The Wesley Crier - Wesley United Methodist Church
The Wesley Crier - Wesley United Methodist Church
The Wesley Crier E-mail: Facebook: Wesley UMC Dover Webpage: Twitter : @doverwesleyumc Sacraments: Baptism and Communion Inside This Issue Pastor Amy’s message 1/2 United Methodist Men 3 United Methodist Women 3 Vacation Bible School 4 VBS Registration Form 5 Pecometh Campers 5 Trustees 6 Save The Date 6 Mission Update 7 Music Notes 7 Sharing God’s Bounty 8 Summer Worship Services 9 At Historic Barratt’s Chapel Celebrating Graduates 10 June/July Birthdays 11 July/August Birthdays 12 June/July Calendar 13 August Calendar 14 Anniversary Calendar 14 Summer Worship Schedule 15 Recurring Meetings 15 Wesley’s Vision 16 Staff E-Mail Addresses 16 (This is the third article in a series on Holy Communion.) Holy Baptism and Holy Communion have been chosen and designated by God as special means through which divine grace comes to us. Holy Baptism is the sacrament that initiates us into the body of Christ "through water and the Spirit" ("The Baptismal Covenant I," UMH; page 37). In baptism we receive our identity and mission as Christians. Holy Communion is the sacrament that sustains and nourishes us in our journey of salvation. In a sacrament, God uses tangible, material things as vehicles or instruments of grace. Wesley defines a sacrament, in accord with his Anglican tradition, as "an outward sign of inward grace, and a means whereby we receive the same" ("Means of Grace," II.1). Sacraments are sign-acts, which include words, actions, and physical elements. They both express and convey the gracious love of God. They make God's love both visible and effective. We might even say that sacraments are God's "show and tell," communicating with us in a way that we, in all our brokenness and limitations, can receive and experience God's grace. The Meaning of the Meal: Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper, Eucharist One of the best books on this subject is by Lawrence Hull Stookey, Eucharist. After reading his book, I developed an acronym in order to remember the overall points of the meaning of the meal. It is STRAFE, which means to scatter widely. Communion is a way that God delivers grace (to stretch the metaphor a bit, it’s a way God scatters grace). You may notice that I try to emphasize one part or another of these aspects of the meal when we celebrate Communion in worship. I find that a deeper understanding of the meaning leads to a deeper appreciation of the sacrament. Continued on page 2 Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 1 Pastor’s Column Continued from page 1 S: Sacrifice– We remember that Christ’s life, death, and resurrection make God’s grace available to us. Also, we present ourselves as a living sacrifice in union with Christ (Romans 12:1, 1Peter 2:5) to be used in the work of redemption, reconciliation, and justice. T: Thanksgiving: Expressing joy and giving thanks for God’s acts in history: Creation, Covenant, Redemption, Sanctification. R: Remembrance: of Jesus’ death for us. A representation of Christ’s sacrifice for us. Christ is risen and alive, here and now. We believe that Christ is uniquely present in the sacrament. This is called “the real presence of Christ.” (This differs from a Roman Catholic understanding of transubstantiation and the Anabaptist tradition of the meal as an ordinance in which the primary activity is in the believers’ expression of faith.) In the sacrament, God is the primary actor who is present in a special way through the Spirit. A: Action of the Holy Spirit: This meal nourishes and strengthens our faith. It sustains us through trial, tragedy, and temptation “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” John 14:26 Great Thanksgiving Prayer: “Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body and blood of Christ, that we may be for the world that body of Christ, redeemed by Christ’s blood. By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry with all the world.” F: Fellowship: This sacrament celebrates the body of the faithful coming together, reveals the nature of the church, and the model God would have for the world. E: Eschatology: Looks to the end of time, God’s purpose for the world. The Coming Kingdom that is already here, but not yet complete is brought to mind. Great Thanksgiving Prayer: “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.” We commune with those here, and with all the saints. The meal is a foretaste of the future, a promise of heaven, “until Christ comes in final victory and we feast at his heavenly banquet.” When we eat and drink at the Table, we partake of the divine nature in this life and for life eternal. We anticipate the heavenly banquet, celebrating God’s victory over sin, evil, and death. Striving to be faithful, Pastor Amy Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 2 United Methodist Men By: Ralph Deats, President The United Methodist Men want to thank all of the volunteers for their help at our Annual Pancake Breakfast; with your help our meal was a success. Thank you to all who attended. We are planning our annual outing to the Delmarva Shorebirds Baseball game in Salisbury, MD. Faith and Family night will be held on Saturday evening, June 11th, 2016. Ticket price of $22.75 includes game tickets, pavilion picnic, entertainment and fireworks. We need a minimum of 20 attendees for group tickets. If you are interested, please contact Ralph Deats at 302-734-7010. We will be carpooling from Walgreens Drugstore at the Woodside light, leaving at 5 p.m. United Methodist Women By: Kim Utley, Communications Coordinator Children’s Books Needed - In June, Marilyn Cleeton, MaryAnn Dashiell & Michele Dryda will be attending the United Methodist Women’s Northeastern Jurisdictional meeting in Syracuse, NY. As a mission project, we are asked to bring New or Gently Used Books for children ages 4 through 10. The books will be sorted by reading levels; then given to the local Syracuse elementary schools. Donated books for this mission project can be left in the box marked “Children’s Books” on the stage in the Grace Fellowship Hall. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. All donations should be dropped off by June 12th. UMW Spring Fundraiser UMW’s Picture Perfect fundraiser saw 28 eager amateur artists ready to show their works of art by the end of a fun-filled evening that was made possible by local business Artsy Fartsy. Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 3 2016 VBS Registration Form Sunday, June 26th - Thursday, June 30th Dinner at 5:30 p.m. - Program 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Child 1: ______________________________________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____ 2015-2016 Grade: ________ First Name and Last Name Month Date Year List any allergies and/or prescribed medications: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of special friend your child might like to be with: _______________________________________________________________ Child 2: ______________________________________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____ 2015-2016 Grade: ________ First Name and Last Name Month Date Year List any allergies and/or prescribed medications: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of special friend your child might like to be with: _______________________________________________________________ Child 3: ______________________________________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____ 2015-2016 Grade: ________ First Name and Last Name Month Date Year List any allergies and/or prescribed medications: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of special friend your child might like to be with: _______________________________________________________________ Child 4: ______________________________________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____ 2015-2016 Grade: ________ First Name and Last Name Month Date Year List any allergies and/or prescribed medications: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of special friend your child might like to be with: _______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Information: ___________________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Address___________________________________________ City ________________________ State _____ Zip ______________ Home Phone _______________________Cell Phone ___________________________ Work Phone___________________________ Home e-mail address _________________________________________________________________________________________ Will parent be willing to help in any area of VBS?