Marshalls Billfish Club BILLFISH 2009


Marshalls Billfish Club BILLFISH 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club
27th Annual
Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament
An annual July publication of the Marshalls Billfish Club
and the Micronitor News and Printing Company
Iakwe and Welcome from Marshalls Billfish Club President John Murphy................................. 3
Message from the President of the Marshall Islands, His Excellency Litokwa Tomeing............ 4
Message from Majuro Mayor Titus Langrine.............................................................................. 5
26th Annual: Anja’s year, Scott’s tourney................................................................................... 7
About the Atjang Award..............................................................................................................13
26th Annual Tournament OFFICIAL RESULTS – July 4 & 5, 2008............................................14
More 26th Annual photos....................................................................................................... 8-15
MBC’s Annual General Meetings: Rules and Elections..............................................................16
Meet Miss Billfish 2009 - Rose In Eañ Kabua
& Annual Tournament Results, 1983 to 2008 — 26 years of fishing.........................centerfold
July Tournament: Last Chance to Win Big Prizes for FY 2008-2009..........................................17
Best Fisherman of the FY2008-2009 – President’s Cup Standings...........................................17
27th Annual Tournament Rules..................................................................................................18
16th All-Micronesia: Record Marlin Caught on BOTH Days!......................................................21
Record Number of Sponsors......................................................................................................23
Year in Review: Photos and information from Trolling and Bottom Mini Tournaments......... 24-31
Photos available in color from M.I. Journal - phone 625-8143
Marshalls Billfish Club - RECORD FISH....................................................................................32
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st – Registration for all teams from 7:00 pm at the MBC clubhouse.
Registration fees are $130/boat for the trolling division and $60/boat for the bottom fishing division.
All anglers who are trolling must be current 2007-2008 club members. Dues are $40/person.
THURSDAY, JULY 2nd – CAPTAIN’S MEETING & RULES: All captains must be present. Rules briefing and
reception beginning at 7:00 pm at RRE’s MonBokanake. Free Pupus.
FRIDAY, JULY 3rd – DAY 1 FISHING: National Fisherman’s Day (official holiday) 6:00 am start. Weigh-in from 3:00
pm at the Uliga dock as boats return throughout the day. BBQ food and cold drinks are available for purchase.
SATURDAY, JULY 4th – DAY 2 FISHING: 6:00 am start. Weigh-in from 3:00 pm at the Uliga dock as boats return
throughout the day. BBQ food and cold drinks are available for purchase.
SUNDAY, JULY 5th – PICNIC: Island style – barbecue for anglers, sponsors, club members and their families at
Enemanit Island from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
MONDAY, JULY 6th – BANQUET: Annual tournament awards banquet at Marshall Islands Resort, poolside, for all
club members, beginning at 7:00 pm sharp (not Island Time) to 11:00 pm. Plus raffle drawing for great prizes.
© 2009 Micronitor News & Printing Company
Marshalls Billfish Club was founded in 1982. The club
conducts 12 or more tournaments on a year round basis.
This past year saw many bottom fishing tournaments and
Tournament Book Advertising – Brett Schellhase we thank Budweiser/Ambros for their 10 sponsorships. For
more information, contact the club at Box 1139, Majuro,
Photos/Stories/Help/Editing provided by
MH 96960, fax/answering machine (692) 625-7491. Email:
Karen Earnshaw, John Murphy, Website:
Douglas Henry and Charles Stinnett
Stories/Information from
Marshall Islands Journal/MBC Tourney Records
COVER PHOTO: First and
only qualifying marlin caught
in the 26th – 305 pounds. Miss
Billfish Loretta Andrike poses
with Team Patumaoe’s Leigh
Tobin, Emila, Jonathan,
Marshall, and Scott Howe.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club
Iakwe and Welcome
from MBC President
Yokwe and welcome to the 27th Annual National Fishermens
Day Fishing Tournament. The Marshalls Billfish Club along with
sponsors, supporters and volunteers are happy to hold this two day
fishing event once again.
The Club held a record of six bottom fishing and 10 trolling
tournaments this past season in addition to the exciting All-Mike
tournament last September. We also deployed one FAD to replace
the three that were lost recently. As the club plays a more vital
role with the fisheries organizations in our region we have added
tuna tagging to our successful billfish tagging program. We ask all
fishermen to be safe and sensible during these two fishing days.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, a big Kommol Tata and
Thank You to all as we celebrate this 27th annual tournament.
Be Safe. Have fun. Tight Lines
John Murphy
2009 President
Marshalls Billfish Club
p.s. – Does anyone know where is the ‘Big Story Award’ trophy?
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Fisherman’s Day 2009
July 3-4, 2009
Ij kile im kautej aolep armij in Majol ro ilo belaak in Majol in elaptata ri-eonod ro im baamle ko aer. Ej bar juon ien nan adwoj koba
ibben dron im monono im kautej rainin an aolep Ri Eonod naetan
Fisherman’s Day. Eja ilo wewin in wot, ej juon raan eo jenaj jela
won mmoman eo enaj kamol rainin im bok mmomman in lojet ne.
Ijwotke wodda ak jodda ejab kotabar eo an rainin in ak unleplep
eo an in rainin ej nan adwoj drebij wot jela im kapeel ko ad ikijen
eonod kap kile ke kij ri majol mour eo ad in im elap an aurok.
Lelok nebar nan droulul eo an Billfish Club eo ilo aer komane ien
tournament in kein 27 ilo yio in.
Jeramon nan aolep Armij in Majol elaptata aolep Ri Eonod.
Litokwa Tomeing
Marshalls Billfish Club
Majuro Atoll Local Government
Office of the Mayor
Welcome from Majuro Mayor Titus W. Langrine
It brings joy and privilege to say “Jerammon” to you all
who will be participating in the 27th Annual Tournament of the
Marshalls Billfish Club. I recognize the skills and knowledge you
have inherited from your ancestors because you are all fishermen. You have lived close to waters all your lives. Fishing is one
of the games you enjoy most. To all organizers, sponsors and
contributors, and all the anglers, I offer my sincere wishes for
good luck and good fishing.
This is D-Day. You have to decide at last who will be in this
year’s Marshalls Billfish Tournament THE BEST OF LUCK.
GOOD LUCK and God bless you all and provide a safe
Tight lines to all anglers.
Ilo kautiej,
Titus Langrine
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club
26th Annual:
Anja’s Year, but Scott’s tourney
Pound for pound, the Marshalls Billfish Club’s 26th
Annual July Tournament has
to go down on record as the
happiest competition in years
... er, at least it was for the fish
of the Marshall Islands.
