December 2015–February 2016


December 2015–February 2016
The magazine of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway
December 2015–February 2016
The Ven Dr Brian Russell
22 69 22 14
Harald Hårfagresgate 2, 0363 Oslo
The Revd Peter Hogarth
51 55 54 88
48 60 40 61
The Revd Mary Strømmen
92 83 36 51
Lykkestien 4, 7053 Ranheim
Bergen locums reside at …
… and have use
Langarinden 318, 5132 Nyborg
of this phone:
40 39 62 42
April Almaas
Priscilla Beck
73 93 81 50
Ursula Sonnewald (permission to officiate)
Iris Evans–Bjørnø
55 18 67 34
Ingeborg Wörheide (Oslo)
66 80 81 36
Linda White (Trondheim)
Eirik Duerr (Bergen)
55 32 18 47
Chuks Onubogu (Stavanger)
Gregory Norton
Ingeborg Worheide
Ekene Aqbalakwe, Kristine S Brorson,
Michael Brooks, Helen Campbell
Andrew Lane, David H Lovett,
co-opted: Joseph Chidindi, Sampson Okeke
Trond Werner Pettersen (Hon Sec)
22 46 07 53
Sigrid Kvaal (Hon Treasurer)
Kirstin McNaull
Anne-Grete Larsen
YOUTH & CHILDREN STAVANGER Denise Johnson-Joakimsen
John Chapman
Peter Ekeuluabia
Brian Russell (editor-in-chief), Roger Martin
Other clergy holding the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Permission to officiate at Anglican Services in the
Chaplaincy are: Knut Andresen, Trond Bakkevig, Geir Barlaup, Harald Grønnevik, Vebjørn Horsfjord,
Ragnhild Jepsen, Jørund Midttun, Ragnhild M. Røskvik, Geir Sakseid, Bodil Slørdal, Harald Svendsen,
Helene Selvik Thomas, Fredrik Ulseth, Tormod Wasbø and Tracy Rishton.
Persons authorised by the Bishop to assist in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion are:
Priscilla Beck, Susan Boyd, Iris Evans–Bjørnø, Eirik Duerr, Torhild Fikseaunet, John Gylje, Mark Hamer,
Cheryl Hogarth, Sigrid I Kvaal, Peter Lane, Philip Ringrose, Ursula Sonnewald, Linda White, Margaret
Luthar, Penny Mietle, Guy Morgan, Peter Morgan, Andrew Mukaria, Betty Short and Rune Torsvik.
For further information see our websites:,,, and The diocesan website is, and the Church of England’s website is
Donations and payments to The Anglican Chaplaincy
may be made to bank account 7029.05.14973.
For further details see page 11
Strøket 9, 1383 ASKER
66 75 80 66/ 99603734
(outside the main entrance
to Trekanten Centre)
Aran knitwear & fleeces
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Brandtex, Erfo, Lana, Wallmann …
Larger sizes by Verpass
Tartan kilts and trousers
by Glaschu (Glasgow)
OPEN 10–18 (Sat. 10–16).
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Patrons: H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.M. King Harald V
The Anglo–Norse Society was founded in 1921 to
‘promote friendship and understanding between
our countries’, in the words of our first President –
Fridtjof Nansen.
We invite you to come along to one of our
monthly meetings at Frogner Church ‘kirkestue’ in
Bygdøy Allé 38. Our events include talks on an array
of topics, musical evenings, outings, Christmas
Party and get–togethers, with time for mingling
and refreshments afterwards.
ANS membership is open for all, and for a
modest annual subscription you can attend free
events and receive our local Newsletters and
the ANS Review magazine, which covers articles
from Norway and Great Britain. Please visit our
website: Ring 41510840
or send us an e–mail:
We look forward to hearing from you!
St Edmunds Church thanks all generous
corporate and individual donors for their
support of our Annual Bazaar
Grand Draw Raffle and Silent Auction!
Please support them during the
Christmas Season and coming year!
Pamela & Michael Brooks
Brenda Kristiansen
Sue & Kåre Danielson
Katie Toivonen
Ingrid Hanssen
Ambrosette Dameklær & Skjønnhetspleie
Ingeborg Wörheide
Janette Øksnes
Embassy of India
to our concert series in
St Edmund’s Church
on Saturdays at 17:00,
organised by the
organist and choirmaster at
in collaboration with the
Norwegian Academy of Music.
