Issue 4


Issue 4
Volume 1, Issue 4
May 2009
Greenwood High School
405 E. Sunbury Street
Millerstown, PA 17062
717.589.3116 Ext. 1011
The Paw Print
Wish You Were Here:
Greenwood High School’s prom
Reporters: Bryan Aungst,
by Sarah Howell and Jenna Karge
Samantha Barrick, Jonathan
Bixler, Brittany Cramer,
Nichole Fry, Dan Harrison,
Marissa Hoffman, Sarah Howell, Jenna Karge, Hannah
Kidwell, Jenna Nankivell,
Carly Shumaker, Alexandria
Spease, Shelby Thomas, and
Greenwood High‘s prom was held in
Alexander Troup
Northumberland at the Front Street Station on
Artists: Jonathan Bixler, Han- May 9, 2009. This year‘s theme was ―Wish You
nah Kidwell, and Carly
Were Here‖, based off the song by Pink Floyd.
The theme was dedicated in memory of Cody
R. Yohn.
Editors: Caitlin Tengeres and
Pictures were taken from 6:00 to 7:00
Carly Shumaker
P.M., dinner was served from 7:00 to 8:00
Sports Editor: Bryan Aungst P.M., and from 8:00 to 11:00 P.M. the dance
floor was packed with the students listening to
Layout: Brittany Cramer,
a variety of songs and dancing the enjoyable
Jenna Nankivell, and Shelby
night away! The party favor was a picture
Advisor: Miss Burton
Letters to the Editor
The Paw Print encourages
students to express their opinions, through a public forum,
by submitting letters to the
editor. Letters must be signed
and include your first and last
name . Submit letters in the
Paw Print box in the office.
No material will be printed
which the advisor deems in
poor taste.
frame, which was given to students to help
keep the memories of the night alive. Congratulations to Matthew Brightbill and Giovanni
Azevado who were crowned King and Queen.
Also, congratulations to Cole Barner and
Jenna Karge who won Prince and Princess.
Junior class officers: thank you for
planning this year‘s prom and making it memorable for all the students who attended.
A special thank you to Mrs. Hain and all volunteers who helped decorate and make this
year‘s prom a success.
Congratulations to
the Class of 2009!
“Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set
yourself on fire.” ~Arnold H.
Flower: Calla lily
Colors: navy blue, gold and white
Commencement May 29, 2009 at 7 P.M.
Dar Roush Memorial Field
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Congratulations Graduate: A farewell to our seniors
by Shelby Thomas
Congratulations seniors. You have officially reached
the horizon you have been running to for the last thirteen
years. The glimmering light at the end of the tunnel is shining
brightly, blinding your steps into this final leap of adulthood.
We take the time to say, ―Congratulations.‖ We applaud your
momentous walk across the stage. We shake the hand that
held your diploma with tears in our eyes. ―A tear of pride?‖ you
ask. Well… please allow me to explain.
A salty droplet stings the corner of our eyes, and as it
rolls down our cheeks, a filmstrip plays like a black and white
movie on display. Your round, smiling faces come to mind.
Your contagious laughter whispers in our ears. And, as we
watch our personal slideshow, we remember your hopes. We
remember your dreams. We remember the confidence you
had in your ambitions. Suddenly, the movie ends and the credits roll. Two words flash across the screen: ―Good luck.‖
―Congratulations,‖ we announce. Welcome to your
new life. Enjoy the world of college debt and small, cramped
dorm rooms. Well done. You have achieved the right to all-
nighters pulling off pages of papers for the classes you have
the next morning. Hats off to you, Graduate. The roommate
whose alarm clock begins ringing at six will surely enhance
your cultural experience. Felicitations to you. The extra fifteen
pounds really suits your figure. Compliments, Official Alumni.
The dream of having to learn how to manage your cash has
finally come true. Give yourself a pat on the back. In three
months you will have erased the word ―privacy‖ from your vocabulary. ―Congratulations!‖ Did we mention that?
We shake your hand; a solemn single motion with a
meaning of significance. The tear continues down our chins as
we walk away from you in your blissful ignorance to your future endeavors. The reality that your romanticized ―light at the
end of the tunnel‖ was really just a fluorescent light in your
dark closet-like dorm is soon to hit. The truth that the horizon
you have been seeking was actually just a smudge on your
contact or glasses will soon be revealed to you. Congratulations? Perhaps. But, maybe, the better term is ―best wishes.‖
I Wish Everybody the Best of Luck
by Hannah Kidwell
It‘s not hard to remember our very first day of school at Greenwood. Anxious, carrying our packed lunches in Batman
and Barbie tins, we journeyed into school with high expectations. Now, as graduating seniors, we are experiencing that same
feeling as we are preparing ourselves to leave our beloved Greenwood and venture into the real world. Whether we are going
to college, tech school, military, or immediately starting a career, we are all experiencing the same emotion: fear. Earl Nightingales says, ―We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.‖ So, now I am challenging
you to take charge of your fear and channel it in a constructive manner to accomplish your dreams.
