faba newsletter - Florida Alpaca Breeders Association


faba newsletter - Florida Alpaca Breeders Association
Issue 2, August 2009
We are excited to announce and welcome you to our new monthly
What a great time for FABA! We have a
flashy new website and newsletter. We
will be showcasing a lot of new features
on the site. Here is just a few of them...
Florida Herdsires, Auction, A 24/7
online store with paypal! Libary with
Fellow FABA Members,
Wow, what a great month for Florida alpaca farms. Thanks to the hard work of Kim Buchy this
wonderful new website is up and running complete with PayPal, and, Florida Fleece 2009 was a
huge success. We almost doubled the number of entries from last year with 120 entries from all over
the country. All of our vendors and sponsors were happy with a great turnout from the general
public. The seminars were very well received and attendees that I spoke too said that it had been a
very educational and fun weekend. Those of you that were unable to attend this year, mark your
calander for the first weekend in August 2010. This was our second fleece show and seminar
weekend and next year will be even bigger and better. A special thank you to Frank and Brenda
articles from our farms, and much more! Crum for the use of their beautiful building and all the help from them and their wonderful staff.
There has never been a better time to be a FABA member. Our new website makes a huge difference
Also please check out the events, we
and adds great value to your FABA membership. Sponsors from the show are enjoying special
have a lot of wonderful new exciting
features of their herd sires and award winning alpacas, there is a section on the website to buy and
classes and craft days coming up.
sell alpaca related products etc. Please take the time to check out the new features and submit
photographs and articles to Kim Buchy for next months newsletter. Look on the upcoming events
page for the events that are coming up in August. Remember to thank Kim when you speak to her
for all of her hard work. Kim has done this for us on a volunteer basis and has put many, many hours
of work into it. It is time to think ahead to National Alpaca Farm Day on the 26th and 27th of
Saturday, Aug 15th
September. If you go on the AOBA website you can submit an application to be included in the
directory that viewers who see theTV advertisement will be directed to. If you don't have a farm
store you may want to think ahead and purchase a few alpaca products to showcase for this event.
AOBA has an official poster that you can plug your farm name into and use for your marketing.
Contact Rita Smith
Hang the poster in your local feed store, vets office etc. Look into all the local newspapers and
online guides and see if you can get into the "things to do section" (they are usually free). National
# 321-436-7863
Alpaca Farm Day is a great event and even if you are just starting in the business it is great to
participate and spread the word about alpacas.
for information on attending our
FABA meeting & location.
Last month’s Meeting and Minutes
Have a great month and stay cool!!!
Jane Dula
FABA President
FABA Website www.flapacas.com
Jane Dula - President
Land of Green Ginger Alpacas
August 1st & 2nd - FLORIDA FLEECE SHOW
August 22nd, Dye Your Alpaca clinic - 1:00pm to 3:30pm at Crystal Springs
Alpacas, Zephyrhills. Bring your white, fawn or grey fleece, roving or yarn and a
# 321-273-0471
large crockpot or two. Class fee is $20 and includes dye and light snacks. Fiber
artist Judi Jetson will discuss other forms of dye technique. Call Pat 352-585-3912
Bob Brink - Vice President
Ro-Lin Ridge Farm LLC
# 386-454-8622
to register or email patfinke@hughes.net. Specify 2 colors you wish to dye.
August 29th - Sunshine State Spinning Guild - Bring your wheels and a dish to
share. A full day of spinning fun. Contact - Jane Dula @ 321-273-0471 or Kim
Buchy @ 352-799-3234
Rita Smith - Secretary/Treasurer
Star Crossed Alpacas
# 321-436-7863
August 29th - Craft Day at Alpaca Magic USA - Contact Jean Riley @ 352-6280156
EXPO 2010
Dear members,
I just wanted to get the ball rolling early for FABA’s EXPO and
Auction 2010. We will be back on track next year. Our show will again be
back to back with the Carolina show, gas prices are way down and THIS IS
Independence Farms LLC John Dietel and Debbie Hankey
Paul & Suellen Sherman
Ashawa Alpacas Rick & Rhonda Tragesser
Thanks to Sherry Leslie (GOD BLESS YOU!!) we are way ahead of
the game this year with volunteers. We will actually have an EVENTS
Coordinator and a separate SHOW Coordinator and she has done a terrific job
of lining up many things so far!!! This will make our EVENT even better next
We have a verbal contract with the Jacksonville Equestrian Center for
the weekend of Feb 5-7, 2010 and we will be working to get them to “possibly”
decrease their costs due to our repeat business each year. Once we are sure there
won’t be “TOO many changes” to the 2010 halter show rules we will proceed
with the certification process. I have asked for suggestions for judges and have
had some input and ideas. Our “Kid’s Korner” was a huge success last year
(thanks to the hard work of the Kid’s Korner Team) and was a big draw for the
general public.
