May 9th - USD 506 Labette County
May 9th - USD 506 Labette County
Labette County U.S.D. 506 May 9, 2016 Board Meeting 1 2 AGENDA Monday, May 9, 2016, 7:00 PM Curran Administrative Center, Altamont, KS 67330 Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where all students develop: skills to live and work in a progressive world, a positive work ethic, a sense of individual worth, pride in citizenship, and a life-long desire for learning. Our vision is to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas. 2015-2016 Indian Education Public Hearing (6:50 p.m.) 1. Call to Order Indian Education Hearing 2. Patron Comments 3. Approval of 2016-2017 Indian Education Grant (A) 4. Adjourn Agenda – Regular Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications • LCHS Building Trades Program 4. Approval of Printed Agenda At this time Board members may (1) accept the agenda as shown below, (2) add items, or (3) request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be placed under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Approval of April 11, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes Approval of May 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report Approval of Retirements • • Dee Lewis, USD 506 Bus Driver/Paraprofessional Thad Osgood, USD 506 Bus Driver • • David Brown – Assistant Football Coach @ LCHS Kendra Reynolds - Assistant Cheer Coach @ LCHS Approval of Supplemental Assignments 3 5.5 Approval of Personnel: 5.6 Approval of Resignations • David Brown – In School Suspension Instructor @ LCHS • Jennifer Palmer - Assistant Cheer Coach @ LCHS Dalton Powell - Science Instructor @ Altamont Grade School and LCHS • 6. Reports 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Superintendent Administrative KASB/Legislative SEK Interlocal #637 7. Discussion Items 7.1 7.2 Consider Adoption of Revisions to LCHS Student Handbook – First Reading (I/D) Review ACT Work Ready Initiative – Mark Turnbull (D) 8. Action Items 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Adoption of K-8 Student Handbooks—Second Reading (A) Meal Prices/Fees Etc. (A) KASB Membership Renewal (A) KASB Legal Assistance Fund Renewal (A) 9. Board Member Comments 10. Adjournment 10.1 A= Action Item Next Regular Meeting: June 13, 2016 at Curran Administrative Center Altamont, Kansas 67330 D= Discussion Item I= Information Item 4 Supplemental Agenda- Regular Board Meeting Board of Education Monday, May 9, 2016 Meadow View Grade School 1. Call to Order: The board president will call the meeting to order for business. 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments: The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications: • LCHS Building Trades Program 4. Approval of Printed Agenda: At this time Board member may accept the agenda as shown below; add items to the agenda, or request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be place under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration.” 5. Adoption of the Consent Agenda: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) items on the agenda, which are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Furthermore, at this time the Board may request that one or more consent agenda items be placed under action, information, or discussion for separate consideration. The motion should read- I move the board approve by consent, items in the agenda, which are identified as 5.1-5.6. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Approval of April 11, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes (pgs. 8-11) Approval of May 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report (pgs. 30-45) Approval of Retirements (p. 14-15) • • Dee Lewis Thad Osgood • • David Brown – Assistant Football Coach @ LCHS Kendra Reynolds - Assistant Cheer Coach @ LCHS • David Brown – In School Suspension Instructor @ LCHS • • Jennifer Palmer -‐ Assistant Cheer Coach @ LCHS Dalton Powell - Science Instructor @ Altamont Grade School and LCHS Approval of Supplemental Assignments (p. 13) 5.5 Approval of Personnel (p. 13) 5.6 Approval of Resignations: (p. 12) 5 6. Reports: 6.1 Superintendent- Dr. Wyrick will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.2 Building Administrators- See enclosed reports on pages 16-24. 