Kassabian Motors Hoepfner BBQ NCM Caravan Corvettes at the


Kassabian Motors Hoepfner BBQ NCM Caravan Corvettes at the
Kassabian Motors
Hoepfner BBQ
NCM Caravan
Corvettes at the Castle
October 2009 - Volume 29 Number 10
the official newsletter of
Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The Rattle from
the Dashboard
Jeff Sprague
Publications Director
This issue is the
biggest one I’ve done
so far. I hope you enjoy all the event photos I
stuffed in here this month. (Remember that
every page is in color on the on-line edition.)
By now, most of you have heard that First Class
Glass has won the National Corvette
Museum's "Best Club Newsletter" award for the
second time... both years that it has been
awarded. Needless to say, I was very excited,
humbled, and grateful to receive this award, and
very proud of the commitment that this board
and our sponsors put forth that enables us to
produce this newsletter. The significance of this
was further driven home when WSCC President
Rob Weaver pulled me aside at Spectacular to
make sure I understood how big of a deal this
was: that we won both times, out of hundreds of
clubs all over the country. This was not a
regional thing and we demonstrated our place in
the Corvette community. The fact that the NCM
has recently honored western clubs in so many
regards is a big deal, and it helps WSCC boost
its ability to make a difference in the Corvette
This got me thinking. What other board
position within a local club can earn national
recognition from the top dogs back at the center
of the Corvette Universe? That's a pretty
amazing thing. I am very happy to have served
on the board for these two years, and I pledge
to remain involved and support the new
Publications Director. Maybe we can grab the
triple crown.
Jerry Banks
Greetings All The great road trip that Lois
and I had planed for
September had to be cut
short, probably a good thing.
With all the bad weather
back east, we could still be floating down some
swollen river in Georgia. And I didn’t get picked
to sit in the Grand Jury. I still think that would
have been an amazing experience.
But the
month ended well, Corvette Spectacular was
again, truly spectacular. Great job David and
everyone else involved.
It’s that time of the year again folks; time to renew
your membership to the best Corvette Club in
Northern California.
If you didn’t pick your
renewal packet at this month’s Business Meeting it
will be in the mail soon. Please do your best to
return your applications with applicable fees by
November 30. That should give Alan Templeton
and me ample time to forward the club roster
with fees to WSCC by their required date.
Remember, December 15, is the deadline, after
that, per SCC and WSCC By-laws we have to add
a $26.00 late fee.
In the past there have been questions about the
definition of a Household Membership, or how
many members are included in a household
membership. Santa Clara Corvette Club By-laws
define “Household” as “Member plus Spouse or
Cohabitant”. If other members of a household
wish to join SCC then additional Initiation fees
and dues would be required.
If you have questions please contact me at
Save the wave
Deputy in charge of distribution: Jan Minearo
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The Driver’s Seat A Message from the President
Summer is gone, and fall is now here. It seems like
only yesterday we were gearing up for our
competition season to begin, and now it is part of
our history. We had a good run, but this year we
were faced with many challenges, we had one damp
autox, and another where the weather was questionable in
the bay area, which deterred some participants, but the
strong of heart found it better in Marina, we also saw our
Coliseum event pitted against an AAS event at Great
America, which detracted some of the crowd that attended
our event last year.
Corvette Spectacular also faced the challenging
economy, just as the other WSCC cars show this year have
faced, but we managed to take it all in stride, still
managing to put on a very successful event. Spectacular
was a fun filled day with terrific weather, great music,
thanks to Rear Window who came in to save our
entertainment day when our previously arrange band
dropped out at the last minute, and the Corvette
community at large who came out to have a good time,
and that they did. I want to thank
all of our members who
contributed, even in a small way to
make this show the success that it is
known for.
As we are winding down
the year, we have come to the time
where we will need to make
decisions on where we would like to
make our charitable donations. In
years past we have provided a list of causes that we have
previously supported, and and made some adjustments,
and additions. This year we are going to approach this
differently. Our members who have suggestions as to
whom they would like us to contribute are to provide the
club the name of the organization, and present to us as to
why this organization should be considered, as well as a
suggested amount that we should consider donating. To
help us make our determination you should provide us
with information as to the history of the organization,
where they are located, and how they might benefit
from our contribution. The final determination will be
voted on at the December General Business meeting.
