July 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
July 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
I : A.B.A.T.E. OF S OUTH DISSUE AKOTA, INC. NSIDE THIS A BROTHERHOOD FOR AWARENESS, TRAINING & EDUCATION VOLUME 33, ISSUE 6 FREEDOM FLYER JULY 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Officers, Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons 2 Around the State w/Phil 14 Renewing Memberships 30 State Coordinators Report Jiggs Cressy 3 ABATE of SD Chapter Reports 15-25 Membership Application 31 Chaplains Report Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff 3 ABATE of SD Supporters 26 Business Supporter App 32 MRF & Legislative Officer John Steele 4 Good Times Calendar 27-28 Classifieds 33 Minutes from May BOD Meeting 5-6 New Memberships 29 Business Supporter Ads 34-39 Otis Bar & Grill Page 7 Aberdeen Pierpont/Wheel Inn July 17th - 19th - Page 8 Winner Fire Dept Poker Run July 18th - Page 9 Those Guys - Children Home Run July 19th - Page 10 Hairball -SD State Fairgrounds July 30th - Page 11 Vale Community Church Breakfast Buffet August 1st - 9th - Page 12 ABN Rally Store Page 12 727th DAV 11th Annual Charity Poker Run - September 5th - Page 13 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 2 ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, INC. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 State Officers State Committee Chairpersons Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy (605) 391-6361 email: jac98fxd@aol.com Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud (605) 690-1364 email: CCRMCThumper@yahoo.com Treasurer - Jan Weismantel (605) 225-5474 email: jaws305@abe.midco.net Legislative Officer - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: sdimpacchair@yahoo.com Secretary - Bobbie Mathews (605) 354-1226 email: abatesdsecretary@gmail.com Membership Secretary - Karline Clark (605) 430-1670 email: kcspoiled@rap.midco.net State MRF Representative - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: sdmrfrep@yahoo.com State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud (605) 697-5708 email: trudie@brookings.net State Promotions - Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263 email: tiny77_69@yahoo.com State Webmaster - Darrel Killion (605) 256-2188 email: killond1@yahoo.com State Historian - John Addy (605) 296-3354 email: slacksd@aol.com State Board of Directors Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett Black Hills....................... ……………………………………………... East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035 Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728 Lewis & Clark... ......Kevin Frangenberg (605) 364-7672 North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860 Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065 Oahe ..................... Lori Butler staterep@oaheabate.com Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136 Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557 Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306 South Central ..... ...Roger Frankenstein (605) 481-2600 South East .......... …...Larry Reemts zzeppor@gmail.com Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305 Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009 Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354 Freedom Flyer IMPAC Informed Motorcyclists Political Action Committee IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of SD. IMPAC money is used to support legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists, fight NEGATIVE or support positive legislation at the State or Federal levels. Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice and Safety depends on IMPAC in our state. Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo Business Card $10 $ 25 $ 50 $ 90 1/4 Page $20 $ 50 $100 $200 1/2 Page $35 $ 85 $175 $350 Full Page $65 $160 $325 $650 Editor - Susan Lettau 1723 Main St Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 720-0263 Hm (605) 490-1593 Cell Email: sdfreedomflyer@gmail.com Articles are due by the 15th of the month. ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. PAGE 3 FREEDOM FLYER STATE COORDINATOR’S REPORT - JIGGS CRESSY It has been an incredible 6 months. There has been a ton of stuff happening in the motorcycle rights movement, both in the state & nationally. In February we passed SB85 a law to repeal the handlebar height restriction. It was a great victory, with lots of teamwork from across the board. That law goes into effect July 1st. so set them high and let them fly. Last month I went to DC to lobby our Congressional delegation on some motorcycle issue. I focused on getting the issue of stopping the funding for motorcycle only checkpoints. There are two bills federally to stop the funding. The house bill is HR1861 & the Senate bill is S127. As I discussed in last month’s article I had meetings with all 3 of our Congressmen about this issue, along with others. Senator Rounds agreed to sign on as a cosponsor of S127 within days of my visit. Representative Noem took a little longer. After a couple visits with her aide & lots of emails & calls from you, she signed on to be a co-sponsor of HR1861. So we only have one congressman left to work on. Here is your homework. Call Senator Thune’s office & ask him to sign on as a co-sponsor to S127. Below is the wording of the bill. S.127 Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act Prohibits the Secretary of Transportation (DOT) from providing a grant or any funds to a state, county, town, township, Indian tribe, municipality, or other local government for any program to: (1) check motorcycle helmet use, or (2) create motorcycle checkpoints that specifically target motorcycle operators or motorcycle passengers. Contact info for Senator Thune is S e n a t o r J o h n T h u n e United States Senate SD-511 Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2321 Toll-Free: 1-866-850-3855 Sioux Falls office (605) 334-9596 Rapid City office: (605) 348-7551 Aberdeen office (605) 225-8823 Make the calls & be professional. Have the bill number handy and make sure to ask that Senator Thune sign on as a cosponsor to S127. In early June a funding bill called the 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill was on the house floor. One of the sections of this bill would have allowed the Secretary of Transportation to contact individual states & lobby for regulatory changes at the state level that the given state may or may not desire. Basically it would have repealed the lobby ban that was put into place on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 1998. Three congressmen introduced an amendment to strike that section from the bill. Long story short the amendment passed & the lobby ban is still in effect. Representative Noem did vote for the amendment, thanks to all that made the calls to encourage her to vote for the amendment. I think we are starting to turn the corner with our federal congressional delegation. Lets keep at it. The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.-George Washington Keep Your Knees in the Breeze Jiggs ABATE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER - AUGGIE & SUNSHINE MINZLAFF James 1:19-20 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. The Rushmore Rally is over & we hope everyone had a great time! But now it is time to THINK. There are bound to be disagreements about who did or didn't do what - right, wrong, or indifferent. Some do "stuff" that wasn't their business and others don't do "stuff" that they should have done. Before we get upset or criticize, we should THINK. From Allan Redpath - we should ask ourselves the questions - are my responses: T - rue H-elpful I-nspiring N-ecessary K-ind If we can't respond within these guidelines, then perhaps it would be best to remain silent. We all have these situations in our lives but sometimes it is better to keep quiet. Accusations, hurtful remarks and unnecessary comments ALWAYS do more harm than good. Think before we speak is wise. We are all human and usually do the best we can, according to our understanding of the instructions. This is everyone's "busy season" so I am not singling out the Rushmore Rally. We all have many events and we have expectations of volunteers. Remember, though, they are VOLUNTEERS! Where would we be without them? Competent or incompetent, they are our volunteers and can be directed with encouraging words. THINK about how patient our LORD has been with us. We are all a "work in progress" with lots of room to grow. Eph 4:15 "But speaking the truth in love, may we grow up in all things..." The bottom line is - we all have a lot of pressure at this time of year. Let us all stop and: THINK True Helpful Inspiring Necessary Kind Let us be there for everyone whatever level of participation they share! Ride safe and ride often. See you on the road. In His service, Sunshine and Auggie FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 4 MRF REPORT & LEGISLATIVE OFFICER REPORT - JOHN STEELE As I write this article all the action as far as motorcyclist’s rights are in Washington, DC. NHTSA has issued a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” which concerns motorcycle safety helmets. The reason for this proposed rule making is a modify the existing performance requirements of the current standard by adding construction requirements. The result they want to achieve is make it possible for LEOs to visually determine whether a helmet meets the performance standard. The MRF opposes this proposed change because it does not take into account the rapid technological changes in this area. Because the process of making changes to the safety helmet standard is so slow, it’s very likely that new & improved construction methods & material could actually exceed the performance requirements but fail to meet NHTSA’s construction requirements. The MRF encourages all riders & MROs to comment on the proposed rule. The following ways can be used to make your comments; You may utilize the Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. You may mail comments to the Docket Management Facility: U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, Room W12- the years. In 1998, the transportation 140, Washington, DC 20590-0001. bill (TEA-21) contained a provision that made it illegal for anyone from You may also fax comments to the US DOT to lobby any state or the Docket Management Facility: local government for any reason. U.S. Department of Transportation at Since that time, the US DOT has tried (202) 493-2251 over & over again to defeat the ban. When submitting comments, Fortunately, through some hard work make sure to reference Docket No. by some members of Congress, this NHTSA–2015–0045. amendment was struck from the bill again. Those Congressmen that If you wish to view the entire helped to get it removed were proposal you may do so at the Congressmen Tim Walberg, Jim following link: Sensenbrenner & Reid Ribble. Their http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR amendment to remove that part of -2015-05-21/pdf/2015-11756.pdf the bill was brought to full floor vote Meanwhile in the Congress, the & we won. 2016 Transportation, Housing and By the time this newsletter gets Urban Development (THUD) out to members, we will be a short appropriations bill is on the house time from the 75th Sturgis Rally, floor. THUD is one of the “must pass” already! It sure seems like the spending bills that Congress must summer flies by quickly. No doubt pass each year in order to keep the this year’s rally will be huge, probably federal government chugging along. more so than recent years. With that Because it must be passed, it is often unfortunately comes accidents, filled with other bills that could not crashes that could be prevented. With pass on their own. This same bill last road construction, very busy traffic & year was used to include a change to inattentive drivers (& riders!) it’s very allow US DOT to lobby in the states dangerous as we all know too well. To again, something the MRF has add to that mix any alcohol it’s successfully prevented in the past. If insanity. Be careful & aware out there passed this year, this of course would & watch out for your friends that are allow them to come into states & riding with you! testify in favor of helmet laws & other Ride Safe and Sober! motorcycle legislation. This has been a long battle that John Steele has been fought several times over Legislative Officer/MRF Rep PAGE 5 FREEDOM FLYER Please note: The Board of Directors meeting minutes printed here have been edited for space and other concerns. A complete copy of these minutes has been presented to the Board of Directors for their approval and/or corrections at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, true and correct copies of the minutes will be available by contacting the State Secretary or any of the Board of Directors listed on page 2. When requesting a copy, please indicate which