March 15 - Real Estate News Source
March 15 - Real Estate News Source
Vol.I, No.2 March 15, 2015 The Wearing Of Green By Pat Farrell PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, Texas Paid Permit #1590 Many folks all over the world enjoy, in some fashion, the holidays or remembrance days that are associated with the Saints, and in particularly the three most well known: Saints Valentine, Patrick and Nicholas. It has been only three months since many of us received gifts allegedly delivered by Santa Claus or St Nicholas during this past Christmas season and expect to repeat the annual event next December. Last month on February 14th, in honor of Saint Valentine, we took the opportunity to declare our love for those most important to us and at that time probably offered candy, flowers, jewelry, etc. as tokens of that love. This month, on March 17th a great number of us will join with others in the wearing of green and celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day when parties are common and the exchange of gifts is rare. Though he is recognized as a saint in the story (depending on whose work you read) of the man behind Saint Patrick’s Day starts with his birth (on an uncertain date) during the latter part of the fourth century to an aristocratic Roman family thought to be living in England, Scotland or Wales at the time. At around age 14 he was captured during a raid on his home by pirates and taken to Ireland where he was sold into slavery and made to tend animals and serve as a shepherd. During his captivity he turned to religion, becoming very prayerful and according to his own writings in “Confessions” Patrick reported that he heard a voice during a dream directing him to leave Ireland and even pointing out his escape route to the port from which he was able to sail home. Patrick was about 20 years of age at the time of his escape and shortly after that he began his studies for the priesthood in Gaul. After his ordination he continued his studies and was later elevated to Bishop and in response to hearing another voice directing him, he returned to Ireland to preach the gospel. Despite being harassed by the Irish Royalty and being constantly exposed to beatings by thugs, he and his followers were able to convert a great number of pagans and in some cases entire kingdoms to Christianity and were very successful in establishing many churches throughout the country. After 40 difficult years Patrick died on March 17, 461 at Saul, site of the first church he established and he was largely forgotten until centuries later when he was recognized as the patron saint of Ireland. Though the greatest number of historians agree, for the most part, with the previous account, one or two seem to think that the work attributed to Patrick was actually done by a Roman gentleman named Palladius, a cleric who was also reported to be in Ireland around that time. In any event it is St. Patrick who is not just the patron saint of Ireland, he is the embodiment of all things Irish. It frequently happens that when historical details are sketchy all kinds of mythological and/or legendary stories will arise to fill the questionable space. For example, St. Patrick is frequently pictured with his staff in hand which he would stick into the ground while he was evangelizing in various towns. Legend has it that while teaching in Aspatria (ash of Patrick) the process took so long that his ash wood staff had taken root by the time he was ready to move on. And since there are no snakes to be found in all of Ireland, St. Patrick gets credit for having driven them into the sea. He also gets credit for using the shamrock, a three leafed plant, to illustrate the doctrine of three persons in one God and now the shamrock is considered the central symbol of St Patrick’s Day. So how did the color green become so intricately associated with Ireland? First, Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle, a nickname that relates to its rolling green hills and lush landscapes and the abundance of green shamrocks. Then we find the tricolor Irish flag has three equal vertical stripes green, white and orange, the green representing the early Gaelics and Anglo-Norman people (Irish Catholics) and the orange the followers of William of Orange (Irish Protestants) with the white signifying the truce (hopefully) between the two. In 1798, a time when all of Ireland was under British control, the Irish rose up against Britain and as a result wearing green clothing or anything with shamrocks on it was considered a rebellious act and potentially punishable by death. The events during this time were chronicled in the popular, then and even now, Irish folksong, “The Wearing of the Green” with some of the lyrics as follows: “Oh, Paddy dear, and did you hear The news that's going round? The shamrock is forbid by law - To grow on Irish ground! St. Patrick's Day no more we'll keep, - His color can't be seen, For there's a bloody law agin' - The wearing of the green. I met with Napper Tandy - And he took me by the hand, And he said, "How's poor old Ireland - And how does she stand?" "She's the most distressful country - That ever yet was seen; They're hanging men and women there - For wearing of the green." The traditions and significance of St. Patrick’s Day have changed over the years. As previously noted St. Patrick was, in the early years after his death, essentially forgotten. But as the Christian churches in Ireland recognized his contributions in replacing the religious control of the Druid’s religion with Christianity, they started to honor him on the accepted date of his death, March 17, with a special feast day within both Catholic and Protestant denominations. In the early years St Patrick’s Day was a solemn occasion in Ireland and eventually became a private family celebration with dinners at home. In fact it was not until the late 1970s that it was legal in Ireland for their pubs to even open on that day. Later St. Patrick