WFAT T Action #5


WFAT T Action #5
WFATT Action
Newsletter FOR THE World Federation
OF Athletic Training AND Therapy
President’s Message
Excitement Grows with Progress
t has been a good year thus far. I want to
thank all of you for contributing to the
advancement of WFATT initiatives. We
have made continued progress towards
enhancing the quality of care to the physically
active, globalizing athletic training/athletic
therapy and facilitating communication among
like-minded professionals. Read on for updates
regarding these topics and what your executive
committee has been doing in 2006.
Global Education and Credentialing
WFATT continues to make progress toward
global education and credentialing. WFATT is
still collecting data for the Global Practice
Analysis. This project aims to construct a blueprint for global professional practitioners of
athletic training/therapy in order to promote
understanding and provide further direction
for education and development. Take the survey today by following the link located at Your participation is needed
in order to approach any form of global credential or professional development blueprint. While data collection will continue
through 2006, a preliminary review of this
June’s data revealed member participation is
lacking—be sure to do your part and take the
survey today! Other sports medicine professionals are also invited to participate.
Translations available:
Dr. Yan-Ju, TATS member, has translated the
survey into Mandarin Chinese. Spanish and
Japanese translations are also available and all
can be viewed on the WFATT Web site.
CATA leads the pack:
“Cheers” and “congratulations” to the
Canadian Athletic Therapists Association
(CATA) which represents the majority of
respondents to the Global Practice Analysis.
WFATT would like to welcome new members! The University of Bedfordshire from the
United Kingdom and Murdoch University in
Perth, Australia were recently named to
WFATT’s educational institution category.
These partnerships bring with them increased
possibilities for collaborative efforts such as
international internships and funding, which
will help to drive WFATT initiatives.
We welcome the Professional Baseball
Athletic Trainers’ Society (PBATS) (USA),
Society of Tennis Medicine and Science (The
Netherlands) and the Armed Forces Athletic
Trainers’ Society (USA) as new members.
More information on these organizations can
be seen in the “New Members section” of this
The addition of these members gives credence to WFATT’s goals of expanding membership to various professionals around the
globe. New member participants ultimately
help add to the body of knowledge regarding
effective health care worldwide.
What’s membership worth?
As has been mentioned in the past, membership in this federation should have value
and privileges that cannot be attained from
other sources. Exclusive benefits available
only to members (and costs associated with
these benefits) continue to be investigated to
make the value of WFATT a daily experience
for you, the members.
Financial Stability
Specific, measurable and attainable marketing and sponsorship goals have been helping
WFATT make gains towards financial stability
by helping the group to remain consistent with
the strategic plan. The executive committee has
been working to facilitate the emergence of
mutually beneficial relationships with various
corporate entities. This summer, WFATT
proudly welcomed Johnson and Johnson as a
founding sponsor during the General Members
Meeting in Atlanta. WFATT currently looks to
add a second and final founding sponsor to the
roster. Additionally, the executive committee is
making efforts to support and facilitate relationships with educational institutions that
might be able to contribute to our success by
way of collaborative research efforts.
WFATT Action
number FIVE
Catherine M. Ortega, EdD, ATC, PT, OCS.
Member Communication - keep up
the great work.
I have been pleasantly surprised by member’s initiative and urges everyone to continue to up their involvement. Members have
continually stepped up to the plate and
helped WFATT in all of its strategic endeavors. Whether it was offering innovative solutions to a problem, tossing out a new idea, or
communicating with key leaders by means of
phone and e-mail, your efforts have not gone
unnoticed! Members: keep up the good work!
Your involvement is imperative for success
with globalization and delivery of high quality care to enhance performance in all aspects
of physical activity. Your time and talent are
the most valuable resources of this federation. Members are invited to contact me via
phone or at with comments, questions or concerns.
WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
J&J Named as Founding Sponsor
FATT announced Johnson & Johnson as a founding sponsor this summer in Atlanta, Georgia. Jack
Weakley, vice president of Sports Medicine,
said the partnership between J&J and WFATT is
a natural fit, particularly since Johnson &
Johnson became the Official Health Care
Products Sponsor for the International Olympic
Committee’s The Olympic Partners Program
this February.
