2009 - Arapahoe House
2009 - Arapahoe House
Help, Hope, Healing 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O RT A YEAR David Murphy CEO, Arapahoe House AT A GLANCE of abstinence from substances three months after enrollment increased by 18.4 percent. In the midst of unparalleled economic challenges, Arapahoe House continues to be Colorado’s leading nonprofit provider of affordable drug and alcohol treatment. As we review the 2008-2009 fiscal year, we extend great thanks to our community partners, donors, boards of directors, and employees. You are an integral part of our mission to provide life-changing treatment to people from all walks of life from single mothers and their dependent children to adolescents, adults, families and the homeless. Together, we have served 14,000 Coloradoans and provided more than 20,000 episodes of care this year. • As we review the past year, we reflect on not only the number of people served, but the quality of care for each individual client and the innovation that lies ahead: • Ron Rose, President Arapahoe House Board • Rodger Hara, President Arapahoe House Foundation Board Online services are the new frontier of substance use illness treatment. More than two years ago, Arapahoe House built the E-TREAT program as a means to provide services and enhance motivation among people waiting for traditional treatment. E-TREAT consists of an array of electronic options for clients including a website, bulletin boards, and texting, all enhanced by support from a recovery coach. By the end of the 2009 fiscal year, 289 clients had enrolled. The percent of clients who abstained from substances more than doubled between program intake and three months post intake from 26 percent to 63 percent. • Research demonstrates what we intuitively know to be true: regular physical activity is an important part of long term recovery for people with substance abuse disorders. Still, much remains unknown about the role of exercise in recovery including its biochemical effects, the appropriate dosage and type of exercise.To further contribute to this developing body of knowledge, Arapahoe House was selected to participate in a National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trial Network protocol which will examine the effect of exercise among adults in treatment. As a community treatment provider in the Clinical Trials Network, Arapahoe House will have the opportunity to be part of this national research. Denver EFFECT (Entire Family-Focused Effective Comprehensive Treatment), a collaboration serving child-welfare involved families affected by substance use disorders, was honored with a site visit from the White House “Drug Czar”, Gil Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Arapahoe House is a partner in Denver EFFECT, providing substance abuse treatment, family therapy, and child care to families involved in the program. In the two years since the project began serving families, outcomes include significant reductions in clients reporting use of substances as well as reductions in the amount of clients reporting family, social, or emotional problems. The program has also enabled many children to either remain in the home while family members receive substance abuse treatment, or be reunified with their families while involved in the program. Arapahoe House’s Assertive Continuing Care for Adolescents (ACCA) program entered its third year of funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration in October 2008.The ACCA program provides continuing care services to youth with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders and their families. Preliminary data about the program show promising results: the rate 2 • In line with our mission, we are embarking on a new frontier of integrated care. Integrated care across all of healthcare is quickly becoming the best solution to our ailing healthcare system. Arapahoe House will be part of this exciting new way of providing a continuum of care to the people we serve. These programs and services are only a few examples of the vital work being done at Arapahoe House. In 2009, Arapahoe House has seen an increase in the number of clients, a decrease in fees paid and increase in fee waivers. More people are asking for assistance to pay for treatment that could determine whether they embark on a healthy, productive life or one of destruction and despair. Research shows that every $1 spent on drug and alcohol treatment saves taxpayers $7. Thanks to a variety of public and private funding sources, we are able to continue our mission by providing a continuum of accessible, affordable, and effective services for individuals and families with alcohol, drug or other behavioral health problems. With the continued support of the community and the dedication and commitment of our staff, Arapahoe House will continue to provide help, hope and healing for thousands of Colorado individuals