micro riduttori epicicloidali di precisione - Setec
micro riduttori epicicloidali di precisione - Setec
OR gnation er Model MICRO RIDUTTORI EPICICLOIDALI DI PRECISIONE APEX DYNAMICS, GEARBOXES INC. MICRO-PLANETARY AM Series Characteristic Highlights Stainless steel housing with alloy aluminum design on front cover and motor adapter. Suitable for medical, electronics, food industry, packaging industry and robotics automation applications. Gearing set is using alloy steel with heat treatment. It can transmit high output torque and longer service life. All parts are made out by high precision machine tools in-house. Smooth rotation, low backlash, high efficiency and low noise level. Compact design with light weight. Wide variation of ratios selection, ideal for adapting with DC motor, step motor and servomotor. Excellent design for easy installation. No need to use special tooling. Micro Planetary Gearbox Installation Manual adapter washer AM013 Assemble Procedures: sun gear A 0.5 max. o-ring adapter AM016 / 022 / 026 / 032 Assemble Procedures: washer sun gear A Apply Glue Procedures: 1. Check motor shaft and sun gear hole tolerance within 0.02mm. (sun gear hole tolerance is H7). 2. Clean the grease or oil in sun gear hole and motor shaft. 3. Sun gear can rotate or slide on motor shaft. 4. Minimum dry time for Loctite 638 is 4 hours. Keep the assembly in horizontal position. 5. After dried, under no-load test run for 15 minutes. 01 0.02 A 0.02 A 1. Check motor shaft runout. 2. Clean the grease or oil on motor shaft. Apply Loctite 638 on motor shaft (please see apply glue procedures). 3. Slide and rotate the sun gear on motor shaft. 4. Bolts the adapter on motor. 5. Put washer on adapter surface, check o-ring position. 6. Bolts the gearbox and motor together. Verify is seal tight. 0.02 A 0.02 A 1. Check motor shaft runout. 2. Clean the grease or oil on motor shaft. Apply Loctite 638 on motor shaft (please see apply glue procedures). 3. Slide and rotate the sun gear on motor shaft. 4. Bolts the adapter on motor. 5. Put washer on adapter surface. 6. Screw the gearbox on adapter all the way and verify is seal tight. 0.5 max. AM013 Series Specifications Gearbox Performance Model No. 1-Stage Ratio 2-Stage 1 Absolute Ratios Ratio Torgue 4.1 Nominal Output Torque T2N 3-Stage 1 Ratio Absolute Ratios Torgue Ratio Torgue Absolute Ratios 17 26 10556001 / 38416 131 3373 0.3 4356 / 169 0.35 601692057 / 537824 664 0.2 66 / 13 0.3 185193 / 2744 0.2 Torgue Absolute Ratios 1119 0.3 3249 / 196 5.1 Ratio1 Torgue 275 0.2 57 / 14 5-Stage 1 Absolute Ratios 67 0.2 Nm 4-Stage 1 0.3 287496 / 2197 18974736 / 28561 0.35 1252332576 / 371293 Max. Acceleration Torque T2B Nm Nominal Input Speed n1N rpm 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Max. Acceleration Input Speed n1B rpm 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Deg ≦1 ≦1.2 ≦1.5 ≦1.8 ≦2 Backlash (No-Load) 2 2rB Max. Radial Load F 2 2aB Max. Axial Load F Mass Moment of Inertia J1 Service Life Efficiency 1.5 times of Nominal Output Torque N 10 N 5 4.1 0.007 17 0.007 67 0.007 275 0.007 1119 0.007 5.1 0.003 26 0.003 131 0.003 664 0.003 3373 0.003 g.cm2 10,000* hr (MAX) Weight