February 8th - USD 506 Labette County
February 8th - USD 506 Labette County
Labette County U.S.D. 506 February 8, 2016 Board Meeting 1 2 AGENDA Monday, February 8, 2016, 7:00 PM Curran Administrative Center, Altamont, KS 67330 Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where all students develop: skills to live and work in a progressive world, a positive work ethic, a sense of individual worth, pride in citizenship, and a life-long desire for learning. Our vision is to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas. Agenda – Regular Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications • Board of Education January was designated as School Board Recognition Month. On behalf of the USD 506 administration, faculty, staff, and students, Superintendent of Schools John Wyrick extends a sincere thanks to the USD 506 Board of Education members for their generous volunteer public service. 4. Approval of Printed Agenda At this time Board members may (1) accept the agenda as shown below, (2) add items, or (3) request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be placed under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Approval of January 11, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes Approval of February 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report Approval of 2016-2017 School Calendar Approval of Personnel: • Ashley Koger, Paraprofessional @ Mound Valley Approval of Substitute Employee List Approval of Retirement • Steve Odaffer, Physical Education Instructor @ Bartlett/Mound Valley Grade School • Gayle Peoples, Cook @ Mound Valley Grade School Approval of Resignations • Scott Allison, Choral and Band Instructor @ Labette County High School 3 6. Reports 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Superintendent Administrative KASB/Legislative SEK Interlocal #637 7. Action Items 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Consideration of Adding Soccer at LCHS Renewal of Property and Liability Insurance Review District’s Audit Report Consideration of Changing March Board of Education Meeting Date 8. Executive Session 8.1 8.2 For the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to personnel. For the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to negotiations. 9. Additional Business as a result of Executive Session 10. Board Member Comments 11. Adjournment 11.1 A= Action Item Next Regular Meeting: March 14, 2016 at Bartlett Grade School in Bartlett, Kansas 67332 D= Discussion Item I= Information Item 4 Supplemental Agenda- Regular Board Meeting Board of Education Monday, February 8, 2016 Altamont Grade School 1. Call to Order: The board president will call the meeting to order for business. 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments: The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications: • Board of Education: January was designated as School Board Recognition Month. On behalf of the USD 506 administration, faculty, staff, and students, Superintendent of Schools John Wyrick extends a sincere thanks to the USD 506 Board of Education members for their generous volunteer public service. 4. Approval of Printed Agenda: At this time Board member may accept the agenda as shown below; add items to the agenda, or request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be place under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration.” 5. Adoption of the Consent Agenda: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) items on the agenda, which are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Furthermore, at this time the Board may request that one or more consent agenda items be placed under action, information, or discussion for separate consideration. The motion should read- I move the board approve by consent, items in the agenda, which are identified as 5.1-5.7. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Approval of January 11, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes (pgs. 8-12) Approval of February 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report (pgs. 36-51) Approval of 2016-2017 School Calendar (p.13) Approval of Personnel: • Ashley Koger, Paraprofessional @ Mound Valley (p. 14) Approval of Substitute Employee List (p. 15) Approval of Retirements: • Steve Odaffer, Physical Education Instructor @ Bartlett/Mound Valley Grade School (p. 18) • Gayle Peoples, Head Cook @ Mound Valley Grade School (p. 19) 5 5.7 Approval of Resignations: • Scott Allison, Choral and Band Instructor @ LCHS (p.17) 6. Reports: 6.1 Superintendent- Dr. Wyrick will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.2 Building Administrators- See enclosed reports on pages 20-35. 6.3 KASB- Gail Billman will share her report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.4 SEK Interlocal #637- Mr. Kevin Cole will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 7. Action Items7.1 Consideration of Adding Soccer at Labette County High School: Mr. Ed Raschen and Mr. Chris Kastler will visit with the board about the possibility of adding soccer at Labette County High School as a varsity sport. The board may take action on this item during this time. (A) 7.2 Renewal of Property and Liability Insurance: Chris Bohrer, Wood-Dulohery, will present the renewal rates during this time. A motion to approve the new rates will be required. (A) 7.3 Review District’s Audit Report: Mr. Eagon was in our district earlier this year to conduct his annual audit of our financials ending August, 2015. Mr. Eagon will be present to report to the board his findings and answer any questions the board of education may have during and after his report. The board of education will need to make a motion to approve the audit as presented. (A) 7.4 Consideration of Changing March Board of Education Meeting Date: The March board of education date is scheduled during Spring Break. The board will need to make a motion to move the date of the meeting if they so desire. (A) 8. Executive Session8.1 Personnel: At this time the board may need to go into executive session to discuss personnel. 8.2 Negotiations: At this time the board may need to go into executive session to discuss negotiations. 9. Additional Business as result of Executive SessionAction as a result of executive session may take place at this time. 6 10. Board Member CommentsIndividual board members are encouraged to share stories of success and opportunities for growth at this time. 11. AdjournmentMotion to adjourn the meeting. Next Regular meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2016 at Bartlett Grade School in Bartlett, Kansas. 7 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Altamont Grade School January 11, 2016 5:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Gail Billman Kevin Cole Rich Falkenstien Jessie Foister Dr. Kolette Smith Dr. Dennis Wilson ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Mike Mahoney, TRANE Rep. Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Alan Milbradt, PBA Architects Glenda Aikins, AGS Principal Clark Simpson, PBA Architects Bart Arnett, Crossland Construction Inc. Mike Starr, Maint. Director Mike Carson, Steering Committee Member Keven Ward, TRANE Rep. Melissa Green, MDValley Principal Jeff Wilson, Crossland Const. Inc. Aaron Hight, Crossland Construction Inc. Coleene Williamson, Parsons Sun Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal Chris Kastler, MDView Principal 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order. Rich Falkenstien opened with prayer. 2. Rich Falkenstien moved to approve the printed agenda. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. Dr. Kolette Smith arrived at 5:34 p.m. 3. PBA Architect Clark Simpson along with Aaron Hight and Bart Arnett from Crossland Construction reviewed the district’s scope of work. At 7:30 p.m. Kevin Cole made a motion to take a 5-‐minute recess for PBA Architects and Crossland Construction to calculate revisions. Dr. Kolette Smith seconded. Motion carried 7-‐0. The board re-‐grouped at 7:35 p.m. Kolette Smith made a motion to set a $23.9 million bond. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 7-‐0. 4. A Resolution Authorizing and providing for the calling of a Bond Election in USD # 506, Labette County, Kansas for the purpose of submitting to the 8 qualified electors of the district the question of issuing General Obligation Bonds of the District; Authorizing the application to the State Board of Education for the authority to call said Bond Election; and providing for the giving of notice of said Bond Election of $23.9 million was motioned by Kevin Cole. Kolette Smith seconded motion. Motion carried 7-‐0. 5. No Special Board Meeting was scheduled 6. Board Comments Kolette Smith – No Comments Dennis Wilson – No Comments Gail Billman said she is proud of our board for listening to the wants and needs of our community. Justin Bebb thanked Crossland Construction, TRANE and PBA Architects for all their time and dedication. Jessie Foister appreciates everyone that was involved with all the Special Board Meetings. Kevin Cole would like to see a new committee form to educate and keep the community informed of the Bond process. The board was in favor of the new committee and will form the committee soon. Rich Falkenstien – No Comments 7. Adjournment Gail Billman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jessie Foister seconded the Motion. Motion carried 7-‐0. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. No Special Board has been planned at this time. 9 BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Altamont Grade School January 11, 2016 7:55 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Gail Billman Kevin Cole Rich Falkenstien Jessie Foister Dr. Kolette Smith Dr. Dennis Wilson ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Shawn Sexton Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Dante Sexton Glenda Aikins, AGS Principal Justin Sexton Melissa Green, MDValley Principal Bobbi Tuttle, Interlocal Employee Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal Tina McClenning Chris Kastler, MDView Principal Hayden McClenning Coleene Williamson, Parsons Sun Kenton Jarman, Parent Kaden Kastler, Student Holly Jarman, Parent Cliff Oshel, Parent Kolby Kastler, Student Melissa Oshel, Parent/Employee Paula Kastler, Parent Shelbe Oshel, Student Susan Allison, Teacher/Community Spence Allison, EGS Teacher 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order. 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments Chris Kastler presented interest and information of adding a soccer program to LCHS. Mr. Kastler thanked the board for their time and asked for the consideration of adding the program. Kolette Smith made a motion to add soccer program discussion to the February Agenda. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 7-‐0. 3. Recognitions/Communications Gail Billman welcomed parents Kenton and Holly Jarman. Mr. and Mrs. Jarman thanked USD 506 for the positive experience their child is experiencing. Mrs. Jarman mentioned a sensory room for students with special needs would be a great addition to the special needs program. The board thanked the Jarman family for their inspiration and continued support of the district. 4. Jessie Foister moved to approve the printed agenda. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 7-‐0. 10 5. Consent Agenda Gail Billman moved to approve the consent agenda. Dennis Wilson seconded. Motion carried 7-‐0. 6. Reports 6.1 Dr. Wyrick reported the USD 506 Mill Levy history. Dr. Wyrick mentioned this information is available on the district’s website for the community to view. 6.2 Building Administrators Shane Holtzman reported that he is proud of his teaching staff this year and great things are happening this year. Mr. Holtzman welcomed visitors to LCHS anytime. Melissa Green appreciates all the special board meetings and the difficult decisions the board has made over the last months. Mrs. Green said she is very thankful USD 506 has a board that listens to staff needs. Glenda Aikins is very pleased with her Altamont Grade Staff this year. School year is going great. 6.3 KASB/Legislative No report at this time 6.4 SEK Interlocal 637 Kevin Cole reported the SEK Interlocal 637 meeting is this Wednesday and he will bring back information at next board meeting. 7. Executive Session The board did not require an executive session 8. Additional Business as a result of Executive Session No additional business at this time 9. Board Member Comments Rich Falkenstien has heard the Professional Development Day of January 4th was excellent. Great things are happening in our district! Kevin Cole thanked all the administration for all they do for their staff. Jessie Foister thanked the Jarman Family for the appreciation they show to the district. Mrs. Foister said the Jarman family is a great family and glad they are in our district. Justin Bebb said he was thankful for his fellow board members. Gail Billman thanked the Jarman Family for sharing their story. Dennis Wilson asked Kevin Cole to address Mr. and Mrs. Jarman’s wishes to the Interlocal Board at this weeks Interlocal Meeting. Kolette Smith appreciates the ability of all the USD 506 Board Members getting along with each other and doing such a great job. Dr. Smith added she would like to look at changing the date of the March board meeting. 11 10. Adjournment Gail Billman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rich Falkenstien seconded the Motion. Motion carried 7-‐0. The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be February 8, 2016 at the board office. 12 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR Labette County USD 506 S M July 2016 T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 S M 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 August T W T F 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 S 6 13 20 27 September T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 S 3 10 17 24 October T W T S M 2 9 16 23 30 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F November T W T F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 S M December T W T F 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M S 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 5 12 19 26 S 3 10 17 24 31 AUGUST Staff Development (1.0) 22 Staff Development (1.0) 23 24 Work Day (1.0) 25 Half Day of School for K-9 25 Work Day (.5) 26 Full Day of School for K-12 SEPTEMBER 5 LABOR DAY - NO SCHOOL OCTOBER 3 Staff Development - NO SCHOOL (1.0) 21 End of 1st Quarter (39.5 days) 24 Staff Development (.5) Work Day (.5)- No School 25 Parent Teacher Conference 27 Parent Teacher Conference NOVEMBER 23-25 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO SCHOOL DECEMBER 21 End of 2nd Quarter (39 days)/1st sem (78.5 days) 22 No School (In-Lieu of P-T Conferences) 22-31 CHRISTMAS VACATION - NO SCHOOL JANUARY 1-3 CHRISTMAS VACATION - NO SCHOOL 4 Staff Development (.5) Work Day (.5) - No School 5 School Resumes 16 Staff Development- NO SCHOOL (1.0) January 2017 S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 February S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March W T 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 FEBRUARY PRESIDENT'S DAY- NO SCHOOL 20 MARCH 2 End 3rd Quarter (39 days) 3 Staff Development (.5) Work Day (.5) - No School 6/7 Parent Teacher Conference 9 Parent Teacher Conference 20-24 SPRING BREAK - NO SCHOOL APRIL 14 17 MAY 17 17 17 18 Students 163.0 2.0 3.25 0 168.3 KEY # Staff Development Day (Bold) # Holiday/Vacation/No School (Shared) # Begin and end school (border) S M T S M T No School (In-Lieu of P-T Conferences) Staff