became specifically associated with a Catholic Ireland and 2 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE was synonymous with a national Irish identity, becoming a major patriotic symbol along with the shamrock and the color green. As the Irish began to emigrate in large numbers from Ireland during the 1700s, most of them came to our country. They brought with them many of their national traditions that have endured through time probably because of their association with religious aspects and/or national identity. Relatively new to the celebrations associated with the feast day March 15, 2015 are the parades which were not a tradition that came here with the Irish but were rather established in New York City (NYC) in 1732, by the Irish immigrants. In fact the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade is now a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the parades are now a common event worldwide even though it wasn’t until March 1995 that Dublin held its first parade. It has been said that on St Patrick’s Day there are only two kinds of people: Enjoying the Premier Edition of Real Estate NewsSource is Philip Banks, nephew of Tom and Courtney Smith, NewsSource owners. those that are Irish and those that wish they were. But considering that this is a celebration that spans the continents, on this one day in March everyone is Irish! So remember to wear something green on the 17th so as to avoid being hit in the arm or maybe even bitten by a sly little fellow that snuck in with an Irishman, better known as a Leprechaun! And if you really want to get into it here in San Antonio, you can sip green beer by the river dyed green! Sheryl Sepulveda, Joan Adams, Stephanie Kelly and Linda Vasquez, all with Keller Williams Legacy have been enjoying reading Real Estate NewsSource. REAL ESTATE NEWSSOURCE A PUBLICATION OF PUGS PUBLISHING LLC Publisher/President.....Courtney Smith Sales & Marketing .............Candi Meyer Cell - 557-8722 Contributing Writers: ......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists.....................Susie Sheffield ......................................Mary Ann Jeffers (210) 508-0888 Real Estate NewsSource is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this paper without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed. We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. At the latest NAPMW Luncheon, Norma Ponce and Paula Grigsby, both TAP FCU made sure they got the first issue of Real Estate NewsSource. Rick Hoenninger, Directions Equity has been checking out the Premier Edition of the Real Estate NewsSource. Send to: Real Estate NewsSource 10004 Wurzbach Road, #288 San Antonio, Texas 78230 E-MAIL: Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if material is to be returned. March 15, 2015 By Susie Sheffield President, Women’s Council of REALTORS Who Is This WCR And Why Should I Join? Who we are…We are established as a reliable source of knowledge committed to the personal and professional success of our members, trusted by professional REALTORS® for more than 60 years. We strive to be standard bearers of professionalism and personal excellence, educators…providing the programs to build relevant skills, business builders…generating more than $100 million in commissions annually. Who belongs and who should join? We have productive people who are full-time real estate professionals, reliable expertise. That comes with being established in the business. We are an organization consisting of supportive people helping others take risks and grow. Each time I have the opportunity to speak during SABOR New Member Orientation, I am facing the “Wall of Honor”. I am at awe looking at all of the leaders that are past and present members of WCR San Antonio. Wow! The current SABOR Chairman Mary Ann Jeffers is a Precious Past President on both the local and State level. She remains active on the National Level. In addition to Mary Ann, the Immediate Past Chair of SABOR Missy Stagers is also a Precious Past President. If that is not impressive enough the Chair Elect Bob Jacobs is an active member of WCR San Antonio. We also have several members serving as Board of Directors. Sheila Moran, Diane Lauer and Annette Slater are all current SABOR Board of Directors and are WCR Precious Past Presidents. What a fantastic testimony that illustrates the power of Women’s Council of RELATORS ®. Women’s Council of REALTORS® builds leaders! Women’s Council of Realtors® REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE delivers credibility because we stand for professional excellence. We provide a support system increasing referral business and boosting productivity. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at the Club at Sonterra. Listen to William Edge as he tells us “How to Get our Edge”. Joining WCR and attending one of our luncheons will help you acquire new skills to meet today’s professional challenges. We will increase your referral business and, sometimes, become friends for life. If you decide to participate we will help you define and reach your next level of achievement. 3 There are several opportunities to get involved, please contact a member of WCR to learn more about our committees. Our Community Outreach Committee is currently working on a “Black Party” taking place at The Bluebonnet Palace, a fundraiser to benefit a local food pantry. Next, we are thrilled to host our Bras 4 a Cause event in October. Our Ways and Means Committee is already working hard on this event; we have several sponsorship opportunities and would love people to volunteer to design bras. Please consider joining WCR San Antonio, it could change your life. I know it changed mine. Nik Arrenbrecht, Zippyshell, Cherrie Short, Stewart Title and Charles Bamford, Zippyshell visit during the WCR Meeting. 