scr eened. Any quantity. See Nor m. Ph: 6372 2380. Wheat for sale. 20kg bags, $10. 20kg bags cr ushed, $15. Contact Jason: 0419 514 947. Garden mulch. Large square bales of straw. FINGAL VALLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE INC AGM Will be held on Thursday 20th September 2012 at 7pm at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House. All welcome to attend. Any enquiries, please contact the office on 6374 2344. Garden mulch, in big r ound bales. (wheat str aw, weed free) $60 a bale, delivered free in St Marys area. Ph: 0407 944 158. Tractor slashing available. Ph: 0407 944 158. FINGAL ONLINE ACCESS CENTRE Joyce, Peter, Helen and families of the late John (Jack) Wines would like to thank all persons who sent condolence cards, phone calls, text messages, floral tributes and also people who attended the funeral service, in the loss of our beloved husband, father, grand and great granddad. A special thank you to Dr Latt, all nursing staff for their kindness and help during our sad loss. Sincerely, Joyce Wines. Will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 19th September 2012 at 7pm, at the Online Access Centre. All welcome to attend. Any enquiries, please contact the Online Centre on 6374 2222. BINGO at the Cornwall hall every Monday at 7pm. 2 Jackpots $120 & $100. All welcome. Money raised going to help with renovations to the hall. Free delivery in St Marys area. Ph: Mark or Alana: 63722145. RETURN THANKS FINGAL DISTRICT PROGRESS COMMITTEE INC Will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 25th September 2012 at 7pm at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House. All welcome to attend. Any enquiries, please contact Louisa on 0438 372 246 Classifieds in the Valley Voice are free of charge. If your articles are not sold after the first entry, we will repeat the ad in the next issue. Please let us know if items are sold. Every effort will be made to have correct details and phone numbers. However if there is a mistake, it will be corrected in the following issue. www.fingalvalleyhistory.com Cornwall Explosion As we grow older, many of our childhood memories tend to fade away. Some we lose forever, and others are blurred by a cloudy mist with only bits and pieces visible here and there. There are a few, however, that remain almost as vivid as if it happened yesterday. One of those vivid memories for me happened when I was only five years old. My family lived only a few hundred metres from the entrance to one of the coal mines at Cornwall and the sounds from the mine, such as the clanking of coal skips, the voices of the men yelling orders at their ponies, or the whistle that singled the start, crib time and finish of the shift, were an everyday part of our lives. It was a Tuesday and the last day of An old explosion Magazine that still February 1950. Around mid-afternoon I stands amongst the undergrowth went inside to get a glass of water because it was a rather hot day. I sat down at the kitchnear the old Cornwall Mine en table and the first thing I remember was the table started to shake; then I saw the crockery that hung in the kitchen cabinet begin to move; then within the next second the sound of a large explosion echoed across the town, rattling everything for hundreds of metres. I jumped up and along with my mother, ran outside to be joined by a dozen neighbours all standing staring in bewilderment at a huge plume of smoke bellowing up from near the mine. “W hat the hell has happened!” was the question everyone was asking.“God forbid, the mine has blown up”, somebody cried. “Oh, no, our men are down there”. There was panic everywhere. Some women ran towards the mine, others just stood frozen in fear. At the mine the surface, staff was also bewildered as to what had happened. Men were running around shutting off electrical equipment, whilst others grabbed fire fighting tools and ran towards the fire that was now raging in the nearby bush. It took several minutes for the staff to realize the detonator magazine had somehow blown up. But the panic continued for quite a while before the news came through that, thankfully, no one had been hurt. On the 1st March 1950 the following article appeared in the Examiner Newspaper: “MAGAZINE BLOWN UP AT CORNWALL MINE. A magazine containing nearly 2500 detonators was apparently wilfully blown up at Cornwall Coal Mine, St Marys, between 2:30 and 2:40 pm yesterday. The explosion shook surrounding buildings and completely destroyed the building in which the detonators and caps were stored. Miners and other workers on top of the bank-top at the mine miraculously escaped injury. Sgt W. J. Gough of St Marys Police who is conducting investigations with Trooper E. C. Flude, said last night that the door of the magazine had been forced. “But we have not found the lock”, he added. Sgt Gough said 1200 detonators were also found within a 60 to 80 feet range of the magazine. They had apparently been dragged outside. Bushes and shrubs were set alight by the explosion. However, the outbreak was quickly brought under control by the miners, although the situation was extremely volatile because detonators were constantly exploding whilst the men were fighting the fire. Sgt Gough said he hopes to complete his investigations into the incident today.” The next day (Thursday the 2nd March 1950) another article appeared in the Examiner. It read as follows: “PUZZLED BY CORNWALL EXPLOSION. Although a young boy will appear in the St Marys Children’s Court to answer a charge of blowing up a magazine at the Cornwall Coal Colliery on Tuesday, police do not know how it was done. Police at St Marys said a boy admitted breaking into the magazine. However, he had refused to say anything about the explosion. Investigations by police and mining officials had failed to reveal how the explosion began.” The young lad in question, who was said to be around ten years old at the time, was obviously smart for his age. But one can only wonder what he could have done with today’s technology. Jim Haas St Marys Cricket Senior Cricket training will commence on 27/9/12 at 6:00pm at the St Marys Cricket Ground. All old and new players welcome! Contact Craig if you want to play but can’t make training 0407 908 058. Letters to the Editor Vol. 45 No 10, September 6, 2012 We are referring to the letter from Leigh Spilsbury that was published in the Valley Voice dated 23 August 2012 in particular his comment about one family using the disabled parking. We are disappointed that if Leigh had seen this situation happening and if he had a gripe about it why not approach the family involved and ask them why they had 2 cars parked in the disabled parking. Did this occur on 13th April 2012? Regardless as to whether or