6.3 KASB- Gail Billman will share her report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.4 SEK Interlocal #637- Mr. Kevin Cole will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 7. Discussion Items7.1 Consider Adoption of Revisions to K-8 Student Handbooks – First Reading: Included within the packet is a copy of our current 9-12 handbook. The board will be asked to take action on the additions and updates found within each handbook during our June board meeting. This is the first reading of the handbooks as presented. (I/D) 7.2 Review ACT Work Ready Initiative – Mark Turnbull: Mark Turnbull will be present to visit with the board about our ACT Work Ready Initiative the district implemented 28-months ago. Many of you may recall that Mark came to one of our board meetings back in 2013 and visited with the board in regards to becoming an ACT Work Ready Community. (I/D) 8. Action Items8.1 Adoption of K-8 Student Handbooks—Second Reading: A motion to adopt the K-8 student handbooks will be required at this time. This is the second reading. (A) 8.2 Meal Prices/Fees: Dr. Wyrick will recommend the board increase what we currently charge students and staff to eat breakfast and lunch. The prices are based upon recommendations from Kansas State Nutrition and Wellness. Dr. Wyrick will also ask the board to review enrollment fees during this time. Please see the current prices and recommend increases on page 25. (A) 8.3 KASB Membership Renewal: A motion to renew KASB membership dues will be required at this time. Please see enclosed information for further details. (A) Pages 26-29 8.4 KASB Legal Assistance Fund Renewal: A motion to renew KASB legal assistance will be required at this time. Please see enclosed information for further details. (A) Pages 26-29. 6 9. Board Member CommentsIndividual board members are encouraged to share stories of success and opportunities for growth at this time. 10. AdjournmentMotion to adjourn the meeting. Next Regular meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2016 at Curran Administrative Center in Altamont, Kansas 67330. 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Meadow View Grade School April 11, 2016 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Gail Billman Kevin Cole Rich Falkenstien Dr. Kolette Smith Dr. Dennis Wilson ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jessie Foister OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Chris Kastler, MDView Principal Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Holly Norman, MDView Instructor Tara Clevenger, MDView Instructor Richard Norman, Community Rebecca Cole, MDView Instructor Carlee Norris, Dist. Social Worker Nicole Dean, District Counselor Ed Raschen, LCHS Asst. Principal Amy Eaton, MDView Instructor Joyce Rhodes, KRR Instructor Lisa Eisenbrandt, MDView Ins Cindy Stringer, MDView Secretary Kayla Giefer, District Social Worker Mike Starr, Maint. Director Johna Gatton, Community Melissa Green, MDValley Principal Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order. Gail Billman opened with prayer. 2. There were no visitors who desired to address the board during the recognition of visitors. 3. Recognitions/Communications Joyce Rhodes presented the board with details of the “Family and Schools Together” program. Mrs. Rhodes stated the Meadow View FAST program had nine families enrolled for this semester and the program showed very positive results. Rich Falkenstien arrived at 7:08 p.m. Nicole Dean, Kayla Giefer and Carlee Norris presented details on the services from the Counselor Grant. The board thanked the Counseling Team for all the services they provide for our students. 8 Dr. Kolette Smith arrived at 7:19 p.m. 4. Gail Billman moved to approve the printed agenda. Dennis Wilson seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0 5. Consent Agenda Kevin Cole moved to approve the consent agenda. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. 6. Reports 6.1 Superintendent Report Dr. Wyrick reported Patron Insight is conducting a post election survey at no cost to the district. Dr. Wyrick reported the District Site Council Meeting will be tomorrow night in the LCHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m. Stephen Jones, Labette County Attorney, will be our presenter for the evening. Mr. Jones will educate families on the legal ramification of sexting. Dr. Wyrick recognized Melissa Green on receiving the Care and Compassion Award from Labette Center for Mental Health. Dr. Wyrick updated the board on the Meadow View Pre-‐School enrollment for the 2016-‐2017 school year. The enrollment is at (45) 4-‐year old students and (26) 3-‐year old students. 