March – HIGH RES - EAA Chapter 377
March – HIGH RES - EAA Chapter 377
MARCH 2015 EAA CHAPTER 377 EAA—Our mission: To grow participation in aviation by sharing the spirit of aviation. LAST MONTH John J. Jenkinson III, President The visit to the Mid America Air Museum was great... and it was almost a perfect day to fly. Thanks to Stan Reiss for coming up with the idea. There were about 30 people, and 8-10 airplanes... and Harriet, John, and everyone at the museum were very helpful and hospitable. I haven’t had the opportunity to fly much lately, I’ve been very busy with work, and my travel schedule (and weather) hasn’t allowed for any aviating. Jana’s been busy with Kayla’s senior year activities, so it’s all work and no play for the Jenkinson’s lately. The hangars at Lakin (36K) should be finished in time for the fly-in there... and this year, not only is there another car show in conjunction with that event, but WW2 war birds are coming from ICT to offer rides... should be a great time. We have a new member in Cimarron, and they are interested in taking one of the open dates for a morning breakfast “beat the heat” fly in... so Mary and I will keep you posted. That’s all I have... not much.... from the road. John Thanks to TOM AUERBACH of Ponca City, OK and passenger RANDY HALES for photos of their LBL visit last month. Above: BILL ANTON and passenger ASHTON KOEHN of Sublette. (Son of Lynn and Tiffany Koehn) THIS MONTH Saturday, March 14 @ noon Crotts Aircraft Dodge City, KS (DDC) Crotts Aircraft of Dodge City, KS will be hosting the March EAA Fly-In on Saturday, March 14th. We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs at noon. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We hope you can make it! FMI call Crotts at 620-227-3553 UNICOM/CTAF 122.7 WX 118.525, 620-227-9721 (ASOS ) FE 2596 Runway 02/20: 4649X100; asphalt, no surface treatment, in good condition; 14/32: 6899X100; asphalt, no surface treatment, in good condition. F.Y.I. Chapter 377 normally meets on the second Saturday of each month. “Meetings” are normally fly-ins to different member airports, with a potluck at noon and short meeting following. December is the Club Christmas Party. Contact any of the officers listed to confirm meeting date and place. Anyone interested in recreational flying or building is encouraged to attend. FLY PAPER is published monthly, normally mailed a week before each meeting/fly-in. Annual membership in Chapter 377 includes one year subscription to FLY PAPER. Send $15 ($7.50 after July 1) to Jana Jenkinson, Treasurer, Readers are encouraged to contribute articles, photos, etc. by submitting them to the Editor/ Publisher. Deadline for the April 2015 issue is April 1. OFFICERS: President—John Jenkinson III., 620-640-5688(c) Vice President— Bill Anton, 620-649-2797 or (c)6497172, Newsletter Editor / Publisher—Mary Shortridge 620-275-6950 203 Bullard Dr., Garden City, KS 67846 COMING UP... March 9—SFEC IMC Club. Everyone welcome. 7pm. (Meet monthly, 2nd Monday) 14 March— EAA 377 noon potluck at Crotts Aircraft, Dodge City. 11 April— EAA 377 noon potluck at Lakin, KS April 21-26—EAA Sun n Fun 9 May— EAA 377 noon potluck at Montezuma, KS 13 June— EAA 377 noon potluck Brandviks at Goodland, KS 11 July—EAA 377 at Sublette, KS July 20-26—EAA Airventure 8 August— EAA meeting. Location TBA 12 September— EAA noon potluck at Judy Ranch, Gate OK 3 October— EAA 377 at noon at Syracuse, KS for 3K3 annual fly-in. Fly-in pilot and passengers get a free lunch. NOTE THIS IS THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH. 14 November— EAA 377 noon potluck at Stan Reiss farm strip, 6 miles north of Kismet on HWY 160 12 December—EAA 377 Christmas Party-Scott City SFEC 11am PONCA CITY, OK 1ST SATURDAY FLY-IN BREAKFAST, Ponca City Airport 7 to 10a.m. Contact: (580) 767-0470. BEAUMONT, KS 2ND SATURDAY FLY-INS March 8-October 11. 