We are also at that time of year when we
will need to consider our Board of Directors for 2010.
If you want to understand more on how this club
brings so much fun to you each and every year,
become a board member, and put yourself in the thick
of the action. We really need people that can help
make this all happen. Being a Board member is a very
rewarding experience. If you have any thoughts on
becoming a Board member just ask about the
experience with any of our current Board members,
and I am certain that you will get a positive response. I
have truly enjoyed the various positions I have held
over the past 7 years.
The monthly publication of the Santa Clara Corvettes
club Incorporated in 1975
Mailing Address:
Santa Clara Corvettes
P.O. Box 2634
Santa Clara, CA 95055-2634
Statements appearing in FIRST CLASS GLASS are those of the
authors and do not necessarily constitute an opinion of SCC, officers,
or editors. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted
provided full credit is given to First Class Glass, SCC, and the author
(s). First Class Glass is not affiliated with General Motors. “Corvette”
and the Corvette emblem are registered trademarks of General
Motors, Inc.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Competition: Racing - Rick Bronner
There were three autocross events
held this month. First on Sept 12th at
Solano Jr. College was the Vaca Valley
Onion Peel 12 event. Santa Clara took
firsts place honors in nine classes with wins from Keith
Mendia in A2, Lou Marincovich in B stock, Mim
Petersen in C2W, Michael Taylor in D stock, Victoria
Wilson in D1W, myself in D2, Chuck Vivian in E stock,
Andy Hoepfner in F1 and Andy’s wife Ilona in F1W. Top
time of day men went to Harold Olsen while Top time
for women went to Cheryl Martin. Sunday was the Nord
Fjord 53. The temps must have dropped 20 degrees from
Saturday. As typical with the weekend events at Solano
Sundays race is run on the same course as Saturday but
in reverse. It’s interesting to compare times between the
two days to see which direction runs faster. Rory took
time of day men on Sunday with a time of 37.378. That
was actually 3 100ths slower than his Saturday time. Top
time for women again went to Cheryl Martin. In
comparing the times most of the drivers times were
within 10ths of a second each day. I guess Corvettes go
just as fast whether you’re turning to the right or to the
left! Santa Clara didn’t fair quite as well on Sunday with
only five first place winners. Again Keith Mendia in A2,
Lou Marincovich in B, Mim Petersen in C2W, Victoria
Wilson in D1W and I took D2 again.
Santa Clara’s last autocross of the year was held
at the Marina Airport on Sunday Sept. 27th. I’d like to
give credit to Jim Barnes who took what is known as the
“Dyer Cross” from the Lockheed Car Club and added a
few twist to make it run even faster! This was one of the
longest courses ever run at Marina. It ran close to 1.2
miles long. Top time of day was a battle to the very end.
It went back and forth between Rory Marin and Randy
Wonnenberg. First Rory had it then Randy went out took
it back. Rory had one chance left and on his final run
was able to take back top time by a couple of tenths,
but wait, Rory spun as he crossed the line and hit a
cone. Was it over for Rory? Ron Minearo ran over to
inspect the cone position and after very close inspection
found the corner of the cone was still touching the
corner of the chalk box. The run was safe and Rory now
had top time again. But it wasn’t over yet as Randy still
had one run left. Could he take it back? Randy was the
last car of the day and this was his final run. The
suspense was building as we all watched Randy take off
from the line. He looked good, smooth, fast and no
mistakes. Could this be the new top time? Randy crossed
the line just a few 10ths behind Rory. Rory’s time held for
Top time of Day men. The Wonnenberg name did get
Top Time of Day for women as Randy’s wife Karen held
off a very fast run from Cheryl Martin in “Big Bird”.
This also was a very special day for Cheryl and
“Big Bird” as this was their final run at Marina. There
was a special ceremony as the club let Cheryl take Dad
out on course for their final lap. We all applauded as
they came across the finish line. Cheryl and her dad Bill
were presented a special “Fan Appreciation “award from
Santa Clara Corvettes. Mim Petersen brought a
celebration cake as well. All of us at Santa Clara and the
WSCC will surely miss seeing Cheryl and “Big Bird “tear
up the course. She has entertained all of us for so many
years with those tire burning smoke filling runs. We all
wish her and Dad the best. What a fitting end to our last
event at Marina for the 2009 competition series.
