Arapahoe Public Mirror


Arapahoe Public Mirror
Quiz Bowl Champs
Single issue $1.00
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
LRNRD offers
soil moisture
sensors at no
cost for 2016
Monday, February 29th Arapahoe High School quiz bowl
team won first place honors at the Southwest meet. The
team's record was eight wins and one loss in the nine round
competition. Team members: (l-r) Clare Anderson, Colton
Hearn, Mariah Watson, Jacob Gardner, Jackson Koller, Ashton Wasenius, Levi Watson, Carson Schroeder, Derek Monie
and Desteny Miller. Coach Marcia Foley Courtesy Photo
Crystal Theatre
Arapahoe, NE
March 11-14
By Amy Brandt
Cub Scouts
enjoy Blue and
Gold banquet
The Arapahoe Cub Scouts
held their Blue and Gold
Banquet on Sunday night at
the Ella Missing Community
Center. The Blue and Gold
Banquet is held to celebrate
the Cub Scouts birthday.
Party games were held during the evening along with a
dinner and cake auction to
raise funds for the group. The
boys (above) played games
such as this Simon Says
game where they had to put
the fake mustache where
Simon said. The Cub Scouts
are (right) Back row (l-r)
Ander Wasenius, Branson
Tejcka, Kolter Eidson, Kade
Fisher. Front (l-r) Eli Whipple
and Landen Hoefs.-Courtesy
Photos by Steph Hoefs.
North addition, ambulance rates highlight City Council meeting
•by Amy Brandt
The regular Arapahoe City
Council meeting was called
to order on Tuesday, March 1,
2016 at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor
John E. Koller. Council members in attendance were Dan
Kreutzer, John Paulsen, Ward
Carpenter, Chris Middagh, and
Todd Monie. Also attending
the meeting were City Clerk
Nicole Kubik, City Superintendent Greg Schievelbein,
City Attorney Kevin Urbom,
Jake Deaver, John Tangeman,
Tom Houston and Erick and
Miranda Lee. Mayor Koller
made everyone aware of the
Open Meeting Act.
North Subdivision
Houston spoke about needs
within the community to be
developed, specifically housing. Regarding the North
Subdivision, he recommends
a new name for it to help with
marketing. He also recommended an amendment which
incorporates the subdivision
into the comprehensive plan as
a whole. Houston was not confident that the base valuation
is correct, and would like to
be be looked at more closely.
He continued that there will be
trade-offs in the project for the
first 15 years or so.
He reported they predict 14
homes at $200,000 per home
with the projected differential
being $2.3 million for the city.
The plan amendment allows
each house to be treated as it’s
own redevelopment project,
which allows more flexibility
with timing.
Cost of the infrastructure
is approximately $750,000,
capturing approximately
$42,000 per year to help pay
for cost of infrastructure. The
City of Arapahoe is obligated
to proceed with infrastructure
necessary for subdivision and
file plat. The approximate
street cost is $310,000, sewer
is $580,000, and $750,000 total with a built-in contingency
and the approximate street
completion would be June or
July 2017.
The City of Arapahoe
would capture approximately
$500,000 over the course of 15
years. Buyers of the lots would
receive a $20,000 subsidy if
the lot is purchased in the first
two years with the subsidy
then declining.
Houston said one way to
tell if there is interest is to
complete purchase agreements
after the plat is filed, more
purchase agreements signed
equals more interest. Buyers
will be required to start and
complete construction in a
certain time frame, must pay
taxes on time, and there will be
protective covenants to make
sure homes are similar in size/
amenities/materials, etc.
The city will be able to
recapture complete TIF monies
in 14-15 years on each house,
even though they won’t be
completed at the same time.
The source of the $20,000
subsidy would be LB840. The
city is not going to be able to
get any bids this year because
contractors are all booked, but
will need to set completion
date for paving in June or July
2017. Houston recommends
getting bids as soon as possible to make sure the bids are
in line with projections before
proceeding much further.
The Council approved the
CRA Resolution 2016-04
Amendment to Redevelopment
Plan, Resolution 2016-15 to
move forward with Redevelopment Plan and Resolution
2016-06 approving preliminary
sources and uses for Redevelopment Plan.
Inside this week
Page 5....................Church Page
Engineer Jake Deaver spoke
on the North Housing division.
There is no new design, and he
will have updated costs before
bids. He said the Council
need to discuss a new name,
as Northern Estates is the top
choice right now. He also
reported the plat will be ready
next week. The east-west road
“Norm of the North”
“13 Hours: Secret
Soldiers of Benghazi” 9:00 a.m.Tuesday
John Krasinski, Pablo Schreiber,
Jaes Badge Dale
2 hrs 4 min R 9:00 p.m.
Rob Schneider, Heather
Graham, Ken Jeong
1 hr 30 min PG 7:00 p.m.
Arapahoe, Nebraska 68922
Wendlands will
be new owner of
Arapahoe Floral
The Lower Republican
Natural Resources District
(LRNRD) is pleased to announce it will continue the soil
moisture sensor program for
The LRNRD has been
implementing its soil moisture sensor program on an
ongoing basis since 2010 in
partnership initially with the
NRCS Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative and
subsequently with the Nebraska Environmental Trust.
Currently over 95,000 acres
in the district are utilizing
moisture sensors as a result of
the LRNRD program. Sensors
and data loggers are currently
being provided under the program at no cost to irrigators
who agree to install and use
the equipment for a minimum
of five years.
The technology to be
provided has been shown
in testing conducted by the
University of Nebraska in collaboration with the Nebraska
Corn Board to save at least
1-2 inches of water per acre
and sometimes up to 4 inches
per acre annually in irrigated
fields, with no negative and
sometimes positive impacts on
Soil moisture sensors
work by enabling irrigators
to measure soil moisture at
plant root depth rather than
only at the surface, where the
traditional “hand feel” method
of measurement can result
in overwatering, leading to
wasted resources and reduced
Irrigators interested in obtaining and using soil moisture
sensors under the program
should contact your County
NRCS office or the LRNRD at
308-928-2182. The LRNRD
urges irrigators to act quickly
while the program is in place
in order to be able to take full
advantage of the available
Number 10
Volume 135
USPS 449-320
Page 2.............................Opinion Page 6...................... Community
Page 3.......................Community Page 7.......................Classifieds
Page 4.......................Community Page 8.......................Community
on the north end will be North
Street; the other road will be
Birch Street. They plan to plat
two extra lots in the northwest
corner, but these will not be
part of the division and could
be sold separately. Deaver also
reported they will try to have
•Continued on Page 2
Rumors of the closure of
Arapahoe Floral & Gifts have
been flying around town recently, and now it has officially
been confirmed that the business has been sold.
Glenda Schutz, who also
co-owns and manages Hemelstrand’s, has owned the local
floral shop for the last eight
“I am so happy to announce
that Kristi and Marlin Wendland have purchased Arapahoe
Floral,” she says. “My last day
is March 10th and it will open
under new ownership Friday,
March 11th. I want to thank
all the people who have been
such loyal customers for the
past eight years. I have enjoyed
working with all of you and
I think the town of Arapahoe
should feel very fortunate that
we will continue to have a floral shop on main street. I wish
Kristi all the best in her new
When asked what motivated
her and her husband to buy the
floral shop, Wendland said they
didn’t want it to close because
it’s a fixture on main street and
the town needs it. She doesn’t
intend to make any drastic
changes to the business, at
least for a while. “I’ll need to
get my feet under me before I
can even think about that!” she
Wendland says that throughout the transition the community support for her and
her husband has been wonderful. People have been very
expressive of how glad they
are that the business is not
closing. The awesome amount
of community support has
helped quash any doubts and
insecurities that she had about
purchasing the business. She
wants the whole community
to know how much she greatly
appreciates everything and she
is excited to serve the community in this new venture.
Kristi Wendland (left) along with her husband, Marlin, will be
taking over ownership and management of Arapahoe Floral
and Gifts from Glenda Schutz (right). The transaction will take
place this week.- Mirror Photo by A. Brandt
Go to arapahoemirror.
org & answer this week’s
question: Do you support
LB710, the bill introduced
by Sen. Dan Hughes to
protect younger
Nebraskans from hazing?
A. Yes B. No
•Arapahoe City Council - From Page 1
utilities done this fall/winter,
be April 4-11. The HR comand paving next spring and set
mittee will meet on Monday,
July 1 completion for paving.
March 7 to hire summer help.