7am to dusk. Beaumont Hotel, Beaumont, KS FMI 620-843-2422 or ALVA, OK 3rd SATURDAY FLY-IN BREAKFAST, Alva Regional Airport Contact: (580) 327-6778 FOR SALE RV-4 PROJECT FOR SALE Tail, wings, and fuselage kits assembled , all interior , and most exterior surfaces primed with vari prime. All work done by licensed A&P/IA. Asking $14,000. (Current prices of unassembled kits from Vans, tail kit- 1445.oo , wings6175.00 , fuselage 4465.00) Includes plans, drawings, and misc hardware. Contact Ed Adams at Aircraft Services PH 620-2755535. home 620-276-3931 after 6pm or . WANTED Place to store non-airworthy 4 place high wing airplane near Dodge City, KS. Wayne Neese, 620-255-3350 1953 Piper PA22/20-135 TT3573 0-290-02 TTSN 1541 STOH 218 CECONITE 1994 Always Hangared VAL 760 CONIGN NARCO A+150 Transponder PS 1000 Intercom McCauley Disc Brakes 700x6 Vacuum System / GYRO Very Clean, Good Flying, PACER $ 19,900 OBO Owner has passed on. Plane will be sold. Contact: Dee Proehl 620-855-3392 David Hilker 620-855-3931 Tech Counselor—Harry Bartel (H) 620.428.6221 (C) 620.428.5440 Treasurer/Secretary—Jana Jenkinson, P.O.Box 475, Lakin, KS 67860. 620-290-5201 cell 620-355-6422 office 1948 C-170 N4143V 2363 TTSN 421 SMOH Based at GCK (Garden City, KS) FMI contact Jon Crotts 620-640-7780 March 2015—page 2 Tandem AirBike for sale, contact Werner Schafer at (816) 739 2949 or $11,500 OBO Located 30 miles east of Lee Summit, MO Plane can be delivered by flying or trailering for an agreed upon additional expense. Specs and photos in digital issue of FLY PAPER. HEARD IN THE HANGAR curve (future story about this nice 59 Piper Comanche 180 I bought from Scot Sudmann later). I know being a GA Pilot can be an expensive endeavor. If I can do this, more people out there can, too. And you don’t have to own an airplane to be a pilot. I never set out to own one. It just happened. And I jumped on it. Every time I land that airplane... every’s worth every penny. As always, I would really like to hear what you, the pilot community, has to say. Feel free to email or call me with comments. David Watt or 620-309-8142 EAA Members Respond Big, Fast to Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 March 5, 2015 – The newly introduced Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 legislation certainly struck the right chord with EAA members, as more than 12,000 letters have been sent to congressional representatives as of Thursday afternoon. Support for the bipartisan legislation comes from every state, with more than 1,300 letters from Texas and 1,100 from Florida. EAA continues to urge its members to use the Rally Congress website to contact House and Senate members, and encourage them to co-sponsor the measure or indicate support for it. EAA appreciates the efforts of many members to recruit other aviators to send messages to their congressional representatives. My name is David Watt. I live in Garden City, KS. I passed my checkride and earned my Private Pilot Certificate in August of 2013. I received my flight instruction at Crotts in Dodge City, KS even though during my training I lived in Liberal, KS. I was fortunate enough to have an instructor that was committed to making great pilots. He certainly made sure that I was able to handle situations that I am sure any pilot hopes they never have to deal with. My flight training felt less like an enjoyable experience as it did Support the Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 at Boot Camp. I’m not saying that it was miserable. It was anything but. It’s just that every mistake I made, I heard in the traffic pattern. During landing. Parking The first provision of the new legislation is the plane. And into the office. I promise you, when I expansion of the FAA’s current exemption from thirdarrived for each session, the mistakes of the previous class medical requirements for sport pilots to cover time were in my mind and the solutions were ready to general aviation aircraft up to 6,000 pounds, carrying be demonstrated. His name is Michael Southern and up to five passengers, for both VFR and IFR flights he has left Crotts to pursue new adventures. at up to 14,000 feet. The bill would also prohibit We developed a friendship that endures today. FAA enforcement for third-class medical certificate Since becoming a pilot, I call on him for advice on trips violations unless the FAA has issued regulations within I plan. This past summer, I took Julie to the Motley 180 days of the enactment of this legislation. Crue Final Tour concert in Tulsa, OK. To avoid heavy See a section-by-section analysis of the bill in the traffic, I was planning to land outside the international on-line version of FLY PAPER, or airspace. Michael convince me to use KRVS (Riverside). He’s from there so I thought he knows news/20150223-pbor2-section-by-section.pdf what he’s talking about. So I did. That experience is a whole other story I will share at a later time. Suffice it to say landing at Riverside was no different than landing at Tulsa International. We did “discuss” this advice when I returned. At length. As yet, I don’t have my IFR rating. I am starting THANKS TO: Ben Brandvik, Bill Jones, Brian to work on that. In all honesty, I was so thrilled with Fitzgerald, Brian Vulgamore, Crotts Aircraft, David getting my pilot certificate almost 2 years ago I was Watt, EAA, Ed Adams, Jennifer Lyddon Mannel, happy with just that. But why stop there? I know the statistics. 