Dear Seniors:
Faculty reflections and parting words for the Class of 2009
Parting Words
―Live every day to its fullest!‖ –Mrs. Brummer
―Best of luck to the class of 2009!!! May you always be my factoring friends saying ―trinomial..trial and error‖, graph a line
with the ―B‖ in the tree, and remember that ―is‖ is the equals sign!‖ –Mrs. Kahl
―Always work hard and never lose sight of your goals.‖ –Mr. Johnson
―Ten el valor de ser tu mismo!‖ –Señora Bendorf
―Ojalá que todo vaya bien en sus futuros. Yo sé que Greenwood no será la misma escuela sin su clase.‖ –Señora Hults
―Je vous souhaite un avenir fantastique. L‘école ne sera la même sans votre classe.― –Madame Hults
―Congratulations to the Class of 2009! You will be hearing many words of advice in the coming weeks. Consider them all, but
always remember that character does count in life and that family and friends are your greatest treasures. Best wishes.‖ –Mr.
and Mrs. Gantt
―Good Luck to all the graduating seniors! For those going into the health care field, I will offer these ‗words of wisdom‘: patients and families may not remember how skillfully you administered an injection, but they will remember that they were
treated with respect and kindness… enjoy and good luck!‖ –Mrs. Brown
―‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.‘ –Emerson.‖ –Mrs. Troutman
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Dear Seniors:
Faculty reflections and parting words for the Class of 2009
compiled by Samantha Barrick and Alexandria Spease
Favorite Memories
―El cumpleaños de la profesora en el restaurante El Rodeo.‖ –Señora Bendorf
―I will remember our day at El Rodeo and my birthday as well as the wonderful meal at Confit French Bistro. Your class has
been a wonderful class to work with over the years and I will miss you.‖ –Mrs. Hults
―Skeletal Jumps.‖ (In Advanced Biology.) –Mrs. Troutman
―Student section at girls‘ basketball games. . . HoHoHo.‖ –Mrs. Brummer
―My six boys in my period 2 Trigonometry were always a treat to teach! I enjoyed their serenades of math music, their hiding
places, and their enthusiasm for learning new concepts in Trigonometry. I will also miss the 3 senior ―A‘s‖ (Ashley, Alisha,
and Angel) in my period 5/6 Algebra class!‖ –Mrs. Kahl
(Regarding the Senior Baseball Players) ―Always keeping a lookout for the Cryptkeeper!‖ –Mr. Johnson
―Some of our favorite memories from this school year were provided by the seniors who provided leadership for the boys basketball team and their remarkable season.
· The beginning of the League championship game, with the score Ethan 8, Halifax 0, punctuated by his roof raising dunk. The
image of Ethan doing a cartwheel in a toga at a girls game is forever etched in our memories.
· Trent‘s calm, reliable leadership, including his abilities to play the straight man for media interviews and his post moves and
key rebounds against much taller animals like elephants, lions, and cardinals. Contrast that with the wild and wooly postgame
celebration with brother Grant at the Giant Center.
· Adam‘s confident coolness in repeatedly sinking crucial, last minute foul shots to ice games. The look on the face of RCC‘s
coach when Adam appeared from nowhere and seemed to hang in the air for a put back without ever touching down.
Thank you for an exciting, memorable year.‖ -Mr. and Mrs. Gantt
―My memory of Jesus is when, in an earlier grade, he said he wouldn‘t come to the office when called until I learned how to
pronounce his name correctly. Which I promptly worked on and accomplished. Best to you, Mr. An-do-har!
Chelsea McNaughton – my memory of Chelsea is that she is/was the most dependable mail-person between here & VoTech
that we‘ve ever had. Thanks a million Chelsea, you will be missed!
Angel Peugh – thanks for always doing a great job with the morning announcements.
Kelby Roush – thanks for all your help over the years running around the building on 2-hour delay days putting up signs for us.
And for doing a great job with the morning announcements! Best to you in all your future choices – I‘m sure you will make great
Sr. VoTech students: Curtis Benson, Camie Hoffman, Ted Laverty, Roger Mangle, Matt Markel, Chelsea McNaughton, Lance
Newlin, Staci Sweigart, & Ashley Weiss – Now aren‘t you glad I kept you all so well informed of VoTech issues over the years. I
wish you all the very best!‖ –Mrs. Gothel
Senior Wills and Future Plans
compiled by Jon Bixler
Samantha Barrick
Will: I will my drive and encouragement to all of the 2009-2010
FFA Officer Team.
