Vol 45 No 12 2012 - The Valley and East Coast Voice
Vol 45 No 12 2012 - The Valley and East Coast Voice
The Valley & East Coast Voice Est. 1968 Volume 45 No. 12, Thursday October 4, 2012. 50 cents Full football report and lots of photos inside this edition. Please note: Deadline for articles in the next Valley Voice is 5pm Tuesday October 16, 2012 EMAIL ADDRESS: judith.spilsbury@telair.com.au Community news St Marys Hospital Auxiliary meets the fir st Monday of every month at 2pm at the St Marys Community Health Centre. The Break O’Day Woodcraft Guild Inc. meets for meetings the last Saturday of the month at 2pm at the goods shed behind the St Marys Railway Station. The Tasmanian Lymphoedema Centre Inc., holds meetings every 3rd Monday of the month at 10 am at the St Marys Community Health Centre, Day Care room. St Marys Ladies Midweek Tennis 9.30am each wed. Need new players - of any standard- beginners welcome-childminding included - lovely safe place to bring toddlers while you play. Ring Karon: 6372 2382 / Dana: 6372 2033. Playgroup at Falmouth Community Centre. Fr idays 10.30 12.30. $2 per family. Please bring a piece of fruit for sharing and your child’s own drink bottle & sun protection. Bikes and helmets welcome. Details contact Michelle: 6372 2835 / 0418 271 315. St Patricks Head & Esk Valley Historical Society Inc meets every second month on the third Wednesday at 3pm at various venues throughout the valley. For details please contact: Barry (6372 5752) (email: aulich@bigpond,com) or J im Haas (6372 2127) (email: jimhaas@bigpond.com) Alternately you can check out our website :www.fingalvalleyhistory.com The Scamander and Beaumaris Community Development Association meets at 7 pm at the Scamander Sports Complex every third Wednesday of the month. New members are most welcome. The Falmouth Community centr e would like to advise members and the community that the new contact for bookings of club facilities is Rachel Woods. Rachel can be contacted on: 03 6372 5118. Suncoast Singers meet ever y Fr iday at 10am in the Catholic Hall - Cecilia Street St Helens. New singers always welcome… If you can yawn - you can sing. Phone Mary-Anne Wadsworth 6376 2969. Break O'Day Regional Arts - General meetings held on the first Tuesday of each month at 4.p.m. at Mt Elephant Fudge shop. All welcome. Ph: Susan 6372 2512. The Cornwall Community Development Group Inc welcome all interested persons to their meetings in the Cornwall Hall on the first Tuesday of each month at 6.30 p.m. Wendy Dawson Public Officer - Ph. 0403 430 452. St Helens Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Wednesday 8pm Weekly. St Pauls Anglican Church Hall, St Helens. Murdoch 6376 3335. St Helens Al-Anon Family Group (Al Anon) To help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of the living with the problem drinking of someone close. Sunday 2pm weekly. St Pauls Anglican Church Hall St Helens Anne or John 6376 4270 or Rose 6376 3335. St Marys Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Friday 8pm Weekly. Holy Trinity. Mick & Shirl: 6372 2909. The Break O' Day Stitchers meets each Fr iday in the Bungalow at Neighbourhood House in St Helens from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and participants are welcome to stay for as long or short a time as they may choose. The choice of projects to work on is also optional - either to bring your own work or join in and assist on a group project. Scamander Garden Club meets at Scamander Spor ts Complex at 1.30pm on the third Monday of each month. Enjoy sharing garden activities. Contact Val: 6372 2762. SHOP LOCALLY AND SAVE Tasmania GET TOURISM ... meets the second Monday of each month unless otherwise notified. WHERE: Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House TIME: 7PM All WELCOME. Enquiries to the president on 63722783. Stallholders Market Inc. Is a non profit organisation holding markets every Saturday from 8am in St Helens, at the Library car park. There is a variety of stalls and the fees charged to stall holders is donated to various charities. For stall booking and other inquiries, please phone Cheryl on 6372 2194. Leave message. BINGO at the Cornwall hall every Monday at 7pm. 2 Jackpots $120 & $100. All welcome. Money raised going to help with renovations to the hall. SUNDAY JOY 12.30pm this is a bring-and-share lunch followed by a great time of friendship and fellowship. You are very welcome to join us and share our JOY! phone 0409 838 816. AGM The St Marys Hospital Support Association Inc., will be holding an Annual General Meeting on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 7pm in the Day Centre Room at the St Marys Community Health Centre. All welcome. Len Miles, President. St Marys Hospital Auxiliary Meeting change Due to long weekend the next meeting will be held on 29th October in lieu of 5th November. For sale Classifieds External spare wheel carrier. Suit GQ model, 1985 Nissan patrol. $350. ono Ph: 0428 784 356. Meat saw, sliding Ph: 6372 2661. bench. As new. $350.ono. Mixing tanks. Make your own Bio-Diesel. Ph:6372 2107. WRECKING: ALL PARTS AVAILABLE. Nissan Micra - VK Commodore wagon - Toyota Tercel 4 x 4 - XD Falcon - EA Falcon - ‘97 Musso 4 x 4 - ‘60 Series Landcruiser Diesel - ‘93 Pajero 4 x 4 - XF Falcon. Mag wheels Ford - Holden. Ph: 6372 2107. Cane Sun Lounges (3) - $30 ea. Good serviceable condition but minor cane work needed (cane strands avail LST). * Bread Stand on coasters - Excellent condition. 1640mm High x 950 W x 400 D. 5 sloping wire shelves (950 x 400mm). $85. Pidgen holes box shelf - 1200L x 430D x200High. 10 compartments $15. Pegboard - (qty) 870 x 625mm $8 ea, 1160 x 625mm $12 ea. Good condition. Traffic Guard Rails - heavy duty steel. Good condition. 2 / 2.5m long. $100 pair. Shelving - two heavy duty, steel single bays connected. Each bay 1800 high x 914mm wide 5 - 6 levels. Easy clip - on assembly and free standing (against wall). Metal base shelves and craftwood hight adjustable shelves (5-6 per bay, ea 914 x 500 x18mm) - $175. Pallet Truck (BT Lifter) - nar r ow tynes. Roll 20mm steel strapping, box clips, 2 / strapping stands, 2 sets tensioners & clamps. All good condition $400 the lot. (Will separate -P/truck $400, rest $70.) Ph: 6372 2626. * 1988 Honda Spacey 250cc scooter. 6 months r ego, weather shield, trunk case. Excellent condition. $1500. Silverwood DVD player, with r emote. $20. Small caravan fridge (electr ic & gas) just ser viced. $150. Ph: 6372 2176 or Mob: 0447 121 655. 5 stud Rodeo wheels. Good tyr es. $20 each. 3 white laying ducks. $20 each. Ph: 6372 2090. One toy poodle puppy, pur e br ed. $400. black, boy, name Sox. Ready NOW. Kylie 0458 194 173 St Marys. QUILTING MACHINE FOR SALE - Husqvarna short arm quilting machine system; handles up to king size quilts; includes large sewing machine and complete frame with rollers and carriage, plus laser light to follow pantographs. Can be operated free style or be used as a stand alone sewing machine, with large clear 'table' attachment. Complete set of pantographs included, plus DVD on how to put it all together, instruction manual and bonus book. Like new; hardly been used. Paid $3900; willing to let it go for $3000. Contact Rita Summers on 03 6372 2724 or 0417 027 424. TABLE LOOM FOR SALE - surplus to requirements; would like to find a good home for it! Made of timber and is a lovely piece of equipment. Any reasonable offers considered; paid $250 for it originally. Contact Rita Summers on 03 6372 2724 or 0417 027 424. Wanted Wanted to buy Mountain bike in good condition Up to $600 Ph 0437 227 123 WANTED TO BUY CHEAP CARAVAN. PH: 0429 301 140. WANTED POST HOLE DIGGER. 200-300MM, TO SUIT SMALL TRACTOR WITH 3 POINT LINKAGE. IN USABLE CONDITION. PLEASE PH: ANDREW 6397 3033 / 6372 2844 Wanted - 2 males (14 - 17yrs approx) for casual w/end work. Must be used to outdoors work. Transport arranged. Ph: 6372 2626. Wanted to buy Old cement wash trough Contact 0418 350 008 Frozen raspberries for sale 10 dollar s /kg . Ideal for jams, cakes and puddings. Raspberry canes with good roots $1 each. Ph: Jack 6372 2034. Wheat for sale. 20kg bags, $10. 20kg pig grower mix $16. 20kg crushed layer & chick mix. $16. 