Ebbetts Pass 1123 Chapter 1714 Newsletter May 2016
Ebbetts Pass 1123 Chapter 1714 Newsletter May 2016
Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 May 2016 Volume 16 Issue 1 Mother’s Day Brunch is coming!!! Get your Wife, Mom, Grandma or significant other and bring them to the lodge for a wonderful Brunch. Sign up NOW so we can plan this meal accordingly. Please don't wait until 2 days before. Purchasing food is hard to do without sign ups so we do not run out of food. Many Thanks to all the Officer’s and others who make this event possible. Annual Rib Feed Saturday June 25, 2016 Ribs, Beans, Corn on the cob Salad, Rolls &Dessert This will be a Pre-Paid Dinner Jill and the Giants will be here! Cinco De Mayo Saturday May 14, 2016 This is always a GREAT Mexican Buffet Put it on your calendar now More info coming in May! Watch your Weekly Updates Burn Your Own Steak or Chicken Saturday May 21, 2016 Pre-pay $12.00 Salad, Potato, Bread, & Dessert Come pick your Meat and we will assist you at the BBQ to cook it to perfection. Dinner starts at 6:00 PM Hosts are the Lestanguet’s and Harlow’s I would like to start off by thanking outgoing Gov. Bob Burns for another great term. I would also like to thank Bob Arnold (Junior Governor), Bill Kislingbury (Administrator), Bill Osincup (Treasurer), Rod Cummings (Prelate), Dan Leary (Past Governor), Pat Wigglesworth (2 year trustee), and Jerry Osincup (1 year trustee) for their time and service to our lodge. To start off, I would like to share a little information about myself to those of you I have not had the opportunity to meet. I joined the lodge in 2014 and in 2015 I served the lodge as 3 year trustee. I retired in 2013 from the Antioch Police department and my wife (outgoing Sr. Regent Diane Freier) and I decided to move to Arnold full-time. I am looking forward to my term as Governor of our lodge and look forward to meeting more of our brothers and Co-workers. We have an exciting year ahead us with some great events coming up. We have the Mothers Day brunch on May 8th that will be cooked and served by your Board of Officers, the annual rib feed, the annual Luau, the Heisinger golf tournament and many more lunches, dinners, and celebrations over the summer. I would like to encourage everyone to come down to the lodge and get involved with our various programs that benefit our community as well as Moosehaven and Mooseheart. Here is to the exciting year ahead of us! The Bull Moose of the month is Rod Cummins! Rod has served on the board the last year as Prelate as well as serving as the chair for the medical equipment. Recently Rod spent several hours on our monthly work day reorganizing and clearing out the old/unusable medical equipment. Thanks Rod for all you have done and do for our lodge!! Scott Freier Governor We cannot do it without YOU! Please support your Lodge and Chapter by supporting our fundraising efforts. Come out and have dinner with us! Jackpot Winner None The Annual Heisinger Memorial Golf Tournament is coming up. Saturday, June 11th. We will be playing again at Sequoia Country Club. The format remains the same, a four person scramble with a shotgun start. There will be 32 foursomes (128 golfers). The cost remains the same this year as it was last year, $60.00 for Sequoia Club members and $100.00 for non-members. Lunch on the course from 11am to 3pm. A BBQ TriTip dinner and awards will follow at the lodge. Additional dinners are available for non-golfers at $15.00 each. The sign-up sheet is now available at the lodge. Last year’s players have first sign-up privileges. Open sign-up will begin May 16th. This is a great tournament and as usual all the proceeds will be donated to Hospice of the Sierra. We are anticipating this tournament to fill up very fast. Don’t miss out. Finally, Thank you to all of our past year officers both LOOM and WOTM. You have done a great job of running this lodge and leave a high mark for the new officers to reach. It has been my pleasure to work with all of you. Get involved, Fraternally, Bill Kislingbury Administrator Loom1123@gmail.com / (209) 795-3112 Mystery Number 15155641 Crying Towel Terry Forsea, Tim Healy, Jean Lestanguet, Diana Doiel, Robert Juarez, Leslie Mitchell, Winifred Taylor Edwards, Stephanie Meneses, David Lynch, Kris Salvoni, Bob Fitzgerald, Pam Bader, Greg Brummond, Mickaela Frey, Elsie Durkin, Whitney Williamson, Randy Fox, Christine Sampson, Jon