not the disabled parking was being used by the same family, if they were displaying a disabled parking permit, which Leigh said they were, he does not have any right to have a whinge about this. There are many reasons as to why there would be 2 cars from the same family. Did he actually see the people go to the shop or school or is he just making an assumption? If this was aimed at our family I wish to point out that my husband was admitted to hospital with a suspected heart attack at approximately 10am and was not released until 9.30pm that night and at no time did both of us leave the hospital. If he did see us walking around, it was under doctors instructions to do so. We value having a disable parking space outside the door and many times we don't even park there, we leave it for other people but there is also many occasions when we have been to see the doctor and people that don't have disabled parking permits are parked in these parking bays, maybe Leigh should be picking on these people not genuine people who have reasons and parking permits that allow them to park there. Big Backward Step There is a proposal by our council to “streetscape” our town. Did you order it? Do you want it? You have already paid a good deal of money having elaborate and attractively presented plans drawn up. Did you order them? Do you want them? It’s too late to say no to the theory as it’s already fact. And we have paid for it! St Marys and Fingal have wide, uncluttered, safe streets. Why take a retrograde step. Most asinine is the proposal to reduce Main Street parking space drastically by the backward step from the excellent, logical, angle parking to parallel parking. One thing it will mean is that we’ll have to park further away and (God forbid) walk a greater distance! Did you ask for that? Do you want to pay for it? The fact is the council are the servants not the masters of the inhabitants of Break O’Day - unless we allow them to be the masters! It’s our town - not theirs. It’s our money - not theirs. Have your say! Stop it now - don’t bloody whinge about it when its been forced on us because we were too apathetic to do anything. Wake up St Marys. David Lawer. ST MARYS NEWSAGENCY Phone: 6372 2143 Gillian McDiarmid Maternity Services Coming to the East Coast An antenatal clinic has been developed through a funded program from the Medical Specialist Outreach Assistance Program- Maternity Services. The midwifery Service will commence on Tuesday 11th September based at St Marys Community Health Centre at St Marys and the St Helen’s Child and Family Centre at St Helens. Services that will be provided include Obstetric appointments; Midwifery led antennal clinic and links with Physiotherapy, Social Work and the Child Health Nurse. To access the East Coast Maternity Service please speak to your Doctor about accessing the service and they will forward a referral form. Women under care of LGH currently can discuss this with the Launceston General Hospital Antenatal Clinic at their next appointment. The service does not provide home visits or in labour care. In labour care will continue to be delivered by the Launceston General Hospital and women are to present there when in labour. Phone: 6348 7111 Launceston 6372 2111 St Marys 6376 5222 St Helens Open 7 days a week for your convenience. Winter trading hours 6am - 6pm Mon to Thurs Fri 6am –7pm 7am – 6pm Sat. & Sun. AURORA PAYG PHONE CARDS PRE-PAID MOBILES DVDs STATIONERY GIFTS WRAPPING PAPER NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES FISHING GEAR Plus all the phone credit you will need. BAIT ICE Employment wanted House cleaning. Experienced lady. References supplied. $15 p/hr. Ph: 6372 2814. NEW DVDs CALOWS BUS DEPOT Employment wanted Gardening, odd jobs. Honest, Catholic family man. $15 p/hr. Ph: 6372 2814. St Helens - St Marys Community Bank Community Grants Presentation St Helens Neighbourhood House 29th August 2012 Variety was the theme for the St Helens/StMarys Community Bank presentation night held last week. Five grants of $300 each were donated to community groups who are associated with a variety of activities involving young people in our community. The winners were St Marys Regional Arts, Auskick St Helens, Riding for the Disabled, St Helens Netball Association and the St Helens Neighbourhood House. Donations had been given by people who participated in the community bank conference held in St Helens in March. They came from Geeveston – Huonville, Hobart and Swansea and all wanted to help our community. Chairman Heather Butler, said “It is a great thrill to see such a wide range of activities that are available for our young people and for the St Helens – St Marys Community Bank project to be able to support these voluntary groups. There is creativity, and different sports where young people can develop their own individual skill sets and talents while having fun. All of the successful grants will help to develop the potential of our young citizens and add to the depth of experience in their lives.” Samantha Somerfield Riding For The Disabled Jane Tippett St Helens Neighbourhood House More pledges of your intent to support the Community Bank are needed before the steering committee can proceed to the business planning stage for a Community Bank, so please consider filling in a pledge form which can be obtained and lodged at St Marys Supermarket, Eastlines or Gazzmans in St Helens so that we can get two Community Banks established. Geoff Butler, Publicity Officer. Photos of the winners, along with Chairman Heather Butler. Rob McIntyre Auskick Jeanette Del Santos Break O’Day Regional Arts Lisa Whittaker St Helens Netball Association OUT OF THE WOODWORK SECRETARY, WENDY BRENNAN 637 22094 On behalf of all our members we wish Margaret Derbyshire a speedy recovery from her recent illness. Although Margaret is not a member of “Our Gang” she has always been a strong supporter and advocate of the Guild. Many thanks to Wendy Fowler for her kind donation of tea bags, its small gestures like this that ease the financial pressure with the cost of sundries etc. We are in the fund raising process at present to help finance our antiquated games which will be held on the Guild’s grounds. We hope to have Badminton, Barchi and Croquet and have competitors dress in period costumes. We believe this would be most fitting for such an “auspicious” occasion especially when it will be followed by high tea and attended by our gracious games patron Lady Hannah Rubenach. On a serious note many thanks to all the community who supported our raffle. The coffers are looking up and we also thank the people who support our club by purchasing one of our “most hated most eaten snags.” Pictured right are three ‘before and after’ photos of