January 2016 color bulletin
January 2016 color bulletin
Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 January 2016 Volume 15 Issue 9 LAST CHANCE TO WIN the 49ers Super Bowl Collector Edition Jackets Raffle tickets are at the Lodge (See Bartender) The tickets are $2.00 each or 6 for $10.00 Raffle is held at the LAST 49ers game Of the season January 3rd, 2016 ALL MONEY GOES TO OUR HIGH SCHOOL SCOLARSHIP PROGRAM Come and Get your CRAB on! Annual Crab Feed February 27, 2016 ATTENTION NEW BULLETIN PROTOCOL LAST CHANCE TO RECEIVE YOUR NEWSLETTER In an effort to deal with budget issues throughout the lodge, the House Committee has decided to discontinue the USPS mailing version of the monthly bulletin. Beginning with the January issue, our monthly bulletin will be distributed by email, through the website or picked up at the lodge. The website contains a complete color version of the current bulletin as well as a separate current calendar file. The email version will remain as it is now. If you are not receiving an email version and have an email address, notify the Administrator for LOOM members and the Recorder for WOTM members. For those members that do not have access to a computer or the internet, submit your name to the Administrator or Recorder to be placed on the Pick-up list. There are several people, currently, picking up their newsletters from the Lodge. Some of those people are not picking them up each month. If you do not regularly pick up your copy, your name will be removed from the list. Ebbetts Pass Moose Lodge #1123 House Committee ALL YOU CAN EAT CRAB Pasta, Salad and Rolls $35.00 Tickets on Sale February1,2016 Oysters will be served at Market Priced Get your tickets EARLY because this event SELLS OUT FAST Dan Leary & Crew Annual Rib Feed Saturday June 25, 2016 Ribs, Beans, Corn on the cob Salad, Rolls &Dessert $15.00 per person This will be a Pre-Paid Dinner Watch for more info coming SOON It is a very cold December: icy roads and driveways. Please be careful when walking or driving. We want everyone to stay safe and comfortable during this miserable cold period. January is a very slow month, but there are still lunches and Thursday night dinners, Friday or Saturday dinners and an occasional Breakfast. Signup, show up and support the Lodge. If you can, sign up and give us a hand in the kitchen, or come in on the first Tuesday of the month to help on work day. Diane Freier and the ladies did a great job, once again, with the Christmas party. Well done ladies and thank you for every thing you do to help this Lodge stay as one of the best in the fraternity. Without the ladies, this Lodge would not be as good as it is. If we are able to find Crab this year, the Crab Feed will be on February 27, 2016. When tickets go on sale, get them early or wait until 2017. My Bull Moose of the month is different this month. It is ALL MEMBERS of the Lodge who are here to work and support the Lodge. Without these people, there would be no Ebbetts Pass Moose Lodge or WOTM. Thanks to all of you. I hope all of you had a great Christmas and new year. When you come into the Lodge, say hello to everyone and if you don't know them, introduce yourself. They might become a friend for life! Fraternally Bob Burns Governor Do you SHOP? Do you love MOOSEHEART? Here is a painless, easy way To raise much needed Funds for Mooseheart SHOPAROO Any smart phone can download this free app and all you do is scan receipts for items you purchase-food, groceries, gas receipts etc Use your phone to scan them and Mooseheart can start earning money and sweepstakes entries for even more money. Please call Diane Freier or Cindi Heller for more Information Wishing you and your family a Happy Year. As we kick off the 2016 New Year, we only have four months left in our Moose Year that ends April 30. That means it’s time to get serious about our new officers and committees. This process starts with you. If you are interested in running for an office or committee, please let me or any officer know. Intent to run for office forms will be available at the bar and must be completed and returned to the administrator before the first nominating committee meeting. That date will be announced soon. A Look Back Upgrades and maintenance projects. We upgraded our Social Quarters TV. We installed an ATM in the Social Quarters. We installed a new on demand water heater. Upgraded Front yard sprinklers and lighting. Thank you to all our volunteers and member donations needed to complete all of these projects. Correction: LAST MONTH I REPORTED THAT DUES WOULD INCREASE BY $2.00. on May 1st, 2016. The following para- graph is the correction to that statement. On May 1, 2016 the first of three $2.00 increases in the Moose