Yup, Maggie Marlin, Tony
Tuna, Willy Wahoo, Bonny
Barracuda, and Micky MahiMahi are all still out there,
merrily blowing bubbles and
sloshing around in our azure
The weather did, however,
put on a great show for Majuro’s fisherfolk on both Friday
and Saturday, with gently rolling seas and a sunny sky. But
as skippers pumped their boats full
of fuel the night before, spirits were
slightly dampened by the kerchick,
kerchink of the dollars flying past on
the gauge; for example, one skipper
told the Journal the weekend was
going to cost him $560 in gasoline.
Still, 20 boats came up with the
moolah and headed off into Friday
morning’s dawning light, hopes high
that they’d bring home the big one
that would earn them a stash of cash
Back at Uliga Dock that afternoon,
a slimmer-than-usual crowd watched
the boats bring their beasts of the deep
in to be weighed by the MEC crane.
It was a warm and friendly scene:
The band Okjenlañ blasted out some
great tunes, Harry Doulatram and
Early Watley sold a bunch of beers,
Women’s Athletic Club members
churned out kebabs and burgers, and
the ri-Majol kids perched on the edge
President’s Cup winner
Andy Antakbon
Those are the smiles and actions
First place and only qualifying marlin
caught in the 26th - 305 pounds.
Miss Billfish Loretta Andrike poses
with Team Patumahoe’s Leigh
Tobin, Emila, Jonathan, Marshal,
and Scott Howe. Upper right,
is Scott’s 2nd place tuna at 102
Photos: Karen Earnshaw
Fish scarce
for 26th...
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Miss Billfish Loretta Andrike poses
with MEC Brits Too crewmembers
Anja Andy Jr., and Ian Pickering
and their 106-pound tuna.
of the dock created weird faces for the
Journal’s camera.
On the first day there were no
qualifying billfish, but MEC Brits
Too managed to bring a crowd
pleaser in the shape of a 106-pound
Day one also produced an 11pound mahi-mahi (caught by Celtic
Pride) and a winning 41-pound
wahoo (caught by Miss Krista ... despite the fact that the crew included
Japanese tourist Yutaka Izumikawa,
who’d brought along a banned bunch
of bananas).
Day two and the weighing-in was
well underway and still no qualifying bills. Then, at last, Scott Howe’s
Patumahoe delivered the goods and
the crowd cheered as the crane slowly
hauled up a 305-pound blue marlin.
Marshalls Billfish Club
1st Place
Okjenlañ Band performing.
Miss Krista’s Banana-toting
Yutaka Izumikawa with
wahoo and Miss Billfish.
1st Place Total
Qualifying Pounds
Team Celinda
Team Celinda Captained by
Bwiji Aliven (not in photo) and
teammates (left to right) Paulino
Hackey, Kim Maie and Norio
Atadrik pose with their 72-pound
tuna they caught on Friday.
The team came in first to Total
Qualifying Pounds (Points) with the
tag-n-release of 3 billfish (worth 600
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
1st Place
All of the fish were helped onto
the dock with the help of a guy called
Miasha, who’d turned up on the first
morning and said to dock dude Billy
Roberts “Need some help?”
“He’s been really great,” reported
the MEC head honcho.
“He’s worked hard all weekend.”
Anther hard worker was Charles
Stinnett, who manned the IT station
and continuously updated the Billfish
Club’s web site with the latest news.
(You can check out all the results by
going to
Thanks for the help
Well if you have
to only catch one
qualifying fish, so
much the better to
catch the largest.
Captain Jikko
Shoniber and
teammate Valentino
Shoniber with their
25-pound barracuda
(1st Place) that they
pulled in on Saturday.
2nd Place Total
Qualifying Pounds
2nd Place: Team Dragon
pose with Miss Billfish
Loretta Andrike and
(left to right) Matt Muller,
Captain Kyle Aliven and
Steven Wakefield with
two tuna (the 85-pound
3rd Place) caught on
Friday. They also finished
up 2nd in Total Qualifying
Marshalls Billfish Club
26th the Sunday Picnic
As per tradition, a picnic was held at Enemanet
Island on Sunday. It rained
... and rained ... but quite a
few families ignored the
wet and enjoyed an afternoon of partying.
Team Kirtake Captained
by Ronnie Reimers (not
in photo), and teammates
James Myazoe, Miss
Billfish, Cary Evarts,
Donnie Reimers, and
Baron Bigler along with
their qualifying pair of
wahoo (a 37-pound 2nd
Place and a 30-pound)
both caught on Friday.
Check out
Find out more about
fishing in the Marshall
Islands at the club’s
website http://www.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club 26th Annual Tournament
July 4-5, 2008
1 Patumahoe....Scott Howe.......305
Tag-N-Release Billfish
(250 President Cup Points)
Celinda..............Bwiji Aliven.......200
Celinda..............Bwiji Aliven.......200
Celinda..............Bwiji Aliven.......200
MEC Brits Too....Anja Andy.........200
Lorraine K..........Kenneth Kramer200
Dragon...............Kyle Aliven........200
1 Emakus...........Jikko Shoniber....25
2 Brace.............Bruce John.........16
3 Celtic Pride....John Murphy.......14
4 Celinda...........Bwiji Aliven.........11
5 True Blue.......Melven Aliven.....10
6 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........6.5
7 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........6.4
8 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........5.8
9 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........5.5
1 MEC Brits TooAnja Andy.........106
2 Patumahoe....Scott Howe.......102
3 Dragon...........Kyle Aliven..........85
4 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........84
5 Dragon...........Kyle Aliven..........80 TOTAL QUALIFYING POUNDS TROLLING
5 Dragon...........Kyle Aliven..........75 Boat
7 Celinda...........Bwiji Aliven.........72
2 Dragon..........Kyle Aliven........470
3 Patumahoe...Scott Howe.......407
Lbs. 4 MEC Brits TooAnja Andy.........306
1 Miss Krista......Nicky deBrum.....41 5 Lorraine K.....Kenneth Kramer..200
2 Kirtake............Ronnie Reimers..37 6 Lady Lu.........Jimmy Bing.......157
3 True Blue.......Melven Aliven.....34 7 Kirtake..........Ronnie Reimers..67
4 Kirtake............Ronnie Reimers..30 8 Miss Krista....Nicky deBrum.....41
4 Dragon...........Kyle Aliven..........30 9 True Blue......Melven Aliven.....34
6 Lady Lu..........Jimmy Bing.........27 10Nini...............Ladie Jack..........27
6 Nini.................Ladie Jack..........27 11Emakus........Jikko Shoniber....25
Presidents Cup Points
Anja Antakbon.............. 3,713.5
Kyle Aliven.................... 2,877.5
Melven Aliven............... 2,049.0
Ronnie Reimers............ 1,554.0
Sherwood Tibon........... 1,533.5
Ben Reimers................. 1,517.5
Bwiji Aliven................... 1,490.0
Loretta Andrike
Bottom Fish
1 Hyndai CruzersRickson................ 19.0
2 MIDB/BOMI.......Amon Tibon.......... 18.5
3 Hyndai CruzersRickson................ 15.5
3 MEC Injectors....Matan Mook......... 15.5
5 Hyndai CruzersRickson................ 13.0
6 MEC Black BirdHouston Mojilong12.0
1 Hyndai HeinekenHerbert......................277
2 Limjalulu.............. Dash Jamos..............260
3 Hyndai Cruzers... Rickson.....................224
4 Princess Zairei.... Sawass Kohun..........178
5 Tobolar................ Witen Barry...............164
6 MEC Hook-Up..... Sam Langrine...........145
7 Inono................... Molan Lakjohn..........130
8 Team MIMRA...... Tino deBrum.............124
9 MEC Injectors..... Matan Mook..............115
9 MEC Black Bird... Houston Mojilong........91
11Team Aeankan.... Joseph Imaikta...........79
12MIDB/BOMI........ Amon Tibon................48
13MEC DisconnectGaston Jacob.............40
Rubber Man........ Tobin...........................32
15MEC La-BananaBerman Laukon..........25
Hyndai Heineken.... 5........277............55.4
LIMJALULU.................. 5........260............52.0
MEC HOOK-UP............ 3........145............48.3
Hyndai Cruzers...... 5........224............44.8
INONO.......................... 3........130............43.3
PRINCESS ZAIREI...... 5........178............35.6
TOBOLAR.................... 5........164............32.8
MEC BLACK BIRD....... 3........91..............30.3
MIDB/BOMI.................. 2........48..............24.0
MEC INJECTORS........ 5........115.............23.0
TEAM MIMRA............... 6........124............20.7
Prize...for the
bottom fishing team last year was an
outboard engine donated by MJCC,
Marshalls Japan Construction Company.