Your Comp Director
Cheryl and Bill Martin retire “Big Bird” at
the Marina autocross
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Social Director’s Report: Keith Mendia
We sure have been busy since the
last issue of our Award Winning
First Class Glass. Rough count is
5 autocross events, 2 TGIF's, cleaning up the
Bayshore freeway, providing the manpower to make
the NCM Caravan Kick-off party at C.A.S. a big
success and spending a day between Kassasbian
Motors and Andy & Ilona's home for a Corvette BBQ
and Pool Party. WOW, makes you tired just thinking
about all of that activity.
I would like to start by thanking all the volunteers
from SCC who came out at 5am to man the NCM
Caravan Kick-off party at Club Auto Sport in San
Jose. It was a lot of work, 8 hours, but I am sure all
the drivers who left in the caravan really appreciated
the great party we provided. Ruth Marston was in
charge of the entire event and our members were
handling the decorations, parking, registration, trash
containment and after party clean-up. I tell you the
cold beer we had at Carlos Goldstein's afterwards
sure tasted good. It was almost 100 degrees that day.
We barely had time to get home, shower and gas
up the Vettes and we were off to TGIF at Pedros the
next Friday. There were 28 members who came after
work for good Mexican food and cold beer and of
course lots of stories. We had to leave about 8:30pm
due to the fact that we were off on another Social
event the next day.
The event mentioned was the BBQ & Pool Party
at Andy and Ilona's home in Fremont, CA. We all
met at Kassasbian Motors in Dublin for coffee and
pastries and to view all the unique cars there on
consignment. There were lots of Corvettes for sale
including a ZR-1 with only 2,000 miles on the odo.
Cobra's, yep there were 4 of them. We are thankful
to Brad Kassabian and Mark Simone and the rest of
their crew for their hospitality. We left there at about
11:30am to caravan up through San Ramon,
Windermere, then down along Foothill Blvd. which
runs along the hills and through some very expensive
neighborhoods. Eventually we made it to the town
of Sunol where we got on Hwy 84 and drove
through Niles Canyon, into the town of Niles and
finally to the Hoepfner's. It was quite a sight to see
the 30 some Corvettes filling up their court. I am
glad they have such good neighbors. We were
greated by Andy and Ilona and the party was on.
Andy had arranged for a very unique BBQ. The cooking
unit was an old C-3 Corvette where the center was the
BBQ. The owner of the business had towed it all the way
up from Turlock for the event. I tell you it cooks great as
the steak and chicken were wonderful along with the
salad. It was a warm day and lots of us enjoyed their
While all of this was happening, we had a poker
hand event going on. The big winner was Rick Bronner
with a straight which netted him several hundred dollars.
Those who stayed later were treated to some nice music
provided by Ilona, her daughter Jule, and Sandy Mendia
all playing guitars and offering up some excellent
harmony. We had almost 60 members for this event not
including 4 members from CCCC of Modesto who had
heard about our parties and asked if they could crash
one. I am sure they had a good day.
Looking ahead to October we have TGIF's planned
for the 2nd and 23rd at Pedro's. Our big Social event for
the month is the SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Party to
be held at Ken Jacksteit's Castle in San Jose on Oct. 31.
Everyone must come in costume or risk some ghastly
fate. We have lots of decorations from this years
Convention and the place will look "very creepy" I assure
you. We are limiting this party to the first 50 members to
sign up so be sure to get your name on the list NOW.
These parties always seem like lots of work but they are
so much fun, just ask anyone who went to Convention in
Vegas. Thanks to Ken for offering his home and our army
of decorating volunteers who will be doing the Makeover that day.
This is probably our last year to do Adopt-a-Highway,
so don't miss out on the clean up party on October 17th.
Margie always makes this a fun day and going for lunch
afterwards is usually an adventure. Let her know if you
are coming to help.