chapter you are a member of, if any. (Postage and copying fees may be required to obtain a copy). ABATE of South Dakota Board of Directors Meeting May 17, 2015 American Legion, Pierre SD Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Aberdeen: Mark Schuett - present Black Hills: Wayne Lettau - present East Central: Dale England- present Lake: Dan Nugent - absent Lewis and Clark: Kevin Frangenberg- present North East: Curt Watkins - present North Star: Ray Boker - present Oahe: Lori Butler –present Rushmore: Sunshine Minzlaff - present South East: Larry Reemts - absent Sioux Falls: Al Luze - present Sioux River: Jason Kidd– preset South Central – Roger Frankenstein- present Those Guys: Dennis Hasche – Gail subbing Windriders: Phil Hohm –present Zzen: John Addy “Slack”- present new laptop however Al was not able to purchase the software, so Karline will have Jan order it. The laptop was $241 & it was a great deal! There are 1,518 members currently. In April we got 72 new members & 28 new members so far in May. Jason Kidd made a motion to accept & Wayne Lettau seconded with no opposition. Karline would like to have the letters printed in color & would like to continue to doing so. Newsletter Editor’s Report: Susan has noticed that people’s articles & minutes for the newsletter are accurate & that the person taking the notes understands what the notes are that are being written & ensuring that the right reports are getting out to people. -Business supporters: Susan has taken this over as well. If anyone knows of a business supporter that is interested or is sending in money, they should send this to Susan & she will take of the checks & then forward along to Jan. Slack & Patty can help distribute plaques & Gail has volunteered to help with this as well. There are some more pamphlets made for business supporters if anyone is interested. Committee Reports: Promotions committee: Nothing new to report. Boxes: This will be removed from BOD State Officers: Coordinator: Jiggs Cressy – absent excused Vice Coordinator: Rod Hersrud- present Secretary: Bobbie Matthews – present Treasurer: Jan Weismantel – present Membership Secretary: Karline Clark – present Newsletter Editor: Susan Lettau– present Legislative Officer: John Steele – present Newspaper meetings. Jiggs’ report: Jiggs called from Washington DC, & on behalf of ABATE of SD & the Board of Directors we thank Gail for everything that she has done for the Board & the organization. We have voted to pass on a lifetime membership to Gail for her years of dedication to our organization. cycles. Senator Bitter from LA has proposed this bill. He shared that he met with the legislators & senator at a breakfast. He did have time to talk to Senator Thune & with Rounds. Staffers have been receptive to most of our information. He does feel that we have made some progress while he has been out there. The senate is in a flux trying to get some major bills through & funding for military & transportation bills. The highway bill likely will be extended. Senator Thune’s staff seems to think that the bill we want support on won’t pass as a single bill but would probably with the highway bill. Bikers in the Beltway visited nearly all offices, except for 9. IMPAC Legislative Officer Report: John shared information about vertical plates for motorcycles. This will be our next effort. We have a list of changes for suggestions for Legislative Days. If anyone has any other suggestions please send to John. June 1st is the next deadline for MRF reports & the flyer for Whitewood Social Hour so that the information is send out. Bobbie will send the flyer out to other state secretaries across the US. MRF Rep. Report: Toll roads: under current law states are prohibited from tolling any roads that are built since the building of interstates. Obama has now given states the option to poll interstates & using those funds for highways. There is bipartisan support for this but MRF is joining a coalition of groups against the tolling of interstates. You can Motion made by Wayne Lettau, seconded by Sunshine sign a petition at tollfreeinterstates.com. Minzlaff. Motion carried with no opposition. SB685 would create a new class of vehicles known as auto PLEASE make calls SB127, HB1861 are about motorcycle only checkpoints …be sure to use the talking points. 866-850 -3855 (Thune) 844-875-5268 (Rounds) 855-225-2801 (Noem). This clears things up across the federal level rather than each state handling their own mandates. A question was brought up regarding black box information from bikes and cars and the ownership of the information. There is a bill in congress right now regarding this Secretary’s Report – Sunshine was here for the meeting information. last BOD, that change will be made. Motion made by Wayne. If there are issues that members want us to pursue, Treasurer’s Report: Balances were given for ABATE of SD, members should bring it forth this summer & they can be IMPAC & the ABATE of SD Foundation. There are budget researched & pursued. recaps for both IMPAC & ABATE of SD. Motion made by Phil State Products Manager Report: Trudie gave Jan a check to accept the report & carried with no opposition. for patches sold. Heartland STEAM $100 in the basket Membership Secretary’s Report: Karline did purchase a FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 6 “cooler” with tumblers & flashlight notepad, pen & SD made get planning going on the work for this. A contract has been products. $105.23 will be reimbursed with a motion made & signed at the Ramkota. A list has been made that we are carried with no opposition. working off of “Do’s & Don’ts” for STEAM. Jiggs wants to have a committee put together with a list of names for Motorcycle Awareness, Training, & Education Grant: volunteers for this. If you are interested, step up & let Rod, The only portions on the grant are the phone app & more Patty, Gail, Jim, Jiggs & so on…there will be a committee list videos for the riding program SD Rides. There have been a of responsibility needs & information. The committee for STEAM will also attempt to attend BOD to share some couple of commercials on television that are not bad. information with BOD as well. Please bring forth workshop Bobbie shared that we are still working on the App & finding ideas for STEAM that members deem important. For silent a developer willing to take on the app & creation of it. auction & live auction items, if you see something neat, pick “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Lost Members it up! The auctions area great way to make some funds! Committee: Slack & Wayne have not progressed further. Once we have a list for needs on committees, people will We are at a standstill. He is going to make molds for a demo start signing up. & then we can show where ABATE would like to put the memorial. Things will likely be better there after the Rally. The “Bone Yard” is being resurrected & a lot of work is taking place there. ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Wayne has decided to step back from being state rep. He will still be on IMPAC but feels that after 18 years he will be stepping back. -Slack suggested making some medical information or OLD BUSINESS: Statewide Poker Run: We have only sold 27 books! This emergency information cards for ABATE poker runs that have will not be done again next year, as it is not worth it when some information should an emergency take place. This is something that ABATE used to have & ask people to fill out & we only have that many sold. carry & he suggested that this be considered again. NEW BUSINESS: May Awareness Run to Pierre: (Review event) $140 -Aberdeen ABATE has a poker run next weekend. July 17-19 towards IMPAC. Places were announced. Of course, it Pierpont Wheel Inn. Gun raffle right now also if anyone rained again this year. Bonnie London was first, Gail wants tickets. VanderPol was second & John Vosika won third. -Bike blessing at VFW in Madison next Saturday at 11 am. Hall of Fame Tickets: Tickets can be ordered now; we can get them as a table of 8. People that want them will pay half of the price of the ticket. Jan can check to see what the cost is for the entire table. This is a good supportive thing to do for ABATE. Motion was made for a table of 8 to be purchased & have members pay for half of the table. Motion carried through with no opposition. An amended motion was made for ABATE of SD to purchase up to 3 tables this year, if possible. -Those Guys- poker run on June 16, June 12 Friday night poker run. Whitewood Social Hour: Discussion was held regarding food amounts & increasing the amount of food made. ABATE of SD puts in $100 seed money, another member of ABATE puts forth $100 & there are chapters that do so as well. Motion was made to increase amount of money towards Whitewood Social Hour food to $150 this year for food costs. Motion carried with no opposition. -June 6-7 bike show, parade etc. for South Central. June 13 scholarship ride coming up also. Are also working to get together materials for Delmont this month as well. -CCR Run end of the month. -Windriders- June 6-7 Wheel Jam, bike show, motorcycles, trucks etc. Raffle tickets for a gun raffle are for sale also. -Rushmore membership rally June 5-6. -Oahe Fun Run June 26-27. Band each night this year. Bike show, raffles, bike rodeo. Top rider wins $200 & beer drinking trophy. Come over to Lily Park in Ft Pierre for a potluck. -Wild Game feed for IMPAC $550 donation to IMPAC. Elections: Nominations for coordinator- no nominations brought forward. Motion made to close nominations for -Sioux River Poker run on June 6. coordinator. Motion carried. Motion made for nominations to cease for secretary as no names were brought forward at -Discussion was held regarding Share the Road from Wisconsin presentation. this time. Motion carried to close nominations. Iowa and Minnesota State Rallies: Since policies have Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn, and carried with no opposition. changed, this will be removed from minutes. ABATE of SD Foundation: A short meeting was held after CONTINUING BUSINESS: the BOD meeting. A motion was made to adjourn & carried Heartland STEAM: Bismarck STEAM just took place this with no opposition. month. 23 people from South Dakota came this year. We had a great turnout! ABATE of SD covered 8 spots for Respectfully Submitted, registration & reimbursement of half of the rooms for the Bobbie Matthews discussed members. State Secretary 2016 STEAM: This is only 1 year away! We are looking at ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. trying to get members who are on the SE part of the state Rod Hersrud close to Sioux Falls to assist with the planning & information on this. Gail, Patty & others are working to find rooms & to State Vice Coordinator ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Page 7 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 8 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 9 FREEDOM FLYER Page 10 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 11 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 12 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 13 FREEDOM FLYER Page 14 FREEDOM FLYER AROUND THE STATE WITH PHIL It is the beginning of the month of June as I am starting my July column. The weather has been pretty nice for riding our motorcycles but we really do need some nice rains down here on the farm. Our local chapter, Windriders ABATE, has been having some summer rides on Thursdays to restaurants is our area. We usually leave at about 5:30 in the evening & so far the food & service has been great. In last month’s column I forgot to mention that we again had a successful IMPAC poker run on the same day as we had our May State Meeting in Pierre. The weather was cool & rainy in the morning but by the afternoon it really was pretty nice in Pierre. There were not very many bikes from outside of Pierre but we still had a nice group at the State Capitol for a picture of SD ABATE members. Auggie & Sunshine from CMA were there to greet us & Auggie gave us a bike blessing prayer. The ABATE group from Pierre (Oahe Chapter) had their own poker run & some food that they served in the early evening. We did manage to give $140 to the State IMPAC Fund from the proceeds of the IMPAC Run. Norma & I did manage to get back to Huron in time for our granddaughter Ellie’s dance recital at the Huron High School Auditorium. She was so cute in her dance outfit & she seemed to really enjoy performing for a very large audience. We again had a successful Wheel Jam at the State Fairgrounds in Huron. Over 10,000 people attended the 3 day event. The show included semis, cars & motorcycles. Admission to get in was free but you did have to pay for the food that the vendors were selling. One of the food vendors that Norma & I really enjoy is the lamb chislic. The owner, Kerry Kepplinger, from Scotland, SD supplied us with great tasting chislic plus he gave us a free bottle of ice