and families in the years to come. Thank you for your continuing support, David Murphy, CEO Arapahoe House Ron Rose, President, Arapahoe House Board Rodger Hara, President, Arapahoe House Foundation Board Aurora Outpatient Clinic 3005 South Parker Road, #C-330, Aurora Case Management / High Intensity Treatment (HITT) 77 W 5th Ave Denver Denver EFFECT (Entire Family Focused Effective Comprehensive Treatment) 516 Acoma Street Denver Denver Outpatient Clinic 55 West 5th Avenue Denver Lehigh Programs/ Colorado Social Research Associates 3530 W Lehigh Avenue Sheridan, CO 80236 New Directions for Families North Metro Outpatient Clinic 720 West 84th Avenue, # 224 Thornton Washington House 7373 Birch Street Commerce City The Wright Center 6195 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge Could you or someone you know have a problem with drugs or alcohol? Call 303.657.3700 or e-mail info@ahinc.org for help. Phone lines are open Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. M UN S. RA LO O CO Directors: Tom Clark Linda J. Daniel Lynn Miller Doyle Lucille “Lucky” Gallagher David Kohlwey Christine Powers Marcella C. Rapp Colorado First Lady Jeannie Ritter Ex Officio Board Members: Mary E. Baca Commissioner Larry W. Pace Henry “Hank” Robinson, Emeritus A R A P A H O E H O U S E F O U N D AT I O N Officers: Rodger Hara, President Michael Butler,Vice President Helen Hanks,Vice President Laurie Brown, Secretary Robert E. Pipkin,Treasurer Lucille “Lucky” Gallagher, Immediate Past President Directors: Paulee Brody Kathy Crapo Lynn Miller Doyle Jack Fitzgibbons Alabama “Bama” Glass Greg Gulley Jeffrey Hawks Lou Jahde David Kohlwey Robert Liedike Marcella C. Rapp Ex Officio Board Members: Kristina Davidson Linda Goto Sharon Whiton Gelt Henry “Hank” Robinson, Emeritus CO M E ITI “Arapahoe House remains D a remarkable resource across our Colorado communities. The addiction treatment programs, in tandem with the mental health services, offer hope in the journey towards healthy families.” 3 A Aurora Emergency Treatment Unit 1290 South Potomac Street Aurora Lakewood Outpatient Clinic 11495 West 8th Avenue Suite 102 Lakewood Officers: Ronald Rose, President Jack Fitzgibbons,Vice President Laura Romero,Vice President Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons, Secretary Stan Sena,Treasurer Ellen Miller-Brown, Immediate Past President OE Aspen Center for Women Detoxification West 4643 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge A R A PA H O E H O U S E D I R E C TO R S AH RAP Main Office 8801 Lipan Street Thornton Phone: 303.657.3700 OF REM AINS A REMARKABLE RE SOU RCE AC RO SS OU R Arapahoe House offers substance abuse treatment for vulnerable individuals and families at 14 metro Denver, Colorado locations: BOARD E HOUS M E T RO L O C AT I O N S A R A PA H O E H O U S E R E V E N U E AND EXPENSES 2009 REVENUE Contractual Revenues Managed Care/Client & 3rd Party Fees Governmental Grants & Contracts Grant from Arapahoe House Foundation Investment Income Other revenue Donation from Sale of Flatirons Behavioral Health Total Revenue Grant from Arapahoe House Foundation 3% $ 12,216,833 Managed Care/Client and 3rd Party Fees 26% 6,218,234 805,295 777,198 203,166 Operating Expenses Facility Expenses Contract Services Depreciation/Amortization Interest Expense Capital Reserve Total Expenses Other Revenue 2% Donation from Sale of Flatirons Behavioral Health 14% 353,787 3,330,233 Contractual Revenues 51% $ 23,904,746 EXPENSES Salaries & Benefits Government Grants & Contracts 3% Investment Income 1% Operating Expenses 9% Facility Expenses 10% $ 14,460,220 Appreciation/Amortization 2% 2,079,333 Contract Services 2% 2,369,157 390,907 503,381 Capital Reserve 16% 145,228 3,956,520 Salaries & Benefits 60% $ 23,904,746 4 Interest Expense 1% T H E I M PAC T “Some people say I never had a fair shot at life. My mom was the one who got me using drugs when I was a teenager. I’ve been through it all: homelessness, addiction, losing my kids. I had to reinvent my life and Arapahoe House was an important part of that. Not only did they empower me to maintain sobriety, but they inspired me to become an addictions counselor. Today, I have a new life. I have my kids back and I’m going to school so that I can give back to others suffering from addiction.” “I see a huge difference in myself as an individual, as a mom and a wife since my treatment at Arapahoe House. I’ve come a long way through my addiction and the tailspin that used to be my life when I was drinking. Being in recovery means I get to read to my 3 year old son, see him smile and play. I get to be a great mom to my 3 month old, it’s so rewarding. When I was drinking, I couldn’t be 100% there for my kids and my husband; I couldn’t be a part of my own family. Drinking alienated me from the ones I love the most. It’s the little things that used to trigger me into drinking. But, I don’t give up and turn to alcohol anymore; Arapahoe House gave me the tools to stay sober.” 