80% of people who start flight training John Jenkinson III, Paul Fiebich, Randy Hales, Tom don’t finish. Of the 20% who do, 50% stop flying after Auerbach, Wayne Neese earning their Private Pilot Cert. I’m already above that March 2015—page 3 ANOTHER ISSUE Friends and pilots - You Can Build an Airplane – We’ll Show You How! April 18-19, 2015 | Kansas City, MO Thinking about building or restoring your own aircraft? Well, you’re not alone! Get the skills, experience, and confidence you need to complete your dream project with EAA SportAir Workshops. These weekend workshops will launch you on the most satisfying and rewarding adventure of your life - building your own airplane. You’ll get hands-on practice with the guidance of an experienced instructor. Best of all, we provide the facility, tools, and the expertise to help you achieve your goal. It’s a small investment that will pay off in many ways. Save time and money by getting it right the first time with the knowledge you’ve gained from this workshop experience. Focus on the aircraft building skills or techniques of your choice: • Composite Construction • Fabric Covering • Fundamentals of Aircraft Building • Sheet Metal Basics 2-day fee for each course is $349 member, $389 nonmember. (Workshop Alumni receive a 10% discount - $314 member alum, $350 nonmember alum. Groups of two or more receive a 15% discount.)* * Nonmember pricing includes a one year complimentary membership. Discount is applied during payment processing. To get the group discount, you must pay for all attendees with the same credit card. Discounts are not cumulative. For information on our SportAir Alumni discounts, or to talk with an EAA staff member, please call 800-967-5746. I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the $2000 SFEC flight training scholarship that is being offered again this year. Applications are due by March 31st. (Available in the FLY PAPER online edition) Our scholarship recipient last year, Leighton Wasinger, has soloed and is nearing completion of his private pilot license! Please help us get the word out to young people! PilotEdge is up and running at the Spencer Flight & Education Center! PilotEdge provides software that connects the Center’s Redbird FMX flight simulator to the PilotEdge voice and data network, creating a realistic, real-time air traffic control experience for pilots. To try it out, come in to the Spencer Flight & Education Center today! ATTENTION ALL PILOTS: The local chapter of the IMC Club meets at SFEC on the second Monday of each month, 7-8pm. To become an IMC Club member, visit the IMC Club membership page. While focusing on IFR situations, the IMC Club is open to all pilots and we welcome everyone to participate in this learning experience. The IMC Club is a Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) organization formed nationally to promote safety and build proficiency in Instrument flying. The SFEC - IMC Club Chapter will host engaging monthly meetings encouraging IFR rated pilots to go beyond the rating. March 2015—page 4 AirBike Cross-Country Flight to Gage, Oklahoma February 7,8, & 9, 2015 I built my AirBike to go places, expand my world, visit friends, and just plain ‘ole have fun. I did all of that mid-February by flying the 340 mile round-trip to Gage, Oklahoma to visit other AirBikers. An unusual February weather system in Kansas blessed us with three days of low winds and warm temperatures. In the early Saturday and Sunday evenings at Gage, from 5:30 to 6:30 (sunset) we flew as a gaggle of up to 9 airplanes! There were four AirBikes, one Hyperlite, A Rans S-18 Stinger and for a short time, a Cessna 172! This is a brief description of my trip out and back: I left my Haysville, Kansas hangar (Blue Sky Ranch and Aerodrome now under new ownership) at noon Saturday, re-fueled after 100 miles at Alva, Oklahoma, then flew the balance of the distance to Gage arriving at 3:30. The return trip began at 11:30 Monday