our memorial garden, started and maintained by Guild members. The garden contains many cuttings given to the Guild from many members of our community who are no longer with us… but remain in our thoughts especially at spring. The Guild meets on the last Saturday of every month at 2pm in the old railway goods shed situated behind the Railway Station complex. New members are always welcome, both men and women. We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Other times by appointment. (Please note that our previously advertised day of Friday has now been replaced by Thursday) GOLDEN GATE GALLERY OPENS AT MATHINNA Beautiful weather was at hand Sat 1.8.2012 for The Golden Gate Gallery Official opening at Mathinna. A good size crowd enjoyed browsing through the art and crafts inside and enjoyed a lovely BBQ outside in the sun. Linda Burns and Mayor Sarah Schmerl were on hand for the opening speech. Interested in Medieval life? Arts, crafts, costumes etc? If so please contact Michael on 0447 106 218 or Lillian 6372 2531. The Say Cagerattler Back in the 1960s Australia went to a pretty much unwinnable war in Vietnam. So many who embarked on that war either by choice or due to National Service at the time came back not only changed but also unfairly ostracised by others in their communities. I’ve never been able to understand that to this day, but it happened. For those who went willingly they no doubt served thinking they were fighting a Khmer Rouge regime who were essentially dictators and to the National Service people it was simple, you go and do your time. So many paid with their lives and many more were never the same again after witnessing the atrocities that took place. Ultimately though, North Vietnamese forces entered the south and foreign troops left the country in 1975. Quite simply the overwhelming problems foreign and South Vietnamese troops faced was being able to tell friend from enemy and ‘friendly fire’ often killed you. Roll the clock forward a few decades to present day. What’s changed in that regard? In the past few days we’ve seen the senseless, gutless murder of three Australian diggers by a rogue supposedly genuine Afghan soldier. This creature, no human decency to be classified as human, cowardly gunned down these blokes under the guise of being an ally and student of our troops. This same situation has now occurred several times during deployment of coalition troops to this backward place of the planet where extremists exist in big numbers. Once again the best of intentions are met by people with very little if any regard for humanity, namely Taliban loyalists and collaborators. As sorry as we feel for Afghan citizens genuinely wanting a better and more peaceful life, a truly wonderful ideal, I am absolutely certain that no matter how long our troops are deployed, the day after we pull out this evil mob will resurface and go about their horrific, dictatorial and murderous ways. In the meantime so many wonderful service men and women put their lives on the line for an unachievable result. For generation after generation this part of the world battles tribal and cultural wars and it would be nigh on impossible to stamp out this mentality in a few short years. Whilst our brave souls battle insurgents, IEDs and these “friendly” troops, our politicians should stop sitting on their hands and get them out before it’s totally out of control, because sooner or later it will be. Lets not finish up with another Vietnam. What do you think? (Column by Rod McGiveron) RSPCA Cupcake Day 2012 On Monday 27- Friday 31 August 2012 you may have been lucky enough to see and taste the wonderful display and selection of cupcakes for sale at the St Marys Community Health Centre. Di Field, Bec Hansson and Katie Burow swapped their roles as nurses and became Cupcake Chef’s. What an amazing selection and job they did! There was even a selection of cupcakes for the dogs! At the end of the week $665 had been raised in cupcake sales for the RSPCA! We apologise to those of you who missed out on the opportunity to purchase/taste these wonderful creations but due to the popularity and amount of funds raised discussions are underway to have another ‘cupcake day’ for another to be decided charity later in the year. We will let you know… Thank you to everyone for your support of this important cause and a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful multitalented Nurses/Chef’s! Pictured right, some of the decorated cupcakes. Ana’s Hairdressing Salon Main Street, St Marys Open every Tuesday & Wednesday 9am Bringing 22 years experience For all your cuts, colours, perms, sets. Phone: 0448 532 531 On Tuesday & Wednesdays, or just call in. Or phone (H) 6372 5497 to pre-book. Same prices, service & phone numbers Providing a service to the community. OPEN SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 27th of August 2012 Media Release: YouTube Video Out of an abundance of caution I have decided to remove from YouTube a video created for last weekend’s State Conference. I note the repeated, public complaints by the Labor Party and I can understand why the Labor Party doesn’t want Tasmanians being reminded just how bad the Green-Labor experiment is. Sam McQuestin State Director Liberal Party of Australia (Tasmanian Division) EAST COAST SURVEYING Consulting surveyors and land planners. Brett Woolcott 6376 1972 We can help you. □ □ □ □ Buying a pr oper ty? Planning a development? Unsure of your property potential In dispute with an adjoining owner? TUES - WED - THURS BOTH WEEKS! LEAVER’S DINNER APPOINTMENTS NOW BEING MADE. GREAT SELECTION OF LEAVER’S DINNER JEWELLERY, REASONABLY PRICED. gone rustic studio & gallery REOPENING after renovations on 11 sept; tues-sat 10-4 37 main street, st marys, tasmania 7215 – 03 6372 2724 www.gonerustic.wordpress.com – gonerustic@gmail.com SMALL GIFTS - COME AND HAVE A LOOK. ALL PURCHASES WILL BE GIFT WRAPPED IF REQUIRED. *GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Ana wishes to advise clients that she is still doing her Mobile Hairdressing. When she has no mobile clients some Thursdays, she will be available at the salon. Further to this the salon will be open for business each Market Saturday. The Break O’Day Woodcraft Guild and Men’s Shed will be holding their Annual General Meeting on the 29th September at the old railway goods shed St Marys at 2pm. ST MARYS PACING CLUB INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMITTEE ROOM UNDER THE GRANDSTAND ON FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER AT 7PM ALL OLD AND NEW PERSONS INTERESTED WILL BE MADE VERY WELCOME. ERIC BEAN, SEC. Wholefoods and Café ...you’re always welcome! 