April 15 - Real Estate News Source


April 15 - Real Estate News Source
Vol.I, No 4
April 15, 2015
Texas Real Estate Investors Expo
By Pat Farrell
U.S. Postage
San Antonio, Texas
Paid Permit #1590
As REALTORS® and Affiliates we
recognize that we work within one of the
most active industries in Texas, and in the
best real estate market in the country, but
perhaps we do not take full advantage of
what is so readily available to us. We work
hard to ensure that our seller client gets the
best price possible for their home when they
sell, and that our buyer client gets the home
that meets their needs and for the best possible value. And we frequently encounter
investors anxious to find the best properties
that will not only allow them to earn some
extra money but could also offer them an
opportunity to help people facing distressful
During the course of my 37 years in
the business I have thought many times
about the possibilities of my doing some
real estate investing but quickly concluded
that first, I have no idea of what is involved
and second, I know nothing about handling
the financial aspects of this type of transaction, nor did I know where to seek the
answers. Recently I learned that next month
there will be a one day program held here in
San Antonio that looks like anyone could
get all the information needed to (1) determine if the ins and outs of investing could
work for them, (2) learn the costs that could
be involved and (3) find what resources are
available for securing the investment
The 2nd Annual Texas Real Estate
Investor Expo will be held this year on
Saturday, May 30, at the Omni Hotel on IH10 West (Colonnade) from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
with the Keynote Speaker for the event
being local businessman Red McCombs.
Few people in the San Antonio area have
had business success that is comparable to
that of Red McCombs and fewer people
have so consistently given back so much to
our community. This is a rare opportunity
for the general public to hear Red offer his
words of wisdom. Registration is now open
at www.TexasExpo.com. For the best value
the admission cost from now until April 30
is only $49, (enter promo code: REALTOR.) The price will increase to $79 for registrations between May 1 and May 29 and at
the door on May 30 the cost will be $99.
The Expo will open at 8 A.M. with
coffee and a Continental Breakfast and there
will be about 50 investment related
exhibitors on hand to offer their assistance.
The educational offerings will begin with a
30 minute session titled “Real Estate
Investing 101 – The Basics” starting at 8:15.
That will be followed by the first two of five
50 minute breakout sessions, each with five
different speakers, starting at 9:00 and
10:00. The afternoon breakout sessions will
start at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00.
Throughout the day there will be a
dozen or so expert speakers offering a variety of investment related topics: “How to
Earn Double Digit Returns and Retire
Early;” “Miracle of Wealth – Event
Centers;” “Leasing to Buy;” “How to Find
Deals with the Right System;” “How to Buy
HUD Homes with up to 50% Off;” “Invest
in Self Storage Centers;” “12 Ways to Profit
from Real Estate;” “Foreclosures and
Finding Abandoned Homes;” “Maximize
Your Business Credit;” “Assisted Living
Facilities;” “Purchase and Rehab Loans”
and finally “Self Directed IRAs.”
The General Session will be from
11:00 – 12:15 during which a barbeque
lunch will be served and Red McCombs will
speak at that time. This will be followed by
a Panel Discussion from 12:15 to 12:45 on
“How to Find Hidden Real Estate Deals.”
Then from 4:00 to 4:30 there will be “Must
Be Present to Win” drawings with prizes
that include, among several other desirable
items, three Big Screen TVs. The remaining
30 minutes will provide attendees with more
opportunities to visit with the exhibitors.
The Expo is being promoted by a
strategic alliance of real estate investor
groups and clubs, spearheaded by SAREIA
which has been active since it was established in 2002. SAREIA’s current President
is Real Estate Attorney, Broker & Investor
Victor M. Maas who has been working diligently behind the scenes to provide a meaningful experience during this second Expo
for all those interested in investing in real
estate. SAREIA is San Antonio's
largest real estate investor association and regularly holds smaller
sessions at 6:00 PM on the first
Tuesday of each month at the
OMNI hotel to which anyone is
cordially invited to attend.
According to SAREIA the purpose
for the Expo is to help prospective and current real estate investors at all levels add to
their knowledge by introducing them to
industry experts who have extensive experience in successful investing. The Table
Exhibitors will be there to offer information
about products and services to assist with
your investment including how to obtain
"hard money" financing for your projects. It
is also a perfect opportunity to network with
others who can provide you with information as to why this would be a good fit for
your investment goals.
Real estate investing may or may not
be in your future but it could be to your
advantage to learn what it entails and to discover all of the assistance available if you
are currently interested or were to consider
venturing into that field. Having this knowledge could also enable you to more effectively advise your investor clients. The Expo
is intended to be a major investor event and
should prove to be exceptionally informative.
It is anticipated that attendance this
year will greatly exceed that of last year’s
Expo which was right at 400. Keep in mind
www.TexasExpo.com is available until
April 30th and $49 (enter promo code:
REALTOR) is a reasonable amount to be
able to network with the experts and learn
what this form of investing is all about. For
more information you can call 210-5010897.
April 15, 2015
D’Ann Harper cuts
the ribbon officially
opening the
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Realtors office in
Kerrville, Texas.