Future Plans: I plan to run for Pennsylvania State FFA Office
while participating in a few online courses. After my year of
office is over I then plan on attending an undecided school to
major in agricultural education.
Roger Mangle
Will: I will my fast but skilled driving abilities to Josh Shuman. I
pass down all of my detentions, suspensions and out of school
suspensions to Josh Shuman.
Future Plans: To open my own garage business with my inspection license. To be very successful in my garage business
and get married and have kids.
Giovanna Azevedo
Will: I will my language ability to Kelly Toner and I will my long
jump ability to Courtney Roth.
Future Plans: After I graduate from high school I want to go to
college major in business. After college find a job.
Lance Newlin
Will: I pass down all of my tardiness to class to my little buddy
Josh Shuman.
Future Plans: Attending Penn State for mechanical engineering then I hope to open my own engineering firm and machine
shop. Then settle down with that special someone and live a
happy life.
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Senior Wills and Future Plans cont.
Andi Matter
Will: I will my soccer skills to Jordann Ferguson, and I will my
flyness to Jordann Ferguson.
Future Plans: I plan to attend Robert Morris University to
study to be a nurse while running on their track and cross
country teams. After becoming a Registered Nurse, I plan to
start my own practice. I also plan to get married, start a family,
and start the Perry County Track Club.
Kasey Newmayer
Will: I will my athleticism to Bob Craig; my awesome architectural skills to Rob ―Cheebs‖ Jones; my good looks to Anni Marrow.
Future Plans: I plan on attending a five year apprenticeship
program to become a Union Electrician.
Staci Sweigart
Will: I will my skills of attending Liverpool Ambulance and Liverpool Fire Company to Katy Galer. You go Katy!
Future Plans: To attend Keystone Technical Institute for two
years for child care and to work at a daycare in the morning,
then become a child care specialist at K.T.I.
Taylor Szwajkowski
Will: I Taylor Szwajkowski will my skills in all things to no one.
I would not wish it on them.
Future Plans: I plan to attend HACC for biology and then
transfer to a four year college. If you want to know my plans
after find me and ask.
Bryan Aungst
Will: To my sister, Rachel Stroup, I will my ability to get under
mom‘s skin. I will Alexander Troup the ability to turn his brain
off every once in a while. To Rob Jones, I will my organizational skills with regards to coordinating themes for girls basketball games; to Clare Bachman, my ability to chill out; and
lastly to JAKE, I will my wit and presence. I hope you all use
my gifts to you wisely.
Future Plans: After graduation I am attending Juniata College
to study medical technology. After 5 years I hope to receive
my masters and start working in the medical field. I hope to
start a family, begin my ice cream empire, and follow God‘s
path for me.
Kayla Seiders
Will: I will Kody Seiders my study habits and the ability to
achieve good grades.
Future Plans: Going to HACC to study nursing
Tristin Heckard
Will: I will everything to my family, but mostly to my brother.
Future Plans: Go to HACC to be a physical therapist assistant.
environmental science, then proceed to take over the world.
Selina Tremmel
Will: I will to all FFA members the ability to reach their goals
and never give up.
Future Plans: I will attend HACC so I can take my general
studies with the hope of transferring to Dickinson College to
major in archaeology. I also hope to study abroad for a year
through one of Dickinson‘s programs.
Hollie Suders
Will: I will my willpower and shoes to Anna Heggenstaller for
gym class soccer and the mile, and I will my ridiculous repetitive stories and my somewhat amazing cooking skills to Randee Henry.
Future Plans: I plan to become a nurse upon graduation from
HACC. Then, I‘ll marry the love of my life, have kids, and live
happily ever after.
Carly Shumaker
Will: I will the ability to ride the bus as a senior and still be cool
to the Barner twins; I will Shelby Thomas everything I know;
and I will Alexander Troup Greenwood domination.
Future Plans: Carly Shumaker will be attending Middlebury
College in the fall of 2009 to major in something exciting which
is unknown to her at this time.
Alisha Reed
Will: I will my positive attitude and never to take any negativity
to Cody Reed; I will my spunk and my craziness to Bethany
Shuman and Anni Marrow; and I will all of my heart and effort
to the girls softball team and for them to keep up what they are
doing and never give up!
Angel Peugh
Will: I, Angel Peugh will my sweet guitar skills to Nick Allison,
ROCK ON! I also will my excellent study habits to Paul
McNaughton, and I will my spunkiness to Taylor Lower.
Future Plans: I plan to go to K.T.I. to be a paralegal, and then
when I have all the knowledge I need, I will star my own law
Amanda Brong
Will: I will my sister Samantha my nickname ―Brong‖; I will
Bayley Vohs my defensive skills; I will Anna Heggenstaller my
heart and soul; I will Bev Ruhle my good hair; and I will Sarah
Loy my Spanish speaking skills.
