MOPACA Newsletter


MOPACA Newsletter
MOPACA Newsletter
June 2012
July 14-15, 2012
the place to SAVE
and not just the dates
Save on class registration…save on
freight charges…save on gas and you
don’t even have to travel any place
else to attend the MOPACA meetingit’s being held right at Fiber “U.”
Fiber “U” is a wonderful opportunity
to learn your choice of fiber arts at
truly economical rates without the
hassle of driving to multiple
locations. Amazing teachers and
vendors will all be under one airconditioned roof. As an added
bonus we are thrilled that several
businesses have made Fiber “U” an
official fiber collection point saving
you the cost of shipping! So check
out the web site and
click on the Fiber “U” button to learn
more. We already have OVER
100 people registered so be sure
and check the class schedule/full
class page before sending your
registration in. Already booked for
those dates but want to take
advantage of the fiber collection
points to clean out your closets &
storage areas? Check with other
MOPACA members and see if they
can bring
it forlogo,
you. Any
about Fiber “U” please don’t
hesitate to ask Liz Mitchko at or 417533-5280.
****NEWS FLASH*****
MOPACA Membership Renewals are
past due. If you have not renewed yet,
please do so ASAP by completing the
form found on the MOPACA website
(and attached to this newsletter) and
sending it and payment to Cindy Jasper.
From the Board
First, thanks to everyone who worked to make this year’s show a success!
You are responsible for the many participants who rate our show as their
favorite, especially for the friendly people and helpful service. Everyone
thanks you for the interested visitors and shoppers too.
As stated in the President’s Corner, MOPACA’s leadership has been working
with publicity consultants, a graphic designer, and a web design team to
update our graphic identity and coordinate our publicity efforts. The new logo
and member banners are “old news” and work is proceeding on a new
website, expected to go live in early August. All this work should make the job
of the publicity chair for the 2013 show easier. It will be easier to
update the new website directly; we have poster files and a color palette
from the graphic designer; and of course the show committee has records of
what needs to be done and when. Please consider helping with this
important role and contact Ed/Marta Howe Our
publicity consultants emphasized that the goal of MOPACA’s advertising
should be to bring the public into contact with our members, and the show is
a great venue for this.
We are also looking for new leaders to replace those of us who will be
finishing our terms of office at the end of the year. Board member Tom
Martin is chairing the nominating committee and would love to hear from
you at We will elect a new member to the Board of
Directors, a President, and a Secretary this winter. To better balance
the perks we offer our officers and board members with those we offer to
show volunteers, the board voted last year to offer free MOPACA
membership (no dues!) to all officers and board members during their
terms of office. The board and president meet each month via conference
call. The Secretary’s primary tasks are taking the minutes at the two general
membership meetings each year and generating the quarterly newsletter.
Please give some thought to how you can help MOPACA in the coming year.
Mark your interests on the membership form if you still need to renew;
contact Ed or Marta Howe if you want to help with the show; let Tom Martin
know if you’d like to run for office. MOPACA is a great organization, and this
is true because of the generosity of its members in volunteering their time
President’s Corner
Membership renewals were due by May 31. If it slipped your mind, please
download the renewal application and send your check to Cindy Jasper. The
application allows MOPACA to have a better idea of the average size of each
farm and how to serve you better. It also allows you to let us know where you
can help MOPACA.
While most of you have had your animals shorn, please keep in mind even in
minimal fleece your animals are still susceptible to heat stress, especially
pregnant dams. Watch the heat index, as it is a better tool than the temperature.
Fans can keep the air moving, hosing bellies can cool the animals and make
sure adequate shade and water are present. Recently there was a post on United
Alpacas regarding using 80% shade cloth over an area of sand that was
watered. The cool sand was used to keep the alpacas cool. I thought it was a
great idea. United Alpacas can be found at You will need a yahoo
account to access the group, but it’s free.
The new member banners and the education DVD are available. If you have
not received both of these benefits, please let Gwen Wolff know
Fiber “U” is just around the corner. Liz has done a great job of making it easy
for you to have fun and get your fiber into production. If you haven’t already
made reservations for a room, do it now! Additional information can be found
in the newsletter or on the MOPACA site.