Publisher/President.....Courtney Smith
Sales & Marketing .............Candi Meyer
Cell - 557-8722
Contributing Writers: ......Cathey Meyer
..................................................Pat Farrell
Columnists.....................Susie Sheffield
......................................Mary Ann Jeffers
(210) 508-0888
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Real Estate NewsSource
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Sara Gerrish, RE/MAX
Unlimited shows off
her BIG sign for a new
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April 15, 2015
By Susie Sheffield
President, Women’s Council of REALTORS
What’s Important Now?
“You are a product of your environment, so choose the environment that
will best develop you toward your objective; analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success or are they holding you back?” – W. Clement Stone
At the April meeting of WCR San
Antonio we were honored to have
William Edge, owner of William Edge
Salon in New Braunfels, TX and the
founder of Pure Edge-ucation. In addition
to his acclaimed artistic work, William
Edge is also an insightful motivational
speaker who spoke to our membership.
William reminded us we are a
product of our environment. Are the people around you successful or are they
holding you back? Don’t expect to see
positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people.
Where will you find a group of suc-
cessful individuals who will help you
grow and expand your comfort zone?
You guessed it Women’s Council of
Realtors San Antonio Chapter.
We provide the stepping stones to
learn your way into being involved and
becoming a leader. Our membership
allows for one to learn how to be a leader,
follow, be involved and stretch personally. Through this you will gain confidence
and then be able to take that first step.
Some of the brightest, successful people
are our very own members.
The key resources we have in life
are time, money and relationships, are
you efficient with your resources?
William also reminded us out of the
key resources time is the most precious.
are you spending it wisely. In order to
manage our time, we should remember
W.I.N. a simple but powerful acronym
that comes from Lou Holtz, it stands for
“What’s Important Now?”
Ask yourself this question 30 times
a day, when you wake up, when you eat
breakfast, when you get to work you get
the picture. If you ask yourself this question throughout the day you will learn to
focus on what is important at any given
Committee has been extremely busy.
They kicked off the year with a successful
Basket for Beauties event and are now
planning the next event.
Please join us at the Blue Bonnet
Palace Thursday, April 29th from 5:00
p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Bring peanut butter, jelly or cereal
for RACAP and also remember to bring a
The WCR Officers and I personally invite you to join us at our next meeting, May 6th from 11 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.at
the Club at Sonterra. Our Speaker is
Consultant. Stephanie specializes in
teaching systems to accelerate sales, marketing and business structure. For more
Florence Terrell, Keller Williams Legacy and Paula Grigsby, TAPFCU, are
ready for the March WCR meeting.
April 15, 2015
WCR April Meeting At Sonterra
Carolyn Rhodes,
BH&GRE Bradfield
Properties says,
“Come Join Us”
William Edge,
Elsa Evitia and Jeff Arias, both Stewart Title, Karen Shaffer, Frontier Title and
Diane Koenning, imortgage.
Backhaus, WCR
Member and
Charles Bamford,
Alamo Zippy
Tracey Blackwell,
Professional and
Cecilia Sosa,
North American
Debbie Forshey, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors and Gwen
Derry, Trinity Title.
Paula Grigsby, TAP
FCU President and
Bob Jacobs,
RE/MAX Associates.
Carolyn Rhodes,
BH&GRE Bradfield
Properties and
Tiffany Wright,
RE/MAX Access,
welcome you to
join us!
April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015
VAREP Housing Summit At KB Home
Lara Brown,
winner of the
prize from Starkey
Mortgage is
presented by
Debbie Villarreal.
Leander Allen
winner of the prize
from Legacy
Mutual Mortgage
was presented by
Joe Bass.
Ricardo Angola, Albert Banigo and Joe Gonzalez, all with Wells Fargo
Home Mortgage.
Gracia Campos,
Carlos Pacheco,
ICON Realty.
Johnnie Childs,
ICON Realty and
Art Ramirez,
Starkey Mortgage.
Pat Farrell, Slater Realtors, Johnnie Childs, ICON Realty, Marya Humble
Mortage Professional and Cecilia Sosa, North American Title.
Tina Aranda and
Monica Garcia.
April 15, 2015
By Justin Landon,
Government Affairs Director
Hopes High for the 84th Session of
the Texas Legislature
There’s a famous quote by Mark
Twain that reads, “No man's life, liberty,
or property are safe while the legislature
is in session.” Although Mark Twain was
a brilliant writer, he had a rather negative,
and incorrect, view of politics. Often, the
legislature is a force for good when it
comes to life, liberty, and property. In
fact, the San Antonio Board of REALTORS® and the Texas Association of
REALTORS® have high hopes that the
84th session of the Texas Legislature will
be a game changer for property ownership.
It begins with Senate Joint
Resolution 1 (SJR 1), which was introduced with several tax initiatives that
REALTORS® believe will ensure Texas
remains the best place to own property.
First, it greatly increases the property tax
exemption, doubling it for most Texans.