Hughes, Carol Lucia, Chris Friedmann, Megan Bortz, Jeff Jones, Russell Koerner, Thomas Sullivan, Rick Kruse, John Portscheller Senior Regent’s Update Do you SHOP? Do you love MOOSEHEART? Here is a painless, easy way To raise much needed Funds for Mooseheart Activity Message SHOPAROO I am at a disadvantage because Kathy & I are in Gulf Port Mississippi and do not have a full May calendar, so this message will be brief. May 14th Colleen Brophy will be doing the Cinco De Mayo dinner and was changed from May 7th to May 14th!! We have some upcoming events that you should mark your calendars: June 11th will be the Dick Heisinger annual golf tournament . June 26th will be the annual Rib Feed hosted by Scott Lemon and it is my under- standing that he will have music for your enjoyment!! Kathy and I are heading back to California and hope to be home by mid-May. Ted Carpenter Activity Chairman Any smart phone can download this free app and all you do is scan receipts for items you purchase-food, groceries, gas receipts etc Use your phone to scan them and Mooseheart can start earning money and sweepstakes entries for even more money. Please call Diane Freier or Cindi Heller for more Information We are back from our winter trip and had a great time. I want to thank Scott Freier for taking over in my absence and doing a great job. You Da Man! So, our April Work Day had five people show up and we decided to tackle cleaning up the men’s garage. Heck, somebody had to do it. We had a cup of coffee and a pastry and got on it. Thank you to Steve Minneci, Rod Cummings, Ray Sutliff, Scott Freier and Dan Leary. I want to touch again on the reason that these guys and ladies show up on Work Day. We take care of the monthly clean up in the kitchen, taking care of changing light bulbs, working on the cooler, raking pine needles and just doing some needed cleaning and minor repairs. We burn said pine needles when allowed. In general, just keeping a clean face on OUR lodge. If you have an hour or two to spare, we have Work Day the first Tuesday of the month. You don’t have to show up every month, just when you can. But, if you look at our list, we have a few members who make a monthly promise to the lodge. Come on down, give us a hand and you might just get hooked. OK, the kitchen is going to be closed the second week in May for a yearly cleaning. This is when we move all of the stoves, etc. and do a major clean up. Jean Lestanguet Kathy and I visited Moosehaven while we were in Jacksonville. What an experience it was to see what our dues and donations are used for!! We had wonderful lady named Chris who gave us a personalized tour of the campus. Chris is a resident of Moosehaven and loves it. She showed us all of the facilities for the residents, and there is a lot. They have everything they need to lead an active and healthy life. We went to their gym where they have cardio and weight training equipment and there is also a pool to swim in daily if they want. If they need to see a doctor there is a clinic there along with physical therapy. The grounds are beautiful with live oaks with moss hanging from the branches. Moosehaven is 73 acres with lots of open space to roam along with a 400 ft fishing pier built by the WOTM. There were lots of the residents out on the pier fishing the day we were there. If you ever get the chance to see this facility please take advantage of the opportunity. It really makes you realize what the Moose is all about. We took quite a few pictures to show everyone . Ted Carpenter Membership Chairman Ebbetts Pass Women of the Moose Celebrating our 40 year Anniversary. Grab a pin for $5.00 Available at the Lodge Membership Status Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 04/15/2016 Member on rolls last Month 539 Total Adds 5 Total Deductions 34 Total Arrears ( expired ) 92 Percent Arrears 15.28% Total on rolls last Transmit 510 Goal for 04/30/2017 Ebbetts Pass Chapter #1714 04/15/2016 Members on Rolls Last Month 383 Total Adds 4 Total Deductions 15 Total Arrears (Expired) 66 Percent of Arrears 15.07% Total on Rolls last transmit 372 Goal for 04/30/2017 LOOM Officers 2016-2017 Governor-Scott Freier Administrator-Bill Kislingbury Jr Governor-Jack Kuhn Prelate-Thomas Bradshaw Jr Past Gov-Bob Burns Treasurer-Patrick Wrigglesworth 1st Yr Trustee-Karl Malmin 2nd Yr. Trustee-Bill Osincup 3rd Yr Trustee-Dan Leary Sgt At Arms-Robert Freier Inner Guard-Willie