The July Newsletter - Corvettes of Buffalo
VETTE NEW S Volume 30, Issue 07 July 2011 President’s Corner Wha t’s Happening As I write this article the June Crusin season is almost over. Two weeks ago a group of COB members headed West to Chicago, Illinois for the NCCC convention. Some cars arrived on Thursday, the others on Friday and Saturday. Travel time from WNY is a little over 8 hours. The convention was held at the Tinley Park Convention Center about one hour south of downtown Chicago. Tinley Park went all out to make us feel welcome. One of my favorite events was the car cruise down their main drag to the commuter train station where we parked our cars and met other clubs from around the county. Dave & Kathy Huber won an award with proceeds from the show going to charity. Speaking of winners, the club was well represented throughout the week. Congratulations to Patti, Lee and Rose for their Club table top display at our 3 COB dinner tables, and received a third place award. Rich Kirkland won a certificate for four tires from Kumho valued at $1300. Skip & Maureen finished second in the Funkhana (ask Skip and Maureen to explain this fun event). Ray & Debbie Schafer won first place in their Concurs car show class. Marianne won a $50 gift certificate to Corvette America, Nicolet Brett also won a door prize and I believe Jim Brett won an award for his class in the low speed event. I won a $100 gift certificate to Zip products and $189 in one of the daily 50/50 drawings. During the week, many of us split up into small groups and traveled via a tour bus to downtown Chicago which was available for 3 midweek days. Everyone has plenty of interesting stories to share. July 3 Tri Five Car Show- Clarence Pumpkin Farm Main St. - (8am- 5pm) July 8 Paddock Chevy Car Show Kenmore NY (4:30pm - 9pm) July 9 COB Club Meeting – Clarence Church (7pm- 9pm) July 10 Geneseo Air Show Car CruiseGeneseo, NY (10am – 4pm) July 13 COB Salvatore’s Super Cruise – Transit Rd. (5pm – 9pm July 16 Burgerfest Car Show – Main St. Hamburg, NY (12pm-4pm) July 18 Alice’s Super Cruise – Sheridan Drive – (5 pm – 9 pm) July 19 Fairgrounds Super Cruise – Hamburg, NY (5pm -9pm) July 21 Charcoal Corral Super Cruise – Perry, NY (5pm-9pm) July 22-St. John Vianney Cruise – 2950 Southwestern Blvd. Orchard Park, NY (5pm- ?) July 27 American Classics Cruise – Beechwood Homes, 2235 Millersport Hwy – Getzville (6pm-?) July 29 Medina Cruise – Canal Basin Medina, NY 5:30pm - 8pm) July 31 Sylvan Beach All Corvette Show July 31 Dick Pendleton Car Show – Grand Island, NY – (10am -4pm) Continued on pg 3 OFFICAL PUBLICATION OF CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 1 Officers President Frank Pastore 716-694-9024 COB Birthda y s Vice President Rich Zahner 716-225-1188 Secretary Skip Polowy 716-741-7677 Treasurer Larry Ienco 716-570-7110 1st 11th 13th 21st 22nd 25th 29th 30th Boa rd of Directors Bruce Mussehl Jim Bonus Mike Buccilli Ron Giovino Mel Skeide Sam Iraci Grant Violino 716-864-8459 716-695-7643 716-648-2037 716-691-8684 716-876-1194 716-837-8623 716-812-6528 Mike Erdey Donna Petro Carl Balmas Roberta Strychalski Steve Dworzack Jim Zelasko John Heffernan Jim Bonus COB Anniversa ries 24th 25th 26th Patti & Rich Kirkland Kathy & Dave Huber Donna & Larry Petro Committees Membership Barbra Lipome 716-691-8845 Newsletter Jim & Linda Bonus 716-695-7643 Phone Comm. Donna Biggie 585-492-2927 Sunshine Comm. Karen Rothenberger 716-675-9467 Webmaster Jim Bonus Activities Dir I never leave home without it Frank Pastore Club Photographer Dan Krakowski Meeting every second Saturday of the month at First Presbyterian Church 9675 Main St. Clarence, NY Meeting starts 7:00 p.m. Corvettes of Buffalo is open to all Corvette owners and enthusiasts over the age of 21 Visit us at Send Articles To: Jim Bonus, 1012 Castlebar Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120 E-Mail : Submissions must be in by 24th CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 2 On the highway we averaged over 30 miles per gallon. Which helps on a 1500 mile week trip Thanks to everyone in our group that made this event a week we will never forget. A special thank you to all the drivers who led us to and from the Chicago area and to the passengers for putting up with our occasional rants. Continued from pg1 After returning for the evening we changed and attended a nightly party with live music, nightly door prizes and 50/50 drawing. All the cars attending the event were in a secure parking area and the police checked your registration name/number against your vehicle with 24 hour coverage. The COB banner was proudly displayed all week in the main banquet room. Thursday evening after Bloomington we headed to a restaurant dinner show called Tommy Guns for a great meal and show arranged by Mel. