Technical specifications multimedia
Technical specifications multimedia
Technical specifications multimedia 2016 RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Table of contents • Webvertising • Formats • E-mailing • Mobile advertising 2-5 6-10 11-14 15 Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | Technical specification Webvertising 2016 Overview of formats ( | SIZE MAX. WEIGTH 970x250 970x250 – 970x500 840x150 728x90 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb Half Page Rectangle Medium Rectangle (imu) Small imu 300x600 300x250 300x150 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb Textad 300x100 - 990x70 640x480 500x400 300x600 + 500x600 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb 100kb Billboard Billboard Pushdown Large Leaderboard Leaderboard Floorad Medium Splash Small Overlayer Sidekick REMARKS only use the mediamind template! RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD NAME capping : 1 per day capping : 1 per day capping : 1 per day capping : 1 per day Overview of formats ( | (app) Billboard (mobile)* Large leaderboard (mobile)* IMU (mobile)* 640x200 & 320x100 640x100 & 320x50 600x500 & 300x250 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb format: only jpg, pn format: only jpg, png format: only jpg, png Remarks - Rich media with video: only rich media third party tags - For rich media creatives: Please deliver html 5 ads in third party tags with a default backup image included (for browsers that are not html5 compliant). Html 5 material : Standard « non rich » creative : max 100 kb Rich media – video: max 5MB - All digital campaigns for will be placed on our mobile sites/apps (fix minimum 10% of impressions) as well. To ensure 100% delivery of campaign be sure to also deliver the mobile format *Please deliver both sizes + clicktracker + impressiontracker **No html5, no third party tags new - Cost per hour: Please traffic the campaign in a standard javascripttag (no Iframe) DELIVERY MATERIALe edia.b dfp@trustm Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 2 Technical specification Webvertising General specifications • Formats - Logo: the material should always include the logo of the advertiser - GIF: animated or static GIF image file - JPG: JPG image file banner - Html 5 campaigns and streaming: only allowed in third party tags. Remark: We don’t take charge of the technical costs of Rich media campaigns For Billboard pushdown: only mediamind template RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD • Deadlines - GIF | JPG All standard ads must be provided to publisher or media sales house 3 business days before the campaign start date. - Rich media creative(*) & html5 All standard ads must be provided to publisher or media sales house 5 business days before the campaign start date. (*): Rich media creatives = all creatives other than GIF/JPEG creatives. 2016 • Updates - Rich media creatives: no more than once a week (see * under “Deadlines”) • Testing - All creatives must function uniformly on popular browser platforms and/or operating systems • Linking URL - An active URL must be provided for each creative • Versions - Maximum 3 versions • Animation - 3 loops within 15 seconds, no loop or any animation after 15 sec - Maximum of 3 creatives in rotation per campaign • Audio - Sound standard OFF - Sound On User initiated on clickaction - NO LOOPING ALLOWED. • Video - up to 30 sec (starts automatically) - above 30 seconds only user initiated allowed (start/stop button) Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 3 Technical specification Webvertising 2016 NEWSLETTERS DISPLAY DIMENSIONS Morning Midday Evening Imu 300 x 250 FORMAT Jpg/gif (no animation, no swf or third party) Geldworp/brève d’argent Imu 300 x 250 Jpg/gif (no animation, no swf or third party) T-zine Imu + Text 300 x 250 Jpg/gif (no animation, no swf or third party) 250 characters Title: 50 characters, Text: 200 characters (*) Stocks mail Imu 300 x 250 Jpg/gif (no animation, no swf or third party) Funds mail Imu 300 x 250 Jpg/gif (no animation, no swf or third party) RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Specifications for newsletters Specifications for textads TEXTADS DISPLAY Textad DIMENSIONS FORMAT Titel: 30 characters, Text: 90 characters, onscreen url: 30 characters, url: unlimited characters (*) (*) spacing included Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 4 Technical specification Webvertising Third party adserving specs RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD • Deadlines*: - Standard ads 3 business days prior to start dates - All other formats 5 business days prior to start dates * Late creative policy (IAB) • Certified third party vendors: - DoubleClick for Publishers recognizes the rich media formats listed here. ( • Cache Busting: - Any image hosted by a third party company should be formatted for us to attach a timestamp to the third party tags. - Publisher will work with the third party company to ensure the timestamp functions correctly on portfolio. • Submissions: - All tags must be delivered in *.TXT file containing following references: Advertiser name Campaign Agency name Period Creative language • Tags: - We accept active third party tags with an active destination url - As publisher needs to keep track of all material delivery • Formats allowed: - Standard ads | Overlayer | content banner | streaming - In our booking system, doubleclick we use javascript tags for the ads (I frame tags are not allowed) • Performance: - Any creative that delays load time or fails to appear on publisher sites will be pulled immediately. • Testing: - All creative must function uniformly on both Mac and PC platforms as well as multiple browser versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari - Click count resolution by adserver’s side depends on tags delivered by third-party company and submitted to publisher trafficking approvement. • HTML5: - Because the implementation of HTML5 code is considered a custom implementation, DoubleClick Support is not responsible for troubleshooting specific issues with HTML5 creatives. DoubleClick Support can’t provide assistance with the appearance, functionality, troubleshooting, debugging, or reporting on discrepancies for any custom implementations. Support can only help to confirm that your custom creative code is serving to your page properly. More info. ( 2016 Third party adserving partner Trustmedia has a preferred partnership with Sizmek (formerly known as Mediamind) for rich media & video solutions, f.e. Billboard pushdown (see ratecard) Sizmek is a global provider of digital advertising solutions that optimize the use of media, creative and data for enhanced campaign performance. Their unique platform incorporates display ad serving, search, rich media, video, dynamic ads, mobile and emerging media; providing marketers with a cross-channel view of ad campaigns. They service the most innovative and inspiring global digital campaigns. Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 5 Technical specification Formats 2016 The Sidekick banner is an initial polite banner, which expands to the right by click action while pushing the site to the left. The Sidekick gives the advertiser the opportunity to present extensive information in a creative and engaging way. Mostly used for videos, the Sidekick measures its success primarily via engagement. RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Sidekick Technical specifications: Dimensions halfpage : Dimensions sidekick: Capping: Format: Sound: Video: Close button: Deadline delivery: 300x600 500x600 1 per day only third party tags, sizmek template is provided ON (video only starts user iniated when the sidekick expands to the right) max 30 seconds , starts automatically in the sidekick format 5 workdays before start campaign The sidekick format is implemented on the articles pages (no home /subhomepages ) Clicks and interactions are measured. Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Bruxelles | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 6 Technical specification Formats 2016 An Automatic or Pre-expand Pushdown Billboard ad appears on screen as a Billboard (970 wide by 250 tall), automatically (cap 1) expands for 7 seconds to 970 wide by 500 tall and closes back to a Billboard. Controls allow consumer to re-open and/or close unit. Expanding Pushdown ad units "push" page content down rather than expanding over page content. RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Billboard Pushdown Technical specifications: Dimensions: Format: Sound: Video: Close Button: Deadline delivery: 970x250 -> 970x500 only third party , Sizmek template is provided (html5) standard OFF max 30 seconds, starts only user iniated in the 970x500 layout 5 workdays before start campaign Impression 1: automatic billboard pushdown cap 1 The billboard (970x250) automatically pushes the website down for 7 seconds and expands to 970x500. Afterwards, the ad closes back to 970x250. Impression 2 and following: user initiated billboard pushdown The billboard (970x250) only pushes the website down user initiated (on mouse over) and expands to 970x250. On mouse out, the billboard closes back to 970x250 Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Bruxelles | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 7 Technical specification Formats 2016 Overlay Ads cover your site with a semi-transparent background and have a more standard ad format in support (f.e Medium Rectangle or Large Leaderboard-). Visitors must "close" the ad to fully view the site. Unlike "pop-up" ads, these overlays cannot be blocked. Overlayer must have a clear close button top right and must auto close after a maximum of 15 seconds. The close button should be clearly visible and feature both an ‘X’ and the word ‘close’ in font size 11 RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Small Overlayer Technical specifications: Format: Overlayer: Maximum weight: Sound: Capping: third party tags only (1 tag for large leaderboard + overlayer) must contain a close button (right corner) and close automatically after 10 seconds 100 kb standard OFF 1 per day Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 8 Technical specification Formats 2016 Your ad will be positioned at the bottom of the visitor’s screen. When scrolling, this ad will stay fixed in this position. It is the only advertising solution that remains continuously visible on the visitor’s screen whilst browsing the page. RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Floor Ad Technical specifications: Dimensions: 990x70 pixels Format: jpg/gif/swf or third party tags Maximum weight: 60KB Capping: 1 per lifetime Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 9 Technical specification Formats 2016 A splash page is an interlude page that is shown temporarily before reaching the intended target page. It is used to make an important announcement or to show a catchy advertisement. RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Splash Technical specifications: Dimensions: 640x480 pixels Format: jpg/gif/swf or third party tags Maximum weight: 60KB Remark: animation, video is allowed Maximum length animation: 15 seconds Sound: Standard OFF Capping: 1 per lifetime Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Bruxelles | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 10 Technical specification E-mailing 2016 Communicate with your customer one-to-one via our database of 201.195 high quality business contacts. An e-marketing campaign targeting