20kg bags crushed wheat, $15. Contact Jason: 0419 514 947. GIVE AWAY - PIGS 10 SOWS, 2 YEARS OLD - 6 BOARS Ph: 6372 2271. GIVE AWAY - CRAFT WOOD LIMBS, BRANCHES ETC., FROM RECENTLY FELLED DOUGLAS FIR. MIGHT BE SUITABLE FOR CRAFT WOOD. PIECES HAVE BEEN TRIMMED AND THERE IS PROBABLY A COUPLE OF UTE LOADS. AVAILABLE FOR PICK-UP AT STORYS CREEK. PHONE 6385 2114 IF INTENDING TO COME. Orders taken for Sheep Poo - for the Scouts. $5 a bag. 0412 803 027. “Moo-Poo”. Finely scr eened. Any quantity. See Nor m. Ph: 6372 2380. Now doing mint mulch. Garden mulch. Large square bales of straw. Free delivery in St Marys area. Ph: Mark or Alana: 63722145. Garden mulch, in big r ound bales. (wheat str aw, weed free) $60 a bale, delivered free in St Marys area. Ph: 0407 944 158. Tractor slashing available. Ph: 0407 944 158. Frozen blueberries - $11 kilo Phone 6372 2341. Fingal Valley Meals on Wheels will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the St Marys Community Health Centre Day Room on Thursday October 11, 2012, Lundy Vosper. (Sec) Classifieds in the Valley Voice are free of charge. If your articles are not sold after the first entry, we will repeat the ad in the next issue. Please let us know if items are sold. Every effort will be made to have correct details and phone numbers. However if there is a mistake, it will be corrected in the following issue. www.fingalvalleyhistory.com St Patrick’s Head & Esk Valley Historical Society Inc Field Day to Rossarden and Gipps Creek On Sunday the 16th September A great day was had at Rossarden and Gipps Creek, with Henry our Leader and Mary & Brad our guides. We gathered at the Rossarden Museum, and had a look at this marvelous achievement for a small community. Then Mary explained where we were going for the day. Next was the Rossarden falls, not so easy for the faint hearted, of which I was one of the latter. Then we had lunch at the Gipps Creek turn off, then on to the remains of a dam that was used for the water to the mines, but in the 1929 floods two dams burst their banks, contributing to the flooding of Launceston. Some details of those dams are attached. We then went along to an area near Batman’s Lookout where we could visually survey the area, and then some walked to the old Gipps Creek Town, or where it was, and some went to an old mine to have a look in that. SNIPPET FROM THE MERCURY 13TH DEC 1905 GIPPS CREEK TIN MINE “The capital of the mine is to be 6000 pounds in shares of 1 pound each all fully paid up. Three thousand shares are now offered to the public at 1 pound each payment to be made as follows – 10 shillings per share cash at time of application, and 10 shillings per share by promissory note due in three months. No shares in the company will be issued until such time as all promissory notes have been retired; Three thousand shares are to remain the property of the vendors. The company is being formed to acquire and work several sections, totaling 160 acres, at Gipps Creek, near Benlomond, inclusive of 25 acres dam site and 16 sluice- heads of water, all reports speak very highly of the ground and estimated cost of putting the mine in working order is 1300 pounds.” THE EXAMINER WED 1ST AUG 1906 “The first half yearly meeting of the company shareholders was held yesterday Mr J C MacMichael presided. The director’s report stated that during the period under review all necessary rights for the company had been secured, together with internal sections required and the opening of the mine had been completed by constructing a tailrace, head race and dam wall of which have been carried out satisfactorily, so that the mine can be worked to the best advantage, The cost of constructing works were, Tail race 422 pounds, head race, 270 pounds building large dam 535 pounds, The mine manager in his report gave all particulars in regard to these and other matters. The dam was constructed about 1 mile distant from the mine workings, on an extensive marsh on Gipps Creek. This dam was also fed by a head race 123 chains long, with a width of 3 feet from BenLomond Rivulet, The dam wall was earth construction. Base 52ft wide, top 18ft, Height perpendicular 30ft, length across 314ft.” At one time there were in excess of one thousand men working at Gipps Creek Mines. A hotel; was erected between the dams and Stacks Bluff at the base of Ben Lomond. Photos & article Barry Aulich The Say Cagerattler Before I commence this article, I’d like to thank a friend and workmate for providing me with some insightful documentation on one of my recent articles. This dealt with our troops in Afghanistan and how we need to reconsider our involvement given the utter confusion on who is friend or foe. I used an example of the Vietnam and Cambodia conflict re. Khmer Rouge as a similar circumstance. With the benefit of the reading material this situation was very complicated and messy in the extreme, especially in linking North Vietnam to the Khmer Rouge regime. It might have been better to just mention North Vietnamese collaborators and leave it at that. Thanks to my friend who has spent time in this part of the world and has a much better knowledge on this matter and I appreciate his time in recently explaining it better to me. I wonder where we sit on this proposal of lower speed limits on rural roads? For me the jury is still out on this subject and I can see merit on a proposal to basically have a formula to determine the speed limits etc. My problem though is where this leaves us on the East Coast. We are supposed to be a major tourist destination and growing more so, but anyone who turns off the Midlands Highway heading east is confronted be a hotch-potch of different surfaces, varying widths, blind bends and other matters pertaining to safety. Get off the St Marys or Elephant Passes and some sections of road are diabolical. To be honest, changing the speed limit isn’t going to make a lot of difference because most don’t drive much above 90kmh now. The real issue for me is seeing our road experts start recognising a genuine need to do some serious upgrades to a tourist trail that can enhance both safety and business potential in an area of this State that really needs it. Maybe reconsidering really heavy haulage on essentially very old roads might also assist. With the advent of a very major commitment to rail services in recent years, opportunities to use trains again to bring big freight into the region would be a good thing. The spin-off might be smaller short haul trucks with less impact on decrepit road infrastructure over time. Imagine if you had a rail freight terminus somewhere in the Fingal Valley and you had contractors to pick up goods coming in for supermarkets, mines, fuel loads, all manner of businesses every day rather than these major semi-trailers hacking up already sub standard surfaces. Guess what? Employment opportunities. On the speed limit issue, it will be very interesting to see how we rate as time goes on and to also see if revenue is ever extended to East Coast roads to meet the requirements for safer, faster travel in and out of the area.. What do you think? (Column by Rod McGiveron.) RINGAROOMA SCHOOL & DISTRICT SHOW Saturday 10th November - Gates Open 8:00am The Ringarooma School & District Show is in its 80th year and continues to be a great family day out with entertainment for all ages and a fantastic community event. Displays include photography, needlework and craft, cooking, horticulture, floral art children’s writing, technology and art work, pets, horses, calves, and wood chopping. Entertainment includes Music, Slot cars, Lions Hurdy Gurdy, Giant pirate slide, Jumping Castle and Jousting Ride. Take a wander and appreciate some wonderful historical cars and bikes, farm machinery and working dog displays and other demonstrations. Delicious food from the School Association with hot spuds, sandwiches, rolls, chips and drinks and their famous donuts. Also available BBQ, coffee van and ice-cream vendor. To be part of the talent displayed by our community get your copy of the Schedule and Entry forms from the school, post office or online by typing ringarooma.tco.asn.au into your browser and follow the links. Come along, celebrate and enjoy a day in the gorgeous grounds of the Ringarooma Primary School. Entry fees are $10 adults, $6 concession, School Children free. Horse Events entry $25 per horse/rider combination. Any queries ph Cheryl on 6353 2401. Letter to the Editor Vol. 45 No 12, October 4, 2012 In response to Cagerattler, September 6th, the complexities of war will always be an unfathomable nightmare for all of us who only know our safe lifestyle here in Australia. The political involvement and manipulation of facts fed to an ever enthusiastic media sees the general population form opinions based on spin and deception. Why do we fight other people’s wars? Because generally the people waging war are a small minority of the population and unless stopped cause untold atrocities, generally on their own people. It saddens me to think of the bloodshed occurring around the world as I write. The Vietnam War did not see our Australian troops fighting the Khmer Rouge as suggested. The Khmer Rouge were waging their own war in Cambodia and were opportunistic in taking