Lady. Buffs Triumph - The Unger Memorial Library
Lady. Buffs Triumph - The Unger Memorial Library
Unger Memorial Library 835 Austin Plainview TX 79072 Zone 2 (6-07) 'ii . l 'taiu ., (0 1 hi t h ~., 11.: '" (:111.,''''1'. FAA 11 31d ir 'l u31i,f h'd "' Ca ll .I\\' i3ti UII i' , .. PETERSBURG, TEXAS : ',,, ~.' INE fro m hOIl1(', !)lI1pUlt1 ~ ,C'rilllilial n', CUIllPUI"'I'VI'O- I. I · ~b(,! ·~~~ '~ t .! e .... ... February 15, 2007 Si:' l)t,,,,p ly~T:: and s. hi. f P h~ mi llll1 FREE liSPS Lady.Buffs Triumph 1(; 'f ••~ (;()t\. · TF.~ ! S(' II (' ~ 3 i\' ~ I't: d r ig hl 10 ~~I~~ ~l?~, .PII;,~,I~~ Over ' Cotto'n.~,Center ,1 h:H'kp:lY Il1 t'," ;1 fOl'dt'-ullll, f\f3I1 Y I 800 ~';.l -l ,'", .. ' "" -, ' . " " .9(.-1.-1 ,' .f- • ~'0Il1" 1 3I1d~ : ,~~."i·i!;~:~·}"~~'~~! ;: " .\ 1(0; 1. ,"-\. .. \:111 0 \\ 11 : II UIlI . :11 1\\ ' I\ t')llhYfkt;1 ~ , t'oorI h l1l ~h . , ock li,!dSak·/t"llC'. lt lu -uI·:aI' D, yd,,'II. I j3\'diIl 3, OW ni'1 · 1 4" ,~ " tl . ,~mc l , .. I i lld l "I I ~ " · "II I ....'1 1" /' 1' (U (12)Ashley ,Moreno, -(34.)U;aylor Nichols, (23)Samantha Lopez, arid (22) Stephanie Roden watch (14)Britney Shedd as she attempts to lengthen the lead for p'etersburg whil~sho6tin~ a free throw from a technical. foul incurred by the outraged Cotton Center coach for runnin halfwa out on the court to 'shoW ,his disbeli'eve bfa' call the tefe'ree had ' 'ust made. Th:e 61,~'56VIC' TORY ~, " I • ". . • '. ,-. Makes The Lady Buffs A ,Bi-District Qualifier :h a way and each/' ,lIl1bers With the .hard t~lIght VICTORY last Friday night against , Cotton Center the Lady Buffs sec~Il'ed 3 1'11 place in their division and the right to go to the Playoffs. Leading the battle for ' the Lady Buffs in ,this,division tie breaker was J3ritney Shedd, - with 16 points. Britn ~y w~s aided in battTe ,by 'Samantlla Roden 'and Ashley, Moreno with ' 12,. pO,ints ~ach.' Stephanje Rod~n .dOlninated the boards with 16 rebounds while Ashley Moreno and Samantha Roden'got their.hands on 8 eac1i of their oWn'Ash!ey Moreno , helped take the victory with 7 steals whi'le Stephanie and Saman- . tha Lopez were able to steal '6 each. . ' .. Sbme of the thunderous and ehergy-packed Petersb~rg fans: (L)Brooks Mulanax, (A)Logan . Mulanax, (O)Blake Smith, (V) Adam ,Mireles, (B)Caleb 'Griffin~ (U)Hunter Mulanax, (F) Emilio Sanchez, (F)Trey FullinSim, (5) Dylan $mith. - Poge 2 www.t~epoperweb .coin " THE PAPER Thur sCfa)" , F ebr u~ry 15, 2007 , .. -..- ~ .. . -- , .. -.' -., . ..' THE PAPER " "·COME. WORSHII}WITH · US... . T.he 'Most Important Person In ,y our .L ife... The other thing she taught me is ing these essays just as the s'tLldent wrote th ~ m. complete with their spell- being kind. She also tallgllt me how to ings and ~grammar. . What inspiring be vcry respectful to the people who words these young people have 'to w.ere mean to me. She said "Yes!" She to'ld me that the reason why peosay! GREAT-GRANDMA pie are dlwaysillad because someby Jose Reyes thing happen to them or that they are My life is intluence by great- having 'a bad··.day. "She 'also said to grandma. ' Here arc the r.easOIls \vhy. respecit~11 'to the' adults. Because if I My great-grandma ·tought me ,ho\v to . ,WIIS respectful to:the adults, the adults be brm;e. Whellwe went :to the hbspi~ would say what a sweet little boy I ,tal with . her. I ·was at):aid.:Looking . wa~. My Great,grandma was alwas down at the window, a.nd: we were· on . happy when I was complimented:, the 3~d floor. She ask I~e "What· IS : ." , One day, I .gQt \'flad. ..becau~e .my wl'ong'!"" ..I: held .hel,.hand:. ~xplain -to . m~I1l' ~id !10~ buy' ,wh.a! 't. wfiailted. '. ht:r",lbout' l11e bein~ .ati·aid 'Of lici~h'ts~ ~ When we .g6t hOLn~, .great-g~t1ndl11a '-SllC -:began to tell ~i11l!· a : slory abO~f .. ,noticed' by 'm~done~voice 'wheli I ,said ho~v~hewas ,Ithtid :of hCightsat my "hi:: She- called <rne' a~ld asked me -.,' age. ~too.'.· ~hehcld :my han~ ' and' we : what dill I· ge.t ~ from,:Wal':niart:- .J t9,Id , Jose Reyes ' g.ot. £ Ios~r to th\! . wJnd~\v. She thel! her Ih,lt mommy. said for m~ t'l .g~Hh.e Weare continuing. qur series of dcscri~\!lf how many ~tl:ccs ~nd ·<c.. rs ' ~ toy Ihat. ~I w~nted . . Blll slit:, ·. :.vas not. some excellent _ compositions ~., that, . wel'c thci r. Then sh\! looked ah'le and going to buy, illC ariythiitg )or,)he' rest !,' Mrs. Fox's :4'h graders' wrpte tor an··Ll~ok you ar~;;llo't athti(j·... Then of my lite: 'MoITI ask how old '~as I. 