Future Plans: Attend Messiah College, become a nurse, find
the man I hope and dream for, get married, have four kids and
be happy.
Kelby Roush
Will: I Kelby Roush, will Bayley Vohs and Kelly Toner the ability to say ―FORE‖ after every high hockey ball.
Caitlin Tengeres
Future Plans: I plan on attending Bloomsburg University with
Will: I will Emily Griswold and Sarah Kessler my public speak- a nursing major in the fall. After graduation I plan on going
ing skills; I will Andrew Roth my sportsmanship and my vewherever life takes me as I continue my schooling to become
lociraptor skills (not that he needs them); I will Allison Wray my a Nurse Practitioner.
grammar skills; and I will JJ Elsessor and Clay Delancey the
ability to annoy my sister.
Future Plans: I plan to attend Lycoming College and major in
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Senior Wills and Plans After Graduation cont.
Matt Brightbill
Will: I will my patience to Andrew Roth; I will my full head of
hair to Mr. Tomko; I will my entire supply of s‘mores to Sarah,
Clare, and Jill; and I will everything else to Emily Griswold.
Future Plans: Attend Susquehanna University, majoring in
biology, with intentions of pursuing further education to become a dentist, or plastic or orthopedic surgeon.
Alexandria Spease
Will: I will my speaking abilities to Sarah Kessler; I will my Van
(Barbara Van) to Emily Griswold; I will Fish (Pig the Fish) to
Andrew Roth, may you come to learn that he is a pet and not
food! I will my funny jokes to Daniel Buckley; I will my safe
driving to Frank Elsessor; and I will my leadership abilities to
the 2009-2010 FFA Officer Team! May you all find passion to
serve our members!
Future Plans: I plan to attend Davis and Elkins College double majoring in education of psychology and international relations. I will be studying in London during my spring semester.
Jenna Nankivell
Will: I will Roni and Carmen my Randy Jackson signed sword
and all the junk food I own!
Future Plans: Attend Penn State University‘s main campus to
dual-major in biology and Spanish, and play club field hockey.
Then, continue my education in medical school in pursuit of a
career as a successful plastic surgeon.
Trent Lesh
Will: I will Andrew Rhoads my cool, collective attitude on the
basketball court, in hopes that he does not foul out of every
game without me next year; I will Mike Hogan my ability to be
optimistic and not to expect the worst; I will Tyler ―BK‖ Warner
the right to find a new ride; I will Grant Lesh my ability to be
calm and rational with the lunch ladies; and I will Rob Jones
the right to carry on the Mad Dog tradition at football and my
intensity in all that I do.
Future Plans: Attend Washington College in the fall to major
in Biology.
Barre, PA. to study criminal justice, and I will be playing soccer
for King‘s.
David Nadu
Will: I will my weight lifting ability and artistic ability to Bob
Future Plans: I plan to go to HACC for two years while working part time, and finally major in something in art or lifting
Brittany Chubb
Will: I will the juniors luck with their senior papers.
Future Plans: I plan to move on to college for 7 years. Once
I‘m done I want to get a good paying job and move out of
Julie Brugger
Will: I will Taylor Lower the ability to stay calm during softball
Future Plans: Graduate high school, go to school for nursing,
find the man of my dreams and have kids.
David Myers
Will: I will my Superman powers to Andrew Roth.
Future Plans: Going to the U.S. Army and then going to college for 4 years.
James Davis
Will: I will my amazing attendance to Nick Troutman.
Future Plans: I am going into the marines after high school
and eventually get into the police force.
Sam Farner
Will: I will Courtney Roth my meanness.
Future Plans: Attending HACC.
Brittany Cramer
Will: I will Anna H. my ability to frighten people, especially Allison and Sara, and I will Pauly Pocket my ninja skills!
Future Plans: I plan to attend West Chester University for
Terrance Brookhart
music education. I then plan to obtain my masters in marching
Will: I, Terrance Brookhart, will everything to charity because I band instruction, then get married and have beautiful little
don‘t want your greedy grubby hand on it. Get your own box of squirts!
Cheeze-Itz. LOL.
Future Plans: I plan on becoming an excellent and well paid
Josh Engle
chef. I also plan on becoming a distinguished writer. Now to do Will: I pass on my awesome ability to grow facial hair to Jason
those things, first I plan to go to college and graduate with a
Brosius, and I pass on my superhero powers to Cole Barner.
bachelors degree in culinary arts and restaurant management. Future Plans: Go to HACC to major in the music industry,
further my skills as a guitarist, be in a heavy metal band and
Matthew Markel
tour around the world, get married, and eventually have chilWill: My ability to be strong.
Future Plans: Get rich when I open my own business and to
Jon Bixler
live in Virginia.
Will: I will my pole vaulting skills to my little brother, and to
Andrew O’Shura
Bing Bong, I will my drawing and origami skills.