Second, it will place a question on the ballot in November where voters can amend
the Texas Constitution to permanently ban
taxing real estate transactions. And third,
it rescinds the $400 licensing fee that real
estate brokers pay every two years.
SJR 1 passed the Senate on
Wednesday, March 25th, and at the time
of this writing is waiting for a vote in the
Texas House. Meanwhile, the Senate also
passed legislation that would permanently
reduce the franchise tax rate by 15 percent. They also moved forward a bill to
exempt all businesses with less than $4
million in revenue from franchise tax liability. The message from Austin in the
84th session is clear. They want Texas to
continue to be the most attractive State in
the Union for business and property owners. This is great news for Texas REALTORS®.
Because of the fast moving nature
of the Texas Legislature, any news once
reported is old news. Be sure to follow the
San Antonio Board of REALTORS® and
the Texas Association of REALTORS®
on social media to get up to date information on everything happening at the capital.
April 15, 2015
MI Homes Waterford Park Grand Opening
Kim Compton,
Residential Realty
and Andrea
Nauschutz, Keller
Williams Alamo
Realtor visitors are listening closely.
Emmanuel Rebaldo, Jason Scott, Bekah Angres, Ted Acuna and Candice
Mantooth, all with M/I Homes.
Saundra Davis,
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Darlene Thomas,
Home Locators &
Mgmt. and Brenda
Davila, Keller
Williams City View.
Alice Trevino,
Brenda Cochran,
Mary Ellis and
Melvin McNeal,
all with Ellis
Grace Abdul-Ahab,
Larsen Properties.
April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015
Smart Group Monthly Birthday Celebration.
Rosa Arredondo
and Lisa Stanley
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Robert Arias and
Ed Guerrero,
April 15, 2015
Barbara del Amo, Heather Watson and Karen Trevino, all Keller Williams
Legacy with Tracy Tylman and Lisette Brochon, both Supreme Lending.
Patricia Zars and
Lane Rogers, both
Zars & Rogers at
the CRS Luncheon.
At the Trinity Title Chili Cook-off we find Norma Heard, Directions Equity
with Jeff Pozzi, Steve Garza and Mark Stillings, all Coldwell Banker D’Ann
Harper Realtors.
April 15, 2015
Willis Ranch Fiesta
Molly Harvey, Jeanne Koplan and Charlene Bush, all ERA Colonial with
Krista Daries, Imagine Homes.
Laeni Bendzik, Woodside Homes, Alixzandra Pena, Miss Fiesta and
Smiley Orozco, Woodside Homes.
Josh Martinez, Pat
Acquisto and
Stephanie Kelley,
all Keller Williams
Kathy Kich,
Denton Homes.
Jodee Gilmore,
Sylvia Ransom, Home
Team of America, and
winner of the Siesta
Cruise with Sheryl
Uresti, Denton Homes.
April 15, 2015
Alice Ruiz, Alicia Ruiz Properties and Sylvia Lopez,
Keller Williams City View.
April 15, 2015
Sheema Harris and John Harris, both RE/MAX
Letty Yong and Victor Yong, both Home
Team of America.
KB Home Agent Social At Stonewerks
Rose Arredondo
and Lisa
Stanley, both
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Laci Padilla, KB Home, Jackie Galvan, RE/MAX Preferred with
Melanie Harwell and Arnold Santos, both KB Home.
April 15, 2015
By Kerrick Hutchison
NARPM President
Stop being “busy”
“Beware the barrenness of a
busy life.” - Socrates
The year was 2011. I was
burned out. I had only been in
the property management business for a year and a half, but I’d
been spinning my tires so quickly that all the rubber was melting
and soon I was going to catch
I was mentally exhausted. Physically letting myself
go. There seemed no hope in
what you would call my “personal life” because everything I did
was for my “business life.” I say
these not to beat my chest, but
these were the highlights of 2011
for me - Personal Life - proposed
to the love of my life at the top
of the Empire State Building;
Business Life - involved in two
National NARPM® Committees
in addition to serving as ViceChair of the Residential Resource
Magazine Committee, Vice-Chair
of our local Speaker & Events
Committee, awarded the Rocky
Maxwell New Member
Achievement Award at the
NARPM® National Convention
in Dallas and subsequently
awarded Rookie of the Year for
the San Antonio NARPM®
Chapter that December. All the
while I was still trying to grow
and advance my professional
Did you catch that? I had
only ONE highlight in my personal life that year; compared to
the numerous highlights for my
business life. I wasn’t enjoying
life, or living my life. One of my
favorite quotes is from Greg
McKeown in his book
Essentialism, “If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else
will.” I was “busy” from being
everywhere all at once. I was working my tail off
but letting other people run my
life for me and tell me what to
do. I thought that was how to
Welcome to the team
Rick Orozco, Regional Sales Manager, Cell: 210-232-2440
NMLS# 303906, Rolonda Pierce, LO, NMLS# 1018730,
Benita Mott Admin Asst, Tim Schmit LO, NMLS# 1090011,
Aileen Arriaga, LO, NMLS# 1159479, Yvonne Godina,
LO, NMLS# 312632, Cynthia Coates, LO, NMLS# 233291,
Ginger Guerrero Admin Assistant,
Lynn Lomoe, Processor, Kim House, Processor
and Shirley Linares, Processor.
get ahead - work, volunteer, and
work some more. Little did I
understand the impact of repeating that cycle for a long period
of time. It would almost drive
me out of the business.