_______ Where? _____________________________________________________ In case of emergency, contact: Name:____________________________________________________ Relationship: _______________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 4 Vacation Bible School 2016 Come join this year’s Vacation Bible School Theme: Following Jesus: The light of the world! Vacation Bible School will be from Sunday, June 26 th through Thursday, June 30th from 6-8 p.m. (dinner at 5:30). We are in need of volunteers to help with the following: set up, tear down, station leader, crew leader, organizers, people who are willing to pray for the VBS community and children, and groups to help prepare the meals for the families each night. If you are interested in helping with any of the above positions, please contact Amy Kellen or Karen McLellan. If you are going to be working with the children, you will need a background check, so we have to know ahead of time if you are available to help. 2016 Pecometh Campers The Pecometh summer camp program has been tucked away on the Eastern Shore of Maryland for 70 years! It's been said that a week at Pecometh has a greater impact on a camper than a whole year of Sunday School. A week of camp is filled with faith, fun and fellowship for children and youth to grow in their spiritual journey. This year Wesley UMC has the pleasure of helping 12 youth attend with scholarships. Please keep the campers uplifted in prayer as they spend the week without their families and grow in their spiritual journey with Jesus Christ. JULY 10 - 15 Leaps of Faith AJ McLellan Jacob Yarnall Late Night With Jesus Dakota Palchik Amanda Wilgus River Runners Grace Aucoin July 24 - 29 Top Chef Shannon Yarnall July 31 - August 5 Splashdown Elise Hensley Emma Higgins Chloe Hughes Isabella Hughes Senior High Jake Nichols Riverside 7 Spencer Young Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 5 Summer Trustees Report By: Don Knox, Chair, Board of Trustees The Trustees are happy to report that through the untiring efforts of Lyle Briggs, the Carillon has been repaired and the carols and chimes that so many missed are once again playing. Thank you, Lyle. As I am sure you have noticed, the church grounds have received their Spring clean up and mulching as provided through Rain Designs Inc. In addition, the new double doors have been installed in the downstairs Sunday School/Pre-School area. As we enter this summer season, it is important to remain diligent in securing our church facilities when leaving by turning out the lights, securing the exterior doors and activating the alarm system. Unfortunately, vandalism and theft don't take the summer off. Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter. Save the date Sunday, September 11th, 2016 1 - 4 p.m. at legislative mall Family life will provide - hot dogs, hamburgers and dessert. All ages welcomed! bring your chair, and a covered dish to serve 8 people. Come join in fellowship, games and fun. Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 6 MISSION COMMITTEE UPDATES By: Christina O’Connor JULY CELEBRATION- One year of 2nd Saturday Community Meals, Saturday, July 9th - a BBQ, music & outdoor games to celebrate our guests. Code Purple Shelter– The Code Purple Shelter in the Student Ministry Center was last open in midMarch; however we have continued to support the homeless/needy in our community by packing string bags full of unused toiletries and daily needs, and distributing them as a need occurs. All the leftover non-perishable food was donated to the local food closet we support. There has been communication from Code Purple Kent County, that church sites will not be needed next year as they hope to have a centralized location to shelter the homeless. We are praying for discernment on how God will lead us this next winter. The