The midwestalpacafarms and the MOPACA websites are being combined into
one site with a new look that matches our new logo. The new site should be
live by late summer. It will allow you to add information like the midwest site
does. This should allow you greater flexibility in how you market your farm.
Once live, please let us know what you like (or don’t like). Feedback is what
allows us to make improvements and bring you better benefits.
Once again, the summer meeting will be held in conjunction with Fiber “U.” I
look forward to seeing you there!
Education Committee- Deborah Vassar
There are still opportunities available to serve on the Education Committee. The
Education Committee determines needs and interests of the MOPACA membership
regarding education topics and plans educational programming accordingly. Being a
part of the committee is a great way to meet fellow MOPACA members.
Also, the Education Committee is asking for topic suggestions for the Winter 2013
Seminar. We have a short list of potential topics but would like input from the
membership. It can be something covered in a previous seminar or a completely new
idea. This list will also provide ideas for future seminar topics.
If you would like to be a part of the Education Committee or would like to suggest a
topic, please contact Deborah Vassar at
Web Committee- Gwen Wolff
MOPACA’s website is being completely revamped and we need your input on some
specific areas. In addition to advertising your farm and alpacas, you will be able to
showcase alpaca products and services too. You will have direct entry and update
ability for these on the new website, just as you do now for your farm and alpaca
information on the Midwest Alpaca Farms site.
MOPACA Officers and
Board of Directors
Brian Willsey- President
Beverly Stock- Vice President
Sharon Heimes- Secretary
Cindy Jasper- Treasurer
Mary Licklider- Director
Gwen Wolff- Director
Tom Martin- Director
Please visit for
membership information, meeting
minutes, show information,
upcoming events, herdsire gallery
and past newsletters.
Please suggest the categories you think
would be most useful for these two new
areas. Under products, would you like to see
specifics such as “sweaters” or a more
general listing such as “apparel?” Give
suggestions for the services category too.
Some might be “shearing” or “fiber sorting.”
Your input will help us build the website to
best suit member needs.
Please send your recommendations to
Gwen Wolff at no later
than June 23. We anticipate the new website
will be completed in August.
A big thank you to Ed and Marta Howe
for volunteering to coordinate the 2013
MOPACA Invitational Alpaca Show!!
Investing in the future- 2012 MOPACA
in the future – MOPACA
Scholarship recipients announced
scholarship recipients announced
Doug Suntrup is a current third-­‐ year veterinary student at the University of Missouri Columbia CVM. After growing up on his family farm in St. Clair, Missouri his life ambition was to be a large animal veterinarian. He started his path to the veterinary career at East Central College where he attained an Associate of Science degree in Medical Sciences. Then he spent one year at the University of Missouri working on his animal science degree until he gained early admittance to the College of Veterinary Medicine and met his wife Samantha. In veterinary school he has been involved with many organizations including serving as the secretary of the small ruminant and camelid club, president and treasurer of the swine club, Ivet student representative, MVMA student representative, and on the animal welfare judging team. He had not worked with alpacas much until he came to veterinary school. At veterinary school he found great joy and satisfaction working with alpacas. When he graduates he plans to help people better understand alpacas and the medicine involved with them. Nanci Richards of St. Joseph, Illinois will graduate this spring from the University of Illinois School of Vererinary Medicine. She is pursuing opportunities in a mixed-­‐animal practice, focusing on large and food animals in general and New World camelids in particular. Nanci has served as president of the Veterinary Business Management Association, representative for American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners, and Pfizer Animal Health student representative. Nanci is committed to using science, medicine, and human understanding to live the ideals of the veterinarian’s oath in practice. 6
Melissa Cleavinger
Oklahoma State
University Center for
Veterinary Health
Dr. David Anderson: From K-State University to the University of Tennessee fall of 2012
Dr. Meredyth Jones: From K-State University to Texas A&M University
I have some bittersweet news to share and wish there was a more personal way for me to deliver it.
Starting on June 15, I will be starting a new job providing field services and outreach at Texas A&M
University. The new position will provide me with additional opportunities in teaching and research,
as well as continue to provide clinical services on farms.