morning, with re-fueling at Anthony, Kansas airport after 115 miles then flew the remaining distance home, arriving at 4:00 in the afternoon. When I left Haysville Saturday noon, the temperature was 60 degrees, as the day wore on and I flew south, the temperature rose. By the time I reached Gage and landed, the temperature at ground level was 85 degrees. Being dressed for cold weather traveling, I soon became overheated and started shedding some clothing layers. The trip home was just the reverse. It was 65 degrees at 11:30 when I left Gage on Monday morning, climbed to 3000 feet AGL where the temperature was again 60 degrees. The temperature was downhill from there as I flew north. By the time I reached Haysville I had reduced my altitude to 1000 feet AGL to stay in warmer air but even there the temperature had dropped to 55 degrees. Higher was colder. I was dressed almost but not quite enough to ward off the chills. The “biological stick shaker” was activating. As all of you know, my AirBike ain’t no hangar queen! For me, flying is a phenomenally satisfying and confidence building activity. It is how I get my “high!” As Paul Harvey, noted radio commentator used to say: Wait until you hear the rest of the story!” Go to my website: I hope you enjoy the story and can “fly” with me by reading it. March 2015—page 5 Paul D. Fiebich FROM BEN BRANDVIK—I had the privilege of taking a co-worker’s 11 year old daughter up for her first airplane ride. Meadow didn’t say much while we flew, but she had big possum-eating grin on her face from take-off to landing! EAA CHAPTER 377 Mary Shortridge Newsletter Editor/Publisher 203 Bullard Dr. Garden City, KS 67846 First Class Postage Address Correction Requested SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Noon at Crotts Aircraft Dodge City, KS (DDC) AirBike Cross-Country Flight to Gage, Oklahoma February 7,8, & 9, 2015 PAUL FIEBICH BILL JONES Packard Project Latest pics of my Packard in body shop. Getting closer. TOM AUERBACH Last month at LBL Where: Ponca City Oklahoma Regional Airport (KPNC) st When: 1 Saturday of Month (7 to 10 AM) Rain or Shine Open to the Public: Bring the family; children must be supervised. Sponsored By: Ponca City Aviation Foundation; a 501(c)(3) Proceeds are used for education and the promotion of aviation to young people of all ages. Volunteer help provided by: Ponca City Aviation Booster Club, EAA Chapter 1046, Ponca City High School and others. See us on Facebook: Ponca City, OK Monthly Fly-in/drive-in Breakfast Suggested Donation: Adults $7, Children $4 Menu: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Potatoes, Biscuits & Gravy, Fruit, Orange Juice, and Coffee. Soda Pop or Bottled Water – 50¢ extra Contacts: Bruce Eberle 580-761-5884 Bert Blanton 580-762-3794 Don Nuzum 580-767-0470 LUNCH AVAILABLE: Enrique’s Mexican Restaurant (Sat 11-9) 580-762-5507 – Located in Airport Terminal PONCA CITY REGIONAL AIRPORT (KPNC): ELEV 1008, RWY 17-35 7201’x150’ – RIGHT TRAFFIC FOR RWY 17 FREQUENCIES: CTAF/UNICOM 123.0 // ASOS 134.075 (580-765-0049) // ILS/DME–RWY17 111.9 // LOM/NDB 515 FUEL: PHILLIPS 100LL 24-HR – Self Service // Truck JET-A & 100LL – CALL CTAF 123.0 or PHONE 580-767-0429 FOR SALE RV4 PROJECT Tail, wings and fuselage kits already assembled. All interior, and most exterior surfaces primed with Vari prime Asking $14,000. Current prices of unassembled kits from Vans: Tail kit $1445. WIngs $6175. Fuselage $4465. Includes plans, drawing, and miscellaneous hardware. All work has been performed by licensed A&P/IA FMI contact Ed Adams at Aircraft Services PH 620-275-5535 home 620-276-3931 (after 6:00 pm) The Spencer Flight & Education Center Flight Training Scholarship Financial Support for Flight Training toward Private Pilot Certificate First Name __________________________ Last Name _____________________________ Address ________________________ City _______________ State ____ Zip __________ Cell Phone_____________________ Birth Date _____________________ Age _________ Email Address_______________________ Social Security Number ___________________ Applicant Signature _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Required Attachments: applicants must submit the following documents as part of their scholarship application • • • High School and/or College Transcript (20% of score) Typed essay (1 page) describing why you want to be a pilot and how you plan on using your pilot's