Mark your calendars…make your plans…and be part of a great event
to help put all of our farms on the map…
Thanks, Jamie Flores
Shi’lo Alpacas
FABA WEBSITE: www.flalpacas.com
Page 2
Rod & Belinda Chapnick
This 1/2 accoyo guy is awesome! He has big bones, greasy luster,
and the twisted loskcs. He shines in the dark! His wins listed
below should tell you he is "out of the norm". Take advantage
this fall with a breeding with this lineage from Godiva's Peruvian
Royal Chocolatier and his incredible luster along with all all the
ARI#: 31094399
Heritage: 1/2 Accoyo Peruvian 1/2 Bolivian
Color: Rose Grey
Date of Birth: 9/18/2007
beautiful fleece, solid conformation, superior genes.
He is the great-grandson on his dam's side of true black
Notorious is a 1/2 Accoyo Rose Grey Suri Alpaca Male who is
4Peruvian Royal Black Gold. His lineage does not stop there. He
exceptional in every way. His sire is Accoyo America Libertad, a
is from the famous "money maker" Peach Boy line! Peach Melba
suri male who is no longer living. With only 4 offspring from
his dam who is Peruvian and Bolivian mix also has the lineage
Libertad this is a rare suri alpaca bloodline.
from Peru of Elar, Auero, and Fuego. She won the 02 TxOlan
lst place, 2nd at the 02 AOBA Nationals, the 02 Western Ohio
Notorious has incredible luster and density and continues to
Triple Crown, 02 Southern Select,and 02 Star Events Breeders
collect blue ribbons. He is currently the only suri alpaca 1/2
Accoyo Rose Grey male in the USA.
Ali's wins include 08 Palmetto Classic - lst & Color Champion,
08 Sunshine State - lst, 08 Southern Select - 2nd, 08 CAB)-2nd,
08 Futurity - 5th (out of 23 spectacular suris). Book your
1st Place 2009 - MOPACA
breedings now for fall for $1000 with $200 down and $400.00 at
1st Place Color Champion 2008 - Indiana Alpaca Invitational
the time of breeding, and $400.00 when confirmed! Book before
1st Place 2008 - Alpaca Futurity
September l for this offer! Or do you want to settle in for a half
1st Place 2008 - Illinois
ownership with $12,000 for this prize outstanding male. Ali has
1st Place 2008 - MOPACA
already settled his first female and he has done a great job!
FABA Website: www.flalpacas.com
Page 3
Sassylia of Peru 05
(half accoyo) Sassy is a striking proven full-Peruvian female from
Rod & Belinda Chapnick
the Augusto lineage. Augusto was the Sire of the Millenium in
2006! She has dense, fine fiber, with a heavy strong bone and
Rosetta’s Trinket
great coverage. She has also good vibrant color and is sweet,
gentle, and easy to handle. Her dam 1/2 accoyo, My Peruvian
Tamarijin was a champion too! Sassy is one that every farm visitor
spots right off and usually remarks very positively about. She had
her first cria with ease and is rebred to our multi ribbon winning
ARI#: 30481992
Color: Medium Brown
Date of Birth: 11/02/2005
herdsire Calimero of PVA , grandsire is the famous Elite on the
west coast., with his huge list of ribbons! His sire being Elite
Trinket's Sire is AABC Zeplin a Full Peruvian Black Suri whose
Maximus with his huge list of ribbons also and many ribbon
offspring are award winners. Zeplin won Reserve Color
winning outstanding offspring. Sassy was ultrasounded positive in
Champion & 1st place at the 2002 AOBA National Show.