Here are a few faults that
I’ve come to realize since the
• Perfectionism - I am a
perfectionist. Not as much today
as I was 3-4 years ago, but I still
am. I had to understand and
force into habit that my work
will not be perfect. I will make
mistakes so I can't worry about
making them. Just learn from
them and move on.
• Life - there’s more to life
than work. Trust me. I’ve done
the 6AM - 6PM shifts as an
employee on my own free
will…but what is there to show
for it? Work ethic?
Commitment? Ambition? Sure,
it’s all of those which I still possess and are principles in my
life, but what I regret is not
spending more time with my
wife during those times. And
now that I have an infant son I
won’t let that happen again. I
don’t want any regrets.
• Time - time is the single
most valuable resource we
have. If you waste a minute, an
hour, or a day….you will never
get it back and you can’t create it
again. Every minute is incredi-
bly valuable, so spend it where it
matters most to you. I spent a
lot of my time on things I
thought were important, but
really weren't. As William Penn
said, “Time is what we want
most, but what we use worst.”
Do your best not to waste it.
Furthermore, technology
and always “being connected”
has dismantled the value of
days/nights off, vacations, thinking, and simple quiet time. As a
millennial, technology has
become part of my life. I am
lucky enough to remember playing outside, instead of on a gaming console. Running down the
street to talk with friends, not
texting them. And spending
quality family time at home talking, reading, and being with each
other because there were no cell
phones, cable TV (yes, we only
had 5 channels), or other distractions. Those were the simpler,
less stressful days. So why can’t
we have that today?
We can. But it takes determination and self-control to
make it happen. We have to
make it a point now to disconnect.
Stay tuned for Part Two of
Stop Being “Busy” coming in the
June 15 NewsSource issue. Learn
what tasks I did to stop being
busy and take more control of
my life.
(l-r) Shirley Linares Processor, Rick Orozco- Regional Sales ManagerNMLS# 303906, David Leavitt, Loan Officer, NMLS# 198077, Aileen Arriaga, Loan Officer,
NMLS# 1159479, Yvonne Godina, NMLS #312632, Stella Aguilar, Loan Assistant,
Leti Icmat, Loan Officer, NMLS# 902318, Megan Cloud, Loan Officer, NMLS# 774331,
Kimberly House, Processor, Misshelle Jennings, Loan Officer, NMLS# 868802,
Erika Saldana, Loan Officer, NMLS# 690432, Tim Shmit, Loan Officer, NMLS# 1090011,
Ramsey Hamood, Loan Officer, NMLS# 216092.
(Not pictured: Carlos Velez-, Loan Officer, NMLS# 409864 and Lynn Lomoe- Processor)
Ben with Mom
Paige Japhet at
the Japhet
Builders’ Easter
Egg Hunt.
April 15, 2015
Jan Hicinbotham,
Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper
Realtors with
Rachael Clutter
Stewart Title at
the TREPAC Golf
Daniel Cruhm, Bob Gardner, Gabriel Herrera and Paula Grigsby all TAPFCU at
the TAPFCU Annual Membership Meeting where Daniel and Gabriel were recognized as Employees of the Year.
Anne Gamboa, Phyllis Browning Company with Tori Streff, Burdick
Custom Homes and Deborah Garza, Phyllis Browning Company
at the Burdick Custom Homes Huntington Model hosting Phyllis
Browning Company Breakfast.
Steven Gragg is
ready to tee off
at the TREPAC
At the Willis Ranch Fiesta Lisa Cano, Keller Williams Heritage visits
with Marc Dominguez, Texas Premier.
John Craig and
Debbie Craig, both
Key Realty enjoy
themselves at the
Trinity Title Chili
April 15, 2015
May 1
May 2
Ken Wavell ......................Home Team of America
Dayton Schrader ..............RE/MAX Associates
Janelle Carey ..................Carey Properties, Inc.
Dina G-Vullo ....................SABOR
Dixie Lyon........................Fathom Realty
Marsha Bane ....................Home Team of America
Kathy Miner......................Keller Williams Boerne
Jamacia Johnson ............Stewart Title
Tony Mata ........................SWBC Mortgage
Sam Razban ....................Keller Williams Legacy
Connie Cooper ................Cooper Realty
Wendy DeMario ................Phyllis Browning Company
Guy Sensiba ....................Hendricks Peroperty
May 11
May 12
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 10
Tony Chavez ....................Trinity Title
Ian Riles ..........................Networth Realty of SA
Patricio Cadena ................Cadena Property Management
Candy Sullivan ................Nix Realty
Art Chapa ........................Stewart Title
Dick Fochler ....................Brass Ring Properties
Sherry Rubins ..................Keller Williams Realty
Mike La Rochelle ..............Trinity Title
Gary Prendergast..............Real Living Best Homes Realty
Diana Molina ....................Keller Williams Heritage
Holly Lutz ........................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Brenda Scott ....................Century 21 Scott Myers Realty
Sharon Veatch ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Samuel Fasano ................Alamo Area REALTORS
Herbert H. Lacy Jr. ..........Oasis Company Realltors
Jo-Ann Guevara ..............Falkin Realty
Kimberly Bragman ..........Phyllis Browning Company
Geraldine Sherrod ............JB Goodwin Realtors
Mavis Brown ....................Realty Executives of S.A.