't assignment. . This w\!\!k~ s es~ay is. she glive . mo a :~u!!. She \vhisp'ei' answerd and she· said ."9, okliy'bit it is from .Ios\! Reyes. anlFreally tugsaH/le ' ''Oon'';t l1c ali';lid: I~{1 ; lhvays ' \~' ith } a . long "time until I buy you,' someheartstrings. Enjoy! We tire reproduc~ . 'yl)LI:' I remembered ' .. thing. Great-grandilla began to burst Page 3 . Thursday. February 15. 2007 out raughing and said "You neei to appreciate what you have · Manolo. · Your mom works so hard to buy you what you need ,and not .what you want." I wish you had kown her~ 'She ' wa~ a beautiful, funny, and gave gl'eat advice for m0. Ireally miss her. . • cS.~, ~~.'~~ 0(.- ~ ~ , _ ,..."! ' " 1. . '.. .R~CI Pb;. CORN ~12.. The cold· days' are still flirting ,witb ;~:" .~..;. ; ~.n:'S Chapel _ '. ···.First Bapti~t ,Church· . 'I. '. Main Street Church 'of Christ us alop9 and on those grey gloomy ~: ' Sunday Morning Worship 9:00am . 2200 Main Stre~t ' days 'stews and soups ar~ still the .2001 MainStreet .. ~.'. Sunday Sch,?oI1.0;OOam Sunday School 9:45'am Sunday ~ible $tudy 'lOam ~ . '." best thing to eat at -night to warm .Morning WorShip 11 am ,S~nday Worship 10:50 ani . up the belly. Hefe is a' wonderful ;~ East Side'Chu~h '~f Christ ,' . Eviming Worship 6 pm Eve.ning worship ~:30 pm . recip'e: from Polly Johnson, a former East 1,\ and Ave' J 'Wednesday SelVices~ Wed~esday Bib.le Study. i pm· roommate of my m~m's from her Sunday 10:30 am Prayer Meeting: 7 pm ;: Evening Worship 6 pm .'. • Pri~~'lg'esia Bautista Texas Tech days in the 1950'5. Mission Friends: 7pm . ..Wednesday Worship 8 pm '. '1201 West'2nd Street . Fir,t United Methodist C~urth Sunday Sc:hooI9:45 al)!' . Polly had mom and lover to lunch . Fellowship of Faith S~ndaysi:hooI10am ( . . '. MotningWQrshipllam " .. one 'day and made this for us. It is 1507 Avenue K . Morning Worship 11 am Su~a.ay church trainii!g 5 pm 'delicious and . really"very easy to Sunday Scho~1 9:45 ~ Hopewell.Baptist'Chutth ' Sunday Eviming Worship 6pm make. The only special thing you Worship 11 am· Sunday School: 9:45 ain Wednesday.Prayer and Bible Stlldy}. pm need for ·this is the masa harina Prayer.Meeting 7:30pm Wednesday Praise and Worship Morning Worship 11am · ,Sacred tfeart Catholic Church ,· . which ·is ·the ground corn flour that Bible Classes 7:30 pm Baptist Training Union 5 Pill 1204 West 5t11 Str,eet . . is used ' in making corn tortillas, I Tuesd~y · . Sunday Mass 1!,am k'now lowes carries this'item. It is a Wednesday ~.r,ayer Ser:vice,r3,Opm . . , ' . . .. .'.nite staple to have on ·hand as you Support these' merchants who·.pay"for:this ad~ · .~' .' , ", ', . '. can .use it as ,a··thickener,:in ,(hiles Kountry Kitchen, Mayo AgencY', Petersburg Coop Grain, Porter Drug, security .:· and ' other South ,·of.the border' Bank, Smith Service, Wylie, LP··Gas, and·.J&R -Automotive. ..' . " dishes. Idon't 'use 'the chile :.piq!J in as that would make the posole too 'hot· for the children· but it ·is still a III ,delicious and hearty,_stew that DON 'T DEla" _,. RENEW 1011R' snBs[oipTU.N'TODAY!!!! ·. . . ' '" .. . . LAST'WEEK'S'AUTHOR: ' ..' . Esmeralda , . Parra , makes a ~uper dinner! , POLLY'S POSOLE 1 clove garlic, minced . 2 T chili powder . 2-JT masa harina 1 T paprika Z chilipiquin, powdered- OPTIONAL . Yz t salt . 1 t sugar 1 Tfresh oregano or 1t dried 2 c chicken broth ' 1 can hominy pork chops or pork stew meat. cooked and Cl,lt up into pieces Sautee garlic in oil. Add chili powder, masa, paprika. chile piquin if using. salt, sugar, and oregano. . .stir in chicken broth,. mix .well. Add hominy:and po~. . ·,. ' ~' SimrTJe~ 15 minutes or so. '.' .: -. AND·~NNIVERSARY.DA:rES ryeed to he to T hi E '. I' A HE R at.PO BIRT.HDAY " Please mail10ur ,\iec.t: to THE I' A PER. 1'0 6>0~ (,4. 1'eter&burg. T)( 111-50' or d.rop it'in the . mailbo~ on ttie,' North flide of the garage at our· houf>e(fir&t houfle on the £af>t &icl'e of FM1S1 onc.e 10U go t~rou9h ' th~ H~H t..!:,rye o.n t,h~ ~outlhel)~ ,ottQ\II") ..!..!.....J'<!'-""'-"-'''''-4J!.!.!:.....p~~~I-!!!