Advertising for bids will begin Committee Reports
next week and will run for
Committee is looking into
three weeks.
doing a gazebo by the Memorial, need to investigate cost
City Attorney Report
of concrete. There is some
Urbom reported discondebate about where to locate
nect activity has died down or
it – east of Memorial, or north
the City has been vindicated.
of Memorial, partially on city
More information is available
about the dog bite case from
last summer. Miranda and
Unfinished Business
Erick Lee, the victim’s parents, The Council approved the
prosecuted the case. The judge bid for specialty mowing for
found the owner guilty of
2016 by Larry VonLoh to mow
owning a dangerous dog, fined memorial, east part of park in
the owner $250, $10 charge
pool/splash pad.
per unlicensed dog, plus court
costs. The judge allowed them New Business
to keep the dog if they got mi Liquor license for Arapahoe
crochip, six sided kennel, and
Country Club catering EMCC
a $100,000 insurance policy.
for Dueling Pianos fundraiser
Lees request the dog put down
was approved as was the audit
and want an animal enforcefinancial statement year ending
ment officer for Arapahoe,
September 30, 2015.
or at least want the county
responsible for being in Arapa- Ambulance Transport
hoe more often. Carpenter and Rates
Kreutzer will review and revise Ambulance transport rates
the current ordinance and
are currently billed for nonmake recommendations to help emergency at $425, emergency
prevent such a situation in the
at $470, and mileage at $13.
The Council agreed there’s
no need for non-emergency
Superintendent Report
rate. The Council approved the
Schievelbein reported they
increase of the emergency rate
to $500, which is still below
are working on grading and
insurance’s recommended
prep work at South Park, and
$540-$1350 rates, and mileage
digging a power line to the
bathhouse. They have installed to $15.
Schievelbein reported that
a new line to trailer park.
the south exterior wall of the
The storage building north of
museum building is in need of
pool has been cleaned out and
repair. The plaster is coming
debris at playground has been
off on lower portion and Roger
cleaned out. Currently they
Goltl quoted repair at $7500are patching cracks and dips
$8000 to mend the bottom
on certain streets and will be
seven to eight feet, the entire
filling potholes around town.
Stewarts Tree Service removed length of the building. He
could get it done sometime in
trees around town. The city
March, which would be ideal.
crew will finish the rest of the
Goltl will charge less if the
well house now that they have
project comes in under bid
the materials. They are talking
and if city knocks off most of
of looking into a playground
the loose plaster first. Council
and basketball court at South
agreed to have a structural enPark, need to look into quotes
gineer come in and look at the
and designs.
building to determine its status
before taking further action.
City Clerk
Kubik gave the treasurer’s
Mayor Koller recommended
report for January and noted
that the city-wide clean up will Ann Collins for appointment to
the Arapahoe Cemetery Board
which was approved.
The Council also approved
minutes from the February
16 meeting and claims from
the period February 17, 2016
through March 2, 2016.
7th Annual Production Sale
Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 1 PM
Mankato Livestock Commission
Mankato, Kansas
Pella Tulip Festival
May 4-6
June 6-11
70 yearling bulls,
12 bred females
Sires: Musgrave Aviator, Black Loch
& Big Sky; Wisdom; Consensus 7229;
Pro Bull; Bismarck; BVC In Focus
9009; Double Vision; Brilliance;
Barstow Cash; Hoover Dam. & more
Richard, Deb & Seth
Bartholomew, Mankato, KS,
785�738�8940 785�378�3338
Property tax debate continues as session winds down
Capitol View
By J.L. Schmidt
Statehouse Correspondent
The Nebraska Press
Plans to cap annual increases in statewide agricultural land
valuation have won the support
of Governor Pete Ricketts but
brought opposition from some
municipalities and appears to
have created mixed reaction
among farm groups.
All this as lawmakers try
to solve a decades-old property
tax problem in a short session.
It’s a daunting task at best, but
an impossible one with a Legislature more prone to quibbling
than cooperating.
Grand Island Senator Mike
Gloor introduced the 3 percent
cap for the governor in LB958.
The measure would affect aggregate agricultural and horticultural land valuation increases and tighten spending limits
on local governments to slow
property tax growth. Gloor said
the intent is to slow down the
valuation increase and slow the
growth of locally levied taxes.
Gloor’s bill would remove
some exclusions from levy and
budget limits, including the
ability of a political subdivision—other than schools—to
approve a levy in excess of
its limit during a meeting in
which more than 10 percent
of the subdivision’s registered
Wisconsin Treasures
Registered Angus selling:
27 yearling heifers &
Hughes Views
California Gold Coast
June 15-27
National Parks Adventure
June 21-30
Nova Scotia
& Prince Edward Island
July 1-8
New York City
Broadway & Baseball
Aug. 3-7
Alaska Cruise
Aug. 5-13
Allied Tour & Travel
See Tours at
Arapahoe Public Mirror
Published weekly by T.M. Gill and Gayle Schutz at
Arapahoe, Nebraska. Periodicals Postage paid at
Arapahoe, Nebraska 68922 as periodicals mail respectively. Annual Subscriptions: In Furnas County $31.00,
Out of County $33.00, Out of State $36.00,
E-Editions $30.00
Filings complete for
local 2016 elections
The deadline has now
passed for anyone to file as
a candidate in the upcoming
Those that filed for Arapahoe’s East Ward are incumbents Dan Kreutzer and Troy
tenBensel. Erick Lee has also
filed. There are two positions
to be filled.
Incumbent, John Paulsen,
filed for Arapahoe’s West
Ward. Arapahoe’s West Ward
has one position to fill.
For the Arapahoe Board of
Education, there are three positions open with incumbents
Dennis Roskop and Rodney
Whipple filing for re-election.
Furnas County Commissioner, District III incumbendent,
Jerry Schroeder has filed for
re-election with Spencer Shifflet also filing for the position.
voters are present. The use of
restricted funds for capital improvements, sinking funds and
inter-local agreements would
also be limited to the 3 percent
cap in 2017.
There appears to be no argument with the 2013 Tax Modernization Committee, a joint
interim study of the Revenue
and Education Committees that
Nebraska relies too heavily on
property taxes to fund K-12
education. The disagreement
comes in finding a way to fund
education and lower property
taxes. Gloor said his plan could
result in a variety of increases
or decreases in property valuation assessments.
Ricketts testified in support
of the bill with the understanding that any property tax relief
plan must include limits on local government spending.
Steve Nelson, president of
the Nebraska Farm Bureau said
he supports the bill because
Nebraska farmers and ranchers
pay a disproportionate amount
of property taxes compared
to residential and commercial
property owners. Nebraska
Farmers Union President John
Hansen spoke in opposition to
the bill saying the 3 percent assessment limit could result in
an overcorrection of agricultural land valuations over the next
10 to 15 years.
Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler
opposed the bill saying spending limits would devastate
some political subdivisions by
removing budget flexibility.
LaVista Mayor Doug Kindig
spoke against the bill because
of the imposed limitations on
interlocal agreements, which
have allowed his city to grow.
Nebraska Association of County Officials President Robert
Post opposed the bill because
limits on sinking funds would
prevent counties from making
unforeseen but necessary purchases of equipment without
going to a popular vote, which
takes time and money.
The Revenue Committee
is also considering a couple of
stop-gap measures that could
be implemented in case lawmakers do not agree to a more
permanent solution. Wahoo
Senator Jerry Johnson’s bill
(LB940) would freeze valuations on all classes of property
for three years at their 2016
levels unless lawmakers pass
a law to reduce the percentage of school funding provided
by property taxes. Tax credits
(USPS 449-320) •Number 10 •Volume 135
T.M. Gill, Co-Publisher
Gayle Schutz, Co-Publisher & Editor
Cherridah Gill, Associate Publisher & Office Manager
Bobbi Moore, Reporter & Sales;
Tammie Middagh, Reporter & Sales ;
Amy Brandt, Layout & Sales;
Mindy Beckman, Photographer
Linda Anderson, Circulation
Member of Nebraska Press Association;
Nebraska Press Advertising Service;
National Newspaper Association
Keep up on the community. Read the Arapahoe
Public Mirror.
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-­ Wednesday, March 9, 2016
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Arapahoe Public Mirror, P.O. Box 660, Arapahoe, Nebraska
68922-0660. Phone 962-7261 • Fax 962-7865
would remain the same during
the freeze and political subdivisions could increase their levy
limits only if the state budget
If there is still no law in place
at the end of the freeze, assessed
values would increase by the
same percentage as the increase
in the state budget from year
to year. If there is no reform
in place before the end of the
stabilization period, assessed
values would increase by the
same percentage as the increase
in the state budget from one fiscal year to the next. Johnson
said he hopes the stabilization
period would give lawmakers
time to pass comprehensive tax
reform that would reduce the
dependence on property taxes
to fund public education.
