Momisms We Know All Too Well!


Momisms We Know All Too Well!
Vol.II, No.12
June 15, 2016
Momisms We Know All Too Well!
By Pat Farrell
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All those who were fortunate
enough to grow up with a loving Mom
and/or Dad can probably appreciate all
the little sayings you heard during
those years that were most likely
aimed at telling you “No” or “Grow
up!” No matter what you did or what
you asked for, there would be some
comeback from Mom or Dad which
left you certain that when you grew up
and had your own kids, you wouldn’t
be like they were! Back in the day
though, the dads were usually the
breadwinners and were at work most
of the time so a majority of the expressions we were used to hearing probably came from Mom, who got them
from her Mom, who got them from her
Mom, and so on. Even though Mom
and Dad may have joined forces when
it came to discipline or decisions, any
comments Dad had to offer probably
came from his Mom too!
There could be variations as to
how the admonishments or words of
wisdom were forthcoming, but I’m
sure we will all recognize the sentiments. I recall that a great number of
the “Mom-isms” were centered around
mealtime, and when we were younger,
and struggling to eat our vegetables or
perhaps some other item served at dinner that we didn’t especially care for,
there was always “You are not leaving
the table until you finish your vegetables” or “No dessert until you have
cleaned your plate.” Do you remember, “Eat your food since you are fortunate to have it - just think of those
poor starving children in (
)” - fill
in the blank with the country you were
told about! Or maybe it was the opposite, “Don’t eat that now, you will
spoil your dinner!” (it is obvious we
are not talking about a teenager here!)
Perhaps you even got the tear-jerker
comment, “I spend all my time in the
kitchen, slaving over a hot stove to
make nutritious meals for you, and
this is the thanks I get?”
And remember when the hottest
new toy came out and you wanted one
so badly, but when you asked if you
could get one Mom said “Do you think
we are made of money?” or “Money
doesn’t grow on trees, you know!”
And then when you whined and asked
why you couldn’t have whatever it
was, you heard, “Because I said so,
that’s why!” or “Oh, spare me the
pathetic look!” or “People in Hell
want ice water too!” And, I’d also bet
many of you heard things like, “Close
that door! Were you brought up in a
barn?” or if you were responsible for
breaking something in the house, then
it was, “See, this is why we can never
have anything nice in this house!”
Did you ever try a little pushback when you were scolded, or told
to do something you did not want to
do? The Momisms then usually
included, “Just you wait until your
Father gets home!” or “I brought you
into this world, and I can just as easily take you out again!” Or how about
“Watch your language!” or “If I talked
to my mother the way you talk to me,
I would be on another planet” or perhaps “Are you tired of living?”
Remember the difficulty when
everyone was going somewhere and
you had to get permission to go too?
You probably heard that “If all your
friends jumped into the river would
you have to follow them in?” or “If his
or her (friend’s name) Mom allows
them to (do whatever) then if you
must do that too, you can move to that
house, but as long as you are living
under my roof, you will follow my
rules!” And remember when Mom
scolded you for your personal habits
as in “There is enough dirt behind
your ears to start a potato farm,” or
“Your room looks like a hurricane
went through.” or “You are not leaving this house until your room is
clean, and I mean clothes put in the
closet and your bed made!” or “Do
you think you are living in a hotel?”
And how about “Do it now –I’m not
going to ask you again!” (but I bet she
did!) Another one I remember is
“Stop acting like your father!”
Sometimes when you were
being a real pain or pestering your
folks, you might have heard, “Running
away? I’ll help you pack!” or “Be
quiet, children should be seen, not
heard!” or “You don’t ever listen!” or
“Talking to you is like talking to a
brick wall!” And how about “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry
about!” One I particularly appreciated
was, “When you have children of your
own, I hope they are just as big a pain
as you are!” or “If you choose to act
like a child, I will treat you like a
child!” Did you ever head out for
school but you forgot a book, your
homework or your lunch and had to
come back for it? I’d bet you heard
“You’d forget your own head if it wasn’t attached!” or “God gave you a
brain, why don’t you use it?” There
was also the advice, “Make sure you
have on clean underpants in case you
are in an accident!”
But when you think back I am
sure you will find it was not always
just about all the things for which you
were being corrected, but also about
the words of encouragement you
received. When things did not turn out
the way you expected she may have
said, “What will be, will be” or “There
will be a next time!” I’m sure at some
time or another your Mom/Dad may
have said, “You will always be my
baby!” or “I will always love you!”
Or, perhaps you heard, “No matter
what you are able to accomplish, I will
always be proud of you!” I also think
now that my mother was right about
most everything! Then I think, “Oh
No, I’ve turned into my Mother!”
Well, she said “One day you’ll thank
me!” And, yes, that time has come,
and I do!