Kim Voyles ......................JB Goodwin Realtors
Rita Eubanks....................Luxury Homes
Charlie Ruffo ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
JP Martin..........................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Quirino Mata Jr. ..............Century 21 Scott Myers Realty
Dee Ann Jennings ............Kuper Sotheby’s International
Randy Waldrep ................RE/MAX Corridor
Tami Price ........................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Heather Hart ....................Keller Williams Legacy
Pearl De La Cruz ..............Northwest Real Estate
Lauren Porter ..................Trinity Title
Denise Reus ....................Re/Max North
Linda Carreon ..................SABOR
Nadine Perkins ................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Debbie Backlund ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
John Foster ......................Bielefeld-Klepac Realtors
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
April 15, 2015
LeRoy Romo ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Ann Bivens ......................ERA Troy Realtors
Shirley Hernandez ............Capital Title
Lisha Spellman ................Kimberly Howell Properties
Shawna Wang ..................Citiwide Alliance Realty
Marian Cline ....................RE/MAX Associates
Nancy Cook ....................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Mavy Cavazos ..................Covenant Realty Partners
Dona Minor ......................Rubiola Realty and Mortgage
Marney Van Diest ............Red Diamond Realty
Matt Johnson....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Michael Lorenzana............BHHS Prudential Don Johnson
Carolyn Hegranes ............Keller Williams Realty
Candy Gregory ................Home Team of America
Adriana Retault ................Keller Williams Alamo Heights
Mike Singleton..................Century 21 Scott Myers Realty
Mike Hermes, Jr. ..............Reliance Residential Realty
Annette Slater ..................Landlord Property Management
Alicia Myers......................Mickey Ferrell Realtors
Brad Summers ................RE/MAX Corridor
Ralph Broadstreet ............San Antonio River City Properties
Cheryl Drought ................Phyllis Browning Company
Tom DeWine ....................ERA Colonial
Timothy DeWein ..............Keller Williams Legacy
Brian Shantz ....................Keller Williams Realty
Randy Kelley ....................Keller Williams Legacy
Brenda Sharp ..................RE/MAX Northeast
Dea Gabel ........................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Crystal Hunter ..................SWBC Mortgage
Catherine Harris ..............Harris Company, REALTORS
Nancy Doucette................San Antonio Portfolio Keller Williams
Ann Van Pelt ....................Phyllis Browning Company
Amanda Hallmark ............Phyllis Browning Company
Barbara Collins ................Bradfield Properties
Brenda Thomas................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Rainbeau Presti ................RE/MAX Northeast
Patricia Chapa..................Champion Realty
Terri Cantwell ..................Realty Executives of S.A.
Lisa Burris ........................Colonial Residential Properties
Trish Anderson ................SWBC Mortgage
Hagan Retzloff ..................Capital Title
Ron Vernon ......................Mickey Ferrell Realtors
Natalee Newell ................Phyllis Browning Company
Amy Clark........................Town & Country Real Estate
Karen McManuis ..............Full Spectrum Realty
Pamela Garrett ................Weichert Realtors-Lisa Kaye & Assoc
John Harris ......................RE/MAX North
Lee Orton ........................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Bill Cromey ......................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
Christie McCullough ........SWBC Mortgage
Andy Ruffo ......................BHHS Prudential Don Johnson
Jim Dawson ....................Realty Executives of S.A.