advantage of the US war with Vietnam. The US had become involved in Cambodian politics also as they were unhappy that the North Vietnamese troops were using Cambodian soil to gain ground on South Vietnam. The US backed coup d’état in Cambodia in 1970 overthrew the government of Prince Sihanouk; they secretly carpet bombed eastern Cambodia and they supported Cambodian forces fighting against the Khmer Rouge and north Vietnamese resistance fighters throughout Cambodia. In April 1975, the Khmer Rouge overthrew the US backed Lon Nol government in Phnom Penh. The subsequent Pol Pot Regime was brutal: it is estimated that between 1 and 2 million died due to fighting, torture and starvation during their rule of 3 years and 8 months. In Dec 1978 the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia. Despite the brutality of the Khmer Rouge and the horrors and atrocities they had committed, the threat of communism spreading throughout Asia rang alarm bells for the west (including Australia). The Chinese, having backed the Khmer Rouge and having fallen out with Vietnam, were not keen on the Vietnamese invasion either. A resistance coalition brought together the Khmer Rouge (the largest of the three groups), the royalist party and a non communist group which was financially supported for a number of years by many western countries – Australia included. In 1989 Vietnam declared they would withdraw from Cambodia, paving the way for supposed ‘peace’ and Cambodia’s first democratic elections. However, the Khmer Rouge continued their warfare and launched a series of offensives which lead to ongoing displacement of thousands of people within the country. After UN supervised elections in 1993 (boycotted by the Khmer Rouge) despite the royalist party (Funcinpec) gaining the majority of seats, the Vietnamese backed Cambodian People’s Party failed to accept the result, leading to the stunning result of two Prime Ministers– Prince Ranarhiddh and Hun Sen. In 1997, a coup d’état by Hun Sen lead to more fighting, all this time, the Khmer Rouge continued to mount offensives and areas of Cambodia remained under their control. In 1998 an all out offensive began in the last remaining strongholds in the northern part of Cambodia (not long after Pol Pot’s death in 1997). The last remaining leaders escaped to the forests but the group was divided. Some fled to Thailand, many ex Khmer Rouge leaders and soldiers defected to the government. Prime Minister Hun Sen still rules to this day in a ‘democratic’ society. In no way is this a complete version of what happened in Cambodia, but the influence of Cambodia’s neighbours as well as western nations has had a long lasting effect... Just to reiterate, Australian troops did not fight the Khmer Rouge – they fought in Vietnam long before Vietnam took over Cambodia. Ross Quinn. Luca Brasi Saxon Hall, Tyler Richardson, Mitchell Dobson, Tom Busby and Patrick Marshall, who all grew up on the East Coast of Tasmania, in Scamander, Beaumaris and St Helens, are now making waves on the Punk Rock scene with their band, Luca Brasi. Luca Brazi, a five piece Punk Rock Band, have been on the music scene for nearly three years. They have put themselves out there, playing in lounge rooms, kitchens and pubs, anywhere, to anyone who would listen. During those years they have been able to secure National tours, a label signing with Poison City Records and had their debut album “Extended Family” pressed on vinyl. Recently they have released a new 7" single on vinyl, called “tassie seven demons”. This week, they have been informed that they are to be fostered as one of the finalists in a competition, which will secure the top 3 acts a spot at this year’s FALLS FESTIVAL line-up in Marion Bay. The competition is the Tasmania Foster Band Initiative, 2012. This entails getting on line to the Falls Festival website, clicking onto Tasmania Foster Band Initiative 2012 and placing a vote for LUCA BRASI. For all locals who want to see this happen, put your vote behind the boys and get to watch your local band on stage at Marion Bay. The Band members have assured me that they would really appreciate your vote. Competition runs for the month of October. http://2012.fallsfestival.com.au/foster-a-band/ Pictured left to right are band members Tom Busby, Patrick Marshall, Mitchell Dobson, Tyler Richardson and Saxon Hall. Important or useless information? Ana’s Hairdressing Salon Main Street, St Marys Open every Tuesday & Wednesday 9am Bringing 22 years experience For all your cuts, colours, perms, sets. Phone: 0448 532 531 On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & most Thursdays, or just call in. Or phone (H) 6372 5497 to pre-book. Same prices, service & phone numbers Providing a service to the community. Have a flower forever. Beautiful glass flowers. Now available St Marys Volunteer Fire Brigade ‘Fill a Boot’ Fund Raiser for Muscular Dystrophy. Many thanks to all those who helped, and contributed to the St Marys Volunteer Fire Brigade’s effort to raise over $1,000.00 towards Muscular Dystrophy. Your generous support is much appreciated. Owing to difficulty in contacting all raffle prize winners, a list of names will be published in the next Valley Voice. Again, your generous support is much appreciated. Greater Esk Tourism photographic completion finalist’s photos are on display at Purple Possum, awaiting viewer’s votes. Call in anytime in the month of October to view the excellent photographs and cast your vote. LEAVER’S DINNER APPOINTMENTS NOW BEING MADE. GREAT SELECTION OF LEAVER’S DINNER JEWELLERY, REASONABLY PRICED. NEW GIFTS ARRIVING COME AND HAVE A LOOK. ALL PURCHASES WILL BE GIFT WRAPPED IF REQUIRED. Ana wishes to advise clients that she is still doing her Mobile Hairdressing. When she has no mobile clients some Thursdays, she will be available at the salon. Further to this the salon will be open for business each Market Saturday. Tasmania Police would like to thank Ms Linda Little for 14 years of wonderful service. We wish you a great future ahead and best wishes for your future career aspirations. St Marys Police Station Opening Hours Tuesday and Thursday between 12:00 1:00pm Closed Public Holidays FOR POLICE CONTACT CALL 131444 FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY CALL 000 No further Service Tasmania transactions will be conducted at this station. Baking a Chrissie cake or making a pudding? See us now! With Christmas only eleven weeks away, you don’t want to run out of time to bake that perfect cake or pudding. So pop into Purple Possum with your list of ingredients and we’ll put it together on the spot or have it ready for you to pick up later. Alternatively you can phone your order through and collect it when you’re next in town. We’ll even home deliver! With the Purple Possum’s reputation for quality you know you’ll get the best ingredients – and in exactly the quantity you need so there’s no wastage. And your family will love you for those delicious, rich cakes and puddings! Purple Possum St.Marys Sports & Social Club PRESENTS: A Great Aussie Bush Tucker Night With Diesel Saturday the 20th of October at 5:30pm Just $15 per person Your Choice of Our Exclusive Menu: Road Kill Rissoles Bambi Bangers Skippy Tokyo On Either Fried Rice or Mash Then Pudd’n (Choice of Two Desserts) We Request That You Please Book Ahead by Ringing St.Marys Supermarket 6372 2240, Jim Turner 6372 2441 or Put Your Name Down At the Club. St.Marys Sports & Social Club In Conjunction With: The St Marys Lions Club Presents: The Melbourne Cup Luncheon At The Centre on Tuesday 6th November Commencing at 11:00am. There Will Be Prizes for Best Dressed Male, Female & Couple Lucky Door Prize, Along With Raffles, Sweeps & Much More. You Will Be Served a 3 Course Meal Soup – Chicken, Ham & Salad – Dessert Cost $20 per Person Please Book In Advance As We Are Limited to Seat 60, First In Sits Down. Bookings With: St.Marys IGA 63722240 Jim Turner 63722441 or At the Centre 63722177 Come Along and Share a Great Meal, Company and Maybe Top the Day Off By Winning a Prize! President’s Report Well we managed to get through another year and while our results were mixed it looks like Masters footy is now well entrenched on the East Coast of Tasmania and I must admit with some pride the fact that it is well and truly centred in St Marys. We operate on a shoe string budget and there are really only three of us that run the club (myself, Rick Lohrey and Michael Cooke) but we still manage to get a competitive team on the field when required and I think we put on a pretty decent show when we have the odd home game. We are also pretty good at roping in volunteers when needed and it is gratifying to know that when the crunch comes