

Trends | After Prom | Senior Board
Pages B2 & B3
"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be
only the beginning.” - Ivy Baker Priest, Former United States Treasurer
Forensics riding success to nationals
Faron Owen
The forensics team has sent
students to nationals every year in
recent memory and this year is no
Seniors Colin Waters and
Clayton Edwards, junior Ireland
Hill, sophomores Kayla McGriff,
Sudenga, freshman Sophia will be
representing Boone and team Kentucky.
They will compete May 23-25
in Chicago.
speech and drama. Students compete in different events such as performing a speech, reciting a monologue, or acting out a story.
Boone students will be performing in dramatic monologue,
declamation, original oratory, and
duo interpretation.
Hrycak and Sudenga are going to do dramatic performances. A
dramatic performance is when an
actor is given ten minutes to perform a dramatic or humorous monologue.
Sudenga’s dramatic performance is a “Star Wars” parody
while Hrycak’s is about an unsuccessful poet who keeps birds alive
because she will die with the last
There are many classes to
choose from at Boone, but teachers
have been talking about classes that
are new to the catalog.
Child Development
Photo Submitted
The forensics team poses after placing second at the Kentucky Educational Speech and Drama Association (KESDA) state competition in Lexington, Ky. on Feb. 20-22.
Kruml and McGriff are going
to do declamation. Declamation is
giving a ten minute memorized
famous speech such as the “I Have a
Dream” speech.
Kruml’s declamation is about
seeing a crime and not stopping it;
McGriff’s is about an aspiring
Olympian who suffers paralysis.
Hill is going to do an original
oratory. Original oratory is a 10minute speech written by the performer on a topic they are passionate about.
Hill’s oratory is about telling
little white lies.
If this program passes, select
teachers would go through training
and then receive a concealed carry
With increasing concern
permit, but the school board would
about school shootings, many are
get to decide which teachers would
looking for solutions to reduce
be selected.
school violence.
Whoever was selected
Boone County Sheriff
would be unknown to the
Mike Helming and Boone
student body and the public.
County Constable Joe Kalil
“The key is their idenhave proposed an idea to
tity is not known so nobody
deter violence in schools.
knows who is armed ...
Kalil and Helming
when kids walk into the
have created a program
school after this program is
called the Protecting our
Students and Teachers
changes visually. There are
(POST) program. This prono guns in sight,” Kalil said
gram was created to train
in an article in the Cincinnati
teachers to carry guns, with KALIL Enquirer.
the hope that it will stop Boone County
Teachers would have to
school shootings.
take a drug test, have a backConstable
Kentucky law allows
ground check, and have a
the school board to make the decipolygraph examination. The POST
sion on whether or not anyone can
program would also provide annual
carry on a gun on campus.
refresher courses.
Gabrielle Frerman
‘14 bringing
new course
offerings to
Samantha Horton
Waters and Edwards are going to do a duo interpretation.
Duo interpretation features a
piece of literature that is cut down
to ten minutes. Two individuals
perform the story in an entertaining
The duo performed by Waters
and Edwards has the two playing
brothers where one is a comedian
and the other gives him advice for
his television show which sends the
characters into a big fight.
While many of these students
have been to nationals before, all of
them are excited as they call it their
favorite tournament of the year.
Forensics also does well in
state competitions. The team placed
second at the KESDA state tournament with only 23 members, while
other teams had 50-70 students on a
Individual state champions
include Waters, Edwards, Sudenga
and senior Zachary Raleigh and
junior Lydia Brooks.
They won with their group
interpretation of “Shrek: The Musical.”
Colin Waters received first
place in prose interpretation.
Proposal to arm teachers gets mixed reviews
MARCH 2014
Concerns about the program
The Kentucky School Boards
Association (KSBA) has advised
schools not to arm teachers and is
worried about problems that could
arise from arming the teachers.
The KSBA is worried about
students taking the guns or teachers
having to make the decision on
whether or not they should utilize
the weapon provided.
Another potential problem
involves whether teachers would
have the time to acquire the adequate training necessary.
At a recent Boone County
School Board meeting the POST
program was discussed.
According to an article in the
Enquirer, many educators at the
meeting think that there are better
ways to go about making the
schools safer.
See POST on page A2
POST Program Basics
 POST is an acronym for Protecting Our Students and
 Boone County Constable Joe
Kalil and Boone County
Sheriff Mike Helming created the program.
 Select teachers would carry a
concealed weapon.
 Students would not know
which teachers are packing.
 As of March, Boone County
Schools has taken no steps to
adopt the program.
Robin Adkisson may be teaching a new course called Child Development.
This course provides training
in day care centers, nurseries, kindergartens, and elementary classrooms.
The Parenting-Child Human
Development class was brought
back this year so the school could
create a new career pathway which
includes the Child Development
Services classes.
This will allow students to
take the Kentucky Occupational
(KOSSA) test and to receive a certificate.
The goal of this class is to
gain skills in working with children.
There are many opportunities
presented by this class such as becoming a day care worker, a preschool teacher, a teacher or a pediatric health care worker.
Principles of teaching
Pam Hirn is looking forward
to possibly teaching a new class:
Principles of Teaching.
Principles of Teaching is an
introduction to the field of education. This class is mainly for students who want to become teachers;
the class focuses on understanding
of what it takes to become a teacher.
“Like with most things, new
ideas come about each year, and we
are always striving to offer new
classes that can help to prepare students for a variety of career options,” Hirn said.