5 E U S TO P ROV I D E E O TH BETTER SERVI CE T L PUB IC . PROGRAMS Arapahoe House provides program services in the following life-changing areas: Residential – Comprehensive, 24 hour care to the following: • • • • • • • Adolescent Adult Pregnant women Postpartum women and their dependent children Female offenders Male offenders At-risk of homelessness Outpatient – Day treatment and school-based services adapted to meet the needs of the individual client. Arapahoe House offers the following outpatient services: • • • • • • • Adolescent outpatient Adult outpatient Adult day treatment Cultural services High intensity treatment Housing and employment services The Program to Reduce Over-Utilization of Detoxification (PROUD) • Case management and treatment program for pregnant women (Special Connections) • Women’s case management D AN E E TH Y HE LP FR R TI M Colorado Social Research Associates — (CSRA) is the program evaluation arm of Arapahoe House, overseeing all program evaluation and quality assurance activities for the agency. P U U EE DUI — Education and therapy in both Spanish and English for those who have received one or more alcohol-related driving citations. Detox — A non-hospital, social setting service for adults that facilitates safe withdrawal from alcohol or drugs and engages appropriate clients in further treatment. O Chief Daniel J. Oates Aurora Police Department S E RV I C E S Arapahoe House is Colorado’s leading nonprofit provider of affordable drug and alcohol addiction treatment.We operate 14 locations and more than 20 specialized services for individuals and families in the following metro Denver area locations: Aurora,Commerce City,Denver,Lakewood, Littleton, Sheridan, Thornton, Westminster, and Wheat Ridge. EN ABL “In tough times, we need Arapahoe House more than ever. We’re all working with less resources and this organization provides a direct benefit to the police department. In the last year, we’ve seen a 5 percent increase in DUI citations. The bottom line is that my cops can drop off people in need of Arapahoe House’s services and quickly return to patrolling. They help free up our time and enable us to provide better service to the public. We also know that when we send people to an Arapahoe House location, they receive the best care possible from a professional substance abuse counselor.” AND 6 S E RV I C E S , C O N T I N U E D Housing and Employment Services - Recognizing the importance of safe and drug-free housing and employment in ensuring recovery from substance abuse, Arapahoe House provides assistance with housing and employment. Project to Reduce Over-Utilization of Detoxification (PROUD) assists people who are using detoxification facilities to meet their needs for shelter and are not benefiting from traditional substance abuse services. The clients served by PROUD are primarily homeless individuals with severe substance abuse problems who are sporadically employed. Women’s Case Management assists pregnant women or women who have dependent children with their ongoing substance abuse issues. L AB LU VA IN E AR S T HA T House provides a broad scope of programs and services that are invaluable to the community. Arapahoe County Human Services values our welfare clients we share. Through their needs of Colorado’s most vulnerable.” Carla Finch Deputy Director, Arapahoe County Department of Human Services Special Connections is a case management and treatment program for pregnant women who have a history of alcohol or other substance abuse. 7 “Arapahoe develop programs that meet the ever-changing AR Transitional Residential Treatment (The Wright Center) is designed to assist adults at-risk of homelessness with substance use disorders in improving mental and physical health, increased employment skills, reducing legal problems, and improving overall level of functioning in relationships.The program is open to both English and Spanish speaking men and women. High Intensity Treatment is a partnership with the Mental Health Center of Denver to provide intensive integrated treatment services to adults with severe and persistent substance use disorders and mental illness. E M TY long history, this organization continues to APA Short-Term Intensive Residential Remediation Treatment (STIRRT) assists substance abusing male and female offenders who are on parole or probation, and fail to maintain sobriety. This treatment is intended to combine the most recent advances in substance abuse treatment, including motivational enhancement, cognitive behavioral theories and strategies for self-improvement and change. Cultural Services has been designed to expand and enhance the outpatient and residential services previously offered by Arapahoe House with a primary focus on providing linguistic and culturally appropriate treatment services to the Latino population. E TO TH M CO I UN partnership, especially