you can generally rely on people to lend a hand. I also like to think that we manage this without constantly holding our hand out for money or beating a steady path to the businesses in town constantly asking for donations. In saying this, however, I gratefully acknowledge the support of local businesses on the odd occasion when we seek it. The very generous donation of trophies for our annual presentation is a case in point. Whether for the better or worse the nature of the St Marys community is changing. The “old” days when half the town (or more) would turn out for a local game of footy are gone and now with most things organised in St Marys it is pretty hard to get a good crowd along. Still, we will plug away and fortunately we have established a good player base from far and wide so we remain confident that we will be able to get a team in the black and yellow on the field for a while yet. To get our best team on the field and give our great rivals Launceston a good hiding is our burning ambition. There is talk next year of having all Northern Tasmanian AFL Masters games at Campbell Town to even out the travel required (trying to muster a team to play at Devonport is a real challenge considering the five hour round trip for an hour’s game of footy) so that is something we will look at closely in consultation with our players. Finally I would like to sincerely thank all involved with the Mighty Tigers this year, from our wonderful band of players, the hardy souls who turn up for training every Friday evening to all those who have helped at various stages of the year, from manning the scoreboard or running water out to the players, helping in the kiosk or cooking sausages on the barby. You know who you are and I salute you all for your generous assistance and participation. Also many thanks for all those that have participated in our weekly footy tipping competition, this has been a vital source of income for us (in fact it has been our lifeline) and we hope to have a similar competition next year. A match report from our game against Campbell Town and details of our annual presentation will appear elsewhere in this edition of the Valley Voice. Harry Veldums, Club President. Photos: Bronte Cooke. Summary of 2012 Presentation Day After a highly entertaining and successful game of football against Campbell Town we held our annual presentation in the Club Rooms. The following is a summary of the awards: President’s Award MICK SYMONDS Donated By St Marys Licensed Post Office Coach’s Encouragement Award ANTHONY WOODS Donated by Tasqual Best Individual Performance DAVID NICHOLSON vs Launceston, Campbell Town, 29 July 2012 Donated by Mt Elephant Pancakes Best Utility Player RICHARD GEE Donated by St Marys IGA Supermarket Outstanding Achievement GRAHAM FLOOD Donated by Michael & Kath Cooke Best Forward DARREN JONES Donated by St Marys Coach House Restaurant Kevin “Matty” Leedham Memorial Award Best Club Supporter GRANT FAULKNER Donated by the Leedham Family Most Consistent ROGER SALTER Donated by John & Ruth McGiveron Best Defender TOM SPYKERS Donated By St Marys Lions Club St Marys Tigers Football Club Inc. LIFE MEMBERSHIP Awarded to ROGER SALTER In recognition of outstanding contribution and support September 2012 Sincere and genuine thanks to all those that donated trophies Photos: Bronte Cooke. St Marys Tigers vs Campbell Town Saturday 22 September 2012 Match Report I must admit it was a nervous wait during the week as the rain persisted and it was with a feeling of dread that we went out to the footy ground on Saturday morning to mark out the boundary. Council staff had mown the grass during the week and it was a great relief to find the ground in almost perfect condition, no mud and no puddles. The day was originally only planned as a presentation event; we had approached both Triabunna and Launceston for a “friendly” but both clubs had prior commitments. Fortunately Dave Nicholson, one of our regular players from Campbell Town was able to round up a team and it was with great anticipation that we looked forward to a return to the “glory days” when games between St Marys and Campbell Town were contested with great vigour and passion (and the odd bit of “biff” if the legends are to be believed). It was also a real pleasure to have Healthy House on board with their crew setting up their marquee to provide blood tests and blood pressure readings as well as providing general health advice. A couple of the tough “macho” footballers though, balked at the little pin prick in the finger-tip to extract some blood but we won’t go into that! We hope that we can establish a strong relationship with Healthy House and have similar participation in the future. We were able to muster up a pretty strong team of both veterans and current players and what a wonderful sight it was to see the likes of Kody Donald, Nick Child, Shaun Cannon and Brent Leedham in the St Marys jumper. As the sun came out the game got underway and you knew straight away that it was going to be a cracker. St Marys jumped out of the gates and had a handy lead at quarter time. Rick Crossingham was doing a great job in the ruck, Craig “Buddah” Woods (who was also our “on ground” coach) was everywhere, his timing and positional play was a sight to behold and Brent Leedham and Brodie Frost were also playing well. This really was a game of high standard and certainly deserving of a much better crowd but all the players dug in and put on a great show. It was fabulous to see Craig or Brent gather the ball and have that little bit of extra time (that all good players have) to get another player involved whether it be by a pinpoint handball or kick. Craig Baldwin was brilliant in defence, Kody Donald was picking up kicks all over the ground and Ray Squires was kicking gaols from all over the place but certainly benefitting from some wonderful passes. The Campbell Town boys battled hard but it was St Marys day and they ran out comfortable winners 23.10 148 to 11.6 72. 34 goals in four 20 minute quarters gives you a good indication of what an entertaining game it was. I should also make special mention of Aaron Webb who played a fantastic game helping out the Campbell Town team – he kicked one very special left foot goal the equal of the best I have ever seen. Photos: Bronte Cooke. HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY Last week we celebrated 11 years of JAM (Jesus And Me) and the Birthday was full of fun, food and family! We had a fantastic guest in Bob the Juggler and Magician, and he dazzled us all with his magic tricks and sleight of hand. Sausages sizzled and served in bread were a treat, as was the huge cream cake which was cut by Delta, a "JJ" (Jesus Junior) and Alisha, a "GG" (God's Group). By the way, the third group at JAM is called the "KK"s (King's Kingdom) There were balls galore (some went over the fence!) lots of painted faces, joyous jumping on the castle, curly rings to crawl through and of course we all joined in to sing "Happy Birthday" to JAM. The weather was great - we finished all our outside games and fun and just after we moved inside for the magic show, the clouds opened... but we were safe and warm and dry inside! Any enquiries for new enrolments to JAM, please contact Mel on 0409 838 816. Photos: Janet Drummond. JAM St Marys and Bicheno farewell ucator Rebecca Barnes ed- The St Marys Child Care Centre and Bicheno Little Penguins Child Care Centre are sorry to have to say good bye to one of their long term child care staff, Rebecca (Bec) Barnes. Bec has been with the centres for 5 years, providing great care and support for the families and staff in both communities. Her commitment to child care has seen her successfully complete her Certificate III in Children’s Services and she is now well on the way to receiving her Diploma qualification. We all congratulate Bec who recently was the successful applicant for Director’s position at the new Campbell Town Early Learning Centre, due to open its doors around the 15th October. WE are thrilled that Bec will still remain as part of the bigger NCN family and will be able to maintain a great relationship with our centres. We all wish Bec well in her new venture and thank her for her ongoing commitment to the children of both St Marys and Bicheno. Please come and say hi to her before her last day on 4 th October. Tasmanian Lymphoedema Centre Melbourne Cup Luncheon Cancelled Rebecca Barnes. THANK YOU The following people made JAM's 11th Birthday really special and I would like to say how grateful I am to you all: Bob the Juggler & Magician, Bruce Glatte, Don & Van Brown, Felicity Spilsbury, Janet Drummond, Joanna & David Stronach, Greg & Evelyn McGee, Leith & Jenny Cowley, Mark Carrick, Mike & Liz Hartley, Stuart Kerr, Vicki Howard, All the JAMmers and their parents, especially Vaughan & Erinn Spilsbury for help with the seating. All the visitors. Thank you, Melanie. The Committee of the Tasmanian Lymphoedema Centre regrets to advise that the Melbourne Cup luncheon it had planned to hold on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 at the St Marys Hall has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please note that this doesn’t affect our big Spring Raffle. Tickets are still on sale and the winners will be drawn in St Marys on Melbourne Cup Day. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU The members of the St. Marys Volunteer Fire Brigade would like to congratulate the team from the St. Marys Aurora Depot on achieving nine years with no lost time injuries. The brigade would also like to thank the boys from the depot for the kind donation that was presented to us during a barbeque luncheon at the depot to mark their outstanding achievement. true nature – an exhibition A very special exhibition was launched in St. Marys on Saturday 29 September. About 30 people enjoyed a sumptuous shared lunch and viewed beautiful textile art by Break O’Day resident Beth Verschoyle. Beth specialises in plant-dyed fibres, artist books, basketry, hand stitching and handmade jewellery Her thoughtful and handmade work is deeply personal, and expresses her close connection with natural materials and processes This is Beth’s second exhibition at Gone Rustic Studio & Gallery. On display from 29 Sept - 26 Oct 2012 Open Tues-Sat, 10 am to 4 pm or by appointment 37 Main Street, St Marys 7215 03 6327 2724 or 0417 027 424 gonerustic@gmail.com www.gonerustic.wordpress.com OUT OF THE WOODWORK SECRETARY WENDY BRENNAN 6372 2094 Many thanks to Leanne and “Macca” Mcdonald for the kind donation of a lawn mower for the Guild’s use. Results of our Annual General Meeting held on the 29th September, 2012 are as follows. Reon Johns : President/Secretary/Public Officer Wendy Brennan: Secretary Col Mackenzie: Committee Member George Wyrostek: Committee Member Hannah Rubenach: Ancient Games Committee Representative Pic 3282 Lorraine Gill Fund Raising and Garden Co -ordinator REON GEORGE WENDY COL LORRAINE PING’S PLACE HANNAH Community Dinner Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall St Marys Saturday 20th October 2012 5.30 for 6pm COUNTRY STYLE COOKING Enjoy a shared meal with friends and neighbours. Please bring a country style side dish/dessert to share RSVP Barbara on 6372 2428 Gold coin donation Spring Sale Kitchen Tea towels $2.00 each, Beach Towels $4.00 each, Wash up /general purpose cloths $1.00 each. Various garden handy tools $3:00 each,. Socks for $1:00 pair, durable. Women's briefs, bamboo made $10:00 for 5 pairs. And there are Men's as well. Baby reusable nappies, one size fits all, many colours, $5.00 each. Second hand pram ready to go $5.00. Garry brand blue strong baby carrier up to 20kgs $5.00. Children's mini trampoline red and black $46.00. Child pump up stool, space saver, only $4.00. Hanging storage bags, 3 layers, many colors, space saving $3.50 each, Micky Mouse storage bags. Picture Frames, A4 certificate frame $3.00each. Butterfly balloons, very beautiful,$2.00 each. Food area Delicious Longan in Syrup 567g a tin now only $2.20. Lemon Sauce ideal for chicken or pork, now only $3.00. Thai Banan Blossom you may like to give a try. There are Te Guan yin tea, woo long tea, pu er cha in tea bags, 20 tea bags for only $2.00. Thai, Malasian curry paste, tomyum curry paste, water crispy chestnuts, bamboo shoots, dry mountain mushrooms, AND much more. Great to discover that Michelle Menze is also a competitive Ping Pong Player!! If you are playing well in Table Tennis game, let Junknow, because she would like to include you!! EXCLUSIVE TO ST MARYS “BOATS” Performers Jeff Michel & Quinn Griggs are holding a Puppet Workshop On Wed 31 October 4.30pm - 5.30pm Buy a ticket to the show and win a once in a lifetime opportunity for your child to participate in this FREE workshop. Places are limited so bookings are essential. DON’T MISS OUT. To book your place ring: Michelle 0407 046 865 Jeannette 0447 012 887 Attention: Mum! Get a night “off” from cooking Relax and enjoy Pre-Show Family BBQ Between 5.30 - 6.30pm Fundraising for RAYC Proudly presented by Break O’Day Regional Arts October All Building Blocks sessions are free of charge and for children, parents, grandparents and All sessions are held carers of 0-5 years old. from 10.30-12.30 Come along and see! Play & Learn sessions are at: 10th Bicheno War Memorial Hall 12th Falmouth Community Centre 16th Home Visits (please ring and book a visit) 17th Fingal Masonic Lodge 23rd St Marys Hall - ART TASTIC Exhibition 31st Mathinna Community Hall For address of venues please ring Healthy House We are celebrating “Children's Week” with “ART TASTIC” this month, where we are holding a exhibition of your children's recycled and recreated art. We will be making recycled art over the month and would welcome any items that your children have made at home. Art can be dropped off at the Child & Family Centre in St Helens with your child’s name and age on it, also at Building Blocks sessions or at St Marys Child Care Centre. Your children’s art/ sculpture or picture needs to be with us by the 22nd of October as we will be setting up on this day. We will be having a morning tea and art activities on Tuesday the 23rd at St Marys Hall to celebrate your children's achievements. For more information or to share ideas/suggestions Please call Cathy at Healthy House on 6376 5242 or 0400 002 116 Email: cathy.parker@healthyhouse.org.au Suncoast Singers present for your entertainment 'A Little Bit of This - A Little bit of That' Concert to be held in conjunction with Seniors Week, at Tidal Waters Resort on Sunday 7th October, 1.30pm. Bringing you a variety of songs from Musicals to a little bit of Gospel. Performing along with the Suncoast Singers will be Simple Harmony - Infantissimo - Liquorice Allsorts (men's choir), and introducing a new talent - Kelsey Whiteley. It's lovely to have the children performing with us, they bring a freshness all of their own to the show, singing songs from Oliver, Mary Poppins and Seasame Street. What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon, it's only $5 for adults, $2 for children and of course a wonderful raffle donated by Bridget Cole. See you at 1.30pm Sunday 7th October...for more information call Mary-Anne Wadsworth 6376 2969. SUSAN PROBERT AKA, ATMS KINESIOLOGIST & WHOLE HEALTH PRACTITIONER Do you Need a ‘Tune Up’? If you: Feel Anxious or Stressed, Experience Ongoing Fatigue, Experience Niggling or Chronic Muscle Aches and Pains, Are recovering from Shock or Injury, Would just like to ‘Feel Better’, Have ‘Life Journey’ issues, or Would like to improve or enhance your school, workplace or sporting performance... You may benefit from this ‘W hole Person’ approach to Health and Healing! Susan brings a wealth of experience to her professional practice. She has worked successfully with teams which include western medical and paramedical, traditional Chinese medical and complementary health practitioners, for a number of years. Susan understands that physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, social and psycho-spiritual aspects of life experience can impact on Health and Wellbeing. As is the case with cars, sometimes, we just need a ‘tune up’... Clinical sessions incorporate gentle, non-invasive techniques to promote health and wellbeing. Susan is also trained to teach Meditation and Mindfulness. By Appointment: 0418 327 940 Bowen Street Clinic, 1/1 Bowen Street, St. Helens, Tas. 7216. Purple Possum, 7 Story Street, St. Mary’s, Tas.7215. Suncoast Jazz Club presents their Midday Lunch Concert on Friday 5th October, at the Portland Hall St Helens. 