that much >
Team Celtic Pride brought in a
mahi-mahi that weighed in at
11-pounds (minimum weight is
15). Left to right, Captain John
Murphy, Miss Billfish Loretta
Andrike, Charles Murphy,
Lauren Polatta and Darren
Marshalls Billfish Club
About the
Atjang Trophy
Atjang Paul: A Man of
Distinction and Integrity
Lady Lu Captain Jimmy Bing (far right) with teammates (left to right) Reginald
White, Miss Billfish, and Xavier Loeak on Friday posing with the 4th Place
84-pound tuna, and 6th Place 27-pound wahoo, and a couple of smaller tunas.
The next day they caught no less than 4 barracudas (all small from 5.5 up to
26th banquet
Then came Monday evening and
the official awards ceremony, which
was held poolside at the Marshall
Islands Resort and was emceed by
Larry Hernandez and the United Atoll
man Kirt Pinho. The big fish awards
were presented to the following:
Billfish: Patumahoe, skipper Scott
Howe, 305 pounds
Tuna: MEC Brits Too, Anja Antakbon, 106 pounds
Wahoo: Miss Krista, Nicky deBrum, 41 pounds
Barracuda: Emakus, Jikko Shoniber, 25 pounds
Total qualifying pounds trolling:
Celinda, Bwiji Aliven, 672 pounds
The Lazarus Andrike Memorial
Trophy, which is given for the biggest
tuna caught during the year, was won
by Anja Antakbon.
The MEC guy also won the Bank
of Marshall Islands Trophy, which
One of the club’s most prestigious
awards is the Atjang Paul Memorial
Trophy. The trophy, familiarly known
as “the Atjang,” is awarded each year
to recognize outstanding sportsmanship and demonstrated excellence in
Atjang Paul was a dedicated family
man and public official who served
as a Minister in the Republic of the
Marshall Islands Cabinet from its inception in 1979 until his death in early
1986. He was also an avid and expert
fisherman and a charter member of
the Marshalls Billfish Club who was
equally adept at both subsistence and
sport fishing.
The 4th annual tourney, July 1986,
was dedicated to Atjang and the perpetual trophy was established at the
same time.
Team Reico
Wally Milne
Anton deBrum
Rudy Aliven
Jackie Jacobs
Kashma Minor
Helly Kajeong
Ronnie Reimers
Ben Reimers
Timothy Anok
Bwiji Aliven
Ronnie Reimers
goes to the fisherman who caught the
most qualifying billfish (he snagged
13 billfish).
The Matson Trophy for the biggest marlin caught during the year
was won by Nicky deBrum for a
416-pound bill.
Nicky also won the MEC Trophy
for the biggest fish in
the Jakie Jacobs MeAtjang Award winner
Scott Howe
morial Tournament,
which was held in February.
The prestigious
Atjang Paul Memorial Trophy, which
recognizes outstanding sportsmanship and
excellence in fishing
throughout the year,
was presented to former
Billfish Club president
Scott Howe.
Jisam Kaisha
Bwiji Aliven
Tira Keju
Rudy Aliven
Ronnie Reimers
Timothy Anok
Melvin Aliven
Bwiji Aliven
Alan Richards
Ben Reimers
Scott Howe
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club
Guess who weighs less than 200-pounds... the
marlin and Miss Billfish!
Sorry guys: Left to right
Team MIMA Waylon Muller,
Captain Robin Reimers,
Miss Billfish, and Carlwin
with their non-qualifying
It wasn’t that the marlin
were not biting, just that the
ones over 200-pounds were
scarce. Here Team Nini
weigh in a 149-pound marlin.
Captain Ladie Jack with
Danny Balos, who passed
away in December.
Team Lorraine K,
Captained by Kenneth
Kramer (not in photo)
along with Bobby
Muller, Dom Xu, and
Tyrone Taylor with
a 156-pound marlin
caught on Saturday.
27th –
You toO can
be a winner!
Simply support the
Marshalls Billfish Club
by buying a raffle ticket
while you wait on the
dock and you could win
a Penn Rod and reel or
other great prizes!
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
MBC’s Annual General Meetings:
Rules AMENDED for new year
In the 2007-08 Marshalls Billfish Club season, a
qualifying marlin meant the beast of the deep had to
weigh in at a minimum of 200 pounds. On Friday night,
August 15, that figure was sliced in half, back to the old
qualifying weight of 100 pounds.
The vote was made at the club’s annual general
meeting, which was held at Mon Boknake in the grounds
of the RRE Hotel. The general consensus of the meeting
was that with the rising cost of fuel, there’s a greater
need to bring fish home to sell. “We did the right thing
and tried it for a year, but it just didn’t work,” said club
president Chris deBrum.
The exception to the change is the Biggest
Qualifying Billfish tourney, which will keep the 200pound minimum weight requirement.
