In This Issue - Philippine Missions Association


In This Issue - Philippine Missions Association
April-May 2011 Edition
In This Issue
* GCI Bicol leaders, members,
serve in Graham evangelistic
crusade in Cam. Sur
capital town of Camarines Sur province,
Bicol region, on April 28 to 30 and May 1,
2011. The event, dubbed as Bicol
Celebration of Hope with Will Graham,
had a daily average attendance of 25,000
people, half of whom accepted the challenge
of receiving Christ Special
as Saviour
during the
Edition: April 2010
altar call held towards the end of the main
message every night.
*GCI co-hosts OFW seminar
April 28–May 01, 2011
*Missions head visits World
Team mission outreach
* More GCI churches host
Harvest Connection seminars
*490 Years of Christianity in
the Philippines
*Kairos Course held in Vietnam
*Harvest Connection seminar
held outside of GCI churches
for the first time
*TESOL Class in Daet,
Camerines Norte: an Update
GCI Bicol leaders serve in
Graham evangelistic campaign
in Cam. Sur
PILI, Camarines Sur. Will Graham,
grandson of world-renown evangelist Billy
Graham, conducted a four-day evangelistic
crusade at the Freedom Stadium of this
GCI leaders and members led by Ptr.
Joe Manzano and his wife Gie, Ptrs.
Domingo Trilles, Estong Aycardo, Vir
Repaso and Oscar Jimenez served as ushers
and counsellors all throughout the four-day
event. Two other young GCI members sang
in the campaign choir whose members were
auditioned from participating churches in
Bicol. Dr. Rey Taniajura and wife June
attended the third evening of the
celebration after coming from a visit of the
ministry of World Team in Catanduanes.
On Sunday, Dr. Taniajura met with the GCI
leaders who served in the celebration to
assess what could be done next to follow up
on the result of the campaign.
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
Top entertainment figures from
Manila led in the praise and worship as well
The nearest GCI church to the venue
as gave personal testimonies on how they
of the celebration, “Pagkamoot nin Diyos”
came to know Jesus. Among them were
(Love of God) Fellowship pastored by Ruel
Mark Bautista, Donita Rose, Rica Peralejo,
Pamor had the privilege of hosting
and Miriam Quimbao. Bishop Ephraim
Tendero also participated and delivered
Samaritan’s Purse headed by Franklin
messages on behalf of the Philippine
Graham. Recipients of the gift-giving event
Council of Evangelical Churches.
connected to the celebration were the
members of the GCI Sta. Teresita church
Other GCI Bicol leaders who were
composed of indigenous Aeta tribe called
given key assignments for the event were
the Oyango tribe. Domingo Trilles is pastor
Ptr. Ruel Pamor who was head of ushering,
of the church in Sta. Teresita, Iriga City.
Jun Osillos, events encoder and Bernard
Tapan, computer operations assistant.
There is no doubt most of the
Former Camarines Sur congressman and
members of the GCI churches who
now of Greenhills Christian Fellowship
participated in the celebration were greatly
Naga City, Eduardo Pilalpil, was over-all
motivated to further their local church
chairman of the senior leadership team for
ministries because of the event. Upcoming
the event. Ptr. Bong Credo was mobilization
activities for Bicol churches include possible
coordinator. Elements of the Philippine
training of members by the Canaan Farmers
National Police and the Philippine Army in
School in Daet and Tabaco City; holding of
Bicol region provided security. Dozens of
the fourth class of the graduate diploma
buses were hired to bring participants from
program in missiology by KTS in May;
all the Bicol provinces.
conduct of AIMS seminars for churches
outside of GCI and plans to do short-term
It took a year of planning for the
mission trip to a mission outreach of World
event to be held which was a “first” in the
Team in Catanduanes, in preparation for a
Bicol region. The planning committee for
possible short-term mission trip in a
the celebration met all evangelical churches
neighbouring country in Asia.
in the entire region for almost a year to
prepare for the celebration. MiniPurpose of the Bicol Will Graham
conferences for churches were held all over
Bicol to introduce the campaign materials
and prepare the churches to do follow ups
To Mobilize the Christian community of Bicol in
after the campaign.
order to assemble as many people as possible to
hear the Gospel message that “Jesus Christ is the
way, the truth and the life”, and to give opportunity
for inquirers to respond to this Gospel and be
counseled personally and then referred to a
participating church for follow-up and nurture.
You are Invited !
Celebration of Hope
with Will Graham
April 28 to May 1, 2011
Be There & Bring Someone To Hear
the Message of The Lord !!!