cold water. On Friday night they had the chili cook off & for $5.00 you could taste everyone’s chili until you were full or the chili was gone. On Saturday morning Norma was under the weather so I went to Wheel Jam alone. I drove our 46 Ford in the parade & also put it in the show & shine competition. I couldn’t believe how many people were in downtown Huron to watch the parade. The people really seemed to be enjoying themselves watching all the vehicles go by. I spent some time looking at all the semis. Some of the paint jobs & chrome is hard to explain as you wonder how they keep those trucks looking that good. Alas I didn’t win any trophy but there were 48 trophies given away to about 220 cars & motorcycles. So your chance was about one in four of winning a trophy. On Sunday morning Norma was feeling better & went with me to the last day of Wheel Jam. We both worked with the bike show which our local ABATE Chapter runs. The CMA people did a great job of serving us a great tasting pancake & sausage breakfast. We again entered our 46 Ford in the car show & even with Norma’s hard work of cleaning & wiping off the car we still didn’t win a trophy. But it was fun to see all the other cars in the show. Later in the afternoon my daughter, Amy, brought our grandson, Jake, to see all the sights of the Wheel Jam. But about the only thing he was interested in was riding in the Razor & showing grandpa how & where all the controls are to run the Razor. He is two years old & going on three & doesn’t miss a thing. He will put on the light switch & then go out in front of the Razor to see if they are actually on! After that we had a pretty hard rain & wind come through the fairgrounds. But, we did survive as we sat in our car waiting for the rain to subside. All in all it was a great weekend & even though we were tired after a three day event we were glad to be a part of it. It is about the middle of June & the last few days have been on the miserable side for me. I completely lost my voice, have a sore throat & cough. Yesterday I got a shot in my lower back as that sounds better than where the shot really was given. I have been coughing up some of that nasty white & gooey stuff. How gross is that? To make matters worse I am missing a big cancer run in Wessington Springs. The weather is perfect & I have seen some pictures & videos on Facebook with people seeming to be having a lot more fun than I am having. Next week Norma & I are driving our 46 Ford to Minneapolis for the “Back to the Fifties” car show. It is suppose to be one of the biggest car shows in the country & I want to say I have been there at least one time. I will let you know is next month’s column how it all went. Norma & I have been married almost eight years. I want to let you know how we got together. I was on a motorcycle poker run & Norma was in a car with her kids & they were trying to figure out how to get rid of their mother. So Schaun decided to put her on my bike since he figured I was a pretty safe rider. They were supposed to pick up their mom at one of the stops but they never did. So I ended up taking her home that evening & that is how our romance got started. When I decided to ask for Norma’s hand in marriage I had two concerns. Since we each had a German Shepard dog how would we deal with that & where would we live. Norma had a log cabin house & I lived on a farm. I asked Norma to marry me on Christmas Day in front of all her kids. I was really hoping that she would say yes or I would have really been embarrassed. She decided to move in with me at my farm & sold her house to her son. Our dogs got along almost as well as we did! It has been a great ride as we grow older together. Dakotaland is having a poker run on July 11th which is “Cruise for a Cause”. 100% of the proceeds will go to your local volunteer fire departments. A lot of interesting things will be going on during the day and evening. For more information check out www.dakotalandfcu.com There will also be poster flyer in the July Freedom Flyer. I hope to see a lot of you at Sturgis and at the Whitewood ABATE Social Hour on Thursday of rally week. Have a great summer! Until next Month Phil Hohm PAGE 15 ABERDEEN CHAPTER NEWS Present Members: 15 plus 6 guests (4 of which became members) <<< Sec Report: Read & accepted Treas Report: Read & accepted State News: President Shane reminded us “AGAIN” that July 1st is the date when Handle Bars over shoulder height will be legal in S.D. Shane & Mark attended the State Poker Run & the B.O.D. May 16. Your Prez also crashed the after party of the OAHE Chapter Poker run before returning home via Tulare. Aberdeen AWARENESS Ride with proceeds going to IMPAC was May 23rd. We had 33 poker hands. Red & Michelle Brown won the Poker Run & Red also won the split pot… (I believe its his turn to buy now) Old Business: RAFFLE: More Stainless Ruger R1 .45 Auto Raffle tickets were disbursed. We are only about 1/3rd of the way to our 500 ticket goal. They for sell $10 each. Proceeds earmarked for Beginner Rider Course Scholarships & Aberdeen ABATE Inc. General Fund. Please call Shane at 228-6283 or emailaberdeenabate2011@gmail.com for tickets or more info. And yes you can also Facebook us. We briefly discussed the Bike Show results again since some of the Members present don’t normally attend when meetings are held in Aberdeen. Allowing Bicycles to be shown at our event was suggested. We actually have had 2 Bicycles in our Show in the past couple yrs. They paid full price & received a full sized spot. Both actually were also presented either a trophy” RAT” class 2nd place, or a “Funny” Plaque (Banana Class) . We may set up a section strictly for these next year if 2 or more show interest in bringing some. Mavericks Steakhouse not being open for Breakfast during the Bike Show & the limited staff at the portable bars was again mentioned. Pres Shane has talked to the D.E.C. again & will contact the Owner of Mavericks to attempt to resolve these issues for next year. Also Teresa gave an update on John’s condition. He hopes to be back home in time to attend the 35th WHEEL INN. FREEDOM FLYER New business: Pierpont Lake: Trenches are dug and wires were being laid for 7 more RV power poles the day of the meeting. Members present motioned and passed increasing electrical daily rates to $20 per day if paid in advanced. Passed. Regular Wheel Inn Campers will receive preference for power & Camping spots. Billie R volunteered to help as “groundskeeper” & unlock boxes & turn on power for people at other times during the season. We’ll play it by ear how many months we leave the meters in. If someone wants power on when meters are not present they must pay for connect & disconnect plus $20 per day per hookup or negotiate for whole complex etc.. WHEEL INN 35 advance tickets were disbursed. Advance Tickets save $5 for everyone & ABATE Members get an additional $10 off. Saturday ONLY passes will again be $30 with NO DISCOUNTS. Airboat Rides will again be available Saturday. Mud Volleyball, Tug of War, Darts, Dice, Dunk Tank, Loud Pipes, Burnouts, Bike Games, Food Vendors, Tattoo Artist, Bikini Bike wash if the girls show up & hopefully many more activities will again be happening for our 35th It was motioned & approved to give an appreciation plaque to anyone donating $200 or more this year towards the Event. Pres Shane informed everyone (Not to believe everything you read on Facebook) especially if it didn’t come from Aberdeen ABATE. No bands have cancelled for this yrs WHEEL INN & everything is going as planned. Raffle tickets sales, Advanced ticket sales, & Flyer Ad sales must be pursued seriously if we intend to pay for all our upgrades & still make this our 2nd profitable year in a row & hopefully with increased attendance for the 4th year. We signed up 4 new members during & after the meeting. The Pierpont Bar will be open July 1st. (Possibly to celebrate Ape Hangers being legal)? Nikki Bertch will be running it although it will have a new name. IMPAC Split-pot: $24 was donated by the members since we didn’t have any actual tickets available. $7 was also donated towards WHEEL INN Improvements. IMPAC 2015 = $168 + $165 from May Awareness Run = $343 WHEEL INN 2015 = $781 Rider Course 2015 = $0 -- 50% net of Gun raffle proceeds are earmarked for this. Up to $2,000 Adjourn: 7:32pm Next Meeting: Saturday July 11 Montana’s Bar in MINATOWN 6:00 pm Upcoming Events you can’t afford to miss: CCR Run Clark S.D. June 26-28 Aberdeen ABATE’s 35th Pierpont WHEEL INN July 17-19 Prez Notes: We had a great turnout for the June meeting considering it wasn’t on our regular 1st Sat of the Month & was at Pierpont Lake rather than the Eagles Club. Thanks everyone that showed up. I’d also like to thank Shane & Chuck Blumhardt for putting up with me all weekend. As well as Stitch, Deadwood & Red for hanging out after the meeting to help unroll a couple thousand feet of wire. Todd Eilers for the use of his Ditch Witch trencher. Jeff Casanova & DSG for opening on a Sunday for more supplies. Dirk Swanson & Swanson Electric for taking calls on a weekend & “Mentoring” us as well as taking care of all inspections, permits etc. The Lake is looking good & starting to take shape almost like my visions & the voices in my head have been talking about for years. One last note & I’ll quit rambling. Please help sell the Gun Raffle Tickets & ads on our Flyers as well as advanced tickets to the WHEEL INN. We can’t continue to make improvement if the $$ isn’t available. We have not & will not borrow $$ to make upgrades so donations is the only way this can continue. We have had 4 years of growth in attendance & showed an actual profit last year for the 1st time in about a decade so let keep this ball rolling everyone! Oh yeah, and just for you ND readers, “Keep it outta the Cornfields” FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 16 BLACK HILLS CHAPTER The May 27, 2015 BH ABATE meeting was called to order by Pres. Darlene. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mac. Prayer was led by Barbie. to the Middle July 19th. Big Al attended the CMA Ride For The Son. Great ride and weather. LRC Rep. Beth had information on S-127. Rounds co-signed the motorcycles only checkpoint legislation. Wayne shared information on S685 on an auto cycle bill. Roll call was taken with the Vice Pres., Jim, and Road Captain Clair being absent. OLD BUSINESS Sno Ball will have Thunder Road OFFICER REPORTS play again and it is at the Oasis. Pres. Darlene will h a v e Dart Tournament still working. information later. BH Charity Poker Run information Vice Pres. Jim was absent. shared. Outdoor Motorsports will Sec. Barbie asked if there were donate door prizes to the any additions or corrections to function. Thank you Outdoor the minutes. There being none, Motorsports. Chapter went over Beth motioned & Wayne seconded Q u i k Quarter ad prices. to accept the minutes. Motion Suggestion to go with the larger passed. ad were made. This will be voted Treas. Susan gave the dollar on at our June meeting. The reports. No questions, so, Barbie stops were went over. motioned to accept & Beth W h i t e w o o d Social--Susan seconded. Motion passed. suggested using sturdier plates. I Sgt. at Arms Mac stated that have been using the styrofoam there is road construction in the plates, but will check into prices Lead-Deadwood area. Wayne on heavy chinet. MRF will stated that the Pig Tale bridges a d v e r t i z e the Whitewood have construction. social. Wayne & Jack will take Membership Sec. Susan gave care of the water, pop & totals of 136 members, 31 beer. The electricity at the park affiliates & 3,174 Facebook needs to be checked on. Mac will friends. work the gate. 50/50 to be done. State Rep. Wayne said his report S o u n d system will be is in the newsletter. This is his needed. State ABATE food check last meeting as State Rep. for the was received. Thank you to the chapter. Thank you Wayne for all State ABATE. your support. An appreciation Ed Netterberg Weekend was certificate was presented to discussed. Wayne. Meet in the Middle will be a Road Hazard had a report of a memorial ride for Tony D. truck with shingles flying out of it. Products-Darlene to check on Road Captain Big Al stated that shirts. Hoppies memorial ride went well. About 45 attended. J&P NEW BUSINESS Cycle has a grand opening June The BHAB Ride For The Forgotten 1st. August chapter ride may will be June 20th. We need happen. We will have a sign up someone to work the Custer stop sheet for those attending the Ride at the Wrangler Cafe. Beth EAST CENTRAL CHPTR No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 volunteered. Thank you. Susan will check with J&P Cycles about becoming an affiliate. Congratulations go out to our members, Tony D. & Rod B. for getting voted onto the Sturgis City Council. AFFILIATES OF THE MONTH nominated were Unique Photography, Indian Motorcycles & Spearfish Butcher Shop. Barbie motioned & Susan seconded. Motion passed. MEMBERS OF THE MONTH nominated were Beth, our new certificate maker, Annette, our photographer & Wayne for all the State Rep. work done. Barbie motioned & Susan seconded. Motion passed. COINS FOR IMPAC raised $6.04. 