EOP Banquet Program - CPMC


EOP Banquet Program - CPMC
Educational Opportunity Program
9th Annual Graduation Banquet
“Honoring Graduates and their Families”
Saturday, May 12, 2012
6:30pm – 10:00pm
Classics V Banquet Facility
2425 Niagara Falls Boulevard
Amherst, NY 14228
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Office of the President
Dear EOP Graduates:
On behalf of the entire University at Buffalo community, congratulations as you celebrate the
culmination of your studies—and as you look forward to beginning the exciting next phase of your
lives as UB graduates! Your upcoming commencement marks a significant milestone that will enable
the next steps you choose to take and impact your personal and professional lives. As you and your
families celebrate this tremendous accomplishment, know that the UB community—of which you are
a valued part—is delighted to share this achievement with you.
As a public research university, UB’s commitment to academic excellence is intended to have a
profound impact on both our local and global communities. You, our graduates, are an integral part
of the success of UB’s larger mission: to make the world a better place through the knowledge we
create and share. Together, we pursue excellence not for its own sake, but to fulfill our commitments
to all the communities we serve.
The Educational Opportunity Program at UB is regarded as one of the successful programs of
its kind in the nation—and that success would not be possible without outstanding students like you.
Your extraordinary achievements are a powerful testament to the power of education—and the
importance of public universities in the 21st century. Wherever your future plans may take you, we
are confident that your experience as UB alumni will be an asset in all your future endeavors. We are
just as confident that the knowledge you have gained as UB students will be equally valuable
resources to the communities you will enrich with your talents, service, and leadership.
Congratulations on all that you have achieved as UB students, and best wishes for continued
success in all of the new challenges and opportunities that await you!
Satish K. Tripathi
501 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1600
Tel: (716) 645-2901 Fax (716) 645-3728 Web: http://www.buffalo.edu
May 12, 2012
Dear EOP Graduate:
Congratulations on your graduation from the University at Buffalo! Completing a college
degree is indeed a significant accomplishment. We hope your educational experience has
been a good one and that your major and classes have been enjoyable.
As we journey through life, we all temporarily face challenges and obstacles which help us to
grow, mature, and achieve. Your long years of study, dedication, and hard work have finally
won you a coveted degree from the University at Buffalo. We extend our heartiest
congratulations on an honor that does not come easily. Your achievements also bring
inspiration to our current undergraduate EOP students.
The degree will certainly enhance your career opportunities as you are already recognized
and distinguished as one of the best. Keep up the good work as you start your new career
and new challenges. Understand that the steps you take now will have an impact on the rest
of your life, and I encourage you to consider all of your options carefully. Whether you
choose to continue your education or go straight to work is a major life decision.
I also encourage you to share your wealth by giving back to your community and others.
One of the great things about giving back to your community is that it is a win/win situation.
You may be volunteering your time, talent and money, but chances are you are going to
receive some personal benefit as a result such as: it allows you to venture into new
territories; it expands your network, and connects you with your community. Investing in
community involvement is a professional development tool and could be a stepping stone to
a nonprofit sector career. Whatever your motivation, when you connect with nonprofits in
your community as a volunteer, everybody wins. Use your education, time, talent, and
money to create social change; we cannot be a community without participation from each
of us.
In the end, people will measure you by your success, not by the obstacles you had to
overcome. The qualities, the skills, and the wisdom you learned to help you succeed at UB,
will continue to serve you well.
EOP and the entire staff take great pride in the achievements and accomplishments of our
Again, congratulations.
Dr. Henry J. Durand
Director, CADS/EOP
Senior Associate Vice Provost
For Undergraduate Education
: cn
Meet and Greet
Dr. Henry J. Durand
Blessing of the Food
Graduate Recognition:
Dr. H. William Coles, III
Door Prizes
Group/Individual Photos
Time for Socializing
Chef Salad
Rolls and Butter
Two Cold Salads
Roast Beef
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Pasta Primavera
Herb Roasted Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
Ice Cream Dessert
Coffee & Tea
EOP Graduates
In Their Own Words…
Deborah Adejoro
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts and Science
Major: Psychology, Social Science
Interdisciplinary - Health and Human
Services concentration, and minor in
Health and Wellness.
Honors/Awards/Special Recognition:
Trio Star, UBSTAR Starburst Award, Health and Wellness
Peer Educator Award.
Extracurricular: Volunteered at Weinberg Nursing
Home, Vive la Casa Refugee Shelter, Ronald McDonald
House, Bible Club, Student Support Services Advisory
Board, Admissions Recruitment Specialist (UBSTARS),
founder, Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority (Gamma Eta
Chapter), Collegiate Science and Technology Entry
Program (C-STEP). Future Plans: Nursing School
People I want to thank: First of all, thanks to Almighty
God for making this day possible, for allowing me to be
alive to see this day, I am forever grateful Lord. Also I
want to thank all the EOP staff, and my EOP advisor,
Jendrowski Lani. You have been more than an advisor to
me; you are a great example of what it means to be a
counselor, role model, and a mother figure to me.
Thanks for your words of encouragement and always
believing in me. I can accomplish any goals in life, once
more, thanks for all you did for me. All that made this
day possible. My thanks also goes to Student Support
Services program for all the services rendered to
students. I also want to specifically thank my SSS
advisor, Jennifer Morrison, I am very grateful for all
your advice, your help; words can’t express how much.
“Never give up until you achieve your goals in life”
Shardai Adger
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary Program: Health
and Human Service Concentration
Minor: Sociology
Extracurricular: Co-Founder of
Buffalo State’s Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service
Sorority, President of the University Residential Hall
2008-2009, Volunteer of the Alzheimer’s Association
Awareness Group for Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival
2009, Volunteer at Sweet Home’s High School Dusk to
Dawn Relay Challenge 2009,
Ambassador for People Incorporated, Volunteer with
the University at Buffalo Move in Crew, Volunteer for
UB Open House 2012, Member of the University at
Buffalo Marching Band (played the piccolo and the
flute) 2007-2008.