Ganley Outer Guard-Paul Penney WOTM Officers 2016-2017 Senior RegentJunior Regent– Melanie Kish Recorder-Colette Scales Secretary/Treasurer– Jr. Grad Regent-Diane Freier Guide–Share Peterson Guide– Marilyn Harlow LEGION Chairman 2015-2016 Chairman-Dan Leary Vice ChairmanAssistant Secretary-Pat Wrigglesworth Junior Past Chairman-Bill Osincup Health/WelfareActivities-Ted Carpenter SAFE SURFIN’ This month the EZ child ID team participated in the open house at Hazel Fischer Elementary. I'd like to thank Senior Regent Diane Freier and Junior Grad Regent Collete Scales for helping at this event. We were able to provide the ID kits to 16 children and was once again greatly appreciated by the families of the children. If you know of any events that would benefit from the services of the EZ Child ID Program please let me know! Thanks!! Scott Freier Chairman EZ Child ID Program K9mog@comcast.net Moose Legion Updates-Dan Leary Mothers' Day Brunch will be held on May 8th, 10:00-12:00! Mothers are free, fathers will be $10. The kitchen will be closed 5/9-5/13 for maintenance! May 14th will be Cinco de Mayo! Come to the Legion Meeting on May 19th & meet your new officers! Respectfully submitted, Dan Leary, Legion Chairman 23 30 22 29 District Meeting Tracy 11:00 am 16 Kitchen Closed Kitchen Closed 15 10 WOTM Officers Meeting 4:00 pm 9 8 LOOM Mother’s Day Brunch Mom’s Free Adults $10.00 31 24 17 LOOM Officers Meeting 5 pm LOOM & WOTM General Meeting 7 pm 3Work Day 9:00 am LOOM Officers meet 5 pm LOOM&WOTM General Meeting 7pm 2 1 TUE OPEN MEETING NIGHTS ONLY 5-10:00 PM MON OPEN 12-7:00 PM SUN OPEN 12-7:00 PM BREAKFASTS SERVED 9:00 AM-11:00 AM BINGO 7:00 PM BINGO 7:00 PM 25 BBQ Bill Kislingbury BINGO 7:00 PM 18 BBQ Includes Lockford Brats Dan Leary Kitchen Closed 11 BINGO 7:00 PM 4 BBQ Bob Burns WED OPEN 11-7:00 PM 26 Legion Meeting 5:30 PM 19 WOTM Dinner Lasagna $9.00 Kitchen Closed 12 5 THU OPEN 12-7:00 PM 27 20 Kitchen Closed 13 6 FRI OPEN 12-7:00 PM EBBETTS PASS LODGE MAY 2016 CALENDAR CALL THE LODGE FOR MEAL SIGN-UPS 209-795-3112 **PLEASE CALL THE LODGE TO SIGN UP FOR MEALS** 28 21 LOOM Dinner Burn Your Own $10.00 Meat, Salad, Potato, Bread, Dessert 14 WOTM Dinner Cinco De Mayo $10.00 Colleen Brophy Gentle Stretch 9 AM 7 SAT OPEN 12-7:00 PM LOOM 2016-2017 LOOM and WOTM Officers & Chairman (Keep this list since it will only be in the newsletter 1 time) Governor-Scott Freier 209-795-7071 Senior Regent- Administrator-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Junior Regent– Melanie Kish Jr. Governor-Jack Kuhn 209-795-1513 Recorder– Colette Scales Prelate-Thomas Bradshaw 209-768-9788 Secretary/Treasurer- Jr Past Gov.– Robert “Bob” Burns 209-795-6871 Junior Grad Regent-Diane Freier Treasurer-Pat Wrigglesworth 209-795-2508 Guide-Share Peterson 1 Year Trustee-Karl Malmin 209-795-2711 Guide-Marilyn Harlow 2 Year Trustee-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 3 Year Trustee-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Sgt-at-Arms-Robert Freier 209-890-7256 Committees Inner Guard-Willie Ganley 209-890-7085 Membership Retention-Kathy Carpenter Outer Guard-Paul Penney 209-795-0514 Mooseheart/Moosehaven– Kathy Fell Committees Community Service– Cambria Hatcher Application Review-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Higher Degrees– Della Taylor Audit-Bob Harlow Activities/Sports– Maryann Fabian 209-795-2768 WOTM 209-795-5020 209-795-7071 209-795-4428 209-795-2211 Mooseheart/Moosehaven-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Bingo-Bill McClure 209-795-4795 Appointed Committee Chairs Community Service-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Ways and Means-Diane Freier 209-795-7071 Family Activities– Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Audit– Tess Leary 209-795-5868 Fellowship-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Application Review– Chris Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Moose Charities-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Scholarship Chair-Kathy Kuhn Government Relations-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 HistoricalMoose Legion-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Lodge Calendar-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Medical Equipment-Scott Freier 209-795-7071 Scholarships-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Membership-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 