June 2010 Newsletter
June 2010 Newsletter
VETTE NEW S Volume 29, Issue 06 June 2010 President’s Corner Wha t’s Happening As I write this newsletter article I see a number of activities on our COB calendar of events. Starting with Memorial Day, some members may be involved with either the Kenmore/Tonawanda or the Williamsville parade. The month of June is also the start of the new COB cruise night of the week. First up on June 2nd is Cruisin’ at the Creekside on Union Road at Williams Street in Cheektowaga. The next day a large group of members is attending Cruisin’ Around the Mountain in Saranac, NY led by Joan Meegan. On June 10 the Cruise of the Week will take us to the Akron cruise, in Akron, NY with all cruise cars parked on the main drag. June 2-Cruise of the Week #1 Cruisin’ at the Creekside & Concert 5 PM – 9 P Info: Joan Meegan The Creekside: Union Rd. @ William Street, Cheektowaga, NY June 4 – 6 Cruisin’ Around the Mountains, Saranac Lake, NY Info: Joan Meegan June 6 - Lancaster Car Show 8:00 AM Central Avenue Lancaster, June 8 - Tuesday Night Cruise @ Pautler’s 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM June 10 - Cruise of the Week #2 Akron Cruise Nights, 6 PM – 9 PM June 12 COB Club Meeting Saturday June 12 is our monthly meeting, followed by a new cruise on Monday 6/14 at Buffalo Roadhouse, on Niagara Falls Blvd, just north of the Youngman expressway I-290. On Wednesday, June 16 we hope the entire club will be present at the 6th Annual All Corvette Cruise at Glenn Campbell Chevrolet. This is a great opportunity especially for new members to see around 100 Corvettes from the area. If you can make it the next day is the monthly Super Cruise held at the Charcoal Corral, Perrysburg, NY. This cruise normally attracts over 400+ cruise cars from all over NY State. A departure time and location will be announced at the June meeting. June 14 - Cruise of the Week #3 Buffalo Roadhouse Grillin’ 6 PM – 9 PM 1980 Niagara Falls blvd.,Tonawanda, NY June 17 - Charcoal Corral Perrysburg, Depart: 3:30 PM info: Frank Pastore Rain date June 22nd) June 19 - Buffalo Transportation and Pierce Arrow Museum Noon Info: Pete Ricigliano with WNY Corvette Club June 20 - 24th Annual Father’s Day Car Show 10 AM – 4 PM Darien Lake Theme Park, Exit 48 I-90 June 20 Miller Hose 7th Annual Car Show 8 AM – 3:30 PM 6161 McKee Street, Newfane Finally the last event I want to mention is the Pierce museum tour on Saturday, June 19. Pete R. has arranged for COB and the Western NY Corvette club to view the museum. Continued on pg2 Continued on pg2 OFFICAL PUBLICATION OF www.corvettesofbuffalo.com CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 1 Officers Continued from pg 1 President Frank Pastore 716-694-9024 All members should arrive at the museum no later than 11:45 am. If you have not as yet signed up, the June meeting will be your last chance. Vice President Rich Zahner 716-225-1188 Secretary Joan Meegan 716-688-0087 Treasurer Mel Skeide 716-876-1194 As you will note the activities listed above, are only for the last weekend in May and the first three weeks of June. Be sure to check out our web site or our newsletter for dates, times and other details on upcoming events. And don’t forget to bring your camera and send your digital images to Jim Bonus for addition to our photo gallery. Boa rd of Directors Bruce Mussehl Skip Polowy Mike Buccilli Ron Giovino Lowell Rothenberger 716-864-8459 716-741-7677 716-648-2037 716-691-8684 716-675-9467 Frank Committees Membership Dan & Debbie Wroblewski 716-542-2041 Newsletter Jim & Linda Bonus 716-695-7643 Phone Comm. Maureen Polowy 716-741-7677 Sunshine Comm. Karen Rothenberger 716-675-9467 Webmaster Jim Bonus Activities Dir June 21 Alice’s Kitchen Super Cruise 5 – 9 PM June 23 Cruise of the Week #4 Texas Roadhouse Cruise Corral 4:30 PM th June 25 13 Annual Wilson Super Cruise 5 PM – 9 PM Info: Frank Pastore June 27 COB Upstate Chevrolet Cruise-In at Lime Lake TBA Info: Joan Meegan Hosted by Frank Bork, President, Upstate Auto Group June 29 Cruise of the Week #5 Frank Pastore Tuesday Night Cruise @ Pautler’s 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM 6364 Transit Road, Clarence, NY Meeting every second Saturday of the month at Dea r Friends of COB First Presbyterian Church 9675 Main St. Clarence, NY Meeting starts 7:00 p.m. This is a story of winners and losers. I came back from Las Vegas , April 21st after six days… a winner. On April 25th I became a loser…and wound up in the hospital with pneumonia. After six days in the hospital I came home to recover. At 89 ½, you don’t bounce back like a 30 year old, but I am bouncing. Your cards, phone calls and prayers of concern are most welcome and help in my recovery. The beautiful fruit basket will give me the vitamins I need for a speedy recovery. I’m coming along nicely and the 1981 red coupe is ready to roll. My heartfelt thanks for your concern is much appreciated. God Bless and my thanks to you all. Corvettes of Buffalo is open to all Corvette owners and enthusiasts over the age of 21 Visit us at http://www.corvettesofbuffalo.com/ Send Articles To: Jim Bonus, 1012 Castlebar Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120 E-Mail : mailto:jwbonus@roadrunner.com Gene Wojcik Submissions must be in by 24th CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 2 By law Cha ng e Proposa l Anniversa ries Article Six Order of Business 