Open Table– This ministry is still in progress & while the initial online training has been completed we are expecting to hear about the formal on-site training so we can begin our first table! Supporting education abroad--We will be supporting a student to attend the Momma Tolla School in the Congo. Habitat for Humanity 201– This is not an Apostles Build year; however they are looking for help building in the area on Wednesday or Saturday mornings. If you are interested please contact us — Community/Congregation Meals– The 2nd Saturday community meals will continue for the second year of this ministry– the 2nd Saturday of each month at noon! The 2nd Sunday Congregation Meal is under review for how we can make this fellowship better! Special things to keep in mind: Be prayerful about where God is leading us as a committee to serve We are Christ’s hands and feet and are called to serve those in need Be conscious about how you use your gifts and talents Dear Friends, I would like to thank the entire Wesley UMC church family for your support and love during my six year tenure as Director of Music. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you over the years and I am going to miss seeing your faces each week. You have a wonderful church, with a strong musical tradition, and I trust that it will continue to thrive under its new director for many years to come. "And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand." Blessings, James Wilson Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 7 Sharing God’s Bounty June Therefore My Brothers Several weeks ago, the Christian Church began the season of Lent by observing Ash Wednesday. Perhaps you knelt at the altar as your forehead was marked with ashes. You heard the words, “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” This rite serves to remind us of our beginning: that God created man from the dust of the earth. It also foretells our ending: that our mortal bodies will die and decay. It is a solemn moment; in truth, all of Lent is solemn. Yet, every Christian holds in his heart a secret the world needs to know: “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:56-57). That is the message of Easter: through Christ we have won the victory! We wept through the night of sorrow, but morning has come and with it the joy of the morning of eternal life (Psalm 30:5b). We remain on earth, waiting for the fullness of that joy that will be ours when we are in Heaven with the Savior. We are not idle while we wait, however. After his glorious pronouncement of this victory over death, the Apostle Paul continues, “Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). These are orders for all God’s servants, the “beloved brothers.” First, “Be steadfast.” Day in and day out, not just on Sunday, but every day, all day, we are steadfast, putting the work of the Lord first, keeping uppermost in our minds that all we do is done in his strength and for his glory. At our work and in our homes, we remember that we “are serving the Lord” (Colossians 3:24). We are “immovable.” We don’t get sidetracked. In his Gospel, Luke takes his readers along on Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Like the Israelites traveling through the desert, Jesus’ trip was not a straight line and it included many stops (although not for the same reasons), but as faithful as God was to deliver his chosen people, so “immovable” was Jesus on his way. We, too, have a goal: to travel to eternal life doing the Lord’s work on our way. We are “immovable” in our desire to practice faithful stewardship on our journey, and God is faithful to go with us on that journey. By God’s grace through which he enables and equips us, we can “always [abound] in the work of the Lord.” By God’s grace, we overflow with good works. We are eager and willing to give of ourselves and our resources that his work might be done. Even when we get discouraged, we don’t quit, because we know “that in the Lord [our] labor is not in vain.” Because God has done this, I respond gladly and freely by doing that. Because God has given himself for me, I respond by giving myself to him in every way that I can. It