English tea & scones
are served from 4.15 pm.
Many thanks for donations to the
Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway.
Donations and other payments may be made to
the chaplaincy account, 7029.05.14973
(from abroad IBAN: NO1770290514973,
If you would like a donation to be directed
towards a specific purpose,
please indicate on the giro.
For 2015 Norwegian tax payers can receive
tax exemption for donations between
kr 500 and 12 000 per year,
i.e. you pay from gross income.
To make this possible, please ensure the
treasurer has your 11–digit personal number.
Please submit material for the next edition of Outpost
by Sunday 31 January
The Senior Chaplain’s Notes
New life in northern Europe!
New life in the East End is one name for
a British tv series being shown in Norway
and Sweden. It is a largely true story about
midwives in east London in the 1950s and
1960s, working from a Christian community
in the city. This convent still exists and is
now in east Birmingham and I served them
as a priest during my time in Birmingham.
Christmas is about the birth of new hopes
and new possibilities – new life in Northern
Europe! All new life is fragile at first and
uncertain. We cannot take it for granted. It
needs protection and nurture, shelter and
support. There are real risks. So it is with our
personal and spiritual life. We make new
beginnings but may not be confident and we
can need a lot of support to take the steps.
Advent and Christmas is the time to
think of preparing and welcoming new
beginnings. It is a time also to look to see
how we can give protection and nurture,
shelter and support to others. What, I
wonder, might be the new beginnings
God is preparing for us? Will we be able
to welcome them and work with them well?
When I first began coming to northern
Europe, I saw snow and ice as a problem.
When I worked with Norwegian clergy
from the north, they spotted this. One said:
if you have many logs or tree trunks cut and
ready to move, you would wait for the ice
because then you can easily draw them along
the ice. If you try to move them with lorries
before the snow comes, you will have an
enormous task. The ice can be your helper!
In our congregation in Finland, I know a
botanist. He said that the worst danger to
new life is when it is drastically cold in
winter and there is no snow. The cold
sinks into the earth and into the roots that
can bring new life. They can be damaged
and killed. So give thanks for the snow, he
said, it gives a layer of protection and safety until the roots are ready for the warmth
to bring them out when the time is right.
So, in this winter time, let us give the
necessary protection to new beginnings;
and let us be ready to go forward when the
welcome to new life comes fully to us.
The Ven Dr Brian Russell
Senior Anglican Chaplain in Norway
Bergen Notes
Revd Martin Riley led our first Harvest
Festival service in Mariakirken. Fruit and
vegetable gifts were placed on the altar
steps and taken to the Salvation Army
kitchens after the service. We sang the
usual popular hymns including We plough
the fields and scatter and Come, ye thankful
people, come, and were pleased to welcome
many visitors. On entering the church people
were given paper fruit on which they were
asked to write things to thank God for. A
bare tree was placed in the centre of the
church, and then during the service everyone was invited to hang their paper fruit on
it. In no time it looked very colourful with red,
green and yellow shapes. The service was
followed by a harvest lunch with delicious
food brought by all members of the congregation, giving us an opportunity to sit and chat.
On 4 October the theme of the Family
Service led by Iris was the rainbow. The
children took part wearing an appropriate
colour round their necks and reading a
special verse. During the service they also
coloured pictures of a rainbow produced
by our new Sunday school teacher Norah.
It was a most enjoyable morning, and we
learnt a new hymn, All for Jesus.
On Sunday 11 October at 15.30 clergy
and committee members met in Ana and
Eirik Duerr´s home for a Chaplaincy council meeting. Over the following couple of
days clergy from Stavanger, Trondheim,
Oslo and Bergen met for three sessions to
give everyone the chance to tell one another
what problems or new ideas had been faced
during the past year, and to share the various mission strategies and plans for the
future around the chaplaincy. Eirik, Iris and
Brian also met with the Dean of Bergen to
discuss our continued use of Mariakirken.
So far our services in English have been a
success, with many people – not only tourists – joining our worship each Sunday.