Nebraska Farm Bureau
Federation spokesman Bruce
Rieker said he supports the bill
because it would create an incentive for the Legislature to
change the state’s property tax
policy before the end of the
stabilization period. Nebraska
Association of County Officials Executive Director Larry
Dix said he is against the bill
because it doesn’t consider
land use changes during the
stabilization period Senator
Mike Groene of North Platte
has proposed a one-year freeze
(LB717) and a requirement that
assessors use a five-year comparable sale history instead of
the current three-year formula.
These appear to be good
ideas. But none will be the
hoped-for panacea without the
necessary study, debate and
compromise that is clearly not
possible in a short legislative
•Senator Dan Hughes, District 44
Several important and noteworthy
were advanced
or stopped this
past week. I am
glad that LB 710,
the bill which I
introduced to protect younger
Nebraskans from hazing, was
advanced unanimously by the
Legislature from General to
Select File.
LR 378 CA, a resolution by
Senator John Kuehn of Heartwell, would place a question on
this November’s ballot to add
an amendment to the Nebraska
state constitution recognizing and protecting our right to
farm. The resolution was advanced out of the Agriculture
Committee on Monday, and,
as Senator Kuehn’s priority
bill, will now be debated by the
whole body of the Legislature
in coming weeks.
A long-standing discussion
about how Nebraska allocates
its electoral votes is once again
happening in the Unicameral. Nebraska is one of only
two states, along with Maine,
which divides its Electoral
College votes for presidential
elections. Our five votes are
divided as follows: two votes
go to the winner of the popular vote in the state, and the
winner of the popular vote in
each of our three congressional districts gets one vote. LB
10, by Senator Beau McCoy of
Omaha, was debated for eight
hours in 2015 and passed from
General to Select file. But its
progress was halted when a
motion to invoke cloture failed.
However, Senator Hilkemann,
also from Omaha, has made it
his priority bill for this session,
meaning that it will now return
to the floor on Select File, with
two rounds of debate to go before passage.
A bill to allow assisted suicide, introduced by Senator Ernie Chambers, stalled out in the
Judiciary committee this past
week, after a motion to move
it out of committee came up
against a 4-4 vote. A piece of good news with
regard to Nebraska’s budget is
that the Revenue Forecasting
Board met again in February
and raised revenue projections
for the current and upcoming
fiscal years. In contrast to a less
optimistic outlook the Legislature had been expecting at the
outset of the session, the new
estimate means an additional
boost for the emergency cash
reserve fund.
I always enjoy hearing from
the Nebraskans I represent.
Please feel free to contact my
office with any questions or
concerns that you might have.
My email address is dhughes@ and my phone number is (402) 471-2805.You
can read more about bills and
work of the Legislature at
and you can click on the Live
Video Streaming NET logo to
watch sessions, hearings, and
other Capitol events.
Your local certified local K-Lawn dealer is fully trained to give you the best
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Nebraska in County.....................$31.00
Out of County...............................$33.00
Out of State..................................$36.00
1-30”....................$4.29 per column inch
31-99”..................$4.22 per column inch
100-199”..............$4.15 per column inch
National Rate, Agency Rate
.............................$6.14 per column inch
Combination Rate with Elwood Bulletin
.............................$5.99 per column inch
Community News
Two-vehicle accident
at Edison junction
On March 7th, 2016 at approximately 8 a.m., the Furnas
County Sheriff’s Office along
with Nebraska State Patrol,
Arapahoe Fire & Rescue, Oxford Fire & Rescue, Edison
Fire responded to a two vehicle
accident at the intersection of
Hwy 6&34 and Hwy 136. Edward Morgan, 57, from Arapahoe, driving a tractor trailer
was stopped facing North at
the Hwy 136 intersection and
proceeded to turn westbound
on Hwy 6&34. Merrit Nelms,
61, from Indianola was heading eastbound on Hwy 6&34 in
his tractor trailer. Both tractor
trailers collided at the intersection. Both male drivers were
wearing their seatbelts and were
transported to Cambridge Hospital for their injuries. Nelms
was later transported by plane
to another facility for his injuries. The accident was caused
due to weather conditions. The
fog was thick and visibility was
only 50 feet at the time of the
accident. The accident is still
under investigation with the
Furnas County Sheriff’s Office
and Nebraska State Patrol.
•Sunshine Village
Duane Kinder and friend,
Ronda, of Broken Bow were
Sunday visitors of his mother,
Arliss Kinder. They also visited
Verna Raye Horton at Good Samaritan Center. They enjoyed a
picnic dinner at the family farm
south of Holbrook.
Virginia Cookson and Ilene
Collins drove to North Platte
on Tuesday to have lunch to
help Trent Horton celebrate his
March birthday.
Virginia Cookson, Arliss
Kinder and Ilene Collins attended the March UMW meeting
at the First United Methodist
Church Wednesday afternoon.
Virginia was on the serving
committee. Gayla Probosco
presented the program.
Ilene Collins joined members
of the Southwest Grange for a
supper meeting in Holbrook on
Friday evening.
Hoppy McCue of Alma
and Virginia Cookson joined
John and Wanda Lewis of Des
Moines, IA and Dale Lewis
of Fulton, MO for Friday evening dinner at a local cafe. The
Lewis families were here for
the Saturday morning funeral
of Lila Adams.
Anne Hadley of Ralston, NE
ACE Board approves $200,000 distribution
to Nebraska member communities
the Public Alliance for Community Energy is distributing
$2,248.86 to the City of Arapahoe as its share of $200,000
being distributed to the 72 Nebraska member communities of
the not-for-profit, communityowned natural gas supplier.
The ACE board of directors
may return excess revenue beyond the cost of operating the
organization to its member
communities. The board approved the distribution at its
Got a red check on your
address label?
Then it’s time
to renew your
to the
Arapahoe Public Mirror
board meeting earlier this year.
Since forming in 1998, ACE has
returned more than $1.6 million
back to its Nebraska members,
including $19,737.37 to Arapahoe overall. The funds are used
in various ways to benefit each
ACE member community.
“Along with ACE’s mission
of providing competitive pricing in the Nebraska Choice
Gas program and to serve as an
advocate for Choice Gas customers, ACE gives funds back
to benefit Nebraska communities,” said Beth Ackland, ACE
director of retail gas services.
“It really is a win-win situation
for Nebraskans.”
The Choice Gas selection
period is set to begin April 15
and run through April 28. Selections may be made online
through April 28 using ACE’s
Web site (www.ACEenergy.
org) or by phone at (800) 4544759. Selection forms will be
mailed out to all eligible customers prior to the beginning of
the selection period.
More information about ACE
and its role in the Nebraska
Choice Gas program is available at
was a Sunday and Monday visitor of her father, Leon Riepe.
Opal Coakley and Mary
Graf had lunch in Holdrege on
Tuesday with Darlene and Pete
Graff. Candy and Gary Torrance of Monument, CO were
Saturday afternoon visitors of
Opal Coakley.
Among those attending the
Arapahoe Day of prayer at St.
Germanus Catholic Church
Friday morning were Virginia
Cookson, Ilene Collins, Opal
Coakley, Arliss Kinder and
Edith Hinz.
The March 6 Blue Room
dinner was attended by 14
residents and one guest, Diane
McCoy. Birthday song for Beverly Brown and Deb Soncksen.
Hostesses were Veronica Perez
and Sherry Saylor. Bingo is
planned for March 12th, Virginia Cookson, hostess. A reminder given to residents to set
clocks ahead Saturday evening,
March 12th. Hostesses for the
April 4th dinner will be Annabelle Eland and Opal Coakley. President Ilene’s program
included Nebraska Statehood,
St. Patrick’s Day history, Easter
and an article about celebrating
80th birthdays.
Barbara Oseicki and Arliss
Kinder attended Gold Club at
the Holbrook City Building
Thursday afternoon.
Arliss Kinder, Barbara Oseicki, Edith Hinz and Della
Mae vonLoh were among those
attending the Saturday morning funeral at the First United
Methodist Church for Lila Adams.
•Around the Area
Cambridge Clarion - Cambridge KSB School Law Attorney Karen Haase was in Cambridge presenting workshops to
students and parents on Tuesday, March 8 on digital citizenship and hazing issues.
The Oxford Standard Brandy Miller purchased Prairie Petals from Jennifer Luther,
the flower shop on main street
Oxford this week.
•Card Shower
The family of Edwin Bloch is
requesting a card shower for his
95th birthday on March 20th.
Cards can be sent c/o Arapahoe
Good Samaritan Center, P.O.