James Dawson ................Home Buyers Marketing II
Cindy Roberts ..................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Melissa Galindo ................SWBC Mortgage
Patricia Dehle ..................Re/Max North
Sonja LeJeune..................Sterling Group Real Estate
Karen Fulghum ................Premier Realty Group
Paulette Jemal..................Phyllis Browning Company
Luke LeGrand ..................Keller Williams Legacy
Karen Roland ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Alma Thomas ..................Keller Williams City View
Lori Kasper ......................Stewart Title
Troi Wooldridge ................Texas Premier Realty
Cheri Morris......................ERA Colonial Real Estate
Jeremy Shaw ..................RE/MAX Preferred
Gina Candelario................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Ralph Thompson ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Drew Traeger....................Mickey Ferrell Realtors
Dava Cravens ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Bernie Johnson ................BHHS Prudential Don Johnson NB
Maria Lidia Dorantes ........JB Goodwin Realtors
Rosalie Wolf......................Real Living Best Homes Realty
Marion Swanson ..............Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
David Flax........................Trinity Title
Trey King ........................King Realtors
Courtney Pfeiffer ..............Phyllis Browning Company
Robert Morales ................Axis Realty Group
Patrick King......................Keller Williams Legacy
Joyce Bradfield ................BH&GRE Bradfield Properties
Paula Grigsby ..................TAP-FCU
Richard Rodriguez ............Real Estate Connection
Loren Cook ......................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Linda Dietz ......................Century 21 United D&D
Jeanene Weldman ............Stewart Title
Carrie Pewitt ....................SWBC Mortgage
Tanya Power ....................Phyllis Browning Company
Kari Whitaker ..................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Lynn Flieller ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Lonnie Lynn ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Janelle Allan ....................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
Nuna Winkler ..................Real Estate Connection
Robert Drozd ....................Northwest Real Estate
Denise Moreno ................Kuper Sotheby’s International
Jenny Bingham ..............RE/MAX Northeast
Ray Blankenberg ..............RE/MAX Associates
Bill Wright ........................Home Team of America
John Ingram ....................Reliance Residential Realty
Denise Moreno ................Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper
April 15, 2015
Faster Than Take Out Beef and Broccoli
At the Willis Ranch
Fiesta Kathy Brown
and John Brown,
both Realty
Executives Alamo
take time to look
around the models.
1/2 pound top sirloin steak,
sliced thin 2-3 inch pieces
2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons peanut oil, divided
3 cups broccoli florets and stalks, peeled and cut into bite size pieces
In a small bowl, combine steak, soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar.
Cover and let marinate for several minutes. If you have time,
refrigerate and marinate up to 4 hours.
Heat a large wok over medium high heat for several minutes. Add 1
tablespoon of peanut oil and heat for several minutes. Add broccoli
and cook for 1 minute stirring occasionally. Season with salt and cook
1 more minute.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of water to create a steaming effect. Cook for 2-3
minutes more until water is absorbed and broccoli is bright green and
tender. Remove from heat and pour broccoli into a large serving dish.
Return wok to stove. Add 1/2 tablespoon of peanut oil and heat for
several minutes. Add marinated steak and cook, stirring occasionally,
until steak is brown and no pink remains on the outside. Remove from
heat and pour steak and sauce on top of dish with broccoli. Serve
immediately with cooked brown rice. Enjoy!
Kimberly Kiker,
Japhet Builders
holds Hannah
Japhet during the
Japhet Builders’
Easter Egg Hunt.
Note: Better double up recipe, it is that good!!
Candi Meyer
Real Estate Newsline
Sales & Marketing
210-308-9334 - 210-557-8722
In December, 2014, Charles
Bamford, originally from South
Africa, and a current resident of
Boerne, introduced to San Antonio
and the surrounding area a new
storage concept that was originally founded in Australia in 2007.
Anyone who has the need to utilize interim storage for any reason
whatever should be made aware
of the simple process involved
thru Alamo Zippy Shell, i.e. (1) a
container is delivered to the home
in a Zippy Shell trailer, (2) the
homeowner sees that as much of
the home’s contents as will accomplish their specific purpose is
packed into the container(s) and
then personally secures the lock(s)
and (3) Zippy Shell picks up the
container(s) to take to a secure
warehouse to remain there until
needed again. If after packing the
homeowner finds they need something from the container, Zippy
April 15, 2015
Shell will bring it to them, let
them retrieve their items, and then
take it back to their storage area.
REALTORS®, have you
experienced listing a home that
needs some serious decluttering to
be sure it can be shown at its best?
We know the home’s garage is
most likely not the best place for
the homeowner to store those
items that could hinder proper
staging. Or, is your seller in a
panic because the sale of their present home is set to close tomorrow
and their next home will not be
ready for move in until next week
or perhaps next month? Zippy
Shell has already taken care of
many similar situations and the
plus side for you could be happier
clients if you were to simply suggest their service!
Zippy Shell’s containers are
15’ long x 7’ wide x 7’ high which
equates to about 100 square feet of
storage space and because of their
size can be conveniently situated
in large or small spaces. This is
important as many of the homes
in San Antonio and its surrounding areas, especially in those communities developed in earlier
years may have limited driveway
space and in some instances the
garages are located behind the
homes making access more difficult. Since interim storage is also
a plus for people moving out of
an apartment when their new
home is not yet ready it is good to
know that Zippy Shell can navigate within those parking areas
Charles Bamford related two
recent examples in which Zippy
Shell was of service. In one the
REALTOR® had suggested to his
seller that she replace some worn
carpeted areas with a different
kind of flooring and so to get the
furniture and unnecessary items
out of the way the Zippy Shell
was delivered to the home at 7:30
A.M. and by noon the packed unit
was driven away for interim storage at the warehouse. With those
items out of the way the home
could then be properly staged to
enhance it for showings.
In the second situation an
elderly homeowner was moving to
a retirement center located near
her daughter who lived out of
town. The daughter had one con-
tainer packed with the items
selected to furnish her mother ’s
new apartment and that container
was then delivered by Zippy Shell
to her new home in Houston. A
second container, with items the
daughter wanted to keep was
delivered to her home in Houston
and the remaining items were
stored here until an estate sale
could be arranged locally.