International Per capita amount will take place.. This is a portion of each member’s annual dues remitted to Moose International. This means our Lodge will lose $2.00 per member that we currently receive from Moose International from our member’s annual dues. The second year, another $2.00 per capita increase will occur making a total of $4.00. And the third year will be the 3rd and final $2.00 increase for an overall total of $6.00 per member. This per capita increase was announced at the International Convention in Nashville this past July. At this time there is no plan to increase our members’ dues as we hope to be able to make up the loss from increased lodge events and more member participation. Time will tell. I encourage all members to please participate in lodge events as much as you can. “Get Involved “ Bill Kislingbury, Administrator We cannot do it without YOU! Please support your Lodge and Chapter by supporting our fundraising efforts. Come out and have dinner with us! Senior Regent’s Update Happy New Years everyone! 2015 was a very busy and successful year for the Women of the Moose. We had so many things going on our heads were spinning, but in a good way (if there is such a thing, lol). Thank you everyone who helped in both large and small ways to keep our Chapter and Lodge going. Also, thank you for providing thousands of hours of Community Service to both our Community and Moose International. I know you do not always hear the Thanks You’s as much, or as timely as they should be, but we all thank you very much for everything you do. Every member of our lodge has a role to play. In the month of November and December, our Women of the Moose participated in numerous events. November 21st, we had a New Member Orientation, which had a great turn-out. This was the same day as Sonora’s College of Regents Ceremony and I want to thank our ladies who missed our Orientation to support our Sonora sisters. Of course our annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner was a great success, thanks to the Heller's and all the volunteers. The next day, we staffed a hot beverage booth and did the Child ID program at the Parade of Lights (in we had lady elves in the kitchen to bake the cookies for the Kids Christmas Party, so the kids could decorate them the next day. The party was well attended and we so appreciate that Santa and Mrs. Claus could be there even with their busy schedule on the North Pole. Thank you Chris Lestanguet and Colette Scales for attending the party in my absence. We did ALL of that, and provided the meals for many of those events and during the months. Thank you to everyone who helped out and attended all of these events. You rocked it!!! Now get some rest…. The Co-worker of the month is Linda Crum. She showed up for College of Regents (she even played a last minute role in our red stole ceremony), Green Cap, our Ornament exchange, and made our AOF luncheon a lot of fun. She always brings dishes to events even if she can't be there, and she has been an advisor to our Chapter. She also travels to do so, and had brought other members with her. freezing temperatures mind you). Thank you to Colette Scales, Karen Pennington and Scott Freier for helping out, I hope by now you are all thawed out. November 29th we teamed with the LOOM for the Erik Momyer Memorial, which I hope helped to ease the burden for Erik’s family. Thank you Charlotte Armstrong and Kathy Carpenter and others for all that you did to prepare for that special day. On December 1st, many of our ladies showed up for the Work Day to help decorate the inside of the lodge and stuff gift bags for our annual Kids Christmas Party (held on December 12th). Later the evening of the 1st, WOTM had their annual Ornament Exchange Party directly after our First Meeting of the Month. We all had a great time and ended up with some adorable gifts. December 8th, our Higher Degree Chair, Della Taylor, held an Academy of Friendship Christmas Luncheon at the Snowshoe Brewery, where we had a lot of Have a Safe and Happy New Year! Diane Freier fun exchanging gifts. Later that evening, Senior Regent we held our annual Green Cap Ceremony in recognition of all Green Cap recipients and our newest recipient, Colette Scales. Congratulations Colette!! December 11th Activity Message We had very active November & December thanks to all of our volunteers and I want to take the time to thank the Women of the Moose for their in involvement in the White Pines Parade of Lights. This was the first time that this event was done in White Pines and it was a big success despite freezing cold weather the night of the event. The Chair Person from the Women of the Moose was Karen Pennington and her committee is Mooseheart & Moosehaven. She