Development- NO SCHOOL (1.0) Last Day of School- Half Day (.5) Staff Work Day (.5) End 4th Quarter (45.5 days)/2nd sem (84.5 days) Staff Work Day (.5) May M T W 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 S Teachers M T 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 Students in Class Parent/Teacher Conferences Staff Development Days Work Days TOTALS # Work Day (Underlined) # No School (Single Cross) # [Parent Teacher Conferences] April W T F S 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S 163.0 2.0 6.5 4.0 175.5 F S 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 # # # F T F S 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 June W T F S 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 No School In-Lieu of P-T Conf. End of Quarter/Semester Half Day School- Students 13 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Supplemental Coaching/Activity and Classified List February 8, 2016 Supplemental Work Agreement: Classified Work Agreement: Ashley Koger, Paraprofessional @ Mound Valley Grade School Effective 02.08.2016 14 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Substitute Employee List February 8, 2016 Substitute Teacher Taylor Russell Tiffani Sexton Louie Celaya Lesa Searles Brenda Johnson Kitchen Subs None at this time Substitute Bus Driver None at this time 15 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Classified/Certified/Supplemental Employment Report February 8, 2016 Retirements Steve Odaffer Physical Education Instructor, Bartlett/Mound Valley Effective 05.12.2016 Gayle Peoples Head Cook, Mound Valley Grade School Effective 05.12.2016 Choral and Band Instructor, Labette County High School Effective 05.12.2016 Resignations Scott Allison 16 17 18 19 Altamont Grade Administrative Report Board of Education Meeting February 2016 Building Management • • • • • • • • • Fire Drill held Supervise lunchroom Weekly Events emailed to all staff (tells what’s happening in the building) Custodial schedule accommodates clean-up from BB games Letters home to parents concerning fees, skating, etc. Drop off and pick up scheduled for skates Review of non-discrimination policy with teachers Kansas State Assessment schedule out to teachers Mentoring meeting at AGS on Feb. 10 Educational Leadership • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Placement and annual IEP Meetings held as required February Building Newsletter sent out to all parents Walk-throughs and evaluations continue After school tutoring in place for third nine weeks for 6-8 After school program in place for K-3 FAST Spring Program Begins Feb. 8 Title I Plan Review meeting on Feb. 11 Safe Schools Meeting @ BOE February 19 SIT Mtg. Feb. 8 Staff meetings held Skate Unit in PE – Feb. 16 – Feb. 29 DRA, SRI, and SMI assessment completed for mid-year; Feb. 16th, Kansas Reading Roadmap meeting with Angel Cortez Traveling Science presentation to grades 2 and 5 on Feb. 5th. STEM Activities presented to classes K-4 from Greenbush Mobile Learning Lab. Scheduling of Kdg. Clinic and PK screening Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jr. High BB Tournament held at LCHS; Spirit Week Little League in progress; PTO Pennies For Patients Fundraiser held for charity BOE Mtg. February 8 @ 7:00 AGS Basketball Awards Program PTO Skate Nights held on February 23 and 25, 6:00 – 8:30 each night Site Council Meeting 6:00 on Feb. 9 PTO Meeting 7:00 on Feb. 9 LCHS Vocal Tour, Feb. 23, 8:30am LCHS Band Tour, February 19, 8:30am Valentine Parties Feb. 12 Feb. 13, 6-8 grade students to compete in Math Counts at PSU 7th Grade Student Leadership team meets @ Md. Valley on Feb. 17 Special Olympics Competition at Pittsburg on Feb. 18 Guest speakers at AGS Glenda Aikins 20 February 2016 Future Eagle Alert! County Spelling Bee If you know of a child who may be eligible for the 2016-2017 AGS Preschool, please have the parent contact the school at 784-5511. The child must be 3 years old on or before August 31st and meet certain criteria. Also, if you know of a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31st, please have the parent call the school at 784-5511 to schedule an appointment for the kindergarten clinic. This year’s clinic is scheduled for March 30th from 8:30 – 3:00. Yearbook SALE: Feb. 22 – March 4 nd AGS Yearbooks are on sale from Feb. 22 to March 4th. The cost is $13 per book if purchased by March 4th. Checks may be made out to Altamont Yearbook. All yearbooks must be reserved and paid for by March 10th. They will arrive in May. Site Council Mtg. – 6:00 February 9 PTO Mtg. – 7:00 – February 9th th PE Class to Skate The annual skating unit in PE is getting ready to begin. Letters and permission slips have been sent home explaining the program. The unit will begin on Tuesday, February 16th, and will end on March 1st.. If you did not receive this information, please call the AGS office, as students must have a signed permission slip in order to participate. The skills learned during this course are able to improve balance, strength, and coordination. SKATE NIGHTS: Ø Tuesday, February 23rd, gr. 4 & 7 skate 6:00-7:15 Ø Tuesday, February 23rd, gr. 6 & 8 skate 7:15 8:30 Ø Ø Thursday, Feb. 25th, Kdg. & 2nd skate 6:00 - 7:15 Thursday, Feb. 25th, gr. 1, 3, 5 skate 7:15 - 8:30 Abbie Schlatter, sixth grader, placed second at the County Spelling Bee held on January 27, 2016 at Altamont Grade School. Congratulations, Abbie! 506 Tournament Dates Feb. 1 506 BB Tournament @ LCHS Feb. 4 506 BB Tournament @ LCHS Feb. 6 506 BB Tournament @ LCHS Game times TBA Spirit Week Monday, Feb. 1 Tuesday, Feb. 2 Wed., Feb. 3 Thursday, Feb. 4 Friday, Feb. 5 Disney/Pixar Day Twin Day 50’s - 90’s Day Eagle Spirit Day Favorite Sports Team Day MATH COUNTS CONTEST Mrs. Rakestraw is taking students to PSU on Saturday, February 13th, to compete in the Math Counts competition. Those students participating are: 6th grade: Abbie Schlatter, Saige Smith; 7th grade: Layla Bradfield, Dakota Payne, Kelsey Stringer; 8th grade: Kaitie Cartwright, Corianne Ince, and Austin Jones. Good Luck to all! AGS PTO Service Project The PTO Service Project, Pennies for Patients, begins Monday, Februrary 1st and runs thru February 12th. In this program students collect pennies from home (or any change or paper bills) and donate them to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Pennies for Patients program. The class with the highest total at the end of the program on February 12th will win an ice cream or pizza party (their choice)! The all school goal is $400. Last year we were able to collect over double that amount! VALETINE PARTIES, FEBRUARY 12TH Notice of Non-Discrimination The school district of Labette County USD 506 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including requests for accommodations or access to District buildings and programs. Complaints in regard to Discrimination Discrimination against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to or treatment in the districts programs or activities is prohibited. The Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 189, Altamont, Kansas 67330-0188, 620-784-5326, has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Americans with Disability Act of 1990. Superintendent of Schools, 401 S High School Street, PO Box 189, Altamont, KS 67330, 620-784-5326, 620-724-6280 (telecommunications device for the deaf), 620-3283121 (speech impaired), jwyrick@usd506.org. 21 • Board Meeting Report for Bartlett and Edna February 8, 2016 Educational Leadership 1. 2. 3. 4. Attended 8 IEP Meetings Attended Math and ELA curriculum meetings. Discussed 2 new “Habits of the Mind” with students in both schools. Attended a district wide school safety meeting. This our coalition team that addresses student/family concerns throughout our buildings/communities. 5. Attended the District In-‐service @ LCHS Cafeteria on 1/18/16. 