Future Plans: I will be attending Buffalo State College Masters Degree Program in Public Administration
Program in the fall 2012.
People I want to thank: I thank my beloved family and
close friends who supported and encouraged me
throughout the years. My academic advisor who helped
me through all my up’s and downs that I endured during
my academic career. Also, thank you to all of the
faculty/ staff and students at UB who went the extra
mile to help me with my academics, giving me
awareness about different opportunities and giving me
advice. You all are greatly appreciated.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens
me” Philippians 4:13
Guyshana Alston
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Sociology
Future Plans: I am going to give a year
of service and make a difference in the
classroom before I start my career.
Being an EOP student has encouraged
me to want to have an impact on low
achieving students from urban areas. I
will spend a year in Miami, Florida
mentoring, tutoring, and being a
positive role model to students in middle and
elementary schools to help close the achievement gap
and prepare them for college.
People I Want to Thank: I want to thank my academic
advisor, Lani Jendrowski, for always being a phone call
away for whatever I needed help with; and when she
couldn't help, always forwarding me to someone that
could. I really appreciate her help with everything.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It
is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We
ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not
serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about
shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do."
Clarence J. Austin Jr.
Degree: Associates Degree Human
Service, and Alcohol and Chemical
Dependency (Monroe Community
College) Bachelor of Arts
Major: African American Studies
Recognitions: Dean’s List, 2011 Phi
Theta Kappa Honor Society, The President’s Volunteer
Service Award, 2011 SUNY Empire Diversity Honor’s
Scholarship, MCC Builder Foundation’s 2011 Exemplary
Student Award, Certificate of Appreciation (Liberty
Partnership Program)
Extracurricular: Liberty Partnerships Program, Human
Service Club at Monroe Community College, PHI THETA
KAPPA Honor Society
Future Plans: Master’s Degree in Social Work. I desire to
work with and encourage those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, underrepresented.
People I Want to Thank: : Dr. Keith P. Griffler
(Chairperson Transnational Studies @ S.U.N.Y. at
Buffalo), Dr. Joan C. Mullaney (Chairperson Human
Service Dept, @Monroe Community College), Dr.
Emeterio M. Otero (Executive Dean and Affirmative
Action Coordinator at Monroe Community College), Ms.
Wendy Orosz, (Senior Academic Advisor, S.U.N.Y. at
Buffalo), Malik, Amanuel (Student Support Services @
Monroe Community College), Paula Fahy (Human
Service Dept, @Monroe Community College, Susan
Gunther(Director of Liberty Partnerships Program,
Rochester, N.Y.), and my loving family.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
stands in times of challenge and controversy." Martin
Luther King
Chantel L. Bable
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary Concentration:
Early Childhood Education
Future Plans: I plan on taking my
teaching certification exam in
June and hopefully finding a job
at an elementary school for the upcoming school year.
From there, I’ll let fate take its course!
People I Want to Thank: My Mom and Dad for always
believing in me and backing me in whatever choices I
made! My brother for being an awesome big brother
and pushing me to work harder. Both of my
grandmothers for being representations of strength and
wisdom. And to both of my grandfathers who I miss
dearly and finished college to make them proud! I know
they’re both smiling down on me from Heaven and will
be with me in spirit at the graduation! I LOVE you all!
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing
enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill
Joan Adwoa Badu
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Concentration
Extracurricular: African Student
Association – Publicity Coordinator ‘08
African Student AssociationUndergraduate Advisor ’11-‘12
Future Plans: My Goal is to teach early
childhood students with learning
disabilities; so I plan on going to
graduate school for Special Education back home in
New York City.
People I Want to Thank: First and foremost, I would love
to thank God for allowing me to graduate. I am very
blessed to have such a supportive family who stood by
me through my hardship in college.
A special thanks to Ms. Lucinda for being my 2nd mother
and giving me genuine advice for the past five years
about the decisions I made with my career. Last but not
least, thanks to ALL my friends for being supportive and
believing that I can achieve anything in life if I believe
and have faith in myself.
“If you don't know my pain; You will N E V E R
understand my praise” – Juanita Bynum
Tempresst Nycole Batts
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Nursing
Extracurricular: Multicultural
Nursing Student Association
(MNSA), Positions held: Secretary
and Volunteer Coordinator. Future
Plans: My plans for the future are
quite simple. I plan to provide the best nursing care
possible to the patients that I will serve, while
continuing to learn as much as I can to help further my
intellectual and personal growth and development.
People I Want to Thank: I would like to thank the Lord
for answering my prayers. My mom for not giving up on
me, my love Max and my family for telling me that I
have what it takes to get the job done when I felt that I
didn’t. And of course the EOP staff at UB (Thank you
Lani for your words of praise at the end of every
semester). Thank you for giving me this opportunity to
“Live. Laugh. Love.”
Hiruy Yonas Berhane
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Communication
Recognitions: Dean’s list
Extracurricular: Treasurer of UB
Chapter PRSSA, Vice President
Phi Kappa Theta
Future Plans: Graduate school
People I want to thank: My amazing mother and loving
family. “Our truest life is when we are in dreams
awake” Henry David Thoreau
Dennise Andreina Bock
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: English
Extracurricular: Caribbean
Student Association Publicity Coordinator,
and Vice President.
Future Plans: attend Graduate
School for Education
People I want to thank: My Parents Moises Bock & Ines
Falcon for allowing me to follow my dreams, my high
school principal, Fred Givens and mentors: Laura
Barfield & Kiwan Cato- my support system. I couldn't
have made it without them.
“Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the
child of action” - Benjamin Disraeli
Anika Brabham
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology with Minors
in Latino Studies and African
American Studies
Recognitions: EOP
High Academic Achievement
award, Best Improvement Award in Math.
Extracurricular: Relay for Life, Stay up UB, Brush up
Buffalo, Linda Yalem Run, UB Pride and Service Day, UB
Getting Dirty, UB Breathe Free, and Bible Talk
Future Plans: Attend graduate school and pursue a
Master's degree in Higher Education Administration. I
would like to get a job that deals with working and
helping people.
People I Want to Thank: I would like to thank my family
for always loving me and supporting me. I would like to
thank my BCC Family for being so encouraging and for
being so giving. I really appreciate everything you have
done for me.
“Learn from the past, prepare for the future, and live in
the present”
Angela M. Brown
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Nursing
Recognitions: EOP High Academic
Achievement Award
Extracurricular: AIDS Community
Resources, Multicultural Student
Future Plans: In the future, I plan to work as a RN in
labor and delivery as well as women’s health. Also I plan
to enter a women’s health nurse practitioner program
or adult health nurse practitioner and/or obtaining a
master’s in education in order to teach health and sex
education. As you can see my future is big!
People I Want to Thank: I would first off like to send a
special thank you out to EOP. Without EOP I may not
have had the “great opportunity” to attend UB.
Throughout the years, I had sought tutoring and
advisement when needed. For that, I am truly thankful.
People I want to thank: My mother deserves a round of
applause. I would like to thank her for encouraging me,
teaching me determination, and supporting me the
whole way. This degree is for you too!
“Failure is not an option!”
En Yong (Ian) Chen
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Accounting
Recognitions: John G. and
Elizabeth Gibbons Scholarship,
Dean’s list. Extracurricular: CADS Tutor, Beta Alpha Psi
International Honorary Organization for Financial
Information Students and Professionals, Phi Eta Sigma
National Honor Society, Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance Program, Rich Products Finance Intern,
Resident Advisor, Macy’s Executive Development
Program Intern,
Treasurer of Phi Eta Sigma, Alumni Relations Chair of
Beta Alpha Psi
Future Plans: Working as a consultant
People I Want to Thank: God
“We cannot change our past. We cannot change the
fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change
the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the
one string we have, and that is our attitude” Chuck
Demire Coffin-Williams
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology
Recognitions: Winner of the NYS
Dept. of Health / AIDS institute
Commissioners Award (HIV/AIDS
Future Plans: Graduate school for Mental Health
Counseling, Non-Profit Sex education outreach work,
and saving the world from harmful pharmaceuticals.
People I want to thank: My Mother Josette, and my
sister Javasha for constant support, prayers, and
encouragement. Sheryl Marable and James Ramsey for
guidance when I needed it, and My Guardian Angel for
keeping me safe and brave while living in University
“As far as living in this world as a human being, there
are way more characteristics that make us the same
than different.”
Damali O. Dyer
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology and Social
Science Interdisciplinary
Program, Concentration: Early
Childhood. Extracurricular: UB
Step Trope 2007-09 nicknamed
“Poised”, and CSTEP. Future Plans: A Master’s Degree in
People I want to thank: My EOP counselor, Lucinda
Scott and EOP Counseling Secretary Janice Anderson.
The Student Support Services Staff; Dr. Jennifer
Morrison, Brandi McKnight and Shannon Johnson; my
statistic professor Dr. Leslie McCain; my mom, sister,
dad, cousins, aunts, uncles, other family members, and
friends. These people have been there for me when I
felt like giving up but they kept on praying for me and
motivating me in many ways – telling me to just have
patience, trust in God to carry me through, and in time I
will be blessed.
“If there is ever a time you feel like you don’t know
which way to go, don’t worry there is always a light at
the end of the tunnel. It might not be the path you want
to take at first but you never know what life has to offer
you. Just keep your head up, keep trying, but most of all
never give up you will get your reward.”
Travis Eisele
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Linguistics (Applied) and
French Literature, Minor in
Recognitions: Percy Sutton Award
Extracurricular: EOP Summer
Program for the past 3 years,
Tutor, TA, Academic Coach in the CADS Lab
Future Plans: Master’s Degree in Linguistics
People I want to thank: I want to thank my family and
all the people who have encouraged me to continue my
education and who have helped me along the way. I
couldn't have accomplished everything without their
help and support.
"The real secret to success is enthusiasm" ~Unknown
Nneka Gigi
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Double major in
Communication and Social
Science with a concentration in
Early Childhood
Recognitions: Dean's List
Extracurricular: Black Explosion
Fashion Show, Events Intern for Buffalo Museum of
Science, Black Student Union (BSU), African Student
Association (ASA)
Future Plans: After I graduate in May, I plan to take a
break then apply to graduate school next fall - MBA
program in Marketing. During this small "break" from
school, I plan to work and continue to gain real world
experience. I have an internship set up for this summer
with Lifetime Healthcare Companies. I also plan to use
my marketing skills in the fashion and entertainment
industry. Ideally, I wish to work as a Creative Director
for a garment or broadcasting company.
People I Want to Thank: I would like to thank my closest
family and loved ones because without them, I do not
know how I would have made it through these four
years at UB. Special thanks to my nieces and nephews
for always making me smile. Your funny faces and
awkward dances pushed me through those stressful all
nighters. I love you guys and I hope that my pursuit of a
higher education will inspire you to one day go to
college and follow your dreams.
"You never know how strong you are until being strong
is your only option."
Lucinda J. Hennings - Perry
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Anthropology and minor in
African- American Studies
Extracurricular: Study abroad - La
Rochelle, France for 6 months,
Vice President of Anthropology
Club (junior year).
