6_24_10 - The Villager Newspaper Online
6_24_10 - The Villager Newspaper Online
Complimentary Copy “Celebrate the Power of Community” THIS ISSUE CONTAINS CROCKER PARK PRESS see page 3 Would you like to Feed the Hungry? Shelter the Homeless? Care for the Sick? see pages 12 & 13 Volume 15 Issue 19 June 24 - 30, 2010 Now Online! www.TheVillagerNewspaper.com 35(0,(5 3+<6,&,$16&(17(56 440.333.2222 Providing Quality Physicians and Diagnostic Services in Your Community See CPP pg 12 & Villager pg 5 HAIL STORM DAMAGE? We’re Here to Help With God, all things are possible.... Free Estimates It’s All About June! Roof • Windows • Siding • Gutter Repairs *A New Direction in Care* 4000 Crocker Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 440.892.2100 see ad & story on pg 6 www.boulevardhealthcare.com/westlake Stuck on Summer It was all about Peace, Love and...Duck Tape over Father’s Day Weekend at the annual Avon Heritage Duck Tape Festival. See page 22 inside today’s Villager for the grooviest pictures of the year from this fab retro rewind! Solstice Scene On the longest day of the year, make memories that last forever. At St. John Medical Center Top Chef: The sizzle will officially be put into summer this Friday evening as St. John Medical Center in Westlake ignites its sec- get your ‘sizzle’ on! ond annual culinary fundraiser – Top Chef! With proceeds to support the important Community Outreach www.TheVillagerNewspaper.com Programs of the hospital, Top Chef adds some real life spice to the summer social scene. 1000 guests are expected to VILLAGER BEAT judge the best of four outstanding regional chefs as they cook the night FIRE WORKS FRENZY: There will be no siestas during the fireworks fiestas that will totally fill the Fourth of July weekend this year. Always held with a bang, it will be bang-bang-bang this July 4th weekend with major fire- Continued on page 7 Continued on page 2 Graduation Gifts Now Online! • View Newspaper Pages Online • View Previous Papers • Photo Galleries • Advertising Information • Publication Dates Celebrate the Power of Community www.TheVillagerNewspaper.com Vivid Diamonds, Design & Timepiece Gallery www.vividjewelers.com Page 2 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 VILLAGER BEAT Continued from page 1 works shows in our area slated for three consecutive nights . Check this fireworks schedule: Sat., July 3 – Fireworks and Cleveland Pops at Crocker Park; North Ridgeville South Central Park; Sun. July 4 – Fireworks at Westlake Clague Park, Avon Lake Miller Road Park Mon., July 5 – Fireworks at Bay’s Cahoon Park! Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! DUCK! How much tape would a taped duck take if a taped duck could be duck taped? Hey- there’s a tongue twister we thought up while taking pictures at last weekend’s Duck Tape Festival in Avon. What a blast! Hippies of all ages were there in full force with tape on everything from their beaks to their webbed feet! See our picture page inside. It will quack you up! HEY BP! Like the picture on our front page today of the scout on the Duck Tape parade carrying the “Change the World” sign. We showed it to somebody Continued on page 4 Freely...Freely Sends Truck Load to Ohio’s Tornado Victims Estes Express Lines of North Ridgeville donated the truck and driver to take the load of furniture to Millbury, OH. Many of those effected by last week’s tornado did not have any insurance. Freely...Freely loaded the truck on Saturday. Estes will be delivering the much needed items on Tuesday to the Main Street Church in Millbury. Freely...Freely is a nonprofit all volunteer community outreach organization that gives donated furniture. If you can help out, please call 440-937-3999. Diner 254: A Blast from the Past! Those who love the 60’s restaurant theme will be thrilled with the opening of Diner 254 in Sheffield just off the I-90 254 exit next to Quaker Steak & Lube. Bay High grad Mike Abounader is the new owner of this slick blast from the past. He is offering the area’s best in hamburgers, hot dogs and corned beef from the red and chrome Beach Boys/Andy of Mayberry/American Graffiti motif. “We are not your average diner. We want to be known for the very best in hamburgers, dogs and corned beef. This is where you will get these all-Ameri- can favorites done right,” said Mike as he served up some gigantic portion of scrumptious selections when the restaurant opened last week. With Mike’s restaurant background – his dad, Karl, operates Karl’s Inn of the Barristers in Cleveland and Karl’s Corned Beef at Continued on page 7 Diner 254’s food is delicious and the portions are breathtaking! UFC’s Middleweight Champion, Anderson Silva to Attend Local Fight Series Benefitting Freely…Freely! The world renowned Ultimate Fighting Champion, Anderson Silva will be the celebrity VIP at a local, charitable event organized by VooDoo Custom Sportbikes, Cagestars and Quaker Steak & Lube® in Sheffield Village, OH. The trio has planned an amateur fight series that will be hosted at Quaker Steak & Lube in Sheffield Village on June 26, 2010. A portion of the proceeds produced on the day of the event will be donated to the local charitable organization, Freely…Freely!. The three-way partnership of VooDoo, Cagestars and Quaker Steak & Lube® has been crucial in organizing this event. Silva’s appearance has been made possible by Rob Uecker, president of VooDoo, who customized Anderson Silva’s motorcycle, known Anderson Silva appropriately as “The Spider Bike.” Rob is excited to bring such a well-known celebrity to the local area, declaring, “Knockouts, celebrities, custom sportbikes, bands, beer and wings... sounds like a North coast party.” Thousands of spectators are expected to be present at the June 26th event; general admission and ringside tickets are al- ready being sold. The fight series, organized by Cagestars, will consist of several fights, including two title fights. Lorenzo Gentile, owner of Cagestars, had this to say about the event. “He [Anderson Silva] is the Mohammed Ali of MMA. There will be an opportunity for people to meet him and get his autograph, that’s part of the whole package.” The fights will start around 7:30p.m. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at cagestars.com or by calling Quaker Steak & Lube® in Sheffield Village - (440) 934-9464. The general manager of Quaker Steak & Lube® in Sheffield Village, Rich Kerns, is proud to be the host of this highly anticipated event. “We are thrilled to be a partner in a charitable event of this caliber. VooDoo and Cagestars have been great partners to work with and on behalf of Quaker Steak & Lube®, we look forward to raising a great deal of money for Freely…Freely.” Freely…Freely is a non-profit, all volunteer community outreach that recycles donated furniture and other household items to lower income people who are employed full time or have recently been laid off from full time work. They also give to retired seniors struggling on their pensions and spouses of active military. They stand by their mission statement, “We never sell, but give for FREE to help those in our communities who are trying to help themselves.” The website for the group is www.freelyfreely.com. Charles Liptak Const. “Anything Under Under The The Son” Son” “Anything YOU DON’T NEED A DOZEN SPECIALISTS TO GET THE JOBS DONE! PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN SERVICE 440-933-7436 Cell 440-258-7136 CALL & ASK Repair • Remodel • Maintain • Insurance Claims • Complete Carpentry • Electrical & Plumbing • Roofing & Masonry • Drywall & Painting • Siding & Soffits (All Types) • Pressure Cleaning & Seal Coating • Gutter & Downspout Maintenance • Hardware Of Any Kind • Flooring Installation • Water Damage Repair • Scheduled Maintenance Licensed & Insured Page 3 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Page 4 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Listen To Your Mouth… Our Services Include: • General & Restorative Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • One-Hour Whitening • Crowns • Bridges • Periodontal Treatment • Root Canal Therapy • Lumineers • Botox • Dermal Fillers - Restylane & Juvederm 440-892-1810 27239 Wolf Road Bay Village, OH 44140 Louis J. Malcmacher, DDS MAGD Drs. Gross, Malcmacher, Thaler & Associates, Inc. by Dr. Louis Malcmacher of The Healthy Smile Most of the time, we listen to what is coming out of our mouths but what I want to focus on in this article is listening to what is happening in your mouth. Yes, your mouth is talking to you some of the time! When your mouth is not talking to you it is pretty much a happy mouth. But there are many times when your teeth and gums are trying to tell you something and sometimes we just aren’t listening. If you bite into something cold and some of your teeth are sensitive to the cold sensation, then your mouth is talking to you. If hot foods and the pressure of biting or eating something makes your mouth sore, then it is sending you a big message. The mouth really is an amazing place. When something is going wrong, most of the time it will send you a pretty big signal. The question is whether or not we are listening to our mouths or just going to ignore the messages coming out of it. Generally, when there is any kind of tooth sensitivity, you can literally point right to it and say this is what is bothering me. Generally, when a tooth is painful, it needs to be taken care of right away. Many times the nerves of the teeth, for a variety of reasons, may start to die. This can result in having pain for a couple of days on that tooth and then the pain starts to subside. Most people think that the problem has gone away, when what is really happening is that the nerve inside of the tooth, called the pulp, is starting to die. The nerve of the tooth will then send you a few more jolts of pain until it has totally died. At this point, it starts to leak out toxins into the surround- ing bone and one day, seemingly out of nowhere, you will wake up with a huge pus pocket in your mouth the size of a small fruit. Tooth pain that has come and gone should not be dismissed as having healed itself. That rarely ever occurs. Pain in your gums generally related to gum disease or what we call periodontal disease. What happens here is that bacteria in your mouth start to eat away at the bony structure around the teeth causing a big gum pocket. This then gets badly infected causing pain and loose teeth. Again, your mouth is talking to you and telling you that there is a problem going on. The pain then may disappear only to come back much stronger the next time around, which will send you an even bigger message. The gums then easily bleed upon brushing or upon eating. There is some old wives’ tale that bleeding of the gums is a sign of health when we know that is absolutely never true. Bleeding in any part of your body generally means something is going on and generally is not a sign of health. This is particularly true in your gums. Bleeding of the gums is a sure sign that something more severe is going on and it is a problem that will not go away by itself. Learn to listen to your mouth. Pain upon chewing, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, loose teeth, bleeding gums, and holes in teeth mean that your mouth is talking to you. It is similar to a crying baby. The louder the cries, the more attention it is going to need. If you would like to discuss any of your dental needs or would like us to listen to your mouth talking, please call us at 440-8921810 for a free consultation. We love to help you smile. VILLAGER BEAT nounce or who are announcing, are encouraged to register. The Ohio High School Athletic Association is sponsoring two scholarships to each clinic. The clinics will address the announcer’s role, P.A. announcing expectations, Do’s and Don’ts Continued from page 2 and they said we should send it to you! BIG SOUND: There seems to be a self-improvement clinic for everything these days. Catch this: Now sports public address announcers and those who want to learn more about announcing can attend any of three clinics in Ohio this summer, Saturday, August 7 at