6. Sent home positive notes to my January Students of the Month in both schools. 7. Worked on building testing schedules and PNP information for this year’s state assessment test in both buildings. 8. Attended PTO Meetings at both buildings. 9. Completed evaluation process on 7 certified staff. 10. Meet and worked on 2016-‐17 Calendar • Building Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Held my February Building Staff meetings. Discussed these items: State Testing Schedules Calendar Staff Training over District Board Policies & the Section 504, & Title II Policy and Procedures Handbook Share District Web – Site and hand outs Sent out newsletters for parents and students in both buildings. Meet with students on behavior concerns. Gave disciplinary consequences. Sent letters out to parents of students that is having absenteeism problems. Started working on next year’s COOP orders – Completed the Athletic and Building “First Aid” orders and the P.E. orders for both buildings. Started working on basketball officials for next year’s home dates for both schools. Finalized the February Calendar before sending out to parents. Finalized the weekly schedule for each building before sending out to staff. Picked up and delivered January’s “Food for Kids” boxes to both schools. Meet with Warner Sound to talk about Screen and Projector for gym in both buildings. Meet with principals to work on STEM Mobile Lab schedule for district. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bartlett and Edna students in grades 4-‐8 participate in the annual Geography Bee on Friday, Jan. 8th. Six students represented each grade. The bee began at 9:00 a.m. The winner’s of the bee were Blaine McWhirt for Bartlett and Caleb Pierce for Edna. They both took the on-‐line Test for the state. Should they do well on the test, they will advance to the State Geography Bee held April 1st 2016. Congratulation to the following students who were chosen to participate in the Southeast Kansas Honors Choir and Band. Our Band students from BGS are Brody Eichhorn (Clarinet), Jamie Kaspar (Flute), and Elsie Sorrell (Saxophone). Our choir students are Christian Moore (Alto), Cecilia Eisenbrandt (Soprano), and Magnus Winkler (Tenor). Our students from Edna are Jax Gilpin (Tenor), Isaiah Hill (Tenor), Dane DeTar (Baritone), Zach Hyatt (Baritone), Kelsey Schaplowsky, Danielle Kelly, & Audrey Stice (Soprano) and Sidney Neidigh & Clara Rucker (Alto) for Middle School Honors. They traveled to Chanute High School January 16th for a day of instruction and will perform in an all Honors Band and Choir that evening. Both buildings have made trips to Greenbush to visit the science center. Edna (6-‐8) Students traveled to Spartan School of Aeronautics and the Tulsa Air and Space Museum in Tulsa Ok. On Friday January 15, 2016. We have started our (5-‐8) Art Club at Bartlett. It will run for 5 weeks. Attached are our February Newsletters for both schools 22 (Aiming Higher Excellence Takes Desire) February 1, 2016 January Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected January students of the month here at Bartlett. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Kind. – Zane Hintergardt st 1nd – Bayleigh Wyrick 2 – Hadley Graves rd th 3 – Kenadie Carter 4 – Sydney Foster th th 5th – Emily Eichhorn 6th – Sean Hurst 7 – Elsie Sorrell 8 – Jalynn Johnson Spirit Week ... Feb. 1st – Feb. 5th Mon., February 1st P.J. Day Tues., February 2nd Fake Injury Day Wed., February 3rd Camo Day Thurs., February 4th Green/Gold Day Friday, February 5th Famous Person/Character Day Valentine’s Day Notice We will have our Valentine’s parties on Friday, February 12th. The parties will begin at 2:30. As in the past, we ask that you DO NOT have flowers, gift baskets, etc. delivered to the school. Because these items are very distracting and cause problems both in the classroom and on our buses, the school will not accept deliveries from home and/or florists. Geography Bee Results Thirty students in grades 4-8 participated in the annual Geography Bee on Friday, January 8th. Blaine McWhirt, seventh grade, was the winner. Elsie Sorrell seventh grade, placed second and Sean Hurst, Tanner George, Paige Davis, ShyAnne Wiley, Katie Zwahlen, and Sydney Foster all tied for third place. Blaine has taken the written test for the State Bee; if he does well on the written test, he will advance to the State Geography Bee held March. Congratulations to all! Parent/Teacher Conferences Conferences are set for March 8th from 3:30 - 7:30 and March 9th from 3:30 to 7:00. Schedules will be sent out closer to the dates. We are looking forward to seeing each of you here. Looking for Future Braves! We are looking for students who will be attending kindergarten at Bartlett next year. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31st, please have the parent contact the school at 226-3414. We will need the child’s name, birth date, parent name, address, and phone number. Vision and hearing will be screened during the clinic. This year’s kindergarten roundup is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm District Basketball Tournament It is time to tip off the District Junior High Basketball Tournament at LCHS. Dates for this year’s tournament are: • Mon. Feb. 1st – 3:30 PM • Thurs., Feb. 4th – 3:30 PM • Sat., Feb. 6th – 11:00 AM There will be a gate fee of $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. All USD 506 employees and their families will be admitted at no cost. Yearbook Sales Yearbook Sales will begin Tuesday Feb. 9th and will run through Friday, March 4th. Cost is $12.00. Yearbooks must be ordered and paid for in advance. All orders must be in by March 4th. Please make checks payable to Bartlett Grade Yearbook Fund. 8th Grade Parent Reminder! The 8th Grade orientation meeting at LCHS is scheduled for Tuesday March 1st at 6:00 pm. Please plan to attend! Spring Break News This year’s Spring Break will be the week of March 14th. No school for students on Friday March 4th (Teacher Inservice/Work Day). We return back from spring break on Monday, March 21st. Spring Band Concert Set This year’s Spring Band Concert/Clinic is set for Tuesday, March 29th at 7:00 pm in the Harrison Auditorium. The (6-8) grade band members will have the opportunity to perform with the high school band during the concert. 23 (Competent, Achieving, Talented, Students) February 1, 2016 January Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected January students of the Month here at Edna. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Pre-K – Gracie Gibbons K – Addi Cook and Tallie Maxson st 1nd – Trey Weimer 2 – Lilly Wiley rd 3 – Wyatt Moore th 4th – Addison Rexwinkle 5 – Rowdy Noble th 6 – Therann Moore th 7th – Taya Maxson 8 – Trey Angel Valentine’s Day Notice We will have our Valentine’s parties on Friday, February 12th. The parties will begin at 2:30. As in the past, we ask that you DO NOT have flowers, gift baskets, etc. delivered to the school. Because these items are very distracting and cause problems both in the classroom and on our buses, the school will not accept deliveries from home and/or florists. Book Fair Coming Soon! The week of February 17th through the 23rd is when Edna’s Book Fair is scheduled. Mrs. Buchanan and our PTO Officers are working to provide opportunities for our students and parents to visit the book fair. This year’s theme: “Feeling Groovy!” We have our “Family Fun Night” scheduled for Thursday, February 18th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm students are to dress up in Groovy apparel during school hours. Parent/Teacher Conferences Conferences are set for March 8th from 3:30 - 7:30 and March 9th from 3:30 to 7:00. Schedules are being set and we are looking forward to seeing each of you here. Yearbook Sales Yearbook Sales are going on and will run through Friday, February 19th. Cost is $11.00. Yearbooks must be ordered and paid for in advance. Please make checks payable to Edna Elementary Yearbook Fund. Time is running out if you are planning to order a yearbook. Looking for Future Wildcats! We are looking for students who will be attending kindergarten at Edna next year. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31st, please have the parent contact the school at 9227210. We will need the child’s name, birth date, parent name, address, and phone number. Vision and hearing will be screened during the clinic. This year’s kindergarten roundup is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2016 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. District Basketball Tournament this Week! • • • • Mon., Feb. 1st – (A-Girls play @ 5:00, A-Boys @ 8:00)) Thurs., Feb. 4th – (B-Boys, 3:30) Sat., Feb. 6th - 11:00 am start There will be a gate fee of $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. All USD 506 employees and their families will be admitted in at no cost. Spirit Week ... Feb. 1st – Feb. 5th Mon., Feb. 1st Tues, Feb. 2nd Wed., Feb. 3rd Thurs., Feb. 4th Friday, Feb. 5th Camo Day Cowboy/Indian Day Career Day Blue/White Day Pajama Day Geography Bee Results Thirty students in grades 4-8 participated in the annual Geography Bee on Friday, January 8th. Caleb Pierce, eighth grade, was the winner. Halley Benson, sixth grade, placed second and Colton Brothers, fifth grade, placed third. Caleb will take a written test for the State Bee, if he does well on the written test, he will advance to the State Geography Bee held March. Congratulations to all! Health Notes February is National Children’s Dental Health month. Please remind your child to brush his/her teeth once in the morning and again at night, and to floss once a day. Also, be sure your child is up-to-date with dental cleanings, as it is recommended this be done every six months. The Health Center will be here on February 3rd to do the Restorative Dental Services for our students. 8th Grade Parent Reminder! The 8th Grade orientation meeting for parents and students is scheduled for Tuesday March 1st at 6:00 pm at LCHS. Please plan to attend! 24 Meadow View Board Report February 8th , 2016 Building Management *I did all of the usual building management procedures for the month; fire drills, transportation request, weekly staff calendar, etc. *I am in the process of doing my On-‐Cycle Tenured and all of my Non-‐Tenured evaluations. *We hosted a NAEP test for our 8th graders on Tuesday, February 2nd. The students were tested on Music interpretation and Visual Arts. Educational Leadership *I am attending the Greenbush Health Conference with Alicia on Tuesday, February 9th. As part of our accreditation we are to follow the Healthy Schools guidelines. Alicia and I will get guidance on what needs to be done to continue to be a healthy school. *I attended the Career Cruising workshop, held at Greenbush last month and discussed with the administrative team how to implement it into our schools. *I have worked with the calendar committee to put together next year’s calendar options. *Our FAST team begins meeting again on Monday, February 15th. *I am also working with Chuck Clanahan from Homeland Security to schedule a threat assessment for our district. Noteworthy Items *Our PTO will finished the Grandma Parkers sells last month. Our PTO also recently began meeting at 3:30pm to try and accommodate more students. *Meadow View 4th grader recently had a great field trip to the KOAM T.V. station. A big thanks to Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Sharp for arranging this trip. 25 Meadow View News February 2016 Dates for February 1 M 506 Tourney @ LCHS 2 T NAEP testing for 8th grade 4 Th 506 Tourney @ LCHS 6 S 506 Tourney @ LCHS 8 M SIT meeting 9 T PTO meeting 3:30 9 T Site Council meeting 5:30 9 T SIT meeting 12 F Valentine’s parties 17 W 7th grade Student Leadership @ Mound Valley Yearbook Sales The Meadow View Yearbook staff has announced that yearbook sales will be held during the month of February. Yearbooks will be $15.00 each. Megan Baldwin, Hayden Bennett, Auston Barragar, Titus Feagan and Mattaya Gibbs make up the yearbook staff for this school year. Order forms will be coming home later this month. No Flowers Please do not deliver Valentines Day flowers or gifts to school for your child again this year. We will not accept deliveries from parents or florists on that day. The area florists have been notified. Valentine parties will be around 2:15 on the 12th. PTO Corner Spirit Week During the week of our District Basketball tournament February 1st February 6th our cheerleaders host “Spirit Week”. Themes for each day are: Monday Multiples Monday Dress like your friends as twins or more Tuesday Too Sleepy Tuesday Pajama day WednesdayWhat Not to Wear Wed. Wear your worst, tackiest, craziest outfit Thursday Throw Spirit Thursday Wear red and black to show your spirit Friday Flashback Friday Dress from your favorite decade Honors Band and Music The following students performed in the Middle School Honors Band and Choir at Chanute on January 16th. Those who played in Honors Band were: Shelby Oshel Clarinet and Noah Ryan Tenor Sax Those who sang in Honors Choir were: Alissa Fearmonti, Mattaya Gibbs, Gabe Holgate, Chelsea Jarman, Jeff Ramsey, Alexis Smith and Brett VanBuskirk. We are proud of how you represented Meadow View. Be Courteous on Social Media We are asking parents and school supporters to be courteous and thoughtful when posting student pictures on social media. We have many students enrolled in our school who have asked our district NOT to publish or post their pictures. Many times at school functions and event parents take many pictures of their students and others. Please be considerate when publishing or posting pictures. Thanks for your support of the PTO “Grandma Parkers” fundraiser. Sales ends February 1st. All profits will go to fund PTO projects. Our next meeting is February 9th at 3:30 in the Meadow View library. Parent/Teacher Conferences Conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday March 7th and 8th. Look for notes coming home later this month for scheduled times. Fast Team We are looking for families to join our Families and Schools Together program this spring. We begin our spring session on Monday February 8th. If you are interested in better communication and interaction with your child, call us and we can give you more information. Flu Season It is flu season and we have had many sick students. Just a quick reminder not to send your student to school if they have a fever or have thrown up. They must be fever free and not have thrown up for 24 hours before you send them back to school. If anyone is diagnosed with influenza they may not return to school prior to 24 hours of being fever free, with no medication to reduce fever Please make special efforts to push handwashing with your children. Thanks for helping us keep all our kids well S ite Council Our next Site Council meeting is February 9th at 5:30 in the school library. Everyone is welcome to come. Winter Dress As Kansas typically has very cold temperatures in February, please be aware of what your child is wearing to school. We will go outside for recess unless the temperature is dangerously low. Students need to wear a coat and hat during the winter months. Kansas Career and College Ready Standards As part of the KCCRS we are implementing two “Habits of the Mind” concepts every month. We believe that by teaching these concepts that our students will have the 21st century skills they will need to be successful. February’s “Habits of the Mind” are: “Creating, imagining and innovating.” and “Responding with wonderment and awe.” State Assessments We will begin the performance parts