Box 448, Arapahoe, NE 68922
• Open House
The family of Sarah Henke
will host an open house for
her 90th birthday on Sunday,
March 13, from 2:00 to 3:00
p.m. at Cunningham’s Feed.
If you are unable to attend and
would like to extend birthday
wishes to Sarah, cards will
reach her at PO Box 557, Arapahoe, NE 68922.
“Blind Date with a Book” winners
The Arapahoe Public Library held a “Blind Date With A Book” contest during February in
honor of Valentine’s Day. You had to unwrap a book after you got it home, read it and review
it, to enter the contest. Winners in the kids division were Emma Strand, Sage Larsen, and
Logan Beck. They each got a certificate to Tornado Alley and in the adult division, the winner was Shauna Williams and she won a gift certificate to Cunningham’s Feed and movie
passes Not pictured is Ander Wasenius.-Mirror Photo by B. Moore
Tri Valley Health
System earns ACR
Tri Valley Health System has
been awarded a three-year term
of accreditation in mammography as the result of a recent review by the American College
of Radiology (ACR). It has
also passed its annual Mammography Quality Standards
Act inspection by the FDA
with no deficiencies. Mammography is a specific type of
imaging test that uses a lowdose X-ray system to examine breasts. A mammography
exam, called a mammogram,
is used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast
diseases in women.
The ACR gold seal of accreditation represents the highest level of image quality and
patient safety. It is awarded
only to facilities meeting ACR
Practice Parameters and Technical Standards after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medical
physicists who are experts in
the field. Image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment,
quality control procedures and
quality assurance programs are
assessed. The findings are reported to the ACR Committee
on Accreditation, which subsequently provides the practice
with a comprehensive report
that can be used for continuous
practice improvement.
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Whip’s Place
“Complete Small
Engine Repair Course”
Last class this spring is scheduled
to start March 21, 2016. Interested
parties please call 308 655-0442.
Shirley McCoy Estate PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday: March 19th 9:30 a.m. Ella Missing Center 411 6th St, ARAPAHOE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Trunks.Victorian Full Bed.Marble Top Dresser w/Mirror & Matching Marble Top Washstand.Doilies.Mirrors. Bassi-­‐
net.Dolls.Sitting Table.Clocks.Picture Frames.Cast Iron Pans.Decanters.Floor Lamps&Small Lamps.1950 Cherub Candle Holder.Silverware.Knick/Knacks&Glassware.Plat Maps.Historic Charcoal Picture.Silver Platters.Paper Fan.Blue Oil Lamp.Kerchiefs..Macomb Crock.Flower Pots.Salt&Pepper Shakers.Standing Bird Cage.Cedar Chests.Typewriters.Vintage Clothing.Sewing Machine.Victorian Hand Painted Glass Hang-­‐
ing Lamp w/ Prisms. Community Loading Table.Antique Books. GLASSWARE Pink Depression Glass Pepper Shaker.Gold Glass Cut Vase.Green Milkglass Votive.Box of Japanese China.Green Snack Set.Porcelin Rose Dipper.Pink Divided Depression Glass.Hummingbird Bowl.Crystal Ware.Square Footed Crystal Duck Bowl.Flower Pattern China Set.Homer Laughlin Hudson White China.Franciscan Apple Pattern Dishes.Lt Blue Fenton Cornucopias.2 Japanese Ucagco Angels.White Wash Basin.The Friendly Village.Johnson Bros China. HOUSEHOLD You are Invited!
Paul Siebert of the Merry Makers Association will perform on March 16th at 10:30 a.m. in the Good Samaritan Chapel. His original material is full of heartfelt stories of family, childhood and growing up in the Midwest. He uses the hammer dulcimer, banjo and accordion during his program.
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Kirby Classic Vacuum.Hoover Wind Tunnel Vacuum.Suitcases. Treadmill.Pillow Cases.Cookie Sheets.Baking Pans. Silver-­‐
ware.Juice Glasses.Roaster Pans.Pie Plates.Rolling Pin. Muffin Tins.Toasters.Bread Pans.Cake Pans.Casserole Dishes.Utensils.Pots&Pans.Cookbooks.Books.Towels.Ironing Board.Board Games.Boyds Bear.Old Paper Stationery.Holiday Decor.Sewing Machine w/Table.Jars APPLIANCES & FURNITURE TV.Small Freezer.Washer.Dryer.Electric Stove.Microwave. End Tables.Klaussner White Couch.Green Wicker Chair&Sofa.Wicker Table.Folding Chairs/Tables.Full Bed Frame.Twin Bed Frame.Dressers.White Canopy Bed w/
Dresser/Mirror.Recliners.Corner Shelf.King Bed Frame YARD EQUP/TOOLS Lawn Chairs.Garden Tools.Ladder.Hand Saws.Grill.Misc. VEHICLES Silver 1998 Mercury Grand Marquis 39,900m.Electric Golf Cart Many Items Too Numerous to Mention-­‐View Sale Bill Online Terms: No items removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or theft. All announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous announcements. All items must be removed the day of sale unless other arrangements are made. Larry Brell, Auctioneer Bill Brell, Auctioneer LeahAnn Brell, Clerk Randy Helms, Auctioneer Cell: 308-­325-­4952 Office: 308-­785-­2093 Community News
•Area Church News
- Nathan Goshert, Pastor;
1201 Elm St., Arapahoe, Ph.
962-7730; TUESDAY - 6:00
a.m.-Men’s Bible Study at
the church 6:00 a.m.; 7:00
p.m. Women’s Bible Study at
Bobbi Moore’s, 312 10th St.
WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.
- Paul Tripp’s study “Sex &
Money: Pleasures That Leave
You Empty and Grace That
Satisfies”. Nursery provided.
FRIDAY - FCA in the school
library at 7:30 a.m.; SUNDAY- Church service 9:30
a.m.; Sunday School 11:15
CHURCH - 660 Cedar St.,
SUNDAY - Worship 9:30
a.m.; Fellowship 10:30 a.m.;
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.;
WEDNESDAY - Bible Study
7:30 p.m.
13--Mass 11:00 a.m.
Watson; In Office Schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9:30
a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; SUNDAY,
MARCH 13th-Eucharist at 9:00
CHURCH - James Moshier,
10 - 10:15 a.m. DVD @ Rest
Home; 12 noon Men’s Study
@ Subway; 7:00 p.m. Worship/Holy Communion/Fellowship. FRIDAY, MARCH
11 - Mission Mall Closed; 6:30
a.m. Men’s Study @ Subway;
9:15 a.m. Rest Home Bible
Study/10:00 a.m. Communion;
11:00 a.m. Bible Study @ Prairie Pines. SUNDAY, MARCH
13- 5th Sunday in Lent; 8:00
a.m. Adult Choir Practice; 9:00
a.m. Worship; 10:15 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Class; 11:15
a.m. Boardof Education;LWML
Carpets provide both practical and aesthetic appeal inside
a home. In winter, carpets help
keep homes warm, and the right
color carpet can add to design
Carpeting remains a go-to
in modern
homes. In
fact, many
homes offer a blend
in some
rooms and
different flooring choices in
Upon choosing carpet, it is
important that homeowners follow some guidelines to prolong
a carpet’s longevity and maintain its style. The following are
some common carpeting dos
and don’ts.
DO consider the room’s
purpose and foot traffic before
shopping for carpeting. Make
a list of the attributes desired
(e.g., soundproofing, easy care,
high pile) and present these to
the salesperson so he or she can
help you make the best choice.
DON’T rush into flooring
choices. Unlike paint colors,
flooring materials are more permanent choices that are only
updated every several years or
more. Weigh all of your options
before diving in.
DO consider conservative
colors and styles. Neutral hues
and patterns will blend better
with furniture options. This
means you can change furniture
out and still keep the existing
carpeting, which complements
any new pieces. Also, if there’s
a chance you might sell your
home in the near future, buyers
tend to look for a neutral color
scheme they can make their
DON’T skimp on padding to
save a few dollars on the carpet installation. The
solid foundation to
best. Inadequate
can lead to extra and noticeable wear and tear. Invest in a
good foundation for the carpeting, like firm, dense padding in
high-traffic areas.
DO become knowledgeable
about different carpet styles,
such as frieze, Berber, Saxony,
textured, and more. This will
help ensure you make the most
educated decision.
DON’T purchase at the first
store you visit. Shop around
to investigate different pricing
and specials. Also, consider the
professionalism and expertise
of the staff responsible for carpet installation. High-cost carpet may not look very good if it
isn’t installed correctly.
DO stain-protect rugs and
carpeting, which can help repel
stains that would otherwise become permanent and can prolong the longevity of the flooring.
DON’T forget to vacuum
carpets frequently to prevent
ground-in dirt and debris.