Gahanna Lincoln High School where the host clinician will be Bob Kennedy, P.A. Announcer for the Ohio State University and at Cincinnati Princeton High School, where the Stadium Announcer for the Cincinnati Bengals, Tom Kinder, will be the host clinician. Then, on Saturday, August 14, Hudson High School will be the site of another clinic, hosted by Jeff Kurtz, P.A. Announcer for Kent State University. These clinics are sponsored by The National Association of Sports Public Address Announcers (NASPAA), the professional association for sports public address announcers. The clinics are for P.A. announcers who announce junior high/ middle school, high school, college, and youth football. Substitute announcers, as well as high school and college students, who would like to learn how to an- Continued on page 6 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath Condo in N. Olmsted. New Paint, Carpet & StepIn-Shower by Rebath. With in-suite Washer & Dryer. With All Appliances. Ground Floor in a Handicap Accessible Secured Brick Building. $74,900. Call 440-785-2057 The Villager welcomes letters to the Editor as well as news items. Please send all information by e-mail or typed. You must include your name, address, phone number and signature for verification. All items should be sent to : illagger er,, 26915 Westw estwood estlakee, OH 44145 The Villa ood Rd., Suite A-1, Westlak The Publisher is privileged to revise or reject any advertisement which is deemed objectionable, either in subject matter or phraseology, or opposed to public policy or the policy of the paper. The Publisher shall not be held responsible for typographical errors except to adjust the charge for the first insertion only, by a space credit (in excess of contract) to be used the following issue. Errors must be reported immediately and space credit will be limited to such portion of advertisement as may have been rendered valueless by the error. Please check your advertisement and in the event of error notify the paper. The Publisher will, upon request, furnish Advertiser with a letter so worded as to relieve the Advertiser from responsibility for the error. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for an error in an advertisement other than the above stated. ... When your contraception fails and decisions need to be made. ... When pregnancy loss causes pain. ... When baby blues don’t go away. ... When you find yourself single again. ... When STDs have caused sorrow. All Services Free and Confidential Jim Sgro - Owner 440-871-0899 620 Dover Center Rd. Bay Village, Ohio Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday Women Helping Women Free Pregnancy Screening Tests Cornerstone Among Women 20340 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, OH 44116 440-356-5565 THE VILLAGER Publisher: Villager Press Phone: 440-899-9277 • FAX: 440-899-1929 26915 Westwood Rd., Suite A-1, Westlake, OH 44145 E-Mail Address: Villagerpaper@gmail.com Website: TheVillagerNewspaper.com The Villager is a newspaper of general circulation in Westlake, Bay Village, Rocky River, Lakewood, Avon Lake, Avon, Sheffield, N. Ridgeville, Fairview Park, N. Olmsted & Olmsted Falls. The Villager is published every other Thursday of each month, 24 times a year. Subscriptions are $24/year. Send news items, classifieds, advertising and articles to: THE VILLAGER • 26915 Westwood Rd., Suite A-1 Westlake, OH 44145 Deadline for all items is the Friday before publication.Opinions reflected in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the management. ©2010 The Villager. All rights reserved Page 5 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - June 30, 2010 www.premierphysicians.net Premier Physicians Centers: A Wound Healing Center in Westlake! Time does not always heal every wound. That is why a Wound Healing Center is such a valuable resource for those in medical need. A leading Wound Healing Center is located in the heart of Westlake, at the Premier Physicians Centers building at, 25200 Center Ridge Road. J. Thomas Corpus, MD, Director of Corpus Wound Healing Clinic of Premier Physicians Centers, reports that this subspecialty assists in a wide range of wound/ ulcer healing needs. “Wounds can become a problem for any number of reasons,” said Dr. Corpus. “Wounds or ulcers may not heal for a number of reasons including: infection, malnutrition, circulation problems, cancer, and chronic or persistent medical conditions like diabetes. Also, certain wounds may lack essential growth or ‘regenerative’ factors.” “There also maybe certain factors in an individual’s ‘personal chemistry’ that inhibit healing or growth factors. Furthermore, related conditions like swelling in the extremities or venous disease (varicose veins) can contribute to non-healing.” The good news is that an advanced Wound Healing Clinic is right around the corner at Premier Physicians Centers. The Wound Clinic has made a positive difference in the lives of hundreds of patients each year not only on the west side of Cleveland but in Northeastern Ohio! “Yes, we want to get the word out that we are here and the location is very convenient and accessible,” said Dr. Corpus. His wound medicine practice is located exclusively at the Premier Physicians Centers Westlake building, for more than 2 years. A Rocky River High School graduate (1980), Dr. Corpus graduated from Oberlin College before attending graduate school at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL, where he studied Molecular Biology/Recombinant DNA Technology. From there, he matriculated to the University of Florida, School of Medicine in Gainesville, FL. Board-certified in two specialties, General Surgery and Family Medicine, Dr. Corpus found his perfect niche with the independent physician model offered by Premier Physicians Centers. “It is important to look at a wound in the context of the whole patient. So, we work closely with the patient’s primary care provider, other subspecialty physicians, and home care agencies, in optimizing each person’s medical condition(s) to achieve wound healing,” said Dr. Corpus. “Each treatment plan is tailored to the specific needs of the patient,” said Dr. Corpus. His dual board certification – General Surgery and Family Medicine – gives him a unique perspective in caring for the “wound patient.” This is important in approaching each patient’s wound healing needs, specifically; diabetic ulcers, traumatic wounds, surgical wounds, slow healing or chronic wounds or ulcers, pressure (decubitus) ulcers, wounds associated with bone or skin infections, compromised skin grafts or skin flaps, radiation injuries, gangrene, and burns. “We are here to support and assist primary care providers with the use of our advanced healing modalities. Yet, we need the primary care provider’s input to maximize our efforts. When the patient is healed, they return to their primary care provider for their other medical issues. We do not become the patient’s new primary care provider. Importantly, during the course of treatment we keep in contact with the referring physician and/or the patient’s primary care provider.” said Dr. Corpus. Dr. Corpus and his staff see patients with wounds that are simple but troublesome to those that are quite complex. Referrals come many ways: “word of mouth,” primary care providers, orthopedic surgeons, vascular surgeons, Ob-Gyn doctors, other physicians, podiatrists and retail Services ic st o n g ia D r ie m e Pr • MRI Services ery • Ambulatory Surg s • Biometric ry • Bone Densitomet • CT Imaging • Echocardiography • EMG Lab g • Holter-monitorin • Lab Services Feet • MRI - Hands and e • Nuclear Medicin t en em ag • Pain Man es • PFT Servic y • Physical Therap • Stress Testing • Ultrasound • Vascular Lab • X-Ray sician www.premierphy s.net health care suppliers such as Hastings Home Health Care and AccuCare. “There are some very advanced modalities for treatment available today,” adds Dr. Corpus. “These include negative pressure therapies, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, light therapy, and various types of artificial and human grafts.” Negative pressure wound therapy is a technological advancement used to heal potentially ‘problem’ wounds. It aids in providing ingrowth of healthy tissue and blood vessels and reduces the bacterial load through the use of specialized foamadhesive dressing in conjunction with a negative pressure environment, provided by a specialty pump unit. This technology is being used on a daily basis on our injured troops in the Mideast and throughout the world. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a part of the armamentarium in advanced wound healing. In the early years it was studied extensively by the U.S. Navy. There are a plethora of well-done studies in the mediThomas Corpus, MD cal literature supporting this technology depending on a given medical condition/diagnosis. In this technology pressurized oxygen is used to aid in wound healing. Many different protocols have been established depending on the patient’s specific diagnosis. “I am very proud of my staff of very hardworking, caring and compassionate professionals which include: Laura Tabor, Melaney Stoops, Maureen ‘Moe’ Lee, Erin Miles, and Faye Wurstner,” said Dr. Corpus from his friendly and upbeat office on the third floor of the Westlake Premier Physicians Centers building. ”I am pleased with the autonomy of the Premier Physicians Centers model. I can provide wound care for patients in both Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals systems. I have hospital privileges at Fairview Hospital, Lakewood Hospital and St. John Medical Center. This is good for both the referring doctor(s) and the patient in allowing for continuity of patient care,” said Dr. Corpus. He finds his wound medicine practice very fulfilling and satisfying from a personal perspective. He recently concluded therapy with a patient who had suffered with leg ulcers for four years before coming to him. She is healed! “It is very gratifying. You can really change someone’s life,” said Dr. Corpus. Dr. Corpus evaluates and treats patients both in the inpatient (in-hospital) and outpatient settings. He also visits and manages wound patients at multiple nursing homes/ skilled nursing facilities in the local area. His message: No, time does not always heal every wound. But Dr. Corpus will take the time to help heal yours! The office of J. Thomas Corpus, MD is located at: 25200 Center Ridge Road, Suite 3500, Westlake, Ohio 44145. To schedule an appointment please call: (440) 331-4088. • Acupuncture • Cardiology • Critical Care Medicine • Family Medicine • Gastroenterology • General Surgery • Geriatric Medicine • Gynecology Premier Specialties • Infectious Diseases • Internal Medicine • Interventional Cardiology • Nephrology • Neurology • Nuclear Medicine • Ophthalmology • Orthopaedic Medicine • Otolaryngology (ENT) • Pain Management • Physical Medicine & Rehab. • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery • Pulmonary Medicine • Rheumatology • Sleep Medicine • Urogynecology • Vascular Surgery www.premierphysicians.net Page 6 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 New at Westlake Healthcare Center..... Grand Opening of The Fresenius Dialysis Unit Westlake Healthcare Center at 4000 Crocker Road is celebrating the grand opening of the Fresenius Medical Care dialysis unit located within its facility this Thurs., June 24. The Fresenius Medical Care dialysis center adds to the comprehensive patient-centered renal program at Westlake Healthcare Center. It is central to the interdisciplinary care plan that involves the patients, their family, hospital, nephrologist and attending physician. “At this new Fresenius Medical Care facility, patients will benefit from the latest treatment methods while receiving excellent, patient-centered care from our dedicated team,” said Charlene DeChant, clinical manager of Fresenius Medical Care. “Dialysis patients spend many hours receiving treatment each week, so we are pleased to offer this level of care in a more convenient location for people who live at Westlake Healthcare Center.” Because