50/50 was won by Darlene. She donated it back to Joe's Fund. Thank you. ANNOUNCEMENTS - June 7-Crusin for St. Judes Children. - BHAB wheel chair washes are June 3rd, June 10th & June 17th. - June 13th CMA ride to Devils Tower. - July 12th CMA ride to Keystone. - Aug. 22nd CMA ride to Iron Mt. Rd. There being no further business or discussions, Beth motioned to adjourn. All in favor. Thank you to the Side Hack for the great pizza. Ride safe. Be safe. God bless. Barbie :o) FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 17 Chapter shirts- We will send out and order form and finalize next The regular meeting of LAKE ABATE month. was called to order by President, Aaron Verhey. NEW BUSINESS: Aaron mentioned the motorcycle Silent roll call: 17 members were awareness sign by Deb & Gary’s is present. showing wear. We need to get The Secretary’s report -Was read by prices for repairs and discuss next Rod H. with a motion by Angie R. to month. approve and second by Sara H. The motion carried. Revenue Generation/Raffle- Jim M. made a motion to raffle an 870 Treasurer’s report – Treasurer’s shotgun with composite stock then report was read by Jim M with a have custom stock with Lake Abate motion by Jayne V. to approve and logo made like in the past as 1st second by Roger J. The motion place prize and offer Jim Meyer and carried. John Green prints for 2nd and 3rd State Rep report – There was no place prizes. We plan to sell 400 tickets since we are having the State Rep report. raffle earlier this year. Winners will OLD BUSINESS: be announced at our November chili Angel Tree/Food Pantry poker runcook-off. Dave H. did second the The run raised $285.00 for Angel motion and the motion carried. Tree and many items were donated to the food pantry. 1st place went No rider safety courses this year to Brad Bosch $50.00 and 2nd to Pat per Jim M. Prostrollo. Both Brad and Pat donated their winnings back. Jim mentioned the SD Safety Thanks much Brad and Pat! Thanks Council wants to make Madison a to Larry, from CMA for doing our permanent site for motorcycle bike blessing, and thanks to all who safety courses. They will seek were able to make the run. Also a volunteers to run this course. big thanks to Prostrollo Auto Mall and TeeZers for giving us a place to Angie made a motion that Lake setup and end the ride. chapter offer Larry, from CMA, LAKE CHAPTER NEWS signing up for an ABATE membership. And that there have Saturday the 6th of June, Lynn been some problems with ABATE called the meeting to order: sponsors not getting their ads in the Freedom Flyer. Robin & Lynn have The Tres. report was given and & will continue to check into this approved. situation LEWIS & CLARK NEWS The State Rep. report was given by Kevin: Heartland STEAM was the main subject. Next year Heartland STEAM will be in Sioux Falls 2016. It would be a great opportunity for ABATE members that can go. It’s not that often that Heartland STEAM is this close. It’s a great learning experience. Also discussed was the problems with some members not getting their insurance benefit papers when New Business: At the last Poker Run Jim Larsen win first place. Jim donated back $60.00 to the Chapter. “Thanks Jim” 2nd place went to Curt Mortensen. some monetary reward for doing our bike blessings and to help offset costs for the cards and towels they give to us. Rod did second the motion and the motion carried. Jim M. made a motion to adjourn and Roger J. did second the motion. The motion carried. Dave H. won the 50/50 drawing of $19.00 and donated it back to the chapter. Thanks Dave! Our next meeting is July 18, 2015. We are planning a dinner ride. More information will be sent out regarding this. able to help or would like more information please contact Ron Galvan @ 661-4366 or 6654561. It’s not hard and it’s very helpful to the smooth running of the parade. It’s a good source for the people of Yankton to see what good we do in the community. The next Lewis & Clark ABATE meeting is July 11th at Kozy’s Inn on Hwy 50 Yankton SD at 1:00 The membership has decided to P.M Hope to see you there. have another poker run on July 25, 2015 – more information to follow. Ron Galvin, Sr The Riverboat Day parade security was discussed . We’d like to get as much help as we can. If you are FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 18 NORTHEAST CHAPTER Our June 9th meeting was called to order at 7 pm with seven members present at The Wheel Inn in Watertown. President Rick Brownell gave his report followed by Treasurer Paul Marquardt’s report. Paul reported on our current membership and bank account balance. For the State Representative report, Curt Watkins discussed with members a proposal to separate ATVs, and other type of vehicles from the state motorcycle classification. Officer reports were then concluded and we moved on to old business. Old Business Chapter t-shirts: To order your shirt, please contact New Business Rick by calling (605)882-1894. 50/50 Winner: Curt Watkins was All orders must be in by our the winner of our first 50/50 September 8th meeting. At which contest. Curt then donated his winnings to the Chapter. time the order will be placed. DOT Flagman Course: Rick stated A motion was then made to close that the Flagman course for the Chapter will be on June 19th at 3:00pm. If you would like another time, please contact Rick. the meeting. The motion was unanimously moved and the June meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 14th at the Wheel Inn in Chapter Patches: New chapter Watertown at 7:00pm. Have an patches will be ordered soon. The idea you would like to discuss? cost for the patches is: Come to the meeting and your voice will be heard. I look forward State ABATE Patch: $6 to seeing you there! Northeast ABATE Chapter Patch: $5 Phil King If you would like to purchase a patch, please contact Rick by calling Northeast ABATE (605)882-1894. Rick discussed the pricing for our July Dinner Rides: new 2015 chapter t-shirts. Wednesday, July 1st: Gary, SD If you would like to purchase a th Northeast ABATE Chapter T-shirt, Wednesday, July 15 : Pickerel Lake Dinner rides leave from Cowboy’s prices and sizing are as follows: #2 (hwy 81 & hwy 212) at 6:30pm Short sleeve: S, M, L, XL, XXL, on the first and third Wednesday of XXXL - $20 the month in the riding season. Long sleeve: S, M, L, XL, XXL, Ride Cancellation guide: if the XXXL - $25 weather appears to be unfavorable, Lightweight hoodie: contact then the ride is cancelled. Mass emails will most likely not be sent Rick to members as notice of Heavyweight hoodie: contact cancellation. Rick NORTHSTAR CHPTR NEWS On Saturday, June 6, 2015, we held a potluck and monthly meeting at the Gregory City Park. Old Business: We discussed fun run that was schedule for June 13, 2015, meeting at the Pheasant Bar at 10:30 AM leaving around 11:00AM. First stop at the White River Drive Inn Café at 12:00PM. Then onto Interior Camping - there was a group rate available. Melvin V. put this on the radio. New Business: ABATE members will be giving out water at the 4th of July parade in Gregory - volunteers needed at11:00 AM. Runnings will be donating water bottles. Thank you! ABATE North Star Poker Run is scheduled for July 11, 2015, meeting will be held after the run ending at the Pheasant. Kim & Sandy Hall will be renewing memberships & signing up new members at this time. Sandy Hall will be looking into door prizes for the Poker Run. Dennis Knetel made the posters. The Winner Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a poker run on July 18, 2015, sign-up at the Winner Fire Department. Please come help support the Winner Fire Department. Ride Safe North Star ABATE FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 19 OAHE CHAPTER NEWS President Brad Bruns called the The Fun Run will be held Fri, June 26 meeting to order at 6:38 pm with 14 & Sat, June 27. Friday night we’ll have a Walking Poker Run from 7-9, members present. Ride in Bike Show, non-biker games & Treasurer Bill Poppenga gave the Medicine Creek Band will be providing Treasurer's Report of amounts on hand music beginning at 9:00. Breakfast of & an itemized report of what was biscuits & gravy will be served spent & the amounts were accepted as Saturday & Sunday morning from 8read. 10. Price will be $5.00 per plate. Sign up for the Poker Run is at 11:00 with State Rep Lori Butler reported that kickstands up at noon. Supper will be Jiggs wasn't present at the meeting provided after the Poker Run & there because he was attending Bikers in the will be bike games with the Top Rider Beltway in DC & was able to meet will being awarded $200. The Onslaught all 3 of our reps. The MRF has joined Band will provide music at 9:00. The Alliance for Toll Free Interstates to cost for the weekend is $30.00 & fight a proposed bill to give States the camping is included! option to toll roads. This will be the last year for the Statewide Poker Brandon reported on behalf of the Fun Run. We'll be increasing our donation Run committee that Raffle Tickets & to the Whitewood Social in anticipation 50/50 tickets were available. If you o f i n c r e a s e d a t t e n d a n c e t h i s weren’t there to get some tickets to year. There were 23 people from SD sell contact Brandon or Brad. at STEAM this year. A reminder STEAM Everyone is asked to get busy & sell for next year will be at the Sioux Falls tickets to raise some money! If Ramkota April 1-2. Let me know if anyone is interested in having a spot anyone has ideas for presentations & in the Walking Poker Run let Brandon, be on the lookout for possible auction Marcia, Bill or Bonnie know. The more items. the merrier! Marcia & Bill will be going Road Captain Dawn Trapp was absent & Kip reported that the Fun Run route is being worked on. Secretary Marcia Kaup asked if there were any changes to make with the minutes & there were none so the minutes stand as submitted. Marcia thanked Lori for stepping in as Secretary last month. Membership Secretary Jolene Juneau was absent so Marcia reported we have 4 new members & 4 renewals which brings the total members to 66. Welcome to new members Tim Neyhart; Corey Pyhtila; Rich Heuser and Terry Nelson! We’re glad to have you! Old Business: Brad reminded everyone that the ERC (Experienced Rider Course) is being held on June 20 from 1pm–6pm. Any member that brings the completed certificate to the next meeting will be given $25.00. Register on the SD Safety Council website. The link is on http://oaheabate.com/links.htm. shopping to pick up items needed for the Fun Run & the Mystery Prize. Bonnie will contact Coca-Cola to see about getting pop. Gary told us that his son Xander did the initial mowing of the site picked up sticks in the trees. It was decided to have a donation can available on the stage during the Fun Run to raise some money for his efforts. Gary S. offered to spray for bugs for the weekend. Joe made a motion to give $100 to Gary to help defray the cost of spraying & it’s to be put in the donation can that will be set up for Xander. Brandon seconded & the motion carried. Gary also said the Breakfast crew can use the kitchen in the trailer to prepare the breakfast on Saturday & Sunday. Joe motioned to purchase a new cover for the stage. Kip seconded & the motion carried. There are still a few things to be ironed out but things are coming together nicely. Anyone who wants to help with the set up should be at Mower’s & More on Friday, June 26 at 8:00am. There will be a decompression meeting on Sunday after the Fun Run at a time to be determined for anyone who wants to attend to talk about the event & see if we need to do something different next year. The reading of the By-Laws was tabled until the next meeting so the committee can get together to talk about changes. Brandon & Marcia will give a report about their attendance of STEAM at the next meeting. The Meet in the Middle ride will be held July 19 but may be subject to postponement due to the closure of the Badland’s Loop. More information will be available at the next meeting. A Dinner Ride will be held tomorrow for anyone interested. Meet at Eastside at noon. The destination will be decided at the time. This is an informal ride and anyone is welcome to go. There was discuss. no new business to Brad announced that he would like to have an officer meeting with the Fun Run committee before the event to make sure everything is in place. A date & time will be set up in the next week or so. The next meeting will be held Sat, July 11 at the Fun Run site at 6:30pm. There will be 50/50 drawings & the SOL drawing & a pot luck after the meeting so bring a dish to pass if you wish. Joe made a motion to adjourn, Brandon second, motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 6:26. Koz won the 50/50 drawing. Brett Warkenthien’s name