We have several more Social events to do this year so
keep your eyes on the website calendar for all the latest.
How about a Wine Tasting Party? Anyone interested in a
club Christmas Gift Exchange? Got toys that you would
like to provide to make a kids Xmas happy? Too cold
and wet to race, how about GoKarts?
Being Social Activities Director is about as much fun
as you can have in this great club. We are open for
Board of Director nominations starting at the October
meeting. How about it? Would you like to get involved?
Cheers !!
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Competition: Car Shows
Phew! All the hype, build up, anticipation and efforts
are over-Corvette Spectacular 2009 is history. To all the
SCC members who “pitched in” before, during and
after the event-a great big CONGRATULATIONS on
your success! We also owe a big debt of gratitude to
our sponsors without whom we would not have had
nearly as successful a show.
From the Parking Crew who were “on the ground” at
O-Dark-Hundred (0500) and needed flashlights to find
their way around, to the multitude of members who
readily assisted in emptying the club trailer and setting
up all the tables, banners, raffle items, etc, to the
announcers (Rick Bronner, Gary Rost and Ron
Minearo) who kept everyone informed and motivated,
to the judges who went about their duties with a sense
of purpose despite some of the entrants not following
directions, to the scoring team who put out the results
in a timely manner despite the aforementioned
outlaws, to the awards presentation crew who worked
at a feverous pace to move things along so we weren’t
there until dark, to the clean-up crew who had us
finished up by 4:45PM-to all of the above…THANK
YOU. A special thanks to Sandy Mendia whose
assistance, guidance and patience was invaluable to
this rookie.
The results are available on the
SCC website but some of the
highlights are that we had 141
Corvettes judged, 53 cars from
SCC, 46 C6s, 36 C5s, 16 C4s, 15
C3s, 18 C2s, 10 C1s, 3 cars
judged with a perfect 100 (one
was our own Chuck Vivian), all 3
Competition Class winners were
from SCC, and 50% of the Custom Class was from
SCC. We came away with the following First Place
winners: Chuck Cry; Lori & Eric Brandt; Tim Boone;
Bob Kuwada; Cathy Harr; Don Harr; David & Cyndy
Jacobson; Chuck Vivian & Linda Lariz. Special Awards
to: Jack Atkinson (Best of Show); Cathy Harr (People’s
Choice); Bob Lessing (Best Mid-Year & The Hamby
Award); David & Victoria Wilson (Best Tires &
Wheels); Eric & Lori Brandt (Most Spectacular C3) and
David & Cyndy Jacobson (Most Spectacular C5)
WSCC Chatter: Sandy Mendia
Hi there!
Thought I'd remind you that the
next WSCC General Business
Meeting will be held at noon on
Saturday, October 3, 2009 at
Club Auto Sport, 521 Charcot
Avenue, San Jose. Here is the agenda for the
Those of you who attended the Caravan Kickoff know
what a nice facility this is, with lots of "eye candy"
for auto enthusiasts. The day of the meeting, Club
Auto Sport is having a "show-n-shine", so feel free to
arrive at 9 am with your beautiful Corvettes and
display them with the other makes and models that
will be there. There will be donuts, coffee,
barbeque, music, racing simulators, door prizes,
drawings and more. I look forward to seeing many
of you there! In the meantime,
Memory Lane is a Quarter Mile Long!
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
SEPTEMBER 20, 2009
Prepping for
the show
the show
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The King Arrives
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
SCC Visits Kassabian Motors
Corvettes at the Castle
A handful of SCC members braved the
outrageously hot 104 weather in Sonoma on
Sept 26th for NCCA’s classy Corvettes at the
Castle event. Over 70 gorgeous cars were in
attendence. Wine tasting included!
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The Nut Behind the Wheel Goes to the Car Show
I still can’t get the grease out from
under my fingernails. My car
hadn’t been washed in months and
Corvette Spectacular was just a few
days away so I bribed my family with tickets to
Spamalot in exchange for helping me prepare my
car for the show. The play was good, and the next
day I did manage to get a good hour-and-half out of
Wendy, but “the Lizard” made up some story about
having too much homework, or being
late for a conference call with Stephen
Hawking or some other such nonsense.