Will: I will my amazing baseball skills to Skyler Ray; I will my
Future Plans: After graduating I plan on getting in an apprensoccer skills to JJ Elsessor; I will my incredible good looks to
ticeship program for heavy equipment operating and eventuBob Craig; and I will my ability to spit game to the babes to
ally own my own business. Then settle down with the woman
Austin Ray.
of my dreams and have kids when I stop hating them.
Future Plans: I will be attending King‘s College in Wilkes-
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Senior Wills and Future Plans cont.
Robbie Collins
Will: I will my respectfulness skills to my step brother, Dustin
Future Plans: Hang out with my friends for a week or two,
then go to boot camp, graduate there, then continue my career
in that field and live with the one I love forever.
with my son Bradyn and my boyfriend Brady.
Adam Thompson
Will: To Cody Peterson, I leave my talent for anticipating the
pass on the soccer field, and to Mike Hogan, I leave my triple
jump ability.
Future Plans: Attend Elizabethtown College majoring in elementary education then graduate in 2013 with a teaching degree.
Jessie Schoonover
Will: I give my pitching skills to Anna Heggenstaller and
Salene Shaffer and also the attitude to not get discouraged on
the mound. I also will my entire softball team my positive attitude and high spirits to keep winning games and to never give
Future Plans: I am attending McCann School of Business for
2 years earning my bachelors degree in business. Then I plan
to attend Central Penn College to further my degree to become a successful business woman.
Hannah Diaz
Future Plans: To attend K.T.I. in August for dental assisting
while working a part time job. During the summer I‘ll be living
Bryar Egenrider
Will: I am passing my soccer skills to Cody Ruby.
Future Plans: I plan to attend HACC for nursing, then transfer
to Penn State or Messiah.
Greening Your Dorm: How to make your college dormitory earth-friendly
by Carly Shumaker
The school year is coming to a close and we all are heading to
the work force, a vocational/technical school, the armed
forces, or to a college or university. For those of us heading to
college, it is important to realize that many higher institutions
care tremendously about the environment and its betterment.
Use these tips to be eco-savvy and make your dorm room a
healthy place for both you and the environment.
1. Recycle everything, especially paper! Think about how
many pieces of paper you go through in a semester. There
[are] your class notes, your scrap copies, your term papers,
your daily school newspapers, and assorted stuff that you've
printed out from the Internet... it all adds up. Look for a paper
recycle bin on campus—you might find one near a dormitory
or large classroom building. Recycle other items as well, including cans, bottles, and cardboard boxes.
2. Use your printer wisely. You can save paper by printing
on both sides of the page. Many professors don't mind if you
turn in a paper like this—just ask first. Save pages that you've
printed and use the backs to print out drafts and other things
you don't have to turn in. In addition, many printers have multiple settings for print quality. Use the high quality print setting
for things that have to look nice, but use the low quality setting
for things that don't. This will save ink. While you're at it, consider cutting down on the things you print out. Do you really
need to print out that web page, or can you just bookmark it?
3. Limit the use of disposable cups and plates. If you're
moving into your first off-campus apartment, it can be tempting
to buy disposable cups and plates to save time. This adds up
to a lot of waste and money. Buy yourself some inexpensive
plates and wash them. You can do this if you live in a dorm
room too. Many dorms have a kitchen, and if yours doesn't,
wash dishes in the bathroom sink.
4. Limit the use of paper napkins. Since college students
eat a good deal of fast food, napkin use can add up. It's good
that you want to be clean, but one napkin will probably do the
5. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. These bulbs cost
more, but they last longer and ultimately save you money. If
you live in a dorm, get yourself a lamp and screw in one of
these bulbs. Lamp light is much more pleasant and environmentally efficient than overhead dorm lighting.
6. Walk, bike, and limit your use of a car. Most campuses
are very pedestrian friendly and many college towns offer
good public transportation and bike paths. Ask yourself if you
really need a car as a college student, because if you can get
by without one, you can save a good deal of money on gas,
repairs, and overpriced student car insurance. If you do own a
car, try to use it as little as you can.
7. Buy green. Buy recycled products whenever you can,
especially paper. Buy environmentally safe cleaning products
as well. Some of these products cost more—but many don't,
or the price difference is negligible.
8. Carry a water bottle. Think of how many bottles of water
get consumed on a campus every day. Save waste and
money and carry a refillable bottle. If the tap water on your
campus is questionable, buy large containers of waters to refill
your bottle. [Or try investing in a Brita® pitcher.]
9. Use refillable binders instead of notebooks. This is a
simple way to save waste. If you want to save your notes after
the semester is over, take them out of the binder and staple
them. Or you can go electronic and take all of your notes on a
10. Buy used clothing. Lots of students do this to save
money, but it's also a great thing to do for the environment.