DO pick textured carpets to
conceal footprints and vacuum
track marks.
Find and maintain the right carpet for you
This is a paid advertisement for DeVries Furniture
& Floor Covering.
Zone Spring Workshopat
14 -7:30 p.m. Handbells.
a.m. Women’s Bible Study
@ Prairie Pines. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16- 10:00
a.m. Sunshine Village Bible
Study; 3:50-5:30 p.m. Midweek School; 6:00 p.m. Lenten
Supper by Church Council;
7:00 p.m. Lenten Worship;
8:00 p.m. High School Bible
Study. 8:00 p.m. Church Council. THURSDAY, MARCH
17-10:15 a.m. DVD at Rest
Home; 12 noon Men’s Study
at Subway; 7:00 p.m. Worship/
Holy Communion.
Saddler, Pastor; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 - 6:00 a.m.
Men’s Bible Study @ Church;
Office Open (various times);
4:00 p.m. Confirmation Class;
6:30 p.m. WOW/Lenten
Service; 7:00 p.m. Studies to
10 - 6:00 a.m. Women’s Bible
Study; 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Office
Open; 10:00 a.m. Bible Study
at Prairie Pines. SUNDAY,
MARCH 13 - 9:15 a.m. S.S.
for all ages; 10:30 a.m. Worship Sunday, Rolls served for
snacks/fellowship. 3:30 p.m.
Nursing Home Service. MONDAY, MARCH 14 - 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Office/Library Open.
TUESDAY, MARCH 15 - 8:30
a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Office/Library
Open; 10:00 a.m. Coffee Time.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study at
Church; Office Open (various
times); 4:00 p.m. Confirmation
Class; 6:30 p.m. WOW/Lenten
Service; 7:00 p.m. Classes to
follow service; 8:00 p.m. Ad
•Senior Center
Guests of Marna Hermes at
the center on Monday February
22 were Cynthia Pfieffer and
Dick and Janet Hermes.
Doris Crosley celebrated her
birthday at the center on Tuesday, February 24. Ron Hines
was a guest of his mother at
the center. Doris treated us to
ice cream bars to celebrate her
Wendy Arneson was a guest
of her parents Wes and Shirley
Smith at the center on Wednesday February 24.
Tish Daughty and Heather
Ellis from Brookdale joined
us at the center on Wednesday,
February 24. They treated us to
Bingo after lunch.
Barb Stump of Oxford joined
us at the center on Wednesday,
February 24.
Trish Day and Tracia Yeager
from First Central Bank served
cake at the center on Wednesday, February 24.
Subscription Rates Arapahoe Public Mirror
Furnas County .......$31.00
Out of County .......$33.00
Out of State .........$36.00
E-Edition .............$30.00
Call 308-962-7261 for
credit card orders or mail
payment to PO Box 660
Arapahoe, NE 68922
Speech talent
at AHS
Performing for friends and
family at the Arapahoe Annual Speech Night at the
were (Top) Colton Hearn,
Alivia Wasenius and Mariah
Watson and (Right) Derek
Monie. The students will
be competing in the District
speech meet on Tuesday,
March 15th at Harvard, NE.Mirror Photos by M. Beckman
Grace Helms celebrated her
birthday at the center on Friday,
February 26. Graces’s guests
were her husband Edwin, son
John and wife Peg of Grand
Island, son Gary of Kearney,
daughter Jan Peters of Loup
City, grand daughter Lindsey
Gappa and great-granddaughters Jameson and Ashlyn Gappa of Loup City. Grace treated
us to ice cream sundaes to celebrate.
Stella Busch celebrated
her birthday at the center on
Wednesday, March 2. Guest of
Stella were Doris Crosley and
Emma Crawford. Stella treated
us to ice cream sandwiches.
Howard and Erlene Davis joined us at the center on
Wednesday, March 2.
Viva Hutchens joined Doris
Crosley at the center on Friday,
March 4.
Wednesday, March 9: Turkey, Mashed potatoes/gravy,
Green beans, Pumpkin bar.
Thursday, March 10: Ham &
Beans, Carrot raisin salad, Oranges, Corn bread.
Friday, March 11: Liver &
onions, Baked potato, Harvard
beets, Peaches.
Monday, March 14: Pizza,
Lettuce salad, Pasta salad, Applesauce.
Tuesday, March 15: Baked
steak, Mashed potatoes/gravy,
Green beans, Carrot cake.
Wednesday, March 16: BBQ
Chicken, Hash brown casserole, California blend vegetables, Tapioca.
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OFFICE 308-234-6266
land … they ain’t make’n anymore of it”
Praise & Worship
Trinity Lutheran Church
1005 9th Street - Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
First United Methodist Church
701 5th Street - Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
Holbrook Baptist Church
212 Randolph - Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
Arapahoe Christian Church
902 Locust - Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
St. Germanus Catholic Church
912 Chestnut - Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m.
Second Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m.
Edison Christian Church
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
909 4th Street - Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
River Valley Evangelical Free Church
1201 Elm Street - Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
Oxford Spirit of the Rock Church
331 Ogden Street - Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
Methodist youth preparing for confirmation
•by Amy Brandt
This is a special time of year
for Christians as the various
denominations prepare for
their Lent and Easter celebrations. For Methodists, now is
also the time for students to
finish preparing for Confirmation. Becky Saddler, the pastor
of Arapahoe’s First United
Methodist Church, was gracious enough to answer a few
questions about Confirmation.
“Confirmation is a time of personal decision,” she explains.
Many of the students were
baptized as infants, so Confirmation is viewed as a time for
them to reaffirm those vows
and become full members of
the church. For any students
who weren’t baptized as infants, now is a time for them to
learn about baptism and decide
if it’s a commitment they want
to make on their own.
So, what is the purpose of
Confirmation? “It is a time
to learn about our church, the
entire church community and
what it means to be a faithful
Christian. It is a time to learn
the privileges and responsibilities of church membership. It
is the beginning of the adventure of faith,” says Saddler.
Here in Arapahoe Confirmation classes are held twice
a week starting the first of
September and running until
Confirmation on Palm Sunday,
with a couple of breaks at
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The class is for students in
grades 6 through 8, and each
student has a mentor. The
mentor makes sure the student
stays on track and motivated to
get their lessons and homework done. The children study
a Confirmation book and the
Bible, and have other resource
books at their disposal. Pastor
Saddler teaches the Wednesday
class, Dallas Garey teaches the
Sunday class, and George Probasco fills in whenever Pastor
Saddler has to be gone.
To be confirmed students
must first pass a test. “They
need to learn the Ten Com-
mandments, the Apostle’s
Creed, the Lord’s prayer,
memorize a life verse for
each of them, the books of the
Bible, learn who God, Jesus
and the Holy Spirit are, study
our two sacraments, learn what
it means to walk the Christian
walk daily and be representatives of Jesus Christ plus so
much more.”
That’s not to say that it’s all
work and no fun, though. “We
also take field trips,” says Saddler. “We went to the funeral
home, we went to the Christian
Church in Edison to view a
baptistery and we are going to
a Jewish synagogue in Lincoln
in April. We want to expose
them to as many experiences
as we can during this time.”
The Confirmation ceremony
itself quizzes the students on
their lessons and their life
verse and what it means to
them. They are also responsible for leading worship that
day, picking the music and
helping serve communion.
“It is really a celebration for
Confirmands and their mentors enjoying a class are (l-r) Jami Garey, Joslyn ten Bensel, Pastor Becky Saddler, Jonna
Metzger, Judy Beedle, Gayla Probasco, Maggie Weatherwax, Reilley Einspahr, George Probasco, Jana Koller, Hope Koller,
Tracy Roskop, Kristine Deisley. Mirror Photo by A. Brandt
Easter is a wonderful time of year. It is the beginning
of spring, new life, new hope and most of all remembering just what our Savior Jesus Christ has done for
us. However, all of these are daily events; each day we
are given the opportunity to experience new hope with
the remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
This month our church is memorizing Mark 16:6:
but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t
here! He is risen from the
dead! Look, this is where
they laid his body. NLT
Why? Because this is the
amazing part of the Easter
story; Jesus is NOT dead,
He risen!
That promise is our new
hope each and every day.
We are given the assurance that Jesus paid the price
for our sins so we can enter Heaven when we die as
long as we believe and accept Him as our Savior. I
don’t know about you, but that Promise is amazing!