4 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Balcones Creek Grand Opening Brunch Debbie Germany and Megan Schauffele, both with Highland Homes. Sharon Brenner, Keller Williams – City View and Carla Haley, Elaine Ludwig Real Estate. Rhonda Jo Epperly, Keller Williams Heritage, Michelle Hart, Keller Williams Heritage and Karen Olivier, Highland Homes Michael Wilson, MI Homes Bekah Angres, MI Homes Sara Maniccia, MI Homes, Robert Olvera, Spouse, and Maria Olvera, Realty Executives Access Zandra and Gerardo Aguire, Premier Realty Group March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 5 6 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Ashton Woods Open House In Highland Grove Gloria McGhie, Nu Home Source Realty, Ray Anderson, Ashton Woods and Scott McGhie, Nu Home Source Realty. Laura Gordon and Kima Light, both with RE/MAX Corridor and Jennifer Davis, Simmonds Real Estate. Le Velazquez and Robert Velazquez, Keller Williams Heritage. Enjoying the visit and hospitality. March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE Industry Sound Off By Keith Gideon, Professional Development Director What’s Your Negotiation Style? We all have stories of people who have used anger and intimidation to attempt to get what they want. I think we can all agree this method is far from ideal when it comes to negotiations. If the angry person gets what they want, the other person has contempt for him or her and is not likely to want to do business with them again. If the irritated individual does not receive what he or she is trying to receive, then they continue to be angry. Many times negotiations break down as a result. The REALTOR® Code of Ethics states, “REALTORS®, therefore, are zealous to maintain and improve the standards of their calling and share with their fellow REALTORS® a common responsibility for its integrity and honor.” This means there is an obligation to treat each other fairly and respectfully, and of course to extend the same courtesy to clients. That includes putting our anger and ego on the back shelf. I have often heard it said, “You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.” I just wonder what I am supposed to do with all of those flies. You may have heard of Aikido which is a form of Japanese martial art. The philosophy behind it is not to destroy your opponent. The assumption is that if someone is attacking you, he or she is out of control. The practitioner of Aikido is to stop the attack and help the other person gain self control. It should be the same in real estate. The Code of Ethics also says, “The term REALTOR® has come to connote competency, fairness, and high integrity resulting from adherence to a lofty ideal of moral conduct in business relations.” It is important to remember to treat others as you would like to be treated, and to demonstrate the value of a REALTOR® as a fair, trustworthy and respectful professional. Rick Orozco Cell: 210-232-2440 Regional Sales Manager Welcome to the team Rick Orozco, Regional Sales Manager, Cell: 210-232-2440 NMLS# 303906, Rolonda Pierce, LO, NMLS# 1018730, Benita Mott Admin Asst, Tim Schmit LO, NMLS# 1090011, Aileen Arriaga, LO, NMLS# 1159479, Yvonne Godina, LO, NMLS# 312632, Cynthia Coates, LO, NMLS# 233291, Ginger Guerrero Admin Assistant, Lynn Lomoe, Processor, Kim House, Processor and Shirley Linares, Processor. 7 8 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Willis Ranch Open House Sherrell Russell, Keller Williams Heritage and Frieda Little, Reliance Residential Realty. Julie Chapa and Mike Whittenburg, both Woodside Homes. JJ Rodriguez, JJ Rodriguez Real Estate and Elsa Cantu, Mitchell Realty. Ann Kelley and Kevin Kelley, both BHHS Don Johnson. Kim Compton, Reliance Residential Realty and Ruth Horace, Keller Williams Heritage. Mamerto Luzarraga and Smiley Orosco, both Joe Gonzales, Wells Fargo and Krista Daries, Imagine Woodside Homes. Homes. Laeni Bendzik, Woodside Homes. Ellen Schuler, Wells Fargo and Erin Kopplin, Imagine Homes. March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 9 10 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 VAREP Meeting AT KB Home Stephanie Brown, Oasis Company, Rhonda Rowell, ICON Realty, Cecilia Sosa, North American Title, Pat Farrell, Slater Realtors, Jimmie Gutierrez, mortgage professional and Art Ramirez, Starkey Mortgage. Martha Garibay, ICON Realty and Adolf Torres, City of San Antonio Jay Beitely, attorney and Katy Morris, Keller Williams Heritage. Gracia Campos, VAREP hospitality Diana Wiedenfeld and Daniel Cruhm, both TAPFCU. Tamara Tapman, SWBC. Julio Rivera, Oasis Company, Corvette Wiseley and Jeff Cruz both with First Cal Texas. Jeff Arias, Stewart Title and Joe Wallace, Sell Smart Realty Denise Jarvis, Residential Realty Reliance Diane Lauer, Keller Williams City View. March 15, 2015 Diane Craig, RE/MAX Associates, Gwen Derry, Trinity Title and Stephanie Kelley, Keller Williams Legacy visit during the CRS meeting at Silo. The Apartment & Relocation Center folks are working on their company video. Come Visit Us At Our New Office! 15600 San Pedro #402 Direct: 210.833.2349 15600 San Pedro, San Antonio NMLS# 1155064 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 11 12 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Independent Real Estate Professionals Meeting at SABOR At the IREP Leadership meeting Abel Longoria, with James Butler, JB Properties, Paul Ugwokaegbe, Abalite Realty Group, Norma Evenski, Alamo Title and Stephanie Stringer, mortgage professional check out the new website. Frances Escobedo, Fresco Properties and Paul Ugwokaegbe, Abalite Realty Group. Laura Lizcano, R.F. Sanchez and Merlie Sanders, Ottey Investment Realty. Teresa Brown, Brown Realty and James Butler, JB Properties. Congratulations Joe! South Texas Area Star Performer 2014 Top Volume 2014 Top Purchase Producer 82 Units Joe Gonzalez The Preferred Lender NMLS #413777 210.445.3715 40 NE Loop #301 210.856.5017 March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 13 14 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Tiffany Wright, RE/MAX Access was spotted wearing her “R” pin. Jeff Mayer, BBVA