Future Plans: After graduation, I
plan to take a break, and gain experience in my major.
During that period I will continue to work on my English
writing and prefect my French. Then attend Graduate
school for my dream career since 6th grade, Egyptology.
I hope to attend Brown University, American University
of Cairo, and Oxford University of the U.K.
People I want to thank: First I would like to Thank God
for getting me through these four years. Also, I would
like to thank my family for encouraging me and
supporting me through education. Finally, a special
thanks to my mother who has been there since I can
remember; loving me, putting clothes on my back, and
sheltering me. My mother is my own personal
cheerleader, cheering me own, praying for me, and
encouraging me to follow my dreams, she is a
“Speak what you expect and expect what you speak.”
Nafisatu Issaka
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Double Major: Psychology; Social
Science Interdisciplinary Program,
Health and Human Services
concentration; Health and Wellness
Recognitions: Violence Prevention
Educator (Wellness Education Services)
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our
enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Deonna Jones
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary Program
Concentration: Legal Studies
Extracurricular: P.A.D (pre- law
fraternity) and CSTEP
Future Plans: Law School
People I want to thank: I would like
to thank God, my uncle Jason , my
family ,my boyfriend Justin , my
advisor Lani, my EOP family, my friends, and my
scholarship programs they all helped me push through
the tough times these last four years.
"Never give up God has something great in store for
Charlson Joseph
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Double Major: Psychology and Social
Science Interdisciplinary with a
concentration in Early Childhood
Recognitions: Won 2nd place in the
18th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student
Conference Poster Presenter in 2010
Extracurricular: Volunteer, Buffalo Retirement
Community Weinberg Campus and YMCA, C-Step
Research Intern, Student Support Services, and BSU.
Future Plans: Attending Graduate School this Fall, to
obtain a Master’s in Education
People I want to thank: Lani Jendrowski, my EOP
counselor; Janice Anderson, EOP Counseling Secretary;
Jennifer Morrison, Director of SSS; Shanna CrumpOwens, Director of CSTEP;
Dr. Leslie McCain, Statistics Professor;
Mom, Dad, family and friends
“Never give up in what you are trying to pursue in life
because if you don’t make mistakes you aren’t really
Raheeb Kased
Degree: Bachelor of Science and
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Civil Engineering and
Recognitions: Dean Paul Mohn Book
Award Scholarship
Engineering Cooperative Society Scholarship, Greiner
Engineering Scholarship,
Western New York Scholar, Cum Laude Latin Honors
Extracurricular: Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, UB
Community Day, Future City, and Campus Work.
Membership in organizations: President of Arab
American Association for Engineers and Architects
Student Chapter, Treasurer of Organization for Arab
Students, Public Relations for Organization for Arab
Students. Future Plans: pursue an MBA in the near
future, and become a Project Manager of a
Construction site. People I want to thank:
I want to thank Manny Wong for all of his help and
advice throughout my academic career, and all of the
EOP faculty and staff.
“Never give up and always remember the people who
looked out for you in the near future.”
Rannan Kased
Degree: Bachelor of Science and
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Pharmacology & Toxicology;
Biological Sciences
Recognitions: Dean's List,
Advance Honors Student (Honors
College); member of NSCS (National
Society of Collegiate Scholars)
Extracurricular: Volunteered at VA Hospital, Rochester
Medical Center, and at Women and Children's Hospital;
UB Mentor; Conducted Research at the Biological
Sciences Department with Dr. Scott Medler studying
muscle fibers in the leg muscle(plantaris) of mice,
Chairmen of AAAEA.
Future Plans: Medical School
People I want to thank: My Mom, Dad, brothers, and
sister for encouraging me to stay strong throughout my
challenging years at UB. The EOP staff for giving me the
opportunity to excel at the University; Honor's College
staff for pushing me to be my best as an Honors
Student; to Mr. Roland Garrow for being my adviser and
giving me advice throughout my college career, and my
Research adviser, Dr.Scott Medler for giving me the
opportunity to work in his lab; which helped give me
laboratory experience in the medical field as well as
boost my confidence as a student at UB.
Ayodeji Lapite
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology
Extracurricular: Long standing
dedication to the International
Council, Helping Hands, and
Minority Management Society.
Vive la Casa Home of Refugees,
Treasurer - African Student
Association, President - African Student Association
Future Plans: going to grad school to get my masters in
Occupational Therapy
People I want to thank: my mom and my dad, and also
my family and friends who always told me I could do it.
"It's not a matter of how long, it's a matter of how well,
never give up."
Elaina Marie Lorenzo
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary Program
Concentration: Community Mental
Recognitions: ALANA awards/ Cum
Laude Latin Honors. Extracurricular:
Student Parent Network, AXE Alpha-Chi-Sigma
(Fundraiser Chair). Future Plans: Graduate School (MSW
program) People I want to thank: My Husband Nicholas
for always supporting me. My Daughter Ella for inspiring
me to achieve more.
"Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose,
endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat."
~Anais Nin~
Jeremy Lyman
Rochester N.Y. I was born to
Nathaniel and Debra Lyman. I am
the youngest of five children. In
my family, I am the second to
complete a Masters Degree. My
degree will be in Library Sciences
(Library and Information Studies).
I, like many, did not know that a
Master’s Degree was needed to
become an information professional. This thought
changed when I sat in my first class and learned the
great history of libraries. I am grateful for everything
that I have experienced in the MLS program but always
and forever indebted to the Educational Opportunity
Program for adding that physical kick over the years
(undergrad and grad) that mother could not always
perform. This program has always been there for me
and has always greeted me with a loving smile. As I
move into a career, I will aim to motivate someone else
to do great this as the EOP program has done for me.
