vette news - Corvettes of Buffalo


vette news - Corvettes of Buffalo
Volume 28, Issue 07
July 2009
President’s Corner
What’s Happening
As mentioned last month, COB is forging
ahead with the three premier car related events of
the season. It has been reported that preregistrations are being received for the Salvatores
Super Cruise, our annual Corvette caravan, and
reservations at Holiday Valley, Ellicottville for our
"Vettes in the Valley" all Corvette show.
I have stated numerous times that this club is
very generous to participants at these venues
because our prices are usually below those charged
by other organizations. Perhaps this is the secret of
our success. This club has been actively traveling
over the past weeks and our members who did so,
have been fortunate if they received a dash plaque
after paying a entrance fee of $10.00 at certain car
show/cruise days. COB on the other hand is a
"bargain" to our patrons as we give away many door
prizes, dash plaques and on some occasions, Tshirts. Our Kids Escaping Drugs Caravan raffle for
example will award at least seventeen items including
a 42" flat screen plasma TV, self propelled
lawnmower, and all the rest of the prizes for a mere
$5.00 per ticket donation. And the best part is that
ALL the proceeds will be going to a program which
will benefit the young people in our community.
Speaking of traveling,we mustered 14 Vettes
and motored to Saranac Lake N.Y. to attend the
Found Corvette Clubs "Cruisin Around the
Mountains" show. Our club received several awards
which I believe will be expounded in a article in this
¾ July 4 Sardinia Parade & Car Show – see
Bruce Mussehl
¾ July 3-5 Watkins Glen Corvette CorralWeekend Ticket $49. To the races.
¾ July 5
Tri Five Car Show- Clarence
Pumpkin Farm Main St. - (8am- 5pm)
¾ July 10 Paddock Chevy Car Show Kenmore NY (5pm - 9pm)
¾ July 11 Amherst Museum –Pre 1980 Car
Show Amherst, NY Ton. Creek Rd. – (12pm6pm)
¾ July 12 Rochester Corvette Club - Pig
Roast, The Log Cabin, Macedon, NY (1PM)
¾ July 12 Rod & – Fisherman’s
Park Super Cruise – River Rd. (9am - 5pm)
¾ July 12 Geneseo Air Show – Geneseo, NY
- (10am-4pm)
¾ July 14 COB - Summer Country
Luncheon, see Mary Mangan
¾ July 17 St. John the Baptist –Annual car
Show & Lawn Fete, Sandridge Rd.– Alden,
NY 5pm-9pm
July 18
Clarence Church 7 PM
Note this is a change it is on the 3rd
Continued on pg2
Continued on pg2
pg 1
Continued from pg1
Bruce Mussehl
Vice President Skip Polowy
Diane Skeide
Mel Skeide
July 22
COB –Salvatore’s Super Cruise,
Transit Rd. Depew, NY.
(5pm- 9pm)
Board of Directors
¾ July 22 Canal Fest Super Cruise – Main St.
– N. Tonawanda, NY – (5pm – 10 pm)
¾ July 23 Annual Gillogly Chevrolet Super
Cruise – Union Rd., West Seneca, NY – (5pm
– 9pm)
¾ July 26 Marilla Car Show for Mercy Flight –
Two Rod Rd. –Marilla NY. – (10am– 4pm)
¾ July 26 Sylvan Beach All Corvette Show – (
8 am–5 pm)
¾ July 26 Dick Pendleton Car Show – Grand
Island, NY – (10am -4pm)
¾ July 26 Cruise-In on the Parkway Corvette
Show – Niagara-on the Lake, Ont. Canada –
(9am- 5pm)
Meeting every second Saturday of the month at
Continued from pg 1
Frank Pastore
Jim Bonus
Jim Lawson
Ron Giovino
Reas Graber
Dan & Debbie Wroblewski
Jim & Linda Bonus
Phone Comm.
Maureen Polowy
Sunshine Comm. Karen Rothenberger
Jim Bonus
You may also want to view our website
gallery for pictures submitted by Dan Krakowski
and others and in addition, there is 625 photos on
the Found Caravan website.
We welcomed our newest member,
Paulette Krakowski at the June meeting and the
prospective member roster continues to grow.
On a serious note, we wish a speedy
recovery to our secretary Diane Skeide as she heals
from her recent ankle surgery. Diane suffered this
injury as she was about to distribute club flyers at a
recent cruise night. I'm hoping that once she is
ambulatory, we'll find ways to allow her to attend
club activities as she and husband Mel are stalwarts
in the COB family.
First Presbyterian Church
9675 Main St. Clarence, NY
Meeting starts 7:00 p.m.
Corvettes of Buffalo is open to all Corvette
owners and enthusiasts over the age of 21
Visit us at
Send Articles To:
Jim Bonus,
1012 Castlebar Drive
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
E-Mail :
Revive the wave!