On Sunday 8 November, as the Swedish
church had morning worship in Mariakirken, we met at the war graves in Møllendal at 11.55. The annual ceremony was
attended by the British and Canadian consuls and representatives of the Norwegian
military. Wreaths were laid and crosses
placed on the graves. After the ceremony
refreshments were provided for all in
Kronstad Hovedgård.
We have begun rehearsals for the Carol
Service, with a record-breaking attendance
of over 40 people! In addition to our services of Nine Lessons and Carols (see
Upcoming Events), the choir will also sing
for the residents of Engensenteret.
Iris Evans-Bjørnø
Bergen Lay Reader
to sustain the numbers attending our
youth groups.
Our prayer life in the church has
highlighted the importance of God’s work
through young people and we believe that
it is important to listen to them. We hope
that this conference led by Tony Cook and
his team from Bath and Wells diocese will
help us in this work. Tony has been actively promoting these issues throughout the
Church of England, developing skills in
listening to our young people. This work
can help us understand what our
youngsters feel about their faith life and
what they are seeking. Do please explore
Tony’s web site for the Church of England:
We shall be busy in December preparing
for and celebrating the Christmas season. As
we honour this time when Christ, the Lord of
heaven and earth, came to us humbly to give
himself for our sake, may we also humbly
open our hearts and minds to those around us
who are in need, and most of all in need of
the knowledge of God’s love.
God bless you all this Christmastide.
Peter Hogarth
Stavanger Assistant Chaplain
From the Registers
Trondheim Notes
Stavanger Notes
The Trondheim congregation is going
through a period of both celebration and
change. We are celebrating 40 years of regular services and have found this both a
good incentive for giving thanks for all the
blessings we have enjoyed, and an excuse to
enjoy ourselves together in events like our
recent well-attended international dinner.
Before this magazine comes out we will
have shared our gratitude to the local Norwegian church in a joint ‘jubilee’ service in
Nidaros Cathedral followed by a reception.
There have been many changes during
those 40 years, including the coming and
Birkeland Church, Bergen
Friday 6 November
When you read these notes, hopefully we
will have successfully had our November
Learning to Listen conference in Stavanger.
We have found that despite our best
efforts to be active in youth activities and
young peoples’ work, we often lose our
young people to activities outside our
church community. Our vision in the past
has been to provide what we think our
young people need. We have found however, especially with our constant
turnover of people, that it has been hard
St Edmunds
Sunday 20 September
Matthias Varden
Sunday 20 September
Charles Edward Nash
Sunday 18 October
by Erling Petersen,
bishop of Stavanger
Michael Lee-Løvøy
Jodi Lee-Løvøy
Azibukoweletam Elizabeth Paul
NiKechi Iro-Ukpai
Ndidi Iro-Ukpai
Peter conducted the funeral of
Margaret Mary Berglund, aged 95,
a founder member
of the Bergen Congregation.
Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim
Monday 10 August
April M Almaas and Priscilla Beck led the
funeral of Jeanne Ann Keogan Eirheim.
The burial of the urn in the Cathedral
graveyard took place on 21 September,
also led by April and Priscilla.
Ten little Churchmen
10 little churchmen went to church when fine,
But it started raining and then there were 9.
9 little churchmen stayed up very late.
One overslept himself and then there were 8.
8 little churchmen were on the road to heaven.
One joined a rambling club and then there were 7.
7 little churchmen heard of Sunday ‘flicks’.
One thought he’d like to go and then there were 6.
6 little churchmen kept the place alive.
One bought a video and then there were 5.
5 little churchmen seemed loyal to the core.
The vicar upset one of them and then there were 4.
4 little churchmen argued heatedly
Over ceremonial and then there were 3.
3 little churchmen sang the service through,
Got a hymn they didn’t like and then there were 2.
2 little churchmen disputed who would run
The next parochial concert and then there was 1.
1 faithful churchman, knowing what to do,
Got a friend to come to church and then there were 2.
2 sincere churchmen each brought in one more,
So their number doubled and then there were 4.
4 sturdy churchmen simply could not wait
Till they found four others and then there were 8.
8 eager churchmen searched around for souls,
Praying, working, witnessing, drew others in by shoals.