5 Story Street St Marys Ph: 6372 2655 The sun is shining and the plants are growing. See our new garden shop opening soon Pharmacist on duty 5 days a week Main Street, St Marys Tas. 7215 Phone: 6372 2844 — Fax: 6372 2874 Ear Piercing $27 Includes:- Piercing, Earrings and solution to take home. With qualified staff Bec or Sally Community Dinner Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall St Marys Expressions of Interest 2 Story Street St Marys Saturday 15th September 2012 5.00 for 5.30 Greet your fellow community members and enjoy a Greek Style Spit Roast Goat COMMERCIAL WORKSHOP OF APPROXIMATELY 165 SQM FLOOR PIT WITH OVERHEAD TRAVELLING GANTRY SEPARATE OFFICE AREA Please bring a themed side dish or a dessert to share Gold coin donation RSVP Barbara on 6372 2428 SECURE REAR YARD LARGE AREA FOR OFF STREET PARKING St Marys Tigers Football Club Inc. & Healthy House are proud to announce “A return to the Glory Days” St Marys vs Campbell Town St Marys Football Ground 1.30pm Saturday 15 September Game to be followed by St Marys Tigers end-of-year presentation in the Club Rooms at approximately 3.30pm Full range of food and refreshments available Free admission All welcome PLEASE NOTE: THE DATE ADVERTISED ON THIS POSTER MAY HAVE TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 22. WATCH OUT FOR POSTERS AROUND TOWN AND THE VALLEY VOICE NEXT ISSUE. St Marys Tigers Football Club Inc. News It with great pleasure that I can announce that our final match of the year will be a “blast from the past”; the boys from Campbell Town have managed to rustle up a team and some old rivalry will be resumed when they play St Marys at the St Marys footy ground on Saturday 15 September at approximately 1.30pm. I’ve heard that there were some mighty games between the two towns over many years so while the intensity might be a little lower the competiveness will still be there. While primarily an AFL Masters game there may be a few “ring-ins” to add a bit more spice. We are also fortunate that Healthy House will come on board and have a presence on the day. Final details of what they have planned are not available at time of writing but it is understood that they will have their “on the spot” blood testing facility there so come along and have a quick check. As always there will be a full range of food and refreshments and admission is free. After the game (at approximately 3.30pm) we will be holding our Club presentation in the rooms. Once again we are very fortunate that the following have kindly donated trophies: Mark Carrick, St Marys IGA, Michael & Louise Williams, Mt Elephant Pancake Barn, Ross & Tracy Bean, St Marys Coach House Restaurant, St Marys Licensed Post Office, St Marys Lions Club, Ruth & John McGiveron, Tasqual (Rick Lohrey) and Michael & Kath Cooke and finally the Leedham family (the Kevin “Matty” Leedham Memorial Award for best club supporter) and we thank them sincerely for their support. After that no doubt the odd person will wander over to the pub for a meal and a few celebratory drinks. A match report and full details of all award winners will be published in the next Valley Voice. Hopefully we will have a fine sunny day and a great roll-up. Harry Veldums, Club President. Last chance to attend Bingo at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House Bingo Eyes down at 1pm Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month starting 6th September JOURNALS ANONYMOUS –11am-2pm on last Saturday each month at Gone Rustic Studio & Gallery, St. Marys: just bring whatever art or journal/sketchbook you’re working on. Cost: donation. BYO lunch. For more info, call Rita on 0417 027 424 or email to gonerustic@gmail.com stitchedupmama – www.stitchedupmama.wordpress.com WRAPPED IN ST MARYS See photos, slideshows and more at www.wrappedinstmarystas.wordpress.com Also a great way to keep up to date with developments for next year! An initiative of GET (Greater Esk Tourism) St Marys Op Shop Monday - Friday 11 - 4 Market Saturdays 10 - 1 As volunteers are available. From left to right Lorraine Gill, Wendy Fowler, Caroline Craghill, Jeanette Gilbert, Janet Drummond and Sonia Allison ...just missing Lillian McRostie, Kelly Farrell and Jan Madden from the team. Always looking for new volunteers to assist at the Op Shop, please contact Janet Drummond on 0404 562 320, or call in most Fridays, to speak with Janet. Come support your local school community and have fun volunteering at the St Marys Op Shop. Advertisement BINALONG BAY FORESHORE MASTER PLAN NOMINATIONS COMMUNITY REFERENCE GROUP This reference group will assist with the preparation of a Master Plan for the enhancement, development, management and maintenance on the Binalong Bay Foreshore, while recognizing the area as a significant State asset of community/heritage/cultural and natural landscape/ foreshore open space significance. Council is calling for nominations to fill three (3) positions on the Community Reference Group, with the role to support the successful consultant during the process of engaging the community and preparing the Binalong Bay Foreshore Master Plan. Nominations are to be forwarded to Chris Hughes, Manager Community Services by post to PO Box 21, St Helens, 7216 or email chris.hughes@bodc.tas.gov.au by close of business on the 13 September 2012. Please direct queries to Chris Hughes or the General Manager on (03) 6376 7900. Des Jennings GENERAL MANAGER INVITATION To all children and students To a Holiday Workshop Saturday 15th September 10:00am Avoca Museum and Information Centre Cost: Gold coin donation per family Morning tea and lunch provided Come along ready to create and enjoy vinyl records RSVP Mary (03) 6385 2002 Declare war on aches and pains It’s time to see the Muscle Man “Too many people have put up with aches and pains for too long - and it is time they had them fixed.” This poignant statement is the main thrust behind a technique that has taken the region by storm. Muscle manipulation, or the corrective manipulation of muscle, tendons and ligaments, is a little known Australian technique that has been practised for many years. Although very effective, with results usually obtained in only one treatment, it has never been recognised by the medical profession. It is based on the principle that muscles can be jolted out of alignment by a fall, lifting something too heavy and pulling a muscle, or by repetitive strain. Nerves are then pinched, causing pain and discomfort. A domino effect then occurs, where the surrounding muscles also misalign, shorten and spasm, and so on, until the whole area is affected. The corrective technique is very simple; the practitioner simply reverses the process by rolling the muscles back in reverse order. Results are immediate, with patients getting their full range of movement back, alleviating their