Jasmine Kiara Mansell
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Double Major: Communication and
Extracurricular: Vice President of
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
People I want to thank: I would like
to simply thank GOD because
without him I definitely wouldn’t
have made it to this point in my life.
Future Plans: I just hope to be
happy, comfortable, and in love with
my decisions; that’s all I ask for. I do not want to put a
label on my future just yet because I have so many
things left to accomplish.
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but
also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole
Caitlin Markidis
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Double Major- Communication,
Recognitions: EOP High Academic
Achievement Award
Extracurricular: Interned at Ruth
Diamond Market Research and
member of Sigma Delta Tau- IGC Rep
Future Plans: Hopefully get a job
somewhere in NYC at a PR firm.
People I want to thank: I'd like to
thank my family for always being there and pushing me
to keep going when I was at low points in my life.
Always gave me the encouragement that I could do
whatever I set my mind to,
Sheila T. McDuffy
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science and Sociology
Honors/Awards/Special Recognitions:
William R. Greiner Leadership Award,
Paralegal Certificate, Minority
Management Society Appreciation
Award, Pillars of Leadership medallion
Extracurricular: Rare Expression dance
group, Breast Cancer walk, Relay for
Life, Brush Up Buffalo, Saturday
Service, Linda Yalem Run, Guess
speaker for EOP high school visitation program,
Executive Board member for Minority Management
Society: Publicity Coordinator; Secretary; Vice
President/ Under-Graduate Advisor. Eniola Sisters
Mentoring program, UB step troupe. Future Plans: My
future goals are to obtain both my Master’s and
Doctorate Degrees in the field of Social Work and Law
and eventually become an advocate for children and/or
commissioner of a government-affiliated agency that
focuses on Child Welfare Services i.e. abuse, neglect,
depression, and addiction. I want to touch the lives of
many children and families, and I want to help restore
their capacity for social functioning. People I want to
thank: I would first like to thank God, who allowed
everything to be possible. Thank my EOP family and
supporters: Christina Nietopski, Marcelina Rondon, Dr
Coles and Dr. Durand for allowing me to have the
opportunity to be a part of EOP and for always giving
me the support needed; my mentor, Dr. Christopher
Emdin, Columbia University. He plays a huge part in
many decisions I make in life, always there when I need
him, always leading me in the correct path and allowing
me to think of situations from different perspectives. He
is a very busy person but he always, always makes time
for his students and shows great concern for my future.
My family for their continued support and last but not
least my closet friends Edmund Adjapong, Suny
Plattsburg and Peggy Owusu for always reminding me
how important education is and for always being
available when I need help with my academics.
"When something seems impossible to others, believe
in yourself and say "I'M POSSIBLE."
Ghassan Mohsin
Degree: Bachelor of Science and
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Pharmacology & Toxicology,
and Biological Sciences
Extracurricular: OAS Board Member,
MSA member
Future Plans: Medical School
People I want to thank: my family for
their support
"With hardship, comes ease"
Peggy Owusu
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Sociology
Honors/Awards/Special Recognitions:
Paralegal Certification, Leadership
Award, Dean's List. Extracurricular:
Linda Yalem Run, Brush Up Buffalo,
CSTEP Day of Service, Saturday Day of
Service, St. Vincent De Paul Soup
Kitchen, Buffalo ReUse, Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Inc. President (20102012), Undergraduate Western New
York Cluster Coordinator,
Minority Management
Society, Publicity Coordinator, Vice President,
Undergraduate Advisor, African Student Association,
Extended E-board Member, UB Star, and
Rare Expression
Future Plans: My plan for the future is to obtain my
JD/MSW and/or PhD, and to become an Attorney
working with juvenile delinquents; with a primary focus
on neglected and abused children. I strongly believe in
giving back to our community - what better way than to
start with children. I hope to make a positive impact on
those I will encounter in my profession.
People I Want to Thank: I would like to first start off by
thanking God, without him nothing is possible; I would
like to thank him for seeing me through this journey we
call college. In addition I would like to thank my family
for constantly being there for me when times got hard these four years would have been nothing without you.
Next I would like to thank my organizations, Minority
Management Society and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Inc., for molding me to be the woman that I am today.
Not only did I meet new people and sisters, I fostered
bonds for a lifetime - and for that I am forever
GRATEFUL. Last but not least I would like to thank my
friends! Each and every one of you who made my life
better, for either entering it or leaving it; I will never
forget what you have done for me. A special shout out
to Sheila McDuffy, Philomena Quainoo, Patrice Bruce,
and Tiffany Lindo - you all helped me in more ways than
you will ever know. To the Educational Opportunity
Program, you believed in me, you guided me, and you
helped me. Because of you I come before you as a
college graduate and not another statistic – THANK YOU
for changing my life!
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no
one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss
Carley Skarupinski
Degree: Social Science
Community Mental Health
concentration, minor in
Extracurricular: Personal
Trainer, Tonawanda Aquatic and
Fitness Center and Gold’s Gym. Future Plans: To
become a Social Worker and work in a High School. I
plan to enter UB’s graduate program in Social Work in
the fall. People I want to thank: My family for always
being there and never giving up on me even when
things were rough. I love you and thank you from the
bottom of my heart.
Baayork Steele
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary, Concentration:
Health and Human Services/
Early Childhood
Future Plans: Continue my
education to become a
Registered Nurse.
People I Want to Thank: My mother and my family for
supporting me through-out my four year journey at UB.
“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement”.