As we come together to celebrate Easter let’s remember it is about so much more than eggs, bunnies
and new clothes. Jesus have given us new life, new
Confirmands enjoy their time each week with their mentor and the pastor. Shown above hope and a reason to celebrate!
is (l-r) Tracy Roskop, Kristine Deisley, Elizabeth Bell, Nancy Long, Jami Garey, Joslyn ten Blessings,
Bensel, Pastor Becky Saddler, Jonna Metzger. Mirror Photo by A. Brandt
Pastor Becky, First Methodist Church
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Community News
Sixth grade wins Dr. Seuss birthday contest, Arapahoe Public Library hosts cupcake party
In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the Arapahoe Public Library held a Facebook contest for each class K-8th grade. During their visit to the library last month, each class had their photo
taken and posted online. The 6th grade class got the most likes, so they received a cupcake party. -Courtesy Photo
Fire & Rescue Training is
an ongoing effort for
Arapahoe volunteers
Lila Viola Adams
89, of Arapahoe, Nebraska
died on March
2, 2016, at
the CA Mues
Good Samaritan Nursing Home of Arapahoe, Nebraska.
She was born on October 20,
1926, to Virtus & Joycie (Vise)
Helton on the farm south of
Cambridge, Nebraska. In 1937,
the family moved to Beaver
City and opened a café. Lila
and her sisters worked many
long hours in the café. She
graduated from the Beaver City
High School in 1943. Lila married Donald Adams on August
23, 1947.
Lila worked for the Farm
Security Administration from
1943 to 1947, and as a secretary for the SAM and Adams
Construction companies 1946
to 1987. She worked for county
judge, Alva Zieme; Attorneyat-Law, George C. Proud; the
Farmers’ Home Administration 1948-1952, the Bureau of
Reclamation, and crew leader
for the Department of Agriculture, Census Division for Furnas, Phelps, and part of Harlan
She was a member of the
First United Methodist Church,
the American Legion Auxiliary, Arapahoe Women’s Club,
the Order of Eastern Star, and
•Death Notice
Avon L. Arms, 76 of Cozad,
passed away March 3, 2016
at Mary Lanning Hospital in
Hastings. Cremation was chosen. A memorial service was
held Tuesday, March 8, 2016
at 10:00 a.m. at the Berryman
Funeral Home Chapel with
Pastor Doug Smith officiating.
Inurnment was at the Arapahoe
Cemetery. Berryman Funeral
Home, is in charge of arrangements.
Got a red check on your
address label?
Then it’s time
to renew your
to the
Arapahoe Public Mirror
Chapter CE P.E.O. Lila was a
4-H volunteer teaching sewing
for many years and had served
as chairman of the Red Cross
Bloodmobile and on the Furnas County Board for Primary,
General, and special elections.
Sewing was Lila’s special
talent and many were recipients
of her clothes, quilts, handiwork, and baby blankets. Lila
also enjoyed traveling, making
several pounds of Christmas
candy for friends and customers, and playing cards.
She is survived by her son,
Merle (Benita) Adams of
Arapahoe; daughter Christine
(Douglas) Snyder of Arapahoe; daughter-in-law, Melody
Adams of Arapahoe; grandchildren: Rebecca (Kevin)
Selin of Bellevue, Nebraska;
Katherine (Logan) Dettmann of
Waverly, Nebraska, Adam Snyder of Arapahoe, Grace Snyder
of Fullerton, Nebraska; and
Thomas Adams of Arapahoe;
Selin and Andrew Dettmann,
along with many nieces, nephews, and cousins.
She was preceded in death
by her parents, husband Donald, her infant daughter, Dawn
Elaine Adams; son Michael
Adams; sisters, Belva Aspedon
and brother-in-law, Fred, Bonnie Strickland and brother-inlaw, Clifford; Vivian Harding,
and brother-in-law, Verle Harding and James Goins, Brother,
Vaughn Helton, and sister-inlaw and brother-in-law, Don
and Vera Faye Lewis.
Condolences or personal reflections can be left at
Viewing and visitation was
Friday, March 4, 2016 from 10
a.m. till 8 p.m. at Wenburg Funeral Home in Arapahoe, Nebraska and prior to the service
at the church. Services were
held Saturday, March 5, 2016,
at 10 a.m. at the First United
Methodist Church in Arapahoe,
Nebraska with Rev. Becky Saddler officiating. Interment followed at Arapahoe Cemetery,
at Arapahoe, Nebraska. Memorials are suggested to the First
United Methodist Church, CA
Mues Good Samaritan Center
of Arapahoe, Aseracare Hospice. Wenburg Funeral Home
of Arapahoe, NE, was in charge
of the arrangements.
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On March 6, 2016, members
of the Arapahoe Fire and
Rescue Department met for
training. They were “paged”
to a simulated structure
fire. The initial attack crew
ceiling collapse leaving one fireman
trapped inside. The Rapid
Intervention Team (RIT) then
entered the structure and
rescued the down fireman.
The group worked well as a
team. Members participating in the training exercises
were: Todd Monie, Arlan
Leising, Brian Sisson, Frank
Leising, Brandon Yeager,
Josh Schrock, Chuck Collins, Wendell Hoefs, Brad
Loghry and David Holcomb.
(Top) Josh Schrock, Assistant Rescue Chief, (standing center) discusses the
best practice for removing a
victim from a burning building. (Bottom) Frank Leising
prepares a harness on a
down fireman while Brandon Yeager, Assistant Fire
Chief, waits to help get him
to safety.-Courtesy Photos
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within its service area for universal service purposes.
CenturyLink’s basic local service rates for residential voice
lines are $17.50 per month and business services are $27.50
per month. Specific rates will be provided upon request.
CenturyLink participates in a government benefit program
(Lifeline) to make residential telephone service more
affordable to eligible low-income individuals and families.
Eligible customers are those that meet eligibility standards
as defined by the FCC and state commissions. Residents
who live on federally recognized Tribal Lands may qualify
for additional Tribal benefits if they participate in certain
additional federal eligibility programs. The Lifeline discount
is available for only one telephone per household, which
can be either a wireline or wireless telephone. A household
is defined for the purposes of the Lifeline program as any
individual or group of individuals who live together at the
same address and share income and expenses. Lifeline
service is not transferable, and only eligible consumers may
enroll in the program. Consumers who willfully make false
statements in order to obtain Lifeline telephone service can
be punished by fine or imprisonment and can be barred from
the program.
Lifeline eligible subscribers may also qualify for reliable
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more information.
If you live in a CenturyLink service area, please call 1-855954-6546 or visit with questions or
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*CenturyLink Internet Basics Program – Residential customers only who qualify
based on meeting income level or program participation eligibility requirements, and
requires remaining eligible for the entire offer period. First bill will include charges
for the \first full month of service billed in advance, prorated charges for service
from the date of installation to bill date, and one-time charges and fees described
above. Qualifying customers may keep this program for a maximum of 60 months after
service activation provided customer still qualifies during that time. Listed High-Speed
Internet rate of $9.95/mo. applies for first 12 months of service (after which the rate
reverts to $14.95/mo. for the next 48 months of service), and requires a 12-month
term agreement. Customer must either lease a modem/router from CenturyLink for
an additional monthly charge or independently purchase a modem/router, and a onetime High-Speed Internet activation fee applies. A one-time professional installation
charge (if selected by customer) and a one-time shipping and handling fee applies to
customer’s modem/router. General – Services not available everywhere. Have not
have subscribed to CenturyLink Internet service within the last 90 days and are not a
current CenturyLink customer. CenturyLink may change or cancel services or substitute
similar services at its sole discretion without notice. Offer, plans, and stated rates are
subject to change and may vary by service area. Deposit may be required. Additional
restrictions apply. Terms and Conditions – All products and services listed are
governed by tariffs, terms of service, or terms and conditions posted at centurylink.
com. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges include
a carrier Universal Service charge, carrier cost recovery surcharges, state and local
fees that vary by area and certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes
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standard monthly, not promotional, rates.
DRIVE Omaha Orange
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Metallic with gray cloth
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DRIVE White with dark
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power liftgate, stereo with Navigation, remote start,
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2016 ARCTIC CAT 500 XT EPS- White Metallic
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Faw’s Garage
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Classifieds & Legal Notices
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B A N K R U P T C Y: F R E E i n i t i a l
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AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service.
Send your message to 170 newspapers
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•Legal Notice
The City of Arapahoe, Nebraska,
invites you to submit a sealed bid for:
North Estates Residential Development
Paving and Utility Extensions
Arapahoe, Nebraska - 2016
The project is briefly described as
Bid Section A: Paving Extensions
(December 2016 Completion):
The project shall consist of furnishing
all labor, materials, and equipment
for the construction of approximately
4,850 square yards of 6” P.C. concrete
pavement with integral curb, 350 linear
foot of 36” P.C. concrete curb and
gutter, grading, erosion control, traffic
control, seeding and mulching, and
other miscellaneous items as described
in the plans and specifications.