pain. Muscle manipulation really is the missing link in treatment; a simple, safe, and effective treatment. Peter Horsfield is the remedial masseur who specialises in muscle manipulation. Dennis Lillee said; “ I feel 20 years younger.” CALL: 0413 635 690 MOBILE SERVICE IN BREAK O’DAY MUNICIPALITY www.themuscleman.com.au (leave a message if no answer) or gippscreek@skymesh.com.au Market Day - AVOCA Saturday 8th September 9:00am to 2:00pm At the Avoca Memorial Hall Stall $10.00 Contact Mary 63852002 or Steve 63842188 to book a stall Articles for any edition may be left at the St Marys Pharmacy. This also includes items for sale and wanted. Please ensure that your details are included. East Coast Community Transport Services, based in “Are you eligible for carer allowance and have a child with a disability/developmental delay or chronic medical condition? Would you like to meet other parents or carers in similar circumstances? Would you like to socialise, have fun and relax while your child and their siblings are engaged in activities with a play helper? Do you want to find out about available community support services that you can access? If your answer is YES to all the questions then MyTime is just for you! St Marys, is extending its services to provide a variety of outings to the community – including weekends. “Most of our trips involve helping residents get to medical appointments in Launceston or Hobart”, co-ordinator Jan Saunders said. “but we’d like to be offering a way for people to access social activities as well.” “Community Transport is all about helping people to be able to stay in their own homes longer. By providing transport to medical facilities as well as for pleasurable outings, it helps people to enjoy a better balance in their lives and to meet others.” MyTime is a FREE service that is open and inclusive to all parents and carers that fit the above criteria. Groups meet across Tasmania. St Giles Society facilitates several groups across the North, East Coast and North West of the State. “In the past, Community Transport has taken residents out fishing, shopping and out to lunch, etc. If there is enough interest in the community, as the days get longer and warmer, our wheelchair accessible vehicle will be made available for a variety of activities. We just need to know what people want to do, where they want to go, and when!” For more information please contact Jeannette at St Giles on 63457333 and/or visit www.mytime.net.au “As our drivers all generously volunteer their time, obviously our schedule will depend upon their availability on the requested days.” “It’s nice to have a group that looks after the parents needs as well as the children’s.” MyTime Parent To register your interest or to offer suggestions, contact Jan on 6372 2137. UPCOMING BUS TRIPS ERIC HUTCHINSON Federal Liberal Candidate for Lyons MEDIA RELEASE 29 August 2012 Too little too late, Dick If Dick Adams really cared about the forestry industry in Tasmania he would have spoken out as soon as the disastrous Statement of Principles process was announced by Julia Gillard and Lara Giddings. He claims that he’s representing the people of Lyons, yet he’s been in hiding for the last two years while the forestry industry has been decimated. Now he has the gall to say he’s standing up for the forestry industry and for Lyons. Where was Mr Adams when people were losing their businesses? Where was Mr Adams when people were losing their homes? Where was Mr Adams when families started leaving Lyons in droves because they couldn’t find work? Dick Adams is a hypocrite of the highest order and his mock outrage now is nothing short of a disgrace. Now that Mr Adams can sniff an election in the wind he is desperately trying to convince the people of Lyons that he’s standing up for them, when in fact he has sold them out and completely shafted them. It’s too little, too late, Dick. To Evandale Markets: Sunday Sunday September 23rd, 2012. Fee $18.00 October 7th, 2012 Fee $18.00 To Eastlands Shopping Centre, Hobart Saturday October 27th, 2012 Fee $25.00 To Salamanca Markets, Hobart Saturday November 10th, 2012 Fee $25.00 Pick up from St Marys, Fingal, Avoca. Bookings essential. Seats limited. Wheelchair accessible vehicle To book, phone Jan at Community Transport on 6372 2137 Is there somewhere special you’d like to go as a group? The movies…..the races…. Craft shows? Let us see how we can help! Rae & Partners Lawyers Barristers & Solicitors 113 Cimitiere St Launceston Visiting : St Marys Community Health Centre Alternate Tuesdays : 9 am – 10 am Ph: 6337 5555 For appointments. Terrapin Puppet Theatre Community Hall St Marys Wednesday 31st, October Details for both events Phone Sue 63722512 SIDE BY SIDE Jessica Turale and James Brewer Jessica works in design and photography. James works in music, design and photography. Both from Penguin, NW Tasmania, aged 21. Their work is all based on the landscapes of North West Tasmania. James photographs coastal and forest scenes with a haunting, ethereal feel. Some are powerful, others poignant. Some are given a dramatic vertical format rather like viewing through a contemporary architectural window Tasmanian Regional Arts Touring Exhibition On Display at GONE RUSTIC, St Marys During November. Do you know someone… Who would like to improve their English? Who wants to make a career change but is unsure where to begin? Who could be a team leader /manager but letter /repor t wr iting and/ or computer skills are holding them back? Who would like to help their kids with their school wor k but feel they don’t have the skills to be able to help? If so please tell them about Literacy Services - we can help with... Reading Writing Maths Computer Skills Speaking Skills And much more……. Why not show someone you know the road to LINC Tasmania Literacy Services, it’s the pathway to new oppor tunities…. Contact Fiona on 63 762742 or call into our office between the Online Access Centre and Service Tasmania in St. Helens. LITTLE DRUM BIG FUN A rhythm circle for children WEDNESDAY 5TH AND 19TH SEPTEMBER @ St Helens Neighbourhood House Bungalow 3:15pm – 4:30pm THURSDAY 13TH AND TUESDAY 18TH SEPT. @ BIGSHED STUDIOS, St. Helens 1pm 2pm $10 or for children. – PLUS, SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL EVENT: MAKE YOUR OWN DRUM Using recycled office water containers THURSDAY 13TH AND TUESDAY 18TH SEPT. @ BIGSHED STUDIOS, St. Helens 2:30pm – 3:30pm struments provided. $15 two In- TasBash Entrants Car 2002 & Car 2011, Sponsor form ...................2012 From snowfields to beaches, dirt roads and rivers, (wheat fields to wildflowers, red dirt and the fabulous west coast,) join Variety Tasmania for an unforgettable eight day adventure on the 2012 Variety Tasbash. Starting