was drawn for SOL was not in attendance so he's sh*t out of luck & the pot continues to grow! Be sure to attend the July meeting - you can't win if you don't attend! Marcia Kaup ABATE Oahe Chapter Secretary FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 20 RUSHMORE CHAPTER NEWS President Craig called the RU ABATE membership meeting of June 2, 2015 to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms, Mike. Chapter prayer was led by Chaplain Auggie. ROLL CALL--All were present. The May minutes had no corrections or additions. Phil motioned & Bob Walker seconded. Motion passed. Web Page had no questions or concerns. MRF Rep. Jiggs gave a report on his trip to D.C. for Bikers in the Beltway. He shared information from Heartland Steam also. Auggie shared information on the MRF scholarships Sunshine & himself are doing. Thank you Auggie & Sunshine. R o a d H a z a r d S te w a r d B a r b ie commented that there were two reports. One was for shingles flying out of a truck in Rapid. Lots of construction all over. Be careful. Bills were presented by Donna J. for postage & Frank P. for motorcycle class. Jiggs motioned & Phil seconded AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership Rally Party was reported to pay these bills. Motion passed. on by Bill. BHAB report by Barbie was OFFICER REPORTS Thanks to those that had Pres. Craig stated that the Shade given. Valley campsite looks good for the helped with the BH Golden Living facility. It went well. June 3rd is Rally. Vice Pres. Hilary thanked those that B e l l a V i s t a , J u n e 1 0 t h i s attended the wheelchair wash for Meadowbrook & June 24th is Prairie BHAB. Use the affiliate cards we have Hills. The volunteers are very much & leave them at the affiliate appreciated. This wheelchair wash was started by our Sonny Mudlin & I establishments. T r e a s . K i m g a v e t h e d o l l a r very much would like to keep it reports. Bill motioned & Sunshine going. But volunteers are needed to help get the washes done. seconded to accept. Motion passed. Sec. passed out mail & shared OLD BUSINESS newsletters. LRC Rep. Ginny stated that today was Heartland Steam was attended by voting in Rapid City. She shared news Rohde, Gin, Sunshine & Auggie. As in the past the chapter reimburses from Washington D.C. State Rep. Sunshine has her report in members $50.00. Phil motioned & the newsletter. Toll Road issue B a r b i e s e c o n d e d t o d o t h e information was shared. Heartland reimbursements. Motion passed. Hilary had information on a products Steam in N.D. was great. Membership Sec. Karline stated that check. The vendor gave her a wrong the computer is in the office. Shoulda address, so the check to the vendor Coulda will be $100.00 tonight. Make had not been received yet. Bill sure you get signed in. There are motioned that stop payment on the check we already wrote & sent be 311 members & 51 affiliates. Sgt. at Arms Mike had nothing to made. Bob W. seconded. One nay. Motion passed. Jiggs suggested report. that the vendor be contacted STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS again. Jiggs motioned to rescind Bills PR Rep. Janet thanked those that motion until the chapter talks to her. came & brought food. A sympathy Cheryl seconded. Five nays. Motion card for Single Jim's family is being passed. Joint Passports information shared by passed around. Road Captain Nate stated that Wed. Susan. She will not do them next night supper rides are being year. Not enough have been sold to considered. June 10th & June 24th make it worthwhile. Any other ideas from anyone? are dates so far. Newsletter editor Ginny said that this State ABATE passports will not be next newsletter will be July & August done again either. Ed Netterberg Weekend--is a potluck combined. Products Manager Hilary has new being done? Yes. The rodeo may not be done. Susan stated that this event items. Bubba kegs are available. may just be a memorial ride for Ed next year. Painting the RU shed was discussed. Will be worked on. Discussion on the vendor products check again. Purple Panther was asked to split the stop payment on the check as she did not give us a useable address. Lex motioned & Bob Walton seconded. Motion passed. The RU board meeting will be June 25th. Barbie will not be present for this meeting. Someone else will need to take notes. MEMBERS OF THE MONTH are Jeremy K. & Bill Moffet. Thanks for all you do. AFFILIATE OF THE MONTH is A-1 Construction. Thank you for your support to RU ABATE. SHOULDA/COULDA of $100.00 drawings were Melvin Trent, but sorry you weren't here to accept. Next draw was Tina McCollar & she was in attendance. Congratulations Tina. 50/50 of 38.00 was Linda Drye. She donated it back to the people who will be setting up Thursday for the Membership Rally. Thank you Linda. ANNOUNCEMENTS - BHAB Ride For The Forgotten is June 20th. Ultimate Canyon Ride is in Sept. - June 13th is the Rhea Trevino Run. - August 6th is Whitewood Social. - August 2nd is BH ABATE Charity Poker Run. - Meeting of the Minds is in Sept. in Milwaukee. Lex thanked those that Geno's memorial ride. attended Auggie stated that Premium gas with no ethanol is showing up at the pumps. Zombie Poker Run to benefit Wounded Warriors is July 18th. There being no further discussions or business, Jiggs motioned to adjourn with all in favor. Be safe. Ride safe. God bless all! Submitted by Barbie :o) Page 21 FREEDOM FLYER from our June meeting. See you at the meetings folks; President is Mark Garrison Ken Feist Next meeting(s): Vice-President is Chris Gunderson July 25, 2015, 6 PM Treasurer - open September 5, 2015, 6 PM Secretary is Dawn Hieb Location: ABATE office, Sgt-at-Arms is Bill Schildhauer 402 S. 2nd Ave. St. Rep. is Al Luze Since no one ran for Treasurer, Hello Sioux Falls members. I've Mark will have to appoint been away from home a lot someone. lately. On my first vacation, my youngest son told me I'm going to Our Chapter will be having a be a Grandpa. On my second family picnic and camp out vacation I got to travel with my again. Saturday, July 18 in the oldest son on his first trip to the Baltic River Park. It will be pot Black Hills. luck and the chapter will supply I've got a couple more trips t h e hot dogs and buns planned, then I expect I will be a g a i n . Bring your own making travel plans to see my refreshments. Feel free to join all Grandson after he is born. of us at about 4 or 5 in the afternoon and don't be afraid to I missed the last meeting but I bring your camping equipment. did get the election results SIOUX FALLS CHAPTER NEWS SIOUX RIVER CHAPTER NEWS State Report State Report: Would like to see more business supporters this would increase revenue. When you are out and about ask if they would like to become a business supporter. Next law to work on changing is the vertical license plates. This will be presented in a power point presentation if you have any input why the law needs to be changed let Jason know. Grant of $10,000 was approved. Western South Dakota road maps are being printed. Still working out details for a phone app map. 23 people attended Heartland Steam in North Dakota. Heartland Steam will be in Sioux Falls in 2016 this is currently in the planning stages. SD ABATE chapters will need to help in any way they can to insure a success event. and get an update from her. New Business: The Ride Thru is scheduled for June 27. Registration starts at 5pm. Everyone needs a wrist band on their right arm in order to ride through Skinner’s. New classes have been formed for the bike show. You will need a tag to put on your bike if you wish to enter the bike show. Will have 3 or 4 bike games. Sioux River Poker Run was held June 6 the weather held out and everyone had a good time. Bill Wellnitz won 1st place with a full house, Bobby Carlson won 2nd place with a jack high straight and Cal Stainbrook won 3rd place with an eight high straight. All 3 donated their winnings back. Jason also donated the fuel cost back for the chase vehicle. Announcements: Next Meeting $286.00 was raised for IMPAC. Friday, June 26th 7:00pm at Jim’s MRF Report: Kristi Noem, John Tap Thune & Mike Rounds have signed Ride-Thru: June 27th on to support bill H.R.1861 Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Wisconsin Fun Run: August 28Act. 30 The Autocycle is classified as a motorcycle as licensed as such. MRF is encouraging the Federal Government to classify the autocycles in a separate class of their own. Card Game: Cindy picked the 6 of hearts so, the pot increases. 50/50 – Mike Hubbard. “The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror”. Old Business: Motorcycle parking only signs have not been EPA has decided they need to do Until next month installed yet. Cal will call Jackie more testing on E15. Cindy Page 22 SOUTH CENTRAL NEWS Lars brought the meeting to order. Moment of silence for the military and the fallen. Keeping in our prayers member Roger F. who got hurt working on his bike. No additions or corrections to the secretaries minutes. Seconded and approved. Treasurers report read. Seconded and approved. FREEDOM FLYER The list of June and July memberships 50/50 was won by Al T. Motion to adjourn, seconded and approved. were read. Jim thanked everyone who came and Have a great 4th of July and RIDE supported him and his family with the SAFE! lose of his wife. We received 2nd place in the Fish Days parade. The trophy will be left at the VFW. A job well done by everyone who helped with the Fish Days festivities. Thanks to Denny and Michelle Reis, Don & Lisa for coming from Genoa, NE and doing our bike blessing. A motion to send them $100 was seconded and approved. Need to get something together for Delmont. Tabled till next meeting. Jim gave the State Reps report. He attended with Roger. We are the 5th largest chapter in the state. Jim also reported on what money is spent on No meeting in July as to many at the state level. Next state meeting conflicts. Next meeting will be August 14 at the VFW, 6:30pm. is July 18. SOUTHEAST CHAPTER NEWS. I found this on Facebook. Saint Croix Valley Riders is a Motorcycle Rights Organization who support ABATE in a big way. This group has a large membership on the Minnesota/Wisconsin boarder. I have met many of their members at different functions over the years and am always amazed at their vitality in support of motorcyclist rights. This article is by the vice prez of SCVR. Advice from the Vice by Randy Holland Here we sit and another summer is in full swing, people everywhere going here and there, their lives filled with work, friends, and family functions, and the very occasional day to unwind. Seems like the same story repeated again and again, year after year but with one small detail. There are fewer and fewer of the days off with even less of the people we used to share them with. It has only been 22 hours since our election meeting on Sunday where we spent a large portion of our time speaking out about how we need to be safer riders out there on the open road. It has also been only 22 min. into Mondays workday since I received a call stating we lost 3 more of us to motorcycle crashes. This is something we cannot ignore nor can we just leave it up to someone else to take care of. Every one of these "statistics" is a friend, father, mother, sister, brother to somebody in this world. This summer there will be people who roll over in bed looking for their loved ones who won't be there, or walking by an empty room where someone should be waking up to start a new day. When do we stop making "statistics" out of our lives? When do we stop using numbers and start using names and faces? These are real people with real families. I think of them.....and so should you. The bulk of what this organization stands for revolves around safety and rider training for our members, we know it and most of us use it, and it has worked to keep us from being a "statistic". Why stop at just ourselves? This cycle of friends, families and funerals has to end. If you have read this I hope it has struck a chord with you. Remember the people we have lost already and think of the people we can help. Just being a member now is not enough. If you value the people around you then use your membership as a tool. Get involved and get them involved as well. Put yourself out there and make a difference. Life is too short and too precious to throw away. Stop worrying about the small petty issues and start making a difference. When somebody asks you what the Saint Croix Valley Riders stands for, you should be able to say I am part of something special, a group that looks out for all of us. I am part of the solution, and you should be as well. This has and always should be our call to action without hesitation. It amazes me how much time and effort is expended on meaningless social topics while our own brothers and sisters continue to die needlessly. The Saint Croix Valley Riders is not a social club. We all joined to be a part of a group to make a difference. Individuals are easily overlooked, but a large group of determined people can be a moving force that can make that difference. Let’s stop these statistics in their tracks, these are our own people we are fighting for. Page 23 THOSE GUYS CHAPTER NEWS Next meeting is July 12th at 2pm at the SF American Legion *Future meetings listed at the end of the minutes. Meeting called to order at 2:05pm with 58 members present. Previous month's meeting minutes approved. Treasury report was given and approved. State Rep Report: Kristi Noem is now supporting HR 1861 (end government funding of motorcycle only checkpoints). Please be sure to take a minute & thank her for her support on this issue. Please be sure to get chapter news information correct, including reports of state functions. Susan, the newsletter editor has taken over the management of our business supporters. There is now an informational pamphlet for our business supporters. John Steele, our MRF rep has decided to remain in his position. Thanks John! T h e May state wide poker run netted IMPAC $140. Those Guys chapter won 2nd place! 