Truly, there is a great “stirring” by
the Lord of the churches in Bicol region that
bears watching. And the GCI churches in
the region are definitely in the midst of this
movement. Please pray for the leaders and
Freedom Stadium in Camarines Sur where the
Will Graham Celebration of Hope was held
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
members of the GCI churches in Bicol as
they participate in this “moving” of the Lord
of His flock in the area! – by Ptr. Estong
Billy Graham
“I do not believe in mass
evangelism. I believe in
personal evangelism on a
massive scale.”
*GCI co-hosts OFW seminar
Emcees were Kata Inocencio and
Eric Maliwat of radio station DZAS. Their
masterful handling of all the activities went
on smoothly and almost always on time.
Being broadcasters, they made the seminar
interactive, lively and really interesting.
They linked every activity as part of the big
The national leadership of Grace
Communion International, led by National
Director Eugene Guzon, co-hosted a oneday seminar on mission for OFWs (overseas
Filipino workers) on April 15. Held at
Victory Christian Fellowship church in
Robinson’s Galleria in Ortigas, the seminar
was initiated by the Philippine Missions
Philippine Missions Association (PMA).
It was pointed in the seminar that
OFWs coming from churches should be
emotionally, physically and spiritually
before they work abroad. Every day they
are expected to face hardship and
temptations. If they are to fulfil the role of
tentmaker-missionaries they ought to be
fully equipped, according to many of the
The one-day seminar, whose theme
was “Blessing the OFWs to Bless the
Nations,” was participated in by pastors and
key leaders of the evangelical community of
the national capital region and nearby areas
and provinces. The GCI leadership played a
major role in this event. The worship team
of Crossway Church led the Praise and
Worship in the morning, while some GCI
pastors and leaders were involved as
ushers, guides and servers.
Similarly, the families of OFWs that
are left behind needed the care and ministry
of local churches. Churches therefore need
to find ways and means to minister to their
needs while their love ones are working
introduced to the participants the different
aspects of doing tent-making, missionary
work, witnessing, ministry resources for
OFWs and the church, small group
facilitation, and setting up OFWs desks in
local churches. A highlight of the seminar
was the giving of testimonies of those who
had worked abroad for many years.
According to a couple who gave testimonies,
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
it is essential that OFWs be given help by
provide networking support to the
local churches on how to proclaim Christ
ministries that are being conducted in
especially in the 10/40 window countries.
province by churches and mission
Lastly, the participants were challenged to
respond to the call of helping the
tentmaker-missionary movement by way of
a commitment signing ceremony where
they pledged help support this movement. –
More GCI churches host
by Ardel Magararu
Harvest Connection seminars
BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Dr. Rey
Taniajura and his wife June visited the
Grace Communion International (GCI)
congregation in Baguio City and La
Trinidad for the Harvest Connection
seminar held on March 13. Leaders from
sister churches, Bokod and Mankayan,
attended the whole-day seminar.
Missions head visits World
Team mission outreach
On behalf of Philippine Missions
Association, PMA national director Dr. Rey
Taniajura visited the ministry of World
Team in Panganiban, Catanduanes on
April 29. He was accompanied by his wife
June and Atty. Roy Valenzuela, National
Prison Ministry Philippines (NPMP) board
chairman and president, and his wife
Because the church holds its regular
services in the morning, the entire
congregation of about 90 people was able to
hear the first four sessions of Harvest. Some
38 other members stayed in the afternoon
to complete the seminar. The missions
survey that was conducted alongside the
seminar indicated the following results: 30
people in the church are potential
intercessors, 6 others are potential senders
while 11 are missionary potential.
World Team ministry workers with Dr. Taniajura
and Atty. Valenzuela in Catanduanes
Bryan Martin and teammates Tom
Buursma and Teng Candelaria together
with their wives welcomed Dr. Taniajura’s
group. World Team is pioneering an
approach of reaching the locals with the
Word of God taking into consideration the
context of the people that they are
reaching. After the briefing on the ministry
of World Team by team leader Bryan, Dr.
Taniajura also explored how PMA can
Harvest Seminar in GCI Baguio City congregation
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
Another Harvest Connection seminar was
held on April 3, 2011. This time the Pillars
of Grace Fellowship of Grace Communion
International in Batangas City hosted the
event. Some 19 participants, mostly young
people and led by senior pastor Jack
Maderazo and wife Luz, were able to
complete the seminar and qualified to
receive their certificates of participation.