12-2pm. BYO Lunch and Mug Tea and Coffee provided. This month’s guest artists are:Geoff Winder, a Harp Manufacturer and performer. Geoff and Don Ives are going to perform together this month and do a Chico/Harpo routine. That should bring the Hall down with their antics...and introducing a young lady by the name of Tabitha Glanville, a lovely 10 year old singer from Weymouth who is going to entertain with a selection of songs...so a concert not to be missed. entry is just $5 for members and $7 for non-members. Pharmacist on duty 5 days a week Main Street, St Marys Tas. 7215 Phone: 6372 2844 — Fax: 6372 2874 Ear Piercing $27 Includes:- Piercing, Earrings and solution to take home. With qualified staff Bec or Sally ST MARYS NEWSAGENCY Phone: 6372 2143 Open 7 days a week for your convenience. Winter trading hours 6am - 6pm Mon to Thurs Fri 6am –7pm 7am – 6pm Sat. & Sun. ROD SHAW LIC: C00489 Domestic, Commercial, Industrial: Wiring and Repairs, Rewires, Underground. Home Heating: Advisory, Sales & Installation of heat pumps and fixed heaters. Lighting Specialist : AURORA PAYG PHONE CARDS PRE-PAID MOBILES DVDs STATIONERY GIFTS WRAPPING PAPER Interior and exterior, Advise, Sales and Installation. NEWSPAPERS Ph: 6372-5522 Mbl: 0407-615-072 2 Lagoon Esplanade, Scamander 7215 FISHING GEAR MAGAZINES NEW DVDs Plus all the phone credit you will need. BAIT ICE CALOWS BUS DEPOT HARRIS FUNERALS Lindsay & Diane (D. Bailey & son) A.F.D.A Ph/Fax: 6376 1153 Mob: 0418 133 420 Office& Residence: 114 Cecilia St St Helens Chapel: 46 Tully Street St Helens We are here when you need us to arrange Burial or Cremation. WATCH THIS SPACE Coming soon to St Marys... the Launceston Walking Club's Annual show "Do You Know Tasmania?" Interested in Medieval life? Arts, crafts, costumes etc? If so please contact Michael on 0447 106 218 or Lillian 6372 2531. gone rustic studio & gallery Don't miss it! When a rather shy, retiring man decided to take his wife on a safari holiday to Africa, his domineering mother-in-law insisted on going too. While making camp the first night the fearsome old lady was found to be missing. After searching for some time, the couple discovered her in a small clearing, scowling at a ferocious lion, which was crouched in the dust not far away. The younger woman was immediately filled with alarm and hissed at the husband,” Don’t just stand there... do something!” “Why should I do anything?” he said meekly, “the lion got himself into this mess, he can get himself out of it!!” Rae & Partners Lawyers Barristers & Solicitors 113 Cimitiere St Launceston Visiting : St Marys Community Health Centre Alternate Tuesdays : 9 am – 10 am Ph: 6337 5555 For appointments. fibre & textile, mixed media, gifts, kit homes & sheds, collectibles, classes, exhibitions (open tues – sat, 10 – 4) 37 main street, st marys, tasmania 7215 – 03 6372 2724 www.gonerustic.wordpress.com – gonerustic@gmail.com JOURNALS ANONYMOUS –11am-2pm on last Saturday each month at Gone Rustic Studio & Gallery, St. Marys: just bring whatever art or journal/sketchbook you’re working on. Cost: donation. BYO lunch. For more info, call Rita on 0417 027 424 or email to gonerustic@gmail.com stitchedupmama – www.stitchedupmama.wordpress.com WRAPPED IN ST MARYS See photos, slideshows and more at www.wrappedinstmarystas.wordpress.com Also a great way to keep up to date with developments for next year! An initiative of GET (Greater Esk Tourism) St Marys Op Shop SUMMER OPENING HOURS Monday - Friday 10 - 4 Market Saturdays 10 - 2 As volunteers are available. ST MARYS OP SHOP - HALF PRICE SALE FROM 23RD SEPTEMBER TO 7TH OCTOBER ALL EXISTING WINTER AND GENERAL STOCK HALF PRICE BUY FIVE ITEMS AND GET ONE FREE WE NEED TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK NOW TAKING DONATIONS OF LIGHTER BEDDING AND SPRING WEIGHT CLOTHING PLEASE Terrapin Puppet Theatre Community Hall St Marys Wednesday 31st, October Details for both events Phone Sue 6372 2512 SIDE BY SIDE Jessica Turale and James Brewer Jessica works in design and photography. James works in music, design and photography. Both from Penguin, NW Tasmania, aged 21. Their work is all based on the landscapes of North West Tasmania. James photographs coastal and forest scenes with a haunting, ethereal feel. Some are powerful, others poignant. Some are given a dramatic vertical format rather like viewing through a contemporary architectural window Tasmanian Regional Arts Touring Exhibition On Display at GONE RUSTIC, St Marys During November. Media Release 26th September,2012 Bob Browns comments are to be condemned! Federal Liberal candidate for Lyons, Eric Hutchinson, has expressed outrage at Bob Brown’s comments that the demise of Gunns is a victory for commonsense and the people. “It is appalling for Bob Brown to describe this situation – with the potential loss of hundreds of jobs, and financial misery for thousands of Tasmanians - as a victory,” Mr Hutchinson said. “In the electorate of Lyons, this will hit extremely hard, not only for Gunns workers and their families, contractors and many small businesses, but also for the many farmers who rely on Gunns’ lease payments to pay their bills. It could break some of these farmers if they lose that income. “How is this scenario a victory for anything?” Mr Hutchinson said the so-called forestry peace deal and the uncertainty in the forestry industry since Labor minority governments had formed in Tasmania and nationally had contributed significantly to Gunns’ demise. He again called on Labor MHR for Lyons, Dick Adams, to finally stand up for workers and farmers. “It has been one casualty after another since Labor and the Greens started meddling in the forestry industry. This has to stop. The forestry industry has a bright future with the right policies in place, and Mr Adams must start fighting for it. Green groups will stop at nothing to shut this state down and their disgraceful reaction to the Gunns collapse proves it. “What’s more, their crowing over the carcass of this once great company will only entrench the message to would-be investors that Tasmania is closed for business.” Eric Hutchinson. 0447 777 251. Mt Elephant Fudge for all your sweet desires!!! Trading Hours Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 10am - 5pm Authentic hot chocolate!! Assorted handmade Belgian chocolates, yummy fudge and delicious sweet treats. Cone Ice creams, Banana Splits, Sundaes, Milkshakes, Iced Choc/Coffees, Coffee, Chocolates, Cheesecake, Gift and Post Cards NEW - Books on local interest and history Gift Vouchers available. HANDMADE in ST MARYS” ST MARYS BAKERY PH: 6372 2131 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FRESH BREAD, ROLLS & BUNS, PIES, PASTIES, CAKES, HOT FOOD, COFFEE, COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM. 52 MAIN ST ST MARYS. EAST COAST SURVEYING Consulting surveyors and land planners. Brett Woolcott 6376 1972 We can help you. □ □ □ □ Buying a pr oper ty? Planning a development? Unsure of your property potential In dispute with an adjoining owner? Advertisement Sore back? Neck aching? Feeling miserable? It’s time to see the Muscleman. He can realign your muscles and release pinched nerves, restoring your strength. The pain will go. It’s just like putting a rope back into a pulley, everything works better. Dennis Lillee said; “ I feel 20 years younger.” MOBILE SERVICE IN BREAK O’DAY MUNICIPALITY FOR AN APPOINTMENT PHONE PETER HORSFIELD ST MARYS SPORTS CENTRE INC. Every Friday—6.30 - 7.30pm drinks at discounted prices Ph: 6372 2177 0413 635 690 OR EMAIL: petermuscleman@gmail.com www.themuscleman.com.auCALL: Progress- Progress- Progress Hi everyone. The support for the coming Food and Wine Festival has been nothing short of FANTASTIC. What a village. What a community. Thank you. Saturday 17th November is shaping up to be a fabulous event. Our collective thank you goes not only to our generous Sponsors and the commitment from the stall holders but to everyone involved who has a role to play in getting this year’s festival off the ground. So far we have 21 food and 10 Wine and Beer stalls. There’s room for more so if you think you would like to be part of this magnificent day with your food or wine offerings please contact Subi at the Bicheno PO on 6375 1244. The Art and Artisan exhibition to be held in the School Hall on the day is now fully subscribed. You can expect some great surprises and a wonderful experience. As you can imagine there are hundreds of things to do to set up the Festival on the day so we need committed helpers. So, if you could spare the time on the 17th of November to help please contact Jenny on 6375 1129. We have great musicians joining us this year with Tony Garrett, Joff, Peter Cornelius and Band and The Pretty Things. (The music will continue until late) There’s face painting, balloon art and entertainment for the young kids. Extending now into the Lions Park makes it a great place to sit and enjoy all the activities on the day. Don’t forget, bring your folding tables and chairs so you can sit down, enjoy and party. The following is a list of our generous sponsors. (And there’s more to come) The Examiner, Tasmania 40° South Magazine, Waubs Bay, a gallery, 7LA, BCDA through Bicheno Forward, Tasmanian Helicopters, Seascape Development, Swansea Bicheno Community Bank, Freycinet Coast Tourism Partnership, Bicheno Pharmacy, LJ Hooker Bicheno, Bicheno Service Centre, Pasinis, Bicheno Bayside B & B, Earth Land Sea Gallery, Windows on Bicheno, Bicheno Post Art and Design, Chris Bloggs Signs, Di Garcia, Art Space Convenor, Bicheno IGA . If you would like to be a sponsor contact Doria on 6375 2010. Put the 17th of November into your diary and do ask your friends to joins you for the Bicheno Food and Wine Festival. Binny Wiltshire, Media Coordinator, Bicheno Food and Wine Festival. www.bichenofestivals.com.au COMMUNITY TRANSPORT BUS TRIPS To Evandale Markets. Sunday 7th October, 2012 Fee $18.00 To Eastlands Shopping Centre, Hobart Saturday 27th October, 2012 Fee $25.00 To Salamanca Markets, Hobart Saturday 10th November, 2012 Fee $25.00 To Eastlands Shopping Centre, Hobart Saturday 1st December, 2012 Fee $25.00 Pick up from St Marys, Fingal, Avoca. Bookings essential. Seats limited. Wheelchair accessible vehicle To book, phone Jan at Community Transport on 6372 2137 Is there somewhere special you’d like to go as a group? The movies… the races… Craft shows? Let us see if we can help! Articles for any edition may be left at the St Marys Pharmacy. This also includes items for sale and wanted. Please ensure that your details are included. 