June 15, 2016
Publisher/President.....Courtney Smith
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Cell - 557-8722
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..................................................Pat Farrell
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..........................................Scott Jauregui
...............................................Bob Jacobs
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June 15, 2016
By Scott R. Jauregui
President, Women’s Council of REALTORS
New Leadership Coming Soon…
Now that I have your attention, please read the rest of the
article. Tiffany Wright our
President-Elect is looking for a
supportive team of officers for
2017. Executive Team
Applications are due by July 15,
2016 to Susie Sheffield at for all
positions other than President.
REALTORS are eligible for every
role and National Affiliates are eligible for Treasurer and Secretary.
Why choose leadership
opportunities in WCR? The
answer to that question is as
unique as you are. Personally I
have achieved enhancement of my
leadership skills, stronger relationship opportunities worldwide, and
synergized community service
opportunities. I do believe WCR
provides one of the most supportive and encouraging environments
for achieving leadership goals.
Past executive team members have
served within WCR at State and
National levels not to mention key
leadership positions at SABOR,
TAR and NAR and that is just
some of the places within our
industry. Contact any officer to
assist with your application!
What are we looking for in a
leader? Commitment,
Involvement and Ability to Travel
around Texas and to Orlando,
Florida and Washington D.C.
• Each team member will
promote the value of Women’s
Council of REALTORS® membership throughout the real estate
community and be familiar with
its Mission and Vision
• We are all part of the same
team and each member should feel
comfortable asking the President,
other officers and board members
as well as retiring officers for help
– we all commit to helping each
other to achieve success in his or
her position.
• Each officer should be
familiar with their job description
and the corresponding section of
the Leadership Policy and
Procedure Manual (LPPM)
• We will be on time for all
meetings and start on time
because we value each other ’s
professional and person commitments
• We will be prepared for all
meetings by reviewing previously
circulated agenda and supporting
• Attendance at national and
state meetings for those eligible is
beneficial to our chapter because
of the leadership and educational
skills you will acquire through
attendance – our members fund
our travel and it is our obligation
to return the benefits to them
• Our trips are business
functions and team building
opportunities and all officers
should make it a priority to participate not only in meetings but also
be a part of the local team’s social
events and planning sessions,
including the final “wrap-up” session
Don’t miss our next Free
Training event – Tony Robbins
Workshop – Turning Actions Into
Results. Improve your performance by integrating a 3 step
process for creating lasting
change. Event held June 9th, 5pm
– 6:30pm Gateway Mortgage
Group 40 NE Loop 410 Ste 445
Our strategic partners
include the most recognized
brands in our industry. Keller
Williams Realty; Legacy Mutual
Mortgage; Alamo Zippy Shell;
Aperto Consulting; T. Blackwell
Insurance, Kridel-Law First
American Title; National Property
Inspections; Old Republic Home
Protection; Scott’s Inspections;
TAP-FCU. If you need a local
partner to assist you with getting
the best value for your client,
don’t hesitate to contact them
directly and mention you did so
because of their support of WCR
SA. We still have room for many
Find WCR SA activities and
pictures at,
follow WCRSanAntonio on
Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for
the most up to date happenings
and links to join us at our events.
Check out the professionals you
recognize and want to do business
My personal vision for
Women’s Council of REALTORS
San Antonio for 2016 is to provide
value to our members in every
way they (the member) measures
it. What value can we provide for
you? Let us know!
Scott R. Jauregui, 2016
210-364-9434 or
June 15, 2016
Wortham Oaks Open House
Mother and
daughter team,
Karen Garrett
and Frances
Ross, Coldwell
Banker D’Ann
Harper Realtors.
Andrea Lopez,
Financial and
Daniel Castillo,
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Michael Carpenter, MI Homes.
Keller Williams
Heritage’s Linda
Quante enjoys
lunch with
Valerie Wilshire,
Peggy Jernigan,
Keller Williams
Heritage and
Melissa Wertz, 3D
Theresa Sanchez,
Ryland Homes.
Kevin Kiser, RB
Realty with Margo
Villarreal, MI
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
Chicago Title Happy Hour at Stonewerks
Chicago Title’s Brian
Baize visits with Amy
Lundgren, Keller
Williams SA Portfolio
Ernest Brown, guest with Jenny Bingham, RE/MAX Northeast and Val Juve,
Chicago Title.
Alyse Straus, Marilyn Gawlik and Mary Boxwell, Chicago Title with Mallory
Baird, CORIE Properties.
Phyllis Browning Company’s Brian Mylar, Jackie Georges and Craig
Deborah Myers, Deborah Myers Real Estate with Polly Keene,
Chicago Title and Kahlyne Fletcher, Brookshire Hatheway Home
Service Pen Fed Realty.
Brenda Sharp, RE/MAX Northeast, Dawn Harvey Keys, ERA Troy and
Nora Uriostegui, eXp Realty.