Erin E. Stevens
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology and English
Extracurricular: New Membership
Education and Alumnae
Programming; Delta Phi Epsilon –
Gamma Eta Chapter
Erika J Villavicencio Flores
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary - Health and
Human Services/ Community
Mental Health Concentration
Extracurricular: Father Belle
Center Volunteer, Relay for Life
Participant , UB Pride and
Service Day Volunteer, Latin
American SA - Activities Coordinator , Intern ; Alma
Nanichi - Dancer; LGBTA Member ; Nursing Student
Organization - Sophomore Representative . Future
Plans: Attend graduate school - UB School of Social
Work; become a Social Worker and help different
communities throughout Western New York and
eventually in New York City.
People I want to thank - I would like to thank my
parents, my brothers and sister for always supporting
me through all the high and low points in my life. I
would also like to thank my boyfriend and all my friends
that have been great influences in getting me to where I
am today. Lastly, I'd like to thank my advisers,
counselors and professors who showed great belief in
my academic abilities while at UB.
“With motivation and encouragement, you will go as far
as your heart desires.”
Donna Volmy
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary with a
concentration in Community
Mental Health.
Recognitions: Diversity Advocate
Spring 2011, Service Award,
Leadership Award, Buffalo
General College Volunteer Award and National
American Miss Pageant- Miss New York 2008-2009
Extracurricular: Accessibility Services- Student Intern,
UBE 496- Universal Yoga TA, Buffalo General College
Volunteer, Student Life student programming boardLate Night UB, Student Activities Services - Office
Assistant/Intern, Diversity Advocate, Erie Niagara Area
Health Education Center- Health Broker, Student
Support Services-Advisory Board, Collegiate Science and
Technology Entry Program. Future Plans: I will be
attending graduate school this Fall at the University at
Buffalo in hopes of Becoming a Successful Certified
Rehabilitation Therapist and a Licensed Mental Health
Therapist. I plan to use my knowledge in graduate
school to become the best Certified Rehabilitation
Therapist and Licensed Mental Health Therapist that I
can be.
People I want to thank: First and foremost I would like
to thank God my Savior, my parents, my family, my
wonderful and supportive boyfriend Jason, my advisors:
Lani Jendrowski, Jennifer Morrison, Susan Pearls and
Shanna Crump.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Philippians 4:13
George Washington, Jr
Degree: Associates Degree in
Liberal Arts and Sciences (Erie
Community College),
Bachelor of Science
Major: Social Science
Extracurricular: English Tutor at
ECC, Associate Minister to Pastor
Richard E. Flood, Sunday Superintendent, President of
Mission, and Secretary for the Pastor’s Aid at Bright
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, Interned with
Hispanics United, interned with Journey’s End.
Future Plans: To continue my education by pursuing a
Master’s Degree in Social Sciences.
People I Want to Thank: I want to personally thank God
for bringing me thus far and all of my friends who
encouraged me to hang in there when things got tough.
I also want to personally thank Mrs. Kathleen Bonds
Director, EOP at Erie Community College. Mrs. Alice
Best, Mrs. Lisa French, Mrs. Betzaida Ecklund, Mrs.
Bronte Williams, Dr. Sandra Washington, Mrs. Taneka
Washington who are great counselors and mentors at
Erie Community College and my very good friends
Andrea Lynn Wilson and Janine Holmes.
You can make it If You Try!
“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who
strengthens me” Philippians 4:13
Susan LaVerne Welch
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science
Interdisciplinary- Legal Studies
Future Plans: To Advocate for
Recovering, Senior’s or Disabled
people. People I Want to Thank:
My Higher Power/God, Mr.
Darryl Barnes/EOP, Stephen
Halpern/Professor, my family and friends.
My journey at UB has been inspiring by itself; however, I
would not have been able to endure if it wasn't for the
Lord. "God's Got It.”
Shanté White
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Nursing
Recognitions: Chancellor’s Award
for Student Excellence, C. C.
Furnas Scholar Athlete Award,
American Conference Champion
Medalist and school record
holder - Women’s Hammer Throw.
Extracurricular: Advanced Honors Program, National
College Athlete Honor Society, Honor Society of
Nursing, Golden Key International Honor Society.
Future Plans: Attend graduate school to become a
nurse anesthetist, or medical school to become an
anesthesiologist. People I want to thank: Mr. Barnes
and Christina Nietopski for providing support when I
needed it throughout my four years here at UB; Linda B.
Zilgme for providing me with academic support,
specifically English tutoring, whenever I needed it.
“It’s not where you come from, but where you are
going that determines who you are.” “…Learn as if you
were to live forever.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Shakia Shaniece Williams
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Communication
Extracurricular: Volunteer at Gloria J.
Parks Community Center, Member of
the School of Management
Volunteer Program
Future Plans: To continue on to
Graduate school and obtain a Master
Degree in Business Management and
to one day build a recreational
center for underprivileged children to reach their goals.
People I want to thank: I would like to thank God, my
Mom and my entire family for encouraging me to
believe in myself; to not give up on accomplishing my
goals. I would also like to thank the ACE and Cora P.
Maloney College for giving me the opportunity to work
in their office. Most importantly I would like to thank
the EOP program for giving me the opportunity to
succeed in a higher education institution.
“The function of education is to teach one to think
intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus
character - that is the goal of true education.” Martin
Luther King, Jr.
Endy Yu
Major: Business Administration
Concentration: International
Business and Marketing
Minor: Chinese
Recognitions: Completed Torch
Leadership Certificate, Target Case
Extracurricular: CADS Peer Mentoring Program,
President of Handball Club
Future Plans: Full time with GEICO in their Supervisor
Leadership Program
“Impossible as it may seem, you’ve got to fight for every
Your Adventure
Now that you've
Your adventure has begun.
Your schooling has
prepared you
For the race life has you
We praise you for your
And send good wishes,
For a future filled with
And your fondest dreams
come true.