March 09 and due on October 19th! $22,000 summer sale price!
Trinket's Dam is our lovely dark fawn vicuna colored Suri -
Veterans discount is available.
Rosetta, whose sire is Ameripaca's Harry Brown, a well known
maroon herdsire with numerous champions to his credit. Trinket
will bring strong color and champion bloodlines to your suri
herd. She will be bred back to our fabulous herdsire Accoyo
America Helix.
Razberry Swirl
Is a stunning grey gal from the 6Peruvian Silver King and she carries
herself with such regal presence. She has the locks, independent,
lusterous, and is a large sturdy female. Her darker sides of her multicolors
is bright mahogany, with those beautiful grays mixed in. She had a
1st place 2007 - Sunshine State Alpaca Expo
huacaya in her background but evidently it didn't damage her reputation
1st place 2007 - Carolina Alpaca Celebration
or looks, or fiber, as she picked up a blue ribbon in her first show in
1st place 2007 - Southern Select
Florida (halter, MSG class and a 2nd place in her second show (halter,
1st place 2007 - The Futurity
LSG class). Sadly, that ended the career as she is bred to OUR legendary
black suri male Fruzane Noir, who is still booking breedings, who has
given so many of us outstanding offspring, champions and ribbon
winners. We believe her due date is after April 9th, 2010. It should be
incredible! We are offering Razberry Swirl for our summer sale at
$25,000 Don't hesitate - what a beauty!
We are negotiable on terms.
FABA Website: www.flalpacas.com
Page 4
~The Scoop on Poop~
One of the seminars at The Florida Fleece Show was so
interesting. It was taught by a fella who really knows The Scoop on Poop.
His name is Mr. Jess Bowers, him and his wife Cookie, came and really
explained in such detail the importance of processing our own fecal's and
how to do this quickly and accurately. Now it really doesn’t take much to
~Funny Story~
We have a girl named Dinah who was of age to
breed and we put a "gentle male as his first few
times of breeding" in with her. She carried him
around on her back but refused to cush. We
decided the second time we tried this on a
different day to bring in "a big gun, Gepetti". She
do this, and if you love science and love to keep track on how your alpacas looked right at him and from standing still
are doing health wise. This is totally for you, now this is not a job for the
jumped a 4 Ft. fence! No breedings took place
weak stomach people, ( Like my husband, who gags at the site of me
that day. As we kept letting her watch breedings,
stirring the fecal’s into a tea like goo ). Jess Bowers explained to all of us
it finally happened and she cushed along side of
that once you get familiar of what, “ Comes out the tail pipe of an alpaca”.
the fence. She was bred and then one fine day
.............. approximately .11.5 months later.
Then you are able to quickly know if your worming regimen is working or
not. Jess also pointed out that if you keep really good records of the
fecal's that you are running on your alpacas, you can basically chart when
Dinah was running all around the pasture,
before she had anything showing. As the baby
popped its head thru she began running in
that particular alpaca has a peak of shedding parasites or who in the group
circles, swinging the crias head in the air. She
is always a parasite carrier. Jess gave us a sample of his record keeping
was way in the pasture approximately 200 feet
and he had a 3 ring binder with pockets. He had a spreadsheet with
from the barn, so 3 of us cornered her in a
alpaca name, dates and which parasites. He also had a list that had all the
corner of the pasture. As the cria dropped to
different wormers we use. He highlighted them each a different color. So
when he was running fecal's he just highlighted the date on the chart, to
earth in a nice pile of leaves, it was rather large
and a brilliant white. Dinah turned a looked at it,
and almost looked like her eyes bugged out in
quickly let him know for future reference when and how that alpaca was
amazement! When it moved - she took off
treated.... Jess also explained that having a small load of parasites is
running for the barn!!!! At first the 3 of us starting
normal. Wiping them completely out, actually does more harm. Fecal's is
roaring in laughter and 2 minutes later while still
really about monitoring the health of our alpacas. Doing monthly weights
laughing, Bill said "this isn't good, she hasn't
can also be a key in how they are doing health wise. Some alpacas will
drop an excessive amount of weight when they are loaded with parasites.