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
By Paige Japhet, Japhet Builders
Is it really worth it to spend
money on high-end appliances?
Take a look at the graph below
which gives you a general breakdown
of where energy is being spent inside
your home.
Courtesy of CPS Energy
Cooling and heating is the #1
energy expenditure in homes. This
summer, air conditioners across San
Antonio will be working overtime
thanks to the intense heat. Since that
translates into high energy bills, let’s
see where you can possibly save
some money when considering new
Air Conditioning
The higher the SEER (seasonal
energy efficiency ratio) for your unit,
the more energy efficient it is.
Minimal SEER on the market is 13.
According to CPS Energy, a 13 SEER
five ton unit costs 58 cents per hour
to operate whereas a 15 SEER unit
will use 25% less energy, likely saving you money in the long run.
When it comes to the most
energy-efficient appliances, the
good news is they aren’t always the
most expensive (according to an
article from, “Should
you buy energy-efficient appliances
sooner or later). Pay close attention
to the bright yellow EnergyGuide
label on appliances. It provides
information on the estimated annual
operating cost and compares it to
similar appliance models. Always
keep in m ind that an appliance
which features extra capacity can
also mean it expends extra energy.
Energy efficient appliances
have saved our clients significant
money over the years. Appliances
continue to improve over the years
and nowadays energy efficiency
doesn’t always have to break the
bank. If you do find yourself suffering from appliance sticker shock,
remember there are often rebates
and recycling programs offered by
local utility companies, as well as
government tax incentives which
can help lower the initial cost of
new energy-efficient appliances.
Community involvement with United
Way attending
Power of the Purse
Women’s Leadership
Program. Caroline
Salcedo, Marietta
Alba, and Kari Utz
love being involved.
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
Cindy Pena,
Trinity Title and
Lesa Akerapl,
Keller Williams
Realty attend
WCR Hill Country
Business Lunch.
Trisha Osorno and Sara “Libby” Judson, Exquisite Properties
with Roberta Brown at Chicago Title’s Big Give P.A.W.S.
Ruben Medrano
and Janet Clyde
Hathaway Home
Service Don
Johnson enjoy
coffee before
boarding for the
SABOR Bus Tour.
Husband and wife
team, Amy and
Rick Kolb, Keller
Williams City View
tour model homes
before the PT50
Early Qualifier
Kenneth Ross,
gives NewsSource
a big smile at
recent event.
Paula Grigsy, TAPFCU, Marla Luciano, Real Estate Professional, Caroline
Salcedo, Apartment and Relocation Center, Christina O’Connor,
Mortgage Professional and Annette Slater, Landlord Property
Management sharing great ideas at San Antonio WCR Business Meeting.
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
Nancy Hurd,
Sente Mortgage
poses at Century
Cooking Class.
Lacy Padilla, KB Home welcomes Johnnie Childs, Icon Realty and John
Kuntz III, Reliance Residential Realty, to the KB Home Happy Hour at
Lane Rogers,
Patricia Zars and
Meg Quinn of Zars
and Rogers
Realtors enjoying
the festivities of the
PT50 Early Qualifier
Zahiyyah Carter
and Maudel
Hardie, Hardie
and Associates
with Audrey Taylor,
Larsen Properties
are ready to
board the bus for
the SABOR Bus
June 15, 2016
Veronica Clarke,
RE/MAX Platinum
shines on the runway of the PT50
Fashion Show.
The ladies of Independence Title invite PT50 Early Qualifiers to relax and
get pampered.
Always smiling,
mother and
daughter team
Lisa Stanley and
Rose Arredondo of
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Realtors are early
birds for the
SABOR Bus Tour.
Always dressed for
the party are
Barbara del Amo
and Pat Sankey,
Keller Williams
Legacy, volunteers
for the annual
fundraiser for The
Children’s Shelter.
June 15, 2016
By Joyce Zimdahl
NARPM Communications Chair
SAMAC Takes 2016 at Full Speed
The San Antonio Metro Area
Chapter (SAMAC) of the National
Association of Property
Managers®(NARPM®) continues
to drive through 2016 at high
speed! There are no pit stops as
members are more focused than
ever to earn their NARPM® designations before they strive for
the summit at the annual
NARPM® convention in Maui this
October. Road blocks can’t stop
those who see only the green
lights ahead!
MHN Properties hosted the
second quarterly office social on
April 20th with a theme of
“Racing Towards Your
Designation.” Guests enjoyed a
catered barbeque meal and the
opportunity to network with
other small and large business
Property Managers. The event
was designed for members to get
more information about obtaining
NARPM® designations and to
share best practices. A special
thank you goes to Mr. ReKey,
Onsight PROS and Acutraq for
providing sponsorship of the
Next Generation
Professionals (NGP) hosted their
social at the COPA Wine Bar on
May 17th. Attendees stopped by
pit row for a fun night of networking and fueled up on hors
d’oeuvres and COPA’s famous
white sangria. A good time was
had by all!