By Joanna Fuchs
Albany Law in New York’s Capital. Knowledge Empowers.
The recipient of the prestigious
2011 CLEO Diversity Award
A vibrant, intellectual community.
A location in one of the nation’s most influential regions.
Private, independent, focused only on the study of law.
Contact our Director of Diversity Affairs, Pershia M. Wilkins at pwilk@albanylaw.edu
“All The Best To Our Graduates”
Thanks to Family and Friends
Dr Henry J. Durand • Dr. William Coles • Darryl K. Barnes • Janice Daniels • Roland Garrow •
Denise Y. Hare • Lani Jendrowski • Gudiya Msuku-Purks • James Ramsey • Marcelina RodriguesRondon • Lucinda Scott • Manuel Wong • Linda Zilgme
“Nothing Succeeds…
…Like Success”
Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program
The future belongs to those who prepare for it, and CSTEP is here to assist you with your
CSTEP recognizes the Educational Opportunity Program for your dedication and
efforts to ensure success for students. Congratulations to the Class of 2012!
Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
Director, Shanna Crump-Owens
University at Buffalo
222 Norton Hall
Amherst, NY 14260
(716) 645-2234
Visit our Website at: http://wings.buffalo.edu/cpmc
2012 Graduates of CADS EOP
Chi Alpha Epsilon
National Honor Society
Zeta Xi Chapter
University at Buffalo
to the
University at Buffalo EOP
We are proud to serve
Western New York with
Toni Phillips, M.S.
General Manager/Director of
Residence Life
Living Option For Today’s Student
136 N. Division St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
Office: 716-935-6400
Fax: 716.935.6401
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Buffalo Alumnae Chapter
Karen Stanley Fleming, President
Student Parents at UB
SPAUB is designed to promote the
academic success of our students and the
well-being of their children and families
Afzal, Arslan
B.S. Computer Science
Baker, Melissa A
B.A. Communication
Belous, Vitaliy
B.A. History
Carson, Cherise Renee
B.A. Political Science
Chen, Zhe
B.S. Accounting
Chupilin, Natalia Ivanovna
B.A. Geography
Custodio, Kelvin
B.S. Business Administration
Duah, Owusu Agyemang
B.S. Accounting
Frimpong, Evans Joseph
B.A. Geography
Hamzah, Salamatu
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Harris-Officer, Christopher Ryan
B.S. Industrial Engineering
Hill, Harold Terrence
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Hunter, Retha Marie
B.A. Psychology
Johnson, Gabrielle Amelia
B.A. Sociology
Morand, Cindy
B.S. Business Administration
Ng, Christopher
B.A. Studio Art
Pieroni, Stephen Arnold
B.A. English
Qadir, Haja Azad
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Qureshi, Nafe
B.A. Chemistry
Ralabate, Jared Michael
B.A. Communication
Randall, Nathaniel L.
B.A. Studio Art
Ung, Timothy
B.S. Architecture
Yussif, Abdul
B.A. Speech & Hearing
Zheng, Terrance Ming Kang
B.S. Accounting
JUNE 2012
Adejoro, Deborah Bukunmi
B.S. Psychology
Adger, Shardai
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Alexander, Jamimaleson Shawn
B.A. American Studies
Alston, Guyshana Shane
B.A. Sociology
Bable, Chantel Latrice
B.A. Social Science
Badu, Joan Adwoa
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Bagheritar, Azin
B.S. Nursing
Baptiste, Kevin Alfred
B.A. Geography
Batts, Tempresst Nycole
B.S. Nursing
Bergado, Danilo Calubay
B.A. Pschology
Berhane, Hiruy Yonas
B.A. Communication
Brabham, Anika Geneva
B.A. Psychology
Britton, Andre D
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Brown, Angela Margaret
B.S. Nursing
Cai, Jimmy Lok
B.A. Environmental Design
Campbell, Domonique Shantell
B.S. Nursing
Castillo, Estela Carolina
B.S. Nursing
Castillo, Katherine
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Chen, Dylan
B.S. Civil Engineering
Chen, En Yong
B.S. Accounting
Chol, Tut Buypiny
B.S. Business Administration
Clarke, Andrew G
Undecided Bachelor
Coffin Williams, Demire Jamar
B.A. Psychology
Dapaah, Ophelia
B.S. Nursing
Diaz, Krystal Anniel
B.A. Psychology
Dragowski, Scott
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Dua, Maullika
B.A. Chemistry
Dyer, Damali Olivia
B.A. Psychology
Eisele, Travis Edward
B.A. French
Fernandez, Denise
B.S. Nursing
Fung, William
B.S. Psychology
Galmo, Anteneh Mengesha
B.A. Political Science
George, Brendon Paul
B.A. Sociology
Hopkins, Lawanda Michelle
B.A. Dance
Huang, Hong Yan
B.S. Business Administration
Huang, Li
B.S. Business Administration
Imani, Adelbin
B.S. Biological Sciences
Issaka, Nafisatu
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Jiang, Michael
B.A. Communication
Jones, Zachary Mark
B.S. Business Administration
Joseph, Charlson
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Kan, Derek Chun Sing
B.S. Industrial Engineering
Kased, Raheeb
B.S. Civil Engineering
Kased, Rannan
B.S. Pharmacology & Toxicology
Kayembe, Junior Ntekesha
B.A. French
Kim, Timothy
B.S. Business Administration
La, Binh Viet
B.S. Biological Sciences
Lam, George
B.S. Business Administration
Lan, Katy
B.A. Communication
Lapite, Ayodeji
B.A. Psychology
Lee, Evan
B.S. Business Administration
Leroy Jr, James Vincent
B.S. Biological Sciences
Li, Aaron
B.S. Business Administration
Li, Peter
B.A. Media Study
Lin, Hsiang-Ying
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Lin, Kevin
B.S. Business Administration
Lin, Pi
B.S. Biomedical Science
Ling, Xi
B.S. Civil Engineering
Lituma, Pablo Fernando
B.S. Architecture
Liu, Bosi
B.S. Accounting
Liu, Joanna