Operating Temperature % 91 83 75 g 11 16 21 O O 69 62 26 31 O -30 C~+100 C C Degree of Gearbox Protection IP44 Mounting Position all directions 1. Ratio ( i=Nin / Nout ) *S1 service life 5000 hrs 2. Apply to the output shaft center @ 100 rpm C9 11 (Unit : mm) L8 C8 ØC7 1 5.5 Ø6 h8 Ø13 2-M2x2.5 L C23-C2 ØC1 ØC5 G6 ØC3 1 2.8 Ø3 h6 120 O Ø9.5 0.4 120 O C6 C4 Dimension 1-Stage 2-Stage 3-Stage 4-Stage 5-Stage 15 21 27 33 39 Length L8 Mounting hole PCD C13 10 Mounting hole O.D. C23 1.8 Number of mounting hole C233 Ratio1 O.D. Ratio1 O.D. Ratio1 4.1 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 17 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 67 3 O.D. Motor shaft O.D. C33H7 Motor Shaft Length C43 C53G6 8.1 C63 2.5 5.1 Motor Pilot O.D. Motor Pilot Depth Motor adapter O.D. 26 131 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 Ratio1 O.D. Ratio1 O.D. 275 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 1119 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 664 3373 6 C73 16 Motor adapter Thickness C83 2.1 Total Length C93 28.1 34.1 40.1 46.1 52.1 3. C1 ~ C9 are motor specific dimensions (metric std shown). Refer to apexdyna.com and AM Design Tool to view your specific motor mounting system. 02 AM016 Series Specifications Gearbox Performance Model No. 1-Stage 2-Stage Ratio1 3-Stage Ratio1 Absolute Torgue Absolute Torgue Ratios Ratios 4.4 57 / 13 5.4 27 / 5 Nominal Output Torque T2N Max. Acceleration Torque T2B Nominal Input Speed n1N Max. Acceleration Input Speed n1B Backlash (No-Load) Max. Radial Load F2rB2 Max. Axial Load F2aB2 0.1 0.1 Nm 19 3249 / 169 24 1539 / 65 29 729 / 25 Torgue Absolute Ratios 84 185193 / 2197 104 87723 / 845 128 41553 / 325 157 19683 / 125 0.15 0.15 0.15 8,000 8,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Deg N N ≦1.4 ≦1.6 ≦2 Mass Moment of Inertia J1 g.cm2 Service Life Efficiency (MAX) Weight Operating Temperature Degree of Gearbox Protection Mounting Position hr % g O 19 24 29 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Ratio1 Torgue Absolute Ratios 370 10556001 / 28561 455 5000211 / 10985 561 2368521 / 4225 690 1121931 / 1625 850 531441 / 625 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.01 0.01 0.005 25 12.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.005 84 104 128 157 Torgue Absolute Ratios 1621 601692057 / 371293 1996 285012027 / 142805 2458 135005697 / 54925 3027 63950067 / 21125 3728 30292137 / 8125 4592 14348907 / 3125 1.5 times of Nominal Output Torque 8,000 8,000 rpm 0.01 0.005 5-Stage Ratio1 Nm rpm 4.4 5.4 4-Stage Ratio1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 8,000 12,000 12,000 ≦2.4 ≦3 370 455 561 690 850 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 1621 1996 2458 3027 3728 4592 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 10,000* 90 22 73 35 81 30 65 42 59 49 -30 OC~+100 OC IP44 all directions C 1. Ratio ( i=Nin / Nout ) *S1 service life 5000 hrs 2. Apply to the output shaft center @ 100 rpm C9 (Unit : mm) 11.8 L8 C8 ØC7 1 7.8 ØC1 ØC3 Ø16 Ø10 h8 30 o C23-C2 ØC5 G6 6-M2x3 L Ø13 2.8 Ø3 h6 120 O 0.4 120 O C6 C4 Dimension Length Mounting hole PCD Mounting hole O.D. Number of mounting hole 