While Zippy Shell is not the
only container service in the area
it is more convenient, less obtrusive and more affordable than the
others. It is also a more useful and
convenient service when compared to renting local storage
units. That usually necessitates
hiring a vehicle, personally loading it at one end, driving the vehicle to the storage unit and then
unloading it and of course the
process must be repeated when it
is time to move the items into the
new location.
So REALTORS® and Builders
you have an opportunity to help
relieve the stress and perhaps
even panic that homeowners and
homebuyers may experience when
confronted with the ins and outs
of selling their homes or with having to wait for completion of their
new home. For more details about
Zippy Shell you can reach Charles
Bamford at
CBamford@ZippyShell.com or
We Have You Covered At DHI
211 N. Loop 1604 E Suite #125
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 490-3222
April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015
Lisa Coley,
Independence Title
with Debbie
Osuna, Gehan
Denice Brown and
Gail Couser, both
Independence Title.
Independence Title Open House
Kimberly Kiker and
Paige Japhet, both
Japhet Builders.
i V I VA F i e s t a !
Elen Schuler,
MNMLSR# 409880
40 NE Loop #410
San Antonio, TX 78216
Leslie Hayes and
Mark Macejewski,
both Independence
April 15, 2015
Jeremy Tackett
and James Lee,
both Coldwell
Banker D’Ann
Harper Realtors
with Michelle
Eric Seemann, Keller
Williams Heritage
and Hal Hawkins,
Independence Title.
Independence Title Open House
Mary Esther
Carrasco, RE/MAX
North and Analiza
Avila, Independence
Keri Yuretich,
Title with Donald
Fetzer, Keller
Williams Heritage.
April 15, 2015
Laura Lizcano,
Ralph F. Sanchez
and Lance Bryce,
Sente Mortgage.
Cathy Hickey and Todd Forbes, both Bay Equity.
TAMB March Meeting At Sonterra
Victoria Subia
School of Real
Estate and
Norma Ponce,
Fitzgerald, Keller
Williams Legacy
with Husband,
Patrick Fitzgerald.
Announcing Our New
Canyon Lake Location
Jolene Sutton
Escrow Officer
Canyon Lake
New Braunfels
2010 FM 2673 Suite 3
267 W Mill Street
3900 FM 3009 Ste. 105
Canyon Lake, TX 78133 New Braunfels, TX 78130
Schertz, TX 78154
April 15, 2015
We Support Our Veterans!
David Fernandez, Loan Officer, NMLS# 219252, Cathy Hickey,
Area Sales Manager, NMLS# 214814, Erik Zielinski, Supervisory
Program Specialist VA / Fisher House, Todd Forbes, Loan Officer,
NMLS# 208825 and Santiago Rodarte, Loan Officer, NMLS# 298000
April 15, 2015
KB Home Opens New Community Along San Antonio’s
Desirable TPC Corridor
KB Home, one of the nation’s largest
and most recognized homebuilders, is pleased
to announce the grand opening of the newest
phase of single-family one- and two-story
homes at Fox Grove, a much sought-after north
central San Antonio community. The new
phase, with a total of 81 homesites, is known as
The Oaks at Fox Grove. Three new, decorated
model homes are now open daily for tours.
Homebuyers at Fox Grove have the
opportunity to enjoy a new home that is built to
their preferences as well as several community
amenities, including a swimming pool and
pavilion, a sports court, a playscape for children, an exercise station for adults and extensive walking trails. The neighborhood is conveniently close to the San Antonio International
Airport, Fort Sam Houston and the headquarters of major employers, including
Whataburger®, Rackspace® and Tesoro®.
Fox Grove is served by well- regarded
Northeast ISD public schools.
There are 16 flexible one- and two-story
floor plans currently offered in Fox Grove,
ranging in size from 1,792 and 3,699 square
feet. Home prices start in the $220,000s.
Located near Loop 1604 and U.S.
Highway 281, Fox Grove is minutes away from
shopping and dining in the Stone Oak area. It is
also a short drive to the Texas Hill Country with
its wineries, quaint historic squares in Blanco
and Johnson City, as well as recreation along
the Guadalupe River and Canyon Lake.
WCR Presents The Legendary Johnny Cash “Black (Attire) Party”
April 29, 2015, 5 pm – 9 pm ,
Bluebonnet Palace, 17630 Lookout Rd.
Selma, Tx. Suggested donation - $5
WCR members - $10 non-members OR
10 jars peanut butter & jelly OR 10 boxes
of cereal
Benefitting The Randolph Area
food pantry
“I wore black on behalf of the poor
and hungry, on behalf of the prisoner who
has long paid for his crime” ~Johnny
Questions? 210--651--3715 or
D’Ann Harper Of Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper, REALTORS®
Speaks On SA Living, News 4 San Antonio
D’Ann Harper was onset with Shelly
Miles, host of SA Living News 4 San
Antonio, to discuss how Coldwell Banker
D’Ann Harper, REALTORS® remains a
leading South Texas brokerage in-part by
offering a full-service marketing program to
each of it’s 471 licensed REALTORS®, in 8
locations serving San Antonio and surrounding areas.