Westlake Healthcare Center knows that patient’s comfort is important to their recov- Jane Powell of Omnicare Pharmacy (seated) and Sherri ery, dialysis is conveniently scheduled into their Graefnitz, RN, Director of Nursing Westlake Healthcare Center, individualized care plan for a less stressful ap- welcome patients to the new on-site Dialysis Unit. proach to treatment. “It is especially convenient for the patients at Westlake off- site location, the resident has more time to enjoy life. Healthcare Center because they can now just go to dialysis Westlake Healthcare Center also brings together a team right here in the building,” reports Melissa Mehok, Adminis- of local nephrologists who work with the resident’s primary trator. “There is no need to call an ambulette or arrange for care physician. In the dialysis center, a nurse is available and outside transportation. The unit is right here in our building.” a technician is with the patient to monitor treatment and proThe in-house program at Westlake Healthcare Center vide post-treatment status reports to the care team. The mediallows patients to relax in the comfort of a familiar setting cal team works together with the patient and family to ensure and remain part of their community. Dialysis is offered in a a complete plan of care as needed, striving for the highest comfortable room. The program encourages visits from fam- quality of life, dignity and maximum independence. ily members and friends who can provide support and comWestlake Healthcare Center is Medicare and Medicpanionship during treatment. Since there is no travel to an aid Certified. Please phone (440) 892-2100. VILLAGER BEAT Continued from page 4 of announcing football, how to handle emergency situations, as well as scriptwriting and working with a spotter. “Sports public address announcers should enhance the spectators’ enjoyment of the game without inserting themselves,” commented Brad Rumble, NASPAA Executive Director. “P.A an- nouncers can also be a force for good sportsmanship and public safety.” Information about the clinics and registration may be obtained at www.naspaa.net. The Ohio High School Athletic Association is an affiliate member of NASPAA. Are you ready for some football? Residential • Commercial Roofing • Windows • Siding • Gutters • Leaf Protection You are cordially invited to the grand opening of the Fresenius Dialysis Unit located at Westlake Healthcare Center June 24, 2010 3 – 7 p.m. R.S.V.P. is not necessary Raffle prizes, dialysis education information and tours will be available throughout the evening. Refreshments will be served. Please join us as we unveil the newest addition to our skilled nursing facility. We look forward to seeing you! *A New Direction in Care* Up to $1500 Each Energy Tax Improvement WE CARRY PRODUCTS Roofing/Siding Energy Efficient WINDOWS & DOORS 4000 Crocker Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 440.892.2100 Most Insurance Plans Accepted Medicare Certified Roofing & Insulation www.boulevardhealthcare.com/westlake Westshore Arts Council Seeks Community Input The WestlakeWestshore Arts Council (W-WAC) is extending an invitation to everyone in the community to a “Brain Storming the Arts” session on Monday, July 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Porter Library, 27333 Center Ridge Road. The W-WAC welcomes all ideas and suggestions on how the W-WAC can better serve individuals and the community as it prepares a strategic plan for the future including plans for the Westlake Bicentennial celebration. The evening promises to be a “no ideas are too bold” session in hopes to better engage the community in promoting the arts. The W-WAC looks forward to meeting people of the community, and hearing their ideas as it strives to better fulfill its mission to provide the Westlake- Westshore community with an enhanced and broadened cultural life through the promotion, coordination and development of programs and awareness and involvement in the arts. Serving the West Shore Since 1998 Owner - Operator Financing Available Visit Our Showroom 24530 Sperry Dr., Westlake Monday - Friday • Saturday by Appointment www.westlake-ohio.com/disilvestroroofing Page 7 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 At St. John Medical Center Top Chef: get your ‘sizzle’ on! Continued from page 1 Ted Allen of The Food Network away on the health campus. Celebrity judge Ted Allen of The Food Network will once again head a panel of gourmet arbiters. He will be joined by last year’s Top Chef winner, Brandt Evans of Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern, and local celeb, Al “Bubba” Baker, former Cleveland Brown and executive Chef of Bubba’s Q World Famous Bar-BQ in Avon. “This is becoming Cleveland’s leading Top Chef Challenge,” reports Evans. “What is great about this is all the chefs competing come with their ‘A’ games. They are all super talented chefs. The people who attend this event as guests are really the winners. They get to sample all this great food from the city’s best chefs at a great event. “I am very excited to be a judge this year,” continued Evans. “Competing last year was a lot of work, but I will be ready to challenge again in five years when they bring all the winners back for an ultimate rematch. “Every great chef goes into battle wanting to win. I look at the good chefs the same way as I view pro athletes. We are very friendly and we respect each other, but at the end of the day we want to win that championship. I was very proud of my staff last year because it was such a team effort. It is a wonderful event and I am honored to be a judge this year.” Yes, this competition will mean that much to the worthy contestants this year – Chef Jonathon Bennett of Moxie in Beachwood, Chef Ellis Cooley of Amp 150, Chef Regan Reik of Pier W and Chef Jonathon Sawyer of Greenhouse Tavern. As last year’s winner, Brandt Evans had his Top Chef 2009 award proudly displayed at Crocker Park two weeks ago as he took part in the Cadillac Culinary Cook off with rival Rocco Whalen of Fahrenheit. “Oh, yes, we are friends, and it is friendly,” smiled Brandt. “But it is a competition!” Top Chef patrons will sample the delectable two-course offerings to be presented by each chef. Guests will also view the kitchen action from ceiling-suspended video screens as they wine and dine the night away. The competition will require each chef to prepare an appetizer and an entrée. Back again as celebrity judge, Ted Allen is bound to be a hit again this year. Well known from Bravo TV’s “Top Chef” and Food Network’s “Iron Chef America” and host of several television series, including “Food Detectives” and “Chopped,” Allen was a hit with patrons at last year’s inaugural Top Chef as he stayed late to chat with fans, sign autographs and visit with guests. Please phone (440) 827-5005 for ticket info. Joe Nichols To Open For Alan Jackson July 15 Joe Nicols Alan Jackson The Lake Erie Crushers have announced that Joe Nichols will be the opening act for Alan Jackson at the concert to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Lorain County that takes place Thursday, July 15 at All Pro Freight Stadium. The 33-year-old Nichols, an Arkansas native, released his first album in 1996 and has since had three number one hits on the Billboard Hot Country charts, including most recently “Gimmie That Girl,” which reached the top in May 2010. Nichols was also featured on the cover of Billboard Magazine on June 8. Nichols’ 2002 album “Man With A Memory” is certified platinum while his 2005 release “III” reached gold status. The lead single from “III,” “Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off” also reached gold status. Nichols and Jackson have toured together in recent history, including in 2004. “We are excited to have an artist who has had so much recent success to open for Alan Jackson,” Crushers general manager Ryan Gates said. “To be able to bring a singer of his reputation and popularity to open the show really adds to what will already be a great evening of music.” Continued on page 8 Diner 254: A Blast from the Past! Continued from page 2 Crocker Park – the family has a long-standing tradition of dining excellence in the area. “Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all here,” said Mike. Hours are 7 a.m. Sun.-Thurs., and 7-10 Fri. and Sat. Sandwiches are big and divided into two categories – fork & knife and handheld! How about a onepound hot dog with relish and onions. Clearly, Diner 254 is a rock around the clock retro diner with good times inmind. Great kids menu, too! From potato pancakes to pierogies, from corned beef hash and eggs with Swiss, to Billy Bob’s pulled pork, open face sandwiches and more, Diner 254 is for you. “Ashley Zoncola, another Bay person, is our dessert specialist,” adds Mike. “Hope to see you soon.” Hey, is that Barney Fife over there at the counter? Page 8 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Joe Nichols To Open For Alan Jackson July 15 Continued from page 7 Tickets are still available for the show at the All Pro Freight Stadium box office in Avon, through the team’s website at their address www.lakeeriecrushers.com and over the phone at (440) 934-3636. Seats in the baseball seating bowl are $35 while field seats are still available for $45. All phone and electronic orders will include a $1 service fee per ticket purchased. The gates will open at 5 p.m. and the music will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Lake Erie Crushers, the 2009 Frontier League Champions, play ball at All Pro Freight Stadium located in Avon, OH. Beginning in 2010, All Pro Freight Stadium will also be home to the Cleveland State University baseball team. The Frontier League is an independent baseball league with 12 teams operating throughout the Midwest. Season tickets for the 2010 season are on sale now! For more information on tickets, promotions and team news, visit the team website at www.LakeErieCrushers.com or call 440-934-3636. Happy Birthday America poem by David Scullin Our Star Spangled Banner, with its broad stripes and bright stars is still gallantly streaming over our beloved homeland. This experiment in democracy celebrates another year of hope, liberty and freedom. May God preserve us as a nation and may our flag yet wave “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Sports and Camp Physicals Q&A As the summer season quickly approaches, Dr. Khalid Akbar, pediatrician for Community Physicians, answers your questions regarding sports and camp physicals. Why is it important for my child to get a sport or camp physical? It is important to get a sport or camp physical so parents can know if their child is physically fit for any particular strenuous activity and can ensure there are no health issues present that can endanger the child’s health. What does a sport or camp physical consist of? A sport or camp physical consists of a comprehensive head to toe exam to rule out any heart, lung, neu- rological or musculoskeletal problems that have not been identified previously. Do you have any advice on how I can keep my child safe and healthy during their summer break? Think safety first. Before undertaking any sport or physical activity, make sure your child knows that activity well. Also, make sure they are equipped with proper equipment and make sure your child is always supervised. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Khalid Akbar or one of the other pediatricians of Community Health Partners, please call 1-877-CHP-6161. Page 9 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Page 10 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 David LaRue: Exemplar Award Winner 2010! Congratulations to David J. LaRue, winner of the Rocky River Community Challenge 2010 Exemplar Award. Keeping the youth of the community healthy and drug-free has been the mission of Community Challenge for 25 years. COLUMBIA HOMECOMING FESTIVAL JUNE 25, 26 & 27 “Rockin’ to the Oldies” (50-60’s) Columbia Township Park 25540 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station (Corner of Rt. 82 and West River Rd.) Free Admission • Parking Available Friday: 5 to 10 p.m. Car Show & Drive In Movie - Baby Liberty Contest & Band “Heart & Soul” Saturday: 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. “Kids Day” - $8 Discount Ride Prices & Free “Kids” Games; Kids Bike & Pet Parade, Pie & Watermelon Eating Contest 6th Annual Battle of the Bands & Band - “70 Lewis” & FIREWORKS Contests: Pie & Cake Baking (Auction to follow) & Horseshoe Pitching Tournament - Blood Drive - PETTING ZOO Sat.