Shoals and shoals who every pew at every service fill.
Oh, God, supply this grace and zeal to do thy perfect will!
submitted by Paddy Hanevik,
mark the two minute silence. Whilst the
Act of Remembrance at the Commonwealth
War Graves continues at 2 pm , the British
Ambassador informed us in October that the
annual service at 3pm in Frogner church will
no longer happen. This is a disappointing
loss, as it was an important occasion, well
attended and held there since 1957.
Uniting in Worship
The week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Last year we held one service in four parts,
each in one of four churches. We will do the
same this year! On Thursday 21 January our
service will begin this year at 7 pm in St
Edmunds church, with our choir to lead us,
and then we will process in turn to the Swedish
church nearby, then to Holy Trinity Church of
Norway, concluding with a blessing and reception in St Olav’s Roman Catholic Church.
Looking ahead
Lent and Easter
On Ash Wednesday, 10 February, there
will be an evening communion service in
St Edmunds at 7 pm, with the imposition
of ashes, to mark the beginning of Lent.
Mothering Sunday is 6 March, when we
will have our Presentation on Mothering.
We will keep Holy Week with a service
at 7 pm on Maundy Thursday, 24 March.
Good Friday is 25 March and we have
begun to plan our united service with the
American Lutheran Church. This year it
will be in the Lutheran church hosted by
their new pastor, Joel Hova-Hegener.
Easter Day is 27 March and we have our
11 am service.
After Easter
For Pentecost, Monday 16 May, we will
have a Chaplaincy visit with choir to Balestrand for an ecumenical Communion
service in the English church there at 10
am, shared with the parish of the Church
of Norway. This builds on our ecumenical
service for Ascension Day in 2015.
Our Confirmation Service is on Sunday
5 June with Bishop Paul from York diocese in the UK. We have a youth group
preparing and some adults.
The Ven Dr Brian Russell
Upcoming events
Wed 16 Dec: Carol Service 19:00 attended by
Tue 15 Dec: Carol Serrvice, Bragenes Church
19:00, followed by a reception
Sat 5 Dec: Christmas Sale Waisenhuset 11–15
Sun 6 Dec: Joint service in the Cathedral with the
student congregation
Sun 13 Dec: Christingle, Vår Frue Church
Tue 15 Dec: Carol Service in the Cathedral with
the Cathedral choir 18.00
Sun 6 Dec: Children’s Nativity 11.00
Sun 13 Dec: Carol Service 18.00
Fri 25 Dec: Christmas Day Communion 11.00
Advent bible studies after church coffee on
29 Nov, 6 and 20 Dec
Wed 16 Dec: Carol Service Oddernes Church 18.30
Sun 6 Dec: Christingle, Bethel 10.30
Sun 13 Dec: Nativity Service, Bethel 10.30
Wed 23 Dec: 9 Lessons and Carols,
Stavanger Cathedral
Sat 19 December: Carols, Korskirken 15.00
Sun 20 December: 9 Lessons and Carols 18.00
Fri 25 December: Joint Christmas Morning
Service with the Norwegian Church
going of chaplains. I too am now embarking on a change. From 2016 I will be moving from having a license as Assistant
Chaplain to having ‘permission to officiate’.
It is a ‘semi-retirement’ but I expect I will
find plenty to do – I am already engaged
in a diocesan training course for spiritual
directors (more information later) – and
with my husband retiring next autumn
there are also plenty of home, personal and
family projects being jotted down on our
lists! I have really enjoyed my work over
the last 12 years since I was first ordained,
and am delighted that Revd April Almaas,
who already serves our congregation as a
priest with permission to officiate, is willing to serve as locum priest from January.
Meanwhile the Advent and Christmas
programme will continue with many of the
regular features. December starts with our
social and fund-raising Christmas Sale on
Saturday 5 Dec in Waisenhuset, and we
welcome donations, helpers and customers!
We join the Norwegian student congregation
for a ‘vandremesse’ on 6 Dec, a service
where we move around a dimly lit Nidaros
Cathedral as we worship, lighting candles
to counter the darkness. The popular
Christingle service aimed specially at
younger families takes place in Vår Frue
Church on 13 Dec at 11 am. The even
more popular Carol Service takes place in
the Cathedral on 15 Dec at 6 pm. And of
course Christmas Day itself will be celebrated in Vår Frue Church at 11 am on 25
Dec. We finish 2015 with a quiet service
in Vår Frue at 11 am on 27 Dec.