6.2 Building Administrators Melissa Green invited all board members to the USD 506 Staff Appreciation Banquet that is April 22. Breakfast will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the program will begin at 8:30 a.m. Chris Kastler reported the Meadow View 8th Grade students visited the Technology Center at Pittsburg State University this week. Mr. Kastler stated Meadow View will be having the “Body Walk” program on April 21st. Shane Holtzman reported the High School has a very busy calendar right now with all the end of the year banquets, prom and other activities. Mr. Holtzman reported Baccalaureate is Sunday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. and LCHS Graduation is Sunday, May 8 at 2:00 p.m. Ed Raschen reported the Brian Anderson JV Wood Bat Tourney this last weekend went well. Mr. Raschen reported the LCHS sports and other activities schedule is really busy now until the end of the year. 6.3 KASB/Legislative Gail Billman reported the KASB Board of Directors next meeting is this Saturday, April 16 at Oxford, KS. Mrs. Billman stated a proposed new Kansas school funding formula would allow parents to use tax funds for private schools and eliminate state funding for schools’ extracurricular activities. The proposed formula will be discussed when lawmakers reconvene later 9 this month. 6.4 SEK Interlocal 637 Kevin Cole reported Tony White, KNEA Southeast Director, met last month with the SEK Interlocal 637 board to start the negotiations process. Next meeting will be this Wednesday, April 13. 7. Action Items 7.1 Ed Raschen presented a very detailed LCHS Student Activity Participation Report and a LCHS Athletic Budget to the board. Mr. Raschen stated that 361 LCHS students are involved in at least one sport during the school year. The board requested Mr. Raschen bring information and details regarding Title 1X to the May Board Meeting. 7.2 The 2016-‐2017 K-‐8 Student Handbook recommendations are available for board members to review and consider. The administration is not recommending changes to the current handbook. The board will take action on the Student Handbooks at the May board meeting. 8. Action Items 8.1 Mike Starr presented the USD 506 Roof Replacement Bid. Mr. Starr stated that one bid was received from Roofing Services Unlimited. Gail Billman made a motion to approve the bid from Roofing Services Unlimited. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 5-‐0, Rich Falkenstien had stepped away from the meeting and his vote was not counted. 9. Executive Session The board did not require an executive session 10. Additional Business as a result of Executive Session No additional business at this time 11. Board Member Comments Dr. Kolette Smith said she was disappointed in the Bond not passing. Dr. Dennis Wilson appreciates all the presentations tonight. Gail Billman reminded everyone that the Autism Fundraiser will be April 30th in the LCHS Cafeteria starting at 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Billman thanked everyone for the presentations and said the Counseling Grant has been phenomenal to our district. Mrs. Billman thanked everyone that was involved in the 2-‐year Bond process. She said a lot of hours and careful thought were put into the process. 10 Justin Bebb thanked everyone for the wonderful presentations tonight. Mr. Bebb stated that he was disappointed in the Bond Election not passing. and will need to tighten our belt and move on. Kevin Cole said there was a lot of great discussion tonight. Mr. Cole stated he appreciates the letter Dr. Wyrick sent out to all staff. Rich Falkenstien -‐ No Comment 12. Adjournment Gail Billman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Cole seconded the Motion. Motion carried 6-‐0. The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be: May 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office. 11 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Classified/Certified/Supplemental Employment Report May 9, 2016 Retirements Dee Lewis USD 506 Bus Driver/Paraprofessional Effective 06.01.2016 Thad Osgood USD 506 Bus Driver Effective 06.01.2016 Jennifer Palmer Assistant Cheerleading Coach, LCHS Effective 05.12.2016 Dalton Powell Science Instructor, Altamont Grade & LCHS Effective 05.12.2016 Resignations 12 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Supplemental Coaching/Activity and Classified List May 9, 2016 Supplemental Work Agreement: David Brown, Assistant Football Coach @ LCHS Kendra Reynolds, Assistant Cheer Coach @ LCHS Effective 05.15.