of our state assessment this month. The window for the MDPT test opens February 16th. Be looking for more information to come home. 26 Mound Valley Grade School Administrative Report February 2016 Building Management • Will hold Feb. fire drill • Sent weekly schedule to staff • Scheduled transportation for events • Scheduled state assessment Educational Leadership • Held staff meeting- reviewed the 504 and Title II policies • Report Food Bank program • Conducted classroom Walk-throughs • Conducted teachers observations • Held IEP meetings • Will attend the Title 1 meeting to review plans • Observed Greenhouses at Girard and Erie • Trio continues with grades 6-8 • Attended Technology meeting • Will attend all Administration meetings • Attended 8th grade banquet meeting • KRR district meeting • Schedule and attend SIT meetings • Worked with social worker on a student talent show Noteworthy Items • Recognized the student of the month • 7th and 8th grade students attended the Math Counts • 11 families-(41 participants) attended the FASTWORKS • 6th-8th grade students will attend Honor Band/Choir • 7th grade student leadership will meet • PE skating unit will start • Greenbush science labs for K-8 • High School band performance • High School choir performance • KC clubs continue to meet and plan for fundraiser Melissa Green 27 Feb. 2016 _______________________________________________________________ Important Dates: • Attendance Reminders Feb. 1 3:30 BB B boys vs. AGS, 5:00 A girls If your child is ill, please call or send a note to vs. Edna school, otherwise the absence will be Feb. 4 8:00 BB A boys vs. Bartlett unexcused. Truancy is defined as any three Feb. 6 11:00 BB B girls vs. AGS consecutive unexcused absences, any five Feb. 12 2:30 Valentines Day parties unexcused absences in a semester, or seven Feb. 16 6:00 Site Council meeting unexcused absences in a school year, Feb. 17 7th grade SLA whichever comes first. Tardiness occurs when Feb. 26 Talent Show a student enters the building after 8:00 a.m. or Feb. 29 Skating unit in P.E. misses up to an hour at any time during the (This calendar is subject to change. Please check the school day. Mound Valley calendar on the district website for • Colder Weather changes and updates at usd506.org Click on the As cold weather approaches this season Calendar button, then choose the Mound Valley please be mindful of what your child wears to calendar. You may have to choose the current school. We will be going outside for recess month to update the calendar.) unless the temperature is extreme. Students • Honor Band & Choir need to wear a coat, hat, and gloves during the The students were nominated to participate winter months. in the Kansas Southeast District Middle Level • School Closings Honor Choir. The students rehearsed all day In the event of inclement weather or January 16, 2016 with other students from mechanical breakdown, school may be closed southeast Kansas. Russ Valier, retired or starting time delayed. The automated Chanute High School choir director, was the phone system will be implemented. However, clinician. The choir performed in a concert please check the following stations for school that same afternoon. It is a wonderful closings in the event of a system failure: opportunity for students who show promise KOAM-‐TV (channel 7) KODETV (12) KKOW and interest in continuing to study choral 96.9 FM KGGF 690 AM KLKC 93.5 FM KOBC music. 90.7 FM The following students performed in the • Health Middle School Honor Choir. Tristan Taylor, Cold a nd Flu season is just warming up, so Cloey Jones, Daphne Hedrick, Hayden remember this time of year the added McGinnes, Shaina Carpenter, Haley Green, and importance of good hand washing. Please Athena Buck. Congratulations on your encourage y our child to use warm water with selection to the Honor Choir. We are proud of soap a nd s crub for as long as it takes for them you and the way you represented Mound to s ing “ Happy B irthday” twice, making sure Valley. they g et b etween fingers, wrists, and backs of • No Flowers hands t oo. W hile h and sanitizer, vitamins, and Please do not deliver Valentines Day flowers flu s hots a re g reat, hand washing is the single or gifts to school for your children again this best way to prevent the spread of germs. year. We will not accept deliveries from • Items to Collect parents or florists on that day. The area We are collecting the following items: Box florists have been notified. Valentine Parties Tops, Campbell’s labels, pop can tabs, ink will be around 2:30 p.m. on the 12th. cartridges, old cell phones, cameras, dvds, Community Care Points, Coke lids/Codes and mp3’s. 28 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen FEBRUARY BOARD REPORT: Coach Price - Strength & Conditioning has added an additional 10 girls this semester to make our total 18 now. Really excited how the girls are wanting to come in and work to get better, great group of kids! Scott Allison - Choirs - Tori Smith and Devin Philbrick are headed to New York City February 3-9 for the National Choir. Currently, all of the choirs are preparing for grade school tours on Feb. 19 and contests in April. We are looking forward to a very successful contest season! Music Company is currently selling Singing Valentines. If you are interested in purchasing please contact Mr. Allison at scallison@usd506.org. Scott Allison - Band - The band is preparing for contest season and grade school tours as well. They had individuals currently participate in the Kansas State Band Clinic. While attending, Timothy Moore and Catherine Lumley were selected as 1st chair in the top band. 650 students participated in this event from across the state. More individuals will attend the Baker University Honor Band on Feb. 11. Jim Gilpin/Jeff Falkenstien - Labette County High School FFA Welding "A" Team: Participated in the Southeast Kansas District Welding Career Development Event Held at Coffeyville Community College Welding School - January 27 2016. PLACED 1st of the 24 teams in the Southeast FFA District Team members: Cade Shomber 1st Grant Simpson 2nd Colton Sanders 4th Mason Volmer 6th Team members completed a multi-step weld assembly, performed cuts using an oxy-fuel torch and took a written test over weld processes, safety, OSHA policies and general welding knowledge. Jim Gilpin/Jeff Falkenstien - Labette County High School FFA Welding "B" Team: Participated in the Southeast Kansas District Welding Career Development Event Held at Coffeyville Community College Welding School - January 27 2016. PLACED 1st of the 24 teams in the Southeast FFA District Team members: Chance Winters - 6th Caleb Mackie - 1st Dalton Hawks - 4th Kaci Bertling Team members completed a multi-step weld assembly, performed cuts using an oxy-fuel torch and took a written test over weld processes, safety, OSHA policies and general welding knowledge. 