2016 Heartland Steam is 4/1 & 4/2 at the Ramkota in Sioux Falls. Volunteers will be needed to help host this event. Gail is on the committee for Heartland Steam & will have more information later. Thanks to Gail for making the trip to Pierre in May. She is now a lifetime member of ABATE of SD. Congratulations Gail! Dave & Al went to the Flying J that day to meet with other chapters & ride to Pierre. They were the only 2 standing in the rain by their bikes. They ended up not going, but they sure thought hard about it! T h o s e Guys chapter now has 235 members! If you are still receiving multiple copies of the Freedom Flyer, let Gail know. Special Guest: Sioux Falls City Councilman Kenny Anderson, Jr. was a guest speaker at our meeting. The main topic of discussion was the focus on loud pipes by the Sioux Falls Police. The main issue is the street racing occurring on 57th Street in Sioux Falls. There have been many noise complaints & a some serious accidents in the area. Sioux Falls police will be setting up testing stations for all interested parties to test their pipes. There will be no tickets issued. The mayor, council & police do not want to start a negative action on the Sioux Falls biking community. The biking community is extensive & support the community. If there are issues, he urges to keep the lines of communication open. The City Council will work on issues that arise. Currently, the ordinance states any tests louder than 80db, will receive a ticket. Research will be done to see what other cities ordinances are & look into stock Harleys already testing above the 80db limit. It was brought to Kenny's attention that the Sioux Falls Police bikes break this ordinance as well. One of the committees of the City Council will take a look at this policy. FREEDOM FLYER Testimonies may be asked for. They will look at changing this policy to be more in line with what is out on the streets. Testing procedures will also be reviewed. The issue with the sensitivity of the stop light triggers is also being addressed. When a change is being made to the intersection, more sensitive sensors are being installed. Much thanks to Councilman Anderson for taking time to speak with us! We look forward to working with you on this issue & getting information available to all in the motorcycle community. Dave's advise: In the city limits, keep things toned down until we get more information on how this ordinance will be enforced. When Councilman Anderson was leaving the room, someone brought up an issue of big trucks leaving gravel on West 12th street. This issue was taken care of by 11am the next day. Thanks Kenny! VP Report: Deadwood Poker Run update – starting at Otis' on 6/26 10am1pm. Hotels are booking up. More information on the Deadwood Run Facebook page. There will be a shuttle from the hotels to the bowling alley. There will be a band playing that night. BH Harley will have free beer at 6pm on Saturday. Card drawing will be at the Deadwood VFW 5:30pm-7pm. Thanks to everyone help with the set up of this run. Summer Ride guide update – Sales still going well. If you haven't already, get a few & sell them to your friends. Look closely at the ads. There are hidden deals! Thanks Lynn for all of the promotion & selling of the books! For next year, we want to give the book even more value. Keep the ideas coming. Books are available at 38 Roadhouse, The Bar Code, J & L,Fat Boys,Beef O'Brady & Sky Lounge. We are looking into advertising our poker runs with mass texts. This is still being researched & more information is needed. If you are interested in helping Iggy with this, let him know. Old Business: We still have a few Those Guys shirt left, so if you want one, Gail has them. The June 6th poker run had 45 hands sold. It was a busy day with 2 poker runs starting at 38 Roadhouse. Thanks Jeff & Shannon for the great run! Winners were: 1st place – Dennis Hasche (gave $30 back to the chapter) 2nd place – Holly (gave $30 back to the chapter) 3rd place – Turk (gave $50 back to the chapter) CHS poker run & CHS Christmas fund. $120 was donated this last Wednesday. We also heard that Dave cheats at bean bags! Thanks Red Rock! The Children's Home Society Poker Run will be advertised on the digital billboards around town, beginning 6/19. KELO.COM will advertising the run beginning 7/1. Radio spots will occur closer to the poker run date, July 19th. Please sign up to help that day. Lots of volunteers are needed. SD Pork Producers donated the meat for the meal that is provided with sign up. Thank you so much! Getting the younger motorcyclists recruited into our group needs to be a priority. They will be able to help getting other young motorcyclists involved with ABATE. Their insight on interests will help define future events. The Vietnam Vets Wall will be displayed in Sioux Falls during the rally week. Brenda went to a couple meetings to get more information on the volunteer needs. Currently, it is planned that the wall will arrive at the Sioux Falls VFW 8/5 at 3pm. Motorcycle escort will leave at 3:45pm & ride to the set up site. The group needs security help, setup & tear down help. The site must be secured 24/7. Golf carts are needed for the site. They also need volunteers to put up posters around town. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at the VFW at 7pm Those Guys windows decals are still available for $5. We are working with a local photographer to set up a date & location to take pictures of you riding by. Proceeds to go to Children's Home Society. Next month's after meeting ride will go to Valley Corner Bar in Valley Springs. 50/50 of $100 went to Lynn Anderson & she donated a portion back to the chapter. SOL of $20 went to Roger Sherman & donated it back to the chapter. Drawing will be for $10 next month. Members needing to renew: Chad Anderson, Mike Bickett, Erik Boyles, Eric Bynum, Jen Bynum, Brooke Hillard, Brian Ch ri stman n , An dy Col ter, Sh awn Counterman, Sheri Counterman, Wayne Fish, Jenny Fritz, Robert Fritz, Larry Hasche, Clay Hegseth, Scott Hillard, Lynda Hodges, Brian Iverson, Sara Jensen, Jeff Johnson, Tasha Jorgenson, Ginger Kapsch, Bruce Loewenberg, Stan McWilliams, Kelly Mittelstaedt, Stu Moser, Julie Mudder, Scott Perkins, Dale Riedlinger, Ray Seidschlaw, Rich Smth, Tracy Smith, Penny Strom, Wally Strom, Darin Suhr, Corey Thorpe Welcome to new members: Randy Ragatz, Justin Stephens and Rusty Jacobsen Thank you to Tracy Smith for creating business cards for Dave and Iggy. These will be a big help to both of them. Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded & approved. Upcoming meeting dates: July meeting will be July 12th at 2pm due to the holiday weekend. New Business: Friday, June 12th, Dennis is hosting the Schleprock poker run. Worst hand wins & there is a prize for the worst hand at each stop. $5 per hand. He has flyers available. Red Rock Bar starting hosting the Those Guys Bike Night. This will occur every July12th (due to the holiday weekend) Wednesday night 5pm-9pm. Good times & August 2nd were had by all. Proceeds will go toward the FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 24 WINDRIDERS CHAPTER NEWS Next Meeting: July 6 th Location: Big D’s at The Plains in Huron Meeting @ 6:30 Supper @ 6:00 Windriders Members present at the June 1st meeting were as follows: Todd & Dawn Meyers, Phil & Norma Hohm, Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst, Leigh Smith, Don & Stacey Gurnon, Don Schmidt, Cheryl Koester, Paul & Lisa Wolf, Steve Lovett, Gennae Danks, Bill & Kasey Bindert, and Gary Heath. Our guest was Kelly Alford. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: We had 25 entries on the Culver Scholarship Run on May 29th. We want to give a big thank you to Gary for planning the route and run. In the poker hand winnings 1st went to Stacey Gurnon, 2nd to Cindy Hargan, and 3rd to Norma Hohm. A lot of work needs to be done for the bike show upcoming during Wheel Jam. Phil did pick up the banners and will pick up the golf carts permits and wavier forms. Gary, Bill, and Schaun need to stop at the storage unit and load trailer with items for the bike show. We do have judges for the bike show and they need to be contacted again before Wheel Jam. Phil, Norma, and Joan will be in charge of the money and register the entries. Gary will help classify the bikes. Bill & Kasey will be in charge of taking the judging data and plugging it in for the results. Todd & Dawn will be helping as well. Bill volunteered to give away the trophies at the awards show. Somebody needs to hand the trophies out as Bill announces the winners. Thank you cards need to be sent out to our trophy sponsors. The map machine is now out at Carlson’s. We need to start planning for our Toy Run on August 29th. Dawn made a motion that we again have the Geritt boys serve us some pulled pork sandwiches after the run. Leigh seconded the motion. We need to get those gun raffles and universal cards sold as soon as possible. If you would like to help in selling these items let Phil know. and Sal Tschetter. To renew your membership send $25 for one year or $60 for three years to Windriders ABATE PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350. Gary made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Leigh seconded the motion. Minutes were taken by Shelley and typed, edited, and sent to the TREASURER’S REPORT: Phil Freedom Flyer by Phil. handed out his written report. THOSE WHO RIDE Gennae made a motion to accept “LET Phil’s report and Norma seconded DECIDE” it. (Notes from Phil) In the June STATE REP REPORT: Phil gave Freedom Flyer it was said that the a report on Heartland STEAM and CCR boys are thinking about It a report on the July State joining our ABATE Chapter. Meeting. For more information seems that we misunderstood check out the July Freedom Flyer. what was said even though some of the CCR people are also ABATE VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT: members. Sorry about the Non given. mistake! MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Members that need to renew are: Dallas Almond, Roger Graffunder, Debbie Busch, Dawn Mutchelknaus, Joseph Harms, Gary Heath, Ron & Christi Hines, FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 25 ZZEN CHAPTER NEWS Greetings. It`s hotter than (fill in the blank) and you`re sweating like a _______. Well, could be, I don`t know because it`s not July for me yet, but we have all had that time when you came blasting out of Sturgis on Sunday with the goal of making it to work on Monday. Been a long week of putting on more miles in the hills than most of the rest put on their bikes all year. You`re heading out and it`s 107 in the shade. Your air cooled motor is crying out to you but you can`t give her any relief. you`re riding with people who build Sioux Falls. This regional event will and maintain their own. have representatives from SD, ND, MN, IA, NE, IL and WI. Donations, When it gets dark that Sportster 2.2 sponsors and volunteers are needed. might not make it to the next fuel If you have any of said, please bring stop. Some electrical problems and them to the next meeting or if pick up some hours later, it`s 3 or 4 am and is needed contact Patty at 605-296the temp has dropped to 38. Quite a 3354. Suggestions for speakers will change from when you left. After also be accepted. putting on everything that you can, you find yourself hugging that hand ABATE of Iowa`s 31st annual dryer more and more often. Well, Freedom Rally, July2,3,4 is in Algona. getting there is half the fun. Getting Always a good time, the grounds are cool and the staff professional. back is another story. It takes moments like this to understand why our brothers and sisters in the southwest tear down in the summer when it`s too hot to ride. Too hot to ride? Well, imagine running across the desert at 120. It`s like riding in a blast furnace. After partying hard as possible all week and still being able to ride out, my brother tells me that he can`t decide if he feels better when we stop or when we`re going down the road. When you get a few minutes be sure to thank Rep. Noem for co-sponsoring HR1861. If you don`t call, shoot an email. I`m sure that we will need her support on other issues. Just not as much fun watching the jap bikes puking antifreeze all over Main Street now that Harley wants to do the same. The bigger the pack the longer this is going to take unless The Monroe Freedom Day is July11, Sat. Monroe, SD. Poker run leaves Jake`s Place at noon. Volunteer Fireman Tractor Pull and The Rollershop, sponsored by Centre Mu sic, will be p ro v iding the June meeting was held at Davis Bar. entertainment. There will be fireworks Thanks to Alice for having us. First at dark. nominations for officers was conducted. Second nominations will Once again, no meeting in July or be Aug 22 in Humbolt, SD with Sept. voting Oct.3 at the American Legion N e x t meeting Aug.22, in Lennox. There are no meetings in Sat.,1:00pm,Humbolt Main Street the months of July or Sept. Bar. Have fun blowing stuff up. Good t ho ug ht s. Ri d e s a fe . SD will be hosting next years Heartland S.T.E.A.M.