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Classified Work Agreement: David Brown, In School Suspension Instructor @ LCHS Effective 08.22.2016 Transfers: 13 14 15 Altamont Grade Administrative Report Board of Education Meeting May 2016 Building Management • • • • • • • • • Fire Drill held Bus Drill held Supervise lunchroom 2016-17 AGS Calendar completed Plans made for PK classroom Weekly Events emailed to all staff (tells what’s happening in the building) Custodial summer schedules set; vacation times scheduled Letters home to parents concerning end of year fees Planning for summer school K-3 with Nicole Percival Educational Leadership • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Interviews held for new teaching staff Evaluations finalized and Talent Ed closed out for the year Placement and annual IEP Meetings held as required KSA testing completed All PO’s in to BOE Bldg. Inventory completed Summer School enrollment finalized Summer School rooms assigned Educational and reward field trips May Building Newsletter sent out to all parents State Reports Completed prior to due dates End of year building in-service Staff Check-out for summer completed Coop Order checked in and repacked until August Grade Cards out Activities • • • • • • • Teacher Appreciation sponsored by PTO Program practice held for 8th grade graduation Retirement Reception @ BOE on May 4th 8th Gr. Trip to Branson, May 5 8th Gr. Graduation on May 10th @ 8:00 AGS Field Day on May 10, 8:30 – 10:30 May 11th: Awards Assembly: Gr. K-4 8:30; Gr. 5-7 10:00; Glenda Aikins 16 May 2016 PTO NEWS Field Day is May 10th from 8:30 – 10:30. This involves a variety of activities for the students in grades PK – 6. The activities are set up and ran by the 7th grade class. As part of the activities, the PTO has paid $1 for every student to receive a snow cone from Angela’s Snow Shack. Students will have a choice of selected flavors. The PTO voted to purchase two water fountains with bottle attachments. They also purchased a new ice machine with the help of the AGS Booster Club. PTO Officers were elected at the April meeting. Those serving next year are:President - Amy Leonard, VicePresident - Debbie Gatton, Secretary- Lindsay Jones, and Treasurer- Cathy Kibler. MUSIC FESTIVAL RESULTS Congratulations to the Junior High students who competed at the PSU Mid-American Music Festival held on April 16th! Vocal Results – Solos: Austin Jones, I; Samantha McClelland, I; Eli Smith, I; Corianne Ince, I; Instrumental Results –Clarinet: Corianne Ince, I 2016-2017 AGS CHEERLEADERS Hannah Bradfield Sage Davis Saige Smith School Fees DUE All fees are due, ie: lunch, milk, preschool, etc. for the school year. Please make checks out to USD 506. If you pay over what you owe, it will be credited to the students account for next year. End of Year School Lunch Reminder In May, we request that no parents or guests eat a school lunch. If you would like to come sit with your child, that would be fine but we will not be able to provide you with a lunch. Thank you! May Highlights May 4-8 May 5 May 8 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 11 May 11 Teacher Appreciation Week 8th Gr. to Branson; LCHS Graduation 2:00 @ HA 8TH Gr. Graduation 8:00pm @ HA; Graduation practice 8:30 – 11:00; AGS 8th Gr. send off @ 2:50; Last day for 8th grade students AGS Field Day 8:30 – 10:30; Last day for PK students; AGS Awards Assembly Gr. K-4 8:30 in the AGS gym, Gr. 5-7 10:00 (approx.), AGS gym; Dismissal 12:35; Last Day for students Gr. Cards sent home FREE PHYSICALS WEDNESDAY, MAY 11TH 6:00PM – 8:00PM LCHS CAFETERIA 2nd AGS STUDENT TO WEST POINT STEM WORKSHOP Abbie Schlatter, 6th grader, has been selected to attend the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Workshop at West Point this summer. Abbie had been placed on a waiting list and was notified in April that there was an opening if she was still interested in attending. She promptly accepted and is excited to be going! Annually, there are hundreds of applicants who apply from across the country to attend the workshop. It is an honor to have two students from AGS selected to attend! (Forms will be available on site) Starting at 5:00 will be the MANDATORY concussion and heat related illness video in the Little Theater. These videos are REQUIRED by ALL Junior High & High School athletes in order to participate. 2016-2017 AGS ENROLLMENT DATES Aug. 3 (Wednesday) 7am to 7pm in North Hall Aug. 4 (Thursday) 7am to 1:00 pm in North Hall Enter through the EAST Door HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER! Notice of Non-Discrimination The school district of Labette County USD 506 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including requests for accommodations or access to District buildings and programs. Complaints in regard to Discrimination Discrimination against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to or treatment in the districts programs or activities is prohibited. The Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 189, Altamont, Kansas 67330-0188, 620-784-5326, has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 17 1973, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Americans with Disability Act of 1990. Superintendent of Schools, 401 S High School Street, PO Box 189, Altamont, KS 67330, 620784-5326, 620-724-6280 (telecommunications device for the deaf), 620-328-3121 (speech impaired), Board Meeting Report for Bartlett and Edna May 9, 2016 • Educational Leadership 1. 