Herald 11/00 - National Capital Heisey Collectors Club
Herald 11/00 - National Capital Heisey Collectors Club
THE HEISEY HERALD ® THE NATIONAL CAPITAL HEISEY COLLECTORS CLUB Volume XXIX, No. 3 Washington, D.C. November, 2000 Page 2 The HEISEY HERALD NOVEMBER, 2000 Heisey’s #1252 Twist By George Schamel The Twist Pattern has 72 or more pieces. Most of these pieces were produced in Crystal, Moongleam, Flamingo, and Marigold. A few pieces were made in Sahara and Alexandrite, even less multi-colored, Dawn, and Tangerine. Twist is the only Heisey pattern to have most of the line produced in Marigold. Twist was also produced in Moongleam before the color formula was stabilized, thus it is possible to find it in different shades of green. In the June, 1933 price list, Flamingo and Moongleam items have the same price as Crystal items. Sahara items were about 20% more, and Alexandrite items more than twice as expensive as Crystal. There are some discrepancies about the production years of Twist, as with much of the printed information about glass in general. Clarence Vogel indicates 1924-32, Neila Bredehoft - (Color Book) 1928-37, and Walter Ludwig - (Heisey News) says 1928-38. Some of the above are based upon patent dates, three printed catalogues, and price lists. At least one piece (the 4-1/2” nappy) was produced until the Heisey factory closed in 1957, and later by Imperial Glass. Mr. Vogel named the pattern when he published his color book in 1970. Unlike many names of glass patterns, this name fits. Flat panels twisted from bottom to top. This pattern is in the moulds and not twisted by hand. Many of the pieces were worked by hand after being pressed, particularly the rolled edge bowls. Twist bares a striking resemblance to the Octagon pattern. Many of the pieces share the same style handles and the same number of panels. The glass is of moderate weight, heavier than Empress and lighter than Ipswich. Twist has been used for silver overlay, etchings, and cuttings. These are not easily found. It is possible to collect a full set of this pattern, that is, enough to set a table with nothing but Twist. Most of the stemware is easily identified by the pyramid stems. The few lids have square, stepped finials with flat tops. An exception is the #1253 three cornered mint, which has a pointed top. HCA does not have all the moulds for this line. They do have 11 or 12 moulds, the most important of which is the Cocktail Shaker. The other moulds were probably gotten rid of by the A. H. Heisey Company some time in the past. For additional information on Twist, check out the articles by Walter Ludwig in the Heisey News, volume 29 (2000), issues 6-11. The following is a price list from September, 1929. All prices are per dozen, and in Crystal, Flamingo, and Moongleam. Order now before prices rise! A. H. HEISEY & CO. No. 1252 PATTERN No. 1252, 8 in. Nappy Size or Capacity 4-1/2 8 4-1/2 6 7 8 9 10-1/2 12 8 7 12 12 10 13 12 13 Priceaa Doz.ai Per Doz. in BBL in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Footed Cream ......................................... “ Sugar ......................................... Nappy, Deep, Ground Bottom ............... “ “ “ “ ............... Plate, Ground Bottom ............................ “ “ “ ............................ “ “ “ ............................ “ “ “ ............................ “ “ “ ............................ “ “ “ ............................ “ “ “ ............................ Kraft Cheese Plate, Ground Bottom ...... Pickle Tray, Ground Bottom .................. Two Handled Sandwich Plate ................ “ “ Muffin “ ................ Celery Tray, Ground Bottom ................. “ “ “ “ ................. in. Oval Platter ............................................. in. Relish, 3 Compartments, Ground Bottom Cream Soup or Bouil, Two Hdls, Grd Bot 6-1/2 in. “ “ Plate, Ground Bottom ........ Cup, Ground Bottom ............................... Saucer, “ “ ............................... Two Handled Individual Nut Dish .......... 6 in. Two Handled Jelly, Ground Bottom ........ 6 in. “ “ Cheese “ “ ........ 6 in. “ “ Mint “ “ ........ 6 in. “ “ Bon Bon “ “ ........ “ “ “ “ Individual, Grd Bot 10 in. Utiltiy Plate, four small feet .................... $2.90 3.15 1.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.80 10.00 4.30 1.90 12.00 13.50 2.75 4.75 7 7 23 5 45 28 18 12 6 5 4 12 19 8.95 5.75 2.75 2.25 1.25 1.75 1.05 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.25 7.80 5 6 7 7 11 11 60 13 16 14 7 7 3 16 6 NOVEMBER, 2000 The HEISEY HERALD NOVEMBER MEETING Message from the Prez Because it was a holiday, or maybe it was the weather, our October meeting was attended by only 13 club members. What a shame. George Schamel loaded three 6 foot tables with Moongleam Twist! There was an example of almost everything in the Twist line, and George gave a wonderfully informative presentation. Monday, November 13 - 7:00 P.M. Potomac Community Library 10101 Glenolden Drive Potomac, MD PROGRAM Please bring Examples Whatzits & Finds/Fakes We did have a new member, Cindy Silverblatt, attend for the first time. Knobby Ross signed up 2 new members, Mary Bruch and Martha Kestermeir (twin sisters) from Hamilton, VA. We hope you get a chance to make a few of our meetings. The club would like to meet you. A. H. HEISEY & CO. No. 1252 PATTERN – Continued Our business meeting was mercifully short. Plans for the 2001 All Heisey Show and Sale are cruising along as expected, and we have already received a couple of contracts back. Heisey Animals - by Jack Walker Size or Capacity 7 8 3 9 4 2-1/2 3 5 5 3 8 5 8 12 5 9 12 Pricea Doz.ai Per Doz. in BBL in. in. pt. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz oz. oz. 2-1/2 oz. 4 oz. 8 9 8 12 12 in. in. in. in. in. Page 3 Two Handled, Footed Almond ................. Two Handled, Footed Mayonnaise ......... High Footed Comport ............................. Low Footed Bowl .................................... Jug ............................................................ Goblet ...................................................... Claret ....................................................... Wine ........................................................ Cocktail ................................................... Saucer Champagne .................................. Sherbet ..................................................... Oyster Cocktail ........................................ Tumbler, Ground Bottom ........................ Soda, Straight or Flared, Grd Bot ........... “ “ “ “ “ “ ........... “ or Ice Tea. St. or Flared, Grd Bot Footed Soda ............................................ “ “ ............................................ “ “ or Ice Tea .......................... Small Footed Salt .................................... Large “ “ .................................... French Dressing Bottle ............................ Mustard and Cover ................................. Oil, No. 78 Pressed Stopper .................... “ “ “ “ “ .................... Oval Hotel Cream .................................... “ “ Sugar .................................... Footed Grape Fruit .................................. Ice Tub, Ground Bottom .......................... Ice Tub with Silver Plated Handle ........... Nasturtium Bowl, Round or Oval ............ Floral Bowl, Ground Bottom ................... “ “ Rolled Edge, Grd Bot ....... “ “ Round ................................. “ “ Oval ................................. No. 1252-1/2 Two Hdl Ftd Mayonnaise No. 1253 Three Handed Mint ................ No. 1253 Three Hdl Mint & Cover ......... $1.60 5.50 4.90 5.20 5.40 1.75 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.60 1.60 1.00 .95 1.15 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.90 4.50 2.05 2.75 3.25 3.00 3.25 3.00 8.90 14.25 12.65 4.25 4.25 11.50 11.50 4.05 2.60 4.60 4 3 2-1/4 7 20 16 9 12 24 18 27 17 11 15 11 7 12 7-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 2 2 2 5 12 Thank you to everyone who loaned me their Heisey advertisements. I scanned them all in and will have them back to you at the next meeting. I got some great ads, but I’m still looking for more. My father and I stopped by the Heisey Museum on our way back from visiting family in Indiana. It was my 3rd visit to the museum, and every time seems more exciting than the last. I saw the Maloney Bar Bottle with the Scotch Carving (the same one I brought to our Finds of the Summer meeting) and guess what? It was donated by our club! They must have purchased it with money we gave them for glass acquisition. In the same case as the Scotch Bottle was a Cobel Cocktail Shaker with a stylized horse head cutting. It was the exact same as the Cocktail Shaker my dad picked up in Chesterton, IN. How exciting! Thanks to everyone at the museum for putting up with my foolishness. I practically had to be dragged out of the place so that we could get home on time. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit the Heisey Museum in Newark, OH, what are you waiting for? The people are friendly and the displays and glass are amazing. See ya at the next meeting, John Martinez Page 4 The HEISEY HERALD NOVEMBER, 2000 Dealers Directory Gert Jack GERT’S GLASS Heisey Heisey & Duncan (301)-HE4-5113 Shows-Only Buy-Sell www.logantele.com/~heisey E-MAIL: heisey@logantele.com , etc. Mike & Barb Rosenberger Buy and Sell Antique Glass 974-Forgy-Mill-Road Dunmor,-KY-42339 Appraisal-Service George & Eileen Schamel FOREVER HEISEY 6625 Gilardi Road Boonsboro, MD 21713 Jan and Norm Thran Specializing in Heisey 1663-Londondale-Parkway Newark,-Ohio-43055 HEISEY-ONLY Appointment or Mail Order (301) 432-6285 ersquilter@webtv.net (740)-344-5955 jathra@communigate.net BY-MAIL-OR-APPOINTMENT MOSTLY THE WOODEN SHOE Antiques & Collectables Buy & Sell Glass, Furniture, Estates HEISEY Rhoda & David Curley CALL TOLL FREE 1(800) 972-2775 16 Clayton Place Albany,-N.Y.-12209 MAIL-ORDER (270)-657-8344 (518)-482-6272 Jim & Sheri Van Es Herndon, VA By Appointment (703) 435-9045 PATTON HOUSE ANTIQUES Heisey Exclusively Barbara and Richard Bartlett (904) 280-3706 or 1-888-HEISEYS E-MAIL:-clasyglas2@aol.com Factory Antique Mall Verona, Virginia off I-81, Exit 227 Shadwell Aniquaires 3025 Louisa Rd., Keswick, VA 22947 P.O.-Box-1931 Ponte-Vedra-Beach,-FL-32082 Just Minutes off Interstate 95, Exit 101 Heisey-Exclusively Specializing in Glass Heisey • Cambridge • Fostoria • Duncan Mail-Order,-Shows,-Display Antiquers Mall, Booth 81 Route 29 North, Charlottesville, Virginia The Daniel’s, Box 547 Louisa, VA 23093 (540) 967-1181 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7
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THE HEISEY HERALD - National Capital Heisey Collectors Club
Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Phone/Fax: (703) 250-6117
Email: piecebypiece@verizon.net