Compass and Lori Mayer, First American Title visit with Ed Guerrero at his presentation for Realtors. Jack Shull, Guild Mortgage helping David Birdy, Birdy Properties with his live broadcast from the Rodeo on KLUP. March 15, 2015 Lance Bryce, Sente Mortgage and Pat Farrell, Slater Realtors show they are a match at the WCR Luncheon. Johnny Martinez, Sitterle Homes and James Lee, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtor Loans To Veterans Are My Specialty! Todd Forbes: Loan Officer, NMLS# 208825 210.547.3490 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 15 16 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Hill Country WCR Installation Judy Hickman, Sterling Property Management with husband Andy at Hill Country WCR Installation of 2015 Officers. At the Hill Country WCR Chapter Installation are Isaac Mahone, 2014 President, Marie Gabriel, 2015 President and Sharon Morton, Texas WCR Chapter President. Frank Hamilton, Dawson & Associates and Beckie Whittier, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors attend the Hill Country WCR Installation of 2015 Officers. Dee Osbon, Sidney Miller, Marty Chrisman Melissa Elizondo and Isaac Mahone, all Chapter Past Presidents of the Hill Country WCR Chapter attend the Installation of the 2015 Officers. It’s Spring And Sales Are Booming Announcing Our New Canyon Lake Location Jolene Sutton Escrow Officer 830.227.5501 Canyon Lake New Braunfels Schertz 2010 FM 2673 Suite 3 267 W Mill Street 3900 FM 3009 Ste. 105 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 New Braunfels, TX 78130 Schertz, TX 78154 March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 17 18 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Jerry Berry Mostyn ........Apt. & Relocation Center Corrine Lorenzana ..........BHHS Don Johnson Victor Martinez................Hendricks Property Mgnt Peggyann Penland-Moore Keller Williams Legacy Barbara James ..............Stewart Title Willie Mason ..................Lifetime Real Estate Services J.J. Arida........................RE/MAX Associates Linda Vieweg ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Michelle Yates ................Trinity Title of Texas Al Chapman ..................Home Team of America John Barrera ..................Kuper Sotheby's International Ida Quintanilla ................SWBC Mortgage Greg Posada ..................Ultima Real Estate Stephen Johnson............BHHS Don Johnson David Cantu....................E M Ellis Realty Kelly Lee ........................ERA Colonial Real Estate Edward Lozano ..............Home Team of America Jose Martelet ..................North Town & Country Sonia del Rosario............SABOR Doug Curtis ....................Keller Williams Heritage Jackie Gobrial ................Kimberly Howell Properties Gary Beck ......................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Thomas Simms ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Gloria Cruz......................ERA Troy Mary Eddy......................Global Realty Group Michael Berryman ..........Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Linsay Greenaway..........ERA Troy Albert Alvarado ..............Keller Williams Heritage Mike Johnson ................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Barbara Finch ................Kuper Sotheby's International Susan Landry ................SABOR Michael Johnson ............Houses in San Antonio Rachael Shields ..............Stewart Title Apr 22 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Mickey Ferrell ..................Keller Williams Lake McQueeney Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Woody Woodard ............Maverick Properties Michael Johnson ............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Cristina Pina....................Keller Williams Legacy Patti Nelson ....................Keller Williams Portfolio Hernando Arce ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Nancy Fulk ....................Keller Williams Legacy Janice Doxtad ................RE/MAX Associates Bert Kinner ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Kris Alston ......................Trinity Title of Texas Tiffany Stevens ..............Phyllis Browning Company John Kuntz III..................Reliance Residential Realty March 15, 2015 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Robert Salazar ................Home Buyers Marketing II, Inc. Ron Hrncir ......................JB Goodwin Realtors Steve Silver ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Kia Poursalehi ................Premier Realty Group Tracy Epps ....................Southwest Realty Advisors Becky Day......................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Frank LeBlanc ................CR Realty Sue Baillio ......................JB Goodwin Realtors Barry Biggs ....................RE/MAX Associates Nancy Romine................Stewart Title Judy Hickman ................Sterling Group Property Mgmt Anita Wilson ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Edward Bartlett ..............M & S Realty Services Dedra Stark ....................Providence Title Amy Gibson....................Independence Title Sarah Acuna ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Patty Brett ......................Phyllis Browning Company Lorraine Zavala ..............Keller Williams Legacy Raquel Cunningham ......JB Goodwin Realtors Cathy O'Connor ............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Nora Carmona................Home Team of America Julie Knowlton................Home Team of America John Mayo......................RE/MAX Associates Laura Serrato..................Premier Realty Group Cheryl Conway ..............Keller Williams Legacy Stephanie Fikes..............Global Realty Group Viviano Rodriguez ..........Brannon Properties Wally Folks ....................Century 21 Folks Realty Matthew Paniagua ..........Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Treedy Chapa ................Chapa & Fuller Realty Pam Maxwell ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Danette Wagnon ............Realty Executives Alamo Iwona Jaskowiak ............BHHS Don Johnson REALTORS Diana Puga ....................Keller Williams Legacy Sally Fletcher..................Keller Williams City View Brenda Hoke ..................Sonnie J. Becton Matthew Baylor ..............Coldwell Banker Commercial We ARE the Gold Standard (Back row) Bobby Ryan, Loan Officer Assistant, Chris Gonzales, Loan Officer, NMLS# 314894, Kim Trinidad, Loan Officer, NMLS# 1133778, Arlene Harris, Receptionist and Heather Ryan, Loan Officer, NMLS# 205601 with (Front row) Becky Jackson, Loan Officer, NMLS# 294926, Christine Tovar, Underwriter, Jeremy Garcia, Loan Officer, NMLS# 758429, Michelle Noble, Branch Manager, NMLS# 199832, Vivian Sanchez, Loan Officer, NMLS# 1164113, Ampy Klonek, Loan Officer, NMLS# 215228 and Kesha Thomas, Processor. We’ve been doing loans in South Texas for twenty five years. Free Pre-qualifications and Consultations 100% Financing • VA / FHA / Conventional / USDA Loans Refinances and Purchases Financing for Manufactured Homes Three Spanish speaking loan officers for your clients 210.745.5570 San Antonio, Texas, 2941 Mossrock #101, 78230 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 D'Ann Harper ................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Jenny Cloonan ..............Keller Williams Heritage Clinton Holloway ............Stewart Title Kamilla McKinski............JB Goodwin Realtors Clive Wheeler..................JB Goodwin Realtors Matthew Baylor ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Patricia Suarez................Keller Williams Legacy Todd Avery ....................Phyllis Browning Company Shelia Moran ..................RE/MAX Access Linda Keyworth ..............Stewart Title Penny Ayarzagoitia ........Avenue Realty Linda O'Connor ..............Houses in San Antonio Rosalinda Medina ..........Keller Williams City View J.P. Watkins ....................SWBC Mortgage George Mercado ............First American Title Shirley Parks ..................Sands Realty Michael Walker ..............Global Realty Group Pattie Holladay................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Amy Clifton ....................Keller Williams City View Pat O'Brien ....................RE/MAX Access Tim Ferris ......................RE/MAX Preferred Richard Davies ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Michele Vaughn ..............Sonnie J. Becton Karen Nolan ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper James Bromley ..............Kuper Sotheby's International Cynthia Sanchez ............Lifetime Real Estate Srv. Karen Hale......................Keller Williams Legacy Vessie George ................Limestone Country Properties Candi Meyer ..................Real Estate NewsSource Toby Cisneroz ................Century 21 Scott Myers Rolando Garcia ..............Covenant Partners Realty Daryl Vail ........................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Dan Armstrong ..............Keller Williams Legacy Gerry Lesch....................SWBC Mortgage Dennis DeWine ..............ERA Colonial Real Estate Rose Strawn....................Keller Williams Legacy Carol Case......................Kuper Sotheby's International Mimi Weber ....................Phyllis Browning Company Cathy Vise ......................Phyllis Browning Company Hubert Parker ................East Central Realtors Emilio Arroyo ................Landin, Realtors Holly Gottschalt ..............House San Antonio Real Estate Jada Baker ....................Orange Blossom Real Estate Denise Martinez ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Denise Martinez ..............Keller Williams City View March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 19 Creamy Green Rice Ingredients 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 1 1/2 cups long grain white rice Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 3 green onions thinly sliced 2 roasted poblano chilies, finely diced Directions Place the heavy cream in a small saucepan over high heat and bring to boil. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer until reduced by half. While the cream is reducing, bring 2 3/4 cups water to a boil in medium saucepan over high heat. Stir in the rice and season with salt. Bring to boil again, stir place lid on pan, reduce the heat to medium and cook until all the liquid is absorbed, 15 to 18 minutes. Remove the rice from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes with lid on. Remove lid and fluff with a fork. Return the rice to the stove over medium heat , add the reduced cream and season with salt and pepper. Sir in the cilantro, green onions and poblanos. Enjoy! Bertha Luna and Steve Tyson, SA Builder Guide Candi Meyer Real Estate Newsline Sales & Marketing 210-308-9334 - 210-557-8722 20 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Kimberly Howell Properties Mardi Gras & Awards Event Jacob Frye, Kimberly Howell, Lauren Leavell, Guest, Cathleen and Dustin Blackmon, both Kimberly Howell. Jeff Japhet and Paige Japhet, both Japhet Builders and John McNair, McNair Custom Home. Lanise Bailey and Terri Saari, both Kimberly Howell Properties. Linda Mosse, Kimberly Howell Properties with Husband Scott Mosse. Gail Jones and Sonia Flores, both Kimberly Howell Properties. March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 21 22 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Paige Japhet, Japhet Builders and Buba Djenic, Real Estate Muses visit during the Napa Oaks Realtor lunch. At the Napa Oaks Realtor Lunch we find Bob Borders, Keller Williams Boerne, Patricia Broyles, Realty Executives Select Properties and Vi Arnold, Japhet Builders. Welcome new JB Goodwin agents Katherine Davenport, Winona Parizo, Patricia Parker, Lillian Hanna and Chamita Lee. Sherry Outlaw and Mya Johnson, both Reliance Residential