-11a-5p Sun.Noon -5p Sunday: 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Columbia 1/2 Marathon Run & In-Line Skate (8 a.m.) Community Church Service, Grand Parade Entertainment - “School of Rock” & Liberty Singers Beer Garden at VFW with “Mike Moore” Magician “Bobby Maverick” Performing Daily! To see a complete schedule of events & for more info call (440) 236-9053 or email homecoming@columbiastation.com www.columbiastation.com Presented by the As a founding member of this vital organization, LaRue’s distinguished service to the mission of Community Challenge was recognized at Westwood Country Club June 10. Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Forest City Enterprises, LaRue was instrumental in starting the annual Basketball Community Challenge Cup event through Rocky River Schools in 1992. It has been running ever since as a popular and fun community tradition which brings students and families together in an evening of healthy competition and an alcohol-free environment. LaRue laughed as he recalled their first fundraiser 25 years ago. “We thought it would be a great idea to have the Cleveland Browns come play at the cup, so we paid for 10 to come. There was so much excitement as kids and the community came to the high school that day. We waited, and there were no Cleveland Browns. We waited 30 minutes, and the crowd began to get restless. Finally, one by one, 45 minutes late, they showed up - to our great relief - al- though only five showed up.” The event, said LaRue, set the tone for a longstanding tradition of community involvement. “We put on a great show and laid the foundation for success in getting the community together. We want to help our youth make better decisions, and it gives us true motivation to get involved in the community,” he said. Continued on page 11 David J. LaRue, winner of the Rocky River Community Challenge 2010 Exemplar Award with Debra A. Rodriguez, President and CEO of Recovery Resourses and Ray Marvar. International Buteyko Breathing Expert and Author Patrick McKeown comes to Rocky River, July 10-16 Patrick McKeown, of Buteyko Clinic from Ireland, will be the featured instructor for the Buteyko Breathing Workshops at Rocky River United Methodist Church, 19414 Detroit Road, in Rocky River during July 10-16. Buteyko is a doctor-developed breathing retraining program designed to restore normal healthy breathing in the body all the time. Buteyko offers a safe, simple, and natural method to eliminate/ reduce symptoms such as allergies, asthma, COPD, panic attacks, sleep apnea, chronic fatigue, insomnia, migraines, plus much more. Did you ever wonder why one person may have shortness-of-breath, wheezing, or excess mucus and the next person isn’t bothered by these things while breathing the same air? The way that we are breathing can make all the difference in the body’s response to what we are breathing such as dust, pollen, smoke, etc. Consider where in your body are you breathing? What muscles are being used for breathing? How much air are you breathing? What is the breathing pattern, rate, and rhythm? Proper breathing is as important to good health as a nutritious diet and adequate exercise. Luckily we have some voluntary control over our breathing and can retrain it to be right for our body. Does your child mouth breathe, snore, have crooked teeth, coughing, frequent illnesses, or wet the bed? Are you looking for an innovative, inexpensive, and effective solution to many childhood problems such as hyperactivity, constipation, and dental problems? Restoring normal nasal breathing resolves many ailments. Mouth breathing is the culprit for causing malfunction in the body but many children feel suffocated when asked to keep their mouth closed. Learn more about Buteyko Breathing to keep the nose and sinuses clear by maintaining effortless nasal breathing plus many more health benefits. Patrick McKeown received his training at the Buteyko Clinic of Moscow in 2002. He is one of only a few practitioners in the world accredited personally by Dr. Buteyko. Patrick’s experience is extensive with helping thousands of patients at his popular AsthmaCare clinics. ( w w w. a s t h m a c a r e . i e ) Patrick’s background qualifies him for training new Buteyko practitioners, from thirteen different countries so far. Patrick has written four very popular books, including the best seller Asthma Free Naturally, and Close Your Mouth handbook, children’s book ABC to be Asthma Free. His latest book is called Anxiety free: stop worrying and quieten your mind. His books will be available for sale and signing during this event. Patrick is passionate about sharing his vast knowledge about proper breathing habits. Breathing is one of the most important components to well being since we take over 20,000 breaths each day. Breathing is the foundation and regulator for other body functions such as our circulation, digestion, and nervous systems, our metabolism and pH. It is crucial to have this operating efficiently to maintain optimal health. For more information on how you can participate in these workshops call Carol Baglia, Correct Breathing Concepts, 440-357-5834 or 216-952-7048. The phenomenal low cost to attend is $100 total for about 10 hours of life-changing instruction. Page 11 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Upcoming Events at the W estlake Recr eation Center Westlake Recreation Starting the week of June 28, boys and girls lacrosse camps and clinic will be offered through The Westlake Recreation Department . On June 28 the Beginner’s Lacrosse and Intermediate Lacrosse camps for ages 6-15 will start for both boys and girls at 9 a,m. The Recreation Center will also have a Pee Wee Introductory Lacrosse Clinic for children ages 5-6 that will teach them the basics of lacrosse. Don’t miss out on a great learning opportunity to experience the fastest game on two feet. Enhance your tennis skills by signing up and taking the Intermediate Youth Tennis Lessons. This class is geared for children ages 9-14. The kids will learn to spin, strategize and advance playing skills. June 28 is the start date so don’t wait too late or you might be left out. If you’re in between the ages of 11-14 and want to be a lifeguard, you might want to consider this class. The American Red Cross Guard Start is a program created to build a foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills for being a future lifeguard. Class begins June 28 and will run till July 9. The program will be held at Peterson Pool which is located in Clague Park. Don’t be left out on a great chance to learn valuable lifeguarding skills. For adults, starting on June 29, they have several adult fitness classes available. Try any of the following: Yoga-An Antidote for Stress, Body Sculpting, and Phenomenal Abdominals. The yoga class will focus on calm- David LaRue: Exemplar Award Winner 2010! Continued from page 10 Mr. LaRue has continued his support of Community challenge through the years by providing major sponsorship funding from Forest City Enterprises and the Basketball Challenge and other events. Proceeds from these events have been used to directly support substance abuse prevention programs and services Community Challenge provides to youth and families in the West Shore area. Past Exemplar award honorees include David T. Dombrowiak, President and CEO Community West Foundation (sponsor of this year’s event), Rocky River Mayor Pamela E. Bobst, former Rocky River Schools Supt. Dr. Dennis Allen and Fred DeGrandis, Chairman Cleveland Clinic Community Physicians Partnership and Quality Alliance. ing the mind and body to experience harmony in your 7 energy centers. Body Sculpting will get you in shape and improve your flexibility and strength. Get great abs by strengthening your core with new exercises devoted to working on the upper, lower and side abdominals through their Phenomenal Abdominal class. The Westlake Recreation Department is pleased to announce the first ever combined All-Star Saturday. The Westlake Baseball League and the Westlake Girl’s Softball Association are combining for All-Star Saturday June 26. Games will be played at either Clague Park fields or the fields located behind the Clague Play- house. For more information you can contact Jim Dispirito at 440-617-4420 Get more information regarding programs and events, by calling contacting Westlake Recreation Center, 28955 Hilliard Blvd, 440808-5700 or go to www.cityofwestlake.org/recreation. S & J Remodeling Specialities: • Basement Remodeling • Kitchens • Baths • Carpet & Tile • Hot Water Tanks • Drywall • Electrical • Plumbing Scott Juergens Jay Thomas Free Estimates 1206 W. Clifton Blvd 216-221-8441 440-328-6912 Page 12 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Join the Mission of Community West Foundation Help is needed to shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, and care for the sick. Many people, because of their situation, whether financial, personal or otherwise need extra help and support. The Community West Foundation recognizes how important it is now, especially during these tough times, to play a critical role in the future of our communities and to provide a helping hand. You can help, too. Through Community West Foundation, you can support the organizations you care about the most. Creative giving solutions that benefit your community. Community West Foundation Offers Creative Options for Giving Planned Giving is a wonderful way to support your favorite charities and secure significant financial benefits for you and your family. Whether you would like to take advantage of reductions in estate or capital gains taxes, or benefit from an increased income stream, there is a planned gift that suits every purpose. Community West Foundation offers a variety of options to make a planned gift that you may wish to consider as you update your estate or create your own philanthropic plan. Here are a couple examples… Establishing a Donor Advised Fund Charitable Gift Annuity A donor advised fund at Community West Foundation is simple to establish. It is similar to having a private foundation, without the administrative work and expensive set up costs. A donor advised fund allows you to make a gift to the Foundation, receive an immediate tax deduction and recommend grants to charities that you wish to support. Community West Foundation takes care of all the administrative and grantmaking activities. A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to donate cash or stock and receive a guaranteed payment rate from that asset for as long as you live. You will receive a charitable tax deduction for the year the gift annuity was established, and a portion of the income from the gift annuity will be tax free. The payments are guaranteed by the resources of Community West Foundation. Planned gifts can be made in a variety of forms, and a Community West Foundation staff member will be happy to speak with you and provide assistance in creating a planned gift that’s right for you. Contact Community West Foundation at 216-476-7060 or visit www.communitywestfoundation.org. Page 13 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Would you like to Feed the Hungry? Shelter the Homeless? Care for the Sick? A Donor-Advised Fund is a great way to support your favorite charities. www.communitywestfoundation.org 216-476-7060 Please join Why Not Wear A Helmet, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital Injury Prevention Center, the Rocky River Police Department and Performance Bike of Rocky River for the 3rd annual River Days Bike Safety Rodeo and Pa- Why Not Wear a Helmet? rade on Saturday, July 10. It starts at 9 a.m. at the Rocky River Civic Center Campus. Test your bike safety knowledge and try your biking skills on the bike rodeo course. All children participating who finish the bike safety rodeo will be entered in a chance to win a new bike and other fun prizes. Kids can then decorate their bikes and participate in a bike parade! After the Rodeo and Parade please continue the fun at with activities planned for River Days and Family Fun Fest sponsored by Community Challenge. Moms and Dads while your kids are participating in the bike safety rodeo bring your car over to the Car Seat Check Station from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and have your car seats checked for proper installation by Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital Injury Prevention Center’s certified car seat technicians. Also learn how to properly install your car seats, about the importance of booster seats and see how your child should sit in their car seat – their belts in a car seat should be snug! Be safe on the road this summer! Come and join the fun on July 10, 2010 for the Why Not Wear A Helmet Bike Safety Rodeo and Bike Parade, 9-11 a.m. and the Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital Injury Prevention team’s Car Seat Check Station, 9 a.m.