SAMAC was honored to host
Darryl Lyons, CFP®, AIF®, CEO
& Investment Planner of PAX
Financial, at our member meeting
on May 18th at the Norris
Conference Center. Darryl shared
ideas and principals he had executed to help PAX Financial
become one of the fastest growing
young businesses in San Antonio.
He is the author of the book,
“Small Business, Big Pressure – A
Faith-Based Approach to Guide
the Ambitious Entrepreneur.”
Not only does his book and presentation benefit the selfemployed, but they provide great
tips for business owners and
those who aspire to be. For more
information on his strategic business principles and how to come
out ahead in the race, visit
Join us at the next circuit
where members give back to the
community during SAMAC’s
community service event on June
8th. We will be geared up to
assemble snack paks from 6:30p7:30p at the SP4K SA Warehouse
at Daily Ministries (6351 Rittiman
Road, 78218). Snack Pak 4 Kids
was started in Amarillo by Dyron
and Kelly Howell who discovered
that many school-aged children
relied on the local school district
for their meals. The kids were eating breakfast and lunch at school,
but spent many nights and weekends hungry. Determined to
address the need, the Howells
assembled ten bags of food (with
enough food to get through the
weekend) and passed them out on
Friday afternoon. The program
grew quickly and teachers began
to see academic improvement,
better concentration and higher
attendance rates. The SP4K program has grown to serve over
6,500 students in school districts
across Texas. For more information about the program, visit or join us on
June 8th! To RSVP, contact Jessica
Birdy at
Liberty Management, Inc.,
CRMC® will host the next office
social on Saturday, June 18th from
4:00pm to 6:00pm at 7217 Bandera
Road, 78238. There will be food,
games and prizes, so don’t miss
the opportunity to join the fun!
The drive continues in July
as the NGPs have another social
scheduled for July 19th (location
TBD). The next chapter meeting
will be July 20th at 10:00am at the
Norris Conference Center. The
educational portion will include
guest speaker Marc Cunningham,
SAMAC accepts new memberships from Property Managers,
office support and vendors all
year long so don’t worry that
you’ve missed out. It’s never too
late! Join us for our July 19th
chapter meeting and your first
meal is on us! To RSVP, contact
membership chairman David
Birdy at
If you have any questions
about NARPM, SAMAC or want
to see a list of events, visit or
contact 2016 Chapter President,
Gregg Birdy, RMP® at Applications
are currently being accepted for
2017-2018 executive committee
members, directors and committee chairpersons.
nlc loans Is Now Hiring
Loan Officers
And Processors
If you’d like to work with this great team,
contact our office today!
Office: 210.453.5880
84 NE Loop 410, Suite 115, San Antonio, TX 78216
Aldo Del Giudice, Branch Manager
NMLS# 292837
Branch NMLS# 1246424
Corporate NMLS# 32416
June 15, 2016
Jul 1
Jul 2
Jul 3
Jul 4
Jul 5
Jul 6
Jul 7
Jul 8
Jul 9
Norma Taylor ..................Keller Williams Legacy
Leigh Munk ....................RE/MAX Preferred
Bonnie Wilson ................RE/MAX Associates
Debra Baker ..................Keller Williams Legacy
Patricia Israel..................Kimberly Howell Properties
Lysa Hamer ....................Brass Ring Properties
Marcus Jones ................RE/MAX Corridor
Gini Newton....................RE/MAX Northeast
R.J. Reyes......................Keller Williams Heritage
Nikki Diamond- Jones ....Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Lyle Jackson ..................RE/MAX Associates
Carolyn Hernandez ..........BHHS Pen Fed Realty
Steve Bennett ................Lone Star Properties
Annette Brown................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Brenda Malcolm ..............TXUSA Real Estate
Dianna Rhodes ..............Stewart Title
Misty Wood ....................Keller Williams City View
Yvonne Kall ....................RE/MAX Preferred
Wiley Cloud ....................Texas Hill Country Realty
Jakey Weilbacher ............Kuper Sotheby's International
Stephanie Kelley ............Keller Williams Legacy
Lisa Reyna......................SWBC Mortgage
Janie Thelen ..................RE/MAX Associates
Robert Collins ................Cypress Wind Real Estate
Jim Concannon ..............ERA Troy Realtors
Art Martinez ..................Texas Land 4 You
Kathleen Nelson..............Home Team of America
Rose Garcia....................Home Team of America
Rick Ocampo..................JB Goodwin Realtors
Kent Ransdell ................Keller Williams Legacy
Elie Rosen ......................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
James Gonzales..............Homebuying Homeselling, LLC
Donna Tardy ..................Stewart Title
Ted York ........................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Debbie Cervantes............Century 21 Scott Myers
Jason Johnson ..............RE/MAX Preferred
Bertha Soraiz..................Truman & Saenz Realty
Lea Rongey ....................JB Goodwin Realtors
