Observer 2-21-07
Observer 2-21-07
The rota ry club of hadd on f i e l d - new jers ey - usa Observer LEAD THE WAY Club 5950-District 7640 meetings C h a rt e red May 21, 1927 P r e s i de n t’s Message : What goes around...comes around The Club meets at 12:15pm each Wednesday at the Tavistock Country Club. Visiting Rotarians and members’ guests are always welcome. The fee for lunch is $10. From time to time, Rotarians may wonder what happens to all the money we donate to The Rotary Foundation. We have a The Board of Directors meets at 7:00pm each second Tuesday at Archer & Greiner. Club members are always welcome. general understanding that much of it goes to international projects that help improve health, support education, and alleviate poverty. Certainly, everyone is aware of Rotary's Officers and Directors 2006-07 President leadership role in the massive effort to wipe out polio. David Hunter Vice President Vanessa Morenzi Secretary Dan Holben Treasurer Vince Russo Club Service Brad Skiles Community Service Ralph Ciallella International Service Norie Wisniewski But what many of us do not realize, perhaps, is that a significant portion of the money is returned to Rotary districts, to support district and club projects. The funding for Group Study Exchange teams and for Ambassadorial Scholarships, for example, comes from The Rotary Foundation. Jim Poliero Foundation money can flow from the district to the clubs, as well ... but only if the clubs apply Nick Nicolay for it. One of the goals for our Board of Directors this year was to learn how to apply for Jim McCormick matching grants, and Bill Lane, the Director responsible for Rotary Liaison, has been working Vocational Service Membership Fundraiser Liaison February 21, 2007 Rotary Liaison Bill Lane Immediate Past President Frank Carr Sergeant-at-Arms Bob Hubbard Rotary Club of Haddonfield Foundation A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization President Mark Ruggerio diligently to learn the ins and outs of submitting grant applications. Our interest paid unexpected dividends recently, when we became aware of the availability of $2,500 in matching money under the "District Simplified Grants" program. We submitted an application to the district in mid-January to support Project Stretch, an initiative that Mario Gebbia and David Zelley (president of the Haddon Heights club) have been working on to The Observer Editor Scott “Buzz” Miller Photographer Dan Holben Advertising David Hunter Administrator Vince Russo Rotary Club of Haddonfield p r ovide free dental services to children served by Fellowship House in Camden. Our application was successful, and we received the check this past weekend. Dental treatment will begin in March. So there's a very good reason to support Foundation fundraisers at the district level – the Phillies Strike Out Hunger baseball game, Rotary Night at the Phantoms (Friday, February P.O. Box 123, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 23), and March Madness (Friday, April 27 at the Mansion in Voorhees), for example. 856-795-7976 These events are manifestations of the essence of Rotary: doing good, and having fun doing it. FAX 856-427-0915 ~ The Observer LEAD THE r o ta ry c l u b o f h a dd o n f i e l d february 21, 2007 WAY PARLEZ VOUS ... ? ROTARY IN THE NEWS During a quick trip to France earlier this month, to visit his sister and brother-in-law, President David came up a countryside restaurant where the local Rotary club meets. He was not able to do a make-up, but he did learn how to recite Le Critère des Quatre Questions: On 9 February, the U.S. news program NBC Nightly News featured the efforts of Rotarian Fary Moini as part of the show’s “Making a Difference“ series. ”En regard de ce nous pensons, disons ou faisons: 1. Est-ce conforme à la vérité? 2. Est-ce loyal de part et d'autre? 3. Est-ce susceptible de stimuler la bonne volonté réciproque et de créer de meilleures relations amicales? 4. Est-ce profitable à tous les intéressés?” The report focuses on how Moini worked with her club, the Rotary Club of La Jolla Golden Triangle (San Diego), to construct a school equipped with a science lab, l i b ra r y, and computer room for 2,000 children in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Moini has led her club in a series of community service projects in the war-torn country. An Iranian-born U.S. citizen, Moini has traveled to the region six times, often as a Rotary Volunteer, with support from Rotary Foundation progra m s. Fary Moini (right) as a Rotary Volunteer in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. OPHTHALMOLOGISTS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FINANCING Tassini Eye Associates Guy Elzey III Ralph A Ciallella Wharton Mortgage Group LEAVE A LEGAC Y ! Please remember the Rotary Club of Haddonfield Foundation in your will. E.G. Elzey & Son A real estate brokerage offering expert personalized service. Call us when buying or selling your home. Residential real estate financing. Specializing in primary, 2nd homes, investment properties and refinancing programs for all credit profiles. Counseling available for a credit improvement. Your bequest will boost our endowment, and enable us to help worthy and talented students pursue their dreams. 