at Burnie on 13 October and finishing in Hobart on October 20, 2012, the Bash is a madcap journey complete with colourful costumes, camaraderie, surprise fun stops, entertainment and more. Tasbash 2012 travel dates Start ...Burnie Saturday 13th October to Bronte Park 14th Oct Bronte park to Launceston 15th Oct Launceston to Scamander 16th Oct Scamander 17th Oct Scamander to Swansea 18th Oct Swansea to Cambridge 19th Oct Cambridge to New Norfolk 20th Oct New Norfolk to Hobart...Finish Take closer a look at www.variety.org.au/tas Local sponsor forms will be distributed within the next few weeks, please take a look at what we do to help disadvantaged kids- be kids! Please return your form in the stamped envelope provided, even if you choose not to support us, as then we can remove you from our mailing list Thankyou Please donate to our Special Children of Tasmania Lets Help kids be kids! All donations are fully Tax Deductable Thanking you for your generous support Cheques made payable to Variety the Childrens Charity Tas CALTEX ST MARYS MECHANICAL REPAIRS & SERVICE PH: 6372 2335 ‘You asked, we delivered’ ‘The Common Sense Approach for Tasmania’. 41 Main St. St Marys Tas 7215 Fax: 6372 2822 Mob: 0419 503 109 HARRIS FUNERALS Lindsay & Diane (D. Bailey & son) A.F.D.A Ph/Fax: 6376 1153 Mob: 0418 133 420 Office& Residence: 114 Cecilia St St Helens Chapel: 46 Tully Street St Helens We are here when you need us to arrange Burial or Cremation. Mt Elephant Fudge for all your sweet desires!!! Trading Hours ST MARYS BAKERY PH: 6372 2131 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 10am - 5pm Authentic hot chocolate!! Assorted handmade Belgian chocolates, yummy fudge and delicious sweet treats. Cone Ice creams, Banana Splits, Sundaes, Milkshakes, Iced Choc/Coffees, Coffee, Chocolates, Cheesecake, Gift and Post Cards NEW - Books on local interest and history FRESH BREAD, ROLLS & BUNS, PIES, PASTIES, CAKES, HOT FOOD, COFFEE, COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM. Gift Vouchers available. HANDMADE in ST MARYS” SUNDAY JOY 12.30pm this is a bring-and-share lunch followed by a great time of friendship and fellowship. You are very welcome to join us and share our JOY! phone 0409 838 816. 52 MAIN ST ST MARYS. Fingal Valley Meals on Wheels will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the St Marys Community Health Centre Day Room on Thursday October 11, 2012, between 2pm—3pm. All welcome. Note:- Good report from the Cook for our drivers. Life is hassle free because our drivers are all soooo dependable. PAT YOURSELVES ON THE BACK, you are a great group of drivers. Lundy Vosper. (Sec) HE P Do you need help passing the Road Rules Test ? Do you need help to read and understand the questions ? Are you currently driving without a licence ? Literacy Services can help. For more information phone or text: 6376 2742 WHITE CARD (Occupational Health & Safety Training for the Construction Industry) FREE TRAINING IN FINGAL AND ST. HELENS (Conditions apply) PHONE or TEXT 6376 2742 to find out if you are eligible Please contact one of my offices if I can be of any assistance 53B Main Road 58A High Street PO Box 50 PO Box 271 Perth, Tas 7300 New Norfolk Tas 7140 Ph 6398 1115 Ph 6261 3366 Toll free 1300 132 689 Email D.Adams.MP@aph.gov.au WORKING WITH YOU FOR A STRONG COMMUNITY Written and Authorised by Dick Adams, 53B Main Road Perth Ransley’s Appliance Service P O Box 136 Scamander Tas 7215 ° Washing machine NOISY? ° Refrigerator runs too LONG? ° Clothes dryer blows cold AIR? Then you need the service of our technicians. ROD SHAW LIC: C00489 FINGAL VALLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE NOTICE Domestic, Commercial, Industrial: FREE LEGAL LITERACY ON TUESDAYS 11 TO 4- OPEN TO EVERYONE IN THE VALLEY FOR FREE LEGAL HELP - THOSE FORMS, CONTRACTS, INFO ETC... Wiring and Repairs, Rewires, Underground. Home Heating: Advisory, Sales & Installation of heat pumps and fixed heaters. Lighting Specialist : NEED HELP WITH READING , WRITING, OR MATHS ? HELP AVAILABLE IN THE VALLEY - FREE LITERACY PROGRAM - PHONE - 6374 2344 TO ENQUIRE.... VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - HOW ABOUT DRIVING FOR THE HOUSE ON A CASUAL BASIS? WORK IN THE OP SHOP? DESIGN A PROGRAM? GREAT TO SATISFY CENTRELINK REPORTING REQUIREMENTS... PLEASE PHONE OR POP IN AND SEE DEB... 6374 2344 OR 0488 562 538 Interior and exterior, Advise, Sales and Installation. Ph: 6372-5522 Mbl: 0407-615-072 2 Lagoon Esplanade, Scamander 7215 St Marys Police Phone Number 6372 1010 Non Urgent Number 131 444 Urgent and Life threatening 000 SES (Flood & storm only) 132 500 Fire 000 EAST COAST GLASS Falmouth Ph: 6372 5361 ► ► ► ► ► ► Glass repairs Shower screens Wardrobe doors Double glazing Aluminium windows Security doors Locally owned and servicing the East Coast. Call David and Anne Cannon for prompt and reliable service. Mob 0409 959121 STAR FM Brekkie Program Morning Guide Arvo Late Arvo Mon Tu Wed Th Fr Sa Su Toast and Jam with MaryAnne Bacon “Wake and up” with Enjoy your Fruit Loops with Astro Boy Friday Breakfast Show with Laurelle Saturday Morning Show with “Noodles” Chucker on Toast The Morning Show with “Harpo” Colin’s Classic 60’s Music Mix Greg's week-end MIX Around the world with Tim Friday round-up with RFM With Damo Bobster RFM On Star FM Have a Hoot with SKOOT In the Garage with Greg “In the Groove” with Laurelle JeanyMaree ‘s Your host with the “Most”” Jackster’s MUSIC BOX Eve Eggs Mellow Monday’s with Roger Dr Sax with Roger 2 for Tuesday Terry Post Drivin’ along With Terry After School Neville’s Country Corner and more Mary Anne’s Thanks for the Memories with Pinky or the Brain Colin’s History and Mystery Music 80’s Hits with Dave’s Blues Mix In the back seat with Hot Hits with Angela The Jackster Hot Country with JEANNY MAREE Thursday Night “LIVE” with “Chucker” Marc’s Boiler Room Brians Party Mix – til late Party Mix “The Tone” Valley and Coast Hobby Craft and Arts Guide. The Valley & East Coast Voice Guidelines. Thanks to all those contributing to this guide for either groups or individuals. Your permission to add content to these great activities in knowledge skills or information will hopefully aid others keen to try new things. We welcome more groups to add as time goes on so ring Rod McGiveron on 6372 2215 or email me at rodneymcgiveron@bigpond.com any time to come on board. Thanks again. Opinions in any letters published are not necessarily the views held CRANKS AND TINKERERS (St.Marys)… Anything mechanical /classic cars / modelling. You name it …we do it. Contact Ian Summers on 6372 2724 or Grant Faulkner 6372 2335 (business hours)“Get your motor started”. SWANSEA MODEL YACHT CLUB (Swansea) Model yacht/ boat building and racing. Contact Barry Lord (Commodore) on 6257 8200 or email halahcottage@bigpond.com or ring Secretary Cheryl Hodgetts 6257 8548. email: bill49@bigpond.net.au. “Just like the real thing only smaller”. GONE RUSTIC (StMarys) Contemporary art and craft, quilting, card making and regular workshops. Contact Rita Summers at 6372 2724 or email: gonerustic@yahoo.com.au “come and say g’day”. LAUNCESTON MODEL AERO CLUB (LMAC) Headquarters at Symmons Plains. Everything radio control RC. aeroplanes, helicopters and gliders. Contact Kevin Hay (President) or Geoff Hays (Secretary) by typing in Launceston Model Aero Club in your browser and send us a message via the Contact Us links on our website and… “Come fly with us”. JOHN McCOLL (St Marys) Sculpting, sketching and art skills and contacts. Ring John on 6372 2413 for tips, advice, help or leave a message. PETER TROODE (Addlestone House B/B St. Marys) All things photography. Contact Peter for help, guidance or tips on 6372 2783 and he’ll help if he can. Or leave a message. ST MARYS FITNESS GROUP. All level fitness to music. Lots of fun on Monday and Thursday evenings. All welcome any age. Ring Fran on 6372 2614. Love to hear from you. BREAK O’DAY WOODCRAFT GUILD (St Marys Railway Station) We provide a centralised meeting place for mature men and women to share skills, knowledge, access to services, building of friendships and projects and we welcome newcomers to our community. Open Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays. Contact Cr. Reon Johns on 0429 722 091 mobile or 6372 2094 home. “Come and join us sometime”. by the editor and voluntary workers. Our pages will remain open to fair and honest criticism, so that on all questions, both sides may be presented, but any letters containing personal attacks or hinting at libel or slander will not be accepted. Stick to the issue rather than making personal attacks. Please do not attack the editor, the paper or the authors of previous letters. Letter writers will be given the chance to respond over a suitable period of time, but anonymous and/or nom-de-plume letters received as from 11-02-10 will not be published. Subjects may be closed at the editor’s discretion. Please make sure of your facts. Do not write letters just to let off steam. Letters most commonly published are those that have bearing to current community issues. Keep letters short, simple and to the point. Letters are restricted to 300 words or less. The Editor reserves the right to edit your letter for grammar, spelling or reduction in size where necessary. All letters arriving by post must be signed, including a printed name and also contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. All letters sent by email must contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. All letters left at drop-off points must have a signature, plus a printed name and also contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. Do not be discouraged if your letters don’t get published. Whilst each submission is reviewed on its own merits, we generally receive more letters than we have space available. The Valley & East Coast Voice reserves the right at all times, without notice, to update, change or amend our guidelines. Whilst we value & welcome community letters, The Valley & East Coast Voice does not provide specific feedback regarding any decision made not to publish a submission. CLEAN CRACK LAUNDROMAT 32 MAIN ST., ST MARYS (NEXT TO SECONDHAND ROSE) Coin operated washers & driers SUNCOAST SINGERS (St Helens) We sing, sing, sing. Get together at St Helens on Fridays from 10am-12.30 pm. For more info ring Maryanne Wadsworth on 6376 2969 or email her at mawadsworth@yahoo.com.au “If you can yawn you can sing”. RODNEY MC GIVERON / PAUL DAVERN Amer ican HO Model Rail. If interested in model rail contact Rod on 6372 2215 or email rodneymcgiveron@bigpond.com or call Paul on 6372 5526 sometime. “See you down the line. woo.hoo”. SHOP LOCALLY AND SAVE Remedial Massage and Naturopathy ring Sue Christiansen for an appointment. 0418 515 419 OPEN FOR BUSINESS Winter trading hours: 7am - 5.30pm (ish) (Fri & Sun a little later) LOCAL OWNER - OPERATOR OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Ph : Dana or Craig 6372 2033 /0439 722 032 Incorporating all your needs in: DAMS, ROADING, FIREBREAKS, LAND CLEARING, HOUSE SITES, DRAINAGE, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ROAD GRAVELS TOP SOIL SCREENED TOP SOIL SAND ROCKS ON SITE SCREENER 20mm to 75mm (TURN YOUR RUBBISH INTO TOP SOIL) 20 TONNE EXCAVATORS WITH TILT BUCKET & RIPPER, ROCK & LOG GRAB & QUICK HITCH D 65 KOMATSU DOZER, RIPPER & TILT BLADE 10 YARD TIPPER COMPACTION ROLLER WHEEL LOADER AND MUCH MORE Scamander Beach Surf Shop 6 Lagoon Esplanade Scamander C.B.D., ST MARYS Dr Jun Li invites all to the Tried and Tested Benefits of Ph: 6372 5529 Bathers Wetsuits DVDs Clothing Footwear Bodyboards Surfboards: Milch McTavish Surftech Bic G Boards Bay Surf PING’S PLACE Shop 2 Pendrigh Place St Helens Ph: 6376 1755 Traditional Chinese Medicine After two university degrees in China and five year’s practice in Britain, Jun continues her skills in this ancient health restorer to the benefit of St Marys and District. Many have come from the coast and valley to benefit and some return regularly for on-going therapy. Jun is very approachable, as all who consult her have found. Consultation is free. Call into the shop or phone her mobile: 0411 186 573. Welcome to Ping’s Place. PLAYING TABLE TENNIS EVERY DAY MEALS ON WHEELS ROSTER September 10th Debbie Barnes Tuesday 11th Trish Pike Wednesday 12th Barbara McAllister Thursday 13th Kaye Nailer Friday Fingal Neighbourhood House Please leave written material at the St Marys Pharmacy, Main St, St Marys, Advertising: 2012 Neighbourhood House Phone: 0488 384 344 Monday 17th Val Spencer Tuesday 18th Pam Bretz Wednesday 19th Liz Rice Thursday 20th Yvonne Salter Friday 21st Hannah Rubenach Neighbourhood House St Helens Vigil Bicheno Fingal Neighbourhood House 2nd Sunday: LITURGY St Helens Vigil St Marys Bicheno Fingal Anglican Parish of Northern Midlands Avoca: 11am 2nd/4th Sundays Fingal: 3 pm 1st/3rd Sundays Mathinna: 3pm 2nd/ 4th Sundays Ross: 11am 1st/3rd Sundays 6.00pm Campbell Town: 9am every Sun. (3rd Sunday –Family Service) 9.00am 11.30am 6.00pm 9.00am 9.00am 9.30am Anglican Parish of Break O’Day Ph: 6376 1144 8am St Helens 10am St Marys 10.30am St Helens 4th Sunday Kids Church Pyengana, 2pm 3rd Sunday: MASS 3rd Saturday of each month – St Helens Vigil 6.00pm Community Dinner @ St Marys St Marys 9.00am Salvation Army Fingal 9.30am TUESDAY JAM Bicheno LWC 9.00am 3-5pm every Tuesday. 