MBC President
Chris deBrum
and Cary Evarts
with poster about
moorings now
available for use
at Enemanit and
The President’s Cup points for a tag-and-release
marlin remain the same at 250.
Another significant change to the club rules was a
vote to allow tag-and-release points using 50-pound test
(lighter line than is usually used). It was also decided
that the club would cancel a tournament if less than six
boats registered to fish.
Before the voting session, staff of the Mieco Beach
Yacht Club Majuro Reef Protection Project gave a
presentation on efforts to save the reefs of Majuro by
asking skippers to use the newly-installed moorings at
Enemanet and Eneko or to use safe anchoring methods.
Club official John Murphy signed up 25 members
for the 2008-09 season.
Friday, January 30:
Marshalls Billfish Club members named John
Murphy as their new President, replacing Chris
At its January 30 annual general meeting, the
members also elected the following: vice president
Larry Hernandez, secretary, Elmer M.L. Lejjena, and
tournament director Damien Reimers. Other board
members: Waylon Muller, Ben Reimers and Ace
DeBrum thanked the previous board for its hard
work, noting that 2008 “was probably the toughest in
club’s history mainly due to the fuel crisis.” With its
strong sponsor and community support, MBC weathered
the storm, deBrum said.
Marshalls Billfish Club
27th July Tournament:
Last Chance to Win Big
Prizes for FY 2008-2009
This July’s tournament will see the anglers vying for the
President’s Cup and other major prizes.
The winners of last year’s Cup and Atjang along with this year’s
winners will be sent off-island to compete in an international
Among the trophies to be won this year
is the Bank of Marshall Islands which goes
to the fisherman who catches the most qualifying billfish and the Matson Trophy for
the biggest marlin caught during the year.
Ladie Jack currently holds the lead with a
487-pound marlin caught in March.
To spice up the competition, Micronitor will put up $500 for the biggest marlin and tuna caught in this tournament. $250 each, and the fish must meet
the minimum weight requirement: marlin
500+ pounds and tuna 100+ pounds.
Let’s go fishing!
Best fishermen
for FY2008-2009
Current President’s Cup Standings
Kyle Aliven.............................. 2,514.50
Bwiji Aliven............................. 2,159.75
Ben Reimers........................... 2,042.30
Ronnie Reimers...................... 1,178.70
Melvin Aliven............................. 893.25
Ladie Jack................................. 882.00
Anja Antakbon........................... 514.50
Provan Crump........................... 256.00
John Murphy.............................. 231.00
Kejwadrik Juna/Nicky deBrum... 156.00
Jikko Shoniber........................... 160.50
Brian Kirk................................... 118.50
Amon Lucky................................. 22.50
Death of the MBC computer
must be reported...
Points after 5th place Melvin Aliven
have not been confirmed
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
27th Annual Tournament Rules
REGISTRATION - Registration will be from 7:00pm on Wednesday, July 1st, at MBC clubhouse, Uliga. Captain’s Meeting
and Rule Briefing on Thursday at RRE’s Mon Bokanake, from
7:00pm. Registration fees of $130 for trolling or $60 for bottom fishing. Refunds of registration fees will be made only for
exceptionally extenuating circumstances, generally defined as
“death of a captain, death of a boat.”
CLUB MEMBERSHIP - Any person who will be on board any
boat entered in the tournament for trolling must be a paid-up
2008-2009 MBC member. Membership dues for calendar year
2008-2009 are $40 per person and must be paid by the close
of registration. There is also a one-time single tournament fee
of $20 per angler, if the person does not want to pay the full
yearly dues. No refund of membership dues will be allowed.
TEAM REQUIREMENTS - A maximum of six people at one time
will be allowed on any boat entered in the tournament. If a
team has more than six members, it may rotate anglers during the two days of fishing, but the team captain must notify
tournament officials on the dock of each change. The names
of each team member must appear on the registration form
for the team. Each team must designate a Team Captain to
represent the team in all meetings or decisions regarding rules.
Team Captains must be on board the boat during fishing.
CHECK OUT AND CHECK IN - All boats must check out with
tournament officials at the Uliga Dock. Boats and gear may
be inspected at this time. After checking out, the boat must
proceed directly to the fishing grounds – absolutely no unauthorized shore stops. If a boat stops anywhere after checking
out, it must return to the dock and check out again. After fishing
all boats must return to the dock and make a report directly.
If a boat proceeds to any other landing prior to checking in,
all fish on that boat will be disqualified. Boats must answer
Radio Round-ups at 10, 12, 2, & 4 o’clock. SAFETY AND LIABILITY - Safety is a primary concern of the
club and for this reason, all boats are required to check in at
the dock after fishing. Tournament officials will do what they
can to locate boats that do not check in, to maintain communication with boats in trouble, and to effect any search
and rescue operations that may be necessary. However, the
club will accept no liability for any personal injury or property
damage incurred in connection with the tournament and will
require team captains to sign a liability waiver.
FISHING HOURS - Official fishing hours for Friday & Saturday
— Trolling: 6:00am check-out; All lines out of the water by
5:30pm; All boats must be back in the immediate vicinity of,
and in clear sight of, the Uliga dock no later than 6:00pm.
— Bottom Fishing: 6:00am check-out; All lines out of the water
by 5:00pm; All boats must be back in the immediate vicinity of,
and in clear sight of, the Uliga dock no later than 5:30pm.
LATE HOOKUPS - In the event that a team entered in the trolling
division is hooked up with a fish before 5:30pm, but has not
boated the fish by that time, the fish will be accepted only if the
hookup is verified by another team entered in the tournament
which witnessed the hookup or via direct radio contact from
the team to officials at the Uliga dock.
RADIO - All boats that leave the Majuro lagoon are required to
have a working marine VHF radio and turned on at all times.
This includes bottom fishing boats which will fish oceanside.
Radio contact with tournament officials at the dock (“Billfish
Base”) will be on VHF channel 69. Telephone at the dock
RESTRICTIONS - All fish must be caught on hook and line only.
Unattended lines, such as those attached to balls or other
floats placed in the water are not allowed. Multiple hooks may
be used but fish caught on two lines will be disqualified. Fish
must be in good condition in order to qualify. Shark-bitten or
mutilated fish will be disqualified. Teams will not be allowed
to register or fish on any boat whose primary purpose is commercial fishing. Any determination required on this issue will
be made at the discretion of the club’s Board of Directors.
TAG & RELEASE - The Club will recognize Tag-N-Release
meeting the following requirements: (1) You must take digital
pictures of the tagged fish, club will not furnish the camera!