GCI Baguio City church members who completed
the seminar
The following day, Dr. Taniajura met
with members of the pastoral team and
several other members. He shared with
them additional information on mission.
The group also explored the prospect of
offering a graduate education program for
church members and leaders through
partnership with Koinonia Theological
Seminary. – by Arlan Aquino, senior pastor
Connection seminar was held in GCI
Pampanga church on March 20. More than
20 of the members of the church were able
to complete the seminar. Similarly a
missions survey was also conducted in the
Seminar participants listening to a video
presentation of AIMS founder and president, Dr.
Howard Foltz
Together with the seminar a
missions survey was also conducted. Based
on the results of the survey, two from
among the participants are potential
missionaries, four are potential senders and
the rest are potential intercessors. In his
closing prayer and benediction, Pastor Jack
acknowledged that there is a lot more that
the church in Batangas needs to know about
mission. He expressed hope, however, that
the seminar will be a start of an interest
among the members to participate in the
missions movement worldwide.
Harvest Seminar in GCI Pampanga congregation
BACOLOD City, Negros Occidental. The
Bacolod City congregation of Grace
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao; ABS Gen Herbs
Communion International (GCI) hosted a
International and other groups) worked
Harvest Connection seminar of Accelerating
together to declare March 16, 2011 as the
International Missions Strategies (AIMS) on
year of Yahweh-God’s Redemption and
April 16 and 17 for key Western Visayas
Favour for the Republic of the Philippines –
leaders of the denomination. Local church
the 490 Years Hallelujah Jubilee of
pastor Vicente Co and his wife Cora and Ptr.
Terrence Santibanez, Western Visayas
assistant area superintendent led some
A grand opening celebration was
eleven seminar participants.
held at the Luneta Grandstand on March 16,
2011, with the unfurling of the largest
On Sunday, April 17, after the worship
Philippine Flag. It’s the year or 365 holy
service, a missions survey for the local
days of celebration for the Philippine
church in Bacolod was also conducted. Some
Christian Community.
19 members of the church took part in the
survey. Both seminar and survey were
On March 17, 2011, a Consultative
facilitated by Dr. Rey Taniajura, missions
Meeting was held at the Rockwell Ballroom,
director of GCI Philippines.
Luna Garden, Makati City, sponsored by the
same Christian groups where they shared
and discussed the 490 years of Christianity
in the Philippines. It was attended by
national Christian leaders in the Philippines
led by Bishop Dan Balais, Chairman of
Intercessors of the Philippines; Sis. Grace
Galindez-Gupana, Ambassador of Peace
and Goodwill for Jerusalem to the World;
Bishop Greg Durante, and many other
Christian leaders, who shared their vision
and insights about the significance of the
Dr. Rey Taniajura, National Director
of the Philippine Missions Association
(PMA), together with Ptr. Andy Ducay
attended the consultation on behalf of
Grace Communion International and PMA.
Dr. Taniajura was asked to speak on PMA’s
vision and mission. He also shared an
insight on the situation affecting the OFWs
Leaders of the Bacolod City church attending the
Harvest Connection seminar
490 Years of Christianity in the
discovered the Philippines and planted the
Cross on the Island of Cebu on March 16
1521, Christianity was introduced in the
Philippines. Eventually, the Philippines, as
a nation, become known as the only
Christian country in Asia.
Upcoming events were announced,
even prophetic visions for the Philippines
were pronounced, and in the concluding
part of the meeting a prayer for the rededication of the Body of Christ in the
Philippines was delivered. The consultative
meeting ended, though late in the evening –
as an occasion for rejoicing. – Ptr. Andy
Hallelujah Foundation and other Christian
groups (members of the Body of Christ in
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
Harvest Connection Seminar
Held Outside of GCI for the first
Kairos Course held in Vietnam
Ten people from nations like
Romania, South Korea, the US, the
Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile
and the land of the Pho are the first
attendees to the first ever Kairos offered
among the expatriate members of the
international church in the heart of social
democratic Vietnam. Having begun on
April 29, Kairos is expected to run for the
consecutive Friday evenings and Saturday
afternoons till May 27, 2011. A two-day
Facilitators Training Course (FTC) is to
follow afterward. Dates for which, is yet to
be firmly set.
For the first time, on March 20, 2011
Ptr. Ronald Hernandez was invited to do a
Harvest Connection Seminar in Light in the
House Christian Ministries (LHCM). Pastor
Ronald is missions advocacy team leader of
Grace Communion International (GCI) and
Philippine Missions Association (PMA). The
following is a report of the head pastor of
LHCM, Ptr. Emmanuel Santiago, to Ptr.