license (40% of score) Two recommendations from a coach, teacher, or mentor (40% of score) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (if under 18) _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date___________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information: • • • • • • • Must be ages 17 to 24 Scholarship proceeds to be used for flight training expenses for a private pilot certificate through Scott City Aviation For every dollar spent on flight training by the recipient, one dollar of matching funds will be provided from the scholarship The scholarship provides up to $2000 in matching funds ($2000 paid by recipient; $2000 paid by scholarship) Scholarship funds will be dispersed directly to Scott City Aviation as expenses are incurred; acceptable flight expenses include aircraft rental, simulator time, and flight instruction 1 scholarship per year will be rewarded; recipient has 12 months to use the scholarship funds Unused funds remain with the SFEC for future scholarships; recipients can reapply for unused funds __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please mail completed application to: Spencer Flight and Education Center 300 S. Mesquite Road Scott City, KS 67871 Applications due by March 31, 2015 From Steve Phillips— AeroTow, Lil Sherman, 24v aircraft tug for sale, $1500, like new. Anyone interested can give me a call at 620.384.4222 The COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE A-26 LADY LIBERTY based at Enid is ready to receive her rebuilt engine. Funds are still being sought to pay for the project. As a project, Ken & Dee Ann Hollrah have handcrafted displays out of the actual valves from the blown engine and are offering them for sale through the Lady Liberty Sponsor Group. (See Attached Photo) The valves are mounted on bases made from Garfield County walnut harvested by Ken in the 70s from between Woodring and Vance. Each base is individually cut, sanded, and finished by Dee Ann and each display has a unique serial number. A maximum of 36 displays will be available, but only 12 have so far been constructed with the walnut base (4 are already sold). Also available are loose valves with an easel display stand in either black & red (the aircraft colors) or dark woodtone. Those valves are also serial numbered. Every valve comes with a certificate of authenticity stating the origination and the serial number assigned to the valve. Donations requested are $50 for the walnut base displays and $40 for the valves on an easel. Shipping is available for $7.99. Orders can be made by phone at 580-548-6161 (Dee Ann Ediger) or by mail. Payment is to be made to: Lady Liberty Sponsor Group 1026 S. 66th Street Hangar 11 Enid, OK 73701 Please specify exhaust or intake valve, and also walnut base, red/black stand, or dark woodtone stand with your order. Quantities are limited. 100% of the funds go toward the engine rebuild project for the A-26 Lady Liberty and are a tax deductible donation to the Commemorative Air Force, a 501(c)(3) organization. TANDEM AIRBIKE FOR SALE • • • • o o o o o o • • • • • • • • • • • Contact Werner Schafer at (816) 739 2949 or $11,500 OBO Located 30 miles east of Lee Summit, MO Hangared at Centerview, MO Rotax 503 engine Dual carburetor/choke Dual CDI Electric start Fan cooled with auxiliary manual rope start Less than 5 hours on rebuilt engine Last flown early October 2014 Aircraft built and completed by TEAM aircraft Previously N-Numbered N81470 Dual 5-gallon wing tanks Original covering Brakes 3-blade ground adjustable wood prop BRS 850 parachute (out of annual repack) Navigation lights and aft strobe light Dual control Grand Rapids EIS panel Elevator trim Plane can be delivered by flying or trailering for an agreed upon additional expense. FOR SALE OR PARTNER WANTED Zenith 601XL-B 2 Seat Homebuilt Nearly completed • • • • 120hp Jabaru Updated wing spar mod completed All extras (i.e. electric flaps; wheel pants; landing & taxi lights; electric aileron trim; etc.) Basic instruments • For More Info: • Contact Al Liebler: 405-722-0951 (after 6/12/14 call 405-286-1783) Airplane for Sale $18,000 Piper Pacer N6967K Engine: Lycoming O-290-D SMOH: 297.18 by B&S Aircraft Compressions #1 70/80 #2 70/80 #3 72/80 Last Inspection 10-17-2013 @293.69 Tach Time Oil: Aeroshell 15w-50 #4 66/80 Airframe: Serial: 20-71 Total Time 1,202.08 Tach Time Last Covered 4-2-1980 Last Inspected 10-17-2013 @293.69 