1-Stage L8 C13 C23 C233 18.5 Ratio1 4.4 5.4 Motor shaft O.D. C33H7 Motor Shaft Length Motor Pilot O.D. Motor Pilot Depth Motor adapter O.D. Motor adapter Thickness Total Length C43 C53G6 C63 C73 C83 C93 O.D. ≦2 ≦1.5 2-Stage 24 Ratio1 19 24 29 3-Stage 4-Stage 29.5 O.D. ≦2 ≦2 ≦1.5 Ratio1 84 104 128 157 5-Stage 35 10 1.8 3 O.D. ≦2 ≦2 ≦2 ≦1.5 Ratio1 370 455 561 690 850 40.5 O.D. ≦2 ≦2 ≦2 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 Ratio1 1621 1996 2458 3027 3728 4592 8.1 6 2.5 16 2.6 32.9 38.4 43.9 49.4 3. C1 ~ C9 are motor specific dimensions (metric std shown). Refer to apexdyna.com and AM Design Tool to view your specific motor mounting system. 03 51.9 O.D. ≦2 ≦2 ≦2 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 AM022 Series Specifications Gearbox Performance Model No. 1-Stage Ratio Nominal Output Torque T2N Nm 1 2-Stage Torgue Ratio 4 0.2 5 1 3-Stage Torgue Ratio1 Torgue 64 1.5 196 1.5 80 1.5 245 1.5 1 112 1.5 343 1.5 1 140 1.5 Torgue Ratio 16 1 49 0.2 20 1 7 0.2 28 9 0.2 35 1 Torgue Ratio 1 1 1.5 times of Nominal Output Torque Max. Acceleration Torque T2B Nm Nominal Input Speed n1N rpm 6,000 6,000 6,000 Max. Acceleration Input Speed n1B rpm 10,000 10,000 10,000 acrmin ≦20 ≦35 Backlash* Max. Radial Load F2rB2 N Max. Axial Load F2aB2 N Mass Moment of Inertia J1 Service Life Efficiency ≦50 40 20 g.cm2 4 0.067 16 0.067 5 0.024 20 0.024 7 0.006 28 9 0.003 35 49 64 0.067 196 0.067 80 0.067 245 0.024 0.006 112 0.067 343 0.006 0.006 140 0.067 10,000* hr (MAX) Weight Operating Temperature % 96 90 g 47.38 67.34 O 0.006 85 84.3 -30 OC~+100 OC C Degree of Gearbox Protection IP44 Mounting Position all directions 1. Ratio ( i=Nin / Nout ) *S1 service life 5000 hrs 2. Apply to the output shaft center @ 100 rpm *Backlash is test under 2% of T2N C9 15 (Unit : mm) L8 C8 ØC7 2 8 3-M2.5x4 L C23-C2 ØC5 G6 Ø12 h8 Ø22 ØC3 Ø16 ØC1 120 O Ø4 h6 3.5 120 O 120 O 0.6 120 O C6 C4 Dimension Length Mounting hole PCD Mounting hole O.D. Number of mounting hole 1-Stage 2-Stage 23 31.5 L8 C13 C23 C233 Motor shaft O.D. C33H7 Motor Shaft Length Motor Pilot O.D. Motor Pilot Depth Motor adapter O.D. Motor adapter Thickness Total Length C43 C53G6 C63 C73 C83 C93 3-Stage 40 17 2.2 3 Ratio1 4 5 7 9 O.D. ≦4 ≦3 ≦1.5 ≦1 Ratio1 16 20 28 35 Ratio1 49 O.D. ≦4 ≦3 ≦1.5 ≦1.5 O.D. ≦1.5 Ratio1 64 80 112 140 Ratio1 196 245 343 O.D. ≦4 ≦4 ≦4 ≦4 O.D. ≦4 ≦3 ≦1.5 10.3 10 1.5 22 1.8 39.8 48.3 56.8 3. C1 ~ C9 are motor specific dimensions (metric std shown). Refer to apexdyna.com and AM Design Tool to view your specific motor mounting system. 04 AM026 Series Specifications Gearbox Performance Model No. 1-Stage Ratio Nominal Output Torque T2N Nm 1 2-Stage 3-Stage Torgue Ratio1 Torgue 81.37 3 216 3 2 112.67 3 276 3 26 2 143.96 3 352.67 3 33.22 2 199.33 3 Torgue Ratio 3.5 0.6 4.33 0.6 6 7.67 1 Torgue Ratio 12.25 2 46 18.78 0.6 0.6 1 Torgue Ratio 2 1 1.5 times of Nominal Output Torque Max. Acceleration Torque T2B Nm Nominal Input Speed n1N rpm 6,000 6,000 6,000 Max. Acceleration Input Speed n1B rpm 10,000 10,000 10,000 acrmin ≦20 ≦35 ≦50 Backlash* 2 2rB Max. Radial Load F 2 2aB Max. Axial Load F N 55 27.5 N 3.5 Mass Moment of Inertia J1 Service Life Efficiency