15 years experience Home & business Hardware & software Websites & email Windows, Mac, Linux ADSL, WiFi, Satellite m e Ray Walker 0401 497 199 hello@raywalker.it Mob 0409 959121 STAR FM Brekkie Program Morning Guide Arvo Late Arvo Mon Tu Wed Th Fr Sa Su Toast and Jam with MaryAnne Bacon “Wake and up” with Enjoy your Fruit Loops with Astro Boy Friday Breakfast Show with Laurelle Saturday Morning Show with “Noodles” Chucker on Toast The Morning Show with “Harpo” Colin’s Classic 60’s Music Mix Greg's week-end MIX Around the world with Tim Friday round-up with RFM With Damo Bobster RFM On Star FM Have a Hoot with SKOOT In the Garage with Greg “In the Groove” with Laurelle JeanyMaree ‘s Your host with the “Most”” Jackster’s MUSIC BOX Eve Eggs Mellow Monday’s with Roger Dr Sax with Roger 2 for Tuesday Terry Post Drivin’ along With Terry After School Neville’s Country Corner and more Mary Anne’s Thanks for the Memories with Pinky or the Brain Colin’s History and Mystery Music 80’s Hits with Dave’s Blues Mix In the back seat with Hot Hits with Angela The Jackster Hot Country with JEANNY MAREE Thursday Night “LIVE” with “Chucker” Marc’s Boiler Room Brians Party Mix – til late Party Mix “The Tone” Last chance to attend Bingo at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House EAST COAST GLASS Falmouth Ph: 6372 5361 ► ► ► ► ► ► Glass repairs Shower screens Wardrobe doors Double glazing Aluminium windows Security doors Locally owned and servicing the East Coast. Call David and Anne Cannon for prompt and reliable service. Bingo Eyes down at 1pm Scamander Beach Surf Shop 6 Lagoon Esplanade Scamander Ph: 6372 5529 Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month starting 6th September Bathers Wetsuits DVDs Clothing Footwear Bodyboards Surfboards: FINGAL VALLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE NOTICE FREE LEGAL LITERACY ON TUESDAYS 11 TO 4- OPEN TO EVERYONE IN THE VALLEY FOR FREE LEGAL HELP - THOSE FORMS, CONTRACTS, INFO ETC... NEED HELP WITH READING , WRITING, OR MATHS ? HELP AVAILABLE IN THE VALLEY - FREE LITERACY PROGRAM - PHONE - 6374 2344 TO ENQUIRE.... VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - HOW ABOUT DRIVING FOR THE HOUSE ON A CASUAL BASIS? WORK IN THE OP SHOP? DESIGN A PROGRAM? GREAT TO SATISFY CENTRELINK REPORTING REQUIREMENTS... Milch McTavish Surftech Bic G Boards Bay Surf Shop 2 Pendrigh Place St Helens Ph: 6376 1755 PLEASE PHONE OR POP IN AND SEE DEB... 6374 2344 OR 0488 562 538 Ransley’s Appliance Service P O Box 136 Scamander Tas 7215 CALTEX ST MARYS MECHANICAL REPAIRS & SERVICE PH: 6372 2335 ° Washing machine NOISY? ° Refrigerator runs too LONG? ° Clothes dryer blows cold AIR? Then you need the service of our technicians. 82 days until Christmas. 41 Main St. St Marys Tas 7215 Fax: 6372 2822 Mob: 0419 503 109 Valley and Coast Hobby Craft and Arts Guide. Thanks to all those contributing to this guide for either groups or individuals. Your permission to add content to these great activities in knowledge skills or information will hopefully aid others keen to try new things. We welcome more groups to add as time goes on so ring Rod McGiveron on 6372 2215 or email me at rodneymcgiveron@bigpond.com any time to come on board. Thanks again. The Valley & East Coast Voice Guidelines. Opinions in any letters published are not necessarily the views held CRANKS AND TINKERERS (St.Marys)… Anything mechanical /classic cars / modelling. You name it …we do it. Contact Ian Summers on 6372 2724 or Grant Faulkner 6372 2335 (business hours)“Get your motor started”. SWANSEA MODEL YACHT CLUB (Swansea) Model yacht/ boat building and racing. Contact Barry Lord (Commodore) on 6257 8200 or email halahcottage@bigpond.com or ring Secretary Cheryl Hodgetts 6257 8548. email: bill49@bigpond.net.au. “Just like the real thing only smaller”. GONE RUSTIC (StMarys) Contemporary art and craft, quilting, card making and regular workshops. Contact Rita Summers at 6372 2724 or email: gonerustic@yahoo.com.au “come and say g’day”. LAUNCESTON MODEL AERO CLUB (LMAC) Headquarters at Symmons Plains. Everything radio control RC. aeroplanes, helicopters and gliders. Contact Kevin Hay (President) or Geoff Hays (Secretary) by typing in Launceston Model Aero Club in your browser and send us a message via the Contact Us links on our website and… “Come fly with us”. JOHN McCOLL (St Marys) Sculpting, sketching and art skills and contacts. Ring John on 6372 2413 for tips, advice, help or leave a message. PETER TROODE (Addlestone House B/B St. Marys) All things photography. Contact Peter for help, guidance or tips on 6372 2783 and he’ll help if he can. Or leave a message. ST MARYS FITNESS GROUP. All level fitness to music. Lots of fun on Monday and Thursday evenings. All welcome any age. Ring Fran on 6372 2614. Love to hear from you. BREAK O’DAY WOODCRAFT GUILD (St Marys Railway Station) We provide a centralised meeting place for mature men and women to share skills, knowledge, access to services, building of friendships and projects and we welcome newcomers to our community. Open Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays. Contact Cr. Reon Johns on 0429 722 091 mobile or 6372 2094 home. “Come and join us sometime”. SUNCOAST SINGERS (St Helens) We sing, sing, sing. Get together at St Helens on Fridays from 10am-12.30 pm. For more info ring Maryanne Wadsworth on 6376 2969 or email her at mawadsworth@yahoo.com.au “If you can yawn you can sing”. RODNEY MC GIVERON / PAUL DAVERN Amer ican HO Model Rail. If interested in model rail contact Rod on 6372 2215 or email rodneymcgiveron@bigpond.com or call Paul on 6372 5526 sometime. “See you down the line. woo.hoo”. St Marys Police Phone Number 6372 1010 Non Urgent Number 131 444 Urgent and Life threatening 000 SES (Flood & storm only) 132 500 Fire 000 by the editor and voluntary workers. Our pages will remain open to fair and honest criticism, so that on all questions, both sides may be presented, but any letters containing personal attacks or hinting at libel or slander will not be accepted. Stick to the issue rather than making personal attacks. Please do not attack the editor, the paper or the authors of previous letters. Letter writers will be given the chance to respond over a suitable period of time, but anonymous and/or nom-de-plume letters received as from 11-02-10 will not be published. Subjects may be closed at the editor’s discretion. Please make sure of your facts. Do not write letters just to let off steam. Letters most commonly published are those that have bearing to current community issues. Keep letters short, simple and to the point. Letters are restricted to 300 words or less. The Editor reserves the right to edit your letter for grammar, spelling or reduction in size where necessary. All letters arriving by post must be signed, including a printed name and also contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. All letters sent by email must contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. All letters left at drop-off points must have a signature, plus a printed name and also contain your contact details, such as full name, address and phone number. Do not be discouraged if your letters don’t get published. Whilst each submission is reviewed on its own merits, we generally receive more letters than we have space available. The Valley & East Coast Voice reserves the right at all times, without notice, to update, change or amend our guidelines. Whilst we value & welcome community letters, The Valley & East Coast Voice does not provide specific feedback regarding any decision made not to publish a submission. Please contact one of my offices if I can be of any assistance 53B Main Road 58A High Street PO Box 50 PO Box 271 Perth, Tas 7300 New Norfolk Tas 7140 Ph 6398 1115 Ph 6261 3366 Toll free 1300 132 689 Email D.Adams.MP@aph.gov.au WORKING WITH YOU FOR A STRONG COMMUNITY Written and Authorised by Dick Adams, 53B Main Road Perth LOCAL OWNER - OPERATOR OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Ph : Dana or Craig 6372 2033 /0439 722 032 Incorporating all your needs in: DAMS, ROADING, FIREBREAKS, LAND CLEARING, HOUSE SITES, DRAINAGE, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ROAD GRAVELS TOP SOIL SCREENED TOP SOIL SAND ROCKS ON SITE SCREENER 20mm to 75mm (TURN YOUR RUBBISH INTO TOP SOIL) 20 TONNE EXCAVATORS WITH TILT BUCKET & RIPPER, ROCK & LOG GRAB & QUICK HITCH D 65 KOMATSU DOZER, RIPPER & TILT BLADE 10 YARD TIPPER COMPACTION ROLLER WHEEL LOADER AND MUCH MORE CLEAN CRACK LAUNDROMAT 32 MAIN ST., ST MARYS (NEXT TO SECONDHAND ROSE) Coin operated washers & driers ‘You asked, we delivered’ ‘The Common Sense Approach for Tasmania’. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Winter trading hours: 7am - 5.30pm (ish) (Fri & Sun a little later) Remedial Massage and Naturopathy ring Sue Christiansen for an appointment. 0418 515 419 MEALS ON WHEELS ROSTER October 8th Debbie Barnes Tuesday 9th Pam Bretz Wednesday 10th Barbara McAllister Thursday 11th Kaye Nailer Friday Fingal Neighbourhood House Please leave written material at the St Marys Pharmacy, Main St, St Marys, Advertising: 2012 Neighbourhood House Phone: 0488 384 344 Monday 15th Pam Lynch Tuesday 16th Lorraine Gill Wednesday 17th Liz Rice Thursday 18th Yvonne Salter Friday 19th Hannah Rubenach Neighbourhood House St Helens Vigil Bicheno Fingal Neighbourhood House 2nd Sunday: LITURGY St Helens Vigil St Marys Bicheno Fingal Anglican Parish of Northern Midlands Avoca: 11am 2nd/4th Sundays Fingal: 3 pm 1st/3rd Sundays Mathinna: 3pm 2nd/ 4th Sundays Ross: 11am 1st/3rd Sundays 6.00pm Campbell Town: 9am every Sun. (3rd Sunday –Family Service) 9.00am 11.30am 6.00pm 9.00am 9.00am 9.30am Anglican Parish of Break O’Day Ph: 6376 1144 8am St Helens 10am St Marys 10.30am St Helens 4th Sunday Kids Church Pyengana, 2pm 3rd Sunday: MASS 3rd Saturday of each month – St Helens Vigil 6.00pm Community Dinner @ St Marys St Marys 9.00am Salvation Army Fingal 9.30am TUESDAY JAM Bicheno LWC 9.00am 3-5pm every Tuesday. 4th Sunday LITURGY excepting school holidays. St Helens Vigil 6.00pm Envoy Melanie Norton Ph: 63722099 SUNDAY JOY 12.30pm St Marys 9.00am this is a bring-and-share lunch followed Bicheno 9.00am by a great time of friendship Fingal 9.30am and fellowship. You are very welcome 5th Sunday LITURGY St Helens Vigil 6.00pm St Marys 9.00am Bicheno 9.00am Fingal 9.30am Enq: Baptisms & Weddings Sr Lorraine Ph: 6372 2252 Classifieds: 25 words or less: free Community notices : free. Small boxed ads. Garage sales. Greetings. Thanks etc. $12. ¼ page $20. ½ page $30. Full page $50. 1 year posted subscription $40. Copy of guidelines available on request. On Air Now! Church Services Catholic Parish of St Marys Sr. Lorraine Groves Parish House. Ph: 6372 2252 Mob: 0409 172 741 1st Sunday: MASS Accounts: Mary: 6372 2328 or post: C/- Post Office, St Marys Tas 7215 12th Val Spencer MOW Contact PH: Judy: 6372 2155 email: judith.spilsbury@telair.com.au St Marys Monday Contacts for Valley Voice to join us and share our JOY! Ph:0409 838 816. Break O’Day Uniting Church The Manse St Helens Ph: 6376 2405 St Helens 9.00 am Fingal 11.15 am Seventh Day Adventist Hodgeman Street Scamander Sabbath School 10 am Divine Service 11 am Vision FM 88.0 at St. Marys, St Helens and Fingal. The Breakfast program is now hosted by Matt and Karen on weekdays. There are now over 500 stations Australia wide. 100% positive music & talk all day long; connecting faith to life. National Vision Radio Network. Phone 1800 007 770. St Marys Online Access Centre Opening Hours: Monday 10am -3pm Tuesday 10 am-4pm Wednesday 10am-4 pm Thursday 10 am – 3 pm Friday 10 am – 3 pm Saturday 11 am – 2 pm Ph: 6372 2005 ST MARYS OP-SHOP SUPPORTING YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL SUMMER OPENING HOURS: MON TO FRI. 10AM — 4PM ST MARYS MARKET SATURDAY 10AM—2PM From October 1st. As volunteers are available always looking for NEW volunteers. Contact Janet Drummond on 0404 562 032 or call in to the shop for a chat on a Friday. Sports & Social Club News: Golf: A couple of good weeks on the cour se, star ting with hosting around 35 veteran golfers a fortnight ago. It was nice to see a few on the course as it is at it’s absolute best at present. Last weekend saw a junior golf clinic hosted by Casino professional Bryce Gorum. He could only be commended for his efforts as he took several of our junior golfers through their paces for around two hours and then took time to do a little coaching of a regular senior member of the club. Thanks also to Roy Ridgers for his efforts in teeing up the day. Unfortunately, as the groups were half way through their round later in the morning, the rain came, putting a premature end to some rounds. Still, everyone enjoyed the day and thanks to Russell & Bobby Harwood for their support with trophies, no one went home empty handed. Last weekend saw around 20 patrons take part in the Grand Final breakfast and golf. Winners were Chris, Liam Davern and Brent, Jordan (Tiger) Leedham. Kirsten Viney won the popular tipping competition and Chris Davern finished last in the darts. Thanks to chefs Damon, Jack and Trevor for feeding the hoards and special thanks to Jackie for her afternoon snacks that went down a treat. Now there is a bit of support for this event there are a few suggestions for improving the day next year. This Sunday at 10:00am will see a stableford event. Bowls: We finally had a chance to have a r oll last weekend in the inaugural Nan Stewart Memorial at Scamander. Whilst everyone was a little rusty, it was great to see that we filled 4 full rinks. Although we went down narrowly, everyone enjoyed the day and we get to have our chance prior to the season commencing next year. This week, division 2 commences the season at St. Helens. The team will be named Thursday night after training. Division 1 have the bye. Fundraising: As you can see by the ads in this issue, ther e is a bit going on at present. This Saturday at 6:30pm, Macca and the crew host a trivia night. Saturday 20th Diesel hosts the Aussie Bush Tucker Night. Saturday the 3rd November we host around 80 campers to a meal. Sunday the 4th is the well supported Reverse Course and due to the Lymphoedema Centre being unable to host the Melbourne Cup Luncheon, we are going to take bookings and in conjunction with the Lions Club, have a go at the event, see advertising this issue. BOWLS MEETING THIS FRIDAY 5th OCTOBER AT 7:00pm. GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY 9th OCTOBER AT 7:00pm. Trivia Night at The Sports Centre This Saturday Night 6th October 6:30pm Start Cost $8.00 per person (includes supper) Hosted by Macca, Blackie & Barney (Parental Guidance Is Recommended) Put together a table of 6 – 8 people & come along with your thinking caps on and enjoy a great evening of trivia. 38 Main Street St Marys Phone/Fax 6372 2240 - Butcher Ph: 6372 2274 Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm Sat 8am - 12 noon Sun - closed This week’s specials. (available from Thurs 4th Oct -Wed 10th Oct) from the butchery Porterhouse steak IGA corned silverside Short loin lamb chops Blade roasts/blade steak Nichols chicken drumsticks $15.99kg $ 6.99kg $16.99kg $ 9.99kg $ 4.99kg from the shelves Nescafe Café Menu coffee sachets 10pk Sanitarium Weetbix value pack 1.3kg Duo laundry powder 500g Kleenex connonelle toilet tissue 8p k Robur/Billy/Tynee Tips teacup bags 100s $3.99 $3.99 $1.99 $4.55 $3.79 from the coolroom/freezer Bega cheese super slices 250g Bulla creamy classic icecream 2lt Nestle drumsticks 24pk Coon tasty cheese block 1kg Birds Eye frozen peas 1kg (excl baby peas $1.99 $5.99 $21.99 $8.99 $3.79 next week’s specials (available from Thurs 11th Oct - Wed 17th Oct) from the butchery Round steak Boneless legs of lamb Lamb BBQ chops Ingham microwave chicken Nichols turkey rump roast $ 7.99kg $10.99kg $ 8.99kg $ 5.99kg $ 4.99kg from the shelves Devondale long life milk 2lt Windex trigger glass cleaner 500ml Safe white toilet tissue 12pk Palmolive Naturals shamp 400ml/cond 375ml Kraft vegemite 400g $2.49 $2.99 $2.99 $3.49 $5.99 all only .99c each Schweppes/Pepsi soft drink 2lt Arnotts shapes 160/190g/Clix/Savoy 180/225g Nabisco Chips Ahoy 250g/Oreo Original 300g CSR white sugar/raw sugar 1kg Smiths potato chips 175g PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY VALLEY VOICE PUBLICATIONS ST MARYS TASMANIA 7215.
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