Bid Section B: Sanitary Sewer and
Water Extensions (December 2016
The project shall consist of furnishing
all labor, materials, and equipment for
the construction of approximately 1,500
linear feet of 8” sanitary sewer gravity
main, precast sanitary sewer manholes,
sanitary sewer service assemblies,
OAT SEED for sale. We have a large
supply of Jury oats, Everleaf 114 &
Everleaf 126 forage oats. For pricing and
information, call 701-497-3082.
RNs UP to $45/hour, LPNs up to $37.50/
hour, CNAs up to $22.50/hour. Free
gas/weekly pay, $2,000 bonus. AACO
Nursing Agency, 800-656-4414 Ext. 5.
CAN YOU dig it? Heavy Equipment
Operator Career! We offer training
and certifications running bulldozers,
backhoes and excavators. Lifetime job
placement. VA Benefits eligible! 1-866362-6497.
DRIVERS WANTED. Justa Trucking,
Lexington, NE, 800-445-0135. Home
weekly. Trips to various Midwest points.
Drop pay, Vacation pay. Excellent
equipment. OTR experience required.
CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great pay, home
weekends, and benefits! Potential of
$60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony,
608-935-0915 ext. 16,
Keep up on the community. Read the Arapahoe
Public Mirror.
sanitary sewer service piping, 1,800
linear feet of 6” water main, 400 linear
feet of 6” horizontal directionally
drilled (HDD) water main, gate valves
and boxes, fire hydrants, ductile iron
fittings, wet cut-ins, water service
connections and service piping, water
meter pits and meter setters, incidental
grading, disinfection, testing, and other
miscellaneous items as described in the
plans and specifications.
Alt. Bid Section C: Paving Extensions
(July 2017 Completion):
The project shall consist of furnishing
all labor, materials, and equipment
for the construction of approximately
4,850 square yards of 6” P.C. concrete
pavement with integral curb, 350 linear
foot of 36” P.C. concrete curb and
gutter, grading, erosion control, traffic
control, seeding and mulching, and other
miscellaneous items as described in the
plans and specifications.
Alt. Bid Section D: Sanitary Sewer
and Water Extensions (July 2017
The project shall consist of furnishing
all labor, materials, and equipment for
the construction of approximately 1,500
We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover to make
your subscription renewal extra easy. Just give us a
call at 308-962-7261.
•Notice of Meeting •Notice of Meeting •Help Wanted
Arapahoe Planning Commission
Notice is hereby given that the Arapahoe
Planning Commission will meet Monday
March 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Ella
Missing Community Center, for the
purpose of regular monthly meeting.
Nicole Kubik, City Clerk
•Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the
Arapahoe Public Library Board will be
meeting on Monday, March 14, 2016 at
the Public Library, 304 Nebraska Ave,
Arapahoe, Nebraska at 7:00 p.m.
Nicole Kubik, City Clerk
• Estate Sale
Thursday, March 24, 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Friday, March 25, 9:00 - 8:00 p.m.,
Saturday, March 26, 9:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Furniture, mobility chair, ramps,
appliances, antiques, dishes, decorative
items, jewelry, tools and much more.
Estate of Lawrence and Ruth
Kentfield, 321 P Street Beaver City,
For more information call: 785-8744389 or 620-664-2673.
5T-11 PD
linear feet of 8” sanitary sewer gravity
main, precast sanitary sewer manholes,
sanitary sewer service assemblies,
sanitary sewer service piping, 1,800
linear feet of 6” water main, 400 linear
feet of 6” horizontal directionally
drilled (HDD) water main, gate valves
and boxes, fire hydrants, ductile iron
fittings, wet cut-ins, water service
connections and service piping, water
meter pits and meter setters, incidental
grading, disinfection, testing, and other
miscellaneous items as described in the
plans and specifications.
Sealed bids will be received for goods
and services by the City of Arapahoe,
Nebraska on or before 1:00 p.m., local
time, Thursday, March 31, 2016, at the
City Office, 411 6th Street, P O Box 235,
Arapahoe, Nebraska 68922. Bids will
be publicly opened and read aloud at the
City Office at 1:00 p.m., local time on
the aforementioned date.
Copies of the Contract Documents
may be obtained from the Office of
the Engineer, Olsson Associates, 701
4th Avenue, Suite 2C, P O Box 885,
Holdrege, Nebraska 68949-0885,
telephone 308-995-8706. The cost
of the Contract Documents is $50.00,
non-refundable, for specifications and
Copies of the Contract Documents
may be examined at the following
* Olsson Associates, 701 4th Avenue,
Suite 2C, Holdrege, NE 68949
* City of Arapahoe, 411 6 th Street,
Arapahoe, NE 68922
Bidders should take caution if U.S.
mail or mail delivery services are used
for the submission of bids. Mailing
should be made in sufficient time for
bids to arrive at the City of Arapahoe’s
office, prior to the time and date specified
The City of Arapahoe reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and to
waive informalities in bids submitted.
3T-12 CH
Over 160 Newspapers
Contact this newspaper for more information, or call 800-369-2850
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March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month
•Notice of Meeting
meeting of the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Arapahoe, Nebraska, will
be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March
15, 2016 at the Ella Missing Community
Center, which meeting will be open to
the public. An agenda for such meeting,
kept continuously current, is available
for public inspection at the office of
the City Clerk, but that agenda may be
modified at such meeting.
Nicole Kubik, City Clerk
•Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the
Village of Holbrook’s Monday, March
7, 2016 meeting was cancelled due to
the lack of a quorum. The Village of
Holbrook has rescheduled that meeting
and will meet at the Holbrook Village
Office at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March
14, 2016 or subject to call.
/s/ Tiffany Hock, Vilalge Clerk
•Notice of Meeting
a meeting of the President and Board of
Directors of the HEA Rural Fire District,
in the State of Nebraska, will be held at
8:00 o’clock p.m. on Thursday, March
17, 2016, at the Arapahoe City Fire Hall
meeting room, which meeting will be
open to the public. An agenda for such
meeting, kept continuously correct, is
available for public inspection at the
office of the Secretary.
The Holbrook-Edison-Arapahoe
Rural Fire District #5 will hold an
election for two (2) board members at
their regular meeting on March 17, 2016,
at the Arapahoe Fire Hall meeting room.
The four (4) year terms of Thomas G.
Andrews and Drew ten Bensel are to be
filled at this meeting.
Thomas G. Andrews, Secretary
 Manor CNA:
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Republican Valley Pheasants Forever
22nd Annual Banquet, Saturday March
19, 2016, Cambridge Community
Building. For Tickets or info contact Deb
697-4250 or Carla 697-3344. 3T-11 CH
COLBY GUN AND COIN SHOW 2016, March 12 and 13, Saturday 9-5,
Sunday 9-4, Community Building,
Colby, KS, Admission $4. Information
308-995-2258. 2T-10 CH
•Card of Thanks
We would like to thank our friends
and relatives for the prayers, support,
cards, food, and other acts of kindness.
A special thank you goes to Pastor
Becky Saddler, the UMW ladies, the
Good Samaritan Rest Home, and
AseraCare Hospice. Lila was a special
woman, and your sympathy helped to
ease the pain. From the family of Lila
Adams 1T-10 CH
•Arapahoe School Board Proceedings
Arapahoe Public School
Board of Education – Special Meeting
School Library
February 29th, 2016 5:30 pm
President Todd Watson called the
meeting to order at 5:33 pm.
President Watson welcomed the
visitors and announced that the Arapahoe
Board of Education follows the rules of
the Open Meetings Act which is posted.
The following members were
present: Todd Watson, Dan Warner,
Kelly Breinig, Dennis Roskop and Lisa
The following member(s) were
absent: Rod Whipple.
Also present were Cassie Hilker,
Board Secretary and Dr. George Griffith.
A motion was made by Roskop
and seconded by Warner to excuse
the absence of Rod Whipple. AYES:
Warner, Breinig, Roskop, Anderson and
Watson. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Roskop and
seconded by Breinig to approve the
agenda as presented. AYES: Breinig,
Roskop, Anderson, Watson and Warner.
Motion carried 5-0.
Watson welcomed the visitor(s) and
reminded them that the board will not be
receiving public comment at this special
A motion was made by Roskop and
seconded by Anderson to approve hiring
Dr. George Griffith as Superintendent
at an annual salary of $110,000 plus
benefits including health/dental
insurance, disability insurance and
retirement. AYES: Roskop, Anderson,
Watson, Warner and Breinig. Motion
carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Roskop and
seconded by Warner to adjourn the
meeting at 5:36 pm. AYES: Anderson,
Watson, Warner, Breinig and Roskop.
Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Cassie Hilker, Board Secretary
•Help Wanted
Part time sales clerk. Apply in person
at Arapahoe Pharmacy. 1T-10 CH
Get your news from the
Arapahoe Public Mirror.
We have the facts! Subscribe today! Call 308-9627261
Single Space $19.20 per month, Double Space $26.50. Call 308-962-7261 or email to advertise
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Surgery RN: FT positions
Hospital LPN-C–FT position
Manor LPN: FT night position
Clinic LPN or Medical Assistant:
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Business & Professional Directory
 Manor RN: PT position
 Hospital RN: FT day & night
Are you at least 18 years old
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site. On line applications can be emailed
to 1T-10 CH
Immanuel Cemetery Annual Meeting
will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2016
at 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church.
2T-10 CH
2016 Arapahoe Public Mirror
•General Denistry
FT day & evening positions
Controller: FT position
Activity Director: FT position
Plaza Cook: FT position
Wellness Center Staff: PRN position
S&W (NAPA) Auto Parts has a fulltime counterman position available in
Holdrege NE. AND an outside salesman
position in the Oxford, Arapahoe &
Alma area. Great working environment
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alternating Saturdays. Must have a
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Holdrege, NE. or Call Dale at 308-9954421 JOIN THE NAPA TEAM!!!!
2T-11 CH
 Environmental Services Assistant:
Advertise Statewide
25 words
Over 170 Newspapers
Display Ad
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Education of School District #18 will
meet in the library in Arapahoe at 7:00
p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2016, for
the regular meeting. An agenda for such
meeting, kept continuously current, is
available for public inspection at the
office of the Superintendent of Schools.
Cassie Hilker, Secretary
•Tuesday & Thursday
Wessels Lawn
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962-7261 or 962-5417
Wednesday, Hannah Whitson attended a gifted program
convention at Minden. Also attending were her friends Leslie
Hillman and Aleese Williams.
Sharlene Schrock was a visitor of Bobbi Moore in Arapahoe on Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday she was a visitor
of Bobbi Moore and her greatgranddaughter, Molly Leising.
Kate and Ric Meyers left
Monday night to go to the Region 9 tournament in Gillette,
WY to watch Kaylea Watson
play basketball with the McCook MPCC team. They stayed
in Scottsbluff Monday night
and went on to Gillette on
Tuesday where the girls won
the first game. They had a day
off on Wednesday so Ric and
Kate took a drive in the mountains and went to a working
coal mine. The girls played and
won on Thursday night but got
beat by Gillette on Friday. Gillette went on to win the Region
9 tournament.
Dr. Tom and Judy Maline
went to Omaha to attend the
“American Girl Fashion Show,
Styles of Yesterday and Today”
to watch their granddaughter,
Annaliss Pfeifer model fashions from American Girl dolls,
a benefit by the Junior League
of Omaha.
•Church News
First Baptist Church
212 Randolph Ave.,
Holborok, NE
Pastor Dale Whitson
Church Service 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Revenue Cycle Manager Wanted
Full-time employment opportunity at Brown County Hospital. Candidate
must be proficient in our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Compassion and Unity. The
Revenue Cycle Manager is responsible for enhancing and maintaining a properly functioning
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Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Finance or Accounting is required; consideration will be
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Contact Lisa Fischer or Lisa Wood for more information at 402-387-2800.
Brown County Hospital
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Heavy Equipment Operators & General Laborers
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Send resume or inquiries to:
6701 Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln, NE 68507 (402) 467-1627 EEO/Drug Free Workplace.
Scouts enjoy games at Blue and Gold Banquet
The Arapahoe Boy Scouts held their Blue and Gold Banquet on Sunday night at the Ella Missing Community Center. The Blue and Gold Banquet is held to celebrate the Boy
Scouts birthday. Party games were held during the evening
along with a Cake Auction to raise funds for the group. In
these photos, the boys are pretending to shave their friends
using whip cream. (Above) Kolter Eidsen feeds the fake
shaving cream to Landen Hoefs. (Top right) Branson Tejcka shaves Kade Fisher and (Bottom right) Landen Hoefs
shaves Kolter Eidsen. Photos courtesy Stephanie Hoefs
•Community Partnership For Safe Kids Proceedings
The Arapahoe Public School
Community Partnership For
Safe Kids met on February 21,
2016 at 7:00 PM in the Elementary Science Lab.
Attending were Bob Braithwait, RayAnn Roskop, Patti
Larson, Erin Shafer, Shayla
Hill, Megan Soncksen, Karme
Bob Braithwait reported that
he contacted another person
about the possibility of obtaining a radar-activated speed
indicator but has not heard
back from this person or the
previous one. He will keep
trying to make connections
with someone who can answer
questions and offer guidance.
School Safety Week 2016:
Share and finalize content
ideas for topics (K-6 mainly)
Due to speaker availability a
couple elementary topic dates
were switched around but otherwise all previously planned
themes and speakers remain unchanged. Final details about
the K-6 schedule and 7-12
schedule for safety week were
determined including elementary lessons. Erin Shafer presented her ‘Home Alone’ lesson
to the group which included
a teacher-led discussion on
‘Do’s and Don’t’ as well as
group brainstorming on safe
activities to keep busy while
home alone.
Shayla Hill shared her lesson ideas for teaching/reinforcing good manners in the
Join us for
Good Samaritan Society-­ Arapahoe
Pioneer Day & Donor Appreciation Lunch
Monday, March 21, 2016
Local Presentations -­ 9:30 a.m.-­11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Donor Appreciation Lunch
Nebraska Humanities Council Speakers
•1:00 - Joan Wells: History of Trick Roping and
the Wild West Show
2:00 p.m. - Nebraska Territory stories by David Seay
Please join us for a day of fun reliving the past!
Afternoon presentations made possible by the
Nebraska Humanities Council and Good Samaritan Society-­Arapahoe as part of the NHC Speakers Bureau
The Nebraska Humanities Council (NHC) provides major funding for this program. The NHC receives support from the National Endowment for Humanities, the Nebraska State Legislature, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and private donations.
elementary classrooms. The
lesson included a good manners video, teacher-led discussion, and a poster for each
student to fill-in with answers
of what he/she learned.
Share speaker details (information presented, dates
and times)
Megan and Karme shared
details about the K-6 speakers which include Sheriff
Kurt Kapperman, volunteer
firefighter Chuck Collins, and
a speaker from McCook’s
DASAS. Speaker details for
7-12 grade assemblies were
shared including content covered, times, and material
required for each presentation.
Other Items to Wrap-Up
Safety Week Planning…...
No volunteers are needed
for the week since the outside
speakers and teachers are presenting all information this
All lesson plans, content,
activities and/or speaker info
due should be emailed to Bob
as soon as possible.
The group will no longer
need a fundraiser for the
social media/internet safety
speaker due to the generosity of school administration
to cover all expenses for the
speaker from Karen Haase’s
office. It was recommended by
Superintendent Charles Curnyn
to- instead -spend some of
the group money on the kids.
Shayla Hill shared some
items she found for sale online including good manners
bookmarks and good character
bracelets. It was approved to
purchase the bookmarks and
bracelets to send home with
the K-6 students as a way to remember the important lessons
from the week. The group
expressed their gratitude to
the school administrators for
covering all costs for the
7-12 speaker including event
costs and mileage from Lincoln.
Soncksen proposed that we
compose a mission statement
for our group; the rest of the
members approved. Discussion was held about how this
might help community members better understand our
purpose and hopefully join
our cause. This will be done
at a later date.
RayAnn Roskop reported
that she spent quite a while
researching the Helping Hands
program but could not find any
current information about the
program or proof that it is still
in existence. She stated she
also looked for any similar
programs currently being used
by communities but could find
nothing. The group thanked
her for her efforts.
An announcement was made
reminding members about the
upcoming community meeting
concerning the school building on Monday, February
1. Turn in lesson plans and
materials for safety week.
2. Contact speakers about
material needed if have not.
3. Email Braithwait Safety
Week websites for April Newsletter.
4. Create an outline for
Safety Week to send home to
The next meeting is set for
April 3rd, 2016 at 7 p.m.
Proposed Agenda Items:
1. Prepare a mission statement as a group defining our
2. Go over feedback and
comments from Safety Week
3. Discuss thank-you notes.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40
Karme Fisher
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Turf Types
•Mixed Grasses
We do bluegrass as well as the best; we do buffalograss better than the rest!
Wessels Lawn LLC
Complete lawn
13 Years of Lawn
Care Experience!
care needs.
Full programs to
individual services.
at Wessels Lawn