-1p.m. Wi un at St. M ary of tthe he Woods! Wifff leball F Fun Mary St. Mary of the Woods hosted a whiffleball competition between the Lake Erie Crushers and residents and staff of St. Mary of the Woods in Avon last Tuesday afternoon. The game took place in the special “ballfield” rear of the Independent Living Wing of St. Mary of the Woods. Two Crushers, Jodam Rivera (from Puerto Rico) and Esmelvin Jimenez (from the Dominican Republic) are living at St. Mary of the Woods for the season; they were joined by some of their teammates for an intense competition! The athletic residents of St. Mary of the Woods (Noodle Hockey Champions 2 years in a row) had their whiffleball skills Fun and Friends ! Page 14 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Exp.7/15/10 Exp.7/15/10 Exp.7/15/10 honed and were more than ready for the game. They are fierce competitors, espe- cially when there are prizes....which were given out at a BBQ after the game. Page 15 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Bay Days 2010: Independence Day Celebration Bay Village’s 58th annual Independence Day celebration, Bay Days, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Bay Village, will take place July 1 through 3, shut down on Sunday, July 4 (in accordance with the Cahoon Will agreement), and then resume on Monday, July 5—all at Cahoon Park. Booths and rides will be open from Noon to 10:30 p.m. daily, and from Noon to 4 p.m. each day, thrillseekers can ride to their heart’s content for the flat rate of $15 with a ride wristband. “The Kiwanis Club of Bay Village, along with the City of Bay Village, has once again lined up a spectacular Independence Day celebration for young and Continued on page 16 Aftermath, Experience the Sixties, is just one of the Kiwanis-Club sponsored events at this year’s Bay Days celebration. The band, playing everything from The Byrds to the Beatles to the Monkees, performs on Saturday, July 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Gazebo at Cahoon Park. Miracle Method is Preferred Refinisher for Lakewood Are you living in Lakewood and your bathtub and tiles are from the 1950’s? Maybe your kitchen countertop has lost its luster, or is just out of date? Cringing at the thought of tearing everything out and starting from scratch? There has to be a better way to remodel right? Miracle Method’s surface restoration process offers you an alternative to replacement. Miracle Method, a full-service refinisher serving all of Northeast Ohio, can repair, refinish and change the color of your tubs, tile, countertops, sinks and showers. Miracle Method can save you, on average, 70 percent of the replacement costs. Miracle Method’s process includes buffing, cleaning and re-caulking. All technicians are company employees, not subcontractors, and Miracle Method’s warranties are not prorated. Refinishing performed with the right materials and procedures produces beautiful results, but not all refinishing is the same. No other refinisher can offer refinishing equal to Miracle Method’s. The advantages offered by Miracle Method include: • Exclusive bonding technology with a 30plus-year track record. • Use of advanced, high-tech materials and techniques. • Work that is guaranteed by fully trained professionals. • Second day services includes buffing, polishing, and recaulking. • 5-year written warranty. Miracle Method, a member of Angie’s List, The BBB, services builders, property management companies, residential homeowners, apartment complexes, hotels and real estate agents. Miracle Method of Cleveland is located at 13515 Lakewood Hts., Blvd. The showroom is now open 9-5 Monday though Saturday by appointment only. They can be reached at 216-671-3444, or by visiting their website at www.miraclemethod.com Make your bathtub safer with the Easy Step™! The affordable bathtub safety conversion... In just one day Miracle Method can make your bathroom safer and more convenient with the Easy Step… at a fraction of the cost of walk in tubs. Miracle Method - Cleveland 12438 Plaza Drive • Parma, OH 44130 “I gave my mother an Easy Step™. It gave her confidence and peace of mind.” 216-671-3444 216-671-4404 fax www.MiracleMethod.com/EasyStep Page 16 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Grand Opening! Cafe 83: From Hula Hoops to Ice Cream Scoops! All roads led to Café 83 in North Ridgeville as the sweet coffee shop and restaurant operated by Bud Hagy and crew celebrated its official grand opening under sunny June skies last Saturday. From pulled pork sandwiches to hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and fresh fruit, executive chef Greg Foster had guests licking their lips as they enjoyed a gourmet spread of summery delectables. Kids had a great time with face painting, hula hoop and limbo contests and even free ice cream for one and all! “This place is about community. That is the message we want to impart today,” said Bud as he greeted guests all day. Founder of Celebrate Westlake’s North Coast Challenge and Avon’s Eagle Run, Bud is a dedicated community fundraiser who is always in the game when it comes to supporting schools, seniors and a wide range of community outreach programs. Café 83, located in Westminster Plaza at Mills Road and Rt. 83 in North Ridgeville is now headquarters for the mission. And what fun it is, as Café 83’s happy staff is always ready to greet breakfast, lunch and dinner customers with a Continued on page 17 Welcoming interior Face Painting Fun! Hello Everyone. Old Man in the Kitchen here, Tom. The Old Wives’ Tale for today is “If the bottom of your right foot itches, you are going to take a trip.” I have to tell you, my left foot itches!! Here’s a delicious recipe for Chicken Breasts and Rice: 8 half breasts of chicken; 1 can of cream of chicken soup; 1 can cream of celery soup; 1-1/2 soup cans of water; 1 cup uncooked rice; 1 teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt. Grease 9 x 13 pan. Place rice in bottom of pan. Mix soups and water. Pour mixture over rice. Layer chicken on top and sprinkle with salt. Bake uncovered at 250 degrees for 2-1/2 hours. Serves 6 to 8. Cover and let set for 15 minutes before serving. Take care folks. Let me know of any Old Wives’ Tales. Tom Executive chef Greg Foster (2nd from rt) and team Fine Italian Restaurant I feel like Italian tonight... Great, I’m taking you to Nino’s for real Italian. Bud Hagy (l), welcomes guests to Cafe 83 Limbo at Cafe 83 Bay Days 2010: Independence Day Celebration Continued from page 15 EARS 20 Y OOD OF G MORE & FOOD COME O T ITALIA FEA N Sun. & ST Mon. Fresh Nino’s Sauce is Now Available at Select Locations! 14 95 32652 CENTER RIDGE RD., NORTH RIDGEVILLE 440.353.9580 In Millscreek Commons 1/4 Mile West of Barton Rd., 5 Min. from Crocker Park LUNCH: W, Th, Fri 11-3 DINNER: M-Th 4-9 / Fr & Sat 4-10 / Sun 4-8 WWW.NINOSNORTHRIDGEVILLE.COM old alike at this year’s Bay Days celebration. Come on out and enjoy the rides, help local civic organizations raise money at their booths and of course, take your entire family to the incredible fireworks presentation on Monday,” says Rhonda Schneider of the Kiwanis Club of Bay Village. The schedule of Kiwanis Club-sponsored events kicks off on Thursday, July 1 at 7:30 p.m. with live music at the Gazebo with the Keller Brothers Singers. Then it’s the Classic Car Drive-In at Cahoon Park on Friday, July 2 at 5 p.m., along with DJ Cadillac Mike, and then at 6:30 p.m. it’s more live music at the Gazebo with the Sloppy Joe Band. Saturday, July 3 features music at the Gazebo at 6:30 p.m. with Aftermath, Experience the Sixties tribute band. Then the weekend is rounded out with the Bike, Trike and Wagon Parade on Monday, July 5 at 11:30 a.m. at the Gazebo, more live music at the Gazebo at 1 p.m., adult and children games at the Cahoon Soccer Fields at 2 p.m., classic rock band Eastwind performs at the Gazebo at 7 p.m., and then the perfect finale to the festivities is the GALA Firework Display at Cahoon Parks at dusk, about 9:45 p.m. Page 17 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Workshop Players: “My Father’s Face Was Crystal” Workshop Players Theatre-in-the-Round presents “My Father’s Face Was Crystal”, written by Wade Hubbard and directed by Don Wozniak. This is a play about “the Greatest Generation,” but not written so much for them as for their children and grandchildren. In those days, men went off to war and women stayed home. Will and Jessie Fairchild (Jerred Adams and Julie Marchand) are typical examples of what happened to millions of American families. They can only stay in touch by letter, and letters between them form the basis of the play’s dialogue. The war changes both of them. The play is both touching and poignant. There is humor, but it is, after all, about the war. Audiences will enjoy this play, but they will also be given something to think about. The cast also includes: Jordon Lawhorn, Heather Booth, Ron Young and Jerry Coghlan. Live musical interludes between scenes feature clas- sic songs from the era. A quintet ( Patricia Boone, Olivia Cotton, Jake Watkin, Lowell Morton, and Ashley Reese) alternately portrays 1940’s radio singers and performers in a USO show. Come let us take you on a “Sentimental Journey”! Performance dates are June 24, 25, 26; July 2, 3, 9, 10 at 8 p.m., with Sunday 4th Annual Bruce Mamer Memorial Golf Outing Please sign up for the 4th Annual Bruce Mamer Memorial Golf Outing to benefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and the Bruce Mamer Memorial Scholarship Fund on September 11, 2010. This year’s event is $110. per player and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks. Tee off is at 10 a.m. so make sure to sign in early. As always, they will have thou- Grand sands of dollars worth of prizes! It is their goal to have 220 golfers! Make sure to spread the word! They will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Emerald Woods Golf Course in Columbia Station, OH. (www.emeraldwoodsgc.com). The event will include a 4person scramble, box lunch provided by Chick-Fil-A, BBQ dinner provided by Aces Bar & Grill and awards receptions following the golf. As always, they will have the golf ball drop and putting contest. Feel free to visit the golf ball drop website at www.brucemamergolfouting.org Congratulations to last year’s winner, Linda Peters. She spent all $300.00 on shoes. Congratulations also to Joe Dindia who made a 40 ft putt to win a cruise! Special Offer: Included with your online registration at http://www.golfdigestplanner.com/157274thAnnualBruceMamerMemorialGolfO/ is a 1-year subscription to Golf Digest (a $10 value). Register now and remember to invite your friends to play. Thank you for your support of the Pancreatic Opening! Cafe 83: From Hula Hoops to Cancer Action Network and the Bruce Mamer Memorial Ice Cream Scoops! Scholarship Fund. Continued from page 16 smile and modestly priced, high