prospects with real potential, namely readers of De Tijd and L’Echo, strengthens your campaign. The database is comprised of registered readers of De Tijd and L’Echo (opt-in addresses). Following selections are possible: • social professional: function, departement, sector, company size • geographic: location • social demographic: age, gender • selection related to our business products: portfolio, subscription RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Database Guidelines Role of Trustmedia vs. advertiser • Trustmedia has the responsibility to: 1. provide the database 2. send the e-mail message 3. report the campaign • The advertiser has the responsibility to deliver a ready to send HTML e-mail in conformity with the technical guidelines and tested for different mailclients (e.g. outlook, gmail, yahoo...) Deadlines All HTML files must be provided to publisher or media sales house, 5 business days prior to the campaign start date. Software platform used Trustmedia, using the Selligent software, sends the e-mail once. Measurement The number of sent e-mails, delivered and bounced are measured by selligent. Opened mails are measured by selligent. Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 11 Technical specification E-mailing 2016 • The e-mail is sent as an HTML-mail. A text version can be hidden as a commentary in the HTML coding. This offers users that do not work with HTML the opportunity to read the text nevertheless. • The maximum width of the e-mail field is 600 pixels, with an optimal text field of 460 pixels (type area). This ensures all users can read the e-mail in optimal circumstances (especially Outlook users that preview their e-mails). RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD E-mail guidelines • The sender of the e-mail: De Tijd Partnermail and Partenaire communication de L’Echo. • The advertiser can determine the subject of the e-mail. • Images are embedded in the e-mail with a hard link, to avoid the e-mail becoming too heavy. Remark: Gmail shortens html emails which are larger than 102 kb. Personalizing of e-mails If the advertiser wishes to personify the email (name and/or first name), the personification field should be inserted in the HTML as follows: ~FIRSTNAME~ ~NAME~ Please note: not all users have filled in the data correctly! • Header in e-mails Following text must always be used as header. • Header Deze e-mail wordt u aangeboden door in samenwerking met [ADVERTISER]. Uitschrijven. Link to:'Our secret with S3ll1g3nt!'))~ Dit bericht wordt u verzonden door als publireportage. Het aanbod in deze e-mail is geen product of dienst van de groep Mediafin. De inhoud en redactie van dit bericht zijn de verantwoordelijkheid van een derde. Indien u deze mail niet kan lezen, klik hier. (link to online version of e-mail) • Header Ce publireportage vous est offert par en collaboration avec [ADVERTISER]. Se désinscrire. Link to:'Our secret with S3ll1g3nt!'))~ Le contenu et les offres éventuelles qui y figurent ne sont pas des produits ou des services de Mediafin. La responsabilité de la rédaction et du contenu de cet e-mail incombe à la société tierce. Si vous ne pouviez pas lire ce mail, cliquez ici. (link to online version of e-mail) Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 12 Technical specification E-mailing 2016 • Footer Deze informatie wordt u bezorgd door en gebeurt in functie van uw registratie op Uw persoonlijke gegevens worden niet aan de adverteerder doorgegeven. hanteert een strikte privacy politiek. (link to Indien u geen gebruik meer wenst te maken van deze informatiedienst, Klik hier. Link to:'Our secret with S3ll1g3nt!'))~ RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD • Footer in e-mails Following text must always be used as footer. • Footer Ce publireportage vous a été envoyé par conformément aux modalités de votre inscription sur Vos données personnelles n'ont pas été transmises à l'annonceur. observe une politique stricte en matière de respect de la vie privée. (link to Si vous ne désirez plus recevoir d'information des partenaires de L'Echo, veuillez vous désinscrire. Link to:'Our secret with S3ll1g3nt!'))~ Tips & Tricks • Increase direct response - Language of the mail = language of the reader - Subject line: concise and clear with a call to action - Call to action: must be visible without having to scroll - Various links on images, logos - Clickable list of topics • Layout and content - Keep a good balance between text and images - Use a font with a minimum size of 10 points • Technical aspects - Special characters: adapt the html and include a meta tag in the header - Css: use inline styles instead of style sheet in the header of the html - Visuals in e-mail: use absolute paths (e.g. http:// instead of relative paths (e.g. images/image.gif) - Avoid the use of background images - Avoid that the e-mail is designed as a single image Source: IAB Marketing cookbook 2009 Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 13 Technical specification E-mailing 2016 Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD E-mails examples 14 Technical specification Mobile advertising 2016 NAME SIZE* Billboard mobile Leaderboard mobile IMU mobile 640x200 & 320x100 640x100 & 320x50 600x500 & 300x250 FORMAT** WEIGHT CLICKABLE ANIMATION jpg - png jpg - png jpg - png 100 kb 100 kb 100 kb yes yes yes no no no *Please deliver both sizes + clicktracker + impressiontracker **no html5, no third party tags RATES L’ECHO | DE TIJD Overview of formats Advertising options BILLBOARD MOBILE LEADERBOARD MOBILE IMU MOBILE DELIVERY MATERIALe edia.b dfp@trustm Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86C - B-1000 Brussels | tél.: +32 (0)2 422 05 11 | fax: +32 (0)2 422 05 10 | | 15
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