is not that I owe him anything, or that he needs in a particular way anything that I have. It is simply that I, in sheer gratitude for his many gifts, want to return these gifts, in some small way, by giving of myself. © Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC l May not be copied without permission. l Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 8 4nd Annual Summer Worship Services At Historic Barratt’s Chapel 6362 Bay Rd. (Rt.1), Frederica, Delaware Each Thursday evening, from June 2 through September 1, at 7:00 p.m., worship services, led by ministers of the PeninsulaDelaware Conference, will be held at Barratt’s Chapel. Various musicians will provide special music and lead congregational singing. For more information please contact Barratt’s Chapel at 302-3355544 or June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30 July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept 1 Schedule of Ministers Bruce Rogers, Long Neck UMC James Van Der Wall, Retired UMC Minister Rudy White, Centennial UMC, Smyrna Vicki Starnes, Epworth UMC, Rehoboth Beach Fred Duncan, Salisbury District Superintendent Bishop Peggy Johnson, Bishop of Peninsula-Delaware & E. PA Conferences Howard Embert, Hartly UMC, Hartly Julie Lewis, Quantico-Rockawalkin, Hebron Winton Hill, AME Church - Guest Preacher Bo Gordy-Stith, Whatcoat UMC, Camden Sally Stewart, Felton-Viola UMC George Fisher, Harmony UMC, Millsboro Mike Hurley, Conley’s UMC, Angola Genevieve Brown, Mt. Zion UMC, St. Daniels UMC, Mt. Vernon UMC, Church Hill Barratt’s Celebrates… Francis Asbury This year marks the 200th anniversary of the death of the man who probably did more to shape American Methodism than any other individual. Francis Asbury was born in England in 1745, but his career played out in America. From 1771, when John Wesley sent him as a missionary to the colonies, until his death in 1816, Asbury traveled well over 100,000 miles on horseback, formed connections with all sorts of classes of people, and took the lead in transforming a small religious movement into a fast-growing church which would help shape popular religion in the United States. More Americans had met Asbury than had met the President. In addition to his famous 1784 meeting there with Thomas Coke, Asbury visited Barratt’s many times, holding quarterly conferences and preaching from the pulpit. Although the world has changed greatly in the last 200 years, it is likely that Barratt’s is one place where Asbury would still feel at home, because the building today appears much as it did in his day. Appropriately then, Barratt’s Chapel is involved in the 2016 celebration of Asbury’s life. In February, the General Commission on Archives and History partnered with the General Board of Discipleship and brought a film team from the United Methodist Communications in Nashville, Tennessee to Barratt’s Chapel to record large portions of a new video on Francis Asbury. The video features Josh Childs, best known as “Chuck Knows Church.” The video was previewed at the General Conference in May, and will then be made available to the general public. In November, Barratt’s will host a special event. The best modern biographer of Asbury is Dr. John Wigger of the University of Missouri, whose recent book American Saint: Francis Asbury and the Methodist has received widespread acclaim. On November 13th, Dr. Wigger will be following Asbury’s footsteps to Barratt’s Chapel, where he will be the featured speaker at the annual service commemorating the historic meeting of Coke and Asbury. Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 9 JONATHAN ANDREWS — Jonathan is the son of Jon and Louise Andrews. Jonathan graduated from Wilmington University in May with a Master of Science in Administration of Justice with a Post Master's Certificate in Homeland Security. MICHELLE ANDREWS — Michelle is the daughter of Jon Andrews and the granddaughter of Jon and Louise Andrews. Michelle graduated in May from Del-Tech, Terry Campus with a degree in Human Services. She will be attending Wilmington University in the Fall. MATTHEW DRYDA — Matthew is the son of Angela Dryda and the grandson of John and Michele Dryda. He will graduate on June 9th from Agape Learning Academy with a high school diploma. He will be attending a Technical School in the fall. JESSICA ANNE GOODRICH — Jessica is the daughter of Matthew Goodrich and MiKyong Yun, and the granddaughter of William and Candace Goodrich. Jessica graduated from St. Mary’s College, Maryland with a degree in Biology. CHRISTIANA HONAKER — Christiana is the daughter of Scott and Christina O’Connor, and Jeremy and Genny Honaker. She will graduate on June 2nd, twenty-fourth of 368 students graduating from Dover High School. While attending DHS she earned 15 college credits. She has been accepted into Wesley College to study Education & Music. Christiana is one of Wesley Church Scholarship Award Recipients for $1000.00. BRETT JONES — Brett is the son of Cynthia Jones and the late Robert Jones. Brett graduated in May from Del-Tech, Terry Campus with a degree in Human Services. He will be attending Wilmington University in the Fall. KATILIN JOSEFOWSKI - Kati is the daughter of Larry and Donna Josefowski. She will graduate on June 4th from Caesar Rodney High School with a high school diploma. GABRIELLE ANNA LORD — Gabrielle is the daughter of Jeffery and Deborah Lord. She will graduate on June 4th from Caesar Rodney High School with a high school diploma. She will be attending the University of South Carolina in the fall. She has been accepted into the business school at the University. She hopes to graduate in four years with her degree and attend law school. STUART VAUGHAN — Stuart is the son of Alex and Nancy Vaughan. He will graduate on June 2nd from Dover High with a high school diploma. He will be attending West Virginia University in the fall to study engineering. Stuart is one of Wesley Church Scholarship Award Recipients for $1000.00. Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 10 Peter Angstadt, Sr. Doug Beish, Jr. Sean Ellis Herb Glanden Tina Holz William Peppard Eunice Craig Paxton Easton Smith Easton Bonnie Henry Ellisyn Arthur Madelyn Gott Mary Jackson Justin Mulford Laurie Schrader Richard Weyandt 2 3 4 Linda Allaband Jennifer Purcell 5 Kellan Peer Michael Sill Julie Ann Walls 6 Eileen Wells 7 Robert Horsey Roxanna King Dakota Palchick Linda Darling Amber Layton Leslie Hensley Mason O’Keefe David Teel, II Gina Atkinson David Evans Derek Lawson Amy Short Kellen Slater Shirley Still 8 10 11 12 Abby Botts Bernie Floriani, Jr. Cathy Floriani 13 Jill Harrington 14 Justin Botts Ann Carroll Diana Curtis 15 Cari Lord Virginia Walls 16 Allison Bumgarner Brooke Lloyd Karen McLellan Margaret Tisdell 18 Morgan Devine Barbara Warren Chase Warren Sean Wright 19 Kelly Anderson Charles Wicks 20 Stacey Manwiller Sophia Rotuno 21 Michael Gale Josh Gott Lizzie Hazlett Laurie Leary 22 Sherman Townsend Patti Webb 23 Michael Yenchick Doug Vennard Ella Brown Thalia Brown Robert Haddick Brandon Hennessy Melanie Kowalick Julie Rotuno Jacob Svaby Carolyn Williams 24 26 Curtis Cole James Curtis Rachael Shaw 27 Caroline Arthur Joann Cohen Jim Yerger 28 Tad Fox 29 June Ellis Chase Maracle Mallard Vaughn 30 Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August Beckham Bebout 1 Elizabeth Evans Garrett Lawson 2 Connie Freer Sharyn Smith 3 Henry Dantzler Betty Greco April Peppard Gerrie Willis Bernice Biddle Stephany Halpren Nicholas Kowalick MaryAnn Montsch Peter Yerger Samantha Zeman Georgia Evans Evan Howard 4 5 6 Ronald Clayberg Mathew Hogsten Samantha Lloyd Debbie Lord 7 Becky Broomfield Angela Kogut 8 Philip Downey Ruth Kimball Stuart Knapp Phyllis Tull 9 Janet Krauss Addison Malone Pamela McCrystal Raina Semenick Jesse Williamson Alyssum Zeman 10 Peggy Everett 11 Anne Frances Goodrich Caden Rogers 12 Nancy Vaughan Rebecca Zimmerman The Wesley Crier Ray Book Lee Detwiler Jeremy Manwiller Eugene Pratt Doris Rowlinson 13 Andrew Devine Michael Nichols Nancy Royston 14 Grace Aucoin Anna Botts Mason Botts Dylan Stonesifer 15 Gail Benson Brittnney Virdin 16 Diane Bean Daniel Briggs Chris Cummings Joyce Torbert Debra Walls 17 London Bebout Patricia Wheeler 18 David Casto Bryan Sterling 20 Jonathan Emmons Denise Knox James Melvin, Jr. Sophia Teel Evie Wilson 21 Muriel