Realty are enjoying their Company Awards Event. Rachael Clutter, Stewart Title visits with Amy Karns, Northwest Real Estate at the CRS Luncheon at Silo. Mary Esther Carrasco, RE/MAX North “Agent of the Year” is congratulated by her Broker Kate Keating. Sente Mortgage became a reality on October 16, 2007. It had been planned for over a year by a group of colleagues who wanted to create a mortgage company that both provided a high level of excellence in customer service and had a purpose of helping people improve their financial lives. Starting with two branches in Austin and in New Braunfels, it has grown to include branches in San Antonio, Houston, and The Woodlands. Even with growth, Sente has remained focused on the Texas market. For example, they have created their own roster of appraisers, assuring that the person completing an appraisal on a property is familiar with the area and not from halfway across the state. This focus has paid dividends as the Austin Business Journal has ranked Sente Mortgage #10 among the city’s top mortgage March 15, 2015 companies and #6 in fastest growing companies while the San Antonio Business Journal has honored them as one of the best places to work. In San Antonio Lance Bryce, with more than 20 years experience in real estate and the home financing business, serves as the Regional Manager for Sente Mortgage. Over the years he has hired and coached hundreds of loan originators and operational employees and has always taken pride in being able to help them meet their life goals. One of the most important reasons Lance chose Sente was that he can, within a phone call, reach the person in leadership that can quickly make a decision if there is an issue on a specific loan. Every aspect of the mortgage process that touches the customer is local, including originating, processing, and underwriting the loan. If an REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE issue arises, the person who can help resolve it is across the office and readily available. To further assure that performance is at the highest level, Sente regularly tracks and measures how well they perform. One key measure is the percentage of loans where documents are received by the title company at least three days before closing. This assures everyone that the closing process will be smooth—and has prepared Sente for the new requirements to be implemented industry-wide on August 1. One question often asked of Sente is where the name came from. The concept originated from a strategy game where “being in sente” meant the ability to make any move you wanted to make. Sente Mortgage translates this to a person’s financial life, helping them to be in control of their financial future. Since the net worth of a homeowner is 36 times that of a renter, providing the financing for a home helps an individual to achieve their financial as well as residential goals. With the many loan products available, selecting the right combination of product, down payment, and payment level is something that every Sente mortgage banker spends time talking about with their clients. Sente also views the closing of a loan as the beginning of a relationship with the lender, rather than the end. Continuing the learning process started during the loan process, Sente 23 shares information regularly with its clients, friends, and other associates about a “Smarter Money Move.” This is designed to distill guidance from financial experts to allow recipients to improve their financial lives. Their commitment to education goes beyond these regular communications. Through the sponsorship of a financial learning program with the local Kipp Academy, Sente is helping kids learn about managing their money at an early age—in this case, middle school. It’s never too early to talk about smart money choices. Over the years Sente Mortgage has developed, tested and proven business building strategies that have resulted in a consistent 20% growth, year after year. Because they believe that success is community driven, they are willing to share what they have learned with their real estate partners. On the company website: h t t p s : / / w w w. S e n t e M o r t g a g e . c o m , REALTORS® can find a listing of educational opportunities to help them improve their own businesses under “Mortgage Services-Real Estate Agent Resources.” As a real estate professional you can attend offerings or can arrange for a specific subject to be presented at your office. To learn more you may email questions to Locally Sente Mortgage is located at 14100 San Pedro Av. Ste 510, San Antonio, TX 78232 and the telephone number is (210)-496-2220. 24 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 Imagine Homes REALTOR Appreciation Event At Silo Greg Collier, Erin Kopplin, Efren Martinez and Dana McDaniel, all Imagine Homes with Jeremy Shaw, RE/MAX Preferred. Debbie Sandoval, Imagine Homes, Grace Abdul, Ahad Larson Properties and Angela Haydan, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors. Jeanne Koplan, ERA Colonial is a Winner! Courtney Smith, Real Estate NewsSource, Emma Lopez, Realty Executives Access and Kathy Brown, Realty Executives Alamo. Joe Gonzales and Ciara Zuniga, both Wells Fargo with Coleen Taylor, Imagine Homes. March 15, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 25 Congratulations to Missy Stagers and her team for being named Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors top Agent for 2014 with D’Ann Harper. Reliance Residential Realty celebrates Chinese New Year – Doris McNair Kires, Liz Perales, Amanda Arriaga, Laura Gutierrez, Barbara Harwell, Lynn Ellis, John Kuntz, III, AL Kiris, Mike and Holly Hermes, Linda Byron, Rebecca Padilla and Carolyn James. At the Keller Williams Heritage Awards are Tami Price, Josh Boggs, Holly Ramos, Eagle Award Winner and Trent Boarnet, Spirit Award Winner. Simon Guajardo, Northwest Real Estate, Johnny Martinez, Sitterle Homes and Amy Karns, Northwest Real Estate attend the Sitterle PT 50 event at Triana in Helotes. Right Way The Right People The Right Way 211 N. Loop 1604 E Suite #125 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 490-3222 W E D ON ’ T M AKE E XCUSES , W E M AKE I T H APPEN ! 