Mini Varghese ................BHHS PenFed Realty
Loretta Baeza ................Slater Realtors
Esteban Garza ................JB Goodwin Realtors
Thomas Pesek ................RE/MAX Corridor
Joey Quiroga ..................Stewart Title
Bernie Bradfield ..............Reliance Residential Realty
Charles Jeffers III............DH Realty Partners
Suzie Harz ......................SWBC Mortgage
Kevin Fenno....................Home Team of America
Barbara Ayala ................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Judy Crawford ................Kuper Sotheby's International
Dorothy Ybarra ..............Century 21 Scott Myers
Dave Munro ....................RE/MAX Preferred
Jul 10
Jul 11
Jul 12
Jul 13
Jul 14
Jul 15
Jul 16
Jul 17
Jul 18
Jul 19
Jul 20
Jul 21
June 15, 2016
April Frazee ....................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Bruce Osborne................JB Goodwin Realtors
Bill Trodlier ....................Keller Williams City View
Gayle Spillman................SWBC Mortgage
Phyllis Teer ....................RE/MAX Associates
Terri Kruse......................RE/MAX North
Sara McCaffrey ..............Keller Williams City View
Denver Lambuth ............Home Team of America
George Julian..................RE/MAX Preferred
Susan Gross ..................Phyllis Browning Company
Monette Kroeger ............Phyllis Browning Company
Steve Short ....................Icon Realty
Laura Wing ....................RE/MAX Associates
Rick Acosta....................RE/MAX Associates Boerne
Michelle Perez ................Realty Executives SA
Reno Puente ..................Texas Elite Realty
Jennifer Duaine ..............American Home Shield
Alberto Hernandez ..........JB Goodwin Realtors
Jeremy Tackett ..............Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Hank Macias ..................Trinity Title
Darryl Clinton ................3 D Realty & Property Mgt.
Kelly Potter-Hovda ..........The Horn Company
Michelle Perez ................Realty Executives SA
Yolanda Galvan ..............Rigel Realty
Glen Hoffman ................BHGRE Bradfield Properties
Edward Greene................BHHS Don Johnson Realtors
Marlene Gray ..................Phyllis Browning Company
James Rodgers ..............RE/MAX North
Dianne Garibay ..............Keller Williams City View
Kathy Ripps....................Kuper Sotheby's International Realty
Pepa Thomas..................RE/MAX North
Pat Busby ......................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Parisa Sanchez ..............Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
June Baker .................... Coldwell Banker Stagecoach Realty
Daniel Castillo ................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Andre Dade ....................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Leonard Ermis ................JB Goodwin Realtors
Joel "Jerry" Porras ........Keller Williams City View
Shelly Jeffries ................Phyllis Browning Company
Kate Crone ....................Phyllis Browning Company
Jerry Allen......................RE/MAX Associates
Sharon O'Mullan ............Stewart Title
Tammy Powell ................BHHS Don Johnson Realtors
Lynnette Boyd ................JB Goodwin Realtors
Van Stewart....................SWBC Mortgage
Manuel Ibarra..................Northwest Real Estate
Nick Zapiain ..................Home Team of America
Elaine Sevier ..................JB Goodwin Realtors
Sheryl Sepulveda ............Keller Williams Legacy
Reagan Greer..................JB Goodwin Realtors
Lisa Bates ......................LK Texas Real Estate
Jul 22
Jul 23
Jul 24
Jul 25
Jul 26
Jul 27
Jul 28
Jul 29
Jul 30
Jul 31
Donna Fremin ................Century 21 Scott Myers
Brenda Johnston ............Phyllis Browning Company
Judy Finger-Lebow..........Chapa & Fuller Realty
Michael Daniels ..............King Realtors
Rita Stanley....................Town & Country Real Estate
Mike Daniell....................Century 21 Scott Myers
J.C. Rubiola....................Rubiola Realty
Faith Palacios ................SABOR
Magdalena Rocha............Rigel Realty
Claudia Escobedo............Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Toni Smart ....................Smart Group Realtors
Rick Jorgensen ..............Kimberly Howell Properties
Judy Dunlap ..................Phyllis Browning Company
Frank Bailey ..................Keller Williams Heritage
Tamara Trout ..................RE/MAX Realty Advantage
Janet Heydenreich ..........Phyllis Browning Company
Cathy Cole......................RE/MAX North
Emily Swope ..................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Roland Gonzales ............TPC Parkway Realty
Cheryl Altwein ................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Roger Bippert ................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Valerie Ricketts ..............Stewart Title
Matt Troy........................ERA Troy Realtors
Linda Berban ..................SABOR
Carol Levandoski ............SABOR
Pat Howell ......................Phyllis Browning Company
Cheryl Julian ..................RE/MAX Preferred