Camera must display date and time. (2) Only marlin will be eligible. 250 points will be awarded for each Tagged-N-Released
fish meeting the above criteria. Points will count towards the
President’s Cup. Final decision will be made once the tournament officials has reviewed the digital photos.
BOTTOM FISH - All bottom fish must be caught in the Majuro lagoon or in the immediate vicinity of Majuro atoll. Boats entered
in the bottom fishing division may not rendezvous with or pull
alongside any other boat and may not fish in or around Arno.
The club acknowledges that some fish may be caught either
trolling or bottom fishing. However, in this tournament, in order
to avoid confusion, anglers should be aware that the following
fish will not be considered as bottom fish: tuna (looj) rainbow
runner, mackerel (including ikabwe) or needlefish (such as
tak) and of course, sharks (bako).
JUDGES’ DECISIONS - All tournament decisions will be made
by a three-member committee consisting of the Director of
Tournaments or his designee, the Official Weighmaster, and
an Official Judge appointed by the board. Any protest against
a decision of the judges must be lodged by the team captain
immediately. Officials may refer protests to a vote of all other
team captains before making their final decision.
PRESIDENT’S CUP - The 2009-2009 President’s Cup will be
presented at the awards banquet. President’s Cup points will
be awarded for qualifying fish meeting the following minimum
weight requirements: Billfish 100 Ibs. for marlin, 50 Ibs. for sailfish; Tuna (including yellowfin, skipjack, big eye, dogtooth, loj,
etc.) 40 Ibs.; Wahoo 25 Ibs.; Mahimahi 15 Ibs.; and Barracuda
and Trevally 15 Ibs. One point per pound will be awarded for
each such qualifying fish. In addition, 100 bonus points will
be awarded for any individual fish weighing 500 Ibs. or more.
Unless declared otherwise, all points earned will be awarded
to the Team Captain.
LIGHT TACKLE OPTION - Two President’s Cup points per pound
will be awarded to any qualifying fish weighed in over 50 Ibs.
(keeping in mind minimum qualifying weights of Marlin is 100
Ibs.). No line over 50 pounds is allowed on board. Leaders
must be pre-cut, and no longer than 20 feet. Should your
line test over 50 pounds, + 10%, your fish will receive only
one President’s Cup point per pound. (Your fish will not be
disqualified due to this fact.) TEAMS MUST INDICATE LIGHT
Think Safety first!
Marshalls Billfish Club
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club
16th All-Micronesia:
Record marlin caught
648 lb.
caught by
MBC #1
Capt. Anja
New Record!
794-lb. Pacific Blue Marlin
Pohnpei Fishing Club #2
Captain Alex Tretnoff
Pohnpei’s Noel
wins international
bragging rights
By Karen Earnshaw
Pohnpei’s Alex Tretnoff’s massive recordbreaking 794-pound marlin helped to make the
Budweiser 16th Annual All Micronesia Fishing
Tournament the most successful competition ever
in terms of big fish.
The previous record for a fish caught in a Majuro tournament was a 719-pound marlin caught
by Kyle Aliven in July, 2001.
Coordinated by the Marshalls Billfish Club,
Saturday saw Majuro Team #1, skippered by Anja
Antakbon fishing on MEC Brits Too, bring in an
‘All Mike’ record fish at 648 pounds. And for
24 hours, Anja’s team thought they were sitting
pretty on a $2,500 prize bag, sponsored by the
Marshall Islands Journal and Senator John Silk,
Far left, Frank Shimizu, Jr. representing
the 16th Annual All-Micronesia
Tournament sponsors, Budweiser, and
Pohnpei Fishing Club #2 Captain Alex
Tretnoff (far right) with wife Mary and
son Alex Jr.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
was happy
with his 563pound marlin
that he caught
on Sunday
while fishing
on Blue Bird.
Sunday’s haul for crew
Cary Evarts, Budweiser’s
Casey Truong, Miss All
Mike Kaili Kramer, Kirtake
skipper Ronnie Reimers,
and Frank Shimizu.
for an All Mike record-breaker.
Eleven teams took part in the international event, with nine teams
flying in from nations around the
Pacific region, including Guam, Taiwan, Japan, and American Samoa.
Aside from a couple of rain squalls on
Saturday morning, the teams enjoyed
light winds and sunshine in the waters
surrounding Majuro Atoll.
Miss All Mike, 17-year-old Kaili
Kramer, was on the dock to greet the
teams as they brought in a healthy
amount of marlin, sailfish, yellowfin
tuna, and wahoo.
During the Sunday afternoon
weigh-in, Pohnpei Team #2, with
champion fisherman Konrad Engleberger on board, pleased the crowd
when he brought home a 563-pound
marlin. Meanwhile, club officials reported that Pohnpei Team #1, fishing
on the boat Lorraine K, had hooked
up a marlin near the airport and was
struggling to land the beast.
Under club rules, if a boat reports
a hook-up before the 5pm deadline,
they can continue to fight the fish.
At about 6pm, word came in that
they’d landed the fish, but a fire had
broken out on board. Four boats at
the dock, including Ben Reimers’
XXXX, responded immediately by
first gathering all available fire extinguishers and then heading out of the
lagoon to help the stricken 35-foot
Bertram sports fisher.
Ten fire extinguishers
were used to douse the
fire, which was sourced
to the fuel, not electrics,
and XXXX towed the
boat back to the dock,
arriving about 8pm.
Then it was showtime
as the Marshalls Energy
Company crane began
lifting the massive marlin from the boat, and
Alex Tretnoff proudly
stepped onto the dock.
Fishing with his wife
Mary and son Alex Jr.,
Tretnoff’s 794-pounder
earns him not only the
record-breaker prize,
but also $3,000 for the
competition’s biggest
fish, sponsored by the
club, and a free ticket
to return for the 17th
Annual All Mike.
Team Joshuya from
Japan weighed in a
70-pound sailfish.
Marshalls Billfish Club
Record number of sponsors!
The Marshall Islands Billfish Club
and Ambros Guam,
Inc. signed a contract last Friday
night at the Flame
Tree making Budweiser the exclusive sponsor for this
year’s Budweiser
All Mike Fishing
Tournament. Included with sponsoring the annual All
Mike Tournament,
Budweiser will also
sponsor 10 of the
Billfish Club’s minimonthly tourneys.
Pictured from left to right are MBC board members Damian Reimers, Waylon Muller, MBC
co-founder Wally Milne, Ambros Guam Inc., Frank Shimizu Jr., and MBC’s John Murphy,
Ace Doulatram, Ben Reimers, and Ambros’ Casey Truong.
