2014 year in review - Canadian Home Builders Association
2014 year in review - Canadian Home Builders Association
Canadian Home Builders’ Association—Edmonton Region 150 Summerside Gate SW Edmonton, AB, T6X 0P5 Main: (780) 425.1020 Fax: (780) 425.1031 Email: info@chbaedmonton.ca Committee Chairs: Awards of Excellence Criteria Committee, Colin Wiebe, All Weather Windows Ltd. Awards of Excellence Event Committee, Jamie Strynadka, Daytona Homes Master Builder Board of Directors Committee, Dan Brazinha, Look Master Builder Inc. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Committee, Nancy-Bruno Romeo, Bank of Montreal Builder Technical Committee, Derrick Hiltz, Sterling Homes (Edmonton) Ltd. Curling Committee, Brent Rudko, Stantec Geomatics Ltd. Economics Committee, Sandra Young, Augusta Fine Homes o/a Qualico Developments West ERHC Committee, Wes Gunderson, Lincolnberg Homes Golf Committee, Gil Girard, Barcol Doors & Windows Government Relations Committee, Jason Sutton, Landmark Group of Builders Healthy & Safety Committee, Frank Sobolewski, Daytona Homes Master Builder Industry Advisory Committee, Steve Ruggiero, Kimberley Homes Ltd. Membership Committee, Sheri Mitchell, Royal Bank of Canada Next Gen Committee, Bryce Milliken, Ogilvie LLP Professional Development Committee, Barb Onyschuk, I-XL Masory Supplies Ltd. RCIC Marketing & Sponsorship Committee, Elizabeth Ninkovic, Alberta Hardwood Flooring Ltd. RCIC Sessions Committee, Gary Hoeft, Vicky’s Homes Inc. Renovation Committee, Aquilino Naccarato, Ackard Contractors Ltd. Our Mission We provide tools for members' success. Our Vision To be the voice and go-to resource for the home building industry. www.chbaedmonton.ca 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW President’s Message Dan Brazinha, Look Master Builder As I prepare to leave my role as president and pass the baton to our incoming president, Jason CANADIAN HOME BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION—EDMONTON REGION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2014 Sutton, I cannot help but reflect on the past year- not only where we have come from but where we are heading. There is no better place to call home or to do business than right here in our Capital Region. With over 14,000 new housing starts, nearly 50,000 jobs accounting for $3.1 billion in wages, and an overall investment value of $6.5 billion into our local economy, it is clear that the residential construction industry is essential to the region’s economic strength and prosperity. With all of this growth comes challenges. One of the most notable is the labor pinch we are all currently faced with. This year we entered into the world of mandatory warranty, a topic which speaks volumes to the professionalism of our industry. And perhaps most importantly, we were introduced to a new mayor and city council. It has been quite a year. As the Board, we set some short and long term goals and worked tirelessly to achieve them. We introduced a new Mission and Vision Statement to help guide us in our daily decisions, and to constantly remind us that the CHBA-ER is the voice and go-to resource for you, our members. We are here to help make you successful. One of our short term goals was to increase the Association’s membership base by providing real value to your businesses. I am proud to report that the Association is sitting at the highest membership level in its history. This is a testament not only to you, our valued members, but to all the hard working volunteers and staff who helped make this possible. This year the Association hosted three Leadership Dinners with mayors and councils from across the region. A constant message that emerged was that we, as an industry, don’t just build houses, we build community. Two topics were consistently and deliberately pushed to the forefront of the conversation. The first was that governments need to stop downloading the cost of growth onto new homeowners. The second was that it is the municipality’s role to provide an environment where we can invest in our businesses, invest in their cities, operate profitably, and continue to be the driving force behind development and growth. Another one of the Board’s goals was to encourage members, both young and old, to get involved. We searched to find the elusive “old boys club" - that mystical creature talked about in whispers and mentioned in bedtime tales - and in doing so, realized that there is no old generation or new generation. There is only our industry. To quote a friend of mine, “You can sit on the sidelines and have your future determined for you, or you can get involved and be the voice that contributes to your own destiny.” I am confident that our message has been heard. Today’s AGM is evidence of that, as a record 16 candidates are vying today for four open positions on the Board. None of what we do would be possible without the countless hours put in by our volunteers and the generous contributions of our sponsors. I can't thank you enough. I would like to thank the CHBA-ER staff and my Board of Director colleagues for your support and commitment over the past ten months. And finally, thank you to our valued members. You are the force behind the community we build and the heart of this industry. It has truly been a great experience serving as your president. I look forward to being involved with this great organization for years to come. “CHBA-ER is our voice for the home building industry. The association gives you an opportunity to participate in the creation of the communities we live in. I believe it is critical to both be involved in, and give back to such an amazing industry and volunteering for CHBA-ER is the best way to do so!” - Colin Wiebe, Business Development Manager, All Weather Windows Dan Brazinha, President CANADIAN HOME BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION—EDMONTON REGION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2014 CEO’s Message Sharon Copithorne Volunteering, the act of freely giving of a person’s time, is a commitment made for many reasons. It is truly commendable that our members give their most valuable resource, their time, to benefit the Association to which they belong. The motivation to volunteer is based on one or a multitude of reasons which may include: a desire to make a difference, to influence change, to network, to grow personally and/or professionally. Whatever the reason may be, we thank you for this commitment to your industry and the Association. Through your committee work, the Association is gaining recognition for industry’s role in the region. By building relationships with municipal governments and other associations and organizations, your efforts support the industry every day. As an organization we have incorporated many modifications to ensure these efforts are supported and remain focused, strategic, and effective. At their Strategic Planning Session in June, the Board of Directors established a new Mission and Vision Statement (see front). They reinforced a commitment to government advocacy and membership recruitment and retention. Throughout