quality meals. “Your meal should fuel you up, not slow you down,” reminds Bud, an avid road runner and veteran marathon man. That’s why Café 83 is committed to the freshest ingredients without preservatives – all aimed at a healthy lifestyle. From quick start breakfasts to coffee and tea to go, to soups, salads and sand- wiches, Café 83 has treats that can’t be beat! Call them with your carry-out order at (440) 327-2283. matinees on June 27; July 11 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $12.00 each or $10.00 each for groups of 15 or more and may be reserved by calling the box office at 440-988-5613. Workshop Players Theatre-in-the-Round is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road in Amherst, and our mezzanine area is wheelchair accessible. Check out our website at www.workshopplayers.com. — “If all the world’s a stage, I want better lighting!” Herb Guild Meeting The Herb Guild’s next meeting will be July 14, 10 a.m. at Westlake Porter Public Library, 27333 Center Ridge Rd. in Westlake. The lunch will start at 11:30 a.m. The program will be “Simplify your garden without diminishing your joy” by distinguished lecturer, gardening book author, free lance writer and educater, Debra Knapke from “The Garden Sage” in Columbus, OH. Guests are welcome! For more information call Yvonne Berglund 440 937 9553. NEW CASTLE ROOFING & HOME IMPROVEMENT CO., INC. FREE ESTIMATES SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS • GUTTERS •WINDOWS • SIDING • LEAF GUARDS Lorain Cty. 440-930-2399 Cleveland 440-892-8696 Fax 440-930-2390 office@newcastleroofing.net website: www.newcastleroofing.net Please help...... Birthright of Lorain County is currently in need of the following items: A Rocking Chair; Sleepers 0-3, & 3-6 months; All sizes of Socks; All sizes of Boys and Girls Underwear; Formula: Isomil, Similac Advance, Alimentum, Nutramigen; Baby Bottles: 4 oz & 8 oz; All sizes of Diapers. Birthright of Lorain County’s aim is to help the distressed pregnant mother feel supported, accepted, hopeful and encouraged. If you would like more information, please call 440-324-9566. Birthright of Lorain County is located at 2136 North Ridge Road in Elyria (near St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church). “Where Love Is, Miracles Happen.” Thank you! RSVP: (440) 871-3030 No limit on reservations and light refreshments to be served. Life Care Center of Westlake - The Oakridge Home 26520 Center Ridge Road, Westlake Page 18 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Meet the Lyles Family and Their Mission Mitch and Paula Lyles have called Bay Village home for nearly 25 years. Mitch grew up in Brunswick, Ohio and Paula in Upper Arlington, “just down the street” from Woody Hayes. Ohio State runs in both of their blood as both attended OSU in the early 80’s. Mitch graduated from Ohio State in Mechanical Engineering; and Paula graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College after attending OSU for many fun years. Mitch is now Director of Engineering for Westlake, Reed, Leskosky and Partners, and Paula is a fulltime mom, teacher, and caregiver to Jordan. The Lyles oldest daughter, Lindsay, is a senior at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids and is a talented film maker. Jordan just turned 15 in April and has been home schooled since birth. Jordan has Dravet Syndrome which is caused by a genetic mutation of the SCN1A gene; Lindsay does not. Paula, Mitch, Jordan and Lindsay Lyles Having a child with such a severe neurological disorder is humbling and a blessing. Life is all about choices, and even in the midst of times of struggle, the Lyles choose joy. Each day is a gift and a chance to enjoy their children another day and do good for others. When you live life one day at a time, and sometimes even one hour at a time, it’s freeing! Thank you for taking the time to learn about Jordan and Dravet Syndrome. Our goal is to find the cure for Dravet Syndrome and give children afflicted with Dravet Syndrome a better tomorrow! (Please see the article on page 19 about their benefit “Twas the Night Before Christmas, July 23) Ground Works Land Design specializes in residential landscape design, patio design, lawn care and outdoor kitchens in the Cleveland, Ohio area. From giving your original landscape a “makeover” to creating a new outdoor landscape design with planting beds, patios, lighting, walkways, retaining walls and water features - you can have your dream home outdoor experience! We specialize in the following: Landscape Design Water Features Outdoor Lighting Pavers & Patios Driveways Walkways Lawn Care New Lawn Installation Irrigation / Sprinklers Snow Removal Retaining Walls Outdoor Kitchens We Serve These Areas: Cleveland • Lorain/Elyria • Medina • Lake County • Geauga County • And More - Call for Details Call or contact us for a free consultation today! 440-930-8400 www.groundworkslanddesign.com What is Dravet Syndrome? by Jordan Lyles Dravet Syndrome is a thief who brutally breaks in even when the doors are locked, the security system is activated, and parents stand guard 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Dravet Syndrome steals children at play and sleeping children right out of their own beds. This villain must be defeated! NOW! Dravet Syndrome is a progressive neurological disorder. Status seizures begin in infancy and progress to multiple types of seizures as the baby grows. Children with Dravet Syndrome suffer seizures due to temperature changes, lighting, emotion, patterns, noise, and illness. Typical Dravet children develop normally until the age of two and then stagnate or regress. It is estimated that every other day in the world, a baby will be born with Dravet Syndrome, and their family may not even know it. To date, nearly 334,000 people in the world are estimated to have Dravet Syndrome. Due, in part, to the efforts of The IDEA League, The International Dravet Syndrome Epilepsy Action League, more children with Dravet Syndrome are now being diagnosed at earlier ages, thus improving their outcome. The IDEA League is getting the word out to medical professionals, parents, teachers, and care givers regarding diagnosing and treating Dravet Syndrome. Knowledge is power! Our goal is a cure for Dravet Syndrome and a better tomorrow for children with Dravet Syndrome. There is no time for subtleness. We are fighting for lives. Four little children with Dravets have lost their lives to this syndrome since 2010 began. It’s only April. It can happen in any family. Currently, there is no cure for Dravet Syndrome, only expensive and invasive medical tests and procedures, dire complications from germs and illness, global developmental delays and learning delays, undesirable side effects from nasty tasting medicines, and life-long restrictions and supervision. Medications that can give Dravet children a fighting chance are very costly and not currently FDA approved in the United States and must be paid for out of pocket by families. Most Dravet families are one income families. One parent works while the other sacrifices their career and life to take on the challenge of caring for and educating a special child, caring for and educating their other children, keeping up with the house and pets, keeping up with family and friends, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It’s never ending and simply exhausting. These innocent children stricken with Dravet Syndrome and their ever present parents are super heroes, but even super heroes need heroes! Will you be our hero? - Jordan (Please see the article on page 19 about their benefit “Twas the Night Before Christmas, July 23) Peter Miller House Museum Bee Keeping Program Peter Miller House Museum Committee is hold an open house on Monday, June 28 at 6:30 p.m. A committee member will give a tour of the Museum and at 7 p.m. William Beasley will present a program on “Bee Keeping”. Come and enjoy an evening at the Museum. Admission is free. The herb garden on the west side of the Museum and the wildflower garden on the east side are open to view every day. Avon-onthe-Lake Garden Club members maintain the garden though out the year. Peter Miller House Museum is located at 33740 Lake Rd., Avon Lake next to Avon Lake Boat Landing Page 19 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 ’Twas the Night Before Christmas ’Twas the Night Before Christmas, is a benefit fundraiser for IDEA (International Dravel Epilepsy Action) League. It will be held Fri., July 23, 2010, 5:30 11:30 p.m. at the Fountain Bleau, 635 Miller Road, Avon, OH 44012 It may seem like an ordinary Friday evening in July, but when you step through the doors of the Fountain Bleu, it WILL BE Christmas Eve! Be prepared to blink your eyes a time or two! You will feel as if you have stepped right into all the festivities and grand decorations that are such a very special part of Christmas! There will be phenomenal and festive auction items sure to delight every bidder, a Christmas play land and craft area just for the kiddos, and scrumptious holiday hors d’oeuvres and beverages to get the evening started! You’ll have the opportunity to bid on an autographed CAV’s jersey by Shaq and “Z”, a custom designed winter piece by Cleveland top designer, Valerie Mayen, autographed items by Jack Nicklaus and Anderson Varejao, a spectacular 7 ½ ft. OSU tree, and so many more fantastic items! When you glide next door, you will experience a winter wonderland! Indulge yourself in the decadent food, seasonal drinks, and the sounds of Christmas like you’ve never heard before! Sit back and listen to Praise-Apella, a totally awesome vocal group that will have you off your feet in amazement, as they share the true meaning of Christmas. Soon your heart will believe that it IS Christmas Eve! Hey kids bring your Christmas pjs to change into later in the evening because you just never know who may stop by! Remember that this is all happening in northeast Ohio, and it is quite possible that it may even snow! ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas will benefit The IDEA (International Dravet Epilepsy Action) League which is the 501c3 organization that is fighting for a cure for the devastating neurological syndrome that attacks infants. Children with Dravet Syndrome require constant medical care and attention. One of Bay Village’s own, Jordan Lyles, has battled Dravet Syndrome since the tender age of six months. By the grace of God, she turned 15 in April of this year. Our goal is to find a cure for Jordan and all her Dravet brother and sisters around the world! Won’t you join us? Tickets are $100.00/person, $25.00/children Hors d’ oeuvres, cocktails, and silent auctions begin at 5:30 Followed by dinner, entertainment by Praise-Apella, and live auctions! It’s going to be the event of the summer, and you don’t want to miss it! For tickets, contact Paula Lyles, pal601@aol.com. Or by phone at (440) 331-3186! *Donations are tax deductible! All checks need to be made payable to: Christmas in July Benefit for The IDEA League Porter Library Issues Spelling Bee Challenge Westlake Porter Public Library, 27333 Center Ridge Rd., Westlake, OH 44145 (440) 871-2600, is issuing a spelling challenge to the West Shore area. Find out how well you can spell at the Friends of Porter Library Spelling Bee. The Bee will be held as a special Friday evening program on July 16 at 7 p.m. It is open to teams of four to six. The library will be fielding a team of spellers, and invites families, neighborhoods, civic and community organizations, local companies, and more to create a team and enter the spelling bee. Entry information and a word list will be available at the library starting June 9, which is the start of the library’s annual Summer Reading Program. Spelling teams will compete for bragging rights as the West Shore’s best spellers. To get would-be spellers into the spirit, the library will be screening Akeelah and the Bee, the acclaimed 2006 movie about a surprise spelling bee winner, on Tuesday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Peter Miller House Museum to Have Summer Open House and Programs