Submissions must be in by 26th
Bruce Mussehl
pg 2
Our Newest Member
Important Reminder
For all COB members to please sell your Kids
Escaping Drugs raffle tickets, you may bring the
money and ticket stubs to the July 18th club meeting
or the COB picnic August 9th if you can't make
these 2 events you can mail stubs or unsold tickets
and a check (made out to either Kids Escaping Drugs
or Corvettes of Buffalo) to:
Mike & Lee Buccilli,
4001 Esses Pl.,
Hamburg, NY
Thank you for all the hard work with raffle
ticket sales.
The KED raffle committee would like to congratulate
the winner of the
Paulette Krakowski
Good By
The GC was donated to KED raffle committee for
the use at any event benefiting KED , the committee
felt this would be a great give-a-way prize at
the Eastern Hills Mall ticket sale event .
Dear COB members and friends,
We have not been able to participate in any cruises or
get together this year because we have been busy
selling our home and preparing to move to Florida.
Many of you knew we spent 3 months in the Sarasota
area this past winter and frankly, we did fall in love
with the area. We decided if we do not do this now,
we never will so we will be off on a new adventure and
stage in our life.
We had almost purchased while we were there,
but decided we needed to sell here first. Our home
sold in just 6 days(!!!) and we really were not prepared
for that. We will be in FL 6/25 - 7/4 to seek and
hopefully find a new home.
We are hoping to make the next meeting or
two but so much depends on the success of our trip in
COB is a great organization! We already miss
the activities, but mostly the people, that is what makes
this club so great.
We would like to thank all the COB members who
sold tickets at this event
2009 Bowling Green Corvette
Caravan Update
Carole and I contacted the Bowling Green
Chamber of Commerce. Vicki Fitch-the executive
director responded by sending us a brochure of area
attractions and a coupon book with discounts to
several of them including the Corvette Museum.
Contact info Phone: 1-800-326-465
It has been a wonderful 8 years!
Ed and Pat Danahy
Rich Zahner & Carol Rotando
pg 3
COB Anniversary’s
Revised Monthly Meeting
Lori & Dick Lynch
Patti & Rich Kirkland
Kathy & Dave Huber
Donna & Larry Petro
As per Article Four, Sec. 1 of our by laws
I have with the Board of Directors approval
changed the dates for the next two monthly
meetings. The majority of Board members present
at the Wilson Super cruise this evening agreed with
my decision.
The reasons are as follows: Initially there
was a conflict with a church activity on July
11th.but Reas Graber has confirmed that the
parties would be gone by 2:00PM. Therefore we
would have changed the date anyway had there
been a conflict so it has been decided that the
COB Birthday’s
Mike Erdey
Sharon Eckert
Donna Petro
Carl Balmas
Judy Schubert
Dick Lynch
Roberta Strychalski
Steve Dworzack
Jim Zelasko
John Heffernan
Jim Bonus
meeting will be held on SATURDAY,
JULY 18th. The reason is the Geneseo Antique
Car and Air Show. which will be held on 7/11 &
7/12. I spoke to our contact there and every COB
car driver and passenger will be admitted FREE.
They prefer us to arrive on 7/11 because
that is when the most activity takes place, but if it
should rain (as it did last year), we have the option
on waiting till Sunday 7/12 to take in the show.
This is a great event and if you have never
attended before, I'm sure you will be impressed.
We plan to meet at the Pembroke rest area (time
to be announced) but I would like to request that
those who are planning to go with us to E-mail me
or Activities Director Frank Pastore so that will
know whom to wait for. Also, don't forget you
FRS radios and if possible bring along a AM/FM
radio as they will be broadcasting what is going on
from the flight line.
The 2nd. date change will be in
September where there is definitely a conflict so
we will have our monthly meeting on
Thank you for your understanding and we look
forward to seeing everyone at our various events.
Till then;
Will the Real Larry Please Step Forward
Bruce Mussehl
pg 4
Corvettes at Blackthorn
Once again some of the COB members went
off to spend the week-end at Blackthorne Resort in
the Catskills of New York. You couldn’t of asked for
superb weather for a delightful ride down and back.
Pete Ricigliano leading the way in Rosie’s car as Rich
and Patti Kirkland followed behind in Patti’s car.
While Ray and Debbie Schafer along with her son
and daughter-in-law Mike and Dawn Kopecki. Tom
and Diane Breen good friends of the Schafer’s also
joined us in the fun. They left at a different time and
coming from a different direction.
The Ricigliano’s and Rich and myself stopped
for some pizza in a little town on highway 10. After
we enjoyed our lunch on the sunny porch we
explored the historical town. Just when we were
about to jump in our cars the others arrived. Now we
all could cruse into Blackthorne together. Ray was in
the lead with his 2003 pace car. I will have to say Ray
is not afraid to press on the gas pedal. When we
arrived and checked in our rooms we found out that
they had done some remolding and the rooms were
great. Fresh smell of new cut wood.
Saturday after everyone had breakfast, the
corvette’s lined up for a cruse to Woodstock. Did
you know that it has been 40 years ago that the
hippies gathered in the farmers field. When we
reached Woodstock I didn’t know what to expect. If
you like to shop in little tiny shops this is the place
for you, but bring extra money. Oh yeah, some of the
hippies that were there 40 years ago never left. I
passed one hippie lady that had long purple gray hair.