CommunicationsPublic Relations-Harry Tittle 209-795-1655 Ritual Orientation-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Shuffle Board-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Horseshoes-Scott McKinney 209-795-6116 Sports Golf-Steve Heisinger 209-795-5675 Sports PoolSports-Wii—Tess Leary 209-795-5868 Loss Prevention-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Workday/Special ProjectsJean Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Arnold Automotive 1176 Manuel Rd Arnold, Ca 95223 Tom Weaver-Owner COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE 209-890-7328 Phone 209-890-7534 Fax Www.arnold-automotive.com info@arnold-automotive.com Cambria Hatcher Mosbaugh Properties Shop: (209) 795-2018 Cell: (209) 768-2165 OWNER/OPERATOR Salon etc. Grizzly Plaza 2704 Highway 4 Leader of the Pack Ebbetts Pass Gas Service Propane Gas Appliances Sales & Service 209-795-1391 Arnold Barbershop Big Trees Market K9 Obedience Applewood Center 2182 HWY 4 PO Box 6195 Arnold, CA, 95223 Hours:Wed-Fri 6AM to 1PM 209-795-3868 FAX 209-795-1065 795-0666 Nick Self-Co-owner 1771 b. Highway 4 Gina Barr Teaching you to train your dog Group, Private and On-Site Lessons 2481 Camanche Drive Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-1405 209-770-1481 ginabarrandpups@yahoo.com PO Box 2169 Hi Time Party Store M&M Drafting Custom Home Designs Since 1988 *Remodels & Additions *Garages & Decks *Title-24 hour documentation *Permit Processing Rentals & Sales Your complete party Store PO Box 26 Arnold, Ca 95223 1153 Dunbar Road 209-795-3628 209-736-2363 Marilyn Strand Wayne Renaud P.O.Box 4266 PO Box 531 Dorrington, Ca 95223 Arnold, Ca 95223 Don Machado-Owner Mark Miguel Ph/Fax 209-728-3845 Richard Sohm Owner Tools & Equipment Mini Storage D.I.M. Corp Dba Arnold Rental 320 N Main Street 1153 Dunbar Road Angels Camp, Ca 95221 Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-2363 209-795-3628 PO Box 68 Arnold, Ca 95223 Billing Address: PO Box 26 Arnold, Ca 95223 Fax: 209-795-3663 Acupuncture Wellness of Calaveras Richard Weissman-Acupuncturist 209-736-9484 Free Consultation acucalaveras@gmail.com AcupunctureCalaveras.com (Angels Camp/Arnold) 18 years experience Chronic pain, Stress, Fatigue, Insomnia, Arthritis Allergies, Digestive, Weight, Much More! Above and Beyond Travel Full Service Agency *Cruises * Resorts * Tours Maureen Dinnocenzo CTA/ECC/Hawaii DS/Owner PO Box 1029 Arnold, Ca 95223 Arnold, Ca 209-795-3226 866-476-7476 Aboveandbeyondtravelagency.com aboveandbeyondtravelagency@comcast.net Century 21 Sierra Properties 2075 Highway 4, Arnold, Ca 95223 Beverly & Don Fry BRE #00713043 & 00624278 Toll Free 800-440-4949 Bev Cell: 209-768-4466 Don Cell: 209-770-2447 Bevfry28@gmail.com donfry404@gmail.com Home Office: 209-795-3286 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Contractor Lic# 379264 209-795-2529 Fax 209-795-7423 Carpet, Vinyl, linoleum Hardwood Floors O'Leary's Green Custom Golf Clubs Club Repairs Fittings 209-795-0832 Larry D. Dufloth Custom Floor Installation Cont. Lic. No. 410372 Shears Marie Salon 925 Hwy 4 Arnold Plaza PO Box 648 Arnold,Ca 95223 209-795-5588 209-768-3647 Marie Sevier-cosmetologist (Shop Owner) mgsevier@comcast.net (209) 795-3884 P.O. Box 1192 Arnold, Ca 95223 Tony Molica Owner Tony’s Plumbing Service Inc. Repair-Remodeling-Drain Cleaning Contractor Lic # 691786 Arnold-Serving Calaveras County Phone (209)795-2363 Cell (209)614-0954 PO Box 482 Arnold, Ca 95223 Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 Loyal Order Of Moose P.O. Box 121 Arnold CA, 95223-0121 May 2016 Bulletin Bulletin Articles Due by the 15th of the month. NO EXCEPTIONS! Editor-Cindi Heller Beachspuds04@att.net Lodge website www.ebbettspassmoose.org California/Nevada Website www.ca-nvmoose.org Moose International Website www.mooseintl.org - Password is 2014 I always need photos for the bulletin. If you have any pictures of Lodge activities, please e-mail me or call and let me know. 209-795-5623 COME AND GET ONE! This is our 40th Anniversary Pin, available to purchase at the lodge for $5.00. Come out and support your lodge and grab your pin while supplies last
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Senior Regent-Diane Freier
Junior Regent– Chris Lestanguet
Recorder-Kathy Eback
Secretary/Treasurer– Chaz Armstrong
Jr. Grad Regent-Colette Scales
Guide– Share Peterson
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