26 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 KB Home Opens New Phase Of Its Crosscreek Community In San Antonio KB Home is pleased to announce the grand opening of the newest phase of single-family one- and two-story homes at CrossCreek, a desirable northwest San Antonio community. Homebuyers at CrossCreek will have the opportunity to enjoy a new home that is built to their preferences in a community that is conveniently close to major employers. Centrally located near Loop 1604, Highway 151 and IH-10, CrossCreek is the perfect place for those who want to live close to popular entertainment destinations like Seaworld and Fiesta Texas. Minutes away from destination shopping choices at La Cantera and The Rim. There are also family-friendly restaurants and shopping at nearby Alamo Ranch Marketplace. In addition, CrossCreek is served by the highly-desirable Northside ISD public schools. KB Home’s CrossCreek is an established community of beautiful newly-built homes. This grand opening marks the launch of a new section of the popular neighborhood, enhanced with additional planned premium amenities including a community park and pool, a children’s playground, picnic pavilion, walking trail and the lovely Culebra Creek meandering through it. In addition to the 12 flexible oneand two-story floor plans currently offered in CrossCreek, 16 new home designs, ranging in size from 1,792 and 3,699 square feet will be added to the collection. All KB homes sold in San Antonio are ENERGY STAR® certified, meaning they are designed to be more water- and energy-efficient than most typical new and resale homes available in the area. The water- and energy-saving features built into every new KB home can also help homeowners save money on their monthly utility bills. Scott Joins RE/MAX North – San Antonio SCOTT Fiona Scott has joined RE/MAX North – San Antonio. Scott brings to the office over 6 years of experience in real estate, recently relocating from Corpus Christi. Recently Scott became certified as a Military Residential Specialist (MILRES), with the goal of guiding military families through the home buying process here in San Antonio. She also specializes in HUD properties and assisting first-time homebuyers. For more information about Scott or RE/MAX North – San Antonio, please contact 210-695-4850. Copper Ridge Model Home Now Open Ashton Woods has a new model home now open in Copper Ridge in New Braunfels. This spectacular gated community features one acre home sites which are beautifully treed and nestled among the breathtaking hills of the Hill Country. Copper Ridge includes a resort style pool, Texas style pavilion with fireplace, barbeques, picnic tables, tennis, basketball courts and walking trails. Four new one-story floor plans with optional 2nd story (Texas Basement) have been designed for this distinguished community. For more information contact Yvonne Perez at 210-884-9222 or email at Martinez Joins South Texas Realty Services MARTINEZ R a y m o n d Martinez has joined South Texas Realty Services. He is a service-oriented agent who enjoys working with buyers and sellers, and has a firm belief in analyzing a customer’s needs. Raymond attended schools in Leakey, Texas went to college in Missouri and returned to Texas to start his career. Raymond has 14 years of experience in the Insurance Industry, 7 years as a Licensed Claims Adjuster traveling around the United States and 7 years as a Licensed Insurance Agent in San Antonio. Being an agent for so long enabled Raymond to develop close relationships with his customers. His knowledge and love of the San Antonio area, including the Texas Hill Country, made becoming a Realtor® a great transition and a natural fit. RE/MAX Associates Welcomes Guerra GUERRA R E / M A X Associates in San Antonio has announced the arrival of Felix Guerra to its 70+ REALTORS®. Felix is a newly licensed REALTOR and eager to work with area buy- ers and sellers, as well as referring clients to his network of RE/MAX associates throughout the world. Felix will also be involved in assisting investment buyers find their income producing properties. He is a graduate of The Real Estate School of the San Antonio Board of REALTORS® and has a background in customer service, which included working as an event coordinator. Century Communities Offers “Build On Your Lot” Century Communities, a national homebuilder with communities in Colorado, Georgia, Nevada and Texas, is pleased to announce its Build on Your Lot semi-custom homebuilding program in Austin and San Antonio. The program offers landowners and those seeking to purchase a house lot a wide selection from hundreds of Century Communities’ quality designs. Century Communities will work with each homeowner to customize the new home to best fit the lot and the homeowner’s preferences. Century Communities’ Build on Your Lot program also assists homeowners with one-time close loans, allowing homeowners to purchase their land and finance the homebuilding costs in one streamlined process. The program complements Century Communities’ extensive line of product offerings and home divisions, and enhances the company’s ongoing commitment to deliver diverse home- building options, high-caliber designs and expert craftsmanship in superior locations. “If you’ve fallen in love with a piece of land, Century Communities will help you build your dream home there,” said Steve Hayes, Central Texas Division President at Century Communities. “Our Build on Your Lot program gives homeowners the flexibility to customize upscale single-family homes on their own hand-selected locations.” Interested homebuyers can attend quarterly seminars in Austin and San Antonio to review the process from start to finish and understand which options