2. 3. Completed all Certified and Classified Staff Evaluations. Discussed 2 new “Habits of the Mind” with students in both schools. Attended nine IEP Meetings between the two schools 4. Attended our April district wide school safety meeting. This is our coalition team that addresses student/family concerns throughout our buildings/communities. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sent home positive notes to my April Students of the Month in both schools. Finished this year’s state assessment test in both buildings. Students and staff did an outstanding job! Attended PTO meetings in both buildings. Both schools held their end of the year SIT Meetings to review student plans of intervention and to make changes to those plans if needed. Both buildings held their annual title I meetings to review: 1. Current and previous years data to determine student growth and curriculum and/or intervention needs. 2. Complete the continuing School-‐wide Application 3. Make applicable changes to the 16-‐17 plan 9. • Building Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sent out newsletters for parents and students in both buildings. Meet with students on behavior concerns. Gave disciplinary consequences. Sent letters out to parents of students that is having absenteeism problems. Finished next year’s COOP orders – Including Building Supply Orders and COOP Paper order for next year in both buildings. Finalized the May Calendar before sending out to parents. Finalized weekly schedules for each building before sending out to staff. Picked up and delivered April’s “Food for Kids” boxes to both schools. Both schools held their third and final Tornado Drill and April’s Fire Drill. Started working on the next year’s calendar dates. Started working on next year’s schedules for both buildings. Completed our Track Entry Fee PO’s for both schools. Both schools held their annual Kindergarten Round-‐ups. Edna’s was on April 6th and Bartlett’s was on April 20th. Edna saw 14 potential students and Bartlett saw 9 potential students for next year. We have already picked up potentially 2 more. (11 total for BGS) We usually pick up several more at the enrollment in the fall. Edna held its sports banquet on Tuesday May 3rd. Coaches recognized their student athletes for their accomplishments for the year. I recognized the teams that maintained an Averaged GPA of 3.25 to 4.0 with the KSHSAA Distinguished Certificates and the teams that maintained an Averaged GPA of 3.00 to 3.24 with the KSHSAA Outstanding Certificates. Both schools had students attend the PSU Music Festival on April 16th. Bartlett hosted the 4th Grade Science Day on April 13th. Presenters and staff did a great job. Students had an awesome day of learning about science. Both schools (K-‐3) took part in the Body Venture @ LC on Thursday April 21st. Fourth Grades from both schools attended the “Earth Day” activities at Parsons on April 21st. Both schools held their Spring Music Concerts at each building. Edna’s was on 4/11/16 and Bartlett’s was on 4/19/16. We had a great turn out and enjoyed some great music. Bartlett’s (3-‐8) grades took their overnight trip April 24th and 25th for working hard on state assessments. We had a great trip – Thank You BOE for allowing BGS to continue to do this. Edna’s (3-‐8) grades had their celebration party as their rewards for working hard on state assessments this year. Both schools have set end of the year field trips with many of them already taken. Finished track season up for both schools at the Oswego track Meet on April 28th. Both schools held their 8th Grade Banquets. Edna on April 29th and Bartlett on May 2nd Attached are the May Newsletters that were sent home. 18 (Aiming Higher Excellence Takes Desire) May 2, 2016 April Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected April students of the Month here at Bartlett. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Kind. – Rayleigh Donfris st 1nd – Gavin Foster and Ben Ball 2 – Tayton Claibourn rd 3 – Mylee George th 4th – Belinda Thompkins 5 – Charli Alloway th 6 – Molly Gray th 7th – Taylor Johnston 8 – Zach Campbell Cheerleading Tryouts Scheduled Tryouts for the next year’s cheerleading squad are scheduled for Tuesday, May 3rd, at 3:30 pm. Library Notice Mrs. Eichhorn would like all books turned back into the library this week!. Parents, please send any books you find at home. The library will be closed the last week of school due to inventory. Jr. High Athletic Banquet Reminder Yearbook Says Thanks We would like to give a huge thanks to the following businesses for sponsoring the 2015-2016 Bartlett Yearbook! If