29 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Ashley Moore - Biology: My kiddos are learning about genetics and are currently discovering the frustration of karyotyping. This week they will also begin researching genetic disorders to put together a presentation about their topic of choice. Julie Oswald - Algebra: The kids have been hard at work! We just started our unit on polynomials. Students are learning how to classify different types of polynomials. In addition, we are learning how to add, subtract and multiply these polynomials. Julie Oswald - Geometry: These students have been working extremely hard. We are finishing up our unit on triangles. Next week, we will begin to apply our knowledge from this unit by looking at how triangles effect the strength of bridges. The students will then design and build their own bridges out of toothpicks. At the end of the project, we will test each bridge to see which designs were the strongest. Crystal Witty – LCHS Counselor: We were recently informed that LCHS received a Preventative Mini Grant in the amount of $17,392. Under this grant LCHS student ambassadors will be able to have the PUPPS (Peers Providing Peer Support) training camp again this summer held at Greenbush. Students will spend three days coming together as a team and learning skills regarding how to reach out to the student body and work with student issues and conflict. In addition to the camp, we will be able to pay students to create a Parent Directory that will be published on the district website and print copies made available to parents as a guide to resources in our community... we will implement Sticker Shock in Labette County again this year where students will go to local retail stores placing stickers with information regarding why adults should not contribute to underage drinking. Finally, we will purchase supplies for our group and incentives for our Grizzly Rewards! :) Heather Wilson – LC Theatre: The Theatre Department is working on their performance of "Radium Girls" by D.W. Gregory. We will produce the touching historical drama, inspired by the real life 1920’s radium dial painters and the company that employed them. “Radium Girls” will be performed February 11th at 7:30pm and February 13th for at 2:00pm and 7:30 pm. General admission tickets are available at the door for $5 and the average running time for this touching drama is 2 hours and 10 minutes including intermission. This play depicts the chilling tale of young women who fall ill painting glow in the dark dials for the US Radium Corporation. These women seek monetary damages but are unjustly fed false information in order to keep the business thriving. Will the court give them justice? Attend one of three performances to find out. 30 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Principal cast includes, seniors Marlee Perez, Madison Rexwinkle, Joli Hutto, Daniel Hefley, Zach Johnston, Kylea Palmer, Tyler Russell; juniors Tristan Carson, Tanner Forshey, Levi Manners, Rosie Rosenberg, Sierra Wilson, Blade Smith, Skyler Harris, Tyler Ridgeway, Keyahnah Burk, Victoria Smith, Chase Harper and Dusty Brownewell; sophomores Brianna Myers, Amia Chavez Martinez, Devin Rash, Jenna Russell, Jade Davis, Devin Allison, Josh Ramsey and freshman Maggie Billman. Crew members include senior Patricia Myers, junior Miles Warren, sophomore Madison Hedrick and freshman James Brownewell. This play is directed by Heather Wilson, assistant director LCHS alum John Goodyear. Technical Theatre class members who built the set and props are Mileah Allen, Tyler Allen, Makenna Berry, Alea Blackburn, Bailey Blair, Jessica Bradbury, Jessica Brooks, Garett Bussinger, James Brownewell, Tristan Carson, Calli Garretson, Amahya Gross, Daniel Hefley, Abby Hilbert, Paige Howe, Zach Johnston, Samantha Landis, Levi Manners, Freedom Moore, Chance Newberry, Kayden Nickles, Austin Payne, Devin Rash, Rosie Rosenberg, Blade Smith, Emery Smith, Holly Swart, Liz Torres, Miles Warren, Briaunna Wedding, Ashten Westhoff, HyunSoo Yoon, and Izaiah York. Heather Wilson – LC Theatre: The beginning theatre classes have been working on learning the elements of comedy, which will culminate in a performance in class from the styles of the Italian Renaissance comedy troupes, Commedia dell arte. Jesse Ybarra - Honors English II: Sophomores are reading and responding to various "argument" pieces in our pilot textbooks - Collections 10. Samples include, Supreme Court Opinion, Editorial, Speeches. Sophomores have also been completing "quick writes" daily. Jesse Ybarra - Honors English III: Juniors are revising college "Personal Statements" in Google Classroom. They have also just completed analysis and discussion of Dr. King's "Letter From a Birmingham Jail." Juniors have also finished reading and responding to a chapter from "David and Goliath", regarding class size in schools. Kristi Snider & Brad Smith – LC PE: The LCHS Physical Education classes just completed the Pickle Ball unit. We want to congratulate the class champions listed below. We currently are playing the team sport of Speedball. This team game was invented in 1921 out of the University of Michigan. Speedball is a unique fast paced game combining basketball, football and soccer. It produces a great cardiovascular work out for our students not to mention improving hand-eye coordination. It reinforces working together as a team and supports overall good teamwork. Our armed forces use speedball as a conditioner. 31 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Since introducing this team game to our students, it is one of our student’s favorite. The last week of January and the beginning of February we started the Floor Hockey unit. Team Handball, an Olympic sport, will be the next unit taught. Pickle Ball Champions: 1st Hour PE. II: Chance Winters & Alex Nibarger 2nd Hour PE I: Jadeyn Wyrick & Caleb Hentzen 4th Hour PE II: Klein Ryan & Owyn Back 5th Hour PE I: Ana Balcells & Tucker Shadley 6th Hour PE I: Ellie Carson & Tyler Brock 7th Hour PE I: Madison Fowler & Justin Sexton Craig Hartman – Sociology: The students having been studying the basic temperaments and have taken a temperament sorter through Kiersey. We are learning about the natural strengths and weaknesses of our innate temperament and how it influences everything we do and are. Craig Hartman - American History: The students have just finished a section on the American Indian's culture and how that culture compares to our culture today. We are studying the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the attempt by the conspirators to kill the president, the vice-president and the secretary of state at the same time. Craig Hartman - World History: The students are learning about the causes of WWI and why it was called the Great War, and the war to end all wars. WWI was the first time many modern weapons were used and that caused a tremendous loss of life for the soldiers on the front. Kim McMunn - Health Science II: Classes have started using new beds, etc in lab and doing presentations on various skills. Kim McMunn - Health Science III and IV classes: Job shadowing continues at Labette Health and will be going to LCC to observe simulation lab in action. Also toured and visited residents at nursing home. Cytocheck Laboratory gave us a tour. Students went to AGS to do a Teddy Bear Health Fair with the preschool. Talking to Health Science I kids about going on to next class next year. Rob Page - Alg II: We are finishing up lessons on solving fractional quadratic equations. This has been a great unit for the students because they can use the steps that they have learned over several chapters and apply them all to one problem. 