“For many years our Sports Medicine
Division has supported the international
efforts of the NATA and we are very proud to
announce a new and expanded agreement
with the World Federation of Athletic Training
and Therapy,” Weakley said. “It is the beginning of Johnson & Johnson and the World
Federation working together to bring the quality of health care provided by the athletic
trainer and the quality products of J&J to
countries around the world.”
WFATT President Cathy Ortega, said the
still-growing World Federation is grateful for
the support. “We have big dreams and many
goals, and we realize we will not be able to
reach those goals without corporate support,”
Ortega said. “Jack Weakley and Johnson &
Johnson have stepped up to help us as our first
founding sponsor. We look forward to a long
and successful relationship.”
First steps: J&J and WFATT take efforts to China
Already J&J and WFATT are making
progress. Both organizations are looking to
expand sports medicine in mainland China.
Plans are in process to develop meetings
which will allow the exchange of current practices in Eastern medicine and Western athletic
training. Stay tuned for further developments
as we continue to expand our knowledge base
and share what is new and cutting edge with
partner organizations around the world.
wfatt world congress corner update
2007 WFATT World Congress in Tokyo, Japan
lans and preparations for the fourth
annual WFATT World Congress continue to progress, with this meeting scheduled for January 13-14, 2007.
Ichiro Kono from the Japan Sports Association (JSA), the sponsor of the next World
Congress, presented a preview of the meeting
and announced “Rehabilitation of Sports
Injuries” would be the theme. Preparations are
undertaken in conjunction with JATO, and a
valuable new service for members will be electronic registration available by August 2006.
The venue is convenient to the center of
Tokyo, and attendees will be offered the
opportunity to tour the Japan Institute of Sport
Sciences at the end of the planned sessions on
Sunday, January 14. Jiro Shikakura, President
of JATO provided an update during the
General Members Meeting in Atlanta this
summer. The call for abstracts is open. Follow
the link for further details: index.html
Abstract due date: September 30, 2006
Cathy Ortega & Jack Weakley
2009 WFATT World Congress
in San Antonio, Texas
The National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc. successfully bid for the 2009
World Congress. The theme for the Congress “Care for the Physically Active: A Global
Perspective for Health Care Excellence” is officially scheduled for June 15-17th – just
prior to the 2009 NATA Symposium in San
Antonio. The Program Committee will
deliver an update at the WFATT members
meeting in Tokyo, Japan in January, 2007.
2011 WFATT World Congress
The call for bids for sponsorship of the
2011World Congress is open. Interested
parties should e-mail Dr. Cathy Ortega at
CathyO for application information.
JASA Chairman Dr. Ichiro Kono presents
information to WFATT members.
WFATT Action
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WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
2006 member activities
WFATT members work together to present educational content at the XXIX FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine in Beijing, China, June 14-16.
Above left: Mike Ferrara, PhD, ATC Above right: Glen Gergeron, PhD, CAT(C)
FIMS Holds World Congress
his year the International Federation of
Sports Medicine (FIMS) held its World
Congress at the Beijing Convention Centre, the
premier conference centre for the city authority. The city of Beijing is gearing towards the
final stage of the 2008 Olympic Games. This
World Congress was a first “dress” rehearsal
for the various international activities which
culminate to the final countdown of the
Dr. Mike Ferrara, past-president of WFATT;
Dr. Glen Bergeron, CATA member; Dr. Yan-Ju,
TATS member and Professor Mark Hecimovich, ATC from Perth, Australia demonstrated
taping techniques and presented injury management information to attendees at the FIMS
Congress. Johnson & Johnson sponsored the
taping workshop and had a booth that showcased the athletic training profession. Ferrara
said people were enthusiastic to use the tape
products provided by J&J.
Yan-Ju, PhD, ATC, Professor Mark Hecimovich, DC., ATC
and Dr. Mike Ferrara, PhD, ATC
Nelson Honored at NATA Awards Banquet
exter Nelson, CATA member, became an
honorary member of the National
Athletic Trainers’ Association this June.
Nelson was recognized for his contributions to
the profession of athletic training in the US. He
has served as liaison to the NATA, has made
contributions to the NATA Multi-media committee and was instrumental in establishing
the current Mutual Recognition Agreement
between the Board of Certification, Inc. and
the CATA.
Valerie Nelson, Dexter’s wife was at the
banquet to share the experience of the award
dinner. “I am overwhelmed and truly honored
to receive this award.” Dexter said. ”It is like a
coming home for me. I did have my AT certification a number of years ago and so it is great
to be part of the NATA again”.