~!.!.!!.!...!!!.t BOK S4, Peters,burg. TX 7925Q orcalle,d in to BOS,SfiH5BI. Please include .your. phone number with t~i.s information so w~ c~n ~~a,ch you if ,we ,mied to cl~rifv .i;lnythi~g. :Vou ,~on't need to include the year!or any of the.birthdays but if you include the yeador any anniversaries. we can make sure tliat any' milestones recognized! Thank you. . . . ~_ _'--_ _....l-_~_ _-..,;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - :__---, ,~ . "Lo\'e iswhcn your puppy Ijcks yom:' taC\! eycn atkr YOlr Id't. hin!.<J·lonc ill! day. ". / 'Love is when y'ou tell a-guy -YQu .like;11i·~ .shirf; then' he-weatsit everyday." .... ',' " . ' '~rVra~y' ~iln - ag\! 4 '~' . ' e · '. ,,: .': .•• \ •• ',' ,~,,' ',,: ~., I"~ ,~>:'.·:N~efle ... age) ~,," .' ~ SO:METIMES THE.C·OLDEST DAYS BRli~'G:>BACK T;HE':WARM,EST'MEMORIES, , ..... :.~, :'I~~;~' is cllllsid\!rcli by ' lill\lkrn ti.iiks~~scrib~ jusr ~how dark it could ' be, 'had to touch that unbelievably cold to be very early. Somciiihes early . b~1I YOl, didn't ·dai'e get up and wander .Iinoleum floor. I don 't believe there is ar\! experiencing 'one enough we do not have to'tllXn OIl any around the' hO~lse 'ol\ce t1~e lamp was anything. other than maybe ice itself, of th\! coldest and lighls 10 see our way tQ l hdledl'llom; put out. ' that can gel as· cold as a linoleum By .Iohn Perry most severe ",iilters . but this' has nolhing lo ' dq-with Ihis We had "goose-down;' and feather covered floor. Once your feet L -_ _~_--' we have had in -years. slory. other Ihan tillS is a carryov\!r to ·Illaltresses. Mother would heat a cou- touched the floor. it triggered an il11And this is not just a local event: the a OliC\! .common litcstyle.-mld "\!arly to pic of doth c.ovcred bricks I111d insert mediate stampede to the warmth ·of entire nation tor the .most part is hav- bed and early to rise" wri~ .,not just a theli; between the mattress and the the pot-bellied stove in the living ing some of the same experiences. ti'i\lllous lluole. First Wi.fc) lI1d I arc . covers' to help warm our feet. Now room or the "coal oil" stove in the Now FW and I li ve in a ralher larg\! also tl carryover thlln Ihlsera, Hob- there is no feeling to compare with kitchen. home for just two people. To CO~l- .bl~ovef rather than can~over. might literally sinking almost out of sight Well, every era has offered differserve some oth\!lwise wasled' energy b\! a b\!uer depiction . when you lay down on such mat- .ent experiences and ditTerent memowe have turtled Ihe tliermostatsdown Wdl. a couple of ni.ghts ago after tresses. This. alono£ with several ries. and .most of them are filled with in much ofth\! house. certainly not so a long alld biuerlycold .day, we re- handmade quilts pulled over your wal'l11th and love. And looking .back, low Ihat anything will fl·eeze. but low tired to bed. The 'warmlh and com tort body up to the chin. almost made you thankful to have been there and done enough to bl.: noticeable when you of the bed brough.t back some won- a c<lPli~e. But it also gave a feeling of that. and even m.ore thankful 'it' is ·enter thescarcas of the hO~lse. derthl memories. Ther\! were Ill) e\ec- great warmth and eomtort. past. Makes me wonder though.;.was We 'have an electric blanket on our tric blankets at that t·im\!, and one reaThe only thing I remember to mar sticking your tongue to the discharge. bed and this is turned on a short timc son being. there was no electricity. this experience that stands out vividly pipe on the windmill on a cold ·icy . beforew~ go to bed ... which by the Our light consisted of a Imnp escort- in my. mind ... was. the fact that in just morning really a wise choice? That .way is' a ~ellkl1own fact that we do ing LIS to bed and when that lamp was a few hours you would be awakened sure brings back some mcmo.ries t.hat r.etire to the contincs of our bed at blown was dark. It is hard to to face a new day ... and your poor feet are not so Wt~rlll and comforting. Tile I'clersburg .Il1l11'",,1 W(lS eSlablished in I')~h . rhe Petershurg I'(lst was eslahlish"d I % .1. The Iw" l'''l'er, cullslliidaled ill 1%7. TH E 1'.- \ I'E\{ \Vas eSlablish.:d ill ~()(l6 . I'H [ 1" .-\ I'['I{ and Th':('elcrsbtll·~ ('osl consuli. It is no seerel we I daled in,2(HI(, . l'ik "ilicc of I f II I'.