In memory of:
Marshalls Energy Company (MEC) holds
a memorial tournament, the Jakie Jacobs
Biggest Qualifying Billfish, and DAR/Anil
Construction sponsors the Lazarus Andrike
Total Qualifying Pounds Tuna, which will be
the first tournament of the new fishing season.
benefitted from
the support of the
Embassy of the
Republic of China/Taiwan, Marshall Islands Development Bank
(MIDB), Bank of
Marshall Islands
(BOM), Marshall
Islands National Telecommunications Authority (NTA), Marshall Islands Resort (MIR), Payless Supermarket, Robert Reimers Enterprises
(RRE), and V7AB.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Year In Review
September 20
Photos and information from
Trolling & Bottom Mini Tournaments
takes out
first MBC
Brian Kirk
shows off his
sailfish, while
Barry Jerilong
holds on to
their 29.5pound wahoo.
Stories by
Provan Crump caught
the winning marlin,
which weighed in at just
October 4
RMI fishermen’s lament
MEC Brits Too
captain Anja Andy
along with team
mates Ian Pickering and Tira Keju
brought home a
yellowfin tuna at
69 pounds.
They were here, but now
they’ve gone.
They left the
here at home
So all we catch
are small
not worth
Won’t pay the rent
Oh come back marlins, brand
your bill,
We love to fish you for the thrill.
Clockwise from left, Team Lawio took 1st Place; Right: Team Li Mora
in 2nd Place; Bottom: Team International’s Japan’s Charge d’Affairs
Kazayuki Ohdaira and ROC Ambassador Bruce Linghu.
Over $2,000 in cash prizes were
awarded in the Ambros Inc. and Budweiser-sponsored bottom fishing derby
run by the Marshalls Billfish Club with
additional sponsorship from the Embassy
of the Republic of China/Taiwan, Marshall Islands Development Bank and the
Bank of Marshall Islands and Marshall
Islands Resort (MIR).
Team Lawio captained by Manner Iseia
along with Branny Ralpho, Betini Anien
and Senior Iseia won the average pounds
per angler with 54 pounds, taking cash
and some Budweiser as they also tied for
second biggest fish at 17 pounds.
Second in the total average pounds category went to team White Bird captained
by Kina Riklong along with Oktan Timothy and Kanson Sibok with an average of
51.6 pounds, taking home some cash.
Team Wiwi II captained by Junior L.
along with teammate Anthony took third
Marshalls Billfish Club
place total pounds with an average weight
per angler of 43.5 pounds and received
a gift certificate from the MIR and some
Budweiser. They bested Celinda captain
Bwiji Aliven by 2.5 pounds.
Team Li-Mora captained by Shem
October 18
Reef Runner
Horiuchi with anglers Glenn Horiuchi,
Cassiano Jetnil, Steve Samuel and Tea
weighed in a true monster of the deep,
a 73 pound Napolean Wrasse or locally
known as Lappo. Team Li-Mora got cash
and some Bud to celebrate with.
Team Li-Jimo captained by Whitney
Loeak with mates Drebel, Jeik, Andy
and Anja with their biggest at 17 pounds
split beer and cash with Lawio, which
was unfortunate for no third place was
awarded for biggest fish category.
Photos/Story by
Karen earnshaw
Miasha Ben
with XXXX’s
William Kaisha,
Bruce John, and
Kyle Aliven with
Celinda’s catch.
Bwiji Aliven, captain of Celinda, and
his team members Kyle Aliven, William
Kaisha, and Bruce John weighed in four
qualifying barracuda (21.9, 20.9, 22.9,
and 32 pounds) at the RRE Shoreline
Sponsored by Budweiser, the tourney
saw Team XXXX, skippered by Ben
Reimers and buddies Rudol Muller,
Kim Maie, and Miasha Ben take second
place with two barracudas: 25.9 and
17.4 pounds.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
November 15
President’s Day
Bottom Fishing
November 22
Captain Bwiji Aliven won with his
401-pound billfish, but it was Ben
Reimers who had everyone oohing and
aahing at the Shoreline dock.
Competing in the Budweiser’s Biggest Qualifying Billfish tournament,
Reimers brought home eight, yes eight,
qualifying yellowfin tuna, of which the
smallest was 52 pounds and the biggest 107 pounds. XXXX crew doing
the hauling were: Kim Maie, Rudol
Muller, Marmar Labbar Lejjena, Ace
Doulatram, and LC.
Still, it was Bwiji and his crew Bruce
John and Kaisha that walked away
$1,600 in cash, beer, chairs, hats
and supermarket coupons all up for
grabs – Bank of Marshall Islands,
the Taiwan Embassy, Budweiser,
Payless Supermarket, RRE, and
First place in the ‘total average
pounds’ category was Team U-Boat
with 144 pounds of fish, making
an average of 48 pounds per angler
(captain Morson Riklon, Monen
Jibu, and Bolten).
Second place went to Team Kiss
Baal, captain Rickson Zackios,
Paulino, Samson and Carlon. Third
went to Team Lawio #1, captain Jeimata Kabua, Clenton Iseia, Manner
Iseia, and Senior Iseia.
The biggest fish caught in the
tournament was a 34-pound dogtooth tuna, proudly displayed by
Team XXXX Jiggass, captain Ben
Reimers, Karness Kusto, and Kym
Bwiji wins tourney,
Ben wins the oohs
with the $1,380 cash, three Bud beach
chairs, and two cases of Bud.
Second place was taken by Team
True Blue, which was captained by
Kyle Aliven and crewed by Mark
Carey and Clint, for their 353-pound
billfish. The team also tagged two marlin, giving them lots of points towards
the annual President’s Cup. Third
place was won by Team Kirtake for
a 331-pound billfish. Captain Ronnie
Reimers and his crew of Chuck Handy,
Cary Evarts, Mr. Lin, Elder Hicks and
Mr. Shoyu also tagged one billfish and
landed a 79-pound yellowfin.
with a trio
of tuna.
Marshalls Billfish Club
December 6
Kirtake wins big
Three fish, with the largest being just 31.5
pounds, pushed skipper Ronnie Reimers into
first place and winning the wahoo, marlin and
tuna prizes in the Jackpot Tournament.
Fishing on Kirtake, Ronnie and his crew
of five brought home two wahoo weighing
Storm Henderson, Forrest
31.5 and 27 pounds and a 15.5-pound mahiPeterson, and Chuck
mahi, making a total of 74 points.
pose with the Kirtake
Lagging just 1.5 points behind was Pacatch
- 31.5 & 27 pound
tumahoe, skippered by Melven Aliven, who
wahoo and a 15.5-pound
brought home three barracuda weighing a
total of 72.5 pounds.
Only two other boats had anything to put
on the Shoreline scale: Emakus, skippered by Jikko Shoniber, Shenandoah on board their vessels for the day of fishing.
had two mahi weighing 17 and 15.5 pounds and True Blue,
Li-Dora also cut their fishing day short as they discovered
skippered by Kyle Aliven had an 18.5-pound ‘cuda.