(Seminar To Respectfully, Alias Educate And Motivate) in April at FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 26 ABATE of SD Supporters The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with your patronage. 1481 Grille, Arlington (April 2016) Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2015) 38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015) Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2016) American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2016) Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2016) American Legion Post 15, Sioux Falls (January 2016) Renegades Saloon (May 2015) Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2016) Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2016) Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2015) Sky Lounge, Tea (January 2016) Bottoms Up, Corson (April 2016) Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2016) Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2016) Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2016) Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2016) Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015) Cheap Shots, Sioux Falls (March 2016) Teal Imprinted Sportswear, Sioux Falls (March 2016) Clark County Riders, Brookings (May 2016) TeeZers, Madison (March 2016) Cottonwood, Yankton (November 2015) The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015) D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2015) The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2015) Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (April 2015) The Pub House, Madison (April 2016) Dakota Insurance, Baltic (December 2015) Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2016) Edgar’s Old Fashioned Soda Fntn, Elk Point (May 2015) W Dees, Gayville (July 2015) FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2016) Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2016) Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2016) HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015) J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2016) Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2015) Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2016) Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2016) Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2015) Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2015) Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2015) Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2015) On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016) Otis Bar & Grill, Worthing (May 2016) Petersen Motors, Pierre (June 2016) Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2016) Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the new business supporters listed above to your State Poker Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact your State Rep for more information. PAGE 27 FREEDOM FLYER The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change. The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be printed elsewhere in this publication. ABATE of South Dakota 2015 Good Times Calendar JULY AUGUST Aug 2nd - 8th - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally July 2nd - 5th - Freedom Rally Algona, IA July 3rd- Cackle Brothers Sign Up - 5:00 pm Poker Run Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD Aug 2nd - BH ABATE Sign Up - 9:00 - 11:00 am Black Hills Charity Poker Run Sturgis, SD 12:00 noon July 6th –Windrider ABATE Meeting Scoreboard, Huron, SD 6:30 pm Aug 6th - Whitewood Social Hour Whitewood Park, Whitewood, SD July 7th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 7:00 pm Aug 15th - East Central ABATE Officer’s meeting - Schmidty’s 2:00 pm Aug 15th –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers 7:00 pm July 11th - Bruce Hofer’s Relic Run July 11th - East Central ABATE Long ride—(more info to come) Aug 16th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run July 11th - Lewis & Clark ABATE meeting 1:00 pm noon July 11th - North Star Poker Run Winner, SD July 11th - Dakotaland “Cruise for a Cause” Huron, SD www.dakotalandfcu.com July 12th –Those Guys ABATE Meeting Sioux Falls American Legion 2:00 pm July 17th-19th - Aberdeen ABATE 35th Annual Pierpont Wheel Inn Pierpont Lake July 17th-18th - Beartooth Rally Red Lodge, MT Aug 22nd – Zzen ABATE Meeting Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD 1:00 pm Aug 26th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis 6:30 pm Aug 28th-30th- Fun Run to LaCrosse, WI Brookings, SD Aug 29th – North Star Nostalgia Poker Run – Winner, SD noon SEPTEMBER July 18th –Lake ABATE Meeting/Dinner Ride July 18th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD Aug 21st & 22nd - Bottum’s Up Run Marmarth, ND 1:00 pm Sept 1st - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 7:00 pm Sept 4 & 5th – ABATE of Kansas Labor Day Rally – Perry Lake, KS th July 19th - ABATE Meet in the Middle Ride Black Hills/Oahe Chapters 9:00 am July 19th - Children’s Home Society Run July 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis 6:30 pm July 25th - Combat Vets Big Paws Canine Poker Run & Raffle July 25th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm Sept 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office (Date may be rescheduled) Sept 12th - East Central ABATE Pot Luck/Game Day Scott & Heather’s - Arlington, SD 10:00 am 6:00 pm 11:00 am Sept 12th - Lewis & Clark ABATE Fall Run July 30th – Hairball Concert State Fairgrounds, Huron, SD Sept 12th - Oahe ABATE PJ party & meeting AUGUST Aug 1st – Rice Honda BH Moonlight Poker Run Sept 5th - 727th DAV Poker Run Brookings, SD 5:00 pm Sept 12th - Lake ABATE Poker Run Madison Fire Hall 6:30 pm PAGE 28 FREEDOM FLYER The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change. The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be printed elsewhere in this publication. ABATE of South Dakota 2015 Good Times Calendar SEPTEMBER Sept 19th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 1:00 pm noon Side Nov 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Hack Saloon, Sturgis DECEMBER Sept 19th – BH Area Bikers Ultimate Canyon Ride Sept 19th - East Central ABATE Trap Shoot - (more info to come) Sept 24 – 26th – Meeting of the Minds Milwaukee, WI Dec 5th –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers 7:00 pm Dec 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm th September 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run ABATE Poker Run OCTOBER Dec 5th – Zzen Christmas Party/Pot Luck Chancellor, SD 7:00 pm Dec 8th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City Oct 3rd –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers 7:00 pm Dec 11th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Christmas Party & Toy Run Gift Wrapping Party Oct 3rd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm Dec 12th –Lake ABATE Bake Sale Ace Hardware Oct 3rd – Zzen ABATE Meeting Lennox Legion, Lennox, SD 1:00 pm Dec 12th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Toy Run Oct 6 - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 7:00 pm Dec 20th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Hack Saloon, Sturgis th Oct 17th - East Central ABATE Supper/meeting - 1481 Grille (more info to come) Oct 24th – Rushmore ABATE Halloween Party Oct 25th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis noon NOVEMBER Nov 3rd - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 7:00 pm Nov 7th –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers - Chili cook-off 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Nov 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm Nov 7th – Zzen ABATE Meeting Jake’s Place, Monroe, SD 1:00 pm Nov 14th - East Central ABATE Christmas Party - (location to be determined) Nov 15th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Chili Feed & Cooking Contest Nov 21st - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 1:00 pm 8:00 am 4:00 pm noon Side FREEDOM FLYER Welcome NEW Members Page 29 The following is a list of new members to ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter. If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter Michelle Brown, Cristi Lier, Spiaggi, Jeremy Sprany, Chris & Terry Swick, Susie Tarrant, Cyrissa & Travis Thompson, Dylan Thompson, Jason & Joie Thompson, Cynthia Tjaden, Pamela & Todd Vaugh, Rodney & Stephanie BLACK HILLS NEW: Walden, Cleo Williams, Megan Young, Nantinki Young EAST CENTRAL NEW: ABERDEEN NEW: Jamie Naasz SIOUX FALLS NEW: LAKE NEW: AL Lewis LEWIS & CLARK NEW: Warembourg, Arnie Zacker Steve Block, Adam NORTH EAST NEW: NORTH STAR NEW: Ron Grim OAHE NEW: John Kayser RUSHMORE NEW: Kelly & Rick Adams, Stacey Adams, Mike & Sallee Avveduto, Kirstie Backes, Dean Bahr, Barb Baker, Loren Bimler, Ryan Borgheiinck, Tim Bourne, Connie Brach, Jarvis & Kelli Bruhn, Enrique Burkholder, Mike Chamberlain, Alan Christenson, Caryn Clinton, Kathy Connors, Duane Dezamartar, John Doyle, Bill Eide, James Foley, Doreen Fridley, Twyla Fritz, Tony Gabert, Lana Giannonatti, Jon Gillette, Corey Guy, Amanda Haggberg, Brenda & Kenny Dale Harman, John & Tami Hellendoorn, Jack Hendricks, Kerry Hodgkins, Brad Horst, Brian Horton, Chan Jacobson, Andrew Kennedy, Ray King, Gene & Jackie Krasniuk, Scott Kudlock, Lynn Lent, Dan Lester, Jean Licklider, Travis Lightfield, Craig & Cynthia Long, Jen Lynch, Carl McCormack, Sean McHenry, John Miller, Dean Moen, Bill Moffit, Joe & Sheila Monge, Dan Moore, Clint & Tammy Morgan, Cynthia Nelson, Dana Nelson, Dana Nelson, Hunter Neutzlilng, Teri Nicholson, Dallas Nix, Larry Nygaard, Jackie Ollendich, Joleen Ollerich, Matthew ONeil, Nanette & Sheldon Oukrop, James Pahkama II, Jeri Perreu, Mike Pettit, Sahyne Pfeifle, Breanna Phillips, Marie Phillips, Jeff Pierce, Jim Piercy, Steve Presticher, David Price, Russel Rainbolt, Denis Ray, Tony Remen, Aaron & Jade Remington, Bryan Rick, Mark Rollens, Tamara Rosaaen, Jim & Marady Rude, Juliet Schmidt, Kelly Schuster, Mike Slagle, Lisa Sohl, Shane & Vicki Spencer, Terri Spero, Fran SIOUX RIVER NEW: Jerry Freeman SOUTH CENTRAL NEW: SOUTH EAST NEW: Craig Carroll, Jim Potratz, Mike Rosenbaum STURGIS NEW: Jim Larson, Kim Martin SUPPORTERS – BUSINESS NEW: THOSE GUYS NEW: Lisa Gillette, Rusty Jacobsen, Jim Larson, Kim Martin, Joey Noser, Rick Peterson, Ron Peterson, Randy Ragatz, Harley Ridgway, Justin Stephens, Bud Walling WINDRIDERS NEW: ZZEN NEW: Kim Martin Clayton Jacobsen, Jim “Otis” Larson, Page 30 Members up for Renewal in July FREEDOM FLYER The following is a list of members of ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter that are renewing this month. NOTE: If a Membership has been expired for 12 months, it is treated as a new membership. If a membership has been expired for more than 2 months when the State Membership Secretary receives the renewal, the member will be renewed from the current month for a full year. ABERDEEN EXPIRATIONS: Duane Artz, Chuck Blumhardt, Shane Blumhardt, Marcel Brandenburger, Randy Farthing, Jemey Gerter, Leonard Likness, Chris Lunceford, Dominick Schiley, Ron Wagner Poor Thunder, Gary Reeves, Dennis Schmitt, Teresa Schock, Lisa Sea, Bill Sherman, Curt Smith, Nancy Stangland, Lisa Sweeney, James Tucker, Jill Utter, Dustin Welsh SIOUX FALLS EXPIRATIONS: Kevin Kaufman SIOUX RIVER EXPIRATIONS: Tim Austin, Michael Buys, Bobby Carlson, Bob & Lynelle Cooper, Lyle Cox, Jeff Fritz, Kevin Groon, Jim Kramer, Dan Lamp, Mike Ningen, Thomas Pochardt, Dan Rauscher, Lenny Savia, Terry Swanz, Rich Vandeweerd, Christian Vizecky SOUTH CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: Terry Gagnon, BLACK HILLS EXPIRATIONS: Andy Gay, Jeff Pamela Hein, Ruth & Tim Leines, Roger Miller Hayes, Rebecca Leas, Angela Loppe SOUTHEAST