pressing ahead - Dow Jones News Fund
pressing ahead - Dow Jones News Fund
PRESSING AHEAD 2011 Annual Report On the cover: Top left, high school journalists talk with a police officer about violent crime at the Indianapolis Association of Black Journalists Multimedia Journalism Workshop for High School Students. IABJ Photo Top right, Temple University editing interns catch their breath after the traditional “Rocky” climb up the Art Museum steps in Philadelphia on their last night in the city. Temple University Photo Bottom right, newly installed board member Pamela Fisher, vice president for diversity at News Corporation, poses with Don Carter, board member emeritus and first executive director of the Fund. DJNF Photo Bottom left, interns in the news editing residency at the University of Texas at Austin at work. Bradley Wilson Photo Table of Contents 2011 Annual Report Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. From the President From the Executive Director 2011 Financial Reports 2 3 4 Programs College Programs Multimedia Seminars for Professors Student Internships High School Programs Summer High School Journalism Workshops National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year 6 7 11 17 Publications 19 Board of Directors and Officers 20 Guidelines 21 The Dow Jones News Fund is a nonprofit foundation established in 1958 and supported by the Dow Jones Foundation and media companies. Its purpose is to promote careers in print and digital journalism. The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. P.O. Box 300 Princeton NJ 08543-0300 609.452.2820 FAX: 609.520.5804 Website: Email: © 2012 Copyright Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. number of jobs fell by 2.4% to 40,600 in 2011; that is 13,500, or 33.3%, fewer editorial positions than existed in 2005, the year before print advertising began to plummet. From the President Richard J. Levine The Reality of Present Challenges T he link between the health of the news business, especially newspapers, and the health of the Dow Jones News Fund became starkly clearer in 2011, the sixth year of the newspaper industry’s cyclical and secular downturn. The Pew Research Center’s most recent annual report on “The State of the News Media” concluded that the newspaper industry began 2012 “neither dying nor assured of a stable future.” The industry “rallied around a story…that year-by-year it is developing new digital products and new revenue streams,” Pew said. However, it stressed that print advertising declined for the sixth consecutive year in 2011 and the loss of that revenue was greater than the increase in digital advertising revenue by a ratio of 10 to 1, worse than in the 2010. “Even if the newspaper industry can find a sustainable model online, moreover, those ratios mean newsrooms will be much smaller than they were a decade ago.” The unsettling Pew report was followed by the American Society of News Editors’ survey of newsrooms at daily newspapers that found the 2 The most worrisome aspect of these developments is the impact on the effectiveness of the nation’s newsrooms. More provincially, I am concerned about newspapers’ willingness and ability to continue to provide paid summer internships that are at the heart of the Dow Jones News Fund’s flagship college programs. These internships are designed to encourage students to consider careers in journalism and help ensure the next generation of professional reporters and editors. As readers of these annual reports are aware, the News Fund has not escaped unscathed. In the summer of 2006, we offered 112 internships. In summer 2011 we were able to provide 85, the same number as the previous year—no small achievement in the current environment. Over the past six tumultuous years, News Fund internship programs have held up better than overall newsroom employment. They have benefitted from the stable financial and professional support of Dow Jones and its parent, News Corporation, Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. and from the response of the Fund’s management. We have reduced our training fees, strengthened our workshops and pursued internships more aggressively than in the past, frequently targeting new commercial and nonprofit digital publishers. And there is more to be done. Personally, I remain encouraged by the firstrate journalism still being produced at many financially-strapped papers and by the enthusiasm and confidence of young journalists just starting their careers. I also remain optimistic that new, innovative business models capable of supporting quality journalism, and indirectly the News Fund’s programs, will emerge from the current efforts of talented executives, editors and technologists across the country. But in 2011, as newspapers continued to struggle, attaining this goal became more urgent. ttt From the Executive Director Rich Holden DJNF Programs Assist Large Spectrum of Journalists M eet Aaron Manfull, a.k.a. the “big mooch,” which we’ll explain in detail later. Who is Mr. Manfull? He is the Dow Jones News Fund’s 2011 High School Journalism Teacher of the Year, the latest in a line of 53 great teachers who have received the award that stretches back to 1960 and Dr. William Nolan of Harry Ellis High School in Richmond, Calif. Mr. Manfull, who teaches at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Mo., is also among the nearly 500 high school teachers, college professors, high school and college students who, in 2011, benefited from Dow Jones News Fund grants at programs stretching from New York to California, and Florida to Minnesota. Now, about the “big mooch.” As part of the duties of our Teacher of the Year, Mr. Manfull gave his acceptance speech at the annual fall conference of the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association in Minneapolis last November. 2011 Annual Report In his speech, he paid tribute to his “mooching” ability, saying “My best friend when I was teaching back in Iowa gave me a special movie when I left. I thought he was just trying to be funny—but looking at things now, he was deadon. Let me illustrate this conclusion I’ve come to with a few things I like to call MoochPoints.”, the hyperlocal websites that are a subsidiary of AOL Inc., joined our multimedia intern program for the first time, sending four interns for training at Western Kentucky University. Western Kentucky also was the site of our multimedia training program for professors from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This, combined with a similar program at the University of Texas El Paso for professors at institutions with large Hispanic student populations, gave some 30 professors the opportunity to learn new digital skills and bring them back to their campuses for the students. And from MoochPoints evolved a project that Mr. Manfull created called The Next 26. The website,, contains 26 tips for advisers to share with their colleagues, among many other features. It’s no wonder that among Mr. Manfull’s many accomplishments he is serving as the chair of the JEA digital media committee. Among other