There are many students who
intern at either elementary or middle
schools and there seems to be an
interest in this career field here at
Other goals of this class include, understanding education law,
special education, public relations,
testing requirements, and certification requirements.
See CLASSES on page A2
News of the Huh?………………….……….…. A3 Sports………………………………………….. B4
Opinion………………………………………... A4 Teacher Profile………………………………… A3
Prom Special……..……………………………. B2 What We Do……………………………………B1
Snow days don't stop
‘Grease’ from shining
pushed him out of this comfort
“It was different for me since
Against all odds, the Boone
I’m not used to playing funny charCounty Spotlighters pulled off anacters,” said Kruml.
other top-notch production.
Senior cast member
The annual school
musical for the 2013-2014
Frenchy. She said the most
school year was “Grease:
stressful part about being in
The Musical.”
the musical was balancing
This production overschool work and rehearsals.
came many obstacles. DiShe went on to say
rector Alice Lambert said
that the highlight of the
they had to deal with missperformance was her pink
ing three weeks’ worth of
rehearsal due to snow days.
“It was definitely at
“The Thursday night
the top of my list.” she said.
performance was the first
Lambert has directed three
time everyone was present,” LAMBERT musicals at Boone, and
Lambert said.
mentored on one.
The cast was made up of vari“I chose ‘Grease’ because I
ous grades as well as various experithought the kids would enjoy doing
ence levels.
it and people would enjoy seeing it,”
The two lead roles
said Lambert.
were taken on by two people
While Lambert overnew to the theatre world.
saw the whole production,
Danny Zuko was played by
she had various people assenior Dillon Brelsford and
sisting in specific areas.
Sandy Dumbrowski was
Chorus teacher Lauren
played by freshman Melissa
Barnhill was the vocal diBowman.
rector, while math Kelly
Sophomore cast memLindsey worked with solober Carson Kruml agreed
that snow days were the
Browne, Savannah Smith,
cause of most of the stress.
and Maggie Bowen choreoHOPE
Prior to “Grease,”
graphed the production.
Kruml has been in six other SCHROER
Looking forward to
musicals. He’s also been in
next school year’s producproductions such as “12 Angry Jution, Lambert says she’s going to
take a little break.
He played Roger and Teen
“I’ll start working on it again
Angel but says this production
in June,” she said.
Kendall Powell
March 2014
The Rebellion
CLASSES: Broadcasting, AP Environmental Science coming
Continued from page A1
AP Environmental Science
Lenny Beck is hoping he can
teach a new class next year called
AP Environmental Science.
AP Environmental Science
takes a deep look into the relationships that keep the earth functioning
optimally, human impact on the
earth's systems, and solutions to the
environmental problems facing
humanity and the world.
This was going to be a class in
the past, but not enough kids signed
Now more kids are choosing
to be in environmental science, so
Beck hopes enough kids will want
to be in AP.
A few years back, a few
teachers pitched the idea to Beck of
creating the AP class, and he moved
forward to try to get the class up and
Beck said his goals for this
class are for kids to have a “better
understanding of the earth, the planet we call home.”
Broadcast Journalism
Jessica Pass may be teaching
a new class this year called Broadcast Journalism.
The purpose of Broadcast
Journalism is to use broadcast media techniques to help students communicate information with each
other and to prepare students who
may want to pursue a degree in the
Pass believes there has been a
Broadcasting Class before.
"Some of the skills that will
be taught in (broadcast) journalism
are important skills for students to
have. The newscasts and packages
the students will create can help the
student body, and the faculty will be
more informed," Pass said.
The goals of this class will be
for students to build skills that they
can use in the field of journalism.
POST: Teachers, students have mixed feelings on program
Continued from page A1
Some teachers think it would
be better to have more armed resource officers in the building; however that would mean finding funds.
supports the action to put the POST
program into place.
"I would feel safer knowing
there are screened, trained, and
armed teachers in the building,"
Wilson said.
Boone teachers divided
Students react
Teachers at Boone have their
own opinions.
Records clerk Colette Coomer
thinks we need more visual security,
but isn't sure arming teachers is the
answer for Boone County Schools.
"I do not feel that our teachers
would have the time to put in for the
necessary training involved (in carrying) a firearm on school grounds,"
said Coomer. "This is not something
to take lightly. It takes follow up
classes and safety courses to even
begin to know how to handle a firearm, not to mention the liability
involved in making the decision to
(draw and fire your weapon)."
Science teacher Randy Wilson
In 1994, John Hoh was a student in the classroom at Ryle High
School when an armed student held
the class hostage before eventually
releasing everyone. Hoh recently
wrote an open letter in favor of the
POST program. However he does
think that this decision needs to be
taken seriously.
"It is a heavy responsibility to
undertake. It is not something to
take lightly; it requires dedication,
continuous practice," Hoh said in
letter written to the POST website.
Students at Boone also have
mixed opinions on how the POST
program would go about.
"A gun has potential to create
a safe environment; however an
equal environment is created just for
danger," said junior Kursten
However some students think
this program could potentially help.
"I believe with the right training and psychological evaluations;
teachers should be armed to protect
their students," said Junior Nathan
Some students are worried
about the potential problems the
POST program could bring.
"I feel that allowing guns into
schools could encourage students to
bring in their weapons," said junior
Olivia Brock.
As of March, no decision has
been made.
"No action was taken, but the
board is unlikely to take this issue
up anytime soon," said Karen Byrd,
Chairman of the Boone County
School Board.