with the child HO New Directions for Families is a comprehensive residential program serving women and their dependent children. The full array of healthcare, childcare, and vocational services is available on-site, in addition to integrated treatment of alcohol and drug dependence, mental illness, and trauma in women and their children. This program can also address the relationship between substance abuse and criminal behavior as appropriate. Adult DayTreatment is designed for those clients whose treatment in a less restrictive setting would be unlikely to result in changes in attitude and motivation sufficient to maintain abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Clients participate in groups designed to help manage anger and other feelings without use of substances and receive education on: drugs, alcohol, the recovery process, psychiatric diagnosis, psychotropic medications, as well as the importance of compliance with these medications. E HO Aspen Center for Women provides gender specific services for pregnant/postpartum women with drug and alcohol dependence, other co-occurring issues and their dependent children. Services offered include parenting, family therapy, case management, healthcare and integrated treatment for substance dependence, mental illness and trauma related issues. Adolescent Outpatient - An array of services to adolescents and their families who have substance abuse and co-occurring mental health problems. Services include consultation, education classes, assessment/evaluation, individual,group,family and multi-family therapy that focus on education, treatment, and relapse prevention. SCOPE O F SE RV I CE Adult Intensive Residential Treatment provides treatment in a restrictive setting to individuals whose substance use and/or co-occurring mental illness has resulted in disruption of their emotional,mental,physical or socioeconomic situation. Adult Outpatient - Arapahoe House operates five adult outpatient clinics providing substance abuse and cooccurring mental health services to adults.The outpatient programs provide individual and group counseling, groups specifically designed to assist clients abusing Methamphetamines and other stimulants,and both education and therapy groups for clients referred for a DWAI or DUI offense. BRO AD Adolescent Intensive Residential Treatment (StepWise) provides a sheltered, but structured, treatment environment to adolescents with mental health and substance abuse problems. An accredited on-site school is provided for clients who have not received a high school diploma or are working towards their GED in addition to job skills training services. O U T P AT I E N T P R O G R A M S E R V I C E S S A R E S I D E N T I A L P RO G R A M S E RV I C E S P ROV I D E AND USE PROGRAMS The Arapahoe House Foundation (formerlyThe Recovery Foundation) was incorporated in 1991 to operate as a support organization for Arapahoe House providing fundraising, resource development and real estate management to and for the benefit of Arapahoe House. Thanks to our donors, staff, volunteers and other generous community members, we had a successful year of fundraising to support the most vulnerable people in our community with life-changing substance abuse treatment. The Friends of Arapahoe House is a volunteer group whose mission is to increase awareness about, and communicate support for, the programs and services offered by Arapahoe House. The Friends of Arapahoe House created the Circle of Hope and Healing to encourage monthly donations to support our programs and services. Thank you to the Circle of Hope and Healing members in the 2008-2009 fiscal year: Adams County Commissioner’s Office Laurie Brown Kathy & James Crapo Kristina & Jay Davidson Lucille 'Lucky' A. Gallagher & Richard Steig Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons & Jack Fitzgibbons Greg & Karen Gulley Helen & Warren Hanks Jeff & Cinnamon Hawks Aleah & Keith Horstman DJ Jensen Arlene Mohler Johnson & Don Johnson Eugene Medina Ellen Miller-Brown David Murphy Chris O’Brien Christine & Clayton Powers Art Schut Ron Stanley Stan & Sarah Sena Jessica Shannon Jaylene & Jeff Smith The Holiday Program in 2008 was a great success with 125 families (396 individuals) benefiting from our Adopt A Family program. In addition, we raised funds to support stockings for 455 of our clients who were in treatment over the holidays. On June 13, 2009, we celebrated the 15th Annual Pillars of the Community Gala where we were pleased to honor our Pillars of the Community, Lou and Pat Jahde. Thank you to Helen and Warren Hanks for chairing the event. We also had the pleasure of honoring LaFawn Biddle as the Ruston Award recipient for her unsurpassed philanthropic spirit. 