developments in 2011, we were delighted to add to our board of directors Pam Fisher, the vice president of corporate diversity at our parent, News Corporation. Ms. Fisher brings a wealth of knowledge in areas to which the News Fund has been committed for more than half a century. In addition to the News Fund’s Teacher of the Year program, we also were proud to provide funding of $167,000 to 27 summer high school journalism workshops around the country. Our support has become even more critical to many of these programs as news organizations have cut back on “unnecessary” expenses, such as training programs for staff and funding of high school and college programs. And a special thanks to the Dow Jones Foundation, which has provided the bulk of our funding since our inception in 1958. For 2011, the Dow Jones Foundation increased our yearly grant by $40,000, to $390,000. Because of the foundation’s generosity, we were able to continue our multimedia training programs for college professors and provide more funding to our high school workshops. ttt On the college front, the News Fund last year provided 85 internships to college students around the country. We were particularly delighted that Pressing Ahead 3 The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Statements of Support, Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - Cash Basis for the Year ended December 31, 2011 Revenue Sources SUPPORT AND OTHER REVENUE Contributions: Dow Jones Foundation, Inc. Intern Training Grants Total Contributions Other Revenue: Book Royalties Publication Sponsorships Other Total Other Revenue Total Support and Other Revenue FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Program Services: High School Teacher Programs High School Student Programs College Student Programs Career Information Program Total Program Services Supporting Services: General Administrative Expenses Total Functional Expenses Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets 390,000 49,800 439,800 4,477 6,050 227 10,754 450,554 14,499 160,500 252,742 15,893 443,634 33,466 477,100 (26,546) 48,943 Unrestricted Net Assets - Beginning of Year Unrestricted Net Assets - End of Year 4 $ 22,397 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. n Dow Jones Foundation n Book Royalties n Intern Training Grants n Publication Sponsorships Program Expenses n High School Teacher Programs n College Student Programs n High School Student Programs n Career Information Program n General Administrative Expenses The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Statements of Functional Expenses - Cash Basis for the Year ended December 31, 2011 Program Services High School Teacher Programs: Teacher Awards Student Scholarships Teacher Awards Operating Costs Total High School Teacher Programs Expenses High School Student Programs: Journalism Workshops Workshops Writing Competition Scholarships Total High School Student Programs Expenses Career Information Programs: High Schools Newsletter Costs 2011 Annual Report Pressing Ahead 34,000 178,066 5,741 23,500 11,435 252,742 15,893 Supporting Services General and Administrative Expenses Travel, Meetings and Conference Expenses Audit Fee Publication and Printing Costs Consulting Promotion and Sponsorship Dues and Filing Fees Postage Miscellaneous Total General and Administrative Expenses Total Functional Expenses 11,999 14,499 154,500 6,000 160,500 College Student Programs: Intern Scholarships Editing Intern Training and Travel Costs Business Reporting Training Center Costs HBCU Training Program Costs Intern Programs Operating Costs Total College Student Programs Expenses 2,500 $ 11,510 6,925 2,506 634 2,914 658 8,124 195 33,466 477,100 5 College Programs As News Media Landscape Shifts, DJNF Helps Educators Keep Pace T he Fund recognizes college educators need training to equip students for challenges and changes in the media, especially in the area of digital media skills. The Fund offered seminars at the University of Texas El Paso and Western Kentucky University for a week. The results were several projects by the professors that challenged them to use social media, video and audio to enhance their reports. Multimedia Academy at University of Texas El Paso Professor Zita Arocha, director Staff Doug Mitchell, Monica Ortiz Uribe, Kate Gannon and Lourdes Cueva Chacon Participants Bruce Berman, New Mexico State University Azenett Cornejo, University of Texas at Brownsville Beth Bringham Georges, California State at Fullerton Heloiza G. Herscovitz, California State at Long Beach Macarena Hernandez, University of Houston-Victoria Sabiha Kahn, University of Texas El Paso Lilliam Martinez-Bustos, Florida International University Christine McKenna, Lehman College, City University of New York James Smart, California State University, San Bernadino Susie Cantu, University of Texas at Brownsville Gary Metzker, California State University at Long Beach Multimedia Academy at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green Dr. Pam Johnson, director Staff David Adams-Smith, Ron DeMarse, Clinton Lewis, Jerry Englehart, Chris Houchens, Linda Johnson and Kara Williams Participants Dr. Letrell Crittenden, Lincoln University Bonnie Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University Skye Dent, MFA, Fayetteville State University Kevin Dilley, Fayetteville State University Coke Ellington, Alabama State University Dr. Yanela Gordon, Florida A&M University Dr. Vera Hawkins, Texas Southern University Dr. Herman Howard, Johnson C. Smith University Dr. Cathy Jackson, Norfolk State University Dr. Joy McDonald, Hampton University Dr. Ladonia Randle, Texas Southern University Andrew Skerritt, Florida A&M University Dr. James Stephens, Tennessee State University Harambee Taymullah, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Dhyana Ziegler, Florida A&M University Projects Projects 6 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Signature Internship Programs Plant Flourishing Careers T raining for college students has long been the norm at the Fund, preparing interns to work effectively and competitively in demanding newsrooms nationwide. Eighty-five interns worked as business reporters, sports, news or multimedia editors for more than 50 news organizations in summer 2011. They were trained at seven residency sites, including six Centers for Editing Excellence and one business reporting trianing program. Interns at the University of Texas Austin, using live wire and local copy, published three broadsheet newspapers printed by the Austin AmericanStatesman, which also opened its newsroom. See their work here: Dr. Pam Johnson led digital media interns to create projects in teams using social media like Twitter, Facebook and blogs to engage readers and widen discussion. Students were divided into teams to produce their projects, the commonly accepted mode of operation in many newsrooms. See their work here: lifeafterwku/ bgenergy/ techdemand neighborhoodwatch/ 2011 Annual Report Tragically, DJNF lost two students who died shortly after their internships ended. Quin Loendorf, a sports copy