101 Kings Highway West Haddonfield Haddonfield Call Ralph Ciallella Call Mark Ruggerio (856) 429-3737 (856) 429-8800 (856) 278-3689 (856) 428-9664 James Tassini, M.D. Christine Terrigno Clancey, O.D. Peter D. Bratton, Optician The Observer LEAD THE r o ta ry c l u b o f h a dd o n f i e l d ROTARY RECAP february 21, 2007 WAY by Susan Bultake • WE ARE WHAT WE DO: We’re always happy to see District Governor Al Taylor, but his official visit on February 7 was special. Governor Al spoke about raising money to build a school in Brazil, for which Rotary has sent nearly $250,000 in matching grants... to a local effort in which our own Club did its first matching grant for a program initiated by Mario Gebbia in which local suburban dentists are providing free dental care to children at Fellowship House in Camden – some of these children have never before seen a dentist. The program is being funded by $2,500 from Club funds, with a $2,500 match from the District. • OUR OWN FRANK CARR: has been tapped to serve as Assistant Governor. Congratulations to Frank! • GREETINGS FROM SUNNY FLORIDA: That’s what we hope we'll be hearing as snowbird Rotarians return from their Florida vacations – along with good stories (and a contribution) for Good Stuff. • PLAY BALL! Two tables of Haddonfield Little Leaguers were guests of our Club on January 17, as athletic director Lefty Banos and football coach Frank Delano spoke about Haddonfield’s sports programs. We heard about their vision for the athletic programs – to create champions both on and off the field – as well as the infamous “Burning of the Shoe” ceremony. LEAD THE WAY HOT TOPICS It’s time to sign up – with your spouse/significant other – to work the ROTARY SUPPER on Friday, March 16. Forms will be on tables on Wednesday. You can cook, host/usher, serve, or clean up. It’s also time to register your contribution for the ROTARY AUCTION on Friday, March 16. Forms will be on tables on Wednesday. You can contribute items, services, money, and advertise in the program. ON THE CALENDAR • Friday, February 23 – Rotary Night at the Phantoms. See Doug Sell for tickets. (If you can’t go yourself, consider giving a couple of tickets to friends or business associates.) • Wednesday, February 28 – "BE MY GUEST” OPPORTUNITY. Thomas G. Morr (President and CEO of Select Greater Philadelphia): “Greater Philadelphia Economic Development.” COMING UP IN MARCH • Wednesday, March 7 – Club Forum. Vocational Service Report: Career Day. Induction Ceremony. • Friday, March 9 – Hershey Fling (fundraiser for the District Conference) at Lucien’s Manor, Berlin. 7:00pm. • Tuesday, March 13 – Board Meeting at Archer & Greiner. 7:00pm. • Wednesday, March 14 – Louis Cappelli Jr, Camden County Freeholder Director. • Friday, March 16 – ROTARY SUPPER (The Oyster Supper Goes Irish!). 5:00pm at the Middle School. • Friday, March 16 – The GREAT ROTARY AUCTION.6:30pm at the Middle School. • Wednesday, March 21 – World Water Day. Lendel Jones (VP of External Affairs for NJ-American Water Company). • Wednesday, March 28 – Daniel Edwards (Director of Engineering for EMAS Division of Engineered Arresting Systems Inc.): "Aviation Advances." • Wednesday, March 28 – Rotary Leadership Institute. Radisson Mt. Laurel. (A must for new members!) • Saturday, March 31 – Rotary Circle Day. 9:00am. Sign up with Doug Rauschenberger. ACCOUNTING HEATING OIL REAL ESTATE FUNERAL SERV I C E S Vincent P. Russo Olt Brothers, Inc. Markeim-Chalmers Kain-Murphy Funeral Services for all your commercial real estate needs: buying, selling, leasing, relocating, lease analysis, appraisals. Servicing all faiths. Pre-need arrangements and financing. Traditional and contemporary services. 7745 Maple Avenue Pennsauken Need an office? Call us! 15 Mechanic Street Haddonfield Arnold Olt Joe Riggs Eugene Kain, Owner/Mgr. NJ Lic #3258 Blair Murphy - NJ Lic # 2528 (856) 795-7976 (856) 662-4400 (856) 354-9700 Individual, partnership and corporate accounting and tax returns. Computerized payroll. Heating oil. Oil burner sales and services. (856) 429-0249, 429-1945 The Observer LEAD THE r o ta ry c l u b o f h a dd o n f i e l d february 21, 2007 WAY FIRESIDE CHAT Butterflies taste with their feet. A duck’s quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined. On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. It’s possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. It’s physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. No word in the English language rhymes with ”MONTH.” Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. SCARY!!! The electric chair was invented by a dentist. All polar bears are left-handed. In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. “Go,“ is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day. Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow. You tried to lick your elbow, didn't you? Five new members attended the fireside chat last week at Vanessa and Mark Ruggerio’s home. Jackie Hershberger had to leave a little early, so missed out on getting in the picture. The other attendees were in the attached photo: (seated l-r) Jeff Tucker, Tom Quackenbush, (standing l-r) Mimi Sullivan and Amy Johnson. The hosts were Vanessa Morenzi (Vice President) and Mark Ruggerio (President of the Rotary Club of Haddonfield Foundation). Others present were Nick Nicolay (Director of Membership), Gene Ferry (Club Trainer), Frank Carr (Immediate Past President), Ralph Ciallella (Director of Community Service) and Dan Holben (Secretary). ARCHITECTS/BUILDERS CAT E G O RY INSURANCE CLAIMS REAL ESTATE John Forster, Jr., AIA Your Notice Here Don C. Taylor Associates G.W. “Scotty” Tatem From concept to completion. Project feasibility, remoldeling, additions, historic projects. The Club maintains a waiting list of members who wish to be listed by category in this format. Providing insurance claim services since 1970. $95 gets you 12 printed issues and e-mails. PO Box 1936 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (800) 428-8190 Haddonfield Call David Hunter Don Taylor (856) 429-9289 (856) 428-3399 (856) 616-2828 Quality workmanship since 1960. Initial consultation free. Your residential real estate specialist at Prudential Fox & Roach Realtors. Call for a complimentary market analysis. Scotty Tatem (856) 429-0480 voicemail: 795-2347 x 209