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 F R I E N D S O F A R A PA H O E HOUSE STEERING COMMITTEE Lou and Pat Jahde, Helen and Warren Hanks, and LaFawn Biddle Presidents Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons and Jack Fitzgibbons Steering Committee Kathy Crapo, Helen and Warren Hanks, Sarah Sena, and Jaylene Smith Founders Linda Goto, Kristina Davidson, Sharon Whiton Gelt, and the late Florence Ruston Jack Fitzgibbons and Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons 8 A R A PA H O E H O U S E F O U N DAT I O N R E V E N U E AND EXPENSES 2009 REVENUE Foundation Grants 10% Rental Income $ 1,029,718 Foundation Grants 162,364 Special Events 158,654 In-Kind Gifts 121,451 Corporate and Individual Gifts Investment Income Special Events 10% 86,075 5,845 Rental Income 66% Total Revenue In-Kind Gifts 7% $ 1,564,107 Corporate and Individual Gifts 6% Investment Income <1% EXPENSES Rental Children & Family Services 75,814 Other Program Services 701,384 PR and Management 346,993 Special Events In-Kind PR and Management 21% $ 303,007 Special Events 5% 82,652 121,451 Other Programs and Services 43% Total Expenses In-Kind 7% $ 1,631,301 Rental 19% Children & Family Services 5% 9 S. EN TM EA RD TR Timothy Martin, Donor President/CEO Budget Control Service, Inc. T, ARA PAH OE HOU SE C A N H E L P. AV T S N E T R E AT M ES E LIV “I got involved with Arapahoe House because I believe in the cause. Alcoholism doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t care who you are. I’ve witnessed chemical dependency in my family; it’s an awful disease. The last thing someone should worry about when they need treatment is cost. If someone can’t afford treatment, Arapahoe House can help. Treatment saves lives. I give to Arapahoe House to save lives.” O A FF ’T N IF SO M N EO E CA T H A N K YO U TO O U R D O N O R S ! J ANUARY 1, 2008 - D ECEMBER 31, 2008 1515 Restaurant 240 Union Restaurant 9KUSA A New Spirit Jeff Aadrup Abate of Colorado Rider Education Division Midge Abel and Kathleen Leavy Above it All Balloonery Account Brokers Elaine and Bill Adams Adams County Commissioner Adolph Coors Foundation Peter and Margrit Aeby David Alexander and Brandt Wilkins Alliance of Professional Women Alpine Printing, Inc. American Express Merchant Account for Gala American Furniture Warehouse Amici’s Stephen Anderson Enedina Andrews David Anglo Annie’s Cafe Anonymous Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill Arapahoe Credit Union Kristy and Mario Arce Argonaut Wine and Liquor Store Arvada Center for the Arts & Humanities Aspen International Consulting ATA Family Martial Arts Avalon Amos and Tracey Baca Mike and Jill Bader Christina Bammes 10 Bansbach Foundation Barbara & Company C.W. and Lillian Barnes Barolo Grill Lawrence and Charlotte Barrett Mark and Susan Barter Max and Dianne Bartlett Basil Doc’s Pizza-Holly Street Anita Basner Jessica Bass Bauerle and Company, P.C. Beau Visage Skin Care & Spa Jacque Beaver Joseph and Anita Becky Kerri and Louis Bedan Gina Bello Robert and Beriault Beverage Distributors Corporation LaFawn Biddle Big Red F Restaurant Group Blacktie-Colorado.com Bod: Evolve Maggie Bolden Bolder Boulder Bonnie Brae Tavern, Inc. Deena Bottrell Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra Boulder Rock Club Patsy Bowen Bunny Boyer Jodie and Nathan Brannon Breckenridge Music Festival Paulee and Robert Brody Edward Brooks Laurie Brown Tangy and Brad Buchanan Budget Control Services, Inc. Rosemary and Jay Buehler Buffalo Run Golf Course Greg and Sandy Burfitt Cindi and Keith Burge John and Nancy Burnett J. Samuel Butler Michael and Joanie Butler Richard and Alexandra Calahan California Cafe California Pizza Kitchen Connie Cameron Keith and Lindsay Campbell Caridian BCT Roy and Susan Carlson Stan and Bonita Carson Amy Cashel Becky Chandler Chandler Energy, LLC Cherry Creek Shopping Center/Management Office Chubb & Son Church of Jesus Christ - LatterDay Saints City of Aurora Golf Division Terry Clark Thomas Clark and Donna Alengi Andy Clavin Justin Cole Deanna Collins and Robert Pipkin Color Rock Builders, LLC Colorado Auto & Parts Colorado Baggage Company Colorado Business Bank Colorado Catering Colorado Crush Colorado Eagles Foundation Colorado Heart & Body Imaging Colorado Neurological Institute Colorado Rapids Soccer Club The Colorado Rockies Charity Fund Colorado Social Research Associates Colorado State Bank and Trust Colorado Symphony Orchestra T H A N K YO U TO O U R D O N O R S ! IN RA MS TR UL Y RE SC E TH E OS D. OG T P R MEN “Visiting an Arapahoe House program really illustrated for me the life-changing experience in action. I was able to meet some clients, which was helpful to better understand what they were going through. I support Arapahoe House because their treatment programs truly rescue those in need.