planned and provided hot drinks for the participants and spectators, for the White Pines Parade of Lights. The drinks were served in the parking lot of the lodge and park and gave the Moose great exposure to the Public!! Thanks to Mary Ann Fabian & Joe Salvato and Jerry & Kathy Osincup who borrowed a trailer from Scott Freier and created a float for the Parade of Lights and again giving the Moose Lodge great public exposure and they won 3rd place!! Cindi & Josh Heller stepped up and provided Free Thanksgiving Dinner for our community and it is my understanding they served over 250 dinners. A venture like this can’t be successful without a lot of planning Volunteers. THANKS CINDI & JOSH AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS!! Thanks to Scott McKinney for taking care of the Monday Night Football Pools during this year, GOOD JOB SCOTT. Kathy & I will be leaving on January 11th for our annual snowbird trip to Arizona and maybe the East Coast, if we buy a new motor home in Arizona?? While I am gone Dan Leary will be handling the Moose calendar, so if you want to cook a dinner or a Wednesday BBQ contact Dan at home 209-795 5868 or the Lodge 209705- 3112 Ted Carpenter Activity Chairperson EZ Child ID Program UPDATE Just wanted to update you on the safe surfin' program. To date we have been involved in numerous events in our community. These events include 2 open houses at Hazel Fischer school, 2 open houses at Michelson school, the logging museum jamboree, Boy Scouts of Murphys, Independence Hall garage sale, the Easter party at the lodge, White Pines Christmas Parade in Arnold. To date we have completed over 150 child ID kits for the children and seniors in our community. Thanks! Scott Freier Safe Surfin' Committee Chair It was another cold, cold work day. We got so much done inside this month. Terry Kish, a fairly new member was there to help. Dennis Murch joined us and what a work horse he is. Glad you could come and help out, Terry and Dennis. Of course, we have our regular work horses and they did a mighty fine job too!! Rod Cummins, Ray Sutliffe, Mike Brashear, Scott Freier, Ted Carpenter, Steve Minneci. Karl Malmin came up to me the other night and was sorry he missed work day. I think we can excuse him even though he and Donna were in Mexico soaking up the warm sun. As always, the kitchen got a good scrubbing. We even got the floors looking spic and span. All of the bar glasses got a good run through the sanitizer and the bar area got an extra cleanup. The light fixtures got a good dusting. Scott Freier checked the emergency lights (gave that one to a tall guy) and we ordered new batteries for them. Don’t’ want to be caught in the dark. Now, on to the ladies who come every year on the December Work Day to decorate the lodge for the Christmas Holiday. Our Sr. Regent, Diane Freier led the ladies in a wonderful project. Bonnie Doiel, Mary Ann Fabian, Chris Lestanguet, Marilyn Harlow, Kathy Carpenter, Donna Holley, Kathy Eback, Melanie Kish, and Shirley Small. Terry Kish did double duty and helped decorate. So, when you come into the lodge during the holidays and enjoy the decorations, you can thank this fine group. Next Work Day, Tuesday, January 5th at 9am. Hope you can make this one. I will be gone for the Feb. and March Work Days. Chris and I will be doing our almost annual trip to Arizona and So. California. We are looking forward to a little warm weather also. See you in April! Jean Lestanguet A Note from The Membership Chairman Ted Carpenter We are over half way through our membership year and we are behind on our membership goals. As of 12-14-15 the members on our rolls is 540 and our goal is 552 leaving us 12 members behind!!! We need a lot of help from all our members to try to make up for the 12 members, so If you have a friend , relative that you want to have join you in the great events that this Lodge provides to our members, then take the time to fill out a membership application for them. International has started a reward program for sponsoring new members and if you go on the international web site and type in membership awards program you will see all the nice things that they give for just signing up new members. You should keep in mind that a new member will get a $10.00 saving for signing up right way instead of paying $20.00 enrollment fee the fee is only $10.00. The amount to join is a $10.00 enrollment fee and $65.00 for the first year’s dues = $75.00 total!! We will not be having a new member luncheon until the spring, I will notify you a month in advance in my Membership Message. I thank you in advance for the help that I know you will do to achieve our goals. Ted Carpenter Membership Ebbetts Pass Women of the Moose Celebrating our 