Flyer - Small Size
Flyer - Small Size
The arts are not a matter of age but of curiosity Small size days 29-30-31 january 2016 Space and time for early years shows workshops conferences installations for Children from 0 to 6 years Small size days Small Size days come back: three days dedicated to performances, workshops and other activities for children from 0 to 6 years. Small size days bring the very youngest children and their families, carers and stakeholders together in recognising that the arts are significant and valued in our lives, from birth onwards. AUSTRIA Toihaus Theater Salzburg 30 January TRÄUME TRÄUME show (2-5 years) Sankt Johann in Tirol in collaboration with Alte Gerberei BELGIUM Théâtre de la Guimbarde DENMARK Theatre Madam Bach HUNGARY Kabóca Bábszínház 29|30|31 January Skibet er ladet med... 29 January Baba-mama szabad tánc Odder 29 January Etc. show (0-3 years) Bruxelles Avec les oreilles, je vois plus loin workshop for educators and teachers Bruxelles in collaboration with Fraje - ONE FINLAND Dance Theatre Auraco (Helsinki) Art House Little Aurora (Espoo) Annantalo Arts Centre 29|30 January Me-Me show (0-3 years) Kolibri Gyermek Annantalo Arts Centre Helsinki show (3-6 years) 31 January Wiggler show (0-3 years) A világ felfedezésének öröme workshop for educators, teachers and artists Det osynliga barnet show (3-6 years) in collaboration with Kanneltalo 30 January Le Bal des Bébés 31 January Vahtikoira Karkuteillä show (0-3 years) Bruxelles Les Mains dans l’argile workshop for children 0-3 years Bruxelles show (0-6 years) FRANCE Theater De Spiegel Ville de Limoges Montréal, Canada IPAY Showcase 2016 30|31 January Caminando 31 January Meneer Papier en Don Karton show (0-6 years) Mannheim, Germany CROATIA Branka Mihaljevića 30 January Little caterpillar Osijek GERMANY Theaterhaus Ensemble Frankfurt 29|31 January Sonne, Mond und Sterne show (3-6 years) HELIOS Theater 29|31 January H2O show (0-6 years) INDIA Samta Shikhar Hamm New Delhi 30 January Theatre playground workshop for children 0-6 years Kinder- und Jugendtheater an der Kunstschule, Böblingen (Germany) IRELAND Baboró International Arts Festival for Children 31 January If We Ran the Circus show (0-3 years) workshop for children 3-6 years Anica and Danica Théâtre O’Navio Limoges Antwerp 29|30 January Conferenza show (3-6 years) 31 January Pepita 30 January A Bear Called Sunday workshop for children 0-3 years in collaboration with Kanneltalo show (0-6 years) Bruxelles show (0-6 years) MűPa, Budapest Budapest 30 January Rimjam 29|30 January Sweet & Swing 30 January Gomboló (Helsinki) show (0-2 years) Helsinki and Espoo Même plas peur show (0-6 years) Charleroi workshop for children 3-6 years show (3-6 years) Charleroi Veszprém Galway Galway Community Circus workshop for children 1-6 years The Trouble with Fairies PigNut Productions storytelling (3-6 years) ITALY La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi POLAND Centrum Sztuki Dziecka w Poznaniu Bologna 29|30|31 January 30!! Chi ha rubato la mia pizza? show (0-6 years) 30 January Ślady 30 January Da-lì-a-là Vicenza 31 January Jack e il fagiolo magico show (0-3 years) workshop for children 2-4 years SPAIN Mały paluszek film (2-4 years) Alicja Morawska-Rubczak La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi show (3-6 years) Opole 30|31 January LABirynt Le 4 stagioni Drammatico Vegetale Ravenna 31 January Briciole di Pollicino Taller Movimiento en familia Baba Jaga show (3-6 years) workshop for children 0-6 years ROMANIA Teatrul Ion Creangă 29 January Small or Big? 30 January Solete Acción Educativa Madrid show (0-6 years) show (0-3 years) Opolski Teatr Lalki i Aktora show (3-6 years) Teatro Telaio Doodledee, it is me! 31 January Heart and Bellybutton 31 January Zimowe zabawy z mamą i tatą La Piccionaia show (0-3 years) show (0-6 years) concert (0-6 years) by Ania Broda show (3-6 years) Ant Ferocious, Interactive dance show Little Lamp, Pea and a Feather Sanki Szczęśliwych Snów 31 January La ballerina cosmica guided museum tour (0-3 years) show (0-3 years) show (3-6 years) by Atofri Theatre workshop for children 4-6 years Bucharest Teatro Escolar de Elche Elche 29|30 January Circo submarino show (3-6 years) show (0-3 years) Arcadia Company, Oradea Tè a teatro Baba Jaga workshop for children 3-6 years Teatro Paraiso workshop for artists Teatriukas Vilnius Cliodhna Noonan Vilnius 29 January Žalia gyva show (3-6 years) 30|31 January Semillas de barro workshop for children 0-3 years De agua y barro show (3-6 years) Flour, water, salt - all spread! Dream train Întrebări, dar mai mult răspunsuri conference SWEDEN Stockholm 31 January Good Night, Sleep Tight show (3-6 years) Teatro al Vacio Città del Messico workshop for children 0-6 years La Paz (Baja California) in collaboration with Alas y Raíces/Conaculta show (2-4 years) SLOVENIA LGL Lutkovno Gledalisce Ljubljana UNITED KINGDOM Polka Theatre in collaboration with Festival Bobri 29|30|31 January Paper Dolls Chain Ljubljana 29 January Derechos culturales de los niños Conference La Paz (Baja California) Teater Tre 31 January Zbor prin povești De-a Micul Prinț show (0-6 years) show (0-3 years) workshop for children 3-6 years show (3-6 years) 29|30 January Comunidades espontáneas Vitoria-Gasteiz Actul artistic - capcane si atuuri 30 January Fara frica LITHUANIA MÉXICO Poznań 30 January Strolling Art 29 January In the Land of Finger Puppets show (3-6 years) Lullaby singing workshop for children 0-6 years Sign Language workshop for children 0-3 years London activity for children 3-6 years Sticky Fingers Early Years Arts Northern Ireland - Newry 29|30|31 January Visual Interactive Installation activity for children 0-6 years 19 COUNTRIES 33 cities 65 ACTIVITIES FOR EARLY YEARS SmallSizenet #smallsizedays2016 Small size days are presented by the Small size Artistic International Association, and are a part of the European project Small size, performing arts for early years. Small size, performing arts for early years Small size Artistic International Association Small size, performing arts for early years is funded by the European Union programme Creative Europe 2014 - 2018. A networking project involving theatre and cultural centres that have focused their artistic research on children, and that have developed specific expertise in the field of performing arts for early years. The Network promotes the diffusion of a culture for childhood, conceiving art as a means to establish relationships and links among countries, citizens and generations. The project supports the children’s right to a full “cultural citizenship”, encouraging adults to fulfil their duty to pursue this goal. The Small size Artistic International Association was founded in 2007 within the framework of the project “Small size, the net”, financed by the Culture Programme of the European Commission. Today the association’s network extends over 4 continents and includes 54 theatres, art institutions and organisations. The main objective and activity of the Association is to promote and spread performing arts for early years (0-6 years) and, more generally, to support and give value to culture for the same age group.