“ LaFawn Biddle Donor ARA PPO RT I SU 11 U B E C AU S E T H E I R T R E AT Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant Kym Garrett Julie Gates Gateway Inn Helen and Peter Gehr Theodore Gelt and Sharon Whiton Gelt Gelt Tzedakah Foundation John and Mary Lou Giesen Gilpin Casino Gloria Ginsberg Sylvia Ginsburg Marilyn Girouard Alabama and Annabell Glass Glassblowers, Inc. Glassworks Studio & Gallery Go Fast Sports and Beverage Co. GolfTec Goodfriends Restaurant Pam Gordon Rykk and Melanie Grabanski Dana Grant Mike and Melissa Grant Donald and Kitty Gregg Barbara Gross Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Greg and Karen Gulley Sharron Guy Hacienda Colorado Mexican Restaurant Darrin and Kathleen Hall Hamilton Rental Services Danny Hammond Handle Bar & Grill Ken and LeIla Handran Helen and Warren Hanks Natalie Hanson Samantha and Neil Hanson Scot and Anita Hanson Hanson’s Grill & Tavern Hapa Sushi Bar and Sake Grill Sheldon and Karen Hardy Melissa Harmon HOUSE EAP Glass Service, Inc. Patricia Jean Edgin Stephen Edmonds Edward Johnstone Memorial Trust Einstein/Noah Bagel Corp Elitch Gardens Diane and Richard Ellis Elway’s EMW Carpets and Furniture Enstrom’s Almond Toffee Jon Erickson Diana Eskridge Factory Design Labs Faegre & Benson, LLP. Fascination St. Gallery Susan Feldner Keith Ferguson First American State Bank First Community Bank Firstbank Donne and Sue Fisher Irv and Muriel Fishman Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons and Jack Fitzgibbons Fitzgerald’s Casino Flatirons Golf Course Charlie Fleet Flood & Peterson Ins. Inc. Fortune Valley Hotel & Casino Fossil Trace Golf Club Arthur Foster Frame de Art Sylvia Francis Joe and Helenn Franzgrote Russ and Sally Frerichs Carol Friesen and Michael Johnson Frontier Airlines, Inc, Fruehauf’s Lucille Gallagher and Richard Stieg Amy Galoob OE PA H Comedy Works Community Health Charities of Colorado Ernie Conrad Gregory Contillo and Nancy Vogel Patricia Corbetta Susan Corbetta Corks-The Wine Store Bethany Corona Corporate Express Corral West Ranchwear Kathy and James Crapo Wendee Crowley Nancy Culkin D’Vine Wine Marilyn Dana Linda Daniel Daniels Fund Darling, Bergstrom & Milligan Dave & Busters Daven Haven Kristina and Jay Davidson Del Frisco’s Denver Broncos Football Club Denver Center for the Performing Arts Denver Marriott West Denver Zoo Kathleen and Derschange Deseret Bookstore Diamond Plumbing Digital Globe Larry and Jill DiPasquale Divine Designs By Kathlleen Farrell Mike and Dooley Edward Doran and Jackson Clagett Tom and LaRae Dosen Drain Doctors, Inc. Sue Duncan Charlie and Dana Dunham E NE T H A N K YO U TO O U R D O N O R S ! Jamie and Leanna Harris Carole Harrison Lisa Hartnagle Steve and Debbie Haskins Haskins & Associates, P.C. Georgia Hass Ben Hasten Bertha Haugen Jeffrey and Cinnamon Hawks Henry Associates Heritage Square Music Hall High Plains Greenhouses Bill and Bonnie Hiner Floyd Hodge Hoff Miller Ltd. Catherine Hoich John Hoich Holme, Roberts & Owen L.L.P. Robert Holwell Hopkins,Tschetter & Sulzer Mildred Horsley IVISM IN COLO RAD Donald Johnson and Arlene Mohler Johnson George and Gail Johnson JP Morgan Jungle Quest JW Marriott Denver Cherry Creek K and G Superstore Glenda Kaufman Kenneth King Foundation Jack and Barbara Keogh Gloria and Max Kern Mary and Jeffrey Kern Leo and Susan Kiely David and Nanette Kikumoto Rebecca King Tara King King Soopers Taner and Rachel Kodanaz Walter and Gene Koelbel O IS I . Senator Al White, Republican IT AL “Reducing recidivism in Colorado is critical when we look at our skyrocketing prison costs.We know Arapahoe House’s male and female offender program, STIRRT, assists with the reduction of long term incarceration costs. It’s a win-win vote for the state.” CR C R ED I UC NG ID REC Hot Glass Creations, LLC Carrie Houck Richard and Susan Huebner Hunnicutt & Appelman, P.C. Yvette Hurley Joyce Husbands Hyatt Regency Tech Center Hyland Hills Park & Recreation District Images of Nature Walter and Georgia Imhoff Ink-B-Gone International Villa Isle of Capri Casino J.K. Mullen Foundation Louis and Patricia Jahde Kenneth and Suhong James Patty Jenkins DJ and Audrey Jensen Andrew Johnson David and Arlene Kohlwey Bob Koontz and Nancy Bruner Koontz Kroenke Sports Enterprises John and Julie Kucera La Fonda de Acebo Lakewood P.D. Aaron and Amanda Lamkin Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret Lariat Saloon Kathy Leavy Lehrer Fireplace & Patio Lens Crafters Lens Crafters Gift of Sight Program J.D. Leonard Richard and Sandy Leonard Thomas and Marilyn Leonard Leonard & Associates, LLC Laura Leprino and George Feeney Marvin and Bebe Levy Kathleen Lewis Robert Liedike Lockton Companies Lodge Casino LoDo Pain & Headache Clinic LoDo’s Bar & Grill Karol Loeffler Lone Tree Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Center Patricia Long Steve and Shelly Lucas Mary and Richard Luna Don and Marsha Lunnon James and Marcia Lyons Charles MacRossie Mac Macsovits and Rebecca Macsovitz Maggiano’s Little Italy Chuck and Karen Mallon Mariel Marks Furs Marks-Lloyds Markusson, Green and Jarvis P.C. Marriott Denver Tech Center Marriott Denver West Marriott Vacation Club Shawn and Emily Marsh Thomas and Cydney Marsico Norma