\ I'I-I{ is locale,1 :II RR I 80S 22 . 11\\ I. 7N') f'der,hufl!. '1elB'. Tlti, l"'I'er is I'llblished weekly wilh clIccpliuns of Ihe week of Enslcr (tlld Ihe \\'~ck (If ("hrisunlls. It is c"lcr~d:ls periodicals (II Pelersbllrg. Texas 7 ')~ 5" 1'1,,' ,uh,cril'ti,," f"le i, \ ~ ' .1111 tit 11:01, " 'I"'" ,.·,,1 , :11 011 "lit "fH:I\c COli Illy or 0111 of Texas. I'lIhlieali"" No, l iSPS (l!)~.~.j()' !SSN.I(ISO. SII3 ' . . f'( 1ST \I;\ST :: R ,elld ,.. Idr,,, '·"II,d,,"" ,,' . 1'" Ii , \ Id I'dcr,hlll'~ . Texas N251\. John ami Kallt,·rllle tiie;"'lc. I'lIhli sh"r' SIIr.. 77('.(!~X I I. Call H'c:lpp~ '~'ir--thdc:ly 1-0 y ~~'" '' Hdppy ~ir--thd~y tC;; yQu.':." ............ ... ' l~''' ·~l.·· ~ ., : • " , • • • • • ,e ~ !"t:l:nr ,qH.~ · l ~) \.-t:I:I~I "·,'jR~· I~ 1e't.lQro 'Mn~os ll.'llJirei;. f,tel'hm!e}f6Qden FE: I:nr}j B,;~:, -l~i" fE:~R( \tjHY '.!~ }f',hWe~er 'l:>ehr.lIWe""et J(.yt6 ihollJI'sof) tt:l:ltr','H~..~ ' ;(1 J(.yt6 ihollJl'so)'J ~,y!(i ~Ut)tOT.l !"E;11HI \ 'tn. ~ l7 . Fm'Medlt.>' .MFW~ti',. . - . e_ • • • • • • • • • • • ANNIVERSA7UES FEBR.1MR.Y18 steNe a.nd 0ClCJle Trowbrid[1e COMMUNITY BILLB()ARI) SPONSOREI) BY VNlw.securhV-baillcom .. MEMBER 'FDIC, . . ® EQUAL HOUSINI " ' '1lRllU.g I[a_l· • •.• • • So wi1Il avariety'tI1at'sbeen yield aton of cotton fiber'per acre.Ask yOur seejl dealer Of visit us at Co!IonExperlS-COin for more infonnation, C~rio~minds ~earth- KEY ONE iON VARIETIES the greatest ~~. FM' 58U ' .1 FM FM 955LlB2 FM 9989RR 9060F FM 96OB2R ' FM 9063B2f bl'st ~xrlnrt'rs Sti1\" dill,d 'in L1r rl\; dill~ ~1 news'p t••;l;" l'\'Cr~' d;lr. Thl'Yai'~: :1 \'ithl ~ s·ol11\.·l~ , uf,infi:mni1tiol1. ti'ol11 till' bi~~l' st "t,\Cts ;i,;wn 10 the slllal,,"sl 'l.elail~ .FM989B2R THE PAPER' ... Fiber~ .. I PETERSBURC, TEXAS It all statts with newspapers. WWl!I' This Il1rssa~(' is brollghi to \"lll l'i' Th,' 11I\\lrin,;tdn C';ll1pan),. THE j'APER.· The N('lI'sl'apel' ,\ssociation of America. ! 'ClOC$~If~; 2T.fH.Wd.'D!fit.IIIII$tdiT!langIJ~NC21709,Nwmllldinlfolowlabeliill\luctlooi.Fot~I . .l<tlidil!im!ltlm.CaI~lHiell,*,~BA)llIlj-eE6-get·ml)orililQUl"'lInl_,CoailnElpe!ttOllll. 8CSRfBCOO17 From The ,Coach -Thi$ year ha,~ be~n a real l:.eamfng experi- an~ they ~re going to t~rn quite a few more ence for Doth th~se YOling Ladies and Myself. heads s·oon. strugg[ed , find ' o~lr, identity to begin I would' also like to, thank all of the fans with;'"The 'one thing"that yvas niost apparent that have made this..sea~on a great one. With from -the start' was that th~y were. going to . all of the support that all of-you have given us . play tPug~ defense, That is. what they' have it has been a pleasure to see the stands fill up built this teanl' arOl,lI1d .. They are a t~)llgh with our fans; You have given the girls such-a group, playiJig .hurt ahd sick through' most of . great boost when they needed it. I was really., district. ' They 11aye turned some heads ' this impressed Friday night. That was really aweyear and surprised several people. This grou'p some to see ,that big of a. turnout. To those of Ladies has been able to' overCQmea lot of people THANK YOU from. the Lady Buffs, obstacle~ this year io~ ge~ to were they are To the parents of these girls thank you all for nowatid I have enjoyed watching them im- what you have. done for us. It has been a speprove over tiie seasOll. I am very pleased with cial year. were we are right now and I,know tha,t there - Coach Hedden is even better ball players inside these girls We' to L.a~y Buffs Playoff Game Nominated by Mr. Waggoner Honorable Mention Reyes - Mrs. Alford Elvis Sanchez • Mrs. Cartwright Sydney GUmoreMicah Moralez - Coach Hedden - Mr. Hightower Danny Valin. - Mrs. Hom Armanda ' • Mrs. £.yde Angela After winning a hard fought close game. last Friday night to get into the playotfs the Lady Buffs he~ded to . l:ockn~y Tuesday ni ght to play Paducah's Lady Dragons. :. The Lady Dragons ended the first period with fifteen linanswered poinfs to make it· 5· -19. The Lady. J3uffs ". '. " . . , back, liard 'a nq brought :the/score "back 'to Witl]ili;:'f~~'1'~ Matt ls-:a~ dedicai~'d >i;t~ldew.' i'ljetieve he:;.understands the "point. But the momentum quickly Il!med with the ' Lady , ~ value and the necessity 9fhavjng a good education. I believe