Kenneth Kramer’s Bum-Bum boat drifting off Nami Point in
President of the Billfish Club, Chris deBrum, noted that he Arno and immediately offered their assistance in the form of
was extremely pleased that the skippers of Kirtake and Li-Dora drinking water. Kenneth’s other boat, Lorraine K, arrived later
both welcomed two visitors from the three-masted schooner that afternoon to tow the stricken boat back to safety.
January 17
Catch 5
The XXXX team caught (even
if some were on the small side),
bringing home to the RRE Shoreline dock a 247-pound marlin,
a 4.5 pound tuna, a 16.5-pound
wahoo, an eight pound mahimahi,
XXXX wins the
Catch 5
and a 12-pound barracuda, making
289 pounds in all.
Seven boats registered to fish,
with True Blue, Celtic Pride, and
Kirtake bringing home fish to
weigh in.
February 14
Jakie Jacobs Memorial Tourney
– Biggest Qualifying Billfish
Team XXXX, captained by
Ben Reimers, brought home
eight qualifying yellowfin
tuna in the Jakie Jacob Memorial Tournament, sponsored by
Marshalls Energy Company
(MEC). Six boats took part
in the wet event: MEC Brits
Too (Anja Andy), Celinda (Bwiji Aliven), Dragon
(Kyle Aliven), Patumahoe (Melvin Aliven), and
newcomer to the club Sharron Auto (Cui Hu).
Dragon and the energy guys of MEC both tagged
and released a billfish, with the latter also bringing
home a 19-pound mahimahi for the dinner table,
while Celinda caught a couple of mahimahis.
According to new club prez John Murphy: “Since
no dead billfish were weighed in, MEC’s $500
sponsorship was not awarded, along with $540 in
cash prizes from the registration.” March 14 was
selected for a carry-over competition.
All 5:
The XXXX team with a
bunchof fish that would
probably cost a few
thousand buckeroos in
Photo: Selvenious Marvin
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
February 21
Team Bojar
wins the day
The Marshalls Billfish Club held a Budweiser bottom fishing derby with some
generous monetary help from the Bank
of Marshall Islands and the Embassy of
the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Only 10 of the 12 boats entered made it out
to Majuro’s lagoon to look for beasts of the
reefs. With the club’s barbecue grill ignited it
was time to weigh in. Arriving at 5 pm on the
dot to weigh in first was team Emakus captained by Jikko Shoniber and crewed by Mark, Stanley and true
fisherman Charles Stinnett. The team brought in a modest quota
of 50 pounds of reef fish, averaging 12.5 pounds per angler on
board. Good for them! But it wasn’t enough to overcome Team
Bojar, owned by Namu Mayor Jeimata Kabua, which brought
home 174 pounds of fishy flesh, averaging 87 pounds over the
two anglers and winning them total pounds.
Second place went to team Tobe Lal with captain Shem
Horuichi averaging 37.5 pounds and the first place biggest
fish with a 40-pound dogtooth. The second biggest fish was
Charles Stinnett,
left, along with
Team Emakus
captained by
Jikko Shoniber
brought in 50
pounds of fish.
Team Bojar won,
bringing in 174
pounds. Team
Tobe Lal brought
in the largest
fish - a 40-pound
dogtooth tuna.
caught by team XXXX, skippered by Ben Reimers, with a
15.5-pound dogtooth.
The weigh-in was hugely popular as the fans were able to
munch on fresh reef fish grilled to perfection by the club’s
tournament crew. “It was great of the fishermen to donate some
of their catch,” mentioned Kejwadrik Juna, one of the club’s
hardest working volunteers.
Think Safety!
Make sure your radios are working and there are
enough safety flotation devices for everyone. Boats
must answer Radio Round-ups at 10, 12, 2, & 4 o’clock.
Marshalls Billfish Club
March 14
— carryover:
Jakie Jacobs Memorial Tourney
– Biggest Qualifying Billfish
Little Raphael David, four pats Ladie
Jack’s winning fish as dad Richard
and brother Joshua look on.
Bwiji, Ladie
catch big
This tourney gave the competitors two options of winning:
catch the biggest billfish or have the most points. Both options
were conquered as total points was won by Celinda’s captain
Bwiji Aliven and the biggest billfish was caught on Nini by
Captain Ladie Jack. Bwiji tagged and released three marlin
and weighed a qualifying baracuda at 15 pounds.
Ladie Jack weighed two marlin at 487 and 126 pounds to
guarantee him 613 President’s Cup points and the ‘Jakie Jacob
Memorial Tournament’ trophy in 2009.
Other boats earning points on the day were Patumahoe Capt.
Melvin Aliven, 58.75 with a qualifying tuna and mahi mahi,
and Team Alwal captained by Kiston Lucky caught a 101 pound
marlin and 27 pound wahoo for a total of 128 President’s Cup
April 4
On Saturday, April 4, the
Marshalls Billfish Club held
a bottom fishing tournament
sponsored by Budweiser, Payless Supermarkets and Marshall
Islands Development Bank.
Only eight of the nine teams
registered fished. Fresh fish was
barbecued courtesy of the three
boats that managed to catch fish. It turned out to be a non-eventful tournament as spectators gathered to sample fresh bottom
fish and find out who would win the day’s competition.
At the top was newcomer Team Borang with captain Lenn
Lenja catching an 18-pound coral grouper (‘jauwe’) and 84
pounds of reef fish, taking the first half of Budweiser’s Half
and Half Bottom Fishing Tournament with cash prizes from
MIBD and Bud beer. He was not to be outdone by Team Tobe
Lal (captain Gleen Horiuchi), who previously collected prize
Fishing winners Gleen
Horiuchi of Team Tobe
Lal, Damien Reimers of
Team Barracuda with son
Oshen, and Jack E. of
Team Tobe Lal.
Photo: Karen Earnshaw
money in the February tourney and took home the second half
with 87 total pounds getting them some cash, a Payless gift
certificate and Bud beer.
Last, but not least in the placings, was team Barracuda (captain Damien Reimers), with 82 pounds that didn’t quite make
the cut, but got him some Bud beers being awarded that day.
The club thanks all the teams that participated, including
Kirtake, Celinda, MEC Hook-Up, Scavanger, Arianna T and
team BOMI.
THINK SAFETY! Please don’t drink and drive.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
April 11
Half ’n
Alvin and
Jack split
A lot of fish that
were weighed in
didn’t make the
minimum weights.