editing intern at The Denver Post, died in a car accident Aug. 26 in Montana. The University of Montana senior left a lasting impression on the newspaper’s staff. Deborah Pearsall, an editing intern at the St. Petersburg Times and a senior at Lehigh University, suffered two pulmonary embolisms and died in January 2012. She was remembered for her inquisitiveness, superior skills and collaborative spirit. Business reporting interns learned how to read an SEC report, and how to write the all-important earnings story. They worked for assorted news organizations from newspapers to newswires to websites. Michelle La Roche, training editor for Dow Jones newswires, directed the instruction. Sports copy editing interns learned the fine points of dynamic design for tabloids and broadsheets where the latest scores and clever headlines boost newsstand sales. Dr. Charlyne Berens directed. News editing interns received strong doses of current events, online research techniques and good, old-fashioned stylebook memorization. The Temple University group had to identify photographs of historical figures, politicians and celebrities, completing blank maps of the regions of the world and editing stories for tone, style and substance. ttt Pressing Ahead Barnard Graduate Is 2011 Trayes Scholar M aggie Astor, a reporter for the International Business Times in New York, was chosen as the 2011 Edward Trayes Scholar. She was the eighth news editing intern chosen for the honor, which comes with a $1,000 scholarship provided by Terrence O’Toole of the O’Toole Family Foundation, Short Hills, N.J. The foundation committed to funding the scholarship for 10 years. Ms. Astor, a summer intern at The New York Times, was chosen and trained by Dr. Edward Trayes at Temple University in Philadelphia. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with concentrations in American and Comparative Politics from Barnard College, the women’s college of Columbia University. On the New York Times Metro desk, she copy edited articles on New York City and the region including the scandal involving Congressman Anthony Weiner and New York’s passage of the gay marriage act. 7 Business Reporting Internship Program Dow Jones & Company, New York Michelle La Roche, director Sara Sjølin New York University Richard Autry Bowling Green State University The Wall Street Journal, New York Wesley R. Lowery Ohio University The Wall Street Journal Saabira Chaudhuri New York University alumna The Wall Street Journal, New York Mae Fairfield Muhlenberg College Advertising Specialty Institute, Trevose, Pa. Austin E. Kurth University of Texas at Austin Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass. David P. Ferry University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism The Wall Street Journal Georgia Wells Stanford University Johanna Harmony Somers Missouri School of Journalism Naples (Fla.) Daily News Justin Hilley University of Kansas The Denver Post Lisa Marie Stryjewski Rice University Barron’s Nathalie Tadena Northwestern University Dow Jones Newswires Dawn Lim New York University 8 Ashley Reid North Carolina A&T State University Advertising Specialty Institute, Trevose, Pa. Shalini Ramachandran Emory University The Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Business reporting interns gather in front of Dow Jones & Company offices on Avenue of the Americas in New York City Chaz Repak Photo News Editing Internship Programs Centers for Editing Excellence Jack Nicas Boston University The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Missouri School of Journalism Brian Brooks, director Alexandra Wexler Stanford University The Wall Street Journal, Hong Kong Amy Carolyn Barnette University of Memphis St. Paul Pioneer Press Tania Chen Northwestern University Dow Jones Newswires Andrew Curtis Jenkins Missouri School of Journalism The Kansas City Star Sisi Wei Northwestern University Dow Jones Newswires Dana Anne Meredith University of Kansas The Kansas City Star Aatekah Mir Daniel Pearl Fellow and senior sub-editor Express Tribune, Lahore, Pakistan The Wall Street Journal, New York Erin Ivie University of Utah Bay Area News Group-East Bay Jessica Marie Stephens Missouri School of Journalism St. Paul Pioneer Press Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Kristina Vragovic Indiana University Minneapolis Star-Tribune Gabriella LaVerghetta University of Maryland Media General Inc. Kenneth Michael Contrata University of Arizona The Denver Post Pooja Kansal Indiana University Los Angeles Times Justin Tyler Sanak University of Central Florida Cape Cod Times Leslie Ann Hansen University of Texas at Austin Beaumont Enterprise Renee Ruth Selanders University of Oklahoma Indianapolis Star Laurie Stern Penn State University The Journal News/Gannett Co. Margaux Marie Henquinet Missouri School of Journalism The Tribune, San Luis Obispo Shaina Ruth Cavazos Missouri School of Journalism The Daily Journal, Kankakee, Ill. Sarah Elizabeth Rankin University of North Carolina Media General Inc. Nicole M. Hill University of Oklahoma Austin American-Statesman Stephen Michael Krause Wayne State University Detroit News Zachary Thomas Aldrich University of Missouri Naples Daily News Nora Marie Simon University of Oregon Oregonian Publishing Penn State University John Dillon, director School of Journalism, The University of Texas at Austin Griff Singer, director Temple University Dr. Edward Trayes, director Arielle Retting Penn State University The Viriginan-Pilot Kelly Belton Louisiana Tech The El Paso Times Caitlin Elizabeth O’Conner University of Florida The Wall Street Journal Caitlin Anne Sellers Penn State University The Roanoke Times Geoffrey DeCanio The University of Texas at Austin Center for Investigative Reporting (CaliforniaWatch) Caryn A. Wilson Florida A&M University The New York Times Chelsy Lynn Tracz University of Central Florida The Palm Beach Post Carol Grace Fan University of California, Los Angeles San Francisco Chronicle Christine Elise DiGangi DePauw University New York Times Regional Editing Center Deborah Anne Pearsall Lehigh University St. Petersburg Times Celia Anne Darrough University of Oregon The Record, San Joaquin Local Emilee Lindner St. Bonaventure University Dow Jones Newswires Edgar Ramirez Penn State University Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Chris Lusk University of Oklahloma The Dallas Morning News Jonah Clark Comstock Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Newsday Erin Fischesser Miami University Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette Katie Goodwin University of Nevada Reno San Francisco Chronicle Jordan R. Gamble University of Notre Dame The New York Times 2011 Annual Report Pressing Ahead 9 Maggie Astor Barnard College The New York Times Quin Loendorf University of Montana The Denver Post Samuel A. Weigley DePauw University The Wall Street Journal Ryan Winn Indiana University Chicago Tribune Wesley R. DuPlantier University of Missouri Dow Jones/ Multimedia Editing Program Western Kentucky University Dr. Pam Johnson, director Kirk Greenwood Lehigh University