May 2016 - Lloydminster Comprehensive High School


May 2016 - Lloydminster Comprehensive High School
LCHS Newsletter
M AY 2016
Principal: Dwayne Marciniw
Vice Principals: Janice Wouters and Aaron Canfield
5615—42 St
Lloydminster, AB
T9V 0A2
Administrative Message
Ph. 780 875-5513
Fax 780 875-5548
Follow us on
Facebook &
Twitter @
The warm weather is here, and with it comes a busy month for
LCHS! Academic progress continues to be our primary focus for the
month of May. Report cards were distributed to students on April 27th
and indicate progress to date. If you have any questions, or require a
copy, please contact the office. If your son/daughter requires any additional information regarding study strategies, please direct them to our
student services department for further assistance. Our final exam block
schedule will also be posted in the next week. See our website for additional information later in the month.
On the extra-curricular front, May is a time for Skills Canada. Baron
students participated in the Regional Skills competition in Vermilion and
LCHS is sending 23 students to the Provincial Skills competition in Edmonton. Athletics continues with Badminton, Rugby, and Track and
Field. The Barons football spring camp will also take place in June. GO
Important Dates
Barons of the Month
Band Room News
Drama/LICE News
Graduation Info
Provincial Skills
Encounters with
Car and Truck
Choral News
Golf News
Volleyball Camp
Baron Athletics
Awards Banquet
Ford Drive 4 UR
March Baron of the Month Recipients
Barons Athletics
May 6-7
May 13-14
May 26
May 27
Important May Dates:
May 2-6
May 2
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 6
May 9-12
May 10-12
May 11
Grad fee collection at lunch
Cosmo Hair Show
LPSD Spring Music Concert
Science Club travels to Saskatoon
AP English Final Exam
AP Calculus Final Exam
Last Day to Drop a Class
Just Jazz Fundraiser
Zombie Prom Musical
Provincial Skills-Edmonton
Early Dismissal
Block Rotation 2 3 7 6
May 12
GETT Conference
May 12
Band 10/20/30 travels to North
Battleford for National Youth Band Concert
May 16-17
Grade 10 Band Trip-Red Deer
May 18
Car and Truck Show
May 19
SCC Meeting @ lunch
May 20
Blue Mountain Phys Ed trip
May 23
Victoria Day-no school
May 25
Band Concert @ Vic Juba—7 pm
May 27
4th Annual Last Laugh Improv
Rugby teams in Cold Lake
Rugby teams in Drayton
Rugby Zones in Cold Lake
Rugby Tournament at LCHS
Badminton Provincials—
May 6-7
LCHS Track Meet
Division Track @ LCHS
Track Zones @ St. Paul
May 7
May 19
May 25
Attention Grade 12’s:
The Scholarship
May 31
Don’t miss out!
For up-to-date information on
graduation and registration for next year,
please visit our website regularly.
Barons of the Month
Each month staff members are nominating students who have demonstrated the characteristics of
a Baron such as Responsibility, Accountability, Integrity and Positive Citizenship. We are pleased
to recognize the following Baron of the Month Recipients for April:
Breanna Luedtke
Samuel Scribante
Ryan Hatchard
Marina Day
Brianna Roberts
Rachel Trach
Ayla Chipman
Christie Crews
Jared Ramsey
Henna D’Souza
Brooke Watt
Bhav Grewal
Avery Collison
Tyler Black
Phoenix Delorme
Dalton Gormley
Annysa-Marie Zummack
Layne Guest
Justin Thompson
Ashley Dick
News from the Band Room!
April was a busy month with festival preparation, musical rehearsals, and planning
for our annual LPSD “Just Jazz” fundraiser night.
Both the Grade 10 Wind Ensemble and
the Grade 11/12 Symphonic Band performed in the Lloydminster Kiwanis Music
Festival on April 20th. The bands were
adjudicated by Wayne Toews from Saskatoon and performed well. Special thanks
to the parents that were able to attend
and support us.
The Grade 11/12 Symphonic Band traveled to Sun Peaks, BC for the Cantando
Festival on April 21-24. The students performed at Marion Schilling Elementary School in Kamloops before spending the weekend at the festival. The ensemble performed very well on Saturday
afternoon and was adjudicated by Christin Reardon MacLellan from the University of British Columbia. Evening concerts included performances by Fringe Percussion Ensemble from Vancouver
and the Vancouver Youth Choir. Special thanks to our trip chaperones- Bryan and Sherry Watt
and Carmela McDonald and our student bus loaders- Samuel Scribante, Ryan Hatchard, and
Brendan Meger for their hard work during the trip.
Tickets are still available for the upcoming LCHS Musical “Zombie Prom” May 9-12 and our annual LPSD “Just Jazz” Night on May 6th. Contact Mrs. Oberg for more info and tickets.
Special thanks to all students, parents, and staff that helped support our last fundraiser campaign of the year with In-Dey-Go baking products. Look for LCHS Band Students at bake sales
throughout the month!
May is promising to be another busy month with the Grade 10 trip to Red Deer, LCHS Musical
Performances, and our Final Band Concert on May 25th. Be sure to like our “LCHS Barons
Bands” Facebook page for event updates!