Last month’s tournament turned up a
467 pound monster,
this tourney’s biggest fish was only
113 pounds with a
16.5 pound mahiTeam Celinda’s
mahi brought in by
William Kaisha,
Nini’s captain LaRasa Alfred, and
die Jack, who also
Bwiji Aliven.
caught the 467 marlin last month.
The other half was won by Celinda’s captain Bwiji Aliven,
with a 105 pound marlin, a 62 pound yellowfin and a 25 pound
mahi-mahi guaranteeing him 192 total qualifying pounds.
Emakus captain Jikko Shoniber caught two yellowfins at
64 pounds a piece, Patumahoe captain Melvin Aliven had a
trio of mahi’s at 22.75, 18.25, and 16.5 pounds, Kirtake’s
captain Ronnie Reimers had a tag and release, and finally
MEC Brits Too captain Anja Antakbon had a tag and release
and a 15 pound mahi.
May 9
Half ’n Half
XXXX frothing
at the mouth
Team Dragon poses
with their winning fish as
NTA’s Ace Doulatram
hand over some phone
card prizes.
Photo: Karen Earnshaw
Marshalls Billfish Club
XXXX skipper Ben Reimers and his
crew were feeling pretty good as they
weighed in a 453-pound marlin.
Scott Howe’s Patumahoe, skippered by
Melven Aliven, weighed a pair of beasts,
124 pounds, the other 129. Patumahoe
June 6
Reef Runner
showed up again with a 45-pound wahoo.
Nini, skippered by Ladie Jack recorded
a 109-pound marlin and a 30.5-pound wahoo, and the Kirtake crew, Cap’n Ronnie
Reimers, had a 27-pound wahoo.
Back at the dock the best was yet to
come in the shape of Kyle Aliven’s 464
pound marlin: a winner by just 11 pounds
for Kyle! The smiling lad and his team
also tagged a billfish, earning them an
extra 250 points.
Scott Howe’s boat Patumahoe won with skipper Melven
Aliven and his crew bringing home a 25-pound barracuda
and two wahoo weighing in at 30 and 35 pounds. The team
also brought home some sashimi for the supper table in
the shape of a 46-pound and 63-pound tuna.
Second place in the tournament went to Kirtake, with
Cap’n Ronnie Reimers at the helm with a couple of wahoo
weighing 35 and 25 pounds.
Celinda failed to get any reef runner fish, but did land
a 135-pound marlin and six tuna (91, 52, 40, 44, 50, and
42 pounds). The golden boat XXXX also pulled up to the
weighing station with one 27-pound wahoo and a couple
of tuna (96 and 67 pounds) and MEC Brits Too had a
15.5-pound barracuda.
June 13
The Budweiser ‘Summertime Half-’nHalf bottom fishing tournament had four
more sponsors: Triple J Payless Supermarkets, Bank of Marshall of Marshall
Islands, Marshall Islands Development
Bank and the Embassy of the Republic
of China (Taiwan). High pay-outs were
guaranteed with all of this support!
First up was team Li-Jimo with captain
Whitney Loeak who brought in the biggest bottom fish of the day: A 20.5-pound
coral grouper. Next to weigh in for a
couple of prizes was team Li-Denise with
captain Dennis Moses who weighed in a
15-pound reef fish for second place. He
also ended up with second place total
pounds with an average of 24.3 pounds
per angler. Last to gain recognition was
team Tobe Lal with owner Glen Horiuchi
who got first place for total pounds average at 27.7 pounds per angler.
27TH Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament • July 1-6, 2009
Marshalls Billfish Club - RECORD FISH
AS OF JUNE 6, 2009
719 Kyle Alvin................ 7-Jul-01 Annual on Dragon w/ Rudy, Junior, Standly & Richard
688 Ben Reimers........... 7-Jul-07 Annual on XXXX w/ Damian Reimers, Tom Bowling,
Karness Kusto, Kim Maie & Rudolph Muller
574 Kalmer Latak.......... 27-Mar-93 Mini w/ Peter Gigante & Anton deBrum
560 Bwiji Aliven............. 21-Feb-04 Jakie Jacobs Mini Tournament
533 Redmond Simeon... 6-Jul-01 Annual on Baby-M w/ Jellen and Kitoshi
525 Rudy Alvin.............. 4-Dec-90 Mini w/ Bwiji, Junior Silk & Dennis Reeder
514 Emil deBrum........... 16-Jun-01 Mini on Mobil Boat w/ Marvin, Nikky & James
506 Ronnie Reimers...... 9-Apr-88 Mini on Jinekjej w/ Tojio Wonne & Laelan Kabua
501 Helly Kajeong......... 17-Sep-88 Mini Tournament
492 Baron Bigler............ 4-Jul-96 Annual on Kirtake w/ Ronnie, Gerry, Jamal & Truitt
161 Anton deBrum........ 8-Jul-90
142 Paul Rea................. 4-Jul-94
141 Wayne Collier......... 30-Apr-87
136 Ladie Jack.............. 5-Jul-93
135 Junior deBrum........ 4-Jul-94
Annual on El Tigre w/ Wally, Brinker, Maynard, Derek & Damian
Annual on Mobil w/ Ben, Robin, Marty, Randy, Bob & Gary
Mini, Const. Day w/ Hill, Maketoni and Wakefield
Annual on Wina w/ Val, Zach, Tinok & Danny
Annual on Banana w/ Chris, Imaikta & Audie
90 Robin Reimers...............................23-Apr-05
63 Steve Andrike................................12-Oct-85
57 Jisam Kaisha.................................16-Sep-00
55 Jiba Kabua....................................29-Apr-89
54 Ronnie Reimers/Steve Andrike.....4-Jul-85
Mini w/Sepio
Annual/4-Jul-84 Annual
46 Alan Richards................................6-Nov-04
44 Kessai Note...................................18-Nov-89
40 Backson Tartious...........................7-Jul-00 33 Randy Jack....................................8-Jun-02
32 Helly Kajeong................................5-Jul-93
Mini w/Capt. Anja Andy
Mini w/Danny & Timothy
Annual on Minta w/Tommy, Richard & Bima
Mini on Wina w/Ladie
Annual on Sa-Lynne w/Laz & Remming
49 John Murphy..................................28-Jan-06
48 Melven Aliven................................7-Jul-07
43 Chris deBrum................................10-Feb-07
42 Rudy Alvin.....................................5-Sep-92
41 James Bing....................................1-Mar-97
Mini w/Jinekjej Jokers
Annual on Royal Australian Navy’s True Blue
Mini on Miss Krista
Mini w/ Junior & Helbert
56 Huston M.......................................July 2007
51 Lakjohn..........................................July 2007
36 Lakjohn..........................................July 2007
25.5Dennis Moses................................July 2006
23.6Ryo Nishi.......................................July 2001
BOLD TYPE indicates fish caught in the past year.