g.cm2 0.273 12.25 0.273 81.37 0.117 4.33 0.117 18.78 6 0.024 26 0.117 112.67 0.117 276 0.024 0.117 143.96 0.117 352.67 0.024 7.67 0.011 33.22 0.117 199.33 0.117 46 10,000 hr (MAX) Weight Operating Temperature 0.024 216 * % 96 90 85 g 98.66 137.83 170.62 O 0.024 -30 OC~+100 OC C Degree of Gearbox Protection IP44 Mounting Position all directions 1. Ratio ( i=Nin / Nout ) *S1 service life 5000 hrs 2. Apply to the output shaft center @ 100 rpm *Backlash is test under 2% of T2N C9 17 (Unit : mm) L8 C8 ØC7 2 12 ØC3 Ø26 Ø14 h8 ØC5 G6 ØC1 4-M3x4 L C23-C2 45 O Ø20 4.5 Ø5 h6 120 O 0.6 120 O C6 C4 Dimension Length Mounting hole PCD Mounting hole O.D. Number of mounting hole 1-Stage 2-Stage 29 40.5 L8 C13 C23 C233 Motor shaft O.D. C33H7 Motor Shaft Length Motor Pilot O.D. Motor Pilot Depth Motor adapter O.D. Motor adapter Thickness Total Length C43 C53G6 C63 C73 C83 C93 3-Stage 52 17 2.2 3 Ratio1 3.5 4.33 6 7.67 O.D. ≦6 ≦4 ≦2.5 ≦1.5 Ratio1 12.25 18.78 26 33.22 Ratio1 46 O.D. ≦6 ≦4 ≦4 ≦4 O.D. ≦2.5 Ratio1 81.37 112.67 143.96 199.33 Ratio1 216 276 352.67 O.D. ≦4 ≦4 ≦4 ≦4 23 10 4 26 11 57 68.5 80 3. C1 ~ C9 are motor specific dimensions (metric std shown). Refer to apexdyna.com and AM Design Tool to view your specific motor mounting system. 05 O.D. ≦2.5 ≦2.5 ≦2.5 AM032 Series Specifications Gearbox Performance Model No. 1-Stage Nominal Output Torque T2N Nm 2-Stage Torgue Ratio 4 0.8 4.5 Ratio 1 3-Stage Torgue Ratio 16 4 0.8 18 1 Torgue Ratio 36 4 4 41.6 4 1 Torgue Ratio1 Torgue Ratio1 Torgue 64 6 144 6 288 6 72 6 175.78 6 332.8 6 1 5.2 0.8 20.8 4 50 4 81 6 200 6 400 6 6.25 0.8 25 4 64 4 100 6 225 6 512 6 8 0.8 32 4 130 6 256 1.5 times of Nominal Output Torque Max. Acceleration Torque T2B Nm Nominal Input Speed n1N rpm 5,000 5,000 5,000 Max. Acceleration Input Speed n1B rpm 8,000 8,000 8,000 acrmin ≦20 ≦35 ≦50 Backlash* 2 2rB Max. Radial Load F N Max. Axial Load F2aB2 N Mass Moment of Inertia J1 45 g.cm2 4 0.378 16 0.378 36 0.248 64 0.378 144 0.378 288 0.248 4.5 0.248 18 0.378 41.6 0.116 72 0.378 175.78 0.248 332.8 0.116 5.2 0.116 20.8 0.378 50 0.056 81 0.248 200 0.378 100 0.056 6.25 0.056 25 0.378 64 0.024 100 0.378 225 0.248 512 0.024 8 0.024 32 0.378 130 0.378 256 0.378 10,000* hr Service Life Efficiency 90 (MAX) Weight Operating Temperature % 96 90 85 g 156.3 218.32 265.83 O -30 OC~+100 OC C Degree of Gearbox Protection IP44 Mounting Position all directions 1. Ratio ( i=Nin / Nout ) *S1 service life 5000 hrs 2. Apply to the output shaft center @ 100 rpm *Backlash is test under 2% of T2N C9 20 (Unit : mm) L8 C8 ØC7 3 C23-C2 ØC1 Ø32 ØC5 G6 Ø17 h8 ØC3 4-M3x5 L 45 O Ø6 h6 120 Ø26 O 120 O C6 0.6 C4 Dimension Length Mounting hole PCD Mounting hole O.D. Number of mounting hole 1-Stage 2-Stage 31 43 L8 C13 C23 C233 Motor shaft O.D. C33H7 Motor Shaft Length Motor Pilot O.D. Motor Pilot Depth Motor adapter O.D. Motor adapter Thickness Total Length C43 C53G6 C63 C73 C83 C93 3-Stage 55 19 2.7 3 Ratio1 4 4.5 5.2 6.25 8 58.6 O.D. ≦6 ≦5 ≦4 ≦3 ≦2 Ratio1 16 18 20.8 25 32 O.D. ≦6 ≦6 ≦6 ≦6 ≦6 Ratio1 36 41.6 50 64 70.6 O.D. ≦5 ≦4 ≦3 ≦2 Ratio1 64 72 81 100 130 20.6 13 3 32 7.6 O.D. ≦6 ≦6 ≦5 ≦6 ≦6 Ratio1 144 175.78 200 225 256 O.D. ≦6 ≦5 ≦6 ≦5 ≦6 Ratio1 288 332.8 400 512 O.D. ≦5 ≦4 ≦3 ≦2 82.6 3. C1 ~ C9 are motor specific dimensions (metric std shown). Refer to apexdyna.com and AM Design Tool to view your specific motor mounting system. 