Reusing clothes decreases the use of resources to make
clothing and puts a dent in the problem of worldwide sweatshops.
11. Remember kids: Green is the new black. So, be cool, be
smart, and be earth conscious. In the words of Vanilla Ice:
―Word to your mother‖ earth.
Courtesy of:
The Paw Print
May 2009
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Health and Fitness: Avoiding the “Freshman 15”
by Marissa Hoffman
Eating healthy and staying fit is never easy in a college environment. Always being on the go, late study nights, and early
classes mean it‘s not always easy to keep track of your
healthy habits. Try these healthy meal options and easy exercise tips to keep from gaining the ―Freshmen 15."
Skipping breakfast does not help to keep off the weight. Instead, it leaves you lethargic and unable to concentrate in your
classes. Before heading off to your eight a.m. class, stop by
the cafeteria and try one of these quick and healthy breakfast
English muffin topped with low-fat cottage cheese and a
small container of orange juice
Low-fat yogurt with apple slices and a small glass of 100
% juice
Instant oatmeal with 8 ounces of skim milk and a small
box of raisins
Snacking healthy throughout the day can help to keep your
energy up.
String cheese
Graham cracker squares
Fresh fruit/veggies
Sandwiches are easy to grab, but some sandwiches are better
than others.
Tuna on a wrap (not tuna salad)
Grilled cheese and tomato
Grilled chicken on a whole-wheat bun
Supper in the cafeteria is a social event. Salads are great, but
you don‘t want to be the only one eating them every night to
stay slim. Try these other healthy cafeteria options.
Tacos and fajitas without sour cream and cheese
Cheese or vegetable pizza
Brown rice and steamed veggies sprinkled with soy sauce
Indulging in that chocolate cake or cookie every night will potentially pack on those pounds, but not letting yourself have
sweets can lead to binge eating. Here are some healthy desserts that will keep your sweet tooth in check.
Frozen yogurt or low-fat ice cream
Low-fat decaffeinated cappuccino
Fresh fruit
TVL Titans: The sport’s year in review
by Bryan Aungst
The 2008-2009 school year could rightly be adorned with
the title the “Year of Champions.” To date, Greenwood has netted
itself three Tri-Valley League championships, with the potential for
boys and girls track to both be contenders for their titles.
Let‟s start our review with a look back to the fall. The first
TVL title to become the possession of Greenwood this year was field
hockey. A killer year for the girls brought them a stellar record
(undefeated in the TVL), and not only the TVL title but also the coveted title of PECO champs. The field hockey girls finished up their
season with a strong run in the District 3 Tournament.
The next Tri-Valley League title to be bestowed upon
Greenwood was earned by the soccer team. Strong all around play
and cooperation granted the „Cats not only the TVL title, but the
PECO title as well. The boys soccer
team made a great District playoff
run, going further than any other
soccer team from Greenwood has
gone in the past decade.
And with that, the fall went
out. Seasons changed, as they often
do, and winter rolled around with
both the boys and girls basketball
teams on the hunt. The girls fared
well showing great leadership and
potential for upcoming seasons.
The Greenwood boys basketball
team have thus far been the big story of
the year. Swiping up PECO and TVL
titles like they were going out of style, the
boys thundered into the postseason like a
herd of water buffalo. They dominated in
Districts and claimed the District 3 A title
at the Giant Center in Hershey. The boys
then proceeded to make a late States run,
making it to the Elite 8 round.
And so that brings us to now.
Four sports are going on here in this season we call spring. Baseball, softball, and
boys and girls track. As these seasons are not yet over, we don‟t
know what titles may or may not be won. Girls track looks promising to take the League, and boys track has the potential to do well
also. Only time will tell what these spring sports will produce in the
terms of trophies.
As of now, Greenwood has three TVL titles and three
PECO titles on the year. With the potential to take a few more
championships, our school is looking at posting a year of unprecedented recognition. We should be proud of our sports teams‟ accomplishments. Great seasons everyone, and best of luck next year. Go
Ya heard?
The Paw Print
May 2009
Page 8
Nothing to Do This Summer?
by Nichole Fry
If you find that you are bored this summer, you could always try something new. Here are a few suggestions:
Have a movie night with a few of your friends.
Get a job to earn a little cash for next year.
Make a scrapbook of the things you did over summer
Go outside and plant a garden.
Read a new book.
Have a slip-and-slide race.
Learn to surf or skim board if you go to the beach.
Take a nature walk through the woods.
Try to find as many constellations as you can in the night
News of the Weird: Crazy stories from around the world
by Brittany Cramer and Samantha Barrick
Police ticket noisy elementary school
Fitness Day prompts neighbor's complaint to Texas authorities
updated 8:39 p.m. ET, Tues., April 14, 2009
SAN ANTONIO - A fed-up Texas homeowner has
gotten a noise citation issued against his neighbor — an elementary school.