Ronald about the seminar:
Light in the House Christian
Ministries in Tabang, Pladridel, Bulacan
appreciates the seminar entitled “Harvest
Connection” facilitated by Pastor Ronald
Hernandez last March 20, 2011. This
seminar enlightens the awareness of the
church workers to see the need of the world
to be evangelized…Acts 1:8 Principle is
needed by the local church…to minister in
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the
utter most part of the world. There were 23
Having Kairos at this time is a
definite answer to prayers of many
kingdom-minded expatriates as efforts to
have this course translated in the local
language has been on-going. What is
needed is to have an official training like
what we are having now, and God-willing
the ones in the local language for the locals
will follow suit very soon. This also
coincided with the celebrations for the
100th anniversary of the Protestant Church
in Vietnam which will culminate in June.
Here are some of the pictures taken
during the seminar:
The vision is to have more Kairos
courses running in different parts of the
country to grow a pool of experienced,
trained and discipled Kairos facilitators,
not just in the English language but also in
various local ones. Do join the Body of
Christ in Vietnam in prayers to be able to
fulfil their great commission mandate from
God. Also pray for wisdom and protection
for the each member as they embark on
this spiritual training. Truly, there is a
great harvest of souls that is waiting for
us! Share our joy, share our birth pangs...
Pray with us!
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
Light in the House Christian
Ministries (LHCM) is an independent
Christian Church since July 2001,
registered with the Philippine Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) on
February 21, 2005. We are located in Rocka
Village 2, Tabang, Plaridel. The vision of
LHCM is “To make every individual a light
in their house/home, local church and
community by heralding/declaring the good
news of our Lord Jesus Christ through the
enabling power of the Holy Spirit for the
Ptr. Ronald
glory of God.” Our mission is summarized
in the following acronym:
On March 27, 2011, after the worship
service, we awarded the certificates to the
Announce the gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ;
Care for those who are saved;
Teach and train believers for
Serve God by reaching out to
those who are in need.
LHCM operates a Christian school,
the Light in the House Christian School
(LHCS). The school offers pre-elementary
and elementary education. The school was
established in 2008.
Currently the ministries of LHCM
include daily prayer meetings, Sunday
worship services and discipleship classes,
midweek leader’s training, music ministry,
annual medical outreach, annual feeding
program and gift giving to indigents. We
Thank you very much for the inspiring
seminar that you’ve given…God bless you.
Ptr. Emmanuel S. Santiago
Head Pastor-LHCM
Missions Update: April – May, 2011
have recently opened a new ministry called
tentative schedule for the closing exercises
the Lighthouse Café. This is a monthly
is on the 29th day of May, 2011. Ms Hilda
fellowship for parents and a forum for
B. Babol is the facilitator of TESOL Batch 9
evangelism and teaching of relevant
that is currently conducted in Daet,
subjects such as parenting, relating to
Camarines Norte.
special children, etc. It is our prayer that
this will be a door for evangelizing the
parents that enroll their children at LHCS.
Offers a Series of Missions Training Seminars and
AIMS' premier seminar, Harvest Connection, highlights the
spiritual state of our world and outlines the Biblical basis for
Christian missions. It will demonstrate how you and your church
can use available resources and join other labourers for effective
international ministry.
The Harvest Connection seminar grew from a quote from Jesus
Christ in John 4:35. He referred to a world of individuals
waiting to hear of His love for them -- regardless of ethnic
background, culture, lifestyle or creed. Using a variety of
techniques from video presentations to small group discussions,
this seminar reveals God's heart for the world.
TESOL Class in Daet,
Camerines Norte: An Update
DAET, Camarines Norte. A class For
English Language Learning thru Teaching
English to Speakers of other Languages
(TESOL) was started last February 23 as the
9th batch of several batches already
conducted for GCI participants and guests.
The class will have 20 sessions and is
expected to end in May. There are 17
learners enrolled in the course. They are
composed of professionals and few college
students who have the desire to teach
English, through missions, in order to share
God's love. Ptr. Estong Aycardo is the
coordinator of the class. Rey Salayon, senior
pastor of GCI Daet church (Food for the
Soul Fellowship), and wife Sister Bel
Salayon are among of the learners. At
present, all the TESOL learners are in
community immersion for their required
ten (10) hour community service. The
Ptr. Ronald Hernandez
(For Luzon)
Ptr. Estong Aycardo
(For Bicol region)
Dr. Reynaldo S. Taniajura
AIMS representative