Tach Time Avionics: KX 155 Nav/Comm KT 76A Transponder Contact Jimmy McCarthy 651.283.2924 or email: 1973 Bellanca 17-30A Super Viking N4365V S/N 73-30487 $ 34,995. Airframe Total Time: 3018 GCK/Garden City, KS Engine: 1800 SMOH / 1013 STOH Prop: 492 SPOH Flight Rules: IFR Avionics: KMA 20 TSO Radio control panel. Two KX 170B Nav/Com Radio’s w/ VOR’s KT 76 TSO Transponder KR 85 TSO ADF Garmin GPS 396 Mounted Century l Autopilot Strike Finder 200 Mi.Range OAT Gauge Pitot Heat ICS 403, 4-Way Intercom Airframe: Total Time 3018 Hrs. Plane always hangared. Very good to excellent condition. Dry climate, western Kansas area. Engine: IO-520-K TSOH 1800 Hrs. TSTOH 1013 Hrs. Compression readings: (1) 72/80, (2) 70/80 (3) 68/80 (4) 70/80 (5) 70/80 (6) 70/80 Prop: McCauley Propeller 3-Blade SPOH 492 Hrs. Interior: New Ultra Leather interior 5-24-04 still looks brand new. Work done by Great Plains Interiors @ Clinton, Okla. Exterior: Overall very nice 8+, Dark Green & Light accents on White, very nice. Equipment: Engine Heater Modifications: In Compliance with all factory and FAA AD’s. Remarks: Very nice, fast flying aircraft, smooth on the controls. Well maintained aircraft no damage history. Contact Information Farmers Aviation, Inc./Johnny Crist (620) 272-1207 1973 Bellanca 17-30A Super Viking N4365V S/N 73-30487 $ 34,995. GCK/Garden City, KS 1942 Stinson Vultee V-77 N877BG SN 3060 Log Summary: Airframe: 1459 TT (est.) Engine: 431 (est.) Prop: 431 (est.) Annual: June 2014 Avionics: (1) KLX 135 NAV/COM GPS (1) KN 53 NAV (1) KT76A Transponder Optional Equipment: Jasco Voltage Regulator, Aux Power Plug Exterior: New Paint in 1998-Red/Burgundy/Gold-Excellent Condition Interior: New Interior in 1998-Red/Burgundy-Excellent Condition Comments: Aircraft started out as an AT-19 in ’43 then in ’46 converted back to V77 Reliant. The flight manual is of the AT-19. The aircraft was in a museum for 10 years or more and the log books were lost. In ’98 the aircraft was purchased out of the Museum and underwent restoration until December 2000. The rebuild/refurb list is extensive-beautiful aircraft with a lot of personality. There are not many of these left out here so get it before it’s gone. Price: $89,000 Price Reduced! ALL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION UPON INSPECTION BY BUYER 1962 Piper Comanche 250 1962 PIPER COMANCHE 250 PA24-250, 4742 TTAF, 838 SFRM, 3 blade prop 161SN, IFR Cert, 9 in & out, 10/13 annual, Lots of extras. NDH, always hangared, complete logs. Lost medical. Over $90K invested. Please call or email for extra information. Avionics GX55 IFR GPS/updated data base KX155 Nav Com KX170B Nav Com KMA20 Audio Panal KT76 Transponder PE Intercom/ music input S-Tec 30. Alt Hold, GPSS, coupled to GPS, Nav 1, & Heading Bug 4 David Clark H10 Headsets Airframe No Damage History, Always hangared, Dry Climate, Stabilator Horn AD complied with, No hail damage or dents, fresh annual 10/2013. Engine: Lycoming O-540-A1D5 838 SFRM No Oil Leaks Oil recovery system Crome Valve Covers 6 cylinder EGT Prop McCauley 3 Blade 161 Hours Since New Interior Upgraded side panels and seats, Window trim all replaced, Rated at 9 Exterior White/Brown & Black rated at 9 No Hail Damage or Dents One Piece Windshield 1/4 inch windows (tinted) Equipment 4 Place Oxygen Built In, certified 10/2013 External Power source Modifications Shoulder Harness Front Seats Bolgart Battery Box Mod Upper Door Latch Vertical compass card Rosen Sun Visors Fire Extingwiser Strobes Copper Battery Cables MetCo Wing Tips Alternator Mod Vernier Control Cables Ram Horn Yokes Remarks Gas Powered Tug Complete Spare Exhaust System (used but Good) Airplane has always had excellent maintenance. ADLog Maintenance system Parts & Maintenance Manuals, All Service bulletins, service letters, & AD’s Jeppesen Data Card Programer Aircraft Jacks 10/2013 annual IFR Cert current New battery 10/2013 New tires & brakes 10/2012 NO DAMAGE HISTORY, ALWAYS HANGARED, COMPLETE LOGS, LOST MEDICAL Theodore Ford (620) 872-4224 email: 1962 Piper Comanche 250 1953 Piper PA22/20-135 TT3573 0-290-02 TTSN 1541 STOH 218 CECONITE 1994 Always Hangared VAL 760 CONIGN NARCO A+150 Transponder PS 1000 Intercom McCauley Disc Brakes 700x6 Vacuum System / GYRO Very Clean, Good Flying, PACER $19,900 OBO Owner has passed on. Plane will be sold. Contact: Dee Proehl 620-855-3392 David Hilker 620-855-3931
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