Gillespie Mark Lloyd, Jr. 22 Dennis Klima Paul Randall Richard Satter Scott Walls Peni Warren 23 Louise Andrews Elaine Townsend Jessica Tuczynski Thomsa Weeks, III 24 Stephanie Stevens Ashlee Ulpp Will Vickers 25 Joshua Coveleski Tom Holt 26 Charlotte Burke Barbara Rafte Lance Wilgus 27 Trista Fowler Apryl Peppard Pat Riddleberger 28 Page 11 July Birthday’s Continued Betty Meredith 29 LeRoy Jones Alexis Loera 30 Lauren Allison Hele Wolstenholme Jordan Yeomans 31 Cameron Kulhanek Colin Yoder 1 Cathy Mundorf Samantha Teel 2 Joyce Cahall Jerry Craig Mary Svaby 3 Geneva Adams Stephen Devine, Jr. 4 Richard Foskey Lauren Gale Whitney Yannacci 5 James McCrystal 6 Jacquie Pulling Mary Pyott Virginia Vadakin 7 Presley Bebout Garry Courtney Robert Kooker Ed Rowlinson Kenny Thistlewood 8 Dylan Allison Christine Fitzhugh Gary Lawson Natalie Lowder Tom Spangler Don Gibbs George Keller Lisa Ratliff 9 10 Lee Kelly Barbara Martin Patricia Pratt 11 Jacob Aucoin Shelly Lambert 12 Lyle Briggs Phyllis Hallett Christiana Honacker Eva Mason Janet Morris Nancy Reihm Molly Savini 13 Caroline Baxter Becky Davis Eric Foltz Betty Jones Hayley Loera Pat Skeans Marina Spangler 14 Janet Carter Cindy Jones 15 Alex Foltz Frances Johnson Sarah Myers Dan Zeman, Jr. Matthew Carey Jo Ann Fields Nancy Frazer Mary Huston Maxine May Margaret McDuffie Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August 16 17 Andrea Hutcheson John Martin Sigrid Mills Cole Ratliff Mason Semenick Anna Mae Starkey 18 Susan Neidig Logan O’Connor Linda Taylor 19 Sandy Hogan Charles Martin Barbara Pritchard 20 Kara Foltz Betsy Honeycutt Steven Mason Andrew Slater 21 Barbara Harrison Shirley Nichols Caroline Snell 22 Christina Asti Kim Courtney Barbara Ellis Ryan Failing Charles Norton Sofia Shrader Linda Smith 23 Valerie Asti Betty Ann Cooper Mary E. Glanden Lynn Hutchins Andrew Robinson The Wesley Crier Nancy Jo Lambertson Jacob Yarnall Teyla Zeman 25 Paul Barker William Cahall George Dunning Kim Glanden Mark Lloyd, Sr. Joyce Thomas Meg Thompson Izabell Watson 26 Amber Cahall Donald Carey Carolyn Rhodes 27 Alex Carter Ben Carter Mary Cronshaw Charles Grimes Loretta Grimes Caroline Palmer James Short 28 William Bell Sally Buckley Greg Hammer Thomas Morrison, Jr. Karen Scaggs 30 Michele Dryda 31 24 Page 12 JUNE 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Clothing Closet Mtg. 1 p.m. P 2 SPRC - 7 p.m. P 3 4 10 11 5 90 Plus Years Birthday Celebration 6 United Methodist Women- 1 p.m. Parlor 7 NLD- 7 p.m. L 8 9 Christian Ed - 7 p.m. L 12 13 14 15 16 17 Steering- 5:30 p.m. L Stewardship - 6 p.m. P Missions- 7 p.m. L 18 19 20 21 Men’s Bible Study Hall’s Restaurant 22 23 Finance 7 p.m. L 25 29 30 ANNUAL CONFERENCE UMES - PRINCESS ANNE, MD 24 Trustees 7 p.m. P 26 27 28 V a c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l 5:30 - 8 p.m. JULY 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 DE Choral Society Bd. 6 p.m. P 6 7 SPRC- 7 p.m. P 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Worship Committee 7 p.m. - P 18 19 Trustees- 7 p.m. P 20 21 Steering- 5:30 p.m. L Missions - 7 p.m. - P 22 23 Mission u - 8 a.m.6 p.m. GFH & S 24 25 26 Church Council- 7 p.m. SMC 27 28 Finance- 7 p.m. P 29 30 Have you remembered Wesley Church in your will? If so, we want to say thank you - please contact Don Knox, Chair of Trustees, 302-359-2030 or e-mail Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 13 AU G U ST 2 01 6 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 NLD - 7 p.m. L 3 4 SPRC - 7 p.m. P 5 6 7 8 9 Preschool Board 6:30 p.m. P 10 Christian Ed. 7 a.m. L 11 12 13 14 15 16 Trustees 7 p.m. P 17 Evangelism 6:30 p.m. - L 18 Steering - 5:30 p.m. - L Missions - 7 p.m. - P 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Finance - 7 p.m. - L 26 27 28 29 30 31 August Anniversaries June Anniversaries 3 Daniel & Stephanie Briggs 8 William & Candi Goodrich Joshua & Laura Gott 10 Joshua & Stephanie Stevens 12 Steven & Mary Hall 13 Al & Theresa Andres Chris & Lindsey Downer 14 Al & Judie Niezgoda 15 Jeremy & Stacey Seilheimer 17 1 Ed & Doris Rowlinson Robert & Linda Taylor 4 Doug & Diane Boyce 5 Chris & Jamie Cummings Scott & Christina O’Connor July