EXPIRATIONS: EAST CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: None STURGIS EXPIRATIONS: Larry Nesby LAKE EXPIRATIONS: Rob Buchholtz, Travis Bulick, Jennifer, Dejong, Mike Kearin, Charles SUPPORTERS—BUSINESS: BH Harley Davidson, Keppen, Randy Palli, JD Reinicke, Colby Tolk, Aaron W Dee’s Pour House Verhey, Kenneth Zulk THOSE GUYS EXPIRATIONS: Millie Dwyer, Joe Fischer, Christine Gould, Leonard Grajczyk, Ron LEWIS & CLARK EXPIRATIONS: Darrell Cwach Grotjohn, Jeff Iwerks, Monty Kadoun, Jim Kluver, NORTH EAST EXPIRATIONS: Ashley Goodwin, Clayton Pitz, Jeff Revier, Mark Ritter, Wayne Rick Lueck, Myron Namken, Pam Walkins Sanders, Rodney Smart, Shari Spronk, Brad & NORTH STAR EXPIRATIONS: Sandy Audiss, Greg Michelle Stensland, Micki Stevens, David Bice, Brandi Boyer, Brandon Boyer, Dawn & Rick Thompson, Mark Thury, Mark Uithoven, Scott Boyer, Dean Burger, Don Dolezal, Mark Eklund, Valnes, Don Warnke, Brad (Buck) Wilson Donna Falcon, David Farley, Randy Farley, Rob WINDRIDERS EXPIRATIONS: Darwin & Joanne Renenga, Carmela Frank, Treg Gruhn, Kim Hall, Jim Peterson, Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst Hoffie, Braden Huchison, Jaylyn Jeffords, Les & Sheri Jeffords, Colton Johnson, David Larson, Jamie ZZEN EXPIRATIONS: John Addy, Hannah & Messick, Luke Meyerink, Chris & Kami Novotny, Juanita Adrian, DJ Bisbee, Michael Bohlmann, Dan Darcy Rolf, Klay Schoenebaum, Matt Schrader, Ben & Kathy Boomgarden, Art Goettig, Hangie Hansel, Spaans, Rita Steele, Sarah Svoboda, Ken Delare Hill, Dawn Jorgensen, Chris Kaugman, Jill Thompson, Jason Tuttle, Diane & Jim Vaughn, Amy Kueter, Alis Kvigne, Jim Moore, Randy Overgard, Reis Park, Jessica Walberg & Tim Walker, Rachel OAHE EXPIRATIONS: Dennis Bruce, London, Bill Meagher, Steve Rohde Bonnie RUSHMORE EXPIRATIONS: Jared Benson, Carol Brown, Aaron & Sherri Bucholz, Shane Cabra, Starletta Cabral, Mallisa Cole, Randy Corbin, Jeff Delacruz, Don Deutloo, Betty Dunaway, Russell Faulk, Tracy Fees, Caleb Fousek, Jackie Freier, Mark Gohsman, Anton Green, Dan & Lynette Hankerson, Mike Harrison, Dustin Hay, Craig Heutzenroede, David & Judy Huck, Randy Hughes, Wayne Hyden, Brian Kline, Sherri Knutson, Kenneth Krzyzanowski, James Lahren, Danielle Laughlin, Robin Luckie, Becky Ludwig, Brittany Maier, Crystal Moffit, Melissa Newlander, Kevin Paski, Richard FREEDOM FLYER Page 31 Application for Membership I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50 due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at any time. Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St, Ipswich SD 57451 Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785 East Central ......................... 21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042 Lake ................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042 Lewis & Clark .......................PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078 North East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201 North Star...................33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533 Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501 Rushmore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709 Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006 South Central ...................PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356 South East .......................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069 Sturgis .. #243 2601 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Windriders ............................. PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 Zzen ...................... 26020 443rd Ave., Canistota, SD 57012 New Renewal Address Change Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: ___________________State: _____ Zip Code:________ Phone: __________________(Hm) __________________(Cell) Voting District: ______________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________ (Optional- used for ABATE Business Only) Please send completed application with check or money order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are NOT tax deductible). I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. Signature _______________________________________ (Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not sold or distributed outside of this organization) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time, or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC). Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $ _______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the State of South Dakota. Signature (required)__________________________________ Name – Please Print _________________________________ Page 32 FREEDOM FLYER substituted for the business card ad. Below are the prices for larger ads to be run for one year. ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are those businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support Prices include Business Supporter dues (please note: with a $100 yearly donation. For your donation, you normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”): receive during the year: 1/4 page - $275.00 1/2 page - $425.00 ♦ A plaque to display in your establishment (please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will ♦ Twelve business card size ads in the FREEDOM cover ½ of page from top to bottom, 2 column will FLYER cover top or bottom half of page) ♦ A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your discretion. Full page - $725.00 ♦ A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the Ads submitted must be black and white, camera FREEDOM FLYER ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves the right to create one based on the information received. ♦ You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer, motorcycling in South Dakota. and the individual members are not responsible for errors, omissions, or reprint quality of submitted ads. In the event of a dispute, the Editor may replace a If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter South Dakota Supporter, write: dues by one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. to approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove c/o Susan Lettau any ad deemed discriminatory or against the best 1723 Main Street interests of this organization. In the case of removal, Sturgis, SD 57785 the Board may authorize a refund. Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible except Please remove the section below and mail it to the as a business expense. address listed above with a check payable to ABATE of ♦ A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER. The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refers to a South Dakota. standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the size to fit the space as necessary. Larger ads may be BUSINESS SUPPORTER APPLICATION Business Name: Address: City: State: Contact Person: New: Zip Code: Phone Number: Renewal: Ad size (circle one): Amount enclosed: Business Card $100.00 Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota c/o Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page $275.00 $425.00 $725.00 Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota Page 33 FREEDOM FLYER CLASSIFIEDS Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will be printed until advertiser requests removal by contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for all content and/or corrections. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas FOR SALE: * Seat handle for passenger, chrome Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. comes up beside passenger & bolts under seat $25.00 $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 * 7” & 9” Windshields for bagger 2013 & older, smoked in color (brand new) $30.00 each FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85% * 2011 Ultra Saddle bag guards, excellent shape original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations, $200.00 Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, * Trailer hitch for 1995-2007 Street Glide Road King oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/frame or Ultra, black in color, under fender, horizontal snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. Located in receiver $200.00 Whitewood, SD #605-722-3859 * 2008 Street Glide Wire spoke rims & tires, Metzler FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like new, Marathon ME 880 MT908/16 72H, Rear 140/90B 16 M/ black, windshield, leather saddle bags, driver floor C 77H, $275.00 - Contact Daryl Alons, 605-310-6497 boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe shift, but could or darylalons@yahoo.com. easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-206-0126; FOR SALE: 1986 Honda Goldwing GL1200i, black w/ email vickien@knology.net. gold pinstripes, 66k miles, sheepskin seat cover, FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 magazines highway pegs, standard windshield & short black from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in the windshield. Includes hitch which is not mounted. plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal at Start button has been replaced with fairing mounted $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and look at button. I know the history of the bike from the first them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605-391- owner, I am the third owner of this bike and wouldn't be afraid to ride it anywhere. Asking $2,500. Located 6999. in Tea, SD. 605-366-3597 FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 12,000 miles. All original w/tour pak, rear light bar, $7,500 FOR SALE: 2008 Harley Davidson Night Train, black denim, 5,000 miles, new tires & brakes, excellent OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678. condition, $13,069, #605-430-0466. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. FOR SALE: 2007 883 Harley Davidson, less than 13K miles, engine guard, back rest, removable windshield, $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 saddle bags, windshield bag. $4250. Huron. 605-350FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police Defender, 1500. FXDP. No saddle bags but the running boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact. Carbureted FOR SALE: 2013 Harley Trike, 3300 miles, beautiful & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black 2ith 16” fat Apes, two tone paint, Very nice looking trike!!! $28,500 windshield, sissy bar, 38,000. Warner, SD $6,500. located in Alpena, SD Call Todd at 605-354-9393 #605-228-6283 or email sdshovelhead@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 2013 Streetglide, Midnight Pearl, 11,000 bolt in cam, programmable electrics,10 FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle mi. upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights and 4" smoked windshields, Kuri pipes & other great on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on mods too numerous to mention. Book`s $21.5,over tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402-340- $4,000 invested.$19,000. Fast & pretty.763-2583061. Stock parts go with. 4809 - Pickstown, SD FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots, (Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with steel toe, FOR SALE: 2001 Little Wanderer 16’ toy hauler, size 9M, $169.00 new. Will sell for $100.00. Call Del sleeps 4+, front queen bed, microwave, frig, AC, furnace, stove, oven, bathroom with shower, outside at Hm#605-853-3233 or Cell#605-870-0797. shower, and ramp room. 605-390-0787 FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha Vstar 1100cc, Blue, windshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carrier, oil FOR SALE: 1994 Honda Shadow, 600 cc, low miles, relocator put on June 2014, very nice looking bike!! new tires, $2500. 712-635-0732 New Battery! $4400 located in Mitchell, SD Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items. Call Jason 605-630-2592 or Carm 605-830-2981 Page 34 FREEDOM FLYER Page 35 FREEDOM FLYER Page 36 FREEDOM FLYER Puzzled Bar Parker, SD 11 to Close 7 Days a Week 605-297-0401 Food Available Page 37 FREEDOM FLYER Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café Kulm, ND 605-370-1341 2400 W. Madison Sioux Falls, SD PAGE 38 FREEDOM FLYER 47409 258th St Renner, SD 57055 Steakhouse #605-332-4411 Lounge #605-332-2681 Jake’s Place 108 E. Maple Monroe, SD 57047 605-999-1611 Karoke every Saturday night Page 39 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE OF SD, INC. Freedom Flyer Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: 605-720-0263 Cell: 605-490-1593 Email: sdfreedomflyer@gmail.com WEBSITE: WWW.ABATESD.COM DEDICATED TO THE FREEDOM OF THE ROAD! Please contact your membership secretary with any address change. Your Freedom Flyer will not be forwarded to your new address. Next State Board of Directors Meeting will be July 18th, 2015 at 1:00 pm American Legion — Pierre, SD
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