Peter Miller House Museum Committee would like to invite the community to come and enjoy the museum open house and programs this summer. Tours of the museum will be at 6:30 p.m. and the programs will be at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. The first open house will be Monday, June 21 and Bill Cutcher will present “Commercial Fishing” Admission is free. Bring your gamily and enjoy the programs. The herb garden on the west side of the Museum and the wildflower garden o the east side are open for visitation every day. These gardens and the planting along the picket fence are maintained by Avon-on-Lake Garden Club . The Museum is located at 33740 Lake Rd., Avon Lake next to Avon Lake Boat Landing on Our Cleveland Browns Special Edition Grill Oil Changes $19.95 most cars oil, filter & safety check (plus fluids) Synthetic blend oil available $29.95 Mobil 1 Oil Changes 5w30 Fully Synthetic $89.95 with filter & safety check (plus fluids) Brake Jobs $99.95 (most cars) Includes front or rear brake pads installed & 4 wheel brake inspection (pad with new rotors $295.00 most cars) Batteries $89.95 most cars 75 month NAPA battery (plus installation) Tires $99.82 each most cars Cooper CS-4 80,000 Touring Radial 19565R14 mounted, balanced, new valve stem & bead sealer (call to check price on your size tire) We Install - Starters, Alternators & Mufflers “25 Years in the Center of Bay” Stop in at Burns Auto 27205 Wolf Road • Bay Village, OH 44140 You Can Still Get Old Fashioned Service at Burns EXPERT MECHANICS OPEN M-F 9-5 SAT. 9-3 Closed Wed. & Sun. 440-871-1350 FAST & FRIENDLY SERVICE Call Burns Auto today to set-up a convenient appointment NOW AVAILABLE Detailing (inside & out) NEW$99 – $150 (cars, trucks & vans) wash & wax outside clean interior – shop vac, clean carpeting & seats, clean & condition dash & doors, clean windows inside & out, new air cleaner Call today! We’ll make your car look NEW AGAIN!! Page 20 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Bullfrogs: A Sports Café for the Whole Family Finally, there is a great sports café for the whole family! Bullfrogs in North Ridgeville is perfect for the big game, a great meal and 30 beers on tap for dad! Brothers Tony, Jorge and Henry Serrat are keeping it all in the family by including your family with their great sports café concept. “There are lots of place where the guys can hang out. We wanted a place where the whole family can hang out,” said Tony. “The guys can hang out, too! Everyone feels at home here. At Bullfrog’s Sports Cafe, we are just that place! Truly, a place you can take your whole family to watch the game.” 19 TVs and a 10 foot jumbo screen bring you all the sports action! Bullfrogs is the home of the Cavs during basketball season, and headquarters for the Lorain County Browns Backers in the fall. The food alone makes you a winner, regardless of the game results! From 16 appetizers, 25 sandwiches, wings, pastas, salads, steaks and a whole lot more, it is all great and priced right! Chef Mike Thomas is a North Ridgeville High grad and wiz in the kitchen with overthe-top quality and portions. “We stand apart from the big chain sports bars with local connections and the best prime rib and perch fries around,” said Mike. The kids can choose from the “Minor Leaguer” menu and also play any their many video games! Want some hot fun? Take on and demolish a Diablo pizza and it is yours, free (try at your own risk!). And yes, Bullfrogs offers Lorain County’s largest selection of draft beer, with 30, yes, 30 draft handles to choose from! LIVE MUSIC! New owners of Bullfrogs Tony, Jorge and Henry Serrat. STARTING LINE UP Cajun Dusted Frog Legs (5) 6 Mozzarella Sticks 6 Breaded Chicken Tenders 6 Calamari 8 Poppers 6 Conqueso 6 Spinach and Artichoke Dip 6 Quesadillas 8 Mussels 8 Lilly Pads 4 Loaded Potato Skins 6 Nachos 6 Loaded Fries 5 Boneless Wings 7 Butterfly Shrimp 7 Combo Platter 11 Onion Rings 4 BULLFROGS BURGERS All of our Burgers are Hand Pattied, seasoned and grilled to perfection then served with lettuce, tomato, onion, a pickle spear and french fries Patty Melt 8 Build Your Own 6 Jorgie Burger 9 Veggie Burger 9 PASTAS All Pastas are served with a side salad & garlic bread All You Can Eat Spaghetti and Meatballs 12 Giovanni’s Linquini 9 add chicken 11 add shrimp 12 Seafood Pasta 12 Blackened Chicken Tortellini 10 Fettuccini Alfredo 9 add chicken 11 add shrimp 12 Southern Style Pasta 9 add chicken 11 add shrimp 12 SOUPS Chef Michael Thomas Soup of the Day Daily Chicken Noodle or Broccoli Cheddar 4 SIDES French Fries, Cole Slaw, Baked Potato, Roasted Red Skins, Rice Pilaf and Daily Vegetables PIZZA SALADS House Salad 7 Caesar Salad 6 add chicken 8 add steak 9 add salmon 10 Chicken Greek 8 Cobb Salad 8 add chicken 10 Anti-pasta Salad 8 Taco Salad 8 Baby Back BBQ Ribs – These ribs are so tender you almost don’t even have to chew them. Bullfrogs Baby Back Ribs are slow roasted for nearly twelve hours while drenched in a sweet BBQ sauce. STEAK & ENTRÉES All of our Entrées are served with your choice of two sides and choice of either a cup of soup or a side salad Here at Bullfrogs, our steaks are hand cut, perfectly aged, rubbed with our special blend of flavorful seasoning then char-grilled to your desire. 12 ounce New York Strip 17 Classic 13 ounce Delmonico 17 8 ounce Filet of Sirloin 17 Baby Back Ribs & Half Chicken Dinner 16 Grilled Chicken Breast Dinner 12 Baby Back BBQ Ribs Full Slab 15 Half Slab 9 The Jorgie Burger – 2 half pound burger patties topped with American and Provolone cheese, bacon, mushroom, lettuce, onion and tomato. El Diablo Pizza: 12” triple XXX HOT topped with chicken, various peppers, pepperjack cheese. Must finish every morsel of pizza in 30 minutes and its free. 13 BBQ Chicken 12” Pizza 9 Taco 12” Pizza 9 Tomato Basil 12” Pizza 9 Build Your Own 12” Pizza 7 Cheese, Onion, Mushroom, Pepperoni, Sausage, Banana Peppers, Green Peppers, Tomato, Bacon, Olives, Jalapeno, Extra toppings .50 each SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES All seafood specialties are served with two sides of your choice and either a cup of soup or a side salad. Perch Dinner 11 Grilled Salmon 12 Baked Tilapia 9 Shrimp Dinner 12 SANDWICHES Served with french fries of homemade potato chips. WRAPS Served with french fries of homemade potato chips. Wraps will be in your choice of wrap flavor (white, sun dried tomato or garlic herb) Turkey Club Wrap 7 Greek Chicken Wrap 7 Buffalo Chicken Wrap 7 Chicken Salad Wrap 7 Chicken or Steak Caesar Wrap 9 Tuscan Chicken Ciabatta 8 Portabella Ciabatta 8 Steak Philly 8 Chicken Philly 8 French Dip 8 Perch Sandwich 8 Reuben 8 Turkey Reuben 8 B.L.T 7 33137 Center Ridge Road • North Ridgeville 440.327.3764 Mussels - 18 PEI Mussels sautéed with white wine & garlic butter. www.bullfrogssportscafe.com Wings 12 Wings – 7 18 Wings – 10 24 Wings – 14 36 Wings – 17 48 Wings – 25 Catering options for larger wing orders XXX Hot Cajun Hot Hot Garlic Mild Spicy BBQ Garlic Parmesan BBQ Honey BBQ Teriyaki Caribbean Jerk Medium Gold Honey Mustard Ranch Schezuan Spicy Gold Chilli Lime Bullfrog Bourbon Separate Party Room Available! Page 21 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 July Events at Westlake Porter Public Library The Meal that Heals to Benefit North Coast Health Ministry The Meal that Heals, a dining benefit for North Coast Health Ministry, the West Side’s free clinic for the low-income uninsured, will be held on Monday, July 12, 2010 at Players on Madison from 5 to 9 p.m. The evening’s menu liberally incorporates seasonal produce and features a soup/salad course with a choice of tomato bell pepper bisque, mista salad or Caesar salad and the following entrée selections: penne al vodka with shrimp and sundried tomatoes; lemon and oregano glazed chicken breast with basmati rice, haricots verts, toasted almond-orange salad and Mandarin orange-pommery vinaigrette; potato-encrusted Norwegian salmon with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, lemon buerre blanc, leeks, haricots verts and wild mushrooms; grilled hanger steak and mashed potatoes, baby arugula, roasted tomatoes and artichokes with balsamic syrup. For dessert, diners can choose between triple chocolate tart, crème brûlée, or lemon and marscarpone tart with raspberries Cost is $35 per person for a three-course prix fixe meal, excluding alcoholic beverages and gratuity. Coffee, tea and soft drinks are included. Players will donate 25 percent of food sales that evening to NCHM. Reservations can be made by calling Players on Madison at 216-226-5200. Players is located at 14523 Madison Ave., Lakewood, Ohio 44107. About North Coast Health Ministry Since 1986, North Coast Health Ministry has been providing health care to low-income individuals and families without medical insurance in western Cuyahoga and eastern Lorain counties. A faithbased free clinic located in Lakewood, Ohio, NCHM is a bridge to better health for more than 2,200 patients who have no other route to care. With the support of approximately 150 volunteer physicians, nurses and other caregivers, NCHM is able to provide primary health care, specialty referrals, prescription assistance, and health education to the medically underserved. Following is Westlake Porter Public Library’s July, 2010 Calendar of Events. Sat., July 3 (2-3 p.m.) Summer Stamps & Stationery – Make some neat summer cards, bookmarks or gift tags with us! For ages 6-10. Please register. Tues., July 6 (3-4 p.m.) Juggling Workshop – Learn how to juggle with world renowned juggler Matt Jergens! This will be a hands-on class. For grades 6-12. Please register. Tues., July 6 (7-7:45 p.m.) Juggling with Matt Jergens – Bring the family Looking to raise money for summer vacation? Turn your items into Cash at eProsellers!! You probably have a closet full stuff you no longer use and don’t know what to do with. Your old stuff is someone’s new treasure! Let us sell them and get you CASH!! With the economy in decline and unemployment at record highs, cash is at a shortage for many of us. Why not get start with those unwanted goods or collections in your house? Here’s how eProsellers works: You bring your items and we do the following: Research the value, demand, and need for the items using our special software programs. Digitally photograph and PhotoShop ™ items as necessary. Create professional product templates and store listings. Assess all shipping dimensions, weight, class, and insure all items. Offer items in our online stores. Provide all pre sales customer support emails, phone calls, data, photos, etc. Provide sales support and collections. Provide accounting detail for shipping, packaging to customer for tracking. Package and ship items to customers, monitor feedback, expedite damage and insurance claims. Send you a check!!!! As you can see- WE do all the work and YOU get a CHECK! We specialize in all kinds of electronics, hand bags (Dooney & Bourke, Coach, etc.) collections of items including antiques, models, trains, trading cards, Royal Doulton, and Hummel, etc. Also, we sell a wide variety of items including but definitely NOT limited to laptop computers, musical instruments, iPods and other MP3 players, photography equipment, car parts, tires, sporting goods, name brand purses, tools, figurines, Longaberger baskets, electronics, vintage audio and much more! And now, we have the ability to offer services for much larger items!!! The sky is the limit with eProsellers on eBay! Looking to Sell a Vehicle? eProsellers sells cars, motorcycles, scooters, boats, RV’s, trailers and heavy machinery. By Appointment, you can come to our location or we will go off site to you, take photographs, and complete a detailed search of your vehicle and then list it on eBay. Call 440-716-8200 to set up an appointment. Why use eProsellers? There are approximately 200 million registered eBay users worldwide! They offer a complete set of proven services in our unique online storefront that provides maximum global exposure when selling on eBay. So, why not turn your unwanted items into ready cash? eProsellers, is an experienced registered eBay Drop Off Location for