The Hartford Courant Michelle Dendy University of Central Florida The Palm Beach Post Sports Editing Program University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dr. Charlyne Berens, director Grace Muller Penn State University AccuWeather, State College, Pa. Alex Iniguez University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Pittsburgh Post Gazette William Smith University of West Florida The Denver Post Davis Harper University of North Carolina The Palm Beach Post Stefania Ferro University of Florida Indianapolis Star La Toya Tooles Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Center for Investigative Reporting, ( Jennifer Margaret Romeo Virginia Polytechnic University Times Herald-Record, Middletown, N.Y. Andrew Faust High Point University Scripps Networks Alyssa Brumback Ball State University, Chicago metro area Jessica Christine Gillespie University of Central Florida The Journal News/Gannett Co. Mary Kenkel University of St. Thomas Andrew Krietz Michigan State University, Boston area Joel Petterson University of Kansas The New York Times Shane Hall University of Texas Austin Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass. David Uberti Northwestern University, Detroit area Matthew Draper CUNY Graduate School of Journalism New York Post Jarod Phillips Texas State University International Center for Journalists, Washington, D.C. Jannon Barrow University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism, Berkeley area Matthew Joseph Pentz Ohio University Hartford Courant Derrick Haynes Howard University 10 Andrew Krietz, assigned to, waits to get a shot at Western Kentucky University’s multimedia residency. Clinton Lewis Photo Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. High School Programs Summer Journalism Workshops Tackle Challenging Themes S ummer high school workshops have brought students from diverse backgrounds to college campuses to learn the skills of writers, reporters and editors since 1968. In 2011, 455 students attended 27 workshops around the country. Workshop participants, guided by college professors, media advisers and professional journalists, investigated sophisticated topics. Introduce emerging technologies as a subject, add social media, apps and mobile devices as reporting tools and the result is different kinds of media and messages. One of the benefits of the program is the chance to compete nationally for $1,000 scholarships. Eight students were cited for their work in 2011. They will receive their checks in 2012. The Peace Sullivan/James Ansin workshop at the University of Miami produced a report called The Status as well as the newspaper the Miami Montage. It dealt with good, bad and ugly aspects of social media. Cosette Perez, a student at Miami Lakes Educational Center and Kayla Lokeinsky of Cooper City High School, won scholarships for their reports. Cosette created a multimedia package on gory images on the web and produced a video call “Bloody Voyeurism.” Kayla reported on a website 2011 Annual Report that sells fake resumes and credentials to job seekers. When a tornado ripped through Alabama, workshop director Meredith Cummings was among the homeless. She led a workshop devoted to covering the recovery. Ymani Wince of McCluer High School in Florissant, Mo., won for her reporting on the importance of trees to those rebuilding after the storm. Anthony Cave of Miami, who created the workshop website and online presence, won a multimedia scholarship. Other scholarship winners are: Sophie Ho, Mountain View (Calif.) High School, The Mosaic High School Urban Journalism Workshop, San Jose; Corina Gallardo, The Chronicle, Journalism Diversity Workshop for Arizona High School Students, University High School, Tucson; Brianna Hernandez, University of Texas at El Paso, Canutillo High School, El Paso; and Brian Nguyen, The Mosaic High School Urban Journalism Workshop, a freshman at the University of California Davis. Scholarship winners from the 2010 workshop competitions received $1,000 checks in 2011. They are: Miranda Sanchez, Oklahoma Institute for Journalism Diversity, W.E. Boswell High School, Forth Worth, Texas; Jaime Real, Mosaic High School Urban Journalism Workshop, Eastside College Prep High School, East Palo Alto, Calif.; Genaro Cruz Martinez, University of Texas at El Paso, Preparatoria Chamizal, Juarez, Mexico; Pressing Ahead Top, Missouri Ashley Stevenson, workshop website University of Arizona, commemorates the Primavera Online High 10th anniversary of School; Beatrice Esteban, September 11. Below, the University of Bay Area Multicultural Miami workshop Media Academy, James examined social Logan High School, Union media’s impact, City, Calif., Roberto especially on youth. Portal, University of Miami, Miami Killian Senior High School; Alan Sadler, University of Missouri, Suncoast Community High School, Rivero Beach, Fla., and Jonathan Stoltenberg, University of Miami, Felix Varela High School. 11 2011 High School Journalism Workshops ALABAMA Multicultural Journalism Workshop University of Alabama Director: Meredith Cummings Tuscaloosa Dates: June 17 - 26 Participants: 17 Co-Sponsors: Mobile Press-Register Alabama Press Association Mercedes CCBP College of Communication/Endowment The Tuscaloosa News ARIZONA Journliasm Diversity Workshop for Arizona High School Students University of Arizona Director: Lisa Button Tucson Dates: June 3 - 12 Participants: 14 Co-Sponsors: Wick Communicaitons UA Student Affairs Concerned Media Professionals Hopi Education Endowment Fund AEJMC High School Workshop Gifts from workshop parents CALIFORNIA East Palo Alto Summer Journalism Institute Director: Paul Kandell Boys and Girls Club of East Palo Alto East Palo Alto Dates: June 20 - July 28 Website: 12 Participants: 13 Co-Sponsors: Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula EPA Today Midpeninsula Media Center Yellow Chair Foundation Mosaic High School Journalism Workshop – San Jose San Jose State University Director: Joe Rodriguez San Jose Dates: June 12 – 24 Participants: 16 Co-Sponsors: Castellano Family Foundation San Jose Mercury News San Jose State University journalism department Monterey Herald Latino Journalists of California-CCNMA Miscellaneous small donations Multicultural Journalism Workshop – CCNMA/San Diego Point Loma Nazarene University Director: Leonel Sanchez San Diego Dates: June 19 - 29 Participants: 18 Co-Sponsors: Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego Society of Professional Journalists San Diego Union Tribune Library Latino Journalists of California-CCNMA FLORIDA Peace Sullivan/James Ansin High School Workshop University of Miami/School of Communication Director: Rafael Lima Coral Gables Dates: July 10 - 30 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Participants: 21 Co-Sponsors: Peace Sullivan and Ansin Family Foundation University of Miami/School of Communication IDAHO University of Idaho School of Journalism and Mass Media Director: Rebecca Tallent Moscow Dates: June 17 - 26 Participants: 12 Co-Sponsors: University of Idaho College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences Hagadone Communications of Coeur d’Alene Newspaper Association of Idaho Native American Journalists Association ILLINOIS Back at You: Teen Reflections Columbia College Chicago Director: Brenda Butler Columbia College of Chicago Chicago Dates: July 6 – Aug. 4 Participants: 18 Co-Sponsors: McCormick Foundation Columbia College Illinois Press Foundation/Eastern Illinois University High School Journalism Workshop Eastern Illinois University Director: Sally Renaud Charleston Dates: June 19 - July 2 Participants: 18 Co-Sponsors: McCormick Foundation Illinois Press Foundation EIU Student Publications Canon USA INDIANA IABJ High School Multimedia Workshop @Butler University Director: DeShong Perry Co-director: Leisa Richardson Indianapolis Dates: June 19 – 26 Participants: 20 Co-Sponsors: Eugene S. Pulliam School of Journalism, Butler Univeresity IABJ members FOX 59 (Fox) WRTV (ABC) WISH-TV (CBS) WTHR-TV (NBC) Indianapolis Business Journal Indianapolis Recorder Indianapolis Star KENTUCKY Xposure Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green Director: Robert R. Adams Bowling Green Dates: June 6 - 16 Participants: 13 Co-Sponsors: WKU PIE grant Courier-Journal Landmark Newspapers Daily News, Bowling Green St. Louis Post-Dispatch Evansville Courier School of Journalism WKU student publications 2011 Annual Report MASSACHUSETTS New England HS Journalism Collaborative Regis College/UMass Boston Director(s): Maureen Iaricci and Carole Remick Weston Dates: June 23 – 30 Participants: 19 Co-Sponsors: Private donors MICHIGAN Journalism Institute for Media Diversity Dow Jones High School Workshop Wayne State University Director: Alicia Monique Nails Detroit Dates: June 20 - 25 Participants: 18 Co-Sponsors: Detroit Free Press Detroit News Wayne State University/Institute for Media Diversity AAJA JCamp Michigan State University Director: Neal Justin East Lansing Dates: August 5 - 10 Participants: 40 Co-Sponsors: Annie E. Casey Foundation Michigan State University CNN Compuware Pressing Ahead Dow Jones Foundation Bloomberg Gannett News Corporation Hyundai Individual donors Associated Press Travel Tech Lansing State Journal MINNESOTA Threesixty Journalism Intermediate Journalism Camp University of St. Thomas Director: Lynda McDonnell Threesixty Journalism St. Paul Dates: June 13 - 25 Participants: 15 Co-Sponsors: University of St. Thomas St. Paul Pioneer Press 13 Individual donors Star Tribune Minnesota Public Radio MISSISSIPPI Southern Mississippi High School Journalism Workshop University of Southern Mississippi Director: Dr. Kim LeDuff Dr. Christopher Campbell, co-director Hattiesburg Dates: June 12 - 17 Participants: 17 Co-Sponsors: Mississippi Press Association Hattiesburg American Clarion-Ledger Sun-Herald MISSOURI Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop University of Missouri Director: Anna Romero School of Journalism Columbia Dates: July 9 - 17 Participants: 19 Co-Sponsors: Associated Press Missouri School of Journalism Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Missouri Press Foundation St. Louis Post-Dispatch Kansas City Star Radio & TV News Faculty, Missouri School of Journalism Oklahoma State University WCBS 880, New York Russ Mitchell, CBS News Anchor Missouri Journalism Library 14 KOMU-TV8 Victoria (Texas) Advocate Center on Religion & the Professions The Columbia Missourian Columbia Daily Tribune MU Financial Aid and Admissions offices Philadelphia Inquirer The Washington Post Society of Professional Journalists - MU Chapter National Association of Hispanic Journalists - MU Chapter NEW JERSEY Princeton University Summer Journalism Program Director: Rich Tucker Princeton Dates: July 29 - Aug. 8 Participants: 21 Co-Sponsors: Mai Family Foundation Flannery-Reilly Family Peter Seldin Princeton University NEW YORK Robert Greene Urban Journalism Workshop Director: Zachary Dowdy SUNY - Stony Brook Stony Brook Dates: July 24 - 30 Participants: 16 Co-Sponsors: Newsday SUNY- Stony Brook J.P. Morgan Chase New York Community Bank OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Institute for Diversity in Journalism University of Oklahoma Director: Ramon Chavez Norman Dates: June 6 - 17 Participants: 22 Co-Sponsors: Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation The Norman Transcript The Oklahoman PENNSYLVANIA Temple University Director: Maida Odom Philadelphia Dates: July 11 – Aug. 5 TUHSPress2011-compressed.pdf Participants: 15 Co-Sponsors: Philadelphia Youth Network Work/Ready Program Temple University School District of Philadelphia Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. NABJ High School Journalism Lab 2011 Philadelphia Convention Director: Irving Washington Dates: Aug. 3 - 6 Participants: 15 Co-Sponsors: News Corporation YouSA Urban Journalism workshop San Antonio College Director: Irene Abrego Department of Journalism San Antonio Dates: June 12 - 23 Participants: 8 Co-Sponsors: Texas State University San Antonio College San Antonio Express-News San Antonio Press Inc. TEXAS Journalism in July 2011 University of Texas El Paso Director: Zita M Arocha El Paso Dates: July 10 - 19 Participants: 14 Co-Sponsors: Hervey Foundation El Paso Community Foundation Borderzine El Paso Electric Company University of Texas El Paso VIRGINIA Virginia Urban Journalism Virginia Commonwealth University Director: Mary Ann Owens School of Mass Communications Richmond Dates: July 11 - 22 Participants: 12 Co-Sponsors: Media General Landmark Communication Virginia Press Association Texas Christian University High School Journalism Workshop School of Journalism Director: Daxton Stewart Fort Worth Dates: June 13 - 23 Participants: 14 Co-Sponsors: Texas Christian University Fort Worth Star-Telegram TCU Office of Inclusiveness WISCONSIN Marquette Urban Journalism Workshop Marquette University Director: Sheena Carey Milwaukee Dates: June 19 - July 1 Participants: 20 Co-Sponsors: Journal Communications Department of Public Instruction Philadelphia Daily News Maida Odom National Association of Black Journalists 2011 Annual Report Pressing Ahead Diversity Workshop Founder Introduced Hundreds to Media arole Remick promised something terrific for the 25th anniversary of the summer high school journalism workshop in Boston in 2012. The ever-enthusiastic founder, who kept the program going by force of will, died Oct. 18, 2011, at 78. C Mrs. Remick rejuvenated the program in 1988 at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and eventually moved it to Regis College where it was known as the New England High School Journalism Collaborative. She was a staunch advocate for media diversity, equal opportunity for students of color, for immigrant children and for the economically disadvantaged. The workshop was a joint project of several New England media and individual journalists, many of them workshop alumni. Milton Valencia, a Globe reporter, NEHSJC board member and 1996 workshop alumnus, said, “The program served its purpose and I am where I am today Portrait of Carole Remick because of the 25th anniversary cake people I met and because of Carole.” and 15 National