As president of Any Baby Can, an
organization that provides direction and
guidance for families of children with special
needs, D’Ann Harper announced her continued participation in the official Fiesta event
Any Baby Can’s Fiesta, Walk for Autism.
Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper,
REALTORS® can be reached at (210) 4837581 or pr@cbharper.com and has been an
affiliate of the Coldwell Banker Franchise
System for 25 years. RE/MAX New Heights Acquires All Star Real Estate
P r o p e r t y
Management of
Alamo Heights
Mr. & Mrs. Edward is excited and
Courtney with Rick proud
Gauna (middle)
announce the
recent acquisition of All Stars Real Estate
& Property Management. Rick A. Gauna,
broker/principal said “The acquisition of
All Stars Real Estate is extremely beneficial because the resources and services they
bring to the table allows us to better serve
our clients.” RE/MAX New Heights office
is the first and only RE/MAX office awarded in the 40 year history of the franchise to
serve the charming city of Alamo Heights.
RE/MAX New Heights Real Estate &
Property Management is located in the
heart of Alamo Heights at 5936 Broadway
St. Alamo Heights, TX 78209. Please contact Rick Gauna at rickgauna@remax.net
or by phone at 210-824-1476
April 15, 2015
and improve the quality of life of patients
and their families. LLS is the world's
largest voluntary health agency dedicated
to blood cancer. LLS funds lifesaving
blood cancer research around the world
and provides free information and support services. Denise is asking for your
support and donation to this worthy
cause. Please go to www.supportdenise.com to make an online donation.
In addition, Denise will be hosting several events and is looking for items for
silent and live auction; the campaign
ends on May 29, 2015. For tickets to any
event or for donation, please contact
Denise at:
210-495-0396; or dsmith@protitletx.com
Please rally around one of your
own and support Denise to find a cure to
Rodgers Earns Annual Sales Production
Levi Rodgers with
RE/MAX North – San
Antonio has qualified for the
2015 RE/MAX Platinum
Club Award, which honors
successful agents who have
Sitterle Homes Opens Model in Johnson Ranch
Smith Helps Raise Money For LLS
Denise Smith,
Providence Title, is
Champion of Hope for
The Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society
(LLS). She has joined
other community leaders in San Antonio and is utilizing her
networks to raise money as a part of the
Man & Woman of the Year campaign.
Every dollar she raises during the ten
week period equals one vote. Candidates
who raise the most funds during the campaign will be awarded the title of the
chapter’s Man & Woman of the Year.
The funds Denise raises will support the
mission of LLS to: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma,
earned at least $250,000 in
annual commissions. In
2014, less than six percent of
achieved this prestigious
award. Preserving Private Property Rights!
Juli Coen
Sr. Loan Officer & Military Specialist
NMLS# 327707 - 210.845.4695
Sitterle Homes has opened a new
model in Johnson Ranch, site of the
famed Clyde Johnson & Sons Hereford
Ranch in Bulverde that boasts a 60-year
The development, at U.S.
Highway 281 and FM 1863, retains elements of its ranching past, including the
ranch headquarters. Sitterle Homes has
seven traditional single-family home
designs from 3,000 to more than 3,800
square feet in La Creciente at Johnson
Ranch, a gated neighborhood of onequarter- and one-half-acre homesites.
The one- and two-story designs have
multiple structural options and feature
open floor plans, rotunda entries, walkin closets in the secondary bedrooms
and walls of windows.
Sitterle Homes has selected a spacious one-story, the Calais design at
3820 Fox Trot Trail, as its model in the
history community. Reflecting the
openness of Johnson Ranch, the 3,520square-foot Calais offers four bedrooms
— one of which can flex to a media
room with wet bar — a private study,
wine grotto and open-concept living
area comprising the great room, dining
room and island kitchen. Multiple walkin closets and an extended utility room
provides ample storage. The Calais is
base-priced in the $470,000s. Grand
opening celebrations are slated for early
Sitterle’s homes in the community are priced from the $430,000s. There
are 22 homesites are available in the
first phase.
An amenity center, which will be
near La Creciente, is expected to be
open by the end of the year. Residents
will enjoy a pool, splash pad, pavilion,
tennis courts, playground, multi-purpose sport court and open areas.
Johnson Ranch Elementary School is
open in the community and older children will attend Smithson Valley
Middle School and Smithson Valley
High School, all part of the Comal
Independent School District.
April 15, 2015
TREPAC Golf Tournament
Kari Whitaker,
Keller Williams
John Salsman, Guest, Bob Jacobs, RE/MAX Associates and Glenn Clarke,
Glenn Clarke Realty.
Tracie Hasslocher, Crownhill Properties, Lavera Vincent and Patty
Miller, both Guests.
Linda Berban,
Dede Jackson,
Alamo Title.
Norma Evenski and Candy Golden, both
Alamo Title.
John Cortissoz,
Sherri Edwards,