Martinez Masters Gallery Melany Matheson Jan Mayer Candice McCabe Jonathan and Danielle McCann McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, L.L.P. McEwen, Hammel & Kohlwey, P.C. McGrath’s Fish House Jason McMillan Laci McNamara Charles and Judy McNeil McNeil Designer Portraits Kevin and Mary McNicholas Nancy McShannic Thomas and Mary Meade Eugene Medina 12 N CI DU RE D AN DI M . “Substance abuse treatment is the answer to public safety and reducing recidivism. I’ve seen firsthand what can happen to a community when organizations like Arapahoe TY FE SA the community is devastating. Sometimes people lose track of the benefit of a program like detox until you don’t have it anymore. It would be a tragedy if we didn’t have Arapahoe House in this community.” Sheriff Grayson Robinson Arapahoe County B E A S S UB 13 R I EC S VI House aren’t around. The impact on C TA N Theresa Reid Renaissance Design Edith Repka Republic National Distributing Matt and Helen Resnik Resnik Partners Inc. Rheinlander Bakery Linda Rhyne Rich’s Snacks & Toys Gene and Nancy Richards Scott and Louise Richardson T. Bud and Patricia Rittenberg Robert Half International Henry and Bobette Robinson Kathryn Robinson Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery Karen Rodriguez Reva Rodriguez Belinda Rodriquez Randy and Sandy Rohleder Romano’s Italian Restaurant Laura and Jason Romero Tammi and Robert Ronzio Ron Rose Rose Community Foundation David Rosenberg Donald Rosenkrans Sharon Rouse Nancy Roush Mickey Rovner Safeway Sagebrush BBQ & Grill N.D. Salazar Sam’s No. 3 Restaurant Saunders Construction Inc. Mary Savage Michael and Lyn Schaffer Schlessman Family Foundation Gail Schraishuhn Art Schut Suzanne Schwartzman Talis Scullion M E N T I S T H E A N S W E R TO PUB LIC O’Toole’s Garden Center Occasions By Sandy Old Neighborhood Restaurant Olive Garden Ollman Opera Colorado Optical Masters P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Palace Construction Co., Inc. Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen Skip and Sandi Parsons Paulino Gardens Peak-West Corporation Pelligrini Solutions Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Lou and Peggy Phannenstiel Doug Phelps Jerome and Ann Philpott Phoenix Suns Pinehurst Country Club Robert Pipkin and Deanna Collins Larry and Jean Pisciotta Platte River Academy Rich Pochowicz Mike Poelstra Poncho & Lefty’s Jim and Karen Possehl Christine and Clayton Powers Gary and Ann Prager Presidential Limousine, Inc. Provider’s Resource Clearinghouse Josh Pruyn Purvis Jewelers R2 Advisors LLC Racines Restaurant Anita and Jason Ramich Charles and Marcella Rapp Gary and Gayle Ray RCS Photography Red Lobster Red Storm Airshows LLC T R E AT E S U Stephanie Mehnert Men’s Warehouse Meridian Golf Club Jodi Messenich Louis and Ginny Messina Laura and Jay Mildenberger Mile High United Way Ellen Miller Brown Claudie and Vicki Minor Minor & Brown, P.C. Montbello High School Monty Nuss Photography Gayle and Steve Mooney Patricia Hill Moore and Kenneth W. Moore Jr. Roy and Roberta Moore Mountainside Fitness Dale and Teresa Moxon MSI LLC Pam Mudd Mulhern MRE, Inc. David and Cheri Murphy Museum of Contemporary Art Steve Mutt and Neyeska Mut My Brothers, Inc. Phil Nash National Institute for Trial Advocacy Mike and Cindy Nelson Dan and Jane Nemmers Gordon and Jane Netzorg Peter and Marilyn Neukirch New York Deli News Newbarry’s Family Restaurant Newberry Brothers Greenhouse & Florists Robert and Judi Newman Marilyn Northagen Northwestern Mutual Northwoods Inn Ed and Gayle Novak Chris O’Brien LeeAnn and David O’Brien G T H A N K YO U TO O U R D O N O R S ! T H A N K YO U TO O U R D O N O R S ! See’s Candies Stan and Sarah Sena Jessica and Tyler Shannon Michele Shannon and David Garbus Patty and Orville Sherrod Mike and Diane Siegrist Julie Sigala Ruth Silver Eva Sisneros Daniel Skiff Skyventure Bruce and Robin Smith Lucy and Clyde Eaton Smith Jaylene and Jeff Smith Phillip and Nanette Snoy Jeffrey Snyder South Denver Anesthesiologists Southwest Airlines Co. Southwest Family Medicine, P.C. Janelle Spahn NO , W HE TT S ID AM Mike Stackpool Stadium Management Company Ronald Stanley Leo and Linda Stanton Sherri Stenman Stress Kure Stryker by Design Inc. Summit Distributing Majorie Sutton Harry Syer Table 6 Table Mountain Inn Tagawa Gardens Tagawa Greenhouses, Inc. Tallgrass Aveda Spa Target Tattered Cover Bookstore Lynn and Lisa Taussig Eric Taylor Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation The Cherry Cricket BU D G ET CRIS IS , T S TAT E HIS CI PE IZA TIO N FI LL S Waste Management of Colorado Wax In The City Thomas Weaver Susan and Howard Weiss Welby Gardens Co. Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation Bill and Barb Wendt Greg Wentworth and Noel Shurtz Kelly Wheeler Sheila White Thomas Wilkins William Crow Jewelers Carl and Lisa Williams Joseph and Jan Williams Donald and Donna Willis The Wizard’s Chest Steve Woods Jo Wright Xcel Energy Foundation Ronald and Christine Yaros Yia Yia’s EuroCafe Joanne York Melody Yoshikawa Frederick Yu and Meril Penn Yu Z Cuisine Paul Zelenkov Wendy Zerfas Chadd Ziegler Paul and Bonnie Zueger ____________________________ Bold - Friends of Arapahoe House Member IT IC AL NE ED IN Italicized - Five years of consecutive giving OUR S TAT E . Senator John P. Morse Democrat, Senate Majority Leader AN CR “Currently, the state isn’t able to provide its fair share of LY AL what’s needed to help people get a second chance at life. We appreciate Arapahoe House stepping up and figuring out how to effectively serve the most Coloradoans with drug and alcohol problems. Especially now, amidst the state budget crisis, this organization fills a critical need in our state. They are proof that treatment is more powerful and effective than punishment.” ORG Jack and Vicki Thompson Jerry and Martha Thompson TNR & Associates Christine Trani Sarah Traut Trice Jewelers Richard and Rosemary Turelli Thomas and Sue Tyksinski U.S.Women’s Open Championship Charlotte Underhill Union Pacific Railroad Company United Way Alicia Vais Tim Valdez Marie Valli Jim and Loree Vanderhye Vandre Electric Venoco, Inc. Village Roaster Rebecca Voth Wachovia Dealer Services Pam and Jon Wagener Wagner Equipment Co. James and Lucy Wallace Jackie Walsh Paula Ward A ES The Colorado Health Foundation The Colorado Trust The Container Store The Coral Room The Crazy Merchant, Inc. The Engraving Place The Faught Foundation The Fort The Fresh Fish Company The Golden Bear The Harris Law Firm The Keg Steakhouse & Bar The Little Flower Market The Molner Foundation The Palm Restaurant The Richardson Agency The Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant The Summit The Watch Maker Thomas Jefferson High School 14 T H A N K YO U TO O U R VO L U N T E E R S ! 196 individuals and groups worked a total of 15,647 hours —a value of $274,604. 15 For more than 30 years,Arapahoe House has been a champion for families and individuals with alcohol, drug and other behavioral health issues. We have reached out to people in our community, our friends, neighbors, siblings, parents and children, and made sure they received the help they needed. With 14 locations and more than 20 specialized services,Arapahoe House is Colorado's leading provider of prevention, detoxification and treatment services for alcohol and drug abuse. The programs of Arapahoe House are designed to meet the unique treatment needs of every person we serve to help give them a greater chance of recovery. Mission Statement: The mission of Arapahoe House is to provide a continuum of accessible, affordable, and effective services for individuals and families with alcohol, drug and other behavioral health problems. Vision Statement: For Arapahoe House to become the number one choice for alcohol and substance abuse treatment services known for research and innovative programs that are delivered in a comprehensive, integrated system of care that includes mental health and primary care. Did You Know?* Get Involved: • Nationwide, $27 per U.S. resident is spent on publicly funded substance abuse treatment compared to $7.50 spent per resident in Colorado. • Contact your elected officials and tell them treatment works: ask them to increase funding support for treatment. • The consequences of alcohol misuse and illicit drugs are the single greatest drain on state budgets. • Donate to Arapahoe House.Visit our website at www.arapahoehouse.org or call 303-657-3700. • Teens who abuse prescription drugs are twice as likely to use alcohol and 5 times as likely to use marijuana. • 60-80 percent of youth in the juvenile justice system have substance abuse issues. • Addiction begins with casual use. Many still view addiction as a poor moral choice in which an individual voluntarily engages, rather than a chronic, relapsing disease of the brain, similar to diabetes or high blood pressure, which requires extended care. • Insurance coverage is non-existent or limited for substance abuse prevention and treatment. • Colorado ranks 19 percent higher than the national average in per capita consumption of beverage alcohol. Only 4 other states (Alaska, Delaware, Nevada and Wisconsin) rank higher in per capita consumption than Colorado. *Source: The Costs and Effectiveness of Substance Use Disorder Programs in the State of Colorado: Report to the General Assembly House and Senate Committees on Health and Human Services. Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health, October 31, 2009. Arapahoe House Information and Access Team: Phone: 303.657-3700 E-mail: info@ahinc.org Our Mailing Address: Arapahoe House Administrative Offices 8801 Lipan Street Thornton, CO 80260 Phone: 303.657.3700 E-mail: info@ahinc.org To Make a Donation: development@ahinc.org To Volunteer: volunteer@ahinc.org Media Contact: kolsen@ahinc.org
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