you trade at any of these businesses, would you please take the time to thank them for sponsoring us. We really appreciate their continuing support! Bartlett Coop Riggs Drug Store - Chetopa, KS Moores Auto Repair, Chetopa, KS K & G Photography, Mound Valley Chetopa State Bank Foster Farms, Edna, KS Labette Bank, Altamont, KS Baker Martial Arts, Miami, OK Sooner Automotive Service – Bartlett, KS Falkenstien Seed - Bartlett, KS Woodshed - Edna, KS Logan and Company INC., Bartlesville, OK. Breakfast, Milk, Lunch, Textbook Fees All fees: textbook, lunch, and library fees must be paid before grade cards are released. Also, all outstanding bills will be turned over to the district office for collection at the end of the school year. 8th Grade Graduation Tuesday, May 10th at 8:00 pm will be the The Jr. High Athletic Banquet has been graduation ceremony for this year’s 8th scheduled for Monday, May 9th @ BGS. We will begin around 6:30 pm. Parents are grade graduating class. There will be a asked to bring finger foods for refreshments. dance immediately following the graduation exercises until 12:00 pm. Tuesday, May 10th will be 8th grade’s last day of school End of the Year Cookout this year. Reminder Congratulations!! We will be having a cookout on Thursday, May 5th @ 11:15. Any parent that would Parent Reminders like to attend is welcome. The cost is our normal lunch price of $3.40 per person. Grade Cards will be mailed after Wednesday, May 18th Field Day We will be having our annual Field Day for our (K-7) students Thursday, May 5th. Parents are welcome to come! Have a safe and enjoyable summer! The Bartlett Grade Staff Last Day of School Wednesday May 11th • • • 8:15 am – (K-2) Awards Assembly 9:30 am – (3-7) Awards Assembly School will be dismissed @ 12:30 for the summer 19 (Competent, Achieving, Talented, Students May 2, 2015 April Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected April students of the Month here at Edna. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Pre-K – kimmy Rucker Kst– Ethan Severns 1 – Lizzy Brothers nd 2 – Taydem Britt rd 3th – Anna Cantrell 4 – Lane Simmons th 5 – Ezekiel Ehmke th 6th – Jacob Farrow 7 – Paige Shomber & Dane DeTar th 8 – Morgan Rexwinkle Talent Show We will be having our annual talent show Tuesday, May 3rd at 1:30 pm. Parents are welcome to come! Athletic Banquet We will be having our annual Athletic Banquet Tuesday, May 3rd at 7:00 pm. Parents are asked to bring finger foods for refreshments. Field Day We will be having our annual Field Day for our (K-7) students Thursday, May 5th at 1:00 pm. Parents are welcome to come! Library Notice Mrs. Buchanan would like all books turned back into the library this Week!. Parents, please send any books you find at home. The library will be closed the last week of school due to inventory. End of the Year Cookout Reminder We will be having a cookout on Tuesday, May 10th @ 11:15. Any parent that would like to attend is welcome. The cost is our normal lunch price of $3.40 per person. Breakfast, Milk, Lunch, Textbook Fees All fees: textbook, lunch, and library fees must be paid before grade cards are released. Also, all outstanding bills will be turned over to the district office for collection at the end of the school year. Please call the office for your final balance if needed. Last Day of School – Wed. May 11th • • • • 8:05 am – Farm Bureau Awards 8:15 am – (k-3) Awards Assembly 10:15 am – (4-7) Awards Assemby School will be dismissed @ 12:30 for the summer! Yearbook Says Thanks We would like to give a huge thanks to the following businesses for sponsoring the 2015-2016 Edna Yearbook! If you trade at any of these businesses would you please take the time to thank them for sponsoring us, we really appreciate their continuing support! Bleacher Gear Chetopa Foods S&S Lumber K & G Photography The Hornet’s Nest The Woodshed The Quilter’s Patch Bartlett Coop City of Edna Game Time Apparel Digital Connections Muller Construction Ducommun W/W Tire & Service Coffeyville Livestock Market Community National Bank Twin Valley Electric S&S Western Outfitters Sooner Automotive Service Edna Diesel & Auto repair Jake Buchanan Construction Kathy’s Custom Creation Beans & BBQ Restaurant Sporting Life Taxidermy Head to Toes Hair and Nails Leota’s Gifts & More Edna Mattress Factory Edward Jones – Jill Thomas Allen Veterinary Center Westide Christian Church Grace Fellowship Church Crosstimbers Community Church Coffeyville Regional Medical Center Rough Country Towing & Recovery Coffeyville Feed & Farm Supply 8th Grade Graduation Tuesday, May 10th at 8:00 pm will be the graduation ceremony for this year’s 8th grade graduating class. There will be a dance immediately following the