WFATT Action
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WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
Atlanta Meetings Successful
FATT is pleased to report that involvement during this year’s General Member
Meeting that took place at the NATA Annual
Meeting and Clinical Symposia was great.
Attendees included representatives from member organizations such as JATO, JASA, NATA,
CATA, Taiwan Athletic Trainers’ Society
(TATS), Spanish Association of Sports Nurses
(AED) and the Italian Federation of
Physiotherapists (FIF). President Ortega issued
a report of progress to date to include information regarding the Global Practice Analysis and
also announced new member organizations.
Following the successful meeting the Japan
Athletic Trainers’ Organization (JATO) held a
reception and invited international attendees
to socialize and network. WFATT thanks Jiro
Shikakura, JATO President for the hospitality
offered at this yearly event.
1. WFATT Executive Committee members and representatives from
member organizations attend the NATA awards banquet.
2. Front row: Janice Holmes (CATA International Committee), Cathy
Ortega, Jiro Shikakura (JATO President), Andrea Prieur (CATA
President), Back row: Vice-President Joe Piccininni (CATA International
Committee Chair), Dr. Richard DeMont (CATA President-Elect), Grant
Slessor, (CATA Executive Director), Paul Spicuzza (Major League
Baseball International) at JATO Reception.
3. NATA International Committee members Greg Zuest and Alision
Lane with Yoshizumi “Happy” Iwasaki, (JATO / NATA member) at
the WFATT booth in Atlanta.
4. NATA International Committee members Bill Durney and Alison
Lane share laughs with Spanish Sport Nurses representatives Rafael
Aguelo Binaburo and Daniel Sanchis Jimenez.
5. Sendai College Chief Director, Taiji Hozawa with faculty and staff
including Hiroki Baba and Mari Fukai share experiences regarding
sports medicine education in Japan with Dr. Ortega at the JATO
WFATT Becomes Patron
FATT was invited to the international
meeting on “Physical Activity and
Cardiovascular Health” as a patron this past
June. More than 8,000 experts from across the
world attended the satellite symposium of the
World International Atherosclerosis Society
Congress whose plenary session was held in
Rome. The purpose of this meeting was to provide current information regarding the evidence-based knowledge on the effect of physical training on cardiovascular disease prevention and managements as well as provide specific recommendations for the frequency,
duration, dose and mode of physical activity.
Vice President, Gene Elizabeth Verel moderated the panel discussion: “How to Measure
Physical Activity: An Evidence Based Medicine
Approach which featured the athletic training
profession as it interfaces with similar global
allied heath professions.” Dr. Cathy Ortega was
also an invited speaker and represented the
“Transactional Model and Stages of Change
Theory as a Basis to Impact Adherence to
Physical Activity”. Dr. Ron Courson, from the
NATA, provided information regarding emergency preparedness that included the current
NATA consensus statement.
This international meeting gave WFATT
and the NATA the opportunity to showcase
the AT profession and the effect that the athletic trainer/therapist can have upon not only
injury but overall health and wellness. Ortega
and Verel were able to contribute an integral
piece to this conference that filled a void from
science to application. This further emphasized the place of the AT in the area of exercise
and fitness management. The mayor of Forli
and conference organizers were impressed by
the education and training of the AT and the
content delivered. WFATT has been invited to
speak at conferences to be held in the future.
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WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
Murdoch University
urdoch University is a dynamic, modern university with a national reputation for excellence in teaching, research
and student satisfaction. It is home to nearly 13,000 students and 1,400 staff from every racial, ethnic and social
group in Western Australia and hosts more than 1,850 overseas students from about 70 different countries. Murdoch has
always paid particular attention to quality teaching and as a result ranks among the best teaching campuses of all
Australia’s public universities. The University conducts outstanding research across a wide range of disciplines and remains of the leading
research universities in Australia, ranking in the top twelve on a per capita basis. For information, visit:
University of Bedfordshire
he new University was formed by the merger of the University of Luton and De Montfort University’s Bedford campus
with the official date to launch this new institution on August 1, 2006. The name was chosen by staff, students and stake-
holders following extensive consultation earlier this year.
Vice Chancellor, Professor Les Ebdon, will embark on a whistle-stop tour to toast the new institution with staff and students, and to unveil
the new University logo and signage at its hospital sites in High Wycombe and Aylesbury, before visiting the Luton and Bedford campuses.