Police in suburban Universal City say they had to issue the citation after Butch Armstrong complained about the
noise coming from Olympia Elementary School during the
school's Family Fitness Day on March 20. Principal Terri LeBleu says the school had already built a fence, removed loudspeakers and installed noise-reducing backing on basketball
goals in response to Armstrong's previous complaints.
According to a police report, Armstrong told an officer
that "police, fire, ambulances and the (Air Force) training jets
are not unreasonable, but the noise coming from the elementary school was."
A court date for the citation has been set for May 12.
Cops: Woman taped boyfriend’s dog to fridge
20-year-old charged with felony cruelty after hanging canine upside down
updated ET, Fri.., April 17, 2009
BOULDER, Colo. - Police say a Colorado woman
wrapped her boyfriend's dog in packing tape and stuck the
animal upside down to a refrigerator because he wouldn't get
rid of it.
Abby Toll was arrested Tuesday after police said she
got into a fight with her boyfriend. She was charged with felony
cruelty, drug possession and other counts and is free on
$12,500 bond. She has declined to comment.
Toll's 21-year-old boyfriend, Bryan Beck, faces lesser
charges including a misdemeanor cruelty count.
Police say Toll, 20, used packing tape to bind the
legs, snout and tail of Beck's dog, Rex, a Japanese breed
called a Shiba Inu. She told police she
stuck the dog to the refrigerator because
she was angry Beck wanted to keep it.
Rex was taken to a shelter and will be
put up for adoption.
UFO hoax draws fines, community service
flares, helium balloons fooled
public but got two N.J. men in
updated 11:06 a.m. ET, Wed.,
April 8, 2009
- Two New Jersey men who
staged a UFO hoax will have
more earthly pursuits, such as
picking up trash from the side of
the road.
A judge fined Chris Russo, of Morris Plains, and Joe
Rudy, of Chester Township, $250 each and ordered them to
perform 50 hours of community service.
Authorities say the pair triggered a flurry of 911 calls
when they lit road flares tied to helium balloons and released
them in central New Jersey in January and February.
The men said they did it to trick people who believe in
UFOs. They posted details of their exploits on a Web site on
April Fools' Day.
The prosecutor charged them with disorderly conduct,
saying the balloons could have interfered with air traffic and
posed a potential fire hazard
Driving instructor drunk during lesson
updated 9:09 p.m. ET, Thurs., April 16, 2009
NEWBURYPORT, Massachusetts - A driving instructor who police say was drunk while giving someone a driving
lesson can stay out of jail but will lose his license for a year.
Daniel Winsky, 53, of Salem was convicted Thursday
of operating under the influence while giving a lesson from the
passenger seat of a car. He was sentenced to 18 months probation but won't be a licensed driver for one year.
Winsky was not behind the wheel during the December 2007 lesson, but prosecutors say he was in control of the
passenger side brakes in the specially-fitted car and also
moved the wheel during the lesson.
Police pulled Winsky over shortly after a convenience
store clerk smelled alcohol on his breath, then saw him enter
the auto school's car. Winsky claimed he was not drunk during
the lesson.
The Paw Print
May 2009
Page 9
Interesting Quotes: Five ways to feel happier
by Jonathon Bixler
―It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.‖ -Calvin and Hobbes
―Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.‖ -Dale Carnegie
―Spirited ideas have always found great opposition from mediocre minds.‖ -Albert Einstein
―It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.‖ -Andre Gide
―The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.‖ -Ivy Baker Priest
―The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.‖ -Theodore Roosevelt
―You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.‖
-Oh, the Places You'll Go!, Dr. Seuss
Culture Shock: John Mayer had it all wrong
by Alexander J. Troup
―So we‘ll keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change.‖
Sound familiar? This line from John Mayer‘s ―Waiting
on the World to Change‖ from his 2006 Continuum album
helped to bring Mayer success as the top Male Pop Vocalist of
2006 by carrying his album to the top of the charts. Hundreds
of thousands of people across the country sat and listened
through their iPods to these lyrics, thinking, ―Yes, I‘ll just wait
for everything to get better.‖
News flash: Things aren‘t getting better. Sure, you‘ve
probably heard that our economy is in a horrible downward
spiral. You‘ve heard of some distant war being fought somewhere in Africa…or is it Asia? You‘re not really sure, but it
doesn‘t matter, right? It‘s thousands of miles away in a country
that you can‘t even pronounce, so why should you care? Why
should you care that 6.1 million people in the world today are
living with HIV or AIDS? Why should you care that 18% of the
population of Africa is infected with HIV? Why should you care
that in 2007 the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimated
that over 50,000 people were trafficked into the U.S. annually
as sex, domestic, garment, and agricultural slaves? Why
should you care that every year 3.5 million Americans are
homeless (39% of them being under 18)? Why should you
care that American corporate powerhouses cheat third-world
countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars, raping
their natural resources while we remain completely unaware of
it? Because we, as a generation, need to realize that situations in the world aren‘t getting any better. We need to pull
our heads out of the ground and stop being ignorant to the
world around us. While we sit and worry about who‘s getting
voted out of American Idol next, or what fight will break out
next between Lauren and Heidi on The Hills, a person dies of
malaria every 30 seconds in Africa. Why is it that we could
care less about this tragedy, among the thousands of others
occurring all over the world every day?