4th 5th 13th 20th 20th 28th 28th Current Language 1. Reading of the minutes form preceding General Meeting Proposed Change 1. Suspend reading of minutes from preceding General Business Meeting and put Site COB 25. The them on the Web minutes could be read at the Business Meeting with a motion passed from the floor . Birthda y s 4th 6th 8th 9th 16th 21st 22nd 24th 25th Add to Article Six Put the minutes from the previous Board of Director's meeting on the Web Site COB 25. Reasons : This will save time at the monthly Business Meeting and still keep the membership informed This is just a quick explanation of the 2 ByLaw changes They are to keep the membership informed as to what our officers and board members are planning and not take up time at our business meeting, Any COB member can go to the web site When COB was formed in 1981 after it separated from another corvette club, one of the new By Laws was to read the minutes of the Board meeting. At the April meeting the By Law was changed to reading of the minutes of the last Business meeting instead of the Board meeting minutes . to make the meeting shorter and still have the members informed , Please vote these By Law changes and click on the MEMBER ONLY information site. Bob Blandford Jim Belter Connie Giovino Mary Reisdorf John Joyce John Meyerhoff Robert Boyle Pamm Seifert Diane Skeide EVENT CANCELLATION NOTICE Due to unforeseen problems in organizing the Oct. 30th Hollowine tour. We have to cancel this event. Maybe we can do this event next year Thank you Pattie Kirkland and Lee Buccilli Submitted By Pete Ricigliano NCCC NEWS The North East Region has a new club formed near the Syracuse area, Tri-Vettes. They just completed an autocross this weekend. The Southern Tier has a scheduled July 18 event. Nationally - plans and financing for motorsports park @ the museum is moving forward, the Bluebars is very close to receiving periodical rate from the post office and the spring issue is due out soon Thanks Ray CORVETTES of BUFFALO Nancy & Reas Graber Maureen & Skip Polowy Mike & Lee Buccilli Blanche & Joe Dionne Sue & Dick Brownlee Karen & Lowell Rothenberger Mary & Robert Boyle pg 3 O.B.E.L. can be used for “either” loss of wages or for medical expense, but it can not be used for both! The decision is normally made by the injured party when he or she approaches the exhaustion of the P.I.P. and/or A.P.I.P. benefit, which is carried by the insured. O.B.E.L. is available in the amount of $25,000 per person. The cost of O.B.E.L. is approximately $8.00 per year, on a classic car policy. Most classic car insurance carriers only charge $8.00 per year, whether there is one car or many cars on the policy. Hopefully you will never need to use this valuable coverage, but if an accident were to occur it would be to your benefit to have this very important coverage. CLAS S IC CAR INS URANCE CORNER The classic car community is so excited about the 2010 cruising season that neither wind, nor rain, nor cold temperature is going to keep them from attending car shows and cruise nights. This is causing Classic Car Fever to break out, in epidemic proportions. As a result, we are starting to get many calls regarding Classic Car Insurance ID cards, FS 20s. There are two types of ID cards. If you are currently using the standard issue New York State license plates, you will receive the normal FS 20. They will be the same type ID cards that you receive for your daily driver. Some classic car enthusiasts are fortunate to have old original New York State plates that they have on their classic car. For example a 1970 vehicle that has been registered using actual New York State plates on it from 1970. Those old original plates require a special “Historic” Insurance ID card/FS 20 that you must request from your insurance agent. The word “HISTORIC” must appear on the ID card in order to register your classic, using old original New York State license plates. Down the road we will discuss the procedures for registering a vehicle using old original Historic plates. Over the next several months, many of us will be getting our classic vehicles out of storage, completing a restoration project or purchasing a classic car. Therefore, next month we will be discussing the Do’s and Don’ts involving the usage and storage of our Great Classic Cars and tuning up your Classic Car Insurance Policy. Until then, please feel free to call Jodi 716-362-7394 or Ron 716-866-5696 at Classic Car Insurance – USA. Whether you have a question, need help with a claim, or just need a quote, we are always happy to help a fellow classic car enthusiast. Cruise Safely and Have Fun, Last month we talked about Personal Injury Protection, (P.I.P.), and Additional Personal Injury Protection, (A.P.I.P.). As you recall, these coverage’s provide you, your passengers, and any pedestrians that your vehicle may injure with loss of wages and medical expense benefits. This coverage is also known as “No Fault”. Your insurance carrier pays for you and the occupants of your car and the other person’s insurance carrier pays for that driver and occupants of that car, no matter who is at fault, hence the term “No Fault”. The maximum payable per person is $150,000 and the minimum that MUST be carried in New York State is $50,000 per person. One of the most over looked optional No Fault coverage available, is one that I highly recommend. This coverage