Buffs losing 44 - 60. As of noon on Wednesday THE ' he understands the challenges and opportunities that our nation has today. A tough. sco,reboard to look I'AJ'EK ' has not received the stats for 'Tilesday nights at for Buffalo fans. game. GREA T season Lady Buffs!! ' Matt comes to class prepared to do what is necess.ary to _. ._._"". ._..... reach his goals, He is at h(s desk and ready .to stat1 before the last bell rings, He is alert and follows the instructions and objectives laid out before him, He brings with him the necessary supplies. He has self discipline and this attitude MONDAY, February ·19th . THVRSDAY; February'Z2nd . intlut;nces his classmates. . Vegetable Beef Sou . BreadedCbicken Patty .· , I look forward to having him in other Classes as he purOnce .again, Mrs. Nichols'. classes have kept busy getting the cookies and ribbons ready for served wit ·sues his objectives as a student at PHS. Valentine's Day. FCCLA sold 2,600 ribbons, Grilled C I wish him the greatest of success. 68 large cookies, 97 medium cookies, and 254 -Mr. Waggoner small cookies. We also sold 275 small bags of Here is some information on our stud~nt of the week, cookies, This is a fun project for the school Matt Ramos and community to participate in and a great Matt Ramos is IS and a sophomore this year. Jack and Eva fumlraiser for FCC LA. We look forward Martin are the proud grandparents of Matt. He is active in to Valentine's Day each year and we want to theFFA. In his free time he likes designing graphics or thank everyone who bbught c90kies and ribbuildings with CADO. Matt's favorite food is fried rice bOl}s from the PHS ' FCCLA~ OR while his favorite song at the moment is The Remembrance -Lacey Ellison Be~fTacos . Ballad. He really likes the music group Atreyu and says that his favorite ~l1ovie is Gril}d. Matt's plans for the future include going to college and becoming a civil engineer. His favorite saying is, "Ifyoll can stay calm while al\ around The annual FCC LA Best Beau Ba~quei' was held on February . I O. you is in chaos ... then you haven't completely understood 2007. FCCLA members and guests attended the banquet in Lubbock the seriousness of the situation". Congratulations Matt! at the, 50 Yard Line. The event began at 6:00 p.m. among the mem"During my piano recital. I was on a stage and I was scared. bers were, the FCCLA sponsors, Mr. and, Mrs. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy , M'ilam. 'and Mr. · and' Mrs. Roark. The · Best Beau' NOIl'!inees were. waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I Isidro Avalos, John Caritfo, and Jaime Resendiz. We are proud to anwasn't scared anymore." riotlnce Isidro ,Avalos as the 2007 FCC LA Best l3ea.u!! Everyone had Cindy - age 8 a very fun time and enjoyed a great meal. -Lacey Ellison IsidroAv~los Valentine's Cookies and Ribbons 'FCCLA B·EST B'EAU BANQUET... Page 6 www,thepap~rweb ,c~m THE PAPER Thursdciy, February 15, 2007 T~e ~ig Drug Thursday, Febru""! 15, 2007 Sc,atp progl:CJ,in's. Sllccess, ; PI~ivate health -li1lllary --' in other, words limitiJlg t\1e Tlle¥ used to complaio, ,. that drug , Democrats hate-· that Republicans plans negotia'te drug ·price,s with .the '. drugs ' available to seniOl:s. in the cOinpaniesmape ,too ' many ':I~ne:too are willing, on the issue of embryonic dn~g companies and . then offer a Medicar'e program. drugs," but the v.ariety.,of drllgs avail- . stem-cell resea rch, to let their strait- menu __ a. formulary __ of covered The ' Departnient. of Veterans Af-able to tre~r the same condltions ·has ·' ened moral vie,vs supposedly stand in qrugs thl'ough ' M~dicare, . Seniors fairs -- touted by De,mocrats as ail ~reated healthy CO;llp'etitt~h j'eg"rding', the way ,of medical' progress. But De~ . choose among the variolls plans, ideLH' example .o f government nego-' price. Now Deil10crats · 'coil'lplain ~ i110crats have their o\vn ethical prob- picking the one with the drugs they tiations -- has just sllch a formulary. • about one:of-a-k'illd . b.reakthl·ough lem with medical progress -- bas'ed ' want attl\c. bcst price. ' . If the latest drug' isn't 011' the VA list - drugs, where there isn't (~_et) such '. on their moral quarm~ ' about the . According to the Centers for Medi- - well, thei'e are always old drugs. competitiqn. ' .' carc and, Medi<;aid Sel'vices, ,the 1'0- .columbia University professor Frank But drug research' is risky and . protit motive, During the . 