Another thing that is important is to become familiar with the parasites and
what they do. This way you can become aware of any abnormal behavior
in your herd. If you are thinking of running your own fecal's. First consult
your veterinarian, give him/her a heads up on what your thinking of doing.
come back"! Bill carried the cria up towards the
barn and placed it in the grass where she
could see it and we got out of the pasture.
Ever so slowly she went forward to it, within
minutes she became an instant good
mother., loads of milk. We sold her last little
girl at 3 months old.
Believe me you will need his/her help in determining which is a parasite or
a air bubble. Also go to a parasite seminar, get a hands on lab experience
like what we all had with Jess and Cookie Bowers. Then once you have
completed that then you will be on the right track to ensuring the health
and well being of your herd.....
mother as soon as possible. OK, OK,
AFTER you see if its a girl! Let them bond
and sit back and enjoy the moments!
Submitted by Sherry Leslie, Griffonwood
Submitted by Kimberly Buchy - Woodlandhills Alpacas and The Fiber Mill
Tip: Always let that baby bond with the
FABA Website www.flalpacas.com
Page 5
Breeders Tips and Tricks
Over the 7 years we have owned alpacas I have gone to
“ Time for my close-up
Mr.Deville ”.
seminars and used the methods taught by Marty Magee Bennett
(camelidynamics), but it wasn¹t till last year that she showed us
a very simple thing you can do that makes a world of difference
when handling your alpacas. This is especially good when you
have a nervous animal. With one hand on the back of there
head under their ears and the other under their jaw take 3 to 4
really deep breaths loud enough for them to hear you and
your hand under their jaw will gently rise with each breath.
This has a remarkable calming effect on them and you. Just
remember no matter what you do with them to always be as
calm as you can and breath.
Submitted by:
Belinda Chapnick
Young Love!!!!!!
Southern Oaks Alpacas
BAR IS OPEN at the
Alpaca Corral!!
WE NEED MORE PICTURES, PLEASE SEND THEM TO KIM @ woodlandhillsalpacas@tampabay.rr.com in a .JPEG format. THANKS!
FABA Website www.flalpacas.com
Page 7
This is an Area for Farms to place a business card ad. ( black or white )
Cost for business card ad $ 45.00 for members $ 75.00 for non members.
Expo Sponsors are Free.
Business card ads can be emailed in a JPEG file to
Kimberly Buchy at Woodlandhillsalpacas@tampabay.rr.com
In Sponsor Order, Platnium, Grand, Gold, Silver & Bronze
Page 9
Classified ads are FREE and are basic text. If you have alpaca (s) or alpaca related items for sale, list it here.
Guard Llamas...he is a large gelding/red and white...his name is Eric The Red, he would love to find a good home. I paid $1,000
will sell for $400.00. I have too many animals and someone has to go. Contact Reene # .352-592-7042.
2- goat hay feeders - $25.00 each. Contact Reene # .352-592-7042.
Schacht Table Loom for sale. 20” weaving width, 4 harness table loom with removable floor stand. Loom comes with over 300 flat
steel heddles, one 15” reed and one flat shuttle. Table looms are great for classroom use, workshops, sampling and small projects. I
have used this one to make alpaca purses! They are ideal for learning about pattern weaving since the direct tie-up through the hand
levers allows for infinite experimentation. Schacht table looms are expertly crafted of the finest hard maple and built for maximum
structural stability. They weather well after many years of heavy use. Front mounted levers make it easy to see at a glance which
shafts are raised. Price: $325. Call Pat Finke at Crystal Springs Alpacas 352-585-3912
Light weight panels,...5' and 10' for sale limited supply for $50.00 ea. when they are gone there will be no more. Contact: Florence
Morehead, Wildwood Alpaca Farm # 386 963 5015
Florida Alpaca Breeders Association
FABA Website: www.flalpacas.com