eBay having completed thousands of online sales and auctions and paid their customers over $600,000!!. They have the experience and creditability to sell stuff online, so you don’t have to. For those of you that are interested all items that we are selling, you can visit us at our established web stores: www.eprosellers.com our registered eBay drop off location www.diyvaluebin.comour “Value, Variety and Do It Yourself” store www.dalaudio.com our audio/video and vintage electronics store www.droutdoorsupply.com bike racks, hitch and trailer accessories www.cacheturn.com our Corporate website Where is eProsellers? Our convenient walk up storefront is located on the corner of Clague and Lorain within the Cornerstone Plaza in North Olmsted You can even call 440- 716-8200 for an appointment or e-mail us at auctionpro.oh@gmail.com. Our hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 am to 5pm Saturday 10am – 2 pm. Closed Tuesday and Sunday. Our alternate location is in Westlake at 29313 Clemens Rd Unit 2G where they can handle larger items with their drive up docks. It is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Friday. to this juggling extravaganza! Tickets available in Youth Services starting June 29. No reserves. Thurs., July 8 (7 p.m.) Non-Fiction Book Discussion – The July selection is Queen of the Road by Doreen Orion. Thurs., July 8 (7-8:30 p.m.) Options Market and How it Works – John Sawczak will present this program. Please register. Fri., July 9 (2-2:45 p.m.) Trash Into Treasure – Put your recycling to creContinued on page 23 Chick-Fil-A’s Show Their Support for Adoption Greater Cleveland Chick-Fil-A locations are hosting a spirit night in support of adoption on Thurs., July 15 from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Visit one of the participating locations on Thurs. July 15, for dinner between 4:30 – 7 p.m. to show your support. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Family Adoption Consultants. Participating locations include: Beachwood Place Mall in Beachwood, Chapel Hill, Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Macedonia, Montrose, North Olmsted, Westgate plaza in Rocky River, Westfield South Park Mall in Strongsville, and Willoughby Commons. PLEASE BRING THIS AD AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Turn your unwanted items into cash and sell them on eBay at Top 10 Items Recently Sold By eProsellers on eBay 1) BMW K1200LT Motorcycle Opening Bid: $.99 Winning Bid: $13,500 2) Bentley Nevada 3300 Series Monitor System Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $6,544.01 3) Rolls Royce Turbine Shaft Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $3524.00 4) Adcom GFA-7807 7 Channel Amplifier Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $2,500.00 5) Adcom GTP-870HD 7.1 Channel Home Theater Amplifier Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $1600.00 6) Chanel Purse Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $755.00 7) Lionel Locomotive C&O #1601 Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $724.26 8) Original Christmas Story Movie Script Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $707.90 9) Alpine DVA-9861 In Dash AM/FM/ CD/DVD Player Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $449.99 10) Epiphone Firebird Guitar Opening Bid: $24.99 Winning Bid: $340.16 Collectibles, Electronics, Photography Equipment, Antiques, Instruments, Car Parts, Vehicles, Name Brand Items, Vintage Items, Sporting Equipment and Much More! Ask us about our fundraising opportunities! 23420 Lorain Rd., North Olmsted Corner of Clague & Lorain Roads 29313 Clemens Rd. Unit 2G, Westlake 440-716-8200 Please Stop By!! email: auctionpro.oh@gmail.com Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday - Closed, Sunday - CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Page 22 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Feelin’ Groovy! Stuck on Duck Tape! What happens when you combine the 60s, 70s and 80s with duct tape? You create the theme for this year’s Avon Heritage Duct Tape Festival – Peace, Love and...Duck Tape. Over Father’s Day Weekend, duct tape enthusiasts and festival goers were treated to the grooviest retro rewind of the year – complete with far-out fashions, sculptures and festival fare. The free, three-day psychedelic celebration of all things duct tape kicked off on Friday, June 18, at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Avon. The “Duct Tape Capital” of the world and home of Duck Tape® brand duct tape, festivalgoers enjoyed a unique bazaar of retro-themed sculptures and fashions created with duct tape. And, since Duck Tape brand duct tape is available in more than 20 colors, the sculptures, costumes and more were dy-no-mite! Sharing in the Peace, Love and...Duck Tape theme, a duct tape parade was held on Saturday, June 19, complete with flower power and floats made with duct tape by local businesses and organizations. Sculptures for this year’s festival were created by students from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Penn., led by Assistant Professor Joe Girandola. “The opportunity for my students to prepare, create and exhibit large-scale works using Duck Tape brand duct tape will be instrumental in their development as artists,” said Girandola. But that’s not all. A tent for sticky duct tape arts and crafts for children and adults alike were open so festival-goers could try their hand at making a wallet, rose or anything else they can imagine. There were also be free rolls of duct tape each day of the festival, and, of course, traditional festival favorites, including rides, food, games, live entertainment, booths from local vendors and organizations and more! Thousands shared the love as they boogied on out to Avon, Ohio, for a groovy, one-of-a-kind celebration last weekend. Enjoy the pix! How much tape would a taped duck take if a taped duck could be duck taped? Sweetheart! Fashionistas retro style! John & Yoko give peace a chance Most Groovy! Burritos and b eads! Smile! With clothes like these, the question is – where is Austin Powers? The Float from St. Mary’s of the Woods took home the Most Groovy award at the Duck Tape Parade. Two front teeth couldn’t make for a better smile than this one at the Duck Tape fest! Get on the bus, Gus! Josh and his duct taped retro bus were a hit! Love, Baby! July Events at Westlake Porter Public Library Continued from page 21 ative use and make a cool treasure box! For kids in grades Kindergarten-2. Please register. Sat., July 10 (10 a.m.2 p.m.) Summer Crafts A Go-Go! – Join us for a fun and easy summer craft! All supplies provided; just drop in. Mon., July 12 (1111:45 a.m.) Under the Sea – Venture beneath the waves with stories, songs and a fun undersea craft! For ages 58. Please register starting July 5. Mon., July 12 (2- 7 p.m.) American Red Cross Bloodmobile (Type O drive) Tues., July 13 (7 p.m.) Tuesday Evening Book Discussion – The July selection is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. Tues., July 13 (7-7:30 p.m.) Poolside Sing-Along – Keep your cool while you sing along with some fun beachy, watery tunes! For all ages. Wed., July 14 (12:30 p.m.) The “Garden Sage” – Gardening expert Debra Knapke will speak and sign books. Co-sponsored by the Herb Guild. Wed., July 14 (2-3 p.m.) Survivor Water Challenge – Join us for an afternoon of games to celebrate summer vacation! Weather permitting, portions of this program may take place outdoors. For kids in grades 1- 3. Please register starting July 7. Wed., July 14 (7 p.m.) Couponing: Back to School and More! – Learn how to pair coupons with store sales to get the best deals on all your back-to-school, special occasion/holiday, or just everyday needs. Please register. Fri., July 16 (7 p.m.) Friends of Porter Library Spelling Bee – Enter this friendly competition between teams to crown Westlake’s best spellers. There’s still time to register your team and pick up a word list! Sat., July 17 (10:45 a.m.) West Side Writers Sat., July 17 (1:30 p.m.) Right From the Chef with Nolan Konkoski – Nolan Konkoski, executive chef at Tartine Bistro, will share his philosophy of cooking along with some practical tips and a summertime treat. Please register. Sat., July 17 (2-3 p.m.) and Wednesday, July 28 (2-3 p.m.) LEGO Club – Bring your ideas and imagination! Ages 6-13. Please register one week prior to each session. Sat., July 17 (3 p.m.) Special Saturday Film: Julie and Julia – A film starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams about a young woman who attempts every recipe in Julia Child’s book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Please register starting June 1. Mon., July 19 (7-7:30 p.m.) and Wednesday, July 28 (10:30-11 a.m.) Let’s Sing and Dance! – Join us for a fun session of singing and dancing. For children ages 2-6 with a caregiver. No registration required. Mon., July 19 (7-8:30 p.m.) Monday Night Movie: Leap Year – A romantic comedy starring Amy Adams and Matthew Goode about a young woman who travels to Ireland to propose to her boyfriend on “Leap Day.” Please register. Tues., July 20 (7-8:30 p.m.) Mad4Manga – M4M is everything manga! We talk about manga, create manga art, discuss & watch anime films, and more! For teens in grades 6-12. Thurs., July 22 (7 p.m.) Erie Lights and Lighthouses – Lighthouses...what stories can they tell? Are some haunted? Have some been silent sentinels witnessing tragedy? Are others beacons full of romance? We will take a look at how the lights operate, and when they were built. Fri., July 23 (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Porter’s Fiber Fanatics – Socialize, share, and solve problems with fellow needle artists while you work on your current project. Fri., July 23 (10:3011:15 a.m.) Come Play With Me! – Open playtime with age appropriate toys, songs and rhymes for ages 2-5 and their caring adults. Please register one week before each session. Fri., July 23 (2-4 p.m.) Advanced Origami with Jenn Cline – This is a class for teens and adults who already know how to create origami. We’ll be taking you to the next level. No beginners, please! For ages 13 and up. Please register starting July 16. Mon., July 26 (6-8 p.m.) Ice Cream Social – Enjoy $1 sundaes and family fun at the Friends of Porter Library’s annual event! Tues., July 27 (1-7 p.m.) American Red Cross Bloodmobile Wed., July 28 (2 p.m.) Afternoon Book Discussion – The July selection is La’s Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCallSmith. Thurs., July 29 (6:30 p.m.) Dream Interpretation with Sandra Simon – Sandra Simon speaks about dream interpretation. Come early to meet and greet Sandra and each other. Coffee, tea, and cookies will be served. Enter drawing to win a prize. Question and Answer segment; ask Sandra what it means. Please register. To register for any of the programs, please call (440) 871-2600 or visit h t t p : / / signup.westlakelibrary.org:8080 When You’re Looking for Help Around the Home or at Work... Page 23 - THE VILLAGER - June 24 - 30, 2010 Classified Ads COOK WANTED - Will train. Apply in person at Nino’s Restaurant, 32652 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville. Singles Summer Dance Parents Without Partners is holding a Singles Summer Dance, Sat., June 26! The dance is open to the public and is sponsored by Parents Without Partners Chapter 1395. It will be held at The Elk’s Lodge, 24350 Center Ridge Road in Westlake, Ohio 44145. It will start at 8 p.m. and go until midnight. There will be FREE Line Dance Lessons from 7 to 8 p.m. too! The dance will include the DJ, Table Munchies, Fundraising Fun and a Cash Bar. Additionally, Special songs for the season will be included. The proceeds from the dance will support their children’s outings and events. For more information, or to submit your musical request, contact Greg Schwert at (440)665-6166 or jokerbay@aol.com Parents Without Partners is dedicated to improving the quality of life for single parents and their families through educational programs, family and youth programs, and adult socials. Ads Starting at $15! 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