Jene Rand ......................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Laura Whitehead ............Delise Realty
Delaine Gaston ..............House San Antonio Real Estate
Linda Stevens ................Linda Stevens
Mary Ann Sisneros..........Home Team of America
Jeffrey Bradley................Home Team of America
Bill Shannon ..................Sawyer Real Estate Group
Barbara Kressin ..............Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Jorge Basabe..................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Betty Herring ..................JB Goodwin Realtors
Arnold Rodriguez ............Premier Properties
Steve Rand ....................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Jacque Klatt ..................Compass Real Estate Group
David Gullo ....................Home Team of America
Alison Heft ....................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Fran Stankovich..............Century 21 Scott Myers
Kimberly Christenson ......SWBC Mortgage
Terry Noveroske..............RE/MAX North
Gracie Miranda................Campos Custom Realty
Shannon Dossett ............Providence Title
Adrian Moreno ................RE/MAX Corridor
Becky Hicks ..................Trinity Title
Jeff Pozzi........................Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper
Oscar Enriquez ..............Rigel Realty
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016
Ginger Honey Grilled Shrimp
2 pounds peeled shrimp
2 tablespoons grated ginger
1 tablespoon grated garlic
8 tablespoons of honey
4 tablespoons of soy sauce
8-10 wooden skewers
1. Soak 8 to 10 wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes so they
don't burn on the grill.
2. In a small bowl, add the ginger, garlic, honey and soy sauce
and stir to combine.
Pamela Lewis, Chicago Title, Daryl Zipp, Texas Premier Realty, Marilee
Salazar and Michael Board, Chicago Title supporting Chicago Title’s Big
Give P.A.W.S. event.
3. Split the sauce in half; half for the marinade and half for
basting the shrimp while cooking.
4. Marinate the shrimp with half the sauce for 30 minutes.
5. Preheat a grill or grill pan. Place 5 to 6 shrimp on each
soaked wooden skewer.
7. Place the shrimp skewers on the grill. Cook on one side for 2
minutes. Flip skewers, baste with the remaining sauce and cook
for 1 more minute. Using tongs, remove to plate and serve!
Candi Meyer
Real Estate NewsSource
Sales & Marketing
210-508-0888 • 210-557-8722
Valerie Ricketts, Stewart Title, Abby Vasek, Speaker with Joyce Killian and
Jeff Robinson of Stewart Title pose at the monthly Hill Country WCR
Business Lunch.
June 15, 2016
Members of the LGBT Community
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender)
want a brave and safe place to talk about
their dreams of home ownership. They
want to be honored, valued, and taken seriously discussing the complexities of buying a home, being able to discuss parenting
issues and family dynamics without fear of
judgment or sexist comments. These are
some of the main reasons both real estate
agents and clients seek out Irene GalindoCantu, Loan Officer, NMLS#1317686 at
Supreme Lending - Tylman Branch. Irene Galindo-Cantu: “I am a proud
member of the San Antonio LGBT community, and have been active in promoting
home ownership for over 11 years. My
wife and I have been married for 18 years
and are aware of the challenges that community members have encountered over
the years within the real estate and lending
communities. Just because gay marriage is
now legal, doesn’t mean there are still not
sensitive issues to deal with. Some clients
fear disclosing their relationship, directly
or indirectly, and discretion is paramount.”
Months into the business, I found
myself at a networking event with the
greater chamber filled with new friends.
When the topic came up that I was a
REALTOR® a young woman standing in
my circle whispered, “Can we talk more
about your business?” This new friend and
client didn’t talk to me at the event publicly
because she was afraid to say that she and
her wife were looking for a home together
with their children, for fear of being judged
by others around her. This scenario has
happened several times in different circles
for the same reason. LGBT people are
attacked in media, made out to be dangerous and also portrayed as unfit or “incomplete” parents. And in reality, San Antonio
has one of the largest populations of LGBT
families in the country. I trust and can
count on Irene Galindo Cantu, Tony
Tylman, Branch Manager and their team to
take excellent care of my clients.
–Anel Flores, Broker, REALTOR®, A&N Realty
Professionally, in my 13 year career
as an agent and personally in my relationship of 34 years to my partner, now married - I have experienced these chal-
We Can Help You
“Step In” To A
Loan This Summer!
211 N. Loop 1604 E Suite #125
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 490-3222
lenges. The good news is we are seeing
progress and I am grateful to have
resources like the Tylman Team that
actively support and provide a welcoming
environment for my LGBT clients.