B.S. Nursing
Liu, Wen Quan
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Liu, Zengqiao
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Lloyd, Sheldon Micheals
B.S. Business Administration
Lorenzo, Elaina Marie
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Lu, Henry
B.A. Art History
Markidis, Caitlin Marie
B.A. Communication
May, Regina Evelyn
B.S. Computer Engineering
McDaniel, Anthony
B.S. Business Administration
McDuffy, Sheila Tanya
B.A. Sociology
McGee, Katrina Lynn
B.S. Business Administration
Mohsin, Ghassan Abdulla
B.S. Pharmacology & Toxicology
Moore, Emmanuel David
B.A. Geography
Moussa, Ismahan M
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Naher, Shamsor
B.S. Biomedical Science
Ngai, Chai Pan
B.A. Geography
Nidufashe, Jean D’Amour
B.S. Business Administration
Osherov, Roman
B.S. Business Administration
Owens, Monique
B.A. Soc Science Interdisc
Owusu, Peggy O
B.A. Sociology
Paulino, Criseily
B.S. Business Administration
Phan, Luyen Thi
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Qu, Anna
B.S. Accounting
Queener, Augustine L
B.S. Business Administration
Ren, Yixin
B.S. Chemistry
Rodriguez, Franklyn Neil
B.A. Media Study
Savija, Djordje
B.S. Business Administration
Senyonga, Matia
B.A. Biological Sciences
Shuaibu, Asana
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Skarupinski, Carley Humberto
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Smith, Prince Eric
B.S. Computer Engineering
Spence, Shereece Sharvia
B.S. Business Administration
Steele, Baayork Jenelle
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Steffans, Ryen Marie
B.A. Speech & Hearing Science
Stevens, Erin Elizabeth
B.A. Psychology
Stewart, Velicia A
B.A. Studio Art
Stillman, Mara Paulina
B.A. Sociology
Teplitskaya, Renata
B.A. History
Traore, Morris S
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Tsang, Eric
B.S. Accounting
Tsang, Joanne K
B.S. Business Administration
Tse, Man Yue
B.S. Studio Art
Vargas, Edyrelis
B.A. Sociology
Volmy, Donna
B.A. Soc Science Interdisc
Walker, Akinsele
B.A. English
Wang, Fannie
B.S. Accounting
Washington, George
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Welch, Susan L.
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
White, Shant’E Lacole
B.S. Nursing
Williams, Shakia Shaniece
B.A. Communication
Wong, Ada
B.A. Biological Sciences
Yamin, Mariam
B.A. History
Ye, Fei
B.S. Accounting
Yeboah, Elizabeth Naana
B.S. Nursing
Ying, Fu
B.S. Architecture
Yu, En
B.S. Business Administration
Yu, Jennifer
B.S. Nursing
Adames, Luz Divina
B.A. Communication
Ademoye, Adegoke
B.S. Business Administration
Ammar, Narmeen Khalid
B.A. Psychology
Campbell, Hannah
B.A. Communication
Cole, Keya
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Fletcher, Lelia Myrtle
B.A. Communication
Giangreco, Nicolas Christian
B.A. History
Gigi, Nneka Uzoma
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Hennings-Perry, Lucinda Janeen
B.A. Anthropology
Johnson, Kereem Kirk
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Jones, Deonna M
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Jung, Ye Won
B.A. Psychology
Lane, Brittney Brianna
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
Laventure, Shannon Lynn
B.A. Psychology
Mathews, Lincy
B.A. Biological Sciences
Murray, Manuel F
B.A. Spanish
Ng, William
B.A. Business Administration
Smith, Romain Christopher
B.A. Sociology
Stephen, Jodi
B.A. French
Villavicencio, Erika Janeth
B.A. Social Science Interdisc
(Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program)
Arthur O. Eve
New York State Assembly (1967–2003)
Deputy Speaker of the Assembly (1979–2003)
In 1967, then first-year Assemblyman, Arthur O. Eve, of the 141st District, drafted legislation that gave birth to the
Educational Opportunity (EOP). Modeled on the SEEK (Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge) program that had
been instituted by Percy Sutton in the City University of New York system the prior year, the first EOP program enrolled
249 students and was located at Buffalo State College.
Today, Educational Opportunity Programs exist on forty-three campuses in the State University in addition to the sixtynine HEOP programs at Independent Colleges and Universities. Similar programs offer opportunities in the higher
education systems of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and California. Educational Opportunity Program graduates number more
than one hundred thousand. Most continue to live in New York, enriching its economic and social fabric. Among their
numbers are physicians, teachers, scientists, engineers, attorneys, artists, entrepreneurs and public servants. And, many
have returned to the State University as administrators and counselors who provide support to another generation of
opportunity students.
Thank you Mr. Eve for your unyielding dedication and commitment to the citizens of
New York State!
Congratulations 2A12 Graduates
From the EOP Counselors and Staff
' N.
l(eeF;4 lotlcl
. tJtst
.ryvK;FW .o}ilhfi;-l.il"
To All Door Prize Sponsors
Bed Bath & Beyond
Boulevard Mall
College Bookstore
Delta Sonic
EOP Staff
M & T Bank
Mighty Taco
Student Parents at UB
Ted’s Hot Dogs
University Bookstore
Watch Worth
Graduates & Families
of the
Educational Opportunity
Grad University at Buffalo Ad 8x11:Layout 1 3/12/2010 12:07 PM Page 1
• Childhood Education (MSEd)
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