About six exhausting hours and
one backache later, the MachVI was
ready for the long, slow, early-morning
drive to Los Altos. After a quick spruceup, I treated myself to a coffee and a
blueberry danish and the world was
suddenly a good and gentle place again.
Modified car versus a Stock? Sure, I can see the
Competition class being harder as the bugs on the
grill are pretty well engrained in what’s left of the
clearcoat, but otherwise, I don’t see it.
And there’s the scoring itself. What’s with
the quarter point deductions? If I left some wax in
my cracks, let me have it! Gimme a point off maybe two! I want some commitment here. I didn’t
leave a quarter of a smudge on my rear-view-mirror,
it’s a full-blown smudge, dammit! Punish
me! I deserve it! The lowest ranking cars
I bet if I entered in the competition get 96 or 97 out of 100.
In my little head, that’s a top-notch score! I
an old cherry
Popsicle covered mean, at a quarter-point a piece, what’s
the worst score you could get, 90? I bet if I
with dryer lint I entered an old cherry Popsicle covered
could still
with dryer lint I could still manage an 85.
manage an 85.
Car shows are interesting things.
You pay an entry fee and spend hours preparing to
participate in, let’s face it, a car-washing contest.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun event and a great
chance to socialize with fellow enthusiasts, but if
you spend too much time thinking about it, it
always comes out just a little bit on the silly side of
the scale. Grown men with toothbrushes polishing
their chrome pipes right in the middle of Main
Then there’s the scoring. I’m afraid I’m
missing something. Why are there so many classes?
Are there different car washing strategies for a
And here’s another thought. With all
these pathologically clean cars, have you
noticed how many ties there are? How
about in the case of a tie, the oldest car gets it? After
all, isn’t it harder to make an old car look brand
new than the other way around? It also gives you
tiny bit of incentive to keep entering as your car
ages. And how about bonus points if you can get a
nice looking woman in a bikini to pose with your
car? And in the case of a tie there, oldest wins
again! Same reasons.
Jeff Sprague is the editor of Santa Clara Corvette’s First
Class Glass but is best known world-wide as the naked
glass blower and renowned Hollywood llama trainer.
He currently lives in San Jose with his wife, daughter,
and several flatulent wolverines.
Some cool GM billboards
on display in Detroit
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Jan and Ron enjoy the pizza
Rick and Pete rappin at the show
Strolling down Main Street
Don Harr’s beast, Sharkee
Pretty 1955 Gen One
Sandy prepares for the kill
David Jacobson’s show beast
The ladies of SCC
More Scenes
from SCC’s
Keith Mendia’s prized show/race car
Bob Kuwada waits for his 1st prize
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Kick Off
Aug 29, 2009
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
GM/National Corvette Museum: Buzz Marston
2009 Caravan Kick Off
Again, on behalf of the National Corvette Museum, I
want to thank everybody from Santa Clara Corvettes and
especially Keith Mendia and Ruth Marston for an
outstanding job. Although we didn’t get the numbers
that we would have liked to have such as the 50th in Rio
Vista in 2003, we still had a great time. I thought the
San Jose Fire Museum did a great job with the breakfast
and everybody that attended either on the Caravan or
came to just have fun thought it was a great event.
National Corvette Museum’s
15th Anniversary a Success
Event attendance topped 24,000 over
five days
Bowling Green, KY – Labor Day weekend 2009 saw one
of the world’s largest moving automotive events take
place as Corvettes from all over the country participated
in Caravan 09. As part of the 15th Anniversary and
Grand Reopening of the National Corvette Museum,
over 4,500 Corvettes came from all over the United
States, Canada, Netherlands, the UK and Australia, got
together in major cities as they grew in numbers and
then converged on Bowling Green Kentucky.