Teacher Awards As I was preparing for today, I learned something about myself. I’m just a big mooch. Seriously. For years people have joked about my mooching ability. My best friend when I was teaching back in Iowa gave me a special movie when I left. I thought he was just trying to be funny — but looking at things now, he was dead-on. Let me illustrate this conclusion I’ve come to with a few things I like to call MoochPoints. Innovative Mooch Spends Year Representing Scholastic Journalism S ince 1960, the Fund has selected an exceptional high school media teacher to represent the profession at conferences and to receive special accolades and additional resources. The 2011 Teacher of the Year was Aaron Manfull of Francis Howell North High School, St. Charles, Mo. He advises the award-winning newsmagazine North Star,, yearbook, broadcast and the Quill and Scroll Honor Society chapter. He is the digital media committee chair for the Journalism Education Association and webmaster of Here’s an excerpt and a link to the presentation at the National High School Journalism convention in November 2011. Weblink: I do have a point today. This isn’t going to just all be about me – if you know me you know that is about the last thing I want to come up and talk about, but in order to tie it all together, I need to start back at the beginning. Now, I’m not going to be able to give a shoutout to everyone who has helped me along the way. There are too many of you. Just know that if you and I have crossed paths, like a good pickpocket, I’ve taken something from you, and I’m more appreciative than you know. 16 I was a mooch way back in high school. I guess I had a leg up on others growing up in Iowa going through scholastic journalism. In high school, names like Dick Johns, Gary Lindsay, Jack Kennedy, Ann Visser, Vanessa Shelton and Merle Dielman were household names … literally. My mother, to whom I credit the incredible foundation that was laid for me, was (and still is) a great journalism adviser from Washington, Iowa. She advised yearbook and newspaper for 21 years and was the person who made me understand what a great job and life this could be. From her I’ve mooched everything from how to write good interview questions to tips on effectively balancing work and family. My MoochPoints from her alone could keep us here through Tuesday. Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. I actually come from a family of journalists. My sister was a professional covering everything from Hawkeye football for the Des Moines Register to the Texans for the Houston Chronicle. She is in her third year of advising high school journalism down in Houston. She’s an amazing writer, and I’ve taken numerous stories she’s written and used them in my classroom to teach students what a good story should look like. My dad, while not a journalist or journalism adviser, plays an equally important role in the media ecosystem — he reads the newspaper — and heaven knows we all need as many readers as we can get. While my dad may not be in the actual news business, per se, I’ve watched him closely through the years. I’ve seen how hard he works at his job to be good at it and how he helps those around him. I could never be the businessman he is, I didn’t get that gene, but I take what makes him successful and apply it to my life daily. When I got married, it was only natural I gravitated to someone in the journalism field as well. Kate, my wife, my coadviser, my best friend – the list could go on – is herself a graphic designer and marketing specialist. If you’re going to do this job and have a family, you need someone who is a willing, supportive partner. I can’t imagine a better one than Kate. She’s the one who has really pushed me to take that solid foundation I had and take it to the next level. She is someone who is committed not only to see me succeed, but my students as well. I would not be here today without the support or the lessons I’ve taken from these four. They aren’t the only ones I’ve borrowed liberally from though. I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with Beth Phillips for the last few years. As assistant adviser at North, she’s helped the program expand and gives the staffs another option to bounce ideas off. From Beth, I mostly Mooch her time, and she’s my daily sounding board as I constantly work to tweak things in the room to make it run better. My principal is even here today. Yah, she’s that principal. She’s the real deal. One who cares about students and her staff. Dr. Darlene Jones. I don’t even want to know how many IOUs I’ve given to her since Day One on the job. What I can tell you, though, is that we all dream of the type of principal we want to work with. She is truly that principal, and someone I consider to be a great friend. Dr. Jones wasn’t the only one who gave me a shot when she hired me, I remember checking my answering machine in 2005. There was a message from Linda Puntney asking me if I’d come teach the Advisers Institute in Manhattan, Kan., with Jack Kennedy. I would have been thrilled to take a class from Jack back then – heck, I’d be thrilled to take one now with him. I actually had to call Linda and tell her the message didn’t come through clearly to get her to repeat that she wanted me to actually teach with Jack. I said yes. He was very polite and said I was a big help that week – I remember it a bit differently – I just remember mooching the hell out of everything he was saying. I student-taught in Iowa with Gary Lindsay. I mooched a lot there, too. While Gary taught me many lessons, the one I carry with me daily follows his personal philosophy: “This too shall pass.” He never got too worked up. He didn’t seem to show stress in the room and knew that ups and downs were part of the game and staying even was the way to go if you were in it for the long haul. It’s one of the MoochPoints I’m most thankful for. 2011 Annual Report Gary believed in me from the start, and I’ve appreciated that confidence ever since. constantly dissecting the whys and trying to figure out the hows. I think it’s this constant mooching that has helped make me an effective teacher in the classroom most days. While students are my focus, I have worked to add to that in recent years to try to pay forward some of that mooching tab I racked up. It’s been my mission with and it’s why I believe so heavily in the idea behind ThinkSJI and what we’ve been working on. I won’t get into it all here, you can find out more about it at, but the idea is to try to get local advisers to connect with one another to lend a hand or ask for one. I was fortunate. I wasn’t too proud to mooch or ask a million questions of those around me. I knew where to go for help and had a solid background of knowledge to build on. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those whom I’ve learned the most from – the students whom I’ve crossed paths with the last 14 years – a few of whom are able to be here today. They’ve taught me you can find a job that’s easy to get up for each day. I watch them all the time to see how they lead, to see how they teach and to see how they work with one another, and I mooch a little bit of what I see them doing to make myself and the program better. Those lessons have also helped me be a better father to my two kids. Kane and Michaela are in Iowa today mooching off their other grandparents – yes, mooching is a learned behavior. It’s all these experiences and people that I’ve encountered over the last 20 years that have shaped me into who I am. I love learning. I’m Pressing Ahead If you’re an adviser working to keep your head above water, you need to know there is a great network of advisers out there willing to help, and you just need to ask. Odds are, you will find a willing partner who is more than happy to lend a hand. If you can’t, find me and I’ll connect you. If you’re a veteran adviser, you should be proactive in seeking out those around you and lending a hand. Send an email, offer to drop by the school to introduce yourself, send a handout or lesson, ask if there’s anything they need – then follow through with help. Your action – or inaction – will have an effect on those programs close to you, and we are all safer and stronger if those around us are safe and strong. ttt 17 2011 Honored Teachers 2011 Teacher Honorees pose for a group photo after the awards presentation at the national High School Journalism convention in Minneapolis. Seated are Distinguished Adviser Erin Coggins, Aaron Manfull, Teacher of the Year, and Distinguished Advisers Stan Zoller and Chris Waugaman. Standing are: Robin Gibson Sawyer, DJNF Board Member and 2000 Teacher of the Year; Special Recognition Advisers Doreen Picozzi, Ryan McCallum and Starr Sackstein with Linda Shockley, DJNF Deputy Director. Distinguished Adviser Susan Colyer was not able to attend.Special Recognition Adviser Scott Menscher was honored at the CSPA conference in fall 2011. Photo by Randy Swikle F our Distinguished Advisers, honored along with the Teacher of the Year, received free subscriptions to The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition, a co-sponsor, which includes 30 copies of the full-color newspaper for students, a free Teacher Guide, unlimited access to the Classroom Edition website and a daily Journal. The selection panel also cited four Special Recognition Advisers for their good work. The Poynter Institute for Media Studies also gave top teachers and their students access to webinars through its NewsU training project. Special Recognition Advisers Ryan McCallum of Buffalo (Minn.) High School Scott Menscher of Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. Doreen Picozzi of Lincoln (R.I.) High School Starr Sackstein of the World Journalism Preparatory School, Flushing, N.Y. Distinguished Advisers Susan Colyer of Southside High School, Fort Smith, Ark. Erin Coggins of Sparkman High School, Harvest, Ala. Chris Waugaman of Prince George (Va.) High School Stan Zoller of Rolling Meadows (Ill.) High School Exposure, Opportunities Punctuate Special Year V alerie Penton Kibler, the 2010 Teacher of the Year from Harrisonbrug, Va., spoke at several conferences in 2011. She told advisers at the spring convention of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association she had been fortunate to have passionate, self-directed students and a supportive principal. Valerie Kibler and David Proctor at awards banquet DJNF Photo 18 At the Ideas Summit of the American Society of News Editors in San Diego she got reacquainted with Al Neuharth, former chairman of The Freedom Forum, whom she met at one of his Free Spirit conferences years ago. Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. She chatted with Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook after a panel moderated by Raju Narisetti, then of the Washington Post. Narisetti, in turn, linked her with a speaker for her scholarship writing competition. The winning student, David Proctor, received a $1,000 scholarship to George Mason University. Students of 2010 Distinguished Advisers received $500 scholarships in competitions at their schools. They are Kelsey Reid, attending the University of Chicago and Robert Seltzer, attending Middlebury (Vt.) College - Adviser Lori Keekley, St. Louis Park (Minn.) High School Amelia Webber, attending Shelton State Community College - Adviser Susan Newell, Northridge High School, Tuscaloosa, Ala. ttt Publications Teachers Receive Free Subscriptions to WSJ Classroom Edition I Cathy Podalak, Wyoming Valley West High School, Plymouth, Pa. Diane Hicks, Valley High School, West Des Moines, Iowa Valerie Douglas, James F. Byrnes High School, Duncan, S.C. Martha Brooks-Richards, Sarah T. Reed High School, New Orleans Natasha Olugajo, Lincoln International High School, Minneapolis Andi Mulshine, Communications High School, Wall, N.J. BY LIND News Fun T 2 . of the htt ps: //w ww.Ne ws fun Year Aa The WO d.o rg W fact or By Chery l Pe ron Ma ll nfull A SHOC d deputy KLEY director he Dow Jones Ne nam ws Francis ed Aaron Manfu Fund Charles, Howell North ll of High Sch Mo., the 2011 HS, St. of the Yeaool JournalismNational winnin r. He advise Teacher s g Star, FH newsmagazin the, e North yearbook, Honor Soc and the Qu ill and iety cha digital pter. 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Aug. 12, icipating as The onli m lica to rse. 25 pub sroo cou the ntry part red a clas r they rg this July Cost for they sha iser and student newsu.o across the cou from whereve rs after it and Thirty yea newspaper advWendy Wallace m. pants from edules perm sroo and school l is a their sch be. as high chief, H.L. Hall in a virtual clas a H.L. Hal to ional happen editor in in, but this timeteach “Becoming and former Natool meet aga Wallace will rnalism Values High Sch Hall and e Adviser: Jou rna Jou lism ctiv of the More Effe Teacher was Year and time the long Wendy Wal journalismyearhes lace teac repreteacher, newsmedia entand book and iser at neurship High paper adv (Mo.) Poynter runs the rnalwood hes at The, a journalKirk Jou lace teac School HS. Wal for Media Studiesurg, Fla., ism Program nter Institute in St. Petersb for its training ool at the Poya jourld ism sch nd the wor values. Wallace Institute, ool in t and known arou when nalism sch urg, nalism craf Kirkwood Call h. jour in or of the wood Hig school St. Petersb was edit a senior at Kirk will for high Fla. She online course summer with she was teach an advisers this teacher, journalismschool journalism ny Irby, her high Ken by l. e Photo H.L. Hal r Institut the Poynte a magent Pressing Ahead Teache r A leade for yearsr to com e 52, NU MBER Fund, Inc yellow An informal poll of 45 journalism students found that none of their families subscribe to a newspaper or news magazine. Our school has no library for them to read media regularly either, and we don’t have enough computers for them to read news content online consistently. - Kathleen Schuckel, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School es News .I02 2011 Annual Report With the help of a teacher’s guide, I am confident I could use The Wall Street Journal to increase reading comprehension, improve writing