graduation exercises until 12:00 pm. This will be 8th grades last day of school this year. Congratulations!! Parent Reminders Grade Cards will be mailed after May 18th Have a safe and enjoyable summer! The Edna Elementary Staff 20 Meadow View Board Report May 9th, 2016 Building Management *I did all of the usual building management procedures for the month; fire drills, transportation request, weekly staff calendar, etc. I conducted our last Fire, Tornado, and Bus Evacuation drills. *We held our final Student Improvement Team meeting on April 25th and 26th. It is amazing to see how many of our students improved in their reading and math. Our teachers and paras do an amazing job helping our struggling students. We also held our Title I School Wide Meeting on Wednesday May 27th. We looked over the progress of our students by grade and discussed our curriculum and our overall student assessment program. Educational Leadership *I have emailed the 4th – 8th grade summer school teachers and gave them their assignments. I have also scheduled two workdays for May 19th and 24th. It looks like we will have about 60 students participating. *Our after school program finished last week, we had an average attendance of 50 students attending. Joyce and her team are doing a great job. *As I have reported before, I co-‐chair a committee with Greenbush that revamped our food purchasing process to allow school districts to purchase food at COOP bid prices year around. I attended the food bid award meeting with Dr. Wyrick and Alicia Hill on April 19th. US Foods again won the bidding process. *I have made arrangements for 8th grade graduation on May 10th 2016 at 8:00. Noteworthy Items *We have 12 students taking the Algebra test this year. *Our boys and girls both won the 506 Invitational Track Meet. *We held our 8th grade banquet on Monday May 2nd. 21 Mound Valley Grade School Administrative Report May 2016 Building Management • Will hold May fire drill • Sent weekly schedule to staff • Scheduled transportation for events • Will meet with custodian to discuss summer work • Will have a safety walk through with Chuck Callahan Educational Leadership • Report Food Bank program • Conducted classroom Walk-throughs • Update the 2016-17 calendar • Conducted teachers evaluations • Held IEP meetings • Trio continues with grades 6-8 • Will attend all Administration meetings • Met with social worker • Will attend the Title Review meeting • Will conduct the SIT meeting • Will attend high school graduation • Will attend 8th grade graduation Noteworthy Items • Recognized the student of the month • 6-7th will attend Greenbush Ropes Course • 5th grade will attend DARE days trip • Will have the Fun Day activities and cook-out • Will hold the awards on the last day of school • Held the sports banquet Melissa Green 22 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Principal: Altamont, KS 67330 Asst. Principal: Shane Holtzman 620-‐784-‐5321 Ed Raschen Student Recognition Assembly Tuesday, April 26th Grizzly Time Mr. Holtzman -‐ Introduction/Opening Heather Wilson – Danielle Tongier Award -‐ Madi Rexwinkle Ed Raschen – National Federation of High Schools Award of Excellence – Klein Ryan Ed Greeen – National Qualifiers @ Skills USA Team Works: Matt Strathe / Bradley Myers / Colten Sanders / Dylan Giager Carpentry: Mason Volmer Jenny Gartner – ACT Hall of Fame (29 or Above) 2016: Evan Gofourth / Sierra Wilson 2015: Lyndsey Brothers/Clancie Sorrell/Levi Manners/Tori Smith/Megan Hyatt Dustin Wiley – National Qualifiers @ State FFA -‐National Proficiency Award Winner -‐ Deven Foster -‐National Proficiency Award Runner-‐up -‐ Clancie Sorrell -‐National AG Sales Team/Silver Division -‐ Tegan Maxson/Cat Lumley/Aubrie Sorrell/ Clancie Sorrell -‐Proficiency Award Winners attending National Convention – Kalyn George & Deven Foster -‐State E-‐Fair 1st Place: Gwyn Dean and Tegan Maxson Lisa Chapman – Voices of Kansas writing contest qualifiers: Prairie Bogle/Cassidy Brown/Channler Davenport/Paige March/Trey Mathis/Levi McDonald/Shelby McWhirt/Lilliann Preston/Sami Romine/Genevieve Vasser Marty Warren – National Qualifiers @ Skills USA Residential Systems Installation and Maintenance – Levi Manners 1st Place Electronics Technology – Damon Bump 1st Place / Jeremy Kowalsky 2nd / Alyssa Melton – 3rd Jim Gilpin – Cade Shomber – Welding Award and Scholarship @ Cleveland Tech. 23 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Principal: Altamont, KS 67330 Asst. Principal: Shane Holtzman 620-‐784-‐5321 Ed Raschen Kim Hawks – FBLA State Placers National Qualifier -‐ Jessica Brooks – Social Media Campaign 5th Accounting -‐ Megan Hyatt 5th Intro to Business Presentation -‐ Ali Hinman/Logan Meyer/Maggie Billman 