As the “Gateway to All Things Corvette” the National
Corvette Museum held a ribbon cutting ceremony
welcoming Corvette enthusiasts to the newly expanded
115,000 sq. ft. facility, and hosted a five-day event that
included a special exhibit of rare Corvettes, seminars
with Corvette designers, engineers and experts, GM
Assembly Plant tours, road trips, drag racing, autocross
and a surprise appearance by the Stingray Corvette
concept car that played the role of “Sideswipe” in the
Paramount film Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Attendance over the five-day event exceeded 24,000, as
visitors toured the new facility including the exhibit hall,
library and archives, Corvette café and interactive
Three 2010 Corvettes and $15,000 in cash were raffled
off and several cash drawings were held for those who
pre-registered for the event. The annual membership
meeting was held yielding great ideas and feedback for
the Museum team, a special
reception recognizing Lifetime
Members took place after hours at
the Museum and four Corvette elite
were inducted into the Corvette Hall
of Fame at the annual dinner. News and developments
of the planned NCM Motorsports Park were shared, and
more details can be found on the new website at
Museum Executive Director Wendell Strode commented
afterward, "The tremendous success of this event says a
lot about the love people have for – America's sports
car, and for fellow car enthusiasts." The Museum
welcomed 1,875 new members to the Corvette family
during the event.
Fast Facts:
- 25 Broad Range Caravans, some made up of 2-3
smaller caravans, largest composed of over 900
- Over 4,500 Corvettes in attendance
- 5,290 people were registered for the event
- Overall event attendance topped 24,000
- 1,875 enthusiasts became new members of the
Stephanie Morrill
Membership/Guest Services Manager
National Corvette Museum
"A Member-Driven Organization"
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
276 Martin Ave - Santa Clara, California 95050
SCC’s new club banner hanging outside the
cafe at the National Corvette Museum in
Bowling Green, Kentucky
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Support the
sponsors of
First Class Glass!
Fun Stuff:
Q: Two Dallas Cowboys were
in a car. Who was driving?
A: the cops
Q: What is green and fuzzy, has four legs,
and will kill you if it drops from a tree?
A: A pool table
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Secretary’s Report: Mim Petersen
Santa Clara General Mee,ng Minutes 9/2/09
President, Gary Rost – Welcomes all to the September mee,ng and introduces the board members. Gary acknowledges a $500 check to Santa Clara CorveHes from Tim Boone of Boardwalk Chevrolet. Tim says there are 10 new Grand Sports in stock. Membership Director, Jerry Banks – Passes around the aHendance sheet. Some people who aHended last month did not check their names on the sheet. Jerry asks if we have any guests and we have one. Dick Dalton introduces himself and owns a C6 Cyber grey, his 1st corveHe. Jerry asks if anyone purchased a corveHe and there are none. Gary Rost announces that his 5th grandchild recently arrived. Pulica,ons Director, Jeff Sprague – Nothing too interes,ng this month. He is looking for ideas, etc., for the 30th anniversary volume due this January. Jeff reminds everyone that he is relinquishing the publica,ons post aUer January.
Social Director, Keith Mendia – Asks that all the Club Autosport caravan kickoff volunteers to stand and be acknowledged. The volunteers were wearing their yellow t-­‐shirts with the Jake logos. The firefighters cooked breakfast for 500 people. The annual picnic was held at the Los Palmas park and 87 people aHended. The food was catered by Armadillo Willy’s. There’s a TGIF this Friday at Pedro’s. On Saturday we’ll meet at Kassabian Motors in Dublin. We’ll look at the cars and then take a 1 ½ hour cruise to Andy Hoepfner’s house for a bbq and pool party. The C3 BBQ will be there. Please bring a swim suit, adult beverage, and chair. 60-­‐70 people have signed up. At the end of October, the Spooktacular castle at the Bronner’s. There is room for 50 people, BYOB and food. Keith has a sign-­‐up sheet. Eric Brandt says there’s a USAC sprintcar race in Calistoga. Admission is $25 and racing starts at 6pm. There are flyers on the tables. Margie Zamora reminds all that there’s an adopt-­‐a-­‐highway on 9/26. We’ll meet at *:30am and pick up trash for 1 ½ hours. Margie is taking lunch sugges,ons. Keith reminds all to check the SCC website for social ac,vi,es. President, Gary Rost – Each board member will give a 2 minute job descrip,on at the end of the mee,ng.