I had a very difficult decision to make when I was approached about this position as I have enjoyed a
wonderful time at Kansas State working with great faculty, students, clients and animal owners who
I now consider friends. The alpaca owners in this region of the country have been extremely
welcoming to me and have shown a great deal of confidence in me as I started out here six years
ago as a brand new faculty member still learning the ropes. You have taught me many things and I
will not soon forget all the kindness that has been shown to me during my time in Kansas.
I will continue to serve as an advisory board member for the Mid America Alpaca Foundation and,
given the establishment of a camelid scholarship program at TAMU, I hope to continue to facilitate
student exposure to the animals which are so important to you. I will miss being geographically
close to your farms, but look forward to many years of continued friendship.
Meredyth Jones
Dr. Nanci Richards:
According to Dr. Dennis French, DVM, professor at the University of Illinois School of
Veterinary Medicine, Nanci Richards has been hired as an intern. Nanci was the recipient of the
2012 MOPACA Scholarship. Now the U of IL has an intern on staff who is focused on camelids
Great choice, Dr. French!!!!
The lecture on “Heat Stress“ by Dr. Anderson can be
downloaded free on both the Midwest Alpaca Farms
website and the Mid America Alpaca Foundation
website under Health Care Videos.
Paca This on Facebook
By Diane Ziomek
Are you an alpaca owner? Do you have questions or concerns that no one near you
knows the answer to?
“Paca This” is a “no marketing” Facebook Group that is at almost 900 members and
growing strong. The members share their ups and downs, ask questions and offer advice to
those who are new to the business of owning alpacas. No matter how long you have been in
the alpaca business, there is always something new to learn. Paca This has members who have
been in the business from a few days to several years; each is willing to share their experiences,
both good and bad. Owning alpacas (or animals of any type for that matter) is a wonderful
experience, but it does come with situations that we have no control over. Our members offer
support when someone is faced with a dilemma or a loss, and “oooohhhh & aaahhhh” over
the pictures of new cria.
Whether you are a new or experienced alpaca owner, or still thinking about getting into
the business, join Paca This at You will
become part of an extraordinary group of people who have had firsthand experience with
these beautiful creatures. What are you waiting for?
Show Publicity Chair – coordinates show advertising in print, email, and radio. Supported by other
members of the MOPACA Publicity Committee and show volunteers, this individual spearheads the
effort that results in a good turnout of both public show visitors and alpaca participants. No
experience required, but good organizational and writing skills are helpful. You’ll receive detailed
notes/timelines from the previous chair and support from show coordinators, publicity committee, and
MOPACA board. Publicity assistants also welcome! Please contact Marta/Ed Howe, Show
Coordinators, to volunteer or for more information.
What’s new at the Mid-America Alpaca Foundation??
By Pete Caffrey
First, on behalf of the Foundation I would like to thank MOPACA for
featuring the Foundation at the silent auction at this year’s show. In
addition, we want to express our appreciation to Sharon Heimes for her
excellent job at making the auction a success. To all who provided items
and those that bid, you are much appreciated. What will we do with the
Based on the money that was raised at this year’s silent auction the
Foundation Board has moved to create a new Alpaca Medicine Externship
for vet students at Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine. The
agreement is currently being processed at Iowa State and we hope will be
completed for the 2013 scholarship year. Iowa State will join the
Universities of Missouri and Illinois and Kansas State, Oklahoma State
and Texas A&M Universities as veterinary colleges receiving Foundation
Externship Scholarships.
These Externships provide funding to veterinary students with
interest in alpaca medicine. Funding helps them experience opportunities
to work with camelid experts off campus.
Thank you,Marty McGee Bennett
The Mid-America Alpaca Foundation and Marty McGee-Bennett are
working together to provide 2 copies of Ms. McGee-Bennett’s DVD
“Alpaca Training and Handling” and her book “The Camelid
Companion : Handling and Training your Alpacas and Llamas” to
every university- based small ruminant club in the U.S. Marty has
offered discounted pricing on the DVDs and a total donation of 21
copies of her book. This is one of the largest single donations to
the Foundation by an individual. It has been a great partnership
working with Marty and on behalf of the Foundation, vet students
and alpaca owners we offer our sincere appreciation for Marty's
generosity and support.