-Barbara del Amo, REALTOR®,
Keller Williams Legacy
Our relationship with Supreme
Lending began 3 years ago through the San
Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce.
One of the many reasons we continue to
refer clients to the Tylman Group is
because we know they will receive equal
treatment. We value the partnership that
we have developed with them over the
years, and appreciate their ongoing commitment to our team and the LGBT community. –Chad Nall & Brian Lopez-Rosa,
Owners, Suburban Spaces Real Estate
My experience is that middle aged
to older clients may still be tentative about
putting their information out there, but
younger LGBT individuals and couples
expect the people and businesses they deal
with to be OK with their identity. If not,
they will move on. Understanding and
respecting LGBT buyers and sellers has
always been the key to successfully working with them – Irene and the Tylman
Branch “get this”.
- Randy Rice, REALTOR®, Keller
Williams Legacy
Irene Galindo Cantu: “I’ve built my
business on helping LGBT clients and providing education and advice in a confidential environment. It is incredibly rewarding
to see the smiles, knowing I’ve helped
families get into their new homes. I am a
board member of the San Antonio LGBT
Chamber of Commerce and communicate
with many ally business members that are
on the right side of history. I am proud to
work for Supreme Lending, a company
that honors diversity, and also proud that
our Branch has joined the SA LGBT
Chamber of Commerce.” Supreme Lending –Tylman Branch
is located in the Frost Center North building at 1250 NE Loop 410, Suite 200, San
Antonio, TX 78209. Main: 210-446-5909
For informational purposes only.
at 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX
Residential Mortgage Loan Originator.
Irene Galindo-Cantu, Loan Officer,
NMLS# 1317686. Buyers will feel at
home with Irene from Supreme.
Call Irene at 210-317-6377 (cell).
June 15, 2016
Full Spectrum Realty Open House
Karen Mc Manuis
and Lauren
Dowlen, Full
Spectrum Realty.
Father and son,
Nick Grimaldi,
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Realtors and son
Nick Grimaldi.
Brenda Gonzalez,
Full Spectrum
Realty, Gail Couser
and Veronica
Independence Title.
Genina Mery, Full Spectrum Realty with guest
Melissa Alvarez.
June 15, 2016
Century 21 Scott Myers Welcomes Wylie
Scott Myers is pleased
to announce Gary
Wylie has joined its
firm as a sales associate. He will specialize
in Residential property
sales in the San
Antonio and surroundWYLIE
ing areas area.
Wylie just successfully completed
extensive training and licensing through
Create 21, an advanced real estate train-
ing course that covers every facet of how
to serve the client or customer in the best
possible fashion.
Myers added, "We believe training
supports growth and professional excellence in the real estate industry.
Performance-based training is necessary
to assure that CENTURY 21 associates
maintain their competitive edge and offer
the best service possible to their clients."
Wylie joined Century 21 from
another firm where he had worked for
many years.
Houses In San Antonio™ Associates complete
first phase of MCNE
have just completed the first
phase in earning the much
sought after Master Certified
Negotiation Expert (MCNE)
designation from the Real
Estate Negotiation Institute.
They have acquired their
Certified Negotiation Expert
(CNE) designation. Very few
real estate professionals have been honored
Houses In San Antonio’s Corina Y. with the qualification. We are very proud of
Uribe, Irene Knowles and Daniel Aponte all three.
KB Home Acquires Land For 234 New Homes In
Texas Research Park
With its latest acquisition, KB
Home becomes the first single-family
home community in TRP
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) today
announced that it has purchased nearly
75 acres along the Highway 211 corridor near Potranco Road in far
Northwest Bexar County, where the
builder plans to construct 234 new
homes at Texas Research Park. Land
development at the site is currently
underway, with the community’s grand
opening anticipated in early 2017.
KB Home’s planned Hidden
Canyons at TRP neighborhood will be
the first residential community in
Texas Research Park, a 1,200-acre
campus-like environs established more
than 25 years ago to further the economic development mission of the
Texas Research and Technology
Foundation. Hidden Canyons at TRP
will also be KB Home’s first new
development in San Antonio’s far
Northwest since 2013. This highlydesirable area is known for its distinct
position between the Texas Hill
Country and the Coastal Plains, abundant nearby attractions and top-rated
The Hidden Canyons at TRP parcel is KB Home’s latest land acquisition in San Antonio, extending the
builder’s growth trajectory in the
region. So far in 2016, KB Home has
opened new home communities at The
Ridge at Bandera, The Heights at
Northeast Crossing, and Misiones,
with two additional communities,
Dove Creek and Copano Ridge,
expected to open later this year. KB
Home currently offers new homes for
sale at 26 locations in San Antonio,
Boerne, Cibolo, Converse, Universal
City and New Braunfels.