The New Year will see our regular services
and Sunday School continuing and an
invitation as usual to join in the Annual
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, where
a range of events will be held in Trondheim
between 17 and 24 January. (see bø
Volunteers to join in the prayer chain during
the week should contact Susan Boyd on
Lent starts early in 2016, as Ash
Wednesday is on 10 February. Details of
pancake parties, Lent study groups, and
charity appeals to mark the season will be
published in our local newsletter in the
new year (if you would like to receive this
contact Linda White on 48200195), and
on our website and Facebook.
Meanwhile, Advent, Christmas and New
Year greetings to all Outpost readers
around Norway, especially all those, like
our friends up in Tromsø, who live far
away from a regular Anglican Church
base but who like to keep in touch and
who also form part of a far-flung spiritual
fellowship. Come to see us if you’re in
Trondheim on a Sunday!
Mary Strømmen
Trondheim Assistant Chaplain
Oslo Notes
Looking back to the Autumn
Once again we took part in Oslo city-wide
Culture Night with choral evensong on
Friday 11 September. We welcomed 60
people. The church building was also part
of the Open buildings event in Oslo that
weekend, and another 60 people visited
the church during the two afternoons. On
Sunday, my former colleague Hayward
Osborne, Archdeacon of Birmingham,
preached for us.
We have also had the pleasure to welcome back two of our former chaplains in
Norway. On 27 September, Canon Dr
Trevor Park MBE preached for us, and on
Sunday 11 October the Revd Janet Heil
preached and presided for us.
On Remembrance Sunday, we extended
our 11 am service to include the full Act
of Remembrance, with trumpet solos to
Readings *
Sun 6
Advent 2
Sun 13 Advent 3
11:00 Family Communion with
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Mariakirken unless specified
Family Service
11:00 Eucharist
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18
10:30 Bethel unless specified
Family Service
11:00 Holy Communion
18:00 Evening Prayer
Chapter House
11:00 Christingle
Vår Frue Church
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-14
10:30 Family Communion
18:00 Holy Communion (Quiet)
Chapter House
11:00 Holy Communion
Vår Frue Church
10.30 Holy Communion
11:00 Service of the Word
Vår Frue Church
18:00 Carol Service
Sun 20 Advent 4
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
Fri 25 Christmas
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Joint Service with the
Norwegian Church
Sun 27 Christmas 1
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7
John 1:1-18
Sun 3
11:00 Family Communion
11:00 Family Service
Sun 10 Baptism of
Sun 17 Epiphany 2
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
Sun 24 Epiphany 3
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
Sun 31 Epiphany 4
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
Ephesians 1:3-6,15-19a 10.30 Family Service
John 1:10-18
Isaiah 43:1-7
10.30 Holy Communion
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
1 Corinthians 12:1-11 10:30 Family Communion
John 2:1-11
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a 10:30 Holy Communion
Luke 4:14-21
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
18:00 Evening Prayer
Chapter House
11:00 Family Communion
Vår Frue Church
18:00 Holy Communion
11:00 Service of the Word
Vår Frue Church
Sun 7
Next before 11:00 Family Communion
Wed 10 Ash
19:00 Communion with
imposition of ashes
Sun 14 Lent 1
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Family Service
Sun 21 Lent 2
11:00 Sung Communion
11.00 Eucharist
Sun 28 Lent 3
11:00 Sung Communion
11:00 Eucharist
12:00 Eucharist
Exodus 34:29-end
10:30 Family Service
Luke 9:28-36
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10
Matthew 6:1-6,16-21
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 10.30 Holy Communion
Luke 4:1-13
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 10.30 Family Communion
Luke 13:31-35
Isaiah 55:1-9
10.30 Holy Communion
Luke 13:1-9
* Each congregation uses or omits Old Testament readings according to local tradition
18:00 Holy Communion
Chapter House
11:00 Family Communion
Vår Frue Church
18:00 Holy Communion
11:00 Family Communion
Vår Frue Church