2006 campaign, De- ' bust competition has !neatll that pre- ., Lichtenberg reports that "only 38 per- hideously expensive. No one will do 1110crats argued that President Bush's millms for the, basic, drug benefit av- cent:of drugs approved ,in the .I99.os it without the, ~enefit.()fprofits. Wh,en prescripti~~~dlllg progmm -- Mel,ii- erage ,$22 per month •. 40 percent, less , and 19. percent orthe drugs approved pfizer's new cholesterol-lowering care Part q :- could n,ever be. cost- . than had been pl'Ojecl~d. Senior,;> .are by the fDA since 2000 'are on the, VA ~rug proved a friilure late last year. it effective unless thc govcrnment was , estimated to be saving, 'on, averi\ge, ,.National Formulary." "~~'. .,.:'.", Inst '15 years and $1 billion ' In re, &emocrats don't want to impose a search un<l develoPJnent costs. allowed to negoiiatcdi)'ectly With , $1.20Q a' ycar9ndr.J.lgl)dllld .8() perdrug ~omp'3I.iies. According to thc , c~nt : of l'cniors, enrQtled,., ill, (hc';:pro- . forl1Ju,laryon MeSlicare Pdrt D beI~' Democrats continlle crusading ' Denl0crats, th'c "0" i'n 'M'edicare "Part ~ gram are ~atisfjedM'i.I;• :. :.. .' . ' .. <;i)USC . they know ~hat it wi II · cause a . against drug-industry protits, they D" .. stood i{)I: ' '''d~stopiu~''.# IQrcing.i As it hL1Ppel1s, goye.r n.Jl1ent· nggo- , ' I:e\tolt: . So their negotiation scheme, will . s'ucceed only in obstructing , dazed , 31,1(\ J~~rti.I,~ ~(!.· ·~ ;, t? ' ~c tiations of prices won!1" do~ iII1)l .'geod : . passc~i . by tile HOl{se last month, has medical progress, to the detrimcnt of , . ripped off oy 'ravellOltS drug COi11'P11- u]llc~s t.lw gpve rnme l1J iS $ ll1p_Owered '. n,o:chance of.lowe~,ing prices. At least seniors and all of us. nies. . " .. ,-. . nor . to ; 'Offer certain 'drul!s, thus · .Democrats: will h,jve struck a sYI11Rich LOIl'rr is editor the N,,~ · In reality,fj:ijp absen~c of:g~venl~ (Icbic,' ving t:~, ~ 1 barguinjI1g ,po~er. This . " bQlic blow agai)1st'prolits. ;; .:' . tional Rel'iell:. . . ment, nCl!oti,i 6i s has been kJy "j'to tho ~vo ll J d rc;quil'c creating 'a . natIonal . _ .",'r.,,'_" ,"11-" for- , (,c) 21ill7 hy Kin!,! F~aturc, Synd .. lnc. , r-~~~,~~~~~~~~~~ ~.~~'~~~===';.~ ' ~ ' . r'~--~--~~--~~--~--------------------~~ By Rich LllII'IY Page 7 Tuesday: A, slight chance of showers. • Mostly cloudy, with a high near 63, , I or - ~MER/~N' ~ I ''IiIn ' .' B'" '/>;'':-iN': ~ B ~ ':-,;,:', • r ,' .; • __ ;;::~:~ 7 - .. ..;~: -1 , _ ~. - , .,: " " , :. ". : - . ' ", - - 'i-;~ .' .~i~I~I-'=~~5.~:~:~:~Ifu,I~.1i·,~,~;\.~~·,~:~l,i:·I,~~\I~I,l~:x':,1 TH,E PA PE'R :and its staff is not coI19b.o rating. wit.hi . writing, .editing·- or c;ontriDJuting ,to ':th~/lOth ' ,l\nntver-· . sary:: Qt.;: th~:f iPet::e~rstH!frg Jburf.li3J1.-p:'o stl' t$$tlJe~ ,We iare : net 'affiliated 'with nor we "en'd0 ' this .publici3·-.. , .tion in any way. do rs'e ,Don!) California is talking , ab~ut tion has been trying to 'expprt democilloving it,s primary d!\te' from June to . racy around the world. 'If we can . February. That's a good idea, bilt it dump enough of it overseas', hopefully we won't have any left here. Recent hcadline: "Daydreaming is , doesn't go far enough. . .our rcal goal should be to move op brain's default setting, study linds." The only parts Americans really So thot cxplains why ... um, where the 200H election to 2007"so we 'Can enjoy are the attendant scandals, was I? Oh ycs, daydreaming. Accord- get it over with and l19pefuUy get on which is why so many are clamoring ing to the article, which I read most with thc next election. A recerit poll, for a Britney Spears-Paris Hilton of until I drifted 01'1', the mind may , which , has an surprisii1g'ly higli mar- ticket. Sadly, since neither is 35, we'll wander so that it can remain in an gi n of error, shows that 99 perc~nt of have to wa it, or change the Constitu"active state" ('?) or it may wander Amcrican voters -- meaning people tion. (Which, while we're at it, we "simply because ' it can." Glad we who at least voted in th~ j, American could change to allow Austrian