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday in small groups we headed to St Charles, Illinois (one hour trip) to attend the Bloomington Gold Corvette event located on a golf course. The club had its own parking area which was a major advantage over public parking. Some phases of this event are similar to Carlisle. The Mecum Auction was fun to attend. On Friday most of the cars crossing the stage were C3, C4, C5 with an occasional C1 or C2. A lot of the cars did not hit the reserve and did not sell. Of course Mecum saves the best of the C1 and C2 for Saturday. On Friday Rich Zahner and I had our cars detailed by Richard Kashinsky and staff at the Adams Car Care Products Tent. Richard is the North Carolina distributor and was very helpful in explaining the Adams line of products and was a great technical resource on improving the appearance of our cars. Richard says if we wish we can purchase products directly from him and volunteered to help with technical questions regarding the use of Adams products. His phone number is 800-366-9674 and e-mail address is COB members started heading home at various times on Saturday and Sunday. Rich & Carole, Mel & Diane, and Marianne & I headed North to Dearborn, Michigan and a visited the Henry Ford Museum and then Greenfield Village on Sunday June 26 before heading home through Canada via the Port Huron Bridge. We crossed back into the US via the Lewiston bridge and NO cars in front of us a 7:00 PM. Naturally, we stopped for one more dinner meal at the Jet Port restaurant before arriving home. You can't beat the new C5 and C6 Vettes for comfort and gas mileage. CORVETTES of BUFFALO Frank Attention C6 Owners If you have a C6 you should be aware that you have gathered some small stones and gravel inside of the rear rocker panels just in front of the rear wheels. Since 2005 I was aware of them but couldn’t get them out from between the seams of the panels. I suggest you get down and look at yours to count how many stones you have inside the seams. The small gravel & dirt can be rinsed out of the seam but many are too large and will not come out of the seam. This past week while at the NCCC Convention I talked with many C6 owners and each had the stones. Yes, even a brand new 2011 ZR-1 that was entered into the NCCC Concours Show had 9 large stones in the gap. If you slide a thin playing card into the gap the stones usually move and you can slide them back & forth. But you can’t get them out without scratching or chipping the paint along the seam. I talked with more C6 owners while at the Bloomington Show in St. Charles, Illinois last week and some knew about the stones but most didn’t. The general consensus was that the only way to remove them without damage is to remove one of the panels to open the gap and clean them out. But how do they get inside and how can we prevent more of them from entering? The answer is that GM designed an opening inside the wheel well along the rear quarter panel. Why they did this is unknown. But one way to keep out the gravel, stones and rocks is to cover/fill the opening with a soft black sponge that you can pull out of the opening when cleaning your C6. The opening is large enough to fit your finger into so use a large enough piece of sponge or possibly cover with black tape. After looking at your C6 maybe you can come up with an idea how to remove the stones or a better way to keep them out. If you do, please share it with our COB members. Thanks! Skip Polowy pg 3 There are a lot of parts that are assembled into their units . I could send out to have them refurbished , at the cost of $750 a side plus shipping but my cost was $55.00 for bearings and seals .It takes about 8-10 hours a side to complete this part of the project so they will look and run like factory new . 