Vice-­‐President, Ron Minearo – Very nice event and nice car at Club Autosport. Ron thanks Keith and crew for a good job. Ron has SCC sta,c cling window decals for sale. See him aUer the mee,ng. No new sponsors this month. Treasurer, Alan Templeton – We had a low bank balance of $3000.00 a couple of months ago, due to Spectacular expenses. Boardwalk Chevy donated $3000.00 for trophies and Alan acknowledges Tim Boone and thanks him. Also thanks to Sandy Scutchall of Na,onal First for a dona,on of $1500.00 for t-­‐shirts. We’ve also received $800.00 for raffle prices. Our bank balance has recovered. We had a net profit of $600 from the last autocross. So far received $1400 in registra,on for Spectacular. $500 on t-­‐shirts, $3000 for trophies, $150 on insurance, $370 in clubware, $360 to reserve this room. $560 on publica,ons, $1500 on picnic, received $400 from a sponsor. Our balance is $10,000.00.
Compe,,on Director Racing, Rick Bronner – Rick reports that CorveHe Racing has pulled out of GT1 and moved into GT2. They placed 1st and 3rd at Mosport. The GT2 is built on the ZR1 chassis. There were 2 autocrosses in Solano, Onion Peel on Saturday and North Bay on Sunday. AAS and SCCA turned up and results were skewed. SCC had first places both days. Rick hands out awards to winners. Another 2-­‐day event in North bay. We’ll meet again at 6:30am at the Starbucks/Flames restaurant on Calaveras and 680. AUer Spectacular we’ll have our final SCC 25!
autocross of the year at Marina. Planning the ul,mate course ever done. AUer the Porshe club event on Saturday we’ll meet at 5pm to set up and then eat dinner aUerwards. Compe,,on Director Car Shows, David Johnston – Old business first, CCCC car show on 8/15 at the Clarion. SCC par,cipants were David and Cindy Jacobson, Tim Boone, and Don Harr. We missed club par by one car. There are flyers on the tables for the Fairfield show on 9/27. Spectacular is happening on 9/20. 35 SCC members and 74 total have pre-­‐registered. Chris and Linda are selling t-­‐shirts. The City of Los Altos will set up barricades on Friday aUernoon, we need volunteers to show up at 5:30pm to help set up the barricades. David is trying to figure out how to transport all the stuff – need a locked truck or SUV. Jerry Banks will pick up the trash cans and bring them on Sunday. These are the cardboard collapsible kind. Will need help seong them up, some,me between 5:30 – 6am to start. The parking crew lead is Collins. Need to be there by 5:30am. Radios and vests will be handed out. So far $850 cash donated for raffle prices and Jan Minearo will shop this weekend. You can also bring dona,ons to the TGIF this Friday. Keith Mendia men,ons that the merchants have been generous this year. Gary Rost says our event has been successful. Ron Minearo lists the vendors and thanks them for their support. David says things are in place and we need a lot of help. Come down as early as possible to help. We also need people at the end to help clean up. Gary says we usually go out to dinner aUerwards. President, Gary Rost – Spectacular is our biggest event. We should all be there, you can put your car in Park-­‐n-­‐show. We get alot of people from outside of WSCC. Sandy Mendia has been adver,sing on CorveHe Forum. David Johnston has been passing out flyers at the other car shows. He also adver,sed in the San Jose Mercury News and the San Francisco Chronicle newspapers. Gary says he also adver,sed on Craigslist and the CorveHe Ac,on Center web site, anyplace that can publicly adver,se. Gary says that the state of the economy has affected some shows. Tracking pre-­‐registra,ons, we’re slightly ahead of last year. Gary asks each board member and each member stands to briefly describe their board posi,on and responsibili,es. Gary says there are 4 binders full of the history of Spectacular. It makes it easier and don’t have to start from scratch. WSCC Representa,ve, Sandy Mendia – The next WSCC mee,ng is 10/3 at Club Autosport at noon. Anyone who shows up gets year-­‐end points. We need to vote tonight on the 2009/2010 budget. Sandy passes copies of the budget out. Gary Rost comments that it seems reasonable and fair and he doesn’t see any issues. Sandy