bodycleared that up. . Idol" and "Dancing With the Stars" builders to serve. The t~lr-seeing But the scientists did come up with elections -- agree with the statement: James Madison supported this very a new killer name for daydreaming: "Two years of presidential election measure at the original Constitutional "stimulus-independent thought." So . coverage will drive me out Qf my Convention, but was hooted down by the next time you1re accused of day- freakin' skull!" (The remaining I per- variolls girlie~men. If you .think I'm dreaming, inform them that you are ' cent said they would enjoy the cover- kidding, check out the wigs those bus ily involved iil "st imulu s- age as long as Paula Abdul was run- guys wore.) And now Ws time to announce the independent thought" and that you ning.) Th,e odd thing is that, despite the . formation of an exploratory commit.will not brook disturbances of any kind. . constant news barrage. Americans tee to assess my own non-candidacy From daydreaming we go directly don't really like elections, at least not for the office of President of the to the nightmare of presidential poli- in the sense of actually getting out to United States. This was not an easy vote. That's why the Bush adminish-a- decision. With so mat:ty people jointics. Editor~\' note: Great segue, "tana ·}Ban·k · 1he filing period for a position on the Petersburg ISD Variable Rate 7.25%) School Board .election ' bailo! began COlnpetitive Fixed Rates ' On Monday, February ~ 12, 2007 . .It COinPftr~ Our Rate.:tash ratro~age~~ervice '"wIll end"' on"Mon: For The .BCst Dcat Around . day Match , '12, at 5:00 p,in, 80artr . Farm. R,lnch • Rural Rccrc,ltion,ll Tracts members ar~ St.e .Kenneth 1Jooper or J~ff Taylor . elected to three~\,\\I\ll l c.- PI.?/ yeat' terms and the . terms of current· , board members Melanie Morris, . 629 Baltimore ' Plainview 806-296-5579 Mark Hegi, and "Varlallle Rat~ good throu~h February 28, 2007. ~all fora quote. . ,-\PH' rur'· , ·ariahle.rute Is 7.5"-'1°;' to 7.."42% depending on term oUlle IUlln • Tonlmy Roden are those ' tMt ,will . expir~ 1 c· this ... ,'year, --Eaeh of tile>: ' ,'J. afor'ementioned board members ' , bl)s .,he option, of filing to see~ .FirsL,United ~ e1ectiOll to' another threeyeat~, <:'_~ ." ~I" AshWednes(Jay-" The Methodist Church \vill- host ,an' Ash Wednes- 'Stimril~ls-lndepe"dent Th~ough~" Believer ~~~ .---.~· u.~ __F.J-J10-. :,:~: .• Panhandle-Plains ing the race --most recently, the passengers and crew of a Celebrity cruise threw their sunglasses · in the ring -- it wOlild have been far easier to go along with the crowd. The early findings are good. Everybody my committee has spoken to enthusiastically .supports my noncandidacy. My committee reports not only a broad 'and deep lack of interest in my running for president, but for any office. "I wouldn't support him ifhe were rmining for dog catcher," was a typic~il comment. I am both humbled and grateful. So I won't be entertaining friends in the Oval Ot1ice any tinie soon, but I can always indulge' in "stimulus-independent thought." Write to Don Flood in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. ' Box 5364.75, .orlando, FL 3'2853-6475; or .' send e~mails to (c) 2007 King Features Synd.,lnc. PISD School Board Elections day service on February. 21 at 7:00 pill. Special I)lusic will be brought by Ann StuteS and Josl) Snlith of Wayland Baptist University. The nlessage "V ill be brought by "Vendell Ferguson. WEEKLY SUDOKU ANSWERS FROM PAGE 8 6 7 5 8 .3 ,4 2 9 1 3 7 2 ,8 9 6 5 9 8 8 5 2 4 ' 3 9 4 1 7 6 2 7 6 2 6 9 8 1 1 5 7 8 3 6 ,4 4: 1 7 7 5 6 1 3, 2 8 5 6 9 .4 ' ~ 3 '4 "1 2 ' 7 5 1 2 5 3 8 9 4 5 9 9 3 2 1 8 7 6 4 I' ter.m. 'fhbse interested in filing for a position on the ballot for oile of the places may do so at the Petersburg ISO central offices · between' the ,hours 7:30 a:.'In.. and 4:00 p·.m. Monday through 'Friday. The deadline for filing is Monday. March 12. For more information, calI the Petersolirg, of. 8P6~667-J585 . Dr Kelso's vacCination clinic for pets This Saturday from 2:00 - 4:00 pm Veterinarian Dr. Kelso will be at the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department ~ for a 2 hour vaecination clinic. , •. $8.00 per shot $8.00 worm medicine Dr. Kelso's office number is 87 King Cross-word r-"----;::::::;:;::;::;:::;...."