best fit their lots and future home designs. As with all of its new homes, Century Communities offers its warranty and ongoing care services to all Build on Your Lot homeowners. Century Communities has continued the Build on Your Lot program in central Texas following its acquisition of Jimmy Jacobs Homes in 2013. Ed Guerrero CPA Welcomes Adams Ed Guerrero, CPA, is pleased to announce that Ron Adams, CFP®, CLU, CHFC, MSM has become our new member with our office and will now be assisting with your tax strategy, retirement and financial planning needs. Ron has over 25 years of financial planning experience.Please contact Ron Adams Contact Ron at 490-7100 or Email Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® Celebrates 25th Anniversary Milestone with the Coldwell Banker® Brand Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® celebrates its 25th anniversary as an affiliate of the Coldwell Banker® network. Since joining the Coldwell Banker brand in 1985, we have proudly served the San Antonio, surrounding communities, plus thousands of homebuyers and sellers, “ said D’Ann Harper. “We take great pride in the professionalism and commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience shown by everyone at Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS®. Being part of Coldwell Banker allows us to benefit from the trust earned over the 107-year legacy of the brand, our leadership in innovation, and the industry’s most powerful network of the best in the industry. We all recognize the importance our homes play in our lives and are privileged so many in our area continue to choose us to represent them in their real estate needs.” Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® was honored by Coldwell Banker Real Estate President and Chief Executive Officer Budge Huskey on the milestone with a personally signed letter. Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® located at 18756 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 301, San Antonio, TX 78258, can be reached at (210) 483-7581. Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® has been an affiliate of the Coldwell Banker Franchise System for 25 years. March 15, 2015 2015 Project Fiesta T-Shirt Fundraiser benefiting the San Antonio Humane Society Suburban Spaces Real Estate Group is proud to be the presenting sponsor for Project Fiesta 2015, benefiting the San Antonio Humane Society. Partnering sponsors for this year's fundraiser also include First American and Supreme Lending. These fun and festive shirts are available by advanced purchase only until noon on Sunday, March 22. Thanks to underwriting from our sponsors, all proceeds from the sale go directly to the San Antonio Humane Society. Everyone who purchases a shirt will be invited to the Project Fiesta Backyard BBQ on Sunday, April 19. The event is family-friendly, including a small street parade and silent auction. Food and beverage will also be provided. For additional information and to place your order, please visit the Project Fiesta website at Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - 11:30am - 1:300 WIN AMAZING PRIZES The Fiesta Siesta Win a tropical getaway for two to a deluxe all-inclusive resort Primo Fiesta Tickets Two sets of tickets to popular Fiesta events $1,000 Realtor Signing Bonus If a contcat is signed withing 60 days of the event, you get $1,000 bonus! Catered by Don Strange Tour the community in comfortable fiesta golf carts To RSVP contact Sheryl Uresti,, 210.828.6121 Ext. 117 Providing Excellent Service On Your Home Loan Transactions! Patrick Moore Assistant Vice President, NMLS # 267263 Office: 210-582-0200 Cell: 210-842-1511 Ron Robinson Loan Originator NMLS # 212871 Office: 210-878-4921 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 27 Mahone Joins Trinity Title Isaac Mahone started his career in the title industry during high school. He grew to be a very successful marketing rep for 10 years, all while continuing his education and comMAHONE pleting his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Marketing. In 2012 Isaac joined a dynamic Realtor and Brokerage firm to help develop a successful team from the ground up. While a real estate agent, Isaac was the first male President of The Women’s Council of Realtors for the Hill Country Chapter in 2014. Now Isaac is back in the title business, his first love, with Trinity Title, and has joined the New Braunfels team as the newest Escrow Officer. Baughn Joins Chapa Fuller Realty Chapa Fuller Realty is proud to announce that Cindy Baughn has joined their company as a Sales Associate. Cindy Baughn is a San Antonio native whose leadership BAUGHN skills are well known throughout the Real Estate industry and the community. She has established a personal mission to set industry standards by being a model of integrity and dedication. Cindy is passionate about Realtor education, having achieved her ABR, GRI, the ALHS, the SRES, CNHS, CRS, and was honored as a Graduate of the Texas Realtor Leadership Program (TRLP-TAR, ALUMNI 2008). Please help us welcome Cindy to our team! Read Us Online At: 28 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE March 15, 2015 NAHREP Top 100 Event Anna Gallegos and Gail Couser, both Independence Title with Debbie Blackerby, American Home Shield. David Moore, Stewart Title and Cecilia Sosa North American Title. Enrique Lira, Norma Lira and Jackie Galvan, all RE/MAX Preferred. Johnnie Childs, ICON Realty, Crystal Villanueva, Gold Financial and Mike Meyer, Stewart Title. James Rodgers, Sandra Rangel and Tony Martinez, all with RE/MAX North. Lori Kasper and Vicki Roark, both Stewart Title. Jenny Bingham, RE/MAX Northeast, Sarah Gerrish, RE/MAX Unlimited and Mary Esther Carrasco, RE/MAX North. Johnnie Childs, ICON Realty and Robert Rae Saldana and Jesse Ramirez, both imortDunn, Legacy Mutual Mortgage. gage. Angie Sanchez, Lucy Heurtas and Jessica Beltran, all Alamo Title.
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