Upcoming Events:
6th- Jazz Clinics and Just Jazz Night at ES Laird
9-12th- LCHS Musical “Zombie Prom”
12th- Band 10/20/30 trip to National Youth Band Concert in North Battleford
16-17- Gr 10 Trip to Red Deer
25th- Band Concert at the Vic Juba Theatre
30th-June 20th- Band Final Exams
Improv Club – LICE (LCHS Improv Club Entertainers)
The 4th Annual Last Laugh: Improv Show & Fundraiser at the Vic Juba Community Theatre on Friday, May 27th. Tickets will be available at for a cost of
$25.00 for Adults and $15.00 for Students 17 Year & Younger
This year’s show will feature Matterhorn Improv from Vancouver, BC as well as your local LCHS Improv
Club Entertainers. The club is still looking for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Level Sponsors for this event. Please
email Mr.Stang for more details.
Drama Club – LYT (LCHS Young Thespians)
The LCHS Spring Musical is coming!!! Zombie Prom runs from Monday, May 9th – Thursday, May 12th.
Tickets are selling fast get yours by emailing Mr. Stang or talking to any cast member!
Zombie Prom is a girl loves ghoul, rock and roll, Off -Broadway musical set in the atomic 1950s at Enrico
Fermi High School, where the law is laid down by a zany, tyrannical principal named Ms.Strict. Pretty senior
Toffee has fallen for the class bad boy, Jonny Warner, but family pressure forces her to end the romance, and
he charges off on his motorcycle to the nuclear waste dump. He returns glowing and determined to reclaim
Toffee's heart. He still wants to graduate, but most of all he wants to take Toffee to the prom. The principal
orders him to drop dead while a scandal reporter, Eddie Flagrante, seizes on him as the freak du jour. History
comes to his rescue while a tuneful selection of original songs in the style of 50s hits keeps the action rocking
across the stage. Don’t miss LCHS’ Production of ZOMBIE PROM.
If you have any questions about any of the shows OR are looking for tickets, feel free to contact Mr. Stang
directly at
To stay up-to-date with happenings in the drama department, follow LCHS Drama Department on our social
media platforms!
LCHS Drama Department
Mr. Stang | Drama Teacher | Lloydminster Comprehensive High School
LCHS Graduation
June 29, 2016
Grad Fees ($170) will be collected the week of May 2-6 during the noon hour
~ fees are for the Cap and Gown Ceremonies, the banquet, and the Grand March
~ payment options include debit, credit, cash or cheques made payable to LPSD
~ ALL school fees must be paid before grad fees will be accepted
~there are alternative fees available if needed
 Grad Invitation Packages will be available for pickup the week of June 6-10 during the
noon hour
 Grand March Practices will be at 1:30 pm on June 22, June 23, and June 24 at the Alberta
 Grad Packages (including Cap and Gown) must be picked up June
28 in the Choral Room between 1:00-3:00
Watch for the Graduation Day Agenda in the June Newsletter or visit
our website
Provincial Skills Competition
On May 11th and 12th Lloydminster Comprehensive
High School will have 23 Students competing at the
Provincial Skills Competition in Edmonton. These students will be competing in a variety of trades and technologies, from Hair Styling to
Precision Machining. Gold medal
winners at the provincial competition will advance to the National Skills Competition in
Moncton, New Brunswick.
The Baron Cultural Club will be selling
Bannock at the car show on May 18th.
The new program calendar for Encounters with Canada
2016/2017 is available.
Students aged 14-17 can explore career options through
a wide variety of experiential learning activities. As
many of you know the Encounters’ experience has been
life-changing where participants form friendships and
memories for a lifetime.
Some new changes – Communications and Social
Media – and the First Responders –
Another notable theme week is Vimy: Canada’s Coming
of Age – remember 2017 is the 100th anniversary of
Vimy Ridge.
Contact Mrs. Spence if you are interested. or 780-875-5513
Choral Class
Congratulations to the Choral Class on its spectacular Kiwanis Music festival performance. The class received marks of 88 and 89 and was awarded the Rotary Scholarship
for School Chorus!
The Choral Class performs this month at the LPSD Spring Music Concert on Music Monday, May 2. This event will be held at LCHS at 7:00 PM and is open to the public. There will be a silver collection and the proceeds will help support our local music
Brandon University Chorus will be working with the choir on May 19. This will be an
informal session for both groups in which they will perform for each other and then spend some time singing
Mark June 1 and 2nd on your calendars as these are the dates for the Choral Class' annual concerts. The class
will perform their festival pieces and other choral works, along with some Disney and High School Musical selections.
Report cards were handed out on
April 27. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding your student’s
progress, please contact any of our
teachers by email or by phoning
(780) 875-5513. All teacher emails
can be found on our website.
Baby photos and grad write-ups for
the yearbook are due to Mrs. Close
no later than May 13. Don’t miss
LPSD Fun Run
Saturday, June 11, 2016
See Mr. Christie for a Registration Form
Comprehensive Exams June 21-24, 2016
Spring Golf Practice will be
starting soon, please listen
to announcements for
dates and times.
There will be a Spring Golf Tournament in June.
Lloydminster Comprehensive High School Staff Parking Lot
Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
To pre register, go to the LCHS website and follow these steps
1. Go the following URL
2. Book a drive time on Volunteer Spot