Anniversaries Harry & Lou Baxter David & Debbie Wilkins Marc & Deborah St. Jean 6 Blake & Sarah Dempsey 8 7 Don & Penny Gibbs Charles & Loretta Martin Ron & Patti Webb 11 8 Tom & P. J. Welch 12 David & Candy Casto Jesse & Laurie Shrader 1 Patrick & Heather Boyle 5 Robert & Jane O’Hara Matt & Julie Rotuno Al & Nancy Lambertson 10 Michael & Cindy Yenchick 13 Mark & Samantha Lloyd 17 Brian & Laura Bashista 14 Michael & Amy Morris 25 Bill & Becky Broomfield 18 Larry & Cindy Mayan 26 Bernie & Bonnie Henry 22 David & Samantha Teel 21 24 William & Apryl Peppard Alex & Nancy Vaughan 29 Francis & Shirley Nichols Doug & Fredda Vennard 25 Steve & Ann Devine Ian & Jennifer MacDonald 27 John & Cindy Yeomans 31 Drew & Sherrie Cronshaw 29 Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 14 Summer Worship Schedule Sunday Morning Worship Service .......... 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Summer Hymn Sing ……………………………… 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Sunday Morning Worship Service ...........9:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary Sunday Morning Worship Service .........11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary Children’s Sunday School …………………….…9:45 a.m. Children should go to the Sanctuary with their family. Following the children’s sermon they will follow the Sunday School teacher to Grace Fellowship Hall. REOCCURRING MEETINGS AT WESLEY UMC Sunday 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 8:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Fellowship Time — Grace Fellowship Hall 9:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Praise and Worship Service 12:00 p.m. Serenity Church — Ed. Bldg., Lobby 6:00 p.m. Youth Group — Student Ministry Center 6:00 p.m. DE Choral Society - Outreach Choir — Choir Room Tuesday 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting — Library Women’s Covenant Discipleship — Parlor Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Intercessory Prayer — St. Paul’s Chapel 6:00 p.m. N.A. Meeting — Ed. Bldg., Search Classroom 7:00 p.m. Yoga — Grace Fellowship Hall Thursday 8:30 p.m. Ensemble Rehearsal — Sanctuary Friday 6:00 p.m. Serenity Church — Ed. Bldg., Lobby Saturday 9:00 a.m. Al-Anon — Ed. Bldg., Search Class Room Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 15 OUR VISION Historic Wesley Church in downtown Dover, Delaware, is an open and welcoming congregation, which makes disciples of Jesus Christ by proclaiming God’s love through ✞A variety of Worship Services which speak to both heart and mind, ✞Bible study, fellowship, and nurture which lead to meaningful and disciplined Christian living, ✞Christian outreach ministries which serve those near and far, ✞Combined activities which involve other area churches and faith communities. Wesley Church welcomes all individuals and seeks to minister to their spiritual and physical needs and concerns, as God reveals them to us: Members and neighbors of all ages and stages in life; the homeless, hungry, and hurting; employees of the various levels of government, including the military; and people in the nearby education and business communities. Wesley Church’s prominent steeple is a sign of our commitment to our vision and is a beacon of faith, hope, and love in this state capital. Staff E-Mail Addresses Senior Pastor: Amy D. Yarnall - Associate Pastor of Nurturing, Visitation & Witness: Gail Chupein - Christian Education & Youth Director: Vacant Wesley Preschool Director: Jennifer Scott - Administrative Assistant: Michele Dryda - Treasurer: Marian Hudson - Director of Music: Becky Davis - Worship & Praise Leader: Tim Plimpton - Organist: David E. Wilkins - Director of Handbells: Daniel R. Briggs - Children’s Choir Director: Amy Kellen - Children's Tone Chime & Handbell Director: Mandy Stant - Head Custodian: Lester Jones - Clothing Closet Coordinator: Beatrice Lacklen Interim Youth Director: Joy Gordy-Stith - Interim Sunday School Director: June Pennewill - Nursery Attendant: Bri Tobin If you scan this QR Barcode with your smart phone you will be taken to the Church’s web page. Volume 2016, Issue 6 - June, July, August The Wesley Crier Page 16