Theirs lots of jewelry for sale and clothes. It is a
unique little place.
The resort had a wonderful dinner planned for
us at 7:00. After we all went to the bar lounge to listen
to the band and receive our tee shirts. Also to meet
up with some of the other clubs members. They
didn’t realize it but we brought some of our own
spirits awaiting for us in our cold coolers. Mike and
Debbie carried wood in their truck for the fantastic
camp fire that was set a blaze after we received our
tee’s. Wow, there is something about sitting around a
camp fire with a bunch of great friends telling stories.
Lunch was coming up fast and you know
corvette members we drive and eat. So we once again
we started our engines at 12:30 and headed to some
remote place with a lake and a picnic area. Lunch was
like a dinner. Food was great and again we over ate.
Back in the cars again heading to have ice cream and
ride the go-carts. Corvette people, I come to find out
they only have two things on their minds food and
speed. Not only were the men really getting into driving
these little speed machines.
For the ones that never experienced Blackthorne there
is wild life that walks the grounds. Turkeys, rabbits,
ducks and what ever else. Not to mention the birds in
the cages. We made friends with one white duck. It
really loves sun chips. Would you believe it started to
thunder and then the rains came. We sat for as long as
we could and then moved in doors
The woman didn’t waste any time getting out
there giving all they could passing the men drivers.
Debbie and myself (Patti) were determined to be the
leader of the pack. We had so much fun driving these
little machines we didn’t want to call it quits.
After acting like Mario’s in the Daytona 500, we
headed back to the resort for the burn outs. Only three
cars participated in the big event. No one from the COB
club. I know Rich would of loved laying some rubber if he
had his car.
Saturday night after dinner we gathered at the
Ricigliano’s patio for drinks. Then moving in the back we
had another campfire and telling tales. A local couple that
lives close by joined our circle of friends
Pete and Rich wanting to stay dry
Sunday morning everyone made sure there cars
shined for the car show. There was a little breeze, but
sunny. Our club didn’t come back with any trophies. We all
had a great time though. After the Bar B Q. we headed
back on the road. If your looking for a early spring outing,
you have to try The Spring Fling at Blackthorne Resort.
For next year contact Pete R. if you would like to attend.
Patti Kirkland
Ray making sure we stayed warm
Hey Are You Coming next year!
“Cruisin Around the
Mountains” Trip
We were greeted at Sunday Pond by Leslie and Dick
Lyons, the proprietors.
On June 4th Maureen and I traveled to
Saranac Lake, NY one day in advance of the Cruisin
Around the Mountains All Corvette Weekend
Event. It was a beautiful ride in our C6 Roadster as
we took our time stopping for lunch in Utica, some
shopping in Old Forge and great scenery as we
drove through the Adirondacks. We stayed at a Bed
& Breakfast called Sunday Pond, which was about
12 miles from Downtown Saranac Lake. But it was
worth the 15 minute ride back & forth to the Best
Western Hotel.
They also are Corvette enthusiasts with a
pewter C5 Coupe with a large collection Corvette and
automotive memorabilia in his six bay garage area.
The accommodations were terrific and the breakfasts
each morning were outstanding!
I highly recommend trying a Bed &
Breakfast after spending a long weekend at Sunday
The Cruisin Around the Mountains
weekend was hosted by the Found Caravan
Corvette Club, with Joanne and Beef Bevilacqua as
the Chairpersons of the club.
Friday, June 5th was registration and a
Welcome Party at the Best Western. COB
received the Club Participation Award with 14
Corvettes attending! The hotel was surrounded
by Corvettes from all over and they traveled
from Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Florida, Canada and all over
New York State.
Saturday morning there were 105
Corvettes lined up for the Caravan to Malone,
NY where we enjoyed a BBQ luncheon. The
Vettes were on display
and Awards were given to the Best of
Each generation, with Bruce Mussehl winning
for the Best C5. Congratulations Bruce!
Following the 50 mile Caravan back to Saranac
Lake, we all took a train ride on an old
locomotive through the mountains to Lake
Placid, NY. It was a nice ride and we had fun
& laughs during the train ride.
Sunday morning was a Corvette Show
at the Saranac Lake Civic Center.
The hosting club made an adjustment to
the schedule due to possible wet weather
approaching, so the show only lasted about 2
COB Members Dan & Debbie Wroblewski
won for the Best C4, and Rich Zahner won an
award for the Best Rag-Top with his C4 Roadster.
Then we were on our way back home with
a stop at the Plainville Turkey Farm Restaurant in
Cicero, NY. There were a few rain drops in the
mountains but it cleared up as we drove home. We
had a great time and are planning a return trip in
the future!
Corvette weekend trips like this are a great
way to have fun with your Corvette, get to know
other COB members better and meet new Corvette
friends from other areas. I encourage all COB
Members to sign up and take some weekend trips
like this. You will enjoy the experience and have a
great time.
Skip Polowy
June’s Adventures
The Barton Hill Gang
P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224

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