the year, the Board made many significant decisions relating to fiscal management and the direction of various key initiatives. The effective implementation of the Board’s decisions were carried out by the Association’s staff, who deserve acknowledgement for their dedication to our success. Thank you! We’ve had a great year and are looking forward to an even better 2015! Sharon Copithorne Chief Executive Officer “The world is run by those who show up.” Board of Directors: Dan Brazinha President Jason Sutton Vice President Steve Ruggiero 2nd Vice President John McCaffray Secretary/ Treasurer Alphonse Pilon Presidential Appointment Rod Taverner Past President Tally Hutchinson Director Colin Wiebe Director Bob Moon Director Peter Jackson Director Stewart McAndrews Director Dan Hanna Director “I volunteer for CHBA-ER because it provides me an opportunity to connect with the peers in my industry, and a tangible way to affect change in areas which challenge our business.” -Sandra Young, Vice President, Augusta Fine Homes Sharon Copithorne CEO “Associations need passionate Volunteers to thrive! Volunteering is my way of “paying it forward” for the kindness, advice, and support that I have received during my lifetime. I love this association and cherish the memories and friendships gained while volunteering.” - Rick Zolmer, Business Development Manager, Plygem “Since 2000, I made it a personal mandate to volunteer on at least one CHBA committee, with some years as many as three at a time. I believe volunteering is the perfect balance between contribution, personal growth and professional development. The benefits I have personally derived have been immeasurable, and I highly recommend anyone serious about making a lifetime career in our industry do the same.” -Miles Kohan, Vice President, Sterling Homes 2013/2014: A Year in Review: Membership: Industry Advisory Committee (IAC): Monthly Permit Reports track local permitting activity. CHBA-ER members account for approximately 75% of single-family and multi-family builders across the Edmonton Region. There were 466 CHBA-ER members at year end (August 31st) 2014; a difference of 80 members and a 21% increase since 2010. Builder Technical Committee (BTC): Over 220 volunteers participate on 20 committees. Processing times for permits and inspection services continued to be a principle focus of concern. The City of Edmonton’s process of expedited applications has moved past being a pilot project and is now part of the regular application process for a number of companies. Time frames for obtaining an expedited approval are significantly better than for nonexpedited applications. Self-verification of foundations for new single-family homes started in 2014 as a pilot project. Over the summer it evolved into another tool available to home builders. Today, any home builder can complete a self-verification process for foundations on single-family, semi-detached and town-house projects of three or less units per building. The process is acknowledged to save at least 3 working days per home. The BTC is working with the City of Edmonton to consider more housing types for expedited applications, more options for self-verification, and even the greater use by home builders of third party inspection services. Events & Networking: More than 1600 people attended the 2014 Awards of Excellence in Housing Gala, making it one of the most successful events in CHBA-ER history. Enthusiasm for our in-house selection of Builder Breakfast topics has resulted in unprecedented attendance. A new venue was needed to support the surge in attendance. Communications & Professional Development: Social media, an expanded website, weekly newsletters, and our quarterly Industry Insider magazine keep members informed. With more than 30 luncheons, dinners, and breakfast meetings, a golf tournament, and a slo-pitch tournament, the past year was a busy one for CHBA-ER events. With 56 sessions, 38 quality speakers, a sold out Sales Rally, and more than one thousand industry professionals through the door, RCIC 2014 was a huge success. It was the best attended, highest revenue generating RCIC to date. Meetings with the Current Planning Branch team at the City of Edmonton became part of the regular industry liaison process with the City. Engaging the chairs of BTC, RC, GRC and IAC, these meetings provide a key avenue to engage with the key staff in the City. Economic Committee (EC): In the last year the Economic Committee has seen expanded participation. Committee Chair, Sandra Young, recently joined the City of Edmonton Corporate Forecast Committee as CHBA-ER’s representative. Health and Safety Committee (HSC): The HSC held two well attended Safety Barbeques in 2014 as part of a very effective strategy to get the safety message out to workers in the field. Government Relations (GRC): Leadership Dinners were held in Edmonton, Leduc and Spruce Grove. These dinners provided a launching board to issue-driven meetings with the administrative staff in those communities. The GRC is the lead on municipal zoning amendments, including the City of Edmonton’s Height and Grade Zoning provisions. While still a work in progress, Committee members (along with members from BTC and RC) developed clear and defensible industry positions on this important amendment. Other key City of Edmonton initiatives included the Energy Transition Strategy, Blatchford Project, Evolving Infill Initiative, and Growth Coordination Strategy. “I volunteer for the CHBA ER because I want to give back to an organization that supports the good work we are committed to delivering to our customers on every project. Volunteer work is important on so many levels and we all have something to contribute. At Aquarian we strive to be a leader in the renovation market and in our industry in general. That said, volunteering within CHBA ER provides an opportunity to demonstrate leadership through volunteer work at the committee level. Being involved in decision making that affects the work we do at Aquarian is important and it is my hope that my volunteerism may also benefits other members and the work they do. An additional benefit to volunteering with CHBA ER is the wonderful opportunity to get to know and associate with other amazing members who also strive to make a difference in the construction and renovation industry. Together we all get stronger.” -Marie Soprovich, President, Aquarian Renovation Committee (RC): The RC is working diligently to increase the engagement of renovators in industry activities and to help increase the number of renovator submissions into the Awards of Excellence in Housing. Committee members are regularly highlighted in the Home Décor & Renovations Magazine and the group often engages in shared advertisements. “Volunteering for the CHBA Edmonton Region has several benefits. I receive information quickly about technical, political, and sales issues, there are tremendous networking opportunities, and it provides an opportunity to give back to the industry.” -Mark Turner, VP of Operations, Mattamy Homes
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