..,."....... ACROSS I Judici'al garb 6 Embarrassed ·9 Recipe meas. .\ 2 Part of His~ Ran'ikl~~ ~. , p .Fligtitles~ bird 14'Genetics abbr; 15 Wedding mus'icmaker .16 ' S~squatch 18 Sports coat iO 'Booty 21 \ Histi)ry .chaptl~r 23 u'ndeJ1the weather:' 24 Opium source 25 Ladder feature 27 W(ckerwork willow 29 Governor 3 i' Bad-tempered 3'5 Rolls partner 37 Place 38 Post-nupt~1 kin . 4'1 Drone 43 Hiatus 44 Agifate continuously 45 Source of Will Rogers' i!1fo 47 '''So\vhat?'' 49 Giggly noise 52 W'ork with 53 Wapiti 54 Public distur- bances 55 Always, in verse 56 Crucial 57 Available DOWN I Plato's P 2 Scull prop 3 Explosion that started it all? 4 List-ending abbr. 5 Mideast peninsula 6 Insurrectionists 7 Eastern potentate 8 Comp'rehended 9 Cavalry unit 10 Get nosy 'II Hamburger, e.g. 17 Rosy? 19 Polish silver? 21 Mess up 22 Wish undone 24 Each 26 He served between Richard and Jimmy 28 Become frozen 30 Without delay 32 VIP 33 "Luck - Lady" 34 "Uh-huh" 36 Like the White Cliffs of Dover ' 38 Permeate fully 39 Din 40 Hybrid feline 42 Subway 45 Wan 46 Jockey's hap,dful 48 "Yipes!" 50 Schedule abbr. 51 Kreskin's claim Pa9.~ 8 Thursday, ~~bruary 15, 2007 ' THE PAPER TEXAS " STAT":WIDI~ CLASS(J<U: n ADVl~ RTJSING Nt:TWORK '- ',,;H OUSE 'E ORSAtE 3Bedro~m, 2 B'a th, 2 Car Garage home with fenced yard and a sbop building 2010 Ave. F ·' $59,000 ' MAYO AGENCY . 667-3593 '. .' ;' f, NEW llEGIj)N~L " Te:~SCAN Week (If · ' .'ebrui\J·{ II, ~007 > OTR pMhion. MOBil f flOMb . :~7.I:~rf~~~:~~i'~.';~I:~~~~.If;~~~~:~~; bU.:., ' . dll •. C'II .1,. nr .. $Sz. ~53)! OJ .• AC'OPTION , .." ...a,kkylrall ' pc·, u".. . f OH ~~ A ll Jt.n" ~'l.,IIJ' :' I\'<l ~.y,,,,,,,, OWI>K!( IN oil , <lI" •• '~u~,'''",.~~ t~("••. Clll fQr,d •.toll• . t.hllY • ~~~;'03~~~":U\' HOIIIU.:1·8(j(HI3<4 ·96H, N,... : It i. ;110$>110 '''' Pli4 fill ;IIl),bing 1",>.m4 1IItdk,,,1WId lot'll e.~I"'1UCI ill '/b(u tdoptloQ; VOU """Iili. .. Ziilo.'DOWN tF t)1iIO your lind.Build po,n. (IIW) t::~: N()\f IIIRIN(l. AV."~. I"Y , '. )'Ou, own 1"'1Il'.! CilytOll, ltrv HOIll..' ~-:lOih(lu, ",$5'1 ": •• iiu.lly Ine ludlds r,d ...\. . '()I>" T'XIII'~ ",<>de.i" W. rln~ ••: LVV ' . Tilk \Yll b COl int (l<i""kt ljitd.ti:do.i! ib Ili.tcll· · bondi" &: ";."rIlJII~. InillidK ..... atlon.: . HOIII~" 1 .. S()() ..934. ""44. RBI. 03 1% , 11Ig bJrlbnwlb ... wilh ..... m•• D.flu.\Y ·I~, PTII-'T. ! ·8O(j·:/()'J·91S4. Ext. 4?OI USWA, ' .E.pcll •.• •' p.ld. l\> t! rrM 24 1'1 . AbllY'f .One '13>.1»1""' .. qllir.,.,. ' .. • 1'(11. Qltl AduIIUO.. , .1·36(,·9H1 ·SHl. "" PREGNAN·T?CONSlj)'ER:IN·GA'ii'omON·? in4 . WOI.YF l''''Nl'IIN(; IIY-OS . lilly disea 'lid ; tllU flOE1- fNJItC1'Kn CQ r v~t!. 10 b ~' nyt. FuIlB<>dyunjtl trQril$'~~ ~lIloollt . FlU1.1! allction~d al tb. 1.61b Annual Co:t Colltecl.lo, calol<>" . Call 1(f~.~1 1. .. 6()().$42. U05. tOt en Auctlo.' Aprll ·2.(j ,& 21. BnD'.o. ...10 ..... 11,. ' ... 11 .• """ • '. Minol"i.· l'Or <oo,i.omenl Intatlll,Hon ' HI,I w1Ww.bttfnonaue libn ,t'OfII. 1.. 800, ~~~ · )Q6·3 . WA'Jlr[J 8llSINESS (WrORTlINITIE'~ AI.I •. (l ASU (;~NP I' 'RoIII",' I} i) y .. " .'; rn in .' da)" Your own 10e.1 ".nd~' ,ou.t•. , :~~~~:~ !,n~=srd~~I~:lt.,~~ II.~r $9 .995. Dfll VERS Extend our advertt s in reach With TexSCAN . our Statewid e C la SS ified Ad Network ~ELP WANT~~ , WEEK·LY SUOOKU Seasonal WarehDuse GYard Assistailt. I.oalt/unload delivery ': 'ti'llck~. I\wklitl opel:atiol1.yard and 'facil~' ily mail)tenance. Ability 10 lift heavy items. travel within Wes1 Texas 'service area. ·Possess and maintain valid Texas Driver Lirens'e. 'Irrigation, tlll'lning, or mechanical e~perience a plus. hUI wiJI trtlin. Apply in person at teo-Drip Irrigation. Abernathy. /\pjJl'OximateIY ,4 miles north ot I\bernathy on East 1<!7 access road. .b~· Win int4 linda Thistle ANSWERS O N PAGE 7 5 6 t 3 4 4 6 3 5· 7 4 2 Wide' Speci 3 Hono Offen 5 ~' 1 6 3 Sp're~ '2~d' 6 9 5 1st T Newc 2 2 7 4 8 ·20t Placc a numbcr in thc cmpty boxcs in such a \\lay that each row across, each column down and cach , small 9-box squarc contains all orlhc numbers from O;l C to .nillc. DIFFICULITY THIS WEEK *** * Moderate", *1' .Challengil~g *** HOO BOV!! - . I 'r :2006 by King F.:alur.:s Syndica1e. Inc. World rig!lIs reserv.:d , ,~