06 TORINO Direzione Generale e Stabilimento di Produzione - Headquarter and Production Plant : Via Mappano, 17 - 10071 Borgaro T.se (TO) - T +39 011 451 8611 (centr. r.a.) - F +39 011 470 4891 - setec.to@setec-group.it MILANO Via Meccanica, 5 20026 Novate (MI) - Z. I. Vialba T +39 02 356 0990 - 382 01 590 (r.a.) F +39 02 356 0943 setec.mi@setec-group.it PADOVA Via Secchi, 81 35136 Padova T +39 049 872 5983 F +39 049 856 0965 setec.pd@setec-group.it www.dart-sas.it www.setec-group.it BOLOGNA FIRENZE Via Del Lavoro, 6/A 40051 Altedo (BO) T +39 051 871 949 (3 linee r.a.) F +39 051 870 329 setec.bo@setec-group.it Via Galileo Galilei, 3 50015 Bagno a Ripoli - Grassina (FI) T +39 055 643 261 F +39 055 646 6614 setec.fi@setec-group.it DYNACT ITA/ENG REV00 NETWORK INTERNAZIONALE DISTRIBUTORI AUTORIZZATI INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ARGENTINA CHINA GERMANY SLOVENIA NOVOTEC Argentina SRL Av. Velez Sarfield 1560 Capital Federal 1285 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel. +54 11.4303.8989/8900 Fax +54 11.4032.0184 info@novotecargentina.com www.novotecargentina.com EURO POWER TRANSMISSION & CONTROL LTD. No.293,Xiuyan Rd, Pudong 201315 Shanghai - China Tel. +86 21.510.284.51 Fax +86 21.510.288.72 ptc@europtc.com www.europtc.com GEMOTEG GmbH + Co.KG Walkenmühleweg 49 72379 Hechingen Deutschland Tel. +49 7471.9301030 Fax +49 7471.9301059 info@gemoteg.de www.gemoteg.de M&M Intercom d.o.o. Letališka cesta 33a 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Tel. + 386 Fax + 386 info@mm-intercom.si www.mm-intercom.si AUSTRIA CZECK REPUBLIC POLAND SPAIN TAT Technom Antriebstechnik GmbH Haidbachstraße 1 A-4061 Pasching - Österreich Tel. +43 7229.64840.0 Fax +43 7229.61817 tat@tat.at www.tat.at OPIS Engineering k.s. Selská 64 61400 Brno Česká Republika Tel. +420 543.330.055 Fax +420 543.242.653 info@opis.cz www.opis.cz UNIVER M.Viola i Spółka Sp. Jawna • ul. Zywiecka 158 43-300 Bielsko-Biała Polska Tel. +48 3381.404.38 Fax +48 3381.404.39 anna.klimut@univer.pl www.univer.pl TECNOTRANS Bonfiglioli, S.A. Pol. Ind. Zona Franca, sector C, calle F, nº.6 08040 Barcelona España Tel. +93 447.84.00 Fax +93 336.03.52 tecnotrans@tecnotrans.com www.tecnotrans.com AUSTRIA FRANCE SLOVAK REPUBLIC THE NETHERLANDS ATP Antriebstechnik Peissl GmbH Carl-Auer-von-Welsbach-Straße 6a 4614 Marchtrenk - Österreich Tel. +43 7243.51472.0 Fax +43 7243.51472.10 office@atp-antriebstechnik.at www.atp-antriebstechnik.at SNT 2, rue Marcel DASSAULT - BP 29 94510 La Queue en Brie - France Tel. +33 Fax +33 contact@snt.tm.fr www.snt.tm.fr OPIS Engineering s.r.o. Lúčna 476 - 03202 Závažná Poruba Slovenská Republika Tel. +421 445.547.234 Fax +421 903.390.520 info@opis.sk www.opis.sk DTS Aandrijftechniek BV Parlevinkerweg 44 (Industrienummer 5068) 5928 NV Venlo - Konijnkrijk der Nedeerlanden Tel. +31 77.3961420 Fax +31 77.3961429 info@dts-aandrijftechniek.nl www.dts-aandrijftechniek.nl
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