7th Marketing – Ali Hinman/Jade Davis/Lyndsey Brothers 8th Intro to Business Procedures – Jade Davis 9th Sales Presentation – Maggie Billman 10th Local Chapter Annual Bus. Report – BreAnna Albertson/Shea O’Connor Business Ethics – Megan Hyatt/Kyle Carpenter/Nikola Ilievski Erin Johnston – State STAR Event Qualifiers Beth Stieg/Tyler Allen/Kaci McClenning/Tatum Merrick/Courtney Rucker /Shelby McWhirt/Kat Miller/Mileah Allen/Kayden Nickles/Blade Smith National Qualifiers: Kaci McClenning and Tatum Merrick Jesse Ybarra – Newton Grady – Eagle Scout Award Courtney Rucker – Lodge Essay Contest Winner Allie Jones – EFL/FTE selection – University of California @ Berkley Abby Goins – HOBY Selection for 2016 Stacy Smith – Hagan Scholarship Winners: $40,000 -‐ Clancie Sorrell / Kyle Carpenter / Lyndsey Brothers $1,000 -‐ Kayden Nickles Scott Allison – Band and Choir Awards Kansas State Honors Band: Jordan Beery/Megan Hyatt/Catherine Lumley/ Tim Moore/Kayden Nickles Four-‐State Honor Band: Kaden Kastler/Megan Hyatt/Kayden Nickles/ Josh Ramsey State Music Results – 1 Ratings: Cameron Dodsworth/Georgia Holgate/ Megan Hyatt/Kayden Nickles/Devin Philbrick/Tori Smith/Zane Sweeten/ Men’s Ensemble / Women’s Ensemble / Bella Voce Kansas All State Choir: Tristan Carson/Missy Dantic/Erin Falkenstien/Paige Holgate/Devin Philbrick/Tori Smith/Zane Sweeten National Choir: Devin Philbrick/Tori Smith Arlene Brothers – Closing Comments (If time permits) 24 2016-‐2017 Fees Kindergarten · Full Pay-‐ $40 (2015: $30) · Reduced-‐ $20 (2015: $15) · Free-‐ Free Preschool ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $80 ·∙ Reduced-‐ $40 (2015: $35) ·∙ Free-‐ Free Grades 1st-‐8th · Full Pay-‐ $45* · Reduced-‐ $22.50 · Free-‐ Free Grades 9-‐12 ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $80* ** ·∙ Reduced-‐ $40** ·∙ Free-‐ Free** * Complete the enrollment process at the designated time and location and receive the following discounts for each child you enroll: LCHS $20 and Elementary $10 **If a student is enrolled in any PE classes, they are charged a uniform fee of $15.00 regardless of their status. LUNCH CHARGES 2015-‐16 PROPOSED LUNCH FEES 2016-‐17 Grades PreK-‐8th ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.65 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0.40*** ·∙ Free-‐Free Grades 9-‐12 ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.80 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0.40 *** ·∙ Free-‐ Free Adults ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $3.40 Grades PreK-‐8th ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.75 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0.40*** ·∙ Free-‐Free Grades 9-‐12 ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.90 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0.40 *** ·∙ Free-‐ Free Adults ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $3.50 BREAKFAST CHARGES 2015-‐16 PROPOSED BREAKFAST FEES 2016-‐17 (No Change) th Grades PreK-‐8 ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $1.65 ·∙ Reduced-‐ $0.30*** ·∙ Free-‐ Free Grades 9-‐12 ·∙ Full Pay-‐$2.00 ·∙ Reduced-‐ $0.30*** ·∙ Free-‐ Free Adults ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.00 Grades PreK-‐8th ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $1.65 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0. 30*** ·∙ Free-‐Free Grades 9-‐12 ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.00 ·∙ Reduced-‐$0.30*** ·∙ Free-‐ Free Adults ·∙ Full Pay-‐ $2.00 *** KSDE Sets this price 25 26 27 28 29 USD 506 – Labette County May bills and financial reports Total Bills: Presented May 9, 2016 for Board Approval 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Executive Session School board business is public business and all official board action should be taken in open session. Executive sessions may sometimes be needed, however, to discuss matters prior to board action. By statute (K.S.A. 75-4319) no subjects shall be discussed at any closed or executive session, except the following: Ø Personnel matters of nonelected personnel. Ø To discuss matters affecting a student(s). Ø To discuss confidential financial data or trade secrets of a business. Ø Consultation with an attorney for the board, which would be deemed, privileged in the attorney-client relationship. Ø To discuss negotiations. Ø To have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property. Ø To discuss matters relating to the security of the board or the school. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters for non-elected personnel; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiations; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. 46
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