40 year Anniversary. Grab a pin for $5.00 Available at the Lodge Jackpot Winner Membership Status NONE Mystery Number 17915500 Crying Towel Betric Jackson, Bradley Winchell, Barbara Vierra, Randy Charlton, Randy Charlton, Vallerie Massone, Carol Walsh, Debbie Powell, Stacey Kleinman, Colette Scales, Micayla Frey, Lorena Martinek, Sam Drago, Bill Osincup, Marty Barbano, Kim Jacobsen, Mark Adelhelm, Judi James, Mimi Baker, Lorena Martinek, Christine Sampson, Michael Griffiths, Carol Lucia, Jeany Johns, Lorena Martinek, Kimberly Marchmont, Jewel Hand, George Hellerich Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 12/15/2015 Member on rolls last Month 552 Total Adds 1 Total Deductions 13 Total Arrears ( expired ) 78 Percent Arrears 12.62% Total on rolls last Transmit 540 Goal for 4/30/2016 552 Ebbetts Pass Chapter #1714 12/15/2015 Members on Rolls Last Month 397 Total Adds 2 Total Deductions 10 Total Arrears (Expired) 54 Percent of Arrears 12.19% Total on Rolls last transmit 389 Goal for 4/30/2016 396 LOOM Officers 2015-2016 Governor-Bob Burns Administrator-Bill Kislingbury Jr Governor-Bob Arnold Prelate-Rod Cummins Jr Past Gov– Dan Leary Treasurer-Bill Osincup 1st Yr Trustee-Jerry Osincup 2nd Yr. Trustee-Pat Wrigglesworth 3rd Yr Trustee-Scott Freier Sgt At Arms-Thomas Bradshaw Inner Guard-Paul Penney Outer Guard-Karl Malmin WOTM Officers 2015-2016 Senior Regent-Diane Freier Junior Regent– Chris Lestanguet Recorder-Kathy Eback Secretary/Treasurer– Chaz Armstrong Jr. Grad Regent-Colette Scales Guide– Share Peterson Guide– Marilyn Harlow LEGION Chairman 2014-2015 Chairman-Dan Leary Vice ChairmanAssistant Secretary-Pat Wrigglesworth Junior Past Chairman-Bill Osincup Health/WelfareActivities-Ted Carpenter **ATTENTION LADIES** The Membership Retention Committee has a great New Member Incentive! They are PAYING THE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW MEMBERS If you have a friend who wants to join do it now!! All they need to pay to join right now is $32.00! **Lifetime Membership Raffle** NEVER PAY DUES AGAIN!!!! Each square is $10.00. ONLY 29 Squares left! available at all WOTM meetings or call Cindi Heller, Membership Retention Chair at 795-5623 to purchase squares. Don't wait, they are going FAST! **(valued at $400.00)** Moose Legion News-Dan Leary Attention Legionnaires: The Legion Meeting has been moved to the 4th Thursday of the Month at 5:30. The next meeting will be January 28th. Please try to attend. Best regards, Dan Leary, Chairman MON OPEN 12-7:00 PM 11 18 25 10 17 24 Lodi District Meeting 11 AM 31 4 3 CRAB FEED COMING SOON February 27, 2016 Tickets will go on sale FEBRUARY 1, 2016 This sells quickly so get them FAST SUN OPEN 12-7:00 PM BREAKFASTS SERVED 9:00 AM-11:00 AM 26 19 LOOM Officers Meeting 5 pm LOOM & WOTM General Meeting 7 pm 12 WOTM Officers Meeting 4:00 pm 5 Work Day 9:00 am LOOM Officers meet 5 pm LOOM&WOTM General Meeting 7pm TUE OPEN MEETING NIGHTS ONLY 5-10:00 PM 27 BBQ LOOM Rod Cummins 20 BBQ LOOM Bill Kislingbury 13 BBQ LOOM Dan Leary 6 BBQ LOOM Bob Burns WED OPEN 11-7:00 PM Legion Meeting 5:30 PM 28 Life Screening Over at 4:00 pm 21 14 WOTM Dinner Chicken & Artichokes Over rice w/pesto sauce And Salad $9.00 Debbie Sohm Megan Osincup 7 No Dinner THU OPEN 12-7:00 PM 29 22 LOOM Dinner Chicken fried steak Corn, mashed potatoes Bread $9.00 Josh & Cindi Heller 15 30 23 16 9 Gentle Stretch class 9:00 AM 2 1 Open Happy New Years 8 LOOM Dinner Clam Chowder, Garlic Bread, Salad $8.00 Thomas Bradshaw Kathy Carpenter SAT OPEN 12-7:00 PM FRI OPEN 12-7:00 PM EBBETTS PASS LODGE JANUARY 2016 CALENDAR CALL THE LODGE FOR MEAL SIGN-UPS 209-795-3112 **PLEASE CALL THE LODGE TO SIGN UP FOR MEALS** LOOM 2014-2015 LOOM and WOTM Officers & Chairman (Keep this list since it will only be in the newsletter 1 time) WOTM Governor-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Senior Regent-Diane Freier 209-795-7071 Administrator-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Junior Regent– Chris Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Jr. Governor-Bob Arnold 209-795-4165 Prelate-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Recorder– Kathy Eback 209-890-3154 Jr Past Gov.– Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Secretary/Treasurer-Charlotte Armstrong 209-795-7334 Treasurer-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 Junior Grad Regent-Colette Scales 209-795-5020 1 Year Trustee-Jerry Osincup 209-795-9072 Guide-Share Peterson 209-795-6401 2 Year Trustee-Pat Wrigglesworth 209-795-2058 Guide-Marilyn Harlow 209-795-2768 3 Year Trustee-Scott Freier 209-795-7071 Sgt-at-Arms-Thomas Bradshaw Committees Inner Guard-Paul Penney Membership Retention-Cindi Heller Outer Guard-Karl Malmin 209-795-2711 209-795-5623 Mooseheart/Moosehaven-Karen Pennington 209-656-8836 Committees Community Service-Jennifer Wadsworth 209-728-8541 Application Review-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Higher Degrees-Della Taylor 209-795-2211 Audit-Bob Harlow Activities/Sports-Maryann Fabian 7209-95-7085 209-795-2768 Mooseheart/Moosehaven-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Bingo-Bill McClure 209-795-4795 Appointed Committee Chairs Community Service-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Ways and Means-Colette Scales 209-795-5020 Family Activities– Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Audit-Kathy Carpenter 209-795-4428 Fellowship-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Application Review– Shirley Small 209-795-1846 Moose Charities-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Bingo-Charlotte Armstrong 209-795-7334 Government Relations-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 HistoricalMoose Legion-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 Lodge Calendar-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Medical Equipment-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Scholarships-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Membership-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 CommunicationsPublic Relations-Harry Tittle 209-795-1655 Ritual Orientation-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Shuffle Board-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Horseshoes-Scott McKinney 209-795-6116 Sports Golf-Steve Heisinger 209-795-5675 Sports PoolSports-Wii—Tess Leary 209-795-5868 Loss Prevention-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Workday/Special ProjectsJean Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Gentle Stretch Class Saturday December 19, 2015 9-10:00 AM Instructor is Carolynn Berger $10.00 per class Bring your own mat or On can be provide (Need RSVP) Please RSVP to Karen Pennington 209-795-2701 kpandrp@outlook.com Arnold Automotive 1176 Manuel Rd Arnold, Ca 95223 Tom Weaver-Owner COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE 209-890-7328 Phone 209-890-7534 Fax Www.arnold-automotive.com info@arnold-automotive.com Cambria Hatcher Shop: (209) 795-2018 Cell: (209) 768-2165 Mosbaugh Properties OWNER/OPERATOR Salon etc. Grizzly Plaza 2704 Highway 4 Leader of the Pack Big Trees Market K9 Obedience Ebbetts Pass Gas Service Propane Gas Appliances Sales & Service 209-795-1391 Arnold Barbershop Applewood Center 2182 HWY 4 PO Box 6195 Arnold, CA, 95223 Hours:Wed-Fri 6AM to 1PM 209-795-3868 FAX 209-795-1065 795-0666 Nick Self-Co-owner 1771 b. Highway 4 Gina Barr Teaching you to train your dog Group, Private and On-Site Lessons 2481 Camanche Drive Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-1405 209-770-1481 ginabarrandpups@yahoo.com PO Box 2169 Arnold, Ca M&M Drafting Custom Home Designs Since 1988 *Remodels & Additions *Garages & Decks *Title-24 hour documentation *Permit Processing Marilyn Strand Wayne Renaud Acupuncture Wellness of Calaveras Richard Weissman-Acupuncturist 209-736-9484 Free Consultation acucalaveras@gmail.com AcupunctureCalaveras.com (Angels Camp/Arnold) 18 years experience Chronic pain, Stress, Fatigue, Insomnia, Arthritis Allergies, Digestive, Weight, Much More! Above and Beyond Travel Full Service Agency *Cruises * Resorts * Tours Maureen Dinnocenzo CTA/ECC/Hawaii DS/Owner PO Box 1029 Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-3226 866-476-7476 Aboveandbeyondtravelagency.com aboveandbeyondtravelagency@comcast.net P.O.Box 4266 PO Box 531 Dorrington, Ca 95223 Arnold, Ca 95223 Mark Miguel Ph/Fax 209-728-3845 O'Leary's Green Carpet, Vinyl, linoleum Hardwood Floors Custom Golf Clubs Club Repairs Fittings 209-795-0832 Larry D. Dufloth Custom Floor Installation Cont. Lic. No. 410372 Shears Marie Salon 925 Hwy 4 Arnold Plaza PO Box 648 Arnold,Ca 95223 209-795-5588 209-768-3647 Marie Sevier-cosmetologist (Shop Owner) mgsevier@comcast.net (209) 795-3884 P.O. Box 1192 Arnold, Ca 95223 Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 Loyal Order Of Moose P.O. Box 121 Arnold CA, 95223-0121 January 2016 Bulletin Bulletin Articles Due by the 15th of the month. NO EXCEPTIONS! Editor-Cindi Heller Beachspuds04@att.net Lodge website www.ebbettspassmoose.org California/Nevada Website www.ca-nvmoose.org Moose International Website www.mooseintl.org - Password is 2014 I always need photos for the bulletin. If you have any pictures of Lodge activities, please e-mail me or call and let me know. 209-795-5623 COME AND GET ONE! This is our 40th Anniversary Pin, available to purchase at the lodge for $5.00. Come out and support your lodge and grab your pin while supplies last
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