4th Sunday LITURGY excepting school holidays. St Helens Vigil 6.00pm Envoy Melanie Norton Ph: 63722099 SUNDAY JOY 12.30pm St Marys 9.00am this is a bring-and-share lunch followed Bicheno 9.00am by a great time of friendship Fingal 9.30am and fellowship. You are very welcome 5th Sunday LITURGY St Helens Vigil 6.00pm St Marys 9.00am Bicheno 9.00am Fingal 9.30am Enq: Baptisms & Weddings Sr Lorraine Ph: 6372 2252 Classifieds: 25 words or less: free Community notices : free. Small boxed ads. Garage sales. Greetings. Thanks etc. $12. ¼ page $20. ½ page $30. Full page $50. 1 year posted subscription $40. Copy of guidelines available on request. On Air Now! Church Services Catholic Parish of St Marys Sr. Lorraine Groves Parish House. Ph: 6372 2252 Mob: 0409 172 741 1st Sunday: MASS Accounts: Mary: 6372 2328 or post: C/- Post Office, St Marys Tas 7215 14th Val Spencer MOW Contact PH: Judy: 6372 2155 email: judith.spilsbury@telair.com.au St Marys Monday Contacts for Valley Voice to join us and share our JOY! Ph:0409 838 816. Break O’Day Uniting Church The Manse St Helens Ph: 6376 2405 St Helens 9.00 am Fingal 11.15 am Seventh Day Adventist Hodgeman Street Scamander Sabbath School 10 am Divine Service 11 am Vision FM 88.0 at St. Marys, St Helens and Fingal. The Breakfast program is now hosted by Matt and Karen on weekdays. There are now over 500 stations Australia wide. 100% positive music & talk all day long; connecting faith to life. National Vision Radio Network. Phone 1800 007 770. St Marys Online Access Centre Opening Hours: Monday 10am -3pm Tuesday 10 am-4pm Wednesday 10am-4 pm Thursday 10 am – 3 pm Friday 10 am – 3 pm Saturday 11 am – 2 pm Ph: 6372 2005 ST MARYS OP-SHOP SUPPORTING YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL WINTER OPENING HOURS: MON TO FRI. 11AM — 4PM (WHERE VOLUNTEERS ARE AVAILABLE) ST MARYS MARKET SATURDAY 10AM—1PM PH: Janet Drummond: 6372 2851. Shop will only be open as volunteers are available. So sometimes the shop might have to open late or close early. If you’re interested in assisting the school and volunteering at the Op Shop, please contact Janet Drummond 6372 2851. Sports and Social Club News: GOLF: It was nice to see a few people out and about on the course last week, hopefully a sign of some improvement in player participation on recent weeks. The ladies will be having a hit in the all week chicken run on Wednesdays and everyone is welcome to come along and join in the fun. Their regular 18 holes is on Thursdays and both comps begin at 10:00am. No time like the present to start playing in the chicken run, play 9 holes any day of the week, put your $4.00 and card in the box at the front of the club house and winner will be announced on Fridays at 6:00pm. Now that the days are drawing out there can’t be any excuse not to compete. Our weekend comps have not been very well attended and I keep getting asked why the club hasn’t got a structured competition; the answer is simple, we keep putting notices about the competitions in this publication and only a couple of die-hard players turn up. So let’s try again; this Sunday the 9 th at 10:00am an 18 hole stroke event will take place and the following Saturday the 15th a two person ambrose event. The Harwood Plumbing day will be on Sunday 23rd, this will incorporate 9 holes of golf and 9 ends of bowls to start the season off as well. We thought this might be a good chance to kick off the boys and girls junior golf competition and see how it will go. There will be a modest entry fee that will include a BBQ as per usual and junior and senior prizes. There is also the possibility of a golf pro attending on the day for some much needed lessons. More info next issue. BOWLS: If you get a chance, get along to the club and check out the bowls green, after some late sanding and fertilizing, the green looks great. The boys will be concentrating heavily on getting the grass down to a reasonable length in the next week or so and at this stage training will commence on Thursday 13 th September. Of course the green will be a bit slow but let’s blow the cobwebs away and have a roll. This year at Scamander on Sunday the 30th of September, there will be the inaugural Nan Stewart Memorial Day, this will be a competition shared between both clubs in coming years to pay tribute to Nan and her commitment to bowls for both towns, what a great idea. Please show your support for this event. There will be a bowls meeting at the centre this Friday 7 th September at 7:00pm, it is a must that all intending players turn up so that the club at least has some idea of numbers for the coming season. FUNDRAISING: Wher e to begin, ther e will be a Tr ivia Night, hosted by Macca and crew on Saturday 6 th of October, start getting your tables of 8 together now and don’t miss out, $8 per person entry which will include supper. Dr. Denis Coleman will present a bush tucker night on Saturday 20th October, just $15 per person, watch for more details. The singles crib night is yet to be organised but is in the pipeline. Also the 80 camper-vaners who enjoyed our hospitality last year will be back in November. Lots to look forward to and we hope to see you there. Bowls Meeting this Friday 7th of September at 7:00pm. All interested bowlers please attend so the club can evaluate numbers for the coming season. ST MARYS SPORTS CENTRE INC. Every Friday—6.30 - 7.30pm drinks at discounted prices Ph: 6372 2177 38 Main Street St Marys Phone/Fax 6372 2240 - Butcher Ph: 6372 2274 Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm Sat 8am - 12 noon Sun - closed This week’s specials. (available from Thurs 6th Sept -Wed 12th Sept) from the butchery Legs of lamb BBQ blade steak Gerello roast T bone steak Ingham chicken thigh fillets $ 9.99kg $ 7.99kg $ 9.99kg $16.99kg $10.99kg from the shelves Arnotts assorted creams 500g Nescafe Blend 43 coffee 500g SPC canned fruit 825g Sunsilk shampoo or conditioner 200ml Kleenex cottonelle toilet tissue 16pk $2.99 $16.99 $2.49 $2.99 $7.99 all only $1.99 La Zuppa soup 420g Cripps master muffins 6pk Doritos corn chips 175g Doritos salsa dip 300g Rosella soup tomato 500g next week’s specials (available from Thurs 13th Sept - Wed 19th Sept) from the butchery Rump steak Ingham gourmet chicken portions Corned silverside Forequarter lamb chops Beef mince $10.99kg $ 4.99kg $ 6.99kg $ 9.99kg $ 9.99kg from the coolroom/freezer Bulla ice cream 2lt Ingham frozen chicken size 9 McCain peas 500g Kraft cheese block 1kg Duck River soft butter 500g $3.99 $4.99 $1.99 $7.99 $3.99 all under $2 each Arnotts shapes/Savoy/Clix 180/225g Continental chicken tonight 475/500g Andersons English Breakfast tea bags 100s Pedigree canned dog food 700g Nanda pasta 500g Baxters canned soup 415g $1.89 $1.99 $1.89 $1.79 .99c .99c PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY VALLEY VOICE PUBLICATIONS ST MARYS TASMANIA 7215.
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