72 Vette Restoration Pa rt V This month I will start to rebuild and refurbish the Rear control Arms and Spindle assembles. The last owner did change the bearings and spindles, but didn't set the proper side clearance. This would cause bearing failure and a breakdown .The right side had a rusted out control arm that needed replacement. Next month I will work on 1/2 shafts, rear tie rods, bar bushing, and the rest of the rear suspension after the NCCC convention in Chicago This car came with 2 new control arms so I could transfer and reset the spindle assembles in new arms .To get the spindles out I have a special press that pushes the spindle out ( pictures) , and it took a lot of pressure to get them out . I have another tool called a Loader that simulates a spindle so I could stack the bearings and spacers to assemble in spindle housing . The Clearance is .002 to .008 of a inch . I shoot for .003 for the best results. CORVETTES of BUFFALO Pete pg 4 Memorial Da y Pa rade Thirty One COB Corvettes signed up to participate in the 73nd Amherst Township, Williamsville, Memorial Day Parade, May 30. This was our second consecutive year in the parade and again were a crowd pleaser. There was a pre parade brunch and after parade party at the Lamm American Legion Post. A good time was had by all. Parading were: Dan & Debbie Wroblewski,Frank & Marianne Pastore, Rich Zahner, Carol Rotando,Dave & Kathy Huber, Sam Iraci,Joe & Alice Greco, Barb Lapome, Rich & Patti Kirkland, Mike & Lee Buccilli, Lowell & Karen Rothenberger, Bob & Carol Blandford, Mel & Diane Skeide, Ron & Connie Giovino, Reas & Nancy Graber, Bruce & Ruth Mussehl, Pamm Seifert, Skip & Maureen Polowy, Grant Violino, Nancy Conroy, Bob & Joan Meegan, Larry & Donna Petro, John & Donna Biggie, Pete, & Rose Ricigliano, Mike & Janet Whittaker, John Meyerhoff, Lee & Barb Singer, George & Roslyn Hirsch, Marty & Pat Nowak, Dave & Carol Hall, Mike & Cindy Erdey, Holly Wyse. CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 5 GM Ca r S how S cenes from the NCCC Convention Kenny Kaczica was our 'shutterbug' at the GM Car Show - hosted by WNY Olds Club and sponsored by Glen Campbell Chevrolet on Sunday June 5th; our '63 Fuel Injected S/W Coupe did just fine in the Corvette competition and 'brought-home-the-gold'. COB had several award winners, including Sets of Tires, 50/50, Gift Certificates and Trophies. Also a fun night at Tommy Guns Speak Easy, see Reas & Roxy on the stage I took a Corvette class award and my good friend who always wins in our COB club with that beautiful black '02 ZO6 should have won this time when compared to the competition. Many disgruntled car buffs; I'm sure this one will get "The Press". They even had my class registered incorrectly as 1978 -up Muscle Cars (Modified). Did not notice same on my car window sheet, as mass confusion was at the registration table; but they somehow got the message somewhere along the line of judging that my entry was a 1963 Corvette stock and re-entered it in Corvette class 1963-1967. All-in-all the weather was grand for a memorable car show as we had never attended this show in the past. Later Kenny and I skipped over to the 22nd Annual WNY Regional CadillacLaSalle Club Int'l. Car Show at Keyser Cadillac for some 'eye-ball candy' and a hot dog and a pop as well, to polish-off the day. Gene CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 6 La dies Luncheon Update The Glen Ca mpbell Cruise Novel Tea has a new name "Gerties" Parking is available on street only. 6010 Goodrich Rd., Clarence Center, NY This annual cruise All Corvette cruise was well attended by the club. It was a very nice day after a rain start to cruising season. Mel and Skip won awards for the rides. Our reservations have been confirmed, and Debbie, our hostess, is looking forward to serving us on Thurs., July 21st @ 1 p.m. Please look over the following menu on pg 8 and make your choice in advance. This will help Debbie ensure our choice will be available. The sign up menu will be at the July meeting. Thank you, and see you at the July meeting or at the luncheon. Any questions can be directed to Sue Brownlee or Mary Mangan. COB S ummer Picnic Sunday August 7th, 11:00 to 6:00 Sunset Park 4085 Harris Hill rd. and Wherle Dr. The Sunset Pavilion The sign up sheet will be available at the July meeting. Anyone unable to sign up can contact John and Donna Biggie @ 585 492-2927 or by email @ Thanks Jim. CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 7 CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 8 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 9 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 10 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 11 CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 12 P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 13
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