32 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Terry Ward – Machine Shop: The machine shop students and auto shop students went to Tech Days at Coffeyville Community College on February 2 and had a enjoyable time. Students were able to visit some of the other departments as well. The machine shop students had the opportunity to run a CNC machine and make a key chain during their visit. There were a total of 33 students that went. Students were back at school on Wednesday and working on their projects. The students have been making a small vise, nut-crackers, and also learning a lot of different tools and the purpose of those tools. Students have been getting a lot of hands on by using those tools. JC Morgan - Human Body Systems: Students finished muscle isolation, identification, and functions on preserved cats in the lab then studied blood as a tissue. The blood labs students performed included analization and determination of blood type and hematocrit level. We are now studying the anatomy of the heart and circulation between pulmonary and systemic circuits leading to sheep heart dissections. JC Morgan - Anatomy and Physiology: Students followed the same path as Body Systems along with a path-physiologic examination of anemia using patient case studies. These students will also be studying the heart and circulation along with congestive heart failures. JC Morgan - CP BIO: Students recently finished animal tissues and the cardiovascular system including blood type, hematocrit, blood pressure, beef heart dissections, pulse, and the effects of temperature on the physiology of Daphnia Magna hearts were observed and measured under the microscopes. The class is now beginning studies on the Lymphatic/Immune systems followed by the digestive system. Marcie Ryan - JAG visited Independence Community College and Tank Connection during the month of January. The students also worked on their communication skills by introducing themselves to faculty and staff in the building (this was a great confidence booster for most of them). Stacy Smith / Arlene Brothers - Labette Academy: Students started the new year and semester off in a very busy way. The academy students and I were very glad to see each other after the Christmas break. It makes my job even more gratifying to see how students are so happy to be back to school after being gone for a few days. This semester began with five new students enrolling into the Academy. Some students that completed their credits at the end of the first semester started college at Labette Community College in January, and some found jobs in the community. I am very pleased to see a recent academy graduate working here in Altamont at a local business. The manager of the business has communicated with me that the 33 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen former student is one of his best employees at the store and recently has had a job promotion. This former student got this job and this opportunity because they now have a high school diploma. The students that returned for this semester of school here at Labette Academy are working hard on their on-line classes to receive credits. The academy continues to be an on going opportunity that is well used to help students receive a high school diploma. I am so proud to be a part of such a unique program. Ed Raschen – LCHS Athletics: Since the start of basketball season, the athletic department has tried to expand the scope of promoting the student-athletes at Labette County High School. Two exciting tools that we have used have been the Internet and radio. We are now carrying our varsity sports live on the Internet through The Cube. You can find it at www.thecube.com and search LCGrizzlyNation. There you can find upcoming events that will be streamed live, as well as past sporting events. At this point we have streamed twenty-two basketball games, one varsity wrestling event, and one music production. As we look to the future of streaming events we are looking at softball, baseball, track, football, and tennis. The second tool that we have introduced is adding KLKC 1430 AM as our broadcasting partner. The great news about this is that you do not have to be in Labette County to pick up the broadcast. KLKC 1430 AM has added an app that when downloaded can stream their broadcast anywhere in the world. Both of these tools have had positive impacts on the fans of Labette sports and for the student-athletes as a whole. Mr. Holtzman’s letter to be included in the 2016 Alumni Newsletter: LCHS Alumni: As the 124th year of educating America’s finest on this site in Altamont, Kansas, comes to a close, Labette County High School remains a special place to attend school and work. A place where “Everyone is Someone” as Mr. “Slick” Norris, the 10th Principal at LCHS, was heard to say to students as they walked these hallowed halls, and we continue to emphasize that ideal today. Labette County is a school with a great learning environment where teachers and staff truly care about kids, and our parents and surrounding communities support the school and are committed to seeing it remain a special place. I am truly humbled by the opportunities I have been afforded here, both as a student and as a professional. Our mission here at Labette County: to combine high academic standards side-by-side and in conjunction with top-notch Vocational opportunities / to combine the proud tradition of the past with a vision towards the future college and career opportunities / to encourage and develop 34 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen relationships that move students towards becoming successful, respectful, and responsible citizens, and moral decision makers. This mission has not changed much since the formation of LCCHS as referenced by the “Educational Philosophy” contained in the LCCHS catalog of 1948-49 which states “The student must be taught industry, respect for …property, …the rights of other people, …and themselves. The secondary school is to help build a foundation for a better life.” It continues to amaze me how many people care about this school and are willing to give so much of themselves to it. Our most recent example of this occurred this year with a new gym floor being installed in Harrison Gymnasium to replace the original floor which was opened in 1958. The entire cost of this project was funded through private donations from the community and alumni! New state-ofthe-art bleachers were installed as well on the north side of the floor to replace the original wooden bleachers. The new floor is beautiful and looks great in this grand old building. There’s no better gym and atmosphere for a high school basketball game in Kansas than Harrison Gymnasium. Our theme for this school year for students and staff has been “Be A Grizzly”. We are proud of being part of Labette County High School and want to carry on the great tradition started by those who have gone before us. In a concerted effort for today’s Grizzlies to be fully aware of the wonderful opportunities that are contained in an education at LCHS, we have brought back several former students to share their Grizzly experience and story. To date our guest speakers this school year have been: Justin McKee (Class of 1987), Brook Drumm (Class of 1989), and Lindsey Odaffer (Carter) (Class of 2001). They shared with all of our students how the opportunities afforded to them at LCHS helped them become the successful citizens they are today. I look forward to seeing and visiting with you at the Alumni Banquet in May and being surrounded by all of that “Grizzly Pride” once again. Shane Holtzman (Class of 1988) Principal Labette County High School 35 USD 506 – Labette County February bills and financial reports Total Bills: Presented February 8, 2016 for Board Approval 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Executive Session School board business is public business and all official board action should be taken in open session. Executive sessions may sometimes be needed, however, to discuss matters prior to board action. By statute (K.S.A. 75-4319) no subjects shall be discussed at any closed or executive session, except the following: Ø Personnel matters of nonelected personnel. Ø To discuss matters affecting a student(s). Ø To discuss confidential financial data or trade secrets of a business. Ø Consultation with an attorney for the board, which would be deemed, privileged in the attorney-client relationship. Ø To discuss negotiations. Ø To have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property. Ø To discuss matters relating to the security of the board or the school. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters for non-elected personnel; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiations; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. 52
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