is called Optional Basic Economic Loss, (O.B.E.L.). CORVETTES of BUFFALO Ron & Jodi Classic Car Insurance - USA pg 4 Ladies Day Outing Who: COB Ladies Where: White Linen Tea House 6610 Shawnee Rd Wheatfield, NY What: Full Afternoon Tea When: Thursday, July 15th @ Noon Why: Eat, Chat and SHOP! Antique Barn & Shopping On premises Call Sue Brownlee 639-4654 Or Mary Mangan 542-4950 For reservations Money to be collected at June’s COB meeting Or mail a check to Sue @ 814 Meadowbrook Dr. N. Tonawanda, NY 14120 no later than July 8th MENU Fresh garden salad Three tiered rack will be presented with: Top Tier Two different types of scones Served with Devonshire cream Second Tier: Five assorted Desserts Third Tier: Four assorted Tea Sandwiches (egg salad, chicken salad, white Albacore tuna, Cucumber w/cream cheese and dill) Along with fresh fruit Choice of favor (complimentary): Chocolate Tea Pot sucker or A packet of four different teas. CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 5 What did she say? Get off where? Aren’t you guys LISTENING!! UM ! This is good Saranac Lake Trip The Beginning! CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 6 Chevrolet Celebrates Le Mans Drivers and Race Cars of the Past and Present MONTEREY, Calif. - Chevrolet saluted the men and machines that laid the foundation for Corvette Racing's success in the 24 Hours of Le Mans with a special Corvette Legends of Le Mans program at the American Le Mans Series Monterey on May 21-22. The event brought together Corvette drivers and race cars of the past and present. Fans paid tribute to the pioneers of Corvette performance and gave a spirited send-off to the Corvette Racing team in its final U.S. race before the 24 Hours of Le Mans on June 12-13. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Corvette's first participation in the world's most prestigious sports car race. Chevrolet paid tribute to Dr. Dick Thompson, who co-drove Briggs Cunningham's No. 2 Corvette at Le Mans in 1960. Thompson was reunited with the restored white and blue Corvette that is now owned by Bruce Meyer. Dick Guldstrand appeared with the Dana Chevrolet Corvette that he co-drove with Bob Bondurant at Le Mans in 1967. The iconic red, white, and blue No. 9 Corvette was provided by current owner Harry Yeaggy. One of the star-spangled Greenwood Corvettes that went to Le Mans in 1973 was displayed courtesy of owner John Thompson. The first 2011 Corvette Z06 built (VIN 001) with special white and blue Le Mans graphics by GM Design completed the Corvette quartet Thompson and Guldstrand participated in a media reception on Friday, relating their experiences at Le Mans in the days when the Mulsanne Straight stretched for miles without chicanes and only two drivers shared a car. Two-time Le Mans winner Ron Fellows and current Corvette Racing drivers Oliver Gavin, Olivier Beretta, Johnny O'Connell, and Jan Magnussen contrasted their adventures at Le Mans with the modern Corvette C6.R race cars. On Saturday, fans lined up for autographs from Thompson and Guldstrand at the Corvette Legends of Le Mans display in the ALMS paddock. Corvette Racing ambassador Ron Fellows drove the 1960 Cunningham Corvette on the Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca circuit during a photo shoot. "I don't think I've ever had sustained goose bumps for so long," said Fellows, who scored Corvette Racing's first Le Mans class victory in 2001 with teammates Johnny O'Connell and Scott Pruett. "The first thing that struck me when I fired it up was a familiar sound - after 50 years, the cars look different, but there is still that awesome Chevy V-8 sound. I was surprised by how nice it was to drive - it starts and stops fine, and has good power. But high-speed cornering must have been interesting back then. The Kink at the end of the Mulsanne Straight must have been a real thrill for these guys back in 1960!" Johnny O'Connell drove the 1967 Guldstrand/Bondurant Stingray, and he was impressed. "You can't drive a car like that without realizing that what those guys did was amazing," said O'Connell, the only American driver to score four class wins at Le Mans. "That car is all beast, and the strength needed to turn that thing was incredible. It really made me appreciate those guys as race car drivers and athletes. That was state-ofthe-art technology in 1967, and driving a Corvette C6.R gives me an appreciation for how far Corvette has come over the years. Drivers back then were a different breed. I can't even imagine how difficult and challenging it was." Video interviews with the Corvette Legends of Le Mans can be viewed on the ALMS YouTube channel: Reprinted from the Corvette Racing Web site CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 7 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 8 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 9 COB S PONS ORS CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 10 CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 11 P. O. Box 161 West Seneca, NY 14224 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED CORVETTES of BUFFALO pg 12
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July 2010 Newsletter - Corvettes of Buffalo
Why: Eat, Chat and SHOP!
Antique Barn & Shopping
On premises
Call Sue Brownlee 639-4654
Or Mary Mangan 542-4950
For reservations
Money to be collected at June’s COB meeting
Or mail a check to Sue @...