The new University, with a combined student population of approximately 17,000, will become the largest provider of undergraduate and post-
graduate education in Bedfordshire, and will work with businesses across the region to address their employment needs. The University will build
on the strengths of its campuses, in particular in sport, business, education and health.
For information, visit:
Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers’ Society (PBATS)
he mission of the US-based Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers’ Society (PBATS) is to serve as an educational resource
for the Major League and Minor League Baseball athletic trainers. PBATS serves its members by providing for the con-
tinued education of the athletic trainer as it relates to the profession, helping improve his understanding of sports medicine
so as to better promote the health of his constituency — professional baseball players. PBATS also serves as a resource to edu-
cate those outside the professional baseball athletic trainer community about the profession and about the athletic trainer’s
integral position within the sports medicine team. PBATS website:
Armed Forces Athletic Trainers’ Society (AFATS)
he mission of AFATS is to promote the athletic training profession within the armed forces by educating military leaders
and providing athletic training services to service members, thereby enhancing the armed forces health care system.
Athletic trainers (ATs) don’t just see patients in a clinic or exam room. They have the ability to see their patients where they
work, in real time, and gain the perspective essential in making rehabilitation not only a return to daily living activities, but a
practical ability to continue the job - especially those that require a great deal of physical demands and experience frequent changes in the working environment. For more information go to:
Society of Tennis Medicine and Science (STMS)
he STMS is an international organization based in the Netherlands of sports medicine and science with experts aiming
to serve as an international forum for the generation and dissemination of knowledge of tennis medicine and science.
Medicine and Science in Tennis is the official journal produced by the STMS and benefits from contributions from members
worldwide. Earlier this year, members of STMS provided evidence-based research and articles to the special Tennis Edition
of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. STMS website:
WFATT Action
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WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
important dates & information
Keep Track of Key Events
International Council of Sport Science and
Physical Education (ICSSPE/CIEPSS)
August 30 – September 1, 2006
Berlin, Germany
Society of Tennis Medicine and Science
9th STMS Congress
February 16 – 17, 2007
Antwerp, Belgium
Sports Medicine Australia
2006 ASICS Conference of Science and
Medicine in Sport
October 19 – 21, 2006
Canadian Athletic Therapists Association
Canadian Athletic Therapists Association Conference 2007
May 23-26, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba
American College of Sports Medicine
Integrative Physiology of Exercise Conference
September 27 – 30, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
International Association for Dance
Medicine and Science
IADMS 16th Annual Meeting
October 19 – 21, 2006
West Palm Beach, Florida
2007 WFATT World Congress
Sponsored by JASA and JATO
January 13 – 14, 2007
Tokyo, Japan (Japanese Top Page)
html (English Top Page)
American College of Sports Medicine
Health and Fitness Summit
March 21 – 24, 2007
Dallas, Texas
American College of Sports Medicine
ACSM’s 54th Annual Meeting
May 30 – June 2, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
NATA 2006 Annual Meeting
June 26 – 30, 2007
Anaheim, California
WFATT Action
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WFATT Action
World Federation
Athletic Training
Important Contacts and links
Where to Go for More Information
WFAtt executive
Catherine Ortega
Vice President
Joseph Piccininni
Vice President
Jiro Shikakura
Vice President
Gene Elizabeth Verel
Past President
Michael Ferrara
WFAtt committees
education chair
Larry Leverenz, Phd, ATC
Marketing & communication chair
Dennis A. Miller, ATC, PT
Members: Colleen Creighton, CAT(C),
Mark Lafave, CAT(C)
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (ACPSM)
Japan Athletic Trainers’ Association for Certification (JATAC)
Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association (CATA)
Ontario Athletic Therapists’ Association (OATA)
Biokinetics Association of South Africa
Japan Sports Association (JASA)
Japan Athletic Trainers’ Organization (JATO)
National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc. (NATA)
Taiwan (Republic of China) Athletic Trainers’ Society (TATS)
Board of Certification, Inc.
Federazione Italiana Fisioterapisti (FIF)
Korean Association of Certified Exercise Professionals (KAACEP)
Spanish Association of Sport Nurses
Society of Tennis Medicine and Science (STMS)
Armed Forces Athletic Trainers Society (AFATS)
University of Bedfordshire
Murdoch University
Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society (PBATS)
WFATT Action
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