skills, and enhance students’ understanding of the world around them. With The Journal’s help, my students will be better journalists. - Lories Nye-Slockbower John F. Kennedy High School, Paterson, N.J. Dow Jon P01.V52 Brian Thielemier, South High School, Pueblo, Colo. Joel Olson, St. Francis (Minn.) High School Mike Riley, Cody (Wyo.) High School Victoria Koontz, Shore Regional High School, West Long Branch, N.J. Laura Negri, Alief Kerr High School, Houston Lories Nye-Slockbower, John F. Kennedy High School, Paterson, N.J. Steve Hanf, R.J. Reynolds High School, WinstonSalem, N.C. Carole Babineaux, Liberty High School, Frisco, Texas Travis Armknecht, Confluence Preparatory Academy, St. Louis, Mo. Susie Mercer, Henry W. Grady High School, Atlanta Cynthia Hingle, North Central High School, Kershaw, S.C. Elizabeth Dunn, Hightstown (N.J.) High School Tara Campos, Technology High School, Newark, N.J. Rebecca Moore, South Ridge School, Culver, Minn. Kathleen Schuckel, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School VOLUME t © 2011 BL ACK The essay winners were: FALL 20 11 Copyrigh CYAN The Classroom Edition, a co-sponsor of the National High School Journalism Teacher Awards program, also provided subscriptions to the 2011 Teacher of the Year and eight other honored teachers. My students will tell you that I always tell them, “To be a good journalistic writer you must read good journalistic writing.” I believe that to be especially true today. - Carole Babineaux Liberty High School, Frisco, Texas FUND MAGENT A Excerpted essays NEWS YELLOW n its third year of providing free subscriptions, The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition awarded 21 to high school teachers around the country. The papers were offered through an essay contest conducted by the Dow Jones News Fund. DOW JO NES Adviser Update, the free quarterly newspaper for high school media teachers and advisers distributed 6,000 copies each press run, to teachers, newspaper editors and college professors interested in scholastic journalism. It is printed by The Wall Street Journal in Chicopee, Mass. 19 Dow Jones News Fund Board of Directors Officers Richard J. Levine/President Former Vice President, News Dow Jones & Company Ken Herts/Treasurer Vice President and General Manager, Financial Markets Dow Jones & Company Barbara Martinez/Secretary Chief External Officer Uncommon Schools Richard S. Holden/Executive Director Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Directors Don E. Carter Member Emeritus Former Executive Director Thomas E. Engleman Former Executive Director Executive Editor, Teen Voices of Democracy Members of the Dow Jones News Fund Board: Robin G. Sawyer, Richard S. Holden, Thomas E. Engleman, Don Carter, Russell G. Todd, Neal Lipschutz, Barbara Martinez, Richard J. Levine, Gregory Giangrande, Laurence G. O’Donnell, Ken Herts and Pamela Fisher after the fall 2011 meeting in Princeton. Les Hinton** Chief Executive Officer Dow Jones & Company Diana Mitsu Klos Senior Projects Director American Society of News Editors Neal Lipschutz Senior Vice President and Managing Editor Dow Jones Newswires Pamela Fisher* Vice President, Corporate Diversity News Corporation Laurence G. O'Donnell Retired Managing Editor The Wall Street Journal Gregory Giangrande Senior Vice President, Human Resources Dow Jones & Company Dr. Reginald Owens F. Jay Taylor Chair of Journalism Louisiana Tech University 20 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Robin Gibson Sawyer 2000 National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year First Flight High School, Kill Devil Hills, N.C. Dr. Russell G. Todd G.B. Dealey Chair, Journalism Department University of Texas at Austin Staff Richard S. Holden/Executive Director Linda Shockley/Deputy Director Diane Cohn/Director of Finance *Elected November 2011 **Resigned 2011 Deadlines for Proposals and Program Nominations National High School Journalism Teacher Awards Program Description: To recognize high school Journalism teachers who have made an outstanding contribution to teaching journalism and/or advising a high school newspaper, newsmagazine or news website Eligible: Any high school journalism teacher or adviser with at least three years of teaching experience. Nominations may come from principals, newspaper editors, other teachers, alumni, press associations or the teachers themselves Awards: $1,000 college scholarship for a student of the Teacher of the Year; $500 college scholarships for a student of each of the four Distinguished Advisers Deadline: July 1 DJNF High School Journalism Workshops Description: To encourage high school students to consider careers in journalism by providing an opportunity to work with professional journalists and instructors on reporting, writing and editing a student newspaper, magazine or news website Eligible: Colleges, schools, nonprofit organizations Grant: $2,500 up to $8,000 Deadline: October 1 2011 Annual Report Centers for Editing Excellence Description: To provide pre-internship intensive training for college juniors, seniors and graduate students, selected through DJNF’s News Editing Intern Program, who will work professionally as copy editing interns for news media Eligible: Colleges or nonprofit organizations Grant: Maximum of $20,000 for 10 students Deadline: October 1 News Editing Internship Program Description: To encourage students to consider copy editing as a career in news and multimedia journalism by providing training, paid summer internships and scholarship grants Eligible: College juniors, seniors and graduate students Scholarship: $1,000 Deadline: November 1 Multimedia Editing Internship Program Description: To encourage students to consider multimedia editing as a career in journalism by providing training, paid summer internships and scholarship grants Eligible: College juniors, seniors and graduate students Scholarship $1,000 Deadline: November 1 Pressing Ahead Business Reporting Internship Program Description: To encourage college juniors, seniors and graduate students to seek business reporting internships by providing training, paid summer internships and scholarship grants. Eligible: College juniors, seniors and graduate students Scholarship$1,000 Deadline: November 1 Sports Editing Program Description: To encourage students to consider sports copy editing as a career by providing training, paid summer internships and scholarship grants Eligible: College juniors, seniors and graduate students Scholarship: $1,000 Deadline: November 1 The News Fund is a national foundation supported by Dow Jones & Co., Dow Jones Foundation and others within the news industry. Our emphasis is on education for students and educators as part of our mission to promote careers in journalism. DJNF operates several high school and college-level grant programs. Those who would like to submit unsolicited proposals should go to the Grant Proposal page at to read more and download a form. For more detailed descriptions, visit the Programs section. Grant applications, guidelines and instructions also appear in the Forms section. 21