Floor plans for Hidden Canyons
at TRP will include two home design
collections and are expected to range
from 1,516 square feet to 3,475 square
feet. Planned amenities include a community park with a pool, a picnic
pavilion and a children’s playground
for residents’ exclusive use. Public
hiking trails at Texas Research Park
and events at the newly renovated Golf
Club of Texas will offer additional
recreational opportunities for families.
For more information about KB
San Antonio,
visit or call 888- KBHOMES.
Imagine Homes Opens New Community
Imagine Homes celebrates 10
years building award-winning homes
and the grand opening of their newest
community, Monteverde in Cibolo
Located off of TPC
Parkway, near the JW Marriott,
Monteverde is one of the first neighborhoods to open in the newly developed area of Cibolo Canyons.
Homes in Monteverde range from
$380s to $450s and the fully furnished model home is now open.
Solar shingles, foam insulation, energy efficient windows, tankless water
heater, and many other green products are on display in this stunning
model home.
Homeowners in
Monteverde will enjoy beautiful
views, homesites with greenbelts,
and all the conveniences of living in
the prestigious master-planned community of Cibolo Canyons. Three
amenity centers with pools, soccer
fields, and party rooms are available
for homeowners and their guests.
The neighborhood also enjoys beautifully maintained walking trails. Stop
by today to learn more about Imagine
Homes! The new model home is
located at 24514 Emilia Way, San
Antonio, Texas 78261 or call Dana
McDaniel at 210.844.7150
Independence Title Welcomes Wilshire
B u s i n e s s
D e v e l o p m e n t
Representative Valerie
Wilshire enjoys meeting
and helping people, and
that’s what she gets to do
in her position with
Company! Although relWILSHIRE
atively new to the Title
Industry, Valerie has worked in the insurance
business for a number of years, has experience selling real estate, and has a background
in Elementary/Special Education.
Valerie’s work history, coupled with
her genuine desire to be of assistance and
provide resources to busy agents, makes her
a perfect fit for the Independence Title Team,
where she serves in a consultative role
focused on helping Realtors, lenders,
builders and developers to grow and/or
improve their business.
As a part of Independence Title
Company, Valerie joins a group of San
Antonio’s top title professionals. Locally
Independence offers six branch locations in
San Antonio and almost 50 locations
throughout Texas.
Valerie may be reached by email at or by
phone at 210-291-8200.
Charity Golf Tournament Helps
Vets Achieve the American Dream
Group Helps to Educate Vets of Homeownership Benefits
In an effort to help veterans achieve
the American Dream, the local chapter of
the Veterans Association of Real Estate
Professionals, a 501(c3) nonprofit, is holding the Stars and Stripes Charity Golf
Tournament on June 24 at Fort Sam
Houston Golf Club, 1050 Harry Wurzbach
The money raised from this tournament will help send a veteran delegation to
the 2016 Policy Conference in
Washington, D.C. and lobby congress to
include financial-literacy education under
the Post 9/11 GI Bill; include a Veterans
Provision in the Community Reinvestment
ACT and include the VA loan into HUD’s
“Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure
Notice”. The Policy Conference gives
VAREP members the opportunity to be the
voice for veteran homeownership during
pre-set Capitol Hill visit appointments.
Many veterans are unaware they
qualify for affordable VA loans compared
to costlier conventional loans. The 2010
VA National Veterans Survey revealed the
following reasons for veteran homeown-
ers’ not using the VA home loan benefit:
• 33.6% indicated they did not
know about the program.
• 62.8% said their lender never discussed the VA loan option with them.
• 8.1% said their lender and/or realtor discouraged the use of the VA loan.
VAREP welcomes any and all businesses and organizations to participate or
sponsor a veteran/military member starting
at $100. The format for the tournament is a
four-player scramble. There will be a holein-one contest for a $10,000 cash prize,
longest drive and closest to the pin contests.
Following the tournament, there
will be an awards and banquet ceremony at
1:30 pm, with recognition of all veterans at
the event. UTSA Army ROTC will kick off
the event by posting the colors, Ashley
Montemayor will sing the “National
Anthem” and the shotgun start time is at 8
visit or contact Evelyn Tubbs at (210) 589-4410.
June 15, 2016
SABOR Bus Tour
Aleshia Harvey
and Cathy
Heshmat, ERA
Troy Realtors.
Charles Bamford,
Alamo ZippyShell
and Jon Tober,
SWBC Mortgage.
Katie Hilsher, Jene Wilcox, Holly Mahler, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Realtors and Anita McKinney, Olivia Townsend Realty.
Breakfast is served!
Julia Stephens,
Wanda Purifoy
and Lisa Cabrera,
Art Saldana and
Adam Graham,
Cindy Mundy, Keller
Williams Heritage,
Clifton Jansky,
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Realtors and Peggy
Jernigan, Keller
Williams Heritage.