notes expenses and will spend more than take in but WSCC has excess money. $10 rebate per member. Due to tax purposes, can have just so much balance in the bank. There’s a 1st and 2nd mo,on to vote on the budget. With a raise of hands, majority carries and one opposing. Our vote will go in favor of the WSCC budget. There’s a second vote to approve the comp code changes and a majority oppose with a show of hands. Sandy discusses the 2010 WSCC conven,on status, the 2009 year-­‐end banquet update, and the 2010 WSCC dues. In addi,on to the WSCC mee,ng, there’s a car show at Club Autosport. The WSCC mee,ng agenda will be on the listserver. President, Gary Rost – Recognizes WSCC President, Rob Weaver. Rob thanks all volunteers for the kickoff event at Club Autosport. The NCM and WSCC are pleased. There are 250-­‐300 cars in Evanston, Ill going to Bowling Green tomorrow. The WSCC display and video are working and online now in the NCM. Websites should get more hits. Sacramento or Rocklin might be next kickoff in 5 years. Rob discusses the WSCC year-­‐end banquet. The Hilton is pushing for us to stay on one floor. An autocross in the Hilton parking lot reduces costs and don’t have to leave the site. A package is being put together right now and will have more details ready in October. No old or new business. Mee,ng adjourned at 9:05pm. First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Santa Clara Corvettes
2009 Board of Directors
and Associates
President: Gary Rost
510-409-4144 halanaz@hotmail.com
Vice-President: Ron Minearo
408-859-8302 rminearo@cbnorcal.com
The Lariz girls out for a ride in their '84
Secretary: Mim Petersen
408-313-8990 mimzr1@sbcglobal.net
Publications Director: Jeff Sprague
408-227-9082 jeff@WildLizardRanch.com
Treasurer: Alan Templeton
408-737-0103 alantempleton@gmail.com
Social Director: Keith Mendia
408-595-1386 kmendia@comcast.net
Competition Director Racing: Rick Bronner
408-629-7660 rickb@centurystereo.com
Salute to Corvettes - Fairfield
Competition Director Car Shows:
David Johnston
408-255-2183 davidjohnston101@comcast.net
Membership Director: Jerry Banks
408-732-7190 j.lbanks@comcast.net
WSCC Representative: Sandy Mendia
408-997-6382 slmendia@comcast.net
National Corvette Museum: Buzz Marston
Web Master: Andy Hoepfner
New Camaro SS on display at Corvette
Spectacular courtesy of Courtesy Chevrolet
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
SCC Calendar of Events
October 2009
SCC Business Meeting - 7:30
VV/North Bay Onion Peel AutoX
Board Meeting
Hooked on Corvettes - Thunderhill
Spooktacular Halloween Party
Mon Tue
November 2009
SCC Business Meeting - 7:30
The Crush is On - Wine Tasting Party
Board Meeting
Mon Tue
Corvette ZHZ Crashes
in Utah - 498 Left
Ron out on 3rd and Main
hawking jackets
Glass Gallery
Spectacular makes Alan
a happy treasurer
The second of 500 Hertz Limited
Edition Corvettes has met its demise.
This makes the second crash of one of
the 500 Corvette ZHZs, the original
occurring when a ZHZ smashed into a
Dallas restaurant.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
P.O. Box 2634
Santa Clara, CA
Scenes from
Meanwhile, Ron
continues to
hawk those
FCG Editor Jeff Sprague and WSCC President
Rob Weaver, also known as the
Straw Hat-Crooked Badge Brothers, at
Corvette Spectacular, showing off our new
Club Newsletter of the Year award from the
National Corvette Museum.
NCM First Place Club Newsletter
2008 & 2009
Santa Clara Corvettes is a not-for-profit organization formed to appreciate a truly great
car, the Corvette. Our monthly business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each
month at the Los Altos Masonic Building, 146 Main Street in downtown Los Altos (1/2 block
up from San Antonio Rd.) Meetings start at 7:30 PM. All interested Corvette owners and
enthusiasts are invited to attend. For more information, contact anyone on the Board of
Directors, or write to: Santa Clara Corvettes, P.O. Box 2634, Santa Clara, CA 95055-2634.
Visit us on the internet at www.sccorvettes.org for info, pictures, and the latest events.
! contributing articles
First to:
Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes

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