The answer is simple: We‘re petty, needy, and materialistic. We complain about schoolwork, cost of gas, slow internet, and traffic delays, when the reality is, we have it easy.
People all over the world spend 16 hours a day hand-sewing
clothing for mere pennies for survival. Genocide-avowed armies in Africa move from one country to another, for the sake
of ethnic cleansing. The most disturbing part about this information is that we as a society, don‘t care. No one wants to
hear it, but it‘s true. We go about our daily lives oblivious to
other people‘s suffering. Until we can transcend our ability to
care more about what new insults Simon Cowell dishes out
than human beings being extorted as illegal slaves, this world
is not going to change. John Mayer was right in saying,
―Some day our generation is gonna rule the population.‖ Now,
it‘s up to us as to how we will do so. Are we just going to sit
idly by and watch the world go up in smoke? The decision is
ours, to take action, or look down.
The first step in taking action is to inform yourself of
international crises. For more information, please visit the
following websites:,,
by Darren Young
As kids we all believe that we can do anything we want. It doesn‘t matter how simple or complex. We just want to do it and
know we can. It could be playing in a state championship or even saving the world. When we grow up we start to lose that
kind of thinking. We start to believe that everything bad is going to happen. Any underdog that comes out on top says, ―All that
we did was believed in ourselves and each other.‖ I bet you when Stanford, a 41-point underdog, beat USC #1 in the country
they were thinking the same way; we believed in each other and ourselves. That is just like us. We are a 30-point underdog,
according to some people, and Millersburg is 2nd in our division. So, all we have to do is play our best and believe in each
other‘s ability to play the game. After that we will come out on top. So, do you believe?
The Paw Print
May 2009
Page 10
Summer Concerts
by Daniel Harrison
With summer fast approaching, one of the most fun
activities you can do is to attend a good concert. No matter
what your musical taste is, there is a concert for you. There
are a lot of great shows at Pennsylvania venues such as Hershey Stadium, Mann Music Center, Bryce Jordan Center, and
the Toyota Pavilion.
Mann Center for the Performing Arts:
John Legend on June 19
Wachovia Center:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band on April 28
and 29
The Dead on May 1 and 2
Check out these events to see if they‘re up your alley:
Dane Cook on May 9
Eric Clapton on June 12
Bryce Jordan Center:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band on May 8
Keith Urban on May 9
Hershey Stadium:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band on May 15
Coldplay on May 24
Nickelback on July 17
Dave Matthews Band on July 24
Kid Rock and Lynyrd Skynyrd on July 31
Rascal Flatts on August 29
Thank You!
Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain:
New Kids on the Block on June 10
Def Leppard with Poison and Cheap Trick on June 28
Styx, REO Speedwagon, and .38 Special on July 3
Nickelback, Hinder, Papa Roach, and Saving Abel on
July 14
Vans Warped Tour on July 14
Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival on July 29
Dave Matthews Band on September 19
Visit the venues’ websites for more concert information
by Miss Burton
To the 2008-2009 Paw Print staff:
Thank you for an incredible year.
We had a vision, and with your hard
work and dedication we made it a
reality. You should be proud of your
I look forward to working with the returning staff again next year. To my
wonderful group of seniors: You have
all taught me more than I could have
ever learned in college education
courses (and you‘ve scarred me a
little bit, too!) I will cherish the
memories. Best of luck to you!!
Pictured from left to right, clockwise: Brittany Cramer, Alexander Troup, Hannah Kidwell, Marissa Hoffman, Bryan Aungst, Daniel Harrison, Caitlin
Tengeres, Jenna Karge, Sarah Howell, Carly Shumaker and Shelby Thomas,
Samantha Barrick, and Jenna Nankivell. Stunt doubles: Gigi and Puss in
Boots as Jon Bixler and Nichole Fry, and Caitlin Tengeres as Alexandria
The Paw Print is available ONLINE! Check
us out at
and click on the link!
The Paw Print encourages students to
submit works of literature and art for
future publication. If you have an art
piece or work of literature that you would
love to have published, please see Miss
Burton. You may see your work in the
next edition of
The Paw Print.